Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, July 26, 1843, Image 4

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    tsstowo47::r4 . ,s':4p i t4e . t.:'-; . .'',:,
(lertnati of 11 I tick. NOtii i n
tont:lcing. Like Sir Wolter Address to
his Sottl;or the be iitifol Spanish' coPos,:tif
Jorge Mniirigiie, it breathes: the' very:soul:of: fidetry
....Rii religion., AVlnit conternplatit t elnitid eito rend it"
wititeut . eihotion nut ntlinirat ion ?
.9ro 11:1
Nfirthiolts it ivei:9 a pitio to (lie
011 such
O'crcallopica tliti•Wcat 1 .
'l)::!„ . gazopy fill.on }aati calm 'lice'',
.end, likdtut infant, 111 . 11 asleep
.: Oil llldli, my mother's breast
Therifi peove:oo&wcilcome in soa
Of enill , :sslluctrooftitility
I Those clouds lire 'king ;MOO;
I, tiliee'litelf.' veins of liquid gold,
1 sop theni,leinoly unfold -
- 'llOir-s'oftAind fleecy wingsC,
These be the angels dill convey •
lis u'eaty children of n Jay-
Lire's tedinusmothings Wee
\Yhet•e neither passions coine, nor 3voes,
To vex the genies of repose •
On bdaith'i
Niilthillztiess there ()hides the swiTY\
With startling ;lawn :ma tlnr.zliug day
iltit gloriously serene'
Are the interminable plains;
One flietl, - elernal stinsot reigns --
Over the silent scene.
I cannot don' nll human fent.;
I know thy gin.' in;; is scrern
pot;pslioll til clay;
Yet come, 0 Death! thy fr,x•zillg kiss
Eirinneipslor—thy 1,14 is Miss !
Tqip walaiega A1,^4011 REST
IVltetofirst the clove, :tray and wide,
Skintined the.tlark intters o'er, --
" l'o seek beyond' the hearitig title,
A green and shore.
No lenry botigh,nor 'K.-like
Itosz 'mill the' swelling moil,— •
The lone hint soto;ltt, with raltering w ing,
'lite hallowed arks gain,
And evil. tints I»an'sleeart bath traced
A Inns and weary rntintl;
But never yet, 'mid enrtli's dark Nahto,
A resting phieu Intl futtnll.
The petteeTor adell his spirit. yearns,
Is ever sought in vain,
'Till like the dove it homeward turns--
Anillituls its Poll'
TE Kin lI . BL E NES S . OF , T1.711)i LE Tr.
TllE'day. in which Christ shall judge . the
quick and the dead, is by pre-eminence,
styled the'grent day of God's wrath: The
• . circumstances ot,it will be appalling.
blast of- the • archarigers trumpet, the eon
s gregatirm cof conudess millions, the pre
sence of angels, heavenly and infernal, the
dread appcaminc,e of the King of kings,the
great throne,the destinies to be determined,
will combine to Impart tollMt scene a gran
deur arimee'Solatnii'and terrific. There
however,•one Ming which above every
other will•inake.the dayglorions or terrific.
It is not any ;tiling which s'rikes on the
eye, imppsing as all these objects will then
be, it is not the sounds *hich shall' then
falkon the earimmsical or mournful as they
may be ; - but thiLliving consciousness which
shall be in eveyy heart, and which shall
make every one for himself feel that he is
there, not loSt' in the mass ofliving beings,
'but singled out by the eye of Omniscience,
and made prominent as if the whole pre
paration were made solely„for his personal
judgment. It will be a consciousness that
every thing 'resPecting his charade!' and
• life is known 'fully, and without a veil of
disguise ; associated with an ever busy
memory bringing up in troops all the
thoughts, the words, the actions of past
life, and leaving to the individual not the
shadow of a doubt as to his own character.
It •will•not be necessary that the voice of
the Judge should be first heard adjudging
this ono to be a sinner, and that ono to be
a saint,for consciousness has alreaily.deter
rninetl. that ; unspeult ably exulting. in the
1" •
mie instance, and 4,yarfully foreboding in
the other. Tbesaint from the conscious
boss of his love to Christ, shall, in antici-
pation. declare his own deliverance, "I am
saved r! while the sinner, conscious of a
heart uhrectinciled to GM, and stirred up
with malignant feelings against Him, will
proifouVec his own doom - " 1 am damned!"
Terrible will be that day when millions
with Abe consciousness of the latter, shall
be assembled in one place,each anticipating
/ti' own doom and persuaded in -a manner
which adaiits no doubt, tha't for ,ever and
for ever he is shut out of the kingdom of
Iniaten..llV,ltat despair will 'seize his heart,
what inexpressible terror trill.' be depicted
in his face,• how plainly and legibly will
every,ono b6.nble•tti read deeply imprinted
oit • his litirn ing'brotv, ."a
,rloomed mai l , 1"
Death is terrible, and judgment is terrible;
but 'ilt4.f•d4itie:' their: fe'arfultieSs from a
personal consciousness of an unreneWed,
sinfuilicart,whielyhas no hope in the blood
of atonement. In • every unbeliever there.
isa , wormAliat never dies ; . .fdr . s - sentient it
nein torpid and.ihaetive; but it will
event 11Y . strilie'..deep its, fangs and 'pour
its fatal utimlhrow4..the whole
;14 1*- ,'O!try' , hitir:tliif hemaites' the subjeet o f
, its
blesSed is, lie.w hose con.
seietweig,'Ourged . 004'41412. Works, ,WhoSe
souLis, pervaded Ity the .love:o( :Jesus, w he.
Ithowey.;\9o - 0 ItOliits 40 . 110'0 t.
the' jitelginetiCtleiY great daY of his
'`z • :
: :Y 14 1 1 (4„;--' !4lst a to proporve a raying.
mtn,t?;oo.,hita aY; ncltrfr 0 I le t I P U "
" 4 ° aiirigtisi liiittravary, where, anti
at?tlrtii4i/itifiioJl 4 1 1 , i1R,iiiii , : :: r!ii'ti , ,
yo O utliatlitaine4tive:aaaiitiet error weak.
I, AVOYatifoiitkiiYotiVe'llikldierr'nililiir
itteur r ivO U T OS'O li *,Alitifffi' 311611
ivqiii ,6 BoVapowluiikolii%4li t toViec Cs 200
)citil 4 e.: 4 ' , '; l :4;4l:;;':';;W i l::".."r,T",l,?:';',l...
y 4liid ''AileYi* lx ., •et:ptiliA4 ll : ll 4 51 1:‘ , 44
et the ileoll ia' 46 00 6 . 4 - le `',-';;'11.,
I' '
r .•• -•. 1..• • s:J:
CLARKhasjust! , rec :,eroneired.r i tlie
.. ty;ft. large and Opleiitlid.assortrcienkof
ntiq Sutiuper. Tait
•• ' DB:IC ;
'every vUriety, such as English, French,,German;
Indian, and. American IaWICIFAMES, , QUEENS-:
WA I{ Fond C LASS WA RE a evt ry varietv,Thiid
ware and Cutlery, window Glass, Paints, IN;s and
Dye Brushes of all kinds; ,tit. Cases
• 18001r0 ONOES3
Of all kinds, Cheaper than have ever been sold
C:n•lisli! Iteeetofore; her stock of goods being pinch
larger than it hits ever been, and till new null fresh,
and she 'Wing 'determined to sell nt very sniall . pro-,
fits she hopes to 'receive the favors of bee former
rostotnerS and a the, ptiblitl those iltak please.
to ftyom• her wi.ll It cull cannot go away without be
ing 'soiled. -
Garlige, !Vlay 18 M.
elloh*e Goods.
E ,übscribers hrit)ust nnn' opening
further I!,tipply of goods suitable for tills Sea
son' comprisit,.in the assooment of MOUS OE
C I,ICUP,S, tot' I..adies apparel, also a general
assortment of Orntlemen's Wear, .1411k:hi:Me ofrercil
at wry reduced prices. Call soon, before all the
choice patterns are selected.
CMS.. I:. CO.
Carlisle,JMic 1.1, IS.i3. tr-53
- .
E suksrriher respectfully
ILI form . h is and the public generally,
that he has taken the , •
Litels kept by Mr. Simon Wunderlich, in East flight
Street. a lew drams elm or the Court House, tiliere
lie ail' at all take pleasiire in 'administering
In the imnitorts ill those olio may c.., or Mtn with
Ii mit. cumin',
emismotly sUpplied \l till the
.ehoire‘t mit! his TAMA with the b r at the
imirket eon osTi-Eit
kept in :Mend:tow—mid nothing-shall be left undone
to ph.os( nil who call with him.
BOA ItI)EltS takep by the week,moulla or vetir.
NV11.1.1A3,1 11111.0iVN.
Carli,le, .% pri 1 12, 1114 :1
ilia el Masi Ateggs
106. 1 ,- 11 . 1 a I.rt 4,, and earner 3rl S Walnut sts
E subscriber has on hand and is now
as Entirc Fro,ll Slack of liats an t
Cup 9 for the PeleiSyliallia mere.
• 1111(' :11Id Seitt.`llli
ilk,: Silk and. lirll,ll 11:11.;--atiil the "Palea Cishi:
inure I kit" nit.. hidh he is the Patentee.
i'oe I lots at his 'Own Factors of the bezt
motoria/s and In the be,t workmen, ISO IS 1,11:11,1.1 to
sell vn+al•u{dht •
boy to s:•Il a, tin tt ill" hare sm.!' II:09
tint IT as sill: Sill to lo•tt tootonals,os
:ill I and (laila ore e.rprest /pt. Itt?ail
Trade; allll oitt sclstv.
- • • of.IVEI: 111:001:S,
I. crn•nrr:ill IV31:1111.
.kpril I !:!, Isis.
•I'hc "P:iteta (..:nsinu•:•c -IEO is now naming into
roc, as, it is InAl!1,11nrahlo and cheap.
- g3tlr.p.l only' by .11)e. 1)..7.%1 . NK, Inventor,
and sole proprietor, No. '2.1 South Third st:
Pool:ode!tibia, tool nano. are geouille tillloollt s
riZittititre 1111”11 the ciilside >trapper. All
others o: eolsolterfeots: 11'
These 'llolll,l6les are recomonemled :owl extensive
' owed by the most itottiligent persoo . lotio the Coital Stales, lot numerous l'relissors and l'rusidents of
Coolie:4es, Pitt siciatoo: of the Arnat. and Nat', :owl of
1109111:114111111 A111 . 1N111,1 1 / I CS, :11111 In' 111011.111:1H dire':
1111111114.11 (:Ill'gylllll.ll of variucs Ileilolllllllllll,liS.
They ore expressly . prepared for tinnily use, :mil
hare acquired and iiiiprecififented popular - ay doom _h
unt the Coifed States; and :is they are so iiilluirubly
calculated to present. //lath nod core .Di.sense, no
family should es er he without them. The proprie
tor of these N:1111:ii,!l• preparnticins rcreived,his
at one of the hest Metlical Colleges in ne C.
ds.tiitcs, and has had fifteen cars expel line,, in all
extensive and diversified practice, by which he has
fuel ample opportunities ut ncipiiring a pructical
knowledge of ilisen‘fcsoinil of the renito ire foist cal
culated to remose theta. 'These prquirations con
sist of
.1a mos Expeetoraht, rain:lloe remeds. for Con;:lo.
ei11419,. roostoulaioo, Sioinio:4 of Illood,
Cronp, I hoping. Cough, Itrol.l.liitiq, I'lenri4v and in
(Immo:Ilion of the or Throat,of
Ilvvn:liing,:nol nll 'I ,cas. sollhr I , ll l mo , w y ch .* ,
Also .lat'he's I lair Took, for the Prrserv.oioo.
Growth ooil Ileanty of the flaw, and which n ill psi;
lively being in new hair on bald
Also .layne' , l Tonic, Vermiroge,a evriain and plea-
Salo reonoly Coe IVornew‘ I)yspeptia Piles, nod unruly
°tin r disuases. •
Also Javne's Cartninifive Ilats.irm, a certain owe
far Bowel anfl'Srmtmer Complaints. Dinolava, l/y
-sentery Chalk.. Cramps, Sick I leailm lie, Sour stem
self Cheleca Murfins, foul all fleramzefifents of the
Stomach and Bewels. Nervous Aft:ohms, Se.
Jayne's Sao:litre Pills, fur l'entale Disease:, Liver
Complaint, CostivenesN, Peters,. Inflammations,
ttlatifhilar, Obstructions, Diseases M . the Skin. cu.
•unl in all races where an Alterative or Purgative
Aleflicine is required.
Per sale in Carlisle, by
Nlay 31, IR 11 'tf-til
Dr. Leidy'6 Sarsaparilla Blood Pills
Both purift - the Blond and cleanse the Stoma
and Bowels hoot all impurities; thus, t eumati
the tilltdo system, and rcstoria: : : it to tottural:o
health•; action,
During the year, Rad peenlint" sensations, stttla as
:Dullness of Spirits,
Dizziness, Faintness or Giddiness,
• Snimmin of the Head,
Dimness of Vision,
• Ilea vioess of the E. es,
Languor and Sluggishness.
The appetite variahle, bowels kregular, occasion
al sickness or the stomach, headache, a n d other s.m
satiens equally Alistressing• and imPleasani.
TRI"1111:1:11: TRY Tir.:m!
All von ildbltave never taken of them;
frii7e tip heal to the fitlse • doetritMs, reasoning and
statemems of ignorant, pretenderi to Mellictl Science
hod Foreign Impostors, arc frequently- ;rib
lishetl—for Mite times alit of ten, taking of their
uosn•utns, persona arc obliged to take of Dr. Leidy's
Mond l'ills to emotierstet their baneful effects.
Per sale in Carlisle hr
June 11, 1843
tritited States Corvit,
1011DETITIONS for Discharge and Certi
ileate under the Balikrupt Lux•, hate been lit
ed by
.I.A MES M. ALLEN, late:Clerk. Ctunberland co.
'nittI,,FRIDAY the :Mat .Ikty of SEPT: nesti at
11 o'clock A. M. is appeintedihr the hearing there
of,' before the iaid Court, sitting la Bankruptcy - , at
the District Court Boom, in the City of Philadel
phia,' a hen and 'w lain;ethe Creditors rie the timid Pe
titioaer's, who have proved their Debts, and all per
aona in ipterest,nuty,appear ;tad show cause. if any
they' Inive; why tutu Discliargei and Certificates
Should, not be grtitted:
- ..Clerk of District Court.'
Philo. April V2111;1843. • 10-24
d - Trotice.
iyrrrioN tbs.. Discharge and - Certificate hailer
Jr - the 13ankrulit Llor,luive been filed the 16th May,
./LA.s'EfiLlNGED,.parnter'and Dina- •
• : Cumfieriatitrcourity.
and FRIDAY the 28th .day -of JULY next, at
ikappuinted farlltehearingihero• -
, ol;fittfdritAldstdd;'clet;:alltling. in' latticitlittej,:, at'
nvitOn,3liiiiiv4tp ihtf iiiiorlkOr 'iaid'PeliOani.
e,r, who islit'olnpyreil their Aelitboind -all otheiii6i?
sOns in ,hitei*t . ,;,,mny app&iiiniti4o* onirp y ir An
they IntrO,Wht,nuch Di sclinrgeniiaCprtifiente oio4lo .
qat lie 00#4,, t
,c - v•-•• - y
TninEY or y.
".17'Pr r wor otifeeprat
t § t
AtoM l 3y,'w
vjAO .l4 - 14,
• • •
Aity ore; tbe! eois or
- co mng more,appnrnt,
Ntua rons.,pet
desert theyhare.teilyell:morebenefittroir4mnione,thamthi•ce of niaYnther. - "114,18 easily
aCtionnteil for;anlSr. Lehly.'s Sabapnrillalit*muab
strimgerlit:cpartiqon than tiny other,.nniAtrar twiae
na muck's 'contained in one hottte-aisirany • 'other
(nail supd at the same price.) Let the public, remora
bbstit hut the real fata:
6.0i1; ,•
Anoong, the vegetaldetatlterativeS with W 141!
one dispensaries abound, there are., few: to nittful as
Sarsaparilla, and when properly:tot:imbibed and pet
paled, is invaluable; inn
. ctitly in attroithig tlehilita
ted constitutions to their wonted energy' Main every
'case arising out ()flat, impure 'state of the Woad."
From a knowledge of very many eases (mid some of
them considered incurable).where many ,different
preparations 4 - la Ii been used,. none
seemcillo lamest; virtues or rtimedial - powers equal
to De.Leitly's Medicated or Compound Extract of
Sarsaparilla." ' '
r .
It is a preparation it's believed at , superior to
any mia., and would .recommend it to the particular
waive of Physicians.---MU:S.,Git;ette. - - .
. 11,1
' • , . , .
Extract of a letter Ironi.l. 11. Whitanore, or Easton,
.in relation to Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla.. ' -
;'My little boy and girl, the former now three
years and the latter 1101 V WWII years old, have been
allbeted.with a. scrofulous tumor from the time they
were ; three months old. Three, mouthy ago I was
induced to make trial no on, Extract a 8:11 . 3,111:11 . 11 ht ,
111111 have given it to Molt to the present mite. They
are now entirely free from our appearance of Scro
fula and never were in better health."
Leidy's Sa.ssainn•illa is efficacious in all dis
eases arising from impurities of the blood tee other
Iltiiils of the sYsteth. MI invalids oho roar have
hero ruder treattneht, hilt) :WC debilitated
frot3j..the quantity of medicine they mac have taken,
or ire under a mercurial influntine, trill find that by
iisi •g a few bottles am.. Leidy's Sarsaliarilla,their
usual vigor and elasticity of their frame and system
m ill he restored, and lie again permitted to ehjov the
sa eels of life.
lIH Lmqiinv , s sARSAPARILLA.
his article appears to be iluitig -wonders at
the Smolt. and from the high eliarticier of Cite re;
commendations, ne arc fully persuaded it is a most
Capital latalkialr rat all impurities of tha blond., ll'e
know.many have given Ma' testi
mony on this SilltiVel,llllll .:12):110,V•1111'y WOlllll not
give a cluiriteter to any medicine that did not rcaily
deserve it."—elmileston Enquirer. '
Extract of a letter from Dr. NV:irren, Natelm2.
t-Ilatitig for lii laq year in toy:practice
Sarsaparilla is jilt moult satislitelitio myself :no
Itette;it to Illy paill.111•Z, l site 110 ill.Slllllloll tieelar
it_ it to lie one of the, twist itherol prepanitions - it
disettset ftw liliicit Stirs:tit:lolla is prem.',
preitartlamt may be littptattlecl 'moo :Is
Tieing the t4rtmgest (eonstlinently• more effit.aciotts)
of ; all ntaid prep:ll%l6,ms must
sess Sit totr., ill imoitmlitoo to them sit molt,
bebop,- pretiartal from the same article. Dr. I.4iiy 2 s
Compound l'Airact el Stmt.:lto:trill., howet ims
-51.55(5 prnpertics 110 t others, trlllll liS
mauuu• of preparation, awl combination it hit Mh'
ta=tzt.table r•tr.tets rermottoottlett by the metrical la
tallt =mat holey .the reason nhc it is so
reenottneittltal I) the I'M siviatts Philailaithht
item 7 •
•Prow lire o‘toaoriliaary lii•toes of Ibi9 prerirn
lime and kona lodge of ita t0111: ,, S.C1':11 by si
riaos:(tho 11:0,111 M ily gVlternily 11 so 11, :1s
lhrcn oobl oot ii
:boy did nilt kuolc the eompositifm nit,) it Its ht•ell
tilaiiy of the
11111111111 , UW(111;4110111 1110
1% S. nail is hirldt rt•oitanicialed by
Surgeonsef those
0r1,6019..\ thertiset...
Tip, high velehrit3 s hid' this 1i...-
eminent medicine Ittts ro'r its imari tt hle
:111 ili,:tses-wltielt it proh - ssol to 1.111 . e, hux
rendered the u.11:11
It is hums st It. its fruits :mil its goo,. world tt stiry
Inc it. Dr. I..t•itly's S:;rsairtrillti will be
elliradotis to Of OW htlllll..
slain, killucvs, spine :mil Lours, oletratiou al the
tio,e, throat anti ollter . parts.:thset sses, serf,-
crysittelits, jatuttlico.rlietuntitimu and hicipieut
gout. nul:mint tout sytthilitit• ft•tualt.• lie.
r.m;;a•tne;dti and in reSl O l . /11(4 the SM.]) and (IV:la/tat
cut Vi their and ent.ll.o.
Dr. I.eitl Extraet cir , nrsarieilla has
stout) the test II e seat's pitst, nod 'iis uo boast to
say that there is 11 , 3 Other peerle3thill (4- equal
sireit . t.,th HOW in toe. ' Tltrottgloott the 50'11111..1.
States u hero .Sar,aparilla is as touch in t , toteral to.o
as tea awl coffee, 1)1.. Leidy's Sar,:tparilla is goner
ally preferred and is 6I 111 recommended by I'lq
sicians.Eu hose errtilicates have been fretinvot ly pub
lished ] 1111.0114111 , 111 the 111W1 11411111 IVest it is also
touch used. toot e perltaystleno 11111
Our honk of it 111:1 Ira j is WHlT:killed elplill to
hull 01:111y tidier it t.treogllt, and is equal to one hall'
!..;-;12101 of th strooge , t S tow dint lan he mle.
llirections for niakiog. Syrup therefrom 1101,0111-
the directions.
sralltd n days since is Clerg% mon of this e•ity
[oho does not desire Isis norms published in the %,,O
very, hot is left ',ids Dr. LeiJyl stuu•d lieu it lady
ulao bu t t long been Tt Cl.lllllllllikaSit his (dowels, butt
for thusens, past ambits In go to dowels, on occultist
of her ectrewedthility, neca%icsned by dlcri•ation of
trwinsts Fula of her hotly, disease or her liver and
Other inlet Ind derungewents, tool tlu• cons.rant inking
of tnedicisse therefor, never fowls! :soy dumpe for t he
!a.m.r mail otter lining , everstl bottles of Dr. Leitly's
Sams:Torino, and by a kW months perseverance in
its use, nos cotirelyawstored to health, tool recover
ed her former strength, and to lists het own loogonge
.•eras almost cresste.l :sinew 111.411,..... " This i s hot out
of many iostoncels :donna doily heard of.
It is . p vets:red onlp and sold wholesale tool retail
at Dr. LEIDY'S Ilealth Emporium, So. 171 North
Sec tII street below Vine: also sold by Frederiek
Brown, corner Firth nod Chesnut streets; and reed.
Kett ts: Co. corm. r ul and Callon hill street, at
ite'e bottle, (a halt pitol or sis bottles $l.
Foe sale itt Carlisle by
May 31, 1313.
TlP'ornes: IfF l 'ornas I
parrnts.knew the value and efficacy of Dr.
.I... Ally's Patent Vegetable Worm Tea,tlier never
ould be without it in their families,as child - rot are
subject at nll times to Worms.
Dr, L e hly's:W arm Tea_ is climpnsed of yegeLtbles
altogether, and may be given to Children °fail ages.
Directions accompany each pap Lot. package. -
CfiffileCti: mach, of thm7S, from so many
things being gis en them for worml, n ithout any el
:llnch medicine, 0i1..m to children, has a 1t...-
theory to de,trov their general health., and they are
more or less delicate ever after.
To :is oid the necessity al giving medicine unne
cessarily when you are certain your children have
worms fliVe them at first lie. Leidy 'a Worm Tea. It
is all that is necessary.
Reference might Lclnn le to several huntlred pa
rents in litiladelphia city and coup y, or hue efficacy
111 Dr. LeidY ' S Worm Tea. Try it and you will be
consinceil. -
• Price 1.21 rents a small, and in emits a large park
a:V. Prepared only, and for sale, whole ale and
at Dr. Leiis leulth Emporium , 'No. Ell
Zi:orth Second street, below Vine, [sign ut the Gol
den E.7igie and : erpents,l
Fur sale ia,Carlisle by •
- - if-33
June 14, 1343
Dr. JAidfs 'Fetter and Itch Uinhuent
AN infallible remedy for nrions affections of the
Skin, removing Pimples; Pustules, and Eruptions,
of the Skin, and particularly 'adapted to ihe'cure of
'Feuer and the Itch:
This Ointment has been used id nitmerotis 'rotnda
throughout the city and enmity, as well Its Factoriesi
panda. ing numerous girls and bora, 'unit amongst
whom Tctter and Itcli,na well int other, Affectithis of
the Skin, in-et-ailed, uith the,most . utiesampled 'site:'
,cess., Names orSeltitnl Teacliera,ns well ns Stiljer:
intendants and -Proprietors. of Factories ' . - Clllllll be
giren,Collfirfillitg4l chore, but for - thee delicacy they
awes feel in haring their published - in 'connection:
with sucliLtathr • and disugreeableVlßtitiiiir,:,;
. ' Price C a Oa . : 'For sale in earlialmhy , -.. • ,
A ‘-
- - - ,-; T. STEVENSON.., ,
ONBIIIII PTLON * -Gougli; Splitting Blood, Au:
TbeabsittiAideos—Four fifths of :yolllll'o veal") ,
suffering trotW:tuilectud'f e o idT i or, auld)bstritetion,
and toosecitteotAidtariaostitirs oe Ole deligattrtioim
of itiose,tubecthrobgLmbisirther-tiirirOireathi.l4)
distributed toysir:i.:Tis . rt iit%tho'2 , lunks,f;ellhis,ol)- ,
stit.tiewiroocestpßio offthoPrr.nes t ‘itiPakw. , l,. ,
einakhi,d7 6 o. l Y- tt.s9tki,xvol,
slikpog ;W514 Patier;Pr:Pit e,
ex4oVstilf stiNtnglkor il ip.ritiontianAglig,A7 "he a th ;
Jaymfa kettvart
_mic Nil sr. ,
Idruttlun 40 4- BroduCa. mni4 P41 81 0X:PTI !ITV • Striped , als 8.
l i wi l Nxi t " l /01 1 W , Ol t ' . b.rnifE6;' 'l4 `,ltObliet),
Jrcii"e- ti be it ' 21:t '" ' iriav tap
Whk,V464r, , Nark% e stiwia,v_r 4,;
7,7, ' 3 0n , 14:411.45y ;'011,119.-tpq",11.„,„0,4,,
11143 % L 1, , -' ,4; . :Ziege.' , .:.4W &half
NOrthAinteirii* ro toir of Co. ,
• ,
a4;)nriii. Agelml,'Clar lisle
, .
,WllTlE3,campaziy ,Ontignes to mAn Insu nimbi
against loss or (la m agO byFiit; oft dr ,in,*
• .
buildhigS 'at $25 ' , slooo,
premium to g be drawn" a6y time
Harty . insing, tit a'dedu - ction of live per cont. on
the amount of. premium paid. •
The usual rates. for one year'
Stotie and Brick Buildings, $1 to $5 on $lOOO .
Logind Frain; .‘" $6 tp $7 on $lOOO
Itlerebandize, about - ss on $lOOO
A pplicatton in iiers.on or by letter will have im
mediate attention.",
The Spring Garden Insurance Co
AKEINSURANCE, either temporary or
V perpetual, against loss or damage by FlliE;
in Town or Country, on Houses, Darns and Build
ings of all hinds; on lionschold Furniture; Mer
chant:in, Horses, Cattle, Agricultural,. Commer-
Mal and Manufacturing Stock, and Utensils of
every descript ion,oo INIOIITAGS 4110 GROUND
lli:Nr; - ,upon the most favorable terms.
The following, are the usual rates,•viz:
QV Stone and brick buildings, from
35 to 40 cts.- on $lOO
"'Mg and frame " GU to 70 cts. on 100
"Merchandize and Gum i•
turn in brick or stone
• buildingp; from
"Do. in log or frame,
"Horses ' cattle, thrining
utensils and sundries,
at about
Application-may be mak to,
Dec. 21, 1812.
fif 1 7. CR - ! Hive
-iv II just recutval at their Drag, hunk, Stationary .
mill Variety Stot.o, a large assortment of
Toys, Toy-Boolis for -ChristinaN
Preseiiqs. Atanah, SoliVenirs,
•-. and Port-folios, for 1843.
TOATIIa•r %I' 1111 •I C 1101131! 'Stlerllllll of yuct•rtaiir mg
IT 'IIEADING, tin• long ender evenings.
• • A.
" 9 •
'))revery varitty, viz:
School Bibles and Teskintrn . ts„
Smith's Geolrrriphy and . I .llThs,
Olney .S'• do.
Kirkam's ditto,
.Vo. 1, `2•, 3,4, 6, 4 . • 6,
Cobb's School llofdes, romphie. .
Emerson,. By Prig, Durham, .;•. l!
er'B Spel krB,
Pike, hose, Einersm!s
rilbmelies, with Keys,
latimin rf
aticad ir
il istratments.
1)1 . 1•1111:111f t l . ,1111Cil Wahl. N ' Ote
palter. Silt el• l'cattils, twittlatints• thialtqatt bald
or all :viatica,: with :t largo us-
SOriffiellt a.M.AN 110()Ii.S, ruled awl attruletl.
Of supericir finiph. itazors, Razor Strops
Shaving Brushes, and finoly scouted
Shaving Soars and assorted Pe.
' finnerv.
IPA:WY N'I' , I'lli)NA1111 - :
Supvi•tr opagni. and (hill., Bri•tol 'Boards,
Diet. pavvr, Oink, colnred Wafi.vs and
Sealilig Wax, and Moito
e vor,
1 7 3.THPiirilt KlTgaritritC/Itgi;
Titgethoo with n ttoooral nod sell sol o o o d asso r t.
moot or Ciasßiot/ mot .1/isTelluncott.s "10
plvaav nr..l improve the taste."
Carlisle, I i, 1 ti i 2. (1-7
TO .a.a.maIEERS.
21111i13'1t1Till 2A1121T123,
at their FOUNDRY AND
NIACIIINI". SIMI', Oil street, nearly op:
posite Ihe County io the Itoroogh or Catkish.,
l'a., gtiil coolhie to build the thlllowing Machines
uud Ilot•so Powers—x z:
T. D. Burrrell'N Patent Improve(
77111.E1S AND FOUR..
with a trunk to co
duet the strap to the Machine.
the bnt•ses. The :wit
well calculated to put to one sitle of the barn beldge,
or u11d;•r the harn
New and Elnaproved
To scparate the grain from the straw, which will
thspeta with mu. or two hands, will he Made to the
above Machine if wanted.
a? Et - • •
• . .
Port:basing any of the shore Machines mat• have the
privilege-after a fitly trial, of returning the same if
not satisfied. All Machines awl Ilmle Powers are
warra'ated litr one sear, if well used.
All nib* or repairing will be done at.the suortes
totice null on the most reasonable terms. Whey til
‘ays kt Eli on hand all castings 'necessary to t clout.
he above Matiltines.or any omhcrs . now in use.
There is Man attached to the anoi , e establishment
an HD /N AND iIIi.ASS FOUNDRY, at which all
kinds or CASTINGS can be liad-7—stich as Apple
NI ills, Cara Drakers, Plaster itrakers, dJill Gear_
log, Saw Nlill Craaks, :Machine Gearing, Wagon
Boxes, &c. Sc. Also.
Such ns Mill Spindles, 'Car Boxes, l'urning• Lathes,
ke:, nil in thebest order, in iron t 1111111 1 .118%
ordrrii cketitell'at the shortest nd-
Oce,and promptly intended to. Farmers:and others
ura respectfully inv.ded to givene a call, confident
thatthey can'be suited to their
• ' A. sTouEmit & co.
Carlisle, Aug:10,1942. • • tf..41
(m-Planck's, and Ogle's PLOUCIitS
and LOUGH CASTIN6S,such as Cutters Land-.
simles;&ec..&c., eau aisma•be had pt. time rounde.r;.:
Union , Paper nnn.
np RE subscriber respectfully i n films the pub:
•• At lie at large, that he durs leased the above es.
tablish anent, six miles south of C:arlisle, fora term
of:year's, and the aiLr, hairiug . been' recently re:
paired; and: bevy-machinery ,' -machinery :- introduaed,''ho . .ii
therefore_ -'an faetnix:ie:orderi(and
- also lia . a idippiv . poustatitl bit haqi,.. ; • •, • ~
iii:*iieitii'ileiqum kin .0111 d gikai)lity
„ c t
, .
which:hit 'Will furnish Co prlnOrs;' merchants tinti L
othery, in, any !identities at the loyindt eity'indees.
Alf oyderii addrosSed tQthesUlerilier, 4 r 11 . 1 4 1 9' 4 ,
10w , 4 1,- . ( f4 iiibel l il o;, , P94 6 o,;, l : ll‘ l ll P9°.i.VP ,
atien,tlini, - -1;5 —. ..,,,..-. - , ‘, h : • -.- 1 :1'w :. - e , ',::'
i, it4yvoi.igulk, rdeeixe4P,uPP,li4,94iY,e,llf:t'eNt:
:nniterialsi,„llo liatterd hiedttekk;tllllt , 11.Vvill Ad ahldi
'to mtdiulactioe paPer,elpnil iniltialitttrinnyidthor;
is;fablislpnent in the eountryi 4tl),th - ,0 gl 'O ,- 7+l - 7.1
GT l'..e 1 1. 1 t ' 4 “Vr , ?•/' l 4V4Alflk
Eija t,, lVlUttl:6l. 7v .
i ) 1 -Piii;brioAh.Titts.f2Di4eo.-;. ';'/N l''''' r tt''4 l tft3B .
':, Dr #. 4 Vtiohikliiihypfkis'OhEtoiikticiiiro 6, 'lc , ;'
, ~.4., ~ , • ~„,.:
;J 0,-;1114,14.HAAT
, • . 'xvittliViEnarrttor
e e n e .
MAO,. • .
-14 AS 'rerinited his ''oiriee to :Nei& I6izisiver'.
West aide, 8 doors North 'of•Lenthbe
'street! end 'netirly 'Opposite the'ofBeo - of Willie of
.wlll as bicrefillty
nttpddtoall business. which may be'entrusted tp
hhh'iiithahine'ofhia'prirfosetorr':' '••. •
1.8;• 1843. '. • "MI •:
cuSli3Ent, A Ni) VALLEY 'M UT UAL
AL. pluiTr.cTioN Co3lPANP , beiug incmi)o an itct.(ii the Legislature of the present ses
siononal fully organized mei in mieration under the
direction of the following 'hoard of Managers, viz
Thomas C. ill iller,,C.' P. Cummins, .1 ohn.Nlonre
NV— McCullough, .lames 'Weakly, George
Nlartin, William Ai yore, Samuel Galbraith, James'
Greason,Thonms Culver
and A-G. NI iller, call the attention of the inhabit-
Inds of Cinnherlatel Valley to the clic:mum or their
rates end the Many advantages which this tied of
iMittranee - Ino. cveCany - 011111.. '
ISt.' 11Stery person insured beccmes,n member or
the compally and hikes part in the choice of ofliecrs
and the direction of its concerns. '
• 241. Par insimance no More is' dem:lntim) than is
necessary to meet the expenses of the Company :mil
indemnity against losses which may happem• '
till. The incotivenience of frecimatt renewals is a
voided 14y insurhq; for n term of five years.
4th. Any person untying torinsurance meat. give
his pretnitim note lift. the cheapest clastrat ttni rate
of five per centoto, which grill be $5O on the slooo]
for n1'4.14114: will have to pay $2,50 far live years,:
and $l,Oll for survey and policy, 111141 tin 01000 unless'
less be anslainrd to a gre:lter amount than the foods
oil coverottil then 114 - 4 more
11)11 6e.reguir
ed than a tiro rata share. These rates are 11110,11
cheaper 1111111 .those of other companies, except such
!IS :WO 111e01 . 1,011111.11 MI the 9111110 111 . 1 , 11 . 11/leS. •
IS eltiTtoll ill the_11)1104.111g-Otantler,'-A
-. II 311/11 111r,' " iiii . instirtmo f
. fur property of the
cheapest class of risk For $lOOll will be charged 5
per item nur five yeat 5.41 11010:1DIOIlliting to musthe given by him, on It hichlie it ill be required to pay
5 per cent $`..1,511, and $1,50 for summing and ptiliev,.
have-no more requirell - 111 . 11 . 1m unless losses
occur and the funds on hands itre nut tatlllcient to
meet them.
40 to 50 cts. on 100
60 to 70 cts. o❑ 'lOO
GO pts. on 100
Agents will h^ aiiiinintedits.tonn as jolssible in clif
hereto pinees In :mend to insnrance:i.nininny persons
wishing itnnalliatoly to apply can III) SO by signifyl
ing their wish to tho nfTieort of the eninpnny..
A.(:. Sen'y
April 16 , PO3,
II 12.8,11 tv 0E K 5
;1 - 21- or on of the powers and-authority
eletnined_ in the last will and testament.. 01
MrrirXrl7l"..n r, tired:7l now olrer rn• s;de,-the
Yirron • Irtiorks
iiittiated eat the Vellaw lireveliefi Creek, 4 mile
1111 , t nl C:11 . /ISIC I'a. The.entate runshls ora first late
with Ten 171w:sant, .11cres of latiael.
A 1,(•,, EI:C2 I ANT 1111.1, wall rourrivii iqAtone,
liiiishrd on Iln• irmst Noprowii About 3 1 11 , :tercs
of the 1.1 :WO chin i d MIIIIIIO4 etilli‘nteil, hal itig
thrrvoti erveled , •
Three • 11,:l'a•z: 113:tra:s
:,m1 theeessar 111 NA NT UlinTS .I.ll ''
harks are,propt•lleti by the 1 ellovi direeelles Creek
and the Spring,Achich neither fail ihnrcreeze.
There ore upon the premises all the 11CeeStIhIrV wort:-
melts hi - hoses. con I lonises, cdrpenter and smith slums,
hold sodding built or lii io,th•rink.
'rim ore Of the•• host utiolity ' and inexhaustible, is
within'i milra or t h e tirmice There 1) )))) 1181 )s
nn (1.1)11 11'I)1.1(!) in pflihe,Sl`S Sll
perior advantages sold oiling greater inducements to
the investment of Capital. The eater pneer is so
gl'elit 111:11 It 1111011, bet rstrudul In smy other inanu-
Meowing purpose. Pe1,11114 I11 , 119‘).11 it
Will or cultural) 1'X:11111111' the prole t;ty. 'l'lR-terms ol
sale will Ile tootle kihno by
of,Michael Ego,
Carl isit., Oct. .ti I Ir-31
THE subserihers %would inform the eiti.
Zetis nt . Carli,lr :ill.l the viewity,•that they : u •e
io% - paix,l to furnish their
10 the tnoht FIIIMI'i01• In:totter, :It prices tintt l•IIII tnlh•
In., Dirt/tiled b) 111( . 11 . eNtt . I.IVU
ra1,11 . 11 . C: :4 in the country.
• NVii . still ti . etitiii Ihe 1131. r, hio " ctiehtil
meet t(i sitit the times," bet mien the imscrA. Cal
and see the heat, cheapest, mill largest itssiirtment. it
the ciii.
'241, IS la
Main 61reet,one spare Nest of the Court House
carmisz.t., PA.
11 E subscriber having leased the above
image, vvnuhl most respectfully animistic(' in
his frielllis ;11111 the public getteyally that lie is pre
pared to accommodate them and the travelling com
munity, in aa, style that he hopes mill be round-sails
'factory to all Who may litsor him s kit a call.
Ills table will rvceive his especial attention, and
shall always he abundantly
,sopplied with the hest to
he had iu the enmity. The lair is and itillAte banal
coons:01y supplied with the choicest Wines and
Liquors that an: to he obi:wird lola:and in the cities,
The Stabling attached to the hams,: is commodious
and s ill he maim. the charge or a careful Ostler.
Ile hopes by a strict ;mention to business toretteive
a liheral share of the public patronage.
Ki-lio.l.lll)EitS will be taken by the week, month
or year. WILLIS FOULI.Z,
Carlisle; - April 5, 1845. t
ii 4 ,117,2dil It.A2T3
lIAVF.R.STICK have jug received
from the . Alatmlactory at Philadelphia' a large
assortment of LARD J...1:41P5, c onsistin g of
Pa rlott r,Cli amb(rall StudyiLanaps
with or without hhatles; which they w i sell whole
sale or retail at the monuliteturer's prices:
Astral, Side nefICetINS and Glass Lamps of vari
ous patterns. .
The very hest Winter strained, bleached SPerm
°kw:it:ranted to burn clear. foe
fd3i,eil - per ;pillion. .•
nest. Sperm Gunnel!. 37 . 4 cents per lb.
"Carlisle L Dre. • • t.f-8,
Mechanicsburg ,Line
6.7 pia,
Philitilcdpiriox pr• RaitianOiv.
By:Ada, 11Q. 1 1 I.!
Te' phat'ffilor HE
'icaVolo , infproi .his .friends,auet,the
1 - p - iidriilly i ,iLthat ho - still - continces • toetin'tt,
• burtlion , Cars'eagularly. between , Meehanicehurg .
and cie. Baltimore, ',by which•goods
abit,OriitiiiMi of all descriptions wilt ho foiWartictl
ith • elietCand; do'S,Mitch t 410 "Bitectst tbstof.
"'• ' • •
.ProtbicO•will receives:l at . Wail; floaiiii,lll
fciiiimrded to . Fthila
deliilita-or-Baltimori4..acaordingto the dircotttin•
af • k 7-7 7- 7 7 777:
11-7 Tho highotit, Price - will be'givotr for Whiiiie
and Flour.
r !'-'2%II,IIIRITN 74ZITAPir.
Igo 6ry ofa'arifklruit gattr 4447 0 : 4.°Pir
tiblOi f 'o r atilt:cat:oo lOwee Cos t , ,
'..l:*peitutit . a al ts . 9 4 44,band;,attlit; Di*Op:Jhfechtii!Too4 .
burg, r tso; thAING(H or/4 , 1v Hooitti, r 4
vatiowp ho bola °ll yt ' YrapftY
o;i'''' , """* . "4.'4 , l4:WwWg-/Mke
1' A 13, U A Et IL, E
'• Too, 63
• No. 100, Ultestott. street,
next door to the Ledger Buildings; •
corfstriuiTiori - (; " r
. . .
~ I feciipna. of the Liver, 4siiiinn, ron t
'or wenknesi4 ihe` or Lungs,' chroitic
'Conga a, l''/euils'y. Jkenibrrtagi cif theJ;iings, , find
affecquia 1' • If c :
NATURE'S OWN EliliSeltlPlt TIO • • •
II .
compound Balsaot iepreparation of the .Prunue
Vis•ginianiis or "Wild Cherry Bariti"ciimbined with
the Exteact, fd*Tor, prepared by Aft Imw cheMicar
process, lipproyed nod, reconnuendelil r ..lfrpthp_ most
phySieinits t abil
ledge(' the most valuable medicine ever lisuovereth
NO QUACK ERNA •f NO I)F.O.:PtioN.• .
- lit setting forth tilt: , virfues adds' truly great the:
we have no!deceive those ...who are
loitering (mar afiliction,•nor do we Wisli to ogise
it more than it justly deserves:r.'llet ‘l,lfen We look'
Prollita Witt/4:11w cost annanitt of suffering :0111 1111
treisoccrisioned by niatty •of the ilitscases, in which
title medicine has pri,vtal so li!,„0•Itly, successful, We
feel that we cannot urge its claims 'ton strongly, or
s,iv too much in its favor.
'Various remedies it is true have been offered and
miffed ,into notice for the care of diseases of the
Lungs, and some I 1( iv 110 clotilit been found very
useful, but Of all that.litve yet heen! discovered! it is
admitted by physicians •and all who have witnessed
its effects, that none has proved as successful as this.
Such, indeed, are the'
'Ol this Balsam, that even in the'itilvanceil stage of
Cor;stowrriort,liffer all the most esteemed remedies
of.plisi , ittions have failed to clfect any change, the.
use of this mediciiii;' 11,15 been productive of the•
most astonishing relief, :mil 'actually effected cores
ittler all hopes of vecovery,hild buelt despaired of.
it the first stages attic disease,termed " Cat 'err
ha! Con wniyition," oriftturaer;_rlected
iir7(,l iViTE undeviating success, and hun
dreds aeltnowledge they owe the eestoe l ition 'of thei r
health to this invaluable medicine alone, IP Ilint
roiln or con_yooptmu sn prevalent amongst delicate
young-females, commonly ternieil debility, or '
A comphata with which Allow:plias pee lingerittg, it
has also proved.highly socceSsitil, and not only 1103:
SCSSI.:, tile 110Wer or checking-the progress of this
alarming complaint, Mit also strengthims and invig
orates the sy•stmit More effectually than any inedi
eine we 10100 ever po,ssessed.
I 1051111•5 it, sorifrising eine:icy in Uniraimptiriit, it
is equally ellicaciOn4 ill Lirdr
.nr)lfriliti3,llllll Illierli010: or awl has
eee ell 1(1:111 or at , 11111.1 alive 1 . % cry
rill ler remedy bad hided, • fr,;.- For Partictilars see
Consumption,,,to he had
the .keents,
11 rudiu the 0,0 of this medicine in 'llifi`r:llll.`ti of
th,. Longs, and the many singolio curi:s It Iris cf.
feeted, having naturally :meat:tea the atl'nito,s of
111,111 y physicians ; (as well as the,ichole fraternii• of
quacks) vat•imiscoMeetitt•es and
respecting its Lomposition ; 801110 physiciaes,have
sitiiiitisca it ine , nuhin Adine,o,lller igoornut peetet,
(lees spy it most votitilitt .11i't.t.nry. tool In sour sorb
they each allribnir its:s ' l,l , 4lam. efliem.y.—
% I/plat/11S lire :111014011,r MA Cal
culated to iireiffilio: many persons against it, lie
lit it r•mtains witbing or tilo hil,d, Or tiny tiling
11l I,W injnrinu on the eiiritetw, it ul 1,11111110,4 . 0.
I " TI 1 :III 111101 sieplo 111•• la . , II
111 r 11l TA ir 111,•/.
:to Illy 11111(11' 0111,1 Or its ellicat y eto,dsts iu the
by a bill they prepai
.1, 111' lin, 1, :Ore:lily _wall Alwil 11111111 . 1,115
• Art.llll the which prole its
ii , ; , ti•s beyond :11 I 'lonbl,ar enlist der it iiiiiieo•ssart
td' ~ !aliit list of them in this place, 111111 will
1110 ,iiimition eases, to show 11 11111 it has
11.1 \T STILI, SO.NIE II01 ) E.
N I ;
sit, i's ('net's nfurll this nivaieilit, has elli•etrit,
the , is illT11:11/S nauc in WllllOl IN 11011 ON ilre 50
, ditikt . ll :15 ill Illt• /;:ip• Mrs. 51151
.holy' 1 VIIIIII ell cotslnvulil severpl,vears,
the greater ',pet of this time hill received
1111 . ; tri , d all l6c twi,
ealii ei•mcilit , s, yet waiting i•o11111 he, lipoid to
. its progress. :lir stibia el to ‘itilutit .
11 , ewe:Pell tar;;, I;tetillities ul
n.lll i• ',I - isnot:lllv ingra 110111 sic!, hl
Alp , fearful e ,s litilowil it.. etplesv, 111.111
lII] I. ;0 . Of . :1 I , COViTy 111.0 VOlirt . l7 (', , minet
‘r11:;• 111 (Ili.: 11 ' 1 , 11 ''...111A ,1
lbr 1, ..‘ ilrgr Of 111 , She r1 1 11111r•lirr1: 1110 1101 .
Or Col • 3:11S:11111, %I 1 , 1 11,0 I,er i 110 expi
alein.l like a Oa rm. S Sill
CXIII . I freely, the caigh us., gradual!, sup
pre, ciery• day appear,•ll to .11111 101'„11 vi•;;,,,
It lirr 1110 k,, 11t111 lOW,ill 010 m'ul'l' firth:li 1•111:11,1lave
itherilig she is secii nlir,pliug in
society ,fu [toter health than she has enjoyed lit
mirinasing eine:ley of De. Wisialos lAilsnhn o.
IVild Cheery, iu the ease (A' Ales. Austi,j, 1 elieer•
Cully lick-Tem ledge the alao‘e state:twat to lie true
and correct. .1. C. 1%''.)0.17.1:3, Al. 1).
WornlStnWll, Sept. 4, 1841.
I)tmrSir—Altlioneit your invillualile medicine lin ,
1111181111 Intimd lioniireols of Inoverfol advocates, it
limy still be gratit) ing to you to receive a ennonniii
ention from any .0111, (hat ha, berg Ile, 10(11 , 1 11 . 1 it
Sir, II III) . toy rase. ll:l‘l, hero a virtin,
to tlait terrible disease (;onstonlition, for unit.)
liavo so much, that I hall lie.
come illtioist .Iveary of toy life. • Ile:wing you;
IS;dsalnl sa highly praised, 1 began taking it a fell
weel;s bark, and C:111 8801011 yon it has relieved WI
111111 (hall :Illy thill . g I have (1001' 11 8111 her( 10e, and I
einititlently believe it will ettretne clii.•011 tally. 1 111181
give 1110 livarer the worth or Llie.eitelostalotail oblige
Yours I tespertfully, .1 )ris l'cAusos.
Chester Comity, firlit. 1,, I S
Privtitl Wisinr—lt rites me inreli ',hamlet• to in
rum thee that my wife!s Health has. impro'ved vcQ
since she has been Atsing thy Ila!saint of 11'ihi
Cherry, awl we think there is no glintlit bit that it
'Wilrettre her. She has taken tin two bottles I pur
chased from thee a short time since, and her 4:1111g1:
is 11111d1 .slie al,O sleeps well :it night,and
Says silo has fonno nothing to give her so Mitch re
-1 bee will please give the hearer too bottles
more for by Frit-nd,
EntrAttp bot s. ,
Lot - muster county„Ttily 13,1311.
ficar Sir--Please semi. ine two bottles at your
genuine Balsaliu of Wild Cherry. I.llave.leeu
Ilicted with .Confiiitiptivii for the last two years, and
suffered very touch with a'nevci cough, pains in
my breast, difficulty of breathing, night sweats,
im d i mv i ng tried numerous remedies, tool also been
under several doctors. yet I could not find any thin,“
to relieve nu: midi I used.'sonte °flour lialsalin.
got one bottle from it neighbor oluniiw who is u s i ng
it, and have Initial such wonderful relief .from it that
have no doubt it gill cure Inc effectually. . •
yFry respeotrully sotia7l;,&.4i. . •
liongitT 11.0-utrAx
. ,
.':ierfi,cail the. foiluwmg from, , Dr....liumb . lioffman
a Oysician of. extepoire prusque . M tfunting,(lm
county : . , . J
. ..
Dear Sir--Ltwoottyml ;one bottle. DrD r . Wistato:
lialsalm of Wild:C:llm.y, lions Thomas Reed, Esq
olf this place,:antl .tried it In a ease of ohstimity
stlimit on st child of Paul Sell webie, in 014.111113111
otherrtitllelliCS 1114 been tried without any. relief.
Tito Ilalsalin.yave sudden relief, mid hi iny opinion
the child is eltectually cured by its use.
Yours, &cu.!
DeoembiTl.ld 180.
Dear Sir—Your Balsam of Wild ()harry has af.
,11;ctuil :soma astonishing 'the of - Which
'is nu old lady; Alta. ltusselt t who bad been suffering
.lays long tune with shortness of brestliipg;and gen ,
„ elm ] ciatticticifs; until slut wise fitiails• bbligitil, to keep
pct best.' Atter .yariotts other 'remedies had beef)
reiortetlibi in Vali), stia isbatracnacti usiufi iota ,
stiltit?otati oftet taking twobot ties; u'it ASO far,rooai-piL.
ed' to :bo'-altht to that)AtiAgitt - td‘oll• ntieS Pf. her'
bottso;*atill'oNf,lkiag , t finales utofit! Wits' eatifeli.
chrtid. • , &o.
-'• • •:•,•••' :'-` • , o , • ; , •'.3orptA;G:
Pottsville 'l '
oNUT! ON.--,A tlitio pi.tiNtrioas .ta,t4. 11111 ;
coireti J804'0111114 Chera, poreliasOrB4llould,b,O:
very, fuirtictilar:tO AV I P.TA!.V.S 1 1417;T : +
•i prekrod fOtrohopopOdtbr,.rist, aOlil„Ot v(holO 7 ,
"sole:by, w in ms ; co., ; O T r 9 I spi t .,
`ittrect;Philatlclillit.' • • '• ".
Sold in Oarlialaly ,
quunbqklikPq,..44 , ll-le,
town slum. oFoug tout t hin cauntr.r. l
ti-blt,'&.l/iirite-. - A.r. '7 * 6
iNoW•if i llagospfAspftot.o-P`oit7:o.,h,. ?,,• 1
gq**C l Pq:4 - ""WW ,
Fte.oliiiEtirt(Shjilptitign4 - 1
j il g . 't o4l cd , k t q t.oll ' 4 ' lli M 4. 9"4o
'tit reduced P1itp0414,4;1i4.4.4'4iii
. • .
111C-431i781T951i •
, • ' • !
OF CHINA. A positive cure for the piles,, and all •
external ailings—all int , ,rnal'irritations brouOit•to the: 1
surface by friction with this Balm ;—so in coughs,
swelled or sore throat, tightness of the chest, this Balm .
applied on a flannel will relieve and curd at once.
Fresh wounds or old sores are rapidly curecl
will prcvor or 'cure all incißionr consumption.,,.;
?alien in (into, and is a dolig,htful , , IsTedy . Remota.
ter the nSand, and got cemsteekk...
cradiento all WK.] pa Mlin .childten or Wolin?
wall' a certainty quite astonishing: It is tho''samD• aT
That made by ' '• stndlc;
almost incredible, byCornstock 4 1 C0., Now itork;
Entered according to actor Congress, he the 7eqr ISY2, byronpteek,
co.. in the Clerit'a office of the Southern District of Now York.
By applying `to our agents - in — each' town and'
village, papers may be had free, showing the most
respeCtable names in-the 'conntri for , iltedtillitairece
that no one can faille believe them.: k'.'.
ecp . .rie sore yon call tbr ourarticles; andlnoti
',he put off with ;any istorins, tthat Ohara; aretOrt i
RAVE., THESE OR N0N.P.94 1 , 10 , 94 Ili
your never , motto -. and these
without our ninny,' to them: All these ttitielipiro
had Whiderialo lind retail 'only ofinss:; , ;'
tra r eill,rll4lo vhouplato. Dvu:
, l'iiliiideti!.tiiiici'isTeirYoikleind'Orbitrztitidn' Oh * : 4*
SAMUEL ELL10TT%? , 3 , ::..1.
.IritticS - . - ,4 - OAVETSTICIcr. •
!P.4 .TEVEN - SOiNt" " 1 "'
ea;),,,•i ; 4.4 1%.04. W. 7
-• w QR , I O - $ .
pgk I,lv,
'O,llll ie one pf t le,rnokt
prilincrk ever used. ' tit artelibilly-ertidleidetNorlite—
kif 1 1 sorts, frem children 81151
THOUSANDS peritb.brwcrm's•lyithoct tbc real
inusu being 13,18 . 9)v9., .S Tno , ot h et ,,, lvon ,,i foiss i gnc a
for their siclaiees,tinitloo fati.ita etilreVligreal cause. •
~:WliatinnnensciemlecitabilityahCll rester.siburritho
liggil t.o . ,dp g§. 4, 4. ,k hci w i•Pliiii'f.l l Ss . l 9 '}lw kit
iirit:cc ‘ ityl4.biid;t4 Cimnilfkint whim • It'Oesttoy . raig,.
fliosikeCioitia fro we 04 . 0 r lif'4" , :ciiilo 4 C6% 4 .7 421 ' I
t Vll 01.16. t4iy,p II vcro ifsedyli 16,
tity*otriiist; atilt?
f di - 4(1).146;1c Likitli!eifFolt anir tiadie*Atle**ixti)
V6(l4l,lty,ittnLiti;scniivi ; A:Alisegypigl/V a
- For Aute L eakrlisto, :by, ,‘IVI IL L
i kif-sTVIVEI•Vitireti!VX
.nstm 111 ,
Gpoinaosse,?3o. kric
virert l ?c.,o;fii3hcksft*ivtcrA,l' u t„',64iict . :bua l ,Y,A,4,i •
Jabob llorFnierr, , AL D
taireiti 4 OlistillioanOVEdgrinkaw
, ALiiiettiisti,ilotootafiresouweiliaarovigi
s;fivi.9.4l l yrutilmviro* 10.0140110a3
palnoyo qoe ocidNius a
140 8 tP. C l l 4 tfil- 3 4 !;"
The following . R pens
'dies may be found 'at ttify iAII A
a s—,
_ stores;
~,Ort soon nt SUrei*.eoteutiy*ore mate.:
Remember and:'neyerAeti'„thetnt4nailiss they,
• finve the fne.sinttle Oginiture:Of
07 ,1 4 4 - 1 7 /. .9n q l ?t v VPßPr r q./. 13 19g1c1•
1 . .• y s eere' ere,:b:eseilumitieel;m 4
fifes. '7,i(ifie"..nceicheilt,neare . st
Atike hiefth'pro&cre tLnirlffai4e`ri-ten,e;
neietiiso HO New 'of to' viiite , 'llii''Ut ( i!Uh'i bs
farizik r y ihoittri be to te'eskiditASSi
• •• ••••`
,Coi:•rr .:014
which• will stark it'ziftfalling-cutt;or raster° ,it,ort *d eo
places; and on children mako:it grow, rapidly x sr,(M,,i i
tliciso who have lost the hair from any cause:
' ALL , VERMIN that infest' thk:heads: of children ,
in Ochools,*aro,provonted. 94' kijled
Firid tho name of
or never try it. Remember tithvdteays.
tositi;ely enred; and all shrividle'dinuscia, and liniba „,,
are restored, in the 'old—or panne,' by 'the
but never withouffhe name' of' COMstock & 63:0n
aro wpoily prevented, or . goycrned if . the
. attack, ken
comonti, if you use the only true:lfaYs'
aff• •, f r om
womdeovr, wo.
and every thing relieved by it that adinits' of 'an - out. '• :-
ward application. It acts like :a charm. Use it
• : .
TORSES that have Ring-Bone,. S.
Wind-dulls, &c., are curcd - liy RO'OPS' Syraria ; a d
IFomidered horses entirely cured' by Roofs' ,
Founder• Ointment. „Mark this, all hOrseMen. 4
3kt/ley's Magical Pain:
tractor SalVa.—alio most extraordinary
remedy ever inventetifonall new or old:- •
• .
- ` 401 1 . " 1 ' ,
znd sores, 11;o1 sore E,yE Jt 'hes deklite'd ,
tl,neands. It will take uut'all I;ein in ton minuteai
and no fuilui.e : It Nvillcuro. the Riszs,,,
A INner and more nice and useful article never was
made. All should wear them regularly.
an the principle of substituting the tonic in place of
the stint/dant principle; wl.ich htra reformed so many
'l'o be used with
.I,IN'S lathOti PILLS, Btiperior to tit
rers for.eleansing the system and the huninritiffeii:.
g the !dont!, and for all irregularities opekibowels
ted the a:intim! health:fit A ' IA ' •
IRee Dr. LIN'S sig. ( t i ^C tigv 4111,
will eilectujilly mire siel: headache, either from the
NERysis Hundr,ds-or nannies arc
• ustmo
t with great joy.
for the certain prevention of '&;, or any
zencral sickness; keening the stomach in must per
fect order, the bowels regular, and a determination to
the surface.
pains in the bones, hiirsencss, and ta :
arc quickly cured by it. Know this by trying.
C ORN S.—The French Plaster is. a sure eur6
V(i tis ,
''',A.l..* ' ' ``-. ice ,"
. -'_ • •• • a
a - ,
' • ~,,,„ ''ft . • ~'" -'''•
-- Z ' l .v4k 2 . :E;
-k • C i _i ',%, .I.
- H
hair any shade you wish, but will not color tho skin
POUND NXTIIAbT. There is no 'othet 'ptopsta.
tion a Sarsaparilla that can' exceed or equal this.
If you are sure to get Coananex's, you will •find it
superior to Till others. It does not require puffing.
Dr. 13artitolemeliV.0
TOOT!! DROPS. KLIN.E'SLCure efrectunliY; 7
1 on ,
i !I'.'i,