mosidgmb la'almmetialsio• „, • Y, 1,• CSlOasnallt e *Au Ili., It'miaow iforning,' .314#),, ci;O.otastor B. PALMER; Esii:Ohe.,l!hila 41,1044gerit. for this .Ournal, has removed froin Ms late Oillee in Third lacer . , Walnut Street, Phila. delphio,'and is now loostO *CDT°. 0 Pine Street, below Third. two squares south of the Exchange. Pineal lit Philidelphiet desiring to advertise with . ve, will please call on Mr. PALMER, Who au. thorized 'act as pur Agent. llS'Tbe Editor of the Herald Is temporally ab- sent from his post. Hifi absence at the time of the leen, of the last number will account for some irregululties in its appearance. 11:1Won't corns of our Influential citizens get 'oat a petition praying the Council to Mend our pavements, and place railing round our Squares 7 This is a matter which should interest every lady and gentleman of Carlisle. Let the paveMents be mended and the Squares beautified, and, our ward for there will be a corresponding improvement in the triorall'of,our youth. Balloons! . . • .IVei have been requested by several citizens to t e.all the attention . of our constables to the spirit -'of-ballooning so prevalent at present . among the 'orehitis or our borough. Evening after evening 'numbers of these oriel messengers can he seen iltoirering over our town; some or which, taking Ifire; descend in the vicinage of barns and stables 'to the great annoyave of property:4oldcrs. We have no dispueitiun i to interfere with the innocent amusements emir young gentlemen'; but we think our burough guardians should keep their eyes open concerning this matter. Grand Military• Display: (0"On Saturday last, Captain WASOINOTON'II - 'oplendid company'nf United States Flying Anil '. lieu, stationed at the Carlisle Barracks, paraded 'through the streets of our borough, and made a very handsome and imposing appearance. Atter merching_around_town several _times,_the.cum , pony was reviewed and drilled by Captain IV. upon the Public Square, and we have been infer. I toed by those who understand such, matters, that the movements and military conduct of the men' reflected the highest credit upon themselves and their gentlerhanly , commander.• After perform. ing Sure of their evolutions, the company re to their quarters; well pleased with the ox. arcises of the, day. We 'learn that it is thg-Intontiort of. Captain, Washington to Mechanicsburg on the 9th. of August next, to take part in the Military. Encamm2neht o.'that place. As this ie one of the fink andbestdisciplinetichmpanies in the Army of the United States, its officers and members will ,meet With a lieartivielcamdi and the Cititen Sol - diets Whn may be in ittten,arkee Will have a good opporttintey of learning their duty in such an ek. ecellent:iielidol.of practice. . . cyTheiVredbinicsblireMilitary Encampment promises to be t a moro splendid affair than von ft first anticipakel In addition to Captain Wash ington's company of Flying 'Artillery, wo under. stand that Captain Sanderson's company of Light Intatitty and 'Captain Hunter's Washington Ar. of this boroukh, will also attend. hate heard It stated that several companies from York county, one or two from Harrisburg, and one from Petty boenty; contemplate' being there. path[ eliD gso~i Dq a letter (loth PreelianlCsburg we undeiatand that the proposed enbaibprnbnt is to be balled Camp Washingt on; , hi vie presume ; Captain Washington of Carlisle ilarracks',. ranter says, intends visiting dint (deem, with his fine company. Cumberland County—heir Devel opements. rt7We learn from a correspondent that Gen. Thorries C. Miller; of Dickinson township, has reeently discovered in sinking a shaft,. in one of his Ore dank° aL Ctimberland Furnace, au im mense deposit° of pure fat Ochrc, the stratum or vein being twelve to fotirteen feet thick, and of the finest quality; Accond "only to the finest.Vene thtil3Cd; and quite superior to the Spanish brown or flaltlmorb red. • The Gonda' is hbw preparing ii in large roan titles for the market: it is so Pure that he heed do nothing mote than, dry it , od iticEtffals in the sun, and grind it through his mill; which , pre: pares it for . the finest kind of painting. His pirates for drying; ihoUgh very simple, is capa ble of preparing a tod a tlair; Frani the appear.: anco of the mine, it in auppind there hi ad adiount sufficient to supply the; Whole United States. it is . now coining into metal bee in the immediate neighborhood, and painters uelßg it. gigantic,' titu quality excellent; both for body and brilliancy oreblot, and there appears to he no daubt bill it will'soon supercede all other red paints now In use for barns, gates, wagons; ploughs . ; harro w s common tables, Aeolis, and for ail etliei einntneh P4Pos, • rrliir. Wise intends making his 42d Milli Voyage from the city of Laticasiet oti tUe Slit of August next. We trust ho Will steer clear of the "Cloud of Terror" this trip. • • ' • HOZ. tilcirdmi, In elate number of "Martin Chesil°. wit," bestows a sound drubbing on those misers. Ms; toadies who so disgustingly dinnered and pallid him when in New' York. We were de. lighted to sea this richly merited chastisement; and we would that all,. Who degrade tho Amerl. can character by planing themeetvee to the tails of impudent adventurers should rheive the came . 74Pakil: 'Such syciophatinp hosievoii le not solely . con4qot l 4.l o our Gide' I hut, even , In ode borough, we We 'C.liough of it to steken the heart of every Into republjoani. Tiring NA*ll.—.The ;mune. of the four Sloops of wu now In progress of ciCANtrootions ere is ir*WoolvAlio one M Norfolk station !!.to ho 14 t • 9 'Jeinestown,i' the one et Botiion, N.Pllmot } U 4 Washington, the $ , St. Marro," it p ri4 Ate pitter l phtledelphie, the flOormen• . , fkrrNeirr 1 1 1 1 , # 0 1 1 1 , 04 ' Th e P.;stes Tames says t . bet Mr, Pole? and hitherto r e Inlchaßt* tba'ait , y; haktipen sr/mated Os Oaiire'Sf etoognitpui s series ,of esleftsive iod heavy forger,. treree were diePrer4 :toy;: , thOlitligt• chlaletts'Bthik.:-one. for s492psipoatis f y t i i, signed kr:Aimsl Mansur; . another for sgo 41144:a. Oa.; a ,third „for' 111.200 . skald %%tor, Fay, and ono for $594 olgnot byA etlie;° l24 o l rOVng 1; .?.. 19 ?,1 °11e ! l ' FAY. , ; He' WIS/# 0110 ,07.;Pii 30 0 0 : 6 , - $,-#!;, 6l !s , lfichal 4 Ps P , nonoidorabio iidor; antikeii44o64ribilityy ,. •:no .nintound = rem Comilion Schools. The Sabools of our Wlltbe examined at the times Alit:cilflati bah w, . Soicondary Departmei+, • The School taught by Mr. Lcsams, ati also , the School taught bi Qtrroxxv inithe'Primary De. .partmenti will be examined on Wednesday mern- I bag, at 8 o'clock. - • (The Scholars for transfer from all the Schools. of the Primary Department, (with their Teach ers,) will assemble at Education Hall; on the af• ternoon of Wednesday', for final examination. ) 'The School to charge of Mr. norm; ,Willbe examined on Thursday morning, at 8 o'clock— and the School iu charge of Miss BARATOW at o'clock in the afternoon. nigh .School The Female High School, in charge of Mae DAYTON, will be examined on Friday' morning, at 8 o'clock. • (TllO Scholars for transfer from the Sicondary Department (with their Teachers) Will aaaomble at Education Hall, on' Friday afternoon, at 2 Co': clock, for final examination.) GEO. tiANDERSON GEORGEMcFEELY Calliele, July 19,1843 The Supreme Court of Louisiana has de aided .that the State has no right to tax Inman gers arriving in the city of New Orleans. NEW GROVE!? FOR TUX EXERCISE OF LYNCH Laiv.—Oneof the Louisville papers tells a story illustrative of neW ground for the exercise of lynch law. A young lady of Now Albany, lowa, in the last stage of pulmonary consumption, who had been given over by the physicians of that place as incurable, was married on the 25th ult.. niter a very short acquaintance, to a medical pro fessional, under a solemn pledge that he would re. store her to. health ; but the Albrans, believing him to bv.- humbug. gave him notice to quit, and he left/he place in haste, to avoid a free suit of tar and feathers - The bride, who was - obliged - to sit in a chair white the vows were pronounced, -was left behind. ANUTHRR TURN OUT.—The Pittsburg Gazette says, about a hundred journeyman tailors. march, ed in procession through our streets on 20th inst., With a banner, and music. We believe the object is anincrease'of wages. They met the lailoreso. es in Temperance Hall,where a preamble & reso lutions were passed,complaining of low wages and the order system. Wo do not pretend to under. stond:the merits of the contrOveray,•but must eon. fess our sympathies ate strongly 'enlisted . in favor of the tailoresses, who have to labor •extremely hard for a mere pittance' • [Mrßishop Doanci of New Jersey dioceaci has issued a 'manifesto. declaring his "unwavering confidence in Doctor Piney's . faithfulness to the standards of his Church, and his integrity as a Chatholic Churchmen." flrsoAli.As it is Larro.—There is a race no* to be rtm in Alabama that is at present .quite as broad as It is lting. for Ilion - H. Lewis, tho broadest Man In that State r is rtinning as the Lo co Voco candidate against Cot. Henry C., Lea of reiry County, the tallest Irian in this same t.itc.— iNvo to ono on the big turn L., Faris a—A letjer from his' ar, W. • §...Mil!ar,,pattata . tor at Low 'Hampton, doted, SulrlOth, Aye ; , Father is reCotroring fast from his illness. Ha was able to speak a part of,the day yesterday, giving ns an,exposltion ,of Wei second chapter of Joel. tio will sb'dn Ito able to be In the field a- ElEl The Pacißc AtiTICIPTED TROUBLE The Providence Journal of Thursda.y contains twp otters ern • Otaheite. The first dated kehrtlary oth, says:— "I hove an idea that we shall have a serioua distur bance here, if the tranluilitv of Citrope is not dis turbed by it: forlou must know that about twelve days ago we had un arrival herd of H. B. M. ship Talbot, Captain Sir Thomas 'Thompson, direct from Engtaptl, and of dhe Bousoul , as French frigate. Sir Thomas brought letters from, the English govern mOnt to (Veen Pomona;. and as she was, on the ar rival of the frigate, or: Mores, hp sent boat for her to come Oct*, as she, had ; never been at Tahiti since the French itad*got possession, and heisted their pro tectorate flag. But on the receipt of. Sir Thomas' letter, shecume across in slate, with the old Tahiti nag flvin 4 in her barge. She pulled directly onboard of the frfite, witholit.landing, and they Manned the yards antianr the old el rabid to the fore, and saluted it with twenty-one guns,, is they also did on her departpre. ~This annoyed the French greatly, so much so that they Issuert'a proteM against the pro ' ceedings of the ceihmander of 111..11, . ship : Talbot 1 in hoisting and Saluting the old Tahiti flag, thereby disturbing thhpence and irnattillity of the place,and in acting directly hostile to France. . , • • Sir Thomas Min ietpiested the Queen to 'Mai a meeting of all the.inhatitanto iv the island to know whether it Were their wish ll‘at the Preach should hold possession anti govern the island: The meet ing took plaEe yesterday, in the Queen's enclosure, and it was attended by itbotit 10;000,, When, called upon to speak, they agreedajniin In not; wish tug the French to renittin on the arid they all wished ,the Queen to allow them to • go and will down the protectorate flag; but stie,,wodlil not allow Last night, hoicier, the flag was hatiled down, and the signal halyards *eve cot away; TIM .Captain of the Ronson' threatened to fire upon the place if the flag (1665 not go thi again; and .the Captain of the English frigate has threatened to fire on the French man the moment ti Rik is fired tifion the town.. As the tenor of the English letter to' Poniana wai that England *Mild proteet her sigainst any foreign powe( that shdilld encrocell dtion - Het' dommions,and both frigates Itt present lie aR t+tylk, for battle; and al the Queen and most Of, the natives lia4e,fled to a diatanl• part of the islan, there Is no knowing how this affair will entl, though I twat t fie Venaliman anti the Engllshaidn will fight it out, oh they are eqdtillY *Welled. • Taitrot, Mareh 24th, 184 i. In my former letter to yoU I Juror:tied Toy of thei Manner in which we are situated with the livench and and Inow have to inform you that the wears a more serious aspect than ever; for on the 12th Oast Mandl, Cdramodore Nickolas arrived here id the H. H. M. ship Vindictive of 52 guni, bringing presents to this Queen from Queen Victoria, and having heal] of the Manner In which the French had gained possession of , the Island, immediately made tint - tempt a public'igeeting of the natives, ids Intentions of lying here and protecting them.againet die encroachments. of the Preitob at all hazards.— The nest day being the third day of hla arrival, here, heunbent sails ...and warped : the Alp abreast the Queen's ,residence, where .she islying. We have also two French sloopof war ,hire that hart been lying here for the last two montlis,•doing noth ing but watch the proeeedings of the Etiglisk.Com nloddre with. the utnlostjealousy,, and they intnd to remain till _th_e arrival of the Admiral, wile fa eipiecti id der. We. then shall have,rumera of war, if not setae warlitsblf,as neither party are ditpostal to glee way to the other,Lind both parka have comprotoilki ed,thelr national honer tio fat! that they coned dsaw back without mutually ,apirmegiriuto j sash dYh which neither at present feel disposed „to _do s cninion is that the small island of Tehltl,will be, p cause involving Prance and England in a con fl itik, , for it is the;;;:!Iin they both want ; not the mprove ment of the eanditiZt of the natives,' as they, prez. tend. . Should the Frau:: Admiration his arrival here; Oka .untlitiage at the mauve : In which the Etr lish heed h`onducted irthiesibielneito ~- I ntbt7e !hail Bhave the dornmeneement - ofthe row hereills4.7• 49l . o .nn plt . gionemander is a hot hr..adied and firey bid eba:tl and .se qv 'cif the mostMlitiout Alpe Id,the English ; , , . • rg"?* st, ' 34 th , vt , 111 . rty Pipepoarge ihe- brig VoiwitriilllPh rift Pc lohturif*, R. itrtr soYry to !P u n t i )4 the yaw fever provitituf*Achi* . a6 l l( 004 tqe I . , l3 lPPing• - : , keeerbien ut va* had not 0411Vrell , much. but nearly the entire erew, of two.,o:llglielt veseeli,bed fallen ittethite".•iii the dhteiete' I #64` , eroP ofiurki; 404 Prolo ll 4k*iii, meetly ett4ad'' freight' dulliAt 45' * A il* ;,..litirkets wan 'aillked wi1it44444401-11044044 ' • 12111 ~~ !~1~~1111i~1~~~~~~' " 1 ,s WiEl • : ' 11 ,A,1" 1 7 3 :19 r vi . .491.y:24 1843 ' (~ B EEF CAM:M.—atm ofFeriu#Stit. the Yards wortvabout 400, and `g2o, 'only: were:sold 'at'a to $425 per 100 Ihs.the rimainder;left-OFet. 11 ,0 without changs,in pricer $4 befog the ruling ratp, bit'there is only rvinoderi}to,tiOniand.: 7 . . FLOUtt...4.City has seen soldAs trutoufactored) ss we reniarirqd,in our last report;under, a nontreioti at $4 50 i . ,and„.no tranarietion ,pf other,kind. hqs been reported to us. Hpw,ird,street has sold, at ss.for ivixeclatnd in one instannS o uniform brand, but:the demand is quite limited, Dealers. are.paylog. $4 876 from the .erike., Susquehanna has sold 0, 05. 25; but treirreaStion. la .reported , sines eariy,in.the week, if vVii exeopt oue of 200 bids: at $5; eaSh; . • .• • GRAM—The bed priced for W,heat were ob tained early In the Week, wheri liannsylvaniii sold at 1 10 to al 13; and pow North Carolina ut 1 10, to $1 21 per tinshef. -. .Maryland Corn has sold at 51 to 52 ,cents for white, and 55 to 56 for yellow; at the latter woro: also sales of Pennsylrania.— Itye hausold at 53 to 55 cert 4 for Maryland, and 5b for Penriptlifania: .Oats - 25 td 27 cents. • ; WHlSKEY.—Reniaine steady at 22 to 23} as. for hhds: fend 4to 24i for gals; ' , J 'PHILADELPHIA; July 1843. VLCRJR.'We notice paled of about 3500 bbls. good stiper shipping brands at $5 per, bbl.; James Patteilcin'ti did other choice brands fur family use / in a Mail way, $5 37a $5 75. Rye, $337i, Penn'a. Corn Meal—Sales ofl4oo bbls, at $2 75 ' l ,O 814 hhds. 8.12 50, , • - GRAW.—Saled erennsylvatila Wheat at $l. 08 a $1 10 per bestial in store; of light do, early in the week ut $1 08; Ry ' t',‘62i 62e. Corn, Pellow, "55 a 57 cents ; do. white, 52 a 53, Oats,' Virgiviu, 28 cents; Delaware; 30 a 31 ; Penna. 32 eta. , - ItiAnitira.Di' . - .. . • . , /On the 7th net. bythe Rev. W. F. Rprole,l4r, Raft( K. Mumart to Misa 1 - 40E14. \Vaal), both of Papertown, Cumberland minty,'" . . In Washington City, D. C., on F i riday bTening In tit; Mr. GEORGE V. Ham, formerly of this place, aged • abbot 35 years. . ,"The deceased was universally beloted by all his acquaintances, and: has-lefija-w ire and--three-young children to mourn this untimely bereavement. Dis ease—congestion of the brain. / In this borough, on Wednesday morning hist, Jciiirt Pnobvtn, son - or Thomae - P. Margarette Hackett, aged 4 months and 17 days. • I AM CHOKING !--I.—ADI—CIICI!KINO ! said s, sick friend whom we visited the other day. He lay on what he supposed to be his death bed. A neglected cold had terminated in violent sore throat, the Brands of his neck were swelled almost to suppuration, his pulse was quick and irregular, his face flushed with fever, and his flesh like burning coal. A mass of coalgulated mucus had gathetcd in Isis throat, and the noise of his-breathing resembled what is galled the death rattle, for which Isis medical advisers had mistook-it:- We bade him not despair, and having before witnessed the extraordinary effects of Dr. jayne's Expectorant in pulmonary affections, we pro cured a battle of it, which we administered as fast as the almost strangled sufferer was able to swallow it Intsn'hour after taking the first dose our friend code, breath freely. The phlegm and mums was dislodg ed from the 'mittens mentbrai c to which it had sullser . -• ed and was ekpeetorated in large masses, leaving the tractile perfect* . free Within two weeks the pa tidn% was well. Javne's Expectorant is no less ,effi miens in a cute rlieuhiatism titan its diseases of the pulmonary organs. Prepared and maniffacttired . by Lir. D. JAvrte, Philadelphia, and for sale in ,Carlisle by T. C. STE VENSON, sole Agent for this Borough. -Dissolution of rartnersltiP T "B partnership heretofore existing be tween the firm of P. & R. KOONTZ,•deal ing In the Mercantile business, was dissolved on the 15th instant by mutual consent; l'he ..Elooks and notes of the firm. will he in the bands of Robert Koonti, to whom, persons knowing themselves in debted, will please call and make settlement. • • P. 6t R. KOONTZ. Thebusinesn will still benontinued at the old stand, by Philip Know', who soliciss a continuance of pub lic patronage. Shippensburg, ..July 28,1843. FRIENDS AND FELLOW CITIZENS. rIMI,QSE indebted the subscriber, will . 1 ". please call immediately and settle their accounts,' and oblige yours, &c. A. 11.ICHARDS. Carlisle, July '26, 1841. tf-99 g,FrivAcatens'• WANTED. . , . , p.I3OI3OSALS will ho received mita Ale of. August next, for Teaching two. Common English Schools, in the borough of Mechanicsburg, in the following brunches, Reading, t Wetting, Arith metic, Geography, Grammer, Book keeping, single and double entry. One Female. will•be accepted.— Schools to commence 3d Monday in September,and continue six months. None need apply but such as can come well recommended both as to character and quabfication. Direct, post paid, to • • • ILLIAM HINNY; Preet. July 26, t 643. • 4t-.39 Ilarrisburg.Keystone, publish 4 times and ;send bill to this office for collection. •ORANGES AND LEMONS. LAT ot prime Oranges and Len - ons, just received nail for sdte low at the, store of , , , . • LINE & MONYEIL, • Carlisle,July 26,i949. , U-99 Tut Board of Nfitqagbra of thd Cdrit berland Arldley Mutual. lusurnare Company, nre i•ecitiisted to,mert at the house of Jacob .Trego, in,Diskinson township, on tile 10th of August, at.l o'clock, P,• ;W. Puttstual Attendantebs requested as busineas of importance is to be transacted { , • . A. C.. MILDER, Seely.. White House, July 26, 1843. St-59 TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT.- li . Inn subscribers Inge this method of informing the public dint they hove entered. into partner s iftln the . , . , Tailoking Businese thC old shop, for !enema years occupied by one of them, ih Main street, ribxt ddor west of N. Insert Woods' Store, where .they are prePared to execute i all work entrusted to their care n a neat,fitaltionable opd satisfnatorymatmett. From their experienee in the business,. and parfieularly thejurnor pariner, hits worked-in nearly all the principal cities and towls,of )he United therdoubt not,tity,;(oll bitable tp render.genertil satisfaction. , They there fcireeolicit a share of pplelio Patronage, WILLIAM MIII4II..IRSON, ALWCAIIDER 84'PHERSON; • Carltale,Jitly 26, HO. . • A._ . NOTICE. • • ALL those indebted to the subsoriber,while oarpy log on business by himself, are requested to settle their accounts Without delay, as he needs motley very mucky , *M. WPHERSOZ.T. July 26,1849. tf-89 COMMUSTONIRIV Orr=? ' • • Pimkale, July ge o 148,S • T T rig seve ral 'Boards or School Directors of the Count, are. hereby notified. that • the paokagei 44111'210ns the Eighth A 4 ual , Report of .the Super intendent of Confmon Soloola, and Blank Forms for lath School District, have heen,reoeived at Blip otli t . cc, and reidi. for &Wiry to those entitled to re ceive them. JOHN • ' .". clerk to Codralisioners. ~ 5q.1848. , . . . Stray , Horses.. SYt i iiirED.Ooln the iweinikes of the ' enbeirlbei n otithnlddltitontownithiti;Ctlnbeiland ioun, ty,twiiittllketion,th wt cerlkale i rtheltead.ot t Letert , Spring, on Thuriday,nlght,tbe 31h hut, ill FLOWN, MAKE,blInd In one eyo,na.d 11. All.kaikli_M oll :SE blind In betlierleL Any, person rliialala,Cltalt IP, the owner , or giving Infer:flatten is to their reen erfs reworded. ' _, ._, Tabs liberally LEWD WItIN4I. I7 D.' 1 aise,iB4l:-.. . . .. . , . =II Rouse PalAter, Ci:Verk Paperhanging. %, ,*ll,lll ; T • RBBB gar putix i nnotineekto the, • "Wynn or Catilele.ane, the pabllo to, generakoot he bee commenced die above builivio Ikon ftit branches, and bves that : , 64eptx1Ab Add 194.—p rao4l) ?Ott: sluA nfig ,tre• Y.: 9', fisi 14,0 :•oOfilor Flem4l tt efitTeeYe 01:effeti itifect -44041f. • • • DIED, ::';TO FARMERS ANING 'igen in the , 'neWanipees ILA this .and other States - many, native of seal .dents that hitreAtappened b y, lightning ' to Paeptersi by pot having. conducting'. Rode, Lrespretfally call, your, attention ; e•niy.advertisintent of April' last. I. have,' believe, placed two hundred„pair of Rods to thia county;and lit nit illStanee liallt,heretto my know.. ledge, any nooident happen(); I would theretore res. tieettully solicit a share of nubile, patronage. , ',.• • JOSEPH. WRARFE: Carlisle, July 120843. John Dunlap, No. 0„ Atignst Term, ' , vs— - ~ , .. 184.1. .8111 V -thong. debt John Stough, jr.Adailr, on promissory note un ofJohn Stough,dee'd with der seal ,nor exceeding I notice 'to Mary , Ann riEssili9 Hinging. Stough widow, John Do'fte We Command you and and • Eliza Stough, inter- 'oda of you to : be and llP mulled with said 4,ohn pear before our.Conrt. of Copejoliti Stough, James Coparnoo. Pleas, to .be Stough, Chri et. G. Stough holden at Cagl,in and Samuel Stough & Simnel for said County, or! the 1 Tritt, Guardian of Mar- fourth day of August garet Ann, Mary; Mgrl, dext, , there to answer .. tha, . David and Charles John Dunlap, in .an se- Stough, minor children tion of debt on promis and heirs,nt law of said eery Note under seal not John Stough t ,deeeased. exceeding two hundred dollars proseipal, and have you then there this writ. Witness th6,llion. Samuel Hepburn, Esq. Preaident of our said Court, the 25th day of April, in.the,yegr, of our Lord qne thousand eight hundred, and forty'. 'twee. John Main; for T. H.Crien;tilleProtity. PAUL MARTIN, Bherifr. st-s July 12, 1842 Sheriff's Sale. 13 Y virtue of a writ of Alias Levari Facias to me kir direqed, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland county. will be eiposed to plat lie salc,at the Court Houk, in the borough.of ort SATURDAY, the sth day of August,lB43, at 10 oicl:Alc ofi.said day, the following described Real Estate, viz: ' 4 House and Lot of Giound; - situate on fhe North Ent gorner of the public square r in . : the borough of Carlisle, hounded' by 'Tho'mas Creigli, Main street and a twenty feet alley, having therevi erected a large two glory Stone corner House and eiihttwo story Brick Houses. Seized and talk. en in execution as theproperty of John Harper, mu to he sohl me, PA UL 'MARTIN, Sheriff: Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, • July 12, 1843. FeIRM-FOlt-SaililE. IX/ ILL be eel() at private sale a FARM of firs V T rate - • . . • LIMESTONE LAND, Situate,ln-South_Mitidletiin townslii 0, one mire West of Carlisle, Cumberland County:; , Pa., lying on the WalMit Boitom Rood, containing lip ACRES, mbreor leas, having thereon erected a trio story :;% 11 1111. STONE MintiSEb !pi. ; a large frame Barn, a.well of first-rate Water, a young and thrliiingaptile 012CliARD. Also to be sold with the aliove tract-five acres of first rate Chestnut .Tirnher. The Walnut Bottom road passes through this farm which gives a market for all the produce raised di, on it, by droves passing to the East. • Persons wishing to . purchase Will please tall upon Mr. Andrew Blair, in Oarlisle; or on•the subscriber at his Mills, 4 miles West of Carlisle. July 12, 1849 WOOD WANTED, PROPOSALS will received . for de- SOO CORDS OF OAK WOOD for the use of Dickinion College, before December next. Apply to G. R. CROOKS, sr., nt the College; TO FULLERS,. DYERS AND DRUGGISTS. Call soon for great Bargains. UST .Manufactured and for sale, a first-rate ,JI quality of COPPERAS, which will be sold iii quantities to suit purchasers for less than it can be bought In the Citytior cash, in Carlisleat Rtirkhotd. ers Hotel, Hanover street. All orders will be punt: tually attend to by ALFRED B. itcp.m. 3t-57 Carlisle, July 12;1848 8;7-1:he Perry Democrat inset* 3 three times and send hill to this office tbr collection. N. S; - LAWRENCE, Agent for the sale o . P SuutXtviirth Manufacturing Company's SIUPEREOII WRITING PAPERS; Warehouse; SA i,.46 ativet, Phila. ,the .following kinds amstantly on hand, and (or sale to the Trade at the lowest market prices: Fine,: thick Flat Caps, 12, 14, and 16 lbs. bltie and ,white. , Extra super and superfine Folio,PoPt / s,Elor &white. Extra super Packet and commercial posts, blue and white. Extra super Linen Note Papers. Superfine add fine Bill papers, (Emig.) , Do do (Broad.) .• •. .• Do , do CountinghogseCaps,blue& white. Extra suPrit Congress ; Cups and Letters; plain and ruled blue and white. , Superfine French Post plaits and ruled. • • , 1)o.' Sermon Caps and Posts., , ,„ Superfine .s Else Caps and Posts, ruled and plain, , blue and white,Tarious qualities,and pr(ces. . • Also, Bonnet Boartis,Tissue Envelope, Wrap ping and I lard ware papers, Phila. July 19,1843 .11IE property advertised for sale by the Sheriff, as the I:d•dpertj , of Edward B. Leonard, s is not his property, bitbelong . s to me, as 1 hsve• many years ago, pitkbltitsbil his niterest,ln this whole estate of our deceased father, Christian 4eonard,•,ao Paid him for it in ftlll., , WM. LEONARD., Carlisle, July 12,1849. 3147 nholapt3 Ti - it subscribers respectfully inform the public, that they have purchased the, entire stock of Goode of Thotias IL Skilea, consisting of Cassimeres, Vesting's, Gloves, ‘• Stocks, Handkerchiefs, Linen Collars, Gentlemens Hose, Cravats, Caps, AO. 816:i all or which theyoffet: for sale at the old stand or Thomas 11. Skiles, in West Main SErret. Ahei .iis4ire the public that their work will be donb in the best man ner and most fashionable ethic., Gentletten fproisht ins Cloth, may rely upon having it mdde up with equil care. . • • • • . .WM. A. LINTIIIII/ST, • , • WM. SKILLS. N. R. TlMmds Et. Skiles will be continued in the establishment as Cutter. • . Carlisle, June .20, tr-04 theaPer Utah Ever. -F just ro o o l T i og , , another supply of Suiiitifer Goods, which Will he sold Cheaper than ever.— Among the golds receiving this week, will lib found a ,large 101 , of. Calicoes from i . ,to 14. cents. ,„Ging.. ham from 10 to 20' iodic:. Pants 'Mitt fruit di to 25 cents. Lawns from 141 to slit Balzareens and Mouslin de Laines at ell pekes) btocliings k Gloves from 61 to 25, and "large lot of seasonable goods, that,cant be beet, (reaollect that) and be sure to call at the old shop, the third door etud of the market hbuse; . . CHAS. OGILBY. Jun 021,1845. • . • 11; ILI.M.7IIOJVD)S . . - . latent. Upper and Improved limier WINDOW 'SASH SPRINGS; TAT I T H this V)psr spring all kind of Windo'iri T, can be, thed to lower the upper sash, which rem be lefts part down without a poSilbilitrof beim openedisily furAstr fro* the-9Yiside: They took a„prV:itifts at the Aniericsn Instttute New took sit; heestecolintended as a veil shpirlor article by_t blast oeipenitirs flirciughtfut the °wintry viherover introfluned. They.. afro wiVriiided hot to loss their, elesticityombreak, lave ,poluts for pre serving the nothes In the Ash, and direStione for selepting the apprgeisto iizei and properly putting them laic windows, , • ,P,or isle at the kisiiivisfii ~Ciiiltsts, Orid Hirdirsie in, Shlpelisbur*, Mereers bStil,„;Chtifcbtodris, lVfechanresbutg; ticigtiestoWn, Greencastle, Hagerstown, Waynesburg,Gettysbitrg,' .Newrilleillirrisbtlem . Also at Whole sale and Re tail stores in New Tork,.'rhiladelpbia, klaltiosore, ,Pittsburg,,Ctrisinnatii,St. Lon's, New Orleans, tee. orPtioesi to snit the times. • • Zi.,B.,Wlnilows should bawds ruirrim,hiaboith parting 'strips and finth saskttin„ saran One. , These' springs rim be put to,wiiidtwa In ol d bulb:tinge. • 14!)1Y.4. ••- 11100TOCAL 'SHOE*. 10%1041004 Stti, Soo! fob ' '(&:: 7 ;;t ~f;; 444 );!' 4' ; 141° ' '' , ?.‘.• 41J1.24 . ' bel**.ralied ! d . po. r AT i NADI' • •c . . . . ALL ye who w hal tO rail Vetirae in first rate'HATS pf every kind, just calf at the.,new.Hat filtinufacdogof the attbititri t beri No. 9, Harper's Row, ,tisro,,doors ,northl. of ,Angney and Anderson's storis,rhere,lie fntetids keeping cion. gently on hand,,and *lll ,rnanurticturtf: to 'oder of the best raiterials Mid it the very shortest notice, ..- .1511Edly m ERLMUTUR:4; . • .11111USNI . AVM al' u M. Matta' ' • - of every deseription,in the neatest and most fashion able.ityle, warranted to have as - good and permanent Col6l` stony of the Hats manufactured in the ct lielip Also, .. • , • ,Criapeans. and , 10111111aiy caps; of 'every description made In the best style, and at' sery moderate prices. . . For CASH, he will sell lower :than ever Hats have been sold in this Borongli,and, indeed, his, priers generally such as to .suit the: depression of. the times. Although he prefers telling for Cash— yet he will, as usual, be willing to fake C.ocintry pro' duce at the market prices in exchange for Hats. The .subscriber returns hia Phicere trianka to a generous public , for the, etiPoiiragemeni he ' has re- ceived since he, fi rst commenind business, abouttliree years ago,in the old shop fnt,buther street,and hopes hy. strict attention,i.q but ine4i to merit and receive a continuance of their patronage. For the convenience of some.of 11i3 costonlers, he still carded on, busi-' ness at the,old shop—but _ those who wish io:,have "pick and choicP" would do well to call at the new establishment, No. 3, Harper's Row. • judge fur yourselves, 1 -i WILLIAM H. TROUT.. dsirlisl6, May a; 1849. tf-80 . hoots anti Shies. A NEW addition- to the'-former .Stock .Lll- of fine calf, sewed and.peged -Boots, Meas and Boys Vap Boots of good quality, ens and Boys Kip and calf Monroes, Ludies, :Vlisses 'add .Childrens kid and inorotco slippers, Ladies snd Misses fine morocco wefts; ull of which will lie,fiold uncommon ly low,for Coal). WM. 141. mATILER- Carlisle, filifY 10,1843. if:2B • Alter:firs Sate. . to-37 BY .virtue ofd wilt of VenclitioUi Ex ponss to . rne &felted, 'muted out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland e.ounty.,Tyill ex pose for sale at the court houie; hi the borntigh of .Carlisle, on SATURDAY, the 29th . d ay of JULI, 184.3,1 it ITo'clock, M. the followtil describes! Real Estate, to wit: , • . .A LOT OF GROUND; situate in the borough of Shippcnsburg, containing , C 4 feet in breadth, 140 rect in depth, more °Hess, bounded on the East I;iy street or road,, on the South .by lot of David Kenower,on the West by a lot or David Mahon, and on the North by s lot of the Rev. --- Strougli, having thereon erected a two story BRICK HOUSB,and a brick Kitchen. Also, A LOT OF GROUND, siniate in the township, of Shippenshurg, bounded on the East by Dr. Wm. , Rankin, on - the South by Samuel M'Curdey, on the East by Samuel Engle, tuition the North by Alexander MatecrAnd the t..ntliolic church, having thereon erected aamull log House nnd 13riek yard, containing two acres and three fourths. Seiz ed and taken in execution as the property` of George 'Jardine, and to be sold by me . PAUL MAIiTIIsT, Sheriff'. Sheriff's Office,.Earlisle,?, .lune2t, 1845. ' S 4;34 JOHN HAYS. %E• 9 Y rirtiie or Amity writiof Venditioni Expon ij na to me directed, issued out of Ow .Court Ci.Tinmn . n Pleas of ,Cumberland county, will be ix posed to pnblie sale at the Court House; in the bor ongh of Carlisle, On SATURDAY, the sth day of AUGUST, 80, at 10 o'clock A. the following described Real EStfile, viz: A Lot of Grand, situate in the, Main street of Shiremanstown; Allen township,• bounded , by the said street,and on the West by Samuel Ma*, land on the East by George Ruop, containing filly nine feet front, and two hundred feet in deal, having thereon erected a two story frame Store zoom, and a two story dwelling HOUSE, thereon erected. Also, A 'Lot of Ground, eituatein Shire manstown, Allen township, bounded South by Hick- In street, West by Hannah Shireman, 1111(i East by Daniel Maxwell, containing forty seven feet front. and one hundred, and eighty three feet in depth. Also, A Lot f) f Ground, situate in Shire manstown, East Pennsborough township, bounded. North by 'tail Road street, East by Joseph Stroll's heirs, and Jacob mid Henry Rnpp on the West, con taining seventy five feet in front, and one hundred andninety feet in depth, having a slaughter House thereon eeected. Seixed and taken in execution as the property of Martin 0, Rupp. , . A(so, A Tram of of Llntl, situate in Allen township, ,Cumbtrlatul ,cpunty, containing seventy six acresonore or lest, adjoining lands of john Eich efberger,,Adam Eichelbergcr, George Rupp, ,racob Long, John Shupp and others, ,hsvintt thereon erec ted u two, story dwelling 110USh,7, Barn, Slifl hous e and edict..out houses. , Seized and taken fn execu- tion as flit; properly of Frederick Long.. , Also, A tot of Ground, situate in Silve r Spring ioW nship, CuMbekand connty,conttiiningave acres, more or less, adjoining lands of, Joseph Ethel nian, Frederick Myers, Mrs. Aluirt,and Mrs. Mos seri; having thereon erected, a two story, log house and stable. Seized' nod taken in 'execution as the property of Isaac ,Livingston, ...„ . Also, A Lot of Ground, in, tho borou'gh of Newviiie, containing 40 feet in breadth and , 9do feet in depth, more or less, bounded by a lot ofJohn Bricker pn the East, by n 20 feet alley on the South, by another lot of Joseph Otto on the West, and by Bail road street on the North, having thereon (free , ted a two story Brick HOUSE and Frame Back building. Also; A Lot of GrOund.ilium° on the road lending from Newidlle to the nail mai Depot, adjoining a lot of Paxton and Galbraith, other pro perty of Joseph Otto, containing 40 feet in breadth and 200 feet in depth, more or less. , 6m•38 Also,: A Lot of Grotiri(l; Inthlt borough of Neviville, containing 40 feet In breadth, and 200 in depth, niqre or less, hotindedon the North by rail road street, on The West, by. titzekinli Rotids, on the Sotith,bv a 20 fek Alley,and on the Easi by the above described lot, having thereon erected a frame Shop one story high: Belted and taken in execution as the property of.losepli Otto. • A Lot of Cli•ound, simito Ott the borough of Carli.ile,Fumberland cotinty, contirining 6u feet is breadth,, and tiro hundred and forty feel in depth. more or less; bounded by the piddic stluare on the West, Will street on the South, Thomas Creigh on the East:and an Alley on (lie North, haying thereon ereefed a liriek two story Stphb House, and eight Brick two , story Housea.called HarpeF ' s Se-ti ed and taken in execution as the properly of JOhn I arper. Also,. 'Viva tote of. Oioiintl, situate in Worotleysfmrg, Eastpennshoro township, viol) Int containing fifty eight feet intim:filth and one hundred aid fifty feet in liCpth.Anore or less, pounded by a lot ofJ oho Black op the North, Piite,Aney, on inn West, front street on the East,, 4nd kstreet ,on the fiotith, Wiving thereon erected a two story frame Shop, aLd ti fianie FlSltae; ; Also, TI,Vo Lots Of around; situate in tho said town and township,. each containing,sB feet in breadth and 150 feet In depth, morn or less, mi x/Wits; a lqt of Benjamin Erb on the Booth, front street on the East, third street on the North, and an other.lot of said Reese on the West. ...Alan; A Lot of Ground, in said Own end township, Containing 58 feet'ln breadth and 150 In depth, more or less, adjoining ether property of said Reese on the East, third street on the West and on the South by a lot of Samuel Denning. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Jeremiah AIBO, A Trent of Land, Ritual() in - Mon roe looms*, containing ten acres and fotirteen per= , alms, more or lees. with a chopping &UR, part stone, and part frame, a Clover Mill, antia Saw, log dwell leg House, two stories high t apd a log end truffle Barn,with other ou,thatities p adiotning lands orio n fl Latshaw, and;Nichtiel Mithier on the North, Chia.' flan Lnyman On she East; ;ile flrtuult!s heirs od the South end Wes 2eite a nd taken in eletuilon as the proper of, ou.TIP 5 leil• :4, ...I Attlee „Ali the ,intertut of 4:dikaiot Leonard, in a lot of gEolind situate in the berth cf Carlisle, containing CO f7t in breadth, and .2 jbet In depthi,mare or less , ad oining a . lot of Abel Kee.' 'ley on Ade North, a lot,o Hotka E. Shapipy on th, East, Bedford street on the Southend North Hanover street on the West, having thereon erected a large three story 'Brick . house s .' brick kitchen and a tw o . story brick house, and &twit, shop and franie stable. Aron; n ''inteireat •id a lot of Grotirid, • Situate In dieborough Of Carlisie,dmitaining.6o feet ie. bioadth, and•o4o liet in depth, adiolning,a4ot of James . I.anabeiton,,on the - West, '7:l9atts,on the East an Riley bn the Bondi, and Salford, Street, on the North, haeln.g thereon erected a two story. Log 'souse, weather- oatdod,and Antall Log lions., • Alto - All -1 his :Lot Orohltti i iihitta ih the borough Of: (liirjltaii,bbanded, on the . ist•;, ,4 *-c , l3raelteorldgo's belts' on 'We East ;the turtipihis'el the ;-South and a, laue;on, the Soloed and.talienin'erieoutron'es the proPer*. ti of,Edwaird;B. Leonitt4i .And to he eold b,y toe gp • PAULjSI4",4IINi jos ~; • Slact•io7 l .4 400411Mgi, • tfirritt - 17[7,11., 1 1, inform all opera ttoosit`pon the Teeth; IV t t are reqtilr4d,lohbeir tiresereatio'Neuch °II &Wine. hYtipg, Phfslittg,ac.,.(ir , will regtorp .the( loss'of theta', by insertirig Artificial TeetW,ft:ont st Slagle Tooth, task Cull' sett. ~ a7offloe ob:ritt etreet, a few "doors South of the RairrOad Note). , , Lootnia will be absent !kiwi?, .CarlYsle, the listten days,'ltteach month. " • • 'lday 1843.. • if 5D l CONFECTIONARY, FRUITS, &X " mlortreit, • • ,• • . I . • VMILD inform their f r i e nds and the rtiblio, • that they have Jost reeelxed at their store on high-street, hest door to Beetcm's Hotel, Carlisle, a largejresh, sod elegant assortmest of CANDIES, and other articles in their line, which they, are ready to. dispose of, wholesale and retail, on the most, reationable terms. Their. assortmeot comprises. the•follotKing varieties, all of which are of the Choicest qbalit.l s . , • CANDIPA.--fidint, riha n rid; (MOS,. 41.des, spear, rniitt„pint . ptst, cakes and rolls, cinnamon,, sall3l- fras; lofted, fioarlimind, Clore, fireafissand bird-eye, Thoolpsoman or pepper candies; JaCkson and Clay balls, Wimp balls, Froneli and, common lleriga Trencl .l ; comifion, and exploding secrets mint drops rock apd vanilla candy ; augkr and Eniint driimida carOy toys, .liquorice, &e. • • • • ' NUT - §—Almonds,filberts,;Englisli4itlntiii,she,ll- barks,chesnuts, and l3raM I, cream, cocoa and grodu d note. • FRUITS-:-Oranges, lemoml, raisins, figs, primp,' dates and citron. Also the best . . . - CavendishTobaCco A.4d SegarM: sash ,on. Regalia, Principe, 1-fava‘ Triditicad rind Ameriaan segars;of the finest quality. Their assortmentAs.aept copsfantly stippTttit by fresh additions. comdry Anereliants 11141 invited to call, as they can be.stipplfed on terms as advantage ous no city prices. The pairodage of the labile is respectfully solicited. Carlisle, &mit 26, 1649..- • Leather, Jrlforecto anti kindtitA, az) WM. L. PEXPER; ~,. . . . . . MOST re'spentfullyinforms the ciiiiens of liar rishur.,mid the public in general, that lie Ims ' emaved - hillektherTlVlorocco-and—,Fitl i tvg-Sqe re f to North Second street, a few .1)001'8 above Ileniy BAehleios Hotel, where he will keep constantly on harnta_general assortment of the following tmmed 'articles, viz: . . tilpwriffth Solei Skirting, liarness,fairand black bridle,. wai LitlisTain npperi whip and collar leather, wax and grain Caft Skins, Spanish and country Kips, top AO lining leather,hellows Leather for Fur , naces and Blacksmiths, and Bark Tinned S)teep_Ains. . . • 4.11,50---010,ROCOS: COraprising Men'sMorocect, undressed red and black straits, French kid ofdift'crent.eolors.. Red.roans,Bindings,,Linings.of all colors, Book binder's leather, Ultima:leather and Buck skins. ALSO-41.10EMAKERS' KIT AND FINDINGS; ,Such as boot keys and breakers, shoe keys, ham mers, pineers, rolets, stanips, size sticks, punches, knives, rushers, files, rasPs, threati,boot webbing, spat:tildes, hoot cord, ppgs, awls, &c. &c. All of which lie will sell at the very LOWEST CASH PRICE! W. L. P. f Morita liis sincere thanks to the pt.& lie, for the liberal I)aq:image which Iris lieretofo're been extended to him, mod fespectfully solicits a continuance of their favors. Harrisburg, May 17,1245, • • •. CO.IIG, . AT. 2O J) BUSHELS . Allegbeny Black smith smith Coal. 1000 tons Lykens Valley.Limeburners dp. SALT and .rl.Bll eon. stantly on hand and sold as cheap as can he had from . Philatlelphiji or Baltimore: ... • J. & P. MARTIN: • : . llarriaburp, April 26; 1843: . _ • • Wines - And Liquors; • A . GOOD assortment of first choke Liquors, 1311 . viz: French and Domestic Brandies, Hol land Gin,nld Monongahela and common Whiskey, a prime article of Accomac Peach Rrantly; Port and Lisburn Wines. WM. M. MATEER. • Carlisle, May 10,1343. , t.OB 0 . Attor4ey at Law, OFFERS his professionni s ervices in the public. Onr Office ut the lite realdence of r. Jucob Zug. on Arkin street. 'Carlisle, April 5, INS. • Italzorine Prints. • - 1 - 4 11iW pieces of the above splendid stile or goods jolt recetted And selling like hot Cakes, and at astonishingly low our Store, one door Wes(of put cheap mughhour; who iS hard to bent in selling cbeall goods. We are however;, iltrapsirk• this time and .no mistake. Call smut or you will surely miss - some great Mu•galns, , • • ' • , , CHAS. BATOTITZ & co: Carlisle,June 14,1843. tf-33 ,11.11‘16 1 1P 11 1..111 Cls C . . , A quatitity of Teti stiPprioe Lapp Black, to be gad of the storr of the imbscribtbrs. Jane 14,1893. CHAS. BA te&rcz & co. zoaDa , Ls RYE' for which 2000 `willp l a i i L themarket pace in CASH CHARLES" OILBY. • ,•• kew di. Cheap •Stoie. MITE sbbieriber would inform the pilblie 11 -- (lint lie lids taken the store room, 'recently cm cupied by Messrs.,lcosserman and Hinton, in North Hanover street, Carlisle; in which he is now open ing a large and splendid mid cheap assortment of SPRING; & SIJITIREIt URY tiOOCIS, GROCERIES; HARDWARE, &C, of every variety mid quality, which he invites the public to call and examine,conlident that the quality or his gonds,and their low , : prices will give satisfac tion to all who May Elver him with :i call. • CHARLES REEL), • Agent for Joseph Reed: .. May 17,.1849 . . tr-f 29 • T 1 al ell Cl`fi lak e Notiiv,, FfIgAT Famine!' and their furniture and patien t ,gera generally, can he sent froin.D. Leech and Co'a old Hopse at the foot of Walnnt'atreet, lower than ,any other ,hotiap its Ikarrisburg, to any of the following Cities and ell intermediate places. lqew Yoelt, ~ Cincinnati, P.hilturelpbia, • Louisville, , • Baltimore, Grand Cairo, Pittsburg, - St. Louis.. -, May 51,18.45. . itst SUAD and HERRING. 30 13BLS:Trincie No, 1 Shad & Her the stot r e o n gt f altn i e h ; tt. t Carlisle, may 10,1843. •es J. IL It itta.4 4 73 r FORWARDING ts COMMIOSION MERCHANT; Harrisburg; Pad rSPeCTFU I dirt infotnis the Par:- A% mere, Millers, Id brelianti awl the pilbtiogen.... 1044, that he Is now,pripared with liirge andrn co 'monious Ware }longes t ilie,penn,a Canal.,.,nettr, theiVot of Walnut atrial, in Ilarrishurg,. to ineeire Store for Shipinent, Cotintry proddee and Mee.. ohandize rot Phdadelphin, dnd Pittsburg , and all intermediate plactes: I:l,.iittelt and CO l 3 Vile, and the followitig first e,k.s.i title Water Qatar Boa% rtni troni the, Houses in Harrisburg. J. C. MnAllester, , Chesapeake; • •,- 1 7titii7 and Nltirthri, • Mane. r o r Ma 1,1844. T _ WHOLOsALE GROW) , op,,Lioto. STORE; AlliniSlßUlfG, PA: r i . Fit ,übqdriliCibtiiintlitp l ipeil,tiib ie.'. t.ll4slneii,ll: nniidvpaied to tell to Couu try and Town gtnrelieniersAndthe:tlide gineol l 7; stigar; _, - • 'Cone, - '" '',, ' D i m on, T . ye,, . 3 , • ': Molliesee, '. , : 7 -:. , Biandy;• -- : Choonigterk-,..- , ,Rice, ` :..-, - , :,-.. _qtai,...7 ; -..,;•:', ', S'plOta,;'„,:i,,,,, ,',',„ Oil, ',' ,•,,:, '' .. 'Wlnol„ ... '... ' SPerm Citp4 l !s*":.TbbAti:?;, l , ''' Tltlillitili 'illihi :'-''-', ' "' ''' Sok '. " I ,' ( tr•- - ' lwo., ~,,, ,',Piiili.: , ~, t. ---, Y Ookunik: .. . ' ".,' •"..,• • , , . inr4i.seniiit iiosoi*ipt,i4 CIRO CtRIES, for' tale' ...% • 13 ,,.,. __.f '-'1.3,--t':•'' JOE 04c-BRANT: -: 1 4, lqiifill (tilAV''‘,...' .4 , :d. -,, h c "111:44,,',3,1,'; C , '.YA ~,', ';',50'.411, f:: , rocwee-ik7 , ;i: , -4- 'xt! - 7, , Akr ,, ,,; , 2,' ~. .;6 ' '' All ',. 4% ' '+',, ''' ' i % ';P - V..: 7,. . ,, r ''' ' ' r \ ' ''' i' ,-,,;,% . 1 ~ ...1,-,.• ....1 4 .A4Y:1 , ...':''',c' 0,4,, • .SANDS' SARSiiPAMALA , • + lott. THE,4I,4IdOVAt ;AtiD 1111#AN:iNt trari:sas ,s IMPURE: STATE 0)} tIIE ,lILOOII, ut;'. , 01 . ,Tite apITEM,' • • Nipte4ir: Serofula,;er - obstinate Outaueohs Erup pies, or' Pustules on the Vate,:,:it.,.; • chest Biles, CleroniC, Sore EyeS,ltitig , Worm or Tetter,:,Scald .Hettcl, En , largement and, Pain of , the Ilfme;:' andlnints; Stubborn Ulcers, ,Sy ph tic Symptoms; X..umbar and diseases arising, from an injudi• USe ".of Mercurr, AsCites, Dropsy, Exposure or. Imprudence in' 'Life. Also, Chronic Constitutional Disorders will be removed by this Preparation. • happiness ' . Improverttentin whatever regards the and welfare of our race is constantly on the mnrcl, to perfection, ,and with each succeeding day eon . ] new problem is solved, or aorpb, piotband sestet re-. velde.i,-Itaviiig an Important and direct bearing over' man's highest destinies. If we ,hike.ayetrospectiv. , vitiO mien the peat twenty years, how is the mint(/' struck with wonder, ! What rapid strides hall valence Made in e4ery, department of civilized life! pan eularlY ii, that which relates to the knowledge oldie hemp systehi in licalthimil disease. How valuable FilldsialOPellaßbil: are the curative means recently discovered through the agency of clierastry! Hate does the imagination kindleand our admiration glow. at the ingenuity; the near uPprontli to the standard •of perfection ; of the present time''. -Through the elaborate investigations of Physiology,or.the science of Lire, and the Patboloky of prevalent diseases; I much valuable practical' knowledge line been gained. lit consequence of becomidg acquainted w kb the or !placation, the elements of die various tisanes and siva:Wren - of tie' system; remedies have been.sought. after and thscovered exataly adapted to combine with. neautritlize aid expel murhifie matter, the eause of disease, and substitute healthy action in its place.— The beaMiful - simplieity of this mode of treatment Is em only suggested. by.the pathology of diseases, not unly grateful to the sefrerer,but perfectly in eon -150115111CC with the operniicini of Nature,,and satisfac tory to the views and reasonings of every intelligent,' reflecting mind. It is thus that Sand's Sarsaparilla, a-scietititie-boniliination-of essential-priticiplesofthe 7 most valuable regetalile silbstances,operates upon the 5! stem: The Sarsaparilla is combinedwillt the moat valutary prociudions the most potent simples of the regulable kingdom ; and its unprecedented success iu thr iesiorstion,to health of, those who had long pined under the most distressiti- chronic maladies, has given, it an ritTli ted does evidence of - its own lumina value, atid•recom mentlitig it to the afflicted in terms the afflicted only. can know. It has long 'been A most important - de sideratiiin•in the practice of medicine to obtain a remedy similar to this—one that would , act on the liver, stoinaeh and bowels ‘vitli all the precision and potency of mineral preparations, yet without any of their di:lett:sloes acids upon the vital powers of the system. The attention of the render is respectfully called to the following certifiCate. Ifowever great achieve ments have heretofore been made by thomse of this invaluable Matfi6lne, yet dailyexperiencefshows re stilts still more remarkable. The proprietors here mail themservesef the opportunity of saying it is a sdurce of constant satisfaction that they are made the Means of relieving such an =emit of aultering. Wonderful Medi of &ride's Sarsaparilla in Nutzoich; Com has the following from Mrs. WM. Phillips, who • has long resided at the Falls. The facts - are well , , knows' to all the old residents in that part of the city. Muses. A. B. SANDS & Cio.;-StnsilVlost grate- . fully do 1 erubtaue this oppoi•tueity for stating to you the great relief I ate hied from the use of your Sar saparilla. 1 shad else, he' happy, through yOu, to publish to till alio are alAicted, as I lately was, the ac count of my uneipeenal, and . even for a long while despair of cure. Mist law painful story, and try Mg arid sicken:nits is the narrative of it, for the sake of many Who may be sanely relieved, I will briefly yet accurately state it. Nineteen years ago list April a fit of sickness left MC with an Erysipelas eruption, Dropsical collet tionsinintediately look place ever the entire surface of my bedy, causing aucti an enlargement that It was necessary to add a half yorit to the sixe of my dree, ses aiountl the 'Waste. Next followed,uponoeylimbic t ulcei•s„painful, beyond description. For years, both. in summer kind winter, the only mitigation of ray , edleriiig was found in pouring upon those parts cold water, From any limbs the pion extended over my a•hole licitly. There was literally for rue no rest, by day or by night. Upon lying down these pains would shout through my syratem, and compel me to arise, for holleetOgettiee, were the house,an that I was almost entirely deprived ot. sleep. Duriug Mistime the Erysipelas continued _active, and the ulcers en-. Weed, and ao deeply have these eaten,. that for Ciio and a half yezra they have, been sebjeet,to bleeding, During these almost twenty, years I have consulted marry plitfliCiSlUS: These gave called my disease— as it was attended with an obstinate cough.and a steady and active pain in my side—a tlropSicadiaiisubiplion; and though they have lieemskilful praelltilmers,they were only able to affiord my • ease a partial and tern-'. porary ra,ef. 1 had many oiher diffieuffies too com plicated to describe. I, have . also umilmany of the medicines that have been recotitniended as infallible cures fo: this disease, ye; these all failed, and Lives' most emphatically &rowing worse., In this critical condition, given by .friendaend xpecting• for my self, relief only' in. death, I was. by the timely inter, position of a kind Proyidenes,, fiirnistied with your, to tee,invaluxlde Sarsaparilla. Ic single battle gave me 515 assurance of health, which for twenty years 1. had not once felt. • UpOli taking.the second , my en largement dirainlshed,..stad iu twetae days froin.the Bth of October, when I commenced taking your Sar saparilla.l was 'able to enjoy sleep and rest,by night' as refreshing as an y I eve!: epjoyed when m perfect health. Besides, I'' WaY, on this 'Shore tiine, relieved from all those ..exerucieting tat/ unidlovinted pains. that had afflicted my days, as well' as robbed me of my night's repose. The ulcers upon my limbs are healed the Erysipelas cured, and my size reduced nearly to my former measure: Thus mush do I leel•ite privilege to testify to the efficacy of your health-restoring Sarsaparilla. A thousand thanks, stir, front one whose comfort and whose hope of future health aye due, tinder God, to your instrumentality. A may the asme Providence that directed me to your aid, Make you the happy and honored instruments of blessing others, as do-, , eased and despairing as your Much relieved and very grateful friend, A,SENATIU M. PHILLIPS. Nevi Latium( Co. as. Norwich, Noy. 4,1842. • Peisonally appeareilihe abate-mined Awned' NI: Phillips, mid rustle oath of the facts contained in the foregoing statement before me. RUFUS W. MATHEWSON, . . , Justine of the Peace. • Beingyekonally iccPininied with Mrs. Phillips, eei•tify that the above asserted fro:mare intbatentudiy true. WILLIAM H. RICHARDS, Miulster of th'e Aosjrel et Norwich Conn. , Seed's Sarsaparilla, will idso remove and perms-. neatly cure diseases holing iheir origin in an impure • state of tie blood end - depraved conditioner the gen,- eral eonstitution, vise : Scrofula, or King's Evil in its various. forms, • Rheumatism; obsthiate 'cutaneous eh uptiona. blotches, bides, Timplez, or, pustules PAI the face, ehronie sore eves, ringworm or tetteriikalill— head, eniargenient and ,Or the bones And joints', stubborn ulcers, ityphilitie 'aymptOms, diseases lag from an injudielode, tee of mercury, female ae rang.ernents and other similar complaints., , Prepared and sold by A. B. Sands & Co:,'Hrug., :. gists and Cheinkete, Granite buildings,27B Broadway corner of Chambers ehtel.NtiwYerk. Atallorealct by DreggistitlMMlkhout the United Stites, ', , Prioe. $1 per bottle, }lli bottles far $5.. . • The ptddle are respectfully reettestqd to remem ber that it is Sands'erSarsaparilla that hasiintifiCon: sfanfly achieving such remarkible cures of the meet difficult ,clasief•dieeises to . which tine littnian'ficriU is suhjeet, Mid ask for Sands's S'arsapnrilla, and take,' libther:; ., . 8; gLi 41017 - , • Agent 11 . !special appointinent for thie,PrOtirictori, • . for Carlisle, and vicinity.'• Jut) , Ist, ts4s. MEE pain hfet itaws • THE,,Pitinpblet priyattimiic) at the:Laid atutakon the l'ennsylvania l o egialitureiltave,been received for Cumberland county, and are ready fot dietribation to thole entitlett to Teeell+e then). . July 4;184,4.: T. H., CRIS'WELL,' ' lallllloll Itiqtlßpgl,, MI reprtelor respectfully initiritte.tiiir .1' • • biiblia in general, that he is now ready to tte- Coninicltde a large number of , Boarders and, Vial. tori. • ;The Springs are'situated 4f(vitilde *Grill or Cecile!) Cdmiterland enemy, Pa.stmi mile' South! oStitreii tap, no the north Nf denten, in,it fine ' and ionnintin • vitalist 'there 'lOO ettenidve . Bathing eatablishreent both, warm and aold,, atteohed„ to the matte, and every . aeoemtandsttl on' . 4tway-,14 li ,C04t,NA1411 1 44. , ju1y . 4,11t4t., . B. A tlarotiche m taktata' Snetriga duriSel,ba ata'dn;fer.ittafabacinkiiteiditiottt,‘,.., ,' ‘ —,- ',,, : r iti it. to tap* ' , tP.'-- u, r''' ',: 1 ~ ~ /, , Aleta`litil4Priat 614141 tgAigttir: * 5 4- (if;', Ullir tgO,SUbereacielAiit tfiriO,''';''' ' '., k ..,', l Plartlik''-'/A!‘4 ll fl'',' 400iT 414 ,-A lo * ' '',-;:':•;;' ' ' ~'0 ' ra p .e.... 1, i `^ l , f 2 ''''' ''.- .:12,,,•!' 's-` , '',l' ',„1!"-;1,?1,I.k.? MEM gamo