N 1 II El - OWnt34W6-.Z110,&.68,Mi1aP,, 0 ig • Two . ! tram prn..:- 41: ic.Aadi;ail lli'cllit. ( I PI" c ' 4 * '' ~1 . ~, ,,,, , i iiielliiiidi, .‘ l, s ll:C filled with •viVikhesse si(SiFrilai4li4r , a . ng!fr ee'and wll4 , ItViil6,liiillie - )4o.i'leatlibil bowers;' • .', .....; : e'''sbs,d,'i4 'satiny' , Path, and cried, 2. ! : ';"itizlied:ji. the Ihne i,:;'' die .. ?" '.', "Not'ket!!.'not yell"' the. child replied,',' ~, 7 : .*llll ,4 lsyrkrtly,t;Oundi;d lq. , _ . • • : . . .4iiskad a Wistideif; back sl! th'r9ss.; , .. , ,", , "pie•tresse4 I her hair; ,.. • r ! Grief's. trace , 'es. her clmks I knew, ~ • Like pairls t ht..)! glistened liiel'e ; , ' ' . .kfliiiripasieri ti"er her lily bl!'oW, • lfieito her spirit sigh; !'. , .`, "Not,,naW l "she cried, .60 . na, not now, ..: Yiiith'is, no lime to die !" asketl a mother, ns she pressed • ger roll!, hoill'iniler'arMs,, As j:teitly ;ea'lie lie'east 8116 ituslie4 fi ee'baba , s afarms iituiverhig tones her accents mane,— Her-eyes:were 'dim wit/vicars /- ."...Ity boy his mother's.lifn must claim ‘. For many, many years?' . • I ipiestioned one in manhood's prime, Ut prod and fearless air ; II:s brow was furrowed not by lime, Or dimmed by woe or came. In angry accents he replied, . ~ And flashed with scorn Ills eye; tint to me of depth," ho cried, . 1/111) ..„, • • 1 miestioned age; for him, Me tenth Had IM - fg - been all prepared I ------ Butdeath3-whmiridirrs-yotalranali 'his man of years had spared. Once more his nature's dying fire • I'L~ahed high, andllms-he cried: only life is my desire !" Then gasped, and groaned and died. I asked a Christian—"Answee thou ' When is the hour of death ?" 'A holy calm was on his brow . And "peaceful WAS his breath ; ' And sweetly o'er his features stole A smile. a light divine; • lle spoke the language of his soul,— . 4 '.Nly Master's 'ti me is mine i" THE CHAR:ICTER OF JESUS. =! Wn find in the life of Jesus a union of _ qualities, which never before met in any being on this earth. We find embodied in. ' his example the highest virtues both of ac dye and . of contemplative life, We see hinia devotion to Got! the moat Intense, abstracted, unearthly, with a be . nevolence to man the most • active, affec tionate and universal. We see qualities • meet and harmonize in his , character, which are usually thought the most uncongenial. We see - a force of character, which difli xulties „cannot conquer, an energy which •calarnity cannot relax, a fortitude and' con :stancy which sufferings can neither subdue nor bend from their purpose ; connected with the most melting tenderness and sen• • sibility of spirit, :the most exquisite sus- . • ceptibility to every soft and gentle impres sion. We see in him the rarer , union of zeal and moderation, of:courage and pru deriee, of compassion and firmness we see superiority to the world without gloom • or severity; or indillbrence or distaste to its • pursultsand enjoyments. lii. short, there Is something in the whole conception and tenor of our Saviour's character so . entire ly peculiar, something which so realizes -the ideal model of the most consummate moral beauty ; something so lovely, so . :gracious, so venerable and commanding, that. the boldest infidels have shrunk from -it overawed, and, though their cause is -otherwise 'desperate, have •yet fedred to profane. its perfect purity. One of the ,Most eloquent tributes to its sublimity, that was ever uttered, was extorted from the .lipts'of an infidel. "Is there any thing in it,": he exclaims, "of the tone of an en thusiast, or of an arribitiOus sectary 1 What sweetness, what purity in his manners ; •• what • touching grace in his instructions; whit elevation in .his maxims ; • what pro ' found wisdom in his,discourses ; What pie -settee of mind, what skill and propriety in Otis answers ; what empire 'over his pas :Mons ! Where is the man, where is the ~-saget , who knows how to act, to stiffer and , io without weakness •and without os ttentatien.. ~When'ilatO paints his imagin ary just man covered with all the ignominy of 'crime,' and yet worthy of ail the holt ' , ours'of victim, he paints in, every feature Alm:dhara . cter of Christ. What prejudice, • - what blindness Must possess us to compare t10.190b-Of §oproniscus to the son of Mary!' •',:lliteW'iaat'the distance between them! So 7 ••••,•ctictitit;'dYing without pain and without igiigtnin ,'easily'Mistaine'hi's character to gentle death:. had not . , . hnnoured. his life, wu might have dOubted whelher".Socrates, with all his genius,,waW tiny:thing More than a sophist. The death Of Socrates, philosophizing tranquilly with fr"Ony, is.the most easy that one could - dOsirOi4liat,9k Jesus, expiring in tenure, • jrl'eliikVir rictelied,eineratedhy a . whole pee jileetirgr!pnst horrible that one can fear. 284'nr*eis;)when1 . takes the poisoned cup 'l4erisnahitin' Who:Weeps as he prosents the most dread- Ora.Y . B hfs, infuriated ezecu tlogarsr' ;'Yes' if . thelife and death'of So- - 0048104 d thoso sage,the life and death • • ." lig-:Dc1116.01:1-." ''-,,llipit,l7o!,i':: 0r,.:',7. a..,Feitty:Efr:o:,l,l,*: ''•,•:''' v,Lp)44,40,:e4F -.. •, ''''' • to. io4k -..--:'r.V4k;11,,A., ---c;',. iiiii .t ,a.iil:',g9lPg.„., -.,„,.:,,-.4. kikWiii:ttnkCtl ~'...-i);iii:,',....;.;`,4:JAA.,17., ......, '9't,,,144c1,i..04,,,:Mt7,- , 4 'd..i i ii • •i6o,* 0.9. A. ott,o;!Rd-1-,,,,i 4 ''ictliik;soo," . '',..: %. o!;.: fhq ',. ip.-..' -4,)#ther*k,..!.ki, k . • ~!-,-,,,,,i',..liititt*Fsl-,-, '*'-:.:,`-1•:';,',,, 444tht0.84403P!'9440:414114' :**#l, - - kL0, i ,,, , i-. 4 ~,iiiii,::o :., ,i, .0 ~,, t , • 41, , k :::'4;4iflimif,MTlv„r•-,,,,,,,,,,,,zPN.,';i1 ' i t ~,,,,,, ';:.',-,,,i,„).,giiiii***lll,,iiil,.' :-", •.' ' z'4 A ti,<4t I ~,9117lik'fiCiiigieliO4. Lfi l t lit 4 T - ..11 0 y 4 ~71..01 va.-,,.0 w04.:41,..i:A*, 3.. ''' . : . ,:f . 4 , 0,, , i,,,iiit,:i i ii„bj.P:k f r . P.... # ~,,,,,,,,,,,,. • . , sOliticii:andi.§eforo3 ,• VP4 ll , l ;4 24 Plt il rl 4 0 0 6 9#k : ;;P:.! ‘ ft / A#SSA L . ?14h 14ifitV, ilklipii)o2l#ooo4;'l4o:t oth - ea :. i+,44 ' 4 14 Qr kt,O; aiinia, bliss 'enrpisaing *tau - 016000; ,or be - preyed upon, foriver, by the worm that nelier:dies. Why is it thuS ? - Has, God so , made his creaturei, thatdeath ?Mrs/ be to them,. as amnia' have:called , it,' "a :Icap in the dark?" No ;it is 'nothing but that bliUds,us. Were it not sin, faith in the future, would be as clear and as perfect as memory of the past., lin 411 . 011 T CO3IIIIIESSIIONEIOUSE. 0 Niut:l., I). ORRICK, of thelatti OM of or in rick, Grubbs and Parker, Charles 0. IL. Campbell, late of the firm of Stauffer & Co. have formed a Partnership under the firm of Onmek CAMPIIELL, to transact a general. Iron Commission business at NO. 47 IVillnut street. below :Id street, Philadelphia. ORRICK & CAMPBELL. May 3. 1843. • -• ' 6m-27 P. S. Th,ey are Agents fur sale of Syracu s e, (N. Y,) SALT. . FAR'' , `ERV - HOTEL THE sub6eriber.woui respectfully in . form his friends and the public generally, that he has taken the • . PVBLIC IL LI , 0 • Simon trEaStifigh - Street, a few doors east of. the Court House, where to.the comforts of those who May favor him With ca" This article appears to be doing wonders at their custom. the South, and from die high' character of the re . - Ilis 11A R., shall he constantly - supplied with the commendations, we are fully persuaded it is n most choicest liquors, and his TABU!: with•the best the ;spits! medicine lot all impurities attic blood. We market Cllll 1111 . 111S11. A careful OSTLER always kitOw many Physicians who haver given their testi kept in, attendance—and nothing shall be left undone molly on this subject, hnd we know they would nal to idease all who call with him.. . • give a ..nbaraeter to any inedicinekliatilid not reallyi BOARDERS taken by thoweek,montli deserve it."—Charleston Enquirer. WILLIAM BROWN. • -- EXtractal a letter front Dr. - Warren, Natchez. Carlisle, April 12, 1143. tt-2 "Having for the last year in my practiceused your Sarsaparilla with much satisfaction to Myself and Rat s 4 ,1 ° H a t s : jifjr a t s f ' benefit to my patients, I have no hesitation in doctor . Mg it to lie one of the most useful liroparations in STANDARD FASHIONS: diseases for w bid, Sarsaparilla is preitribed." No. 1G63 Marke!..st., and corner 3d Wobvit sts IDYL LEIDY'S :SARSAPARILLA. THILADELPLUA - preparation be depended upon as • • being the strongest (consequently more efficacious) of any in existence ; all Soul preparations must pos sess similar virtue., in proportion to their strenth, being prepared Irinn the mono article.' Dr. LenlY's Compound Extract of Sarimporilla, howiNer,.pos sesses properties not possessed by others, from its trimmer of preparation, and combination with other vegetable extracts recommended iv the medical In culty—Ood hence the reason WIWIt is so generally mm recoended by the Physicians of Philadelphia and elsewhere. ' Front the extraordinary virtues of this prepara tion and a knowledge of its commis:6mi by' "t"ltysk riatts, (the reason why they so generally use it, as they would not use or recommend any preparation they did - not - know - the -- co mpositiou - of ,)•R has' horn introduced in many of the llospiffils throtighout the U. S. and is highly recommended by Physicians and Surgeons of those Institutions. • ,= 1 TIIE subs6riber has on hand and is now making an Entire Fresh Stock of Hats and Caps for the Pennsylvania trade. Fine and second quality Beaver, Moleskin, Car nice Silk and Brush Bats—and the "Patent Cassi mere llat".or which he is the Patentee. Making the lists at his own Factory or the best materials. and by the best workmen, he is enabled to sell unusually low. Those .who hey to sell apitt will have snick flats put up as will he sure to keep their custoniers,jas all Bath and Caps are made expressly for Retail Trade, Call and judge for-yourselves. 01AVElt 1111.0. CE), ~ 1 1;1"4-Afarket-St-. - and corner 3tl & IValnut at. Philadelphia, April P 2, 18.18. The "Patent Co ssimere Ilat" is now earning into use, as it is light, durable:l . nd cheap. ra,mily PREPA It ED only by Dr- D. JAYNE, Inventor, ;old sole proprietor, No. 80 South Third st. nod none are genuine witliont. written signature upon the outside wrapper e , All others:lie counterfeits.- These medictines are recommended till(' extensive used by the most intelligent persons in the United States, by numerous Professors and l'residents of Colleges, Ph) sieians of the Army and Navy, and of liosptuds and Almshouses, and by more than three hundred Clergymen or various deunminations. They are expressly prepared for family use, and have at:mil red and unprecedented popularity through out the United States; and HS they are so admirably calculated to preserve Health and cure Disease, no family should ever be without them. The proprie r for of these valuable preparations received his edit cation at one of the best Medical Colleges in ne U. States, 'and has hail fifteen years experience in an extensive and diVersilled practice, by which he has had ample opportunities of acquiring a practical knowledge of, diseases, and of the retudies hest cal- Calmed to remove them. These preparat,ions con sist of _ Jayne's Expectorant, a valuable remedy for Cough, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Croup, !looping Cough, Bronchitis, Pleurisv nod in flammation of the Lungs or Throat, Mak:idly of Breathing, and all diseases of the Pulmonary Grp Also Jayne's Hair Tonic, for the Preservation, Growth and Beauty of the Hair and which will posi tively bring in new ludr on bah) heads. • Also Javue's Tonic Vermilh,ge,a certrun nod plea sant remedy for Worms' llypepsin Piles, and lousily other diseases. . Also Jayne's Curminitive Balsam, a certain cure for Bowel and Summer Complaints, Marlines, Dy sentery Cholic, Cramps;Sick Headache, Sour stom ach Cholera Alorbus ' and all derangements of the Stomach and Bowels, Nervous Allections, &c. .layne's Sanattve Palls, for Fermile Diseases, Liver Complaint, Costiveness, Fevers, Inflammations, Clandular,'Obstructions, Diseases of the Skin, and in all eases where an Alterative or Purgative Medicine is required. - For sale in Carlisle, by Tiny 31.1843 Dr.. Leidy's 'Sarsaparilla Blood. Pills Both purify the Blood and cleanse the Stomach and Bowels from all impurities; thhs, renovating the a . liale system, and restoring it to natural and healthy action. MOST PERSONS During the year, feel peculiar sensations, snob as Dullness of Spirits, Dizziness, Plainness or Giddiness,. Drowsiness ,• Swimming of the Head, Dimness of:Vision, heaviness of the Eves, . Langtior and Sluggishness. The appetite variable, bowels irregular, occasion al sickness of the stomach, headache, and other sen 7 nations equally distressing and unpleasant. TRY THEM ! TRY THEM! All you that have never taken of them Give no Ilea to."the false doctrines, reasoning and statements of ignorant pretenders to Medical Science and Foreign Impostors, which are frelnently pith lished—for nine times out of ten. taking of their nostrums, persons are obliged to take of Dr. Leidy's Blood Pills to counteract their babeful effects. • • For sale in Carlisle lir , Jame 14, '1843 Bakikruptcy. I.Tailled 'States Court, ' EASTERN. DisTiticT OP.'PENNSYLVANIA DETI'I'IONB for bisdharge and - flute under the Bankrupt Law, have beep fil ed by JAMES M. ALLEN, late Clerk,.:Cemberland , nod FRIDAY, the 29th day' o f SEPT. next,' at 11 o'clock A.../01. is appointafor the hearing there.' of, before SK.:.tatid Court, sitting in' Bankruptry, the District:Court Hoorn, in, the City. of .Philadel-, when' and where the CreditOrti of, the ttitl'Pe.: titioner'ewho'have proved , iheh . l)6lkoiaiidAli sons iu Interost,may appear anti' show cense.; If any they %kyr. why • Buch'4itchar;, ,, L;3 . p ertithikes . shotdo not be granted:- . • ;"\'' •• •Clerktplatriet.Ctiurt:.; , - .411.11.2(11:04.1 ' 10-2 A iiirlYlifohitie2nds:ceriienteundCr, file Bankrtipt'Lavi,havoliecn ftletihoptli•Mity; l Nipil cionherknO:roiiti;. • 40' viiiiYAr . t4c , :gfik , `;iiiik;w:::juvv,:; - Aiii,t , ,li. 4 1 : 4i ,00 .01 4V 0 ' 4 1 ,4 1 4 0!"..ittdfor*Ittroipt there- fir, berotifthemitt i;at iiitzwiltkoc t ypoy. ; - # 4, n d. 4 0 ...pporgoolity**0 - thitgai - 4. 6 -1 1 )iloileitiliK t e I ..**l44 4 ; , *§ oo ,the.Oreigtartor,:lo6*Aigelo:l.ag i t ot .d iyh#lisiti4jo o o 4o Woe4t•Zikil , Fist!Vo*prf 5 1 00,eftiN4O i t t POSV*440***440iiii; vemiy sollonttn4llooo9steOtos4 • From the gew Orleans Advertiser. - DR. LEIDY'S SARSAPARILLA. The high and envied celebrity which this -pre eminent,medicine bus acquired rmr its insitriable-ef licacy in all diseases which it professes to cure, has rendered the usual practice of Kilning, unnecessary. It is known by: its fruits, and its gam' corks testify for it.. Pr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla will be found parti cularly efficacious in all diseases of the liver, stom ach, skin, kidney* spine and bones, ulceration oldie nose, throat and other parts, abscesses, fistulas, scro- Has, erysipelasjaundice,theumatism and incipient gout, mercurial and syphilitic affections,female rangenients and in restoring the sickly and debilitat ed to their natural health and energy. DR. LEIDY'S SA RSA PARILL Dr. Leidy's Compound Extract ofSarsaparilla has stood the Jest for live yciu•s past, and 'tis no boast to say that there is no other preparation of equal strength now in use. 'l'ln•oughout the Southern States where Sarsaparilla is as much in general use as tea and coffee, 1)1.. Leidy's Sarsaparilla is gener ally preferred and is highly , recommended by. Phs - sit:buts, [whose certificates . have been frequently pub ' fished ] brongliont the north and svet4 it Is also. much used, mote perhapstlaan ally ()thee. One bottle of it [half a pint] is warranted tattal to two anny other ill strength; and is equal to one - half gallon of the strongest Syrup that can lie made. Directions for making 6 Syrup therefrom accom panies the directions. DR. LEIDUS SARSAPARILLA. ,14rflut a few days since a Clergyman of this city (n ho does not desire his tiame published in the pa pers, but is left with Dr. Leidy] stated that a lady ha had long been a communicant at his church, but for two years past unable to go to church, on account of her extreme debility, occasioned by ulceration of various parts of her body, disease of her liver and other internal derangements, and the constant taking of medicine therefor, never Mudd any change for the better until alter using several bottles of Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla, and by a few month& perseverance in its use, wits entirely restored to health, and recover ed her former strength, and to use her own language. "was almost createal a new being." This is but one of many instances almost daily heard of. T. C. STEVENSON. tf-31 It is prepared only and sold wholesale and retail at Dr. 1.1:1 1)\'5 Health linporium, N0..191 North Second street below Vine: also sold by Frederick Brown, corner Fifth and Chesnut streets; and Fred. 'Klett & Co. corner Cd and CalloWhill street, at $1 per bottle, (a hall pint) or six bottles $5. For sale in Carlisle by T. C. STEVENSON. • . Tv parents knew the value and efficacy of Dr. Lady's Patent Vegetable-Worm Tea,they never would be without it in their &milks, as chilipen are 'subject at all times to Worms. Dr. Leidy% Worm Tea is composed of vegetables altogether, and may be given to children of all ages. Directions accompany each paper or package. • Children stiffer nmch, of times, from so many thing,a being given them for worms, without any et medicine, given to children, has a ten dency to destroy,their general health, and they are more.or less delicate ever after. To avoid the necessity of giving 'medicine unne cessarily when you are certain your children have worms give them at first Dr. Leidy's Worm Tea: It is all that is necessary. Reference might be made to several hundred pa rents in Philadelphia ciiy.and county; of the efficacy of Dr.,Leidy7s Wpm Tea: ) , Try it and you will be convinced. T. C. STEVENSON. tf-33 Price 14j } tents a small, and e. 5 cents a large pack age. Prepared only, and for sale, wholesale and Retail, kt Dr.:Leitly's Health Emporium, No. 191 Numb Second. street, below. Vine, [sign of the Gol den Eagle and t erpents,] Philadelphia.. • For sale in Carlisle by . " T. C. STEVENSON. tf-35 Jutiel4, 1.843 Dr. Leidy's Tette'. and Itch Ointment . - AN iolallible rentedy for various .affeetions of the Skin, removiii; Pimples, Pintolee and Itruptione,, of: the Shin, nod' particularlyadopted to the cure or Tetter and the, ftch. , . . ointment has been used ou ninnerone wheels throughput the oily, and county; as well fliPliuteiries ,empiny ng nuont.rotts girls'and boys, an amongst whom 'Fetter and Itch as well woutherolltibetione.of the Skin, preptileil, with the:motit unexampled eeks.. ,Names of School Teacliettoi as; well AN SUPer• ilitql o a" 4 -ProPrietols. cif.fnetorie,m, euuld. be. given, isonfirtnongthe above; tint kir the' delieltCY they feetlii !Ealing their tnuneepublislied in nbnnection ilieli loathsome and oli9greenble affections, P . oilen 20 apple u lioxi - For sale in tnrliele:by J ; • • 'll-3S: JAT IMPECTO 11196 , - , •• , • •,• ••• •••,- • • col4SehiPTlPlSl;64t4',Efositilig,itroisq);Bl6:( COnsproptil•Ptslcui.ft(liotyois arereslit s arias trai . 4. nejklssted , Cpjils, *'in Olistruitign said conk'lgentr 101 5 4604 1 1 P940 .. 1: 1101 itite,:!!'. 3 i% tubee 111040 " s 4. Aisliibisted,#estelf• - • otrtCtitiioOdOdes, • 1006,11 . 4i 1 / 1 10." 44 'dr - YW 'a.i'‘ ,, ,1.,;.•,' I. Vt, j , ,,, ,,,,, . - -, - ... ,, ~...- : 5.•,,,,,.., : , ,, ~.4... ••,,,hi,,,,t,.e..::',,,,:, ENOS Dak , LEltitt.S. R APARIL gge9gor, ~tNB D • .kct n, unq9up , are. i meria .. o more 4eneSt from using n tro one 'Bpttl o of,fttithittOffrio of any iiii4ttudedfOritiffrpr24Xitly'oSarttsparillitiiltlintich titrofigkfiforo.,a tlifiOtion anymtlier, and"-..nettirts , ice asinovelt,*ooittahlkstiff:OnOt:bottle us of any' Other thfriqtraOrtee.)',Let the - 0144 rentem-• ' 1,1 457 : 11-GtOsijiiivf:- , b u Otsk-blittite renl .lart- . 47 " , ;• • - VrOm the fodio ' evietr; Veofoldti tdecritirei - With,whikli our dispOnsitries ithcimid; tlitire ire few so uselid as Sitrattparilli; and when prtinOrly-ctimblinul Ontl,prik; pared, is invaluable;Mot onlyin 'restoring - deliiijui ted constitutions to theirmlintod :energy but in'everj cOsouryikrout iniporo-state of the blond." Frio*,llpoWledge, of very molly; cases (and some of therfiq,ctiftddered incurable) where many difrerent pceptiii, Woos; of tibisaparila, bad been usbd, none seemed itijMisCsi, virtues or remedial powers equal tcel/i.Leifly'S,lVlCdicated or Compound .Extract of Sarsaparilla"- , 'lt is a preparation 1-it is believed far superior to any miler, and would recomit:lA it to 'the particular notice of l'hysicifins.•;—!Ed. U. S. Gazette. PM LEIDY'S SARSAPARILLA. Extract of a letter tram J. B. Whitmore, of Easton, in relation to Dr. Leitly's Sarsaparilla. "My little boy and girl, the former now three Years and . the latter now seven years old, have been * afflicted with a scrofulous tumor from the time they were three months old. Three months ago I was induced to make trial of vertir Eitract Of Sarsaparilla, and have given it to both to the present time. They are now entirely free from any appearance of. &lip l'uln and never were in better health." " Dr. Leidy's Saaaparilla is (neat:lens in all dis eases arising from impurities of the blood one other fluids of the system. All invalids who may have been under medical treatment, who are debilitated from the quantity of medicine they - may have taken, or are under a mercurial influence, will find that by using a few bottles alb.. Leidy's Sariapnrilla,their usual vigor and elasticity of their frame and system will be restored, and be again permitted to enjoy the SIVCC is-of "S SAASAPARILLA. DM. _LE I DI! Atup 91,1843. • Trorms : Worms ..r. : , ,- , ,: - , 4 .t".;;; , ' 1 ' . 44 4 12T - ,•: . ,..'!: ;,:: Flili'',i R ; - Y * l 4 ;rs 1 ,0 ,?t a4, ;,6 , ~4:,,,..ix10'1v„. ~,;`i. ''''. . "."''' 'AitiOktVitifit t ''''' ... '"`.i•'' , s'oltN.-:.3::: inevElAs Ag . :01114': 4 litY4 rilk9glothpiotipontidkaiiiiiiiMirk , '!*altiai)ollsOe'iirimilge bigireqp,, 0, vie, reaannablelfOrp;(.;4'beyalanlake::?,... 'Vtp- ' ,ir'l '..`,. - ) , ' - i'',~ , P.OlitP.ltTll:l4.l6 ILISKSii':il .-- 'll - &' nii; . stionemr .bricli bulldints„at .25 On $l9 „ate , prorniana.anbjent to be trraven any tirne iiyijiik. , ... p#Ltlneuring, eta'dedtintion or five per conyop; ttnAtiiirount of premium paid:: ' ' • ' .. 1 q.,': .:"the usual rates for one year on Steno and Brick Buildings, $4 to $5 on $lOOO Log and Frame, " . $6 to $7 on $lOOO Merchandize, about ~ $5 on $lOOO • Application in person or by letter will have im mediate attention. The Spring _Garden Insurance .Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. perICP .INSURANCE, either temporary or perpetual, against lops or damage by FIRE, in l'Olon of Country, otalotisee, Barns and Build ings of all kinds; on Household. Furniture, Mei chandize, Horses, Cattle. Agricultural, Commer cial and Manufacturing- . Stock; and Utensils of every des cription,as we I I RR MORTAGEN OSDIGROUND RENT, upon the most favorable terms.. • The following are the usual rates, viz: On Stone end brick buildings, from 35 to 40 cts. on $lOO "Log and frame' " 60 to 70 eta. on 100 "Merchandise and flirni. lure in brick or stone buildings, from "Do, in log or frame, "Horsci, cattle, farming __utensils-and sundries, - at about Application mrty Ue made to JOHN-37-3 - 1 - Y - ERST - Awn Carlisle, Dec. 21, 1842. RICH PRESENTS !! 10y E & trAvEßSTlCtimve _LTA yust received at their Drug, 800 Stationary and Variety Stdre, a large assortment or _ „ _ oys, Toy-HookS for Christmas Presents. Annals, Souvenirs, and Port-folioi,for 1813. Togolber with n choice "seleetiOn of 'entertaining ',MUT READING , for long winter evenings. • -,•• . ALSO atitio,l Z11(013g • •of every variety, viz: • &hod Bibles and Testaments, Smith's Geography and Silas; r, Obtey 4- Mitchell's do. Smith's Gratitmar,.. Kirleam's ditto, ' •• • Sitgel's, Series, Xi). 1,2, 3,4, 5, 4.• 0, Cobb's School Boolfsrcomplete. • Emerson, Byerly, Bitrham; 4 Mb ster's Spellers, , Pike, Rose, Snaky, 4- Emerson's .a ritAtnetics, with Keys, i►ln:.thetatatical Inistr ttttt cuts. STAIt.TION.&RY: Letter, Cap, and fleed paper; ruled and plain. Note paper. Silver Pencils, cverpoints. Jackson Lead Pcneila in wood, of all tempers; with is large as sortment of lILA;sIK BOOKS, ruled and unruled. Zr2l2 44 Brad V l 2Sct Ofsuperior finish. Razors, Razor Straps Shaving Etrashcs, anti finely scented Shaving Soaps and assorted. re &mem, • FANCY STATIONARY: • Superior opaque and Ititssia Wills, Brigid Boards, Hire paper, Visiting Cards, colored .Widera and Scaling Wax, Plain and Motto Seals. New Music, (VOCAL AND IN9TRIMENTALO Mtoitat ilnotittmcntil, Together with a general ang...tfell selected assort ment of Classical (I.....3lArelltineoris Works, "to please the fancy ainTiTnprot u the taste." Carlglu, Dec. 14;184'2. • tf-7 TO PARBTEIEILS. 23223211, 21122230 111111 , 1 subscribers, at their FOUNDRY AND 111ACII1NE SHOT', on 3lain street, nearly op posite the Cdunty Jail, in the Borough of Carlisle, Pa., still contitte to build the following .Maeltinus and Horse Powers—viz: T. D. flurrclPs Patent Improved THREE AND FOUR 1:10MME ERMAYMIsi With'a horizontal Land - wheel, with a trunk to con duct the strap to the Machine. BEVEL GEAR HORSE POWER, The band-wheel outside of the horses. Tluet• arc well calculated to put to one side of the burn bridge, or under the barn shed. . • A Nelilrand Improved Shaker, To separate the grain from the straw, which will dispense with one or two hands, will be made lathe above Araelline it •yvaulcd. Et $3 Purchasing any of the above Machines may have the privilege, after a liiir . trial, of returning' the same it not satisfied. All Macliiiies and Horse Powers are warranted for one year, if well used. "EAU Poll R .144" G. All kinds of repairing will be done at the snortes notice and on the most reasonable terms. They al ways keep on hand all castings necessary to repair the above .Nlauhines,oratty others now in use. 'IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY. There is also attached to the nnove establishment an IRON AND BRASS'YOUNDRY, at which all kinds of CASTINGS can he-WWl—such as Apple Mills, Corn Brakers; - Plaster Brakers, Mill Gear ing, Saw - Mill Cranks, Machine Gearing,' Wagon Boxes, &c. &c. Also. TURNING-AND FINISHING, Such as Mill Spindles, Car Boxes, Turning Lathes, bte. all its the best order, in iron and brass. &All orders . will be executed at the shorteit no ¢ce,mnd promptly attended to. Farmers and others ara respectfully invited to give us it Cllll, confident thatthey tan be suited to their riatidiethin. A. STOUFFER & •CO. • Carlisle,Auf,•4o . , „ • - . tf4l* co" Planck's, Henwood's arid Ogle's. PLOUGHS and PLOUGH'CASTINGS, aneh'ai Cutters Lsnd .Bl(les.ate. &0., can also be had at the foundry.' :'.• Union , Pa • • .. • T'" subscriber respectfully ; infer/no the pub , lid at large, that hathnt leased the 'above Ps, tablui r hinent;" six settee youthotCarliale,:foi term ofyears, nod ,the'llII.141: kitting . „heepTeGently se. paired, and new maehincry .sptreduced, he iv. therefore prepared to mailafacture tet order. (apd also hese supply Otatettetly`tia bend) - • - k---d: ad-Quality.. j p4 - 46Foi.evork. u _a. , .., ~ :,,,, . ' itib' 1' "' .''' ii'f' - "-i,lo' - ' 01,1'4C4, - , - `:,.;i l i r ,(3t, a o o , , n ,4 c 4 bi w.i. - ' inn ? • - Ih - o"liiiptat ait3i't4isi. atlierl ' lri i*lijulaitltietilit subeckilieiiiftpeit: .411 , ordees a 41 x,e-,...t.t ... .-. ..; ;Alf; retilto*Qmpt, Own; Cuin„be . r/a0 4.1,7f7 ; V . , ',: - .,",5i- 0 : , 1 . c‘.. 1 :.1•Y gttetitl on: ,'",''''' i '' .4 : , ' I .; ..,. 4 i , ';‘;' iti 414444ki e' i .. 4 11 000 1 :0 31 / - Fif, T., 1 1r, 5 -P- ...."-will bffilbto; nterti f- ' ll *iia t teel l it .h r_...±...,,,,, ._ ,;, .` s twamPrkAuett Ivetac t tIY atittle 6 1 , 4 6 7,161,t• . • 1 , &Mikbied'4l4 o . orni.oaWtkiitanovei :T611'743;41°' 4000410fkbother 4411 peadrigpmepte the Mile° of4vllliam litittePtiq.i:3oe,#e rill for, usual' 'wefully may be entiusted 'to rti,kthe aitie Was 'OPreiihorW 4 ' tf.' • '•• 4:),T.E4TIONAGADIST-TIOS, CUMBERLANDWAtEir-lIII3TUALI L PROTECTION. COMPANdabillAtai rated by an act of the 11, 4 41abitillkinfitikt sion, and fully organized lind:lnt:AlstriatirireiintlerA: direction Of the tbllowing.rbni(4 6l4 lallllkFrili:*le Thomas C. Miller, C. P...Ctimlyiini,'Aithiehlbori4 David W. McCullough, Jirdridir-Viresiltlf;J:ieltifint, Martin, William Al oore, Sarnia Gitlbitilthi4anaetit treason, Thomas Paxton, Wm. Darr;JosePli entice': and A. G. Miller, call the attention of dlinlidisitsie-s, ants ot. Cumberland Valley to the cheapnesti of thoir. 'rata and the many advantages which' thle.and'ot instuance has over any other. Ist. Every person insured becomes a member of the company anittakes part in the choice Of officers and the direction of its concerns.- ' • 2d. For insurance no more Is demanded than is necessity to meet the expanses of the Company and indemnity against losses which may.happem , • • • fid. The inconvenience of frequent reneirals is 'Ps voided by insuring fbr a term of five,yeaps.', dth. Any person applying for,insunince most give 'his premium note for the' cliemiest class at the rate of five per centum, which will be $5O on the $lOOO, for wh ich he will hare to pay $2,50 for Hite yeark and $1,50 for survey nintpolicy, and no more unless. loss be sustained to a greater amount than the funds on hands will cover,and then no more will be reqiiir .o.lltatia-pro-rata-share.-- Illtse — rateir are much cheaper than tine or other companies, except such as are incorporated on the same principles. • Insurance is effected in the_fiallawing_manntr,__A_ person applying for insurance for property of the cheapest clatis of risk for $lOOO will be charged 5 per cent for five year s, a note amounting to $5O must he given by him ' on which be will be required to pay 5 Per c e nt fltsn, and $1,59 for surveying and policy, and will have no more required of him unless losses occur and the funds on bands are not sufficient to tneetAthem. 40 to 50 cts. on 100 60 to 70 cis. on 'lOO CO cts. on 100 , Agents will b.! appointed ns soon as possible indif ferent places to attirml.toinsumates.:_ntalany person wishingimmetliately•tonpply win do so by signify in their• wish to the officers of•the company. CHAS. P. CUNIMINS, Pres, A. G. MILLER, Sec'y , April 12, 1843, IRON WORKS Y Ile of the powers and authority contained in the last will and testurnent of 31xciti,Et: EnE,tlee'd., I now olrer saleithe Carlisle Iron Works, situated on the Yellow Breeches Creek, 43 miles cast of Carlisle Pa. Ti.e estate consists du first rate 20 W. 03 arnatea sy wilt Ten Thousand4crcs of Land. A new NIERCIIANT MILL with fonrruii of stone, finished on the most approved plan. About 500 fleets or the land are cleared and highly cultivated, haring thereon erected Three Large Bank Barns and necessary TENA NT•H °USES The works are propelled by the' Yellow Breeches tlreek and the Boiling Spring, which neither fail norfreeze. There are mum 1 hepreinises all the necesfiary work mens houses, coal houses,earpenterand smith shops, and stabling built of the most substantial materials. The ore of the best quality and inexhaustible, is within t 3 Miles of the Furnace. There is perhaps no Iron Works at, Pennsylvania which possesses su perior advantages end ()trees greater inducements to the itivestment of Capital. The water power is so great that it might be emended to Lily other 111111111. hettiOng purpose. Persons disposed to purchase Will of course ex:1111111e the property. , Theterms of sale will be made knowm by - MARY E(E, Executrix of Michael Ege, deed. Carlisle, Oct. 1.9, IS I ' 11-51 CHEAP PAPER HANGINGS. subscribers would inform the citi zens or Carlisle and the vientity, that they are prepared to furnish their LATEST PATTERNS OF WALL PAPER in the most superior manner, at prices that can only be afforded by their being the must extensive mann factmersin country. We still retain the ruts. t.mvirrit no "curtail ment to suit the times," but upon the nieces. Cull and see the best, cheapest, innllargest assortment in the city. April 26, MANSION HOUSE Main street, one square West of the Court House cenzasLE, pA. ' rfl H E subscriber having leased the above house, would most respectfully announce to his friends and the public generally that he is pre pared to accommodate them and the travelling cum, inunity, in a style that Ire hopes will be found satis factory to all who may fitvor him with a call. His table will receive his especial attention, and shall always be abundantly supplied with the best to be bud an the county. The bar is and will be found, constantly supplied with the choicest Wines and Liquors that are to be obtained here and in the cities. The Stabling attached to the helm is commodious and will be under the (large of a careful Ostler. Ile hopes by a strict attention to business to receive a liberal share of the public patronage. Irr 'WARDERS will be taken by the week, month or year. WILLIS' FOULK. Carlisle, April 5,1813. tf-23 • archees TAUNT.? Ina num HAVERSTICK have just -reeeived IVj from the hlanufactory ut Philadelphia ' a large assortment of 1,41211 LAMPS, consisting of Purlour,Claumber dr Study Lamps with or without shades; which they w 11 sell whole sale or retail at the manutilotkit:er's prices. ALSO, - Astral, Side Reflectors and Glass Lamps of vari ous patterns. CD' Lki The very best Winter strained, bliMohed Sperm , Oil, warranted to burn clear, for $1;25 per gallon. Reit Sperm Candles. 3? cents per lb.. • Carlisle, Dee. 21,102, Mechaniesbuig Line . lita . 'F'Vrr_,.."r... nyZry_rn ‘5,.. - , - ;.. .... .4., - 2 ,r ..• tr" - - „,...7,1.', , Aletiveen Vlilechaisicsbuaw and , ... .. ' `l o i tla i delphia . or- - Baltintok4 , . tpl'it."81:1; Raa.ri oil, avvali• ~ WHE subsoilbergratofhl for past fitvorii,hogs ; •t. leave, to inform- his .frtends and ,tho public. goneralW,-thntiM still,contiaupolikidn is . Imo of Imrthen Curs roijdfarlylliattson , 4 deffirnetnirg and Philidelphm or 'BsAfplora,?:l; 'ilardi.gdods 11 and - pro4usa of old descriptions nd bolniriArded with _care dud,.sl2Sptreltst.t.ho:forrnit•,rd , f6s of ',' 4 'PrOd Ulli 4Vill bei‘rObeivi(d - nfidi'Vtrif ; in'Efd4hi, MenkiniiiihArg:i4utfoitY** 4 - 040it l i 'MArPH Aelplo" . ..ok.Bl4l.viloph I.4.:l:Tp,Fding AP Or direction o.,thik;i • xivoile...iy, . .t . ,, - ..r, ~: ~.. 7 , 1 ~,. ..,i -, ,:, ":,,..I,': ts 41----- highest Ori (B ' , *illbti'fitii4's* Wheat • ~..,,, , --.. 4 ,.....,,,,! . .•:4„,,,,;:. : .4 ''.tittliLEV 4 :sk: 0%00 11c!ip, 44018:. .6- ,' iP..146 1 _.., . ...~:f ~G~'~~Y.ii~ ME VALUAIiSLE lrocOari 011U411.1<4 BELROSE, SON, & BLANCIIARD, No. lOU, Cheanut street, ' next door to the Ledger litehliegm, 1 0 1 l l LADELPIIIA possiumprtorir OF TILE- AeOpftelle:of the Liver, asthma,. Broiteltitie;=Pciiht. thri:',tvettkitetti, of the' -.Breast ; or ctithki s .Cht•phie • Csitgehai Pfettrisy,,itaataprage f difeetioo Irconipouattllkleamie praparation of the:.r,rupus ,Vir,#/tlistdMo, o, ( 4Y l : l 4 l Sii)rDlti'lr , ,i?,iatalliinUtt with •tha ,gett.itekclf,TA;iii'4o4•li7, , :ti?ttetv,.chealical .prOpOirsaiiii!oti3OVttt tt*Ao.frc*OF/ri6t4,4'.111"t 4iitOillilkY4/11';/4401.40.0'41AUY..(11/X,tkaftlp)t -10d'ot Atieliripetvatouombill ema evel . ltscal'eratl• 1i(1 t9~TiIGiC'EITY b'-5 •aT4, 7,,46101(11.4h ; pi thi,iirto . 44;tbitrtruli•great me-, fife mitlesitffa, ; taldeaelva those' , who are labotineanderfafflictlonitair do . aid : Winkto eulogise 'titifeilaiditjustly , d'eser:yes. v . • Yet When we look' tiaiiiid•Mal 'sae ilie,:yak amount of sufFcring . aml tees these occasioned by many of the diseases in which this,inedictoe litts preVed so highly successlbl, we feel that'We'eantiot urge its claims too strongly, or say too much its its favor. Variouakemedies it is true have'been offered and puffed 'into notice for the cure• of (Wessell "of the Lungs, and some haVe no doubt' been found very useful, but of all that have yet been discovered, it is admitted by physicians and all who have witnessed its effects, that none has proved as successful as this. Such, indeed, are the SURPRISING VIRTUES Of this I3alsam, t ha t even in the advanced stage of (1 all the meat.esteented remedies physicians °l473ll7lQ nave I' ' arte f failed to effect any change 'the of ; • ; - use. of this medicine. has been pt •whictive of t e most astonishing:relic; and actuaili effecte.d.cures after all horse of recovery loud been despaired of. , In the first stages of the disease,termed "Cutorr ho! Conaumplion,"originatin g from neglected-Colds, _Alms been used with undeviating 61.v...sand-Imo= tire& acknowledge they owe the reptoration of their health to this invaluat'de medicine alone. In that form of Con:nun/a/on so prevalent amongst delicate young females, comin only termed debility, Or "GOING INTO A DECLINE,". A,complaint with which thousands,mre lingering, it has also proved highly suecesslid, and not only pos- Sesstis the power of ellecking the progress of this storming cumplaint, butt also strengthens nod invig -orates-thlraystem-rnore-elfectually-thun-nortnetli— chic we have ever possessed. Besides its surpriSieg,ellicaey in Consumption, it is-equally eflicact oils in Liner Comp,' .11r2nrhitis, mud all affections of the Lungs, auul has cured many . of the most obstinate eases, after every oilier remedy bad 00-For particulars see Dr. Wistar's Treise on Consumption, to be had e' the Agents. THE EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS At'ending the use of this medicine in diseases of thy _lames, and the many singular cores it has cf fected, has-hug naturally attracted the titt , mtiout of many physicians, (as well as the whole fraternity of quacks) variousemujectures and surmises haVe arisen respetaing its tomphsitiott ; some yleysicinni have supposed it to contain lodine, other ignorstit preten ders say must contain Oferen r y, no d to some such substance they each atiribute_its singular eflicaey.— is such opinions are altogether erroneous, and-cal culated to prejudice malty , persons against it, we PLEDGE OUR HONOR That it emitains nothing of the kind,. or any thing the least injurious; on the contrary, it is composed olthe most simple substances, the principle of which are the .estracts of Tilt mid HA/ Cherry Pork, and the a hole - secret of its efficacy consists in the mode by a Idyl) they are prepared. • As sve have already' ptildbltcd numerous certifi cates front the hio,,,t authority, which- prove its virtues Itt tooth all doubt, we consider it LitiliCel'Shal.y to etllibl/ a long list of theni in this ,ptace and will ' mils tins Imo a few case's, to show a bat it , at - WHILE LIFE REMAINS • WE HAVE STILL SOME HOPE. A S U . 13 PRISING CU RE.--s-Among the many singular..m•es -Mots this medicine has effected, there is p. rlodus none iu which its pouters ate no fully shit, it iis in the case of Airs. Austin, This lady bad been consumptive for several years,' land 1119.11, ; die greater part of this time lunl received Ibe best Medical attenticn, sod tried all the meet valuably is•ntedies, yet nothing could beiontitl to arrest its progress. She became subject to violent fits or COogliilig, expectorated large iptaittities of matter net asionally tinged ilith blond, and ,step by step this t . 'at•ftil disease continued its course ' until all hope I a recovery . was entirely despaired of.— While in this dioressung /.itilatioll, lingering 'mini the very verge of the grave, she commenced the use of this which, to use her own 'expression. •operated almost like a chl,rra. In a few days she expectorated feely,the cough aas gradually stip prIAIS1•11,111O1 every lippt.lll'l,ll to all fresh %Tor to her looks, 111111110 W, in the plane of that emaciated fora, a Wieling to decay, she is seen mingling in society, iii better health than site has enjoyed Is year& UZI DISINTERESTED l'EsTtstsurr.---Ilasing. witnessed the surprising efficacy of Dr. IVistatr's Italsalm of Wild Cherry, in the caw of Airs. Austin, I cheer. folly acknowledge the 11 brne statrtueut to lie true nod correct. J. C. IVALTEus, 311. 1). Woodstown, Sept. 4. 1 /AI , Dear Sir—Althongh your invaluable medicine has already foiled htmdreds of powerlitl advocates, it 111143. Still be gratifying:to you to receive a communi cation tram any one that has been relieved by it. Such, Sir, is truly my ease. 1 have been a vietiin to that .terillde disease Consumption, for many months, and have suffered so melt, that 1 bud be come almost weary of my life. I - fearing 'your lialsalm so highly praised, I began taking it a few weeks back, end can assure you it has relieved me more thlllll4llV thing I have ever used before, and confidently believe it will cure me effectually. Please give the bearer the worth of the enclosed,aml oblige Yours Respectfully, JOHN PEAUSON. Chester County, Sept. 6, 1841. •Friend 'Wistar—lt gives me much pleasure to in form thee that my wife's health has improved very much since she has been using thy Ilalsalin of Wild Cherry, and we think there is no doubt but that it will cure her. She hits taken the two bottles I pm•- chased from thee a short time 'duce, and her cough is much better Ale also sleeps well at night, and says she has founn nettling to give her so much re lief. 'I Nee will please give the hearer two bottles more for . •• Thy Friend. EDW.AUDIIOI.3II:6. Lancaster county, July 1 R, Dear Sir—Please send me two bottles el 'your genuine Balsalm of Wild Cherry. I have been af flicted with Consumption for the last two years, and suffered very much with a severe cough, pains in my break, difficffity of breathing,night sweats, &0., having tried numerous remedies, and also been under several doctors, yet I could not fi n d an y t hi ng to relieve me until I used some of your Balsfilm. I got,one bottle from is neighbor of mine Who is using it, and have found such wonderful relief from it that I have no doubt it will cure me effectually. Very respectfully yours, &o. ROBERT Holstot.. • Rend the following from Dr..lacoh Hoffman, eptlysiciun of extensive pructice in Huntingdon county: Dear Sir--I procUted one bottle of Dr. Wistar's Bolsalm of Wild Cherry, from Thomas Wed, F4sq • of t4js pi*, and tried .it In a ease of ohstinaty Asthma on a 'Add of Paul Sehatebie; in which man • other remedies had been tried without,any The Balsalm Fare sudden relief, and in my opinion t h e c hild is effectually, cured by its use. Yours,:k.o. Jaren Elerrstsp,M. P. December Vd, DAL , Dear Sit= .- Your Dahalm of Wild Cherry has of feetedaomer astonisiting•eures here, Quo of ,whitill is an old lady. Mr,t‘sfittssell, who - had been suffering' for a long thbe 31,iiiigiorOesis of breatillOgc squl gejt eral'weakties44oo. , She:lwiti flhallY obliged th, keep '' All e ll 4 . ilobte' other.' renteittes bad been reStirted tb is vain; she einnnaenced.titinkyonr Bat ,Italin.itodatic't taking o bottles; waisefarFeenser ad-iiiWbe attend, to all tlfellutiea , :pf: her .holist4ittid on taking. two bottles' Worts ‘t.4 egtirely dured..' Respectlidly, &e.. • - • JOHN Poltadillc, Pa: • ; -etdied-'4.OOA.OROCkr. )7.0, inwabaiers,tihoitld , lV P .41t'S'MAI;A Flic"Nejlikiiatoo #1) Ilia reepArqq.: 9 1, ,,0M-I)l:l4(l.litctrintilt -polelPmt Bata by Ei -P9.0 , 9!!!lt'fitsis.:.4 ( k444. l 4 o r .000, a Ire f 4 r c' , ti ,f6rAmitits KVALita The following, indispe, nimble family remee dies dial b 43 11 4 1111 A r itt , theliiiegt, ' g stores, and 30°11;14 every ementryist.iik :the fitate. Itemerriber,nryi twell., tnit,,i4tiiiiiilaie eis they ,$ Vi)V-' .• 2 ':`,,l'ti 4 ,..Vt : 4 - d•. 2 ...• , have illeid.ii4iiiiiie.sigrikiliard('" on the wrsilms• as all WWI by tilt! 141MM , 5 , %e' . 4, o f ,i)ii.e. impoidoa and counter. " reillt •."% \ Y'; i lid '' ' l 4ilt+iicarestyom has thvii net, urge to pre '''ltheiii Mt 71 ilitaidenairte i ' the riexL*,;t) k e.viiitt iii . Ocoilt,, or tilviriteloi Aim I v No. .I:einkilY should ,6 Yeritt#4o4out,tha4 iit4diOsi BALDNESS,: ~,, ,)';':: BALM OF COLUMBIAOFCII,TEFr, go which will stop it if , falling , out, or restore it on liaM plac e s ; ' and on children ;Fake it . groW‘raPidlyi or iiOni those who have lost the hair from tiny eine& . ' • ALL VERMIN that infest the heads of children, in schools, ire prevented or killed by it at once.--, Find the name of . qunelier.try,if..;:ReinOnber, this idioaita. • ang' LAMENESS poskively 'Cured, and all 84rivelledinaecks and limbs in the. odor inung,.. by the bowl VEGETABLE NERVE AND BONE LINIDIENT but never without the nrene of Conlitock &Co. Kitt. ha* come on, if you usnthe only . true Luniisni,fromt VainaqC l ffa; ALL S ORES itt_d_everf thing !dolma -by- that-admits-of—an ward application. It acts lilt° ehatht': Use .1 . 1011 - SES -- that---itave—Ring,Bone r -apavin i Wind. Galls, &c., aro cured by Roots' Shone ; and Foundered horses entirely cured by Roofs' Founder Ointment., Mark this, all horseman. Bailers Magical Pain Ex-. tractor, 5W1V0.....,The most extraordmory thousands. • It will take out all n pain in ten minutes.—/- and no failure. It will cure tho P I L.E LIN'S SPREAD PLASTERS. A better and more nice and useful article never was made. - All should wear them regularly. LILY'S TEIIiPERA.IIIIOE BITTERS: un the principle of substituting the ionic in place of the stimulant principle,_ which has reformed so many drunkards. To be used with _ . . LIN'SBLOOD PILLS,= supCtior to al rers for cleansing the system and the humors infest. g the blood, and for all irregularities of the l bowels and the - g,meral health. -a_ [Sce'Dr. Libel sig. otOCCLOP' ro emi sy nnture,l HEADACHE DR.SPOHN'S HEADACHE REMEDY will effectually cure sick headache, 'either from ,tho NERVES or bilious. Ilundralfaa . of families aro usingit with great joy. DR. SPOHN'S ELIXIR OF HEALTH", for the certain prevention of FEVERS or nny general sickness; keeping thttatomach in most per. l fect order, the bowels regular, and d determination• to the surface. --C;O:L" t'O;U•C H'S. pnins in the bones, hoarseness, and DR PSY are. quickly cured by it. Know this by trying. CORNS.—The French Plaster is a sure care. , ~ _ „ . . _ .... 7. , , , --;- . . • -,,-„ - ---..-,-• :•f,....- - --.--,---.. .t s tg:-. s t, -s.. ..-...- „ t. - t_ -, ' -7 -G> ••• • x='" ,No• ."' t . t p x .„.... ••-,--,.."7" , --••,..- . vim. .1 ~ • ea hair any shade you wish, but will not eolor.tho skin. SARSAPARILLA. COMSTOCK'S COM. POUND EXTRACT. There is.no 'other prepare. tion of Sarsaparilla that can exceed or equal this. If ybu are sure to get COMSTOCK% you will find it superior to all others. It does not require putting. BIZ• .W...431[1111.91556 • CELESTIAL BALM OF CHINA. A positive, cure for. the piles, and all external ailingt-all inomal irritations brought to the surface by" fiiption t with this Balm ;—so in coughs, swelled or sort throat, tightness of the chest, this Balm, applied on a flannel will relieve and cure at 0nc0...... Fresh wounds or old sores are rapidly cured by 3c. ilargtoltinein's 'EXPECTORANT will prevent or cure , ttll ineiPietiC-tonsOrraption, LCOUGHS & COLDS takenin tinte f and is a delightful agekedr. Rennet. her the name, and get Comstock's*, - - KOLMSTOCICS --VERMINGE . .. 4 I eradicate all W n R MSin children oi. ndulta, with a certainty quite astonishing,` It in thQ apiina that made by' stock, and sells with a rapidity almost incredible, by Comrtock'.l Cw, New York. TOOTLE DROPS. KLINE'u - re effectually. :Vccr:!rgetEttifftZ%,°,o,etirft,l:ththelTal.hll,?mgcb. By applying to our agents in , :each roivat 'and !Made, papers may be hrt4 • free, showihi the' most respectable nernea in the country for ,thehe facts, so that no one can fail to believe. them, •:- 01- no moo fOu call fOrnintettliihn,innti not be put o ff with any efories44o'nthina are a' good. - ItAVE THESE rtozof t iganoix youi motto...and' Oit n ine without our ncntiss Strait . ; 40 'al * 3 4)404 4 to be bed Wbftleudelaid'ieadir*lierleW:':' - ' , ''' ''Wholesale, 13ruggudir. itjaiden.Totite, New York.and.of ans*:akeidas• 'MYERP,;442-sitOrgysT.icx.,, . woRIVIStiWORM ! '''''' ' - ,' ''' ' mikritio „,.. ICOLMSTOCIt,P'VAR, „„,, , , q t i 4 .- A f Wili.initka ii+l4•9.ft poio l,o l l , .-• ,„•11.11 —rne yor - ..,,, , hiat es wirui. 'l' ••y over, tiet4l,: - It eget:tulip) , ,ork ,•,,,, ~,,i , , , ~. from' childred An , , ~it hi n talereal k,ou'id.briug knOthr, , ,,,Sbnlo t O , r o r==p;z : ._ ° , l-, 7` 4ll l l l 4 O ° U rt 4NDS - perish - brwo7s 7 i., , „ ~. , ~..,, fur ilVeji. 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