Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, July 19, 1843, Image 3

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iiiLAD - 4 tio ., i ; : Juv , l4 iiii3. ,
': ' '- '
' itIVS e'' /218 S
,aprilillidi.c,l',lT=Tiil;;;#, ,45(fAme.
pod topa-ron. . hi t tp . , d itv wc tow . ; # l l s , : tit r s.... , 'Thor
'Patte"mi?:dxAla 47411 V4i, t t 6r Ml-Wt ls .t Q.--
060 190 br-11--eln' a, p , tVieiint," ;- •
Icycy 03 sjj, ,r-tr‘n4ol.6,iloolit;othogurptt,with
Ri4 .R AI LI.-4 " ( 1 , Red VlioaP :it s l 7, l nr, Sl
ii,Loaletarr-,-rejmulitt, di i ,sl .l, I t ityolo ~a. 65
14)3er hushel; a 6 w ~,,55:t c . , 5 7. 61, ,
,a,,41,ii 6 ; 52a
• ~ .. .oriii,y,cllow, ' ' 3O a 31;
:cents ; • . • 0 etents ; Delaware, ,
44, • 0.14 l'Stg , huu , - ~ . , , .,'. ' .l ''
414‘n311frat32-ela. 34 a 24 Cents , iiki l,V ,'ol2 ll ;"'
, ~ .,i,,,iti sit ,' 3e,—At 2_ hula:'-
'Tallile; 4 4. 13 , 1 1 9 '; Bales of 6u ' ''
'''• ' " 3'l
Atk.. 4„,
ii6iow.lllo* iik4a4‘'iiiirk'd the pre!ilit*F.
us, 'oh Mi.:PM:IIEII i who an.
thorized to r pct a 73 our • • . .
c 100 xattua ! 111477.
co . Thp - ittterittaii parents and citiienS.gen
'to, the potiec',!u,
announcing the c.7ammitAis , ;:if the
_ lie Schools in
, D1.4114.40111ti'. 1 03141Cgcp:
III:rWe are iratified tolearn7lbeling,4o3X4Xlo ,
strOng inteicst ift `til4 ` aa'stitutin t'
borough coeld'hai , ,eitreljrhel.--trimelitpiit;
that the resourec's'of ilietZliege for the past year
lave been.fully inedt its expenses;
and as tho p"ceir,niary, 'affairs of - the country aro
be 'sahely anticipated
*hat thO nei.tVeolleto ycar; commencing on the
of ~.Peptembec,next, will by. still more pros
Collegeittnain as 'hereto
,Graminar Sellout is now under the
charge nf Rev,Geottcc R. Crternts, whose, success.
formerly as Toter' in College and the last session
cte Principal 'of the Selina furtlialtes—a-suflicied
-- tiiirriniterriartheeilicicoey With which that de.
liarttncitt Will he conducted. .
We are informed that the Trustees, at their
kate meeting, reduced the price of boirding in
the. College in 51 . 311 per week, which it is hoped
be, an additional inducement to many persons
tOavoil themselves of thO faeilities for - procuring
education,. . Indeed, we learn, that even
ittiriing:•the posi Year, untleillin'uncration of the ,
nevOinaneial iegulations, expenses of
istrident's genertilly boy° been very much reduced.
institution in the codntry, we belieVc, offers
greater,' inducements to parents limn Dickinson
College; it lit'aution is one of the most healthy in
the Union,the ceuree of study is as extensive as
thtit of any other College, and the — general cur.
vcetnets 'of deportment in the students afford the
best evidence of the good, govcrtiment of the In,
A Lesson.
(ry Reader, is your 'property insured? .1f not
ialte warning, hold the fart that the lien. Nathan
ill t 3. Horde., of Fall Mver;;Vessachusetts, on
fiunday morning the 2d tnat., rose worth $75,00 . 0;
and went to bed penniless—the Mali of his pr':
perty being on-that day destroyed by fire s with
no_itikuroucc upon
Persons wishing to insurc their propetty.would
,do, call soon upon Dr: John J. Myers,
Agent for tha North . American frisitrancoCloni.
pony of 1'611;1(HO/is, or Charles P. Cummins,
Prehiclent t llho cumberlandNallej Mutual
tection !Society, '.OllOOO place of residence is in .
Dieliinsuu township.
litaa‘y• IlDicampmeit
crj - In . many sections of this State, tide "citizen
• .
holdiers" are tualciki arialigetucnis far holding .
3111itaiy . blealulanenis diking the 'sununer hod
i t .111';„ Already ihefe have horn several held, and
• svesee•by.obit' excha , igcs that une•is to be • hold
tit 'Ptittsvifle ini• 0(1'1 . 61 b of August / another at
Daylcstexi4; of August, a third at
- illoendield on the 5111 u?„Septeloher, and a fourth
• at Hollidaysburg in October next. This is right,
beonco draged by the . Commonwealth
By the
• Way txust that our own volunteers will
• • llUtTorct the cotiathinncat'iiropesed to be , hold
at Aleclianieslutrg on the 9th 01August next.'
The Citizen Soldier.
Ell'hie; iq tho titid Of; an pxccll6 l sl. inlp.ary pa
;ff. Pltilsrfelphiit, by thb
DIKM . . It is flceOted' to the interests or the
tedsOldieM;and rabors hard for a reform. in our
Feick riereetie militia , eviacrp. Besides its
military. articles, it contains the news of the day,
and a large aninunt of sterling hterarylpatior.
should be in thasiossession of every soldier. •
Examination orthe Public Schools
• The parent,/ and citizetiaof Carlisle generally,
are'resneetfuily invited' to attend the ezninina:
tions, -- %vhlcli" Will be held usfelltips ?"
prithary . , pCpaiitmCni. • ' .
The Seboob , of J.lon-Rat drade, „taught .by
Miss W/ClifenlAPit, Miss Hamiiran, and Mrs. CACF
n; Tuesday * mur ning,'t he
25111'0f 10 o'clock.
The' Schold'iAiier the 'enrit:of Miss lldnpert,
id same morning,
commencing at 10
The Second' /Amiga of Mrs. ACKSON
Miss W EDER, and ' ls.l(o,*Taidte, :it 2 o'clock of
the same day.,
'Serrottilary - Deo - art:Alen • '
. „
!'!The School faeghthy,mr. , ,lmancii, as also the
Scheel tatight4 Mr, Quicmar in the Primary De
partment, will,:beleattutiocctSon Wednesday morn'
ing{nt,B o'clock'.' • • •
(The Scholars for' transfer from all the Schools
of.tlio , rritnaay Deparimpt, (with their .Teach
cult) will asoemble at Education Hall, on the af•
tdritynkoOliedoestlakf for final cidoileationA
.Tho School : le ; charge of .31r. FINCH,
orareiriect,pe; Thurfday.rdorning i . at B o'clock-
anCtho-Oalieq:Ati:: . 4llargo of-Miss Iliirtsloto,' at
2 o'cro'elt n the . afternoon. -
: •"7 ti 1: :111.1g1h
Ij4YToie,' will lmc exammcd on Friday warning, at
• ,
(TheSkolir.!forAritOfer from the Secoodary .
Department (with their Teachers assemble
at Educntioii`fitill,'bn'Friildy
#l,o l ,si;.4r:fiaalgtahikaatloa.)
2212' aiegt4tarattat
f ~4V4II4IOI'INP/it'aiiJi3,4ilB43.
nu, ,04TriA+Ifhevr-Oreiltica- at thoryOrdo
on iikonttrt atrot 400,,0f Ittoplt 2,16 oojEtat
!Ilk vi?"' 4‘ firV6 . 4d. , fik per 104 iho.'ihr.ihir;
65 \iota toion to onoti3er numkot, and tthi ;Man.
fOrr/94 401.94 1 / 5 33 11 .00 *fliS ft gool allpply•pr Hogs,
f 114 41 19 . ,b *p r O t ifsopedmr 4B,l ll.4.4igh ili,tvi;
A4eigline‘3,- ,' ' - 0r.', 4 4,1);,'iril '‘:::' , , , ' 7 %, '``l':" l : s 4i:','..,
. lA 2l lt- T1, 19 3 ,11 / 4 0,, 1. 4 t 16 1. 1 .44 1, i4n1AgifF-51 .
• Pi
t ? '".. 0 , 1 : 1it1 PPV 46 01 5 A 9 / 'ilitt S AlPtinha:
a ' " i t:tlpritgo-ett"44,4,,c404).Aitat.10 - .
- as;ottickiii arimbeilanooBo4iviiht4,lll6 hid,
f r44l.,,koffli'Oturfo .4tWmileoi,tq,
.114 . Ilkg,roCBlPtPri4d ilinktso4lc44l;4it"7,
- if ' Ailei'tot,t , rnointiglinia *4llr,holie
7i It
' havo_taort4totile,l•o4l4kt4:..#hioh'iko,/ppliott
403/I.ooollioithildool-4/,cot-,l`lB .7 1 1 6 S l M'"' t, 1 1 6 ,
lattllPkit44l)llot i,FriTent*".
:jqo ooltoliCitt +, roni .14 ~4 ki firciini
/WOW/4,5 3 46 14'4 !siV,' hi 4:00 ,p$P 5 1,',
f ittlaf ti '' o-03* Wrkt - gtaA 4 "—.4,..
' . 4 '''W ' ' PirlOttllti „ ttyft;Adl,,
i. 70 •-.toc j ulti t usw • ,
I l l;
livii 7 o,oilliellapilZt),(l,4ll.i.;igito3llo.3 , tho Liter,
VKilliapirt;bAlle.iiiiet,lkic.A.S . Oviitt,.*#'.YO'Alto
tii3,.'Cieft.t . ;fintli elts„:'' . 46 sVrgiit'
O . A iivOtfrioso o . o4;;Qiiiawrit*ig
o fi ;.).), null'
3 3 , 44;k i i i
At ilie:r6,s4l4.Bc.;!)C,.llltilit)iqi.;:neits,;(fipAiliit-V414;
oil the r**ll,rl4 of:llo'. l l4),ir:l664.gitipv.:i4gt
ALLKAN DO; Gilitiiiiii,nbiliglo, , 27.tii,ilNOlititbiorgey,
The snluect jkiti,b(lef:Utigeu'• reqtiniani.iit4 . 4 .l4 ft g ,
paining; tribute. le his ree'Oril
stilrerings and patience.... About ;teat:4oo
jileased God to call hint' by his
,lions darkness to light, 'and be ..united . hitlen)rovith . ,
l'incarnra Chtirtilt tuider'llie-iare of
lice. Mat:knight Immediately Ifofelt
necessity laid upon 'him to preach the GOspel,
should God So Miler, and he commenced
his preparatory studies. In a short time he eidered
the Vreshiniiii class in Jefferson Collegi!, wherti lib
remained about twiryears. Oh thud' removal of his
hither to Carlisle, he entered Dickinson college. lii,
the latter part of this Juilioi• year, the state' of his'
health obliged bins to relinquish his studies. Early
iu October, 1842, lie took his bed, vhich he kePt un
til the day at his death. During the almost nine
months oLkis_xonfmeinent-no-one-ever hearit-the-
most distant approach ton mormer, or the slightest
nwrk of inmatience. There WIIN a sweetness of res
ignation, an absoluteness or hequicsentic in the will
of God as beautiful as it is rare. Since death
a sealed paper was thund among his efforts, w rates'
about a year :Igo, in view of the (I,,...eclinit , state of
his health, that breathes-all
leFiour of a young hent,where the arriiiv was quiv
erinFthatiaidAt low - ounlyet - where the balm was
resting to heal the poison. Among other resolutions,
ibis paper contained a determination to devote 'con
scientiously - a stipulated - part of his income to he
lIV,I °fence, and to observe weekly and yearly seasons
or fioitio g and prayer. .lle promised to Ito a turning
and shining light ill the Church of Gad. lint the
(11:11. would have seemed lan a star here on
earth, will be seen but the earlier to bet sun - in the ,
urpassing brithtness of heaven. M.
House Painter, Glazier& Paper hanging,
S . J. Tl. SlO.l T 5 ;
hES PECTFULI .1' announces to the citizens of
Carlisle Imo the public in general, that lie lass
commenced the above business in all its branches, and
hors that by strict attention to business and with a
desire to please ' to merit :mil receive a share orptib
lic palronage. Ile .niay be found lit the cin.nerof
South Ilanovet. street 11111) East Chapel alley, oppos-•,
ite C, E. IL Davis' .Chaii, manuractory
Carlisle, July 19, 18-is
Agent for the sok of Suttihzcorth Munufisciuring
. Warehouse, street,
- The following kinds constantly nu hand, and Ilit•
Sale to the Tool: nt the loved 111;rki'llIOCit!it
Fine ilifek Flat Caps, 19, 1-I,.and 16 - lbs. blue" and
white., •
Extra millet' mid sdperfine Folio Posts,llltte& white.
Eitra styer l'aektAand commercial punts, blue told
w bite.
Extra super Linen Noti., papers. •
Supertiae and line Bill patters, ( Long.)
.do - (ISroad.)
.Do t do Counting lionseCaps,libiek st bite.
Extra itipt . .l; C1111:r1.125S Caps and Leiters, plain and
tailed hltie
Superllne French Post plain and ruled.
llu SCl'lllOll C 111” :Mil •
Superfine t ud.liue Caps and Posts, ruled and plain,
:11111 while, Va..1(111,1 qualities and prices.
Also, Bonnet Hoards, 'Fisxue, lititelope, Wrap
ping. and I lardwart. papers, &e. &e,
Phila. Jilly Id, 1813
AVING , seen:io the netvspapors of
This nod ootri , states, many ootites of acct.
'dolts that'have Itappenettbv lightning to Parolees,
by 110 t haling coodneting .1 - 10,1 s, 1 respectlttl.y call
your atictdiuu To in) alit criketnent of Aped last. I
have, l Iloilo, c, phicell two hundred pair of nods in
This county,and 111 111):1118talleC 1110 there to my know_
ledge, any accident linppentl;. I nook' therclure'reo
pcolully solicit a share of public patronage. •
July 12, 1813.
10ROPOSAIA•will bb received for de
coims OF OAK IVOOO for
Me tam or Dickinson Colle: , e, 'Trace December I 'ext.
Apply to D. it. CROOKS, sr., at the Culiege.
can soon for great :Bargains.
USl' iNfitiotfactored awl, for bale, a first-rate
wJ quality or coPPEI RS, Bill be sold in
cpulatilies to Suit wirehahers for less lima it caul bo
bought in the City; lin , cash, in Carlisle at liurlibohl
ers Street. All orders will be pane
tually attend to by
Carlisle, July i'2, 1313. 31-37
fil - The Perry Democrat insert 3 three lilacs and
semi hill to this office lin...collection..
relnoll FOR SaltE.
1.1 : 1. be . sold nt private sale .n
, F 41. 9 .1. of first
• ••
Situate in 'South Middleton tarnaldp, one milli ''Oett
of Carlisle, .Cnotherland county, Pat., lying on'llie
%Valuta Bottom Road, .ronthiniint 110 ACRES,
more or loss i liarri;g thereon eieeted - a two story'
STOIE .nti4E
" ,
Large filrne 13arni it well of first-Ttite
1tt2671 young mill thin Ping npplg ,q8c4.184.
Au, In beotaltl with, the above truer five nevelt of
first rate Cheshittellinbol , . ,
The Walnut Bottom roati
which F it'es It trinket for all the produce raised up
on it, by trriiitcpassiiig to the East. .•. „.
Persons wishing' to purchase t ill please call upon
3L•. r\ndred Blunt; lo Carlisle, or on the subscriber
at hid Mills, 4,..noiles` West ut
July f4,'18: ! , ••••• • ' %1•41
, • .
13Y virtite Of of ARIA Leturl PitelAuto me
tlii4Cletl;ltruteti art oil`tlie''Court,of CotOtutin
Pleas of Cumberland OOttittY: milllie eipbsed to piili:'
lie ottleyot the Court House, In the borotigloil Cor r ,
Ilele, on .8 AT UR 1,3 A. V, Ole sth if ftY Of A ugu'it., 1 84,1;
at 10 o'clock audit! dui, the fulloW , lug de3a riled'
Iteal Emote; ' ',
A llousa aild Lot of ,Gromtd,' '
s inate On the North tinet collier of thepublio squares'.
in, the borough ; of ; Corhsle,- botnitle42, l'bomue.
Preig4;' 4 tjn. rect, qnd
thereon ereeted :tt lune two eths'rle,plogio'kerner gouee
add 'e!gbit,turo,siortllrl,4
,ifour 11'14:St izell
en execution ne kopertY
to be eohl britit",';
'Sheriff! irOfffee,',Ctirliele,?
#2 - ;'1015; S Itt4St
' - •
No. 9, Aligult ,Terno,
18 43 . S UMPAI4
li6 4l lol olfit
' Aer - ;mu Otr%,
2,400.Q04010 it;:a%
0 9n
•taoll ort' o 'o ,l4
'Othi :utbkitPts
onnirio'; !"?,45 •
'lOlOO "."Igarkilytlll,"l9
`t l a t4 ll ,2 o. ll lk 4 ,10 , 1 ;
tb h 44 l 9 lii tii s Artp - 4
oW,o, 4444;9'4 1 4. ,- „
weilo. 0 1 1 6 0'00f SF
c4,o7o o l Wthi l
John 131044*ilett-Ilu'r
tirJohn,stonah ' ooiN •
notice to gAnn.
Al , ougliwWowiJoh4Poim
1 1 "q 1 PY-1 1 . , P 01 . , 4 01 19 1
,nhk . tougtwjnngen
.4toqg r;(3451:' 0: Stough
01 1 ok 0V0910 4 i pitr`
101 l It • o gril S
0rer.40. - imaryvigniv,
o; bay
otigiG , liiirk ,, ;o,no ! lite;
n holil atll*4o6lol'
John Stonglo,tleoentle44 ,
11 MAI prtpcipni, nag litreg
A r iNO 2 .9ilhe 1 1 00IP*tor
' , "ol)Ftftit l 9-o,ro .W 9
oipur 1 1 0 1, jlff r
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T ,ll- . i n - r4# 7 6 * 4 . N •411 , e , rATIt
V;'544.V. .*'101414, ' ,,
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tiio:; - iielil t " i:.'• ,, ,, , ,i,!::
.::„. ..: ~ .. .- ,; N , 4):,.0.. ; . :i,': ., .-
.'Toi' - . - &Jr srEgi ; ' , z , „ ,w- , ~‘,
sc, io"'i44 ., "... liii-,'E if,,!i4, li . tiO .
fil?4titi4 -1 tOPOI,I, " AI , 1
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-.:.,,Plaioi,Vjiol4lo 0.449 '._ PP. '',.l) (4-1
re.o,t3g:Pile . i. 9:1, 0,445# 4r, ir ;',
i f
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V 7.., PPP i qr , Te, tS9t,'qw , ...P4 , ,,,,:f
',..,44.r.*'0.5 1 440P0:41 1 P4b931-I 01 0,:ii
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.). - -'.4l4§yAllito.4l4so,ol.g.a.49l*ViiiiiiE4
-;',E,41-i' l i i liiitdiCe6rohr iairig.,4lVoiAiiAirjtidia ,
• •.,,5,.,,..
,;, , i 3 , !4,..y.,,',., : i t .i„i '....... r'r. , ,ITAAP., -.•
, cit?iib.:l,lmn, , ,..9l.,,g. k preu,tyi
~, ,: ,npp.i. i .e, or
,2 . '.l"',, , Dkpftl',EttipiOnly.ii:iiii.'liiiptutinn?e in
g' 4 :'::Wit,A ; YE't , 's.,, , foio - .4l.iie' Con,stitutional
.',_ 4.1.'.....•;,,,,.,..:... .., ....
4 1 , , , , A tm nok,lttajin, , removed by-, , ,this
'lo4i'itinn-` s ''' 6 '''''' - ' -
...4c jrineliToFy t pt itilthttlever ttgarila the happiness
~401. , r 41filr.e.,of.titOrtfceiti , constantly on the. march
',1.9, , , - 'o!,fitctiolii, and :with with . each,sueceeding day some
iyilitl.kvttoe is iidved,cir some profound secret re-
VOillt4 havig'an important.lind direct bearing over
,NtiiiiffligheinAlestinies,' - if - We: tske ti • retrospcetivu
riew Ofor.f.lie past twenty years, how is the mind
strut:looth .wonder ! What vapid strit:es had science
made in t . istry: department of civilized life ! parti
cularly in that.which relatCh to the knoWledge of the
humitirlystenc in health anti disease. now valuable
and'indispentable are the citrative Jmenus recently
fflicoveretOn:l4lolm agency of olietnistry ! flow
does the infagitiation kitullesitid our admiration glow'
at : thelogenuity,, the 'near approach to the standard
of .perrec t hi ri , 'of the ;present time! ' Through the
clabOvale iniTsligations of Physiology,or 1110 science
of Lug: 'god the • Pathology of on:that:lit diseases,
much valuable practical knowledge has been gained.
- In consequence - a lieconling'inamainted with the 01'7
'g,ailization, the elements of the vat 10118 tissues and
structures of Qtr system, remedies have been sought
after:mil dise'avered exactly adapted to combine with,
neautralize and expel morbilie 'natter, ilia cause of
disease, and substitute healthy action'ill its place.—
The beautiful siutal a 1 his_uttule....ef_trealltamt_
'is - tot oilysuggested by.the pathology of diseases,
not only until til to the sufferer, but perfectly in con
sort:lime with the operations of Nature, and satisfac
tory to the views and reasonings of every intelligent,
reflecting mind: It is thus that Sand's Sarsaparilla,.
a scientific combination of essential principles of
most valuable vegetable substatices,operates upon the
system, :The Sarsaparilla is combined will] the LaOht
Salutary productions, the most potent simples of the
vegetable kingdom ; and its unprecedented success
11l the . restoration to health of those who bad long
1 pined under the most distressing chronic maladies,
has given it an exalted vdtaracter, furnishing as it
does evidence of its nun int riffle value, and memo
niending it to the afflicted hi ferias the afflicted only
can know. It 111'8'101,g beet a MOM hallUlialit Ile
sideraittin in .the practice of medicine. to obtain a
remedy similar to this—one that would net on the
liver, stoinach and bowels with all the ',recision and
potency of 'mineral preparations, yet without any of
their deleterious elfflets upon the vital powers of the
The attention of the reader is respectfully called
ki the following certificate. However grelit achieve
ments have lieretettilkicen made by the vise of this
Invaluable medicine; experience shows re-
Oohs still mane rennukablit." — The peoprictors here
avail themselvesof the opportitirity of haying it is a
source al'colititaiirmaligactuni that they are mails the
travails of relieving such nn :11110111a 01 suffering..
Wonderful Medi of Sands's Sarsaparilla in
. .
Read BIZ. fgllowing from )
Mrs. Wm. Phillip 9, who
has long resided at the Falls. The facts are well
known to all the old residentsin that part of the city.
rssitS. A.. B. SANDS'isr. ilo.—StitS, Most grate—
fully do I embrace this opportunity for statina to you
the great relief' I obtained Bann the 11111:. of) oitr'Slics . •
saparilla. 1 shall also, lie happy, through you, to
publish to all who are aflictedos I lately was,the ac
count or my unexpected, and even iur.o lung while
despair of 1:1111... • Mine is a painful story, nod trying
:11111 iiiViiVll;llg•Zlli is the narrative of it, nor tile sake of
mimy whocitay lie surely relieved ; 1 will briefly yet
accurately state it,
'Nineteen years ago last April alit of sickness left,
me with an b:rysipelas eruptiou. Dropsical collet-'
tions immediately took place over the entire surface
of toy body, cifus;n:7, such an enlargement that it was
necesiary to odd ti:Cialf card lit the size of toy dres
sesarottod the waste. -Next folltifved,upou nay
'deers, painful beyond description. For years, both
in slimmer and White'', the only Mitigation of toy
wassuOcring . !blind ill upon those parts cold
water. Prom lor litobs'the pain extended over thy
whole body. Tliere uas literally foe hie no rest, Ity
day or hy night ljpon lying down these pains it ontil
'shoot through my system., nod compel--100 to 'arise;
:aid, for hours together, walk the hotse, so that I o a$
almost eubirely deprived at' sleep. During ibis time
the Erysipelas. continued active, and (lie uleerti
larged,and so deeply have these ()Men, that for two
and a years they have been subject to bleeding. -
thwing these almost twenty 'years I hate emistilted
twiny physicians. These. have valledloy disease—
Its it wasattentlea obstileite cough iaal a stonily
and tictite pain iu my side—a dropsical consumptiolq,
and thotigh they have been skilful practitioners, the)
'm ere only able to united my case a partial nod tem
porary ri lief. I.liailmany other difficulties too com
plicated to clesceilie. I hate also Well manly- of the
medicines that helve 11001 recommended as hilidlible
• .
ewes for this 41SC31:C, yet these all filing], aml I was
most emphatically growing W01.:51... In this critical
condition, given up by friendsinal expecting fon toy
self, relict' only:in deittli k I was' hy this timely inter
position or w.ttiod provithoo,,,•ii with yoor,
to me, invaluahle . Sarsaparilla. , A singlehottle glare
me Lou assurance of lit•alth; which to r only ,years I
had tint once felt. Upon taking the . second 0115 en
largement dinlialslied, , mid in twelve daps from the
Bth of October, when 1 commenced taking your Sar
saparilla 1 was able to enjoy skill and rest, by night,
as refreslliag , as an, .1 ever enjoyed whemin perfect
health. , Halides , l wits;•in this short' time, relieved
arum all those excruciating .nut unalleviated pains
that had afflicted toy day 5, as well as robbed me of
toy night's repose. The ulcers upon my liintassire
hooleit, the Ervsipelas , et.ed, and my rjze
ucurly to my limner measure. • • ,
'riots much do I led it a privileg'o to testifv'to the '
efficacy of you'r liettlili-restoring'lnri,apardla. A
thousand thanks, sits, frplo one ‘vhose comfort' and
hope of future health orollury:ourie'r (.;ml, to
your instrumentality. Aud ma y tlie l'rovidenee
that directed! ere to your :ail, make you the happy
mal.lionoreillitstruntents °l . ..blessing_ others, as dis
eased andgiespairing as your nautili reliet , ed and very ;
11:ientl; - ' .ASENATII 1'11(1.1.11'S.
.NEw !Argun , : Co. se. ' .- Not . iell,Nov. 4,184'2.
l'ersnuallv appeared,the above-named Asenath
Plffllips, and made oath of the thrfs root:tired in the
Ibregohig statement belbregne.
ustire of the Peace.
Bring personally acgtininte,.l with Mrs. Phillips, I
certify- that thealmve asserted tim, are substam‘illy
Minister of the Gospel At Noriiich, Conn. .
Stol's Sarsaparilla AVM also remove and perms,-
'neatly cure ihseases baring their origin in an Imp Ore
.atilueidilre bleed and eleilsavetl4otatition ortlie.geti
f: rat constitution, vir„..,Scenfttla or King!.4 Evil in its
various forms, ;Itlietoundsm, obstinate cutaneous
hi option's, 'blotches, isilen, pimples; or plAttfles on
ilte face, ebronie sore eiein ringwortri or fetter, Sett Id
head, , eolargemeof tonl v pitin Ot die bones pad Joints;
stubborn ulcers, .syeldlitio symptoms, diseases •nris-
Mg from an lajudietoda. of 111CPCIlln female de
rangements and other similar oomplabits.
Prepared and sold' by A. B. Sands St.Co:', Drug
gists and Chemists, Granite lot ildings,f273 Broadway
'writer of Cluttnbers street, New York.. And for sale
by Druggists throughout OM United' Slates. Price
$1 per bottle, six.bottles for
The public are respectfully , re quested to remem
ber that it is Sattili's Smiaparillit that hits and is con. 7
stantly nchievill such remarkable miresOf the most
difficult class of diseases to which the human thane
is subject, and ask for Sands's Sarsaparilla, and take'
• -".- z
Agent h 7 aliemni appointment foi the l'roprietora,
for t'ailiAle , iNiiG,vieinity;' ' IT
. .
Tfir..-PATopiiio:l;Awa p.. 4400 01 . 6,1 . .01)t setotoifor.
Yenneyfiltnia I.4idatul'eihn,ve . been 'received for
,Cumberland cooety, end arepotitly CoOltitrlbusion'to
'those entitled to !eceive them. „
tailiftwol 11,,V2341i043-'-'
•,=_.44.,1t •';irdioiirtfiii
.• ~ ~, .'"q el it r Viiiiriglt4% Y ,4 7 , d "fci'lAt,
rri igI,OPI'FA -3,64i,fi,,, nor' At' , T r i Alw
-1: "'pilbli:43l.ll ittl% ;A ar, or„. B,LANttri,T44trot
onvinoth yl .gc, k lo-,, grao:pkila i p x „, thiksbilltv
faire,'The P i infi'da,i atot 0.. ele IriiP.
'CitrOPliiiV 1116.vr,4 obtotrboAlgitP:i, e)c iolifi.
orisorect*'o#o6,7iGtt vei thnel,i4l,4Ai ttie;
1111'1111 and, trjminideoll4 "Ortflttif .milavh4l'*e!'
PithOg64l4.ia every ,fiecoBPllVlpitsMAX'
to tfte,4"'''.ettoVt?..t.'f!'"..?"-k-; --,!- ,
/red othaevti .4,
~,,i..1.0.i11....'4 0 ilitile til'OP
c t4PL,l4.vt--4- '” - - ' N ,A' -4-
k",4!AAV.i., ,. .' 4i.,;47,...,:?:'
'qt. , . '?, , •,t2r,-,.'nft't,l'....W - '!',f 4i'Aro,',".;
11VI.T5ctil, ,tql- f 'i, 4,irSti: - f,ip l 4 ,
ItityoW 4461 , Bvo9ol,4itio n 'Ag - ippo,
ljkliti*tr I . 7te jtittetliphref i gAlte7tiirt'or
.‘94°i.i#o l l4l l , S. •40 iliqprri,t./qMP.htt i*••,..
''' 0 1 1 0 4-l i • • 01c.,:I‘PhI l ; 0° v.:Pa . Orf rthe-bok,4
. kor.:_fitti :,- .I);:tisBPAPOti , ie:46.tny of
, , uttpw, I viltlipo7•ol4'.4","Alyt WitillOwini:
. 4 4 44::#0 1 0'4 1 ,0 1 : 2 '..•,'" : !t''‘K ,, :',r::;?'" . -.•
;i t
me: 14:540,VirOiiic1; . :; ° Bhp46:in 1,1* ,. t i'
i 44 !iii , ifitaiiii4i*O**llen towiisblirebauntled
• ; if , , ' itteoiiiiiipoirtliCWeitbYSztnitl4:3lnble;
ii, ), Or ek,,ip,;ol) , , , C,:edi•geAlikiPi•eatilliibliieStly:
'tithi I"- f*o l 9 l- ( l :two , himdOl!'re o ol 7 4ito4 l 4l . lll!fi ,
.th q;,..qscied.s: two stori - fripilOStOo s tl!,:aud,
. le ! ).sto,)•diValiti4 libUSEistliFreanTeOeldd:: ~,
,r;'• Altii:riii. LotAtf.Ground , situalOin , lslliie,.
,rittf,p4 . 9:wn, Allen,townAip,•boundedSopth•lipilibi;=,
fn;yotreet ; Wok by : Batman Shiteniati,,•tid'Etikt,bi:
Magid . AlaxWeli, Contain ing‘Abrty 'seven ft,4frolit.
tint one hundred and 'eighty thilie raft 11 .1111Upik::::" '
: • Also; 'A, Lotla Ground, Situate iii Shit&
iiiinistOwn, Last PerffirborOugh - township, 'boUnilhn-
North' by nail' load street, Last by• 'Joseph 'StroliN
beirs,ind JaeOb and Henry Rupp;on.the ‘Ve`st,enit
tinning sevesty,five ( f e et in front, anctolie buildred
and ninety feet in depth, having it slatigliter Donau
'thereon erected, •Seged .oinl, .
..ndien in exedutioti as
the rellerty, of 111.84 iii G. ; RUPP .•• - - •'•
. • . . . ~ .. .
Also, A Tractor i.i . :tiitl, situate in Allen
township, Connell:Mil ' enuidy,"coblaiiiiii seven! ) ,
sii itercsonore 01' lesii,iiiljoining bolds of John giilt
elbergee, Adam Eiehelberger, George ,Itupp; Jacob
Loitg•,.Johe Shupp tied other/4 havingAlioreon wren..
ted a tw,o•story thvellibillOUSE, Ilarni-Still. boos,
and other out houses: .- Seiz e d and taken in e.tetiii
, tton as the - property of.Fre,ilia:iek. Lang. , . -
• Also, A Lot of Ground, situate ill Siliter
Spring township, Cumberland county, containing five
cures, ,lore of less, adjoioinglatids of Joseph Eshel
tnait, Frederick Myers, , Nt vs. -Abell and Mrs. Mos
so. having thereon erectedoi two story- log linose .
and Stable,, Seized and taken iii execution as the
property of Isnae Livingsion. ~ . • t ., ...
Also; A Lot or Ground, in, tint bOl'Otigli
of Norville, containing '4O lad in breadth' and 050
feet 4 - depth, more or Icss, bounded by it lotni.loliti
Bricker on the East, by a 20 feet alley on the South,
by another lot of .Insepli Otto on the West,nitil by
(tail road street on the Nort.lii) haring thereMrerec-,
ted n two story Brick HOUSE and Frame Back
buildin g ..
Also, &J i g" of. GrountL—situate-on-the -
road !eluding from Norville to the Rail roc I Donut,
adjoini ng a lot of Paxton and .thilliraith, other pro
perty of Joseph Otte, : containing 40 IVet in breadth .
min Ott feet in tiepin, more or less,.
. •
Also:..A Lot of Ground, in Oto borough
of New% Ille, &nil:1110%01(1 feet in: breadth, and ;m
in depth, more oilesSountled on the Nod!, by roil
road .s. , treet, on the West, by. klezekialt Itoads, on the
South,by_a_2o,feetAlley,tual cm the last by the above
&swilled lot, having thereon' erected afratae Shop
one story high. Seized and taken in execution as
the property ofJoseph Otto. , .
A Lo{ of Ground,
of Carlisle, Cooibinlioid County, contahling fat leet
in breadth, and two hundred and forty feet in depth,
tnore or less, hounded by the public !Ignore Oil the
West, Main street on the South, Thomas Creigh tin
the East and an A Iley on the North,ActOag thereon
erected a Wick two story Stone noose, and right_ '
Brick two story llouses,called Hai per's Row. Seiz
ed - Mid taken in'exeeution as the propeliy of John
Harper. .
Also, Two Lots of Ground, situate it
Wornileyslnirg,, Enstpeonhhoro towel:41;j), (mph In
containing fifty eight feet in breadth and one !minket
nod lifty feet in depth. more or less, bounded lA . a In
of:lotto Black no die North, Pine Alley to theAVest
front street on the Kist, soul n street. on the , Smith
haviiig, thereon erected a two Stacy IMMO S 601), t 0.1.1
n frame usable.
Also,"rwo Lois of Ground, situate , in
the said town and township, each containing 55 feet
in breadth and 150 feet in depth, more or less,tial
joining hit Of Benjamin Erb on the South, front
street on the East, third streenin the North, and an
other lot of sold geese on the 1V(IIL
J ' Also, ' A Lot or Groinid; ill said town
and township, containing 55. reet in breadth and ISO
in depth, inure or less, adjoining oda+ property or
Soil . lteese on the East, third street on the - 'IV - Cct and
on the South by a lot of' Samuel
HMI taken in eieetaion as the property of Jeremiah
Reese. • '
Also, A Thet of Latid, situate in Aron
roe township; containing tell acres and lourtreirper
eltes,.more or less . with it chopping part stone,
and fedi lion e;a Clover Al ill, nada Saw, log dwell
ing I louse; two stovies a log mut frame
Baru, with other ant houses,adjoininglaodsol:Josrpli
Latsliaw, and Aliehael Alishlts• on the North, Chris
tian Layman on the Eabt, Nlartin Brandt's brigs on
the South and %Vest. Sei,zed and taken e!t • ecittion
as the property or
Also.. All the interest of. Edward , B.
-Lefaaw,t, in a lot of groomd ritual.% in the borough of
Carlisle, eoutaining :30 let in breadth, and I2lti feet
in depth, more'or less, adjoining a lorol . Alm! Icee
ney on the North, a lot or 111:110 11. Shapley oil the
East, Bedlord street on the South:lntl Nortli * Hamner
street on the AVest, thereon erected a large
three story Briek house, a brick kitchen and a two
utory, laid; house, and trance shop add 1111111 p stable.
• Also, Ills interest in a lot of Ground,
situate in the borough containingorCarlisle lit feet is
breadth, and '240 limt in depth, adjoioitig a lot of
Janign tamberton on the \Vest, IVattts mt.the
Tast. all alley on the South. and Iletlford street on
the North, having thereon erected a two story Log
weather-boariloil and a small Log 1 kottse.
Also, All ItiA interest in a Lot of
Ct•Outitl, situate in the borough of Carlisle,hounded
on the • \Vest by Ilitekenrulge's heirs on the
East, the turnpike on the South and a lute oat die
North. Schell mill taken ill execution as the proper
ty or Edward 11. Leonard.. And to he sold by rue
• • • :PAUL ALIN:IIN, Sherill:
Shetalt's OfTlee,
• • .flute 2S, 1313.
Tim pr'Operty advertised (01 sale by the filicrifr,
as the Property .ar Ed ‘ , ,,,vd- B. .Ileonard, is. not his
property, but belongs. to me, us I luive, ,
many years
ago, plil . ciiithed Lis interett ill t is %dude .estate of
our deecnacd liaber, Christian/ Amard, and paid
hini for•it iii full. , : .- " . . W.I. LL'UNA III). •
Carlble, July it - I, 1843. •. 3t37
31111113A112 . 4 1jIlltili: 4
, .
H E subscribers respectfully inform the
that"thy hfoe intoohased owire
stook of Goods of Thotuos 11. Skiles,,coosi,thig of
Cloths; Cassimoroa, Vestinfro, Qlovcs,
• . .
Stachi, pandlterchiers, bdinort Collars. .
ilenileniens !tom., Gras its, Caps, &b., till of
w hick Ibryoiler for hale at the,old stand of Thomas
Skilt-41, in IV,est :than Street. They assure the
bublie that their work will be the hem, man
ner and most fashioUable Atihu. • Ceafh:ineii
fog. Clotl4 roof . fey upon hosing it :Mole up with
equal dare; •
*Nlf. h. FANTItunsT ;
• • wm. stu!_,p.
N. wilt be emit - mud : in tlid
establishment as Gaiter. ' L. S.
Carlisle; dime '20,1843: ;.; '
Cheaper than Ever.
AM itistivectiviiit; Another faultily of. Summer
Gonds,Ulticli will he sold clituper than .ever.—:•
Among the goods receiving this weelt,*ll4 be found
t Isige lot of CaMoos fratit 4 to 12h 4,:ents,
ham from; 10 to 20 Neents. Punts stuff from 64. to
25 betas. Lawns from 126 to '3li .11:az:Livens and
'uslin de nil pOces; Stockings & Gloves
from 6+ to '23; and 'n largelot of 'seasonable goods,
thst cunt he , beut;(ve6olleet that) pail be sure. to call
tit the old shop;
,the third door cost of the market
house. :•••' • ' CHAS. OGILBY.
Jude .1;1843.' • • ••' •• • &SA.
II 1- * 'l'7 `l.':: '; ' ' . k
• .',--. eV ',;::_ . 3f, i . .r,1.t1 . ..-' , : ,-. t, ", '.'
1 ro•• • sla,paz tcor' .10'uqcp-4074,141, 401,e.; a
y' •,' ; ?:',.;_,• , • ttr‘,,, k ' ''' 1 4 . rs . ' ' ' ' , l ''?- p „?, ii i ,.. 4 ) 1,,z-.4•:,,,„i i •,.
...p.,,.„.r_.i.:,(4,0e.,:t..f., ~...1,, , ,k , . ,: , -...,-
it. , ...1if A n,..'..._,:m4 41,41;
•.% 7 4 :M4 , ...... -- • . •,..., * 2 4 4 L " ,r• - ~.. : .,-t 7 ' l * .
..7k , , 12 •
.1 . ,_••• ••s*,
.• :• , . ,• 1, ...7,424 . ,:§ 0 " 4 _,..___ . ~ .1 4 :,, , ,:
;'..5 t.--_-- . • v. -- --,.. ,„-,..7,-.•:-.)---,-,--%..„.. 4 ,1,,,,,
~- --,.. - .1 -:: -,. : ---- - , • - •;••:. -,- -:..":-'1,;;.'• * ::-. - - - - , 1 - -.../ . 2,-
' ------ '" , ' 11;72.7.:?... , ..', - ;P:';',v .E,1.,,, , •,;;;,, , ,,..,
• ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 77 ..: - -' i - ': '•;-; ',,,.. ',\:'' \ 1" . ' ,; i 1t,. : - . ' . ''',;, f '7,
• '','',- , '.. , ." . "7‹., - • 'l l . , :r, ' ~.,,i,.:C1.7:;•", : :;" ,: • fi -- . " -- :' , Z 4 . , , ',!;,7,' .. ! , ,,
„.', , ,:,,,;; .-,;•,, :••:' , •:iP,;4 , .T., ,, ,,44 . -• , ,4+,!i,5n0,„.., e r ef4.?4,4, , k,,,,T.k , ...
A l i t ' .. . e " I V• 11, 9 111 §. '•',t OP!' : , .:0,11f0,, wism ,
' ` - ',lfi. traiiitiltk.l'S iif..e'veW. : 'inii,rileiego6 - iC
, ea t iii.iffe'.**Afai7Xlitalfaifa , y,iir.triViiitlitietetWe!q -
N0.'% 11 1-liTr , i : RT , :k*P - Acit9Y. , !iuilf - ;Oltit:Ffg9eY
n o'd Akalerson'a•store,wlierege•tnteritlikeeiattgeou
sthoiv,dolaualotot).,4lll, iaanufnctnro •to,oriler. of
• tl l e...lieta,.patterytlkantf : a( the ,veryalturteet totice llk,
.17.e.ii *Mit; - .41/17a/ra, ''.. Bidesig'•
- • ' . , : AVM.. zntst, ma.z0 0 t. , .....
of every description, in tile neatAat aititimVit,io4lo '
nble - atyle, warlit wed to haveztegoOttattikkiffnheat
a eoloi..tta an:y of tile Hats manufacturesilo aid' et
tied,, Also,` , •.. .•• , !•,, ..' '' • ‘ 4.:1,:•.;:k
„chnpeans and 11111.(141,7 . cans,,
of every deserbtion made hi the 'hest Style, 'and at
very moderatelpfices. ' - • . •
For Crisp, he will sell low'er. than evel. Haiti have
beta' sold in this' Ilisrough-,antli indeed.'his ptices
getterolly will be such its to suit the depression of
Although lie prefers Selling. tor ca4h—
yet he will, as Anal ; be will ingto take Country pro
(lois! at the market prices in exchangolbr.Hata.
. The sub'scriber vetting his. sincere thanks to a
ivnerotia. public for the• encott ragementlie has 're
ceived since he first coin mermaid Intsillt!ss about three
years ago,in the old shop in Lumber strect,and hopes
by strict attention to' business to Merit and receiVelt
edatinusinee of their patronage. , For the convenietthe
of tome of his cusiomersOtts still Carries on flsi
ties, at the old shop-but those who wish to have
and choice” would do - Ave!! to tall at the neiif
establishment, No. 3, HarPrr's ItoW.
Call tutu judge for yottrsel tin: •
rlisle, May 23, 18.13
fl 111L11.1"T,
Itarrisourg, P.
i?ESPECTFULIAt informs the Far
rttillerd, l 3lcrclianth add ilie publ ic-gen
cl4;ll.v, that he is now prepared with large and cum
monions IVOrcr Ileintes; on the Penna Canal, near
the foot of Walnut htreet,in ilareightwg, to receive
io Store for Shipment, Comitry produce :uid Met , .
chatoliie torlia, Baltimore and Pittstairg
and all intermediate places... D. Leech and Co'w
the folloving first class tide 11'ater canal
runirdm:the Houses inflarri4hurg,
Boai, J. C. 31cAllester,
• Chesapeake,_:__
and Martha;
May 31, 1543.
• • •
Boots athtil t Sh.oe - s;;'
•A :BEVY addition to .the foinacr Stock
of fine calf, sewed and pegeil Boots, 31ens and
Boys Kip Boots of good quality, Mons and Boys Kip
calf :11 musics, Ladies, Misstrs and Childrens
kid and morocco • slippers, Ladies and Missei ftne
morocco welts, all or% hick will be'sold onvocomon
ly low for Cash. • • W' \I. M. M.VICER.
• Carlisle, May 10,1843. • f2B
BY virtue of a writ of Ventlitioni Ex-
AD l ianas to me directed, issued out of ti Court
of Common Pleats of Condit:omM comity, I will ex
pose for,sale at the Court house, in the horom3h of
Caeltsle, oil SATURD,IY, the , t 29111 day or JUL% ,
1813, at ttio'clock, A. M. the following. described
Real Emnte,:to
• A LOT OF GROUND, situate in the
borough of Sititopensburg,, - containing C.l fret in
hreatlth, 140 ftet in 'depth, more. or lesi, bounded on
t h e Emt•be SItTeL or road out the Staab hpit
lot of liivitt lienower, out the West in 31 lot of David
Mallon; and on the North be n lot or the liev...--
Strough, Irt‘ing thrrecin emitted a teo clot' lIIIICK
lIOUSEdunI tt.hrick Kitt:hue, . T
• :Also, A LOT OF' GROUND, situate in ,
the township of Shippetishurs, bounded on the I•lnSt
by Dr. Win. Nankin, on the South by •Sattittel
,Nl'CurclOy . ;on•the East by Samuel Engle, :tad ml the
North by Alex:tittle'. Alateer,and the .3ittlaolte"Chitrelt,
hat in thereon erected li small log. House and !trick
yal•11, containing two•acres and three com•tlis: Selz
t•d and taken in execution as the property of George
Ilartlitie, and to be 3 old by me
PAUL MAIti'IN, Sheriff:
Sheriff's Office,
3Vite 21, IS•13. S tS-31.
- - - - -
• 1117110LESAILLE
TVIIE subscriber having stuppelthe-few
illl. tail business i s-liow prepared to sell to Cairn
try and 'Fowl; Storekeepers mid the trade generally,
Stve, Coffee, • , Bacon, .
Molassei , , Brandy,
• Chocolate, Bice, Gin,
Spices, • ' . Oil, • . Wine, . •
Sperm Cantles, TaintCco, Whiskey,
Fish, • Salt, Plaster•, • •
' Pimli, ••• • Oakum. • • . •
and a general assortment of CROCE1111;;S, for sale
by JOHN 11. 1.1114t3T.
May 31, 1843; tf-31
. .
...Ta'avellers take Not icey,
• •
ruaAT Ftitni lies tun' their fernititiv soul passen
t ge:st generully.,'eun Le sent froui I). I.eeelt anti
Co's old [louse si tho foot of \Valeta Street', lower
than any OttIVI . 1101150 iii 11.trrisburg, to itty_of the
following Cities And all intermediate 1118140 s.
' New York, . eineitinnti,
l'hilatlelphin, Louisville,
Ilultimore, Crain! Cairo,
. I
• . Pittsburg, St. Louis.
. 31,1813. 1.1.-;”
• SHIM) and, IILEItitING.
30"B -L 5-
Prime No. 1 Shad k
ring of biiverior quality, cheap for ce4l), nt
the htort; W A).i.Tlitli, its S. Ilan vet ht.
Otrltele, flay lit, 1843..
-7---- .
2000 ~.fiviull s i li k Etriise I (3 na . kßety:Cnelri n t A i s i i i r
Netv • 464 Cheap Sititurie.
THE stihsetiher infotm the ptiblie
Ito •Itlis•fakiitt•the store room recently oc
cupied. by Messrs. llos.qu'inan Unto:xi, an North
flatiover street, CaPlige, lit NAlialt he' is now open
ing; a large and splendid nud cheap iisatitluient of
' SI.)RING 4 R stijunkn.....
of every variety and quality, which lie unites the
piddle to call and exandite,colifittent that the quality •
of his..goods to n their low priets will give satiallit
tioti to all mho may' la‘or him With a call. '
- • 1:11ARLOS REED, •
•• • r •4; 4 Agent for Joseph - Reed.
May 17,1843. ,
• ,
Attorney at Law, "
FTERs.his professional . services to
NI.. the patine. .0:7-Office at the late iesitlencc of ,
Mr:Jacob ZJg, on Aluinttreet.
. Unt•lisic, 4015,143,
Ba . torine.
EW pleeel of tile above Splendid stile of hoods ''jtist'redettt4l hot. , r 00; 'arid
at astonishingly , , bitar valves . !I! oar §ttitt..otie door.
west of ourAttlap. neighbonryliok 111'0 tO beat
satin; cheap g oods. .. Weil M Ito IS'it,Ve*4/194paide.
this;tune 'tdid
surely nsisittopikl , g?eat' •
C 1.1.45. owitgrit & Co.
ctiAiiv;',liipel4' 0431' . • tc-ss.
' A IPAPtiki ervery,Aluierfor,)Lemp - the
Nut at thy +Roma thi imbaeribers.
•I gold BARNIT CO.
oil boi
‘,fr (11+Culi
e;A: few ticr i t i oafs -
oaf "1". :314.1141,,yrz4.84-rA",
, ousel** at
kkiltilik ?I" •
A - 4440 •
4 zw,4ol,tiw ,
-,,11,181563 (
, • .
MOSI' reapri:tfnlly informs the'eitizena of I Inv
rislitin:otrid the public in general, flint he has
removed his Leather, Nloi•oeeo an& Finding Store,
to North Second street, a few tlOors above Henry
llneltleto,s /Intel, where lie will conquintlys . ott
hand a general
.!tssortotent of the following named
'articles, sic: •
IlarneKsjair and black Vl'aX. and grain upper,
whip and collar leather, wars Call •,
skins, s i miiiAp,ll,l r.ounsry top and
liuln leather,lndlows Leather furniv
119CIM nYlil Blacksmiths, and Bark
Tmonld Sheep Skins. •
.z LS 0-••• -010.110 COS:
• Coiliprising Men':,Morocco,Wonwn's molitssed
rod and black straits, French kid oftliffereM colors.
Red roans, Bindings, Linings of all colors, Book
binder's lcollicr, Phainoisl• lumber andllo4. - skins.
. Such , as hoot keysanut breakers. idiot. , keys.; hum
piur&rs, rola; _stamps, 'size sticks: punches
knives, rubbers, files, wasps, .thread, boovaeebbing
sparables, bum cord,' pegs, awls, &c. All o
which he will sell at the very LOWES I CASH
W. L. P. returns his sincere thanks to.thelmb
lie, for the liberal patrons re which has heretofore
been• extended to him, itla revel:trolly solicits a
continuanth, Qt . their ("acorn.
Fortva rd lag 41;;;_
1 — ) ESPECTFULLY informs thepublic, that he is
1 - .4,..prepared to receive, ,Inrward and dispose of
Produce of every .deserlption,.
either at the l'hiladelphia_orilallimm_Alarkets, or
aoy , other hie 'hy Road. --- Wiht ,
AVM uncoil ill person to the delivery and sale of all
articles entrusted to his care,- the most satisfactory
and speedy returns may at all times be , expeettal,al)ll
the M'am promptitude In the transaction of all bu
siness entrusted to him.
' Farmers mid others havimg hay article tit hich they
wish disposed of, , will do well to call on him, int
medial:ay opposite the Nlansion House, and Hai
Road Depot, Weal High street, Carlisle.
is ituthori?.ed to purchase . severathundrel
biti.hcht ah umip, f fly which the highest Pelee IC
be givety. .• •..
. ,
Trim subscriber thankful tier pas ' favors begs
leirve to inform his friendi and the publiu to
general, that he continues to eayry. mi the
in all its various brandies at the room occupied by
him*. the last taro years in 114;1'50.M; west oldie
Court Iltufseodjoiidng N . W. Wood's store,whcre
he is.prepared to execute all kinds of work in his
line, nettle best 111111 HUM I . lllllliolllll/11.: imunier, and
upon the shortest notice. Charges made to suit the
times. Its strict attention to businesslie still solicits
ii`share of die public patronage. •
• • W.M.
Carlisle, April 5,1843. - -
C 0 U PR'OCILA 111Alti 0 Pil;
sidvaludge , of the Court •of Common
Pleas of tho. , Ninth Judicial district oftritnnsyl.
'Mein, and the lion. Jour; STUART and Tnowis
Judges of the said Court of Common
Pleas for the county of Cumbetland, have issued
their precept bearing deicer the 14th day of April'
•1843, and to me directed,, for holding a Court of
Oyer and Terminer, tioneratlail Delivery; and
General Quarter.Seuio4 :op the Peace,.at,Car
lialßinn the second Monday Of August, 2843-be.
ing tite l l4th dayr—ut 10 o'clock in the forenoon:
Justices of the Peace and Constables of the said
County .of Cumberland, that they be then and
there in Unlit proper persons, With their
Records, Inquisitions, Examinations an other
remembrances, to do the things witictt to their of
fice respectively' appertain—and thohe aro
hound by recognizancSl to prOleente against the
Prisoners that pito; or then may be in thel Jail of
stb.l.tourkty, to be theii mitt' there,,to, prosecute
agatust.them as shall be just and right. , • .
Dated at Cart - Isle; the Bth. day ;.of June,
11443, and the, 67th year of Arserican - Indcpen..
itinC 21, 14+443
FEATHERS far sale very low, in quantities
to suit purchasers, fdr CASH, at prices frOm 10, 15,
20 and 25 cents per pond.
Heade, made Beds, Bolsters hnd'U'illows, , Curled
Alatteesses urdl 'll.lais dos; and all other kinds;
tesuit any sized BedsteadS, always on hand. Curled'
hair and New Orleans Moss by. the .!bale or single'
Collift6' ' Stirekeepeaseleadd4nd
tnge by calling air' the stilisciilitrspefoito purchtiiing;'.
SJ F. Corner or.getOnd lk Walnut Streets,
April iiii[B449 • '' •
CO * - -
.Bu isi
sllELs , Alloghe'
2(l.o . qlblth lbooh tsuiii.l.3*ns
Valtti,; SAIT. eon,
hind'andeuld 6hejtii , #tt 'tic; hid
*RI rhilaclFhibitcur.Baltrnito,e"..' ''"
lial: 4 t,iil)o4-, A 'nil 1841::
„, • • •
Witt' idortucfrs•
r , viz; 'French and • Doubseo, Anindies i flot r
A! oinjoiliZo*ngoJillYtk:lid;colluninf WiaB4ls7l'
piandgy ?ork;
slot • -
: aols,oxii 4h, araeziesszi4
~,'- ; ';',..PIN,TIf :
1ir,11k50.13. - ay.. klyirtmoo- 1. 1 1
~,,; , - , .t....„ ; irirevo r e ,e. 00 .14 ffii,. „..!
iii,siatin.}., 174. ~,,/, 01.4 r , I "st . ne
thdlpitg - pcjitamiihrinittifir trnettit 7...getli; rroM"
ell'''Ortitillt; I (1)44 ettlpfp . t9_, „,. ~ ,..v., ,,
~..v..V flisa CM PI tC ,, titl*Ot, elk dliori : 0 10 of ( lie
'ltioreiattleotel.C.s'. •,„-44, ,•. h ,_ 1 , 4 _
.•'.g.lll,Dr,,k.enmie All be absent fro ,cop„11,)e,
the Net ten days, in Omn -
I'MHY ! 2 4;1 8 43. 'P '? l ,- -- & r.' ,' ;•, :' 4ArA•rtr-40
60400,1,004,0t.,F 2 14.,,,...g*.0 .! .
.. .
immuLtr•infordt f !mit% I,riFpils 44 OP TlAhlif4
that they have. lust receivedat their store en
1114i'eet,' nest ddof-tdDeeilnn'stlblil,'C'aiditilei
Burke, resh,midplirp, pt assurtniept fir CANDIES,
FIII.ITtS,' aiiil ohtlitie• uilielea httlieir line, whielk
they tare readyto , disposd of y .'lslioleiale and retail;
on the.dnost, reasonable tern's. ,qliiiir assor4neot
comPriSqs` the folifnving• Surletieg, all or nlikili 'are'
of th.6 - islioisest quality I 1 , . ~, $:, : .' . :,: .•
, 4:',: , ;-•
CAs l l l oFkzr , Aiiiit; -vilisnil; iiirls, ;plies, Sliest.
iiiiiii,: , i4Wit'lliti takes unil ,rollsi ciiiiiiiiPou, masa
fray, -
,1 'Punt!, clove, cream 11114 bled-eye,
TlionipSoniiinnU,' elqiei• candies ; Jackson " Of Clay,
ballS, luitinii, , Val
,;' . .Prench slid. cowman neliga ;
french, colUilicrii;que4phaliies seciietir; niltivilrop4
rock • slidvdnillit eandy; Stigad and 61(011 hlmonds ;
tinnily toys, liquorice, a te. !-.. . ft.•;.l . ' , '•
IST UTS-,-A I inonds,fillieettqldglis nhlants, shell
harks, chesnuts, tool I.3ruill;ektuimpeocoit iiiii ground
nut.S. ' • ~ -
FRUITS '--Ohingei,"ldtintin, riliajoi; fign, p'riines;
dates and eititon.• Also thqiliest , . i• - '''
... .
Caveriti i 3 h
.Teibßieco ..,:itt4 -,• A Iris: c.g
.... •
such. as Regalia , PrinerileOlUyinni; "TrribUtuts and
Aim:vie:an . segars, of the lutist quality:3' • ' ,
Theirassortinent. is. sePt;.cciiistiiiitly, Supplied by
fresh additions. Countet'' tneetilianti silv invited io
call, nu they eau be sliffOled.on - ternisitis adsaidage
ous as city prices. The ;pivoting() of the..iaililic is
respeilfully solicited. - ,
Carlisle, April 2G, 18.13.
Letdher, .7124r0cc0 and Vindik
wra. 3r,. vEx.ryan:
llarvisbitrg, May 17, 1843
Corn IniSSioll
131.9 80NI E 5.3
-PIUS iNtgOirlll0 T •
f:•••.„; , .• •1 , ••••• •-• • §:-
4 1 ,7(r.
Olh;jlioerteli L
ii oj e
hi .
~ATEPX, F (ARigr../1 0 ,F4WasSW
1 . 1111:atUl bawds fixilitt:
rtiors„,wil ‘ iO4;a4l l,l 4,ealitlellcd , fll.l":79,oleltdaclul;
ineident io' ' '`
• - &111) rE6.47lft3in l 'lirapt
Aria a ‘ certain•enee ititeriftitteet; `
wins, inflommatory . itedputrld 'lFirern,:liOaufse,tliey• •
cignse the bodY •froniallionte,MOl•liioMo4 Which
when cenflatil to the pereeiaiiiel, 404 "cause of al
' ri •
'So, elan, whets-,4he iit*e
the ulemliraiteninifintisele;einsting,paitui,ltifitimma
• PIM qe-if,d7{o4•R.9.q.
The Indust: Velik;!inle -
Ways eosin io.giye rdicf,iintllfAlrieryeil : Witli no
cording to ,directions, will nipit assureilly,ktutwith.
oui fail, make a perfect. abOio:- painful.
maladies.• Trom three,tosix of said-rnillan V.i•geta;: -
lite Pills taken cver,v w night , cin kbing,to' bed in a
short tittle so completely •rld the body :tilt" every, .
thitig that is ofiposed to health, that Rheumatism,
Goilt, and paint •ofeVeiy dekeription,will~ie literally
tDielVE.lf'.l.l?ool . 7714 'BObr.„ • • •
. Por the sante reasons, wiion,froto sudden,changois
of atmosphere, or any other cause, the •perinpiration
is checked, and the hunters which should pasaoll by
. .11.ti.qn.9e11.r.,
sicklie3N pain in the hone,s,watery and •
inllameU e) es, sore throat, hoarsenes;,•,conghs,,oon-.
simiptions, rheumatic pales in ‘;arlous parts of the
body, and many other symptoms of ,
. '• • t . ./ITC111.):'0 FOLD,
ablY give inantedinee r'ellef. From three to 'six Of
said fills talon An . OY night on going to bed, will iii •••
nott_niAy remove all the above unplen
said %•yinpionti, but the body will, infa - short time, be
restored to even initialer health than before. :The
tame May be said of •-, •. 7 • ' - •
The lialialiVegetable Pills will loosen and carry
,off by the ;Imp:telt and bowels those tough phlegmy:
humors, ahich atop up the air cells of the lungs,anti
l'a the cause ant only of the above distressing coin
pfaii:Lbiii when neglected, often terminates in that
still more dreadful malady mulled • ',;•••:
• • - . ....t:bd'isrsiimPTio'.
It shou ld also be remembered that the Indian
• .
Vegetable Pills areacestain cure for • • •
.rrAIN IN -.T.HE•SIDE.,^' • • • .
Oppression, ti.psy2, and sickness, loss of appetite, ,
co'4tivenls, a ; yelloW,tinge of the skin sail eyes arid'
every- other symptom of a torpid or diseased state of
Alte•lirert, because_ they.,purge from - thelMtly=thoser=, •
impurities wltioli ii,tieposited upon this important
orgaiwiro the cause of every variety of .
-- When a Nationll VOIMUISEd by Riots, Outbreaks.
and. Rebellion, the only sure moans of preventing the
dreadful consequences of a .
CIVIL WAR, . • •
is to expel all traitors, and evil disposed ones front
the•Cetiotry.. • • ••• ^ • .' • • -
In like manner, when pain or sickness of any kind , , •
indicate that the 1) . 04 is struggling with internal foes;
the true remedy. is to •
_ L i • •
. .
(Traitors to life,) and DE4LTII WILL BE TLll
That ilte Principle Of curing disease, by Cleansing..
'anti Purifying the body; is strihtly in ancordknce wttic
the La„ws which govern the animal economy; and it,
properly•syrnieti out hy , the use of till above noosed
Will cerminiti - yrsilß in; (he complete
7llisense; offer tins follOwing.thStirnonfa)Li , from
,poto!l2 . of the highest respeiAti.buityin 11,TC!'1tark.4
who its ve.rocently beep pipit of I+le A roo4; obitioitc
solely ,by the nsa of 1,1% . ti04AC INDIAN„
11,st.iteA, L. L Aloe 901,4841. •
D9ctor,..lYilliarn 'Wright—pear ,is with;
great satisfaction that I
, Imfgriv! you of m having,
linen Cut ti 'cured of Dyspepsia, of five yeirs-st
ing; by the use of imir INDIAN VEGETAL Lk•
Previous to: meeting with your celebrated incili.„
eine, I had Keen under the, hands of . several Myst-,
clans, Mill lidd tried Suriont medicines; lidi "7 so no.
to ''
olfect. flier using one 25 ‘cont box df i04 , 1.1111ff
however, I eiperiencettso much henefiti',..that-I re-4 .
Solved to persevere in the use ; of them according w,,
your direction!), a hich I ant happyto state, has re , ',.,
stilted in a - per.fuet cure. in gralitude to you for did -
. „
great benefit Jr lode relented,. and •alsoiht .the hope:
tbat others similarly iffifietcd May lie induced torntilscol.
trial of ydtir extrsiontlinary medicine, I, aced you;!
this statement with full publlsh thelatime if '
.. .
you think propel.. '•• .Yours, ftr.c. . ' ' '';.,,•
a ---, .
'VA+ 1 otik, .111 no 19,1841. . .- G. -C. DLACI, .•!,
To Mr:- Itiehtied Dennis, Agent-Tor Wright's liitliari:,-
Vegetable Pills, No. 288 , Grekitit:i9 . 11st.N; Y., ~ ', •
DeaK,Sir—At your recommendations . ' sodie Odd '
since sniffle trial of WRIGII'T!'S INDIAN' N'FIG` , : - ,' , '
lITABLE PILLS of the Neuth American , tollegei •,'
~ .. ..
iff , Health; and calf, conscientiously, ..asseri, that for - .
i'urifving the Blood, and renovating the syatens,..,.,
have received more benefit ream their use, thadfrOns - '
any other medicine;ii lias lierctofoieyini My good' '..
(brume to-meet with. .1 iin,• dear ter; with Amoy'. -
' thanks, your obliged friend, C. .M.,.:J*.K114, ; • ,
- Zia. 09 Hamer* at: IgetrXorlsr. ',.. •
Mr. Eichard Peno,is„, to;; • W4•12,111V.5 Indian'.
' ' ' Vegettiblo Bills. .
• •-• ." - ;r . ' • ., ,
Drat Sir--1-1 lin'tie; been afflicted far y ea r s arfditits •
' with ilo, arc! ,wra;knesaand gonerul fiebility v nabcatit.,•
wiled. ~liners with pain id the side and other - slis,,,. - ,
treating coinpinititi: Aflethaving tried vi t riotis Sterli:F"' .. - :.
ewes without e11.:ct,,1 was perstiatietilsy.a.- friend toe:;.:'
Make trial of I*. Wright's linlianNegetibieyinv, , y',.
,hichiaru happy to state have relieved , toie In A Ot#V - ' ,;* • .
woaderlid manner.. , 1 'hate; user] the ,rnellitinci* • ~..... -, •:::
yet hittat'sfrort time; ditl-httee . ticidbatif'ile:a4er 4 f;:
,• ,'.'
, e vemeAe. li the •.Iso , of the',inctlicinq:4ol#-lint ending;, ''
' '
rdrectiond ; Oa: I.thlilk Ur 'a'sliori:tinie Itit4arfectly
iettord - 4:.:.1•.• - . r . 4 4 .'. '', ~
4. ; . ;'.,liWt'.'';':..,P-; ', '... il .
!‘ . .. ,, ,•1711104 Willits lvoTqomp?Fryl, 8011, Pj ,firato all, pei j .:l. , ...: :„_
sons - iiniiliii•rv-atllleterfe and' hi the full boa , 0i1t,.., , ,, -,
lifst4pie bpoi;floi4lxer,,ulta.mAt fo4oyi . llioliest:-.,,,i , ,,'',';': , . '
Atopiaio ears sincerely; ,-..•. ;.••. '..,-* .., - - , . i .
t . HENRI Af•' pocorw, r.,1. , -VA. , - -
~ .. .W.gtw 4 FaingYlser P O, -..N0.,ixtwk.;:;; , ; , , ,,, .- .. ,•.
~,.. ~,, „„ , t ,., •I• EIAr Y o l ll ;;cpf..gte :kir,fM4 . !' ',,,-,
rta' to to zerfify Oat I has. tiiti.V . Vii
Wgetuhro Pills' Vith the tresiteit lieOe fi tilf , i '..04,;:4. • ' :..,'. , - aurpti myself of.tbwfretinCivt,iatiq,kii,. or, 4,.,., , ,':-.:•. , .v.,
Headaelte, to wldch Iliattpr , titioffaly.freeifilibjekff;'i'sf,-,.01t..''•
, --:' ' -•- • •', ' ANIV. , I I A I IIA. : -7it0N1P.4 43 NV,4,, 2 1tTi: ', :, ' ,r. ' :
•,. ~ . ,: : . . ...,,, spa .Grfonich 5t0N,3 , V;14,4;• , '5. 1 ,..5','
To:l6.liib . ao ljeioicii;:iiiobt tOi:TikViivs tilfrimi,,t:, ,0 7 ' . ..'
• -0. , ~.., : - ~ ~,bketsibikt pin0't.,. ! , ::4.1. -,,;, , ,;,!n , t - ,..,:i : , zrep:,: - , - .`.: , .....,',
' . ,• ~., ,:' l P•Plikt, .. 1 ' . 4. t'
.gs,tl4l l 4'iti k g 'lit tlith.: f,16-inakt; , 444o:rekool-; .:'''/.i'',
burAky„ . oigfigpilin'.,4ellllosl-1111811011' inneillis.isitiiiik,..'''
der the name of Ow
,Itatiao To`gctOle , Nill*-siioAp',,, , ,,
.• • ,
qiniediatltiesteltsietAiisd3irnttuilicieplit6igOitii - -- ,, ,. , -- -.
st.m.‘rm,4 l .4..thit nutuY,,,yo9ol•Clivvik, may .wroistow.. ~
~ ikouirquoooti of 1 41. 1 4 11 )onitrie04 1 kbaltil.* 4l ,ttiq .,- . -.'. . ,
polio Aro , : oiutioueo , elgatilio. , •knirchtising,iitii - 01 ; 14°, -1 '';., -.'..:,, • ,
ru IIiPILIN I *O- o ',l ii Mile l !!O u 0 1 - 14, 'V i OA*' h.' '''-'-- '.
'-i 6 g; 1.0 4 n , :, ~..: '.. r '; '-.
'' : ..,' . " ~ . ' ..'• . !.. . i. , : ',. ..;1 ',..-. ::! . . '!',. ' Y. :
''. .tlltitili to o l.llll)4 V .*E hr i i i t C 4itita.** : ' 'i,' : ' ...
t1:1:°'1!.1:1114q:.'...4 f W.
pi%.7 " 'ATI.# / #04 . V44 C ' 4 0 1 .4 1 ,1. 'OW
`4'r; , co
-a.~a ;~~