Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, July 19, 1843, Image 2

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11.4.111140 : 4.-:.11111134$0.1.4i/:
''.; . ,:',i',:'<i: 7 ,Li . tAt,7`.i , ,',EDlyoil ,A0,,PF.,10:P!3!E,T0,8
.' , , ,. . ,,,,,, •;: , .: , :: ,, i 0 . .A,111:L1ME,;,':1PAc.‘
..._ .
Subject:to:um ! docisioh of a Natiiinal convention
, •
46ttri4 Nationiil,Cbrrency, regulated by the
• ' • 'Will iiiiii,nitthority of the Nation.%
i '' .2 . Y Ari'ifdeglintelievertpe;liitli fair Protection to
, !:,.:Ambricap Industry.
I3.',"Jtast restralnts on the Executive power, em
';brifeing'n flintier restriction oh the exercise of
o- ••, • - • ]. .
4. Afaitl4lll administration of the public domain,.
uitable'distributien of the proceeds
'• otsaleit ofit tunung all the States. '
• G. An honest and economical administration,of
the General Governmebt, leaving publietaliecrti
perfect trentinut of. Ilo.u,htlid of the rialtt ot
- :ti1111:1- tr. 5,k. against'
• intj/fninx iliter,n•tunne
C. An amthulinent to the ConStitutionOimitink
- ,tbe.ineuiribent of the Presidential office to a
SINGLE TEfAI. , • , •
These objects nttained,.l think that we should
• cease to be alltiptetrldilt_butt—adirtinistratiOn of
clliti,GOvernment.-41t7Nnty CLAY. • • ! •
Witia State . 4 Eentr;ti
'king of PrnSsia P. o.lloritgomery
'GEORGE-W.'TOLAND Esq. Philadelphia.
; MAI:ILES GIBBONS, Esq. • do .
___P l :T l :R—Ro4ON33T,=Pliilurfaljihia county. ---
JOHN A. FISHER., Esq . . !Harrisburg.
HENRY PEFFER, Esq. .• do.
Hob. WILLIAM CLARK, Dauphin P. 0.
Dauphin county. •
Col: JOSEPH PAXTON, Cio.owissa, Colum.
ibia. county.
Geti.,JAIVIES IRVIN, Bellefonte, Centro, Co.
JOHN.,STROILILEsq. New Providence, P.O.
Eanenster county. „
THOMAS H. BAIRD, Pittsburg.• •
berlund county.' .•
• JOHN S..R ICH.A R DS, Esq. Reading, Herbs co.
..'Secretary of. the Committee, JOHN A. FISH
ER, Esq., Harrisburg. . . .
All tho 'Clay Clubs, and-Demooratie Whig
• Untie throughout the State aro requested to le:
pOrrthenisch;es 'to the Secretary or the State
NYhig National *Convention.
The States, says the Alexandria Gazette; arc be
• ginning. to 'appoint Delegates to the Whig. Na.
tional 'Converition,—dclegates having been op.
• 'pointed in Illinois, Vermont, Georgid and we
believe some ether States. With the Whigs' there
Assio , distiute as to the time of hOlding their Con.
:vention,,or the manner in which it Shall he oP'-
' liciniFdl,and.tgo rejeicet9, add'equally ha Toni:
ous and nnited•is'the Whig. Party with ibgard to
their. candidate . HENRY CLAY is the mr
binninatect 'by the People ; and the Convention
will but adopt measures to ald in securing his e
lection: HENRY CLAY' is the .man around
veifornithei:.ttetiloceaCy of the CcuntrY will r ally
'vflfhCriilMaiasin. HENRY CLAY is the man
'destined, we believe, to fill the Presidential Clair,
rand by tho.wisdom and patriotism of his admin.
istration, bring one ;mire, prosperity and happi.
nese to the Nation.
. ,
work, of purgation has commenced. in
good earricsCatriong the locos. In the noMina
tiOn of the locofo6o ticket for Assembly 'West.
trioreloMcl county, not ono of the old 'Members
watimominated who' supported Gover nor Porter
in the last Legislature., The Grcensburgh Intel.
lig9eCc.spsalcingmf•this lucofoCO AsSeinbly tick.
r--3‘ It, is, a good ono, and sufficient anti.
ACiekupoo,,to Mauro thei r aid in Prosecuting the
'impeachment pending ognlnst Lie excellency,
RittOnhouse ' - 7
, Az:Candidate. '
Joseph yancd liaa•beon nominated
fo• Congress by , lyldge of tim Congres
eionai General VanCe was
Cokkreas;',and More rceentty ha. been
the State. ' ' , •
Life ]earn, from, the hiladclphin. papers that
nine Otis; Esq., United States 31.rshill of the
.Etuiterri District of Venfisylvania, has juA been
reionted;-and the George M. Reim, of Read
' wing, appointed in his stead. Mr: Otis was a: good
and gentlemaniroffieer, and a %Ville,. Mr. Kohn
Was the late nun - Tibet of Congress limn perks:
_ -Imre is a movementjn the LOctifeee rank!,
iq,faitorufGenerdl Sallcide; Of•Derks; for Goiter.'
~Re • Surveyor iGeneral 'of the State;
bulris not , thought- to belong in full 'to, the Porter
•• . .
'tyOne of; the
editekti'ortlie tea istille ' . Jourhal;
. Tram 86409, saysf-03fn of Mr:
AtitFcf the old i'llldsOneflusetta:' pip
R'iiianti altniint .Without axe ti tl cy
areitiTaior of ,
eleptloa of ( Or. cip.y,,
Miiestilhaletta; heis 'the
lottli od.tho; beit
ihisl4 . 9*.tlat !;con iantion :at ,Worcester to se.
/00,q 1 ;4,01,114ttt?...cer ,the : Nike of, Gpveriult nine
( 4 3P::'?t9Pr ' :F r , e 1?"1_ t t 1 T 4 ;. 1110 ,. ° 99 0 01/ 3 been
epipp . e , F,fineovoilla n tievp I, , atatt' , ll t4a , nomination
as ifertairi,that'MatisaChu
ieibe Wingis/ a :
; #lpndYC'3nve eon; ; hhd:of coarse r' act it
itib.4e,gtOn,tbet berii 3 Otef,wpl be cast for
;‘ ,. ..The WM) Min (Ni) ConnnonwanittWnfthei4itii
• ;0 1 0.000 — ,"2 1 1,1Aviximin, (IC ae; +do law in
re " tslo k ( c l / 3 6 g 0 Y• in g b o o l l lll oXCented
ihnirlin)t,'`one ? . 1* ;he loci; borultipl i lltV;
A Side in 4049 ,
end Tier s 3) bond-
. • . ,91,..• .4. ~..,,
ii:i , •:: ivitbktAotvittAgOCEMEND.7. - .. e „
t ...qt . 11", ,4 7,0,t,.':'1 T., ~•'', 1 4,1 1 ;
i ..._.4 0 , 4!,,# , VlPaV—°o l l o e . I .IT#,#VV:VP I c iIso , II2
pon4f,:ipitioodke , :4o44o4lo6 , ol i , : lpoi;
Artp.i4j , 40.47, 1 1,i!.b.04.1 1 5iiiii54 . 04V,te1i, ( .4 4
i;o:rono)::::: : vd,fllstodl4t c lS” :rth%
thh lostitathinAhe ilhlt, mars and 4,419 it
, titted:,
ecitninenceinent 'iii iiittleiti 'a 6idAioi'.i . ;(4,pstra,4fotr:.
:i;bpi;ittio:6 iiiiiPiip‘amirVitif4iiicip.k4w,lvi i pii le awaited among : the friendb ti3reilis. ,
tation . getiorally In the f community,., a fooling' of
the 4.Fei/PO, interest . This;t4s fully . T ppi .
ifeae . ihn'ifia,'liitYndaiiCe . ' - uit ii, , ,:gv;k (4' all 'a g es
nad icexes, bah' strangers:' . avid iiiertients of our
'iliWitctt , hti' ate to' bh 'found bit'rtiest olisoiveri.tinct
p n rtakers it 'th is' :a n n us]; I iteisik r fee tiVitl.''''. The .
Commencement of. 1843 was not of lass attraction:
t i n teFest., the n thoso of pr,ecp4ing years.. C
A dense• [wintery ,Ocenideti the Church on
Thursdfyineroing,,t9 trltnc9R the . eeetnoides pf
Conhnoneement. Arley th'e prpeei , oioii . fr'oni the
tha Chttrhh, i thlexereiser,
were opened with in'yer:by
l'resident pro. tim. of the Collitgre; and nn rinthem
sung . with thrilling plfeet:bithe'clioir under; the:
direction of Mr. Addressee Were
then'tklivered .by, the'mumbers of the present 'and
former graduating:o assca,in the follow 4 order
, . gentlemen
Mid ' the' n . .!iained. The ad capes,
although of unemiel.Merit, all evivaed a dye°
of talent, taSte' . 'anit ethrbition* that reflected the*
Lighcst ered4,:i6on ,the.•spealters as well as the
College. At tsegUlar,intoryals- during the.speak
irg, the choir eririelied: the exercises with 'several
beautiful' Om§ of music. The addresses were
as rollOWs :•
. .
-.1 . y ol'd jc111:--_Thuttgli i
—JO4:4 F. enArt.AIN, l'albot Co., AI cf.
2. Ditisertation.-7he Nth thenf Europe.—lion
PATTIsoN, Cambridge, Md.
3. Oration.--Aclion.—JOSlAll &Ott', Port Dc
.0 ration.—Lnagination 7 - , --R 011EnT '3ICPIIErt
SON, COrliSk.
• 5. DiAsertation.—Deerlopement of Knowledge.
~,H rcliAan_H.l3axAN„Cliesapealte-City,-MiL, -.-
6 Oration.—.Duty.-.-JonN L. HA RIM NSON,
Northampton Co., Va.
7.. Dissertation.—Unifarmity of Character.—
IVILLIAm S. Yoiva, Hanover.
9.7Ssscrtation.-7he llrili,rh Tm pire in India
-=ISAAC Dnit.on, Zanesville, Ohio.
9. • Oration:a-Advantages. the American
•O. Poem.— The Temple qf Nature.—W Anltr.N
HOLDiti, Newark, N. J.
11.. Oration.—Colonial Proaperily.—Wit.wm
L. WHITNEY, Schuylkill Co.
12. Oration.— The Idea of 'a God.—WnsulNa.
TON LEE, Wyoming Valley.
13. Mister's Oration.—The wants'nf our Life.
--Ggonor. It. Cnooos, J r., Carlisle.
• J 4. Master's Oral The lore of utlntiralion
and - the love of our fellow-men.—GEo. A. COFFEI',
1101lidap 4 b!lig. •
'Me degree of Bachelor of Arts wee then con.
(erred upon the following yOung gentlemen : 7 .
Richard 11. Bryan, John F..Chaphlin, Isune
ion, John L. Ilart:Mnson, Warren Holden, Robert
A. Lumberton, 'Washington Lee, Riibert
son, Robert H. Pattison, John J. Potts, Josiah
Snow, William L. Whitney, Leonard Woodward,
William S. Young.
The degree of Master of Arts was conferred
upon Spencer F. &it'd, John F. Bird, Georg° A.
Coffey, Georgia R. Crooks, Henry M. Denison,
Davidp. C. Hare, 114diard 11.
McAllister, Charles C'Neill, John Phißilis, John .
M. Sims, 'Abraham Herr Smith, Rev. Henry
Aursnd, Alumni uf.theln9tiiMion.
The degree of Bachelor of Lawn was cdnferrcd
uposi Lumbertoll, Esq., of . Venango
county, Pa., a gradouto of the Lnry School.
The honorary degree of ?Master of Arts was
conferred on Rey. J. L. Kemp, Adjunct Professor
of Languages .in Tranrisylvania University ; on
Roy. Edmund S. Junes, Financial Secretary of
the American Bible Society; and on Rev.
liam IL Edwards, of the IhltiMore Conference.
The deg - me of D. D. was conferred' on Rey.
John Neil 11.1eLeod, of New York city; and on
Rev. Dr.•Gcorgc Wi Bethune; of Pliihdelphia.
The Valedictory Address was then delivered in
a touching and impressive manner, by Mr. Robert
A. 'Landierton, and a benediction pronounced,
which concluded the ceremonies. The exercises
oldie day, though of considerable length, we have
reason to believe, gave unmingled satisfaction to
all that were present.
There' may be thoie who look upon scenes of
this character with little or no interest; upon
-wlfom its impressiOns exist but fur a moment and
pass away: It is not for the general spectator to
participate in the emotions which swell the stu
dent's brdast: on suet! .niiocasion, and Io sy in.
pathizo With that feeling which starts the tear
from his eye as he hears the touching valedictory
in broken accents from the choked utterance of
his youthful classmate. In this the sensibilities
of the audience are not interested: But to the
patriot, the ph ilanlbrojiist, the observer of society,
an occasion like this:possesses always a deep and
absorbing interest, Tlie advent of any yoting man
to the scenes of active life upon his Majority,—
to un , cnjoyment of its civil privileges_. to a sharp
of its responsibilities, is ever a flatter of public
interest: But when the educated young man
steps forth to actiiio life; the interest is far en.
-hifie,eil; When thoyolith conies with that know
ledge Whielila he eemes'veith clo.
queriee • Up:in his longlie—st lion he 'brings the
treasures of scatter a broad—when' he
mea with goal; and pure heart, and vig,
orous energies, to enter upon the high task which
duty places before him in the world—an ,intenser
and higher interest is cached,' and none may
deS'plSe'the"pciwerful inhtience he is pr'eli'ar&l to
• : .
. ,
.fltlio..intliieneo of the large bodies of young men
yearly.,oshered forth, to , tiro world
ki?!.ipyTexope imititutions,of learning, cannot ue
estithated, and when their influence is ,direetpd
to right objects 'Cannot ,he leo highly, valued. The
wielded bythe `edneittif man is
poweffui , either for , goOd - or2 for '6lll `lf the Oda.
elation of his : Tair,lthh4o . serve:l' l .A°' . g iv° Ytitrongth
mid 'energy 1,9.1 the: impulses of i a pure
givp; freedomtunl,'rifilife. , desir l s .
Ids soul, Tr ts,eultlyato, spi)o,9lan4,,eooso
lofty, Prompting!' tytthin
may feelhl influence: h tint' . rissureitlY`
Mfliten'e s ifili . e s felt!hPOn; . traCtelyiiiant'ifila
nonimiinity=•upon' ifkm Minis. IW-4;4
asp lutes. — jn p. 4.113 00.0 Pia , d
!)0: 13, i7(40131.
''l l krP v !rOPS . Pr.
: 11 4 4 1 F 0 . 0 .! at"
to ce.r
Wir l iO*ioiofo
'''' 6ll64 'iisqliiin -,
4etr ~t ,toit.,, ills% ese
, befiefiCatiiiitZo4ot,4i.eedoo:oee!y- 77 .
L44 ' il l O .' ili#o.taii6iki . iiivAf , ,o,h!i . 6.o4‘d, , ,
Zid , 4 , 1.,- ft ,' /9 ', . LI- ilii , ' - itioi.artiuq , .
,440:1 isois4,',4EOng/!•P'914',,c!,...-5,---w-,,._
VievtidiAirazilyg.otrutad cliiiAkm-gpi'mrll: 9 !, , .
' , , , t'' - 'l,4lb'." L 'ii.'"°''" . '''* ‘ 1" . ' atiAiiitariVitii,
--kx , :---„„ . 9):l, 7 ,7;t4tmopgat t to po
~ ,
ihelliMit;"oo,:itot, to thOsChrOthlti ,, ittt „ ti Tat::
'ritiiNitiCitiki6:o l' ~
ft.61401,..ii0p for•tit'pieijopt and
,•,i•,;;c ‘st;i'l•i ''''' ' - 'O"" - ;'' '.'
116 '
• : 146,1fthiPf5urp 11.:,..Yr0 .! , !hos, ,, , , yetpi to
, r , ,
4 ' 4l ; 46l.o 4iabilOtpi , oo3;4finPrb t ve!Ti!if,v.
lyft:' -- ' t 1 i'liiiii ''''•;4l)right'•;titig}fribir'iioliiiPii•
toWik ~ , , , F , , • -. 4.1'....;' - •
at iko ii; , l 4t 4 44 i i i ikkOP:o - !j ) ;c0: 0 ,4*00i#1
• -' .. '' .l l '' i' i iliuid teitiaus'iitipay . iiiikrorth-,, ,
P91.59LYe1? , i 1 ..., , - .1,....
~ , ',%T.. , ~,,.-,:..
shadowiniii : doi t io k: 'l : ::: :; . *'': : ' , ..'':,„''•'4 ' ik
• "Mightier than- Itome•i*,r9orenOlilf tre,o, t "!,.: I
Pf6Vious•„to dorrmienCet4niion'-
ntorli.W:ltir4 . ; .. .lhe annual Orationindore th
e Lite : ,
iato.o`9oieti , eitellege;"vias`delfirered lir .ftev,
Philadelphia, in
;48,11ii& ;by/plant 7 prioduotion will, we
presume, be .published,.: we Allan not utternit an
extended police.of. it; conscious ; that 'we ;Abuld
utterly fail in convoying any just : Foaception of
its tone oflofty eloquence, its grandpar orthotight,
its' Pin* and dignity of 'sentiment, its :eleganee
of stylei i:ttid.effectiirdennarieiritieri 'by ilia °into!. . . the literary repntation'of Dr: 'fietitune
diati.been,and justly-esteemed as one Of the 'ablest
pulpit orators:of the day,
.this la's!, splendid effort
will but.swell the:mouriting climax of
nild • placc him in thievery first ranker the scholars
and orators who do' honor to our country. His
theme upon the late occasion was: THE DETIEB err
,EDUEATED MEN. During the deliverple - the-ad-:
dress, the attention of the audience was kept fixed
in unflagging and untiring.interest front the open•
tog to its -clas-a7 7.; •
. In the evening of the same day, the Paccalpu•
rent° Address .was delivered by Professor CALI).
WELL. Without toiy - pretensions tq the oratorical
grace -and briSliant• style' the orator in
: the
morning, the address of Mr. Caldwelhaas.intere s .
tingin a high degree, and replete With intellechial
merit, truthful sentiments, sterling ceurniaf etTd.
tarection . ate admonition to the class of young,men .
for whom it way specially, intended.. It was
tened to with interest and satisfaction by a large
audience. •
Gorzrnor Porter gone We'st.
The Harrlsburd'l'clegraph says, we undershirt(
that Governor !Wier started on Monday' last, or
a tour V) the West, intending to take the North
ivestern his way. It is pr'estnned h? wil
stop at the several Indian stations on his route
The Wilinehagnes : in particular, who live itt, the
north. west, it will be cosy for him . to see and'
'Mils" with . . They, have doubtless heard of so
distinguished a Chief, through that noted white
IVinnango; Danny Broadhead ; and \vill receive
with all• due -honors. ' The A id-dc-ca m ps,
which he has so liberally appointed throughout
the west, will of course be prepared to attend him
from point to point. Col.Schlatter williake cure
of him lit Chicago, at which place lie can observe
the progress of the' United Stales worksfor the
improviithent of the, harhourshako, hoods '
Mr. Christopher Medlcr, of "Easton brisln" unto.
ricty, to whom the Secretary of War brie disin
terestedly given the important Contract of cum.
plaing the works at Chicago—and ask him what
helb.nks "lirotherJames' share'r"ill said contract
will amount to I ;
Should he be inclined to extend his journey a
few hundred miles up the Missouri river,,he will
eijoy the pleasure. of a personal interview with
the red lirauti
. vf the liichapoh tribe, who will
yell with daight et the sight of the great Chief
of their white relatives, especially if lie only
"talks Indian" to them might. While there his
Aid-de.eamp Col. R. S. Elliott, , whin is loertcd
but a few miles further up, can attend him in his
- official,capaaity, for the first time.
In the meanwhile, the State Government must
jog along after the best fashionit can. •
The Editor of the Now York Tribune, who is
it'dl acquainted with the philusiiphy or polities,
thus sensibly' comments upon the state of parties
and IYhig prospects in Pennsylvania.
The Tribtme does not, however, exactly under
stand the mode in which the call fur a State Con•
yention to nominate candidates fin. Canal COM
nussioners emanated.- A Convention has been
Called by the State Committee appointed,by the
friends (Cleve Hanks, and oil Whigs Inive ne:
quieseed in that call; thero will s bo but one con,
vontion, therefore, and the candidates put forth
by that body will be supported by the entire par
ty. These candidates can; and by a united and
zealous droll will be elected.
The Tribune says: the signs of the times in
the old Keystone' aro most encouraging. The
great mass of theist° compact party of our op.
.ponents arc determinedly adverse to the romomi.
nation of Van Buren for the Presidency. James'
linchananis their first choice; Richard M. Jehn
soli or Lewis Cass might get, the veto of the
State, but not Van Buren or Calhoun. Wo
peat in this the assurance not merely ofaur Whig
friends, but of :prominent Loco . Pocos, who say
that, apart from the personal.dislike with which
the, Slate has. always regarded Mr. Van Buren,
his anti l lslatienal position on the Tariff and al.
must every grcatquestion forbids the thought of
his support hi Pctiriiykania. That State, has rob.
bed herself of great :advantages`in surrendering
her onin judgmentto the dictates of party in the
matter of the Bank; she is deeply in debt, and
needs the landOiStribution; she is itinagaT.ine of
iron and coal, and cannot prosper without °. pro,
teethe .the maintenance of JlM'protect
ive policy is ti'vital * question - with her, and she
cannot shuffle .. it aside: The coming session of
Congress will preaS it fullin her face.' Even in
the last Congress, her loco feed Delegatiori•gem
crally separated from the drilled ranks of their
Party and voted,with.the Whigfion;most of.the
questiOna .cOnnectbd 'with Mk Tittle. They yip
be 'drillen , ihord decided protest 'figaiiist the
polky dictated by the prindipleS"OfCifilktM rind
the tfcCessiticif of , Van . Buro,f 'at the' approaching
Qv, every qoeation of public, policy,. the oppo.
muds of Locofocoiarm in the State ere heartily, 'J
olted ; with regard to men, l. r here lo y9Tyemall
die?ent. :Whih?the"g eef. of).4oarllPlPr,P
as eveVWfiere;ointiiii.eiegilie2teee-iWaiitiettiiiOf
theagi who•;:voted for flarrison"aild ., were cheated
by slur,'-lire tpo . ardoeti . .ua htiai toting•_advocates'
of pi9 ; ponlip.tion 14yer.,;;64rfor rosiijdopt i
there are a iery froi•whe 'ripple him, and strive
Pre the . embere bf the eld Apti•llitiaonie feel.;
-, oiiniOh4a ll o;l• 6
,leaders movement, arestrong ~not%'rind;
!Ir''.."tin;4oli4iikiBaikii;otipti*44.ol l 4;o4ol4o,
alo3o.**,. l loAPlkhAiitgt
O %,m'WS
• 4
are now Lnedfoehh; • ;litti 14peatqlumberAit0
,i, .. flop, • ... , - , •1•'. , e , ••,‘. 4441. , ~ -•'.. • •,, . •?...,
ewer•o nusinees,,ota i . aatt tto trio
ll T ll l. 4i ttgel ifi g 4 krA l tit4) ,r ' - 11 _043t.i•:4
' A P a rl o - 4, t', 546 ki.,i4f -• ' f i e_ iio -n i p ,l,
• ~ ,o, ~ s 4
~,!:. 0 , , , 1
' sing f Ii I3 PIR ' 'Zir t; ve O ral P 9 f.,. L, . 15 4 3 P.P‘ 111) . 1 ,A ' 3 '
'ranee'. nP*;,b , ill, we, ere Or litcr,l,l l l l :•4ciegi
Ivit•il'ell: 7 5a14r 61601, ;,':v 1 )/i*n 6-. 4 1 04''' 'l l g.•
port or 0,0 Natioiita 4;i4foktkoty,,l4,, ag.
frityptAA:affei kty: ;iltiit4/641.3444 r r
tilliejiriboidO 4 to hOO diet, WithleyAit,A
all unwlito rocriniinritichis aro eareftillif itibithi 0
". Ne ileXeeafclllloelgeselt.attspictaus.•v,Tyllter , ;
lakof, tlfo' last Legislature, passed in stilt4-b - fa
Governor's Veto, three Canal CommissiOnel4*
to kg It n son`-y (lie peopl o f tlio'w toleStaAe A'.
dm olettion next October. Wo see with plensuie
that the Whignnd exelusivo Anti. Masonic State
Committees have each called a State Convmhon
to notninate candidates for this office, to meet at
Harrisburg on • the 6th of Septetnbor. We trust
they - aril' foinitme - Conirentioic
nominntrinto etch.
et, and present a united front to the common ad.
versary. The rest will come in time.
Again : Lancaster county is the seed bed and
stronghold. of distinctive Antimasenry; having
given gteat; ‘ tnajorities .fi'?r. that party steadily
since:lB24-4,500 for Ititncir at one contest, :'and
over 3,000 at two others. In the last Lancaster
Ekaminer and Herald, which has just reached us,
we have 'a call for a meeting to nominate HENRY
CLAY, signed by over 2,000 of tho voters of that
county, and among them William Meister, Ed
ward Davies and Jeremiah 13) own,wlp have been
Anti-Masonic , mernhe'rs of Congress from the
county ; John Sirohnt, late President of the Sen.
ate, and one of the strongest men , in the State
George Ford, member' of the distinctive Anti.
Musernc State Committee, &C, 4.3. --There are
very few who were leading Anti-Masons during
the pendency of the Masonic controversy in that
county whose names we do not recognize on this
list of adineates of "Justice to Harry Clay."
- Q„e•cat~~~ssla~i :--
...:-.Thc;Stearnibip-Columbla, tho-Ctinard-Liner
between Boston' un Liverpool, was lost on the,
coast of Nova Scotia, on the 3d inst:
She Was wrecked on her passage to Tlnlifq
pan Mack . I,Cdgc, a red of rocks a mile and a
halt distant from Seal Inland, N. S. which in
lurid in about 25 miles from the main land, 200
from Halifax, and 240 from'Boston. The ace'.
dent occurred on the 2d inst., at 2 o'dlocic P. N.- 7 -
5% bjle steaming at the rate o' ten knots an hour,
in the midst of a dz;cp fiig, she suddenly ground
ml keeling up to port, with her bow high• out and
her stern in deep water. Signal guns were fired
and,answered by the +keeper ut• the Seal Island
ight 110U3e, wha came off to their aseistunee
The passengers and crew were all landed safely
on the Friend. Aniung Brew was the lion. Abbot
Lawrence of Boston, and tirdly, and twenty lady
passengers, some with children. There were but
two houses on the Island, a rough and barren
spot, so their accommodations were poor enough:
The limns and baggage'were got ashore Withr"mt
damage. All efforts . tkget the vessel off had
tidied. :A message had been despatched to
ilia for a steamelt kept their for such merger'.
cies, to take them off. A letter written- by It : Ir.
Lawrence to his son in Boston, describing the
wreck, says: "1 diem our preservation extraur.
dinary-2.0 yards on either side of the ship, 'yip'
a moderate breeze, would have consigned is all
to a watery grave."
Death of the HMI. dlohn Holmes.
• KrThis gentlemon so %MI known throughout
the Union, died at, his residence in Portland, Me.
on Friday afternoon last, after a wasting sickness
iirscveral mont h s, in the seventieth year_of his
age. When Maine became a State, he ''w'as a
member of the Colivention to form the Co nstitu.
lion, and acted as Chair man of the Cominitteto to
draft it. In 1812 he wan appointed by the U. S.
Government, as one of the American Commis.
riantrs to settle the 'easfern boundary line under
the Treaty of Ghent. Mr. Holmes was therep..
resent:lave to Congress from York district for
several terms—was the first. U. S. Senator Beni
from Maine after the sup;aation—was-a member
of that body about twelve yea's. He was anoint.
ed U. 8. District Attorney for, Maine by Gen. ,
llarrison, which ollico be held at the time of his
rillethoilist }Episcopal
rrom the minutes of the difFerent Confereiie Co
oldie. Methodist Episcopal Church, just published,
it appears that the whole titimber Of tricinkerx . in
the United States is 1,063,951, in Texas 3,738,
and in Liberia 836; total 1,068,524. The in.
crease last year was ]54,624 ; an increase, we
believe,,tbo, history of this 'Or any
ether religious denomination in modern times.
There mire those yet living who joined the Meth:
odist 'Episcopal Church when the whole body of
its tricinbers -was hut . 50,000, or less than bhe.
third of the increase during; the last year. The
Wesleyan Methodists number only about twice
as many metnbcroinilmrslrid of Great Britain;
as the additi9ns made last year to the Methodist
Episcopal Church in'Ameriett,
Evangelical Lutheran Church in the
liiitett States has 13 Synotb; 418. rnin'istere r l 371
bongreliations;alid nearly 140,000uommuoicants.
I►dlllcrlte Camp Ifietlintg:
.nr-Notice is given of Second Advent"
Camp Meeting, on niday . .luly 28, at about half
way letween , Middletowit and Ilighspire, and 8
miles froth • •
iLrrslr. \Webster Is preparing a earreeted'yer.
oion of his speech for publication, at the request
of the Monunient Association: .
Judgo Joseph Bias, lute AniericartCrtio
d'Affaires to Texas, 'died at Galveston an the 16Th
of ,rtine.. , • • ".•
Aiteredr Itolter Notes.
Altered notes of tho Erie Bank, Pa'.;hard bein
put !,ft circulutiun. They purport to. he.S'S Re-lioE,
issue,. hut ,ere..,alteren from I's, and may be
detected hy-holdinguy to the light. ,
Pive's Relief issue altered from Pi, of the,
Moyametising -Bank, Philadelphia, alsO
circulation. Theivignotte of the one dollar notes'
is . 'different% frinni .genuine lives,i-;-boing two,
females itolding , a pair ofscelos, arms resting on ;
a Il e ß l 4 l7 ' 4 ' 4;•
Look out, also for - TovriMda. Pank-,Ve tithi
tures,. ofJ. riod. y;.'l3i,ye . k,korie, are al.
~; :
negro follow named Untlerworityafugittyu
rig Imp,' tilitut,d..xvitliltius .? pet• ! . ,
fatratiou'iifu b rutal - li g p!irium of 4-
17 13 1 t 0 , PO.* 49 Rfaoi,9°4olo3.°; '
i AYO,
qoaNelif#l , oei tt e ':. ifolr
041: , pr!,ti t
t iliat't4iptrOW o o , 4l4 -4 41000400 06 *
:; 1 6*..o , ,:letirrOi l ai . 2-,Moritllettaq Mailman
,4.),.. '1 4t.ii441040.4 1 .41g04:41,0 1 44 1 4fi40!iit '•
oi/1t.2.640.,tir0f1iit:a.„6),0 liUndie . 4l4ll4,.
,:i.040.: i! f i r #44li.i.4ol:, r l-o;,o,t;i r -i1i: 4 0. : . 0
..•.0.66e . ..4.:4q;mk.4. • - 1,045417.p.*4y . ,t. , .:0; ? ,..!11.
§tii) , ii . , ••4!.,i''.- ~1, 1 -410;F:-.-. _ .. ' .....-..r-
,-0„,, , ,, , , ' • :. •
.....; ,' . s .,•t v .... t . i cyipw, 'neirik:*#.i, , ,i ! . ::'..;lpitiklisi ,
I`.: , gl a' A . i , ,Wf., A , c sl) ) ,7" .Mri .- W !:1;. ;' ,140 ilj.ilai i Yi
I# Yg i li C .:oo.ool4hir IlWr,Oithoon:: , ,itii , e`ii?rwhtell.
reiritrit4flt*AAltiei abeiti:tWinty.*iletkitorth
MtWeto4 l i.ii. ; , l 6*J l ' l. '*the•Pt • Otit..,Of;Al:?
*s7,4l:iiti4dtivOißii , ,i4O'bi.'; , ti:P6e,!,i:jo4:llP.i
, iiilliiithiii:tliii,StA ; g3VV.o . olll4 '4::Ati.'4olioiteS tha t
I ' lo; : i i: r P t f4 t 1 4 E 1i0" . .0 - :4iiilii;4 4 %s;iil; 'l j4i;'o4lo-'..
64,"1illi.)kfiriifiAiitiiilei;ifIkr4 . ,,'6 , :f#4:41n#iiiit:" .
to ciViliitilleri;*having*lSO:tsloloolo:'ii.tkij
el es in ado . ol• Iron' ie. tlieii: 'Oirihit,aofithktisif.;r?...
'''''''''' - Vix,-N i tt:• +.4. , $
Mr They lave .iri,:pei4it: 1. ,.fg,!"0i, 1 4 1 •:.,:4, 1 tiS t ,
0-potinds, ' It is-i3iiili'44...lao#,.' '.,.,„.,
• .',. '4 , '*-1 , g.`,. , ~ -N.'.-1 -t:.i,l-:',`:..; . :1.;g;. ,
brought to that city.. r,',..,,...t:',.%... i:1:4•!...1:
.' .....,, , ie:7.‘,.... ,-,,, r.r, , ..
c'ln Philadelphia:City :'rthd, ,. L.iliol:4o,fthottf l
~ .. t ..., , ,„0...,,,,.1
are fifteen hundred.unlii.ensed grog g .
ior-nither Miller writes to brothei' l l-liritis'iliaei
ho thinks thk end of the world will he 'lo,Ostponel.
till after the'aututunal equinox. ..:'T:?;:, ',.
p::r The Philadelphia Areado'ts tube ;torn doWn
for the purpose of, corilinuingH , Deeititt street
through into Chestnut.
in Swit:yerland . has forbidden-the whole of the stip.
-dents of the several facelties to' stiJ3ke,'. Open thd
principle that the habit is not only aseless,and of
bad taste, but. expensive, injurious to health, and
at the_danuLtitua_dkiageroux,to th publio.-.
The London Sun says that a young man of co:
lor, almost of the pure negro race, is now keeping
his term floe 'bar, being a member of the Con.
- ScciErrallfirindillb — Te
There are, we think, several black 'officers in
the.Prencir army. One we know has reached
Mk rank of chief de hutaillen. He is as dark as
any negro in this country. _ _ -
The N.' Y. Journal-of Commerce contains a
long letter from London, giving a general view
of the niipect of affairs in . the United Kingdom: ,
The 'following is a paragraph
This. country presents, just now, a most extra,
ordinary spectacle. Chartcrisin 'has ermined
the jails of England—ticotland staggers nuclei- a
religious dismemberment—Wales is ut the Jimmy
of organized predatory bands—lrdliind is ennvu!
red with a "passive" rebellion—and the United
Kingdom, after nil the tyrannical and opOessiVe
schemes of the Cabiii6t,to holster up the revenue,
is, oil the year, in an awful 'deficit of two millions
,and a half sterlingl
CO — 'l%lr. J. Venni inoro enoiler hus instituted nn.
other libel unit again:4 the editors of the N. Yi
Tribune, laying his 4 tlainzige at 83,000.
(rj-The Boston Atlas says It has ascertained
tha s t the loss ol'Hoperty'by the reeEnt; lire at Fall
River exceeds $500,00,0 in buildings alone, not
including the value of goods which they contain.
ed, of which no prObable estimate can be made.
the entire loss will probably exceed a million of
(r_7l.3lennerhasset's lsluud , made classic by Mr,
Wirt'sebiquence, containing oboist 150 acres, is
noW divided into two (artits, cultivated by two
Virginians. No vestige of Blenperhasset'sman.'
mien remains, but near the site of it is a comfor
table brick dwelling.
cc)-Emigration to the Oregon Territory no..
pears to' be going on rapidly. Two'hundred ivag.
ens and oboist 1,0 0 0 persons left their rendetvous
at Elm Grove, Missouri, n few days ago for Ore.
gon. They had 110 less than two 'thousand live
hundred head of stock with them.
ErA correspondent ofthe New York American
says that then . ; urc live hundred gambling houses
in that city
(r_reoloncl Richard 51. Johnson has announced
in a letter to the Editor of the Pottsville, Pa.,
Emporium, that ho will start on his Eastern tour
to New Jersey, Massachusetts,Verniont, and other
States, some timo hotween tho 19th and the 30th
of August,
Sale of State Stocks.
The sale of state *Locks held at the various
places appointed have none of theta realized so
fdr anything , of consequence, except that in , the
city of-Philadelphia. The aggregate amount of
sales at the different places Is as follows:
talcs at Philadelphia,
" Northumberland,
" . Wilkesbarre,
8532,885 45
A Mlle over half a million of dollars, therefore,
is all that has been obtained from the sales,
Death of a Veteran Soldier.
aj-Captain Josiah Cleaveland„of Oswego, 'no•
ga county, Now York, 'who travelled a distance
of 450 miles to be 'present at the Bunker Hill
colcbration'on,the 17th Mt., died recently. at the
residence of Samuel C. Hunt, in Charlestown:
Massachusetts : , in the 90th , year of his age. His
. remains were' conveyed to Mount Auburn, and
buried with very imposing military ceremoiiies,
The. funeral services'took 'plane in the Ilptsdepal
Church, Chavlestownond .were performed by the
Pastor,itey4 ) : 11.Gfcctilfond.consisted of file .
beautiful Find
,inipiesshio churen service, and an
address from Mr: Grdenleaf,'brielly rdvlowing the
.life of CaPtalit'Clcayoland,`
Cenhuirrider.—Pain chnhat exiit but I rotil
pnrticlesheing seated in. the identical part where the
tTalq is experieis . ccisk,: 'l:llese ; torrispt, part' Oles;wlsen
in great . iliaintity, are the positive comic of. death.
it iii a solemn truth that corruption terminates the
existence of all created beings; - and the importance,
of, its spcetly removal fcorq'tbe',botly, is t of inealcul
able value., The most sure cud spee!ly spy to re
'move' coerliptielr:er 'any other infirmitiee tt
the bit niah Irtttue is' liable; ticr4ifetlicitie 'ha's lieen
head 80 eflintuot,a, ,) llrandr,etles , Univeropi:Nregt,_ ,
during the prpvalp n lice 91 any:
tar ilisensb;'e'ntirriiy Pt4vent:futO'reintia
•eitise they rettiTio stomach arid bOsVetiit4l
nierbifie matters' generated fiom'any,eatises:whatso-,
aver, yilieklker thoge
, e : ausesbe frp,l#44Fappre , Stir,
0W.616 . '011181'11
Sold In Carlisle=' bp GIiA4LKSOAANYIe, r. 4 ,,
CO•; ottly'Fgents for: this town". .TlleAll,.br te;
for, CpnbericiPil ilie4'p4s(l6l.;•
A Negro Lawyer.
8165,515 75
31,298 35
19,513 25
16,558 10
. .
, , • ,
,i .r tif.l4a.
,• ' ; wthotk
Forir.''' '
~,,; ~ ;:, ; .
0,,,,,,,A,t, , - ty•; d 41 ! 4'. ti'.. , ~,'#?,,
Pr. , • '... k-teoli,F • moot°. • '•::,'''' ''''
0 ' '
Aii,*fz:,`lirfeltiiArdin,r.,Ye''''a''' ~' , , -. tyr, -- ' -
tq'Hi4i-AA10#11140%., .. 4 Adm'r,', . •
11114!t 115;ie,:-vg;:;B.s4l,honips°P 5
,„:, ~.,
'''''T•Bl4l'l4l.q°l"AdYo.'.l'B6o Nt?' qi%111. .., - ~. ~'[. ,
zaiteri'l -Nog
.4.14"1..: - '
~, ,",-''
,- 0 lltqlokU miiyer9 .(1.-' ' `'.' ? '
. " V...".,.
illhle v9r
.) „' Beeteln. ,
~,,,,y,,,., , - •
~ 1,;,,,,
;,.,;,i:trA-de' r ‘ ,4°6 , 6 1
n' v d";„ vuo d et u'it,,,,,pi.... , '..: ~ , , F ..- 7 1 , -,, ,
, taiils. Y:7;8; Noble ,-'
• I,VePcifder vs; Rliaiti. ':'','''4...-i'
`'.'; Atekl•ok Vs. 9.1 licwiref.A;.l 4,:.4f(,,.; r ~',
,' ,4 : plieP!, 1 i,,,. Ite " .
!is,: k. t'. ..
si&-. '4 ',
CiA:.' '''et. a s her
~,,47" .,,
y ~:}•lo,its - for use , v • , al. •..41-I
Aa-, , • d)rgas .
~01.44,e, •
'' vtl4l`vA! --'''-' ' •
~ ; N f ix
reiiiond- , 0.
, • Aervi(Egir,"l;:•.-,'''
, 8 „a ca
fible d
f ;
a.frtl/04c, 1 041 electlopi he thnnkft4l for
.cr ,";-g^ WILLIAM' UOULD,';r4 I
• , I
,C ,
offer rryself as n candidate for tho'
oflke of SHERIFF ot•Ciimbinlatill county, and
will hd thankful to you fur your support.
.1111 C H A E,L HOLCOMB.
Crielisli,,:m.rap2a, 1843. •'
To the Voters of Cumberland Co
rELLOVir.CITIZENS: I offer myself ,for
of Cumberland county, nt the next General Wee,
yours - efigoir. -- Slietild I
you elect me, I shall endeavor to discharge t h e I
duties of the office faitlithlly and iniartmlly.
North Middleton, April 12, 1843. to.
To the. Electors of Cumberland NOM
, EIELLO‘V-CITIZSNS: . I offer ,thyself to yonr
r consideration as a candidate l'oi• the olllce of . •
of Cui`nherland county. Should Ibe Clectml I will
endeavor to discharge the duties of the office With
fidelity tool desititch.- Xnues,&n,
lljellinson I p. June 7,1813. to-34
lo Eh Electors of qamberlana Qo.
vELLOW ITIZE NS : cffer myselflo your
-k consideration 'us a: candidate for the
at the ensuing general election. Should you elect
me, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of
the-office to the best of my ability.
Silver Spring, April DI, 1843.
70-the Electors qf cumber/rind Co.
- 1 - 7 4 11.:LLOW,CITIZ'ENS: toiTer mys . rlft.oyou'r
consideration as ii candidate forghe
sk . uurttrip's OFFICIO,
and respectfully solicit your suferages eor the
r4llll, Should you elect nie, I shall endeavor to
dtscli.ireo the duties of the Office faithfully nod
inip r11,111y.. SNIDER. RUM
Illvellittlicslmeg, A Aril 12, 1843. le.
To 11111 . 1:lectors of Cumberland comity.
- El I . : Ll,O W-(ITIZE NS : 1 (air triyelf
t 1 4 .1! 11101 r to youi. emisideration Win euticlidaie
fot• tht• °Mee of
S it: It F ,
o r C u - could) ,at. the tolsoing EleclionAuoilel
you In.•. I pledge rayHoll• to ilistint-ge die du
ties ol illo c ullice to the best of toy :thinly.
301 I til.)Ult.l I ECK.
r, ti ct retiosborok Anty , 184:3. it-30
To illc =lectors of COmberland
County. .
FE1.1.9W -CITIZENS:-1 nfrer myself . td
e..nsidcrlion ns a eindidnin Inn Ilic
• I. 7 ZICE OP 4IME.:11111V
o f county at the next elvetioti, anti %till
fed lid to ) oor support.
A NI)11.1'.11 . 11011E11'1'S.
To t h.. Electors 01"C:timberland cotinty..
AE1.t.0157-CITIZENS i Having tlutchnined
to hira candidate fur thu
OrrICIE or SKI rill Fr,
1 rempUrtfully solicit your support.
1111GIIA EL 0. 01E:
Nay 10, 18.13. • • tc-20
To the Electors of Cumberland county.
FELLow-CITIZENS: Loffer .myself to
your consideration us a candidine for the.
of Climberland county, and shall he Ilienitfol for
your nutfragen. Should 1 be elected I shall en.
deliver to discharge the duties of the office with
fidelity and impartiality.
. Eautpennsborn' tp. April 10, 1843.
To the Voters of C berlamtCo.
'fl":" J lE1,1,0 NV-CITIZENS : I otTer. inv.
aellto youv eonsidvration Its 'candidate For tile
at the next general election, and respectfully solicit
l'oor votes for the same. Should you elect me
shall endeavor to discharge the thlties'iltePeOf with
fidelity and impartiality
nAvm ronEmAY
New . ton tp. April 19; 1843: , tc
,Votees,of Cuilaerhtnof Co.
GENTLiniEN, I oiler mysetf Reruolidele .
• for 1116
of Clitillitrlaild uotiuty_n( the geOural ulectioh t ituti
will be tlnankruffor your spport. •
etkrlisle, Ajirll 19, 1813
To' the.Electors'of 02imberland
, Co.
NTLE E N .1 announce myself
1 101¢s n candidate fur the ' '
OtIVICE SllEffillre u ;
ntltte nest general,ele'clioll,. Should yoki , honor me
with n nuijority of your nulli•tq I pledge myseif to
discharge the ditties or the office, with fidelity.
, • •
South Middleton tp. April,lB, 1843.. • . tf-123
TO floe Vial)lie Generally, .
romieetfully inform you that I am a can:
didato for the
• OFFICE OF sxzEmorir •
of:Cumberland'enunty, and. alteeld yon think Me
, titidnleCt me as such, at the next general
election,Tpledire tnyielf Co use my beat !Aniline'
to illy. "
3i'~c's aßlceai, 111
Subieriber, on the 2211 or 23d ,
LP of June, last,itt this bOtough, •
about, eight ot‘..,,tti , Ore old I, he 10 about sixteen;
bayads bigleand
„it*. bit Melt qht hind leg : -1
nwneels ie4e4tetrl,.to eome,'l9;4l4:t-Mv6
Ili'elikthlim): o l 4l l3 4. o l l l 4 take itintlayroy.,
° ,41,114,r114ni 1 iLD.
Aryi.tuATioN . 9 stle 'by 'the
thhCsirliste'liank' a lcit.the'oeo LOg-:
unthhv', ol Afkk orePOntiall van hi, tor
0, 000 . 0411' OttlitoOthArter or the silit Dank. by the,
LOalueoodiolstOilf lh&4lWa}liale7,lliitik., 4 .tll,lff 4LIII-
FIOA,AI AtOtil",boYlot•itilh
;Igo; 149, , ,Y4tv4.
fi,k4Npoittio Obt ,r o ue ,o i tt
Olaf , irtitO ~4;
t c‘ l :4 l ,'V l T *lti iC p an goFk . raiimee.,4l
_ .
tfroo Xhancetor a Bal•gain.
~ . •
,Toitelicirogn'veishing to cornnienee busimess in
Corlitil4iiVer4".Lopportunity l .". , is afforded 01
whiCh •
were proprie
to.rll,l4,94,o*.-of ott,iot hi`ents, is de..
licourOt4,llooff,..iviri4.o:444 do, on such .
.!.erosf4S i :c9l.ll&!Crise iiiir.Oaiier.:;' , Enquire at
- . ••• - •
„ : „. 1 . • 1 i t ,,,, , : A .,, "... kg ,: -;,;,.... ..
!i.:;:+ ,A.• '% , if 4C , , r .,, • ..'.: lity.,,• •
-: r
•Wf';,' , :•fr l ;: -1 .. ; {: . :. W',...-:‘i .., • ' ,':; 4 -Vi, L .'•o;:; , i) : ''' ' .
Itiilh.'ogbottro r e,ilili t s jpov alietibkihe, •
-....1,, g . ~,,,!;Aacli6.lapvifit:„Sl64,4s , 6 l' §KtiNg. tint!
gmE,H..Goos, qter• Y elli'll'ilQ.."B:' '
lrkoog 0,111i41i ni.'ilifolkiviiilii", ,:`,!,..:,::::-.-, •
' road Clothsfor . s2 to $7.. . , . '. • ~
Onwiinleiv. $l, 1.4,..!!aiii1•1.1f. }, r -.::: .:...-, :::' ,
' Fredell Caktiittiereso new itriele..B7l,l: and 150.
- .•Yeittieigs from 141 t6sl 12. '.:'
l'antalogns Mil ffs Train Oto •1',130. : . .
CaltGl7;.:s 4 i...l 50 8 10 nut 1.1 ushiS. . •
~ Chikr'lB/,t0.'25„......, • • .. :•: ;;;. , .•;"1 - •t•i
',-..' . .llltialiiis;'3,
.:;0;:fi l A0 ,fulfllq . cbells.‘ , ... ,
-'' ' •
:.• .A...keins,ll. viritiloge;:f2l.,p, 18Tand25.7.: , • .
, • : .,,13 idlireatis:87 . .T-2,tsotititl,f)2 /4: ''
SiimiiiWC,lbtli'P . ..latliiiiillq, and, •Gaitibreella.
• • ':Clieekos,Oi eeittiltir,'..l.lPand llt
,a, cents,. • . ' t . :
--. . , ;Tfelci k ts,7, W o ko;r1 2 , ..tuyiPi 81 . ;.....' 2 . . • ,';..--::::'. ; '
~, V44s,stittl' Edgings for I et. to 12?, t .cenls•.',•
,::Ele,dinf. Ebulard , Silltj.4''' '.I • • - ' • - ' ' ' '''
-, •Poult the 1..0i and •dio dn,ithine Silks. . '
- '.'.. ll liinsilin-da - lirdits - a2••pa•ets: 18, 85 and .57. • ' .
.11onnet ltibbOns for 6110*81,1. •.
Cardirals nail Black Filleit Shawls: ': ' • -'
Elegant Enabroideredgn ins bull Scarfs.
. • tDo.. . do. • Silk and Fillet d 0...
, Iloiniets, Ladies and 'Misses of "altkinda N.',siiSces.
' iiidn's LegliOrn and Chip Hats, fii . greid variety.
• Cottnnailes, Drillingsi Also, ." -, ••••• ' •,-..-'•
• , l -- •
A:Fresh , Lot of e l'G
licaprOeerles,. , •
Brown and-Loaf Sugars. , .• •
lth ;00 to 123:.•Y I, - •••• ' •- ,
:- •
Yo , inaittl,ltntl4llaEls ' ti-iikAn'sli•-sitni
int Spiifrillaf ear kinds.. .
. SUPI. I louSe. ,Molasses, 84c.
13001'S and SUOES, •• .•.
Of every ilebo•ilitiim ;Intl prices, several thousand.
pair just Irench ed anti Selling astonishingly IoW, for'
inatnnee: .
IN c
Aleits fine long 'Mots, s‘2 to 4.
isses Slippers of all kiu la. -
Cl!ildreos 'Leather Morocco Boots.
Aleus kip Shoes, 6 1-2 mid 75.
Mens Gaiter Boots, $1 :15 to 1. •,
' Also, Alois Fur and Brush Hatt...
and inslmrt.evri ”eliele neeileil,fron . k . a ow of pins
to Broad - Cloth - at $B - per yard, - und at - prices to - suit
the times. Recollect the old mand.Mpposite J.
ol&stnnol, and noir,the,seconil store
below th,eortier, steel. • - •
• As our chimp GrOcer 1111 sifys is his nave).-
t . istiment, don't mistake Mth
enuse, one door some-,
times makes
,a gresit Purchasers,llientla
toil Costumers, of and all, please ‘ to , call at the old
611011) of • - •cllAs';'6Gll,43Y.
Carlisle, May 17, 18 , 1'3. • .• • 1.1-27
sP*Ria G
' 1
1111 1 11 illb o
T the , tore of the subserihrr, IVUitf.Sf r ain'Sti•ect.;
111.lek 11 , 111%.; firmly opposite thin ,
reoeiveil a 1.9.,4.• handsome assort
ment ol ll'eshavitl the hest quality Groceries7atitiong
hie!, Chill ho had
Fine crushed (oaf Sugar at 12.1
1.11 4 1 1 ).1,141 !marfrffin I loft venti.'• •
I(l.9llllStlgarb line :4111 superior qualities ['rpm 6}
to 111 volls.
Bin Uolfees stroll,.; Eeeliteti for 10 to 124 rents.
Also, J.. , a Golfer.
'Young I son, Imperial anti Gun Ten 4--
vurimis quolitirs, 111 for 75 to 1 Si - fper 16.
Spices of cry .le,cloption, grunt! anti utigniuntl.
• (T . D ‘V AIRE : -
r' • •
T ubs, no•os, Chun.. painted thickets, &c.
: •
in Tv iinil Cimin Nlarket Ilaskets, envervtl
otten,c'red, Clothes lhulets, li tshrl I.lasket.4,.
mood 11:tskeis, &e,
01.14 AN D CANDLES: •
1 3 11PC1V11111 . Sperm Or 14111111 (id—none lint hest
tittatitS, and warranted equal to tiny iti this tir any
other market al 111 per gnllun. Alsv
pl e ad (ht at 75 cents per eallan.
tiperin Candles, pore nl :1 ,cols. •
I)l.dd and Dipped Catulles.• • •''. '
MackerN, No. I and ¶l, Salmon told ilerring
.. , 1
NeW,01 . 1e3119 ( Imkin,) Slit.vir House IMO
Syrup Mulah,ch, for :,7 Jl to fo.!?, ccnth per grMon.
IV A lk E : •
'.A. urnandgeneria . nssortme•ni or China, 'Cilawi,
and (Ineenb,nre, zdsu Crockery ‘l'are.
' •TOBACCI.) :
. ,
Caii.alb,b, Plg, I.lolicsi%t iht and .liool:c• Tobac
.(1.1.; Co.i.ile, vavicgabal 11111 l ‘lllite Suap, Mho
Sharing 801,11.1'.r
, .
White' Wl;sli, Sweeping, Scrobbing, Hair
and Ch , llich Iti ushus;uistrlintuillcut•lics,&4;.
Litcrpoel awl fine Sulloil' all 01l lIrlicle!
in the birocery line;
. tt bleb by sidling nt our house
SCCU 111111 pi•let•S cUlointretl. ,
du our House, we think, 00 e;iit sell for CUSIt, (our
way of hiring) chetipir tbitu the snipe ur
tides CAW (..0 in oilier sertions of the town, unit,
if we cauunt. Ilien nor neighbors opposite null our
ClUvr'Clal aiul plcuaeyoursclseb; fur
Hell fai'brs tWu.kful.
Bet above all—don't lorget. the !mese, bee door
srimetintt•s make.. a gretddiderroee. A liviog it sal
e waid,hu mdio a nuts uto a Iris moue'dmo his hhare.
J. 11'.
Chrlisle, :118y 10,193
T"E silbseri!wr, has just raceiyeo a geti- .
ot l:tibsortmunt " -."
. .
SPUR ANIAJ., , I • -
consisting, in part dt"...ri;pred;,,Plaik Barred
Nlouselin do-Lainest iiktlri3l,ll.ail4 Striped 14mi,,
and lingttants, English a tal lit'ebttlt Chinfzes, plain
lignred.and barred Swiss,.hde,kbnette told C a mb r i c
,Aluslins; a general assertmem oiCtiAnlettap,Crodes
wa; firitiawand Ihdinii SdlitSafinineeSilks and Rib
lions, Stilt vi Braid‘Viltoti Botaiets,
16w Silk, daslnnere and' Cation Knee, Silki Mohair
Kid and' Cation. Clair», thi t hii.liVi;• - p i i r ,,,,j, m id
Shades, new tale, French, lliaitiatt. Wad Irish• Linens
Osnehtirg and - Linen Slit...clings; and
lianthroorts for ,l'aiditionns„iinn s Stripes and
Nankeens, Carpeting and Itugs • Lli.aiVil "Sleuthed
Tiekingit and Ca licoea; 'dila - tea 'Hanker- •
chiefs, Leghorn : and Palm Leaf Hu , Straw, Gimp'
and Edging; Cloths, Casinteres and Sattiaol6:'
(Puce nsware • At., GrocerieS,',
of which.will be sold ow favoinblei teriro<ot the
store of
/IRS. S. ILll.NßK,lnisjusi. ttooftpd ,froni •
or"City,n lorgpnull iissimiriion(of ; Spring
and SunnuFr Goods
: 11111[M,'Cil 0 011;3: 1 $v "
' o f ,e v ery i3erttu l O; -
WA It E.MM,GLASSNV,Agg org s ory strietY,
wore and Cuile4,Nvindnn` Pslats,' Oils isnd
• •
Or all kinds,' cheaper flee..been sold in ,
Carlisle Ilieretliforether:stot•kuf, goods rodolt
hirger ship; it has Oyer' :b r eeo;Mitt •Alt,titut and - fee
r ih, • •
fits ebb bopesto reotitp , ..ttwi r titvortilot her, former
customers and or tlta,l4loliottliiikettutt hill plense
to &tor 'her:tilt+ aw a y without be
: -
stilted ' '"`;
• '049
47Plore - ..iletio •Qot)fis - • -
..r._, ,.. ,„.. ''...: . ~....„.., : ..,‘ , . 1, , ..,62...- .: ,-.-- . •- .
ov.H,Wei_Oi6rAtiots:4re,Sle% ; oolo'.4'o,oiin,O g
tow; ilompA tki 6g . ' ill: Ibe . a uoiiniiiiit.',OrMO,U3 ''. .k l ' ' ''.-)
LAIN U4la A.ViclitllNT.O;;l4,W,S rp t SP.ROZ,, ,'
CAI:4COE.S;ti4 61 , ..Liiiiiiiiv.iiiio, • , , 4 1 ***Iiiir 47,. '
tioro,:prielit.fifkoepti,#**Worsir Tote* offpleA
nt ..1 90: . *1P.0 , 0110 I .o4 l eAgni : -* c.c.oo/); (1 . 1 ° :. .
Chpipe, rat:4o(44v ;; . .0 titi'C'd; - ;.'.* (;, :i f ...'.;:1i,' , ; 7 1 . i.- ,,, :!;1-•:: , - -
.1 , ;,_,.z.. :;:: i,',..,...-4.;;;;-Ma0045;,13)01,417,....".e • „.
1131-0t1;41,(0.1,4i? .i .
~.:.1-P,Ci'i='.i,,,,-;1•1$6 . ,:., ' " lb '..'
NEI I %-/ACIr titttriiK'4"'''''''''
. , :..,'','" ~'.., . ~y, ....i , J,' -- 2 ',..f0.._•. ,,, •._ki. ". e fA41.1 , ' , ."., ',',''''," yr- , ...,'.l '
.4,1 1 F 1 , , . ial. , j)'? . .'"; l 7 l .'.''' •;' '-: '
Vitt i egtlitiV „:A: ..,.;.° I:',,l'4jl. l oppni. - .:,,, ',
oli ' L . §ilreil/Mt " tc l o ' ;-. 1 :" '..,f k 04.,