Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, July 04, 1843, Image 3

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    ,1(i , .' i ; . 1,;'; .
1 ..:.••!.,'''i:. •y.ii' '.,
II t I. 3
, 444, ti
" "'"ltatsatat
, Tuf' B4l 'xi r .Blarning;.7t4,lkli, 1843.
',4 . IOI)SJA
nowjonai*A 159,
'-fb r ittotv two oilutikOeliith of tho, Eiosoiygo.
l'fiiii4lpiiikifeigri lig to hdrertiiiti with
us, iilepoo. "112) - .11',4?1.0.,. rho
,9. Ti 7
thoozeitiO:xitklui Agoni. . . • •
issue our .patier. tine morning one day in
'advance: 'of our , usual . publication, to give the
"largest, libeirty" tc;` all in, Our oflie'e en:the 4th,
• peolviCation of IndependenOe.' •
• si:rThie'ticing the anniversary of,Artdepead.enee.
iday,.vve have opposite
'immortal Declaration, and' the nropheile,464
of JAN ADAM s in .faver of tlipi ` iiupo ' rtunß; step ~
which =ides us a free'and ., indcpendeiit
They should be read by .'all.
0:7-There will be no * forma! celebrations today,
tts:-weleariirerreepf-by-tlio-two-divisiensLof the
" dernoeratin" party in town. Besides these we
.hat've heard of several social parties on a smaller
, scale, who will observe the day in their own style.
This evening the Union Philosophical Society
..ttf theltinsen College, celebrate their anniversary,
to Which the'publiela invited.
• Tribute of Respect.
ram Obediencerio an order from' the War Do.
I pertinent, the flag was hoisted ht half-mast and
' seycntecifmitnitc guns fired on Thur:aday lest, at
!the Carlisle Barracks, as a mark of respect for
the lamCMCd Irugh S.' Legere, the late Attorney
General of the United States.
Operations for Strabismus.
`. 0:)",-A'itirge number of bperations for
hove. been .perforated ill this borough
*ithi446'..l4t'twd weeks, Dr. .lAnes
of ylilaclelphib,.but 110 W. P rofessor
atA l lttl( O y Ciistleton C;ollege; Vermont. - .
Clic subjeet's have been generally veiling persons,
• mid We InltlerStUnd the operations havesin every ease
, • In:ovetl successful. in restoring the eye to its proper
p0(41011i111 . (1 dills remedying obliquity of vision.
Biblical Ciii;Citz.s.t.
In — The June number of this work is on our
table, 'containing a part of Ncander's History of
the Chrititian Religion, during the three ftrst. cen
turies: 'Phis
history is considered One of the
highest character of- Theological works. The
Cabinet is published byjames M. Campbell & Cu.
l'hiladelpbfm,ut twenty-five cents per number.
. Union Philosophical Society.
haile been presented with a registerof
the menibers of the Linton Philosophical Society
-cif Plains/in College, which society was founded
in : 170. The roll of the Union Society in for
inerlears preSenti the names...4' men "who now
occupy the moot exalted stations in our country=:-
forne upon the bench of our Supreme Courts, our National Legislature, where-their
eloquence commands the, applause of listening
, S'enates; while the names are--not few of "
pions" why; noWlontrilmte largely to adorn the
pulpit and gar of the United States. On every
'loge ~f their catalogue the prevent members may
lind names of distinction to inspire them with
ireeli incentives to action, and give Own, con.
rage. and consolation" in nioving . nivard and
onward. •
The Foni•bla in Siiippensbnrg.
observe by the procecilinwga,,,nmet.
, publish.ql in the VallPyririat our neighbors
of Shippensburg will observe the day by a suite
ble 'celebration, 'without distinction of parry;
WhiCh is the only correct mode. A Mac pro
cession, wiih music, Sic., to be formed in the pub
lic square of that town; at 10 o'clock, which is to
3irocecd to .a. grove ut the u bead of the'Spring."
There a collation is to be prepared , an - illn ore.
von delivered by Mr. Jesuit Mirri.m, preceding
which the. Declaration of Independence will I.e
rend, by Mr. Joim .IM'Cuntiv. The day will'no
'doubt be o.6eed to the,gratilicatioo of all;
The Weather.
Weirither lust week tvas of the most
molting brder: The • mercury ranged for three
'kfoui.tlityi at a height!' of from 91 to 96. tic
grecs in ihti Shade. On Sunday afternoon the at
morPliere Wai &Med and purified by two"se3ere
thunder.stontls; Since which it has been quite
Our furrnoye at 6 generally engaged in liay.niak.
big . . The grain 't'ojia •in this county. will, •as
fat as wo[44;l4firti; givo a plentiful yfeld, though
mit perhaps se.largo, an 01000 of last your.
co-The . Carlisle .Springs, itt(64f — itiur irides
from this hormiih,are a beautiful resort during.
the excessive warm ,veather4
ilt"The.Loce FOCQ State ConCeniinti of Maine,
• „ .
recently hold, declared its preference for Martin
Van' Buypn for' the mixt Presidency. The Com
veOritritiras of the must turbulent kind. •
...(CrThe attention of housekeepers, builders and
s tir tr
.__others is directeditx . atlyertiseinent of_ Rum,
;mond* pat Ont tipper at\
d improved Inwer Win
• dOw' Sneh Springs. - They arc certainly a great
Lancaster Examiner, of Wednesday,
says , —The Wheat , crop has, so•far advanced that'
At 'pretty correct estimate maybe made of its yield
at %the,onting liarvest.,, to many parts of the
noun y lie '
crop never was be e in soy.
f eitilOf the best wheat grewing districts, the raya.
thelly and the, severe Winter. together:
have been 'todestriiitiiM:'that the
, 'crop' will be
vas. light: An inielligent,,friend,' from the
"Country; totxco' 4 ,pote of.thetio - otttoro, says,
that,the:crop.:ooV.l/ ntaYi,bo good one,
• • ...
4 will helew the iverage9fAhi!l,aneacter county
, ; ,
,- - •
annulus Greta.—A. New . York
111Q*14an ono hendre4;nodfifty of our prettiest,
,',11 19 e/oft olt thiir aerate eller hearing Dr: Law
toeTNOotute,..itre4lie'lleilittind ' , the ; elemeote.ef
aM4 l o..,bettuty i iSce.. •
The'onitio'reoult,iveuM,doubtlea t i have - followe4 • ,
*thle l"4 "l 4 •`" r
"1! een t ot . tnany, lathes in
itttetnlened. npon t.he recent ,lectures 'of
.... ':' , , ,, k , :4 '-., `iloreigfl,lgelvi*,
01, 9° ,9.;e0 ii' id
P a lr n 'iit'l`t,eifirork
'4li , `. ol l higitli f ' s i+ triteliliotito hi eii;Weegi 'bet
ibirtMie oßp!uftt, ol' til!i'Elitii4.44l„i"fial#naii'di!,..
" 43iiii'4,:bitioo.niiiiitv,doveiii"nio'ri;;:fljaivhati:
* ,6 ' 99 l): 4 s';iiiit , o l, ll 6 i , ' ,4 k friliiiili 'Ii1;14 :Om
AiniVik Ke'r,4tlpailitre: :. tie tiifttlitOrk s':liiicin".
, r .4 04) ) ,!4 % XV . ."!.' , , 1 );,."';'1''1t :',' , ` 4 -",:', l ` . ,''''''' , .id‘z 4 . Y 44 •
" '':?:::: ` , .," , ' .4 ';''''h',
1 "(r,o1P/4 1 4(01iiii AQiliii' in eikititiiio*. or: ttiO
44. 41‘ ,
' , JAl—tr. , ;,' ) ' i'",,.,•• ,f..- '' ~ ~. {I ', ~ ~'
1 7 , 1 1 ( 0,YotOlikt , tht Mil 'Plnll,; 42 upwitujkor
:-.4')" 11,00 Zigkhi'40(ir o 4 :60 stocks
~T,: . ; ‘ 4,:,Wgt. p `.... , y 4 k ii , 4
.!mr,,atavATl,P,Rtril,ol3, Y",.r."144,-ff, 4rift',,4`
' fi0111,400)'4.11,01.0#0.0, j''',.B`;'o;i:'Wg;
Gale* 4444504,1 ate
.~, ~~
'~i~F ~
BEEF!L~ATTL]l—T~eoti'o'r'ingsia the yards
on liiOndo idere b twee!imckii#A
not 'eA'eeding , qoo*4liltl7,sniikrtfS . !Rtte-.1`,..,50
Per 106 ltiir.;"`iiifiiA
of the'pr4iumiweek.•
rates, 4 tOef 24,, but In 'ant etptttioq'pftifitrtter
supplies, the dcmand at present is liin'itaiJ.
1 . ..'
; ,.; ;; F.oll.lo4llltershaveino atechiortiik4ilfs'i
;i44;otriVot;nomplet e d their previouSlystir!n7
latedecOntiii,tof:;Thelast sale , of-Sitsqtcelliiitiiik
the weelint
branlift.iirOirt49.Tid'?iie the.
sanAptit, ,
,Ith,out gy.,Alu l
K ng..,,,lanward •
ittraflOrtkettled; $6 873;
! .. " 4 - 4 4 i cu ili tilk t Ytt i5 .02,0450..
found` iieretinaSirt 0442
.oylvania, haVo i:itilar,: :: tall4 . 4fr t :wliii;44,o'7o M i
thne , the demand . lieni . fallen--Oirtticti'o', 4 nnikith':
standing 1 18 to' Si 22 'ciakitirl'. , eolfly,ttre
week for good to prime red. .We. hiri , nfie4nnni,
actions, in Rye to report, but Pennsylyanka.ll
Worth 62' to 63 cents. Corn bai sold acs 4 to
54 cents, including white and yellow: anti ; gitip
27 to 29. •
SPlRlTS.—Whiskey ha's further declined, bar.
role having sold at 23 cents, and hhds at 22i to
.22. Wo hear of no transactions. in N. E. Rum.
• ' F'HILADELPIIIA, July 1,1843.
'FLOUR—Ave notice sales early in the week nt
$5 -1 25 for .
,good superfine shipping brands, at
whichprice holders to.clay refuse to sell. Wo
Lice a sale on Thursday of 300 bbls. James Pat.
terson's extra family flour at $5 75. Other eliniee
brands, fur family use, $5 37,1 ass 50. yc
' Flour, $3. 37i. Corn Meal, $2 ..
GRAlN—Consitierable' sales bay
ed during the week at prices ranging from 51 16
aSt 20 per bushel for Wheat, llye, 64 a 65 eta.
Corn, Yellow Flat, 55 a sc cents. • Oats, Penn.
syMtnia (inferior) 314 aents; fair, 32. a 33 cents 1..'
Delaware, 30 a 31 ; Virginia, 29 a 30 cents.
WIIISKEY—At 24 a 25 eta, per gallon.
In Columbia, on Wednesday the 21st inst.
At.twor.nny, relict of. .Sylvattus. "%law,
berry. She uas born in l.atteaster.county, Decem
ber 1511,1 ifittottal died in her 75th year.
For linty-eight years, and up to. the time of her
death, she continued to be a consistent member of
the Methodist Episcopal Church ; sun, departed in
peace; with a good hope of a blissful itnntdrtality.—
Iler death wits inch as the ehristiatt would tnostde
sire.• It wits like the setting of a stunnrer's aunt,
when not a cloud obscures the horizon. — Columbia
THE piddle generally are r,!Niertfully invited to
ahem! the celebration or the fil l • Mort) annivershry,
or the Uniim Philosophical Society, to he held in the
NI. PI. ClMeeli. on TVI:F.IDAY EVENING toC,Xt, the 4th
of July; evereises to commence-lit 71 o'clock.
N. No private invitations kill he eirc‘ilided.
Ili order of. Cont. of Arrangements
Animal Addles' lietiire the Literary Souk
tics in Dickinson College, trill he delivered by the
Rev. Dr. Ilirrtittsk,or AVEnstscAy,
the Church; exercises comment: 7
Su o'clock, A. :11.
' the ;ghoul:thee or, the citizens 01 (he town, mid
the public generally; is respectfully solicited.
' _ Unnt~u~, tlt~..,,~3clt'as..lw:Unsaauci~•4r:
I 51.,. ' n ~.
Pamphlet Laws.
TILE Pamphlet I.ol‘vs 0t the lasi session 0
the Petinsyt%atlia I.rgishattre, been reeel%ril fur
Cumberland county, and art ready lin distribution to
thoht• 10 root:Ivo thrill.
July 4,1843. I. 11. CRISWELL,
651re5 I a leen trlp
Y the Subscriber, on the 2,..-1(1 or 9,11
AD of June, last, this borough,
shout eight or nine years old; lie is about sixteen
lands high anti has a on his right hind leg.—
Vhe owner is requested 'to (lone forward, prove
woperty, pay eliargeS anti take him away.
Ctirlisie, Juli- 4 1.843 JOHN HATFIELD.
Tl-IP, PUBLIC, and all concerned, are.
lwrehr mdilied,that, as "an tipplication x by the
Ikeettors of (lie Owlish!. Bank" polilishet: in the
the stlisle Ilerald of the last week, "is to lie nettle
to the 1117:* Legislature, for the renewal of the char
ter of the Carlisle Blink, by the name and style of
the Carlisle Ilatik,"—the determination hell% made,
-and the resolution loving Lein adopted by that board,
without the knocHedize or 6 - 111i,ent of the SlM:l.:hold
ers. or of their assent being asked or obtained in shy
way—a, Petitim, Will likewise he presented by the
Stockholders and other's. to tit:if honorable hotly, At
the same session, in opposition to it, with a remon
strance, ammonite; s'arions renson4 for their disap
proval oldie measure • %rid( oldections of seat I,;.'eiglit
and character, us, in dieir estimation, n ill prevent
the Legislature ' from entertaiithe; any propositions'
of the Mil. Betide, many of the Stockholders are
of the opinion .that.a.more- . propitious -period' for
winding tip the flank, told thr its littisilig a gradation
so case—firma n stale of inertness, Into a. state of
ilitlitratioll, cannot ()usably occur than the pivsent.
Curlisle, July 4, 1543
(1111111 1 1:312
rriliE Proprietor respectfully informs the
public. In general, that he is now ready to ac
commodate klarge number of 13oardere and
Mrs. The Springs are satiated q miles North of
Carlisle; Climbed:it'd county, Pa. and 5 miles South
of Sterrets Gap, on the north "'fountain ; in a fine
, romantic place ; there is tin ',extensive'
Bathing establishmem both warm and cold, attached
to the same, and every accommodation' May be re
lied on. . ' D. CORNMAN.
July 4, 1843., • • • st4ip
N. ,13.:A , Barouche will run fromCarlisleto the
Springs during the season, for the accommodation of
Visitors.' D. C. :1
• ' ,ll —ilaq/1/.1/0,11•DIS : ~...'
Patent "Irmen* . ,' and Ito Proved 'Lower
1 f. .
,-, ,
, WINPOW , SASIIii PlitiGS,.. .
11'H thie li m it. *id *,.„t i t ( xi, „ o.o.,„,
yy• 'tat) be fivad telot4 ;I titibbt 'M x . l' e lk
Intl be ltit a' part wity detiiigtol - but:tt posaiti i Id
beteg opened any furitlier,Opit' , itt§.. 'iattsfdik, irk
took 4 prprottint at thd ArnefiCiiiinstit,titqlk tiC
Yorb;tettilutve hCeriretatirmentled RP M Scritoo#loC,
article, by the best eorpenterathrombeqtheo,oo
wheretettntindbecd. They are, warrautti/ tin( - sti'
lose '..llleir Pl ils4o 4 ,o lr ,b realS• 7, 4iftepOintil. for pi*:.?'
',fitting the,',n‘titeitta'sellAt•SitSlib,ilitilllirttqlgtrfni
si*etidg - the tipittpittlitte:sizes,ll94,p9 , Jy.ttn . !Ling. ,
;Ifibililittd ibidtesStigol,'. (.?.';r - t''.; -. - ^iff.d. 'er . ..:,t,.„
i ,-;gor .. -i i le i afthe 'in it tli i l o'i 'si°4ool,.., 1 0k,liliii,
iltor9l milok. trikor . pri ii) mimnath*:49l,o,eiii-)
ithr gr ,' q "ii i iitito wn . :Afe 4 Wlblii,"ll44eikitiiiv
v !
o t o mf ameitia 'colitrigsbuleg,Get,tyaburg;,
lietivilfic,44iii# :•,:li ' -mt 1V10 1 ,0441.01f61 ie . r;
'Olt itiftii%ithi - N.
~-; IA I 41.140plibi,Nit.ittlprey,
~!!ifibiiil:),P.-i4T,400 :0414.1W6Y--9fitjik'fi',
:' 'rit;lftgOtoAPiliv:4,,r.:a;;;hig-.'4,4e
k.rtinet Otis', Itiotkielitt till tent Aid.'" .lrh ii#:
springs can be p. .:tittitlis iiititillTd'll yillifge t t' o : - .•: ,
...'•44rgkillikltt : :: c -t ' A i i i 4q 7 : -" ' ' , 7si -7 .—' - =• ! ;P' : : - Aq4§
.; 1 ,. m
A -V
f*,rc4'46Vih j 1;
14r„o" ini
441*.41a7' o OA f V,w. .i-
reeriving nnother simply of Sommer
Goods,which will he sold Clicaper than corr.—
A tiMog the goads receiving this week, will be foam!
lot gelot of . Calienes from 4. to 12i cents. Ging
ham froni 10 to 20 cents. Pants sniff from fij- to
25 cents. Lawns from I'2l to 31+; Wiz:in:ens and
Mmislin de Laines at all prices; Stockings & Gloves
front 6 .1 to 2•3> and a large lot or seasonable goods,
that cost lie heat, (recollect that) and he sore to call
at the old dap, the third door east of the' market
house. • • - MIAS. ocilLtly.
June 21, 1843. •. (1-34
Aretv Goods
IIE subscribers are just now opening
further supply ut goods suitable for this sea
soil, comprising in tho ossoclincol of 11/11, OS OE
CALICOES, kV, ftn. Ladies itm);9l,l, also n general
assortment of Gentlecnen'a %Vent\ which are offered
al leer reduced pri6;.s. -- : Call - soon, - before - all the patterns sic selected. .' • •
Carlisle, June 14, 1813. 11-33
1111.0 TS & SPADES:
. _ - _
10 Coda Booti and Shori,josi received and for
snle very low At the stored
June .18441.
burg, have just received a large and hplendid
and fifshmuuble assortnienv or6opps, for the Sum
mer which they will 'sulfa the leivest , imaginable
June 21,1843.
Estate of Hannah Goorly deceased.
LETTERS "of Administration on the
. 1 - 4 estate of HANNAH GOORLY, late o f Brooke
county; Virginia, have bbeti issued to the subscriber
residing in \Vest Pennsboraugh township, Cumber
land county, Pa. All persons having claims against
said estate, will present them for,settlement without
delay, andd.hose indebted will make payment to •
Attie ,- • WVIS geYl ll 44AnSt 4010 1
7;1149: , • C 3-12
E 1 T (43C44,4.34•4...W)ct'
theltreimises of the stibseriber,
reit er'aboet the lath of Mayiliett,
anlifiosoci to )10 tied 4 years old;Vorttetwin le with
Spot*, the other s. black °therm:irks got reconciled.
Aoy pereoftetfiledeg them to the oweer,oear Kreit.
lows . 1 3vei t ,Otitonontoinntionao dist they.23iyba
r"Ver"t ',w I RYFAi ;;Lrewiktleik: e, ,1
..qtk,r,ll4 PeDitsbttro to.iuse 2t, lOW . •v*Ztilig
•„... ~.,f', : •.o l 49 4 'l 4 Cra, ; —Wc`i''..,- . ", • ••••!';:s -',;,
~,, • ',..- ,•,-,---,, - , ; , ...k: — .7 , - -, • , :" 4 , ;—:,', , ,, ,, F , ..r.,••••ct. , ');,.., i ,
APrt.P.J-4,41Q0,0110,,A v iii.,,5,,tb0:
islatnva4t;44oAW 'O6lOO ofhKniMv.lioitgar.
a feneWar'or ihbl•Vif 'l`.aPtll4,aaidnlia4k , lby , , , ,the
name and:stile;oo) Qarliole Ifail.','.: Ai' 4 ) 1, *7.
tended that it. shaltli th 'Ocatil In Carlide;v.einnabar.,
now haii;;CO!*it(4l4:llree, buncllTOD.4 l )4, ll o 4 0:1:'
for_tho :erieatte.;.opj . *t . Of Bankinedfid ..'dlittis, ijitnigi
purpiale. ,c'',.l3y:iartlai'gr ifte,.o.pard'orlifiVitakkA
.i r - ii''''- '.. ' , YV .. - 9 9BE AP T P i lt.tSiil
~,ithelbftoi:N. : :: , ..,:1;; ; ; , ,' 4;,' , '..; ,, -.T,1, A
JOURNEYMAN l'alic;ve
of , Ointl \bitpnwill find imistufit
meolL one who understands 'loth briOches or the ha
mess tvod , c pi. • txre • , 0,0 ,
1 , • - • JACOB SHROM.
- 'Cgintleattoc 28 ;4 8 43. s 3t-35
..'--Nisf.'; , '.,,r.',-,4 4 - `ie'i 4iii , s ~;.I. ' i. it s.• . '
:, it iirlii - e - Of ituntleyittrits of Venditioni EXpon-*
#lo.:lne Areettl,listied out of the Court of
' •oiriOonAlllV"Of.' Utittiberland county, will be ex-,
' - 'll ."
1,1 ' , . 1. , f the 11
p90040,p9....i r .5a l. a Court douse, in the her
itllgVoricttehtSte, on: SATURDAY, the 3d day of
wtiSr343, l lt 10 o'clock A. ID, the following
4,94141;644i§a11;5tate, viz{ . ,
!y:j ACII, of .Gmup d, - situate in the Main
streqopf. Shirernanstown Allen township, bounded
h'Y'llie‘sitid street,nnd On 'the West by . Samuel Black,
,tital onllie East by George Hoop, containing fill
t ni neefeelfront, and two hundred feet in depth,having
thekeoke'rected a two story fratni3 Store Room, and
titiyo,:atory dwelling HOUSC,,thereon erected.
Also, A Lot of Ground, situate in Shire
manstown, 'Allen township, bounded South by hick
ory streetOyest by Hannah Shireutan, and 'twit by
Daniel - Maxwell; containing forty seven feet front.
and sue Inindeed and - eighty three feet in depth. .
Also; A Lot of Ground, situate in Shire
-1 nianstown, Bost Pentoborongh township, bounded
North by Rail Road street, East by olosepla Stroll's
heirs, and Jacob and henry Rupp on the West, eon
tainiog seventy live feet in trout, mid one hundred
and ninety e feet in depth, hnving it slaughter house
thereon erected.. Seized nini taken in execution as
the properly of, Martin G. Ituppi
Also, A 'Tract of bind, situate in Allen
townsidn,\ Cumberland counts, containing, seventy
six- atres,more,or less, adjoining lands of John Rich
elberger, Album Diehellterger, George Rapp, an'coli
Long,John Shoup and callers, having thereon erec
ted a two story dwelling I MUSD, Darn, Still house
and other ant honses. :Seized and taken in (Amu-
tion ns the property of Frederick Long.
Also, A Lot of Ground, situate -to-Silver
Spring. towathip, Comberlawl-county,containing flee
acres; mom or less, ntljniang hinds of Joseph Estuji-
Ipsol, Pretlvrick Nyers, M Abell:nu! Mrs. Mas
ser having thrreoil ereetcel:n two story log lionsil
unclatnhle. Seized aid taken in execution as the
'property of Imute, ingston. •
_Also, A Lofig—dfoluillj.ri the boroughof,oootoioing• 40 feet in breadth 1111(I t.NO
feet in depth, noire or less, hounded by a lot M . . 1111111
Bricker on the East, by.a et) feet alley sn the Scott'',
.Iry :mother lot of JoseplinDtto on the West, and by
16i/ emu! street on the North, having themm erec
ted a t wo• story Brick ROUSE and Frame Hack
Also. A Lot of Ground, in the-borough
of Niewville, containing 40 rvet in breadth, and Wu
in 'lila, ttlere Or less, hounded on the. Not•th bl 9 rail
coati street, Olt the West, by I lezekiali Roads, MI the
South, by II 121.) feet .11 lety,uncl no the East by the above
ilescrilied lot, tuning thereon erected a frame Shop
one story high. Seized mid token in execution as
the property of Josepli Otto.
Also, All the interest of Edward -B.
I.cmitn•d, in a lot of ground situate in the lioreogh of
f;tirlisile, containing :At feet in breadth, and 440 trot
in depth, more Oe lets, adjoining a lot of Ahel Kee
ney.on the North, a let Or Iterien E. SlellnleV on the
ltcdlin•tl street on the South and North Hanover
street on the IVest, latein.g. thereon eveefed a forge
three story Brick house, a Mick kitchen and a two
story brick house, and frame shop and frame stable.
Also, Ins interest in. a lot of Grotintl,
situate to the borough of Carlisleenntaining fin thetin
breadth ,210 feet depth,. nitioining• a lot of
JoulesLainberton, on the West, P. NV:kits mt the
1.:3,5t, on alley on lbw:iota!, and Redford street on
the North, havil.i. t.reeted tiTlto story log
Muse, wrother-13oordoil and 11 , 1 , i111:111 hog, House.
Also, All his interest' in^ a Lot of
Renaud. Ritualr in the borough of Corlisle, hounded
on the \Vest by --, Brackenridge's heirs on the
Post, the turnpike nu the South owl 3, lane on the
SciALII 11111 i taken iu V 514410 1 ,11 Its the proper
ty of If. Leonard. And to be cud by 1111!
Sherdrs Carlisle,
• June
T ll.ll o ll,allia
subseribets respectfully inform the
-11-puhlic, thot they have purchased the retire
stock of Goods of Timm. Skiles, coosisting of
Cloths, oassirneres, Vcstings,
Stocks, handkerchiefs, Linen Collars,
Geotlenienq Hose, Cravats, Catis,".NiN, Sze., all of
which they oiler for sale at the old stunt if Thomas
11. Skiles, in \Vest Street. 'flier a'. tire the
public that ditir work will be done in the be man
lier and most fashionable stile.. Getitlemen fit nisli
ing Cloth, may rely upon burial; it made ui with
equal care.
.N. 11. Thomas 11. Skiles will be combined hi till.'
stnbtisluuenl SIS OMIT. L . ok S.
Cntlislc,.tnnq.o, 11.-34
Cheaper than Ever.
Piatbbaafiool,icoPJ.W4lt , tid-"save, a
. ,... ;, 2 jo i i. , , i;if,/ 0, , . ',',',. , ,
7. X' i, : .f . ',..,!.,, oar :,A- r, • ,
i . ' I ' . ' lk; ~.?"..i.,;. ^ 7, --- ''' 2 , , 1.... '
~...--- -7 _- • •:.--__-_-----
-- .1 -
~ .y:i;`
17; , ::1, `.. : ,,, t7 " ;.'• .-, [i , '" ' ?',st , , , , , t ' ,: 4
~ r .....,--- ; „ t ,
Pa. l tr.4 . p‘vti"g u4t,ii to s'ilit''y'fitinielVei in
.4. rti:Xcafrate.ll.4.:C§ of every . kind,ju,s't give a
'fl a n at tin? hew Ilai Allinoraetory or the,stdiscriber,
,I , 4l,l;itallter'Ar Row, two doors Nytortit. of Angney
inil Antleron'a Moreovitere lie intetulitkeei)ing conk
snotty 011 hand, arid will inanufnettive tqcorder of
tlie best tnitfcrials and at the very alioriest notice,. ; "
0rUT.18.114; , I.I.IIUSIX
:zamfaivita.• atiazta s , •.
of every- dcso.ibtibn, in 1116 nentett and atom fasltion
able 'style, warranted t 9 have at good and p . crmitnee
a color as any or the. 'Hats rianufilettired an the
ties. Alho,
Chapeaus and ITlMilary Caps;
of every deicription made in the best style s ,and at
very moderate. prices.
For CAsn, he,will sell lowertfum ever Unts have
been sold iii thisl36rough,--anth,indped, prices
generally' will be Such as to' salt the. (temp:1810'o(
the times; 'Althougli'he'preferi icflitr; to Cash—
yet he as usual, be lvillintfo bufntry pro
duce t..t the market prliteslii exchange for Hats.
Thee subscriher rettirus his sincere thanks to a
generous public. for the mem mgement he has re
ceived since he first commencntillusiness about three
'years ago,in the old shOp hi Lowlier streetoimi hopes
by strict attention to business to merit and receive a
maim:m.6e of theft' patronage, For the convenience
of •sonte of Ida, custonicrs, he still Carries on busi
ness at the old ainp-r—but those who - a ish to have
"pick Mid choice" would do Well to call at the new
establishment, No. a, Harper's Row.
Call and Judge for yoursihves.
May 9.4, 1843. , 1130
.1. IL It 14.1.91ry "
Illaelisbark, Pa.
nESPEO'ITULLY informs the Par
, .
merm, Millers, Merchants and the publi c gen
s tint he is. 110 W. prepapeil NS hh large 01111 emu
toosiotis Wiire Ilocetesi oil the Peons Cimal , neat•
the foot of NValinll street, to receive
iu Stoi`e for'Shiptilent, Country produce A/er
a:iodize for Philadelphia,
and till ioterilleilimie_places. D. heeeh 'soul Co's
Ch 13.9 tide \rater Canal
Hosts, m tll eull I . roin the nooses is Ibireisburg : .
Boat i . .1. C AleAllestee, _
41tary Martha,
Arn3:31,.1134fi t
A k NEW aihlition to the former. Lock
EA, o f fin'e calf, sewed and pogo! . Boots, Mens and
_Boys-Kip Boots of goad Mims and floss Rip
nut call SioneneS - , Eadh•Pi, - - Xlisnes and -Childcens
kid and morocco. slip p ers, Ladies'and fine
morocco welts, all of m hid' will lie sold uncommon
ly low fin. Cash. •• AI.
Coldish:, May In, 1643. tl4lB
Sherifi's Sole:
Y virtue•of a writ of \rendition Ex
-1 looms in me directed, issued out of the Court
of (.:oitimini Pleas of Cumberlaud Comity; I will ex
pose for sale at the Court house,. in the borough of
Carlisle, on SAT Ull D.% the ilayof .1 1,1
1813, at 10 o'clock, the teflon lug described
Real Estate, to wit; .
A LOT .01: , 'G1201JND, situate in 'tile
"borough of Shippenslitirg, coutnirting 64 fret. in
breadth, 140 feet in (club, More unless, hounded on
ill, East !iv--; street ot• roitri - row hr
lot of David Ecbdwor,ou the ICchtl a lot of Dinh/
fill (lie North by fi lot of the lice.
Strinigh, hiiving thereon erected a two story 13 RICK
11(111SE;:iiiil a brick Kitelien,
Also, A LOT .
!MUNI), situate in
the 1.0,% osiiri, of shippoosilorg; an the East
hr Dr. \l'm. • Itaiikin, on the South by Sanmel
A . l 'Curility, on the East by Samuel Eagle, and on the
Nut th Alex:toiler Mateer,and the Catholic church,
haring therifon erected a small log !louse and 11rick
yard, coritaiiiiiig two acres and three fourths. Seiz
ed and taken ill execution as the property of tieorge
Ihiriline, mid to bisaS9lll bt ice
P.l Vs. SlwrifT
.luuc2l, I Ii1;3.
GROCERY AND intlOß'llloo
. .
. . ,
lIIIIE subscriber having stopped the re
tail business is now prepared to s e ll sa Conn
try null Town Storekeepers anti the tlllllO generally,
Stigler, Gofree, Ilaeott, '
Tea, Alolasses, , Brandy,
Clioeolate, Rice, . Gilt. .
Spices, , Oil, . IVitie,
Speent Candles, Tobacco. IVlnskey,.
Fish, • Salt, . Plaster,
.l'ileli, . Oakum. . ~
and a general nisortinem at. GROCERIES, foe sale
be JOHN 11. BRANT.
Aray 31, 1843. tf-31
• .
Travellers take Notice,
nlliATFamine.siiiid dick. furniture and passen
gers generally, VIM he SUM front D. Leech and
Co's Old I louse, tit the loot of Walnut street, loirer
than tiny other house in I lavrislitteg., to Day of the.
ralloa iii Otiesand all intermediate places.
Niiv S.'ork, , Cincinnati,
Philadelphia . , Louisville,
lialtimore, Gratal Cairo,
Pittsburg-, , . St. Louis. -
.ling 31. 18,0. . . . 1f..51
0 13131.8. 'Prime No. 1 Shad & tier-
Hog of sliperiot, iiunlity, cheap foe vstsh, nt
the htore'of WM. M. MATEEIt;io 8. lino Ter 51.
CurLslc,lllny 10,1843. -'2l
r_m r.
p A rkno, or RYE, for which
-.40...M0RY will pay the market price in' CASIIw
& Cheap ,Store.
liE subscriber tvtntl<l infoim the public
that. he has. token, the . store room recently pe
etipiei) by Messrs. llos,erinnii and iitatoll, IA North
I Imtover weer. Calisle,in which l ie i s n ew open
ing ti lar g e mid sple o ilitl 'and cheap assortment of
or every variety and ( f eebly, which he Hones the roll and examine,oonfideitt that the quality
Or his g 00116.11,111 their low
.miers will gi
"-1 1 to till who May rawer hint with it cull.
Agent for Joseph ,
May 17, 1843
Attorney at 'Law ,
OFFERS ,professional. services to
the publio. 10-Mee et the had residence or
Mr. Jacob Zug, on 1111. in street.
Carlisle, April 5,1841
TPENV pieetta of tho•ahavo splendid stile of goods
juit rer.eived and selling _, like hot Cakes and
at astonishingly 'low prides at our Stcire. one door
westneighkour, who ichni.d to bent in
aellinkolietp 'goods, - .We'ire "laiWever,' chapside
,this titan aad no .mastsiku; . Coll sOod;or'you twill
ttiias Aetna gToatifargaina.
7' .;0
, , , ;• 1 : 11.0. 1411.N1T . & CO;
: cm. iale;,innel4,l/10:. ~."
• A quatttity Af.very. seperiOr...ltatk) ,Blaalt • tp be
Lad at the sieve of the subsiwibers:
I,ldriEr 14 ti4S:: J3ARNITZ
Cliusani6: novi 1144 NB:
In*r t is4 Lsidies preStel3,l'elikivGd this ilibectibers. CHAS. 43ARNITZ Bhoo4
''Jutiel4,lB43, ' tr-d 3
• ” -. :7 7 , - ,.; - , 7 „ . 7
S Ul; ll3 Crlbe , r4 l 4 l ,fiUo
lilarge 6 tiurid 6 • ll eklielit sto
;tlk Origk!RINVIE444O:
,sorgediGool),s; infer
iriong:whiels are time
;Road Cloths for ; se to $7.: •
'Onssiinere $l, - 11 2 and • .;
• French;sfitlO.lir
; . Ytithigsfraisi.l24 t0'3911V.;..9,(;;'*•.
• Pantaloons stuffs from 8+
-• Calieues•A•elk,s•_.B 8 10 and.44.oiitk.--
Chintz 181 to 2ci:, • ;; ,, ;'•';;%;; . ':";;;1;'"-A,•
itp4 8, 2 1410 tinilloyeents4,• ; .:;:;•;,,
LaiVris, I yard- wide,l2 1:4 ; .1 8i. and 25, •
jiAliat:eens; 371-2,
Summer Cloth';' , Altipatliay,lusd Gainbioons:,
Clieekes;Weentii,' . B;4o and 18 yentk. • •
Tiekings;.7; 8;' . 10,'12 and 18:?: • ~
• I..acesand Ritgingiffor 1 et. to 1.2 N tentsi ;• •
• Elegant Foulard Silks. • ;. •
• Poult de Loi and PiCk de [Mini; Silkii'•,;'),',/,•••
Mousilin de Loins, 121-2 ets.lB, audi.l7::-.;.
'Bonnet Ribbons for ll+ to11:1:
Ciirdlitiiis and Illhek Fillets Shawls:, •
Elegant Ernbrpidered Swiss Mull Searfs:
Do:. •• , do. , • Silk and Fillet do'.
Bonnet's, Undies and Misses ofi,il kinds Bz, Oces.
Mena Legliorn and Chip Hata, ui, great variety.
Cottonades, Also;
A Fresh Lot of Cflettii Groceries;
Broiiii nail Loaf Sugars. • •
Rio Coffee, strong,lu to .• . • .
Young HS-son, linperialvind blank 'Pim% fresh and
rood: Chocolate, and Spices of all kinds.
New Orleans and Sugar House Molpsscs,
. . .
~ Of eVery description and prices, Several thousant
pair just received and selling astonishingl,flosv, fot
instance: - • ---
M ens fine look Boots, $2 to 4.
Ditto Mani oes for 75 to 1 50. •
Misses Slippers of all kinds. ~'.
' Childretis Leather and Illbroccti Boots:
Meats kip Shocs, 4'l-2 find 75.
'Aleuts (Miter Boots, $i 25 to 2. ..
Also, Menus Fur and Brush lists:
anti in short•every article neetlekfrom a tow of pins
to Broad Cloth at $ll - per }ord.:old at prices to 'suit
the times. Recollect the old stand opposite J.
11'itialerlielt's old stand, and now the second store
belon.'llte' corner east Alain Egret.. .
• , As our clump e; rover up street says in his adver
tisement, don't mistake the house, one dooesotne
times unifies a great dillerence.. Purchasers,frietnls
and emitotl ierstinea id .11, please to call at die old
shop of , la '
Carlisle, May 17,1843: 11-27
good Chatter for a Bargain..
To a person wishing to' commence business in
Carlisle, a-good .opporttinity 'is afforded •of Ptir:
chasing a Stock of Goods nearly new, and which
were all bMight for Gash, as the preatuffproprie 7
tor in consequence of other engagements, is de
siroua-of-telling off, whiali_he_wilLifo,..mi.suelf.
terms, as must please a purchaser. Enqui're at
the Office of the Herald & Expositor:
Alay 17, 1843. .
R I.IG SUP I'l. 1* or
1- rdir3 l l 011.011ttITT'L
.jsk. r NC! store oldie suleanq her, West Alain street
Brick imusa, ilearly opposite the "Bi g Locos
free" just received a large and handsome assort
areal Oh fresh and the best quality Groceries—anion.,
which can be had
• Flue ci ushed !mar - Sugar at I‘2l cents.
Lump and Imar sopri, from It tol4 cents. '
Brown Sugars line and superior qualities from
to 10 cents.
Coffees stro ng scented for 10 to 1 , 23 coos.
Also, Java Coffee. . .
Young Ilyson, Imperial' and Gun Powder Teas--
variims all fresh for 75 to 1 576 per lb. •
Spices or every descriptio n , gramd mid tingromid.
l'obs A llonis, Chorus, painted' Buiikets, &c.
willow and Common Market Ilit'skets, covered
and uncolored, Clothes Baskets, Bushel Baskets,
round baskets, &e. • .
,Pore whiter Sperm or Lamp Oil—tiotie but hest
q uiltity, and warraiiivitr tt q ual to.any in this or any
oilier market :u $1 per g allon. Also clarified Elea
pliant Oil nt 75 cems per g allon.
• Sperm Candles, pure at .3.1,1 1 cents. .
Mould and Dipped Candles. .
. •
.I . nekerel, No. I and '2, Salmon and Herring,
New Orleans (superior baking,) Sugar llonse in
Syrup Molasses, for 37A to f2t, cents per gallon. •
A new and general assortment of China, 'Glass
and Queenswareolso Crockery EVare.
careadisli, Plan., Ladies twist and • Smoke Tobae
ro, Cigars; Casa:, variegated and White Soap, IdSO
Shaving Soaps.
White wash, Sweeping, Scrubbing, Dust, Hair
and Clothes ltrushesoilso Hand Brushes, Ste.
Liverpool G. A. and tine Sa timid all other articles
ia the Grocery line, which by 'calling at our house
can be seen and prices compared.
Iq ourllouse, we 'think, we con sell for Cash, (one
way of buying) probably cheaper than the same ar
ticles can be had in other sections of the town, and
it' we cannot. then our ueighbors opposite and our
friends adjoining can—call and pleaseyoursclres; for
past favors we are thankful.
But those forg..4 the house, one door
sometimes makes a great dilfermice. A living. is all
we want,so who wants unwell:is unite than his share.
J. W. %DV.
Carlishr, .:11ti) 10, 1 Bi 3
~ o r tp I i E subscrihcr hasjustreccived a
m•el awaltaeat or •
1P .Mll A TV D
, .
Lamsistia g in part or. Figured, Halo amt Barred
Sfripeil Lawns
and Freiiek (Thinties, plain
and barred Swiss, 81 15 1 Cambric
Mtislins; a general assortment of Groilenap,Groiles
wa,lialian and Italian Silks, Bonnet Silks:nal Rib
bons, Straw,Leghorn, Braid and Willoq , Bonnets,.
1116 i. Silk, aslunere and Cntton Dose, Silk; Mohair
Kid and Cotton I:loves, Umbrellas, Parsols and
'linden, new style, Freaeli,GCrlllall and li•ish Linens'
/whin itiO Linea. Linen Didllingit rind
:itinbrouus for Pitittaloons.,lino Cords; Stripe.) tint) Nankeens,.Carpo g
ing and Rugs, rolVit !ilea id'le
tislins, Tinkings stall Calinues .Ptins.tinii:Diniktir= -
nliiitis,‘Legliont and nalin Straw, Gimp
, and Edging, Cloths, Ctisiniiires and Saltinetts.
Quetlisware & GrOCCrieS,
41191,ivIiich will be sold on favorable terms at the
Carlisle; .11a * y 1843. 0-28
link • . • .
from the
I ktra s r s c o e v e t„c t
iv t
cd d,
of Spring
mid Summer Goods consisting in part of
WIRY GO.oll2tig:' • •
of.ckery variety, such as English, French, German,'
Italian and American GROCERIES, QUEENS;-
WARE and GLASSWARE of every variety, third.
ware and Cutlery, window Glass, Paints, Oils dint
Dyu Stuffs, Brushes of all kinds; 40 Cast:s of
- •
or all kinds, cheaper than
,"have aver . 'been, bold in;
Carlisle heretofore; her stook of, goads being - Much
larger thanflt had ever"been, find all new and.. fiesh,
and she hieing determined to'aellist fiery, a nail pro
fits she hopea to I.o,eive • ihe rivers. of bet former:
etiStdmers. and of the , pilblitt; those,that %OW:please
to favor 'her 'call Cill)110t awarwithout be-`
Durlislc, lllay17 ; 1841' ,
.tr-g 9.
, .
itiwttN Wi EcEMPLi,,
r... ' tow itqultav,
16,Ak' , r B. 4ss6 . r.PoLT.,Maiiiiilitim% s , 1 - x -,, ii,!,-ffir
IS 7-- - ' ' 0 ' Oils and its . iisisity, , titSt 44a
m fdi n - all dental'c,per4l9
wilt' attbW,l°, ,eniab.itzr. ' ,And ,, Kit ivlctitielh;
sftlis)o/earttnt 1 . --
t? 96-6 rints:*, #POIA:
toi*C V. l Ol
_,._`,"l.:lWF!'• i?folupliltir'4'B'o!.,-;,-..,
tent trOit a , T;4 1 #" .. 4 li i j.iiv,-
:',', 'cittQfili'a 0 ) ,,1 1 ! )1 04. 1 ! 1 ', l a Tl.- 4 , ) , 4, •• - • -', . '
)11 te.3 ".' I
.'','t E. er a i w 4 olloiroiev-",0
,i.,..7.,...,... , ....,:„..441. 0 . , ;.....t,..L..p0.„,..,......„,,,, ;!
r i ,
: 4 0 00‘ 0 1,3 - ecw-witigoot f ct
--- „ ' , l qi,lwc, 0i,.,., , ,,,
"be 1.,,,,i.t.!. ottpei.o.l. ."...,*',,.,i -.-. 'ili .'
Al , , tf ri t , I ' l 4 l1 1(11 7 k e git i ' I/ ',) '''.., : At
titt lC 'ciltatfr. , :f..;.ir,,, ;, t-., ..:, ,2! , '-',, '-
. . \
W; l4l, •ve,efor 2 oßciatinnti.o,oo . :tiko,„,t,c44.,
ar k l r e l uired loo l f ll oft i firelOkfqitibilikublV
; Sca tig . liti;'..kyiesiiti,g , ;', wkikivitoi , e ;
iiiifdosii of theiti; by iiiiemirira.,iificlitllo4ii,frial
atti ogle to
Ipilijosidiliaiell;jt , •
• 'N . ,,,,13;:1 teti , , :t 41i9ent foul
• •••
A •;‘ tr-;30.
Nt4jjokAir.(;, , i:-:FRAIII.S,i.:&;G::
'.'LYNN ~Ynaoxx~ai~~,;
"lerrOCLb „inform' !lick Mends litid
.11r - ' Opt they have. Jul retseleculat thetr'store on
High street, next (lOW fo 13ettem'a lioiei, Cartitile,
a• large, 'resit; Mittelrgant Assortment of CAls11)1.E10 4
FR:CFI'S, and oilier. articles in their line, '4ltich
They are ready td diapoSe. dr, wholesale and retail;
on the most , reasonable r . tams.
,Their assortment
comprises the following yarn:ties, 401 of wliicli are
of the cliniceat tfunlfty . •
riband, .curls, /airs, spear
iiiinOilitt; cokes anti voila, l.tinnartion; stursa
frati,TgilifyrOintritound, clove, !meant and bird-eye,
Thompsonum cifsfkmper candies; ;Jackson anti Clay
bane; leilloit; , .l.4ltylorench, and crimmon Islatign ;
cottimpir, , !md (minding tweet:is; Mint drops
rock Mid vaitilfn candy ; sugar and"burnt almonds;
candy toys;!ligutiriee, Ste. ,
NuTs—Aimpnds,riAelas,En g list, watimts,shol:
bat ks,Chestiiits,Mtdl.lr4:l4crearkl i ebitou and geottlid
• FRUITS--oranges; carirmsi !mains, figs, prnnes,
dates and Citron. ilso'.tlio best,. ;.„
Cavimdistli Tolbak.o#Segirto
such np Regalia, Principe, flittetta; Trabueas and
Attierican segars, . •
. • rich• assortment:ll, ityPt•nninifuntly supplied by
fresh additions. Qoutitry hierthatita but-lied to .
call, as they Can be aupplibd ;bti tealniS as,ittivantage
oils as city prices., • The patronage of thq public is
respectfully solicited. • , • . ,
Carlisle, April 26, l 84: •
Leather, allorocco and *lading
~~m ~~
Pont PER;
A / F.O9T respectfully knforms the citizens of liar
rislotr,,,, and the public in generat, that lichas
rernovedhis Leather, Morocco and Finding Store,
to N(gib SC11011(1 street, 0 few doors above Ilceiry
13Iichlei"s Hotel; where he will keep conitatitly'on
teisortment of the folloWing named
Spaptisli &Sl:tuner; Sole; Skirting,
Itaratt'ss, fair and black bridle, wai. and grain limier,
whip and collar. leather, wax itml grain Call
Skins, Spanish and cottiiir9 yip and
Hying ktither;bellnws Leather
nuces and Blacksmiths, and Bark
: 'fanned Sheep Skins. ' .
, aII;LS.O---0./0/1000S:
Coniprisiog Men's Alorocco, Women's.,toulrcl!set
itod black straits, Freocli kid of diPrenCcolors
Red I . OIIIIS Lioings.of all colors Hook
.biodet o s - liAttlter;Chtimois"-Icatltcr sod - Liu& skills
Shell as hoot keys and shoe keen, lain
mars, pincers; rolets, stamps, size sticks. punches
knives, rubbers, files, rasps, thread, boot webbing
sparables, boot cord; pegs; awls, *qt.:- A lhn
which lie will sell at the very •LO WES I' CAS}
• . . •
W. L. Pc returns his sincere thanks to the pub
lic, for the liberal patronage which has heretofore
been extended to him', and respectfully solicits a
continuance of their favors. - --- - 1 •
Forwarding Si. Copqmissioit
ESPECTPULLY informs. the public, that he is
it prepared to receive, forward and dispose of
-- Produce of every.description,
either at the Philadelphia or Ilnltiniore Markets, or
at any other poildaecesSible by Rail Road.' As hi,
will attend in person to the • delivery and hale of all
tirtieles entrusted to his care, the most satistitotory
and speedy returns may at all films be expectml,Mal
the utmost promptitude hole - transaction of all'hu
sioess entrusted to him.
Farmers and others haring any artichelvhich they
wish disposed of, will do NI ell to rall•on him, im
mediately opposite the Mansion House, and Rail
(load Depot, Wes , Iligh street, Carlisle.
autholted to purchase 'several hundred '
bushels or Graio; Mr which the highest pries will
n, •
8 43.
/VIM subscriber thailful for past fitvors begs
leave to inform his friends and the public in
general, that he continues to carry on the
in all its various branding nt the room occupied by
him ror the last two years, in High street, isestofilie
Court House, adjuimm; N. W: Wood's storeot here
be is prepared to execute all kinds of work in Iris
line, the best and most fahbionable M1111110 . ' 16111
upon the shortest notice. Charges made to suit the
times, lly strict attention to business he still solicits
a share of the public patrounge. •
1843. 3m-'23
co V fit 11.', Eiblitg)4),T; Ai tvQA11111)11;
wII EIIEAS the 1 - 1011 SAMUM 11creumq Pre:
Sitlent Judge bf the Court of Common
Pleas of the Ninth Jiidielal district of Pennsyl.
vunia, nod the Hon. Jorm STUART and THOMAS
MILLER, Judges of the iaid Court of Common
Pleas for t h e eouuty of Cumbet land, haie ist4ed'
their precept bearing date of the•l4th they of April
1813, and to me directed; for holding p. Conti of
Oyer and Terminer, General Jail Delivery, and
General Quarter Sessions of the PeaCe, at Car
lisle, on the second Monday of August, 1843-be
in k , the 14th day—at 10 o'clock in.the forenoon;
Justices of Mc Peace and C onsta,les.of the said
County of Cumberland, that they be then, and
there in their, proper persons;, with their .
Records, Inquisitions, Examinations and other
remembrances, to do the thingS which tO,their of.
flee respectively appertain — and those who arc
botind by reeopoisatteis to prosecute against, the
prisoners that are, or then may be in the Jail of
said. county, to be then and there to 'prosecute
against them as shall he just, and r'4Blo.
bated at Carlisle; the day of June
1843, and the 67th year of American Indepen.
&nee: '
Jun_q_f3.l. 0843
PAUL • MARTIN, Sheriff:
• to-19
.F EAT ti RS for finlo very low, in qunot;.tiei
to suit purchasers, tor CASH, at prices frank 15,
20 nod 25 cents per pound.
lleatlynutde Hells, Bolsters and Mows. Curled
flair Mattresses and Moss (11)., 111111
to suit 71:t , i . !died noilkteink, always Curled,
hair Mid NOV Urii.ens' ',ale or single
Countr! Storekeetiers wpultliiinl, , ,t to il k eir adsad4,.
age biciilling on the iubscrilnrs l ;efore Impobasiog: •
FriVLEY bc- CO. -•
S. E. Cornet' of Second F: Walnut streets, INK
April 116, 1843. vf
-- .CO/jlZi e , & c o
2i) )31IFJILELS AllegYelhi" Mach
'endth Colit.}ooo.idnaT.4,lcons do. 41.. T.
staiitly on ' and sold all . c 411.0 ;dB 011 66104
ftoril PhilllO'lpina ox bilataotr• • :
.: MAR TiNti
• HarriP.onrgApea26.,lB4.3.
,a.p.d ... Litiluorg,; . •
, GOOD amid/Imam' of first otioice , Licmora,,
- % , itiai Fieneti and Vomeatio trandJes 110-
r mild Gin Monongahela and ~ .sonnon Whiaktto;
a piima article or Acciinaa 4 1 .,Saiiblivandy, fort
-5 , tVA1:11. ArAT, EET
1 qq11.1110.,.1111iY, iq, 1843. , hf.2B
. - -
Tor the same remand, When, froni stidden chatt7,es
of atmpsphere, or any othercause,,the,perspirillion
is checked, and the Iluitiors which should-00Si off by •
the skin are thrown imaartily, causing ,
Nausea and sickness, pain in the bonea,iviticri . and
inflamed O 3 CS, sore throat, hoarseness, coughi,
pains in various , parti of the •
body,and many other symptoms of •••' •
carcia.vd COLD , , • .
ably,- give immediate relief, Prom ihrlte to SIX' of
said Pills takitnyiellr night on-going- to bell E will in '
a short time; not only remove all the atidve.,implett
sant symptoms, but the body will, Ina abort time, be
restored td eveit sounder health than befdre...The
same trinj--besaid_of
The Indian Vegetable Pills will loosen and early
oil by the stomach and lioW'ejs !hose tough ,phlegmy
humors, w 'deli stop up tha air cells of the lungs,and
rit the rinse not only of thin aliOSedistt7ising con
plalift, but when neglected, often kerminatei in that
still More dreadful, malady called.
. . CONSUAIPTION:,•• •., "' •
• It should also be remembered- that the' Indian
Vegetable Pills area certain cure for ••• •
Oppression, onuses, and sickness, lesser nepOre,
costiveness; a yellow.tinge of-die-4in and eyes !Bid -
every other symptom-of a torpid or disenfied Seare of
the liver; bemuse they pitrge from the body lose- .
'impurities which if deposited upon this important
organ, arc the.effulto Pt' every variety of
When a Nationbouvuls'dd by Idiois;Piithilniks
sad Rebellion, the only sure mennaorpreienthig the
dreadful consequences of :
is icr expel all traitors, and evil disposed 'ones from
the ConittsT, '• 7 - • • •
In like murder, when pain or sicknessef ittcy kind
italic:di:that the body is struggling with infer:hal foes,
the true i.elitedir is to
(Traitors to life,) and HEALTH WILL BE THE
• •
That the Priliciplti °retiring disease; by Cleansing
and Purifying the hotly, is'strietly in aciohdance with
the LaWs which govern the animal economy; and if
properly carried Out by the use of the above named
Will aertainly. result in • the
.cottmlch Aholitlonof
MisiVier i&offer - the7followingitimonials,
persons of the highest resmtai , thility in New .York •
who base reuently liven curial of the most obstimtte ,
Complaints, Solely by the use Or, WRIGIII 4 B,IIMtANi
tr.erranut Pius OF TA ,
. . JAB( .4.*.k, L. I. June Oth s 1841..
. .
Doctor:William:Wright—Dear Sir—lt is with.
great satisfactimi that t inform you of my havitig.
bee" entirely rill'eAPChY'spetisia, of fiVe yeirs stand—
inr.,;, by the nee of i'otir INDIAN 'VEGETABLE, •-
. Previous to, nioetiog whit your celebrated mein- ,
eine, t hail,heen under the hands of several Physl
clan's, and bad tried various medicines; but all to nb
After using one 25„ cent box of your Tilts
however,l expei.itsiebd so much betteftt, that bees.
solved to peirevere iu the use of them according to
your directions, which I am happy to stasl,,hatre
stilted it; a perfect core. •In gratitude to-yen fbethe
great benefit I have received, and 'sago in'• the hope
dumothers afflicted maybe lutlnced to make
trial of your extraordinary tuediriae, I send you
this itatetnent with full liberty to publish the•sanse if
ynu think proper. Yours, &c:
New Your., dune 19,1 r 341. G. C.••fiLAGg:
To Mr. II iebard Iknititi, Agent for IVright's Itplian
Vegetable I'ills, No, 255 Greenwith st. N.Y.
Dear Sir—At your recommendation; I some tiros
since made.. trial VE:G
ETAIILE PILLS or the North Amerieai C.4lege
of Health; aril run eouscientiotisky assert, thattfOi: •
Purifying the .I.lloul, and reuomiin; the Systeim
have received more- benefis kom (hei r•ime; limn front'
any other m edidLte,it has het-etoFurn been my good
fortune to - ,neet with. I' arm,• gear, air; with many '
thanks, y our obliged fricial, C. NI. TATE,
10. Hatnersly st. New:York.
- .lticka4l Dennis ; 'agent ter ItYtight9l Indian
Vegettthle PHIS; ' •
'Jeer Sir-1 have' been blllieted for severid years
inward Wok-need andgeneral.dehillty,..aocons- ,
panied times With bah) in the side unit other - :fs. -
tressiog ecamih)iiits „Allerhavitigiviedyaribus
nines without effect, I was persuaded' by a friend to
notice trial of l)r. 'Wright's Inditur.Vegetable
which•l,wnbnppy to state bnye.relioleti in'aMOst
wonderful inlituter. theinolltirfei
yet but li.Mtort time; Suit barel .thntb.,,4•bY
sexeratMe ihe Orthe.rmeilleino. aecoidtAglO.,
• Ilieestingh, 'that I shall • ghOt , 1101 , 1ifriv*Se•tly •
.rc:ttureti. . , '
I 'Most rectotitili?iidiitid 'per;. •
suns'siinilarly (hat
llin.aittneheneficial results. rill,tallew their '
• I rernam y0u143 sincerely; • , ' •
t .. HENRY ,
4 „Wkwa'rslng, Ulster Ueh, New Ittirlt , '
• ', , " Nzni.Yontr t .
' . .tids is iu:tiertity that:lhave' 1440 1 .
Vegetabiterills 'with the, greatest bentAtt.karolo4""'
tfrely.e•:med mysiiir et the YrequentAltiekt , ,a'.PliOk
HeaiteheY•to nhielt preritte4Yb!ett,2tA..l.._.•!?,.**7.
(`lli"lNc:,Riclidtd`lJcni ( iia;rAge e . ' Atisiet NArf' ,
*tight.',ll 2 lasPirn
• CAgriCnkZ4"
As tli . ere are at:tlita time siny,!tßiQketfu_peeaous
41 . 10ellists 'estittleit'aqAt4it •
ntuneulshi'lndtak . l/40higekrillit.aintIlit
defliett , to -11, 0', 1 i.a*AiktvifItt+Oegt—ot*,
sen . nencea, that lortdyzi+iduttlin Iva: ray .oe'loStaitti' , ::-
imnsegneuee killisioltlteltiltaffnltimiliirthatts3he
public Are, *IOC Vathallll4
wilds en this sitkesArltt).'o4,!: •
\v \l.
'Tlid ,
,ea 1 1,e;ic. , 0 1 e,an5e,4k45irrify4140.131,d94,.,4:.- •
71 r 49 01k4m4ficii,0 7 ;Pg.lige - ti•OOMV
Are nn# ackpeudetlked io . bb the hestM
P:Akedicine ill
P * * l ' • 9Tr
k :Tiro:Pffl , 8 4
,6 1 ;PY r S.i'
r.c. A v cylivii.4.thdatama c h
UP Hind , bOwels Froni and' cotrekitint.
mime • winch are the cause not, otili:orileadnolw,
, . , ,
Githliness; Patpitation the-lietirt:, , riiinshtr the
incident to t:nan c .,
.Aron certain cure for int4rrriiitent, .rerugtent, nee
vans; inflammatory" and Lriiitire; iiecalse•they
cleanse the body from. those ritoklitthuntois,.whicit
, .
when confined to the eirculstionjake the gonad otal
kinds of .
• . PzvE"zs.r • :..• :.
so, fa°, entne'immikiisl,ilAppositptl do
the_ tnithibisme nail inutteliCautilitig-pititti,tinllaaima
thatit and strelliA,li, cnlletl, ;
' do " ••
The Indian Vegetable Pillairar'be relied on as al
wn'y s 'e . erlain to give relief mind ifpelecrvedl4jhh ea=
!cording to ilirectlonts,
out fall:luake a Vertect 'cOre
Prom three to Slit
every niglit'eatln A' eimrt time so completely rid tpe
ing that is
,opii9sed to d hcaltit, that lihetirpittism,
Gott!, anf! imiu 91eveyy de,spriptioji,wqy?Oierally
. J3oPE ,
grs , „