Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, July 04, 1843, Image 2

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    THE MEN AND :TI,RIES:\ F, 74'l
0 .1./ff t' iEfAnj iAttiie: it bath been'tol4'.'
. • Tlie'akory of
;Poi• this: fail; Poetry bath wreathed
oWeetestAirest, fkower ; '
per. thrs 'Wend k.lOqUeette liath lathbreathed
Ilis'slrain'oF loftiest power :
lleychio,n, bath lingered round
, t . 'Eltteli eget: oleonseerated:ground; ,
ropy,tboy rest unsung •.
Giberty wit fifid a tongue !
• Twine,' Gratitude, a wreath ler Ahem,
More deathlesssliair the diadem'!
Who to' life's: noblestOud: , -
Pare oplire's tipblestl l (!wPrs.i..
And:bade the legite% ksbelid,
tuna and OW'
. • Cer . ln publishing, our annual cus
tem, the great Charter eurlibertice, the Decla
ration of Independence, it may prove interesting
• •' to-prefab° it r with a, brief notice of the action of
the American Congress previous to the adoption
of. Clio deeltiraticrn, ;:- In the month of June, 1776,
the.; :qiMstirintif declaring the Independence of
tint States" from England began seriously to occu.
pillitiettention of the American Congress. It
consequently became the theme of protracted, ar
dent and ablediscussionamong flick...nest power
ful debaters ih that body ; for the iniShment had
opponents as well an advOcates. The eloquent
RICIIAIID LEE; of'Virginia, exerted the
noble:it powers of his oratory-in- support of the
deelarationoleelaring in the close of nu elOquent
_,__--- - addi-eas 7 ,in its frivor.-- 1 " if we are not thin day
Wanting in our duty to ° our country. the hams of
tho Ain,ripan Legislators will be placed, by pos
terity, at • the side of those of Theseus, of Ly
• .cuiles t '.'irf fiemulus,.of Nuina, and of al linos°
whese mermarylinibeml,lind will Ye, forever. dear
• to virtuous Men and good citizens!
This speed* was received with evident:signs_
-; ---- c - T — ifyrObation by the assembly. But the demi
' ties ; fiem Pennsylvania and Maryland not 'being
-. "present, and Congress desiroa by some delay to '
evince the maturity of its deliberations, adjourn-
MI the further consideration of the subject to 1112
first of July. ...On thia question a difference of A
pinion existed between the people of the'colonies
of Pennsylvania and Maryland, and the other
colonies. 'These two colonies, acting under a
mistaken view of the subject and believing that
. the prosperity of the States depended upon their
continuing in allegiance to the mown of England,
oppOsed the,movnient in favor of , r , r , . Declaration of
-Independence. ~Iridlust not be supposed, howev
er, that the whole people of Pennsylvania coinch.•
dad in this view of the subject. In the Legisla
ture of Pcrinsylvania, the party opposed to a dec
laration carried the 'measure of instrnctiOn to
ther menthers in Congress by.a very small major.
• • ity; and the declaration was afterwards signed by
nine Pennsylvania members. .
On the first of July, the subject el the declara
tion was again taken up. Jourt Dm:laser:4 ono
of the members from Pennsylvania, acting under
the instructions'of his Staid, made an able reply
• to the . speech of Mr. Lsk. The speech of Mr.
Ptmaksots was lengthy ; among other arguments,
which time has proved to - be erroneous, he said,
t' it was an established filet that America could
bo .well and happily governed by the English
• laws, under the sauna King and the same parlia
ment: Two hundred years of happiness furnish
the' proof of it; it :is not as independent, but as
subjects ; not as republic, but as monarchy ; that
we have arrived at our present degree of power
and greatness:" Again, said the speaker, tt the
• English Constitution is one irywhich 'monarchy
is so tetnPered that the .monarch finds himself
-.clutched in his efibrts to seize absolute power ; and
the tsower of the people is so regulated, that an.
archy Is not to be found. • But for us it is to he
apprehended, that when the counterpoise of mon
archy shall tut longer exist, the democratic power
moycarry till before it, and involve the whole
State in confusion and ruin. Then an ambitiona
citizen.maparise, seize the reins of poWer, and
annihilate libel ty forever; for such is the ordina
• ry.courso, of ill balanced democracies,they fall in
to•anarehy and Ihe'nce under aespotism."
• ;It was for JOHN ADAAIS to reply to such argu
ments. His character and his opinions were well
known; and he was not one that would hesitate
in proclaiming them. The speech supposed to
Itai4 Veen made by him on that occasion, is one
Grillo noblest and powerful of of oratory ever
&livered. Following Mr. ,Dieltinson, ho spoke
' in favor of the declaration, as follows: •
"Sink or swim, live or die, survive or • perish, I
give, my, lite, and my heart, to this vote. It is time,
indeed, the beginning, we aimed not at hide-
Bnyhere's a Divinity which shapes one
nada: The itijhatiee of England has driven us to
arias ; soil, blinded to her own interest, for ourgood,
,• obstinately persisted,till indepentlenee is now
within one grasp. \%e have hut to reach forth to it,
and it is ours. Why Ikon should we defer the De
cluiation ? Is any innn 'do weak as now to hope for
it mobilo . ; i int ion s's hit England,which shall leave either
safety to the country nail its liberties, or safety to Isis
own life, end his own honour ? Are not you, sir,
- - who sitin-that chair;iimot - hei - pur - vctiernide collea
gue near you,_.'sre.yotrais already - the proscrib
ed itiid predeitined 'objects or punishment and of
. ...vengeance? Ont'olf front all Itope - orroyal clemency,
j ...• : ,: ., iyhat•arCysau, i _tvhat . cattyoti be, while the power of
• England remidosbut 'outlaws I' If We po'strone in
to•cacry rin; or 'to give up
• the' tiOari submit tH the measures Of
Vaaiiitnini,ilostiminiet-bill and oil ? Do we arm
t?.itit;r4)t...rind • e • olisent'lliatWm :9urselvee OMB be
. • groni;il , emit-dry . sad its: rights
tratid'ekdoieri hi the(diiii ..I kaitw we do not^raean
. * : ol:!A!lie.l44i' violate that most soleinn,abliiitii
Into by men; that plighting : before
Goli4irt,jurtitiered horiiii - to Washington, wheiiitie;,
•ting:Rtillbrtli!to Moor the: dangOrti r uf' - wtM, rta well ns
•;;Isols . .lltlsmbhazardioUthe-lintes; we iwomieed:to
-'4l.lWto,lilrri;lll4.very. with'our'tortuais'
ieti4 .- .-lkacsw there Is not a Motif'.
Yi l OlllASl.jaitlicrateeo•getteral' . oetillsigiatitin-sW e ep
tirjhqualce sink R i d= one jet
thtit . .l 4l B l ?-4 1 '44 1 rfiti 1 40 46 grantid.: •'; •
Fotamy elf~,'.h'avjp~ taylYe:awnftia.agoiin this
• sPIIIII?;.IMI,v,V/YPII dust 20cPtriEWatillington •be
' . .."•'Olitt4f,' . t.4 l s9i*Ofstli.e.J,i'lvi!i : ,4ltiied',:*tO he
40if‘:kder????-.9 Ainericai ,
: 4-1,6A -11 .4 1 0q1: 6 1i0t.'49 . 0 1 ,!0n.t 4 , 1 0in4 . 4 11 Wie- -61 4 . v
war 'Pitiat,:gO
` l l ..l'l "sttks r: tt? • d? ' tstililtt4T? Pflfia44#4'
whr}),lnv!irs 40 , wenotftpPoltf,!°l ) 9 B ,o49) , 'Tnlir
Ifwe.fsil it; can ben~a
Avesl .
not fail. 2.f1
F he,..94iipligt
1 kocn,, , , ,ttie:oeiiiiie )707ftit '
ii:esi4aUnel.:o4.trli)sfiaggresil(tUlti'ileeP anti nettled iri
their liettrlsitld•etionorbeeradietedt", , ,O,Very
itteed;,haS ppm
eipressed its wi o ti ow, 1. we
but fake:the tho 'dcuhu ntiod will" inspire
the r pe;:iile • 'with - increated "courdge,•:,
.puitead 6f a
long arid bloody, ws; for
,reatdration of pri,vileges,for
'redress of grievances, for,charteredimmunities, held
underPritihkEir,; . set . be,lore'them the glorious
object of Cluire independence, and it wili • bretithe in
f() them (11111 , t he breath of life, ~, •t,
fiend-this .declaration at • theliend;oohei4my ;
every sword will be drsivin ft ons itaacabbuilti;,ntid the,-
solemn vow„ tittered, to inaintalii4o.'orioicth'illion
.the bed of lionbr. Publish it froui ; roll
.gioh will approve it, and the love of'rCligious fiber'.
ty will cling round it,,resolveif to stand with it, or
tall with it. Seiitfiyfo'die public halfs proclaim it
there; let their' , hear'if-','WhO heard the first roar of
the enemy's eannon ;let liken • lici zee it, w saw their
• „•
brothers and their sons fall on he field or Punkin.
Hill, nod in the'streets , ,lips.ingtnra and Concord,
and the veee Walla:Will cry ea hi its support.
Sir, I knott(thejtneertniiitY of uimaa l ades ; but
I see, I see olietily through tbis'ilay's business. You
and I:ltticed, Tiy rile it,' lYe may not • I ice' to the
time wbeit this deelaratien.sball be made good. We
may , tille;= dic coloui0s; die slaves; die, it may be,
ignominiOusly,sind ou th . e scaffold. Be it , so. If it
be the iikasure al:Leaven, tl u my country shall re
quire the. poor offering of my life, the victim shall
be ready,.iit the appointed hour of sacrifice, come
vVhen.that-hour •may. Ma, •whileldo liveylet me
'have a country, or at least the bye era countrymni
that a free country.
But, whatevermay be , our fate, be assured, lie as
sured, that this declaration will stand. 'lt clay-cost
treastire,and it may coat Mood ; but it wilbstandoind
it will richly compenside for both. Through the
thick gloom of the present, 1 sec the brightness of
this a glorious .illi liuniortal day. 'When we are: in
our - graves, our children will WHOP it. They will
celebrate it with. thatiksgiving; With festivity, with
•lionfires, and illuminations. On its annual return,
they will' shed tears, copious, gushing tears, not of
subjection and.slavery;not of agony and distress, but
of exultation, of gratitude r ainl of joy.
Sir, before God, I believe that the hour has come.
My judgment approves this measure, and my , whole
heart is in it. All that 1 have, and all that I am, and
all that I hope, in 'llk life, I ant now ready bell: to
stake upon It; and 1 leave off as I begin, that, live
o• die, survive or, perish r l am for the declaration.
It is my living manumit, and by, the blessing of God,
it shall be mi. - dying sentiment, independence NOW
This powerful speech clectraled :the assembly ;
.a universal burst of applansc followed it, the
question was settled ; all controversy was at an
end. The majority of the Assembly pronounced
in favor of Independence. The members of
Pennsylvania and Mar ylond were authorized to
vote for the declaration, except Jonx Dicrtxson,'
who was excluded because of dis formal opposi
tion. Consequently on the 4th day of July, 177 G,
upon the report of Thomas Jefferson,John Adams,
Benjamin .Franklin, Roger Sharman , nod Phil
ip Livingston, the thirteen federated colonies dis
solved all their allegianel to the British crown,
and declared themselves FREE AND INDEPENDENT,
under the name of the. thirteen United States of .
America! The manifesto of-Independence pass.
ed by Congress- was written by Tnomns JEFFER
Unanimously passed by the Congress of the Mir
teen U. Slates of America,' July 4th, 1776.
in the course of hip : nun events it he
-comes necessary ihr one
,people to dissolve the
political bands whio bavo connected thin; with
another, and to asstuno among the powers of the
earth the seperate and equal :Anthill to which the
laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them
a decent respect to the opinions of mankind re
quires that they should declare the effuses Milel
impel thoin to the separation.
We hold these truths to be selrevident
all men are created equal ; that they are endowed
by the Creator with cermin unalienable rights;
that among those are life, /iberty, and the pursuit
of happiness. That to secure these rights, gee.
ernincuts are instituted among men, deriving their
just pUwers from the consent of the governed ;
that whenever any form of government becomes
destructive allies° ends, it is the right of the peo-
plo to alter or to aboli4h it, and to institute a new
government, laying its foundations on,such princi
ples, and organizing its power in such forms, us to
am shall seem most likely to effect their safety &
happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate, that
governments long established should not be
changed for light and transfent causes; And ac
cordingly all experience bath shown; that man.
kind arc more ilisposed to suffer, while evils ore
sufferable, than to right theinSaves by abolishing
the forme to which they are accustomed. But
when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pur
suing invariably the same object, evinces a do.
sign to reduce - them under absolute_ despotism, it
is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such
government, and to provide new guards for their
future security. Such has •beeti- the patient:suf
ferance of these colonies ; and such now ipthe
necessity which constrains them to alter‘tileir
former syStemn of goveripnent. The history of
the present king Of Great Britain is a history of
repeated injuries and' usurpations; all having in
direct' object the establishment, of an absolute
tyranny over these States. To prove this let facts
be submitted lo_a •
~ He has refused his assent to laws the most
Wholesome and' necessary for the public good :--
Ile had fOrbidair his Governors to pasalaws , ofirm•
Mediate nnd "Pic'sidniimportance; tinldsS suspend
ed in theirpPerationatill hiS assent should be •0b...
!aided ; antl,'AitheriisoVsusPended, be has utterly
neglected. A? : attend:to 'than: HO has refused to
pasa,Citber laws for 4 tbe:uceommodation of large
diStricteCif 'pttoplo; unless those .people . Would re
~inquie}i tlie_ right of the ;Legiii. ,
lathre:—e:' right inestimable to'tl;ern;'athrfCitn
1,14. called '•ttiiCtilci:.
legialatlitp-,bacilee. at places, : tpiTival, uifeetafatta:'
F4'4, distant frotrillin
. repository :of, tiieir Pub-.
ltt;rofiOrds,,for the sole pKire,l,3„,nfifatlgning tbeM: .
jtttoco'n3,Pltanee.;ith hisfmeasures: H e has dia.'.
relied. ]tepresentative kausea.t.epeatodly;
;righti peopfs'i', 4 lle. has •t‘Cfined; for' a !pad
1. 4 .1c0. !mt.
4 - 4. 1 48k0t1mr,.. , 0t'i0a7140r 6 -
ofhp#oaid: . .;4*:i ! O q! , :; ing.
66 , 5, ii T iirot.,Ottieki,wa r ins t of
tie; our ' . tlndeitt:put their I:obi:tune:et He
ha'aikijii .6 Mneng ooiiie.titnii petice, stariding ar.
mie,tc , Wiptinii'ficelii/f4ipt / or OtlrlegiSiittUretft 11:O'
rniii ( o,f r lPOPP." l lof of ;
`rid,power An , has cum.
foreign.:to CoMdirlitiOnVandtimieknoiviedged:,
by our laws': giving la assent:to their acts of Pre:;
tended legislation; For ; litiartering-iargo
of armed troops among us;:::'FOr,protoeting them
by a tuneK trial, from punishment for any mur.
alert:Ai* they should commit on the inhabit,
anti ci6)lepe. States 'Per el:tang off; trade
with alfpartS'of the world . : 'For imposing tuxes
on us without our consent: For depriving us, in
many eases, or the . benefits of trial by jury : , For
transporting us beyond .the seas 1.9 . be tried for
pretended offences : For abolishing the free sys
tem of English laws in - a. heighbduring province,.
establishing therein an arbitrary government, and!
enlarging its 'boundaries, so' as to resider it an
example and fit instrument for introducing the
same absolute rule into these colonies: For
taking away. our, charter, abolishing our Most
valuable lams;. and altering.. fundimerifally — thiF
forms of our governments : Forsuspending our
own Legislatures, and declaring themselves in-
vested with'pnwer to legislate for us in all eases
whatsoever : Ile has abdicated government here,
by declaring, us out of his protection, !mud waging ,
War against us: Ho has plundered our seas,
ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroy.
ed The liv7s of Per people: lie is, at this time,
transporting large armies of foreign mereptuaries
to complete the wriu:kufdeatiu, desolation, and
lYiliniiY; alreadybegan with circumstance of Cru
elty and perfidy, scarcely paralleled in the,most
barbarous ages, and totally unworthy thd head of
a civilized nation : 110 has constrained our
low-citizens, taken captive on the high seas; to
beiur arms against their conniry, to become the
executioners of their. friends and brethren; or to
flail themselves by their hands: Ile has excited
roniirstie insurreetias aniong - ii us, and - has en.
deavored to bring. on• the inhabitants of our-fron
tiers the rnereiless Indian savages, whose known
rule of warfare is undistinguished destruetion of
all age=i, sexes, and conditions. ,•
In every stngc of these oppressions we have
petitioned forredress in the most humble terms--
our repeated petitions have been answered only
by repealed injury. A prince, whose character is
thus marked by every act. -Which may define a
tyrant, unfit to be the ruler of - a free people.
Nor have we been wanting in, attention to our
• British brethrCn. We have warned theM from
time to time of attempts Made bb their fjeglsla,
turc to extend an unwaCantable jurisdiction over
us. We have reminded them of the circumstan
ces of our emigration and settlement here.. We
have appealed to their native justice and niagna.
niMity; and we have conjured them, by the, tics of
our common kindred, to • disavow - these Usurpa
tions,-which would inevitably interrupt our con.
noxious and correspondeneb. They too have been .
deaf to the voice of justice,' and of consanuitii
ty. We must, therefore, acquiesce iu the neccs.
city which denounces our seperatiun, and hold
them, as we hold the rest of mankind—enemies
iii war, in peace friends.-
Fi;her vs. Worrall—Alexander and Reed for
plaintiff in error; %Valls contra. Judgment re
versed and V. D.'N.
Squire vs. Barr—Reed and Biddle for plaintiff
in error; Watts contra. Judgment affirmed. •
Kilgore vs. Claudy—Brandebury and Alexan.
der for plaintiff in error; Watts contra. Judg 7
ment affirmed.
Alexander vs.HOffinan—Alexander for plaintiff
in error; Watts contra. Judgment reversed and
V. D. N.
Commonwealth—Biddle and Watts
for plaintiff in error; Graham and Alexander con.
tra. Judgment affirmed.
Givin vs. Albert—Watts and Alexander for
plaintiff in error; Graham and Biddle contra.
Judgment reversed.
Petro vs. Rosa—Alexander for plaintiff in error;
NVatts contra. Judgment affirmed. "
Welsh, vs. Magee—Alexander fair plaintiff in
error; Watts contra. Judgment affirmed.
Minter V 6. Albright—Reed for plaintiff in error;
Watts contra. Judgment affirmed.
Freeland vs. Clauser—Watts for plaintiff in er
ror; Alexander contra. Judgment affirmed.
Loudon vs, Ilyerly—Graham and Watts for
plaintiff in error.; Reed and Biddle contra. Judg.
aunt reverted and V. D. N.
Adams vs. Null•L-Biddle for plaintiff in error;
Brandebury contra. Judgment reversed and
JOHN HANCOCK, President I proc. awarded.
We, therefore, the Representatives of the Unit
ed States of America, in general CongTessnssem•
bled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world
for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name
mid. by the authority of the good people of these
colonise, solemnly publish and declare, that these
united colonies are, and of right ought to he, free
and independent States; that, they are absolved
from all allegiance of the British crown, and that
all political co n nexion between them and the state
of Great Britain is, and ought to he totally , dis
solved ; that as flee and independent States, they
have full levy war, conclude peace, con.
tract alliances, establish cogneree, end to do all
other acts and • things which , independent states,
may of right do. And for the support of this dedlm
ration, with a firm reliance upon the protection of
Divirie Providence, we mutually pledge to each
other our lives,'our fortunes, arid our sacred honor.
• Nem Hampshire. New Jersey.
Josiah Bartlett, Rich d Stochton,
William Whipple, John Wither s p oon ,
31athow Thornton. Francis IlopkinHon,
John Hart,
Massachusetts Bay. Abraham Clark.
Samuel Adams, Pennsylvania.
John Adams,
Robert Treat Paine, Robert Morris,
li.ldrid,ge c i i!rry, Benjamin Rush,
Benjamin Franklin,
Rhode Island. John Alorton,
George Clymer,
Jamez Smith,
Ciaorge Taylor,
Conneclicyt: James Wilson,
George Ross,
Stephen Hopkins,
Wiliam Ellury.
Roger Sherman,
Samuel lintitington,
William Williams,
Oliver Wolcott.
'illet° Hooper,
Joseph Hews,.
Virginia. John Penn.
George Wyllie,
Richardflenry Leo, fililveard
s — J
Thomaefferson, Thomas Hayward, jr.
Itenjuinin Harrison, ° Thomas Lynch, jr,
Thomas Nelson; jr. Arthur 'Middleton.
Francis Lightfoot Lcc,
Carter Brixton
Georgia. William Fl
Ilurton2awinutt,Plnlip Lividgetoni
Lyman hull, Francis Lewis,
GcorgeWalton. Lewis 'orris.
Cmsnr Rodney,. - • William Paeu, .
'George Reud, T.: Thomas .Btone,
'Biomes C; CLirrollof Carrollton
Pitossat i x DityrunneNaz IN CANiiii.--TheVon •
troel Herild,.cf, the 24tb, warns the &With Gay:
ernmentto beware ia,lirnO, 7 cor,tbat though out:
wardly, all scams peaccattle, mischicf,is brcwitig
rapidly in
,pantiiia, That paper avers that,ineet.
'ings'ar'g frequently ttiti"iCti are'
1 4 44 . attended by the French': odoadittiti, and
secret iiocietiqs:baying for , object tlic''diai
Enombertitootol:Capadafrorn the mother code.
try, prevail tfiroughoukthe Trottel' district% ;,
cfj.T4i, Phi!cidelphiti'VP,i4o of FrioE l 3/ ' P 4O
oulokityn '&6l'o'4 aliiiriio44.'•of"'OiridT.:lihrisp . n,'
lauding hiii! . iildtiiior,k.ii, , ,' . i,iiit4i,. irtiiids : d r the.
(la 3 4 l,ori'f,io. ll ii4;lii Ytqi.ti*lticTe r ..4 . fi!i),itp ii. - ;:of, tlAk ,
I PP44 9,0 -,oat ;/P;; , 40P 80 41 , w_o?'' fovi),o,!:mii',Orax ,
fur tkiifierit:PiFiiitieoo I!...',NY A ttit*,yvno.f,
:;. ; ,: ... , .- , ,,...- 2 , , ,f , .. , , , , _. • . ,k 2' =I,, i' ,:;.!', ,),',',„,, .;i:7" ;, ,, .: ~,..", 4 ‘,., :: i . ', ~....,',"',...5.
, •
~ ....1' .r;,.t:lißti4/14V1'.‘ y,l_'' Y , i•-•
:.7.:,oF.lnk,n''eattor ar,uk printer Attvii.pavu.aimerti,to
let! fiit ' i ~o ,l o 44':ial'itifiitiiiifoi, lo 4444-i,t. '; i!ifi:
il l' ill i dif Y:vigtlt", c 4ileti . *: ,l :ilk4h . ie,li3Olif,l i lia:
ipiii;iiiiiii - ,tl4 : lll4oo,foitiiNifilitig4ooiiiiiov.#`•
',-Il .e 9i i ;A . l . : ' Ei •' '1 1.-+ Cf l' . ''qi.P ''t'„:•-•'? sr
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TiP'''" , ' , z' 4 ' : :' 4 : 4 4 steitil.‘t 8 ' korfai 'ti'„,,
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a 4
6 1 #
, e2riM oll 4 9 tPqa?P'p.i.p, l .,
glauill) 24?,
fE•IRY' ?eLA
liohloci'to the decision of a National Convention ,
1. A sound National Currency, regulated by the
will and authority of thoffslation. • . •
2. An adequate Revenue, with fair Protection to
American-Industry. ' • •
3. Jut restraints on the Executive power, em
bracing li further restriction on the exercise of
• tho Veto.
. ,
4. A faithful administration ef the public domain,
with an equitable distribution of the proceeds
ofsales'of it among all the Suites. •
5. An honest and, economical administration of
the General Government, leaving public officers
-porfeet-ficedorrr-of—thought and of the right of
suffrage; but with suitable restraints against
improper interference in elections.. , •
6. An amendment to the Constitution, limiting'
• the incumbent of the Presidential office to a
These objects attained, I think that we should
cease to be afflicted with bad adniinistratiou of
the Government".-1-Ipour CLAY,
The State, Treasurer has given nutieethut,ow.
ing to the cancellation of, the 4th of Ala.y issues,
there will not be funds in the Treasury to pay
the 'warrants issued for the School year 1844,
when presented; and that they can only be paid
by the Treasurer of the county, for which the
warrhins are issued, at such time hs there May'
be funds of the State on hand.. School Directors
should boar this in mind..
Decisions of the Supreme Court.
( . 0"-We are indebted to a legal friend for the
following list of Causas for the,eounties of Corn.
berland and Perry, decided by the Supreme Court.
at Harrisburg, May term, 18-13. '
Ashhuret & Soh vs. Givin—Reed for plaintiff
in error; \Valls contra. • Judgment aflir•rned.
Eckert vs. Eckert—Graliffin& Watts forplaiii..
tiff in error; Gan !higher & Biddle contra. Judg
ment affirmed.
Spriggl44l3randeburyc-Watts for . plaintiff
in error; Reed & Alexander contra; Judgment
Snider vs. Garrison-,Aldiandor for plaintiff in
error; Watts contra. Juagment rci•creed and V.
Sampson vs. Comtnonwealth—Brandcbury and
Rtcd for plaintiff in error; Graham and Watts
contra. Judgment affirmed.
Clippinger vs. Hepburn—Reed for plaintiff in
error; Riddle contra. Judgment reversed and
judgment fur plaintiff in:orror.
. Mather vs. Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank--
Reed and Biddle for plaintiff in error; Watts and
Alexander contra. Judgment affirmed.
Bomberger vs. Clippinger—Biddlo for plaintiff
in error; Rend contra. Judgment reversed and
judgment for plaintiff in error.
. .
Stuart vs. Stuart—Brandebury 'and Walls for
plaintiff in error; Alexander contra. ' Judgment
affirmed. . • •
Sanderson's Estate—Watts for appellant; Alex.
ander contra. Appeal withdrawn. .
Eicliclberger's Estate. Biddle for appellants;
Watts contra. D•cerce affirmed. -
Lawton's Estate—Watts for appellants; Biddle
contra. Decree affirmed. .
North Carolina
South Carolina.
(OA. casetof much interest to the public was
decided by the Supremo Cotirt, at 11arrisburg,
on Wednesday last. At iho instance of several
of thO transporters on the public works, a writ of
mandamus was served on the Canal Commission- ,
ers, enjoining upon them to repeal and abrogate
all resolutions, rules, and regulations, which con•
for exclusive privileges upon any' individual ur
companies doing business upon the public im.
provements::'TliefObject-of the petitioning trans;
porters was the annulment Cif 'tile contract for
carrying, passengers over the ColuMbia Itriilrtiad,"
and. the imposition of a higher, rate .of_tolln- on
Sectima .beats using thp . trucks belonging to the
Com,menWesltli s , ~.
The .Cane) .boniinisSlOnei4,'haiing 'tiled ; tiwi r r
ieturimade:ii nioticelto .iiciaSh 'the Wilt.the
, . ,
ease was opened , befoul. the Suproine Court, on
the '27th alt.and,'arkut4 hk; . •Thaddeue
and W. V. At:media' Esiiite fci: l iho .1 7 telataii 4 4na'
i . r,s 4 ,9fiek.lNX. I .o.q!''Ftsill : :ot;c4r l l , ?l, 3 , for. 41/0440 , .
.00iipts• :' .. ' .. .2 ,. .,:‘-':i;;:-•. ; ,..,,i';,....,.. . v ., , . --',f " 'l' h Vi'l4
Aftiii 3 O ahliiwgeinentor the luestion on both '
60!s,'.re)ciar4tiet tlia . to l eitlayelefk;ieeiSieit le•
favor.of th'S;Pisiiniliiiitir i ;)ietiygaiiiiiiiikte`,ll4'ell.i.
plication;uf thoireniverteis:s:; .:,,,... ; -C., ~,,
4,-,., ~ ~, . ..,el•-::,;! - 4 1,, ,ct , ', *•,''',,,
Eire 1 . ill':";./ 1 15IVErAfritifi '1 ' '''' . *
1., - .4li . ,: i iiii'brio:litt%tiiJir:Oliiiilittiliiii,iy#',Fittilri4il :
iIi.T.O4OA :0i1t0.4.4 . 04t . ,i4 ( 0§f:5 i. 0 1 iat.4ii*. 41
0140. 1 iiiil' , ;iii ,, ! , :ii:t41 11 .. - rhilkii‘r , fiaim , TiAn :' , ti* n.
. .iilii..,?,Ae,t ,- **4,o.o . ;;Pui:grOit:',.•!f.ktfirii:'
:A f t f i : °9)01!,,0. 4 ‘t.,,t.,.5!4r ' krtq90) 1 00F,0,00 , .i# ,
, e ', l ,o o l iiikt* o o/ 1 1 4 7 1 0.V oifiAk*.?" l ';
I 094,i1,441.t.,00,ir0t. 1 itaki h 4 1. 7 e
Tglit; lo6 ;6 l iO4tA 6 iV . 01110 4.1 ' '. '9l-, 1,, , „r) ,
-, ~ , .s. ..N. , .), . ~.t00:.:, , . , 1,.k,
, : ,- .;"• - '0A, - ;'3 , ' : ii'ailiA4lio.b.;4lo,4o4"! ..4, 1 ) 1 09;4 4 ,
441 . i.j?ir',..404,00 . 440p5:2'•-)'''.:6#oooot,
i4 . 444l.oilitiho4i.vss....il4o46ititit •. *,
A , , iip 7 1 , T , , , . DA AtiVIA 4 4 . -NI , (, - :.,.-.,,',.. , •
' ''. , '=3 - ;, , .;-.1 , :,- , :,t. , ..1 41 *.
• W0.,.4'...(5., , •;,,;4415,.,v , , ...,,ePi r...., .:. 1 4.. ,, ,p, , , ~
:2*`.6 , , .0, ;
, . . ... . ~
New York. '
A , CARLOSL:B3;.;.'.:
oil CRXED.
School 'Warrants.
Important DecislortT
, „.41, , L:::: . :,: f Amitt.i0E00114.,: , : r , .
, :43. 1V0,',0.01)91,t°. li4Tr4bus tl i:,
.14 4 0n , •,tii# 4 0.! ! . 4 A, 1 , 464 . #.4 74 lls#9 Ed i ji
etAtitit , .piiPlti#kil*.teiz.'' ' tVeiR iqr 15 not
*;Tgi t '4owa#4o; l 4 . o4 el' .„.i, *icVl4 Phrti .
;I f,
toi4Peft).lfe'estatillolinien. ••' itiinial Batik,"'
oilligliiiiiied-14'"fiio ' d
~,,e-„.,; „
~ O . W p!.l,' ,
..,.' . X'l . ' 037413p011 3
MO s'
f tl4oso - 0331.47 '' . lio;T r t , `.r .L '
• '.
r ,
M. I' tl i lifii: ( veil 3 ,0; fi r 434 the : tril . lll4) tow ..fa ' ::
14G11)33t11 . 101.T344111 . ; ' can ,Well . ,ba , .,t'egiirded,
140347 i :04#Y-0.444*00g : '7. 1 1" .
60ncliOlea''? . r• 4. 40Y...biqs most. t!eaTki.,..l-PuclAing;
iliis'eubject - weintle,istitnd to bo es • folloWii;': 1;.;
,TheLtp9.Gintejnineet should , be: . B9l#o4fluilil, and
'ii - ec4 , iiei'' Ct. t:ii '' El
a m!n 8 '
` -r . ...,' 9 T r 9TMt.I ° ,• •• ,qgr °4 9 \'r t •
blo'oitent, piiiiielfitie; : - O(fliii.peeplei . ,:,.T,,4c,
mixed curreney,•eomp6sclaof ' O OO5 -3 . anlPt .:I* - ';'
per refieeintiblein:lind of c - lualdnrrelg: viiltiirt
With specie, is men3i non • fineoO;to tiiii*&;44. ,,,,
That this currency, botlf:01-7epeci,M14.',gli,1144
sliculd•be of uniform valiiii : Pircyiighliit.o 4 ,oloii;i•
and its paper in all elections ieadO z. 444:4llllW,
into specie. , These arc oar .PifteNfiiiii,f 4 f* :
choose so to call them; and wO,6'elleitel43 l: ll(eit' t
press the very, general conviction: opo #o*:
party along with our own, when we :sky.;4l7itt
these great purposes of National utility•,!iiAc, , ..bfr t •;
nevolenco can bo more easily secured ati'fl,',vy.ii)fili.
better subserved by a NA:TI9NAL Basni:Alian . h•
any ether Way. SUch a . Bank, foribed urniii''U;
careful consideration' of 'all past errors and ,de
fects as well as benefits, .titith a view to' avoid the
former and double the fatter; ,iigidls;
. kiirded •u
-gainst abuse and supervised •by the. Secretary of
the Treasury and by the Finance Committees of
Congress while-in session,..could not fail_ to aid
the Industry, facilitate the Exchanges, and eon.
fcr blessings on every descrying: interest and eve
ry class in the country. Snell we - believe to be
filo dictates of our past history and of the dives
skillet° good sense of the country 7 a dictate
which in some not distant hour of reason and
calmness Will he heard and heeded. • • , •
Our own conviction—in which we do not cliodse
to implicate any but those who share and avow it
witli•ns—.ls, that only through the creation of a
National Bank can the country rid itself of the
mania for petty Bunking, or rather currency-ma.
king, which we regard as one of its weightiest
afiliction. A petty rag-mill in every village,
grinding out currency, which is nut credited fifty
miles_friimhotne, or known over a hundred, we
regard as a great mistake, and a Anischevious
subtraction from the••productive industry'of the
=Miry for such uses as migraviA, bill-printing,
&c. NVall a.burrency se' created and governed,
there must be endless failures, excesses and re
verses, counterfeits, &c. &e. As . things are;
-this may pr May not bo better than no Bank—at
any rate, it is certain to exist Until something bet.:
ter is provided to suppler - -t it. • •
1,4 t.
Church of seotland.
A secession Irks occurred in the Church of
Scotland, and there will henceforth be a State
Presbyterian Church and a Seceding Presbyterian
Church. The tsecession arose from nn interfe
rence of the Civil Power in- Ecclesiastical mat
ters. The seceders were led by Dr. Welch, Mod
crater of the General Assembly, who, on the 18th
of May, having rend a paper setting forth the
views entertained by himself and associates, left
his seat and withdrew from the Haltfollawed
those of his _opinion. These seceders then con.
vened separately under the presidency of' the cel
ebrated Dr. ChalmerS. They numbered 400 min.
isters. There remain attached to the establish'.
mud. 793 parish ministers, and 102 ministers of
chapels. All the elergyinen deposed by the late j 1
Majority in the Assembly had. been reinstated.—
The ferment in Edinburgh was very great. -
The London Morning Advertiser says—The
event, in whatever light it is viewed, is one w
such tremendous importance, that words arc
adequate to express the thoughts to which it :nes,
give birth iu every reflecting mind. is an over.
powering contemplation. The world has wit.
tressed no moral event or equal importance for the
list two centuries. Out of 0.00 clergymen in
the Seottish establishment', nearly 500 (taking
with them 500,000 of the people) have severe.,
their connexion with that' establishment, am,
' thrown themselves, their lives and families, no
the providence of that Being for whose truth tin c
have made the 'sacrifice. The Nomintrusinn
clergy stand at this moment before the world. in
the attitude of living martyrs for their print:Mb
and there is a species of living martyednin whi, li
it requires more courage to endure 'than the inai •
tyrdom which is suffered at the stake or on the
Scaffold. No one who can estimate aright the
sacrifices for conscience sake which these gre.
nod good men are now 'milting, can doubt th.,
should the necessity require tt,—and who can te
but it soon may?—they will be equally ready t
seal their attachment to the truths of the Goats
with their blood. '
r ,* * *
•1 *
It is, indeed—it is a spectacle which challenges
universal' admiration. It is a Ppce • aclu which
will do mare to commend Christianity to , those
who have been hitherto sceptical as to its chains
to the character of a Divine revelation, than a
thousand treatises and myriads of sermons writ.
ten iind preached with the view of inducing un•
believers to embrace it.
U 4 Di ts
. .
Extrlet of a lettci Crum Washingtin in the N
York Herald:
"The death of Mr. Legere Will cause another
change in the Cabinet of President Tyler, creat
ing two *vacancies. It is.still undecided who will
be Secretary of State. Mr.-Webster is proposed
by one side of the house ler a re-appointment.--
Mr. Upshur is spoken of by many; while John
C. Spncur claims-the appointruent-forlunself-nr
some ancient democrat, who understaneS a court
intrigue,and who cari'Make the most of the short
time to run, for the rooks in the rookery. There
is no confidence among the members of tho pre
sent Cabinet; and each one. is mistrustful of the'
other. Mr. Upshur, more upright than the rest,
keeps aloof from their petty schemes., Spencer is
poWerfal at this moment, bUt he' will tie out of
the Cabinet jaless than sii months. •
" Mr. Porter; who has disappointccrthe
dentin his qualifications for..his office, and .whei
it is belieyed .will, in any event, he, rejepted nnrt:
irnously by the Senate, will likely removed
from" his present Office be Core imam.
palcaily "Valiar4i as a
. 1414., officer, aka tan
well knoivpl 'Ond blOate"aiiiointrivint, hi s s:
nephew , 44.'raiere, forward bey,4to;helact i izik'See.'s
iottuyi* War; has: giverk:uni!araal. diaplaaptirai .
Ito #40',1019404‘i4r.0iq7 g svV,arOof hl,tl.fe!ittic, ll l o.
open' the • rxeoutive..- More qf,t4ii/.l:R4tcr.tio.r,
e !
aft e r."' ,•-•!
,tilllVPV' Yf4informatiot i744/et!PO°lll4/kl4l°9,nY,PYOg:44.t
; UL'lie r ead
•BreOPYWOOIt *TP10,01,71
6roitiiido4llif *it 04'41,
: !t
11140'44i , 41kipit140:-tAk*f.:4 . o4;
0i0,i4 A ,e4;,,
A dreit ppeechrAz Buriker, Lim ;
, cgr ,
.P.,<Fritv° 6 ol:TT.°4Pßctis
.(ixOu!klkti4hP;?P9e,,e,l,,ier IMP? at:thq;drerit!,
4fg 11 V'.09.02
i 6
flan. Ain,Stig • theS; speechiii,we 'find the,
ing Ari,rafe affair no other t
by the Ooverenbr
,War,, *lll6ll ;Wee
bY' com pli tnentari tOdst
aititeac ., s::; In selebting;riairsn. col,grngorary, th!a
spuop* uut,ot a half dozen`spdeeitie,l4lViireit*
sfeli.grcat men as President 'Pylei,l?itiel` W211:4
stik,and, other distinguished chartletils• (, p reie,ol,
ItM Ily be soon 4glacp,Alat Siaief#44l.i . toufed
us to tile act: , ThlttrPtnrY 0f."f 1 6 13
only Pefinsylr , ardalt ). Iltlle Tyler 40Vi4Rd
" ag ,
ut°6,Pif r
aisti• -
49' 1 ;r0 q# 016,'inade bA i t iP A t'
they , s.
'! .° s!' ul t 3rs v i d, 9 !.! , PO I not
r kwr,44 - dt? - ! , 'nPaa, devot
now Secretary of War,
Jdnatiti'Andlsen, react, :a :'living evidence of the
dhiqyrnlnationef, John Tyler, who sought fo ' r'e
intrrnirl'ancl statesman, and found one on the
lio`tieeruls banks of the Lehigh. 1
11 7 1' . 4 jumpedfew
,or er up and said .he had a
Wtirtfilo say, and would say them in tin off-hand
kin Cora way. • Gentlemen seemed embarrassed
by associations connected with this sold
Ho nidn't. Ho had had so many strange associa
tions in his time, that
,nothing , could embarrass
him. I 'don't care a fig for historical associations:'
That's ill gammon, sir. I'm a Democrat—a
Pennsylvania Democrat, and am as little embar
rassed hero nit I would- be In the Common Pleas
of Northampton county, where—l say it with
pride and exultation,. which will, T hope, be par.
doneffic—l practised. with honor and distinction,
and where I should still have been; had not the
President of the United States certioraried me
to Washington. Some folks have expressed sur
prise, at seeing me Secretary of War. What
right have they to feel surprise, let alone express
it? Am riot 1 a Democrat?—my hither and moth
er were Democrats—my nephew is the Demo
cratic Sheriff of Philadelphia, and has a posse—'
sod my brother the Governor, a perfect Indian of
Democracy,' In Pennsylvania IL is no matter
what a Man does, if fit! - is a Democrat—he may
kick his grandmother if he ehooseS, provided he
ever had one. Ido not, however, pretend, Mr.
CffiainTrati, as a Demo.leat, - toliiive 'liver had - a --
grandmother, but,l do opt abandon the right in
the abstract, and this principle I coetended for as
'early as 1819, in the case of &lively kSicarfriiz,
wliiclrwass an appeal - from it - JuStiee'lif the Peace
of Lehigh county on a question of costs—hi - it I
will refrain from these things. I am not vain
glorlous—yet that ease, is to he found, Mr. Prpsi.
dent, on the records in the Prethonotary's office
at Allentown, and I heliye was reported at, length
in life Doylestown Democrat.
Gentlemen of the init. - y=4 mean Mr. Presi
dent—Wl:my body finds fault with my being See.
rotary of War, let chin take a quo warranto, asi
said to David when he made his own son High
Sheriff. I like these ex relatione proceedings.—
But enough of this! sir. • What a- glorious day
this has been !' sir. The battle of Honker Hill,
as the President has been continually saying on
our journey, was a first rate battle. When old
Prescott swore Howe shouldn't get over the post
and rail fence, he made what I call a' capital
davit of defence. It was a sort of special Hum..
faun on further proceedings. (Here the President
seemed much embarrassed and Mr. Robert Ty
ler whispered to the Secretary. of War.) I beg
your pardon, sir. And Mr. Chairman, let me
say, no exceptions can be taken to the proceed
ings of this 'day. -I have witnessed many iolih
lees.. Iu filet, sir, I niacin the dam across the Le.,
high, and laid the foundation by contract of that
noble work, which was unfortunately swept. away.
by the great flotilla of 1841. Mt 'whin - freshet
can ever sweep away the monument we have,
consecrated this day, or depreciate' the stock.—
' The man that shall attempt it will be damned to
everlasting finite like the Lehigh aforesaid. Hut,
Pr6ident, it is not for me to talk of these
things. I see men alma me who -no doubt will
go it extensively on the learned system. Permit
me, in conclusion, to thank you for the kind man
ner in which you have been pleased to speak of
my poor abilities. Such as theynre they shall
lie devoted to my. best interests and those of my
friends iced kindred., I learned Indian in the lob
by of Pennsylvania Legislature in 1840, and will
endeavor to curry out these principles in the IVar
Department over which I Illivti the honor to pre
Delegates to the National Conven-
The. Whig, State Convention of Georgia have
selected the following gentlemen as delegateS to
the Whig National' Convention tol,bo held nt Bal
timore in May next, under instructions to iota
for HeNay CLAY as a candidate for the Presiden
cy; viz t, lion. J. M. Berrien, Hon. W. C. Daw
son, Hon . T. B. King, Hon. Lott Warren, Col.
R; A. Tomb . s,,,J. S, Calhoun, Esq., Col. A. Ii
Kenan, Dr. F. M. Robinson, J. Hill, Esq., and
A. R. Wright, Esq. . •
Appleton, thelltigamist.
I:oThe aollidaysburg Register says that Ap.
pleton, once well known as a Temperance lectur
er, but latterly pretty extensively published as a
seducer and bigamist, made his appearance in
that borough on Tuesday last. Ho presented a
wretched appearance, and as ho said,." was
haunted by that talc of infamy' wherever he
went;" forcibly' reminding those who saw him
of the Scriptural declaration, "the way of the hard."
crj - In.the Locofoco Shute Convention of New
Hampshire, irresolution of instruction to the
Delegates to the National Convention, to support
Van Buren, was voted down.: The Calhoun in
flucncmis gaining headwi.Y.there.
ajiVlr. Kirkham, thOgrammarian, died at hi•z
residence in , New York, a short limo since.
WllliN CANTON WAS TANEN, there was nothing
so incensed the Chinese - against . the British as
tio summary process by which , the Jack Tars
deprived the . Celestial extuteites' of :their long
tails4.backing them off. with their dull euthisses
without Saying "by your leave." The subjechi of
the "Brother of the s,t4n,r, bad, never heard. of
Jayne', Hair Tonic, and therefore their grief at
the loss of their 'lung CbCrishcd,'' and' carefully'
cultivated . cues, is not Surprising. Had : they,:
known the c*ciordiiinii,.,vi4ues . .of that coin.'
position, - and been able to procurelt; their sorrow
would hove b o on turned, into - joy, for assuredly
the ' eciond ' crop produced by its influence, would '
have becn,far_opiF titan that of whith their, heads
had been Ocatideo - i: Ii : l o lindeioi n nd itiat.Y.octdi
. I. 3'nb• h'c•fli 3 S,4-14_ 1 1M4?'..:12'4; tit to gbina?,
and itoiinii**Otit4ltywill:onow,be in , groat
*mina t:,1)404 . 444?;k: .::. ;;..,.
.:iO,Fei'.4AiirfilkOiKtiACinkd'bi; br: Iti.r. i ifiqx,
;Rif *,_ 11 ,0C,014.41F1at.10p CFI' OA 4 . ',.r. d.g , T f. , , '
gipm ) %9** F oia l 'f r ,i*Doi, og h, ,, ,,,;A;;:
~,4 ' .• ,
~ 0-- ,-,, ;;;e.
4 ,l7o o,;r! ti . in .t,•*" .4 t i e!lj" , ;; l ?xP°49. r aPiirlir
0. 4 4rePt , 0 , 1164p,dr*g..Y9.440K1,10 , 00;41
Thiel Viii`oitiejloyittiii. iiktioil:thiii**-'l ll ll'ilat.k i
.. ...„.:.., • ' , I t iri,' , ;;lii''' r4'
' 4 3 0. aMkio'evq:icv:, " o#`4, T p 1 ,,,!0r. r. 7 ,,
4 !iitobt4;44l:o4i , i4oLigittAii#P#s•"#4 . *:
*lab? . ; o"6 #4* - cita , iikigitity#o o * it,;.!il( ! o o. Y
,i4ii,i.*=.:4o.4iii!".!i#oo4o4 , ,Ay,
*likiiiiitiOi°4:' -:. $4440 1 ,447: ? 441 0,
fiPigiiiiiie . „4 l 'o ,. ' l4 1 . iik+l,lf ia ft e;l%frill'Al .
140 . 1.0q,‘ ' O"A 4 * - 4404,10(0*Y1k0t
iigiAkiilo4.i‘p: 41404'Ottiikit0;fii*
mt ,„
,',146-4*(4a44t ?.0.r'.;•;7,„ . ,.::
x.1.00090;m4e0ip94 4 3grAT09..140:rf0.. , ;:
*40:1 111 6.F: , ''! . T::,.. , t:;;',5:
tor , w , -- - 01* 1: i.044.11?thd41#. klAy: 'lry
s - )3l. : otipryttrttO Alia' 4th .et`Jull
• .
,rowingbeatilifanaeredaong of thanksgiving...We
4ditot kri00.444441)6r; bat 'abona:Probably be
ddliiilet in •aiteriP4ii.'io Pier
'dr. ;,,i'Vhittlera^ , ‘R'.c.,?;-'•• '
• . 01/# ViltYllTßkid";“
- • 3 , :teditry.l.l cis of. Wed; •
'Sweet land of.Liherty - s •
3;L¢ntl;Cal the Olgrlril' pride/
" : 'Pr',4irti'iyery•rnountain aidde;
4 1 freedont
• • • •'-' l, •
My natike-thiditetti•the6'.: .
- ;'Land of:Si - OA - PIO free •:
rhy l nante:-Llayo,l
love;thrliteks an d villa,. •
Thyi,wooda'And templed hills,;` ,
•.' • -'llly•tierirt with-rapttne thrills;
' Like that ahoy°, '•
Let'music Swell the breeze;
And.ring from all the itrees
••:' Sivect fredoth'S song
Let tnoital.topgues
~..Get that, breathe partake,'
Letiinkstheir silence brealt
- The 4otind prolong.
, ~
'Quy, father'l l Ped! t 9 thee,
Atithor'.hr LibeFty !
To thee • •
Long-May out laud be bright,
With freedom's lio , ly•light
Protect by thy might, ,
- -Neat God our King!
-yTho Bradford county papers mention the
sudden death' of yilson . Scott, a young and 'tat-'
. ented laWyer of tha-Towando'har. lie wan at a
Party in Athens, apparently in 'goad health, and
enjoying the festivities usual uponskich cmensione f
when suddenly he became seriously ill, losing hht
Senses, and died in thdehort !pate of two hours,
leaving destitute an aged mother and her Urge
faMily, who were dependent on hnn. -
G7Williarn L. Harris has . been nomirnipd for'
Congress by the Whigs' of Union county, John ,
Hall for the State Legislattire. -
To,the Voters of Curnberlawl,Co.
1_ mysdlf
for the
. OFFICE OF saeguap, - ,
gonOral eleclion, and. for
your, support. W1LL14.31. GOIMD.
. Carlisle, April 12, 184_3, • ' • • to.
To the Voters of C v herland
f:r.urt.r.rar.v niter mysolf ass' eiindidate for the
ranee or sucrizrr of Cumberland county, and
will be thankful to you for your suiport.
-,. MICHAEL 1101. COMB.,•
Carlisle, Marsh . te•2l
To the, Voters of Cumberland Co.
ELLOW-CITIZEN : I offer myself for
-1' the
of Cmifficrland comity, at the nextq‘encriil .Elce•
tion, en! respectfully solicit-your l siwport. Should
you elect ine, I shall endeavor to 'discharge 'the
duties of the office filithfullv and immirtially.
NortlOliddleton, April 12, 1843 - . - te.
To the Electors of Cumberland cot:atty.
n7l ELI ,0111. -et TIZI.INSLJ cave myself to your
doosit!eratiim as a catalidate for tlarofilue of
'of Ctimbqrbilid eoiurtr. S6nidd I lie elected I wilt
emleaver In diseloirge the dillies of the nlliee wide
fideliq• and despatch. &e. •
Dickinson tp..1nne7,103.• • • tc.:32
70 the Electony of Crenzberlatl. ,CO:
iELLOW ITIZE NS : I cillo' myself to your
consideration as a candidate for the ,
nt the ensuing general election. Should you elect
me, I pledge myself to discharge the clittikenf",
the tdiketo the best of my ability..
"ADAM LONGSDokt i :*;
Silver Spring, April 13, 1843: to. •
To She Electors of Clintbertamt,Co,
I,—lELLow.crrizats;s: I Mier Imyself toyolVi'
conEidcration as a candidate fiir the
S1111;11 lEFE.:"S OFFICE,
,and respectfully solicit your suffrages for the
same.. Should you elitet. ins, I shall endeavor to
discharge the duties of the office faitlifidly end
impartially. SNIDER RUPLEI.
Mcchanicshorg e A pril l lll, 1843. ' " to.
'To the Electqrs of Cumberland county.
WELLOW-CrIT7.ENS: 1 otrer myself
nu °nee . more to ,:our coosiderittiou vanclitli,te
for the'oflite of
SHERIFF, • •-•
of Cumberland enmity oit the ehsoiog Electinn,shoold'
you elect n o •. I pledge tuyselt'to diseharge the
ties of the °lke to the best of my ability.
lolly soultßElcK.
East l'enoshoro' Muir 24,1843. ' 'te-811.
To the. Electors of 10ttanberland
Count y.
Fl.LE.ow_crrizENs:,4 oirvi..myself to your
eousideration as n cantliAlatt !or. am'
OFFICE'.OIP sillt,lollr
(' Cumberland vanity at the .4:,ii , e)ectilan t :iinh will
feel grateful to you folr your atimMrC:?`• •
To the Electors of CutriberlAnd count r.
'ELLOW-CITIZENS: ILdirtg determined
to be a candidate for the
ortr.K, or
I respuctfully's6licii your Eupport.
May 10, 1843
o.Abe...Elegtor,s of_Cumberlanclltounty.
:ff - A IELLOW.C!TIZE . NS: I ofror myself to
xi your considerat ion as a coadldato for ako
of Cumberland'county, and shell' be thankful for
your suffrages:. Should I be,clected shall . en.
deavor,ta discharge the - dUtiesrff the , office:with
fidelity and impartiality. • - •
' • GEORGE . - 1119.4 r...
April 10, 1843. • ... to.oo
To ; Ilse , Yutcrs of Cu beirl Old CO.
sairto jouyiindidatti for the
.„ „ .
••• • '
'at Clue nextgmiernl'eleetibte> a resPec uY, 8 .
pour .votes for tlie siroe.,.. 'you - eieet me. I •
nllOll thereof; •
fidell!):,.an!,l •
. • • ' '• .; , t e „ . •
v t:" d
To tlie o ers. • um r o , s n
Errart.t*EN $ . I offer'mysett seta candidate ,
11,3117,01%0tki ' '
0161imbilmot , 09444 Ah.fotier..):plooo9,o 4 ii ,
will bp,thppkfu!iter,,yod, •
een 1461 for ,
:orriPE or,isaionforfw ,
at th& iMxt g4neral *Mot', me
\Nith nuionclrytnnilOrrte:ltlM s"i
discharge th 4t' ffe t W A P
V i ..