Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, June 28, 1843, Image 3
lEEMI 11=1 • -;rg. ~e• Afte. • sty:%. , 0 1 " ~ ' •+1,•• 4 1 , :' 8, CM.N.f.: Al! Af ~1,101 fo!miqo44 l P.g : *O4O NV Ole* . PYo l e fai *; • t town c,ii.ToitiacEp l fgeit orio,: or per teat per, I!' 14 paid. Corl'ille,tiortiOgkiotee, of the tiettleitirtitien^ eite'tiollar, - ,' ehd'that the -, , . 'tire delleritOteateill,be re'deeitted kireeentatiott4. • ' , oc , fiF#l• o:2•Ntleit'" leegieter iejer•T`,""fot4Fol-qtrecittl• l'e4 4- An! n.t (4' i'Pkikao,oides;, l; itichigatih 4 Orgli o di - 6441;41i* Of the, UntonsjhO:inweeWAlpr t .J.,.,o • k • 2 .0.51k 4 .1^0.".?? - ,at 'for a fult r average hero,ettof4etjvcintt" - Tilt: • 'crop of bey—'l,.lnd an' , ' -- Yodst.t . t genera!, hrOnghout the WelboterTs Oration: "f!'- . . . . ribiteeir :eddielleatllidnelebint ion' of Miinutnelit, will /'9l4*o!i", slowed, rippee4( ne.eltesey. to asle.4 otter ieintb.:: , erF;tolteNporosal..,. Worthy, of tbe, , , eoiam'emore tee, and pure, noble, grand: ttiethe:Monuient itself. , ".; Death cif, alroFt;lEfitikllK• Legare. -- ; Orkit 04toP, inteer! Tuesday, last/week, ..anneurtee ,with deep, regret, the death of HOD. Attorney General of the U. • , g Secretary .• and acting of State, which took place in that City , early' on .Tuesday. morning. Mr. fLeitte arrived at 4Miteit" . .:tlie evening before the celebration . , and *es almost tmetecliateli . takert so fill mi,tii:prevent Men ; joining in the celebration.— Hi doutfi"woe emitted• billiens,cholle, vase fresalent.,_ He was attacked ort and:had : the services of Dr,, Bigelow, one '.Of..thei:Pribriiiiel. phisickine' of Boston ; he lingere'd . untti , Tuesday..morninglien htl expir. cd as before,siaieit , „ . Mr. Legare was a refident of Charleston, (South Carolina) mhere he was higbileiteenied by hit cinss'es. ' • As a' lawyer he hold a ' i nitient: position ; " it it is even said, that his taste for praatic7unted almost to passion. haeltie c nebular, end 'a gentle. min of profound erudition.. Ho has been cut off in the name of his' iotelligencle and' usefidness, and his death will be a 116{4:pi loss tO' the.Naticid al; Cabineti , .rof which he warrOntinf Its brighteld ornaments and most : valauldti members. By his . decease, two vacancies have occurred in the Na. ti°nui Ca t lin° t7":SccrettitY of State, and. Atter.' ney denenih ' ocryliree or four of thy Michigan papere.ltdve nominated itorace Greely, editor 'of the N. Y. TrOutte; as a•candtdate for Vice President of, thO .t..}nited States, We May say, . that if Mr. Greely'Would make as good a Vice President, as lie dots editor, the country would have no cause to complain'of his ability.. Ile makes a first rate, paper,out , ot the Tribune.; : . i!Gßenry:cliki,'44, sou of"flarry of the West,' is, highly praised by4ll° Louisville Journal, for an' address•which ho delivered a few evenings since, theteity;badre ilia ; Mercantile Library Aitao.. P!'elatice call him a "chip of.the old b100k.7 I • 'The Biblu The following pssage from Mr: Webster's, , great speoeket Banker Hill, deserves to be eir. . dilated for and wide in'the Journals Of the coon., , ... "It has Veen said with very much' veracity, 1 ihit the felicity of the American colehists con sisted in escape from the past. This is true so fai'ailespeets pulitiCat establishments, but 'no further. They brought with them a full portion 9f. all the richest 01 itto.paoii . .n'iicienee, In art', id morals, religion and litertitura The Biblo'eaine with.them: And it:fs n oti WIN doitliterl,tliat to the. ' lice and iiitiversal4eatitiglef the Bible, i's to' be usseribed in that age, as ascribed in ova.) , age; .....,‘finiebted-for-right-views - of civil liberty,. The Bible ii W book of faith, and a book of doctrine but which - teach. es man ,liis own indivitrinidrvip9nsibility. his own •, dignity; Mid it is elitiality With hitifellow 'man: , The‘iibove'Sras•itot Spoken by.lifr. Webster and is ecnniemlently noCto. bo found.' ih the 'repeit'ed Copies , :iif.iiis .address: ;It Is Aitken from the Copy zeirii3.'artition' reiSisod by himself for the Posten'Ciitirter.... Tile following 'cohipli'M'esilary netioe'tieJoitatberilfir Arialds has area teen phie.:.• ed in. the. eMit,9l,bliii. l alit.lelifuirlioltel by Mr. Webs i tcr,,Tkese9miatikons in the delivery of the • ilddretkilr'tni,*cliiqeo'lol.h.V;i!s'i44. - .l . iftit . Phr. Itahe).44hiiol6oe#Aileauely i . ' ''' '„ ,' "No itanAiN t illi:iiitiry - ,nr. 1775 ' and 1776 le hioro dilnlngatigdAbilrf, , tkaCoftah‘ex,President of the.ilt.tShitiiiivtrilitiOe'e;PeCtic) iu see itor9l but wliose ill fttenliytAttaiii,i , ble :ottondauZe:.:-- Wliencvo putiolpf;kightii tveip dt - atiseite'd ah ADAIIIs 'win, presenti and 'Obeli Boil tfoie Came' for a formal Declaration of it was the voice oral( Miptit;that! eliptcYthe , Itailit: of :eon; • gross. ! , Wir.wisit'.we'iciiiild'havivainomed io fie; t e is' . Alltjx%tlib , .iniiOriteriir 11,0s,4 1 iiiketiart , Noinis , and*thajust atict_wortii:lepiesedtatiVe . uf high, Itefolidtddifteadiesc Merit and serviei "' .' , 5 ‘ r,"... , •; , :t:•* - ,V,Y yi.N , 41 , ..: , i!';',2:; 1. 1 ,,.:,.,..",. , :,. , ,, . 117 A *lag:W . o . ' tilked•ChtliftlitECoUtiitan‘. alias dipput,9, „Fliu:jiliFciipit . of - hitik)g.g9tfider. ed heibtishind:%lol'4oeir r i."'liketi.ii6i. Paisley, Scotland;' btrsdM4ll 9 .tp,rolg ereauic, ' (91.'1.434 pt NO y0r)041:A444 , 14.t *Or4iiiii'llio l iiiik colaksoailAivorpr4sl9(lsiss:rarrested;iiiiaue,the _ proyiellitiik . !?(*eratAT,kel34o4,4 having Wen de. miandiktir o:‘,l46,llo , :9overiimintit:throyilian, agent iiiiit'athli*liiiiiy t h t ; 44:4,41,4 1 , :i ;.::? 1., 2 ,,, t o . c, L , ,q A v .. . ,i0=:. , ,_, : /..3 ,, r ,, , , , ., 'f. ! .., , ' , , ,, •1•T •,',„ ic44o4#l74s*4o:4;V*;lwiliP : , c4:,:401044 iiiii*6:ol4oi!iii.iiart44i6;i:rtitilitiv seiif,A:***494#4!lko. l taa ' i l.lif .44:al'i!': cies 1‘4..,q1;,*414:94..,41 4 41.9p00,6,ii:03,. d ea th et Ittst' I'ljrara t :,l64 . isisigrititfoll of pp.tiiet o - wetge4..4. 0 10.4 41 4 11 0 , 40')0144104,* will jet: r k, gtoji:tr (44 . :4; i .. 4 44,„... .. "., —.. ..:- ~-;:-; ',.... '',ltri . .l*: , witipvitigiQiireir,iibbaiiiiii n i dirayaik*itl - 40(0441404Wifte. . • 'fuses 414kiiikiiih ; Ok*Otili4tdtll'iliiiiiani, ii re • , . ..,,, 41 , 6 • ~, , .14: Tiii- o idi w t ol r- +r, •:14 il be Oif: it k. 4 1... ' . „„ . ; . i 1 4. eel! siori.n:',.*:i.elikil,'i'Miol!W'; ;ftilintl*l"- :',' weieck ~. ' 414.0f r i,LOVOrfit 41 ° Y.i - ' '''''.l4"lo o ':‘lk, ,r. , ilOallir'.4,4*,'oll:4f it),..49Za* :.&'. *VW, cut _4i; linttill' 1 1 .7 • .mitt $01i; ( OW 0 i .4 00.00" dat =sea EIHRMI , • The Gov'ereor of , thir siate'of M~etiislppi has 4teteilti #t:oelith)eliee requiring ; the Le i 'elai' lure of that State to eonveneio extreoiditforgAsee sloe on Monday .the ipth'day,Ofjtikfzithit. - -,lti l ', Haim' is claim the titteiittoii'ilt;the'PeOpl4's - 4'ef;F:eiifita:' "aro v0ngre509,44; , 4440400 Peciar4Anc,,,. the late itw. FP,W 1 4.Y 0 ,1ri°44,4)- 1 44'd;° 1 1 11 1# ' i mi' o4ll. i a PaCk 4 Wi ti lf o Xfi t•I -6 , c.4"; , ) , f6Strr , ' 0 Thu ilinipg on (11)]Ezeybter au 'Oa!' alata l D sif ik 9Api#oo ,l o# l)oo *o4. l4 # ` 4l ittut,t OitSf u.itit!iill.ovils co; ' ' , "Preen' 414144 toitl *ail .00.244. 0 *1117,1, . w.. 0411 ,4 4 6 ,7 *4l'4 or toßi !` NW illo , :i*.reovi 4 goic* bittemxavtitOr el* 1444444, dii.okowadipie, . ,AA i the ii.ealtiiiiklu:itikV . t 4 7 00 . • liCiiiiiitali:Bo:, up ' f' At it, • - , 11... "Mintr, ibilill4: '.'etirwho,,:wiinld 'meet: .SecidentallY laugh)-end. by' their advice they woulilN e. the next step : ' and , that was constitutional' turrlegay and they would "defy fora and The correspondenfexplaithi:,the vair;ve ' is BY the 2Verrty.sif. Liseeriek. whenever • three, millions:of the Irish p eople shalt cleat three band. 'red'freeholdeili to represent their: in an Irish Par- ' I Dublin, England is bou4-.-•-sulemnly,' betitulto recoinise aueli a Parliament. Here , iS thelsecret.ofAr....o'Connell's movements, rind they may 'tie well be known first as Will England 'abide by 'the treaty , of Limerick? When the three hundred , representatives have as. trembled Dablin, 'and when ' they have informed the British' Government' that • the Parliament. ,of Ireland hats re.assernbled neeording - to the terms of that treaty, will England refuse to abide by her engagements'? I think she will not.' Bed as 8110'6, She surely will not tramp'uptin the stipulti., tions„ of a Solemn 'treaty. Again, is now to late for her to prevent the, einnilment •of the three millions, ' or the • appointment of the three' hundred." • • ' IMllenry Wiso is the only Tyler nom yet elected to the next Congress. , In herisr:(:). Of this event some of his - constitute nts gave Itint-a-public dinner id Northampton, Va.' Among other choice spirits who figured on this o6casion there was present b an effigy.' of a man named W. H. limns, who gave the following toast:' ' • qmscy Anos—Onco d man, twice child, and now'a demon." ..such," thee !slip u p that Heiirx,A. Wise and his' admirers see lit to•use - towarde a venerable statesman, whose head has Whitened, but whose soul has not grown old or faint, in the service of his :ceuntrY—whuse name is never heard by patriots but with honor and rofpect --yho never for an instant sacrificed, a great principle to selfishness or ambiticin : whose _thine is identified with the glory, as his name will ever be with the histOry of his country, and Whose venerable age if not his stainless purity of char. actor—might be expected to exempt him from the insults even- of 'caitiffs and unprincipled traitors. The men who use this language are those who' prate so loudly of freedom from party or section al prejudice—of a patriotism that Overleaps all bounds and looks only th'e Whole:wintry. fur the object of its love . , . ,ca - Ditikulty of •wrjling for the Press.—the following occurs in the London Westminster Re view :—" You may think it very easy to write an article for a newspaper, said a cabinet minis ter at a public dinner recently, 4 t but trritt In truth", to write a good lender, on en eedurrence of the hthir, acute. and ready in 'its humorous or ibreibld In its, illustrations, With the brief statement of facts, and the skilful manage. meat of personalities, which it demands - both hi the newspaper and its party; is one of . the most diffmult kinds of coniiicmitiols." CC/ That highlninded and Culiked' Whig; Hon: John M. Clayion,of Delaware, whose limo has liege:may been mentioned in eonnection with the neat Vice Presidency, in A. letter pablished is tlio Delaware papers, says: " Ithecominimy duty to Iptiiklip - eiilrinif'Wind - 16 my puriiicul friends, and say. to, them, as ,1•rion; wish to do, that I huge not been, and am not, de. siioneor such a nomination,' and . that t shall not a candidate for any office at the Presidential ..detion." . • , • ' rillauch Chunk bee been aeleeiud thecoun. iy-iient:Rf the new-county , of . Carbon. ' caTh'e itUictirated musk:km . li, Pohika'uti' Mr.'Kukonninn oio giviut concert's at Louis Ale; Ky.. IPretitle° is iii..ecstaCias with .thii uot'es of thu diolincello , which sOpeais to itiv . a stirtedthO pliimage of 'his poetic knueei wliich •in thus 'Anis its pralseti - , ' . We did' not know that aound . 6 so /meet exiited in the world of tiatoro; Not tha evening breete vieiting with .801,ftifera the .fhousa'nd , wiod harps of the for6et.;—oot the semii ro ph,blpOdior the eatisiC hit' the)) the 'ruyatert4tie Oita. tour of , the witiestiot: the l'err singfhg from it 'moonlight cloud, ever chqmod, the . ear the morial wlthsyilder,divino trit'ird sp iritual toplu. dye ""'" j 'ati • be ea' p 'h a' War at of Was' bunion _ . ibrZu l igitidPittsinh; to 'usod in a celebra. iioii or tinidth of July, • isrtii.prOperiy:of sq.",uilaporgetnimilVa' , IMMMP S2 , , iiended frialpreachne for tar B eare by I hei ,Viee Chapeelloi,droiford,tlTaiversity •afiei exlim • ination ,'the Permaa,•b,y;e board'of Professore.— • • The Doctor has protestad , ~ thts• and mended a hearinit before:l4B'page*. „ • ~ • • . Ty- hoPlilladelphirtFornM'says..4l thaldf. _mediate friends of Alt: itobdoi qati juti..rilied on; and Speak his WisheSebe is desirous of being 're ceivedback into the Whig rtinks,'andai tappg part with therit in r the grehteontost of 1844,0 ha did in that of , 18doi , nnd , wo are assured that he wtil go u far as be who goes farthest in support of thn nominee of the Whig'National Coniention, and in battling for Whig, principles: Who that nominee will be, he can have 00 . more doubt than we have. Baia alread y nominated by the peoelu . Of the Poiled.States,... The &lawn, generous,- and true-hearted of all partiesUive pro'claimed HENRY CLAY their caddidate, and no Convention repre 'sooting .that portion, of the community can or will attempt - to:One. any otht - 4 . name — befolia be= fore them fat their suffrage." 01400 Spangler, Eq. died at his residence; in the horough.of York, Pa. •on the Bth . inst. in the 76th year of his ago. He had, filled many Daces in York county, was in Congress for a short time, and was Surveyor General of the State for thrmi years under povoinor . Findlay, 'and again for !ix years during Governor Wolf's adminiu. tration. 0;1•Thel cost of the Banker Hill Monument complete, including iion rifling &c., is stated - at stoipja. • For the Harald and Expositor ! • Mn. have iteen, with pleasurotiie name of Josarri W. Psiron, Esq. announced in somq, of the Northern prints, as, a candidato for Canal CommisSlow. Noman in our knoWledge' Would be more competent to discharge the res, porieiblo duttes of the Qisce; i in addition tphis qualificationt he is favoralily known, along.alarge portion oftho Baying that no individual could be selected, that Would bo less objectionnb'le to the people of old Mother Cumberland, than J. W, Patton; may it ho so throughout the collie State. ~ • . ONE. OF THE MANIC AND MX. iune 26 , 184 g. *. iii EZ Utotaktrt B A1:1141011B,JUne 24,1843. •lIEEF 41711E 7 TJM offerings at the Yards on Monday were about 160 head, all of which sold at $5 50 to 625 per 100 lbs. There conlitwes is fair supply of flogs ilmarket, and prices ,have not es sentially varied, moderate sales having been made at 4 to 4 25 per 100 lbs. ' • FLOUR—There have been no sale, of City Mills since our last week's report, millers being generally engur,ed..inmanufactuting tw-filf-jAviotrs contracts, which had been made at $525 to 5 50, mostly at the former. 1'6;4 Is no, Susquehanna, pf moment in 'market; the last sale was at 5 37i. Howard street has sold at 5 lei to 5 25; the latter for &hat ground,' go holder's are firm; the receipt price 45, GHAIN--Penna white Wil l em has sold pinceau# last repot:t at $l2O to 1'29, sod red At 1.15 to 111 for (air to goodtjuslity.' VVeV.dote Penni Vye 62 to, 63 C9ii ‘ itil Corn has sold 54 to 55 . cents tor blery• land,Wlitte,asid tip; same tor , ftiafllland and Penns:- sylvsinia yellow. Osiis arc worth 2' to 20 WHISI4 , IIY—Ia dullhnd wipes look down: Sake ci;baeis at cente r and hog:dm:do at • . ' • ,' 0 t t ' pl - 11LALIELPHIA,'.iune 24,1343. ' 'FLOUR—Ia aieidy and idenind'it $3 , forepna- Tem. Rye 3 a 3 25. Wheat antainuei.,searae, ki! inilaimand; Fianna qd Wheat brinking from 10 14 imerahel. Rye' 63 a.63' cents'COl : ll4 . s i , 53, cents. ' Papua 32 a 33. , • • !On 0 0th . "'t ti D •it w e r. r. ir?s Pi:A l y tiit. JAMES ANDEBSONi ofCumberratid county to' Miss Njmis-NlLizn.uvray eitlest dauplitci ;liviii. .41YrePi. Es/. or: Ilf,Fri°ll4,M' rig" Gw oe - pi0,ptm.y,.41.1 1 6 !inv. ri ores, 111.. lltramet, ; E:4:olTtitticlattiloOli,ViAl#iotip ! ty: Mies' 14'Dovitt4,.:41.11 . 44oi l ..iimilrtoe .1114. , •—• On iiie ist lost b 4, tli'e iie.:;4oh'il petraol'i LIAR. _ flig4, by to iglu Fluviirrit Bisoatholl'of '" • • ,; In Ibis bordagbil Stiml7 o,!elmlt s l4. ,41,4 1 cc Mq9scy4risra 44A (*NA.* resi ) fmmfielt•iddi cit'th; ab9uts 3 t,egri• ' , /fin til4l4liptid;?ttiviiiihipyon?#il inlg !'SP{!; ~, r.W ebster.; 44 0* 7 • #:), " ' ,rz. - tiQs,.sv,, t .e.. , , ~,,, .. ...„ ,41.;blif'!:110..cttg,t'lk.. t'i.#0414;""5'':4•,r64"'-11'=1,irnliti'vT41?4•-•l44ll:iliij'"i'' t e it i* - 6 1. — ii i 1, ohartei'd4llo, ".- i i r — jt-'0 ii V; 40 e*A, 1 % ,:' i -qr iiii- ti CO l Ple• Rll9 Ciniibot,.. name Anw±.74.°4,1,,,.,..,..4.Air01„ruidttl ~ .. ,.t. tended Shat ; it 1:tii74,47,747evii-71,trdwirt, ~,-.,6u.,,t1,,,Thiee" butigirioltriiii,... lig ). fe j nOii:,ll,l:6lL'lY,ol!objeit ;c!f„,ll"°..igEd 7if ItoliWcit*,• i for,m";,,-.7,7•,,8 oilier ix um . -Iriiii. coshie,,, iti;,)iii iiflt•.''... , . It' '','4, ,neiel oppodhehiP4iirla.,gykepeoteet. 'employ.; ;ment,'One :mho ueder.4eette bettlAulTel l o.l l r - the;k4l sineis welittl'prefhitdt' , :: .,, Carliele,.June :!,!' ki"hekiieff'; • Yy'an r ts of : YenditiOid Ligo n Pres td inc 'directed ' Wined' Out of, the Cdurt of Coniimon Plena of Cumberland oriuntY;• will bo posed tdidlPlid sale At the, Court House, the bee., ankh . 0 Carlisle, on *SATURDAY, 'the 'Sit day. f ir, AT1GU5T,..t1143,14,1 0 o'ot:obis:MA. the following, disafilAti Iltotl',Eistote, vizi • ficit,or ~,Grodnd,' situate 'in th'e street of,ShiretnanatoWri, ,Allen tolaship; 'bounded by, the, said .streetiind on the West by ouissuel Black,' and onihe Eost bt George Hoop, containinufifty nine feettiont i gni two o - hundred feet in depth,liaviug thetecittereated a_sto story. fronseStoreo•Room, and a two story.slwolling,HOUßE,Piruon ...Also,. A 'Lot of ilroutuis:dittisle in Bhirer 'md,nstown, Allen tnamship, bounded &oath-by:wok orr street; Hanoi sbirtumm, : , and Rust by Tfeniel Maiwell, toniithiing forty seven fettql•ont. and one hundred and eigbty.thrre feet lb depth. • Also; A Litt 'dr' Ground, situatein'ad manstown, East Eennsborough township. , bou nd ed North by Itall ,ROnd street; &pithy Josep' Sti'bli's heirs, and Jaeob•and •Flenry the West,con taining seventy five feet in front, OW one hundred and ninety feet in deitth, having. a 'platigfiter House thereon erected. - Seized and taken in' execotion as the property of Martin G. Rupp.,, • • Alen, ATract sitate in Allen, township, CumberlMO. county, containing seventy six acres,more or tens, adjoining Is'odent John. Rich eiberger •A - dam - Eichelberger;George RupprJecob - , Long, Jelin Shußatul others , having therem erec ted st. two story Swelling 'HOUSE, Darn, Still 'house and other out houses. Seized and taken in.execti tion as the property of Frederick. Long.. and. to be sold by me • PAUL MARTIN; Sheriff: Shertrs Office. Carlisle,? • June 28,1849. S ~• . HE subscribers respecthilly inform the üblio,that they hese puieltased the entire stook o oods of Thomas IR; Skiles ,consisting of C isysteresi VoiB4lBBp, alms, Stocks, anuAlicirOlors, Limns Collars, Centlemens. Hose, ,Cravafs, Cape,&o. &a., all of which they offer for sale at the old , stand of. Thomas. H. Skiles, in West Main Street. They assure the public that their work wilt be' lmie in the best Man. ner *nil most fashionable stile. GentlernenTuritish:. lag. Ciotti may rely upon hating it made up . with equal care!. WM. A. LINTUURST, WM.. MULES. ..• .N. 11. Thomas H. Skiles will be the establishment as Cutter. ' L. &S. Carlisle, June 20,1843. • 11..94 er than .Ever. T AISt just receiving another/ supply of Summer Onoils,whieli will Ise'suld Cheaper then ever.— Among the goods receiving this_w_eekovill be found si.large lot of Calicoes from 4to 12i cents: Ping. ham from 10 to 20 cents. Pants sta ff from 6f, to 25 cents: Lawns fiom 12ito .114; lialzareenir and Mouslin daPtinea at alt•lwMost Stockings kGlovep ham 910 0, and a Into lot a ,Atatocusa3 ,gismls t that cunt be. deist, (xecopoltshat) bnd be sure to call at Ilia old Shop OW this'd door esistarthe . market 'Muse, • pHAS, °Gnat • June2l, 1543. ' tf-84 •461. v. .Goo J— , . Tr HE subscribers are just now opening* a further supply of goods suitable for this sea. son, comprising in the assortment of MOUS ..I.)Z LAINES,dIALZOI/ING„ LAWNS, CHINTZES, CALICOES, &c. for Ladies apparel, also a general assortment of Gentlernen's.Wear, 14M:hare offered' atvery reduced prices. - ,.Ca1l soon, before all the nimble patterns are selected. • • • CHAS: BAHNITZ & CQ.. .;_4148 • NEW GOODS: C ' LIP Pi/VIER CAREY,,Shippens burg, Isave.just •rkeeivqd g large and 'Splendid bad flolilotusble aesortioeni.oraOUDS,.(ontlie Sum mer whleh they will sell at the lowest imaginable pylon. • June 21, 1843. . . -- . , . , French Colloci', .; • . Arfew more French CoHirai Chemizettsi Dimity Ulm's, &o. just received, d thuiture,nl . . tune 14;1849. • , CHAS. BARNIT4 k CO. • . .7flaread, 'paces i :ata Gagiage.- , A further aujiPl 0 Titre:id 'LaCleaang, gdgfngs, Imt: Mothlea. Luke and, `Bilging, wttll a general variety of Late:Ooot tewyed by' • • Jane 14; 1,114. ARNITZA,CO. Dr 01 ) ; &Pei ' "NOTrtillineact at Opp d'Etr t ot:Ff.Ch iiirn itier Cloth, a superior articlq fon Gcntlemett'y Sum. mer Coats And tugulnons,joindeiiEd and far talc uncommonly 'cheap, at the store of ,i • dune St, 1843. CHAS. BARNITe 1i CO: BOOTS & SHOES.' • . 100Cosea .13flotl,and Slreieijciat received and for sale very ? die atom of - ;I I ' Al , l 11441143: ,'•-;. PfAS.'OGILBY. ' %IR 4;4 , lk ill 'Seventh It. h-7 betvieeniCei k teelliir4ireef, atilt the -Coltinihie `flailepeA, %%IWO° opped.Jog the:first time on-th4' TENTU„),)4,Y„ef, Ureotentroonth, n iAll lilooreityf amtatticinit . ig rides C*ll.o hnve tint alretttly done IQ owe requested i) insert, PIFF-P,tikeeothd.senitthelr . Itehoinj yinded by Rne - eutil TA :each' nukober'coninhilue•the.. nd t ver!hpment, to to, 1,9 t Worth Sette'elkiti Seventh P k ilikr ;e l olKr ne , :teta43,. I ;7„,t MEM , f ..- .%3912 4 r441AMMX1114 41 L42EET th 6 premises of Abe subscriber; Liss Otcaboul. the - 15th tif -Mar lost,_, • t t 1 11 1 44 FA l R E 4 l9 fr: ent • t , '•• siiimtiteil.tOU seta eseittiirtl;l Ogle itles lilt stpbtv, other* black s other papjle not emoolittotot An, PerlrclueldlitheMPAll4Yrr /COT! l i krePitfrdn'AW l o,oloA " 1 "4 1741 g-w 4" 61 , ' can e, iX#44ol l 4*r! (iii , anciknotemotp„..,4o.. ,_ heT; iftisgiffilibildW l 44 l it - :,:cnAct . 1 #!4.git,l4:# vA ti ll.* , #) ,„ f_,4 l ,°4Y A ,4 1 319.trt , , 0 .. it1 . lir ~..,•, ,v4 iiiiir 0 :: , ,,, * 04 4,... , :diN . at; I. Li taillg4taitifig.l orii y ve id e scilpibiNtill**iokt'SlLifhipitt ' Shill ityle k WitiratitetrsolutVit t aigitoti #oti ' - slit ill, a color as oily Cil . the' Ralisigiatiu r raCturtlt,•• i5.M#.. 0141 .' sicf.',Alsir;; ...1 4 'i....!..1, , ,;,:4 , Y4. 1 -'4','•• , ;) f.,...•'W.;';',;;,..";., : . P /11, **T e alr'tgligi.".,'VAIIIIOMY:tainY'l of every deicfhl*irkilialiOl#tir 'beilPAlYles`Skid at . 'Fend lAiiti, - , fie Will'!ealt lOA-44:0iiiii44.1tiit 61,,; , been Sold:hi:this . 139rotikk-rimtlk lndeett, bia . Orices , generally , Isill`be,,inichtstlactl ittit ; tliW 'depression or theti ines.l , 'Altifouglil he preferi seliing for. Cash Yet he..ivilt, oil biller; bi willing to ' take Cohntiylirii:: thaciat the Market priees in , exchange. for'llsts.' -_a 'n.• • , ; The.. subscriber :. returns his sincere , thank* ttsl i . iendronspliblits for the encouragetneni he •liss;re ceived since he firii.eqinnitinen4 business shogt,three yesrsego,iii ple•oid sno t! in Loutherstreetanilliffpoti hy .stri et attention to lin:Poeta to ' rnerik.,l4o ttleelepo' continuance of their tuttronage. ;For the conienience of sortie of his . 'cuatottlersille still carries on, bust newirif the Oldihoir:-•but those , who ~ upli. to. hivp `,‘Pick and ' choice" would.dtt well to eon at, th e new estsblishrtient,Nd. 3, IlariWlN, Row..' •'' '' '! , . • .Call'aintjudgifor yourselves.- ; • • :,•••:-•••, ••‘" ... , • i , ~.. •-; ;.. •., ~, WILWAIki H. TROUT. ' ~ Carliiiii;l4ay,' 4 2l, 1843.- ....--..,;. „.. ~ • • tr,so - • .10 A4r • -FORW IN 8b tOM I S 001 • ERORANTV: , , tit t'SPEb7rFULIaY' 1011)iiim the Millers, Merchants and the public gen: Si l lily, Matins la now.erepte'md with large and cam moolous Val•e-Houttes • on th 6 Penn* Canal, near the foot of Wel nut street, in 'Harrisburg, to receive Storefor Shletnenfi , Dollplo,ProdSce ?MyrMee: ohandlse for Philadelphia, ,Baltimore and Pittsburg. and all intermediate -,plades. Di tfeetill end OD's Line; and the following first 4111/ tide, Water Penal Boats' fednilhd Hblisell in Haiiipburg.. 4..9. , ,M0 A !Isaias', "' 11111rP and S;lirtba; '• • ' May. 31,1843: •• . ANgvv. addition..,to " funteriStOpli ..or fine Calf,'seweil and prketl. Boots,,Mens and Boys Kip Booti cif good qualityyMeila and Boys Kip and calf •Mouroes, Misses and' childrens kid and inbriticao slippers, Ladles and Misses fine morocco welts. 'AI of whichwill,br solitunennStrion ly low fin , Cash: MA'I'BER. , Carlisle,May 1001143: .tf-g8 CEO Sheriff's : Sate. • • BY' irtue of. a 'wilt of Venditioni E. pones toMet directed, lolled but of the Court of. Common PleasoP , Csimberland county,l will ex pose for sale at the Coort house, in,the borough of Carlisle,on SAT URPAY, the 28th day of JULI, 1843; at la olslock,-A. 111: the follciwing; described. Real Estatefto wit: . A LOT.DE.GRPUND,I ainiale in ihe borough Shippensburg,;montaining thl, feet in breadtl,l4o feet in depth,laore pe less, boundetton the East by' street ao.tion__,lron• the .flaidit . by a l o t or David Eenowet,on the Westbita-lotolid Mahon, and ott the North by:* lot of thoolloeotri—: Strongh; hash% thereon erected a two story BIWA 'HOUSE,and ahriek Kitchen.. ; ; ' • 'Also, A LOT OP GROUND, situate in the township of Shippensbutv, bounded on the East by DE. WM. Rankin, on the South by Samuel M'Cbrdey,on'the East by Samuel Engle, and on the North tcy Alexander Mateer;und the Church; havingthereon-erected a - small-log House and• Bric kyard, containing two acres and three fotirths. Seiz ed and taken in execution aegis property of George Hardie; stud td lie sold by one •-- PAUL MARTIN • Sheriff. Sheriff's Carlisle, • June 21, 184.3. WUO/F4ESA.LE GROCERY , ..AND AIQUOR, SIORt; -11ARIUSBURCi p PA. Taubacriber hating swpOed,t,lie re• T ic tail Wiliness is now prepared to tell to Coun try and Town Storekeepers and the trade generally, Sugar, Coffee, • • Italioni Tea, . 1 Molasses, . Riandy, Chocolate, . , Rice, • Gin,. Spices • , • Oil, Wine„ • - Spernidandles; Tobacco, . Whiske y, Fisk e , . Salt, , Plaster, . Pitch, • i Oakum. ••• • • and it general assortment of GBaCtRIES, for sale' .. r• «Lir kr mr BBANT. Travellers Intim intalll'Us and ttielr ftirnituteand 11$ 66e . 11. gem generally, can 1)e ssutir,otp,D. Leech tont Co's old Bottle at (lie foot .of Walmit street.l leiter than any other 110104 fp fikrlsburg, to goy of the following Citesp.ndpll iutertnediate plaegs. New. York; Vinsittnati„ Philadelphiai • Baltimore, • crund tylfo, Pittsburg, , , tit. bouts. , !day At., 1843, 11l . . . SUMO and WIERIIIING, go. PP . mad tier rmraF supettor quality, elpap for (lash, at the sore in WM. 1111NATEHR, in S. Han vet. at. 10,1843. " -28 7.o:o..l,la:zsuazgaz - ixt 2600 ;for which, ' 'CHAR,LltrgatlYr. • r 114`. NOw Otc.rti: ;„ ,•, 1., , E aub4cciher- would info m üblj 1 1 - tf 1 f - - r- -* • itactair•en the store ;,renni. aanantiV QWi iindfiluttqn, in Nfirth, tlwioetrytrget, Carlisle, in lin is nnw o ivenit. log a lamp a 9 d splendid antlchegasartinanktir; • 1 , 1 . 0.7 1 0:0 3 . ur, every mirieiy.aial,l-.q.llility, ,, vinclii itudthattualiti, theigiOtt UM CUM 604 to Alw,qa varSkworthini yithoW ta %F. 4 . f.:IIA.II,IAS UNEIN I,1! : , - , Agent o r Joseph Iteeif.... ;lot ltiAltfs: ';`;. t . .. 1 ,,,,,,, 0 . ' t ' 1 ' ' ''' .';Att:orrieSt . '4o' l looi''' OPtEt* , -blii' , PilAilifq4l.: . :eifiviceiiii theini ibi..-.From44t-shb boa iadomfeopf my..4o#6._ittit,_oi , aikirtitreet..___. l , L ,,_ ~.i . ., _ cretisib, April SI 1843. ' ' ''4. r 7 .;, .''''' • / , ' 4 P , •;;': , „„ii ~ ' ' 1. --t, ,i, • ic . rt t n to 1 11 l wait 1 , . 4 4 , Me 4 : iOW 1 -I ,'‘ ,ii 'Vivi' iiileb It it 'i., irOds, I 'just 'tb IMO ;1101111itit ,4114 , 401:00414p 'aild V ' iltbbiOo r Ifz i , stAt leilintbbclo o l.". M' 7 , 1 "4. 4 4 171 1 . t c . R.0 71 .7 1 it I lkiltNeliftte'l l i , 0 Prtitt-01ft:,,A91444P.t". c (1,A112//;. 4 1,....j../. 0 'ix; liAPp! 4,-- ,fi, - 1 1 . 4. 'A l tAkit';'' , i 'iiin 1.441, '0 41 ;,. A 1:1P 4 60 A 'l : ,(, 7ft , -0,44a 1 , 11 0 6 1 ,Alifii _'' a VIX, eeke , ltfaottit Wolliti.fx' ,. W' ~, ' alne , 4 ig*Oini" V i i ' ' :.:Alt . P l ''' . ., ; ' - '4 Ate,Bl,ll '.1,-4tl tilieVOrtt,tiilkoti!.;.4i,...,. F ~.it0ir0,10wn i, ,iiv , 4,.4 1 i,,,,.„:,,,,.. . oult tle,Loi;aind,Pl ta. 10., jb „. 4 _,, , 4.....,..4, „ ( • gOiikili# de Logifft , ,;'/ . 92u r i ' k 4 0 , .. -:''''',,, ,ITlOfinet Ribbons for s i e 1 Erl//q l .tiP 4 l4/M,.///u// ley ~r,, ,, 4 elliloU'PwruFenl oWhip, 11 oarfit ~.,,..,' , 4 ` , ,1.1ct; i'.' l4 l'. Oi 4 . ,?4,}1311k, ing,ril et go. ' . 4 .n444;.:, :Aito 1 iti Ohd3Vihiseilifill'hindsitisrfees:. ", 4 . , ,v5, 5!• ItUtikd i ct9it'l . biluklutueut *O9/ ,0 /7i"; ., 4c94ezi 11 00 4 4'080,. , ,; ,, ,f,-; ; ,,,,',7-c; 471010iqr,,, it!'iFeki,)skii,filto , ceirielp. , ''''t" - ,g- w d l e% s lowitrip'' . " ~ ' - ~.. ‘. i 6 11 tiv 4 ii , 01 ,./ •,t ; ,-. '1 0 , ltiitilik fly,on„littpeelalldf tack 'T'ess,fresn and 1 Hod. , Clitteolatgyihd Sits o' .tillikltidl• - .. . e ` v . Ur/e1 . 911 . 11 1:0 0 1 .- .4 1 r- 14° 4 118 0; 4 ,nob add, '9,pi5.:),• , „;, 1 ~-btevelty deseriPtT4''sfilMfaijiatee4l thousand . Pair just received itot . t4,o9gNfooisiljpgly low, for iofteBrel '4 • ' ' - 'in , 'Pc rtf ' :7;,, , : , t - ' , 3f eno fi ne twig n9ots, 2, 4. 4 / 1 0 , - :..s ' '' ' Dio - monokep Forlsisivt 4 s o .4‘,!;':4 , ' - , 1111eses SlikliertrOfialt kilftriit,.f , .., .' ', - ' C11; 1 03 1 4 . atheOnd'.l4:OiatiOliotti./ . men" Ighl hon; fill'a r toll.l. l 9.4Lie, . Meld; Bohai, Bootit,,,i4ja,' ..4,; . 1, o - Mau: Meld; par ~and ButtliNititfu; i;';.,'„5.::i.,=...,t ,, ,, , ;!. , , ond in short cam , Strtigle needed, front a,4. P.F.,; . 9/.,Etrill to Broad Cloth at $8 per yard, andityprlevt'tei4 suit ihe times./ t i Recollect • the , old Rtarid , oppalite s J. Ifftinderlikdi's:olii gond, lend:, no* tlie Re,' o.6ll' . 'etort betfOrt4f,r,orneritatt Main atruet... , T . -- ",;. - ',..%' - ' . ? ., ..7-- ---- f I.,,Aoshr.shaap proper tip as safitla hiilidver r4lOiltfa don't, - Wstake the,floit, Ape, door some; : time. thakes,a great difference.- .Eurelosera, frienths and 'customers, one and all, please , o, • call at tho old shop of,. . CHAS: OGILBY.., Carlisle, !Way 17,1843. 047. di good . Chalice fora Bargain, T 9 a pamon yvi!hing:tooornmenee • bumbles!, in Carlisle, a inoci. opportunity ; of min ! Ohaeing a Stock 4,,P00da, nestry•li.9ii itlfd t Wh l O4 *erp bought for Oartii i as Up) Rrep9ot pr,otiry z toe lo ebn!Fqyeoce'of inithefy eriga49ol9nte;lt;o- elko9e of: abllioi off„,*110,110 wig :4 0 ~ fuell terms, ai rnoet, - pleas9 a • iitKeli**e6 , Eaquiro thellffice of do Herata Eiffoilifer; ' • . !VlO' l7 l' 184 P• , • ' ES - ,..'5ri1141 4 .;$ kleri. T OT ?I ica,as 1.10,1apa10...,'i ~4 t * T•the store of the suliser,iber, West Miiin street. . llAck house, nearlY,eppositethe "Sig Locust , '1 ree",,inst received .large and hsindsnme 'assort mentof fresh and the best quality Groceries—mmong which can he had - ; • Fino crushed'lnaf Sugar atli2i dents. Lunip and,ll,oaf.Sugars rritt q hi to/ 4 cents. Brown Sugars One and superior tieelitiesi from to 10 cents. • Rio Coffees strong scented for 10 to lgi cents. Also, JaY4 Coffee., , . , •,.. - Young Hvsoni Imperial find GUn Powder rreci- , -- various qualities, nil fresh for 75 to 1 576 per :lb. Spices of every description, grund and unground. . , . • PEAR WARE : Zaha s lionla, Churus b painted Buckets, 80. • liASitwrsi: . : prel - Comngi Afar pt INkety, Attwred, and unetweeedi Clothes liaskets, 13Ostia .1314143 , 4 round baskete, Ste. , • . • I, • , OIL-A Pa -CMPLIES-1— Pure winter Sperm or, Lamp Ciil , —..none but best and warranted equal• to tiny in this or any other market et:sl Also clarified Ele phant Oil at 75 eents,per - gallon. ..tre ou rm a C n a:id i r ip s, p l4u d rsat cents, URDU! , OEI kiir. Ito. lao o,:sprkcni 4;;if 114 king . . MOLASSES;. • ew Orleans (superior hiking,) Sugar lfpuie and Syrup Molasses, for St.i to 64 penis ptir WARE : • A new and tiitjal assortmentof tains, l'Glass, and queenaware; also Crockery CaOentlish, Pldg, Ladies twist and Smoke Tobac.. co, (Nem cfatilei variegated and white Soap, also Shaving Soaps; ` • • . - • , 'BRUSHERV .1 1 'White *sell, Sweeping, Scrubbing, thist,• Hair and-ClothesSru.thes,,also-Hand B ru t ,Res, ' Liverpool G.A. and finis Seltomdall other articles in the qrope 4 t7 balling at our house tee be . i)errt • In our, Ilbut,b, Ate iilfinkt,',we can sell for ,Ca:sh, (Our tr,sy of buylo i g) Drobahly.ifieaper than the same or ates can he, tad hibthersections of the town, and if We cannot. then our neighbors opposite and our firldrids,adjeining can—call and please yourselves; for pest (livers. weare thankful. , • . Bilt abuse; alt-don't' forget the house; one door sometimes Makes a , great.difference...lA:living is all we want,so who Wants ruore,has more thMV his share. L' • • • ' J: %V. ER?. . 'Carlisle, May 1,0,1843. • En `SPETICIG. GOODS' TtiFi subscriber has just reaeireo sten. ersil assortment or .., , . . „ S'EniN4 , Arto .. . . , .... _. 63311(11111114113 ISA) 1)19,414 ..s..isti, lg 4 „.. 0 .4 1 pfixiitured; pion sad . Barrett * sousetin.lBlo6; Satttvd,'Plaia,"Blriiital4twas antl . 6ll434p9)oPaglill atid,frentih Clainitesi plain' Sgureo snit Ipstrid Swiss; Jstkonette and :Catabris . MusiJus) a pr 0,1 assartyiktabof66:olensp, Geodes- . ~ s , a ;.lndisavd Italian 1311ki, #catael,,Silks aria ; nib.: awl, Strayr,l.,sighot,a; Braid tint! t Willow, Iloinneu, rtAW:#l,lk, Ottsbittiiiv'sind:Cottait 11 Ost4 $lll6 M ohair , WI ',sail %I:14 00a' 1 6190S, , 1110i`elbtvi + Mutat s .a9d taidks t Akstyle,fittitt;Germiiti sod YR stipipeas sii,ebtnii i ittal-Lineifilite'stists;Liskulirilll sand ; GitiOrbatti flir , Piattlilootiaij tub tatitls t . Strl pit OM , naltswits, Ca' rpctilik AO IN g 3, i• *nand Et lithed Aitislittai, tibliltiiiiiiti OAF eh; as snit' luilfer. 441140;titigtliirra Mal .Pa14.1.4f 69/0,-; aw; Glirtii amillitigq,clpths; C,Seimottsgatk batmen& , ;•',', .. tit eempfWarelt . toraceriei .:•:L of tiftithiFh4l , llllmid,iiii tit sp l torabte teriSt'st the sthrtiorf- , ":1'..4- • i' Al . k - • itICHARDS . .'i ).1 pullets MO to 043. . . • • - ; "tl-28' . 410 .TOBACCQ,i ' ' 1 •4 : 1 e61 -kt , P , ,, ,, 7i: 0 , ..* i 0.1 - o' , .. v„itt , p(**4;l:4 0 - .0 , +1% . ", , i!e1it: 440y,,kg:1 , , , i, , ,iitfrirriot , ,,•Ai , '.• , :P,-.,: , '11 . **,, i-;,4= , i ' -; 14 4 ..•.'tii* ' C , lvihtqt,'P!,,t ^P . r 4 o ~,,,,, :., , - . 1. t ...,,,,,,, .I. !. , •. 9 -gr ' - iinir .. •',.:;,, yi., ~ • 11 , —,, i t. Ai l' . . 4 7,. • . ii , - . ow • .°‘"' 54, - vi, •.' . "s 1 •.t..iii it m -14,.ik0t, ?.- b , , = O 6. t‘• 4,„ iN p, , , 444 t , ,,, , ,,,, . :,.1 ;',,'' ,V P.` „q - ' '.i . jir le i -ts t o ltft . LA 1 1$1.iVS 5 M61$ * ;?, F ;t:1i - .f.', ..kO - 1 •f A t 4 4elt,W .k ikts o . l ,or^FP .3 „. ( F, ' ''' I fii-. A ' si , ,--- ,4,,,A.,„ : ,, , ONOttt INA : 'O l O 0 01- 14 ‘9' • 4,4 , t, *4)100:* 4 i ,„ ~,5m0. . ,,, , .414),ItogiAiiivAq 4 , 401000 w . ‘ rt 11l hiitAtif ho 444 , 4t orApi t igt i § A t 1 , ; -. 11 g 'littevt'nex (4 °qr 4 doentelfoAMP/ I , it immfretiAetn_.,4o/IP4l3,,tii;OTW,linVirbr ;-,' F4Un §, °NI, FtntrAtiil,`thkfitigiinifnns4All ' IF illeirtltt9' 1R t -1. , " nrlidr 1 Z.,,. 'mit (r pc* ie,e , ooe, l ik igri t ieWitv o t , wilt 0 9 ' t it t: file' f -i llic l If -." t , t4e:tttV,...‘ •i°e.'l,-' i' , e'Z' k ' the lieleist•sunil 1 / ' tq'141,1111e11)e,i'40141; r C ANDIE r Min t 4ll,WitwilLocupniz—*iii„,, nSintrinbl , ' Iftt' uiliti),.A iikitbird ii. , 'fine, lemogi h"rll9=9"!"tifiliekrt4 ' Irimul l *P"l3l l/ u gUril l4 ,l4° C lif -It ' ' baibil et,l.Le,n 1 hand , ~, 4 " „i - ogyli o r , ...- rrencill c°ll3 l'ir ' . , fblikt 9, ,f.',. ;1' _ r o c k ,end ~vali,:ti„ 4 .,f it ,,n , krit.. 1 4efr I iIV - 4 .1 ".', 4 - candy toka r lj nnre3 4 %,„4tc...p ,A, i m fai t t s Al t s;,. n . , I },f LIT —,/} ontiii 4 ,l34, ,I•N.- .t i o il ii t o t . 0 ,4 1 64 ; 4 ~• by rka,nikinn;f,o ku!'.! tir "7 , ',..t." ~4:- .,' "i . ...,:i A1c,,,M:4,`..i '1 , num,. -•' i" , ' V. I) i 'ii'46 i il , litl i#o4 l M g.i *i. . PRI.TITSI-Orangel, ~,m, ~J,,. • • .„,,,, ;„1 1. 4:V , .5. , ,1 d t „utrao. .liltei ,t : tie P , .....5 ' ,, 40.4. .:E..., „ I s a a • •, , - rio, cave lilh / ro h i ' .o i t e iti ii f , 1 , 04 - , A:: .uull a; iteeitlia. Principe ,. , 1 , , ,,, „t 2,,,.., „ ii „,,,: c - i c .... 1, Amain,* geg 2 rof bribe 6141 , 1 74074,11; We ' ll fit' '..' , T,heiiyassontrnent.' iknePts el,. ... , , Invited' , t -ti , , i•resiColitiond. Country vet: ni72,....7 * . i55 f , call, Di they can beau pplleaZ 1 i ll a ,4lfi e i . ~.. one kg slitv Pr.loes• : rue P 4 ~I, . 47 `: ,, ir'o"4 , , reatietetutly solicited. _!. . , 1., 1., , e 4,1 ~‘ 4, , lLliale, April ga r 1 , 53 3 „ , .51,71; ...,-ISiiitisei,oor cal.aistS' '- • . •`''.--.,: _____ „.. ___ , _ . €4t2 .-- mglizzo4t; - . 4 .."1.4T 4 . - tut MoSi` reepectfully.lnfotmi HI ciSiieniktt t'f";*:,.. orish,urg, and tho public in gonersUcthat 'ti . =li . 0 1 removed hls,Leather....kl °recce *ad; 0144 8 Ores,' ~,' ' to Northfiecond,' greet, a few doota4lie„ - ilia,' ~ . Efuehler's Hotetiwlieire he will' k'eeit'ieon , eti , hand a general assortment of the follossin ,i .tustli", , I‘, r.tiOes.O'ir . . .'• ...... "•' %. ri. , i.,,,1, ' -.''' ;* - •,:4 - - Opanjiph ar.SialpieriEketei„ . 1A104044 , . ~ thd4lB;rairidttitialLtirime. - wi.t siuttitiob.pp*; l : : _-, ; whip and collar, leathery Wei :apd. s gre‘ri , ,,, , PrO ~,,,•-:.' • Skins,Spanisheatmintry, Killifteg6A. , ~', /irking icathei„, l OP ) ,!;l 4 o.l l erfOOktrq..s;:k;%::,i r" - nacos and placiternithi, • arid •parla - .....-1, , ; .:' .* ' 1 Tannerrlth.4oo..jAkisil t ;Lti" '? -,, 1' , ' .i. • • :11:4,0"'16#0.110POPO :A ., ,11' :- . . Comprising' hten'shforeicoiWonseAN.undrcitso,i, . 01 red .and blaCk straits ; French kid of di ff erent; *Il rw4. Red roans, Hinding,so Lining; ' of all, colors AI L . bincler!f leather . ..J.:halts : oW leather sing pluck . alt „ ::: • ALSO—SHOEMAKERS! . Kit AND tINEHRhS' . ):: 4 : 1 , sucti.ll4 boot keyiUnd breakers, - shoe kid's, hattk-.:. mettlilneers rolels; stamps,:siaelsticksj punches'', •... knives; rubb4l; ores, rasps, threads hoot, webbing - '; ; ,--- iPerables, bootcord, pegi, wathq lits.' Sce.:,All - ~,-. which he . wall sell at. the ,rerj , ,, ; O H iVF4r, CA S .., „ w.. 1,.. P, returns his sincere thanks to the pelg , :il.:' lie; for the ligeral patronage which has hereforoti . r.. , been extended to him, and respectfulli , Solitlta:sity--- continuance of ' their , favors. .• : - .. ti.,: ..ti . ,: , '''._f'/,: :- • .. Harrisburg, May 17;1143.. , ',: :- , ... , tf-go .., ' ' Forwarding C.onamitititost •-• D BIN-F.B3g: • ; j•jjk 4 • A s •faEOR , OI AILEDMING '; • ESP,ECTFUL;LY,informi the publie,that he ,; 114 pi:9127(1 . 1(i ,reeciire,,torward, pod .dispoimpt. Proidit.c4t either 4 .041 rhiladelphia lialtimore Markett,sr *- tit thiy,other point accessible by Road: As - will attetillin person to the delivery and saltpf. I, • article! , entrusted to his care t -the most satisfaisicirY • cpeeay returns - may at - alttiinet be expecteritind• _ the utmost .promptitude in the transaction or all buj sinesientrusted to him. • , ' • Farmers.and others hiving tiny article which they • wish disimsed of 4 will' do well to call ophim isn meiliately. opposite the 'Mansion Jlouseittnd ' Rail Road Depot, West High street t earlisle. ,, ' • ' G.R.-is authorized•to purelitiee, severillundred bushel, or Grain, rot artileti the Metes( wiio will arliele, May ' • . t t1 i ...41.13234CP. -11 ** k J Ca l l' ' ' . E subsc ibbr iliankful for pest ;favor! he ti T ut e m leave to form hie friends And the "Ouhlitytti , • general, Fl e continues to el . ott!lmi: i • , . , TA 'COIIiINO, iit t O/AMSS; ' 'l* in all its yarious brancher at the room occupied bp, him' for dm last two year 2 in Hi t_l! street, West of the ColAt . tigiOge OtijOining N .W. N Wooing ggOriertgali I ' he isprepare'd to execute all kinds of work ' s bible; , . line,i n the best end tuost fashionable manner, alll l . norm the shortest notice, Charges made to' suit the, times. By strict attention'to binitreethe still satiate a share of the public patcrmags. '.,._ ' - ' , : I .. I'Vhl. MoPHERSON: Ctirlisle, , April 5,180. limAi ; r OM ItT, jricokliA.lllA. f 1014 .,. HERIIAS t h e llon.assnitt. Ilanitiii 4 suleitt In e. of, the Court of CoMmork 1 • . dg 4 I Pleas, f the. Nint4, uieial district of PenWILY/T 'amis.* and the,llan. Jome 13-rusav"and Tnesire r Q. Mitute, JUdiei of the said Court of C t otiooti‘ Pleita for. the county of Cumbezland, have Issued . their precept bearing date of the 14th day ofetiwit'' 1043, and ft, rile directed, for holding ati Poortjf ; Oyer and Terminer, General Jail Pelii.9ris:. *a• Gevotal *tarter Sessions of the Peace, trk.Per; nek t on the second Monday of Auguet, 1 84 4 ,17 ; 041-, iqg the 14t0 day—at 10 o'clock in the ; foreqpont , NOTICE IS HEREBY GlVEpLtp,thn Cerelneii . Juitices of the Peace and Constablwt,oo. s County of Cumberland, that thelP A t t i lliu 11 therp ,ilu their litoper poison', '.vei id , '' • Reebrile, inquisitions, 4, s rni ! utti 9 ne Anil 0 ' r ::, ~ remembrances, to do the-things ivhich toPeir of. ~, , fice tispectively . appertaind;, ttosif,,tirlirs tiiii , c ,, .% bound by recageseencei to Ptlllseb94 f#9. 4 . e.s ' ' prisoners that are, oe Awn ,frio , , , , fele, in we Jail 61 , slid, county, to be. thei ;0 viero.39 - ,PibibMb against them as shall lut;ittatittld kr-. ' '', l „_ r : Hated at Carhsle,,,t l h 3 tith 4 4 4 ""lmCi 1843,0nd the . 67 t h Year of Amer nut qifillegeht dence. '" ` " ' ' f ' ' ‘ .4 ir s. `. , ".,.'s . ", ^ ; i ''' ' ' li . ' PAUL IttitirrlNl Pilibrift: ',. < June et. ibis' ' - ,' ~ "to 0 '.,(, , ‘ TO ;11QT:JSMCEV4PMISt ? ,qhi',,l l , ' , • . , 1.,.,. t: • : •if••••frn, ,N ' ~... I I 44, ~, , .,.t i q.,..' ' F r *Fll4ll itl# E T HMIS AND , )htl .1 , ~ '. rk4THERI b rot. akle *try lok, in; quentitien'pl• -` to suit truteltsitts; II: CAStiilit ritei fin . ..01,05f q . - 94 4 and IS Unts pb poned. , . -‘,4 , ',-,',"__-,,, - ••••411. ~,,, Rea earls IWO, Bolster"' and 'PO* 1 . , Hair 1% attressesucil Wear tio.,'*uk_lia, to gait, oy sized iledsteadsraharl. Nikita - 1 1 4 4 , • Orienna 1400,pythet t ,,* . Pciri• ,z`,.... , ~'''., „1 ': , i ':', " , krflil; r.,,',Vi ~,ptrratorexte, pete w ou ld nnalktoi tagehy eating on the indrSeribetirbefor , ..,,ic ' I ''l` " 'cif , " ,4 , ,frititti - '.k ..Comer _ of. B* o o4 4W 1 011 4 P..; :tail - Ail .14:1: - q ' .: - V t ' 1 t. [200(.: itinjo [604 4141- 1 ,