Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, June 21, 1843, Image 4

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    '@, 15 P 13 & . A . ‘ - /M&P a R,O, ,
• ,
She gave lien young biaii to' God;
Ere it
Ere-abe had, heaill the tempte . Wa voice )
Or, seen ;Orli* amiW
tille - shintlttercirei'lietnhosen ahtlar, '
God's oiva.*lkholy altar ;
Aud letl tl.l9 . .gorlda . gaS , scenes
With faith that nould not falter,
• ' " '
t{he tut fled ,from ile gny atulle of. rnhtb j:
Ile moe cry nqd priOel • ' ' ,
end sottght from' liezveultie en‘)less rest
Tliitt could give. beside. •
Iteratiat. the'vskirld'a bright gigs
And choeo that better part, •
i'llailivesheyoiul all earthly chatige,
• Or e 4 en the burette heart.
Tii prfeerp.O l gOii - vsfii:Oydrl,-
shine bpfore,Oci3Otittoly ,
4 p:un'ling,titi "43 - rite:awn. •
existence of the Christian
'Chord& •would be pronounced, upon com
. Mon principles of reasoning, iMpoSsible.--
.Shelnds in everyman a natural and in
veterite enemy. To encounter andover
-come ajo iinanimoiis hosiil'ity of the work!,
she boasts no political stratagem, no disei-
Alined legions, no outward coercion of any
kind., :Yet her expectation is that she will
live foreVer. To mock this hope, and to
blot out her memorial from under heaven,
the.mostfurious efforts of fanaticism, the
most ingenious arts of statesmen, the con.
.centrated strength of empires, have been
frequently and perseveringly applied.—,
• The blood of her sons and her daughters
._ streamed like. water; the smoke ef the
scaffold and the stake, where they wore
the crown of martyrdom in the cause of Je
-7,susflis-aseended in-thick_voluines3o the
skies. The tribes of persecution have
Sported over her woes, and, erected monu
ments, as they imagined, of her perpetual
ruin. But where aro Icor tyrants, and
!where their umpires ? The tyrants have
long since gone to their own place ; their
names have descended upon the roll of in
, famy; their empires have passed, like
, shadows over the rook ; they have succes
sively disappeared, and left not a trace - be
hind! •
But what became of'the Church 1 She
rose from her ashes fresh in beaky and
might; celestial glory beamed around her;
'she dashed down the monumental 'marble
'of her foes, and they who hated him fled he
fore her. She has celebrated the funeral
'of kings 'and kingdoms that plotted her de
struction ; and, with the insQiEtions of
'their pride,•has transmitted to.posterity the
'records of their shame. How shall this
phenomenon be 'explained ? We are, at
the present moment, witnesses of the fact;
`but who can unfold the mystery 7 The
boolc • of truth:lnd life has made .our won
der to cease. " THE LORD HER COD IN
presence is a fountain of health,, and his
protection a " wall of fire." He has be
trothed her, in eternal covenant, to himself.
Her living Head, in whom she lives, is a
'bove, and his quickening spirit shall never.
'depart from her. Armed with divine vir
. 'the, his Gospel, secret, silent, unobserved,
'enters the hearts of men, and sets up an
'everlasting kingdom. -It eludes all the vig
'Hance, and baffle's all the power, of the ad
. versary. Bars, and bolts, and dungeons
are no obstades to its approach : bones,
end tortures,' and death cannot extinguish
its, influence. Let no man's heart tremble,
'then, because' of fear. Let no man des
pair (in these days of rebuke and blasphe
tny).of the Christian cause. 'l ( ll , ..arit. is
, :launched, indeed; upon the floodS ; • the
'tempest sweeps along the deep; the' bil
lows break .over her on every side. But
lehovah-Jesus has promised to conduct her
in safety, - to tie haven of peace. She can
itot be last unless the pilot perish. .
The human mind is occasionly led off,
spite of its active employment in this
. !World of bustle and care, to the contem
plation of its future destiny. No man has
,lived tg,years of discretion without consid
ering,at times what is to be his future con
dition, when he has "shuffled off his
ittil coil.'''L. His existence in some other
~, s tato"of
„being seems to be certain, but
,oaithtit state is hp, cannot determine.—
411'the, world, belicive - there is something
• •
.tioyoridthegrave, to which we are hasten-
;,h iraml i
upon it w~
only reve l a tion,l _
, `and some . The
.. found 11 a
• litid, , . radian.r man I•
-,' ' i sat isfaction .
condition o' a antiquity,
~ if
unrivalled_li-ther a
, ' • that fututu
and imr"
that the r
of great
learn r
other, •'''''''fir6ik‘
d in it we
some way a re.perf!at
•felrbir!!,r, ,iii-iP m o re
lire' -
' 10a4.e ePutlf ;to vs hereafter ,t
Co 'del" t ' more,of
shall !eat"
yet , tiOt
' ':.-',l', thati;he ' e•itate, we h a i, has
".3 '..,,
:I!).,lhat tilta,!, ha'realae,''‘'. t
af Oh
'lll ''ljiliiinP-..:', '•66;;':i• d him ' '!i° di -Jr,
-,-3,ll.?„:„„ii,dim 3,9. ,nkrnive.a
mfah typ e w.
~*.es, , t r iau,,'' 6.caii ,Q 7, 4,ati'AJ-'•
, ~.• ga,01,1,-,--neea 9,1 ,heave!!, '' • ''''r,'4P7
' lll, '''-'lllO P., s'lhe : . . thel
• log •• - •th,•;.
~-, •eU /11. ‘
,ret,_•••,,,, iii'skel! - 'l,l%miatain
.FP .
is;o3'lo7,ltitiidS2a On%;"c ' and eve
''',:;•?'•' .•'-ritori,u•t : ,'•;•-viiit?; ~
.- ' mystery,
is a ~..
tii.f?,,,,.2iii•iptig „ 6 .•• •
vic',itopt.l# ,;-,14.,:graf5,,,,,,y r
Qk,11,•,..,,-, .6bnibir..,., , ~ • •;.y: -
i':•Fiqe t ,„,.•,•
liiioyyg sea htirry, ihestioreiltlt
on board
~ , ,
't6":re:o,Vel.nelF!'irqte4:: 4006 nprs. t l.,.,tr,The4
and never,:M9re
turns tc,t'cleseri,*thn irOyagehe, , itsOitde.,
The tverfit`,o , f ,
Shall•We there heiinited to the long !Ovid -
Shell thehusbniid again See'
the Wia 49i- remignised
by her With the truth and devotion of cur
ly lOiret Shall tlie!fether again clasp ihe
lovely boy, for , whom his heart ever bea
with ,the 'fondest. effeetion? Shall that
sweet intelligence, 'that 'precocious •Mind,
that tender bud again be his? he'a
gain fold his lamb to his' ;ii;tio,in j :All(l, hold
Weet counsel with hiiriTUTthei:dihif , land?
.And how will he TheeV , These'pereiethe- -
realspirits that have .:never l sinned,. !that
have not.known the US, thelrials,: - the &Or r
rows, antltheterriptations of :human life.—
Of what sliailThey speak, when first made
knewn - to 'eaCkether? And what will be
the occupitions.i'ef That ,countless throng,
who will neither.catnerdrink, marry nor
be given in, marriage, toil nor spin, nor be
encuinhered:With the cares of to-day, or to-,
morroW ? remorse at the neglected
thesoOs of the unforgiven, and
lappinesa by enjoyed to its full extent by
those: Whose better heritage!' is secured?
These are Thoughts that come over us
all at times, and fill our hearts with doubt
and anxiety. Belief and.unbelief wrestle
for the mastery over us, and
,we lose our
selves-in the !Dist of doub andlpeculation.
There is but one w which these
doubts are ever_sohed, aad that is by an
implicit reliance on the goodness of the
mysterious Power, in whom we live and
move and have our being: That reliance
must be followed by obedience to his com
mands and faith in the method by which
ite_provides_access : to-Thunself. -`There-is
no- other °that gives a' moment's comfort,
that soothes the roughness of life, that
makes its ills endurable, or pillows with
case the inevitable bell of death.—.N...l 7 .
True Situ.
• . 0 -c i pt F - a1 az - L.17 c.o .
Attorney at Law,,
"FFERS his professional services to
the public. Krollicc It the late residence or
;%ir...lattob Ztig. on Ma•in street; •
Carlisle, April 5, 1843.
. •
HAVING puteintsed the entire St o ck
of Merchandize of Geo. AI. !linter, have re
moved the Stock to the new Store Room, ittl . joining
Charles Ogilby and nearly opposite the Tavern Stand.
lately kept by Shona I,VutulFrltch, :11111 now in the
occupancy of Mr. ilrow'M .and will he happy to re
ceive the lisits of the former patrons of this Store,
amt. also' solicit a continuance. of the patronage of
.his old customers. This Stock now embraces a get=
eral assortment of Fanny and Staple GOODS,an ad
dition will be made thereto at . an early period. Par
ticular attention will be given to theselection oflancy
Goods, such as have been usually kept itt this Stock.
CarLsle, April 5, 1843. tP23
ClUit nnsinctr,
s'ea 0, ve 7 o ( 4.. Yee a oz, e
COMM ESSlentr BanZeruplcy.
AIAS removed .his office to . North Hanover
A: Street, West•side, 8 doors North of Loather
street, and nearly opposite; the offiec of William
Irvine, Esq., where he will as usual carefully
attend to all business which may be entrusted to
him in the line of his profession. ^ •
Carlisle, April 111, 1843. tf.
Illain•street,one ignore West of the Court House
THE subscriber having leased the above
house; would most respectfully announce to
his friends anti the public generally that he is pre
pared to accommodate them and the travelling com
munity, in a style that he hopes will he found satin
fahtory to all whomay favor him Midi a call.
Ills table will receive his especial attention, and
shall always be abundantly supplied with the hest to
be had in the county. The bar is and will be found
constantly supplied with- the choicest Wines and
Liquors that are to be obtained here and in the cities.
The Stabling attached to the !muse is coramothous
and will be under the charge of a careful Ostler.
Ile hopes by a strict attention to business toreceive
a liberal share of the pulilic patronage.
frrIIOARDERS will be taken by theweek,mohth
or year. , WILLIS FOULK.
Carlisle, April 5,1843.
THE subscriber has taken that well
known tavern stand in South Hanover street
formerly °comic)! by Wm. S. Allen, and inure re
cently by Mitchel McClellan, where he is prepare(
to accommodate all who may favor . iihn with then
custom, in the best style, and on the most reason
able terms.
His BA L will always he supplied with the
choicest liquors—and his TABLE with the best the
markets can afford.
Ills. STABLING is ample, and a careful Ostler
AVM kept always in attendance. DROVERS will
find it to their advantage to give him a call:
BOARDERS taken by the week ; month,
or year. •-
Nothing shall be left ,undone on the part of the
subscriber to please those who may. par his house a
wisit—he therefore solicits a share of public patron
Carliale i 'April 12,1843. • • Gm-24
in irailierilpit Cy.
United States Court,
tCTITIONTor Diecharge and Certificate under
13ankruptl e aW,have been filed the 16th May,
NICHOLAS ESLINi3EII, Farmer and Black+ •
• Smith, •' • Cumberland coinaty.
Mid : TIMMY the 28th day of .411.1LY' ne.Ntoit
11 , etilock, A'. M. is appoitttettfor the itemipg titecc
Ofiliefere the, said, Court, sitting in Bankruptcy, at
he,Bistrict Courtroom in.the City .of Philadelphia, :
when and where the Creditors er, the' Saiti . Fetition
'eK, Who hare 'proeti their delita,; and . ..pi( other Pee , '
sons in interest;inay appear Mistioie , cause, if any'
rtheyltaie, why such Di scharge and Certificate should,
notlie granted: ;',; .:.FRA44IOPICINSCX,
, • - the Distriet,Ciart. H
• r 10-ao'
. . .
~ikoliargo,And.geF t i:apt
:apt Law, Imo Leavitt
auk and 'late 1
''BrPiter• ' '' ' •1'
da o F il tit'lnext,.sit' l
, ,„,... ihere,.
v on . i tc.,„„.
~,.. ~...,,,,,,, , und,i,„
._, ree.....;
„ 4 ._)„,:,,,,
t ~..........,,,..._.„.......„
it 5,,,,,.. • • ~
..,..,.,..,,,.,?, ..k.,:.„-•,,...,
.... ~,,,,-,.,,,,5, . .,,, ...,.,.
Noithtkincoa.!_loopcP,P! . ..„
. ' , . , 5,..J,'..1. - ,:;•;- --, ci.t.,01411.; APELP li 1h,: , : , L . '.. - : 4 ;: - '''':'
Jol 'l :-:. D / , I,',X•,'-
, '- Ag e.'-.'A t ,O ,
ir ':
„1;;•:.,-.::. : ...,,,, , .:, , ---- 7 • •
1415 coir i pfilif . tontinytosto'make Inuy
, J : . . 9 10 . 40,8fp`p15''....0 . d a731g9,,.by . ..F.. i F . c),"op, p!cl
. ippst,,
iensiiithibla tefiliiilt'!-Tliay.'also..talp3- ..... ,1 >-:. , J
'Y',' ' ' PERIPETVA lb -RISKS. ,
on stone Or hriekliildings . .at $25 on aum,.the
premium subject to.lie , ,drawn any. dine liy. , the
party, insuring, at a.,d6dnetionof five per.cent.
the amount of preiniiiin
-The ,usual rates for brio year '
Stone;and Brick Buildings, to ss,un slooo'
LOg'tiud Frame, . $6 to $7 on $lOOO
Merehandize, about' ' $5 oo $lOOO
Application in'person or by letter will have im
mediate attention. •
- 171 c Spritig Girrden Dismintee
MAKE INSURANCE,Iitbei temporaiy.or
perpetual, against loss or, damage by FIRE,
in Town or Country; on Houses, Barns and Build:
ings of all hinds; on Household Furnitui.c, Men.
chandize, Horses, Cattle, Agricultural, Commer
cial 'end Manufacturing Stock, and Utensils of
every dcscription,as Well 08 MORTADES and GROUND
RENT, upon the most favorable tOI 9 IIIS.
The folloirin g• are the usual vales, viz:
On Stoneand brick buildings, from
35 to 40 Ms. on $lOO
"Leg and frame " 60 to 70 ots. on 100
"Morchandize and furni
tura in brick or stone , • ' •
buildings;.from 40 to 50 Ctn. on 100
"Do. le log or frame,' '•61);to 70 etc. en 100
"Horses cattle, 'flaming
utensils and Mindrics, • •
• at-about 60 cts. on 100
Application may be mode to
Carlisle, Dec. 21, 1812. . 1y
vgyorts & - myykrtsneKlmve
just received at their Drug, Book., Stationary.
and Variety Store, it large assortment of .
Iroys, Toy-Boolis for Christnias
Presents. Annals, Souvenirs,
. and Port-folios for 1.1343,
Torthpv with a elmide selection of "entertaining
uuirr READING, for long winter evenings.
31 II ft I 1t . (0 A 3 ,
of every variety, viz
School Bibles and 'Testaments,
.Sniith's Geography and .2tlas, .
'Olney kS. Mitchell's do.
Smith's Grammar,
Kirkam's ditto,
.angel's Series, No. 1,2, 3,4, 5,0,
Cobb's School Books, complete.
E»zerson, Byerly, Barham, ,S• 1:17;11- -
ster's Spellers;
Pike, Rose, Smiley, 4 ' 7116:80?1 ' 3
rithmetics, with Keys, •
Mathematical instruments.
Lotler,Cap, and Reed paper, ruled nil plain. Note
paper. Silver Pencils, crerpoints. Jackson Lead
Pencils in wood, of all tempers; with a large as
sortment of BLANK 'WOKS, ruled mid unrifled.
919 .ol
•••11 .4“.• V4ll .;r3.1 6•4 V k0h.1..)./
Of superior finish. Razors, Razor Strops
' Shriving Brushes, and finely
. scented
Shaving Soaps and fiordstad' re,
• fuinerv. •
Superior opaque and jr.u.sin Boards,
liire pupil., isiiing Carilq, colored \ Kafers and
Sealing \Vax, Plain and AIWA, Seals.
:New Iflitusic,
latioicat Enotyttulrnth',
Together with a general and well selected assOrt
neat or Chaska! and OliscellaneolM . Work.v, "to
please the limey and improve the taste."
Carlisle, Deo. 11,1842
1212311.11111 2.11112111 7 22
rviw, subscribers ' at their FOUNDRY AND
j~ AI ICI lINE SIIOP, on Main street, nearly op
pohite the County Jail, in the Borough of Carlisle,
Pa., still cc - Halite to build the following Machines
and Horse Powers—viz:
T. D. BOrrelrs Patelit Improved
M(rDavg) LnAVZS9
With a horizoetal with a turn& to con
duet the ~trap to the Ilachine. •
The baud-wheel outside of the horses. They are
well calculated to pat to 01IC side oldie barn bridge,
or under the barn shed.
A New and Improved Shaker,
co separate the grain from the straw, which will
livens'. with one or two hands, will be made to the
tbove Machine if wanted.
2 „ 1. - 2 D 3 le 2 g
Purchasing any of the above Machines may have the
privilege, after• a fair trial, of returning the same it
not satisfied. All Machines and llorse Powers are
warranted for one year, if well used. .
All kintli of repairing will he done at the snortes
notice and on thJ. most reasonable terms. • They al
ways keep on land all castings necessary to repair
the above Alachines,or any others now in use.
There is also attached to the a f/OVC establishment
an IRON AND BRASS .I , QUNDRS, at which all
kinds of CASTINGS can be had—stick as Apple
Nfills, Corn Brakers, Plaster Brakers t Aill Gear-
Saw ,11)i1)Cronks, :Machine Gearing., Wagon .
Boxes, &c. &c. Also.-
Such as Mill Spindles, Car Boxes, Turning Lathes,
fica.;all in the best order, in iron and braes.
cO-All orders. 'will he executed at the shortest no
ce,and promptly attended to. Farmers and others
.kt respectfully, invited to give us n call, confident
'that they can be Suited to tinny Satisfaction.
• ••
Carlisle, Aug. 10, 1842. • tf-41
n'Planek's, HettWood's and Ogle's PLOUGHS
and TLQUGII,CASTINGS; cuch as Cutters Land
aidCa Br.e. &e., can also be had at the fountirsi
TIiE sitb,4cribor rehpeetfully intbrina the pub.
ile at large, that'll° has leased the 'above es.
tablishment, our miles south of cariislo, Alva term,
of. years, and the *ILL having been recently re-,
pairetl,-;and, new machinery, introduced, , , ho' is'
therefore, prepared to ,;manufacture to order, (and
also has a supply constantly on hand) '
Patoor'ol 'every:kind and,QUaliti,
poliiclilio Will trierchantli:lind
others; in anyquantitios tit the iorest
Ail erders, addressed to the,
,lilibsril?Prl2e , t,,gepef. , ..
town;lV,Umberlaild recefre prompt
attentiOluv 1 `
3;061 Leg,
materials, irk'itOtorEphitaslelttitif tio,wfii be. able=
to' 411010 tbiLAYPiejr.
'4ll3talklkehlziemill,),4lotioltikt„4,44i4 :
•„1) r4:oltaij. i D e 'muLLlN.:
vi l obitowo;litist 200.1340. ' , ?r, f3B
' ' ' (" rNaiiit ' ; ; !o 6ol l 4lll 4 lo /$0 . 1 .31•',
U 4 ' ilSlA'Aiiltkii4it'Aqoo,4,srh,t,.o the ,
pab lericP,,,4l4.4 4 i!4Kett,Atito.ffpoi
ATIP,",„,„IfiR)y e:
• „!
FIIHE - .oomllmttlAND_Ptfu.verlquißtiArk
rfqedbi.iiiittti . C,OVOte !tor;
sion;sitd fidif . littatti , 46l four fif. , .bpett,s!iiii}:ftiii/O.
Thornits;C: , ,lviillei.,olol . ol,4Aliieg4.o}.k'Aloord
♦ Davitll.lll - iitqiillopgl , t,..3li444 , A3VetticlfrAV.ool,o3,
".11:1boCe; SlittlitetGiftbillith t 7oo.4!
,Preesecalietecc,l 3 oltton,Wrn.-Sece'geseithOttlfatt
and: t'G;.Milltte, call the; ittleltHill'orthe
aritq of CiAtiibitapid galley tg,tll . 'e, oheiijt`tieaQ:oftii in
rotor qnd the — niany r ; a:dvantngtis which thytt.led"of
itlaw nnce:haa oticc rely other. •
Byer!: jiersoti insured.
the' aiiiitliny shit titkeS Viet iii tiic
,cltoide ciffipo:S
anti:the' direttiini of its coneeena: • "•' .• • •."- '•••-• • "••;'.
2d. - ,roy iinntrance np Toro is Amended Altim.,lS
tiecess* to,meet ilio espenses of tiie Company itnil
indemnity against losseti which tnaphappon. •
. fitl;,The inconvenience,ofirequent reneivalsisn
'Wide(' by insuring fur a.terru of five years: ' •
dth., Any person applying tor,instirunee must give
his premium note for the ,cheapest class at' the 'rate
of five per ce tt t,unOchicit :will be $5O on.the $l9OO,
foei:Which be will hitve' to liily's2;so for fire years,
and - $1,50 - foe - surverand polwy, mut no more - unless
loss be sustained tot greater amount titan the funds
on hands will cover, kind then no more will be Yetlir
ed than n pro rata share. These rates are much
cheaper titan
. thostrof o th er et - imp:tides, except such
as are incorporated on the 'same '
• Insurance is Milectedidthe following manner. A -
person applying for insurance for properly of the
'cheapest class of risk for $lOOO will be charged 5
per cent lot' five year n note ant minting to $5O must
he given by him, on which he will be requiredto pay
5 . per cent $9,50, and st,so for surveying and policy,
and will have no more required of him unless losses
occur and the funds on hands are not sufficient to
meet them. -
Agents will appointedassoott ns possible in dif
ferent places to attend to insurances. and any persons
wishing immediately to apply can do so by signiiX- ,
iog their wish to the °Meet's of the company. •
• • • CUM.AILNS, Pees,
- , A. re: ATILLER, See'y
April 15,1643,
al (Dal zaz.11,12.
Y urr tie of the p o wrrs anti authority
I_o contained in the lnst will end' testament of
MicnAEL Euir,dee'd. 3 l 110 W Oer
Carlisle Iron Works,
Situated oh the Yellow Ilreeehes Creek, 4i miles
east of Carlisle Pa. The estate consists first,: ate
2.0 - 12 - raw., ll :
with TC2I, Thousand ✓lcres of Land.
A new MERCHANT MILL with-fourron ammo!,
finished on the most approSed pL•w. About 500:tures
or the land are cleared and highly,,leming
Thereoii erected
Tillive 114arA.1t , Baulk Barois
and necessary Tii,INAN'T HOUSES . T he
'works are propelled by the 'ellow Breeches Creek
and the Boiling Spring,which neither fail norrreeze.
Thei:e are upon.the premises all the necessary work
mens houses, coal houses, carpenter and smith shops,
and stabling built of the most substantial materials.
The ore of•the hest quality and inexhaustible, is
within '2 miles of the Furnace. There is perhaps
no Iron 'Works . it, l'emunivania which possesses sit
.perior advantagvs 'and offers greater inducements to
li....inxestment or , Capital, The water power is So
"Teat that it might be cutended to taw other 111:11111-.
lleturing 'purpose. Persons disposed to purchase
will of course examine the property. I'lleterms of
-sale' will be made known by. .
.. _
Executrix of Michel Ege,dee'il.
Carlisle, Oct. 19, 181. 11-51
MIRE subs . cribefs would inform'the'citi
zens or Carlisle and the vicinity,' that they
prepared to furnish their
in Ili, most supe r ior 111:111I101 . , at prices that can only
be alliittled by their being the most extensive 111111111-
fito twers in the country.
We still 1 . 011111 the I'UT,I; i.rx rrn i tin " curtail
ment to 'suit the times," but main the ratcr.s. Unll
and see the hest, cheapest, aunt largest assortment in
the city.
No. WO, Chestlilt hireet
next door• to the Ledger Iluddiugs;
April '2li,
.al.. r ' a s_^~s~v
HEN Rl' L. ELDER., No:103, Market
street, above 15th, North side, Philadelphia,
[lasing reduced his prices of 11:11{D1VAIM, to the
lowest i.atestbr CAsimmil in hisatlvertisement named
Cone of the :Articles with the prices annexed,he finds
that others in the same line of business, have offered
those piirticularvarticles at the same prices, saying
they sell as low as Emma. Now the object of this
cam is to invite haters to ascertain the lowest'
price's for which they can purchase every description
of I lardware elsewhere,and then enquire at has store,
and they. will he convinced that he is selling all his
goods at similar low prices,—and that he .is doing
what ILL' professes to do—buybig only for Catch, awl
selling only for Cash, which enables him to do busi
ness at such f or
as cannot fail to make his store the
depot for those who wish to get the most for their
frille has added to Ids large stock of 'Hardware,
a complete assortment of ' - .
which he will sell at 71 Seale of prices corresponding
with the reduced prices of his Nails, Sembas and
llardaare generally, at wholesale authretail.
cheap Hardware Store, No. 4193, Market st. Phila.
March 1,18.13. • 0..18
@II (abbD3 311`blIL
e\ o. .11arket 81. r - 7 .11'0;1h Side--above Second.
nr Goods for Cash—at Auction prices._
TILE ‘ subscribers have s. determined to
conduct their, business npou the CASII Sy stem,
and will sell their floods us low, it' not at a lower
grade or profit, than*. 'heretofore been done nl
Thiladelphim—not one trticle reduced very low, in
the expectation of making it up on other Goods;—
but their prices shalt be all eorresponding low. Their
prices wilt be goverued by the Auction rates
otdlie prices, nett Cash, as the Auctions do
on. time—contenting themselves with the Interest
for the time as their Profit. This mutat but present
a strong inducement for buyers; especially from the
Country, to call oil them in preference to purchasing
at Aitetion, where persons do net get the time dis
count, unleis their hills reach a certain amount, to
which minim it is not always convenient for Coun
try Buyers to purchase; and it will also ovoid the
disadvantage of large lots, owl Allard more time to
They de . sign to nvairthennielves of every facility,
iir both the New , York ire well as the
Auctions, in prOeuring.their'litioilsnt thOirwest
sible rates. • .• • .
. .
. .. . .
- We now respectflilly 'invite our friends anti the
public to the Test'Or paperietice in flits 'Tatter, be
tog the best way to couviftee 01E11 . 4 the truth of our
promise. ':JOIINS'PON, 13.II1111: Bi. CO.'.
. Phila. March 8,1843. 19. ..
. .
Mechaniesburg,.• Line
• • • .:
• ,
_ _ ,
uetif cell, ll!Atcheinicsb!ftw load
Pii,tifdeipii,iit , 07-Baitfanore. •
• •'• Eitr , i?ox.r. , fOh CAJViRL] s •
• „
MlHEittibciither , graPitl haritiaer &vete, begs
oo t.
A Ic s .,inforyl. Joe', 'fripil . ,dp,itniv the
generallyt-thet hp ititl - ciii40441:16 run a lieu of
burthen Catd'retiulaillbetFOett?lgeeht!tlicsburx.
i r
, i P i
t s . d 3
4 , i , 411 1 ;R t l i ri A t i
1 0 ,4 ° ?011 4 l' aj : 1
i a l
t i 9 o r idea . ' , Ba ' ,iii e 4 l 4 1 ''‘
9 ; Q ,
' : 8 1 : ,i, ' Yk: '94 which
l', , f , R
e ; ',
o f 14.9 'I I 4 . ,
, e 4 dB ' t
b lY \i i r t e tilaio tti 'lll oi l) . .. xi d• tr r , 10 41 9 6 5.14 . Pi.:? ,f. ' i
t 1 ,. 50P , PP1: Pk , °l° f
tkeigtit,...,' , • , %;•,- 4 1,'.,4 1'' _ 2, ,. 3 ..i ,, •= ; ,Y:
Prodttee wi ll ha rnehivid 41#1411r4X0 4Ouite.m;
AVechnujesbitrgry , op• s eciirtrded'9 - terittatit P,4ilit:','
"dellOgv Or P1i1tiV.941,?,; 4 c 6 . 0 k,0 4 4rA040 6 1:4 1 .re0t1? 4
ef'the:detntii.r '';,,. ,'!:'' , 42- q ..“),.,,, . ~Vh- 7 ,
t ''''Zr TAiniikogt"rk4lo , o , o4ll i roi r :"* . 444
4:4:F1,1511ri ' 1;,‘ ~ 2•., & t., : , . V ..' 'l,';•;` * k: ', ' . l ‘ ''
..''',' ',.'' t ' 'igi ' cit#o l l4o4A * ; .
i 4 r:: :11 : 4 11iiig 4:lll 4l l6 sifit t s4 l !) al'W /4 81 4 t '
94 44, 4 54:0 1 a 4 T'O l t a l oktivi . *wit prioOs:
• . ~ , ~ , , "'r.." - • ~ ;', . .,, ,t 1,1,,,p, ,' ,
••••,,,, A .,.,,:... , ,Lik ik t i az4v*Atjp , ,4,,,,,,, , ,v......
r 'Olittigreir4Olielt i ti'l .. ~,1- 4 ; , ' - i)'iii , ':il
' ' ONV4I2M.Afti,4 • ••. •f.• ' 2 ' J:7
" •
Affedkravf 40';.1:.iver,ii4111pia,'Ilrinielifliii;; Pain*.
thef - ,Breast or ~Lup.irei Chronic'
„Coughs; Pleatioy.;llanoivage atilie,l4ocge, and
,o.(6:etion,f• o f the 4 . :!#.4mgrikr,
'NAT ttliir ,kfr,i'AtESCit(ll,ll.of;:
Virkiniaftni or Q. W lld Cherry, B
the /xtraci',,pf Thr,'Pre,ptired kerhicitl
'pro,cessi. approved nad reftoruinentled,Aiylhe'..o4;
distinguished, physicians, , and% uniyek4lo,l44,oo,-
lodged the most valuable thedlchie'ey6rlittptt‘'et
, N 9 QUACKERY ft! .I.IsTO 1:0E4i1I0
_ Setting fot:th the virliimi'tif tlnte e lritriltflnf,tig--„
(Seine, we littie no desiri'to
laboringutider affliction, nor tloitv'pwilttici'on,Lii_gisit;
it more than it justly deseryas,': , .ll;ift.whifyi!olciote
around and see , the vast amonnt"of stlffehlrl'Onitt
tress occasioned by many' of trie.'diseas'esln
this medicine has proved so. 'siteeesful, we
feel that we cannot urge its claims too ;strongly,
say too much in its favor.
Various remedies it is true have been 'offeVed and
.puifed into notice: for the cure .of diseases' Orthe
Lungs, and some have no doubt been found N'e'ry .
useful, Gut of all thatilinve yet been discovered, it is,
itdmitted al physicians mid all , .who have witnessed
its effects, that none has proved as successful as this.
Such, indeed, are lite
Of this Balsam, that even in the'advaneed stage of
Consustrttoryttler all the Moat 'esteemed remedies
of physicians have failed to effect • any change, the
use - 4f - this , -nredichurhas been proilObtive of the
moSt astonishing..relief, and actually effected cures
atter all hopes of recovery had been despaired of.
In the first stages of the dibCllSC,teniled !‘ Cdtarr
-110! Consuniption,"originating from neglected Colds,
it tlas been used with undeviating seccess, and hen-,
deeds acknowledge they' we the restoration of their
health to this invaluable medicine alone: In that
form of Comma/lion so prevalent amongst delicate
young females, commonly termed debility, car
A complaint with which thousands-nre lingering, it
has also proved highly successful, nil not only pos-
P1!95U9 the power of checking the progress of, this
alarmi ,eotup !flint, but almi stvengthelis and i 111 . i g
orates the system' more eliectually than' tiny medi
cine we have ever posessed.
Besides its surtnisin,s_ffilicticv in Copsumpi lob ,it
s'equit Ily efficacious in Liver Cornyaints,Asthtnn,
llrnicLitio, and all afrectionsi of the Lu n gs, and has
cured minty of the most obstinate cases, alter every
other remedy Gad failed, :Cr,3-For' particulars see
Dr. \ istar's l'reiise on Consumption, to' be had o
the Agents. -
Al'etitikiig the use of this ci divine itr ,diseitscs of
flu 811(1 the many sh
• cures it has ef
fected, haring naturally •altracted the titt , nition of
many physicians, (us well ns the whole fraternity of
quacks) liriousconjectures and surmises have arisen
respecting its composition; some physicians have
supposed it toctontiiiii lodine, other ignorant
dero say it Must cOatiiiii ..1/errory, and in some such
ithstithee they each altrihute its sitigultir:eflica - cp , =.
As such opinions tire altogether erroneous, and ea &
colatedto prejudice many persons against it, we'
That it contains nothing of the kind,iser any thing
the hiast Hui-ions; on the contrary, it is composed
of the most simple, substances, the principle of which
are the extracts of TA It and /lad Cherry Bark,
and the whole secret of its efficacy- consists in the
mode by which they are prepared.
As we Iwo' already plain died numerous certifi
cates from the highest authority,
,which prove its
virtues heyend all doubt, we Consider' it unnecessary
to" exhibit a long list of then . ) in this place ' and will
only mention cases; to show what it has done•
A SURPRISING CURE.--Among the niany
singular cures which this nicilivine has circuital,
there is perhaps milli; iu which its powers arc so
SIO/Wil as in the case of :klrs. Austin.
. . . .
This lady bail beam consumptive for several rears,
and during the grusiter,part of this time liatUreeehed
'the best medical :mention, and tried all the most
reinetlit2s, yet nothing. could be intuit to
arrest its progress. She beraini, subject to violent
fits of coughing., expectorated large quantities ot
matter occasionally tinged with 1,100d,3111fl step by
SOT this fearful disease continued it, course '
all hope of a recovery W:l9 entirely despaired
While in this distressing situation, lingering upon
the very verge of the grave. she conimencril the use
of this Bahraini, which, to use lwii out a exUression,
(Mended almost like a charm., lit ii few days she
expectorated freely,the cough was gradually sup
pressed, and every appeared to add fresh vigor
to her looks, and now, in the place of Ibtd emaciated
tbrm , withering to decay,. she is men mingling in
society ,iti Leitch health thou the leis. enjoyed lb
years., hqr
the surprising efficacy of Dr. NVihtar's Balsalm o
'Wild, Cherry, in the ease of: 11Irs..%astito, I dicer.
roily acknowledge the above sham:lit to lie trot,
and eocreet. J. C. WA I. re.ns, M. D.
Woonstown; Sopt. 4, 1341.
Dear your invaluable medicine has
already found hundreds ~n 1 powerful advocates, it
may still be gratifying to you to receive a comemni
cation from 'any one that has hero. relieved by it.
Such, Sir; is truly my case; I have been it victim
to that terrible disease Consumption, for many
months, and have su ff ered so much, that I had be
come almost Weary of my life. Hearing your
Ralsahn so highly praised. Lbegall taking it a few
weekti back, and can assure y on it has relieved me
more than any thing' have ever used before, an d I
confidently believe it will cure me effectually. Please
give the bearer the worth of the enclosed,and oblige
• Yours Respectfully, Jolts PLARSON•
• Chester County, Sept. 5, 1 841. .
Friend Wistar—lt gives me touch pleasure to in
form thee that my wile's health has improved very
much since she has been nsilig lily Thits'alm °Mild
Cherry, and We think there is no doubt but that it
will cure We. Side hat taken the two bottles I pur
chased from thee a short time since, and her cough
is much better .she also sleeps well at night, and
says she tae rotten notating to give her so
lief. Thee will please give the hearer two bottles
more for - ' ' Thy Friend.
Laucaster county, July 18,1841
Dear Sir—Ploase .setid me two bottles ot tram
genuine Balsalm of Wild Cherry., l have leen id
flirted with Consumption for the last two years; mid
suffered very much 'with a severe cough; paii6 io
my breastolifficulty. of breathing, night sweats, &c.
and having tried numerous renitdies, and also been
under.several doctors. yet I could - not find any thing
to relieve me until I used some of your
got one bottle &OM a neighbor ammo Who is using
it, and have (Mind such wonderful relief from it that
huvu no doubt it will cure me effectually. -
• Very respectfully yours, &e.
noeratT UcquAlr.
alllead the following from .Dr. Jacob
a physician of extensive .practice in Huntingdon
~.,DeabSir--1. procured one bottle of Dr: Wistarfs
Balsalm. or Wild Cherry; from Thomas Reed, lisq
Of. this place, and tried it 'm a base of obsfinaty
Asthma on a-child of Paul Schwebie; in which man
Other rcmelies had„been tried ,without any relief
The Raidahri gave sudidenelief, Malin my opinion
the, child i is effectually cured by s its use:. .
—• •• 'Velars, ' JAboullotrsfati,X*.
DoceMber ‘2::d r •
Dear Sir2-=Yofir Ilttlealui of Mid
,dherry has af
feeted. some astOnishing 'Films here: "Oue of,Whieh:
is an old liell,'MrS: Ilussell,WhO had been elitering
'for a long than with shortness of breathing, niOtgen,
end weakness, until she was - finally, obliged to keep
tier bed:" lAilir. , ',Arlon's', 'other retriVtlials had beep'
resorted to Ip`iialtrishe ehtnineneed &big your lial- . ,
salnyuld after taking twohottles,.watietifar tet44l..
, :ed,tos-t,o;beltthle l,o,ottentl lA. allthe'lltdies, , Otillqt.l
house 'and on taking tivo...4ttles.snoo }vas entire!
'cured: :'' '' Y '. . ' 2 ' jleApeatr94L.t.f.i;l.: . ':: : .. ' '. .. , , : i
• , .• ....- !... , ;41t . •;!, Y:'•'. ''..• '$‘10 . 111i : S:-C. ' 111Altrilt.
Potts`vglO,Pa ? ~ , Jit. ',' ,, 47.4; -, ;;,i_. -,;,.
~D#IFYIDIC4iii? t1i44 ; . ? „4,*40,4,ni's 'Allitni;
• 6 . 4lie f f',Uliliputifydp ' tikliatier 4 a Iliedild?lii
Very': bard Quint' Xo,iolartbk:,; VISTATIS 40,4
'o4l::itiA Zl,ll *. ( o,Pil t ':* 4 '0 1 4 6 ' , 1 3 0 1 . 4 ,;: ....
.:,:*rehitrod .411«litcw4riefdr,ii;14VW0iit fiViotiOte,;
iiiite!) - y.wmt6,6o - V; A 9, 1 ;0,11,984..4P:tit tt-;A. 1 11 , 011
1'gt`e:e1..1. 1 .1k11,0.041144,,:,.:. .......1:::: , ,,,,:::::e ,. :;:i.,.;.t!:( . ;
if tkr. • :..;,, , ,t , ..., - , ,'4.,:,; .'',...; ., r:.',, ,
i ' ' l4 $ l, . I , l4 o ol l lPFAitilr.i vid,spith) Dm ,
ri sbiiri I,y' 304,', jimi.T . J'• bys,l... g ist
Dharoheroborg Y , 't_rikiV.Pli7ATl,A,womkottinelt;
iciwit.lintbwillegC4tritt!ginattOttef i ilnitns4:l,iA,' ,i',i.k,,
1/:,:,,.,:P';.i51,04,11111i4,4,00:t;. t'll,!l„y.eilso-•.:::-i
tp)o i Vei , i'ftiftS.' , Y,i- 4 ;i 4 liii.ciPtil.t.; - P! , I , ?CPP.;:K
:. .. ~. 14....,,e,44,00,r1/,1 , ...i-',..7 , A. iyr ,itt.Lo3 , ..n .z ,
.°1 .
410 (elitA a
r jj
v ' l47
6 k #l4((i
:7777 FT r:
I t
pki - ;, ; , ..: , ,i , , , ,...,;
,l/ r.1 I , l "ll)..gikkAkkAOiA`;‘
1 7- 3)7 ,-
—....,.„.• ~.,L.,,..i.,...,..i..:;.:.„:,.
„E'.I3RMMEI . PIL4mtot, the eur.
~ :•" , ri , (..96tiklitii Cold s, OM su m pti en,lLiver Coni
plainf.ei + Aathr64l.lDrouchitia,,Sore !Thrhat,sDys .
peli#l.fillortneso; 617nroeth,..pains in the ,, .:S4lei'
BreitilVAluorciiiiirSliiiulderEirAgn.e,eind POI/441LX
int:tillable Curefrind all Scarlet end Vilions"gejiersi
'''t 'll:tii' ' 6 ' '''' I f 'tt '-' ''' . nd . dei
an ..a. , is as s 'arising t nr,oxposure a J .
iJiiitY,limemetter ; hoW ..,lyng.,eferidh*.. .W:44 7 01'
oases . to whieh ilichumen fiffaltafgaubjeut to's
'lc,.TfieiCo'r , pilleliire 'iniiniiiiiisived.Virk lini 'nfed 141
4prilio*,O.4),yiri?frertd to the' titiblt'O? ' 4# 000 . 14yei
titt.t(tc:ii;: y tetit. Jumpy; ..metlicin4 , 4".o'.l,atio:„*.e . ty
gent9rti.ilielifi'iiperation,„emiirti IViii.lier.feltri-:
aleltneiiiiii4.',ilebWW.lbe iiaPri !ilio;ifil?kt'Oir:.
the'Orilitift . 44lni4rtitlitektlitiSeteinee!i'lend
tiii,Wels:kii4,A , MidiOugniyint4#l4Orni'.*Stote
hatiirelWirCtdrifhWOi.i.ife, iMeiiger4T4beipor. :
ogireiliikillooooiffitteh, - ,Airetidati , Tdrgets,
Altili l '* o l,,Wi'VA l V i i...kof.i.''FlisilTricconnied
1r4t110 . 4 - tatrOfth:t , .l . firtieratg4l',Ortitienkth in
t . 64141..i1113 . 0'&10,atitoth4,'.reniedied;90.1te.ilay,
li `d,atitie;tlyi nAtdriiilsq6trin in Lictifeeiiiiiiii he m
4i4itrie4/T.*.itiethe::!AWaiti ) Oi Ore - endue:V.
~rpOsiooftWitltt liVeri.itironti:Ottliiii:Browit;)3Milf,'
Arp . iiiiiOng;4lentgorneryvii Hersey,' Keiidricl?;-,
, s..hepper' tinCllicy e'elebruteil..Dr.' Watethiaus#4
forincili,• . Leitnitir *the the ; , and: { pruCtipidf.,
Phyaid in Cambridge. nivrsity,
IliireliatiOf them, awl r k
iim them a fair tittttint.'
pertikttifeliand . you will find that pormanertig,v
jiof,inimi,:. which the' proprietors depend to make,
them . , the moat universal family .medicineuseit,
and which ivill stand unrivaled: by any other in
he known werld. Price 25 cents per box.. ' '
Is one of the most certain and effectual cures for
. .
all rheumatic, chronic and intlammatorYßheuma
tisins that has ever yet been discovered, and in
numerous cases has eradicated'that, dreadfakilis- , .
ease from persons afflicted entirely.. - All-sour
.drinks and victuals. aro . strictly forbidden, and
'spiritous liquors . must not be taken inwardly by
any Means Whatever, or it will be of no use to
take this medicine, will destroy the good ef
fects of the ..rnedielne - entirely. Price sliso. per.
package. .
These celebrated drops have acquired the highs
est recommendations iqlhis country, as well as
in Europe for its ihost valuable. propkkties for all
inward weaknesses,crainps,coldsogues and fever;
and when used:With. theblive Branch PilbS,never
tails to cure the fever and ague. Price .25 cents
per bottle. . • •
Jr unrivalled for its - curativc - qualitieiiiiveit *Wed
used in cases or maladies which were otherwise•
incurable. Many recommendations have .been
given of the beneficial' ellbetsit - has had in the
cue of pleurisy, pectoral and pulmonary con
sumptions, colds, Sze. - - Price' 25 cciits boltic
This •most excellent article has, a quality of
calming instantly And without fail, all cramps of
the stomach, cholic and that troiiblesomO disease
called motherlits or hysterics; and when cantina.
ed far some length of time, will'cure the patient
entirely. Price 25 cents per vial.
. .
. A certain cure for all Sealdii, Brues, 13mm
:111(1'6c most effectual 'cure fur the piles—it wi
cure the Tcrson afflicted in a very short time, i
used according to divections. Price GM. per via
This spirit is highly " recommended for all
sprains, swelling of the limbs, or loaders, sinews,
joints and rheumatic; as an outward remedy, it has
no equal,and whenuscd with the Rheumatic Medi.
tine, will greatly fiMilitate the cure. The an ;
nuals of History do not produce its equal, and it is
the greqtest preventive against cold, sin •the,
knoWn world. For particulars see directionsaccom:
panyiug the bottles.. Price 25 cents.
An iCcallable cure if used according to dircc
tiOns. Price 25 cents per vial.
Is decidedly the best applieftion for wounds
'and sores, old or new; of all kinds, end will prc•
vent if used in time, many operations; and pre.
vent Lock. Jaw, Pains in the Melt, Head, &c.—
Females who are so unfortunate ns‘to have sore
breasts, anti . will min this wondertimi snlve r will be
cured in a very short time. It cannot he too high.
ry recommended . : For further particularssce three.
Hons. Price 12,1 cents per box.
An excellent article for the cure of worms in
adults as well as children, awl s.ill cure when
other remedies fail. Price fii cents per box.
ASuperior artichAr Coughs;Colds,Surc throat,
Bronchitis and difficulty of breathing. Price
cents per box.
Sold wholesale and retail, at the principal office,
No: 384, Mirth 3d street, Philadelphia; and by
JOHN GRAY, Carlisle, 'Pa.
General Agent for Cmnt•erland County.
June 22., 184:2. Iy-34
AND ifyou have a friend, a relation, or know
any one that is afflicted with that distressing
disease, "CONSDMPTION,"persuade them with.
out delay to try that famous and unrivaled medi.
"Balsam of Wild Cherry."'
which has cured thousands of this Complaint ay:
ter everything else had failed. Read the follow :
ing undoubted proofs of its efficacy:
Roxaouticon, Sept. JO 1811.
DF.AR SlM—Plense send Inc two more bottles of
your Balsam of Wild Cherry, like that you sent
Inc before. I have taken nearly all of the first two . ;
and confidently believe this medicine will cure me.
I have used a great many remedies within the
last year, but have never found any thing that has
relieved me so much. It has stopped my cough
entirely, checked my night sweats, and. I sleep
better at night and feel better in every way', than
have for many Months. Yours, respectfully,
JA t cm KELLY.
. O'I.3IEBIIIIRO, Sept.:l2, 1841.
FRIEND WISTARI--1 1111.10. again trouble thee to
send me two bottles morn of, thy invaluable Bal
sam. I have now taken.three bottles in all; ind
conassure thee that it has done more good than
all the medicine I have'ever token before. Send
by the stage as soon as possible, and oblige thy.
friend, Jostsn Her..Low/is:
13nisTrix., Sept. 8, 1841:
Deert Pocroit:==Hcaring so many-people_talk,
of the wonderful cures your Balsain of Wild Cher
ry has made in Consitnipiiirml .scnt to One of
your Agents. the oflwr day for a bottle, and have
Ibunditto have relieved ma so miieloliat I want
three botticii more-sent scion,"tis I believe it Will
cure the tom I have 'used :Jayne's"Expeetcirant
and Wier nicdicineshcsideg, but riSthing !Marlene" ,
me as midi .golid as years leas. ':'Send, by the
fl rurtb9ut , Yours; truly,
TllO iAtil
• Veßos ides ts astonisiiing.:•eTheacy in.
' Cons= ption,' it is also tho 'Mist effectual remedy,
ever' d hoovered' for- LIVER' 'COM PLAINTS:
, WHOOPING COUGH,'&.c.; OS hiindreds'lVill tee.:
illy . ivlioluive it after nll4OOOlO l
dies had failed. . • •
bRIJOGIgT:S luta, pg*LElts. . i
medicine )3, yalnaVa
4 addition ,to their stock,' and
'should alicla oo. ‘ on han us yniverskill
idc-ni;io-04iy444*,l Wt,
ane of flits d„ , most Ac#4 family
; • • , • t •
I*-14111,-. , Misters
Sniglvils- c •
aalaan SOut dilat , WAY, ILLI4MS .C4a001 . 4.
Tlisoggouineff• Car
4 "i I A • •
:gii4i443l l lfOrßat
2,, •;
) 7 .4*3l l 6o:4l2ictriOirliairegig
7 `rrYk tlw ;‘ ,
`11c4!",.0411/3"1": AANGY o lOU IK
U:49;11419'11/114' b . ' o‘ . ? : tLt ,
•AOW'i 4, 4f. E l
49.4 1 .L . M , : 4 ,
"4 - j
.1B aWil442-31,uivoligit.,;OF 4.
Avoo4-5P?.'i,,-,-,..4,4,.'..:r''' unrivaled
~ .--.:,,,,,R.-.;,,,t,..1i ikprgsfreliie*°t°,°,o•lldnr diffi,
OR nine i.eao .) .- 6 • hooda ittlho. l ! e , ma. .
T. for thakedie'efoo..,'llitii,r.:a!al all those
are a
eulty, of bt)eitthYll'," ""'
Lions orilie:Tiiteetl . &
fretiek:tindmb!ell un at tested
,se ,fli)lit,b• .el 4 • , ',lion, ,130:e/,4.7.?„1,
aeuree.-. 'l.--b-tdii,,Canoliipt ...a iiifiny-.'enres has
ii.efteadtec_TlVrt,,a,.;lfii•nozhnil 1
. n 5
;bag tillitil,b4l647lilifjef,dlitiet7 wi;fpitapatellY
ifiiiO4)l4,, ia4irig.'ii orri,o„ery;
4it'43!,16'',/11 ° T ,l sTtes.prt. to. :PrYle:inn;3l hiptii:eireethi
hate eeeukr ,11,,, .enierionc9 1 .. ,
MO . •iii‘iiik'4'itilit}s;Jind.verx T- ve -,- ,40,49p.c,
.I`;'l:l,l'''.l.o.(""jetlii'':,ll:l9-'"':;r:e::::let.7o'',"l::6:fr:'':';',';' :''',-::m:.!':::15;:i:7-'1;P:::::'T.:pe'Plia::1:;:::t1;61''d-51.ofernife;Inlii..14:-
.115°`'ig!nriii-eigitue,itii.t:4•ll at , uhfituetitly
ilie-ikleinTair'iiltajic,,tifiti(iteeiTe.citg,iit,the. oical
ptileseiltiilln'itr.sidiallyl-6,4-e.tir:,C.m.,tl:te7:llttl.k,'i !imigelecli:ii::::iieieo!
apOro "° "' l l / I P' hiAO cd'un!"n ,.,71?,...".,',
biktpli ,
.1,,,,,,.,,- ,
..,..- ,
..„..., ,
paralimie. .. , . _
...f.47-GONSILitIPTION, I, --the:PihSwing , ,remarkl
'werelflifett - fretit last ttnurttbcr , of the Modica
elfeetlikeiliteed . by ,the getttll his
.11t bdm•of Liiertiort;:triade. at ,375
IJeeery',,iii - eonsuitilitlie eases, client:it foil exciting a
tnteresttlirougliontthiwerld. 'We'
J~atc 60 ]out belhev~tt>Ulis disease,(consumption) in
'e.urnbfe;t bat It iirdi ffleitlt to credit our sepses, when'
vq•Eioiis; evidently emainestitife;,initored to
hbalth. .'•,Yetit is a faet,of 'de* oectirienec,:
tuiJ.GenerillD,ebitity7,4' .
niYciire nsost ira euleit 'lsris yew
op liiittrii'physielthis 'and tolil toprepare for 'dent!):
I was in this low • state when a frientl,
, tle of Dr. ruler's Ralsam of Liverwort; from . 379.
lloirrey, and before I had useil hi.; the' linttle'l wrie
able to sit the further uso.l•luive com
plctely health.- All should use it.
.GBO. WELLS; 9.3 John et
1:11TIOLENT: PAIN IN-THE SIDE.-:.-1 bntb
tieliararelifvusleift - patu
through to the shoulder, itarfaktion, dizzness, loss
tif appetite and genern4 debility, by the use, of two
bottles of Dr. Tutor's Dols. m of Liverwort.
J. A. : ALLEN ',' 7 Merchant's HOw.
. For sale by STEVENSON & DINKLE; „sole
agents for ,Cnrlisle and vicipily
October 26.1842,
BOUrdS .. 601030
pie cOMpla' ints'are usually considered,
no one can deny their-being the most. common
cause of this fatal and distressing, disease. tlt is
indeed a melancholy truth, that thousands—fall
victims to consumption every year' from no other
cause than - neglected -coldic:---Ytt
drcds, nay thousands who treat unali,' Coinplaints
with the greatedt indifference, and lee them run
On Tor-weeks and even months Without' thinking
of the danger.. At first you have what .you may
consider a slight cough or coldl.yore :allow - busi
ness, pleasure or carelessness to prevent you from
giving it any attention; it then settles . upon your
breast, you ' become hoarse, have . pains in the
'side or chest, eilfeetoratO large quantities of mat
ter, perhaps mixed with -blood, a difficulty of
breathing ensues, and then you find. , your own.
foolish neglect has brought on , this distdssing
complaint. If then youvolue filo, or health,be
worried in time, and don't trifle with 'Smut to,
or trust to any quack oust rum ti- - cure yoiftbut
iminctliately procure a bottle or , two of that fit,:
moils remedy, the .".I.I%L.SAM NU> CusruVr;s 4
which is well known to be the Most speedy cure
ever known, as thonsonds will testify wlioac lives
have been eared by it.
lf,Tße very partiattlar when, you
,purehdee to
aCk for "Dr. Wisrsn's BALSAM of WitmCniintvi,"
as there is also a mine of this name iii use.
Prepared; wholosalc 111 l !TROT,
& Co.,.Cheinibs, No. 33 South — Otioseij
801t1 in C, a disk 1)y• , - •
• sAmtrEr, EI.LIOtT
Prick one Dollar a Bottle:
June 2.§.,1-842
/OTHERS, BE ON - YOUR: atfArum.._
•This is the season when this slesirnetivo
complaint attacks your interesting little children,
often robs pm of those you fondly Boat on, a nd
carries hundreds to the grave. 'EveryTmother
should therefore, know its symptoms, veittqii thetrr
closely, and always he prepared with a: r,emOy.
as many arc (Lilly sacrificed by such negice.f.-..'.Ar
first the little patient is seized with ieshivgringc . itr
grows restless, has flushes ol heat,theeyoa Iteeomo
red and swollen, it breathes with diflieultilaiM'
then comes that lea riblCouon that w sni•ely ter:
minute in convulsions or death unless somethinkis .
immediately given to cheek it. In this bowknot'
the "Balsam of Wild ell fI , 11" is 1 . 41 r known to
be the most speedy ever dimmed. It is Indeed a
precious remedy—mild, safe and innocent, and
is sure to give the sufferer immediate' relict; and
quickly restore it to safety and health: Fara:
Iles residing in the country nod indeed avery mo
ther who loves her Children, should alWays keep'
this medicine in the house and give it to them
curly, by doing so you may often .save the life of
one you fondly love. Retnemberthis,isthefamouS
remedy of this distinguished physician, Pm Wis.
ear, whirl, has cored thousands of CROUP,
&e.,afterevery other Medicine has failed.
cCille particular when you pnrchasd to tisk
as there is a svaue of this name advertised that is
entirely a different. medi6ne.. . '• ' '
Prepared onlY by WH 'JAMS & Co., Chemists
N0:33 :South Fourth street, Philadelphia;
St - Ad itl Carlisle by
. •Pr ice One,7ollara Bottle.
June, 181. . ,
oftre kei...s • s
11) . 4111I2
Kot ymis Sr. HAvt.lns'rlcK haVe just, received
Pei from the Philadelphia` a large
assonment of 1-411.1) consisting of
Pa riots r,Cle sas e r y Lailllps
with 'or iviibout they tv it sell At hulel
sale or retail at the macufacturePs
- .ALSO,
' Astral;Side liefleetors and Gnu tamps Of vari ,
otts patterns'. • • .
• ' . C:)" '
'rhe :eery hest AViater.strained, bleached Sperm
Oil, warranted to burn ,dear. for
'Hist Siterin Cadulles,
HE''strba6ri Aviitild'•ree - pbctfully• in•
OR°. 4e !lits taken } l io,•:r • . , - •
• ,
-.simon',,N'opilerlhh - ; - 19Ea's,t. High
' Sfccot;a - lOw. tiadra cast of CoUit' Hoifse; 'Where
' G 9 wilLatalt , tililealtakVllleasurb. ndmin i ateiln
,to th s 'yolpforks.,of litoptc who xnay, • firor him with
custom: ' •
Ji His, , BAR •ShalVbtv. the ,
choicest liquors, and his TABLE : with the bpil
market eau; furnish.,,
kei)f littenikuide,:—and iiotiiiiieOuilnieldt . undone
pease all .who:ball with ,
. 13 QA 1 9 :11E fg . t.0Ag.".,4%.9.142ve,At1nwith or ear,
• • wiLLIA,Bi".IIRQWN;
, :s„,x:ol,.lvisTo.ogos,v4 mtyppgi, -
9 114s'*.inetlY-Ter Vircirra li 14 linikptibit.idit'aih
.Irditory: ye.x,:tust4e. Aidre.atialdiTerkilicateltwottut
okall s94 B l lmEn abillirep OA adlibtli, t 'e.i r , = ‘),-.
' - 111.0TISAITDS - peirish by wilints , Witold Vie' ,r,eal
witi4e!belli'knoWnV:4B.6lne titbit rt4okiliebi Aio r iitied
f or j, bo APS 4ll *T.PilAPPPk‘fo9,luktkillietrolltAtOe . ,_ •
: , wnat ipsy).ons . r,rentomstAll ty . tnen re,s_ta min,Te -
Okietif iivlab ilbetr ((de knok aitt tridoototliibb 'Ades •
p9l , vjadepttatill;l4:) l o.llp44;;which;adeftitne
' %bone tirtnibusAoyfqrs,o — ri74;p:, „ ,
A`"Whiislitiiiid'bit daub ,' .. - il.. ' - r.. 11
~P,' .... ' --
, s 4 b a tOil i ettiiiilainlct4G4tithril'eoo4tiisivildeh
, 4.111 .51 e a.grSl4 4°‘;°.ka IQ; \
l e xh ve 'llittorti; , l 4
,tbeyb Ve;i val. delit64it eritlrila p, cm lith
;titeitititt utitkiitOtaitlXlMikAli. s • ,i, 0 ) 13
r:CW964 , o , kny CArllOO4 , b46,40$ 1 1, A , Iqtr,
, A,S' EVEIOII lifi, , o u s t. i 4 14 ( A.
11:0 , 0 1 .,Ew /11 ' l '. ' l'• 1. , ' ' , -1.. '-...slfte -4 : -.^-.
' , 4 l ll " V ilt, Soll4l44olok:*'WP.ftc:Rli . trl , q,3l 4s
; 200i009t= . , ..f, Agri;o44tteoy f ot , .
„,y 1 , ,..„,,„, ...,'„ c • -. tl., Mmlthylly= 1 . ~tti f . , t 4
1,7, 1 . 1 .. ' '4 . • ' ' ,•Rf.t. ' !• ' : 4WIN' •.' :11.11i '';',..--.7.
th 3