Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, June 21, 1843, Image 3

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. j. 1
' AttAttiattOaaargthlq •.. = . t..
tt, da:* Peor,i l M 14' JAntiill4i - Jtkft.2
f• •
• ti7V• Th PALMER,a N°• lo4 l . S° 'Third
4t tO °6o66lol i ihia i htaathariiedto anima Agent,
i ljib pnkutliti eithaeidhkid:44l°°°o64tl
for t
wlialaßefah ive:l kfa
* 1 11 1 114:4'; 4
C:79, ll °Ohlt° voluiltee c9o9aniea ,
Carlisle A 1 ° 11 00,9°1 4, / . 9iO°!O Oh° Washington
Artillery Capt. Putter • and the 'Carlisle Infantry,
Capt. Sanderson, made a beautiful parTle on Sat.
arday-last, eliciting the highest admiration tor ,
the elegance of their impaiiriffice and rknhtneralt
ing. "The officers and men• all liblred'thOiry,
:soul of soldiery.
• ' lt A *M.
4th of Suly.;"
• ••, 4 -7 , 11t--;
AV -This great , 11 °°° 1 daY. if Alim° l 9°PPeq
;dam is again at hand, end we, cbtkrv,elactire - ,
movements in differentquarters towar d , the await!
celebration of it. In Carlisle the two branches of
the " derpobratio ° party hold distinct calibre'
°hal& Wehave not heard of any movement to.
ward a celebration by the+ Whigs.
Besides these, wo,learn there will be a calcine.
.tion by the Waehington and other Temperance
Sucictiel, and also a Young Men's celebration.
irrTN, Drug Store of Mr'. Samuel
this borough was entereci — frionday night Fast,
and ,the money , driwer robbed of about twenty.
lire dollars; 'The thief entered by a back window
which:Was 'not well secured. Housekeepers must
be on the lookout! .
• IMAttention is referred to the advertisement
of Mr: Quinn, who proposcs,to 'give instruction
in the art of Penmanship. Ho - bears testimuni.
.ale,itom the higliestsiources. • • .
j ......4lrpr 7 !fagitp,Ed!tOr. of the Vicksburg (Miss.)
i.qentiinkWas.killed in that city on the 7th inst.
by 11:-,1V- , .. - Adairia.AdaindlattackedLhint_onithe
'street, got , him down and Allot him through the
head. ,flagan•was unarmed.
aj-JosephiCarter, jr., has been indicted for
the late murders in Warren county, N. J.. His
trial will Once soon: - •
0:3 - Out own - thoughts were a gcod deal bent
toward'Hunker Bill on Saturday, but nevertheless
we hatlon the same day in our own town a spec.
tact° of an elevated character and of thrilling
and exciting interest, As Upon the former occa
sion, Mr. Wanes forty-first ascension in his Hal.
loon, drew together en immense coneourse of the
" beauty and ehiptry " of, Ctitnberland and Per
ry counties, It is not necessary , to say more than
that it went oil a ith the greatest eclat, and seem.
ed to gave 1.4 highest gratification - to - all who
witnessed it. -
We are indebteAto Mr. Wise for the narrative
•of hitt tarial voyaie which is subjoined. It will
be seen that he encountered insunerable ditfteub
. • ties, and.not a little clanger, which brought hint
back to earth again after Orip.of a lbw miles.
, Mr. Wise is to be congratulated on his safe and
fortunate escape from the dangers of that "long
, Meek cloud, which, front his descri pi ion one
i' , inighijudge to be the very, dominions of the evil
the powers of the air." Thi3 narra-
Int,e(Olessee moth interest :
• '• •
:_According to anWrilincement, on
4:.. 1 .; , ,:,;44day last, I set out on rpy liiitYfirst mrhil cx:
from the centre stider:O of yoor borough
at 15 minutes pact two o'Clubl: A ilfiiiize
from the west wafted me a short .distunee when
the ascent became more perpendicular. The first
thing, that drew my attention was the immense
ocean of heads that presented itself in the square.
There appeared to be infinitely more Teeple, on
the immediate ground than I have witnessed fpr
. some time at a balloon ascension, and the, whole
. affair appeared more animated from the fine op.
peurance of the military, together with their re.
peated firing tiller the departure of the "Comet"
When I had. reached a point about two miles
east of the town the Balloon comminenced a rapid
~ and perpendicular ascent, which soon brought me
to the base of an intmenflik black cloild,and as it
has always created a deep interest in spectators
to see a balloon passing through clouds, I did not'
• hesitate int this °cession to give my. numerous
'a al itice en exhibition of ilia kind; although I
might have avoidet it, and kept beneath, the
donde; which
~ctirreni•would •have taken . 'me to
Iliarrislitiric arid *bleb: Weir,allready . distinctly in
my view Thltilairt of my 'feat, however, I lied
reason soon a f ter to regret; although at the pres.
ent time it giveii'Me gratificationftliorre' to con tem.
pLate its reality thlin 'any, thing that has lately
imnspLed in m y eiriui adventures: The details
. .
that I shall here give of this terrible secne, maY
be relied on, as IWasetifficientlY composed In up-,
preedite - iti - grandeur and - obserre its physical op;
erations. The cloud to the best of my jedliMent,
.Covered an area of from four to eh naileS• ilt di.
tAtef. oppecared - of a circular fined add don.
sideldbly depressed in its lower suttake; el; iiiight
say it pieeented rogre;tyleoittivlty ti'Jvbitfris - the'
e'rth. ,
,vecy It was
ilso of i dark' smoke: Ouletir,s", • 1.. riottea at puma
tiistanae from Where Itihtistiff the Maid: the a '
pearance of a Miavy daseendhig, rain; The first
i!lneations, that t SiElisflenhedi when tin'tqing the
Elontl,tirere,atfreniely dnpleSiant.. A datueattn g
• • illetieation i'ditiMaiately. ensued siduch wee shortly
folititteti liy;ii salines' of tho stomach—thief how.
. . eyir. ofoirgy' , ati#_kortievniai.utptcd. The cold
O,the meantime hehatoe intense, and Siery,thing
Or'S fibrous nature gie"ant7o,Thinliti,itoiiiid with' ',
'!, boar frOi, Jim, cloud - hi' thci,Ale(iihich teas in
•the midst of it, had not; the .blaeg:appenience; but,
iiiaa of a' , light milky, colour; ootroro t 'Onsi Mail
~d e oubt only slightly see the •l:,lallfigt, all64:ti'aes.
'aoie.ot; 10 i't• ''.-::: : ',,'• ' , '...i1.' ::"' '` ;•..
'.. g t o the int/M . 840r 0664 inihiii6laa , I
eonclux*the ow mottld Mthdonse,end the. pal:
0 0r i ' ;*. ‘ 0 4 . 4 ! ' '' ' O ilig eO i i i Pi''0 0 0 43', 0 ' b;fiiii6 *it;
41there.,i t t Nail', apish aninnotln,.ibia however I
j e4 4 0.01t . Afirsia '.o,iii t al,r. , ooll4iiks
#l* s4otip
w•i411,, ' ,4! , .:40iiiithev*:1, 1 o0Y. 4 1 4:
41.44 4 04 ,, ,*:, *;#,;ketiookr.piF,Ablho,
p 4 qiud : vit.`:#4 l #pll , 4146040d4iiiii0igigiitiii
I ,ef $0,,;4:4:r4 .t).. l : , l**lii;4o,oii*Ai'.. -. 4..
I:**•igqc#94Tkirm . "Ap.lo4.#4#) li.;:iltil'i:'
- W oller(4 **s - g . : 1 !,4 1 ;1 1 4, '4 4 .46' i '
~N:bi o iv-firc ij oi hoa io 4,
100 . :. . i i !i i iiii ..
Aik t l44
4g . i n gt'#:( o4 l 4. # 4l - 11 ,4 0 1#410ti'Ar4;
ti444,0 4 ,1**4:00444:#0
xoult thkiqophs* - o.o*iit ii4o , l:**4
iti tet 411 0,041, 1 4,444 11 4
it i d 4: .„ „7 ,14 .0 ,4 4 4 4i t, 4 ,, b 4, ,,k 0 446 ; 411 4, 0 „ ci
t f o l ' i ' '
, A4 r l,4, l! ? ibt xpl m,.; , r ei l i o ll 7lo 6 -c s ,
iiiiiiu,atilist`rfr,i 4 4o4 l 4oeieti l li.**:o4_ i'
which /I beliPvi rk l 'O o lk t ' Ov°°°° M,r - 7 41 !" ii g k P n '
ing of the, stomach, ii4lfic,let pewirfaleire, *f,tnitlag.
After thii r I fel(ewri"l l * , e o4 . i ik ii,asifi. ,6l o
(for le le. no ; Use ' tc;t:"Yr t h is : t,WiTO Oili
'iSlViiig.) eilift ' iii4d.i. A ` thkScga 444 4
'Of he dar t detOmed ' to- abide the iviiiili.,avith
Itnalcletblilatit ateandphseieatietiiflithbatatbp)
'it'iO ' '' '°l9 : 4 4o l",l. ' d i tlit :, ill le apPtiaei:i4ai;
till!, 1? :aischatiitteliallaet 'would not ;ltiqoa;4lil
tinvo4 #l,4sl7o;bor', dliktharikne 0040,,
: 61,1 ! PiAill *0 mm tt l eK r malPir, TO:Ett#ad
46 ,1 # 1 04 1 1 °11 : PP i iik ,' N d :i lt/ A4 44
copeltbetto4, 6, 4 ,1 0 1 0hfi s . 0, IK 4 PM echth l
the beniliq 11144tt Iraviii l o , o , e
ed op *r. - p • 4aNifj(in4til OA r r*fi,
lisle :11;dita - els,*aigitiAlitiaiveffi4,ll4o
alike nIVOr°O hi 4 I ,`, ° 4 lo A r S!, .0 }ei k oo :r '
l"t!);itat .6 et, l 3' l 4; 4 A4CPhi4i l' j:, 1 04 1 1,
Yiniper," of Wi4cVli' . 6 fili!diro,l 6. iUtttliOtif
lid,iin `
out of - iiiiial=:‘'fF,l4o,i,f,t6irti - itoelie
eopeolutionary action of the:vaper,iiindla. Pitlo°4
p lu i i ,k4lattetin g of (lie iiitilkanol iq .
11, °
19 . ) , 5,
the history of this short but mainffic,34 rilSOd:
411, itaillre my kjton
readers, that when, .4
*as of this character, ( which ` I altaii**oih'i;',
.Cloud of Terror,") I will ascend suin dent,f; Mill ,
before I reach . them, to sail over thein; brlklelp
sufficiently low to pass underneath' them , I can.
not forego this opportunity of rendering my warm
est thanks to the Committee for their ardent la
bors in my behalf, as also to my esteemed friend,
4 Vt
;.'4,.•;44 , ' , :j. 1 4 - ,, , ,
..-44,..5,-..,;,.,;,.., ~.; ;
1 - -..7..,c,y.V; ;-.
~ ,
•„ Very Respectfully, the public's nbedient sere%
• • • • 30454 WISE. '
Corlislc;Sune - 19, 1843.. **
(On Thursday mnniing Itev. Unbert
THKOLME H. CHEMER, Esq.,Editor of the
Huntingdon Journal, toltigs JANE GRA
HAM, daughtei• of Mr. 11ohurt, Graham, nf West
Pennsburough township, Cumberla n d County.
- 23212 IlitkadiriaritZa
BEEF cATTLY4.-I'he offerings at the yards oh
Monday were nearly 5110, soul ete4t abmit AO,' were
taken 'by the butchers at -$5 tai s 75 per IDO
supply of Hogs has been large, a great proportion of
which warn taken for an Eastern marks t, aid those
sold here ranged from 5 75 to 4, as in gilklity.
FLOUR.—City Mills bas sold to'some elttent at
$5 25 per bbl. on time, luktiog interchi; and Simple.
lumna at the same prlee. Howard street has been
steady at 5 for grind mixed bratids, from , store, and
4 87} from the ears and wagons.
GRAIN—The best, prim' obtained for Pentviyl ,
sunlit red Whem this week, were $1 15 to 1 . 111, anti
heavy sales have been made at these rate , . Mary.
land aed PenitsyNania yellmv .Corn hits at t 4 ets
an d Mitryland st kite at 53. Pettnkt lvauuiu dye has
sold at 82, Maryland nt 55. No Pennsylvania bad
edming forward, mid Md. fetch '2B.
WIIISKEY—Has deellitAto '25 cents toe
find 46 for WAIN • .
• P . 11111,A DE.I.PIIiA,Jun•t 17, 1843.
FLOUR—..Sedes of about 3,1100 barrels superfine
skipping brands nt $5 per WO.; •ao hoirbbio. at 5 25
Per phir. Rye 9 19.311 - 5 25. - 5U lulu's Penna. - Corn
Meal at 12 576 per - Will ; do in tibia 2 '75 a g
Sales of 3011it13 Poticoono and oilier tlinite Belinda
in a relailwity, Fii% family use .u at 52511 5 a Seder
of Wheal Shorts lit if, ends
GIL limited amount of Gratti !lid' been
received during the weelz, and sales bare been made
within the following figures: l'immt. Red \Vilma
Si low 114 per bushel; ,in i tis. Rec 63
a 64 cods. Corn, yellow round, 55 a 56 cents; yel
low flat 53 a 54, tlo white 55 cents. Oati-yieginia
16 a 30 cents; Delaware 30 u St cents; Penusylsania
31 II 33.
%Vashinctnn Tempera nee SOCiei y.
The niembernorthiNVitsliington Teniperance Su.
cute are requested to attend a speciul meeting °film
Society in the Court Ilnuxe on Friday evening next,
to hear the report of the committee and make
rungements for the celehrotiou of the coming 4th Of
July. W l' MILLER, See'ry
41% 4 51'11W - 11d Qoltaa l l
EItirEUTFULLY proposed to give Lessons hi
VEN ‘IANSIIII', to Wien mod •Gentlenien,
either ut their residences or ;It Ilia 1 . 00111 in AII%
Poulk's Hotel.
411(1 hours of instruction to- be agreell
upon liy a:pi/pits provions to entering tlte• course.
Tehtinionia Is.
Fr m the Vice President of the U. States.
Mr:" Clito les Quinn, woo teac:tes writing, is well
qualified in that metal branch .or educati.di, 141111 at
such is HIV Opillioll. I feel it my duty to recommend
hint to tlie public, Ai u man wilitles of confident:emit!
patronage. • • It. %l. JOILISUN:
September 25th,1838., ,
From Senator Ct•iltendeu.
. .
Mr. Charles qiiiiielos given lessotis ht Wl•ilifig to
one of in) sons, who lies gristly imprnveil under bti
iststruction. Quinn MU Veil' 60.4 10:WWII/MO
and xcll tiUditied Its a teacher of a
October lith, 1898. - J. J.,.4I,III"I'ENDEIC
I•'rmn 6 . 01'. Clat•k.
Mr. Charles Quinn has been ley dos place giving
lessees iu writing. Ile luts die redidalleii, or having•
greatly inijti ured kia scholars. . Ile is edionilere.l a
ge.iiletioni id eneetat'euiiiiie.a. nod or ; goad
went, mid is So held lby those imiiiiititited
with hills lit this place. , .1 AS.
Fru.,krm•t, October 1911 t, 1838.
Corlisle..lune 21, 1843 •
BY Orme of a writ of Vem!Muni Ei
lob.tii to ma dirciamilobisiied bit; of the, f :(411.1
of ...caesium ileas.of Curnbetlidal iaiddly, 1,0 0111 ex:-
tune fin. sale a. the Court hutise,..h. the
,tiorouifi ui
orl . NA 1111111,0 Y, the 2911. day 01. J
1843, at 10 o'cltiaZ , ; A. 11 llle. lullualeg tient:Ni:o
Raul . Eshate, ,
A Lol' . te t liOUNf); th e
bOrougil ur Slarilifiliaburg„ cootabijoo.o fret
brraoti).-140.feei lleidh,,more °views, houndettio4
1,12 Eitst direct or road, on the B.outh bj a
lot of Dam] Kenower,owthe Weat bj N loter.Us.
add-on the ;,4641, lkir a lot of. the ----
Strousit, hot lag tlwrene erected a two story BRICK,
1141USE,and it brick
Also,'A LO l'.. OF GROUND; di!thifiliti
the townshiii . or ShiOpt:tithing, , bounded olitbe Kuit
by. Dr. Wro. • , liankins: on , the South '• by , Stinnual±
.M !Corday, nit Dia b, &motel §ngle r , *HO Q l ll4
North by,4lexabtlee Slateerotont the 414410 . eburebi
lutiing thereon erected* initial log littuse:1111(i Drinkyard. Onntaini!4 taYaarno , nnd.ll!rtr foirliki:‘;' , Pii"
ed and inken,in'eicaupon Ip,:t4 property of Peorge
Hariline,ind to tr . sold 'llirlnie ' ' 7'.''... :.:
-' : ...-.' , . PAU!, MA:IOINi Sheriff.
i,siierifrit oirii,:cailloo;, ~,,,•:..., ' ..' : --. • , . 4 .4 4 :
• June 41; 1843. , . )14,', :) , .....!:;,gvc;; , , , ,V,,:v1;. , ,'...-', : 771.
.w.ii - E4KothiAa. ,v 4 ;....,1k.N. 0-,
-. ::.iid.q.bidik,,E.,o- , ~..iilt IiiATY II 9,I
.P ita,pf f.fte . .Niiithlidolo . i,47rAcipp..pcnikyl l f ,
isiiiai• afto ilhitAoqo4i.l , : gt. A d A . o9lo.ifi
C. : , Miibtift.thiatabl 4110 la ,' ;,' • t l 9°„o l 3!#P. l ,
l o leno',P.illitk 4 14'0 poiii.,,. ,okvit ! ll4o v w
their ii*OPL*) . '.. M, ,f, P, 41 1 ,1 , 4 4 1 '! 1 1P4P,_.,11-
, 184;kantr10:0, 1 , .. ilirurt:.'etr'7l-.
'Oior,,iiid !Orminei . k o— i ,t , AY., y 2 t?,,
0 6 044 Quallilt.iikmigii,CP. 2 P l l,. .. ~ cre j i.,;tt
liige , '#,R l priecl*?..4 4l o l o4T.4.9gMr 4, ; ,7ftz
Aniffiii4Atitililarliptso4lll4.l' ' t'll irP
VOWAPtitf4l( ~&60..494,i,r1,e.iii0.
' , 'll lot#44'r
" fit,t' o ''
, 4 0 ,4....- •
, q
'BALTIMORE;June 17.,1843
.‘.. 1 .t,,
„.,,,-,..,...,,,,,/,4,,,i.elf*Ais:*.„- ~.,4i.ili;li.c
'iiiiii4E'biert.---... i - 4 , :iiiegli,obrtro...i..P,
.-L, L , , ..,0P • - i.b0v,.,.- 1 04.040'1 .
v ., .., 1 011, ~ i 10 ; ‘ ,..bc I. ~,, cilif fi Atoii fit,,,tott•
~ o b'
. 11,P .'- - t:e - - k. , -.11...••
,rit ;Joie:
iiiiii , 4l .- . , : •,, .. , t. , .."...., .„
.D .....,.
. , tlii ii iiix , mikw-..—.1•-,4 .. , .
~ 0 4: 0 ....,.. /„..
ki at
fitit . :l , ;. ,-,4, Ti s ei : :tiri‘faii'Viii *l. '.•..- 44, 'r
..,,,itoisii.. O . N_ , ~,,, ,.. ~t ~... ~.g.,:.!..,,, , .., ~
tvhichlwiy4itytwissiN . mp 9 e . ,p R . ," ,r 414 . x
i est , Main - Stree, ,, ,, . ey 4 ~, 44, ii , :.
111;8 4 0101- '''.. -''''' le ` iiltiiltiiiiliEtbehektotan';i'.
publio Oa, thilr.,,,l?f-1:7. ~,,,,bititteifieivraeoliti:.c
ner;aiiiiiiiiititliiiimOtiaw!lq L 1 - lek s itde Uti: , ,iiitli , I
.ih tiiiiih rtikf rel.V , .9!°9"'lr Pg. , 44 1 .',, , ,,:
~., : 1 : , ; ,, --:,,.:,,..,.::wm .. s „ KiL g s ,, : „.-,.., ; ,,... 1 ,.. ~.. ,:.i,
7 S l: b' ' ' ' : H i ' i, ' ' ' ''
'kik" . ' l
it .- -e x i 44 , ii i 4 e ' r k :;'!„:",' =, i ''.;''' ; ', '. i.
1 ? - :i . 1 7- "' ;7 31‘ ,..; i1r . n - ' • Li . 1 41; :. : 4 : 114. tf t :
3 4 1'. 7: '.'''
" . AV - 40?-184,9 , - , ..i ., ( • , ,,i...1- ;-; 'l - . ,•:'... .
csarliilt: . . lT'.. !,,, '
. : 4,.....,,,,„ ~,, :, •4 i,i,.`.,itijr(%ii:
) lititglier..lo,o . 4.,..,„ -
.i•fi . , •,:..4,7.t , .....-;!..,. '' ...., , . . 1 0
' f Summed l l tr 4;il t ri7ll*. '' s-t ; ( l l (l7,it? l elthsin "ever:—
. st isvh i.l l 11'n'Ill 'il:tliis Wee n k, will hi found
44g 1, 1 --- "V 49 "- ''' '4 o , lei cents • Ging
, hi1k,,,,1P A ,,,,,0V 7: 0 ; v 4, P 20 c 6 e.,.. 0 ' 4 ,r, i a i l i t .. stuff Av. qi t. •
~ ..5 : .,,, t i, ,m6 6. - .. i ti f s. in '' , . t . 2 i i'. 6 ' si t . '•llalzoreentrand.
' ''ll1 -e 4-.---t
- - ' ''''''.'"' 'WI vt4lies; Stockings & Moves
— 4os 4 so i lV o... k sy '', i .riiilitilisrgre lofor se,,,,onable goods.'
l' 9 ~.-' ~Ai.' l e i tirt.,, i t ir ' Ilea that) and be sure to call
',', 1 , -,Vii_,--,,,. ,e* pa - ~' t7 t i n ' I t door east of the !parker
.:i1:,,,V,it'911!,-".!-.''• --:: '. lll ' CHAS. CIOiLIIY.
i n
' ~ , V ti*'",;;! ' , "'' ' - - . 4 1 . tr.34
--'iliiiiiteill;i443: „,... . . -
a . •
-1 0J'ANOTHCIt piece of Dr..titil'Ete;or French Surn
14ar suipSinr article for Gentlenien's Sum-
CtiWCinifs Ithd iiantalontos, just received And for sale
unetininionly them) at the store of •
June 21,108. ,CH AS. , OARNITZ b& CO.,
AINOOTS AL : 1010ES. • .
• 10 Csiseal Shoes, just reseed and for
sale very low at the store of
' June 2%1843. • • • - CHAS. QGILBY.• •
6`ll:l'llAl'ED in' Schuylkill 5A4441114.
kg - bet %Ten' Calltnridlrillierieirilie — Ciibrailiiii -
Railroad, will he ()riled for 'the grid time onsthe
TENTH DAY of the present month.
All the newspapers '4' tinselly and adjoining pis- .
trials, (who have , not already done so,) are requested
to kiwi three times, and send their bills, accom
panied by one Copy of each number containing the
advertisement . , to No. 191 North Sebuylltifl:•reventh
street, ''" SAM UEL EBB.
June 91, 1843. St-3d
CPPINGER dic CAREY, Shippens
` l .-/ burg, have jaw' received it large and bp I end i
and Meltionable sissariineat 61101/5, Ibr the Sum
mer which they will sell at the lowest Iniaglaabhe
Junl7-21,1843. tl-34
Eit3REPU3,I".MI I. ; .
LEFT the preitikus of the subscriber,
• • on or about the 1511. of msy last,
supposed to be S wit! 4 years:old, l_pale brindle with
spots, the other a blatA, othehnarks lint recollected.
Auy person returning them to the owner,near
aer's lavern,or iuf'rnlatinu BO ant they way be
recot,ered, will be liberally rewarded. •
lIKNJA MIN ..'lll3. .
Pennsborn tp..lune 184.3. ' St-'54
JUST 'r'ecr,ited supply of illul otlier
kinds or Liiipbet; , sned I.iw ov the
sulseeribe.e. • Cal RAIINITZ Ist 0).
Jiluu 14,1843, 1133
• liazOtirid Prints.
EW 'pieces of the alone splendid stile of gnQds
4 jolt received soil selling like hot Cakes, ,itml
ill aidonisliingls low prices at our Store, oils ,loor
esl of 0111 r cheap whit is hard to bet iu
cheap goods. ' \re are liotVever, rheal!sitle
thili utill yolt will
sorely miss some greut huiguins
" • . CjIAS. BA IMITZ & CO.
. Ctirlialedmie 14,1845: . • " 1143
itiSll' received a full , supply of hammered and
.rolleil . , Fale,in . quamotier to suit purchasers,
and at the lowest prices at the store of
.Inge 14.1843. CHAS. 11AIINITZ tt CO.
Leidi P BLS/ GK.
„ . •
A quantity of very tolilltrine Lanip tibarit; to be
all at the store of the nobrerilorrs.
.lune 14, IBM. the.
11AliNitZ k CO.'
!iecnc Chiiu:ii .
A few nieces of Chene Cliimans, n new rind Ins
trona material fin• 1411111 , 11 I)rrs•es.•t•ccrircd IA the
June $4,184:1. tf 33
A FURTLIER supply tif Silk Oil Clo!hi, used
/1 .
in Huhu; ladies Drefises. Geutletvu's sum
mer Buts, &c. just received at the stot•r of the sub
scribers. CHAS. 11AIINr1'Z Is; CO.
Jun 14, 181.3. • tr-33
Neikt fir, Cheap Store,
E subseriber would iertiriti the public
that lie has t ,ken the store room 'recently oc
cupied by Messrs. Bos.ertnan and Hutton, in north
I lauover street . , Carlisle, ill Which he is now Open
ing a large and splendid and clump assortment of
-• '
of every variety mill quality, whivh lie tot item the
Mildic to roll Hod examitie,c that ilw quality
or his-gond , and their I.iw prices will Rive twist - ay.
Lion to till alio may favor him witli rail
Agent for Joseph
rainy IT, 1843 tf- :29
E W rD
it RFC; hue just received from the
111 City; u . hirgeund splemlid ussortmeut of Sprini
add Sotiliner Goods emousting, in pail of
111111 E GOODS.
of every vitriety,suell us Kanzlish, Preouli. 'German..
ltAitid and Amerfeato
194101 mut CLAssWAIIP: dfevvry Vujiety, Fiord
wilt+ inid Cutlery, woolo‘ Glint.:' Voltam, Oils and
81011:s, Riot:hes of till kinds; 40 Cases of
arida+ than Inive ever been sold'
tdnefi pr goods liela„.•
larger than it litis'id'er lawn -and all IMO 'RIO rriosli.
nod slie Iteing , drierinitted ttt silt at very small:fru..
fijkplie hopes to rOceisr Alsors hrr' , lbriiirr
custainere and of the 'piddle; those That . 4ilf Minute
To favor her wi h a call cannot go away without be-
Carlisle, May 17, 1813. tf-29
A '
• Lt:retoucicisil 4 4 . ~,,. %, •
•...,HONEY of a prithe quality . fat Alla at the . Drug
810.6 of: . - , . S. ELLiorr.
June 7, 1841. . ' ' .' . 442
ti3OLveit fer 81410 .al the tstitrif
J • of B...o4AlllC,,Knuth . tisoover street, -9000
pieces ~Vatl ' Piper at the rell.,irinO . prices; •
Super Smiti Sufahed I,,lazt.d 34 petits a pieie.
Sreehtl quatityls'eetita , • •
Atan;pnr'llttg it,nd fine scenes atteery tow pi•iess.
i.:i.3:‘.:- . ;:s42l(VanvirArx,
:Q V/LEN tro*limpqiiin*Oeliillif the, nptipei . i.
bee, in. Wiiiii • penneborougli .itiOnsiliiiii- on Oie
iiiik 4 ,f',0ni: 4 1h" .1 ,41.;:,
,:tt;: , jr4 '',:i;zl
'..`it . .i; . : :-., ‘'
' :/ : . ": : '2" ., A00 -t e. ra trrfOßlEfk - ::: ';
''t ,
h . * • ~ , Fr, Orly and , e kla :. ori . ..
wit - ' liiiisi*l4- ' .. i v - :,..:, i ii ,, : _:,l, ... i .
#tiiin*"Cit, ' -:" 14ii4 t tilThn;nb:iiifei;irnd
'i9 1 4 4 141, 4 1 .1 .. , lo :4l'irti' l 4:theAlkltilq,* ' i
:tag dolt , ' YPet1i4,000.0 , ,,0 0 . , 00
.4 . 11. 1 3qtt',....1 .1 41bitcr:f: , ?: .- ZI:-.wr , '„Y.-.1,-.-0.: i''' f '%Y . i:.l..:
;40 ' 0 7 ' 1 22 , ! if ~,tn. , llllll#rA' QMER;fi
' Otki; tittlAe:teeo ,, ,,, ','''!....,,,4 4, , ! ,)2',,,,: .,. 1t40:
, 0'; , !,-4 , ;: - ..:, , ,,:.,,, ~,,, , '•.,:.-,.., .-: :, , ,,y. . .,, , ,.,
' 4 'statik*rtiOniticoootltil4o4l.44:'
1:... , ,...-, , : ,
~ , , -,-.,- „il ,-, i , ,.,„,,ii,r1,' t i -, , ,
Rtp. bot.topii44 V -,- .v0.0,, , • aPP,..t Ptt'tt.
1' 0;4 ;.,.::A,,,,i-,:,! ) ,- '. ..,
g ' vt i f. , .ty- • ~r , ,,ii.(1,t., , ,,,,f ,,,.1 , , , -.
1,..i::' , , ..,
AI: , r'''''•
~PRP.`r_ k-•,''' 3 / 4 1 : • '-- 's '' l ' ') ‘
..,„.„,.,41.:,.. _.___p„
."4,:‘,,, ,_,
~ ,:! ;‘.,,,,#..._...,„,
e . ',.''7,; , „,,, c•• ; , - -."'' ;i: '' '-:''.--- -..,•-'!;•,.•':.'"'
'. •' , ..":4 A ' ' J.,' ,l •'f•'!:' ' '' fv
i-‘• ':•'''''':'!: i',! .'u s. . , 4 , .
• PL.ff i k*- 1 0:0t101,t 4 ',4 1 ,i'Vq• f / . 4 : 13 . 1V A /8 / P
)111: Ai' t•lif . tc,q.cra . of svery II ildijust43lve,it',
Viifl,attliet / nea• Hat
, Illimufactory ofyit t iMbser,llicr t
N0..3i1 - fitrperei Row; j wo ihrirs
,porkol , ,Ait29ll
and'Audersen's ato,re,ylierc lie intemjs Iteepitig 13011•
staittie en t hand, end iviil,'iniiiiiifietue - lii Order of
the'beat materialsiiiid, al the Nary slierteid•noticek
' '. ll /E 4 rkill"VPUTllitlif ' . BRUSH
"' &WED 121161 ME42111 1 ; ' .
of every deseriptioi, Id th'e'deatest and Most fashion
aide style, warranted to fiaviPts good pod p . ermanent
a color as stay of the Hats Manufactured in the ci
ties. Also, • - ' • ' '
ChapeausasiqU'llllllllary Caps,
of every description m ade In the best style, and at'
very • moderate prices.' ••,,, .• ' .
• yor CASEI, he will sell lower:than ever Hats have
been sold iii this lioniugh--411111, indeed, his prices
generally, will be such as ‘o 'Mt the depression of
the.tinies. Although lie prefers selling for Cask—
yet lie will, as usual, be willing to take Codelry proz
duce id the market prices in excliiinge lint Hind. ,
• The subscriber returns Ins sincere thanks to it
generous public for the encouragement lie has re
ceived since lie first corn menend business about three
Yearn ago,in the old shop in Louther strect,iind 'tapes
liy strict attention to business to merit and receive ii
cominumiee ef their patronage. For the convenience
of sonic of his customers, lie still carries nn busi
ness at the old shop.-but those •wbo a ish • to have
"pick and choice" would' do well to call at the new
mtablisliment, No. 3, I lava is Row.
Call and judge for yourselves. •
Carlisle, May 24, 1843. tf-30
J. 111. alt.l.l'T7
i• c Ifariribparg, Fa.
itESO t(:TFU I .I,Y informs the Fa r
mi.i.s, M ertliopts alld the imlilie,gen
era Ily, that he Is ilow•prepared with large and corn
,niiinions Ware Bowies; ou the,Penim Canal. near
(lie' ling 61 %Windt street, to receive
lo 'Store for Shipment, Couotry:prOilliet; 1 1 11111 ..M.+2.,_
eltaidlize for Pii,tl t Ipllili, Baltimore xilil liltii,luirg
and all, hitermediatti place% ; .Co `a
Line; and Thelbllo wing foal OAS'S tille'Watei , Canal
Boats, will' run from 'tlie.ll owls i • II sre s i sburg.
Boa, J. C. Me.% !loiter,
Cliessiivake; •
• May' and
!Way 91, 1849. tl'a
...Boots atilt-- &hoes.
1 NE W -achl4iiin td the foretwi Sloe!:
of lie colt, sewed and paged llooq, Mena and
lloya Kip Boots of good qoalltv. MelIR will Boys K.p
and calf Ilooroes, Ladies,' Nlisica Childra• a
kid and iivirocco alipprra. Ladles and.dishes ficor
morocco weltN. all of which will be.ald
ly low 'for 04. ' WM. 31. - 111.4TEEIL.
Cairliale, May 10,1843.
.1111 E C• 11.11.1 1 C UURG
, L.T..4.2.4:1 3- --9- •
At the Railvoud .Depot, Cumbeiland county, Pa.
• '
1141110Itabseribt:er ceinedifolly. anitounees to' his
errends and the pu6lie geneiohly, thilltu has
takiar the ablve moiled new and poutnotlions .
aVtailb o ' '
iiitere he All endeavor to
that nr,y call njrou hint iu the mostatitis 7
fattory Manner:_"l'lletfonsu'is eentrAlly hull • !ilea
slimly located midis fornlalted thenn A linut with OM
best of Bedding aitt4other fownitme, hold bitrit'e'emn
modations are such nit to Make it a e atveitient iuul
desirable stopping place. - No elertions will he •par- -
et! to matte it agreeable in 01.kt:departments tothose
ho may !love' him with a call:
May St, 1843. St-31
THE subscriber loving stepped the re •
tiiii,litii,iiivis is now prepared to sdi to Coun
try and Town Storekeepers and Sit trade generally,
Sag u', Coffee; ' 111.uoli .
Tea, •• Molasses, • 'Untidy,
Cliocdlate, Rice, CM,
Spices, Oil; ' Witte, • •
Sperm Candles, Tobsticti, - . W;lusiwY, .
Fish, Salt, ' . Plaster,
. VOA', ' Oakum.
and a general assortment ut GROCERIES, for gale
by -. ' , JOtIN 11. lIILAN I'.
Nliiv 31.1843. t 1.31
'Travellers lake Notice,
rpriAT Fatitilieii and their ibrllltUre 1411(i 114:3501.
gers generally, can be sent from D. Leech and
Co's ni l Douse hl the loot or wooot ahrrt, loner
thin any other house in IlarriAairg, to any or th e
follotkina• Cities and all intermediate places.
eviv York,
Baltimore., Grand ;.:;iirt:), •
• . - . St. Loitib. •
Stay 31,1849. 11.91
• kamily. Medicines:
niall'A UM) 0111 y by 11)1..•11.1AYNK, iiiventnr,
IF tool sole proprietor, No. :lit South Third et.
I'm hole [thin, alto! 110IW sire without It s
w•ittes, (von the outside wrapper. All
Alters Inc counterfeits. •
These.nicolitliin•s aretecommended mod egtensive.
used by the most intelligent persons In the
Suites, I 1 numerous Pr listen 8 i i i . l . Bllll . lltB Of
itint•Fetl, Pli,sieinnsiof the, .$l.lBB awl Nit‘y, spit of
1 lovittatt owl itinishohiin , , and 1.5• more theta titre.
hundred Lla lizytiteut ul . varioes .ationl;
They dre elp..eshlvprepared for fs ode, Anil
Inqqacquireduildrprecedeitte.l popularity thrint
ma the Untied Stait•Erlind usahcp are so tillthlrithly
calculnied to 'Towne llcritth and cure Bifrost', no
wnult altopld eive Ile u ithotin.tlietn. Ibe. proprie
tor or these preporstions receitell Ills edu
cation at mµ• of the best' %Jetties( Colleges iu he U.
,anti hos hod, litieett y,es.l‘.4 clic! knee in Hu
extensiye antl:thcemilied. practice, by which In has
knowledge of discoid; and of the remet Sea liest col
volute to remove ilienl. 'These preptrattions con
sist of
viduslite remedy lor Cough.
• 'olds, Cousumiltimi, Asthma. Spit.iim; of Hlnnd,
Croup, Cutt A li, Pleurisy itml
flamr6ullriit'Of the Immo or Throat,
Itrettilliokond xll diseases of the l'idiumutry
-11,,jv .Tonits, tor the Presenstim.,
imil Uto*t3 oldie Iltur,xnd uhieh will
~tivelybrinF in ura hair mr had heads.
Ake Juyue's Tonic Vrrintruge,,n eertsiii mid pies-
Riot remedy for %Yonne I)ysimpuill Piles, stud nap) .
other thsruses •
Also etivraitutivi, Dolga m. ft 'm1.114111 mile
for Bowel and Summer Comp[Moth. Dian.hoea, 14-
ieritery Cholla, (;ramtis;Sieli Headache. Snur stom
ach Cholera Atm , hos, Mill cletimogeineeits, or the
StoMuch and newels; Nervouis Atterlioos, t4c.
Sanative Pills, for Femule ',Aver
Cohltaio. teOltiveliess; • Fevers; .
Dlanflular.Vhstrtictions; Discuses qt tip 81chi, &c.
sail 1%101 casei.wliere an Aiteriitiret Or Purgative
For sale in Carliile , ;ty ' •
Dr. „1 4 oidy's ,Sar s aptr . 4 la Blood Villa:
11M1) swirlry. the Biooi , end , e,lettpse the; Stomach ,
and Downie Prom all; inipuritteet • thee, renovating
thq it hole .system t tittil . 6 tilorteg 1 . 1 to ,Dattipt and
, ! 'i, ;.: ` - MCIST , PARISiA 3 .' 1...", , ' -,i,". 2,'
ilex Ott 'year., re el peculiar ' seneittlorot r iech es
• ,
, 1. ,`, I
i.•, ,, Duthie.' itir fifitiritei 1,,•••,t , r. ' +
„ It
,Rizzitiqt!, It ointlippe,op 9101 , ttesiih ,',.,.. ~
:,I)irotteieest, . , , , ,
. "'' ' ' • 'viiiititetinti or tYeltddii! it!..:tk;b•';
• '' ' ',,, •ithltokibialefiliti... , •,•••',4, , ,',, ", ~ • :.,
•, •-•,•` .1 ', 1 115:01iiOtt of 'o4l'.Erbi, ,- '•''' -'-'..': '',. :
, k • ; .,, X. rif , ..'° 44118i*KWA/VggiSlTlttik&' X: 9 't` Att,....,'!
..,?IrhitikpOtitifXo4l4tokOittgl irropilkico*dorr,
1 Illehneee'er' the 'ittliniteh,r*eo9lteitteit 9ther'etly.:
111.64$1,001#*461re*lig urn tolitie!t ll4l n l4 l,.. , T';' ; •;' ?I'
r , , ,,,i y •‘ , ,:pl tanty,‘ rximatAtitoliniiti 6; 4:• , 47 , ..... -. . ,. .. ,
Lii, - )ii c ,, All';rimAlblit,lukvo OtvoPtak,Ott!mnait' •-sti ., il , i t
f i t I)4,l,vsdv.o. , . , . filifortritp.mati 1 mit,t
, .
.. Chants illigliopifir ti:ti • !tit , ' eit owe ,
- ---
. " i i', nOOO l :OW"'
'hk it., 1 1) .tti',o
- • •'' • ••''' .' ''',1.•'.ci.4i.1ieti4::,..,,,,:iik0ki,...,...,7 ~,..,:.,,,...3,,...
- .t ' '.'", - . • ••;(' l ll .l l r, '.4 1,, , , ~ - .4) !Ilk.. .„b. , „,i
~,,,,,.,,,,F . A.,,,,,1 :, ,,„,,,,,„,,...„,"..—.; ~..p.,.., : , ,,, ,.,,,,,;..., . .„1„,p1,,,,,,...•,,...i .
.... k .,," ~:„ - , i , ~, •., • • ~...„;
:•• „n, 'lout? epper .-,.btir gst ,openeq..,p!
'.' '..„iiikelt;iiiiiiiii6ipaf gt4ioOspitgrlCitaii,4 ,
suAimElf , l4o)ll•Volp,r...44tykliWciOi ' —-.
mong Wllithi , :ll.V . I lie : ill 1 11.110 , I 1 . 4 . P4. 1, t •;' :. 4 ,''
t)ItC11411 C.l p (NIA r SAW St., , ~,....n.n,),..y'r,
1 Ciiiiiiiitere sl''l, 2•and'4N ., .:,•,i;.; n• • , fr''! . ,e' - •:' ,. .i..'''''li.
• • Fre'fich;Cassithei•es Irtiei atqale 87'ii 8n4,15 . 0i,
m•iFeiftiogB freeti.l4l:cvsl,l2/:';,:• • •.
.. y •rir.'r: ; ', :•' • , ;',-,, , . 5 4,..VA-e A c,.. , ,,,
:, pAi l t.4,, c ns ewes from 61. tesl,olk • - • - i:nni-,-'?,,•4%,••• , ,n,1• •I's; ,
T ' eillico c ii 4 ets 5 8...11,1.9 anill'. l keeldfs,::4 , •:f4.`„•i - P;i'r
.•• Chintz:lBi to - 25. ' ' •.• .: - ‘'•''',n •.n. • :•::t•.•;;•• '' :•• •r. •-•'`,
Miceira4l, ,, i',B;-'B,4o...iftd:teidetilti.".'w'"i/,-.. , .._
s I yard wide 12.14;.184 r and25. ..
. a careens, 971-2,511•1 ind i 1 .2.-
Suiemei Clink, A lataillia.i•, said. Gainbrotnis. '
Cheakes,6,4. ceutai 11-'lll* . mal 126.i:eats. • - .
Ticking', 7. 8,10,12 and 18i., . '' • .
Laces and Edgings for',}, et,,to Oa, cents. • :,•,
Blegunt•Foulard silks.
~. • • • :' • .."...:•/-••• n.
, Poult da.Liini and.Dib da'Rhina Silks. ''•,•1••:";1'! L j .
Mousilint (W i lli:is, 12 1-2 chi. 18, 25' and 371,, • '.;
'''' 'Bonitet.Ribbons for 61 tu 31i. •-• ' •••-, : :-..., N.-. •
Card fnna laaiaßlack Fillett,Shawls.' , , • :
Elegaut Endiroideined Swiss Mull Scat' et .1. ~,
Do. .• .dp ... ,Silk And Fillet dn.' •. .
' Bonnets, Ladies and Slisses of all kinds &prices.
Mena 1.44h0rn and L'hitf Rats, vagrant variety.
Cottonndes, Drillings.' Also, . . , / .' •.. ' • •• '
A Ereill . Lot of Cheap Groceries.'.
Brown end Loaf Sugars. . . .
.- ..
Rio Coffee, strong, 10 to 121." :,
Youug ,Hyson, haperialond ()lock Teas, freak and
good— Chocolate, and Spices. of (111 kinds.
New Orleans and Sugar 111aise Molasses, Bce.
Of every deberiptibn and prices, ta , verttl thoitsand
pair just, reseiyed and astosistiisify low, for
Mena flite.fonk Boots. $2 t 0.4. . .
Ditto Mstiroes for 75 to 1 511.
Slippeq, of all kinds. :
Childress Leather rand Alurseco Books. '
Mess kip Shot's, 6,i_g:mo 75,
Hens (;niter Boots; $1 25 to 2.
Also, Mess Fur and Wait 11ktS.•
and tit short every article needed. remit 0 , .r or l' llllB
to Brood Cloth at $8 per ) ord. stiff at 'itriees to suit
the - thoeti -- itee:dleitt - the 0111 Bin' l - 01 . )1/7.51k . J.
MUlllielifeleff utit Stllllll. and now the seeo.A store
below fir , corner, eatt Alain sweet. '
As our (Await Crt,rer up street m 96 is his a - still.-
figment. don't mistake sue door Slate.
times makes a great darrettee. Purchasers, friends.
nail customers, one said all, please to cull A the old
shop of CHAS. OGILIIY.,
Carlisle,lllay 17, 1843. tI 27
gooftiotoeic4_ 14,Bas.•ggetie.
a - r)eb •
person wishing to cninmence Limns in
Carlisle; a good opportunity is afforded of par.
chasing a Stock of Goods nearly new, and which
were 4 nll-bnuglit. Ru• Cash, ns thu present propric
lorin consequenco o 90w engagements, is _de.
sirous Of idling off, • which_ho will do, on such
terms, as maul •preasu a purchaser. &I - Infra — at
the office of lid Harald & Expositor. . •
1%.1aY 17, 1843.
SPIV LNG : 0 4711"L•V" (41-
T the , lore of the subscriber, \Vest Main street.
Brick house. nearly opposite the • "Big Locust
jpiht receiked a large HI d hatidsotne asurt.
Melded' fresh !it'd the best quality Groceries—among
width can he had' '
Fine crushed Loaf nt 12.1 cents.
Lump and Loaf Sitgars.frion It 0,14 rents.
lie wn Sngurs fine and Superior qualities limn 64.
to 10 cents.
Itin Unlfees strong scented forlo to 121 cents.
Also, Cofrje.
'Yonne:44.4'oh, jhaitietlat and-Gun Powder Teas--
varioits qualitles. all fresh for . 75 i 6 137 i per lb.
Sluices of every' description,. grunt' and .uttiroutid.
I .tILDAIt .WARE:„ ...•
Tubs, BOW 5, .111:15.1,t11111.111.ell .Buckets,
• • • • : • - • :
illow find Common Market Baskils, covOreil
111111 uncovered, Clothes Baskets, I uehcl. Baskets,
round baskets, tte: ", " , ,
Pure Ariister Sperm or I..nwp Oil—none but Leal
11101. W111•1111Ittql Cll,llll to iiny in this or ;illy
other market it,st per gallon. Also clariiieil Ele
phant Oil at 75'eents per gallon.
Sperm Candles, pure at Sli cents.
Alould and Dipped. Candles.
•Flsla: •
Nlackerel, No, I and ',I, &Anon and Herring.
MOLASSES:',.! ' •
Neu' Orleang:(mailiflr baking,) S'Ogar Itnai1(.11111
S Y ru l' M°l"hOp for ; , 75 rof.4 cents per gallon.
A new aid general wisortment 'of China, thisri
and QlleellSWlll . o, ASO ClTlCkel'y VVlll.C. Cnirndish, Plug, ..
Ladies to Ist and Smoke robae-
Co, CF:111 . 8; Castile, Variegated and .white Suap, aim)
Shaving Soaps. - • •
?White wnsh, Swct•piug. tierithhinfi, Dwit, II di
and Clothe!, II uslo.s. also I ui tv.e.
. el porl G. A Hall tint. Salt,and all other ti • tidies.
in the Grocer,. like, which by culling ut our house
tun he seen and wines entssissseed.
In one Ilnu>;c,we ilsidk, *se can sell Inr ensli v (our
way dim% ing) prohabl, elleapry than the came ar
ticles 'Au tx Itatl in f!ilter seetiuns 111 the, town, aid
if 4r cannot. then nue iseigli4ne;n• {glib:site' idol one
friends adjoining mill !sleaze y m11.80%1'51 fur
post likyote we are thanyinl. :• • •
slut abuse till—thin't lilt/. the llotime, one lions.
annictiittes 11114:0•• n great tlillereuee. 'A ill
we want,so who wants 1114011ati hint e Pant hi. since.
.1. W. Ell V.
C•Carlisle,ld I S•th.
SiillN'G GOODS. •
Tr ju,t receivatl a gen
ja, er.ll sib4l,,rtiyea.!ir
ti.SirltlNG AND
OLUTat M 1U (D /1 ) )
consisting in port of Figured, Plain and Barred
tle-LaiiTs; Sniped ! i awin.
Eliigiisis and 1 , relicii Chintzes, plain
figured and barred Swiss, J ae tii e e t e xnd u uti o w i e
Nliislins; a general ii , aortine t Geode , .
Silks; Bonnet hllks ioid
Straw, Le
'NW 111 k, Cashmere and Cowin 111 se, S,ik, \ibbnir
Kid and CntAini laaves, Unihrellas, Parsols and
Slat. us, mew. stile, French, German and
0511011 . 11. en allil Ultimo Sheeti.gc, I,inen Bra liints nod
Ciinitations ft r Pindidno. a, Jinn cords, iliriLies and
curkti, 4 and lings.flirwil tool liti•ailied
MirAlitti; info (amends, I'xnxand 111111k1T-
Ciliijk 141.01111.111W11 Stl.llW, ChM,
owl Edging, 010(6. La6.1110.1:11111111 ,
). •
Ipiterilsivare 4iroceri,44,
All or which he sold on liusOilible' tilrn)s at the
store of . ' A. BILNIARBS.i.
(.41(410e1 May 10, 1843. 11'-28
. • e'.44041' ~ , ,M2X4253
A LARGE tuid MI supply 0, prime gROMIR.
lES t at very : retldeed prices at the '.stere of
the. siabgerlher, ip tpunth thnover sl. in.tbe store
iuoin , fortiterly kept by Charles Oa, ni z.
Carlisle, May I ti, 1843 tf:2B
• Scouring ;litlhtlnfe3~.
Aro BRO W.N 4 =would iet(peci,
.11111 rutty infer he.Citize''eprportisto,, tbitt.. he
birc'aibbtorot.r.ll, busbiese mr. 414 forthdr
Chfireh, titivOtite Editeotioit 411em,g,fie 19.
prhoi!ell Ajpon yu] . ...VooniroCtottifog:of
rll IcooliAt•the very beet Obi!. ntiktrlit Nod
eci we to 'Nap:o* Oldiptrtnimte4.lhiosi tbetietcoty of .
,110V11 . PC4ll(Olll4PIVilig 101,_to 1m *zits''.
etl sisetureillonay rrly. Upon . 14144194 Ni ;
P9mPtlY ostiafictority, mist/ie . dieretore hbors
illoee.'oolitv . Patrcimigeol'Alri,•tutb) l o. - Globes ot.
"orilrritAltr.go,fettio•thkslistrlier 'Wit; ilrOji:OtYrbb.
lOW ittiaiided to..
rEATtAßAilikata. vgy,;loriAti''4 o lo44l"l
10 , 'St a* iltiaffrhao CA - Stii 015 , trOttfzzlif.',
tail Mktics4,
liaifii tr 4 W 6 Y4 '*0 0 06 . .. 14 0:4 1 t: 4 # 00 5 1 , 0 *
Irit*TA‘i t 044,"*.N0+10 1-
1 1% K1'4, 1 ,10/OuttilN,P4'."l4Vo PrOVI,
•jA'PrkIAWP 'Stia.silieeitts 1001
. 4gr„kl.lo 6 gs4#o 0 044; A '' 4 „ - Att , *
• 77" - 4••••4:,.+4 , . • r . • '
Irit I °' 4)TattllS
• ••; ;
fingi Phiegmo. t , 450.0 : op + .t,otitor9!
I t , tlito ),l4ln4OrtiokAp,tifloigirTtoth, from,
I )bTO ci clieT,polli; to.* itiet4: ;, •
,Onfor.,co PittipaOtiA,.(d r ilifooPi;SOutik
'ot he
Rai Tt• • '
•il,i.Vr,:`,coot,,Olvirt;ir. l3 6,ibseot from „Ciirl
Ijo teii,dayi; - ?ikettbliiiiiityilth. •
tokEtttf6NA - Rjtr;' . -e - fkiiltt;7.o' . ';*
- LINE — 11101 V ICIfL •
VOULD itufprnajbeirlrientis and the
that they bave•jtiet:reeeived at their store ou
High ittreet:4lext deer it!) Ileeterii'al tote!, Carlisle-,
a line, fresh ' and elek a titAaAetittleol of CA N
FRUITS, and Other; artielet in:tliefi• line, WWII
they are • readf,,to dliip6ti#:'l4 'wholesale und'relail;
on the enctat. refugia:able, terms. Their assortment
eornpriiiiailt4.•foll'oiikyarieties, all yf whieli are,
of the•clietc,eitfullEyii; , , ":
C A:13•0 51..;--I'Atififkiikarld,.itirlit,,_quieti,,_,F. ;ear
in s iii , t•, , liiibti'littre'llfeett :and rolls, einuttinTwi-,!aaltaa
64110131ii,i0t9arliytklitVeluire, tied bird-eye,
Tha,n(iptletfulti Ol'ireafre.ilatidies; Jaukabii Rift! Ciay
•leiodilqtifpt;-.l.yettell' and common edge,;
inminitit;toti. - efctiltitling secrete; titbit ilropa
fink candy'; sugar and burnt tilhanbla ;
candy tots, Ijimariee,
ko, elietattits,and llrazil,e,e4tltt;•itbt,tott And ground
tints ,
F ti's --h Trtinfta, 0*(40i; Ytiiiit34; figs, n tirintes,
datemitul citron. 4169,t1ip lie,st„ •
° Ca TobxtfOokr / nitd: . Sega.rm:
such eta
Oriticipe, ilavanatjektimeas ata.l
Awn. t•ie;tit - ,egitri;
Their ,ausortittent la t",eiti.'ectostlituly supplied by
fresh . tidditione. Cobittry rperaiihNiire.p.vited to
call, as they elm Ile stipplied.oh,lernin ItandYantagc.,
Otis ttailit, ;prices,. ttatronago of the ~
Ositeetitilly tiql.
Carliale ,- , April '26. 1943.
• ,••
Lealitek;'.i - Aurocco and ending
W 213.• lo.pxYmm.,
MOST respeOfolly.infocnni the
awl the 'Oldie in general, that he has
removed his Leather, Nloroven a n d Fi n di ng s tore ,
to Neilii Second street, a-few-floors above -Henry
flofel;Where 11, :vitt' keep eeinstantly cin
hand ii gcnoral sulsurtment of the following 'untied
t 2: . •
. •
IS i A 7 .1 a!, Sipllletel,‘.; sole, skirt 11114;
Harness, lair and black' bridb., wax add grain upper;
whip and collar leather, wax s and grain cme
. Skins, Spanish and mounter Kips, top 'and
leather,bellows Leallier for
11111:V811111) 131arksiniths, and Ilark
Tlinhed Sheep ;
Crimpriskng Meii's Morocco, iVoinviN tindrus;pd
3rll and 1,1.1ek 86;16, Frt;licla kid of ditTeretit, culoi s.
ited rvatis. of 1111 0.110111, 131)0k
1)11111(1'S 111111:.1. e1111111 , .18 1 1e111111..1. mid Burk
Such as' boot keyk and brchkeri. shot' keys,.huni,
tares, pincers, inlets, stamps, size sticks,.punclies,
kniies. rubbers, files, rasps, thread,*boot webhink,
Rimh,blvs, bent cord, lma, aVls', lire. Sze. All of
which he moll sell at the very LO\VES 1' CA$ll.
W.' P.' returns los sincere thanks to the pub
lic, for the Liberal patronage whirl' 'has heretofore
been t•itemled to him, and respectfully solicits a
continuance at Their fainrs.
\ hit 17, 18.13,
chi re .4 ► eking' & Commission
•D' st IA FE g .'
fIESPEC TFULLI . iiiforms the public, that lie is
pretiseed to,teeeiye,:forwerd &Intl ,itlispese ol:
tirottitce of every-descrlption,
eilher ul thi• I , ll;iiidelphin nr Ilttltirttntti• M:wkets,,or
at tau other point,stecessible by 'tail !fowl.' As It
will attend iu person to the delivery rind sale tit• all
articles eult•usted to his core; the most satisfictory
Bull spw•dy returns lily st all times he expected,atal
the auunst,pt•omplitudeim the transaction of till bit
nila4S eon ustrd to him. ,
Ihu•nn • rs 141411 Wilt vs having any nt•tiele %%Melt they
wish tlispottell or, will oho well to erill'on hint, int
tt.•diatcly olt:tositt• tttt Mitosimt 11•• use, and hail
lD ad thitot \{'est high street,
authorized t) ptivellasts seeert+l hondr)•d
NIA,' aOF I alt, , tin • at the highest price will
he Wilco. •
, Carlisli:, May IT, 1g43
L p.s l ,p
ri.'EIE subseribere take this method to
their customers mid the public int ; el,-
end, that they !Dive sgaie veiled the show name.:
Partory . , seemed l'epertowe, irel the 11:11iielore
tereldlte; fi miles smith 1,1 Owlish!, vi here the) hi
tend to manufacture from the fleece,
Eht 3.11 1 1.11S1110
or browlling. Also 4.. .
tintl Carpet Yarn, Coloring, Full
iii Dressing and Weaving
of all kinds.
Saltinct will be inamillietiired at 50 cents peryard,
and a deduction of 20 per cent tbr cash. Cloth at
51.1 and a : deduction of 5 per cent for
cash: Row! blanketing' 75 and' a deduction of RI
per edit 1;11 . 011.11; 1111,othei• goods mamifacturril us
low Os at an; other estlblisliniciit, and 5 per cent off
For the butter accommodation of their customers,
'Wool may lie left at the phires:-4-t;rorgt
liretem's tiarlisle) Aid or
Reiclels stares, Cluirclitown; Render's tavern,
I)ill.l 7 liiirg . : and at John Reivinird'a.tatern on the
rrindle Spring; Road a miles below Cerlisle, and at
Quigley's ta‘ern. •
Nlt'iv 111.1143.
1 1 , 111 , 1 :•illiseril:er thankful for pest favors begs
..E.i_l(.llc . r it,tltr.ll les friends nod the public 111
gettiral: that lie coldotors to curry 01 the
, • TA ILOIC 131U§filEg'S.,
in all its vari-os branches at the moot occeitietl 6.
111111 611' ill , 1:11,i tWO
. V141 . 8', lik:11
Goat I I storo.e
le isyrepartql so execute elf kinds of iv rk iu his
to the be-t and 'most 'autioner, sea
opittt the shertesi notice. OVINE'S 1111111 e 'in soil the
thous. 'II strict':.ttention to busittets he still solicits
a , finre.• of p.d..m.,•ge. • n.
Wm.. Aloe
Stu - 3
(.7:lol4l.:AVril 5,1543
(JOJL, 'c.
.9000 BUSHELS Allegheny Black
Jaw smith Coal, NOV tons Likens
Valley Linieburnmit do SALT. and FISH con.
?it:amity op liu id itti , tl:tiold plieap, es eau he had
, 31 AR
Ai , 24, 1843.
r ,Wineo; are dAIqUOT.S.
A Gbdti OsiortmOnt fits(
vik,'Froiloh and Domestle
lanii Gin,old Monongahela and c o mmon,,,Whissey, -
a prim° atiidlo - of Abeam° Phaeb,l3tandk-gort
mid - Lisburn Wine&
' • - ' WriL',llL MAT EP;
':Carlislo;l4l4,lo, - 184 . -; •
„ .
'a':cheatteriancl bettar(
tt 800 T thaa',4a_ba roral carlialr,
:41.A0-I.a4V4:4,4'l4l44:lVPirnie 6 '. Rid
Shoe* . Tiesand Olialtina;aliatirajat'aitialc , ,topftthr'
With Boys! kilil3l.4aiig;i"ofaana' law.prited Shoes;
tirg106,"1ie.:7,,...: S. •,
lje.t ' . •
cb~bng'Andre sippirent;,', - p'timerous'peOtnik:
nibfjb - eneflifreni using one' ,
kcjtge . Ai u; any other. .This is easily.
needinitedl sorildi.) l is'silnuCh
stronger ploKrAtipriAhon Sitiy.Oincr t and '
,near twice
as nun:lila ondimottlO as of an .other
sold ;id tliE6AsikeVridOlLetilie
,1111$.4*is:no vt!iii"god..hut theteld
LElR,lF!Srl34l{4APAillilitatC , .:
• ,
. .
Fiom the MedicalD6rieirW,, A", ` . • . • '
oc?‘Aint - Mg' the.v . egetable'ailfiratives•Arith..whic
~ '- •
our tlispeastiriete'llhoUtHli i,ilcce,m'i" . • l C`r..l , •°Pi a eflll 61 •
Sarparilla, nod when properlyMtittiblhezra pie.;
pm ed, iiinCaluablei mot".llohEtitti.:'
ted constitutionsto their Wonted • c tierry•litit merely , •••,,•.
ease arising, out of an- impure stiife••of tlitt;tland."
From kknowl edge. of very , Manreiiiitisliind;ailme or.'
them considered ;incurable) whertigittany;:tliffPrent
preparations of
. Forsapari la - had. liecM used, none ,
seemed to possess virtues or renteditil Powers( etitttil'
to Dr. Leidy's ;dedicated or CoMpotittd., DM:vitt:l,ot'
Sarsaparilla," • " ' . •`,• .".” - :(n• ~; , •
It is a preporation his believedAtr.ariperior to
any 'other, and wpiild recommend itiq,the particular
woil = ce - of - Ini,iromilEtt. - 17"; - 8. -- 0 - asitte -------- 7
rort. it. Apips ., ,=.o4.llo:o4RlLLA. • •
Extniet ot let‘e ,p r .4-A E Nny bitmorq 9f ;gll4ton.
iii r lotion to 9:4
Dr., I.:eitly'S.•Sart•tippril ;,,..." -
"Mj' lit le boy Mad ' liii:l;''the":l6riner• 'Mfr. three'
years :tali the latter - now' sererryeara old, have been "• •
afflicted with a Ferolulous turnerfeotti the time they
were , ilirrei4motitlis 01d... Three intnitlis pgq I waa • '
indeetil mi make trial of your Etratit of fiarsaparillit; •
- mid have given it to , botli to the t we A tatiple. They
are 'now entirely free from met appearapeo•or Sera- • " ••
filli, and airter iveruiii.bettcrlieolth.J.!;;lf'•:, ..'' -••- .
. Dr. I,chly',3 Samciparifla is efficoblotiiWall dis, • •
eases arlitilig froin itypimities of itieblotkLiinia: Other •
fluids Of the system. All invalids who n'qiiittio
hero under medical treatment, who min, (httlitlited -
froth the tioaotity of ineilieme they may have taken,
or are tiiiilk:i• amiercurial influence, will find that by
tish g o few bottles alb.. Lehly'slartitiparillaWicir'
usual vigor:mil elasticity of,tlicir frame puff system .
will be I . llllora, null be again permitted to aljoy - ther- ---
sweets of lab. - •
• CCl"This article appears to be doing icaattiF to at
the Small, a n d li.ont the high character Of the re-.
comualahltiaas, Are 411' C filly persuaded it isit_tnest,
capital medicine fin 'all impurities of the blood.' We
knots many giveutliqir esti
mony lilt this tmt\icet, and we know; they-would not
lziFe a character to any. medicine that did. not ;really
th,erve it."—Cliarleston r.non;ei..
Extract of a letter . from Dr. 'Warren. Natchez.
for the lest vear in my practice used your
Sarsaparilla vith flinch satisfaction to and,
benett to rityindichla, I have no hesitation tndeclar
it; to be one of the most useful preparbtions iu
diSC:ISCS for which Sarsaparilla is peek'
07This iweparatintminty be dcpendeir..upeitins_
being the stetingent . (conscipionly more efficacious)
ot any in existence; all 11041 preparatintis'must put-
Res attic or %bine., in proportion to their strength,.
being prepared from the same article ! , Hr. Leidy's
(;ompontid Extract or Sarsaparilla, bedvever, pos 7 .
seases properties not possessed by oilters„ from its
of preparation, and eobthrtnition 54 lilt other
vegetable extracts recorontended . by the medical fa.
rutty—and hence the reason why It is so generally.__
I'VC , JlllllWitded by the PhysicianaolPhilatlelphia Laid
.From the extraordinary virtues of this prepara
tion and a kitoWledge ofits compns;
Oaths, (the reason why they stn generally•tse,it, as
they would not use or -recommend any preparatioh
they did not know the (imposition lit,) it has beer)
introduced in many of the Hospitals throughout t 4.
ti. S. will is highly reentumended•by Physicians and
Surgeons of those Institutions.
• Frotn tlw New Orleatis .4(lfertisor.
se . h.Tlse high cmia eelehrity which this Pre
eminent medicine has acquired for its imariable cl
licacy in all diseases shit, it professetito,c4e, has
rendered the usual practice of pufliing unnecessary.
It is known hy. its fruits and its good .works testify
for it. I).. Leidy 'a - Sarsaparilla will be flaunt put ti
culsrly ellicaciotts in all diseases orate liver, stimi
eel), skin, kidneys, spine and bones; ulceration of the
nose, throat and other parts, itbsctees, histii Ins scro-
Atlas, er,sipelas, jattudicealtentnatismitnd incipient
gout, mercurial and. syphilitic airections, fontile dew
rangi•menis mid in restoring the sickly and debilitat
ed to their natural health and energy..
• Dr. Leidi's Compound Extraetn! ` Sai•sapaeillc.' hds
stood the tell I;.r the y oars rod. and 'tis no bmat to
;ay 04 ee is no other : pt opandion Of equal
, leength non. in . •
'll,enagfead the , Sotilltern
10 N 3 111'1A iu q:.;111,3111 .15C
11% It'll and eoffoe, Dr. Leidy's Sarmfamilla is gener
ally preli,fred anal is highly recowtueuded'h))•'Pht'-
sirians, {n
how evet ill cates . latve heel , frequent ty pub.
Fished ) 't thellllll . 54101 it isaiso
lunch usea, more pet hapsthati day' other.
um. bottle ,T it [half a Mot) is warranted equal to
twit of any Wier in strength, and is equal to one half
or ow strongest Syrup that eon he made. .
Dlrimtiotts.fer making Syrup thertfroto
pilules the dim:lkons.
. .
Dlll. lf.F. ID r S SA IfcS
Krum a few days since a Clergyman of this city .
(echo dues WA desire his name published in the pa
pers, but is kft with llr. Leidy . ] stated that a hilly
a Ito hail long 'woks communicant at his church, hat
for two yetir:i past nimble to go torliiirch,nn account
of her extreme debility, occasioned by:rater:dim; of-.
various 1) 3 1 19 of her body, iliwase of liar liner ntld'
'flier internal deratigeineias,llllll the constant taking'
of medicine dicrelbr, never found 'any change for the
better until titter using several bottles tit Dr. I.4ity'a
Sara pot by a iP v • montlui rt•Feveritiice iu
its use, was entirely Ei•StnITII yeeovet•
i•d her tortner . stretigtli, and to time licr °wit la.:gunge'
' , was almost 6reate.l a new living." This is but ono
of many itqtances almost daily !lard of.
, . • .
ft • in prepared only and sold wholesale and retail.
at lir. 1..F.111\' 'f4 II valtb Empoiltint No. 191 North'
Si•cond street below Vinci also noiti by Frederick
Ikon ii, corner Fifth mid Cliestidt streets; and Fred.
Klett 2.4.• Co. corner c2tl and atreetott $l.
per bottle, (ii halt pint) or six bottles $5.
For sale in Carlisle by • ' ', •
Mny 31, 15,13
Worms: Worms
psrents knew :the %sane nod efficacy of Dr:
I .rttly's Pateht Vcgemble Worm l'esi.tlier never
onull he without it in their families,us children aro
suldectas ull times.trs Worms. , •
I,ridy's Worm Ten in Composed of regebiblfe
altoc;etlies., atistmay bo giiien to children of all ages. •
Chib'ren much. 'of times, renal. AO matey
il,iogn 11(414.0%1;o them fr , worms; Nrithant any et-
Feet. \loch medicine, 14Ssi•ti to children, has a ten.
1 1 0,6 . to sle,troftheir genet-al 'health, and • they ire
flora or less ilrlientee6er Arr.. • ,
To a 6,1111 the necessity ot, s.,iiting medicine
ersstirily you ore Certain your Children base
,wonn,girsolicra at first Dr. ;..e!tleS Worm 'Ali. It
is all that it necessary,
liscleeetiLs might - he made to several ltniniredlia- :
rents in Philadelphia city and enmity, of thew , liessey
of Dr. I.eislfs Worm Ten. Try . it and yoll'l4ll' be'
Price cents a small, and 25 cents n largepacir4 '
age . Prepared only; and . .for 'sale; ,wholesale 1614
Retail, at Dr. I,liiity's Deldth Ensteirkun . t.' ro.Jpt
• Secsitstl street:, below Vine . [sign ,ortlfei .
'shen Esseld and .:erpessts.,l'Plulailefpbin. • : :
Fee stile in Carlisle by .
C. STF.TiX'stitsr:„-.q.
.June 1,-.1.84.3
I• , . • .• • •
Dr. Leidy's . Totter anntatt Oint en
Al4' infallible reine4 for. Vailiitte . ..stffeetion'kef, th d lo •
Ski ii;•rent ovi ng PiMples, Puatala;aatl • Ereptie,iii,ii
of, the Skin, nail poetic:oply
. .slapt?d,tiik*9
Tettc:r . aiiii the Itch."
, /Anti-Dent has beet) ,; •
theitigliout the city and .ecm ety ? as .
.01YribTing" *Yid
mhotn'Tetteitmil 0the,00.14 06 4 10 0f-'"
the Skin, prevllcd t iiirJOrttiOgost:9o.! ll %)
'cells.' -Names ofigehoolfettailtera,es , wklltei eke t
rrn-gir . lloo, of
'Alma, onufirtii:W.the . akinve4hat*iltil'vlall WO(
feelAn *Whig: illeir ; ;,pstmillmbr#l4 -in. OtipTsttOsiof.;''',: - ", , ', ,
with.supb lopMaiirins ltiettlitseeabAiiVre'iotinn,
10 .* 0 -
Vin.W.l 4 olPri4i l k' S A l4l 7l#4 440 7'