a ROM . - , - • POESIDENT .• • ithbjeet ,tri;Oe-tighlsiollioraNittinal"CtMentiW ilt ' •• DEMOCRATIG:',WHD?PhINCIPLES;•; .- ,•'igpx.64i.:14;..!',1 , 61. ! : TIT& puBLIC,ILYE.' • • OIUIa•VREED.. ' :currency, regulated by the wtll'and authority 0f4119 Nation. . • .2.' An adetpht e• ~evenne; with fair'Protection to - • r • 0.. todint,o - on'. the Vxecuthre . Tower, em futtlibt:t4trietion. on, the exercise of • Withie*:equitehid ilfeltibillion of the proeceds ?.:of;edles'ofibumorig all the'Stutes. 6c An honest:'_and economical adininistratiOn 'of the General Government, leaving public oilicers ••-,:ilerfect freedotnchf thought and of the right of but,with • suitable resttairtis against - inptopan.,interferenee in elections. • • • .:6.1 An tthiendinen t ' to 'the Constitution, litnititig Ake ieeetebent of the Presidential office to 'a tIINOLE TER • ..... i l'libse'olijeo4 . tif.tikiiied; I thiiik - thntrwo-shoOld :tome be :tifilidted with had administrathin of. Alto. G,ovoitnNot.—Hr.tinv.CLAS, .sl4lLitt -Central • Citommittec: • 3ONATIIAN ROBERTS,. Esq. Chairman; ;kink riPprussia P. 0, Montgordery. GEORGE W. TOLAND Esq. Plirludelphi-ar - j.,,CIJARD.ESGI.III.IONS, Esq. do PETEP.':RCYONO, Philadelphia county. jail* A.: . FISHER, Esq. Harrisburg. - • • "1-InisißY PHI -Esq. , do. • WILLIAM 'CLARK, Dauphin P. 0. torkupbirr count . Y. • ,Col. JOSEPH PAXTON, Catawissa, Comm.u bia eounty.- ' . Oen.,,JAIVIES IRVIN, Bellefonte, Centre, Co. JOBbI , STBOHM, Esq. New Providence, P.O. 'Lancaster comfy. THOMAS IL - BAIRD, Pittsburg. • .•.fGen.SA NIVEL ALEXANDER, Carlisle, Cum. • JOIIN S.IIICHARLYS, Esq. Reading, Perks co. . Secretary olipte Committee, JOHN . A. FISH. ERt hart.,..llarrisburg. • Clubs, and .Democratic Whig ilibs , throughout. the - State- are requested I o - rc.. themselvds to the • Secretary of the State I.7ornmittee. . . Irlt is said to be pretty well ascertained that Jig: M: Peirict cannot obtaidmore than six votes In The Senate of the United States for confi ma. as Secretary of War: , peniocrats " of Arkansas 11(1,1 a State Conventicn'at Columba's-on' the Ist u!tinio. the prominent Laces in the Slate were present. Riehard.M. Johnson was* nominated for the Pres. ' idoneyond Col, A. H, Sevier, Wm. Fulton and klarerd.Crossappointed delegates to the Nation. al Convention. The month of May,.1844 was designated as the timc•for the meeting of 4110 National Convention. l~j Col.Goorge, Mica, has been temoved, frotn • iho:o7lioo of Post Muster, at Abottstown, Pa., con. ‘vislict3 of ninF.tentlis of his fellow tawiasinon: • ashingtunts colored servant,'CArtuv;- Was-iiii i iied o Sunday . the 4th inst., froin Grd'en. ' , !lear'S•Poitit,.n ar Washington, D. C.,.and follow cid the grave byklarge number onblaUkii. ivae abot , ll4 , iiar's -- of...tige,'and' was_ for-many Poets pstlar td,G.en. Washington; Whotn be served • tl..llll.p4,3sagcir cif.theDclitwire, and at the battle +of Drilridywhie and Trenton. ' : Erie • Gazette says; the Stock of the Erie Enqal C.ompanynceessary. to seed° the char , ASO* beep taken, and William-M. Watts, Esq., , telVfot'llarrisiiurg to obtain the Governd's `ceptiatco. Bents will be running on this before taili'Yearti,:even IP no other tad is obtained than that •which exlstc in Erie county.. • Mark the pre: %4lptiont i • • .' l tri"Thr.%trtneastet . : IntoMien= states that on kin:iiiv iiist; lit'ecineeird in that coitnty, a disa .- ercoMen nt: tliaving dored between Mr. Samnel Meharry, of that place;-and a man named Hawlc, from-now Holleiiktito latter picked up a stone and struck MelnirtyAidth Treat :violence on the head' froeturing his skull in'soyeral plitpcs, The, IttinO , Oe.firol. "%vita Oupprised ' to: be slight, and' : - -- , - 1 1nWir-Traft,-trafforacd-46 ,- -iloriart - --11ut=on=Triesdar .Itfoli‘trry , locaroo worse, clod, then nearly ous—.44r 7 which' ho never,:spolio a word, Ile - diediiii'VtieariieiiOntiig lust. • ~ ,Fumm. . o functil of thin*cillent r ,Aan, wan litely attended at Now 49 4 ,,1/!:',lT . Pn? . fttileral•discourad which. was pro. said hi ' Chi istian,' and „his ditt#9l:did*rit;. !A . /A - noir! •in - iohoin /haie be. •-,,, , ZteU0i14;-'4#44p:!iitbiiicieilfnid, 'I depail with. , ‘5', A V41411; 1413idisithi STis I Louie —n c , • p 0c I. iJohnoon. .4* 4 ll 4 #.l9, l l°!!l!?gr:rO# 177."1144 General ,of the .470AillitiltiirAlifFitiini3Ond acted acCiinoral . , ‘.1110.0#14.744- ME 7 -7 '. , (4.14 , ~.. ,',. • , - = ,• f,;,;/._.,.'",1 ,- ,: ti .0° 11 09.e°1'1'U;Net0 4r, -09,.* =';Arti,, i. ,, !tiikt,f . pOitkAitloiipV : 'll4ooltol . 1 04': vt .„ , 1 '0,:iii),0 4 ,10641 1 400, 404.11404 4 0 41 4.': "!?.tiiifil,s , t i .it io ?.4o t r, 0,44#/#ii4:oltifi:Or, 'llOtiti i 4.lkr.#oit'=lo4o lo * I Pilg-#ol## , . areL et it ll 4Po i° '4o#6l;;, r ,r!Kll: 4l o te f iiit YoP l +4' ,IC4i°°' 4 ,PA l l9o4 ' 4l l 4o.#9'iliiii) l 4 o ioi'rlit i k. 1 3 illtiiihO'*0010,i . ,flere4;i 5 Pfifki* v01.44i! . ..00 ,,, ,.t.iiitatie, ~ g , ,140-.1-tvoi l ei.fra , ;ii,iiiikilli;q:f i . , o,iiiiaii . :,:g4.,,ii.;3l4 . iilii .- i,iiii'o4oc.;q4".. bPpc O ttkOri l iti:aili thing of egiii: 114tty,Ideji'h/fi 'i itielilk4 . trOliO'N , . 3 i),,fhet == otheF 5ici4..'4.... - Anct. , Yet,4v.hilis :Ite . theter.qe",ii;:foreihie;iti!ilOc:trin4iii tho main ~. ,`,,f;), ' ,.eund-;!',ils.rocornpietuiitione `Are „ . stren gfr,', it, vailltkied, \4&titiesdynaiii?iheld'iltt'iititeitiinetho: `Tafig.'Qu'esifin biniaichtiit'lo:iiiinierettil"Freafy l+,itl;"''qiland,}ii',l,lini`li:skyittihlY,r..4Avar. - ivith the; preetie4 goeo..sense:Of t ,theygpii„epereh-b l epile. Jtistly Oeorying:ehango' in::.nu , r, i i#iefisiKy.as the' gria"Clsearee 'et 114 6i1ik14141,i ii.o)figiitclW aster, he,properms a very grettP , ,:einlAg i Ngiltp, .L r , , i i '' ,l, i , d'f , ii:' . .:ftr:Oni I;re4i`eiity . '. ,iinii l 4l:.o . ,, i 4(A4'9llr 64 ll , went en rt-..dou bt—,a ohangeilev't!grof,bi.CA.tl:6?srl ' a ppleijeir Ipr'ximria nee tei,.'6o:;o,, , olaik , ,,iiithi . dia . p Li9n. - :vaii lie apovyji.;o!. ilia, ilk ii . 44l4i4l{loiiiil promote our ouriiiietfalOy ; dr hinkiiikgpiins n i th . other natiens hi,Y r e:iq!qiiotzli44iii:!kii46,! , 4 then, urges us iti , ti.Y.4 . 4t, , ifierl . oo:kplotled '.exp'eriniOnt over egaiO!.,:Wii‘;aiiiint ' i4i : eit to it - •; •; ' mma 11trv , i01.94-attl•ltonlips .- F i=4:fe'r , 7 4 ./ The :WcattiriitlChriatia*Advenote; one of the organs of thelitettiOqrst:Epiacnpal Church, is pub liebeff 4ceklAW:aliCeiniiitti- 2 'Ae editor-IFM re -501, tl3 , :lsjled Ke4tieliy,.Sc 'frein uninteresting ac entinkeoifs:.:jOMiieY;'Weextriict did:following, to tis;',,yciv , pitepM:tirig paragraph concerning the grea(pi*Odlie'ntition end his hepselipld . :— A PeisMis.Who Sees so ,many newspapers !man editor 4:;46llange' fiat furnishes; could scarcely visit Leiington without dnalting'Scirrie ir:Miry concerning Ashland and its proprietor: • ltdiap pcned that our well tried friend, brother Doscoin, 'wasdlie long Mid intlinatoqidend of Mr: Clay.— Their acquaintance wits formed wizen the ft:tinder • travelled Danville circuit in Ibl6, who, by ilia powerful eloquence, cogent reasoning, and over. win:lining Scriptural neithoritics, gave a . .dentli. blow to the rife Arinnism.ol. that, courtry, which threatened to overrun Et:mucky: . : Our kind host conveyed Us to Ashland ;, but the proprietor-was not at home. Ott Bearing, however, of our visit, we received a Most cordial invitation to 'died - Cat Ashland of which we availed ourselves; and spent three full hours in very plesunt chat with our kind entertainer, end three more agreeable hours we never, spent in all Mir life.' Mr. Clay is sixty. , five years of age, but_might pass for fiffy, and will In all probability. be Will - capable of public business till four-score pass over his heed, if God spare him that long. His manners arc as plain and republican as they. are gentlemanly and un affected. The moraTprinciple, producing honesty and, conscientious fidelity, to Iris trust, seemed to us to have taken cep possesilon of kit,i , s mind, and we believe governs his heart. lie is now closely engaged in his duties-as a lawyer, and does not forget his firm which is in admirable order. His! house is plain indeed,, and liii,iniproeiements a round it, consisting of grass lawns, and rows of shads trees planted by-his own'hands are in good taste; - and , in -- ccmipleter - ircuping-with)vis TepnbliF can keeping and, mariner of life. And then; Mrs. Clay is more than a pattern—she is au:excellent model for all the ladies in the land. She 'minute. ly superintends all her houstiold affairs. • Her little green house, and collection of flowers and shrubs, are Most tasty and well selected. But her hutter—yes,her Eutter.(for we cut some of itj —is superior. From the daily, conducted tinder her eye, she supplies the principal hotels of Lex iiegten ; and it is no small glory to lier,•that her son Thomas showed, the other day, the suit which his mother purchased for him with the avails of her butter., Whether her first »rime be Lucretia or not, we cannot say ; but then We are sure she deserves it. Tho topics of conversation were. moral religious and- miscellaneous subjects; mid we were glad to learn to our satisfaction, that 111. r. Clay wits a firm believer in the Christian religion —that he reads Hs bible, and attends with his excellent lady and family, the Protestant Episco pal Church in' Lesingtem, and frequently hears ministers of ether 0 lurches. "•• . • • . . • A Nati nal Bank. . The hyncliburg irginian, whose editor has ~ just closed a canvas for - Ceigreisonys:—" We have had an opport nay, of knowing something of popular sentimcmt, having seen gentlemen vole for the Lei:oleic° ,eandidutes this spring front the 1 lieluctinico to their nviction of the noCessity of a Na. Mak old party tics, avowing the 'whilel/6) ionalrlia e—and we - do - not.hositate - to predia that tw , years hence, it will be more popular than any an or any Fifty—and that the, man, or the party by whom It may be opposed, will be as sure. ly crushed as the Federal 'opponents of the Bank wore in'.1817." • • ' .. Experience, they, say, is a very hard teacher, but tisueeessful ono. In Tennessee, we aro glud to find the E eneible and honest portion of the Lo cofocos are doffing their old prejtidices against a National Bank, and testifying, in the strongest terms . , their conviction of the necessity of crest ing such an institution. The people are begin. ning to open their. eye's,—thero. is no mistake about it. n'There' has act yet appeared to explain a. way the, facts lately, brought before' this publie, which, if irrefregablo, convlet the same Mr. Por.• ter of no lees a crime than .thal of perjury—of swearin g to, .a falachood in order to enable his • r nephew, the sormif his hopeful , brother IDavy, to, hold the office of Sheriff. e(Philadelphia, and to, !Melds poelMtS With some twenty thousand dol.• kW Just think of thisthe Secretary of War of the U. States of America appearing heroic. the ...rlittssithAluFelnirgoPlierjur-retrotsgly-attac ing to his character!—Franklin Whig. Tapalutstim Destroyed. We learrarern the Savannah' Georgian that on the morning, of. the 55111 ult , , a fire broke-out-in. Tallahasse, Florida, and notwithatanding the,uni. ted exartinna 'Of 'ilia irihribitants, 258 houses, in..; eluding the prineiPal b . nildings, • Pririting,` effreett,:stares,-"taro---hotsbeai!'uirchandive, ite.; were destroyed:.; Nothing now remain tau a few dwellings lq the putntrbaef .t hp city...., Reptidiallim 'There' is rt,strang '-diapositton' axlntAteil is ar r r oral ceuntica. Maryland adverse , to the-pay. ment of the State t,a.a;. in - some . caries the - county . . • .• . Coratnlealonare refoao 10 ,9"9.9i 11 .1 „Oft 9 011 0010,0 0 . antlln'allira;tha payanne ,appOptei4 to, tha t refuse' to, ;: iinaapt":„Thle Wll)4,,t'C'ef".'iof, ,{Zl' . 4 4 '. ‘, 1611,904fr°) . • . ME EMS Salitirel 4 , , ...,,- ~ ..,4 ., , , A ,igti11tP90.4,t i ,t44l"AolErlor,Prot.th! , ‘§'rs/tr .4 r 1 1,,, o#o . Alo,4o#44)lo 4ll :pleßfrAlf, c i ` l l4 4 4 4 44o: 6 :it4i3O,k'oei n dig i, miCth i lk °u Orf, igiettolp,cAriffiiyAWiedOOn,'of it' (ITO(); pisipi 6' . : j :•; *l ‘2 ,1 ' 41 0 0 * 3 W, 14. 'o l:l eailiii' whic4 ,coli, iii t ;iiitrin9ritelligcnde that the §and: 1 A . : ','l Z4 4o !! '' . l C*#)4o Fi t*Pl 4l i'i l lit#lo' i Yi bf tiltislN,liii: l rgeftinlifee-ibiil : Pe!'go . P 6 A B , 'ned'ibi 4l ; ll , l 3i 44tik ? ff,00 16. '` ,6 :0 1 0? 0 0 4 0; 1146' e ! Thb oitaitl;eorretiiidnile,i?e6WWfiteii,.the , ine . go. tiation was.conductedieilubliShiiilolerigift,-fienti which we make the TolloWing;.'rtairathic,• It seems that inimediately .CTI • lie' ,arrival' Lord George Patilet iddressa a let(r tri the GOvernor of Wephisiv`ahntiutinlng, that he'l'itUleiniiii for !the purpOtirlf)effUrding proteotiati"to' Britful?deli jects, Mid `demanding : Thompson, to whom I Was lawfully married by ''Squiro.Melfendree. The Bald Thompson loft this city a few - ilicys - aince - TUT fratti iinkiiewn to his loiing and devoted wife. My hue band is twcnty.four or five years old, but has not yet at,' rived al the yearn of discretion, He is about 5 feet 8 Inches height, dark complexion, blue, .jealous-looking eye, and is usually suspicious , and -distrustful of tilo.o he has taken an interest in..— Any one, who will pica information of the above . personage to me at Columbus,ivill receive the a. hove reward, end the thanks of the most chaste, viittious and disconsolate wife. • ELIZABETH G. THOIIIPSON. • Editors mho feel disposed 'to aid the cause of injured innocence, will please publish the above. The following letter, also published in the En. quircr, may shed light upon this case of "injured ininacence." We -copy it, as the Intelligences says of important documents, " because it, belßßgs to the history of the Com." It is 'from "LIMO • Racket" to a friend: "Don't u reilcolect 'sum 7 or eight mtmtlia ago a rich widdur that ,cuin from Stewart kounty up here s'parkin 7 Sholtourted a Mister, Thompson, retalo decler in waterimelluna, appali and nua nced seeds, jist a leotle ahoy Ruse & Darnard's store, oppasit Captain Darrow's hotel. After she ,had addressed him far a short tyme ho . begun to tide 'tender Emoshuns,' and fynallco when he herd she had $30,000 Dollurs ho She could hold out no more,' and the wur mauled. The .next.' mornin ho swore she was an angil—it woman what jist suited him, fur she hadn't bort a pare of abuse in 7 niunths, and she was rich tu. Ho kon suited sevral Lawyeraabeut the beet way fur-him tu go about Lakin charge of his' dulcyneas effex, an Our gittin thur advise lib went tu lihr Home tu -proklaim- himself -himself 'moniirk—ofall- - he surveyde.' He found . that.all warn't gold that glittiirs—fin, unfeeling retch ! he desurtcd his bet. tur half. Sho is now on the look. nut fur him, so she ken give him a change of klothing, (affekshu. nate kretur) fur she sex he didn't hurry enny with • him, She reqwested me tu as to u if u could git cane infurmasbun konsurnin him, that u would oblyge herby bti drappin her a fu lynes thru the post *cc; and that she wishes u tu re: kwest . the Presydent of Texas nqt tu him, marry before she gita that. i• , tinlT fla me—balc sacred lye, What banes 9; gental,snles in,l ; Ou ckwnl wings Oar pleslinrs fly,.• Lr CkWal streniei'tliar sorrows run.' • "That's not so horse, as the old lady sayed when she got choked man hole hominy. dust du all u kan fur the 'poor wolnan. 0 wimmin, lovely Wimmin r Jude Kolgultt said in a speech he maid in the Kort house on Greene's tryal, that u was the konnucting lynk between man OW the THE SANDWICH .Ins:res.—England will have, sometrouhle to main possession of thOse Islands. The N. Y. Journal of Commerce ads to the statement it made ^a foW thiye ago, that England and Franco recognized the,lndependence of the govornmeitt of the Islands, Other fiefs. , Fianco has agreed to npllif the treat forced nn__liln Icamehamelia by Capt. Laplace, so far nt, least, tr , it permits the introduction of French brandy into. the Islands, A commercial company company,in fiehjihm, has entered intakirne important arrangements for' trade with *the blank in. which king Leopold takes a deep ‘interest., Their independence and' integrity are are_gow, thelefore,lnaranteed,by, four. nations. These recoglait!salis took Ono, in ~Em. 'rope_ March, a month after the Islands had been, captured by Lord George Paulet. • DTA pretty pihde, sauntering . on the Cap! 111,ay,withAer sentimental swain, was ISCI s huck/4V Als indelicate allusion to tho.” bees• log,,boseat" of .tha,oyoau, that slrdiseaTded him 11 .4 W, i , fe A., w l i al t i q _ a 8, 1 t w 7 y 4, ifi c , ? , ' , I rl i';k 4 n ,. 4 P .,b lv ig q .,; ;I : p 7 1 ; ‘ , : 1 11 1 P , I r p e . o! , l 3 ::p . ,;f t .1 4., f ; 6 0 Wejtitititittnd.' - \ ' , .. r ~ ; ~. ,'. the , . 'T,i kt ittoi l : Time!! ;IP:Yet.' 11 1 . A hi t nuipber, 441 r1. 4 4,1 t01 1i, t ii i ii, j iy. , he . riiklpatii ,6 * ; .# l 4,l9l 4 C a i rl li e toafriii, . t . flipiliestiiiidltiq't , , sk , 1 , 1 4' ilid'hill'447 k oubtl that b' n , 4-le , , ,E. .... Ave ,l 44 l fizi / ,tare iiipitAitivltil,.'iar#l '' '' ~..,_ 03,0 0,0?, , kr4FNePg ',' V'citiyphelid:o,l7l eiPlSre i 11t ,, 414g.. - .4.. I ,I. 'f s Yri , l::ir iNi A, " - I.446tigi 'wl , '4 - :I'4 1 41iW 4,it i t d.v.., tl, AA u,. '",,V tr;',. r,' ,J.'.. a i l y",' '.• • i't 4 4.1iiti t tql• ' ', . ~ ' ,, . .'1 . .. ' ...•,..,,,...• '-:;* t i i i.. o .‘-' "woimu • •,,e, - --.._,, NMM !MEN s 1 .111% .:I;iirkilf ' , :,-; , ,1' ,. ' - i ' 4019 . 4.4 -''' lirta#4 l W e :P.' t; '40,901 1 .04t 1 kAk ';'.V : ii #' POiipi)iie illfleietti .:' a , ,4 d t , ittlitni-haneat, „ •, aws,• ,, ,==i*l. l'; **it . • 0 . , ~:i',l :4 ~ .f : . i .: t .• - :,th„viii.o4 noweito .., „ .e' .4 . 4 -i r ipsk t p l op,oot to, 4 'rbes,'Y' 4 : . wiliil t$ lifVf,,tita.. , vo .qeiro Ai '*iitt, Atil. .-4,,iitto , o'4 i'ktiOit fiklitogotioimo I ,14400,;,. i,i048.1, - ..iipm;ioihvolefittaiitlAt' --xi5`p,,, , ,,, onlin iftto K ritroi.,... # 34o- 0 ,1, 4 0,-*.v.4.26,iff , , , flio.iothiff,,,Atio,ir:.4",.... inwau l tho t t4.ll. , t iitv-tu , r7orciaAtivillitiip, , , ,, rre qopo , piiialityloiriitioc ,. pxiby q4,l l .kiii,i, t..„,0“ aniso , miiitorielixosorti v.i , oupt fk"w' k - n6miaie l noli44lo:o6l4lCloke ': ' Vii, lodge, of arlithiv-09000401,dp1A0eflgt4 the lodge:of wikiekkifiiicie‘ineynne nialdf,' te years.ago;:before';the 'ile'ailt . Of liliirgliriV, : r not since ; stendett IL ,' kltnite,': deo,ittiO' , ,tli, 0 4 nonnee an inetitution sibieltraVilltl,4o:l7.-: observation extended, pridsli) to' inlireAatAtitjn objects in, view, andll..as fOtiilol:'4los_,..l4"Pet letter, irddreseedaonie.yektratticf4T, 4pti#l - 4 eons in,lndiana, is said to have bpdriAnsut tiik' l tk some, of thorn, Such Was'net iniiillta)l. tioll,L4nt I think no candid man can point out ,nOir,l itl FOn sivo passago in it." ' •' ' '.,"('''''..`" tf,4',.'r The Pittsburg, Advocate; re.publishee Vin.lkttoiti!; of Gen. Scott . tnid My. Clay, and accompan ies with the following comments:, GOn. Scott l'ays be has not been a lUdgc,fin many years, and has very nearly lost , all recollec4 lion of its signs and tokens, Henry Oay says in' substance tho safne - Gen. Scott says that the duties inculcated by Mason are, _brotherly love' and mutual succor in:distrese. 'Henry Clay Sayii it professes to itaVo eharitaato objects in view,. Gen_. Scott'sais that forgirditwits niers/yet/par , fluous and he 'bad tie cause to !inspect:it - Of any other design.: Henry Ging:Sari it Was 'it least harmless so far as his own - obserVation` extended. Ono forbeari and the other declines to denounce, the institution, and both have withdrawn their connection with' it, Henry Clay, it appears for the longer period. We ask - with-eons whether . there is any substintial differenecibetweerillenry - Cla and Gen. Scott on this sub'ect, We are certain that the answer of every Cane !pan will be that there le not. It follows that if Antima. masons 'can consistently support Gen. Scott for the Presidency, they can support Henry Clay, and as 04 are not again likely to have a candidatri of their own in the field, they will lati`te . lo make choice either of the Whig candidate, the Locofo. co candidate, or of going to the indirect aid of the Locofocos by ,supporting the _political aboli.• tionists. Wo feel satisfied that the bulk of-them will adhare• to their alliance with the Whigs, Flowers of all created things, says an elegant writer, are the moat. innocent and simple, 'end moat super - 1)1y complex—playthings for childhood, ornaments _for the "grave, alin the companion of the cold - gorpse in the coffin. -- - Flowers, beloved by the wandering idiot, and studied by:the-deep thinking Irian of science! Flowers, that of all periship things are the .most ' perishable; yet : of all ear lily things arc the most heavenly! Flow ers that unceasingly expand to heaven their grate: ful; and to man their cheerful looks—partners , of human joy, soothers of bunion sorrow ; fit em blem of the victor's triumphs, of the young bride's blushes—welcome to crowded halls, and graceful upon 'solitary grivea! Flowers are, bythe vol ume _of nature, what tho expression, God is• love," is in the volume of revelation. What a dreary desolate place Would bo a face without a sinlitz--a feast Without a welcome!— are not flowers 'the stars of' the earth, and iire not flowers the stare of heaven 7 ,One cannot look closely at the structure Oa flower without loving it. They are emblems and manifestations of God's love to the creation, and they nro the means and ministraddirs of man's love to his fellow crea tares,, for they first awaken itchis mind a sense a sense of the beauttilil and the good. The very utility 'of flowers is their excellence and great beauty, for they lead us to thoughts of generosity and mural beauty, detached from and superior to all selfishness,so that they are lesson's in nature's book of' instruction, teaching rrian,tlint he livetb not by bread alone, but he liafit another than ani mal life. 1 • How charmingly ono of our modern poets has described the , culture of llowore; liCar him : • "Still, gentle Lady, cherish flowers— , Truly fairy friends nre they, • or; whom of all thy cloudless hours „ Not one is thrown away , By them, unlike man's ruder race, No care cnnferr'd is spurted, 'But all thy food and festering grace. A thousand fold returned. The rose repays thee all thy funilee— The stainless Lily rears Dew in the chalice of its wiles, As sparkling . as thy tears ; Thezlnnees of thy gladd'iting eyes, Not thanklessly are poured; . In the hive violet's tender dyes Behold them all restored. au bright Carnation•-onee ihy.eliects Bent o'er it in the bud i . . And back it gives thy blushes meek in one rejoicing flood I . That balm has treasured alliby sigh, , That snow-drop touched thy. brow, Thus, note cliarm.a thine slitill,dic, Thy painted people roar." Losraa Looic..o.lThetre'ls'ono thingtas I octet sec tbrough, blowod if I can. • The President of • ii-Stht-s-and , thommtt-we .t l ,lteope=th. Custom. flouse is the people's setwants, isn't they? " Welh they is,ceui." Werry. ;hon ., ' 'spone I 4 3.6 to Tylbie and'stlyi I "old 044; Want's an oider . Orr the Treashry for liquor, ' he'd orteestsn' it—he's the people'e servant, and lm the people theirselves.' ; •Otrit OPINION or BRANDEETIINI VElierdif.:l4 UM+ voltam: k'ata.,--This medicine; was aoktiowledged i " in recommending to Our readers,,ponseases wonder„ ftil eflieney , in all nervonndisorders, fits t headiches, wiaienesses,iten'elnetts'•and . lowness, of spirit, ness of right; Confaied - thoiighti sdn'd wanderings ' the inihd, mpors.und melancholy; and all kindi of hyttoricteoreplalnts, gradually, gp oft 'by : the,ose of this tindinine t in , sicness of the ,stomeek, cietitadbhstrucilons; it inideate reMedy.': 'The - first" iiinittelmn a I . a. eO4 . effect* Are. serealtydmitcheerruiness, das A Ventatt!TLYPII!OFP , an d COfiqr , OF,Ake , biolfiliil , bee 1 egkite (Oki in tine, , ~ q 1k;:lt 40nd4ZTYTi lag ifV144114 and , . caved i*icedistiiiiidnioitsVogiiieialgand vigor. clina, v d ti~a . Pyle in ;:igold 001 .tpt44 , ll;i4,,OAOr NTIV*, - 0:; C r Cu rd A;CiYllirrjr OlttijntlhkPir,ll44,.4P y Cultivate no Wore. ~E 1 ''. l • ' .... '.. , ,,,-410# :. , (111.. E- : ,, :,,,. •, --,' 1 - ~,•i i-0fr1,..k;,44,,„ f : is•=.4,V,q } tit4-,3 , ,.':' 1; i' , ..!c .....v.. , ' .:-;....-0 . • , ‘,.. , ',. ~, ,v -o t - , ::4- 1 ...; .. 0!,: , ,, ,, f , 5„ : t1: 1, 70 0 1 ,17. 5i i V , P tl kft. '44 64 ' ). ... "' -4,11,4tA t' ,5-,,,v , 4 0 ;,t 1; #' 1 •9, Old iirit#44:4lt .009#0,7)40* , ,,Pg!t* -o . l4llVitaiiVri:iiiiieriorikieniioii***: 'OckutE4 l Mo l o' , VOikgrio l o.Tplt e iiiiiteliitqiiii'alcOOli'.4ogeri*mk.ml7. o lo.o ., r o e , t p . et ,44 ,1 1.kirig 7 400 1 .0 , .illiik9 1 0P*OW . 810iiiii:444,1;0ii.,i!'iir itotioii:,,A,.:,,' 44004iiiiii;$,iia,ipi44)i,041iiikii'oot e 0070htoiith, the b i t! l cl v e(4o llll ,P. inert vibrat dtO ' ntoAthil peel*. : ...Tr ',.. , 4l4l,iserVed it l , and. ouOrtio,' t . l ll itifil?s , l ilkkii*T . .,**lllisiiiir.q 4 ~,,,„„,, , ,,„...,, ,, ,,h,th,).0.0„,,,, ~,,,,,ce,, ~ .-,,,,,,„,i,,...,,, i-*, , -*,....04,, ~ t oef i % 8.,....„,,„ v,..., , lti,*„ t( 11,2J , 1 .vc4s„l.t.'. lt "4.. A :Nip' , At ,,,, , , f.4. , , ,, i5v, - --m. ,, -11 , .. , ' '. 4 .. - 1v44...• ,;7-. , 4 4 !:- ‘ 011 61 0 4 1ktith'0 11 , ''' kV .—.„: • ',' '. allirf niißligitkciit til#,l! - I '-"fri.''"`... 44#41:; . .rfik,vifii , Ss#4:iiiiyti , , - 444 . r'ii,xol-q l ieffiii)i4iTioisiffoi.oo::,ol I lk . ',•(:';PlA '„Vreiii*:iiiiviqctioc,,bulldit;iid4ol44.4.#o. 940* . $0,Iciiit,ogniii , ,i':17i 5 led lntep,SP49l4l 4 ' ':(leititrigbtlibbatirtilornini,mheri 1164 :*.i -0: , 1114P...'iiiikii.4'lla PieSbytaiian Church in': oi','t4 , itgoNiti4i n sl. l / 4 ene of Ills Elduits,ieturniniti;uoV I,lobitifeh''afiet. the; inetfning•Servlicei. The'bit:' ieic4iili,,‘iii'alied,senreely say. it Wei the gentle r priiiniailOded to above-1d by the hand a little boy, in:Whose daivning eiistenaa centred inany of his dearest ;hopes, and;who-was o f all th at the Subject foucLe butler? freqnently-fatali- indulgeitpe; -which paitintatithincis Is. loci ;prone to' liiviih..4lll; minister andlis eldei_after_n shoals/Ilk reacheti the hommof the latter,, whose guest the. Paster was' for the'dat: ';'rheY btit obeyed a universal custom' of the tinta—in tin) church as well as out of it- r a custom as prevalent among ministers as laymen —a custom' which the ehtireh's long 'and fatal blindness to, may have made her the instrument of untold and incalculable evil- , -in' Seeking the side-board, that temple of the Evil One, which in tlia - blliidneiii Of that : day - , -- inin - liiPiciiii - fantili he .t. ical•ed b 'the vor side of the altar. The Pastor and his Elder,after a morning's communion rpirit above," in the sanctuary, could not resist a refreshing &Might also of "the spirit below," when arrived at home. Nor could pu in dulgent father resist the importunities of his little eon, whose oye caught hy the roay.hue of the glit tering liquid,' now craved, but " a . little taste." of what seemed to afford sr' much cnjoymegsto his parent. Oh, what merry and odd. conceits elm. : vesoed from the excited brain of the little fellow, as ho revelled in the bewildering influence of the first draughtof rdeat spirits! But could the parent have seen, t o stealthy tropic_ Mika' coiled, its poison• in this fir top which' had been per- Mined to pollute the unvitiated taste, of his boy— could he have seen in that glass the animal sule form which was destined :to grow into a minister that should cat out the very of the sout-,could the future of that son have -been revealed to him; with its dark years-of-de.- gradation, wonse,almost than death, of which that first drop created ' the destiny—he would have, cursed the hour, 'Mid mourned in bitterness,of spirit over tlio fatal injury which Ills blinded feel , lugs of indulgence had'inflicted. Years rolled rowid4the . boy grew, but..an ap. petite had been implanted in his" nature which grew with his growth and strengthened with his strength, and which was (eclat every opportunity that aflbrded, Fortunate cireumstanecs intro• duced him into a flourishing business before he had attained Ills majority, and Into the company efseniors in ar i aMong whom hisfrce social mull. ties toon gained him the fatal rept:tat/on of a iihofe sealed fellow," And now commenced a career of dissipation,. !bleb all Whti know' front the sure proof of experienceiis for a little season and while the vigour of youth remains tmsapped by its deadly influence—most glorious in its brilliant excitement—dazzling in its allurements —bewildering in its fascinationa T full of gay, apirited,dashing,rcchless enthusiaim and maudlin inspiration for a few.Yearrt—ihut at last 'debasing to, character, destr nittie to the inidynhd damning to thiasoul:, ; ' -- The years - of ,his youth and freshness, which should hate been spent in holy emulation and mental toil,' were wasted in sensual indulgence— the office was deserted'for the bar-roont—home and the fire-side circle for the midnight revel—the lighted halls where beauty flashed tiom lustrous• eyes and ivory'brows, war, poWefiese in their at tractions (411111st:the more seductive influence of the bar with its more brightly flashing decanters— the society of the Virtuous and' refined was abandoned to mingle with "flaunting wassailerauf high and low degree "—he was fast becoming " Lost to virtue—lost to manly thou ght— Lost.to the noble sallies or the soul." Thus was an existence which had dawned tinder the mdat flattering auspices thrown away in utter abandonment--thus tlib Itlffs'of his soul prostitut 7 cd—the bow . of promise, which hung upon' his early path reershadowed 7 his prospects blasted-- hopes crashed—and himself hastening to swift destruction I , Such were the fruits of the first fatal indulgeheel And yet lip, Was V, a drunkard in the oftensivia aceeptatiote of fthat .miserable tend.: • Stern' Or/tit:would have called hinilinstly' so, but the world which kindly ihrowir its chari. table mantle over erring helmet:ay, condescended - ,hoassiv-gently-ati—fiverk--tiqt&-yohnit Man ,!" Ile was not habitually 'inebriated, and days and Weelts intertiMed sometimes excesses I but ,why should the genteel loafer, as much . proatitnted 'tact,' be elevnted'in trod, shove the common clrunkird? , c. But the yotith.was hot destined to be lost. He had a mothee ands hiater—and: ,- • • , Oh, if there he within the bottom' heart t, •'- A'. feeling holier thin All ,else,beaide r :. 1.14-4166 hive that *arms mother's brea st for , elilld-tithe only tie That death eati Imes.; and litelf • ' • 'Till the late throb or feeling is at test When'ftiendehip'lied relaxed its ii s froi wears. nose-r:whin -.pity'eveu' las 'almost.:exhitneted=i acither's aldeplessi and .-ntidylng effectiapil . waa O r tilL4nt p p4dtiog , end un essing prayer toe the resteraito*Aherfallvfoal;",, and slew' was sle wee alialrlng to: the ` horn, atilaralteri with:her-high ' intaagtianocal, V , '-''f , """""'"," ^ "'''' 7"'"" . ...7 .. ......"......." - -;?' • , fi/q , - ~i. • •• '4 , 'or , •,.. , ..„' , or,, Afvkly , , ,,, -` • ... *llee' 'IP;'Ik ottottiVi - „..4, , ,irPOY:,,Przovsi "'• iil.9viiieigooir% "tirleyer *as es: t.Y' oU . d'i 'lf e.. ,r •(iii . 01'4- r. 1 - -A.° , ~ . .P.,": , , & 1 ,, „.• 49 ~ ! 1 0,, ti ll t g • iiirii...4,, ,*2, 4 . ':iti!,:#,irr''' %: :Ina ' 4 411 riiiPto lig ,i --' io" . 'es.to'tho' , o4e. r 9filto4.'i'tio..,•ubject • ...I;iry'4oA(4s,,iikviiiiittiti=o4.oi, fi,l.st.?l.p.chimit.oo:o l #ts l ,oo,4tti'vlio4 '10041*IP.A4. 4 0:004901.10)10 04 0, :'flkftAttit)i.f,gotio.:4# 4 ; 1 4 Ym!..q.mrd 4,, - ,!-,. , : - .2.:-.4 , ,. , = , - ...c:s T". ppol,"„0, #::: i :,4,l#o :l 4 l,u 4k*P°!#' 44 ' x-, fit ik4tifte ' ,, :. 4116. *** 11 1= 4 7°44•- .: Olt .*,•.:'',#*.iiiit#3o.44o4lvitild,. 44,0,, , !! 1 21 r." E y 1 0 1 10# 1, YO: = ° f A 3.1i t il . 0 311C*04444:fifilki)kkit:iii ad .-- W,lfilki•LUlT*"6l4lBit iit#Witilidifili.ina'- , ~.„,...4. .:- The. 4. )„,"„)_ ..,., , „ , ,,,4,..,,,-,,,J. s ..... , ... , induclogliiii , ,luahmdAtfs•9elrsetqra, hahit..- : 4.l i.#4titgi4; Ft..t,itiCiFlL4/: /I )..t, i ! ' i t o 4 7 th ).4,; : M 4 ?:- l'4., L eio.!'-i., a. f l / 4 :I , R T OItO C PTfO )b ? , ,0. qlol ) ikk#C,rlik,9lA!i,loo)ol . #Tedln:. sletaitile: ii•;vinfdritin**iiio4loodasti lig .: a • 4111 4 .1) . f!• ' '''is• i 'lkt,iiii:JS,hia.." hitid-7-11sint s, •,t .i iia, ,, dist, Atiktegr.e*Aiffk f11 i z.06,0, 1 4ei 1 T 4 4 4 11 0 14446 "01 6 fi r ,11100 i #4 ° 4tirrl:l4V‘lii&Viii,l'afiatitiiritiqoiliiiikr" , .jililio . ol4:Cii:: . 4i4Oiditibihifii'ildi}ric hit' A Ifredoind„,loir,tesod,bitlit,,,,,iii 4 .4iii o t: i.o4antiil..„)ii.;.:::9lreeti°TjcP44;,i'aii4l.4'7 i a4 l n iileiiii,nlighteneka ge , vi ,l a t.thai dine !h* :; chuivii.:(l4) 444 , consider:it sinn4.4l,r)pk:7-I . ;it itillik thne "it quilt! • not' pvenzdreamOinil.:a*ipliiult, • could4sateclaimed;.k4 . 7 thaCtiriwiAliiislitiC the* polie f yPi add the names 'o,floblidroliie:the pledge. ,fle v Oley, could not approclaPa;iti(•,phligseionsat oi):iiiipa, the,father did ; not{ take hisiatiTio ;the' illi4i.,:iiiihe - Caftliskoialaii. dinerai, did' hid' ion' to the• altar and rualißldtiv swear-eternal hostility to Rome. ,-No. thOse thinks are blessed iniprnis. • merits upon the , "good old times l "whose praise is so much vaunted.. The Tomperance-Tteforns.and Common Bohools Aro. products oi . 44ator age .f end it Amerib:an parenpi ;would MO, !iippirlions • putvrfulitiplantts in gtiOirkaigh,*th - itit cia!igh - - - te re as cornerstones polished'afish,tha similitude of a palace"—,let thorn cherish the!to,h4l€lstert _ strumerds of God for I t lyv,qg4,cni!*r,iqf, tho hearts atid r ininds,of;Anl,4l44l§mliii;,i . q.? our beloved, country:: hO'ooo4 - liioit,,o?/9tit*:,,, , od • free, arnireniutn the chosen)';a114:01,11*10,n0.: wriUt in fire the realinsAY,CitelileCr - 4 - And Heaven's last. thttudersshidiethe moryd';below!! 4141121te, 20 the Elector, o' Cain er and Co. vf.LLOW.CITIZENS : effer myself:to gout ,cOnsideration as a . caudidatelor ' . - OFFICE OF siri(titzirr3 , at the ensuing genern deed° . Should yoil died me , I pledge myself to discharge the' duties of' the Lace to the best of tny ability. "- • . ADAM LONOSDORE Silver Spring, April 120q43.„. , t e „, • To--the -Electors. of . Curiiberlanii 'Co. IDELLOW -CITMENS act; atieelfto your 12 consideration atuhatidichtte for the , 9 sireniFes torricin, " and tespectfully solicit ,yout 'auffragei 'file the Fame, Shahid you elect me, I shall endestat to' discharge the duties of the office falthrully, sod' impartially. SNIDER. RI,IPLEI: Mechanicsburg, A pril 1!2,4843. • le, To the tleetors of.Cumberland s eoUnty: IaftELLOW=CITIZENS f 1 offer myself mice - moto wyour euilsitlei•atiOn tom emiditlate , „ for/lic 'o ffi ce or , • SMEltirr, . . of Cut mherlitniliotiiity l at the emeting Eleition,should yen elect' tee, I pledge my elf tdo .tilikeitarge the 'du.: ties of the office-to the hest of JOHN 'Bol3ql3gdk." tast Fentisboro' Mil 44, 1843: , • • te..3ff To tii 4 O litectors ONHOberlaoll VigLIAJW-CITIZEINS:I °O'er myself to your r consideration ns n candidate for the oVricWor,slitirt,ir,O," • • '' • ' of Cumberland couniy At the cc tuit r .an wi t rea gratidelyotriaFfdith enti,port. • • • ANDIUM TIOSERTS:' To fl.l'Elecfcers of Ptito*lllo.s6,74titki VIELLOW.CITriENS Amin determigedi bh le candidate for-thti , oriIICROP sneffirC : fesipbdlftilly solicit yottif , t • • . . . Mtcf.f&Ert Or EGI 16); 10,. Att . '„ Tit the ER ELLe.w.th•fizENsi:•:i 060. Ibrelf Av. . yo s tir cointiderution an •ti the • OFFICE OF :SHERIFF of Cumberland countfiarid . shall btr your suffrages,, tlhoutd I 13!e glided& P dettior'todiechurge fhb drdei ot fidelity aud•. "or i alteig EardpennebOrn' Ili. April Ith .1 1 143'.•ti.8/ . . _ To the Votete ow4Ctishhhi'lltiOtt CO: , , ~ , , . , e E.bI.,OWrCITIZEMSs i P.. or irik. al pelf tq yoiii.e4icklOirgii**4lkipiliei k toklttni k . Orritilt# l ,lMilr*V .. 0 nett generittlNßOba, , IWT . trully *Reit ') 0111, ...vote* for:the , -** 7 ,M olpti . ,,,,e!ac't mii .0.. 1: 8411 endearar s to illtchin#tlik , ~a-tl!'!?r ' Pun fidelity and Imai : thpy....-cp-t -. ., • wiii , $ ti,Vlu .1' . . h ' - =Newton tio. Aprilllol4*,;ii - ', .. - .. - . To the C EN.T.l..F.NrAt . .,,,s*r,*ssett, as eindidate for orrickrtileisOiOn'irt. wi116,1 tluOkful rot' Sctr PuPPort; . .. • :A' Carliele;Atirit 1 1 0,,14c,4001CT.t, til; Oti*erifii4 Co: GE NTLEMBti atyeelf - as 11 candidate for 930 , 4 • 4Pririct at the nest . getiersa 81tould yol‘. liginor vie Niith tniv ti*ofiF *01)**1 illett*lf di soltargo "ce . (!ixii!t th.ti i ttlfi t t A tT 4 s; . : '4' 7 7" 04 OE „ 'FP Alm'X'All!fig. 3, -iii.tfirwriklAY.: ,- rttuiw:o74PNO,o6" , bix,loo r that .#r MO for 1110' 6 ' ' 4 r r 'o of wto#V,ltuillikt e Ohiltiekaf theornat'Seicid cie 9 R 9 P4 , o lo 4o 4 A.TAW4 o i.Fkicktf,ltilt,..Vatie° to iirmyourajthh.gr•-' , , J. 494 -,114p141,, 1841iP 4 ', , ,` • * tgl” amm., .''47 0 ..54 0 41/0 1 •40*Nto.401040,00- viEtithitincirlftilaill*okiiaci. car 41 'li" t o 3,4 l ,l l oooiilkal4l l o4 , Candiditte 41:4461.7-.. , 4 ,744- 0 , 14:1 : -P, 1 04 1 3it /PI !A„ .11.11t 1 4 i 1 11 14 -• 4 1 ;4 1 1 4 , Fi e , 4 1 01* %.413 tte'"? County. 13