A , !t --- - r % • a i',..,., r --, , , , , . --, •‘. •a •A far ' .'" i'l• 7 <r 7-7. C'''l ' '..-`,"' '','' , .. ' '•.'.,. ,-,,,?,.•..,,', ' ~., .,,. ,.i - ; - ‘4, t4 0 0 . , :*aty.t,-,,i,-t-i•ih-•,.0.t1p10b.,- 0n 4h-;,';.' Pij-k'.4 1 0 W , 1 +49 e# ,,, i t . g; ' o i .4 4 lq! , /01Atknrotlp,I11,5 fpn .P:04.010401.**00. , 4,ii11*P ‘°rll', • ,-. "AeI , !P:-•;t!'•f-tt "r * 4 . ,-!•••• ' •Ak,i,, , V-SA44l(ltii'' ",'Oifxiii,i l 4,ll4, l. - 1 1 ~'"4 : f, ;ifiski fi'AtpV 'Niiiiiii&v:lll;iirii; • -7 rid ~8 ' ,f II °lO 4 . - , . 1 2 J- ..,• 1 114 4. liiiii iVidiwiwo - tioit liiiii:diellitio:kil.. • ''''''"gi r tillit":•llll' - ' , t i flitlii - iiiio g #4iiii.'ilisiwi : 'el s '; tile, '.4ol4Vsti4 - theliirik f ij sli f ' 4lo f l itrik# 6 rce lII' OlstiOlsibbil: t4Z-.4frirc'YYlkne,l•!hlytr.O.Fithte 4 there. • ' , Swel* , Aelf ' e4 l ;!! * *' •' - 71` 4a.,ii !1i...!' 14 k- i r• 1 104 4 .°f 1 1 ~,,,,de, vegetables *lir • ~,,..!, 4.. 4 :tfiat oi.,qTil , p , *l . 4lfolietkib piki , !;:! injured; ts'. te.e0 11 ,140 : 341 k:**411 . 44 1 - I **Y,*:o 7 .Idrit* . a 4 r' o4 so4 - 014#4 , ;sipopi4 114.1* 2 ~,,..,; ~,.. ,i4e • 2;-' l if'il" 'lie: ..-:' '. 11!r:Tf!1 1 1.*"...MA:ttlidir 41',..47 l!tit dip y ;,. 1,y . g - - ,• **!e i tir ! !'4 4l , l . l l ,°#if i l ui:o4o4.ef , 4 l i gtlfK; ---:,-"n4ikto.4oVig. iiaPei:;oo'olltiilo,ispc.., 1 4'''ii 't4 • Ph * I tO ir'itarri urea 4''' 'Anatomy, Ta r a nd: yaw ogy,- o ae .. • ' ,,, .'erid: ; ' , lo!,,Oe: Pottage'. Phapel.,- " A generol-know ,,-. ' lefiga tit'thesO , branalies rOf science 'is 'essential ---"`-=lo' = good Iduciittoy, and Ohbuld.bO.pOssassect by ;. OterkiiiiijiaOktOnding bib . ° iyeli intern-led., We iteitailliiiii l ,o tiiiiiiOei 'et' the Wit' Jia:ve, 2 . , . ' --', .., •-• .11?,l',17;.,TO:...!•1!!°7?'"?44) ensure " re , ;_ftgSP'• portineity 'Of acquiring this useful infOrptillun to the stOdenis, bat Aviv:de - ilea - net!? extend its advan ..,,tagstato ono ,citixens generally. , i Of D r. M cClin. 0 ,Aock i p distinguished skill as an Anoint - hist and ca. ‘ ertiiiiitp -am,' 'Lecturer, his, position :se-a public Teachei k and his-reputation, in the scientific cir. , e. tes . --form it Ouffietent , guaranty. -.,_ We trust ; our vitlians;4lll.- iniiiib' l -ifee of the rare Opportunity • ' thus' offered to --thein,' "and - that. the Professor's _ 'tectireirivfil*fullY attended. Slate VPlnnilttee. e -°;;: The Democratic , Whig State Committee Covention held on the 2hd rneeiiii(oO 7 the 2d inst. `'%3n' PhThtdelphia ..i` H he Committee recommend Whigs throughout: the State to ' priceed 'at once to a comidele 'and thorough or, - - nnzstsop of , iliOpaity, 'and tra;Ure a regular vv.' reepondenee end understanding with each other through ,thiir - eip eotive ; ivssoclations, as well•aa • ::Ivith. , thei:,COrornitteis through' their Secretary at .. • . The Commiltee csiineldp with the cell °flit. • liairiaer(S h ite Committee' for, it Stets Convon. ille.`tth of September next, to nominate 'eaniedlite's 'for Canal Commissioners. The offi.. cersne 6)6 - ilVnig State Committee are Jonathan Roberts, Chairman, A. I neher, Esq of liairisburg;Secreiary.! • , • gth-'The Anti Tax '....cleVocrate" of thie county lain resolved °Min_ a political celebration of the coming 4th of i l tv al Engagement (oNew Orleans papers of the27th:ult. bring accounts of a naval engagement between the Texian *loop of war-Austin ; -Corn. Moore, and the two:Meaican. steamers, which ook place in the gulf,if Mexico,off. Campo:why,' on the 30th of April. Tho fight continued briskly for some time. and although nu victory was claimed on either side, the Texiatto came off with flying colours.— ••- On the Mcsican side. there were forty.seven kill. • ed'and . thirty:wrinded. "Another engagement is ;;a expeciedimin: , *. The - Mexican kat' banilitr, cOlrhe Melina n government has promptly paid -the tirst initelinent of the indemnitY % due the • .goieititrient of the V. State% and assurances rre given'that tile .whole amount will ho faithfully thet.'"What example to some of our repudia. thiegiatee 'Whin nie always speaking of Mexican, all bail mans 4 - .l3:l•The proper tuthorities—very lithe to the* 'ertidit;ire think--permitted a travelling Cire'us to 'encamp upon our Public square yesterday; and aiieshihltron - ofiti interekini performances; • • in — will '4lctileiecl'til improve the morels and 'ele vate the character of the Youth of the town t The audience iedeeply intpresscd with the "hardness Of the times;" ihra niontinq, we presume 'DEATH ei:Noin Waarral.—Noah Webster, L. L D., and p'opularli knerrii ea the great Ameri . can leiicograplikr, tlied . , in' Near Halton, on Sun. ;day'etionilleith"e:2Eth :Of Mayi at ta e'elock; Dr. Wsbafer han•laecii before.the public as n proem hient,'..indiridnal in tlin , yrfrioun depart. 10'0300f 4 early ; diatingUished iu and he after. wards maga 41,14 : 1041aelbcss of pdbliii inatrue. assistainta 11;16 knoWn and firiatabliliii*Orti'',l6o7., - he entered upon'the toiiiplelc language, which, .af: slid "illiertiirighnilinla, he ihoacleg4ed 'aiaplafiPoi ratification in 1828. The Illidnigbtir e sy 'siiinotinces that , Mr. iiiainvidialdiiSeiy.seriously ill and it. is phYsicianihave iniardiated all • • ' deftyrliillo'hil and carp. .!104Prt,b3liP/0 40, among th , mod 11 , 19% Mro,lltode defunct. Girard &ad ut Sault., Tille l at i lmiA) l2 4*vill.lek a Irs:and fi!ll salmi of Oi c iii:tfr:Veuirig of: theitai`iigedh" 1.1.-B.ftgasottetatt3arhiff • " 4 1tiliarlird100tivet?„t? Oie, that 'ill* treat ail. all'Stolle, ind tottlplakb- i t4o6oyhtch ate ilhembd tti trfirer, it,tho,rioftilkif tllo:4lrit Arrotis. t i :gat i iliqtrZi n gst t ire l !3 . 112, Thimlironeihr toad, gar th anikviatiow of , thoglOYears, which **Willow 01 aalife thektil, * 016 4 "11 1 1 1 0 1161 / 1 1 1 nlalegitoat Pip prOgelif time , iFigit It tAbrillilllkiirriff rifled itilllolf• '''theialkhrboara vheexthikt, Arm prot t-PrltAT l P!'4 l l o ,, il i fc # o,6o t , r+. , = o " ' irmit - 4a r itAl." Mr' 44l 49' PPM? 1 ' W i ll i° GO 1 1 041 1 0 3 ,rIglikllierl) * 1 , 4 0 4 at , " A M 4P ilitypertt /is ltitao Thq wegkirmia • 4,1' - ev. I -..- ----Pa - .--- 40 1 i 0 ----7, vuisilred , initiiii 'tlve L litilP‘ideg lelieht*Olth lad NiffiflifX , OlEfliCAnierica Are;terVA Wfi e ri l . f oilbekii i rlhit rat lOn f4eit; irel r.O 114:iier ' ,40:'4,i'dpigAidit0,(dnt iiihf!' 11, iiiii antnow . pf universal appil4tiO 4 ) t- *,,,,i. Iv y7y.i.,_,141,,0e`,••„,,.';,.t:',4'r,r h4,07`05v0P5f,.,.wii,,,, -. epr , :w.vivAc..„.,,,„ L ,,, ~ 4.1, .•ilir,, iN.,,,i i.4-eoti'') loftl i • Y TT. • -•%'-i/1-'-i7 .;',1i51ing*'4,941,?!.?,e,;•;:'''.-A-T, kiiipi.,•;:7•• ••%.',444,.."4,'':::-7,ii:14-:...,:'''i.1,:A,V., iiA 1 Vt • -,.', it..'iii',V..'140;;At1n.81444 . 1; VA' , tre e - % , fi p ?h. nF--;; -,•-':!Bil:l,l,aitif '''''77z,,64-1.0;: i,:i4tiioOVl!Plil--,..A.,?1i:?:t JoiNctlet e ,7 ,ft4fi,',,;-t.t.f.,...:0„:„.1.:i':;,pt1, ifiliV44,"Afi:',:.'f',4,44l.-.Y,..l.9'4iit+P•''"t'l ;,,k , '.71-';' ',..4.:PZin!'n".77,' I ~ig(iiiE,O:i4'4lt.'*;''9l;;.l.„4.t.,".:;-;..!0-":. 1 y'.4i415. 4 40 6 '0 i 4 y ' ''' ' n': '''''' : ' : •.: --- f` u.7 , »-;.- • glEtUl2l4lA2'' Cy4;11220 .12 number„' of * . '‘e.Veiii'n market op: Mandai,'"stinnuniedtO 'about:o4; of whicli 250 ware; taken by the, histchersat,lo2s to , d 25 per 1.00 lbs., and _the. 'reelilneleit oVer. yogs continue plenty, sod prices again have' slightly deelinedi the.range. spay be spioled,3 623 to S-873,, siee.ordipg • FLOUR-Has, got tip to and§ 12i 'per bbl. Tot` City' Mills. Susquehanna • has sold, at ,5 121 for 4 1 small totiAd seircrid barrels noWstril street have 'sold - et 5; which is the highest priee,wo believe, that bas been obtained for tlutt description.. Tip re ceipt price is tiniettled. ' • GRAlN.—Wheat has very materially sid l vanend in prise r sales of good to prime Penns basing been Made at $1 10 to 1 12 per trissliel, 'and all taken as it arrives.. Maryland and•PeinsytranhCornhaveloold. at 53 s.s,cents,both foi;:white and yellow. Penn— sylvania Rye has sold at sr . cents; Oats at et, and Maryland at 23 to 26 per bushel. • , • WHISREY=IIas adVanted to 24 cts. co'r barrels. PHILADELPH I. 1; June 9, 1849 ,PLoun.—we. notice during die week sales of a-. bout 5,000 barrels at, $4 6'4,4 75, 4 814 a 5, for good superfine shipping , brands; also sales of 600 fibls, -extrwOldo . for family-use at 5 l a 5 25 1 sales of 806 bids. scrapeil at .4 25 a 4 311 sales of 1,060 Ws Rye 31 Corsi:Meal 2 62; GRAIN—We notice sake of about 6,000 bushels Penna. Red Wheat at $1 10 a 1 12 per bushel. Rye is in'steinand at 63a 65 eta; Corn—yellow round Pa. 56 eti.4ales of 6,000 bushels do, fist, 54 oa 55 cents. Outs, Delaware, 30 a 31 ots.'4lo Virginia,23 a 301 do Penni. 31 a 3'2 eenis. YoUng-Ilitmr! -- A rriting of the Young Men generally, Is re quested-st neetem's Hotel, on FRIDAY. EVENING the 9th iteth el if o'clock, for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of haring a Young Men's Eeieliration of the dth of July. - . June':ll,l.B.lo. . AUNT YOUNG MEN. mazemas2sou communia LECTURES 1)N ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY, AN outline conrse of 'becturea on AN JAL AToNtY Mid PHllBlOl,t/GY, will be deliver ed to tile. Eienior close of Dickinson Colleme,- by- JAMES M ' CLINTOCH, M. L. (President rind ?mires- P9l . of Atititoniy. in 'Codemn Vollege, Vermont, commencing. on Moodily,. 'June 19, 1843, in thetollege l lirpel. I.lle Immix the sit Wore of the bkelLtotip Al l ttieles , Neries, mid Viscerst -with die Funotiotio of 'die Drain, Eye inid Esc; of ifespirction, Ciroulsllonyiul Digestion, .i.ith illiistrutiMil from models mod prepara tions. Price at Titkka far the oourse St. Gentle men tool Ludies'wiyltiug to , Bill apply to President limoire, or to Professor 'Cuirpoeu, Julie 7,184. i. • . , ti_32 To the tleCtors of Cumberland county. IrEiltOtt:r-CITtZENi t °Mer myse lf to' your Zuouiileilitioli Re candidate for the (Moe of , HE • gf eunahertand , Shoultt I VA eleefe{lj 7 0 0 rioleavoi• to ilia:burp the duties of the office with fidelittuttil despatch. yours', Eta , ' • JACOB REM MINGER. Diekipso,rs p..loti'!7„ 1j ,• . • te-' • 1T...C(D130.4351U`0 • ' MONET it'pOer, quilii3; for' sale eititd;Tirtig Store „, 'S. 'EL.L.IOrr. —* Jne 7,134 U., , „ _ tr-32 WALL PAPER. , VUST received ti»d., - Tor sale 'et tHeilteie of , t 3 Hanover street; 1000 pieces Will Palmer at the following Ileecled quaiity*teitii 1t tilehe,' '..... , Also,florderangstedee .seenestifineryitiiir "=, j.; I ' . • ;.:AurituierS;olP:4,Przsitir6: HE Courte Appeal for , the 19716 ,:11,%Ilitent Penna. litlitia„ le held at the *him' and places leh'eOutnied.', For the ke.t . nattatiOn at the Vtiblialiousl m O ItiiiiirOdltt;,Jll , oo.l l / 1 00 0171tira Capt. jeitteirlieeket, Lieht. - Itotteirt Wirlthian Ansi Lint:. Willim*Grogliftli .s4 . Battal co, tfik; ' heuetitif4eor4 Maw. day th - O Tptka Stine . ; *I 3 ;' , OttliArs L oaf. . Oiltel(ud, gennitlll Ceara and Um] 4 F auol, WY.ltfavennielt: -*Meer' In 4(14)9314 or._ • nippalf i s will be petiletitnrlntuille . hitittydittuttis CAI* VP , " " • '-, 1 ,1 i!TSTP. F lictr i Wt '4io'Oil- wel1: 91ftiq:MT 'lCfri. Afi osiA4,446#F 0 ow inlfax,rcr-,4,ki flifortitt,A7:l, •?" - •''' . 4 4; :' ,. P . "‘ ' : .44 0 rf-;4f 3 ''' 'i' l l i L , ,;•"' r'o .!4" ? : :'-,.; it ri.' , 3•",',ii-'O 4-- ' tir ' ' ' : : . l";-.., :,,TH st . ..', , f t 4 ito o 1 ,v , ,.g , d , tß vi ePok.l ttiV,-* nt N gft aNt c ounty, PS I:`::' , i . RT 4 ,PZ . 4,i', (ll .#4 l )PO'4C.i.rittillki*P 6 s l ..uhbe• • to big' :,i ' l ,,feterids And,,the,pu tic generally, that he, has. , elf fl,C . li,bnitaliaiMedltearand commodious ' -, 1 I 4 1( 4 --, avilw ID.d. - • ~.. where,iio. l .l.4lk;Ondenifir, to...serve those • • ' - liffl i tho.**ol;iiippri 'Amin the moat salts.' - - • fkidery manne r . Thil House Is centrally, and ,pfea.; aantlY 16iateir and is furnlidied thrOughommlth the lest , or Bedding and other furniture, and, hi4ceem 109ligamill ore ;!kuch sato_ make it a convenient and . 'desirable stepping Price. ' , No exertions Will be spar ed to make it agreeable Wall Its dePartments tothoae whit may favor tiim with a call. • - . ~ - . • 13Al'i1ilEL 'MEILN . M4'31;4813: • - "-• . . . ~.Sl-3 1 •• .• • ' travellers lake Notice, •• rjr HAT Families and their fitrnitureand 'pollen -- gers-generally f ean be sent frorn-11—Lecch_and. o's old House at the foot of Walnut street; lower than' any. other house in Harrisburg, to any of the following Cities and all intermediate places.. WeiVYtiik;' : Cincinnati, Philadelphia, - i, - -.'.. Loni,sville ?. , Baltimore i - ~ '• Grand Cairo, Pittsburg, t. ~ , Bt. Louis. ' May 31, 18•13. ' - E. if. ZOOM:Wu perform all operations upon the Teeth, WV • that are required for their preservation, snob as Scaling, Piling, Plugging, EA.., or will restore the loss of them, by inserting Artificial Teeth, fittu single Tooth, to a Cull sett, a,7office on Pitt street, a few doors South of the Railroad Hotel. - • N. 11. Dr. Loomis -will be absent from Carlisle, the last ten days, in each month.. ' May 24, 1243. tf-20 ISIVALVT, FORWARDING &,' COMMISSION MERCHANT. liarrisbnrg, Pa. _ - RESPECTFULLY informs the: Far-. JUL mere, Millers, Merchanteand , the public gen erally, that he is now prepared with large sled cora monious Ware HOlllll3, on the Permit Canal, 'near the foot of Walnut street,in Harrisburg ; to receive in Storefor Shipment, Country produce and Mer chandhe for Plitladelphia,Maltimoreatl Pittsburg arid - wll - internsedhstelitrias: — D7LFeelrial - Veir Line, end the following first class tide Water Canal Boats, will run febni-the Houses'in Harrisburg, 'float, J. C. MeAllester i Chesapeake, Mary. and Martha, Pacific. 111431, 184 i 163 Int) • - FOUR BUILDING LOTS,nn the enutl.ivest corner of Loather and Bedford streets, each 1...1 - 3tilip.feet. In Wont on Loather street; and eight? Abet deep to a ten feet alley. Ana,sierson• wishing to purchase the above, lots areierthestedte call on DAVID SMITH, Esq., who is "eutliorHed to receive proposals for the sale of them; and if not sold hereto FRIDAY THE BTH I) 4y' 01 31.1Nt NE XT, they will then be offered at public We, CAW°, May 81b 1843: 20%000 just he'teev . edoodfor aa ~ clow— Hz. May 31, 1843. .J.OHNyII. JUST received and. Air "sale 66 Vide, Sugar, 50 do Molasses, '2OO Sseks Saii, 100 Bap Coffee, 400 bbls. No Y Msckerel. May 31,1843. JNO.. H. BRAM'. Pro bono pnblieo ! Call and save a Dollar I 'HATS ! HATS I . 4 - • 174:: A. ye whe wish to it vourselSes in Lfir bt fate HATS of every Icieui,just give a call io the new Hat Manufticioty of the stihs'aelbel-, No. 3, Ithilieri 'tow, two &Mrs north of Angiley and Antlerson:h store,Witere hq intendi keePloft con.' stantly_ on l dikl, and will niunuf,acture to order of the hest Materials and at the ifery shortest 'toiler, /441 4 / 6 4 11i Jr07 1 .1111:1, BRUSH • AVlilk.2 l lTik WiddilESi •.. of ivery.descrlption,in the neatest and most fashion able style, warranted to have as good and permanent a color as any-of the Hata manufactured hi the in. ties. Also, • • bhapdttlo arid 11/111lary Capi, of ever ption made in the .best style, 'and at to preacs, • }or is lin Will sell lower. than Hats have been sold in this Ili:trough-rand, indeed, his prices j generally he stitlf ad to. suit thb depression of the times{{ i tte,tirefera . selling tor casll. ! yet he will, as asual k be willing to take.Coitntry pro dose al the market priaell in exchange for Hats. The slibserikr realms Ilia iiincere ihanka to a gentwouil public, for the eniouragerpent ,has re ceived Since he first coirinleAnd about three vests ago,in the old, shop ihLoilther street/46d hopes by siisliitattentitin to business to merit and receive iontittuanceiof their pagonage. Foejlie convenience of nork customeit, he still carry, on land. neitt it the old shoii--hut those who to have "pick and wooldflo we4l to eallat the new. establishment % No. s,,llarp,r'e show. - tall and jedge fod yourselive, - millocr.; eirlisleoHity tf-80 t 01 - , his Ail} :ret,el46l from die City, a lalgiati splendid asiortment of Sprit* dnd Summer 9oodseour . stinglp p,at;t of , Oltit tat 0010 14; of.eve'iy variety, such as English, FreMsh, Gelmisri; Unties' ,atid ./Lmeridatr QUEENS WARE and GLASSWARE ',revere t Hard._ ware and Cutlery, windoir , r Paints,i ;stye Stuffs ? Brdei of All kindle of BOOTS 411:8111.0tei nil klniii, 014 . 004. than bare ever• been 4914 1 q CrsrliNOtry,l9C9rel hPrAtOok of goctlii being much Urger uteri It has ever been, and•Pli netr:suld fees!), tind she being determined to sell very small ilro -44,010‘11W940..Vvite011,4100144'011t0t her farmer customer, a wl of ttii publics thOve that Wilt Ilbitfc , pi4etw her with oill'euppOgo .uWaY, without tle,•, 41',.,.1 ; L i '90 1 .44 PSI;XJ •„3! , M 114 P: 0044, 4 : 'iftifisontmetiN *mud' Aityi hl and' Mi eeie and Hoye 441i.Wknfilik," t i , ..,%,onh:iiiii ta''. Plates and it ~Itail- Wel . -:,Yeeirila . pirietlote i wan extensive anti iieraf ir•lift4 l 4i k1. , *44 1 h ho has had ,atePitt•tiPpoitunitiel- it , '"actrirt,ng•WltiraCtlitilz 'knowledge.ltfitihtesseronkbrthetTnceg/gcbeat Cel t:wilted toferttorw.thesiiTheatt preparations, con. alt of •"."-. ".•1 4 7,1'#,t • i ''. • ' ..' • ''' 'lllayaititExPeacit‘tti'ittkelltahle rented); ihr CoUgh, Golils,„ConsutoPttlme?Altthma; Spitting ,of Diood, Crettp,,HmpingPabglit Drtinchi tisiPleurisy and i n ni .,. Asmatior• of tlfki•Dticei'pr': Tiir,oati 'Difficult,' of Breathing, andalllhtslateliophe Pahnonnty Organs„• . mae, ,„raynela pale i:Kiiimpi for,ther•Preservation, Growthang DettlM..o(lkelltur;and which will poi'. , pvely brink in " new. ha i r on 'bald , heails, - Also . • 1 - AlsoJaynei Tonio Vertnifitge;a eertani i n j i1 i0..: segtdiseaaes ,remetly for Worms' Dyspepsia pilea, and many -•Alan Jayne's .CarminifiVe lila ;aiii,,ii.:eertain eat:v . for _Rowel and Summer Complaints,..fliarrhcea, Dy. senteVy Chelio.CrampsiSlek. kleadache,Sour atom stch“.,Ctipleta 111ofbuk z ahtl,all derangements of the Storied! gad 130.w.ep,Nerttons Affections, &o. • Jayne 5 Sanative • ills, for Fimale DiSeases, Liver Complaint.. Costiveness,-":Fevers, Inflammations, Glanddlar. Obstructions,, , Diseases of tbo Skin, Ike. aqd,Ja all cases wbere.tt,r,i,Alteratiie • or Purgative .Mhtlicine is.refiniredf ,•-: - 1 -' --.'", . . ' ... For sale in Carlisle, by ' • T. C. STEVENSON. tf.3l 11 . 1 - sti 81,1843 Da, LEIDY'S 'SARSAPARILLA. - - rk A ILY n're the effeCta of ibis be . Jur comink ,myrq" apparOnt, Numerous hellions assert thq have derived mArebenefii from using one ,bottile tt, than three or any other. This is easily acbdiliited for,as Dr: Leidy's Sarsnhnhilla hilt much stronger. prepanttion_than any 43ther, and: ,genii - twice as muck's contained in one , tickle as of any tither (and sold at the same price.) Lei the : public remem this—zit is Ito ilia boat! blit.the red faci. • Dit• tEiLbY'EI PIAitWAVAitiCLA. . . Frdm the Meilfeitl Iteview. EMI ,„ . . nOr'Amonp the vegetable alterxtives with which' our dispensaries abound, there are few so Wiertil Sarsapitrilla, and when properly conipined, and pre= pared, is intaluablei . ,not Only in reiti3:ring tell toristitutions to their.wonteti energy liut in every case seising 'out! oT an . impure atkte of the bitled. From a knowledge of very many cases (and Sprite of them' considered. incurable) where many ,different preparations of raricipari ht . had been tiled, non seemed to possess virtues or remedial'poWere equal to Er. Leidy's Medicated or Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla. , , • ' . • It Is preparation 'Els-believed ..far 'Superior to any other, and woulditeorritppail It to the partiettha' ' mice of Physicittlis.-..... 1 .Et U. 8. Gazette. .' I Extract of a letter from J. B, Whitmore, of Eaton; - - in - relation - to - lir.7lzidp'rsproapardlo. "Nly, little boy and girlohe former • now three years and the latter, now. seven years .01, have been afflicted with a an ifulous tumor from the time they were three- months Sid. Three ..mouths qgt( I. MA tniluced to make trial of your Extract of Sarsaparilla, and have given it to both to the precept time. They ape now entirely tree from any appmfranceSorn• fullsand heeer were in - better „ Dr.t„ c kitty , S aea parilln Is efilcicious in all:Mi mes . arisufg from impurities of the blood site other fluids,Of the rystem. All invalids who may - hie been under medical treatment, who are debililateil from the Onantity of medicine they Mar inve take; or are under a mercurial influence, will lhat.by, using nifew,bottles ofl)r. Leidy's Sarsaparillohor usual vigor and elaitioity of their frame and syateth will be reetora, and be again 'permitted to enjoy the sweets of litre. EMI DR. LEIDY'S SARSAPARILLA. Phis article appears to be doing .wonders at Abe - 806th, and from the high character of the re eomgtendation„we pre, fully perstmcleil it is a most imptulties of Ole blood. We lioir many, plixsitianl . wbitScive given their, testi- Mooy, qqn lids RgttJeetl and we 'know they would lint giyb a elitilliteter to any inudfoine that dl'd not really deserve it."—Charleston Eitnict of a letter Pimi , . ”Ilaving for the last year If . l buy practree used your Sarsaparilla with much satisfaction tn, myself Anil benefit, tomy t patierdici l !witno hesitatiop lit deAur ing tt 16,bemie or She ,most •iisq(di prenaridions In diseases for which Sarsaparilla Ss prescribed." . LEIDY'S SARSAPARILLA. cry Phis • preparation,may be itepended op9ll as being the strongest (conseonently more efficacious) of anyln existmme; all fluid preparationkmat ow. seas liiixillar virtue., in,proportion to (Veit. streo It, being prepared from the same article, .. Pr., Lei 's Copipound- Extract of, fiarsaparilia, , however, pos sesses properties, riot possessed )1 others, from its moiler. ot ' preparation, and combination u Wt. othe! vegetable extraets recommended 13,y. the medical fa culty-7mill betike the reason, why, it,is so generally recommended by t)te Physicians of Philadelphia and ehiewlicre. . ~ :.. Prom thb ekteaordintiry virtilei of lilts prep . irii: Lion,anda Itnowyedge . of,its 'compos:tien,by Pilysi ,rians, (the 1.1,118011 will+ they so generally use it, WI they would not uLe or trominsnd any ,preparation they did not !mow life etiMpostpou ot,) d has bred introchiEed In many of the Hosiitain ihrolighont the u,. S• and higyy, recom . nmndcd by Physicians and Sidgeoni Or those Institotions.„ . , . Froml)e.Nev! Orlenns A.4vertite'r. DIIt. LIEiDIPM ,13AIISAPARILLA The high and envied _celebrity, which .this pre" eniinent'rnedicine has acquired for jpi invariable el ficaeyin nil diseases which it:proresses in num, has rendertik thqmsualinmetice,of Tufting mnneeessarv. kis known its,goptifiorks, tee* foe it. I.lle.terdrs Sarni rills will he foltnd port: ; milaely.l3liHeaiious in all ifiserises orthe prer, stom ach, skin, kidneys, Spine and bonci k tileeratino nose, throntt oud otbei: ;birth fistulae, 'Sem; roles; erysipelkijaiindico„oeutonti Ohl and incipient gout,.mercurial and syphilitic affeepons, female de ; rankerriena and in r eMorin g lfic sickly anti debilitat ed to their natural health mid cleft,. DR. LEiDi;s s7iiisAPiteiLLA Dr. Leidy% Compound Extroct ofSarsaparilla has stood the teat for fii , C )earl past, and Nis no boast to say', that there Is . tio oilier. preparation or ennui strength' noir in use. - - Througliout. the .Bco6tlicrp States where Sarsaparilla e,sl moth in ,getteral Use as tea and coffee,: Dr.. Loidy'is So i*paril la. is.genek4 ally preferred. and is Ilighly,:retiotumendeil by, fl'itti SlOiaDS• [lose certiOcates. have been fretrentir pub; fished ) „ , Ineughotit the inortlisd m west it,ts slid meat used mare perbapsthan itny. , shiter. '. , One bottiedf.it Polif a pint) la wafranted ditto! td I tam ofoorothee in strength, and is equal to one half gallon of the stronpst,Syrup 'bateau he emde y ... . . Directions for making Syrup 'therefrom' accotio• ponies -the directiomt. , • ~-, .. -. :,. ;-' ~ • .i-.', ~ ,iViL , it.inititii:,SA iiii OA iiii tit, Al,l IplrTlut,* few days linage Clergymon of this city Whii 7 does hot6sinfi 14' , niihtbrinibliiihed in'the'pa peril; bdt it left.. ivith‘Dt. :Leidy) , „Shad that ti lady' whops, loPgtie6 A topthaihlihatit et hti thilribi but for Oki Vitro iihit tieible , tiqo 'to eleirch, o.p aecolint pf her extremedehility, oebsisioneil tiy:ftleeratlon , Or various primer her boitri , diseleb of , her Pup and Othr.infernbrdeibuimelleiselAheoonstanftahins 61 niedihin&therefor,tiMrer, found - buy iliongisfor the bett er oplitsigeeetokiteeserilil hOtletol: Pr* i f olde!, SarlaParAliskrid,by:" . „foe r me .. ljths•pereelerfOop in in; nieiltisi'enti.i*,titibi.ed to 16atth; Oittlim*iiii*- 'O4 iiiieliffrOili ii*itti,iiiiftiiiiso,tieriwoliogivigi, POWITSPIOOI, taik.* l .oY:XeC o o-KTbititifilM.o4 l o. or . vlitiy,instmio , ,o 9 o f1atiin0.104'0V34„.,..:,:: ,- . lOir''''''''" iiiiiWiriiiite44l4i4gßiriliiii iii Di: legl m tit' 4 ol4r ps rilti\V . N ; gr y t o lt ei t , ,lf k ii ii ii i4 h 4 40.h.einyC. . o.AorrtiB cot „•444.1301.1 1ti1t.q0;444: 41 rtolx1r 3 1! ',-ri-;:; 4. ? ,,,- 0.. r r tp%reir'.4';t:'‘' ' % , 41.1 ..,,„ ~--- iil,o o k,.ii ; , 414 - .44,. _.... - ~,, ..ait‘,,,c t AW . 1r.40 ' : oinitei te'Ati:. : - ,. i . r, 00101. ill6;y1 tar; 1 Ni. ano iti..;-, 4 , l!*l*,'t 3.4;50 sitid 641.4 . .. i". ,',:,*:,..-,, ... •:•;• . • .Bumbier:Cloih . .;.!stsp,tliay, Sad .oaatibiaopl:. ',„.,„ • ( theakifs .6 l , •%Oti;i. Att and 1 . 4j..,c0nti...„;..,„: :I.?. '2; 7.B,lo;l2Tiikingil,, and 18.1, , r'' , '7,1, 1 1 'Lents 81k ' Edgings (or 1.4 i.: in 14ieritiC: .•:. ,;.;',,,•., • ElegalifFonlorit Silks,,•.-- ~, ":' • . ;.. ' • ':'Ffiglt de Lot led 010 tie lthini.Sttki," - 1f..,`•. ..,'. ~ -)3l.oaAliage Was, 1.2 i-9 etg. it . 25 `!th ( Vst;;•` , "••'''. , 'goalie. Itibboili kr 61 to 34. ', , 71::.P., .. ; . 'Cirdiriilii 'Pin) ntaqll. Plifeli Shii4fit:' 'l'; ' s'- . • ' Eirk:ant - Editiroldekeil $ wise Man Silikre:' ',".- , ''.'',r • Irii., ... '. ~' ito.' -. ~ • Silk and Fillet db. • . ••' 4: 14OnnetsittitIld Rid Misses of all kinds Ili iiiieet)i Mens Leg . liotis 'arid Chip 11108,19 great rarle ‘ ty , tr ,•, Cottolisdesj Drillings:: Also,' •: : : '-• '. ... -, ...tV , , , .. . , A tak4iii Lot; of 'fAropitikeki • itrown bilk! Loaf" Sugars. ' , ,,,,..„ . ~, , ,40.. to' Colrex strong, li j i to 1 gi.:- i • ,-";•... • ',,...,` ' Young Hypoib, Iniperisl,and blmOlc:reas i rreitOupp, goad. Chneolsile,.and Spices 9 rAl kindvA'. - ',- 'Nei Orleans'and finger House Molossci,•br.o. . ' • BOOT§ and 13110E5,. • Of ei'errifese:ription and 'prices, several thousand 'kiiinstietieiVeitand astontsliingly low, for • • , Mons fitiiilong,Boots,Sito 4.. " ••. • ' Ditt6'lllOnroeivfoi 75 to 1 59. ' Alissei:Slippeis or el kinds. ' _ k Ctiildrens Leather and qVlortieCOBoolli: 1.41,a1id,75.,_. • _ _ Mem; (litite'r Boots, $.l 25 to , Also; Mena Fur sad BOuidi and in short dvery artielo.anoded, from a OW of ItlOs to Broad Cloth at $t Per ytiOd,tintlat prices to suit they times. llepolieet the old stand opposite J. Wtinderlielt's did, sisokund now the Second store below 4, corner, vitt Main street , •." ••• out , eliaski Grocer up street sayi in his adver tisement,,don't ,suistaki the liouse; one ikoor•sonie-'. times makoangreat difference: Purchasers, friends and dtistomers, one and all, please to call at the old shop of , : CHAS. OGALIJY. • 17,1843. - , • - - - - tf , r27- . good Chance fora Bargaini • . , • t To person wishing to commence busi ne ss in Carliele~agood opportunity afforded ~cif piir: chasing a Sto'ck or Gds nearly new, and which were idi beim, as the present prOprle. tor in del6chtlenib or Oihrir eniaketWentri, is, do. i siroue:Of selling off', Which he will do, on such terms, as ritual please A purchaser. Enquire at the Office or the Herald & Expooite May 14,1.843. . _ SPIiVI G sup rs i r op Eal 43 6.2I)InIERZ t„. T the store dike suGie'ribe'r, Ntirest Aftiin street. ••-Brick•lionsey nearly opposite the- 4 6 qirlaocust• L'ree' l ifisfreceived is large and haildsome. (ossort }Tient of fresh and the best quality Grocerie,ii—among which can he find „ . Finq erbslittl.Lont Sugar a t 14 cents. Luilip,alpl l e cnif Sugars from It to 14 cents. , iirqisn t S,ugars tine and superior qualities from Gf to cents. , , • , , Rio Coffee; strong scented for 10 to 10.1 cents... Al," Java Pope. ,;, .YohngliOson;. mperinl and dun Powder Tess— ofiops quilities, all fresh for 75 to 1 37 . 6 per lb. Spites of bs . eryllesbriptioo, grund stud ttneouoid. bhtLkit 'WARE Tubs, Bowls, Claurns,tutitmd Buckets, &&. • bAsktTsi_ • • . . . Willow and sComalatt . Market Baskets, covered ',and .uncovered, Clothes Baskets, Bushel Baskets, round baskets, Ike. OIL ANTS CANDLE*: •, . , ..nine winter Sperm or Lamp Oil—none bVit hest quality, and warranted equal to.any' in this or any other market at $l, per gallon, Also clarified Elc- OW Oil at 75 bents pep.gellnn. Sperm Citullea, pure at Sli cents. Mould and Dipped Candles. FISH i No. 1 and 2, Salmon and Herring. MOLASSES:- . S'ew 91 rlesinq (piper inr)taking,) Sugar House ind Syrupliolasses, for 375 to 61,1 cents per gallon.. WARE" new otol .geoeral Ossortment of Chi n'a, "Glass, and Queenswok, oho Crockery Wore. TtlßAbCto • • • • •i . Csivenliiiih., Plug, Ladies twist and SMoke t ohne co, Gimlet; Castile, iariegiteil and While So . ap, also Shaving Soaps. • , 'White Wa'sl4 tiWeeping, Scrubbing, rust, hair and Clothes Brusllo, also Hand 13euslies, Sta. Liverpoolp. A. aid fine Salt,ani) all other articles )n the Grocery by.. tilling. it oil)" house can be sun and iiilotecothrarb(l. In .011 r ilmike, we think,we Veil fol. Cash, (our iviiy,,of buying) probably eII'API:I7 than the same ut , flips W 111.130110 ilrotlibt 4.4:tfolie of the, .town i and if we Cannot. alien,our neighbovi . ,Rppovite 'and one felsouli najoimng and please yoursel tvi;ror Pastlavorti we are ~I)u,t forget die lio sto is 'one door artmetimea make. 'it great ditterenee. living is all we want,so who wants more,bas mo • has his share. . . J. W. EBY. 1-28 carlisle,3lny 10,- SPRING GOODS. .THE subscriber hasjust received a gen era.& assortment or SPRING , ATVi). STErTitii/IMM ab(1)10 - ennsliting in*.paet Of , FigtiFed, 'Blain:and Barred Mouselin de:-Laines; figured, Plain, S trim! Lawns and ',Ginglialitiy Llugliflt sold Freight' ChisilEes, plain figured and barred Swis;,.lifekonetle inn), cambric Mitglliis; a general assortineilbofarpilensip,Grodes T ainkftalisln Saki, Hrnillet.Silka and Rib bons,tniw,. horn, timid and, Willow Honnets, flaw Silk, Ciislirdere had,Cotton Hose, Kid' aril Cotton Gloves, Parsola and Shining, new style; French, Geraian and Thish Linens psnebuitg , find' Linen Meetings, Linen Drillings and blanktirelons for rsiolab:Fd inn c ords, Stripes snlll Ntoilieea Carpethig 101 it r a,-Hkenen and Blettelied Tli,klogs and alicoes, pans and . Hanker- Leghorn and Palm Leif Hats; Straw, Glknp kill .Edgings Cloths, Caiirtieres stud Satinet's:: • ttlieeliSlVACC race rie it; It oI iyhreb xlll iota On &vei l :Jae tr il ls' OiC ore of IL II A. Rll 8. C4l•ll6l4Stity t ~114€5. • , -'2ll " 4s2 4 6tittagitiii': ,A LARGE and 611nupply or prliyje Ittitoit'vekir iednoed prices et tile 'otoie . the oulls9ritrer; in South. fianovei (110.aiore rneni tinineily kept bj. Charlet! Bprnit4 • • '-.1VM.,61; , 14tAT4EX: May 10,1843. , , . : , ,11.20 .ciettiiijag and iiki‘icisiir'iiiisti!!! , . ' - * ' liiinß:iwititil i4,o6`Ct zolltr.;.- •-, , , ii esiwu.tdiit ha, 0,;(01$411044 4,l4 : C A llv D,r,:ii*. whi g o oo its holt capitimiKe44 4 * l l'qo'T ti ,,-, wt - * Kw* hp ii Gil " Aliv- i .l3l" iraci a tit'actliti; 04tiling 01. i r euv r t .9 e.P. i i: t . - K4 w i t itliAti4r. and tilt kincis•Aiv 1 .01, .... s . w00p,6 blaqi9t 110 kilo iV i t°ll !A' 'iiith Win fibe /Ile* 64 ' 4.41 ° 111 I r ll * ' 1? ` 'll4 'ttrililiiii lo 'them till pk,feitpred;. It'rel.tlr44.4lketetorti,llooo r t itil`l" altlliff9t ttinii to reeelo IklibW ot 4tt!"=1"1 to -4,14 .00110. 'ClOthei or s ' she ,elmoir*,..bspoNr.lyot • ,54i0r43..., ~., ',N.107,; ei? ! 1' IRM ' 7 sitifk i 'it:TA • .!. 0 0.10,0/ , 44), d'w:ol4 4 Itot&Ota.ent _,- '',billihiyttizit* it _ .... „. 7r „, ti, c , 4 '.` !p, i• 'i.--,y,,,f0i110.p.,.. lit,k:qwers rat Ec t rfttlitt, Rp ii,6llVoloif*Sl* • 4 , mat embn';`, blir 6)10.0A 06t.cironintahiti l l iThonTlOPlk.,:d,l l ,foye , :, ro; A guitc o 4.2 , 6ll l,l` bail!, L lolubvi. hal i, gren t 7and - guntiptotiv-Adu t p r i: rrenoKtig'plitiniii4oll44loilihkiteiirehlf Oiritdol4 *ol4o i f * T .14,filkifior,..d*.01 , 1„ T eggl: e n Ntoyi i . s our be if.; ' , . V., , . '4411;11`...v: nitilitM betikrEngllittititilfitstepiliiia liorkp,obwfa, tiiiio/ 1 1 6 illiare$,** 1 94 'gook " o "itith.' it fw44..:,,. i i tt Yi' ' " ..E' S— re lie e o f fit, tattoo 05 .; omen, lia!etratidellooArtif beat 1" 'P IV tl; ''''' INAVkiiiiiii4Voliheo , liiiiiActiiiis: ry #14 1 6 1 R Its,i'ittilo tlfl. TAta44, l ind 1 ICI•Pga 4 ; Ofit.l"ft (rq!l,t4'ft;•.,o' ',.•i.,-• '• • c iii i 0• I . IP' ikk s it t t onstptitty, t tu t iptiet: Ity,, tok 0 , irCittntrOfterbltoplir o i t yelitillit4 to , ),,, g i l u ot tliett, : on k ernt t sttsitsiptozTJ ft li "lii6 }:. lA. ipThe patronage:or the itilbtle lit rgtiOteatklitiql pttiro . , .lii.) , R , f ,prs. , `" , Y4P,i iio ,*(o! 46,'184A,''''-',:r,"14,e,f ' . Zii 6. ;tit Rt • 6v. . , • .• • - .„ Vir ktrillirprlitfrit L , - • Al(lttigt-7,11:11)"1,61t04157°,9f,..qr „k, gemErtd,taat INS remove,' liit,LeAtitgrip4oll,o3loVinding Store,' to North Second tiObeCik. Henry Buchler's liblef4o 4 ,'etnpstantly hand I% goteral,'-uitOrtOintr.o;o69ltielihkiiVii!nl4 pirticich, vitt kipattikit*lglan963ll.ll6,lrAtctkiliiii ilai.oriti., fair and hiliek'britilfiVP,4:tuiti'ktioil'App' whip and collar ,. leather, "wit#...an'ftrain Calf Sk.ina,Spanish and itoinitiyiKlitiq'tOtanil liningkeather,bellows Let!tlier Foe: Wicks and Blacksmiths • slid Bark' • • •• ocos: • • , Comprising Men's,Morocco, Women's iiniiresscil Tad and libiekilernitsiFrenctrkid-ofilifte - riird-ctilort, lied roans, Bindings * Linings of all colors, Book. - binder's leather,„Chamois' leather and Buck skins. . . diso=i-§'HotmiikEßs; KIT AND PiNtliNt% • Biicfi a$ bobt Yti‘ys and bienkers. shoe har'i m.7l.4,Pingere, pieta, stamps , size ptielie,, lynches,. knives, rubbers, files, egeris,, thread, boot webbing, spatakkeb, bpol Oril, pert, awls, Ike. 4k.5., All of which he will sell gt the very LOVES r CASH P11.10E! . • ;, • W. P, returns hii 'sincere thanks to the pttb he, for liberal patronage 'which ling heretofore been extended to him, and i'espectfufly solicits,n continuance of their faxbrs. Harrisburg, May 17, 184.1. Formirding & Cominifision -• D 111• 0 3 0 ONI 1E.02. 1 • . • oEoticy rixtaircto • FAPECTFUGL informs the pitbliis,ihat lints fortfa rtl — idwr:d isPirse - of Produce of every description',' either at the Philadelphia or Italtiniore Market's, o`r, at any other.hoint accessible .tiy Ito Pd.• As lie' will attend-in person to the delivery stud isle of nil articles entrusted to his ciik, tlfelnd3t satlillkory and tpCelly ,returns,may pt pil times he eshentod,siod the utmost promptitude it the traiisaction of all bu siness entitsted to Mali . , • , • Farmer{ and others having tiny articl•whic.li they %OW distiolied ot wilt do .well to cal on him; im mediately opposite the • Mansion House, and Rail, goad Depot, West High street, Carlisle. • Q S ..F. is atithoriied to purchase s'everit htindred bushels of Grain, for whibli the highest price will be gltien. Carlisle, May ISf9. • irm mawnmaisaltlens'aut rACTORY, THE aubacribere take ihri nie'tbOti to inform their custoraces and the pubtio in gen , eral, that they have rented the above named Factory, situated at, Papgkown, on , the ,Baltimore turnpike, 6 miles, south of Carlisle, where they in-' tend to manufacture . fedm the fleece, tlevu o aavvallavg CARPET, FLANNEL, and - T-wiffed or .Plain brox I planliCtipg.. • Also CARDING RODS .00 :(INS STOCKINS and Carpq• Torn, Coloiing, Full ing .DresSing and ~Weaving . • of all. kinds. • gattinet Will be manufactured at i 0 ientitticrviird, and a deduCtion ,0f,20 her, epee ICI.. cash. Cloth at 50 cents peg yard and a deductioq of 5. pei.ceid for cask 13road blintketlnk Sad a tleilliction, Of 10 per tint foN. cash sill other nor* maqtillictarctl as low as id any alher estiblislitnent, add 5 pee cent off far . ' For thq better ai pgtnipgdiitio. otlicir,CtiOtOraCrs, Wool nit.y bb left at tile following;lsces:—George and .„ Ahl or lieugle's stores, thorehtowl9 • Bender's tavern, Dilighlrk: 'and at 3ohn,,lteichuro tavern on the Spring.ltondA'milesbelow Carlisle, and at Qingley'a tavern, THE subscriber thankful for pad fitvorr. begs lonic to inform Ins .frfenits mut the, ptilitatin gentrul,,that he continue to carry the TAIL.ORING BUSINES; , in all its various brancitey at the ,nom°copied hy hini for the lait tiro (•ritrs,iti High effect, kestnfthe Court [Nide, adjoh t ing L. W. Woodin store,kshere he is prepared tq, execute all kind's of tverls jn his line' t in the best And rib& fashionilble iatannrr, and upon the shortest holiee: 'Charity hifille to snit the tilnefL, fly sit iht•ilitnOgil t 0 ,4P5 1111 18i he still *Akita a shareaf the publia patronage. " ' • O . Wig; 31:cP111111Slir. . AtTil 5,1445. '.4in-d2's • • . . BUS ELS Allettien3r flack pith Coati 1000 tone Lykens Valle & Litnehurnore do., SALT and FISHopn. etently on hand ang aid as eheap. as can bo had from Philaileilihin or 11altiltire; , iforrieluirr; April • - Winesinc' .T+iquor' eli.'. WIN) assoi:iiiiiiiit of f i st iiiisice , Liiiiiiirs, ' viti'Preriai nod' Dotneatee • [ kiddie:4 liol• An dirold Moninfgaliela end ciernrien Whiskey; a prhiiboartiole of Accsithait , Pep.oltßkalitt. Pert and Lisburn Wines: ~_._., ~...,1.:: , ~ y : wat: M. MATIEER., . • • ' ear[l4 l l *iy id, ilea , ..„ tf:2B • runt, - 1 1 411efl. . rv;il. - .11- 1 ,Opiti ttlitYl4Ler zoingo . gocrr calkbe t l / 4 otpul iti wt - MOrocco : 11'14. Kid Stioist 4 1%a idi • Iffitli - 1101frie. kip II r,g4i!sovoilsinid - . cock. ' • . s•alt.; 1.1 . 1 •• ' ' 01W437.:15W,••••7 7-7 , -- 7. - A 'lll;igt'' „ , , 4,. b., finufikap. ff c , 4 ,„ it, iit Trzkvflov.,.. i s t ,„4,, ..,,t,,, R , : ~ cw, A - 0 4, ..,, , ,-,vd u , . 4 ~,, , :pit,"., ,R,,' a;,' ' tipi' 011tbeilrjr°3 jralninowt, , I. 7 , Ati #.414, ltoxo;ig, rtvoi,,.Nit, IrYtlfke ,,, 1 , 4, # 4O ,r. dot !le ir ,, e , ,- l, e , f- . 1 slisto*,e- _. 7,,,. --14,01tolii ,,. , , Wak'S, 1 M . kio - 41 4 V_ Ilse'lrttrllltigi h:b in c et_ L.: r d i` ~. 14.,00,14., in it jsitioAcri 6vo xl c i t , tt irrt (1 !.‘ I Nt it-0N1Z,141. Atit . , i 'i l mniipt4i , % . -, AlloViritri,* ) , jli .. . jcitc i Ltiti . 7l4 1 0 1 *plbg , Pe i % ' • ' r" , PPo l lit = .0 1 , 0 011 1 , tan t '' . halin TS oilkierlahvv*.ncTin OIc• r .: .;''. 00 4: 11 10.4 4 1000 . 10$0,0p7 A0 re ' Alle)'„ . ..olo,44)lo•o**ltil . ,o4rdifify Stprp,, P i t' , 14; fill*ir:... o4 M AT . ~ii a f I I •.« ..tcr:ge , .a l e ., i ; :.w. % k Yft •.. . , read 14 - ' ' ~. rtii-n 1 -II , rte . 'lit. , -.2.;:vii ;., . Cot ' l ,l 14 1 4 . 41.10 4iB itqig.i 'APO. ik • .' ft -' . • fiiii , s(Ock•!.. sy-4 , 004004 ,V.143A,<•• ~;k4f,';','..M",".11" ht r,7 li r( 7,1 . ! i,,,,,0#.0! ,, ,pn:WC - CO i : :-. . ,.. r itgAkAl; ; ....#,m' A ..\ 14)VS,* i klt r wix ~, ,,, ,. ..'c., -/ ::._ •;'..11410.Pi?• . i - -rf:' , . , ... , '',f ~.buri ,*tigiit , : scpAtt:o-00 - t itexiiiva.4, fi i t) ,shi ti" iiwri;l , 443loll*„o4ol,r44.llbiliq 45.10014.401) 01 0.0 1 1FI I PQAT(V1 1 9# 111 . ° ...,,, : 0,1j041 i . „ '611q4) 4 ;,/ ~•:• P W l 4 l F:th*Mal . 'ltktlifEaltOliqi.Otil to ll rili PIT are retitred to.hlreYg!ioll,Vii3,.4tllt(foltPrl2,3ll* ine! WAii.,lo4ritirchifong'utoli and,totititen *44 . . 44'4004.0;6k t1f4t#11,01.4 4 . 08 1 1r We h' 4 "l' n,.. -- -;,-,,, , ,„;•"-';,r.j• < - 41: -, ip ,. ; ',-, ' ~ , . .,91.Jitik,'S. ..: ;t1 -, ''...).4::4", ,, ,: - .:"!,_V1).,-..:.;"..;';•: , '':".;' , A:1r-23 4.....414; , ',4 ..6.4, ,, ,, , , , ,t 0 -..l* . t•it..cli .= • VAitur-P4YORAkfiiit' fc,.... , :p7140 . 8. _,........- - .i,r,1:, , . • , -. 1.w:(0 ; ,,..1', ,, ::- - - ? VIE 9 libectil#444lc4pithpitie4 , itii Heir GOODS,,whicfitteSii(! . .mlillowrorthish,cont- ' ilniiitlisf Cloths, CassieieS, lotioeti;Mllhogs,reSt. ingS, 6-4 "sheeoings' rop,„t2t ~,s kf 0: lteliO9f9l '44 ' 4. , ,i , leached Muslim for 1.44,- , ' Ititchgil elleeihig. t l atolsome nee( . style'fitiV, i@X ' trfriiit,"' . glities, toekings, irish lined4sArslAt), ..ft . itto4fsols,beals- OW 44 hair cord sousligs,'W 31.: ~Ifititeo itimi'do Lains, with to earl et it , orotheti***aitt . ..,„o(kike Priviyi the, good folic's of Ciirlio,636 - NilPailltelmnilie or lfilmseles:' Also,Al IttriAkW•`' tid;Pilitlionttets, • - Ladies-Ohms and. Chi ' '' pi-A*, ' ;(I.lkiii/UP.-- --. 4 67 2 i. Pei's , . ' Ben 4 1 ( 1 1:grey:. it, bhtet t i ';11,011 oth- et. Teas. Ssfperior eav'elidisil to N 1 i lialar.o08 , 011. ! - poll hy j tite hest judges, all otWhielChe:;Slill.ltell lit writes in Recordation With the - klmit , r . : ; ' " ',..."' S. '161,-*A*llB. BIM Carlisle, .llay 3,A84.3. • El - N . .•.F1 • eitift•ttilitli'tii , ': •-" - vey • • • ; 40P; iCoiitmisslaticer. .IriaoPtleiOt. • - AIAA romoved hie ofhcie to ;Noilkh HaticOeii Street, Waal eide,l2(doori-ttirtliiif tnather , . streetand nearly:, Opposite the Irvine, Esq. , where he will Ai' nada! carefully attend fo - adbiisiness which maj+ 6e entict ' stell' td` him in the lineofhis proEssom; . Cerliale,. April 12, MANSION HOUSE Main street, one otzsq4 t4 l ll . Col!riirouie t 1.29 honee, *Ohl most iestrebtrully td his friends and the publio ; geourallly^,that.he is pre. , _pared to accommodate theta lin'd the travelling oona tnunii:Wy ii7siffelliitiliFliih • rilbUripuiut sass factory tu 'ail who may favor.blivie:whit a cal.. . edble kcelve his itlebtion; in* shall always beabunduntly sUphlied with tho.bestioi. be had in the county. . Tile bar is and Will befolind cdn.ataully . , 'With the , choicest VirloOlatitU au orathat, are to,bc.obtal here and ht tbebitiea : , The Stabling ittsehe'd .to the. hpiete is Comet:Klinei. and will he under, the charge pf ,a4arefel:.ostler. . lie hopes by a strict attention tii,businesa to receive.- a shhre fif the iniitlns qronittve,,i ' ;,P•l4oAltDelts.Noll be 4 ,by theWeek,roonth orear.• ' ILLISPOULK: ,5, Has. .‘, Attornei • dIiFFERS. ,his professimiA. spokes . th the public; Otrbffice at the late realqence of Mr.jaeol, Zak, Con sTkin ate eet Carl iale , April 5, Ma ATTENTIOIS TO , LAST ISOTIen IHE subsuiiher havikegonrlptlNl a spits , and aansfer of his.forinerStock.'of ltlerelutu- tlize to Charles St On. tleidrea a speedi• set tlement of all his dutstaniting ppcourithAnti rßqucsts, all those inilebted to twine • forkard find 'dischargt their accounts witlimit its thp .13polts ,wl,ll hu put into other hands for Oollrction very 3EO.AI7. , IircNEIL' , • :1;:4 1 1i' ' .April 5, 1843, • ..L 41(111PPE115 for fide at very rethiced P r feeiii a full 111 L, assortment of • Drugo IVledicines 313p$-Stufikr . PAINTS, ilia. together With - • • • Stationaik, Fine Cap Papei,'he irearg;:riu,r.ila Sliktehly the do'zen,SsiVerPenails i nvitwing s4,le ,beir 09., Drawing. t!apar„fie l ging..,.. , Wax,' Ill'alers;' 'Penktitvec, 'ors' .firin • ':quality,eituting. bruAeti.orgr..—, • Mg do. Shaving do. • , 'Firth ,Sliaving 'snot To' te . t . gont)eikgm l it , • ianety,vomisk ; • .: • • Stiiices tritgroktik.;:' ''• •. Together. Wit It' M'ery'other article' fn the auenti on of Physicians, Cophtty, #11c0.1,1iL 5. ,1 14 1 Dyers, is satiated as am deterumtiolsiielKlltlPlT, low prices for. Cash. - 4 Carlisle March 15,18.43. -: • .i . . . • . . . . . .r„ ' • ,t'j'ATAIS of .11.trinIninirttlto,nib, "Jll2 - 61 witlt - the vi itnne:ied et.ralhenlVlooktf,leo'd." lately of Carlisle, have hrep seapted in; iloe tOem of ; laiv; to (lie Subsorrber to.whom airperi6nt will .Payrwent,lntl thole ltertnt present dim toe settlement'. • • :t ; • • . . • IiDnERT, , Carlisle, Itlay.l.o, 18.19: ~; , Estate of dvltoha , Gaddis;deteased , LEf Al - r - er4 ' 'PTER mantra ant*. .e/Pnohttiivg beeit OutiCed to OM , aukmkilser re=:: Biding in the same place, upon the Eatatticir:MAlt=. TNA GEINAS,I4te a The tiortuo bf'Nearvillk;" ( a l gst " ; i l l :st itic k c P e it ie c ti l 'rrre :b y- 4177:1 1 Z make knivinAlio liiitne ttunirdelay; atuktkualf data tu mat! giiiyiniinilinirtelliikely ) 'd'i l . l4ll ‘l l odetP o t4 4, 4 " ‘v • '• , ' • ISP2itF: 1 , 14 io, i 8.0 Estate of Christlan cr AkaP it i i„.., .4t - • linttEbY bliM*; i tti;diettali - or itaritints I..uidkon.on,the hite of tIiIARTILA - K.CRAW' Inse of Mien township, Curtiberimavaunll,, 4.comw have beep . t innted staiteribers.: Al 4 iukt 4it v inVsifin s or.4 l eltuk4stylailt 6 7. = '"' nr requested th Alt swath** et ith.s 0i,4, fa. , those ineausiely • • • • JOPI! bVOYEA,,' !gen y t ' JOHN • Stat,EWclii - f r otiii Afar ,;.. t0 , ', 1846, - 1,1 77-#.4iltitbt• *own CARLISLE; PA: M 1 ;+.: ME CM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers