410 . , , C II ,A, Ivo , opyntipAtttoFt;,,,,,'„, 1 7;":103, is , - 4 , • : . : :; - :DEMOCItaIgfWHA . "R . . , 'l3P4Cl444 kl :' ll dfl. I n* ru U 6R '' " ' ' -oidirCe 'EEO; seund Na:tienal:Ctirrency;regulated'ity-the inth:314 4 0,06 Nation; `t odcqu eitpjeou,.wa h fair Protectiou.to AOleFictiffilitAqtY.oi'4 • ~ L iiiAttekr.Ex'ocutivti power, cm -e,hrtieliOnliiiiiiOnstrictioa on. the cseteiseof therVis, • .+ll'. Alaithfuladininiittiitrint of the piddle domain, • r3,4o64l4tilitiltj'eid tiOn of' the proceeds; ate,aideirOili4;trioug 'Oahe States. 'l±ind cennommal tiiirntnistration of the : GerteriiYPovernmen t, leaving public:officers ~;_,perfect freedoin•of thought and of the right of 11Offrlige; btift'clith suitable restraints against . imptoper,interfetence in elections. • G. Abmfaen7dittont,to the Constitution, limiting the inilUMbetie:of - Pfesid6ntial (Owe to tt - ISINFJL 3 • - ' These objects attained, , I think that we should +cease te Afflicted bad administration of "the - doVer,nment.--litratii CLAY, • , LTorrisburgi Reporter, .Keystone and OuicttOdelivercd their yaledietories preparatory to going into tho " Union." .IgrThe New. Yorh.Tribunn. [myth= have seen ,e ester frentthe gentkinan under whose care the Siamese:Twine have hodn living, fUlly confirming she retiorteif their - marriage ; the story therefore .is nor" e'llifax," ha - absolntcly true. . . p:There are, said to be fifty.onc-towns in* the •, State of "iic‘v liaimishirc in which ardent spirits - eritirint',he•hought., except for medicinal purposes. IEII6 : Genera,* 'Assemblies. (71he 'annual Assemblyof_ tbo Presbyterian '94011 1 ,(old Scfloaltind the triennial Assetnbly, • : ,(new:Seitool) whichinct inThiladtlphie, have ad. vjeurited aftcr a'iessinn of two Weeks, old school Assembly, a resolution was • paitsed by a oto'or 122 to B,'• "declaring it. to hellniludgMnelit'Of the Assembly, that neither the conetitutiondrior practice of (he Church, rci cognise Yl>o right - of Ruling ',Elders to impose. ordination of Ministers.", The Board • ~,, 4 f-Edti‘ c alitin made an interesting report,in which theyde o ilia*. since their organization they have, sided in their progries to the ministry no less • than-one thousand three hundred and thirty young men. Thp "marriage question," being the ques whether the section of tho 'confession of faith ' which is understood to prohibit a man from mar . ryin. his deceased wife's sister,shall be erased -41116 after a long discussion laid upon the table by vote of 133 to 1 54:- The Assembly voted to hold Its nest .mectingin Louisville, Ky. in May,14344, In the new school Assenibly the , question of ,Slavery, wee Thoroughly and,ably discussed, and - the'enbject finally given over to the lower judica ,. ,tor4s , of the church, by n voto of 66 to 33. Thu Marriage quoptitin was indefinitely postponed. ' . , Tholtichinond Star has the following : ia paid that a sdulptor is tb :nuke 'a lust of Cap. .;;:i.ain!,ryler..• it is our private opinion that the 'Captain has alr'eady Mode a bust of-himself. , ' ,Rwir,NoTta.—Fiftf thousand. dollars of no. • tortmietriays . the Htirriaburg Reporter,, were ,Itot :apart tor 'cancellation at the Staie; Treasury, • , tintAiall,sCalt.:7lna amount added tei%the pre. Nrioili!riecronsC in this description of Currency 1,. .026, : 343, which taken from 82,186,550, leaves 1,. ..i57,207, yet in circulation. newspaper tells about an oe. titrrprina which took place in the city of Rhode t!*itit,.qtate c:f New Engle s nd, United States.— ' :. l*f. i tlsjitor . of that paper was well acquainted :.`set*sxaograpity. • ' 6141 'the :...11,441.Slavery COnvention held in beaten a fat:days ago, it was resolved to'appoint "tt eningtion to vat iTtesident Tyler, during visit to ~,Liostons . and 'req'uest hint to emend. ' Pate his sieves! . , • i;:kY Ong o man named Ceurgo . 1M lAN Tfit, , *4 , o#( : 11m iendthi p Hose earriago, in te r P.!L a,day hr two ago, was run over by 'trion'afilage of theWnshisigtori Hose Company,' ana are : said to ~be making in Phifacial. •tibia - ami Nev, York et 4 and 5 par cent per an. tium,ogreal ,FR P #MourArmana, relativaa of l!arit and bio were au cruelly , murdered in / 4 701 1 . 0 , eri*,' , a ' few • ago, bae been takon 'uft;iiii'n'ltihimildoil that they.are-the guilty per. jaid^MiM7 touiptelma idreMiaatineca attailh',tbetqaelice,to , tlic persona errested. Oo'n,feCtiouer Ine 'l;if candy, live and a fiat( tee, cetrdy-date fui ' 0#!,401 1 1 1 09,fc.r. that eye, n41911s than forty !lowland pack, -viirgodikpcstio M4too:MOlufeePir,ce have bee'n #4:#' l 4 3 .:rantA b i' a l'ir4"79 l ° ° lll2° '' t '0 of '4lO dOibirs a - 1t dollars tri IRE • #1 4. 4 t.i1r.,trjr.1 .. . . ~„,f ,.t . ,.,i iNi...wio -. 4 . .ittrtgi,• A *00;.,4,4tv00ri1r„...,1.4. ‘• ~..ioy 4,, ~,,,,k,v040 , 40:t : *,_,704` gi 4 fooiitoott*) - ..filv:4 ;'-':: ( 0.' ,80-gr,.'imiom.,.. , . :.04,104010,01..t , )04#1.000, ~.:;... qmok , 104..0:0##,i1,1,WAttlikvii00 1 40.1 1 4 , 4#,*;i001:005.14 10wit04t0,11.4,:i 4'l, iikki c iifooootrfi l uisiftlioy , fitii,i ci, : 04ii:Osj4)‘',.hci; ' 051 . 1?9rfT:''iCi , ik*** . fCirtitiOrikorW*lefilriatiniviOn.yithelr:siliaro_ 4togtii/i4' . .4'ekliri 4iler.'3l#4l#Aealiniers, ii#S fiOidi . ..o*.ihOitfo,4kil,.ki , 4,4l* ( i, , i.Pisc . .:' 1 4,00,0,04:0 4 # . 0,4. i it0M0„ d i1#4 11 .i 1 —f‘ i7 4 : #.; 411 0(°#. 1 i .ed i15 9.40 0tt 0t . 1 .. 00440,0'.0-I * /,' : :60 the,..044 aci.iiipeilirryll4;o , lfOyetlic..'cnoriis.. ;00.4.f0? 61 *: i 4. ) , 1i g , 0tert i 1 i 6. 1 .4M* 4 , 1 . i0,i1 qi : . ‘40 :1201 , 10O,Oilitifeiliotcptf- i iiffis#f#:9otlgnYa!: 'apic . ;S:finnid . nt,loo';•:lol ii.lililoo ( 010 4 .,tt .lein'niita:( o ,liii§! l ' ii',l4lllfkli t44l*:q n(44400°00 1 4?0 4 40iii f904i4 AO anollndiiOiaCedino4;,l#or A, :,t ' , . : 1, - ; , .4itiii . 0., -, ifid , l4lyjitoitittT,6o ik ii440,',.i0 ! ;r" , ;';',i4 that t`JP:ri.giAtil,9,Aol,4ol, aembled it,-,:ii: ! ,.; st,ollljid . ..ii , ~ia_.itx..o4i3 i Mlo;;, non, ut irlici'!iirolitfeili:4;,ilifiWylliill . ;nkiiii.. ;ed.' 116 nrIt qiilo4)l4iflrle ,, P o 9.i. Hi Brew:' ster,lisq.ariOraikiftWill)glin'natri , hg speech, in n , h!ah4i4WaVeiis4.4,ll,#,l9nynrnar; and, charged liiini::44rin',r,'Aritipii;nol.U:rlefcat. the sale of the i."4"dii4.4j,l?.4l;t 4 . , "*o2.:iiiiiiiiii6ii.th'e bill tin ' Aer whlializilityirioAlio4r4kliT'iyiiri'iliaile-til rnidcin4ktlettig#l4orFnClidings of pur „,"c liirr: ..t •,iVa 4itg:n:',7rg ...ili tr ii Ut es 'lnterruPted 4..* f t?i c . ' , irtp . i m etges : agalrsktin , qovernor denic4; but ' in“tiltAlrol4itrUni.' .-, ''l7g.tiifYi4fi ., tllOir: . imissoil resolutions &octane. ing illiOilif:44knithery of the public, and call. , , ing 4,iri t tlial,dnniinlisianera to adjifrxi and refer . thd matter_ bankle the nes Legislature. Those who par tiCipated'to - tiro meetineiitie . generally _ loco fucos. . • :. .-___„::__•, ,:,,- i.:.. •_ - . The editor' of the Wheeling Thnos, Mr. What. ton, one of those appealed to by Botts to sustain hint in his recollections of Mr. Tyler's haying promised to sign the charter of a Bank, in his pa, per of the 19th not only sustains Mr. Botts fully, but remembersmOro of the conversetion than Mr. B. stated Mr. Wharton says be .Sas present at Mr. Ty. ler's room on the occasion referred to, when the opinion prevailed that the Senate would he equal ; ly divided upon the subject of the Bae;lc, and Tyler was asked whether in that event he would give the casting vote in favor of or against it ; to which ho replied ; substantially, " In that event, sir, I should give my vote regardless of. opinions; (upraised and acted upon, when I was the Repro sentativo_ofyi_rginia, in favor of Charter.— When i was the ,Itepresentritive of Virginia, I. acted:in accordance' with what I believed to he the wishes of my constituents : I am now. the Representative of the whole Union, and believing that a large majority or the people at the last elec. lion, expressed themselves, in hivor of a .U. S.. Barik,l should if called upon, easier a Choi-ten!'" ccrThe Pautucbet (R. I.) Chronicldaaya that n woman ;by the name of Taylor; ter iding at Valley FallP, was iseizedlo l thlt village one day !ad week by a gang or s p . ersona, and rode • en a rail; We are withodi the particulars of the affair, but un— stand that the woman` was acedsed'of inteconduch itii‘aonnection with a married' man: .iVV . haterer might have been, her ofronce, it cosild not joatify the gross outrage committed uppq bkr , Tbe pro ceeding was disgrace to .'the • ctiminunity,:anti, We trust that it will be niado . thiriibjeetkf gin! investigation. ThO fieman,: after escaping from Abe authors of the. outrage, attempted to commit suicide by . throwing ,hersolf intda'ditch, but was tahl frOmilie ; =tor, before ape had tic. iMrpeie. • I: " , Hat rpfk West, Tb° PliOUnkfaUnti:N. utlYe 40'14 the pail week we had . rti 3 OPPertuOtY !: I fleooltershipvith our Minas tiont tiderent enotiena tl# county; end received the boart.alteerieg and gratifying !u.: 7 diangetiOreiehidini ie . :Wang Pi*" in' fOnnl . 'OI'gENRY' CLAY, 'O4! filerete,rol444ll..n members it*; .49 0 041 OrtY.,lo,4.4tso6mq! , o l los6l , wi!bi-the. present 4'4,')i' Eurokan' seya,t nothing Can ;ave. the Clan liawi 11.9 ni -1.04 "iiiedilinwoOt away, tsk!, cur Immediate revival.of busineeei yid 'tt euecei.; P loef .agitation The fur the Repeal of th ' e Union is makin reiiilVetridet. itf'frelibid; ver, ,alarming io theievernment:,; The Catholic Clergy, beve joog4:4l,,:nioveiront i n their nuijib re ; ; en { d, th e e, eiiiatiOd' is In! tpzi: , ,T,lo' , ..ete 41)40'4 , destined to oonti►t. u whet ' • 14101`: ....,..__ .._ .~. HE .._.:h Tt , ~,v.'•,.ir, "0 . -;: . .. , y.t.afrf :4 ..., - c : . . Itrt•yrlegim- 0 , , 1%14 : itlft., ~• ~.t , tt,f,.!!::,•4•,,' ~,,, 4.,, ~,,......-..,.„,, , • liq,.. .::,..< ;, ..; , r, •.'' , :i . •::•71,... , ' VitllcirOtAi, JOA P I C )ie r ,„. ',.. e . 3. ‘,.._ . A f't'StPlP t • likiliti*.o#lnhtikpeitktut,.?Mt.7:•' - afrt , ••. ~, ,-,-,,,,,t ~,...,,, , 4 ,:!...,„,,,,;.,; :,;;...,.. 4i .„, -,„.,•",,,,, ,acc ri pioofoil l ' •'• Tr,t4t ,Pkte 31 4.13!. 4 4 7 1 ,6 'i, 4 * ' o f, I 21:4"1. P; 1 'e1tt 1 ,.44,040 - . pN5 , .q 7 ,11,1p ',1,:77win711 ,, ,,; m Q„, f 4 '44 - I • 'iigNei . JOitgiq . -5.**504.0 1 014: Ak , illeiii I .. , — ', , t;iiiiii - Ofti.iwiiiiiiiie , E46- 7 - f."..4.,,..• ~ 4 ,4.. h g k ii. : viy* 7 , 4trifr.r.i .. ,. :4 4l, i' l 4o - Al, cr.:!'it,/ . * : ' 4l, 'lli l l' in gt` ill Y ll (ftr l3, o,k 11 ''kli;'itl 4 47 ii. #o. l # ' . ti . /1 # 1 4P0•; 1 - 1 0 /11 1! 10 .TI b I l fi'i g1,4111131'.4 ikiiiiltiiie'et'il'htiiiO4iiii.4k. a,„ I i• 'Pr y 11t , : , ".1.' , . , '','.'..".'''''.; ' ': 1 ?.446' - ' l. 2 l: lSf'.l'.' 41 .4,...,W0 :,: *1 . #1;i? , '4 ,. ' 1 ) ' . 'l .. :A4;'' ' ,r .°''k: : ; ; '. : ? •!' . ,.i . ,l,*•o.irMiißir,%iKeop - iciii4t/ . 4;4-tr;fot; it';6l#liff*;fl4-16K41.t'01706t; :,..0•.5,t4re5f!,,:. o , lo.itaviii.O . :urol l, ..';,•4;:krukil.o.o)Y, i Vtliti'e•iiiii*lii*TraYo•4lllll' ltAl4ltY"'-' '' . s4ii'U 4 iofiiiii474,:'o . o 4 44.o., u .1 . ' . '1.,. Kim VOtio .64 oirstiii - 410t,1 16 ,0 8 :t. , :., o „A:: •:iiOG'4:‘, • fut,4l4uiili . ::*:ifip. liu!ijqu'r;' , ;ll. • :ii, : .11.iiiIiiii0 .. ..4MiiiiiiciA.ii.."*iraiiii! r i,f l iiiii4o44(fililaiii4Fii •itZ:lifiiiiUttuliailiti(! . -04iie•Oi.'iir4aiiiiii;4‘::'iliti4 , 'tr4iiiiiiil: ! 44,4 , l;iligtri.iiitiines,ll 4 - atilt! tiiii)ool :,tiaihiipit; ,, :tlytiiy:lV(..6l;reilo i*eundjFy that )•g!' fili. !214;',..1: , iti ''ilii, , , - euVed 401;14 hie 'with,: • : , ::: I ',klt4 4 , ;o:' , jti Of' the same opinion.litilli'.qs - ,,.:Nb1g,„ - 1 : ,;. ..Ve'Vel:iiii;dlOitit,cifo ! Ale l lie that " `tbe';'Writliftikiatt rOliiiviib l iiiM , tpaielinie i0Or; he iris attnekeitilik - tfi;i'tiiPp B,ie;ttOtyhia ( l)b.relelett. again stitininisMre4p': fitOt'''the:: : tame;iifedyeine, :Again . he got . . well, ;O l d! then hie candor go(the better of his 'prejudieo, AA . : :he confessed the tiettohleibraanntiiiiiroperties oftbit 'excelleht remotlY 7 -Alne'!#ToM'e: yereoffege., - Prepared ; artil:reiteufeeitirtl by Dr: D. Jane; Plianilettilibt, eiillbraale , lA'aalialiblT;C:S,Te;,. NENSON, sole Agent fiir thin Borough,. ' -,., • PEASONA tr A oviic E.—“ Take lime, by the fore 4; lock," . says the adage. Take medicine at .theliro;: per time, say we. , It is a matter of less difficulty to' ascertain timproper time' to seek relief fromMedi eine, than it is to disPover the proper medicine which is to administer comfort to the afflicted patient.-- Brandreth's Vegetable Universal Pills,, which have obtained a celebrity in the annals of physic unequall ed in ancient or modern times, have performed Melt astonishing cures, titat thousands of people,in justice to Dr. Brandreth, Mdilicty recorded their. opin ions of their wonderful and extraordinary health re storing qualities.- _ Office for the sale of the' above valuable Pills in 'New ll'ork,No.,24l.Broadway. / Sold iii Carlisle by CIIASLES,BARNrrz ti, CO, nnly.agents for this town.-' The list of agents for Cumberland county will be published hereafter. SMEMIItaI &Vero To the Electors of Curnberland Co. F.LLoiir.CiTizEN.s,: I offer nvselfto your consideration as a crinklidate for tliO SHERIFF'S OFFICE, and respectfully , solicit , your suffrages for the seine. Should you elect me, I shall endeavor to disquitge Oct duties of the — office - falthriilly ----- urmirtially. • SNIDER RUPLEI. - •Mcchanicsburg, A pill 12, 1843. , TO the Electors of Cumberland county. FELLOW -CITIZENS: I offer inyeelf once more to yourconlttleration as a candidata Ibr the office or • sir r., - of curinite'rland tiountk,at the enstibig Eleetion,should yot! elect rne; . l pledge . .myself to discharge the dit ties'Of the office to the best of sity Oinks. JOIIN SOUItBFCK. East iPennaboro! May 24, 184 S. • • - • te4o To the Electors of Cumberland • . County. • • ofrer olself to yam r . connitleratitin ai a =Mance for Ilic- . orricE oP SIIERIFT . • of Cumberland county at the , next election, and will feel grateful to you for Tour support. ' ANDREW nonEwirs. • To the Electors olCumberland county. VELLOW-CITIZENSS Having .determined lo be a enndidete for the OFFICE OF SIIEITIFIV, I respectfully solicit your support. MICHAEL G. IGE. tc-28 May 10; IRO. . _ To the Electors of Cumberland county. IMELL6W-CITIZENS: , I offer mysel f to r your conldcration ea a candidate for the orricrror SHERIFF f Cumherlan'd county, and shall be - thankful for your suffragan.. S . hould I be'elected I shall en. deavor to disahurgo the duties of the office with fidelity and impartiality, GEORGE MOLTZ: Eaptpennsborn' Ip. April 10, 1893. • te.B2 T-n-tife Voters of Cumberland Co. rAELLOW-CITIZENS':' otrei my •acirta your epiisideration till a tend Write (bribe oJTICE 01' SHERIFF. . .. et the oat generarelection, and respectlidly solicit vonr votes for the some. Should you elect me. KIWI endeavor to diticharge the duties thereof with fidelity and impitrtiality: • • Dit FrOtEnA Newton tp. April 191 tn:f. te. To the Voter.? of 4in get i tC6id o. GENTLEMEN:. I offer myself' no's elindithite for the OFFICE OF SHERIFF! • orCumberland county nt the ;general *ellen; awl will be. thankful for your soprani: - JOHN CORNMAN. Carlisle, April 19,1143. ' te. To the' Electors of Cumberland 'Co, GN'CLE El 4 : motince :myself Nt-A Rea enntlltlnte for the OFFI C OF Mil FF.:, • - - E' . at the next genprit. Should you, honor me with majority of your siiffivgesi pledge,mytteltto. Olathe the' duties of the onto withfilling. • , 'IIIOM • SnutleMlildleton to. April 19„l MS, tf.2.5 To lthe'POlbliel Generally. ELLOW•CITIZENS AND;VRIENIiS : X respectfully. inform you that Uant 6k Cap. Wei° for tho '" ' Orptdo4or.suintup* of CurOberland,e.ountyi and should You.t4lok woithy, and elect me as such ot.theAnert general eleetion.,l pledge myself to tie enY best:abilities to *ye you faitllfullyr7:: ,MIUM4 gogFEn. Corliole;•April,l9,lB43. - • , - ;," to. •, ro.tho;Votark 41' Cumbeiland-Co: flEmLubseDirifyrlZEN,p;, I.,*;g afrer, for the'' -,Y•9•l,lrlC9.""teratiOn as a 'abliitTater ' • at thb general t your eu pp or t;!,. l ‘l,f . 'WILLIAM GOULD , - • . le. ',, of erlaniC,„ Vlkr4 • 4 , 47eelrai iteihdili46t o o4' noiThhirlandOduix.w4 Vattaii&tO.l , 111114#.44.11901.8.;;?' TiL Use .;„\ Gamut: 4 .4 o cifflee; oto -- will to-." . . . i prr•pv.*,:, _ .4t , QtFtt, .. - 'r!..:Oi?rtliC !) ~ .ff-r f t 1 10% 1 4. 1 15. , 1 ( 4:4 16 !0- 1 1'.. rl kith ' AldLiOlonifined.to . tli ci.eoallmtiare,tlie,einse of at kinds-sir ,'/'?,V.7... , ... •,, -. .-,.,r?!1 ., i,..•..PP,44 , 4. , t , 1.r.h. , - , . ,•-• . .I:l4;NA . ' , 'YAP:Eitili4.t ., ,"-:.mtve.F. , rif-c . ' , . • 'o*otiffOig,43' - iiiiiil4.44iii44i# itivoidie f rod :1441 4 ii4iiit'd'itiitiO14"ttiViitikiiithi4ifittlisiiiittAJ tip-:goiiiiA6ii i 4, , ,-.4., , ,,,,Ti:4,,,,,-,,,,,: It _kf ' t,.,144A 1 . 4 . 1 . 42 # 60 0 ; b00 4 . 1 i ' iEf4 At ) yligpridlittlid#tiiblqilliii.42,:leitit4lmak. al. it*, , i4 1 4 0 , - #6 + 4 . igjj etiiiiii if pjf_. 4 llei,ved:witti 4ke...,. ~eiii4ktd,(liitokfiliyi, 401 ii,V4 shipt s - myiiiia with- 3 : . ii',ifr i iitygtigifttriii' ,iiiegi',Dc'ty tibOvß,iisittfai I 'lotidi4ity Veciiiiireti iit Ili faiiird iiiiiiave l ieta , iiittliiition.etty nighi',ein'tong tO\betln ill in a shii . Witime Ad.' nompletely' rid the.'„heili, , ,O'ro*,eyety thing. that 111-6 PPcts.elLIP: - .4 0 0 0 4" ifilltlP l o l iiisllii!ns Gout, ;unlink of every:descrip tion, will ; literally' f^f:,;'.-Pnit,'Air,.fli... 0, 4 r,.•,//#7-011,?. ' , .e., - - t 'Or the same fraaoOs;:irltett'iliiiiit:ttutßel!" . .Ofittoges 4 iktitgOlphere, or nyt , ,,i4ltei.'ea,flii4tlig„itirsiiiiiittion. lic;l4tik.Cd; ntd,the u l inliiii4lttill'ilfOitlliaaisffly the ihrnW'n'ln - ' ''',..filiift`,:k''„' . .c"'.'"''''.' ,'' '. '• 'Y' 'Hk.olb ~,. St f ' , ,-. ' ' . :itehi'.• j a Nauseit.ltoll'alekneis',4lti';littheitones volter : y .and inflat'ned'eYeiti Sore throat, itoarseness,:vonghs, con._ sumptions,' rheumatic! mina in various Tarts of the body,atul many other. symptoms 0ff t , ,,,,,., , ,.,,;: ~ ', . ..: P4TCIIIX(P.,CQLD,;vi t ; .. ,' . ' THE INDIAN VEGE rATILE PILLS vvilllevari , ably give immediate reDef,,,,PrOM tlirce tO ..IX of t said fills taken t7ery idled imgoing ..to;lied,,wip in , - a short time, not : only remove all the above unplea• Sant afrinptOmli; but the.botlYy,ilV,liik.ShoikAiMe,be restored to even 'minder , Initdil?:dfiatt . befikeif,lflie same maybe said of -. ''. '; .'5 . ".:`1.;.:44044,14Y,' ASTIIIVIA, DR DI EFICIIIO,OOP:OATIPTIP.' The Indian Vegetable Vitii,,wiltlaiiiso - ?ittid : ,tlirily off by the stomach and. howeli those, tou g h humors, which stop only the air cells of, the lungs,and rc the cause not only of the alMie . tlitaroangenme plaint, lad when nettletled, cift'eti tcrndmites in 'that still 'more d re adful malady eitile& CONSUMPTIONi It e,iould also'•be'rernembe'recl:lbal the Indian Vegetable Pill■ are a certain cure fork- :•- _PAINAN,t,TIMSIMI ----- Oppression, intost.-4, And Aieknelot, loss or Appetite / costovenesA, ft yellow tinge of the skin:stn&eyes An& every other symptom of a torpid or . dyettned stale or the Ilvert„became they purge from the hotiy those impurities Which if deposited open this important organ; are the muse of :ei*y variety of'. When n .NiAl on. hs iciOithatil; by Ipots,,Outtreslis antl.Rebeilino, the only, sore tmenus of iteereoftog the dreadful consegneneex CI Gll. WAR, is to expel oil traitors, and evil tlispospd ones from the Coootrv. 'ln like manner, whin pain or strk nets of any kiml indiCate that the hotly is strugglingsiltit intrrnal bes t . . the true remedy is to • • ati!CPEI. Ai.1,110111111) 11UNI01115, Crrnitors to lifej'and 11EALTII - WILL - BE THE , CER I'ACI RESULT. That tlar Principle °retiring diicanr r by mid Purifying the liculy;ls sirictly in f•ecordance etdt the Loos which govern the ithitnalliconotoyi and•if properly carried out by the use.of thc . olinve : nameel 111:GF.T.,q11.1.;,.1!,04.9 Will, certainly mutt in the complete Abolition of Disease; we re :r the following testimonials, from persons of the highest respectability in .New York, who hove recently been mired, of the most obstinate complaints, solely by the use. of WRla . ire,l3 iNDIAI4 VEOLTAIILF. PILIIS OF TIIF:. , ,„, •, NORTD ANDDLICAN COLLEGE Orirk JAMAICA, L. I. inneDth, 1841. Doctor Wriglit—Dear Sir—lt is with grim satisfbetion that I Mifoilini.4tl of my having been entirely cured of Dyspepsia, of kte years Maeda ing, by, limps.: °floor DI4.3.,,VEWr.ABLE •Pret inns to meeting alas yotm celebfatid melt. - , cine, 1 hall been ender the bands of sevens/ Phlxis' cians, and had toed various metlicinex; hut *ll to no' egret. After naing ono :24 cent hot of iota. Pills' however, I experienced so vouch benefit, that I vet solved to persevere in the utlii it( them 'according fo • your direction;, which , 1 atm happy to state, has re.. , * ,sulteil in a perfect cure.., , It vlll4lOO to you for the ?great bettelfit I hove reccied, atill n the hope 't l hat'ntit'ers sfvflki,fr,afffisfel f fattiftninecti to make :trial or 'ex•tritorifilitify evetlie tis:, 1 serni l ifffi`. Xhia silitenteirt'uliikuliViigertrfil'fitthliDi'die Wiwi!' ! you Ilibik' prfiper: ~ ' ' ll'ottlksv,Vf. • ''' ; NeVli'ortd, itifie P,1,1414Y,f,','!"!y•f:U,: EltAbk. I,'o k Afr.lticliatftl*alo44****V•iglieti,ladian , ' Vegetable Pink; * V t l'fi,*. it .. 181 1 4. N. Y. ' ~1:h SiA-4YAPIt...4k, , .._,k',111.1 "bine tinsvi • since made trial or*SiC - IZ4 fVfiff'I.IrEG TABLE flik f ta *Pt 1 . 4.1 College of Health; and . csio crinac)e)poAlly assei.4.liiiilf foe Purifying' the D/Pollp Seltehil r OVAt% the spire*. have received more betrik ytt.t. .fvontqlehoeie,thaft fttbffi' other metfiaini, it ,haisheeetautts gedriffy'gOtinf' riwtoine to Ineci l'rititrAVO,', 'tdeit'r' sir, Wiffl' ond' thanhs,,your otiliged friewl, - D:All. TAT A:. f No. 69,Ditnleral.r.at,I,Teat Yort Mr. Richard Dennis _agent . W tor right's. Indian . • Vegebible pills. , Dear Sir-1 have been' itillieted lial severa l years Asitit inwarittnadtnetta and avert, deb* MICCOM. panieil t i mes sr,ith tin in -t he iiiieand other dia. tressing Complaints. fterhaVittitriedVarionsmedi. •does withnut eWeet,l wits tierituttleditby a friend to make trial ol , Weight's lotOttoTegetable Rills,. which lam Dr baptiy, to state base relit - sedate in st stoat wonderful ,snatitier. , . I ' lurineilinnl, 144.'neetirktin or yet hut a sliort time; and hare' itt 6 tiouttt: bY • per.' severaticelin }he, ute. of Rtotaceßeine:tiatarding to. dieectiona, iliat,l altil,Vn talt‘rt i )ixte,,lite ifell t p,fiy. 1 festoyeo., ~- ' --: " 4- 4. ' ' . I inostritillitiglyreOilif4o),l4: Kit* Iglai c iiiv• -: Aen? siinilarty ,tilllieWkh'2intli 3 thi full belie that. the lane beneficial titictiltiitellt 1100.hcfr pep. t r P - Tra ll ialpvinaec ificere 1 4 1 , y,' , t,,,n. 7 , „0 4 :4111 0 04 :.., . , 4 ,;;ffirii Iri igi,,,.1,1pf •Pe4 , ,N olt York., ..‘'. ,Vss;'9ioti" . ' *tiNitoettlfOlar4litit: 29 1.141.. =• , , , This late**, Ah t triavehusellAveigbec ladled) yttdo f ilk' Ith .47.11140.1:1108.ttfiVilten fr t C AO' .1. tte4CNetitatltilttle.-4\ Oleic lit Osi . r/V 9 0 71 7 1 4 111 r. ;'-. ‘ , :i '' ,2 4. :4 , li4 i t ShiTIIA tit iiiimto4 1 1 4 eikiwito* 97 ,-.b.„,,,,, . u,,,....,,,, J o ~,r 4 w „ , ~ 1 , 1 er't'Tt,4l o •l.':. I ,oi-11A. rirr.,, tp w , ..t.,r.' ~ Anthem, , 4414:441114, , 1nnwr0irie bni!tor * Itillnninlin sp Qii.ibt*Wolttneitio toan der t i eninnnr'dieliletti . VeWteell l 4 ll,4 **. 0 000 4 01 0 11 ft , ligli'aellitintey' *,tekis otion,. jetricitunicrAniettnuriiinkilli Otn. 4 lo 4 luen* 40044140 ..`