Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, May 31, 1843, Image 4

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.o,tttittt: 4t0'1:'5i..63.6,,0...1.
fanowie.linee are giventynhe eilittit , of
& . .Knreleihookerias very beautiful
" -«Ilt stqndeth at the door and knocatit".
‘,..T0 the gitent riOdeight ivet§hoe.:
tilt-;thj:boseoi-deor • ,
getilt kn'oeltethihnOoketb, kntrokethra-
"Itneeketh 'evermore .
Say' notr t tie thy pables.heatieg(
rriathy heart of.sht ' :
.74 thy diniourltpocks; and orleth '
• r and . ; let ote in P •
Death comae down, With reettlesa footileps,
To the hall and hut; . •
.Tifink'you death will tarry knocking,
Where the door iaehut ?,
Junta waited], waiteth, waiteth—
But the door isikst:
Driered, away, dly Stiviour goeth
Death breaks in at lam
Then 'tin time to stand eultdating
Cxntsr .to let then in ;
the gate of heaven beating, •
Wailing for thy sin :
Nay ! alas, thou guilty creattitM!
...Nast thou t,en forgotL
Jestia waited long . to know thee,
lur.onNiNd nalsmTJalitofirs.
'Think not any business or haste,fthough
ever so great, a sufficient-exeffse—to—omit
.._prayerin the morning,•.but medihite—
1. •That the greater ihy business is,
so much the more need hest thou to pray
for God's good speed and blessing upon it,
seeing it is certain nothing- can prosper
vvitholit his blessing. •
2. That many a - man s when he found
himself suresl; has been soonest. crossed I
so may at thou.
3. That many a man" has gone out of
his door and never come in again, many a
man who rose, hell and lively in the morn
ing, has been seen a dead,man before night.
•!So may it befall thee.--And ~if thou be so
careful, before thou goest abroad, to% eat
and drink, to fence thy body from ill airs,
how much more careful, shouldst thou he
to preserve thy soul from evil temptations?
.4. That the Om spent in prayer never
hindersebut furthers and prospers a man's
journey . and; busin&ss
• 5. That in going abroad into the world,
'thou•goest into a forest 'full of unknown
dangers,. where thou shalt meet many bri
ers to tear thy good name, many knares
to trap thy life, and Many hunters to de.
your thy , sonl : it is-a' - field offi.ple.aseni.
- grass, but full cif-poisonous serpents ; ad.;
venture not, therefore, to go naked amongst,
these briers, till thou host prayed Christ
to clothe.thee with his righteousness: nor
to pass. through these snares - and ambush
'es, till thou prayed for Goes. provi
dence to be,thy guide ; nor to walk bare
foot through his snaky . field,
.till having
thy feet shod,with the preparation of the
gospel of peace, thou hest prayed to have
still the brazen serpent in the eyes of faith;
that so if thou 'comest not home holier,
`thou mayest be sure trot. to return worse
'than, when thou wentest out of thy door.
Therefore, though thy .haste
.be never
'bit 'much, or thy business n ever sp great,
yet go, nor out of •thy .doors,
till thou hest praycd.- - -The practice of
What a moment must that be, when the
iaat Atitter expires on our lips ! What
hange.! Tell me ye who' are deapest
'read initature, and in God, to what new
!odds are we born ? Lo . ok upon the cold,
ghostly corpse that lies before )au !
That was but a shell, a gross and earthly
coy,ering, which held for. a• while the im
mortal essence that has now left it—left it
to range, perhaps,th rough illimitable space;, capacities of delight, new
' powers of perception ; new , glories and be
'atitude Ten thousand . fancies.rush upon
the mind as it contemplates the awful me
. Ment between life and death ! It is 'a me.
Orient big with imagination's greatest hopes
and fears, it is the consummation teat clears
tp all, mystery—resolves all doubts—
which removes contradiction and destroys
`error. Great , God ! what . a flood of rap
lure May dentin' lutist upon the departed
soul. The Unclouded brightness of the
,'"enleetial,regions—the pure existence of
:therial• being—the solemn secrets of nature
'may then:be divulged ; the
,immediate -u
-, bity of the past, the present and the future;
'strains of unimaginable hirmonv, the forms
'of imPerishabie — beauty,'"iney then'sudden
ly disclose themselves, bUrsting on the de
ligkted senses and bathing theria in meas.
..The . mind is lost in.the ex.
;'geesfir,wqndrimis light, and dareS not turn
:fioro the heavenly vision to one so gloomy,
tremendous as the departure of the
.• : %v ick941:;•:1 11 0 11 bn fancy shrinks back aP.
•!ifilleti.; • '
Twice had oeeutrr - gone down on the
`earth;t and all as yet ivas quiekat the -sop- .
e lilohrs; . 16 1 esitk held , his sceptre ,o the
, J.,4001100;0 ?
is?riiieg;Oil stilt
':,'and the giards-iitooti by their poste;
;Me.iaii'atrie midnight moon gleiiiined
:`thiie` = helnii►lir and ` on their ifisArs . ;, the en
exulted in their success.;
wPrik:' l 4.., l 9l l l lll .
4 4, 1
cte ent , - , Won °flag O• its
14,01iiiifowi#) , • 03-W q.?f , M lendth;lthe
•k, • • qtl3 W,JI
,n uAlikgoiNvilitit3444.,Ets4 . annour
ihaPP#9o, .o.lfr
, ~ fogviii,:pith, f,:i.,.1* Owitrtuj,
0, ik/0_,i,.....,...)dm`91 ,
044044 L W .h ' +rap 'abik ° '
elHeaven.. - , , , r, T. •,. %.
11.'0 ovOr ~...,,,c to
:t#ll(T4o:',4-44iire41,, 4P.: 45! ..,„,
f 'love
~, ,;' . ''-.
' y kW tif4l'
.."I -kilt
r xi ,fin, a
as , '-', 'ii.'''44ut
n 4-
.0 r
-, -I,ii AlgaAitthill"
'-.Acji inuminsw-1111,
h s raiment whits4Wiiw
en-; he:rolled ' a
418 y , tk 744 1° h :i i' $.9)? 4. 0f4 i 0 feil
: 4 :, 01 ill 4 tkaA
oh. ': -", ~ ! , ';' , '`:l ., t - . , 1 ':,;::::" , 1; i:i'.•
But '.lto; ii'tt.iii',.il** *oiitetliftd*,'':t*
torrtb,•,yivitltAlyetigtiraehts from the hetifoi.
death 1.. He-that iel giiiriOds.,liii!itiii . 64 . 4o
4nee; "Walking • in : l ihe' greatnetie"hr his'
strength t: , '!: It' itr. l py:!Piinee i 0 . •4i0n :.
Ohristpan,duis.yout , , l4Ortil, ' Be liuth . tivil' 7
den, the,Wine 'press'alcinej :he' bath stained'
his raiment with blopd t but now,- aethe
'first born from the iiiiMb' . Of . eatiire;; he
Meets' the Morning tifhie resureetien.' , He ,
arises, a,couqueret from the grave; he re
turns with. blesiingi frOm the wOrld . of
spirits ;.he brings salvation to ato . . sons of
men. Never did the returning sun 'usher
in a day so..gloriOual elt Was' the ,jhbilpe
of, the universe!.' The Morning stars Sang
together, and all the sonS:of God shouted
aloud for ° joy! The , Father ! : of. M orcies
looked down from his throne' in 'the Heav
ens - with complacency ;, ho beheld his
world restored:-;-.he saw his, work, thatit
was good : • Then'tild 'llie • - tleSe'rt rejoite ;
the face of nature was gladdened,- before.,
him, when the blessings 01 the Eternal de-.
scended, asAltedews of heaVen, for the re
freshing,of the nations... • . . ..
beinein the world for whom I feel a high
er moral respett and admiration than the
upright man Of business,. No, not for the
philanthropist, or the martyr.. I feel that
I could more easily' be a martyr, than a
man of that lofty uprightness" I have con
ceived. • And let me say yet more distinct
ly, that "it is not for the generous fillip I
feel this kind of respect. Generosity seenis
to me a low quality, a mere impulse, coin
paredwith the lofty virtue I speak of. It
is not for the roan who distributes exten
sive•charities, who bestoWs magnificent do.
nations. That may all be very well:
speak not to . disparage it. I wish there
were mere of , it; and-yet it. may all con
sist with the true, lofty, unbending upright
ness. • That is not the man, then, of.whoin
I speak.; but it is he who stands amidst all
the interests and perilous exigeneies oftrade
firm, 'calm, disintereited and uptight. It
is thd man•who can see another man's dis
tress as well as his own, It is the-Man
whose mind his • own advantage does no t
blind or cloud for an instant- 7 who could
.sit as • judge upon a question.between him
self and his.neighhour,just as salely'as the
purest magistrate on the bench of justice.
Ah ! how much richcr than erniinelmw
much more•noble than the train magis ,
terial authority—how 'Much more awful
than the guarded pomp of majesty, is that
simple, magtianinioll, majestic truth I Yes
it is the man who is true—true to himself,
his neighbour and his God—true- to his
rights, -true to his conscience, and who
feels that .the slightest sliggestimi of that
conscience is more to him than the chance
of acquiring a hundred estates.
I4IEI bri 11.1171111/1112,,
From 375, Bowery, N. York
rpOR nine years this medicine has stood unrivnlen
, for the Cure of Coughs, Pain in the side, diffi
culty of breathing, Bronchitis, and nil those'afec
lions of the Throat, Lungs and Liver, which ore a
source of so much suffering and which oust-rested
so often terminate in Consumption. So extensively
has this remedy been used and in so many cures has
it proved successful, the proprietor feels no heal-
Miley in recommending it to all who unfortunately
have occasion to resort to some 81,8113 of recovery.
Multitudes who hove experienceil its happy effects,
ran testify to its utility, and very many reketied trom
it premature 'death, point to it as the means.of their
The originator of this remedy wr s well versed in
the science of medicine, and a skilful practitioner.
Physicians familiar with its effects not unfrequently
prescribe it in their practice, slid with the Medical
Faculty generally It has met with a !argenr share of
improhntiotOltan is common with exclusive pre
KrCONSUMPTION—The following renutrkl
were taken from the litst number of the Medico
Magazine: • .
'1 he surprising effect produced by the genuine
Dr. Taylor's Balsam. of-Liverwort, made at 575
Bowery, in consumptive CAWS, 011111101 Coil exciting
deep and thrilling illteredtilEOUghOUlthC \ Ve
have so long believed this disease (consumption) in
curable, that it is difficult to credit oue senses when
we see persons, evidently consumptive, restored to
health. Yet it is a fart of daily occurrence.
do consider my mire almost miraculous. I was gi vett
tip by two physicians and told to prepare for death.
I was in this low state when a friend sent me a bot
tle of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, from 375
Bowery, and before I had used up the bottle I was
able to sit up in bed, by the further ItHI. I have com
pletely regained iny Health. - All should use it.
GEO. WELLS, 23 .lobo It.
been cured of a violent pain in the side, extending
through to the shoulder, indigestion, dizzness, lass
of appetite and general debility, by the use of two
bottles of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort.
.1. A. I!. ALLEN, 7 - Merchant's Row.
For sale li)• STEVENSON . Bz . DINKLE, tole
agents for Caßisle and vicinity.
October 26,1842.
pETITION for Discharge and Certi fi cate under
the Bankrupt Law,liave been filed the 16th May
tai, by
smith; - • Cumberland county.
and FRIDAY the 28th'. day of JULY Next, at
II .o'clock; A. M. is appointed for the hearing there=
of, before the until Court, sitting in, - Bankruptcy,tit
the District Courtroom in the City of Philadelphia,
when and whore the Creditors of the.saitl Petition=
mywholiave proved their debts, and all other per
sons in interest, may appear•and show cause, if any
they have,why such Di seliarge avid Certificate should
-not be granted.. 2. ERAS. 110PKINSONil
, • tilerk of the • District 'Court.
May 17 . 0,a4•A,‘ •.• • „ 10.29
• • • -
PETITIONS for Discharge and Celli
...eti go, under the Bankrupt Law; have•been fil..
Jo N''STOVGlitlndi"vidnally and , late Merchant
.„, p ithe firm of Stbegh Sc firewater. • -,,-; "1 = ;
.., ,-y . • >'-' ..,,, k , ", -; .: .., -, ' Cumberland Co.
'ISAAC. MITTEN; , Shoemaker. ~‘ , 7 , (1.'..,-:7; do,/ ,
;ilia' FRIDAY; AO SO:l i ' 'day - of JUNE,: next,", at
A o'clock - 4:n is appointed for the hearing there
ef, Jiefortrthf. ashi Ceugt;"rAutting in ,Dankruptcy4 at
thCHiltrictigoitit /Route ,in - ttlyi City of Philadel
011ai.iten.indlyiteraItreM*ItItKa of the said fle.i:
,tlKtitlO 14001latfplertii Ie eV% and all Orlii
iferO rs,
sctIOWI . jtiay,,ap t4t *pulse, if any,
thitOtegi .4 .. Vps ith•rge joldiPertifisates
eltodid •
~.libilit',.. :,- ;.., •' \!k,..z., .... ar o, 9Dll7 , ,,Citlpmarti !.,,
•-Apill . . . *
I tt o
4 - 44i1.41. P;;;;PPAZ44442I:-',,2
r• ;41'?',;
I 'lrt4%Ofif
k i k r e 6 1 1 . Y i
~4 Rd iilF,*4
Untied States Court,
N T. 0 a
ii...,.., ~ ei . ..;:.;.... - .4,•111,Tv. • ~''.; ~Ifa
.-- i3P , 'PIiIf. f ADEVPIIIA:h . ' "•. '' •
'610:11111'ht.'ili• Eltg, , Ageliti.Carllsle:
', 2-: V- vt , : - ' :',.., ;_ . , , 77 ...,.... , ...• - ~,,,! •• V,. r -
THI9 'company sentience le make i lna urenees.
against loss or"damage by tirei'en the most
reasonable terms.- -They also take •. . '
On atone nr;l;riel liularrigs: at 'Kra '$100111; the
premium Nubject to'bb drawn any time , by :the
party insuring, at a deduction of five per cont. on
tbe'atitinit Of premium paid. . ;
. ,
.• Tho usual rateti for one year on
Stone arid Brick Buildings, $4, to $5 un $lOOO
Log and Frame, .6 $6 to 97 on $lOOO
Merchandize,. about • • .• $5, on $lOOO
• .
Application in, person or by letter will havolm
mediate , attonlioo;
. .
Me Spring Gardeit inswitilvc Co..
MAR . E INSURANCE,' either temporary or,
perpetual, against loss or damage - by Fl ni;
fu Toms or Ccuntry, on Hondos; Barns and
iugs of .all kinds; on Houuchnld Furniture, Myr.
chandi2e, Horses, Cattle, Agricultural , Coln mcr
cial and Manufacturing - Stock; and Utensils of
everyslcseription,as wellas MontanUs rind Gantt
CUNT, upon the most favorable terms.
'the plowing are the — usual rales,__viz:
On Stone and brick buildings, from
. 35 to 40 cts. on $lOO
"Log and framo GO to 70 cts. on :100.
"Merehandize and fitrni
.- ttire in liricic or stone
buildings, from •
"Do. in log or framo,
"Horses, cattle; farming
utensils and sundries,
• at about
Application mey be made to• -
Carlisle, Dee. 21, 1842. 1
thgti PRESENTS .11.1.
mst rl.,eeirnt at Meir I)rttg, Book, Stationary
Mal:Variety Store,a large assortment of
Toys, Toy-nooks for Chrislmtts
Presents.. AMC:IIS, • Sorjvcindies,"
and Port-folios, for 1813,
Togethur with a choice selection of eiltertainhq
READING, for Ithig, winter evenings.
3 TO 1
,0 IL IB g
of every variety, viz:
School Bibles and 'Testaments, -
Smith's Gepg,raphy and ../.1110.6,
Olnei Mitchell's do. .
Smith's Grammar, • .
A - hi-one's ditto,
.Ingers Series, No. 1, 2, 3, ,s , •. a,
Cobb's Wehool Books, complete.'
Emerson, Byer/y, Barham., 4 Web
ster's Spellers,
Pike, Rose, Smiley, 4. Emerson's
rithmeties,- pith
ITHatlienialienl instruments.
Letter, Cap, and , Deed paper, ruled awl phiin. Nate
paper. Silver Pencils, everpaints. .1:ICkS011 Lend
I'lll6lB ill noel, at all tempers; with a large as
sortment 'or-BLANK HOOKS, ruled and umlaut!.
~'~"~' ~~~w~`~7'~~D
Of superior finish. Ba.zors, gazer .Strops
Shaving Brushes, and finely scented
Shaving Soars and assorted Pe7
fernery. •
Superior opaque nod Itimin Quills, nriNtol Boards ?
Wee 111111 CT, ViSiiillg C:1115, colored Wafers and
Sealing Wax, Plititi and MOW) Scats.
New 3ililidie,
1131. rat, Eiteitrttntrlitrit
Together with a general and well 501( . C11 1 .1 :IFqOl.l
- of C7av , ;(lll and .11i3cIlanea1s Itorks,. , !t”
lease the 111111: . % :111.1 inittrose the taste."
Ridlnaint litilign:2l
MDR subscribers, nt ..I.beir FOUNDRY AND
H NI ACI UNE SIIOI., on Main street, nearly up
'unite the County Jail, in the llurouglrof
Pa., euiditte to build the collowity Mayllitte3
mid - Horse Powers—viz:
T. D. Burrell's Patent Improved
,Tp3 \vam p
With a horiz . ontal hand-, heel, with a tt mil: to con
duct the strap to the Machine.
The Imol-whey) outside of the horses. They are
well calculated to put to elite side oldie barn bridge,
or under• the barn shed. •
A New and Int pray et! Shaker,
To separiao the grain tram the straw, which will
diipense with one or two hands, will be made to the
above Machine if wanted.'
- a M . T2 3 Ets
Purchasing any of the above Al:whines may have the
privilege. alter a litir trial, of returning the same it
not satisfied. All Machines and !lone Powers are
warranted 11)1 one'year, if well used.
• _REPOIII:I67t*G.
All kiwis of repalring will he done at the 'snortcs
'notice and on the most reasonable .terms. .They al
ways kLep on hand all castings ,necessary'to epair
the abase Nlachines, or any °diets now in use.
- There is also attached to the ounce establishment
an IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY, at which all
kinds of CAS'T'INGS can he had—such ns Apple
Mills, Corn Beakers, Plaster Beakers, Mill (-kat.-
Saw Mill Gooks , Machine Gearing,. Wagon
Boxes, &c. &c. Also: ' .
Suell,tti Mill Spindles, Cur Boxes, Turning Lathes,
ater, all in the best order, in iron sod brass.
orders will be executed at the shortest no
tice,und proinptly sttended to. Farmers nod others
nrs respectfully invited
,to give us call, , conlident
thut thew can be suited to their stitisinction.i
Carlisle, Aug. 10,1842. ' • • tl-41
n'Planek's, Ilenwood's and Ogle's PLOUGHS
and - PLOUGH CASTINGS, suelt as Cutters Land
sides, Sto. B.te:, can also, be had at the foundry, ,
Union lftper -BUIL
THE eubscrther respectfully. Informs the pub.
lip at liffte; that he has leased aboye pe.
tabltehniOnt, 'enernilee smith of Carlisle, for atOrrn,
ofyeare,aiid the !MlLL.hkvicig been rieently
paired, and; new, machinery introduced, ~ h e is,
the'roforo. prepared to Manilfacture to order, (and
aled has a supply constantly on hand)' ,
'i•apai of:evert Rind and Quality;
. .
which hp
rtFilkish tor printare; meieliatile
&hire; lo lowest' city r rigae.
ordOra . fieldressed inbeoyibei, Ihipor; : ,
town,CuMberland. county, .wlliroteiyeixompt
ricitiie'd ;flit viltry ba,st
.;:asArttitto,,l49 flitttets hittistilf that.ltit will be able, fhanufac ,
turd &hot
111.1.he'country • .:;41,-:c.11
3 . , ., 1 €11111..L1A.111 , 8..M8LL1N.;
;.; kaPeriMp? July 2(y . 154 , T . tf * -38
~;,4,;,fis . '74s!*gtiesi Aria/ fdertiesi'!"t
t:,? , :llVii SI Atilfit ,t,' Viilliki Lt
,Thifiit a ll entlgtiZlr t ia'hi, 4 2railt
el "AiidtifirrAti*Splitii;litsl44ll Kdtp 'tab? , 151 1
ly .of Atvistr,Wallf:, bt 13 20_,aKeg2t i, '
' cl , 24'''' , "; - :.MN ,4 ' - ' , . , ' , . t .ZHENßYl , LogiatiEtt'fit. ' '
/ '.Ol - eup Xisrorii l / 4 311 - 0i1i•i4941 fitlekl iluPbytti.N.
, _ l _,To. , , • ~ :‘,,, . -;,, ,-,. ~' icvl -.:,,
._-1..i: '1 - 4 . ,
.. , e,
40 to . so'cts. on' 100
60 to 70 as. on 100
GO cts. on 100
EN RV L. r,LI)EI2, Nit.d 93. Ala rke
street. above 12111, North side, Philadelphia
hat iag reduced his prices at 11.110)WAI1E, to the
lou est rates for CAsii,and in his silt ertheniciit wooed
some of the :u•lic!rs ith the prices amieNcel, he fi n d s
that (ulna s in the same line of business, hate offered
those particular articlei at the same prices, saying
theY sell as low as 1.:LI11:11. Now the olij,oo of this
Card is to invite purchasers to ascertain the lowest
prices for which they can purchase every description
of I 1:11 . (1,10re l!IMMIICIT,19111 1111 . 11C11 , 1111.• :10116 store,
and they will he,colivinced that lie is selling. all his
mods at similar low prices,—and that lie is doing
What lie professes to do—brrying snip fa. Cash. mal
selling only for Cash. w llich enables hint to do busi
ness it such rates au cannot fail to nnike ) tiis store the
depot lin• those who wish to get the toast for their
vr'l le has added to hislarge stock of Hardware,
a complete assortment of
u Bich lie will sell at 0 scale of prices corresponding
will the reduced prices elf his Nails. Se% thus and
klardWare generally, at whole‘ale and retail...
lIENIIY I. 1'.1.1)P.12.
Cheap Ilardware Stave; No. 493, Market st. Phila.
March t, 1813. tr 18
[Via 1.11A,3 (.3r1,012 1L
.;Vo. T 7 Olarket st.---Xorth Sitle-- 7 abote &con(
'Goods fur Cash-s—at Auction
THE subscribers hm;e determined to
conduct their business upon the CASH Systeni,
and Will sell their. Combs us low, if not a; n lower
grade of profit, than has heretofore been done in
l'hiladelphim—Mit:one article reduced very low,
the expectation'of making it up on other t;oods;- , -
Mit their prices shall be all corresponding low. Their
prices will he governed by the Auction rates -7sell
nig at the same pines, nett Cash, as the Auctions do
oil time—contenting themselves. with the:lntermit
for the time as their' Profit. This cannot hut present
a strong inducement for buyers,
especially from the
Country, mcall on them in preftlrence to purchasing.
st Amditin; Where persons do not get the time dis
count, Ulli(A9 their bills reach a certain nmount, to
which amount it is not always Convenient for Coun
try Bityers to purchase; and it will also avoid the
disadvantage of large lots; and afford. more time to
select. •
They design to avail theniselves 01, every
in both the New York os.widl the
Auctions, in procuring r 'goods at the lowest pos..
sible'rntes. '
We now respertfullY'inVilc our friends, kid the
public to the Test of 'Experience in tins ininter, be;
tog the best way to convince them of the truth °l ow
promise. • JOHNSTON, BUIM tsr CO.
Phila. Itlnroli 8 .1.g4.1...19.., • ' .
Mechanicsburg, Line
Between ;,.,///echantesbii . tw. add
, .., .
:Plii.laciplphj( or il.altiitiore:
. ,
,01 - Rh.L 110411 OR MIN-4414
. . . . „
THE eubsCrlber tratefhl tor past &seri; begi
leave te inf o lin hie,
geueralky o , thee he 4411 cootipUes tio bin a line ot
burthen;Cara reg*rly lidtweeiCAtecliepidaberg
and ' rhiladelptua er - Diltimere; by iNhic446ods,
and produce of all desciriPtien e. eill i be ferle" : "defi
with care and at -the ' loivest. Sates:of
;freigi/Cf l ;' ",':' , ':-;*o. , 7r,) .--, ',;,-; ~. ~ Y, R 4,1 ..
Prod dee 4011 Va itietiv'ed atiie Ware iicaiiedri
; 1 1dr„(i.ch411,icAurg, ArialliTwardod to olthoY , Yhila'-'
popiiiie:mrllaltimorq - ViCer.ditig'.te the idlrection't
ef.440'4',010r. -'' . '•'''''-• '. •', " - I , '• ,r ."- -. -,' '
:11:1trhop0:;14 . 41:ric;iiliip pi+ 'plicri 'fiir 10041
OtAll,O4Ft ~,::',.:' •:: ' ';'• ~'.;'. ''.--:'"''" ''t 1 '.
....,....„. %. „,..,,', ''' ItAllyrtstitfiftiLEY:
N. iti' 4- P111.8(6r/0' Pliii&`lind 7 Seit-altviiyi kept .
%nliiiid4ifidifsi litiejitilitfititfeepttip4h.?°'wi ,I;
-I) ' '.,.;,- r'1';.' , 1.." . ' r i.{..:T i ,, ..' , `' . 'eliV ' .. ..:1 . 3 lit . 1 .
'''',' ''" I l' ' '', loo:6l4ll:CO ' CiW si: ,iWlff I f .f...
' I fell t" 1 4 19 1: 1 0/ 41 lit WO lepot n ha l t 1101.• '" 0— ''' ,i liiiiii•tp4l4l3zsrzek , - ),. .tiAr_q. ,
burgAr aerea l lAßClCilich el illiihiaillie i; - . ' ''';‘''''"er: . _7. 1 , , 5 ,. . , . , . 1 7- 11 4Peiv!, la! '1 0 4' ,1- 441;; ,- ,i,
'lolonOWSilileg9jllll,,gpi,j*e. of 4 1 } : 1 44tf pitAtid•HOPiAllittVi ) r - iit:' i,„o,oiii,'
mtli9h:wlll be s old oullliakaktOWAi:Vl:4o, i• VotedteitOltiilliatithetiPtripnerOle- lepe'efial
; , ..,Ajigiyokaliagp t , - ::: , ••liii t id.,4l‘lCZ',' , ...7".,lT ' ... . 4 , r.. „ 4,: ,, g , -;; .., k , ::0 - ,,, ,, ,, , ..,T , ,:a . 11 11 le , ~Utrii
'itQwwixQx' , lYAofs :Ms§
. . .
. .
. . ... , .
. ! '..,' • -..•'-7 .--- 1" - :' ' l,-. • , '‘' - f''.. -
, Tr iiE ,d ' OP)igVStatq,DiVAlikair. littr 7 . trAtf
i 1 .., 1 3 .11017titlIPNCOM PA'N.Y, bkiiio,inacifficl: '
rated, by. c; iir,,,,tlie-Lekfilatai•a of tiib'vb.goiii se:EP '
sion,4nAl ripti tfapfs,Wbad' ire . opOi•ation it der 'the .
direatiott ! art id. follOWP‘if,fibiled,bi itl,Afia,g.difi 4 . 1 i.
TIMMad fl 11 , 1i11Cf . ; C. I P.-.Ctinitninii; John . ' fk i llit*'
Eliivid , 'AST.: MaEuilai , iiii, '',liimailWeiiklt,i"Georp:O'
Martin i Vil:lliiira . ,AiooKa,Samuhl Galbraith;lathes' .
GreaSori,l 4 ltoinaiirn'ston;Wpi: Earri.toseph Culver ,
and A. G. iwillei; call,the yite,vdtda'oe the' ialmbit-.
ants of Camberland.yallpf to The cheapness of their
rates and the rattily advantagei which this .;iati of.
Insurhhce had over aiii other. ' ,
Ist.. Every persOn insured hdenines a ,member of,
the company and tak;s part in the choice of officers
anti the direction of ,kts conceros. . •
211. Foe insurance eo tpore is demanded than is
necessary to meet the expenses of the Company and
indemnity figainit losses whiclrmay happen.
, 5d.-The inpivenience effrequenteenewals is a
voided ,by insuringfor it term of five years. • ~ •
4th. Any - person Applying tor insurance must give
his premium nOte.for the cherpost . .clays at the rate
of five per centum, Which will he $59 on the $lOOO,
for which he will have to pay . 55,59 for five years,
and st,so for survey and policy, and no More unless
loss be sustained to als:reater amount than 916111,16
on hands will coveriandthen niminre . will be requir
ed than a pro rant shdre. These rates are much
cheaper than those of other eorripaides, except .such
as are incorptirated on the
,same principles.
Inhtiraficeis eiTheteil in the following-manner. A
person applying for insurance for property of the
elg , apest clans of risk for -$lOOO will be charged 5
per emit for five yeti a, ample a moiniting to $5O must
he Oen hy , Itintont which he.will be required to nay ,
5 per cent $0,50, and $1;50 for surteying and policy;
and will' have no chore required of him unkss losses
occur and the funds on - hands are not sufficient to
niret them.
Agents Will L^ appointed as soon ns possible in dif
ferent Places to insurances, anti any persons
wishing immediately to apply_can (lo so by signit)
lii (Heir wish to the ()liken of the eompanv.
011 AS. P. CUNIMINS, Pres.
CI,A. Mit.r.En,See'y.
,Anril 12,1843.
I V/11,11J11113
&COM 01.‘111,-Itf
" yir Y tr up or the iinWers am! authorit)
'll contained in the last will and tcstanicnt a
Iklicnit e ci. EDE, dee'd., I now offal. fol. sale, the
Carlisle__Zron Works
Situated on the Yellow Breeches Creek; 4)
eust of Carlisle ra. The estate consists ate lust tate
Ematot mcgawatt o
tvillt Tea Thousand Acres of Land.
A new MERCHANT MU, woh roorrun of stone,
linished on the most approved pttn. About 50tlaery,
or the ,latal are cleared and highlretillivated, having
thereon erected ,
• Three,e 1DalDI: rintrus
and necessary TIIIINA NT I-101LTSES The
works iireCreek
the'low ilreeclies
and the Boiling Spring, which neither fail nurfreeze.
:fliers are upon the internisesall the necessary work
minis linttscs k .coal hinnies, corpenterand smith shops,
and staliliog built of the most substantial materials.
The-ore of the hest quality and iii - C - 1!N lanstible, is
within `3 miles of the Furnace There is neehaps
uo lion (forks in Petinsyhattia which pOSAViitiCS su
perior advantages and offers greater inducements to
.the investment of Capitol. The water power is so
great.that it might lie eNtetidell to imy other maims
lactoring 'impose. Persons disinistal to porelisse
will of course esomine the property. 'llie terms 01
sale will be smile ktiritvVtiy.—
EKevittriN, 4h.WE ' d
Carl ISICj Oct. 19, 184.;,. r-
.. . .
ll E subscriboes would hifunn.the ci
21. zoos or Owlish• anirthe vicinit)', that thvy a
pr , pat.4l to fornkh tia.h.
in the most 'superior tnatnier, nt iwrict;s (het eau only
he Mrot tied by their heitts the most teti•micc ntatut
lirctm•ei s ill tile country.
We still retain the FULL LENOTII.I 110 " Clll'llll '-
Meet 1 . 0 1,1111 the limi•s,'' hilt upon the ettiet.H., .011!
and see the bent,elwapest, and hugest HSSOFUllellt lit
the city. _
8EL.12051.1, SON, & 111LANCIIARD,,
No. 100. Cheroot
net door tO the Ledger nillidingm,
April 46 1313
.4fectiotta of thoe's, ::Bronohitio, • .Paint
opwealmeso: of the _.predat . or hingi; ChrOtdc
Voughs,:l'kurdy,Ltniorrage of the Lulea,,,aqd
apotionstethel'uhnonary Organs: •..
. „
ji compound Balsamic preparation of.the Prunua
Virginiania or" Wild (imy hark, 'combined with
the. klrtracV of War, prepared
,by a new cheinieal
process, approved and recommended ItY tlie itiost
distinguished phy universally iteknow
ledge(' the roost valuable mediciiiit ever iiseet•yres l .
In suiting forth the virturs'of this ,truly great me
dicine, we liave no desire to„ deceive tbose who tire' ,
laboringunder affliciimi, nor dO we,wish to 'eulogise
it more than it justly deserves. Yet when we look
around nod see the vast iiiiniunt of suffering and dis
tress occasioned by many of the diseases in which
this Medicine has proved .so' highly' successful, we
feel that•weqauntot urge its .claims too strongly, or.
say ton Much in its favor: •
Various remedies it-is trite !Hive been offered and
puffed into notice for the cure of diseases ofllie
Lungs, and some' have' no (look been found very:
useful, but of all that Imre yet been discovered, it is
ailinittell by physicians and all who have Witnessed
iis'effects, that imile has proved as succeiSful us-this.
Such, indeed;nre the r
Of this llalsmn, that even in the advanced stage .of
Consurirriort;lßcridl the esteelifell" rem dilics :
of physicians . hove tidied . to effect any cliange, the
use of this medicine hs - bieti productiie of the
mest a relief, and actually' effected cures
alter all hopes recovery lent been tleSpaired,of.
In the first stages oldie ilisease,ternted Catim ,
lig! Consumption, "originating from neglected Collis,
it has been used with undeviating success, :indium
dreils acknowledge they owe the restoration of their
health to this' invaluable medicine alone. In that
form of Consumption so - prevalent a neongst delicate
young females; commonly termed debility, or , •
A complaint with which thousands are lingering, it
bas also proved highly successful, and ti nt only pos•
senses the power of checking the progress of this
nlarmiim,comphAnt, hut also strengthens and invite-.
orates the system ntore effectually thou 'airy medi
cine we have ever possessed.
Besides its surprising efficacy in COnsumption, it
is equally efficactobs'at Liver Comyninte,asthma,
tirmchitis t and all affections of the Eungs, and has
cut cd many of the most obstinate cases, after every
ell ler reinetly had failed. fri-For particulars see
1)1.. -IV istar'b on Consumption, tobe had
the Agents.
At•miding the use of this medicine -in diseases of
111,„ Lungs, and the ninny singular cures it leis ef
fecicil,lniving naturally attracted the attention of
many physicians, (ns well as the whole fraternity ol
gnat:kg) varionsconjectinesend inirmiseshavenrisen
respecting its composition some physicians have
supposed it to coirtion iodine, other ignorant preten
substance they each attrihute its singular efficacy.—
As such opliiions are :thogether erroneous, snit cal=
rulattidto priljinfice'inany persons against it, we •
That itcontains nothing of the kind, or any thing
Ile least injurious; on the contrary, it is composed
of the most Simple substances, the principle of which
sue the extracts of TA It and if Pi/ Cherry Bark,
and the whole secret of its efficacy consists in the
: - node by which they are-prepared. • •
tv . e have already pithli•lied numerous certifi-
Cates feetn the llighrst atolowity, which prove its
virtues beyond all doubt, we consider it Ilatuteehtstq
to exhibit a long list of loam in this "dace, and a ill
.only itienlioit a few cases, to show what it has done•
A SURPRISING CUR E.--Aniong the ninny
singultir cures uflielt this. medicine has 'effected,
them is perhaps none in which its ,losers are so
folk• shown us in slit case of Mrs. Atistith
This hay had tern consumptive tbv i.everal years,
and Miring the - greater port of thistime had received
if,,, lwst medical attention, and tried all the most
vain:Mkt - remedies, set nothing could be found t
- arrest - WS - progress. She became-subject-to virder
fits ,of coughing, expectorated large quantities c
matter occasionally tinged with blond, old step it
stop Ibis fearful disease continued its course, onoi
all. hope do recovery was entirely despaired of:
in this ilktressing situation, lingering tuan
the very verge of the gran e. she commenced the us
cut this ilalsalm, which, to use her own expression
operated p boost like it . elikrzo. retv dm's sir
tqlwetovateil freely, the cough was gradually, Sop
pressed, and every day appeared to :old fresh %Igo
to her looks, now, in the place ailed emaciate(
rorio withering, to decoy, slur is liven min;] '
society, in better health than she lust enjoyed f
Ie suiprising ellicaey of Dr. Wisiar's Ilalselin of
'ill Cherry, in(lle CllBO of Airs. Austin,
illy acknowledge the above statement 'to be Arne
correet... • ••• J. C. WALTERS, M. I).
)Vowlstown, Sept. 4, 1841,
Dear Sit•- , '—AltliOnglt your invaluable inedielou has
;ea& roima '' powerful advocates,
//AV still he grata) iug to you to receive a communt
rnt,ton front any .one that. has !well relievad by it.
Such, Sir, is truly my ease. Hutve been a victim
to that terrible; disease Consumption,' for ma
months, and have suillired so much, that I had he
row ulmmt weary of my life. Ileariug your
lialsalm An higLly Praised, I hegare taking it a few
weeks back, nod
. con assure 3 oil it hits rilivveil me
More (1111,1 !illy thing 1 have ever used befom, nod I
confidently believe it will cure me effectually. I'l?nve
give the bearer the worth of the euelose(hatul oblige
Yours Respectfully, .llozvf PEAusos.
Chester County, Sept. ft, 1841.
Friend W.islar—lt gibes me, much pleasure to in
form ti', , that my wile's health has i unproved eery
lunch since she has been using thy Ilalt.alm of Wild
Cherry, and we think there is no doubt but that it
will 121111! her. She has taken the two bottles I pity;
chased from thee a shout time since, ond-her cough
is much limb+ .she ako sleeps well nt night, told
says she has Ammo notning to give her so much re
lief. ,Thee will please give the bearer two bottles
more for Thy , Friend,.
• • nowAnu Moms.
. .
Lancaster county,Jtily 13;1841.
Dear Sir—Please send me two bottles at you,
genuine lisimlm of Wild Cherry. I • have teen tif•
pi e ta at ith Consumption for the last two years, and
suffered tery much with n severe cough, pains in
my; breast, difficulty of breathing, night sweats, &e.,
and having tried numerous remedies, and also been
muter ECVeral doctors, yeti could not find any thing
to relieVe me until I used same of your Balsahn.
got one bottle from a neighbor of mine who is using
it ; have fount! such wonderful relief from it that
I have no doubt it will cure me effectually.. .•
Very respectfully yours, &c.
• HOBERT 110;3AfAir.
nr - Ren4 the following' rom Dr. Jacob Hoffman
n. Oral:art. of extonsirn• practice' hi 'lluntiiigdm
„ , ,
. • .
. :Dear Mr--I procured one .bottle of Dr. •Wistar'.
Balsaltn of Wild Cherry, from Thomas Wed, Esq . .
of this: plane, and tried it in 0 ease of obstistaty
Asthma ou a child of Paul Seltwebie, in which bum •
other remedies had been , tried . avithotittany,.•relieP,.
yhe•llalialm gave sudden relief, and in my opinion
the child is cilia:dually cured by its use.' • ,• .
• ' Yours, & o.: JACOB harp RArri3L D. •
:December, vqd, • .;, • .
Dear Sir--,•Yottnititlealrit of Wild Cherry has'it'ili
Ceded some. asttinishing cures here.. One: of whirl)
is an old.laily t AlirsAussell, wliciliatl been suffering
fora long time with shortness of breathing, and gew.
erst:witakilebs,p,etillthe was fitifilly'Obiliteti to :keep
her bed. After yarious other remedies had been
resorted to in 'rain, sire eomMeneed tieing your . 1111. 7
niter taking tiro bottles; was so fairreeciVer-,
Nilo 'be able to attend.,to all thedutice • of t lier ,
home, and on taking two libttles inbre irtis'entitely,
Ateilpeatfttll4 &o: , ••'
• • ' Janis. S. o:l l it.S.Yrrit!r:
*CA UTIPN.-As there . ' is'. sCifintiOule triixtme
Syriip sfyikl . Cherry; pU'ra6jisoFb>tNgald be
vci t)firtlai4ar to defeiiii ,- lim.qW,ISI I A,ItI'HAL T :
SAM:bserveliis"eisMattere . :44tititellidtle: "
Preptired.,fer; theliroftrleterrand 80/ ( lA4lelloler
sale hy; Williams 14 ,Co , 3,Cikemititsi'SlX.o..2J(Miniii,
str e et, Philadelphia
SOld inzeprlitil!:by , •,),•:.;,0T1.P.;b1,1,017,;i !'1?
ifn '47l;e 'll ' d •let .
PPeu4 rjt . • ~. ay. Pk I Imo
ri'sburg John NV10,4,,43,1140.taptey,E414.:Pi1h
Clicurstiersbuit.WLeetkiDeing, isialmoist Rent
:tqw9 , P. l 4 OPP'4l. l . lol . l S,tkirAgwAry,..,;
.11 . 1 E pitIVEJ3II:4N If P JA th
S tor e cur,
1 , - 4 .Or .
pepsin; Shortness Bretith;;,Paina in tite i ,P4l%,
Breast, Beek and,Blioidderel,"4.glionriti- Pe vq, nn
in tallatd e cure and all Scarlet andllilibUS,Peverii,
and,4l diseases eriSing front' Vx•PosUrearitYde
bility, Max - dater how long fackali
discitime to which the humenfainity,aresuhjeKto.•
rilicse, 4rn unsurpassed by, any . ,,medicat,
compound cvorwored to the public Qil a gerieitil re
coveter arid i
gentle in their operation; "edhsing'neithey-pain,
sickness nor debility by thartise mi , Themtliu rod
the u ontraeyd lioy strengthen the : sternaph._ and:
bowels,in a wonderful manner, mid trri .ceethre
hature•to its former course 'tied '4l,Wei. per.'
eon using the' OINe Branai thien• &tees
that lie was Sick.:•L'which' is very etiltllfiecourited
'for: Ahem is not That , prostration of strength in ,
these pills tut irunany other retnedies , of ,the
'because the materials used in manufacturing them
are with- the "pi:ilsiere arid set'
in concert with the opinions of Dee. Brown;;l3nshw
Armstrong, Montgomery; Hersey„ Kendrick,.
Shepper and, the celebrated ; pr.,. Waterhoine,
formerly Lecturer on 'the theory and' practice of
Physic in Cambiidge University, Itlrissaelitisetts.
Purchase of them, and gird them
partilittrial, and you will find that permanent re.
lief, upon which the proprietors depend to make
them. the 'most universal furiuly medicine used,
and which will Stand unrivaled by any other in
he blown world. Price .25 cents per box.
Is ono of, the most certain and effectual cures fair
all rheutnette,.chronie andinflamntatory,Rhotrunt- -
iients that has ever yet been_discovered . , , and in'
numerous cases has drailicated.that dreadful die.
ease from per Sons 'afflicted entirely, • All, sour.
drinks and Victuals are strictly forbidden, and
spiritous liquors' must' not b'e taken inwardly hy
any Means whatcrer;or it' will be of 'use to
take this tnedicindl us•it will destroy the gtied
Bias of the medicine entirely. Price 51,5.0, per
package, ' •
, .
These celebrated drops have acquired the high
est recommendations in-this country, as well as
in Europe for its most valuable proprieties for all.
inward weaknesses cramps,eolds,pgues and fever;
and, when used with the Olive Branch Pills,never
fails toeure-Itho-feyer and-ague sr -Price 12,3 cents
ier bottle. . c • .
Is tinrivalled - for: its curative: quulitiesevpn.wben
used in•cases of maladies which were otherwiSe
incurable. Many • recommendations have - been
giren. of the beneficial effects it has had in the
cure of pieurisy, pectoral and pulmonary con
sumptions, colds, &c. Price 25 cents per bottle
This most excellent 'article has a quality. of
calming instantly and without fail, all cramps of
the stomach, chilli° 'and that troublesome disease
called Mother fits or hysterics; and when continu
ed fir some length of time, will cure' the patient
entirely.• 'Price Vi cents per vial.
A terrain cure for all Scalds, Brnsep, Burns,
and the most efflictual .cure for the will
cure the person afflicted in a very short flint., it
used aCeordini todircctions. Price 25 cts. per vial.
This spirit is highly' tdcounrienaed for all
sprains, swelling of the limbs, or leaders, sinews,
joints and rlieumatiqpia an outward remedy, it hap
equal,and when used with the Rheumatic Medi.
chic, will greatly flicilitate the cure. The an
nuals of History do not produce its equal, and it iS
the greatest preventive against cold, in the
known world. For particulars see directicinsacconi:
panying the bottles. Price 25 cents.
An infallable cure if used according to direr
lions. Price 25 cents per vial.
Is decidedly the best application for wounds
and saes, old or new, of ell kinds, and will pre
vent in time, many operations; and pre.
vent Lock Jaw, Pains in the Melt.; (lead, &M.—
Females' who are so unfortimate nv to have sore
breasts, and will use this wonderthl salve, will be
cured in al,cry short time. It cannot be too high.'
u recommended. For further particulars see direc..
Lions. Price . P2A cents per box.
An excellent article for the core of worm in
adults on well co children. and will 'tore when
otheeternedies Price Cl! eenis per box.
A superior articleltir Coughs, tfolds,Sore throat,
Bronchitis and difficulty of breathing. Price 6.1
clots per box.
Sold wholesale , and retail, at the principal office,
No. 381, North 3d tdrcet, Philadelphia; and by
• ' JOHN .(TRAY; Carlisle, Pn.
General Kgeni, for Gppibertand County.
June 22, Iddi"..
AND ifyou a friend, a rolation, or know
any one that is afflicted with that distressing,
disease, "CONSUMPTION,"persuade them with.
out delay to try that famous and unrivaled mcdi.
eine, the
"Balsam of Wild Cherry;'
which has cured thousands of this complaint af
ter everything else had failed. bead the follow
ing undoubted proofs of its efficacy: • !:
Roxammunn, Sept. 10 1841.
MAR Sirt: = Please send me two more bottles of
your' Ifidsain of Wild Cherry, like thin you sent
me before. I have taken nearly all of the first two,
and 'confidently believe this medicine will curt me,
1 have used a great many remedies within the
last year, but have never found, any thing that has
relieved me so much. It. has stopped my cough
entirely, checked my night sweats, and I sleep
better at night and feel better in every way, than
have for many months. Yours, respeettully,.
4)lEs KELLY.
otmEsaund. Sept.lfi, 1841.
FrtiEND WISTAM-I must again trouble, t hee to
seniliiiii[tWohottles more of thy Invaluable Bal.
Hain. ,I have now taken three bottles in all, and
can assure thee that it has done more good than
all themedieind I have over taken bc:fore. Send
by the stage as'soon as possible, and oblige • thy
friend; • Janet' , tiou.owAv.
thISTOL,' Sept. 8, 1811,
DEA . , DOCTOR:;--Hoaring.Pc) many people talk
of the wonderful cures your Balsam of Wild Cher.
ry lies madein Consumption, I sent to 'one of,
ydur Agents the ollmr,cleyfor a bottle,, and have
found it to have relieved me so much, that I want
three bottles mote sent soon, awl believe' it' will
cure me too. I have, used Jayne's Expectornat
and other medicines besides, but nothing hastiono
hie as iducli good as yours has.' Send by 'tlio
steamboat Bolivar. .• • • Yours,truly,
Witusst Titonan,:
, , :Pr Besides • its ,Lnstonisliing.; eirieney ill,
iVnromniliiimh it is also, the most effectuel remedy
,ever_disc9,terlibr...LlVEß C,OMPLAINT,4;
WHOOPINGroupn, &c., ais hundrpds will tee.
tify who have been cured by it allot all other reline::
dies had failed. ,
1 ' ' DRUG G ISTS ' and :DEALERS , will „lip d thiss
medicine a valuable eridition'to theirateek, and ,
should aliyais k4;ep it Outland', us it is uniterstilly f
acknoiviedgctilto bolero) 'of the most useful faniiky,
medicines.nowartraso.' •,', •-,., - '•'' ''.' ' ' ' - t t
11q•mary catalhl to ask for iir.,,IVISXAA'S GREAR y,. Sold oOtoloy
sale' and 'i,citiil by-VIIIELTAMS Siqi;, - Citiomtpls,
N 0.93, 'South k'ou'rth'Eitiebt, Philadelphia.''
"tliai"rlid• Oenuine' 'Flalin in' 'B'6lo In Cdr
.11..!.,, ' TO ,
1109 4y, SA M UP.I.; EL Liqtr; 42c9nb4:
4g9 1 . • 11 ric 1 ,7,T/Pee
~.1 3P i 1 1FP,..,, ,
' t '5. ;;;;;24t014444 7 LRA i;l4l la oPf 93 1 ! , , ,
1101111000 , Pa 1 nter - Itaid 2 3,Glazier,)
Itg.sli . ''' tcrotileiritlitOtiiiiiilliilimitlieig
hot limi ormilinonaitvitheatotowdrAlN d ;
and NW gAitori/NO4 ;in ;
alhloijapY4 l c.k°9 6 l93ooi k ,V4-,hV Pli4Aft,c4 o 4P .
Langan 10 losinesaannwpaorasliopinql %Ml"'
had 'iadsiis" IL'Aillii', - of'" pliblid" pittianage_... - Ilia:
shop Is in Pitt treet, direniii in Lb* i'cOr;-brti/r,,
v. 4,119 di pink iils 'pill ito i r T if.„ 4 ,-, ~.. ; 1
c .
G4'914 4 004 iti.),Bo' .:1 4 , ~- , ~ _ly-1,59'
~,,,,,,‘ f.i al' OM ' ''R. , l4y 4 • , ...'i -,. a n - VP— , .lVitici'l , "
L IM:PMteae lY4 4
Y:d . 4' 4 '4 Zi34
. ifv,4Al-$14,4,
_ . .
.1 1 0YAMIL •
he followingfindloe*Wfa m il y rem
tiles may' be litinto4hOitifi* don
and soon at
' i ltemernber,nettfttgbt:,yttittink' — tndess tit •
;have the fac.iiiintie
"lie° r :; ' •
...‘,24/e. •on the nappers, as all oth
.'by the eattle'llanles arelatielattookationa and yawn'
feite ) ; l7 .4 l .Tielnalifinrifittriat".sll'liiii?the t e•ii
•,;tirgellint to prOcitillt them 11,
next-titnii.lle:visiui . .Nii . mi.Yorki• or tektivita
I 'tYo' family ihouid,be'a iceek wipa.out.4lm,e,y,tn 4 o l
') , • , , LD - NESS •,;, • .- •
' '
• ;BALM OF 9,0141JM131A,F0R THE
which will. •stitrat-if entiweatoreit i dn
pineesi'hnd a Children -make is grow.laradly,
" . those'whti , have•loal thelheir)from:any,equee. 1.
.' r ALLATRMIN : that infest .the hende ofoli/
in sehaole t pre.r preyentoddclr 0n•,..
F ind .. the name 0f ....615,Aai1e/1416.
"It, or never try it. Temeatper,tilirolfitiaya :
RHEUNIATISMi.'and,,/, ,
'eit`dvelYcared, and ht:hi: •
are itrthe old 'or' Yourik, l by 'the r, INF 1
bat ntrietwithout the name of CometecllA,Ela. oqt
. - .
are whollii proveeled, or:governed if,. die, ettack,l
dome on if yciweee the, only
.true fleye'
Wonztreoc‘. 60. ALLsoR as
!rind everr:thiiig relieved yy itrthat Pliglits;..9f
ward application. It nets like a, cheap. Use i..
HORSES , that have Ring.Bone e , Spat,
Wind.Galle,l&c., are eured,by Room? SrEcuric;,
romidered horses 'entifely. 114,'
Founder Ointment, • Mark this, all horsemen., ,
Dalley;'s Magical Pain •
tractor Salve.— most extroordy
- - rosib - dy - ffb - r — hylb - rithd lord now ' or old .!
and sores, - and • pore Ey Es ,
kounauds., It will ,take dut
and no fuiluro. It will curo • di° -plEss
A better ntiernore' nice ancl useful, article never yi4
tnnee. Alfehould went. them regulttrly:' •
'lrEilliPlElliANCE -BITTERS:
tat MclprinciPle of substituting_ the tonic id' idaeo hf
the stimulant principle, whipli - has reformed so many
drunkards. To be tined with • • '•
L 1 N'S . 13 Eaob sujieriCi. ,o idl
. ,
.rers for clennuing tho'syrump and the humorstrffest.
.g iho blood, and fur all irregularities ,of the bowels
and the general health.fir A
(Seo Dr. TAN'S sig- Cie nit" . 0 ' le& i tig li,
ill *;r~;w,
i~ ill effectUally dti ie sick headache, enber front ih,
or bilious.. Hundreds Of families' ar
using it' with great jo)
for the certain preveritioli of :rEVEREi or any
general sichoess; keeping the iiiiirnach in !nest per.
feet order, the bowels regelar,:andildSterminetiOn' to
the surface. S'OTPL4b
pains in the boaca:DROPSY'
are quickly cured by it. ...Know this by trying.
CORNS.--The French Plaster is a sere cure
At 4 A
,_ ,
'A, ' ,7:,_:_':•. sz- , -,-., „ ~...
. o› t 2
--1.-- .
- T. - -
- 5-
- 9
hall any shade you wish, but will not color the W 1,,,
SARSAPARILLA. ,comsTocK , s c
POUND EXTRACT. There other prepara.
tion of Sarsaparilla that can exceed or equal t his.
It you are sure to get Comsinci.'s - , you Will Rua it
superior to all others.: It does not require puffing.'
3C0JE1R.• , .,11[..111C1V119S
OF CHINA. A positive cure for the piles, and u.
external ailinds—allfinternat irritations bio4ii to ilic
surface by friction Wilh this Balm ;--so 'in' 'douche
swelled or sore 'thronf,tightliess of the chest, this
applied on &flannel. will 'relieve atid cure at on
Fresh wounds or old sores aro .rapidly cured hp_ ,
Ali:' 3iacrtitolemic~'n
j r'* v _ .~ .
•will proven't or 'cure
taken in time, and is'a'delightful , temedy: itentem
ber the name, and got., Comatock 4 4:, •
erndifate all w 0 RM S °"aulti
with 0 cortninty quitO pt i otishhig. „It iethe same as:
thaT made by 5t0r.4,10 with Fopirlity
almost incredible, by,Coms(oFk 4,,,co:vprevyjo.ry.
TOOTH D/ 10 4. KialiES;cu ' rf' ffffiPtuPPY.
, . .
intered!tec'ordlng l es:'n the . isiitca'bidliiitocd
•dr th.• All OW Clerk's °Rico of the lioythan Y Diltriot f y k
By, Applying, ta, Pur nP l l!ff., iiil; , l ) !Ph 19.T 7 A, and
village, ,papera ':nray be .batl.l:roe tl abowlnAlhn ! niost
respectable names in die, cou,ntry fdi those fact's, so
that nci ono. 6nSail tci beliavastbam.
to. Be sure, you.eall fermis attieleend not
bo putotr,w,ith
11 ancpYgie±.44l9l,,,OrtfPie
,4vE WIMARPA 8 4f1Yd bo
your otteanit 'Mitt 'Over eals-WitYt chicrgenuint
'obit/lout bo
bed ttititleintle.andtateilLintltor itee.t-k
Pdsiden.Lane Now - York. and,of out luceitti.
'!` For ethi' i'n Onilitde 4;5 ,
r M UEL . "EhtiOrrtVil° '
7'h ia't•emedy p fgt?~l~Fitti,is Y 9 thii36riattat extra '
etreiCOnarn*ClitPC oll"
‘ 44 Ni t atig r aVr i l lv irlinetn i a t tliga l grest4
deas&lkir!glctiovkis4 ,l, ldolne-VillidefPletti I "Tit
cfbr.lheig,spakneamiglilicAlMktopplivenAff u l
l i t itiv i ltrec)pmflp i r i l i zZikiftrscigifiqfpra, 4),
(1 1 4,11h1.0thiftktiell
..tteilltiktcutp goVphoititrip&SiVig t ilObtayill
er with
rai16.041 B:ol,Ultittit uLOITT,
11,kCbillirVe44140 Rf,4llraMlicrijiiii;fris-
P. "
1 , bveOyt6olPL ;ks.'' 7 4 - $'
;io 46r .ittr*"l l 4o o 4o o lPf#J•
auptkibromidg,a4minutrawiatirk - : -
1 1•21 . 0 , 4 1 4
14 1 11
- ';: - :1