Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, May 24, 1843, Image 4

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. _
,' ••••: , TijE MORE 'CONVENIENT.t.EASOO 'o.•rt
, • •,•,
'••;- '' , P i ' ,3l ' 3s. 14101 trlnr'V,
„Moile:4'Mt mawept.-4•.. hat
kiOtiliith9;o34 l,4o*cßughti'.
73'et.siti•ttlliMedi' , .11162sittlifgle 'O6O
!Mar of i dOlilti Mil iti ; •:
Ptin . Yei'itOtiihifOr the lima
)36e0,64.a,-ilas he:00,e0: •
" Deprtit iiitM:ly; thou bleSsud'atie !' '
When son". •' •
in:nw hettoil' • ,
• The lutUktob pl,•astiro7-, , w it t.ttlto too s voice .
And beatify'S t tunite.l;hilloYntis.pulses woke. • ,
I.l o , freshezt. myrtle enl6. 'ger gold,lp.soqght,.
.•:.* And '•iitl-weililt hidulged
Weed: Of floppy: Mardi(pilfis vigorpifOln:i me
2,4t;,e1 its ! - ClisillOc;':unl his bluirdays
And restleseittights svlept like n title sittitiy.•
• Care 'struck deep root nrotind him; and each shoot
Stilt slcilting vard r lio.llloitition
out Witiv•WpVelll slind ex the eye - of !leaven. ,
.:.Ikrlien to !, aMlestie•frorn the Ct.tieilleti, .
, • ....Look totte,me and' livi•." Pausing he spoke .
(3f Weniiriess . , - fitiii Mt a•tutt •
A ml;duly : tO Idsi, children ; and besought
Alotier.sintee to do the work of ffeaven!
• .•GotF . spokengaiii , -when age hod shed its allows
r r On his 'wan temples—and the palsied lutild
Shyltilkfroun his gold 'Riitheriiii; but the rigid chain
•Of !titbit bfultsd hint; Mill lie still implOred
1" A morpconvenient season. •
my Step is firm • . •
And free—my unquenched rye delights •
'virw thix.plcasi nt world-and ii - Te - w-ith--in •
io•v lasi fOr many . years. In the calm - hour •
• .
• ..Of litqw.ring.sieknessA east better •fit • •
For, vast, eternity! • •
• _Disease approached-- • • .•
And retutonlled—the'manine strove with death,
-.„•. _And grappled like a i tiend with slit.ieks and cries; -
,Lill dxrkticss.smote his eye-balls, nut! a thick ice
Closed iu around his Itt•ort-string. The poor clay
hay viiiiquished and distorted---but the
The'Bout.--whnie iMorpised season never came
TO hearken to his Malt CO9 call---had gone
weigli Its 40i:ranee with-its own abuse,
- And bide the audit!
" Father forgive them."
00, proud- infidel. !—search the ponder
bus tomes . fl ofheathen learning,—e.xplOre
• 4.Cotifuelur=elatmine the pre
cepts of Seneca.and the writings of Socra
tes. Collect all the, excellencies of the
ancient and modern moralists; and point
to asentence,e,qual to this simple prayer of
the Savior.' Reviled and ,insulted—suffer
jeOlie_grossest indignation, crowned with
thornS':and led away to die, no annihila
ting curse breaks from his breast. Sweet
and .placid as the Offerings of a mother for
a:Unrseling, ascends a. prayer
,of mercy on
,enemies—" Father, forgive diens:" 0,
it, was worthy of its . origin, and stamped.
with the bright seal-of truth that his mis
sion was from Heaven. •
Acquaintances, have you over quarrell
ed—Friends have you differed ? If he
who is pure and perfect, forgave his bitter
est.enemies, do you do well . to cherish
your anger'? :Brothers, to you the pre
cept iomperative ; you• shall not seven
tit - ilea : hut seventy times seven.
Husbands and wives, you have no right
to expect perfection in each other, To
err is:,the common lot of humanity.
sometimes make you petulant,
.and disappointment ruffle the smoothest
temper. puard beseech you, with num
!hitting vigilance,your passions ; controlled
they are the genial heat that warns ; us a
lourthe way of life—ungoverened, they
are, consuming ;fires.
your strife
.be ono of respectful at
tettionS and conciliatory conduct.. Culti
vate with care the kind and gentle affect !
torts•of the heart. - Plant not, but eradi
cate the thorn that grow's in your partner's
path'. Above, all, let no feeling Of revenge
find, harbor" in your breast; let the sun
,noyer'go:dOwn on. your anger. A kind
vordan obliging action—if it be a trifling
concern—has a power stiperior to the harp
of,pavid, in calming the billows of the
soul. ' '*.
iievergo hrns : incorripatible with happi-
ness as.hostilete religion. Let him whose
heartisldack with malice, and studious of
revenge walk , throUgh the fields when: clad
verdure or adorned with floWers—to
ihere,ie no beauty ;.the flowers, to
liimpaible , no fragrance. Dark is his soul
when naturals robed in -deepest sable.—
, 'Tile smile of beauty lights not up his bo
soui'"aiih joy ';
'but-the furies of hell 'rage
in his breastimd,render him as miserable
• AS:he,Viould :Wish the object of his hate.
his hand upon his breast
, keirengb, 1 cast time from 'me,;•
'll.4,ooVorgiVe'tne as I forzive mine, ene 7
; '''.Y" — tul nature assumes a new and de
7i"igaeniture.„ Then, indeed, are
4:oyMilapt'and"flowUrs 'fragrant—then
-,• the groves delightful to his
``ear Incllt of •IlM,virtuous' lovely
`to ctis •
. 4 *** i t r4l 4 l4 , l !
r•rj , , „, ,
?„ * .yrnirtig"civi , G*Mol,Ari3 thuptoituptully
„ to the ht9ml*tte - , , 1)0101.: that!l v fiiiil
P ll
n0.78 - '
to our: ettier-'
trtust, veil
her 'radiant forehe*,before:that idol
the ! whole woritl,sp'igis;iiiii her ceaseless
synipathy ;ii!Oei.of Genius; "How
silent” 'es' fiost,'Nt:hen'lllittie pines! • Let a I
yiiiing pciet poison htinsellin w athful des-.
pai d all the Muses i,ie:AP,stitilt ley n 7
liallotved Let a
. iriitiriVQ.lifiitiOvpie
undeethe visitatio`O of 'Go'd,;:l, - tiitoei'lps"?
No eye but his mother's. , . / rtireli`iiiiii." .. thut
itialt 'deaths arg,every day*--everi
but, the thOught effeetsUs not---titi have no
Thought—.auttheap after heap is added, un-
bewailed, to_eity'--or;-country churchyard.
But let a - reef;l°ol)6th, die in youth—pay
the debt , of- nafttri,earl —and
_nature her-
self tlirtmaliiiir h . er'elements, must in turn
pay tribute
‘,Sliepherd:--lainna make me unhappy,
sir-dings Mak me sae very unhappy, sir,
I beseeekyOu4—.try and explain awn what
you hae , :laitrto. the satisfaction of out
hearts and understandins.
k rilt7--1-m - p - ossi-ble.,. ,__l . l) , re are bass
idolaters. "I'i infatuation=rirrelizinn.
Is it Genius, or is it Virtue,.that.sball send
a soul to flealien ?'
Shepheril.—Virtuc ; there's no deny=
North.—Let us then feel, think; speak
and act; as if we sp belieyed. Is poetry
necessary to our salvation? Is Paradise
Lost better than the New Testament?'
Shepherd.--Oh! dinna make me- un-
happy. Say again that poetry is religion.'
North.—Religion has in it the finest,
truest spirit of poetry ; and the finest and
truest Spirit of p6etry has the spirit
of religion. Put--; •
Shepherd--Say nae main. satisfi,
ed wi' that--
Nurth---Ph ! James, it makes my very
soul sick within me to hear the puny whin
ings poured by philosophical sentimental-
Tins over the failings. the - errors, the vices
of Genius! There lies been, -I fear ton
muck of that traitorous dereliction of the
only true faith, even in some eloquent eulo
gies on-the-dead, which I have been the
. Meansof ' the world.
DAnat (D 1 1 1711117 tlf2
1,1012 nine years this medicine has stood unrivaled
.for the cure of Coughs, Pain In the s ite, diffi
culty of breathing, Bronchitis,: antkall-those affec
tions of the Throat, Lungs and Liver, whicli are a
source of .so much suffering and which mnarrested
so often terminate in Consumption. So extensively
Inns this remedy been used and in so many cures has
it proved „successful, the proprietor feels no hesi
tancy in recommending it to all who unfortunately
have occasion to resort to some means of recovery.
Multitudes who have experienced its happy effects,
can testify to its utility, and very many rescued trine
a premature death, point to it as the means of their
The.origiostor of this remedy 'era well versed in
the science of medicine, and •a skilful practicioner.
Physichns fandliar with its effects not unfrequently
Frescribe it in their practice, alai with the Medical
aculty generally it has met with a larger share of
approbation than is common with exclusive pre
CONSUMPTION—The following remark!
were taken front the last number of the . Medico
Magazine: '
. "The surprising effect produced by the genuine
Dr. Taylor's_ Balsam_ Mi. leive_mml,_ made /It 3 7 5
flowery, In consumptive cases, cannot
deep and thrilling interest throughoutthe world. We
'have so 'Ong believed this disease (consumption) in
curable, that it islliflicult to Credit our senses' when
we see persons, evidently consumptive, restored to
health. Yet it is a fact of daily occurrence.
LIVER COMPLAINT and General Debility—l
do consider toy cure almost miraculous. I was given
up by two physicians and told to prepare for , ileatit.
I was in this low state when a friend sent me a bot
tle of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, front 575
Bowery, and before I had used up the bottle l•was
able to sit up in bed, by the further use I him coin
pletely regained my health. All should use it.
GECh WELLS, '23 John st.
been cored of a violent pain in the side, extending
through to the shoulder, indigestion, dizmiess, loss
of appetite mid general debility, by the me of two
bottles of 1)r. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort.
J. A. IL ALLEN, 7 Merchant's ltaiv.
For sale" by STEVENSON DINKLE, sole
agents for Carlisle awl vicinity
October 26,1842,
fITIT,ION fur Discharge mat Certificate:under.
- ' the BankriMtLaW;lutve been filed the 16th May;
18 d, by
NICHOLAS ESLINGER, Farmer mid Black-
smith, Cumberland county.
and FRIDAY the 28th day of JULY next, at
II o'clock, A. M. is appointed for the bearing, there
of, before the. said Court, sitting in Bankruptcy, at
the District Courtroom in the City of Philadelphia,
when and where the Creditors of the said Petition=
er, who hate proved their debts, and; all other per
sons in interest, may . appear,and show cause, if any
they lime, why such Dischu rge and Certificate should
not, be granted. ' MIAS:IIOPM NSON,.
Clerk of the District Court.
Alay 17,1843
1131E'ICITIONS for Discharge and Certi
ficate under the Bankrupt Law, have been fil..
J9l 1N STOUGH, ludividnally,and late Merchant
'of the' firm 'of Stough & Brewster:
ISAAC NIITTEN, Shoemaker. 'do.
and' FRIDAY;..the 80th 'day 'Of JUNE nt
11 o'clock A. M. is appointed for the hearing there=
of, hefere'the cold teotirtqitting Bankrupley; at
ilfe 'District Court lioem; m the • City: of. Phi [edit.
phiw, Whewand, where the' Ceediteieieor the
titioneVe; WhO bave - piroied • their Delits,niid all PekY
inns hi interesty may appear. and' Show - Collie.' if
itioy hive,why,, such Dischattes'aMVA3ertifleites .
shoetd pot griinted;r 4 • ,
From 375, Bowery, N. Vork.
in Bankruptcy.
United SlFltes-Courti:
N T 11 V IE, .
‘,' ~. r, • ; , nt.if i .-, .-:
%.. ,- hiett4 _ .... . ~...v ie -:
~.,,iii.,i..0 : 4,,-, AoLti 6 . , ,
NotAtialinerit6. toillavaiirs 0::
,:', , .'.:,:::-_,.,;,::0,0 ., :11;.nt - iitiEraiiii,4;'' .if.',l - ;''..` I,':
i.;.,loYi,ii-f,'4 2 ,''? 4 -1,'" , •:17(. , ,,,V';` ,•'•:.
1 - ,,,,.,:t 5 .4 . ,t.,:i. , ' 2,.:?,),,,2,, 4 1ry5,:..,. , , , .,,,j-,.'c.:(;,,,
lir IS . ,,, e.p . rqp4kiidoiltii*ii:ci)tilalfiriflOiiffitieo:
k g.
;" , 1 itliiktl?tis:qi.dari3tkiirtfyio;6 ; .o*.rifing:
rdeif blee,ii3rtnie:' 1 Thetillof. ek4 - , 1,:-:•'.,;.h.'..)41..
lt ‘,.......,':, '' , .iiZ` "
VERlF! 7-4, '
Oli'iit.OTi,;' inlicli tt;iiiiiiii4tiibifigkifrsiiii oh', fr.fie
pre ii) ium ; gubje ctio:bo. :ArtitiA!.•ir,i)§tittici by, iiie:
party' insuring, eta deduction bf ; fivO . Per:rent, on
the amounfof premium pad': . :", ' '•;- , ','..!,,!,!
Tho uqnal,raleoXot ono year on • • •
Stono and /Irick Buildings, 84,0 95, on 91000'
Log And Frame,' ,". 96 to 87`on 81000
Merchandize, about •", • € . 45 0;3 tgoog,
Applicatifin in . .,tiersolis-or by letter ivilthaveim
niediate attention:
Tke Spring ; GOrdni Ifiiitrance Co.
IitAK . g.INP!UR.ANCE, either, tdmimr . ary
perpetual, against losstdr damage by nat.;
itri'fion or Country, on Houses, Barns and Build
ings of all hinds; on Household Furniture, Mar.
chandize, Horses, Cattle, Agricultural, Commer
cial. and Manuflictu . rin Stoch, and ,Utensils of
every description,ns wallas MORTAGES and GROMM
ReNT, upon the most'favorable terms. .
falloteing are the usug;:ra(es,, viZ:
On Stone and brick-buildings,•froth
• 35,16 . 40 - cts. an $lOO
-.,-"Log.tind frame "-=• 60 to 70•etm--erdloo
- ._llllerehandize and furni. 5• '
in brick or stone '
buildings, from _ ' 40_to 50 cts. on 100
"Do. in log or frame, u 60 to 70 cts. on 100
."Horses, cattle, farming
utensils -and sundries, •
at about , •• 1 60 cts. on 100
Application, may be niaclo to
Carlisle, Dec. 241842. • ' ly
I~lyEns & trixv - ERSTICK lin"
A . just received id.their urug, Book, Stationary
anti-Variety Store, a larkdassortmetit of
Toys, - Toy-Books.: for C
Presentg, Annals, Sou verti •
and Port.fol los, for VMS'.
Together with R elthice selection 'of entvrtaining
uthrr BEADING, lor long winter eveningsy---
3111 , D01111a3,
of every variety, viz: •
Sehbol, Bibles and Testaments,
Smith's Geography and Atlas,
Olney Mitchell's
Smith's Grammar, • • . •
.angel's Series,..No.l, 2,3, 4,5, 4r.6;
Cobb's School hooks, complete.
Emerso»,•Byt i ly, Barham, 4; Web
site's Spellers, -
; Pike, Rose, Smiley, 4. Emerson's
!rithmetics, with Keys,
Mathematical lastrumeuts.
Letter, - Car and Deedlmpel', ruled and plain. Note
paper. Silver Pencils, everpoints: - Jackson - Liemi.7
Pencils in won'.l;or all tempers; with 11 !lOWo as
sortment of ID,ANIC 13001S^, ruled null titirtiles.l.
Of superior finish. — Razors, Razor , Strops
Shaving Bruslics, and finely scented
Shaving Soaps and assorted
Superior oparil:fr and Russia Quills, Bristol Boards,
Rice paper, Visiting. Cards. colored Wafers and
Sealing %Vax, Plain and Nlottu Seals.
Mew Music,
cc icy s KliOtxtzlnuito,
Togetber with a'griseral and well selected assort
ment of Classical and olliscellancous Works, "to
please the iimey,and improve the taste."
Carlisle, Dee. 14,184'2. tf-7
221321-1 S
111 21112E111
suhscrihers,,nt their FOUNDRY AND
t Sllo.l', On Main street, nearly op
.posits the County ,tail, in the i3ni.ffia, ; l} or Carlisle,
build ..............
and Horst! Powers—%
T. D.ltsirreill's - Patent ll3!aproved
With a horizontal band-wheel, with a trunk to' ebtix
duet the strap to the Medulla:.
buud•wheel outside of the horses, They are
well calculated to put to one side of the barn bridge,
or under the b:n•u hoed.
A New and flea:proved Shaker,
To separate the groin from the straw, which will
dispense with oue or two hands, will be mode to the
above Aloehine if wonted.
Port:basing any of the above Machines may have the
privilege, after a fair trial, of returning , the same it
not satisfied. All Machines and , lforse . Powers arc
warranted for one year, if well II91:td.
REP46# 1R JAW. •
or repairing will be done at the snories
notice and on the most reasonable terms. They al
ways kveLon hood till castings necessary to vephir
the above nachines,or any others now in use.
• •
• _._ ,
There Isalio attached to the nonce• estatifahrnent
an IRON AND MASS FOUNDRY, at which all
kinds of CASTINGS can be had—such as Apple
Mills; Corn Brakera, Plaster, .Brakers, Mill Gear
ing., Saw Mill Cranks, Muehine Gearing, Wagon
--- •
Such as Mill B
Aiiindles, Car oXes, Turning Lathes;
Etc., all in the hest iu iron and brass.
orders will. he executed aellie Shortest no
tice,and promptly attended to. Fn rulers and others
ura respectfully invited to give usa call, confident
thattlicy can be suited to their satisfaction.
,-A.. sToupvcit & co. •
• Carlisle, Aug. 10, 1842; ' • - • 164 t
• in"Pliteek's; enwooll's 1 1 LOUGt - IS
and PLOUGII CASTINGS, stieli na Causes Lan&
sidei, lke., can else be bride(' tbe feenilrs. •
'Union .Paper Mill.:
HE siibseribor respectfully liffbrine the pub.
lie at large, that ho has lensed. Pip ,,
tab c
sliiiwitt, 's ix miles Soilith'cif Caribilis,fos a icir'n'i
o ffyeama ad ,thei MILL' Waring:66o ii' keeen tlfre.
paired, ,bnd , new:- machinery' dtrciduceo4 ,ho rii
therefore . prepared to' abbfeetOre' te'cir:doc . (iigid
alisihas a, s iipply"oOn antty, oithaild.): :. : 1 .. . • , ,
Darer of CVO kind 'nail 4iyi4fity„-
, ‘ iilttali ho will furnish to printers, ,inerebinte and
'others, in apy quantities at;the lo Reef 'city,Oriaes.
All`orders pddroasidte 06.subigiimpri!it , ,,r,ipoi.:
,tovo,fcuniVkitaiiir'6• - puiliy , ,-Inill si•ecolye , ,,prqmpx,
iattehtion:lV. s •:-. 4 .'!",•? ( ,. , ~:c " ':‘:: , ''' , '''',i;" r '''''.
-.l•'-:,4,'- 1 1 1 ;C:0 1 :',-.' ,
t'liatinglateiy'ieCeivitA a stiPpLY ' oft lit:ieOileit'
'ilaTs,lie=.4ll.ll - 4711iiiiiiitf, that he ' - .-''-`
I i l ade l plaia orrillattignore.'
~.: 4 ,: ` .1. ri 3 ', z. ,110.4:0:01i., avv.✓a .41
11113F10autiriber grateful for fot,ol • ,.tlirOro p ,l)ogg
, !143.irii'0 inform hio r fillando una `,l,lib:pohlio
generally,-Ontlio still,continuop,,lopolilioo•Oi
bOrthAn copvrego r lailj ,I)op;vopp i ,4loo34ooolturg
Ohe pfiniarii iir .13oltioOeire,.10 w :WhiOh"goclas
rtnylproAlloo: ;p....11 doczkiliormqvil!,,be , forr,a,rdod
i/i,tli•ini`o ,ii,
,4 1. 0 4 i 1 :44,,..7#1 . 0 ,li. : )p..t" v t,t.ktetf,'S
kfi`origi':''':' :. ..,' „;,,, , .7'. ',. " ; . i -', „:.
9 . rki_AllYi,t,iiihkkiii.Olitl . o,44, ll' fP l ir/ 3 3# 440 9 . 44,
419114901 8 ,0 t 1ygik;010:f0rw,0r_d00 , r 0 ,4406 . 4'1 1 i 1 91
10 itlita'br BaltAi4p . re;-40‘4114.t9;thir Tliteti.,4W .
i t o . v moti,,, 7 fm , ll?:kti l ld.r," k4.14 , ' 0,1 ,, h•Yt: , ; , ,:' , .tP
7116;100101441ri9 1 , 1 ,viilr.bit 411Voirfoi , V111#4
T44 7 1crur;i...L.4 ,, .fi , P.';, '0 , qf':4 3 ' 4 ',4 4 t: 1 4 :Pitf 1 if:k.,,0.. ,, F,
olluindilitarliittrokeihola .., ~ , pt- i f- 0 . 1 .414,,
.el'ille titiliftl4 4 434riitikilt
rF. ' .'l *-
.I - •
111'. _L11,..,... -.I i.,.. ..
~4t5. ,, . .: .,. , ?. .,
,i . ;
4,1;4;...' '''. .on ,-,..• 6 ",.:'!:
/111Ilat CUM • ilgitt4'.v/I '...
Y''6" t i n
'. 1 ', , 1 • 1 .0,11.1Y.th0,10X,.., •• ► 0 , l''!' . ~ i :6 .9 1-niqii rP ll ':
4 11i.ea,gi"a(*el'i6Villi`-' 1 : - '-
f4i t io , : f i i i.P l ii o o. 0 0 0.*
*4004 tolfb*iiii&i .. 4o: airerfafie' tonAuutei,..S.lie?
. ditedgWistillil.oli,t4 l 4,4iniiil§) - , annkegrOfi:
V.liginsta M.11,i11,:ei , ',4 ' , ,Pif r ;gilniflibij,9 r tilk9r , ' l o. s- it 0 -
VOC,Fr:i,ivittlandijihr,3ioeo . 0k1y.;,, ; ,06ite,
lirgtlitOtrillikt4',A3l6odlphitio‘t. . itt6riocii.,Wti*eC
;Oriiiiiitt l aliiiitiiiterititciii;Nyi*.;lll(iiv,i;ftii4loyltiit;
titi ' VA t • v G. lillll,olf'lriO'',jaftcnTigi 6 ;pf; , ';i,e , *iiiiiifilq
'anti iit"dtiiiibeiiiniil , yjilldy, ei 1.1 ie! . Clipihiiiiiitittliglig.'
rates slid ' the .rothil'diti,i,tat4Cl ivitiClt•illiki.',tinetit,
InSiirahce i hni efts. ; Aqy r .cither. f . „,,, ~:.;, ,; t ; : , / ,- ; .,:_,? -) .-, -., •
.' 1:.i: ' F f ver,i' . ikfliMi' insured becomes q, meiiiifier Mil
tlie 'Ciiln:Piiii,i4ind - liilienpsic in the[ehol de of Oneo*
. alui',tligibtti4lAit'..s'iffAtilconeernii, .,., ~.,,, f„ : 4-. - J,....,
VA. .Fpr insnrnneeMo.porp is ;ileinanded,than'rui:
taMaii.ii:l4.6;vrieht Ilie;•eilletises of ;the Company and
'induumitv.ligilinsidoickwhielrmay.linrpen::,., , ,, ,
'air; The I ficon'ventence"Ot frequentrene‘vals is it.;
voided by insuring form term ol,fivyears,.. ! .
4th. Any person Aipiying.tot: insurance must, give'
his premium note forlile;',ol 6 .4 l eit'class at the into
of Fite Pei , 'eciitinn;',whiclitpthei $5O on'Ahe $lOOO,-
flu. which he will',litiVkto3oy.o,so' for five years,
and $1,5 . 0 for'siirvey and vOliey,, and no more unless
loss ho sustaintil totegreatet , limOunt thin, the funds:
, pp hands will cover,andthen,nqmnim,will be regale
led than* prodrida .Sltard,:i.;..Thele rates' Are ' much
clicatier than 'Mote of out e r companies; except . such
as are incorporated on the ' ' same principles. • ' •
Insurance is effected in the following manner.. A
person mitilying, for insinrance . for 'property of Ilin;
cheapest Chios of risk tor $lOOO will be charged
per Cent for five years, a noteanimmting to $5O must
be given by him, on which he will be, required to pay
5 per . taint $0,511, and $1,59 for survev i lig aunt policy,
and Wili.ll.lye 110 more required of lijin unless losses
, occur and ilie funds on 'hands are not sufficient to
Meet 'them. ~.. _ „ '
'Agents will,lts:„appointed OR soon as possible in chi
-fervid- plaCewitrattend - to insuranceSvand any persons
wishing inintedintely to apply Cllll (ICI 50 by signify-
ifig their wish to the officers of the company.
A. G. 31.11 . u.r.n,See'y
April 12,1845,
1.10 COM - Pi 1.1.1,1011
~51 7 1)Y vtr ite of the'powers and authority
14110 the last 'will and testament of
NlicuArt, for sale, the
Carlisle Yron -Works
3itoitted-nn•tlie Yellnw-Breeelfe - Creek, 4} mile
east of Owfile Pn. The estate consists do II rsiJ the
.2.0,243 46 ilttr ItaAVIg 0 '
with Mt Thousand acres of Land.
A:new -.NIPIRCIIANT MILL with funeral' 01 stone,
finished on the most approved plain About :AM acres
of the land are cleared and highly culd ated, having
throu4irected '
Three • 'N,:trav Bank lillarals
and necessary TENANT HOUSES.Th"
works are propel {Lai by the Yellow B reechesCreel:
and the Boiling. Spring, which neither Gill nnrf,'emze.
There are uponthe premisesidl the necessary work
mean houses — coal houses, carpenter:lml smtdrshops,
and stabling built or the most substantial materialo.
The ore of the best quality nod inexhaustible, is
within. 2. miles of the Furnace 'There is perhaps
no Iron Works in Pennsylvania which possesses
perior advantages and ofilirs greater inducements to
the investinent of Capital. The• water'power
great that tt might be wiletnlcil to boy other mdim
factoring purpose._ Persons disposed to purchase
Will of course enmuine die property/ The terms of
sale will be mad!: known by
Exeralrix of Michael Ege, dec'd.
Carlisle, Oct. 19, 18 , 12. ' tl=sl
'/iTI 1-1 E subscribers. would in citi,
ja . Zeus of Carlisle and the vicinity, tlint they nre
pccitared to flu iiish their
in the most superior manner, nt priers that can only
. uirm sled by their bring the most extensile mann
raeltoers it(the'emisntry.. - -
IVe still. retain the rum. t.esc•rtt: co "
rnettt to suit - ilk. tintes,.r but tipott the PRICF.H. Coil
nod see the best, cheapest, :Intl h u gest asspettnent iu
the city.
No. WO, Chesnut street,
next door to the Ledger Buildings,
Affil 2fi , 1813
St EN RY Le ELDER,.No.4O3, Market
street. above 18th, North side, Philadelphia,
hating reduced his prices or II A IIDWARE, to the
lowest rides for C tstmind in his advertisement named
some (lithe articles with - the prices aimesed, he finds
that others in the same line of business, have olfered
those particular . articles ot the sauna prices, saying
they sell as low as Emma.- Now- the object of this -
Card is to invite purchasers to ascertain the lowest
prices for which they Cali purchase every description
of llardware elsewhere,attil•then empire at his store,-
and they will be convinced that he is selling all his
goods at similar low prices,—and that he is doing
what he professes to do—buying. only . (or Cash, and
selling only fsr Cash, which enables' hilts to 110,tp.miaktatis.,Aramtl:c.,
depot for those who wish to get the most for their
money. '
n -4 I Ir has added to his large stock of ljartlware j
a uomph•te assortment of
which he will dell at a scale of prices corresponding'
with the reduced prices of his Nails, S'e.c thus and
Ilard ware generally, at Minimal(' and retail.
Client) Hardware. Store, No. 493, Market. st. Phila.
fB-13. . if I R
No. 771 alarket,cl.--North Side,---above Second
'Goods for Cash--at Auction prices.,a3
El •
THE subscribers have ilctermined
conduct their business upon the CASH System,
and will sell their Goods as low; if not at a lower
.grade of profit, than has heretoforekeen done_fm
Thiltdelplum—net one article reduced very' low, in '
the expectation of making it up on other Goods;—
but.their prices shall be all correspoodinglow. Their
prices will be goverped by the Auction rates--sell
at. the same prices, nett Cash, as the-Auctions do
rm time—contenting themielVes with the Interest
for the time as their Profit. This cannot but present
a strong indueement hoe buyersrespecially front the
Country, to call on them in preference to purchasing,.
at Auction ; where persons do not get the time
commt, unless their bills reach a certain amount, to
which amount it is not always convenient for Conn
try Boyers to purchase; and it will also avoid the
disadvantage of large lots, mad afford more time to
:::_Tltey design to avail theinielvesnt ever• facility,
in both the New. York as well as• the Philndelphht
Auctions, in pi ocuCing their goodsnt the lowest pos.
sible rates.
• Wo now respectfully, invite coo friends , and the
public to the Test of Experience in this matter, be
ing the heat ,wity,toeporince them Of thn truth Or our
promise. JOHNSTON; 81.1111V84 CO.
Phila. March 8.1843: 19. = '
M.cehanlesburg.t Lilie
Between Mecleastiaburtand
„* . tfr .
• • .
410 . . t i 04i:11410; aetiiiiii; ropilitti4 V' ilia
vii4k74k .:411,!#thiRi4; 41 ; bil . ,:t4iiigs;,Crittaitle,,
H oottilientid
;FittAittaiioilor Wild Lh',4iity
Etell' , { o .. o'eAkg.di.. l l - 14)404 6 .04 1
proCess t atiproved.:nad . retiomnitudO‘'liithill posi.
distinguished pit cidiie,`'aod' tiriiveryall knave,-.
!edged - the West
In 'setting forth' the Virtues:pi - this truly great nie4..
(Heine, we have no desire to deceivethose l niho
laboring under affliction, nor do WC Wish to , eutegi se'
it' more than it Justly deserves. r Vet: when Wedook
'around and see the vast amount orsuffering - an'd,
tress occasioned by many :'of the diseases, in which'
this :nail harm lias.prOved .sq, highly. successful;' we
' feel that we cannot urge its Claims too strongly, or
say too much iii itafavor..• '
Various remedies it is true have been offered and
puffed into notice 'for the cure' of.diseasas of the
Lungs, and some have no dould : been .(tibud very
useful, but, dal thatlitive yet been discovered, it is
admitted by physicians and all Who have witnessed
its effects, that none-has proved - as auccessful as this.
Such, indeed, are the,. , • , ; •
. .
Of.this 'Balsam, that met' in the advanced stage of
CoNsusirrum,nfter nll the most esteemed remedies
of physicians have. failed to effect am- 'cliank, Ote
use' of this medicine has been protbietive of the
most astouishiug. relief, mid actually effected Mires.
after all hopes of recovetylind been despaired of. , •
In the first stages 'if the'disease,terniiM Catarr
hal Consumption:" originittirig- Iron Lneglected Cats,
it tins been used with undeviating success, and Mui r
deeds acknowledge they ONVO•the,yestoration of their
health to this invaluable 'medicine alone. In that
form of ConsumptiOn. sirprMialent amongst delicate
t young letriales,.cornmonly,terinedflchility, or
"GOING INTOA tor t alNE;" -
A complaint with which thousands• IT lingering, it
has also proved highly successful, anti not only pos •
SeS5llB the power 'of checking the progress Of this
2111teming complaiot, but also strengthens antrimig
mrates..thesystem_morM-effectually than-itorynctli
eine we have met possessed..' • • •
Besides its surprising elliraq in Consumption, it
is eqn aI ly 1.4111:41e1011 S in 'LII9CI .
litmehitia,andallaffcetionsof the Lungs, and has
net rd many or the.tunst 2 obstinate eases, alter every
remedy had failed. fjc . 3-For particulars see
1)1 . . \Vistar's Tre:ise on Consumption; to lac hail 0 "
the Aeynts.
-Al•ending the mitt Of this 'medicine in diSeases of
tin. Lungs; nd the many singular cures it has ef
fected, litivitig naturally 'attracted the • nit.. Minn of
-many. physicians, (as well ilk tilt" WhOiCnirateVility_Ut
gilitekS) i:111011SC011itieillITS and suriniseshave arisen
respecting: its ; conipositionl - somophySiiiiiiiiilfaViT
supposed it to contain lodin . e,oolor ignorant pretenr
dims say it mast contain Ole,rcury, and to some such
substance tiny cad: attribute its singular efficacy.—
As suel4inimis are altogether erroneous, and cal
chlatedip prejudice many persons against it, wti
PLEDGE-OUR 110.tcOlt -
That it contains nothik of the kind, or shy Nog
the least injurious; :on hue contrarnit is composed
Oldie most simple substances, die principle of uddell
are the extracts of TAR and 111 1 d Cherry Park,
and the whole secret of its efficacy consists in the
mode by m hich them are prepared.
As we have alrently , pubti•hed numerous certift
cates from the highest authority, which prove its
virtues beyond all doultr, we consider it unnecessary
to exhibit adong list of them in this place ' and will
only mention a few vases; to show what it has done.
A S tPRISI NG CU RE.--Amour; the many
singular eures'whieli'lliia medicine has elreettal,
them is intrilalla BOW in uhirh its posers are so
Tully skins n ns iu the ease of Mrs. Austin.
This lady had been coustimptive for several years,
and daring the greater pail of tbis time had received
the best medical 'attention, and trio! all. the moat
valtiablte remedies,-yet nothilig could be •tound to
arrest its progress. She beraine subject to violent
fits of coughing, ext.-oersted large ytanthies of
matter occasionally tinged with blood, and step by
step this fearful 'disease . continued its course, until
all hope dm recovery was eiarely despaired of.—
While in this distressing situation, lingering upon
•the very verge of the grave,, she commenced the use
ofthis ilalsalm, which, to use her own expression.
operated almost like a charm. In a few days she
expectorated freely die cough was gradually sup
pressed, and emery ;lay appeared to add fresh vigor
to hetr looks, and iMw, in the place adult emaciated
form' withering to decay, she is seen mingling in
society, in butter healtlr than she has enjoyed fo
the siirtirising of Dr. WiSIIIT'S Dols:dot of
Cherry, in the case of Mt s. Austin, I cheer.
roily acknowledge the above statement to lie true
and correct. J. C. WALTERS, M. D.
WoodstoWn, Sept. 4,1841.
Dear Sir—Although 'roue invaluable medicine has
already found !Madras of powerful edvocatcs, it
reeeivorcornortnit ,
cation from any one that has been tel by it.
gueb, Sir, is truly my CASE% I. have been is victim
to that terrible disease Consumption,, Ibe many
months. and hove suffered so much, that I had be
come almost weary of my life. !fearing your
11alsalia so highly praised :1 began taking it a few
weeks bark, and can assure y on it has reliiived 1111;
more than say thing I have ever used befolv, mid I
confidently believe it will cure me effectually.- Please
give 111(1_1mo:cr. the worth of the enehised,and oblige
Yours lletpectfully, Jon:: PEAnsoY.
• Chester County, Sept. fi, 1841.
Friend Wistar—ll gives me much pleasure to
form thee that my wire's health has improved very
Hutch since she has been using thy of Wild
Clierryomil we think there is no doubt hut that it
will cure her. She has taken the two bottles 1 Mir
chased-I*mM thee a short time since, and her cough
is much better :she also sleeps' well at night, and
says stn.• has Num nothing to give her so nmelt re
lief. lime will please give the hearer two bottles
more for The Friend,
Lancaster county, July
—Dear-Sir—Please-send me - two - arcades or four
genuine 'Balsam of Wild Cherry. I have been al.
flirted with Consumption for the last two years, and
suffered very notch with a severe cough, pains in
my breastolillicultrof breathing, night SIMI ts,
anti 6itiing iried - nuatiinus remedies, and also been
under several doctors. yet I could not find any thing
to relieve. me until I used some of your •Halsalm'.
got one bottle front a neighbor of mine who is using
it, and have found such wonderful 'relief from it that
I Mine no doubt it will cure me effectually:
Very 'respectfully yours, &a. '
• . Atourtribrimmf.
, .
. ,
Hie following fVom Dv. Jacob Hoffman,
a' oepic : inn of extensive: practice in Huntingdon
liOUtity e
•' Dear procured nnei bottleabr. Wistnizii 3
Mil sal m 'of Wild Cherry; from Thotnas:Reed, - Esq - -
of this place, and tried it in a case of obstinat v
Asthma on a child of Paul Schwebie, in which man'
other remedies had been tried without tiny. relief
The Balsalm save stntden relief s and in my opinion
the, child is Oh:dually - cored by its use.
• ~ ,Y ours; Sec:
December 22d,1.841. . ' • •
- :ilear Si; 7 -,Yottr nalspltn ofW,lld Cherry his sif;
feated some, astonishing eurealitre; '; Ch k 4 et which
la an'idd laili; Mrs:Ritsiell,.ito ha d been aufferink
for a long titnevitkaliortnesit oftreathing, and gen
eral amakmessi until site 'lilts flintily; ()Wiwi to keep
her! bed,'.; After ,various. other , reniedtestintbeen
resorted to, in, vain, she commenced asinkyour Iliil l
aaltii And idler tak ing'tis ci bettlesii waittio,far i'6oilN,
ed. , sia to Abe 'able toldtend loyal' itO:ilutleit , ,Of,ter,
house, and on taking.`talo-bettletinor . ewalelitimeli
eured.?7,' : :', , littatteetfullyi&O:- ,' !, '',;''l '' ,.l 0,,
, , .j . l ,, i'r ' ,' . .. , i ;', ''‘filifti ' go' C, l ,lll.otiii.'' •
-tPottisille; Pa: ~` .:,,,),; ~,,i:7,..:, r. , :;,,, ~ r- , ' ^I j ..',... , 11' . J.0 ",
k i
cAlUenall.-Aa there . i5 .,, :a.,1
Called '3,otip of iirilitillhei!V o ttnie lie 1 1 1 ' 811111 M ' e .
veryliiitrtieular to:stalr:foiri,pm:itvy ittsillAW
SA At. finafibierili hi! 444 8 10 1 40- n I poltle: -%',...r
~ ,t ~ Y :•,'l.l '',•;,,q , A - A , ) i'.44l , yY, ifi..,ii' , 'iri , j 1
: . "PrpOro .6 E- 111 tPr o Ol e ttl,".i nw t , r2 0 .•kktAole•',
thili,hylwbOratif k M.,,P,.4sl l gilit:,i , c.;VO, 3 lll4;friqo'
`irgdAil', lll llo l 6lots - 0 - 1 ,, ,: • 't - 4 , 4'.=,7 ,1, 0 , ..
8014)it:',A,T1,000,4kr 4 47;,::ii:-.:1it , .„ii,f,:?..,1.vii:ii..
' - illPre.Ntrit pty-:,'
c-. 1,,,
- traiiiiiii N wx.hoio. , di lir%
~ ,nifts;y 41 vittks1W4b . 40 rttki
: 4 4lifiF!erk - 4 b IA t+4#W ,
.;Afi', , ,ll,
~.y.wArt6-tkv sittkitfifla.
~..,c V.
.14e ill
~ -1, : ./.), 7 - 1 ) ilizi.. te.:..r.,E l !lipltif.4l..' , - i::::
=',..-, 7 0 . •
_. ,r. ~ B. ,
1[1 % 0' 8 4 the :PlWAlCA..cif''.:annquitemittAlid.'ipuhlia -
.tfiat hievaluable.'b;letlicipeekenehje;.4.o],4,lP`!iTr'4
bat dri.4 : ihe -'' '`F• ' . ".'.,',. ' - ...::,.4i''i''" . .,,,,.•., ;.„
" ". m ti) tc, A t FA c utierr ' • • ‘:'Y' , '".. , r
I'o ifs' c'oliippse,l, of inapdipnix,*liteW 40:'t kilo w iy•t!), ,
tikOttlf,Oinea k ttnd ; whinli ortltlntly rg i'von by. the, moo;,
respeete_biephyeiciadf4n".lltehi.",entiMite. , This ;fact'
'o96oNBliffidipie-kiiiiiiippilieit , p ?Ivt=:;' •:;,.' , .' , ,". - ii,..
'.,`,''','."' ':': ' ':' ti;li'i 5ii; . 14 - 43'iifiiiit • - • . 0, :' ..
as.welFgenanse" : hent to• 1 040ii . 1eit144.4iialt , tcitit"
• .'. ~ 4'...',.,.4:1- . ..liafiA9 '.06:1‘144.71.tAT0` , ;.': i12.•' 27 ., ,,
iili,*6 l ) F oiifrationi of...ireeiFinifd ittlinigtore. ' :: ~ •
:,,, i •;.:.• '..;., 1,", RE COJI/J/f .g5W;41 1 .16.,V15. '. -• 7 ." .;,'
iliVdtioilli published fre4,nedil.4 iii l ,;:the ; pa p ere, - tram
4 - .. o'physieiana And F ,,i,, g , 5#T ,,--, ; ,,-,. : .„.. , ~ _
1, : ~,:.-. i Congress and State Legialattites,-3 4, '' ' .• ••' 4 l
respectable - private citizens , , and. among thenk, tinny ,
'of the Mott:dietingnisbed membei*cf:churelme„;- i
,• •; . - -' . ' and other tnatitiitione,'. '••' - ? 4 , , 4.,', 4.
in reference to 1)e. LeidyN.Medicinen,ntid it ieltop,i':
ed, fi.oin / the mininious'eertifieatesand recontmenda4'
tiona, hawing been published Mr and nen r,Pilifull' that
is cow neceefary is to , keep thein•llnlncethe pnbl. i 6, 4
that iliCyy, may he reminded of them, inhere, they may
obtaimel genuine,:giu.§M.
. ‘
.• , -
'One of the tho'st'valtuthl e' is '
__--- 1 -11101111.-•:-. 3 111alliliN 5%
' Sarsaparilla Blood Pills.
These celebrated' Pills are daily recommended in,
Discuses:of the Stomiteli Impurities of the BloMi r e
and Bowels, • generating (Bleak's'
Billions Affections,. the . Stomach, Liver,
Habitual Costiveness, • lieart,the,SPleen,Ki&
Indignation,- Flatulency, licys, Bones, &c. &c.
Want of Appetite, Ulcerous Sores or the
Sourness of the Stomach, ;, Nose, Throiit & Body;
Waterbrash, Heartlawn, Scary, Eruptions, niid
Foul nnd offensive breath, Ef,otelles of the Skin;
Stomach, the si cles,atud , :rat) ache , Giddiness,
along the Back; .-• • Scrofula, Erysipelas . ,
Rheumatic Patina, Gont, , l kaaudylar Affections.
__Constitutional diseases,produced by- Meratti.snd
other mineral preparations, 115 well as the dangerous
consequences tesultiug from the improper treatment
of Syphilis, tv..e. &c.
Life of the Flesh is in the Blood." •
Lenil iros, ch. XXII, v. I I. •
'lle yr. purified lour Blood,
And health Will attend you. .
The great principles adrocated by lie. LehlY, and
in which he is supported by scripture, are f'
Ist. vitality is comained in the Blood.
211. The 11101611, becoming vitiated or impuregives
rise to numerous diseases of the organs of the body,
the stomach, the liver. the .
—3,1,11nd - whatever - has the-eflect of - purifying the
_Blood:possesses the power of i:t.:establishitig health
action to the !only. ' ,
4th. That Purgation and Starvation, or, in other
words, purging to the -extent: that frequently
done, sod at the same time enjoying low diet; mid
abstinence from [sod MITIONt entirely, tire productive
of mulch more mischief 'dein is generally supposed,
and in proof of it will only remarkohat - -
Hy Purgation—The human system is more orless'
debilitated, for the tory simple re7lsoll.that in the
process of ptirging all is carried off from the stomach
from which nourishment is derived and distributed
throughout the system.
Ilv Starvation,-Npucishmentismbsolohtly
held from the system an necessary to it, both. for sus
taining vital action null aiding nature in hearing up
againstthat progress Of disease.
knee the consequences a um much plic..7iug,:inti
a rantinv/ diet must be to produee such n condition
of the system fin 1% ill enable disease to make more
rapid pCogress. nod extend ildwifthe'iiforeeasily,und
in a brief time throughout th, system.
Admitting the foregoing, 1, becomes necessat y to
inquire how is the 111.1)11m h purified and in eni
ploying the memts, how ii the system to be guarded
against any serious consaqueM4S ? •
'Tis easily answered--
all vette ills. • -
Take-Dr. leitly's Blood Pills.
V.ently, 11 1 .110, efr e dwaly
do not prodttee prostrntionof the flbtet» ots luny;
They require no restraint Caber. from ocommion
or the t•egnine 'nde of itig.`'•No fear need be en
mrthincdof iiikiM; mold from their use, and muy lie
Nike?' it nlll flutes, by young and old, without inter
fering with oily other medicine dnit fluty hire been
taken befurchund,
Thew l'ills arc ph2pared ouly, nud sold whole's:de
slid rctuil, St '
Lit. 1Y:11)1"S Health Etfiporiton,
No. Ittl N. :NI al. below Vine,
(Sien or the (:olden Engle and Serpents,)
PR ICE '23 CENTS A _Box:
cc7' A tlisk.nitt In At holes:Ale dealers. .
Leitly's 11100(1 Pills are also. sold in all tltu
principal cities and Wm's throttottt the Uttion,and
he many - respectable storekeepers throughout the
contain% , .
* For sale. in Carlisle, by • ' •
Agents for Cumberland County. ,
Carlisle, Dee. ?21,184e. 11-8
pie as ple as these complaints are usually considered,
no oue can deny their being the most common
cause of this fatal and distressing disease. It is
indeed a melancholy, truth; that thousands fall
victims to COnsumpiion every year from no other
cause. than neglected colds. Yet' We 'find hun.
dieds, nay, thousands who treat such compiaints
with the greatest indifference, mid let them run
on for weeks and even months without thinking
of the danger. At first you have What you may
consider a slight cough or cold; you allow busi4
ness, pleasure or earelessnessto prevent you from,
giving it any attention; it then settles upon your
breast, you become hoarse, have pains in the
side or clLest, expectorate large quontities,of luau
ter, perhaps mixed with blood, a - diffibulty of
breathing ensues, and then you find your own
foolish, neglect has• brought on this distessir ,
complaint. If then you value life or health, be
warned in time, end don't trifle with
,your. COLD,
or trust to any quack. vostrtqa , to cute: you, but
immediately ploenre a bottle twia
mou ' s-Ferneay, the lI BA . LsAm OF Wit.O cifeney,",
%Odell is well hilown• to be the 'Most speddyYctirei
ever known; thoudimdd will testify whose livid
have been saved by it: , , •
trete very particular when' you purchase; to
as there is also aavanr of name in use.
'Prepared, wholesale and 'retail,
by Wit.t.4sie!
Co.;' Chinniets, No: 33 South Fourth 'street,
•:,' , • ',•,
Sold in Carlisle by
Price..One - Paleir a Buttle '
Jpno 22,1842.
'EttIVAN - tHlLDlgitit:
' This . is Alia season Wheit'this clestructivit
complaint attache youk interesting little' children'.
°Run robs you of those fondly , doat ; on; andl
envies hundreds , 'to the ; grave. rotary , mother
should therefore', know, itsayntptomn.,wfttch.thm..l
Clat3OlY,' Mid nhiays bo Prepared :with a 'rct.n,edy
niany'arti Bidilifica tiu‘ch neglect. ;At
first; the filth! patipiatik seized%tvith' a h tveting.lit4
grows re atle'sa; has flushee 6 f heat,th o oyes .114014".
red all.fl‘e.e(0 1 949: 0 040 0 B
theimompa 0000tiillp,OFqweliat,wkif sprel7, ter,
itiiinato' in 64 . 410i5i5,,0T liaat : hipiessscrirtEchlag*
imre(fiat,pkyori464l - 4Sak
the OBarsehi . .s,ffilliKciierw . p.L. ,, ,itarlUicrititile
he the roost speedsrevAieliomiefat4,: It htindead a
pvaaiifits r9meq...-115114 :ssfa 'and ihttliceiji b chliti
gIY9 suireNi
Vlassy,rsatora it,:t,e ,,f vwf u ly v p#4l l 3l. l k
lies restd the aoafitry: aistriv
, .
viiioovcihatailiidreq !
early, b `9 i,610101t;:P
E°oo /
vit.,' •
, ' f
Dry:alai watery Omitlea-
if the thiA: hurl' bat
l :
•'4'`,l'' .
i'9oiMtxli, tt
r5,,ci,, *. r
.. i,s
iiii 'lk ot 'i ,
• .Tii •ili'll i laiiiii
' k:
r '
aNqUitli.llol4 i 4 tifiiiiitiron;lo et c ,
amts'4E4loll4 - - BtOpthipfilniii-TbrAtit 0
E t nop,cia, Shiii(ncstr 'Of" 0
.. t, , b, , Pal" in si
Li.)=.4.0 , Rick 014.0;044471 1 44d r;vpt,
qbritalbAitn',4o; nintuliarlci. a nd:_lionsYOS , C
lid,4llt jl , 4o(ttiCkl 1:141)/4k004-441 6 .itye : ate . „
'l4tY,Ni3 . 4l.4l4:;';liiii' l A 4 laill r gt 63ll idgvAlifitet
cliseaseirtn wpieh - licipAnicultimlty ; arepub4cet •
' 'rlitfiC,"" linilii r liAiiir by„'utly - nledi
`Airi:onniTeitoi4iffeiiif toilitioubtlean gone'ril
ociraliii - Jfindlibt_kiily4,nr.indidineeivir . iferknreslvf
iiAtle: liti 4 t)ukir-0 0 PFIPPJ -: 4 CaPolnq,lleitherlm
-4tiblifpiilioetiCbiliiy" by.:pii ilea 'Of tberni; init
0;149 si,qarY 104 6 7:.;5i,r.e, 1 1gqicii thd stomach a
,60 - w4A .1., ‘woaW . 9l. AIItiTFIA I'M ePcli r eal'
,6 ,4tiire 1 : 6 itgAilli6i' yigaw .Tbc p •
staii'ushik tired Oliiii ,fltn i t . i . gh!liito ` boon forz
that' We wag t4clo:4,',Whielvig,very'eltfilly rectOun'
Tor; ,t,liciii ;is' MitYllitiliiitrii firm oft sttength
thege4llte,ag,in minx o . 'er,..ret . rig,dies of thoub
beertinte,tlietytterilti paid in 'mu ufacturipg Os
111 1 3 PA ' hardony , 'nrith",thg , poWeirt of 'life' ' anA I
)n:cgricf rt. with the opinions of Dr'e.l3rown;Bu
ArMstrpig, Vonigonaery,-..Hersey, -ICendri •
Sii4e.riittAri,.thil'Oeleb,ratc' , lVaterhou
forinerlb! ; Letturer.,cifillro Aliepry.ort.prpetice
Physic re CalebFOidi-inivoqith.*lss a lllPl el
RurO.hige, of tinlnt, Mid 'ilid Ihdhvo: au anq i
pamiirftrial,:tinrk you wilt gni!" thaV,perinanent
;Jo; i,466 . time)) 00. proprietors 'depend to rb a
tbeirr- ihe fri6it-: universai-Tti ffillY,3-piNdicißo Its- -
and`Which Will stand unrivaled by any other
he known world. , Priee,2,s tents, per'box. ~
, RHEUM Allc.'4l)ollclNE l,,
I's One' ortho-most-cortgm'ru4affettogLogres I
all rhe umutic, chronic Mid inflarniniitoiy,Rheurr
Llama that 'has ever'ybt lieen"dititiefered'," did
,numerous cases has' eradicated that 'dreadful 41
comb', from persons. ilfllitted ,entircly., ~.(1.11 do
drinks's, and, victuals are strictly, forbidden, o
spiritous liquors must`nOt beitaken'inivaOly
any means whatever, or it will.bei of 'no -nie
take this, medicine, as it will.destrorthe good'
fects of the merlicipe- entirely.,, , PriPeskr4 o ,I)
package. -: ,
A UGSBURG LIVE TlNC'itßg: -- .
• These 'celebrated drops linvc iteribireallui big
est recommendations in this' countryort well
in Etn•ope for its niose,valuable proprieties for r
inward weaknesses, erarnps,colds,agues and feve
and when used with the Olivellrancli Pilla i dev ,
_fails to cure .-the feVe' and rigne:' 1'1163 4 25nm
per bottle. ........................... -
r . • A ••, •
s unrivalled for its curatiyeualititisevett who
used in cases of rnaladies;,which'a.rtfre.ottleriiif
ineutable. ; Many. rpcolitiricilitntiorpi, have .hci
given of the beneficial i,elreitlt.ti badiuth
cure'of pleurisy, pectoral3:4ndiiplinodaky.:xol
sumptions; colds, &c. Price '2s'cciiti r ite'r bola
This most . eicellent article hoe' a quality e
calming instantly and without fall, all cramps u
thc-stornachicholic - and thaVtfindilcsomerdiscast
- calledmother fits or hysterics; and wfionconthin
ed lhr some length"of time, will cure the paten
entirely. Price 25 cents
• • GREEN, WOND.T. , ',II OIL, • .•.'
A certain cure• for all Scalds:, Prucs, Burns
and thd . most 'Meted cure for' tho.pilea,--it tvil
cure the
. person'afilicied in it vet-Yr short time, i.
used according todirections. Price 25 ets.pey vial
This spirit is highly recionniended for al
sprains, ssiiiling icaders,-slittove -
joints an . d rheuniatietas' tin outward reniedy, it ha,
noequal,and whenuscil with the Ithettinutielledi
tine,will greatly Ilicilitate the cure. The an•
vials of History do not produce.its equal, and it is,
the greatest 'preventive against cold, in the
known woilil. For partieehirs see direetioniaccent
puny ing the bottles. • Trice 2:i cents. '
TourtmemE. DROPS, - .
An infallible core if used according to direr.
lions. Price 25 cents per vial.
Is decidedly the ,best application for - wounds"
and rows, old or new, of ill kinds, and will pre
rent if' ty NJ in time, many operations; and prc.
vent Lock Jaw, Pains in the Huth; llead,&e..—:
Females who. are so unfortunate as to have sore
breasts, and will use thiu wonderful salve, will be
cured in a Vcey sboit tiure,
,7t e,ancot be too,high.
Ty i ecommende , l. For Mrther fiarticulars see diree.
Lions. Price 121 cents per box.
An excellent artield for the care of worms in
athilts as well as children, mu] will cure n•ben
other fenictilics Chi]. Price GI cents per box..
A superior articlafor Coughs, Colds,Sore Hiroo t,
Bronchitis and difficulty of breathing; •Price 6;
cods per box. , , 1 : , -,,
Sold wholesale and retnil; at the principal ottie.r, ;
No. 384, North 3d street, Philadelphia; and b
• • JOHN GRAY, Carlisle
General Agent for Cumberland Carlisle,-.Po
ouf :.
June 22 , 1842. . y.3-i
. . .
DID ifyou liaea atfrienJ, a r'elation, or !tnow .
disease, "CONSlMlPTlON, i 'lieraunde'thein with.
out delay .to.try that'famous and unrivaled medi.
eine,tho , . , . . '
“Balsam of Wild Clierry,”
which has cured llinuotindd of this Oriniplaint
ter everything else had liiiled. Itead•`thh follow
ing undonfitcd proofs of it, vlficavy:.
•...... Roxn'oltqwi k *cpt.
DbAIL SM: I ---Pleiise send inc two inure bottles of
your Balsam of Wild eliOrry, liltoYthut j'eu sent
me before. .1 have titlfee nearly - ell of the first two;
and confidently belieVe this metliFirio,will Caro me..
I have used a great reniedlthi AVithin. the
last year, but haVo n iiv9r t fo'find':atliy.thing,fbat lias
relieved nie. so intiOrt:,l,l , Cha`if - afOriped,,day, -cough .
'entirely,' cheated
better atniglitOnd fet*.hottdr . in'OvOiP Way; than .
:have for many: Mouths.: I:Nodra; reapeetfully,
oi.3ttssultq, Scpt.l2, 1841.
.FRIEND WISTAI7.:—/ . thee to'
send me two bottleaiiitifirfif tiny invaluable Bal.'
sum. -I have ninV . talc'efilliitie bottles - in all; end'
can assurp thee that, it has - Alone more good than
all theinedivine 1, have, di'pr, taken; hofdre.t t Stind'
by the stage as soon as poisilile, 'aifd'iibligo 'thy
frientf,=.-- , • : "
• ' ' • • . DRATOE, Sept a ,
. DEAR Docion:—Hearing s'o foiny Odotde 'talk;
of the wonderful cures yip, Balsam Of WildCber-•
ry has made in,,Cunaumption „ l•'senti . Of
'your Agenbetheoll4i day for a bottle,t; and. bare
found it to IlOve rebelled nielio:inuah;thar'f,Wint
three bottles more '
sent edon;ail. , belittfei ft will'
cumin°, tou,.', tlaytte'S E;pectoraut t
and other diedieines . pelificp, but
,Rotblug has yiloue'
MO RE good as
,yoinsl„lum:. Sand bY the
aw4m/P-4PPiit;44.!;l t i rej_P l Yl • •
• . ~1 11Y.11.44/11Y , A,AIOMAiI. •
;I•l!Piiidea• ils•llo.olo.loqsficacy.,,in
the mktleffoAtt4 rani
'ever' ered LIAY.tII 'LAIN ,
4 W4POPANOWOOP,-104eui:tinudteditoillteg.
if /0° iio4llqq4 4;:i.t0 1 0.0 1 00:** -
iii,•dridipa. - - 73, •
EIIEtUGOISTIi - nnellkAttli§;'4l4 ` od - this
:leaded a 'Atohicbltilidditioit"tiithtlit stork; 'drid
*old alwitYlilceeplit's*binidirloAt piptiive4iits
T:tieknoilog44 OsfkitcPottaalily
Aignos,pqw •
•ilti'Vert TARIC
sale and retail br YV111,44tr,48'&'C04.fh, 4 14110°4
litti3kAt4ttrOttitteP . ' 14 1101 4 1 . 141 i 4 '.' , .
4 4 ,41. 4
~ Fie•wheygfinr
h010y,,0404gr ea•
4.. t