Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, May 10, 1843, Image 4

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    teglia ' , 4tOr M 214013100
• ME ICIBLE..• • • • •
..- 0 1 1 iY# l a
*ILLIA lir „T.:S(111E1V: -
; 111011.41e,11,9bkPlAiii,leV oivn • ; • "
in!tannOh'ii,anfrres:shona , :t. v
. '
And dlgnOnda .
•, , •
‘ lo?4,lndelal torlitnindionlti eye ; ,
mom- i•rtiyineinioi!s,ratistilcami, • '
'When death's npfifted hina hi g h, . ^
•: rsitfani; , iotit , moment ern'•e !
Fo2)l,!..Viiitld'it. thou stay the arm of death ?
thigo Id to - aaye , * -'• • •
neY . kfottild relief
Ia glitiering. ; 4oitrdEt of, 'n , eatth
Gemeiluzzle not The eye of grief 4,
' 'Gold dannot inlichese health,;"'
13ntih4rii4i , ,Oee:iteil Latin nOpearfit'
To lieol.Ole 4eevest woe ;
And he that se4s this,book in tears )
IliBteareshillceaseto,flow'. •
Fibre he that died on Calvary's tree
Ratb made teat promise blest t
"Yelieit4latlen i tioree to roe;
Atiil'l will give you rest.
. . .
- i'' . :rd(bruiend reed I will not, break, ' •
. ' . , A•eontilte heart despite,;
My burden's light, all' wile , take
. ' hly yoke the lien l'
tkis little book is worth
-- A I 1 Ise'tearriartias - given‘- - .7
For.whiit are all the joys or earth
compared to joys 'Of Heaven ?
This is 'the guide our Father gave
To !Cad to realms of day—
A star tvhose lutrei gilds the grave—.
'The light—the Life—the Way.' -
virriDELit II IN
...Many an infidel. in youtlr, is a Believer
in old age.
...There is no fact-authentidatecl
by more numerous examples than this.—
Young daring. In mere wanton
ness of , supposed strength, it often seeks
to Overturn the truth of religion; because,
as it would seem,"there is nothing more
daring than to brave Almighty powdr.-L
Advancing. Years - core. this. • They -coal
„the passions - aid bring reflection, and no
reflective man will remain an infidel. We
have a case in [Mint. A late paper from
_ 'Englatid_states that-_ . _" Richard Carlyslo,
notoriottrfer his infidelity, but subsequent
ly converted to Christianity," dieifin ton
dpn recently: •Oarlysle was a' man of con
siderable talents, and much ingenuity.—
He both wrote and lectured in favor of infi
delity., and•not without some effect. His
tempi 'or. rather his infamy, reached even
this country ; indeed we are:not sure:but
atone lithe he came among us bodily, Be
that as it may, he was a most determined
unbeliever.. If we-mistake not, fines and
inapriannment were more than once 'meet-.
ed mit:to him for.his blasphemies. • Yet,
as. age advanced upon hint, the passions
waned, the blood cooled, reason, reflec
tion and faith resumed their empire, and
embracing Christianity, he gave the lie to
his . previous life, and- presented a monu
ment of the power and truth cf that reli
gion which all the energies of his yowl'.
.badAPPP.,.detioted to depreciate, itivali
date and destroy. There are many Car
lysles'on a small scale in society, who are
never heard .of beyond there tittle circle of
obscuritY. --- In green manhood they are
tierce in unbelief; in sear age they, will be ,
-foil nd-s w ell ing - th e - ran ne;
for experience
.shows infidelity to be a
poor prop to lean upon ; and as the strength
of youth sinks, presumption departs; men
feel .What poot, weak, insignificant beings
they, are ; and that the Deity A' holds them
in th 6 hollow of his hand." We can place
• our finger upon more than one pf this class;
whim. we have known, first as doubters,
then' confirmed infidels, then doubters a
and fins*, Christians. •
:foreign - -journal lately published a conver
sation;related by Count _ de Mootholon,
the faithful friend of the Emperor Napo
leon. - Without being responsible for the
truth of this 'conversation, as reported, I
will copy it literally ; and as it, may have
been really uttered by the Emperor, it de
serves to be read with attention :
"I .IMow man," said Napoleon; " and
I tell you that Jesus is not a Man ! The re
. liglon,of . ,Chtist is a mystery which sub
force, and.proceeds from a
mind which is. not a human mind. We
'find in it a marked individuality, which o-.
riginate4 a of Words and maxims un
known before. Jesus borrowed nothing.
from • our kntiwledge. He exhibited •in
hiniiielt - nOerfact'exaniple of hie 'precepts.
Jesus is. not a 'philosopher,. for his proof .
_ - fire,,,tykkiracles ;_and from-ythe-lirst-hie disci
• pleS:. - egnretl - :.him. Itt,. fait, learning
philosophy!. are: of no use for salvation;
andziasnaYeetite.. in to the. ,world to reveal
'the Alnetiec . of Ileav,en ati4 la ws of
: . Ch . nrintinaine. : and
os 6 o4l . einpinit t' but, upon what
Criatiatik' . 4 genipis ?--
U,POlftitt". - '4,n(4o•,clikist-ithine l'fonnded
. hour ;nil
' liOng Or r itnn viinild:die -- fOr hi tn.. •
••" • • •
otr o tinartoithrtwaiimik'oe , .
Pl4/010#10rY,:' ,I!es:ervatt
-0,0006i41 in Coughe'iObldsLfigppßzpo; , !
ofq.Br'eath, .;Whobping . .CnitEthiA l 4l4llteasSii:, of: 00,
Breast and ; .Lungs, and foilhe aircat•iii t approach
iii Consumption::
populatititr9.43S94, o l'4lTSlinop r ary Proser-:.
vative throughontatlGerMani, and affectual
Discaties of "the - Lungs, 'drat AVM iiiiiaculdus
etrecte Mid:wonderful eursi4itis 4heie.,generally'
known rthd :sty lad
• Preserver.,';
'As Utuneintis Certificates cif itttiary goOd effects,land Wonderfill cures in this, country,' havekeen fret
'pettily published, it itideenied'necessaiy milk to
remind the public 'of so :valuable a medicine, ;rity:
thenwhere it can be procitrarldebuine . v:
~ o•ll lr ice—trifty, Cents a half ,piat'bottic;
**,Prepared' and sOld;Whidesale mid retail:at:Lir.'
LBIDY'S EATS; .BlifPCßitiltl, No. • 191'
'North Second' street.;* below• Nine;
Golden:Eagle and Berpents),PhiladalphittETr'
'For sale in Carlisle, by'; ' ' • ,
•• Atenta.far Cituilierlanl County:
Carlisle, May.. 1.8, 184. 9- ty
Tag 11111? thalD
IIkiI"YERS & ILIVERSTIck have just received
IW from the Manufactory at Plolatiallphia,_ a largo
assortment, of LA RD 14.11:P5, consisting Of .
ParloaChamber&Statly Lamps
With or without shades;' which, they will sell whole
s e
Astral, Side Reflectors and :,lass Lamps of vari
ous patterns.
CD a aa Q. •
The very best IVintdr strained, bleached Sperm
Oil, walrneted to'burn clew. for
$11,2.5 per gallon.
Best Sperm Candles. 3T rents pet• lb.
Carlisle, Dee. 21, 1842.
302-IN W. BEND L,
U; , LaniVitit tP
I, n ESPECTFULLY tenders his services tattle
citizens of Carlisle and its vicinity, that ho
will attend to andperfrirm all dental operations
such as'Cleaning,' Pinging and Extracting; na
turd 'Teeth, and inser
ting i ncorruptablo artificial
teeth• from a .siogle tooth to an entire set.
- ca. o p pOsito IH.Tarlane's Hotel.
TAILA2(,OI 1111111Vallq
laowery, N. York.
1114 R nine years this medicine has stood unrivaled
.11__for the c ure of _Coughs„Painiti the side, (la
ciiity of breathing, Bronchitis, and all those allieeu.
thins of the Throat, Clings and Liver, which are it
source of so much su ff ering and whi ch unattested
so often terminatoin Consumption. So extensively
has this remedy been used and in so ninny cures has
it proved successful; the proprietor feels nohesi
tancy'in recommending it to all who untbrtunately
have occasion to resort to crime 'mans of Ml:M:rye
Multitudes who have experienced its happy effects,
can testily to its utility, told very many rescued from
a premattire death, point to it us the means of their .
:I;he originator of this remedy wrs well versed in
the science 0r medicine, MLR_ Skint pnletiCiolll.l%
L'hysichns finniliar with its effects not unfregnently
prescribe it in their practice, and with the Mythical
Faculty generally it has met with a larger share of
approbation limn is common with exclusiVe pre
Kt - CONSUMPTION—The ,following rcmarkl
were taken from the last 'manlier of the Medico
ne: .
Aja r.
Ihe surprising effect produced by the genuine
Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, made at 375
Bowery, in consumptive eases,cannot fail exeiting• a
deep and thrilling interest throughout the world. We
have so long believed this disease (constanption) in
curable, that it is difficult to credit our senses ..when
we see persons, evidently consumptive, restored to
health. Yet i,t is a fact or daily occurrence.
!AVER CONIPLADIViind General Debility—l
do consider my cure almost mineuleus. 1-was given
up Icy two physicians acct told to prepare Tor death.
I was in this low suite when a friend sent me a bot
tle of-Dr. Taylor'S Balsam of Liverwort, from 375
flowery, and hefore I had used up the bottle 1 was
able to sit up in bed, by the further me I have coin .
'delay regained my health. All should use it.
GEO. WELLS, Q 3 John st:.
been cured of a violent pain in OM side, extetaling
through to the shoulder, indigestion, dizzuess, loss
.O.Cappetite_and generoLdebilty,
hottlCoxof Dr. Taylor's Balsam of
• • J. A. H. ALLEN, 7 Merchant'S Row,
For sale by STEVENSON & DINKLE, sole
agents for Carlisle and vicinity. . •
October 26,1842. l v-52
United_States Court,
GI 7 , 0 0 IE
e EITNOISTS for Discharge and Gerd
fieate under the Bankrupt Law, have been fil
ed by
JOH N - STOUGII; Individnally•and lute 3ferelninl
of the firm of Stough & Brewster. _
Cumberland co.
ISAAC NIITTEN, Shoemaker. , do.
and- FRIDAY . , the 31.1111 day- or JUNE next, - at
11 o'clock A. M. is appointed * for the hearing there
of, before the said Court, sitting in Bankruptcy ' at
the District Court Room, in the City of Philadel
phia; when and where the Creditors of. the said Pe
titioner's, who have proved their Debts, and all' per
-sons in interest, may appeal' and show cause, if
they have, why such Discharges and Certificates
should not be granted. i • •
Clerk of District Court.
•Phila. Apr111201;1843. • 10-24
61 Vice.
10DETITIONS for the Discharge &
lificate, under the Bankrupt Lel!, have been
filed by
JOHN JOHNSON, formerly Merchant' of
Harrisburg, and late contractor on public
works; by ie firm of Jacob A. Gorges bz
Co. I Cninberland co.
and, SATURDAY, the '27th day of MAY next, at
•Il o'citiiik, , A.-111. is appointed for the bearing diape r
of, before the said Court,sitting in Bankruptcy,at the
District Courtroom in the City of Vlilladelphia,when
and where the Creditors of the said Petitioners ? who
have proved their Debts, and all - iithertiersons in in
terest, may appear and stow OtuisC, if any they have,
why such 'Discharge and Certificate sliould not be
;teamed. FBAS. 'HOPKINSON,
'Clerk of the District Court.
, March:ls,lBl.9.
Ita3lAkiflSl VP 111MArbet .
Blouse Painter and ,Glazier,
ESPECTFULLY informs the' pane that
hes comteeneed the.. HOUSE PAINT.
.. •
''FINE 4 3
►rtik4l, r Alice
, A against loSs'oeiliflnagebYkinStni i tkOnlost
„roasonabla Thoi*loo:taka
APE FLPETIT. .4to ItlfiKS.:",` • •
on . :stoon
. or brick builiii,plis4t . t. $lOO9, the
premiumsubject to bo drawn" any'Aino' by, "the
,party insuring, at ii.dednonon of faro per tont. on'
the ainOunt Of'pronyinumpaicE '
:rbo'beuaLratee for one Yenic on • , „
Stone ondX,riek Buildings ; OlOOO
Log nod From, . , ,$6 , to on,slooo.
Merehandiz4 about ' on $lOOO.
, Anplleetton in'pereon or by latter will nivel inf.:
The Spring- .Ihtsferanei Co.
AKS INSURANCE, either terriporayy or
It.pOrp c tual, against loss or 'damage by nitc,
in Town pe Colintry, oh Houses,Darns and Build.
inge of all kinds; on Houseliold.Furnituro, Met.
olitindiZeMortes,Cattle. - Agricultural, - Commer.-
cial and Manufacturing Stock, and Thenklls or
every description,as wallas MottTawfs and Ha6uina
RENT, upon tho most faystrable terms,.
The jollothing are the usual rates, viz:
cn Stone and brick buildings t from
35 to 40 cts. on $lOO
“Logiind frame " 60 to 70 cts. on 100
"Merchandito and. furni.
taro in brick or stone
buildinks i from ' 40 to 50 cts.,on..l_oo.
inlog or frame, 60 to 70 cts. on 100
"Horses, cattle, farming
utensils and sundries,
at about.
Application may be made to
Carlisle, Dec. 21, 1842. • ly
mYgßssz.nrAyoriSTlCK live
Just received at their' >rug, look ; Stationary
and Variety Store, a large assorttnent or .
To”, Toy-Books for 'Cliri!4 . l
' Presents,. Annals Sonyeni, s,
and 'Port-tolios; for
Together with a choice selection of entertaining
LIGHT MIA DING, lbr long winter evenings,
:of every variety,
School Bibles and 7'estaments,`
Smith's Geography tint!
Ohre!) 4. Mitchell's do. - •
• Smith's arammitr,
eingel's Series, No. 1, 2, 3,4, 5, (f• 0,
Cobb's School Books, complete. -
Emerson, Byerly, Barham, 4..lreb
ster's Spellers, • - •
Pike, Rose; Smiley, 4• Emerson's ..d
-riihnielics, with Keys,
Matheinatical Instrttiments.
Lquer; Cap, 11111 i Deej,lipata*ruled and plain. Note
Paper. Silver I'Ll'aeils,..everpnints. Jut:knoll Lead
Pencils in wood, or all tempers; with a large as
sortment of BLANK 1300 KS, ruled anvil uttruled.
1ki217441=2,1.8.0 0 .
Of superior finish. Razors, Razor Strops
Shaving 13rushes, and finely scented
Shaving Soaps' and assorted re
• FANCY. .'ill'A'llloNAtillr: • ..
Superior opiapte and Russia Quills, Briqnl Boards,
Riee - paper, Visiting Cards, colored Wafers and
Sealing Wax, Plain and blotto Seals.
New • Nil • •
,fEr /aka t Enotrttinento,
Together with a general and well selected assort
ment of Classical aced Oliscellaneons I/ irks, "to
,letse the fancy /11111 Improve the taste."
Carlisle,. thin. 1.4,184'2..
121131.11T14 1111112111T2
MID': subscribers, at their FOUNDRY AND
MACHINE SHOP, on Main street, nearly op.
posite the County Jail, in the Borough of Carlisle,
Pa., still contiuc to build the following Machines•
and Horse Powers—VlZ: .
11).11urreWs Patent Improved
• MOYME LP nalp
With a horizontal hand-wheel, with a trunk to cal
duet the strap to the Alachine.
The band:wheel outside or the horses. They an
well caloploted to put to one sideofthe barn bridge
or under the bormsited.
A New and improved Shake
separate .the grain from the straw, which will
dispense with one or two hands, will be made to the
above Maclaine if wanted.
. 2412. 9- 432,Z2Z •
Purchasing , nny oldie above Machines may have the
privilege, after a Mir trial, of returning the same ii
not satisfied. All Machines and horse Powera arc
warranted for one year, if well used. •
REPoll 1? 1011 W.
-All kinds of repairing will be done nt the snortes
notice and on the most reasonable terms. They al
ways keep on hand all castings necessat•y to repair
the above Machines, onany others now in usu.
There is also attached to thcmoove establishment
an IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY, at which all
kinds of CASTINGS' canie. 1nit1,7 7 such as' fipple
Mills, Cern Brakers, astir Brokers, Mill (tear
ing;{ Saw-Mill Cranks, Mu pine Gearino• • Wagon
Boxes, Im: Sm. Also. - - -:- ' •
, . IS„
Such as Mill Spindles, Car• Boxes, Tenting Lathes,
&e.,a1l in the best t order, id iron and brass. .
.' All °Okra IVA lie executed attire shortest no
tice, and peoinpqattetifleil to. .Farm • and others
nra respectfully invited to give us a cal confident
4.1111 t they can beauited to thear satistliction . .
•' ' 'A; . ?STOUFFER CO.
Carlisle, Aug. 10, 1842. : . ' - tr-41
00 - •Planek's, lietiwocid's and Ogle's PLOUGHS
and PLOUGH - CASTINGS,such as Cutters Lamj
sides, Sm. &0., can . nlifolM had at the foundry.
, ,
'subscriber respoilf" ully nfbimwthe pub.
Fir lid at largo, that he has leased the , 'abOVe
tablu3hment, six miles south of Carlisle, fora term
of gears, and the MILL havin g . been receittltie.
;Patred• end • new, machinery introduced, ;he id
therefore' prepared to mannfachlre to orderi'Ort
also has a supply constantly en •
Paper of o ver t' iind.4entlisr,
which lie will Iltrnish printbrfkreyoltiitilliiii
others, aninelmtities'arpilndweitoitiinitti*
All ordtite.liddressed,Xo thipuhscriber,'*Kpor,i
town, cainhorlitint ?oun%, .fieMAirt
ettehthd. ;( (.; 4444'4 .f) ,Wij;f
•-t; 1
!hew , '
-..-,A 4 1.4 4# 4* ; tilltint,fin.lo;
jrijOi ha°4'4oArrobii!Va'llll62i#Chiril
496hanna4.4ehrtheAtulrett 'itnd;.otng; tijotitnining•
'9l l itntititeinn exennte.prderrx , ,!the' utmost
_THE' 7',/01.6,*!•, ? ,,
qiiiiinsseitnifene6l the.rariorni'ltinilit iir-SOnntling
Benrile, Pin nlriPin steringenti Shingling Littint,Porl..
,d6n:Pales;ltii. , ,Atill 46 artrhys*ept reedy forAleliv:••
ern 'and•personeeendingllintnew.Logkin the
can Jerre them sawed no.direetetk , the most real.
minable firma.:':d -
sentoned,elear Steil' are w iii
O'Strant - potteeisnd room in the building, to let.-
I R •
H - DY atone of ili'Oolviirs'and.' authority
a9_lo pontethied •in the list will And testament of
MionAEi;' .EoE,deeM.l'nrow offer for Salo, the
Carlislet..lron Works
Sititaf6d on the Yellow Breeches Creek, .4-i miles
east of Carlisle Pa. Theestate consists era first, rate
202.<33 •
tviSh Tpt 211ousfind cr'es of Land.
A new MERCHANT Ml.l.L7wtili !Interim of stone,
finished on the most approved plod'. - About 500 acres
of the laud um cleared and highly cultivated, having
thereon erected -
Three Large . Bank 'Barns
Lind necessary IM,NANTIIOII.ITSFS. The
works are propelled by the Yellow Breeches Creek
mid the Boiling Speing,which neither fail norfreeze.
-There-mat npowthe-premisesallthe-necessary-work-.
mess houses,
coal houses, carpetittwand smith shops,
aticistablirbuilt of the most tilbstatitial materials.
The ore of the best quality and inexhaustible, is
within 2 miles of the .Furnace There is perhaps
on Iron iVorks il;4'CIIIISViV1131111 which possesses au
perititt advantageit and otters greater hiducements to
the investment of Capital. The water power is so
great that it' might be extended to t.ny other • inanu—
lacuiring purpose. Peesons disposed to purchase
will of titirse examine the property. The terms of
sale will be made knows by
olisie;oct. E n se , ,Egc, deed.
tf-5 1
60 cts. on 100
b.:us &•121 VIERSTIC Ei.
lAyr, just opened their FALL ASSORT.;
Togtther with an extent?* asaoritnent of
Patent Medicines feud Perfumery.
• All of a,hich they will sell wholesale in• reign on
he lint est terds. -
Carlisle, Detiefolier 14, 184'2.-3m.
41-A GOODS, just rtreised and selling loner for
Cueh than ever sold is Carlisle. The supply has
been bologht at the present retkaced city prices, and ,
purchase's will find it decidedly to their interest to
vial before purchasing elsewhere.
November 23, 1812,
7113•: subscriber boo just Opened R lot of New
Goods, em 'gist ing of SUPERFINE CIAYI'I IS,
131ack,Illtie and s Policy colored CaSslmeres, Casi
tiets, all colors and prices. Nierinoes, Mouse de
Laities, Illoves,d I I;civy,,i-4 Drown ST nslins, for a
levy, 4-1 bleached to lily a lip, FlanueJs froin 30 to
25 rests, with a variety of other gootisotll of whieti
will be sold at very Pew price's to suit the times.
S. Al.
Owlish!, October'", 1842,
84 0 0 / 1 1: . T . Tins .!'„r
HENIII L. ELDER, 403 ALlrket
Philadelphia, Importer mot Dealer in Foreign
anti. Domestic, Data' Ware, fitkes this metlital of in
forming his friends enstomers of Cumberlatid
county., that he has received a large and splenititt,as4
sortment of
19 L
n 1.1-12-CIM E
direct IromiEtiglnd, together with a gineral assort
meat of DOMESTIC D WAR E, direct from
the manufacturers, all of whittle has been selected by
himself and agents with great eare,expresly for Ins
own sales. 'laving purchased his present stock all
for Cash,tmd at greatly reduced prices, it will en
able him to sell a - . prices lower than any other store
in Philadelphi ,
it" - Call stun ecamine,the Bargains yourselves.
P. S. Cumberland Nails at $3 41 u Keg' ! !
Atwater Nails at $3 f.. ) 0 a Keg! !
February 1, 1843,
.D2ll illib'so43 3-Qtllll,
..;v 0 ; 771 " : 11arket Side- - --above Second
re oods for Cask—at Auction prices,z4
subscribers have determined to
conduct their 1 / 1 161i1C89 upon the CASII
and will sell their Coods - ns low, if not at a lower
ginde or profit, than has heretofore been done in
Philadelphitg—not one article reduced very low, in
the expectation of making it up on oilier (touts
but their prices shall Infalreorresponding low. Their
prices wilt be governed hrtheAuction rates—sell
ing at thetstime pekes, nett:Cosh, its the Auctions do
on time—contenting themselves with the Interest
for the time as their Profit. This cannot but'present
it strong Inducement for buyers, especially from the
Country, to call onsthem in preference to purchasing
at Auction, Where treetops do not get' the time din.
cotmt, unless their hills reach a certain amount, to
which amount it is net always convenient for COM.
tre• Moyers to purchase; and it will Also avoid the
aisadvantage of large lots, an :I afford me.o time to
They design to avail themeelvesitesory
in both the New York as well-ss-the Philadelphta
Auctions, in pm:ming - their goods at the lowest pos.
Bible - rates'
We now respectfully invite our, friends and the
public to the freseitf Experience in thus matter, he
tug the hest way to 0611Villee them of the truth of our
proniise. : JOHNSTON, BUM & CO.
Phila. March 8:1841 19.
Mechanicsburg Line
oe: 4*:H i,c 3-1 :;:;g: . ;01.1ei4a:1: 314; :bi#6 7 4 and
PhiladeV „ Lila or Boilltinore.
(BY R,411: ROAD,OR 0.4.7,44.14
eubierlUer grateftil for' paaf,favore,ltege
to fpform , ,lfiti t.luf.pplrhe
T. 70440
generally,• Ithut ho eflacontlnues • to run a line of
burtheo Caii•regn!arly. between , Meahaiiicabarg
and , Philadelphid or', Math:Qom, by' which goods
and produce, of all descriptions . 404*0/warded
wlfh;tap? ; :ind Oeiplatilgtya../914.091 ,Fl4os of
dlaight.; ,
ProducWWlll be.reedynd it hie%Ware Houit,in
Mechanicalangc , vand forwarded in',,:ieither Philo:
delphifreii,Paltinfore; a°4or O l il .l4l 4l'dikcqiim I
of the owner.. - 0; ,5 • 4:: , • •
4 4 11 : : :" 1.16 Ugliest ba 4 - given*, for iirh'eat
and . Flotiro
Payris awl SitililWayilkeid
r# l .lo*?
5.04. 6;k;144.04tirt 'l"‘NbaSottokeki.i.a,i.o,/:l4s,
• ,
too `Nalousicgt
_C~'` of - : ^~~o
- .Vet:lona of theLir)erolethnia;:Bronobi*; , :ritin*
'wawa elle:Rreate . Or lutigiNThrolik'
,Coisqui,:Pleursay,lAmoiTake of the Lunge, an!! ,
}'affection of Oeleylejoitar.l'„oreatli_,-,:
tirsidatua or," Wibl Eheyry Bark i!!combined
the .cli*t.. of Tar t prepared _ by a new ehetnieli
E t
process, ap p roved stadliceOminende . d by'the
distidiubilted "physielrinii and tiniversallyncleitow-:.
!edged the most valuable medicine ever iieeteeered•
In' settingforth the virtnes of this truly gr,eat-tife
dicine, we have ne deitirelo'deenive those ,who are
laboring under afiliotion,inai'd6 Ode With to enloglie
it -more than it justly, deseryss. Yet when we look
neountltand see the vostatiftiunt o suffering and dim
tress' occasioned by reftWOrt diseases which'
this medicine has proved a highly _ successful., we
feel that We cannot urge its ,too 'Strongly, or
, .
say too much in its favor:' - • -
Various remedies. it is true have been offered anti
puffed into notice 'for the : cure of diseases of the
ungS, Mid' some have no- doubt been found very
Useful, but of all that hate:yet been diienvered, it is
admitted by physician and all who have witnessed
its effects, that none has proved as successful as this.
Such ; indeed, are the .. _ .
Of this Balsam, that even-in the advanced stage of
Como stralost, after all the most esteemed remedies
of physicians have failed to effect any channe the
use of this -medicine has been' productive of the
,Ltiost astonishing- relief, and aCtuaby eftVeted cures
..aller_allhopescif,cecovery had-beemdespaired of.-
In the first stages of the disease;termed "Catarr
hal Consumptiditi" originating - from neglected Colds,
it has - been used with undeviating success, and lam
' dreds acknowledge they owe the restoration of their
health to this invaluable medicine alone; In- that
form of Consumption so prevalent amongst delicate
young females, commonly termed debility; or
A complaint with which thousands arc lingering, it
has also proved highly thecessfid, and not only pos
-139M1R the power of checking the progress of this
:alarming complaint, but also :strengthen and,
orates the system mnre.effectually than anymedi
eivieweletve-e.ver possessed,
. Besides its surprising efficacy in Consumption, it
is equally efficacious in Liver • Couttdaints, asthma,
Ilrnichitis, and till affections of the Lungs, and has
cared many of the most obstinate cases, after every
other remedy ball failed. (r.•;-For particulars see
Dr. Wistar!s Trdise on Consumption, to be hail 0"
the Agents. • .
At'etuling the use of this medicine in diseases of
th.. Lungs, and the Many_ singular cures it has ef
fected, having naturally attracted the monition .pf
many' physicians; (as well as the whole fraternity of
•Miacks)variousconyeCtures and 511 :riTilgeS1V6i1:111 . 4C11
respecting . its t.onsposition ;' some physicians have
suppos9l it to contain lodide, other ignoraut 'motet).
tiers say It must contain -1/ereury, and to some such
substance they each attribute its singlilar efficacy,—
As such opinions are altogether erronetms, and cal
culated to prejudice many persons against it, we •
That - it contains-nothing of the--kind, _or any_thing
the least injurious; nil the contrary, it is composed
,of themost simple substances, the principle of which
are the eitracts TAIL and 11 Cherry Bak,
and the whole.. secret of its ellienty consists in the
mode by which they are prepared. -
As we have already published numerous certifi
catcs front the highest authority,• which prove its
virtues beyond all doubt, we consider it unnecessary
to inhibit at long list of t h an in this place, and will
poly' mention a few eases, to show what it isie t tione•
A SUItPIitSING CURE.—Among the many
singular , cures which this medicine has erected,
there is perhaps none in which its powers are so
fully shown as in the case of Mrs. Austin.
• This laity, Ball been consumptive for several Years,
and during the greater part of thiatime had leeched
tile best medical :mafiosi, and tried all the most
vainahke remedies, yet nothiog could' be Maud to
arrest its in-ogress. She became subject to violent
fits of coughing, exln ctorated large quantities of
matter occasionally tinged with blood, and step hv,
step this learfoLdisease_coidinued-its-course;mitil
all hope of a recovery was entirely despaired
While in this distressing situation, lingering upon
the very verge of the grave. she commenced-the-use
of this Itole,ahn, which, to use her own expression,
operated almost like a disrm. In a few days she
expectorated freely,,the cough waligradually sup
pressed, aluLeverS' day annietireil to add fresh vigor
to herlofiks, WI now, in the place of that emaciated
feirM withering to decay, she is seen minglii? in
society, in better health than she has enjoyed' ro
DISiNTERESTEb • TESTIMONY.---1 laving witnensed
the surprising efficaey of Dr. iVistar's - Ilalsalncof
Wild Cherry, in. the ease of Mrs. Austin, I cheer.
fully acknowledge the above statement to he true
and correct. J. C. W ',Lulls, M. D.
Woodstown, Sept. 4, 1841.
Dear Sir—utlthough your invaluable medicine has
already found hundreds of powerful advocates, it'
mai , still he gratifYing won to receive aeommuni
cation front any one that has been relieved by it.
Such, Sir, is truly my case: I have been ft victim
to that terrible disease ConsuMption, for many.
mouths, 3nd have seffered so much, that I had be
come almost weary of my lifb. Hearing your
Ilabadm so highly praised, I began Inking it a few
weeks back, Mid can assure y ma it has relieved me
more than any thing. I have ever used Wore, and I
confidently believe it will cure me effectually. Please
give the bearer the ittorth of the euclosed.and oblige
Yours Respectlidly, • Jotifi-PkAaties-..---
----- Chester County, Sept. 6,1341.
Friend Wistar—li gives etc much pleasure to in
loran thee that my wife's health has improved - very
much since she has . been using; thy Missile of Wild
Cherry, and we think there is no doubt but that it
will cure her. She lets taken the, two bottles I pur
chased front thee a skirt time since, nod her cough
is Much better .she also sleeps well at night, and
saes slue has fotinn noticing to give her so much re
lief. bee will please give the beater two bottles
more for -Thy 'Z tdcud,
• liosiAno HOLMES.
Lancaster Ounty,July 18,1841.
Dear Sir—Please send me two bottte's of yohr
genuine Ilniselm of Wild Cherry.-1 - have bean af
flicted with Consptaptinn-for - the last two years, and
sulfered very_mucfr with a severe 'cough, paihs in
my heeast - rdifficulty of breathing, night sweats, &c.,
attilhaving tried numerous remedies, and also been
order several doctor,. yet I could not find any thing
to relieve me until I used some ofyour Halsatin.• I
got one bottle from &neighbor of mine wild is using
it, and hate Ulna such wonderful relief from it that'
I have no doidit it will cure me effectually.
Very respectfully yours, &c.
, , lloaawr,lloaarall.
g•Reail the following Trolls Dr. Jachlr , ifolfman,
p tysician of extensive practice in 'Huntingdon
county: . , ' • •
Dear Sir—l Procured one bottle of Dr. Wistar' s
fl o w n , of, Wild cherry, from Thomas Redd, r, m ,
of this place, and 'tried it in a ease of obstilitity
Asthma ou in child of Paul Schwebie, in which man
other remediess had been tried without - any relief
The Balsaftu pave sudden relief, and its my opinion
the child is effectually cured by its use. ,
Yotirr,,Bte. • ' :JACOV frorrsatt,lf.
December 29. d, JAM. • ' , '; • • • •
• • •
Dear Sir---Your Balstilm of, Wild Cherry haanr:
reojed some astonishing eures-here. 'One of:which
iS an old lady; Mrs. Russell; who Ind beewiliiirerlng
f or giongliipe, with shortness of breathing, tend gen.,
eral •ti ,, .nlitiess, until she wxi 81)411j - obliged td' Keep
her bed, - -After urioas 'ether remedial had been
resorted to iMialitislte edtmaelaceditudligYold9346'
''salm,iind after taking two bottles, woes° tat recover
ed as to -1)0;61°16 attend to all the'duties of 'her
house, and'ontakieg two bottles inure lies eittirely
eitred: ..6 1 .12eSpeetrally, , 8te • - ••*‘t
; •'• ilot;ei 8, C4fAirriti'
:.,. +Politville, Pa, • • '' '''' ' `, 7 : 7 "-C . l'- *
~ cAuTION.,,,A a ther e As 'a
called &graft sfini.4l • '..nint.',l,tsii,i'grittaia,,,-;
've ltr tl ? °l4° * lt sgrature at; gie p.qi,<,,,,
o f t '., and ' ili t ° 7 4 l , 4 ll , . <\. 'lp
r‘ ,, s,e , ' , . al 1;4. It.ooiiioNamtioldkv ' it , ..
11 ` 1* P;VI ju ii:, OttEtVi# IP.I ki'fr
Ottel 4 Y" I _i,11.&,., `er,t , ‘N,l,fk4.! fi t
Str:et; iling'w"'"'t i...-: .., -
09/410-Pliltßofiti Tifi
~,,, i-f-q641 00. 1 4 , v -, Flif' iiit t iVil;
:' eng*ltii*Vi
t o . , ,n 4 ,,.. ~i n. to^
alii„._.kqe. ~,. wtv
r7._ . ..---------- .
, ------•:• SAPSAPP.R I LL A . --
LIIL 000 1 14 . 1 . :Co i , 41 -'
lL "" • ' -."
• ' , ..'7: - - IJQ'. - 2 ;iCNits It 13 ill\'. "::')
'Be •LElll)lr.'.
tilktg'• ttidAit"6asuret ailiMuneing 16 the,. public:
that, his valuable Medieities:recelve2lleittPP.
bmtioccor Abe
being...0.490d ,Of ; ingredients' yhtch are .linotin tei"
the proftissitthondK y 'iheMoat
respeetable physicians, to- , ; theiivputmitts:: fact :
• . R gPtrM.T.lO,* FOR,BY:EI?'
rapwell . as cause dienicto ernplefetl' by all' wills
tlian die pieriarationseic quacks aitd ln4ostitra.
0,3'1.3 1 1T-ArD.RTION'S
!vice bean published freitietitly, the pillicesifriim ;
.: • ' Pbyslisiansand
4 Atemhersot . , • ; .;
1 1 ospectable private citizens, and among:them many
of the most distinguished inesithers of, ehOrches
; and other institutions,
in reference to 15r. Lc.idyss Medicine'', and it
Worivithe numerous'cefrti eatenand ib_hop
having been; Imbi far tied near, that all that ;
necessaryis:pow is to keep their befotif th 6 public. ;
that they. may be reminded of them; when:l.ooy may
obtained genuine- 4e. &c, •
Disc of the moil valuable is
. "
. Sarsaparilla Blood Pills..
• These eelebratediPills are daily recommended in
Diseases of .the Stomdch . Impurities of the Blood,
and Bowels ; ' generating diseases.
- BillionsAffations, • ' tfie Sionmedi, Liver,
Habitmil Costiveness, • • Heart,the Spleen,Kid •
Indignation, Flatulency, neys, Bones, &c.
Want of Appetite, Ulcerous' Sores of the
SOurness of the Stomach, Nose, Throat &Body;
Waterbrash, Heartburn, Scaly, Eruptions . mid
Foul and offensive breath, Blotches of the Skin;
Bad fastein the mouth, Dry and. watery pimples
Inward Pains, PLIIIIB Of the of the fare and body.;
Stomach, the Sides, and Headache, Giddiness,
along, the Back; Scrofula, Erysipelas,
Rheumatic Polositiout, Glandular Affections.
Constitutional diseases, produced by Mercury and
.other : mineral.prepnrations, as well as the dangerous_
consequences resulting from,the improper treatment
of Syphilis, &c-Ue„',
• 'Ft+ Life of the Flesh is in the Blood."
• ' • - Leviticus, ch. XXII,v. 11.
• Be yi;purifital in your Blood,
• And health will attend you.
The great principles advocated lily br. Leidy, and
-in which he is supported by- scrivture, are
Ista That vitality, is contained in the Blood.
2d. The Blood, becoming vitiated or impure,giveS
rise to numerous diseases of the organs tit the body,
thulium - inch, the liv
ll e.p, the heart,
At intatecer. has t elleet.of purifying ,the_
Blond , possessesthe power of rt,estublishing
Cul ni.tion to the tinily.
'flint Purgation sind &aviation, or, in other I
words, pnrging to fiat, extent. that is too frequentiE
done, and at the mine time enjoying• low diet, ante
abstinence from Moil almost entirely, areproihictive
of mach more mischief than is generally supposed,
and in proof of it will only remark, slat
By Purgation—The human systenals more orless
debilitated; or the_sery_,siunple reason that in the
.process of purging all is carried iiffiliiin - tinFirlitinctilt
whicliTnourishment is derived and distributed
throughout the sYstem.
By. Staryation-”Nourishmeittis absolutely with
held from the system's° necessary to it, both Ibr sus
taining vital Henan mid aiding nature in hearing up
against that progress of disease. •
!force the consequences of too-touch purging, and
emitiilucd diet to produce such 11 condition
of the syitem as Will ennoble disease to make 11111 re
rapid progresti, and extend it e sulf the more ensily,suid
in a brief trine throughout til t system.
AdMitting the foregoing, t e becomes rimiest:try to
inquire how Is the Blom) to b purified ? myth is em
piny lug the Means, how is the system to lye guarded
against any serious consequences ?
'Tie easily answereth , .
—l , cm all your ills.
Leidy's Blond Pills.
These Pills 7operate gently, though eftenstly
hey do not produce 'wai til
t rstionof the systeimas min
Its do.
They require rectraint either, from.ocettpatiott
or the regality mode - or fear need lie ( . 11-
il . llBllll'd ol: taking cold ti . olll 01191 . use, and may be
taken at all times, by yoluig•mnl old, without inter ,
luring with any .other medicine that may have been
/Mese Tilts areprepsred 011.1 y, nail sold „wholesale.
and rt.tnil, at
LE11)1"S Health Emporium,
_ No. 191 N. '2,1 at. helow•Vine
(Sizn of the Golden Eietle and Stutpents,),lltila.,.,_
110,1": •
discount to a linle , ale dealers.
Leitly'; Mood fills are also sold in all the
principal cities and towns thyntiglmut the Chuirm,Bl,(l
by tunny respectable storekeeperg throughout the
sale, in Carl; sle, by— •
' Atr,enia for Ciunberlaucl County.
Carlisle, De0.'21:1842.. • iy-8
plc as these complaints are usually considered,
no ono can deny their being the most common
cause oft his fatal and distressing disease: t-is
indeed a melancholy truth, that thousands fall
•vietims to Consumption eVery year froldna other
cause than neglected colds. Yet we find hun
dreds, nay-thousands who treat such complaints
swithAhe_greatestindilfercnee, and let them run
on for weeks and even months without thinking
of the danger. At first you have what you may •
consider a slight cough or cold; you allow busi,
floss, pleasure or carelesimess to prevent you from
giving it any attention; it then settles upon your
breast, you become 'hoarse, have pains in the
side or chest, expectorate large mimitities of mat ,
tor t perhaps mixed with blood, a difficulty, of
breathing ensues, and then you finif-your own
foolish neglect has brought nn this distessing
complaint. „If then you value life or health • be
warned in 'time, and don't trifle with your dorm,
or trust topny quack nostrum.. to curo you, but•
immediately procure a bottle or .two of that fa
mous iemedy, the "BALSAM OF WILD.CIIERRY,I! i
Whiell.iS well known to be the most speVd - y - Pure
ever known,as thousands, will testify whose lives
have bean saved by it. •
' ID'Be very particulai when you purchase to
ask for "Dr. IViSTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD Crucrtierif
as'theru'is also a oyaur of this numd in use,
Prepared, wholesale and retail, by WiwAste
& Co., amulets, No, 39 South Fourth stied,'
Philadelphia. • •
Sold in Carlisle by .
' Mice One Dollar a Bottle.'
Juno 22,. 1842 t ti
nail-OTHERS, BE., 170 i YOUR. :GUARD!."
Int' This is the, season ; when this destructive
complaint attacks your intoicating little childron 4
often rater you ofithose you fondly doat . on;Und
carries , hundreds' to the • grave. ' Every . mother.
should therei'cire,‘knori its symptoms, watch them'
clOsely; and altinys be prepared
~ with 'terredy
as Many are; daily saorifteed by spill ne4lect, '. At.
first the little patient laicized w shtverir*, 4 ;
red, itrid a iiallen; it *tithes with di ftioqlth. and
then comda that felteulP4on'that
kiFileathuniekieiiMethilig is ,
thitiot)ii)telti4 ;
the "BaLiattvop , Wifd Cherry" ist4Or 40 7 0 1 *
gtettiouptpmedy. , -milOatt43;;
enre oirtirkfliiir
sqtaWro . #oo;lt
? . 1 '
liliE.4l4lro ati:PitOftic.(he : Cue:f
of,g6ligjit4,Caldß i 044pffiiition,L1401: Com
plaints, Bronchitis, gem Throat,. Dri•-
er;Brinittl, -- ;'?(oi_eiht.tht ;Biae,
Ihhillable'euraijund ell Bearletin43,lliOll4l,ol,
:Mid all Misemiecurisingi ,
hility, no - matter lent, etAMOillg - 7AO fact
diseasek, theiniteen flied& areallbjittlia.
' Theem• tithe unsirnaceed lit.any • niedibil
compound eiterefteiedto the publielisaritertiltg;;:"
family They "i • itru'llet*,•
ge In`w that ~oporathm,..ellusilit neitlier
- sickeesV Mit ;debility: hy the use et . thein; but en
thtfientiarYtthey, stretigtlich aid
howels'in a. Wouditait marinef, - stf'sticinli nesters
nature 10 itifformeiceithie - and viter,' The' per: •
spu'iusinir the , Olive litrimch soon ifoitets
that he, sick.-which:
for: there hi,,niat- s that iroatratiori strengthl4, ,
these pills aeln many othei iefne'di l es - hfilf dityi •
because the nuitetials used in mbnufacturing them.:
are in'haxtriony with' the -- , - petvers of kite and and act
in concert with' the otiipiorui of Brciiilo3nsh,
Armstreng, - Cllontg'omery; • inersi3y,,
pi:upper, and„ it'd:, celebrated Dr, iWeterhourt
formerly Lecturer an iho •,Ifiaary,anikln4atkaa or_
pilsie in Cambride&Bhiveriiity,"Massaelitistita• '
Porch 440, Of. them;; d them a, !kW ehd
Partial trial, aluf yolievill find that , peirnantoKrP4
lief,•upciii,', - Which thiuproprietore !
theta , . the Most universal. family end Whieli will stand unrivaled - by , anY'dther
he knOWn World; Price 25 'cents pei box,
Is eke of the moat certain and - effectual mares fl,At,
all rhemmitic,:ehrofice and inflihnntate rtßhititim: •
fibres that - has clier yet been - , discovered, add iu
numerous. casesihas eradicated that dreadful oils:
case 'from persons afflicted entirely. All emu'
.drinks_ - .end_.vicuitalS--ire-strictly-forbiddenotnit:'
spiritone liquors must not,be taken inwardly, by
any means whatever, or it will be of no, use to
take this medicine, as it Will 'clesttoT the iicsad
facts of the medicine entirely.. Price $450 per'
package. . " •.. • '
10 4 '
These celebrated drops have acquired the , higli.,
est recommendations in this .country, as well,as
Jn Europe for its most valuable proprieties for ail
inward weaknesses,cramps,colds,agues , and fever;
and when used with the Olive Branch PiHomelier
cure the fever and ague. Price 25 cents
per bottle.
le unrivalled for its curative qualities even.wher4
used in cases of maladies which were otheiiviss
incurable. Many recontiltndations,-heve been
given of the beneficial effects it has had hi the
cure'of pleurisy, pectoral and pulmonary e'en:
sumptions, colds, &c.. Pileo2s cents per bottle
This most excellent article has a quality of
calming instantly and without fail, all cramps of
the stomach, cholic and that troublesome disease
called inother fits or hytiterics; and when continu
ed ler some length of tune, will cure the patient
entirely. Price 25 cents per vial.
A certain cure for all Scalds, Brost &reef
and the most effectual cure fur- the will
cure the person afflicted in a very short time, if
usctl according to directions. Price 25 cla•Ver
- - - - -
This spirit .is highly rcerkonuended for all
sprains, swung of the Mobs, or leaders; sinews ;
jails , and •rign inatici as an outward remedy, it has
nee nal,and when used with the Rheumatic Medi.
tine, will greatly facilitate the cure. The an,
nualsofyistory do not produce Rs-equal, andl!.is
the- greatest preventive against. cold, in the
ltnown World. For particulars see directions acc ,
panying the bottles. ?rice 25 cents..
- An infallablo cure if used accortliog
lions. Price 25 cents per vial.
• Is decidedly the best application f
and sores, old or new, of all .hinds, pry '
vent if . Used in time, many operations,.
vent Lock Jaw, Pains in the Back, Head, ~
Females who are somnfortmmte to have
breasts, and will uSe this wonderftl,lsalve,if.-
eurOin very short sh time, It cannot be too higi.
y recommended. For further portieularasee three;
dons, Price I'4 cents per box. • ,
:An excellent articlo.fbr the cur.^ of worms in
adidts us *ell as children, and will-curo whim
other remedies fail. Price 14 aunts per:box.
--A superiora rtielO for Coughs, Colds,gore-thront,.—
Bronchitis and difficulty of breathing. Price O
cents per box,
Snld wholesale and retail, nt the principal office,
No, 384, North :id street, Philadelphia; and by
1011 N GRAY, Carlislei Pa. I
General Agent fur Cumberland County.
Juno 22, 1848, ly. 4
AND ifyou have a friend, a relattoiciiiiiitriv
any one tharis afflicted with that distressing'
disease, "CONSUMPTION,"persuade them with.
out delay to try that famous and unrivaled medi.
eine; the
‘ 6 l:labarn of Wild.Cherty,”
which has cured thousands of this complaint mi
ter everything else had failed. Read the follow-•
ing undoubted proofs of its efficacy:. , '
Roxsormuon, Scpt.A 0 1841.
Penn Sia:--Plcuse send - rue two more liottleiot
your Balsam of' Wild Cherry, like that yonsent.
me before. I, have taken nearly all of the Mit two,.
and confidently believe this - medicine
I have used a great' ninny remedies *.within the
last year, but have never found nuttbing that ha*
relieved me so trisch..''' It hae . Stoppecl' . sny (sough
entirely, checked .my night' sweats, and I Sleep
better at night and feel better iti,every" way, than
have tor many nitmths. Yenta; respectfully, ,
oistuscits, - gept,12,1841.
FRIEND WI STAR :,441IiiEll ,
send me two bottleiniort? . .o.fillay luvaluable Bal.
Sam.. I have now, tultenAlirett loonies 4,lfild
-cap assure thee that .it hiti . donc mare than the medicine I have eves' take St. before 4 fmnil
hy the slags - as soon as . possiblei. and oblige Ofj
friend,. Jam* Ilemotso:
ihmroz, sokt:k . ]ag.
D.Ai 1 5 0amt , --iloaxi t i g • no many pcorde talk
of the wonderful cures ypAr Balsam of ,Wild Cher
ry has Made.* COnuttulptiMix'/ "lint., to one of
your Agouti the othse day for a tnittleil , ind ...have
found it to have relieved me, sool4oohatiligult
three bottlei pore sent soon L itaX 'litiyp„it, will
cure inc toii.','',• .1' hive ailed 4tlytfte: lipotokiiiit
ti t
and other medicines besides; hut;titi in . ipaidatie much giNid. , 4l46 younpAiiirk
~, A . !...t0i the
iesteamboat Bolivar. • " ...I.' , Y,R, tub , w
..,,,.,, ' ,r-lA . 4l.lalia• oaks. I ,
c " , : on Wir ku jl e Cti ti 4l ; n i s r • is it 4l. l3 , Ar
o fo t h ino i_sh i f . „ . y . :l 46 j i lu• H y
ever:discovered ...f,r L,V 1 i1KR,,..?" .„& „ Atik,,,..1NT5,,,,
ASTUNA; BR , , : TAlt WA, ' l3 ' 1 4 1 5.pe1k7.;
WIIbOPING' 0 a ,aool 4 ski 'R . %MIR* tde. ,
tify who.havelitti4 , :*rtlie,d bj"'"o . RART.: 1 ,41.4:1141.b rtilrio:
Veit bad fpilede;' ,. .:;f,•:.l , di:, , fjP‘' , .. li.10:1 . 4 6i, -- ,.• . ,;(4,i,f4. , '
`Medicine a valuable addltlonAOlhar .44,0 4 ,!0i n d
ohoiild always hieoA...t7lliik4.4iitotilvvro•
- 4i'iYi'''l64s(f - 01.!if$40:ortptekolkook ,
. ... - ,
1 . ~,