4.2 1 , •,'..,:,,'; •.,.,.:',",:iffiA1iZ111491,,.1i3.0.A,,,'i,,,.,,....,,.,;.:.,, ~~; t) . .4 ~~ <.... - „ i , Itift*kto,the.rifrtrisien of it , Nntional bonstentiou •-• M CRA IC UHIG ;rPfIINCIPISt p: olUnisbirtEglek, : • : t 4 , 506nd National -Currency . ..regulated ttttttttttt ‘lYl.ll.,llrld4uthority °flit) Vation, ~ ft adequate kenfentCe.,.uqui . raj: riotoottoh to ,t.Arrifiriden t •• • - , tik;4o...restidints; on. the Est:Cul:we power,,en. bracing n furthei I..strictiorfOte the oxercian of • :slafilithfitladmlnistration of the public.dotnalm with an.quitablti distrilandion of, the proceeds of Miles - of it among all the Stated.' 15. - An henest :and . econond l eal• administration of the G i eneral Government, leaving public :officers' ~'.perfeet triedem of thmight 'and of the right of '• sufilage; , but•with - suitable restraints 'against , improper interference in elections. ,• , , tf. An amendment to” tho''Constitution, flaking :,the,inctmberit of the Presidential officelo a armoire •rfari. , These, objects attained., I think that we should tease to s bo afflicted 'with bad administration bf the Gorernmatit.=. - -HENtte CLAY. • "L' Egribsdillmok. IreTit'ose of our Subscribers who did not pay cellectorin his late excursion through some" parteof.the tounty,...are earnestly requested ylo Make:paYment ali early-. am possible. Wo make thip call,in the earnest hope that it will lie prompt.• ly attendedio. The expenies of our__establish. meet aro very considerable, and we look to our Shbscribers alonc; Tor the means of meetirrg thim 'We hope thetwill not disappoint our expects. Lions., Those whohave paid will please“aceeriV yt warmest (hanks.. lcrSubseribers to the Herald who Tilde in other counties and Statmare also requested to re, nit the amount !due as on their •subscriptions, Which they can for Ward by mail at our They will recollect.that 'by a law of the P. 0. ` C qlePartrnent POStmaslers are autherizeil to frank all letters' containing remittances to publishers of newspapers.; . • • ' r 'Salo ,ofilic.idain lea synopiis of the hillpaesed by the last Le. kislat t ir2rfOr thesale of the main line of our State Improvements, will . bo .found in nmiey's paper. Although it is three'weeks since the hill vas passed, aid although not a single dissenting voice 1 1 has been hoard against it from Irma{ the people, the Governor his not yet announced his myth , deeision,whether-itshalt - becomma — laaror ntal=l-- We consider the'juigliog of the °overeat with, 'regard toihis bill as the crowning act of base do . - idicity,frem,onepf the most makes political des peradoes of the agcy., It will be recollected that the Governor visited Philadelphia two - days ,- ,alter : thiradjournmentl his stay in the city the Public Ledger. which is is Iltirnt of semiofficial organ of Porter. Tylerietn, ihrionneed; as •it said, on the Afeles t ;authority, that tho' bill for the sale of the Main line would positively become a law. Immediately . : iapon this announcement, the public expectation was excited and the rate of stathatock rosoin the PitiladelPhia market from $45 to 50 a share! Not,. Withstrindiog,ihis authorized declaration, the hill iie.nat yet signed: adding another to the many infamous deeopthins which have' been practised ' i npon.the Legialatute and the people of Penney]: vqpict,!:ty.pno of the mostabandoned demagngue . s' that es;or , disgraced the . Executive Chair of the • Delaware Canal COinpany. The Philadelphia Ledger says that the tniseloners appointed under the act "to authorize 'the Governor tolincorPorate the Delaware Canal Company," &c., met at the Merchants' Exchange :nn Saturday evening and re s olved that the books for subscription to the capital ate.* of the Coin- -pang bo opened at tiffs Exchange on the first day I . Vfiune neit ''his work having paid to, the State last year several thousand'dOlare over and above 'oil expenses, Will doubtlessly he hien according . ;. 'to the terms' of the Act authorizing its dispoial. . . Clinton , : cottty Whig,• published at - ,t,ock Haven, states, that , Mr.-,Wilber,.Colleetor, of toils - at Dunnaburg,.Pa., is a defaulter to the "State for the last.year tilOnC l , of three thousand 'dollars. Hero is tinether'eviderido of the manner irCihich the office holdeWtilong the etiniti have ~ '- a gitindered the people's Money. . • • 0 3 4 Rieberd S,..Elliott t,. the , "Tyler patty' 'Ol t Daqphin ,ceprillikac, keen apeoinied . ono tif legion'lX'Ardelo tficGniOtnet• - prr r ennsylvap . ..! If Dick is goiqg among 'the Dettswetamies what, 'PM, he crane*ritli - Die Ala:s11101' Tithe'oiEce he 'istelYAtt hofiriha Accifitnitio be:i;ited bypro.i.'y ligt.lciiekiinsiplioltninentitlany rite! . • ; *yea* a go 'under Mr. 'tian - Bareti, the etiypoit et the United' !~tpl ° njncut pare, In ro~inii niiettiots 011' , : . :Attielp0 Jlexcee4 y fl 1 1 : papers Oat Wordbo Off iudgf ed by setters fr9Ox.INKRubCII, Tili# 4 4beltAo:9tqoNtn , tP *00,,,t4t, bi,the de a th YlF;rl,l,7#4l e ArT i ri7,l: l 44o l 4P.ctlr4 N9:,, , Srlitcetilie;rlo l ,oearlE , to fitmalC.7 l P,f. - Woiffrett,f4: . tor not! will . iv 4 10 1 $ 0;1441 0 54 t440 4 4 h OOh mAd g re. 1414i0l qt.; ~:ER ;":.~jl "+:.~ pair iiln* )lIYYMWi ~~~ ~~':ria, i*i. ~. .i ~~ Z L .. MM. I ';4; /4311. 0 4 , ,i 1 .4.64 i i) , fi ' , 114—At1 . ..Y . 1 . - - .,'WKV4iA;lO?*:,.'. ..',.,6 , 0ii , 10t4,14iii Il a kftti;#lfrA.J.,, ;lost e AssieOf thii7Sieletuteliill,.#lii , oll, ii.,-; 6ill g ft'cenditioli4Ale''ln:lea**if tlfaiiejattildie; end aisoentharliing the: Giniginer, to' inee4rete Ahe•poieliniiitiiVer , aleeieest •"intlee,thntitleeethe. 0f,401,1*i-C44/010,4;".0!Al,O'a ICti - ftb4, ivrl l i Pits Ll'; ,;6 t ,, tafffillifie.phl,,t,lin,,-1.4..4/i- 3 1 . „ The l iillitself . being tee liiiiolniiitienin j3er,coluterie,•%ve give in .1106,,ef.it the",following: dondensatirin ef its provisions ' : •:-. ~, ' • '7Tlici , firit eection,of tbe ti'at'apPoints eenetriber of:CernieleiliniCiiii',inifiYlior..!** 6 oshill.CO - Or'-' belcirei)tit'efiret,,'day24:olzOti/Acr , :ile e itt;;;PlPdvire : 8 9A 1 0. 1 e books9 3o3lo ,,4:ojofii i iel i A d at4. 1 . 1 9,44 , 1P.:; clienne.P..schenge9'iniMiliadelphiaoted, ukyttich other: places as riot ''he 4)0034 :b7,,ila Am.• s miesioners in which shall 46 - ,,enterect the e riaina's' of sebecrib'pril tette; e piftehaiii'ef , theeliifild public works,' and :tIT ith'ilber . iifillil4 l ot,,eifiielY;Whieli: each; one overall& tehe. ' e;l%S.:lslll4',:bo„.ilis'isjioilld: be, kept open: at ~leest slit > hours dti,ie,o,lii-,iu0. 16 , - cg,leyibe space of twenty l dny,eor,,itetib,tlio . e, ih'iit hive hah inbscrihed one hundred nnd'elOy; thousand shares, the pride of:Caoh'l'ibrire:being' one hundred defiers t' and it tit'. the eirpirtitioh' of twenty' day'sAhe wh'ole• e nember tifejnirea• are not ioilistriliedluii , thirPosmissionersi ; may-adjourn. from . tintoje ,-. .ytnacond piece tp 'place,. and traiir:t for the books elitiwlere,,intil the' whole number; of one, InAnOrK t ili,eiltind,sbarps . shall he sub scribed; entrWhen:the-whole number of shares are siitiser,Thad'fiii;'the baoke shall be cloned. '', When onnheundrodYind-thirty.ti;ouisand aharos shall , ,have been eubscriberffori.the.-„Cominission ,.. . era are to•trive public notion of that fact, . . ..„. and,that the su bscribers will be require d within , ~. . ~ , • . • , pay ninety days ftern'the data of such notice, lo to the State Treasurer the aniounte respectively subscribed by them, or to tiithafer'to„,ilie Coin, monWealth of Penheylvanta, certificates of - the State Loan, which will be received at par value in payment of the stOck,,euhaeribrid fin... When ono hundred and thirty thousand shares are thus suh scribed and paid for, the Governor is,autliorized,• by the second section of theact, to ine"orporatc the riebseribers into a body politic, corporate in' deed and in law, by the naive style and title of , thp, " Pennsylvania Canal and Railroad 'Compo ny,4lenjoy all the immunities and privileges of a b y corporate. The remaining sections of the act relate prim: cipally, to the internal Government of the corpo ration. The commissioners are required as soon as may be, after the Iciters•ptitent are granted, to appoint -a time and plaeo_for the stockholders to meet to choose directors., If less than one hun dred and sixty thousand 'sharealinve been taken,- the number-orldlrectarti'ii fixed at eight ; if one hundred and iixty, thousand shares era taken,' the. , Board of Directors will consist of twelve—all stockholders-and owners of et keel fifty chutes. The - stockholders are required to meet on the first - . Monday in December annually to dent die rectors, and they. may at the same - time make, alter, or repeal any bylaws or regulations of the cOnipany'. Any stockholder shall be entitled for every- share, not 'exceeding two shares, to ono vote; for every two shares above,mo shares and not exceeding_ ten eliares, ono votej and for.evcry. five shares above ten shares, one' vote; pone but actual shareholders are entitled to a vote--unless it be holden in the right of a wife, or as exectitor, administrator, trustee, or guardian, or fbr the use end benefit of some copartnership, aolporation or unless the transfer to him was made at least three menthe before the election ; and no voting by proxy shall be allowed. If only eight Directors are-chosen by the stockholders, the, Legislature shall . choose, on the first Tuepday of February annually four - other directors for the said company, I until the full amount of one hundred and sixty thousand-shares are subseribed fsr. . • The Treasurer of the Company is required 'to enter into bonds with one or more sureties, in the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, condition. ed for the faithful discharge of his official ditties— the bonds to be renewed once in every tWo years. The directors are to fix-the salariee and Wages of the officers and agents employed by the oompany;' and they shall have power from time to time, to borrow money on the security of the corporate property, not exceeding five thousand dollars,. without the consent of the Legislature, except it he necessary to 'repair some extraordinary breach on tho works. The directors shall fro - m time to . time declare and make dividends of the nett pref ., . Its of the Company, and pay the dividends,upon the nnstrbseribod stack to the State Treasurer. • Itntbediatoly.upon the . issuing of the letter pa. tent, all the 'tight, title, and , property or the said works, with all•the appurtenances, shall be. vested. in tho company, whosliall be empowered to charge and receive toll, nut exceeding the rates now • charged, • The State reserve the right of resuming •the said wuriss'a t the aspiration of twenty years; by rehnburshig 'the stockhuldenywith an 'advance of twenty-five per cent.; and if not at the oxpira'tion of: the qrfit,lyenty years, at the end:of apftwan ty years, thereafter.. Thu company will be re= quire(' iPcomPly with, tho contracts• heretofore entered upon by the State for water privileges for the woriti. The^ Leghstatuie may at any time appoint a committee to inspect the,books and examine into the proceedings of the company, to,Fee if the charter has been abused or, iiolatcd; and if the Committee; report that it has heeti Violated, the Governor may cause a writ each:O . flicks 'to be Wiled mit of the Supreme Court, calling on them to !how cause why the charter shallmotbelfotfeit.: ~. • . ed.; and:ifeuitioiiitit Ltadso be' , not: shown, the. Plate moy • take possession of,tho works, upon, payment, le the 41.941 gilders the amount of their investments. • tDoitlas Lite.... • no. 'robbery . of tho' Western . Insurance:Com. 'POYEet,ColAnshps, Geo.i turns out to be. is high s Ve.affoir, is said that sive' ol,thonsand,dollots, o i•: . thn hipi been found at the 6otiti ft i a; Oniver-pbt in the T: C. 14i'Keen;en innit 4 lawyer!of etnfeified'' hie' 014'itiilliffetio the tensest:Of othtifhitheito peetible:Periene ie hie ibournplieis ,There' was' fp:PPluinbytki CaMiequencti TYLER'ilmorainx.—The Waelfington— correa: r nuant., 9 F . ' 0 1 4 '! 4 1. 174 - Aurq 6 MA° bYN4iO Wbe : 11 °' i c " E.q..80u llQwing ;ilaie leo; nid - 'kftllPSh:Otir !roi *,iftliOns , 4} AM *tvt.,„l 4l° ! 7(16Z t , ,41, r • "1. 1 11, 1 ! 4 : I ' , Wriialtik ft i •• 1 tOt` 1" • ' r II . r: oto.44fik. r7r. , h‘fdliioliojioat ttdcmptaratio";'inetnbiiii3OCOgriiip - ,weie ' pfixid to takeillo Consequently, "the party"Jp.in 'pretty intiith, 14,1 . ferment In , regard:to the. matter; and the rrloidr: !thrtft;e.andtdites thitnateltios;:are4attliloirsand)ilp ling',",:nnii,matietweriek 1.144401,t2Ft in Prire4•ftF9oo ohgiie fer=s 1 re d' Ideatiat nomination Thent ,"deo'cricy"',iif Indiana; VecpTiiii, intr. ifrnpgtieet hi the' Matter, addieitied ilueriatf !trithe , 'Arians loaddroittibiutditiaicilbr=tire Preei ,denoy,•sevoml. months Aincevinni bays rtacolved' and published ...aoßweri! cryta . . Nediro..C4houq) o!.9h4vhpepri, and Bnehanan t „Me% Van ,}ttion . :hap not pondescended to reply, to these queries ) , 'although: thine hionths' beep 'elapsed . sliett` they were netdressed to it,int. 'Tiala . is very ilardepeet.... ful tolhellidiane'"deritociitidy," and iisuppOtesd' is be - o, silent' rebuke - for periiiitting -the 'vote-of. the State to be east for Getrarai.filarrison. The, subject of moat interest in the tre'plies Or these . gedtlemen,la that of. the binding'faino of the thi s Convention. • .. ' 'ltiir.l3nchatian says I' shall 'abide . by the decision of a National Convention of the democratic party, in the ,selec. Lion of a candidate for the, Presidency; and shall give my suppOrt and influence to the election of the nominee ofiaid Convention." • - , Governor Caps answers as follows: , . • ..In the summer of 1841 i in answer to an ap plicatioti from a committee appointed by a demi). cratic meeting in the city of Philadelphia, I stated my determination not to suffer my name to be used in this matter, unless nomiriated by the Na tional Democratic Conventiop. To That declara tion I yet adhere: and I add, in the terms of your questions. that I shall give my support and influence to the nominee of that Convontion.!! Colonel Johnston thus responds i ' .1 will abide by the decision of a National Cenvenfionaif the democratic party, in the select tion of a candidate for 'the Presidency of the ,States, and willsgive my, suppert and influence to the.eleption of the. nominee of said Convention, if not myself nominated by said Cutivention." Each of these ts very explicit arid satisfactory to the committeei The reply of Mt. Calhoun clearly indicatenhis intention not to be bound by the ConVention unless it shall be.coristitutad upein the, basis and shall be holden at the time a'greed, tippet by the earlobe beiitientielis of his friends. • "The ilticstion deedis to resume that 1 am a candidate, soliciting the- office of President, and determining, by my individual judgment, the ptoper Measures tb he adopted to secure it: 'lt is not the light in which I regard mynelf,•or desire to be regarded by the publia.' My name has been presented fiiettint high office by no acency or so , lieltation ermine; and it belongs to the friends me, and have presented 'my name to the people, to decide upon the course proper to pursue, in reference to - this question. I have, however, rio..reasim to but that they will' elfeerfully abide ny the decision of a Coifttention, fairly called and faithfully constilulitd: that would allow ample time for the full develepinent of pub• lie opinion, and would. represent Pity, equally, and fairly, the voice of the majority of the party."_ In reference to this subject, the Georgia Argus takes the same ground as Mr. Calhoun's organ, the Charleston Mercury. It says: 6 1 We have put the name of Mr. Calhoun at the - tread of otireolumn this week us cur choice for the — Presidency. We have said nothing about being subject to the decision of a convention, be. cpuso we do not know whether we shall submit• to it or not. We have no great faith In cariven. Lions, of which, more hereafter .4 —Ladies' --radii ions. N. P. Willis, in a letter from the -Astor ammo published in the Lndy's hook, gives a few brief hints on the pretailing modes of the Manhattaß lt Eitinnbts,l l be says "leaning more to the lips than the Shoulders are beginning - to prevail, end we shall soon come to the degagn hat so captivat. irg in the pictures of Greuze, with the rim just plaiting before the eyes - odd set equals* as. trido of the organs of benevole,pne.. As' to. the cardinals, or jerkins or pes.jacketror capes, or short • cloaks or whatbver they an nominated, prude of silk, and pierced with armholes, they ore certainly" worn' with 11. prodigality which will soon bring the fashion to a close.. They wear curls again, long curls, thanks to the gods who ap. pretihated Hyperion 1 and that terribly tight and ready fa be Scalped look is, I hone, foreVer passed away, from the feminine temples. "A head like a hair sofa is my holy horror I" 011 is currently reported"that the National Administration meditates this • negotiation , of ex tensive commercial treaties wjth England, and perhaps France, with the view of arranging the mutual tariff's more to the satisfaction of all"pnr. lice. This movement, if carried out at all , avail lie by the enemis of n'`Froteetive 'rariit• No ar. rangement can be entered into'between the U. S. and Great Britain that will he permanently, ml vantageousto both countries, and Great Britain Will not be satisfied unless she gets h..ld of the longest end of the rope. FollowGen..lVaiihirri. ton's advice and enter, into no entangling allian ces—especially with such et 'hard customer as England. Let us stick tcfhome markets and•prO. eaten to American Industry.' Murder, of Four Person's! • On Mendarnight last; at Changewater, Warren county, N. 3., lib Out 10 miles from Belvidere, Mr. John Castner, his.wife arid child, about two year old, and , John Parke, a bachelor , who', lived with Ctiatner, his brother-in-law, wore all brutally mar. tiered. - It ie supposed that the object of the your. der was to obtain Parke's maney, as he was rich and knoWn to have 'a, Jorge 'amount of specie Lind notes in his trunk; which, healuver;. - frOni some +mammas not taken. ,A. tall stoat plan, in green specaalesovith blush yoliiskors, who load been seen' 03i some peeks in that neighhOrhood, out any And toile 'puisinvothimi, • ' " . .14FT,lie Harriette% Arges 7 -the Case paper . and Got!, Porteee item tin.. whietle—thue digs ii; .IntO soretibad„y':. -t , . "The Aikui ia a Cass piper, and'.lt never ahan,dor, tts Myelitis:. for • thet tinatiot:, Or , OCodera 'renegade of any , party , . _ -•, Mr. Bueliatuitis - the Ninejent! teitoiiiite, who isthe triodern tippaarsio'he uttiertaiaw • • , Colima:nom Muici f .,v,=—A loge amount °atom 'ell ' ‘tr terfint notes, neer , , , ire en y din:Overall nkieilmit Of it bain,liwale, Reit* r ine, supeoeilillokhaveqlroillilioinkOeinslf*n or twenty '"ears elnce i lty,4 l W2o4,;i t tni,;#lon: 4 1 0 4 All - dpr,#Oprgn Of:pliestrik'niioneetNllnelOY., Ct *4O 1.4019r:40404*40.0i,,4i1Kiiit0.;.' ittk wft.,11.6„W0. imagoilrawil ME= 11` — lit A, 450 f# 4 ',' s..*act ,1'.4)-- , A . 001' ' re'rl''' , ' •• •i , 1 / 4 1•' , 6 0401-1,....% 441,00i.daloot:.„: „ . 40( 1 4, 001.;*.i.,:,.7.404,2.5i*1ii0y:1 1 .,0tei5.,-,,,?.igat..4 1iti001i4.0:40..404.04id,"ichcd0n..114' , J6i'itif-; ; L Atc,f1 . 44411‘00 .: 14.94 1 , 1 44T14 1 44, 1 0f. 40 1 41$0.0K4 1 " - **AAVV 31 0 . till0.40,• Pi,0i1i01` 1 34,:f1t9P00.404.40#0 11 6 , 0 1 1 - 1 7 4 i x.,1 1 .,0,. Air-Pr#4 , 3 ll 4". , ;tig*: xii4o:or . 44*.*-"t#A.P , Pt riti., , *itiiito . iff6olo4' . 3.olitiOtiaiior• itiiihe'pv:' inottpcitiii;Ati. ; ',o4ao ittioAiiiiiy. '44744 of inittrantirAtki4o'k'itY•l!i_ I#!iti_li:tf !090s for , , n . , e,yetarsi fannlit , til.taq:-..ointriey,ccutif a ye!tt t 60 Ihlii WSliiitSt %ShfreieNi+liiiiiid tadoisithei'l Oinitpani elidultlineiiiiiir:iii”iifloiliel by,*4l ifinrb *till conldl4646lB,lipieltioney milaStill tr.thEttisresto*ioehlohj44)gulight;pcisohdy, l be' ealled,upon'i4i4ree•'•iiit,foiirdollititiMiore in' theAmee.ortlic , Artlicarrta;vetyunall Bum ,by liii'umi ilienCUMPar,eft ir,oll-Ylii', ndiant!t4f 4 r im' 4iCil. 'l'6 iigisii*isi4S . iiiiiiicitiid aiotire find . iflaiinntii ' aft&sie 'clolibi . init'tlfeir4o:aitie4brilty ' etibili.*Ul . b43,Cibiaiicevi‘iith abutidlinienComm. ;1 ~ e„orrt nhve tin ere a pin order to 4 4 ' 'Th t pi( '4is a • • Oite(oMpeititlo*;barc,figenta ornploYed in near. Iy:cm , tha4iffeript taisnoorid iillagce ofCuinber- I laid hot ; Aaamti otilitici.. rho locality:: of the 'company lamnrepaitlablnely monfineirt6 Dick: inaon towiishili . itt - thin' County ; but weilmlieve, necluindlyKual i 'atitticiut regitird to hie plabe ofrer idefice f upon taking out a policy of insurance be comes to all intents and purpthies, a Tull, number of the aseociation.and entitled to 01 its privilege., and imminiitica,___ . - • Pi m! Loco Addresti. The Locofoco members of the Legislattlie"held a peeling on the 13th' ult , at which Judge Champneys, from the dommittee appointed for that purpose; read aft address to tho 'Democracy' of Pennsylvania:" "Addresses put Ibrth upon occasions, such as. this, ,aye the Lancaster Examiner,, , generally contain expositions a the measures advocated by the party, mid their views of public policy, but in tha address before ris wo find "rttling. of the kind. ' A few Vague generalities and unmeaning declaration, of principles, comprise the sum total _of the positive portion of the address; whilst the negative side ofthis comprehensive manifesto of "democratic principles," ventures so far , as to tilt. rtthri_ghost or, tho U. S. 4 Bana; and to misstate Cost Jolinson's . project foi the relief of the States. Not a word is taiti about tlio sub,treasury, tun is any currency plan to much as hinted at. The , tariff is also passed over with the silence of the grave. Verily c a bold declaration of tprinciples for the public There is one passage in the addres; which not be passed over in silence : and it is, that the Whigs -thy extravagant hppropriationa have al. ready laid the foundations of an immense national debt' This . declaration—made in tile face °film well knovin facts that the debts loft unpaid. by Van Buren's administratiOnpor4than swallowed pp thefunds it the command of tile present ad. ministrationdUring ,its first year, nhdthatthe ap. prOpriations undo by -Alto late Whig Congress Were just abeat half the average nf_the_Van Bu. ren approprilions, comes as near' to a downright assertion of vfhat'is not true as the Englisli lam., gunge would i llowt . • Ititgrr . Fe txtraordinary T the last .0 Mrd (N. H.) Gazette, announces the ftillowing q eerinarringe:—"ln this town i by Dca. John haudlor and Miss Ftaria French, Dea, dnitn B Chnndlbi is Miss Maria Frencliitwo non•reSista altarrled, by • themselves to them selves, all the' Sabbath' day, at the breakfast table, many upon God lend 60_1,u:illy preseiat, to bear' witnedilo the not:' - - . VE/1.8 , ..-A eclebratecfrriter.onaight says, that the wearing of veils pcitnanently weakens many t j / naturally geoid eyes, o account ofithe endeavors of the eye t; l adjUst i If to tho ceaseless vibra tion of thattam comnin nriclo of dress. ' , • , (07A fire oceurre , i at Wilmington, N. C., on the 30th of April, wile!' destroyed Two Hun dred 13uildingo, incbhing the Custom House, a Methodist Church,d many of the best dwell ings in town. • LossOstimated at B:loo,ooo—in surance about e 100309. ' a Election. Virgi ongressmen elecled. in Vie', 'five; they have also gained ,Legislature over lost year. have the Legislature, but by jortty. 11:70f the files ginia the Whigs h. ten members of tl The Locus will et a much reduced of Cumberland Volunteers n this borough, on the third ! ' next, for firing exercise, both Q 0" - The Battal will parado ngui Saturda in Au. with dm small a and the.fiold pieces meeting wee held in Balti last. The immense. TjA moss T more on Timi-s blagecomptised cnty nersthni in alt 'ildren of thnlate Mr. Ridgway • his principal legatees. The left is about $6,000,000.- 8800,000 are bequeathed f o r • a, $3OO Imo of the $BOO,OOO to erection of a hospital, Them 5,000,000, will be e q ually &fill -0 children. . 07The throo of Philadelphia amount of .prop. Out of this, to charitable purp • be devoted to t minder, riedd cd among hb turning The new. Whig Tar' !that friends predicted. The palely cleared from the , poit of viith 409 biles of cotton goode UfaC4 ll : l4 1 " • • 01• The (UI •ifflidoing barque Niag Beelon of 'inimical • ofgrain • aro sat .to be / Fruit crops , the noikhborhobd. fid fair,te,be, Very attendant? end • .0:74110 -1 19 very.promjs' sof,Ciaciona `,. iiiiir 'iircti 'it.il;-.:''..( rams '1 of public pottca, , a gonotal meet zees of the borough of .Newelite field, at Konnedy ' s lintel, in said • evening of Tuesday the end , .BoefetorY4:l : • •Pekng'can.od i!, , , 4 1 1 014hreg00 ,or eivid ! that .the botoQiiih ot Car,lisho oat pPretidifiretijill,tte moon' of illege),:eoiimer,'whiciti, to" hWid. ; JO . 4,1" ;41 V1tTe4 , 100,004 7t4i t o g al hotetee'tKo4r:Cirttitit.' Otj.z F. 04 JEt PRP ipg, of 'ill,. aniCriciiii , borough o oni -.‘ Albio4 . . Wiiiidml/ '175i9,7,nic inforri!,olq lia4Or 4 tikiiia , lY s ilVediti3O, sivoitit 1064* tw4eiri Sfrelili' !Nitg MIME resident af, ',!14 the :tlir,liathir adoceii4nea*,4**oo-en:eiire.bogi and r;"; clusa her ' ItiO l eret '' 3 4lo°o4,telf, l #o l filf'l4.!'!!MttLt9l 4l oo l #, W4 'o l l lvlP,ting;:lif'?? l • 4 4l"s!t c s 3 ,,- 2° Ae - ot !II : : vaatureci,tatliakjaintite - muzzltpAittuit itiateat. tia#, . ' 01hoWasitiagon Globe states that the Col ! iciat;iirCuetb4 A VNetv;,Orlea'ne c ispOidtedThl Mr. Tyier, is niirt , us. itt acaount atliat tate huridrettifiallia4,iiiillara. Ma 4 C" WAMIESSIOStr PIittIaDELPHI . A4.III4 , ;1843. FLOUR—Is 'Boll'u 23 a 4.301 . '4 tho tat.. ter it sale of 200 blAi.: ,, Rye bbla. - were Sold at 85 porn meal. 300 bbls. at, 82826; ExportS, l floor 4140 - bbiti. • 1130 Co'lifel In dies; 24251.4 Booth ; Atierica, 255 to Britislt'Cel onies. Cora inea 2700„bblsi 1 620 _ to Wert In. diestll,7o , tp British, Colonies, and.B4 hbds; to W. Indies . Rya mealy 50 bbla. to Weetlndiesi 1265, do to British Colonies. • , , . GRAlN—Wheat, sales at Irariaus•prlces; from 94 to 90k; 2100' bushels 907}, light Pa.; 1600 husliels7gand'do aentis'; .1100 . liuSheils_s;mre purchased yesterdatat 911. 'aro railimieeed• log, sales Of 1200 be , round corn at 54, someaf . 53 a 52 cents ; yellow 641 sl , silPeTnno white 50 a 51 cents; Rye, 700 bushels Pa. at .54 'cents. Oats, Penna. 31 a 29'cts.. 4;ports— , looo bush. ele• whdat to British N . A. Colonies. Corn, 1100 bushels to Wy t lndiea; 750 bushels to British Colonic • . ~ • . • , BALTt MORE, 'May 5, 7843 CATTLE—Few at the drove yards, not quite 200, held by second hands, sold at 575 a $6 75 per 100 lbs. Hogs have advanced, .nd sold at $4 . FLOUR—City Mills 4 25 to „ s4 37i for old.and fresh ground lots, some holders refurie to sell the latter at less than $4 ~Susquehanna has :sold at 84 25; Howard street $4 7B and the transac- tions in , allcrcloseriptions during the weelvi would form a considerablo.aggregate; the rocipt price of the latter remains at $406. , • • --- • // GRAIN. -.The prices of Wheat may be iluoted Wont 90 to 98 cents for fair tu good and 81 for primp.. Rye 50 to 53 cents. Cnrilis not in such brisk demand and prices have rather receded, 54 to 55, being the best offers holders are enabled to obtain, for 'either white or yellow, the latter int eluding a lot pf, Pennsylvania. Oath are down to 24 ceuta for Virginia and 25 to 26 for Marylunr:. bbls. may be quoted at 23 Mei EM&O,M 9 in d3IMSZre . This pleasant Medicine is formed by a eombina .tion of twenty (liniment ingredients, all -celebrated for the cure of -Colds, Coughs,- and Pulnuntle-Coin laints( and by its 'combination, if one of these nrti cies should he Used separately and afford no relief, in the Ernrwr 01' HomumuND they are two amalgamated, thatthe benefit of the whole it[ex perienced in one Compound. About three years and a half ago, this article seas first brddght before the. puhlio. It was heralded with nn previous annou acentent of itimerlt or valuer .but was introduced by the proprietors to the co - mintmity to stand by their decisldn, as regarded its beneficial influence.. That decision has been attained in a tuna ner altogether'Unetpeeted. The (unsought Ocknowl edgement of its worth has proceeded spontaneously from thousands, who have 'experienced its benefits throughout the country. And why is it so ? Be cause the trial of its qualities in Coughs and Colds, I loarscness, Irritation of the Throat. Croup,Whoop ing Cough, Asthma, Catarrhs, Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Night Sweats, difficult of profuse Expectoration, and all diseases leading to Consuniption, has given it a value that no other situ lar medicine has ever reached. When the blood Is in an unhealthy state;and the constitution naturally delicate, if a cold sets in and uo immediate relief takes place, the chances are al together against the patient attacked; it is when rem edies are taken in time, that disease is checked and life saved. There is no disease but may not be suf fered to go such a length. that no medicine or phy sician in the world can save the person attacked. - This should bevemembertd by all; the safety of life is, to be prepared in time. At the symptoms of a Cold, Cough or Chilliness, THE CLARIFIED ESSENCE OF HOARHOHND CANDY, should be freely used according to directions; and in every case where it is so Used in propel' time, the Cough or Cnld dill, be broken up or eradicated. Nye feel it our duty to impress this upon every one-411 reme dies must he taken in time, :omplaints , of—tlns-luagi-are—the — rtenst - ilangerour and at tiresome time most prevalent of all diseases. Our climate is uniSt Reenlist.; it changes Smith/illy Worn extre me warmth td extreme ,pall, from wet to dry, and it is fermi this Change in the :dinutte that diseases are apt to arise. ' The follotiong is nine of a thousand certigrates the proprietor could shovi, attesting the virtue of Iris remedy. ff I hove experimentally tested the virtues of your Clarified Essence of Iloarhound Candy, and would recommend it to be universally? used 'by thole whose.,ltings are exposed--no public speaker should be without'it. ' Rev. Mr. LYON, Formerly Pastor of M. L. Chureh,,York, Pa. RemCinber, each package of - the geneinc Hoar.; hound Candy isaigned FE,A f E SL,Soss. r • • All letters, pos t , paid, dicecteil to ,I:Pease & Son, 4•5' Mahlon 'cued, Y, will be punctually attended Q. o:3° Merchants in the. country wishing ,Pease's tioarbound Cnntly can obtain it at the tannutacturer'S lowest 'terms, by sending on order, to, any one in the city with whom they have dealings. • • oL . T.MeOchants.and 'storekeeper/I'e in' tibia vicinity ,CRII be supplied by, applying to., Messrs. ;Myers ist Ifaverstick,'Whe have a lane and treat' supply diem from the3.l%innufacttiren. For sale by INYERS gt:HAVERStICIC, ' Sole tiehta for Carlisle and tit J: Dorshelmer, Mechanic:limp, Daniel Shelly, Shireinan stow's, ••• Abyaharn Gets; Kingston':- x+ ' , l - Joseph Crain, Hoguestown. - Samuel Nilson, " ;,• 3 ,Jnhu.Gish, • S ppeuslnpg. J.Wil s on; Greenville' .40,ittOtoiijOY:10.1),Olt:40 „ , • ' • • • LINE -dr.rXIONNISICt r- - :‘ i , ..ti' (*Ur ihtliiiii their' Ititiititi and" the giabfla,, -: . .; that they baits jimitiresietOtil*t thele'ltaPei.tiP; H gh. r4treet,. nest door 1.9 Beeteura illotet,.., , tArlpat: silistOi riesh;iiiKW6gititeasliottlirtitht oftIIANDI .1 y3144:15, - e still other ttrticies„ht Abeitiljup;,lol434i,.. they are Veatip tci : dil p o k tif, wriiikittliklitid"Stiiiy ott.ithe :oder rammableNet mir' i *Thokr.litiortoptilt , , a dpre f gmfoftawinf',Atii,ls # till i _orStis p ißh. are' :t,t ,.... ctioimit lii i kitt .,,, ~,,,: ~,1<,..,tp0.., , , m4 ~ , ,,.7, N e v, kiv t o:oPigii--milii,ritmAtimoginctiov#i.Ssrte m nu... mint 'Ali, olices - .*nil ro#:!,.:,lottpitiiiim,liirtm , flitiziOliii*WWlTeltr*OW 44 l4l l Tharirniso ctirkirmoilt atif trIN - Ii 011 V 1)41!,16..., et4oiti; MI Iv - -1 104tIfin -1 . plypoiti: fill .frettoki."poinior' Ateru'it:4ll o -- tt i ttri t rit . - ._. di, rite 'Pi . i• -• ` ,,, ' ' '','• .' .. r -'• '.'''i . ' -,- ~, ; ..i.i„, , ,,t.,,,,f.,':. : 2..Nt511., , ,,,,, .' it . ... iii.wii ~ -it''. -(livgrin . : tiociti;:i i , zlc % 7 1 o il.. s • iiir - riii ifi. - iiii - ‘-'that i*: erg': ~ Vral' IV ' r 0: )g11 , ,,.,,,,.:-,-(..... , ...-. , : .:.:,...t c'st . PAtiT N3', OF. WAL‘. kith '"' ' in themo,so4rierlorisoehner,. ei pphie*,that can ; ray lemiffloti,let.y;tljektie . , hig,tktsilMPOkixtehairmelou fivoureiliiethe ebuntry,i" - 1 .. •- .. . t 1, , ,p74: - .'•" , ,ty ,, 0; i AVVee,e)ilf.ietrh.thelsti,t,riiiii,4„o: ,:il , eioot tomilt tike titnee,'!., hut ,poon the ymeg, ss • itiiill., nod eeti,the beat; hheethhit;: led hetailuettilitoeiitin' -...- BELROOIg,SON,At BLANCHiIiP, • __- O. N I 0 0s CiliSllt atiief; ' . +'" .i';'`+'".i';''.' . ti , '-; • ~.. .next door to the Ledger. j3uildiege, , PMILADELEIII.A4 ~ ' ''''P",`'..'0,0%),:,...'-,!:'7r ~,' ,::-' -'f ''' ' - .':, - 1 1,' ' •-‘, :4,_.',..i, !..,, 11 : 11 W , atic OCEOZIO EZI 4%; rILiPPIkt Mk i Siiiis6a3"66 just received a Pre tikoik ot..neW style De .Laines, Balzarines, Parssieaks;)Pitated,Fonlards; Lawns Bcc:lke. April "!% =I • Springo.4o :IMullillr.••>hfatTeriSm I...I,POINGER*CAREY: Shipperisburg, hive NJ knit iteerietlim—eistinsife assorttOtitbrille,. Cashmere. aiitTig Laine Shish; bribe neirestatyle, anti at reduced prince. Apr l ea, 184+3. '. . Farm for',Sti 0, 1 • d w 1 ILL be sold', at erivate:Sale, a' Varm : - 'of LIMESTONE LANDAMated in North Mi leton township, '4 mile; east op,Carlislit,.Cum-, berland couiiti, Pa. Containing 100, Acres more or less, having thereon . ; erected a-two' story FRAME HOUSE, , frame Kitchdn, frame Barri, Ware Shed; and Horse Stable. The Cumberland Valley Railroad tura throttgliaald farm.' There is a stone House and side Track at the rail road. Alias tenant house at the, rail rogd,and oyoun; Orchard." About, 70 acres is viettred*and tee retake itcdveretl'aith good timber„; Immediale posseision will be given on the confir mation df the sale. ''' '1 S , - The crop' in the ground will be given with the farm. For terms apply' at Middlesex Mills., - . ' - ' ' MICHAEL lISHBURN,' Agent for the owner.. April 20, 1843. • Bt-26 •I The Unenster Union, and Ttentling'Atiler, insert amount of $l, and : solid' bilisto this office : for col leetion. ' e l jg P r i e N O2, E llot of FRE , 9H GRQCERIES, 4t redhead priee e 3. a April /6,1843. TO HOUSEKEEPERS. .„ • lIIIVENTY: T FIVE THOUSAND lbs. 'FEATHERS for sale sery low, in muotities to suit purchasers, fer_CASH,_at prices from 10,1 k, '2O and 25. cents per pound. • • t.• • Ready made Beds, Bolsters and Pillows, Curled Flair Mattresses ar.d -Moss do.; sitol all other kinds, to suit any sized Bedideadv, always on hand. Curled hair and New Orleans _Moss by the. bale or single pound. Country Stoickeepers would find it to their advan tage by culling on die subscribers before purchasing. FIDILEY be CO. • S. E. Corner of Second k Walnut streets, PilllFl. • April :26,1849. Stu-26 ,NZW TAILORING 'ESTABLISHMENT i frinE subscriber takes this method of inform. ■ ing, his 'friends. and We public, generally, that he has commenced. busi nest on the public squire, in the rear of the Court !louse; sidjoitiiir, the Volun teer office; where he will be, prepared to accommo date in the best-stvle awl latest - fashion all who may laver him with their custom. 'From his experiente in the above business, his desire to phase, he hopes to merit and receive a xhai c of publicpatron age. EDW ARD SPOTTSWOOD. Carlisle, April 19, 1843: sausulatvedwers Toterm di EtOide — riand e oCo. JuIELLO WCITIZENS I Otter my self too ur consideration ea a craidate tbr the OFFICE OF SIIEIIiFF. at the next general election, and respectfully solicit tour votes for the same. Should you elect tne I shall endeavor to discharge the duties thereof with fidelity and impartiality. DAVID FOItCMAN. Newton tp., April 19; 1843. te: TO 'the Votersf o Cumberland Co. GENTLEMEN:offer myself as n onnilidnte for ilte OFFICE Or SHERIFF ofCumhrrlatul county nt the 'genet-act election, and will be tltankful for your support,' JOHN CORNMAN. Carlisle, 401 ID, tsas To the _Electors of Cumbeiland. Co: GENTLEMEN: T announce myself as n enailidate fur,lha• • • OFFICE OF SHERIFF, nt the next general election. Should von honor me with a majority of your Staines I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the office with fidelity. THOMAS PAXTON. South Middleton fp. April 19, ISO. To the Public Generally. FELLOW.CITIZENS .pID.FRIENDS: I respectfully . inform you that I am a can. didate for the OFFICE OF STIERIEF of Ciimberland county, and should you think-me worthy. and elect mo an such at the next general election, I.pledge myself to use my best abilities to serve you faithfully. JAMES HOFFER. Carlisle, April 12, 1843: " To the, Voters of Cumberland Co. FELLOW-CITIZENS : I beg leave to offer myself to your consideration as a candidate' for the OVEICV or tiIIERIFF, at the general election, and shall ho thankful for your support. ' WILLIAM GOULD. Carlisle, April 12, 1849. te. To the Voters'ot Chntberland ,•,-, , Cottnly. • GENTLMiN:-1 offer myielf as a candidate for lobo office of smarerpr of Cumberland Coonl, pod will be thankful to • -M•I-C El APi :1101,C0i1B. Carl isle,Marcb 22080. . to-2l , rathe ' gf C um erlan F GLowthe . . ,c ry pNs ,for. OFFICE Coir satin/iv of Cumbialand Count:gild' the' tibia octieral reigiobtfully ytiut'snigicirt, ''SbOuld you cleat lilt); • .indinvoe toit picharke the e dutes of tho ofice,fiitBA hfankt+netialllEL N f 1146 . ,, ;1043: 14 0.4 1 ectora VOttinke;largrea: " i 44-• , DELLOI7-CITIZE c. se myse , !cNyssjp, 9nsiderft,oo. l l Pe ; can foTc th o r3=:l , .:OFFICE OF; SHE . , at .thetui s o44o,oeratPkqto4 , i , ' l d latcPter4 Ine;- , I"vgdie mysilf tti'dteobl*l tPdittittsor the uffma to tbo•belit'of . .. • „t,Y-1 ADAMITAINGSPORro% #pri,1•12.1843., ==, Tl e a iiiiiN 0 '''' o.4oakelitioli 01' -' o ; 4 " ,, crits iii 4: 4 4, , , p , _ , jigrify,the•Blood. t''* . o.llyr's , - -111101144: EMILE Kit I ..,..,...,,, ~,,,„.,.:4mericass-Ofikkablitealtli Aieteiriteknowlagetirtc4bs the , ' beli',MbdiMeb it 1 ' -k ' -i 2l '4' , A ':?Ab ' h : W°, 4 ,oo- I !Abj 44 ,6 i -4.lfifr '',i " . • -BP4R-tgaR1EVA.0.049 1 4'4448- E ..- 1R EcAriFf Altir,ceropteteiy eteenee the siomadi ant ajp ileweli,, fr onlhose hiliote eud eerrept hu- I 'Mete ylifliireA ifiiiatiso iiit ^mtiy, , crneadtlehe; 1 411,6364;,'1i1Piiitri1ii,.0614?1*.k..;:1441141Q the -I,,gief;,ollln!tnathe and 9?" bu t 44 7 4 1 , sim l adi T9c 3 fikat.,to,maPv ''P E * I , A TI :wi T9 I ,., ,E * , ,* ) , LP !krus Are;a peiteleorre c for: • l4erTinent, o.ellttet, nee: v°"s'infl°4iilT'illin , and:ool4'keTtroplifeiliie they eleateuNt4e body ; frem,thoie morbid heelers, which alien cod rietyto the eire . all6cribiare the Wise oral! kinds of.!:;:',•4 .'' - r ' '' 2 r , '"80; deo, inipisrtty. is 06011 ted.on" the'ttiiaitaikiane*act asoliheadtiog palaidulatonuo tidniattpdaitiiiogi;ailled i.,4•:. , MILLVAiRT.L.tiIf, °QM , •Thq .,ll o#n Pi l l !inil*lAted 6131115 wayi ilititt reitef, anti with an. 'Oot:diosdtatiOns, rip tattit autturtaihoottidwitti• ,4tit 001,.*icep ,i VS'ire,ct if)/ iNo r itr i painfu' maladies. • Troth IndhiVegettt. ble Pills taken every fl ht'ott 0146 bod:will in ' s ehert time tiO`,elingitletati'iiti the - bilay ., •ft,oiyi Merl thing that la oplioieti, to healtli,..that Pout, and,pain'of every denoription,wiii bp Wendt!. nnIYVV" BO.br. . . ` .`~;°.. „ . For the same reaions,ivhen , trent sudden obangel Of , atmosphere,or_any,ot er cause, the=perapiratiot is ohecked, and the humors which "should pastroff bl the skin are thrown' iiwardly,causing. , • lIEJDACIeD, Nsmieltand siekneks, pain , in the bonet;wateay one ittflamed, - .pyo,sore throat, hoarseness, coughs, con• sumptionsi,rhetnatie pains in various part of thu toody,and•many other symptoms of • • • CATCHING COLD, ••- ,• • , . THE INDIAN VEHOTAHLETI4I.9 will insari• ably give inimediate Prom three to tie o said Pills taken every'night on going 'to bed, will it 'n short time, not only, retitoye all the abiiii!`.inplea. tantsymptous; but the body will; ilia shOrtiinie; he reatored to even sounder health: tlutrai beak. The Sallie may be Said of ASTI-1111A, OR.DIFEICULTTOPBII.I4BTIIING -The Indian Vegetable Pills will likisetiand carrj off by the stomach and bowels those tough phlegmy !lumens .which atop up the air cents of the lungs,* are the cause not only of the aboveidistresung cons• plaint, but t when neglected; often tekutittates in that still more dreadful malady called CONSUMPTION. 'lt should. also be remembered that the Indian Vegetable Pills ire it certain cure for PAIN IN THB Slllt Oppression, sinuses, mid siekness,losis oft appetite. costireneias, a yello4 tinge of.the - skip and eyes anil every other symptom of attorpid : or diseased state ol the liveO; beinisso they: purge from the hotly tliose impurities Ai/4h if deposited upon. this important organ, are the cause of every variety of -•- LIVER 00111I'LAINT.. . When a Nation is convulsed by Riots, OutlirValr:s „end Rebellion, tho.only sure means or proventihrthe dreadful consequences of a ' - 1 - CIVIL WAR, . • is to expel all traitors, a nd evil dispaacr- .. lhe Country. • , In like manner, when pain or aicknesi indicate that the holly is struggling will the true remedy is to b '' ' EXPEL ALL MOT/BID HUa (Traitors to life,) and HEALTH Wit CER rAlN..nesuLl That the Principle ofuttring (Mean., and l'urifying thei hOdy7rrlffietlFin set., the Laws Which govern the animal eponOn.. properly carried Out by the toe of the above nnm INDIAN VEGETADLIE PILLS Will certainly result in the - complete Abolition of - Disease; we offer the following testimonials, from persous-eflhe highest respeetability fo'NewNork; who bait: recently been cured of the most obstinate complaints, solely by the use of WRlOltel ISDIAN• VEorrADLE PILLS OF TON " ' NORTH ANIERICACOLLEGE OF HEALTE ' • .I.lltAyA, L. I. tuna Otb, IBA '.. Doctor 'William Wright—Dear Sir—lt is ith great satisfaction th at I inform 'you of any, sing been entirely cured of Dyspepsia, ()Clive years and ? ing, by the use of your INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS. .2 '-- 'il• il ' Previous to meeting with your celebrated medi cine, I had been utuler'the hands of several Physi cians, and had tried various medicines; but all to no effect. After using 'one 25 cent box of your Pills howerer, I experienced an much benefit, that I re solved to persevere In the use of them according to your directions, which I am happy to state, has re sulted in a Perfect cure. In gratitudeeto you for the great benefit I have received, and also in the hope that others situilarlyafflicted may be inthlced to makp• trial of your extraordinary medicine, I send yin, - thisrstatement - withi - fultlibevrtisTailigilliFiiisine if yell think proper: ..' . Yours, lkis. New youtOtme;t9,ll94,l. - . -G. C. BLACK. To Ale. Richattliennie, Agent for Wright's Ihilliaes . Vegetable Pills, No. Ullti Gre6Oielt st:N.Y, Dear Sir—Nt your' ficorn men dati en. I some time ranee made trial. of WIIIGItr3 INDIAN VEG ETABLE' PILLS of the.North'cAMerfeeht College of Health; and Can,. conscientiotlely'. !Met, that To; Purifying the Ellood;, and renus,atipgtl%e systgivi have received mere lm -s eat from their Oeis;ltisrif fittri any other nieritc,inii ii ,li*ii, he...tti Grove, 4titeit my good foriunetopecOrithr"l„.au4 dear: air t istels maul thanks, yourmbliged frietul,.... : ,C. M. Tr47Pti • .." • N ? . 0 1 . 1 , 1 ~.t."4 1 '1,44 . - Mr. Ricliai'd ,Dennli; 'ogenttgYrtish4 Autliag ' . .. Vegetable INIIK' • Dear Sir—l have been affileteit kr several years with inward weaknem - amtgenerst, debility;-aecom mailed attimes 'yl6lllololo trukildtiiiitid ether dia. treaaing noinpleisia.'AnolrbOgifttietTvarinoamedi. eines without effeci. 1 WRS peoesedestmt a friend to make trial of Dr. Wright'S,lniiiin Vegetable Pills. trblek Lelia)isppy to steSelter;vo o o44l, in sli 1 0 1 ( WoM lgni derfuanuer. r, halt Asidtiipmedielne; as id tiot.l6lllVii time, and hlifeltui'dtioh,ii ity's4" per-. severance in the use Airlefewtradcoriltng to dikeations, Nit' 1 thillloa-#oir , . it.* *407 restored.. . . • - ••% , ,,...„.•:-A , Z , ' . ~11 , 11: okt. willinOLOO*ol44ildto l- itOilY . per. ;wee similarly annitedi: end. le.lyi,,fllll. belief that thetitoe berietleareird. fi r , 10*, .ktdr Wie. • -. ‘ ,2 ';', , : ',ll,,reesentlottrilid7w,- e Oliii ~ • , '•,' ' „ ~,,..`,':,A':', 1 ,'1.',J. ' :',':,..! .4* V - a 0 4 11 *.warrersie 't , , , ; air York. t i • • • lk '.. ' ' 1.14044 '''U,'illit. 7 • This is hi'ettetifY•thettkioaiiett . - Tabus Vegetable - Pt& with the treetestkedi ' ' 'bit ea, Aiiely cored tniSelf. or thafretpteet! ' - ;, liek ffeadaebe,iotbieh 1 ..,1. ha&trestottaly, , J r.::. , t .• '.1.•• ;Ark. 3 7 iAtikk To s, •,, :? - ,.... , zi , 4, -•- ' - '1 9 2 .gro4litieb litreoN' t t.ta• • To ltr:RII ' Virrigtt ,beau ~. , bu5U 7.2FERS.