Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, April 26, 1843, Image 2

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    • i b , „ _
ietiNcedar; VMS.'
iron PRES /PPI7
LA Y 9
:.*,-4-.1-413 C
silbjdei iotlib de Osfoi ? . "Elilatienal Convention
•-. • oink
eidUrid National CUrtency, .iegiihitted 'by the
Will Midiuthcitity-of the N_Lition.... • .
An adequate. Revenue, with-fair Protection to
American Industry.
8. Just restraints on the Executive poWet,
bracing a further : restriction on the exercise of
, the Veto.
4. 'A faithffll eidministratiori of the public domain.
with an, equitable distribution of
„the proceeds
. of sales of it•aniong all the Stites.
5... An hellcat 'and. econoinical administration of
the Genet:al bovernment„leaving public officers
perfect freedom of thought and of the right of
, suffrage; but with suitable-restraints against
unprOper,interference in elections.
6. An amendment to • the- Constitution, limiting
the ifteitnibeht of, the Presidential office to ' a
These objects attained,l think that we should
Cease to be afflicted- with bad administration b
lie 130ertiment.—Hsunt , CLAY.
OnF • ilpistrket4.
lain the bill to apportion the Stale Tor .mern
bars of Congress, passed at the late session of the
iegislattnib, Cumberland, Perry. and tianklin
'Counties Compose the 15th district; and elect ono
member.. '
For Mit State Senate, enniberland'Anyerry
forth the 16th district, and elect one. rncin bar.
Cumberland elects two members Of the House
- 6f Representativei3 as 114eitofore.
Canal CommissiOneri.
-- a:Thit, bill for the election of those officers by
the.pcople - liatring become a - laiv, The first election
Of thorn by the new mode will take place' at the
general election in Dabber next: :It is important,
therefore, says the Ilarrisbiwg Telegraph, that
the Democratic Harrison party, takemeasureS at
Once , to present the names of suitable candidateS
for,these offices, to.the - people. - Wo - Would siig.
geit that Tor this purpose a State Convention be
kalif tit ilarrishurg, on the-4th of July next, to
. •
nominate theni, each county havingxvote in pro
' - portion-to
,lts, representation- in-the Legislature,.
Without regard to the number of delegates that
fray be present.
Immediate action on this subjett we consider
as riecessary,*so that the hathee of good men may
be placed before the people in time fur them to
become "acquainted with 'their merits, before the
tirdi - 6r election arrives. It will be the first move
ment' In carrying out an important measure of
the party,,and should receive the deliberation. of
Vale of the Public Works.
&The Passage of a bill for the sale of the Col
umbia and' Philadelphia railroad and Canal to
Pittsburg, had theelfeet as soon as it was announ
ced in Philadelphia on Thursday,' (although the
Governor has not yet signed the bill) to raise the
Price of State stock at once from $40,,tqf.45
The most favorable effect upon Co credit of the
'commo'nWealtlf hianticipated from the passage
`of the lqw, and hopes may . .now be indulged that
I . he plighted faith of the Commonwealth will soon
be reedamitedi while the people will also bereliev.
tdbf 4 good part of their present-onerous. Taxes.
Commodore - porter.
the Britannia brings. the melancholy intent.
irOn'Ca of the death of one of the most chivalric
lipitits that ever adorned the American navy.—
There were aedounta seine timb no, of the seri.
Ous indisposAten of Commddore POIITER, but the
isformatioti o wiis contradicted, on the authority, as
.it was said, of a letter from himself to one of his
* this Qountrj. It uppearb, however, that
the idtelllience bui too . well 'folinded, and
that he lies fallen' a victim 'to long continued sick
items. Few,: if any, of the long. list of naval
heroem who,distinguished themselves during the
last war with Great Britain, performed better ser
or achieved more deeds of daring courage
IlMn'doMmOdoioFoavma;and the memory of none
Will. be 'more sacredly embalmed in the licarli of
ITYthe Ifesthn'Tianseript says 'that avian by
'the name of Robert Fie Mink Go&lay, has pub
lished tx.Ctitti r iti r vJ loh lid 'proposes to ' 4, p' resent
'himself respoutfully . :before the ptiblie, ut the
inigibortnith, , ,..Chttiel,t' j and .to narrate, in a dis.
Hoarse of two liotirs' length, the ways and means
tocanie onaiilea to rive teithotit
that ho has not - slept for the
'last 66Y-twiitionihel' • ."
Awritig4.—Pi , ,Ny4ite!ashiNg,awdings on both
*IWO tef l on; they are put 4,iri tie spring, with a
'waab WitiehAatithiii4l4 4issolved,
ever:y.eiaiini; riiih3ii will be prerent
%editnitt volt:kid perfectly 'white:for many
. - 'lollop , htlit by`a)etter, ieheived bs; a Orion
11**sieter&Pittt Pennsylvania, front 'a elergg:
iltt',l ll o'eStiiinkieTetsloi,Seothutd, that the tehabi,
4eittg that towni consisting of abou t t haus
ot4til.petsetir,:hits,e-fes Immo thee past been suffer:
iti~. teat i.,,i3el l P!!inFt!f/ 01 9 . .i49TteetetTe Of the:
Veieos . the: !taJti AM•mIre'VITI , 0n9.4h4f
. We heviktlarinitl4 tenn jive
equal fit itiole'4 l l;,
one.,pennyi e day :per beink
eitel,hker,*ttelpele ; ,p,es k PmtO o ,porit".',lft.,:yee!, 20
1 1 1. 4 PA#Pli ; 1 ) ii: 4 4.4q*Wa,„ 11 ,40,. 1 ' 44 . r.i pfo,cur.d
144. **** ',V Otila tr ! ; 4 1 00 11+ 4iiis
ibeyti OdNohgt,,:
„ 7 4.: • .
e,• ZAitE fr ItiO r niitoiloo4o4.
. .
Atl!9s t Iliftkrbir,4t, 4 #l
, ONtESSIL•Zi Tf,lZ IttUßDtitckW
'l :..kiioaritiOVel;;tei t :AMoe
trial foi liiniliohi;iiiiitiqrtutdee'iias a Segni ii;rtg:
which no than' giaretitihst iguis;l4"—a :ierttaik
,Whkk hair beeM'irbilfieer lir more Cases thaikthe. ,
.11e1' in St!
Parthelhore,auclihigrOre;the diahpitcatirpto."
der of whom We published an account of in 011 r.
It will; be,credollecied that -two persons. Were
arrestedi'imppesed to be the perpetrators of this nlirriec t one of wlro"m'' ,
4ia§4l6 - 0644... , 0140'41
iniinn is trillaSon;• pro,vcai'bi otvm,coial•
.fetisiokto be..l.ll64nurdefrert E''After.hisdiachargo ,
hythe magiatraierhoieft Patipiiihicounly and or-,
rived'''on.the Moralny,followl,ng tn t ttedding. At.
tavern there be 01114 with a Winn by the naive
Of McWhirter,'to. whom, after.aome cohveratition,
he •tieldiciwledged . he Wes', in" , great trOublel'abOlit.
riomething pre.ssed..upon•.his. manta ; ler
afterwards prevailed 'upon MeiVhirtar, to • tot him,
I sleep with , him that night, aa, ha was afraid to,
ileepaloneand after h bed, he. coen,
'fessed to 'MeWhirter' that lie: he'd committed the'.
murder' MeWhit ter kept the matter (*tilt nntil,
after Mason left'informed
others Of . .it, and a. ,
warrant was got out for Ma.
son's arrest--They'followed him to Philadelphia
and lodged infermation with : the Mayor and 'Re
corder 'of the eity.‘, The pollee was put , uPen the
hunt of him, and on
,Friday last, lie was arreeted,
on board one of the Liverpool packets which was
to sail on 'Monday. His nOnfession, as given to
MeWhirter; is in the following terms: We take
it from the Philadelphia Spirit efthe Times:
Conasstn o b WIER.- 1 0 • WES alter
work. Ho arrived at Philadelphia frOni 'lreland
in July last, and had been wandering about-the
country-ever since. • ' When in :Harrisburg,• lie
hoard that this old couplo . had laid up, from.their
sales of marketing, quite a large sum of money
to liu'pport them, nd that they. had. it in the house
imtpecie.. He'.wasjn n. state of utter destlentioli,
and.having' nothing to do,and no prospect of work,
he conceived the plan amurdering,the couple al
luded to, in order to obtain their Wealth. He be
gan by !nuking about the premises to. ascertain
when the.,old' people were alone. • On-the morn.
ing of Friday lie watched until lie saw the son
,for market, when ho sneaked up cautiously
towards the house. As lie looked in the door, he
saw the aged couple sitting at a table, uponi;iich
were spread a number Osman pieces of money.
The old lady was sitting at 0111, end sewing, with
liar apeetacles on her nose.. The old 'gentleman
was sitting at the other cud, apparently engaged
in examining and counting'the coin. Fired by
the exhibition, ofthis money, which brought:into
vivid distinctness thepielete dills own beggary,.
lie Lei:rested-to an adjacent:wood pile, and select
ing from it an oak stick about a yard long, and
knotty at, the end, returned stealthily to thohouse.
HC first struck the. old , lady .a tremendous blow
- upon - the' head-from behind, 'completely smashing
in liar skull, and exposing the brain.' 'Plniducfden
blow paralyzed - With - fear and astonishment.her
husband, before reoffering from - which lie receiv.
ad from Mason a blow oleo that gave him an aw.
Gil gush upon the forehead, from out 'of which
goslietha torrent of blood. This Would seem to
have .finislictl the - dreadful deed, but the old irian
was athletic, atid.thougli blinded by his own gore,
and' agenized With the - pain, he attempted to
' grapple with his assailant. Another and another
blow - followed, 'some of which struck.' the table
and broke the corner of it off. The old lady here
made an ontery;it - was - her - dcatt.sirriekTand - the
murderer alarmed, aimed another boat her,
which missed her head, but dashed the speyricles
from her face, and broke diem' when with a
gurgling groan she dropped and expired. 711.Q_
old man now grasped the villain, in a moment of
returning consciousness, by the leg. Ancither
bloia with the bludgeon,
which by this time was
covered with blood and brains, and the gray hairs
of the murdered couple, Completed the fiendish
work, and all was quiet. Mason now hastily
snatched up the, Money from the table, and pro
ceeded to rifle the drawdrs. Ho saw one drawer
open with a key in it , L-iprobably the, ono from'
ithieh the coin upon'thb• table had been taken.
From tide drawer lie took some relief notes, and
some silver. Just as he was about to close this
drawer, lie discovered a little box in it. Ho broke
it open, and found it full of gold. He seized one
gold piece, but just at that moment the old man,
turning over in his blood, began to groan. The
murderer became alarmed: At thn ennui instant,
ho thought he heard approaching footsteps—pos.
sibly the son returning home. A panic seized
him-t--there - lay the gold before wanted
could readily clutch it—but Ails fingers
seemed paralyzed—hie - brain bewildered—and
giving Way tb an instinctive sense of sadly, lie
rushed out of the back doer of the house, leaving
his bloody stick behind hitn, and made' with, all
possildo.speed for the woods. He neAt .Went to
the river, and , there washed the stains of blood
from his clothes. That night lie slept in a barn.
Ou examining the money he had taken, he found
that the whole sum did not exceed twenty dollars.
Mason is said to be about 35 years of age of
small stature, with quite an ordinary expression of
countenance, a wild martiac•looking eye, and evi
dently a man of abandoned character. Ho now
denies the confession, but his whole demeanor,'
uneasiness, &c., it is said, betrays his•guilt.
• The discovery of the Murderer is fortunate, as
suspicion was very generally settling. down upon
the son of tiro murdered persons, adding to his
sorrow for their loss the torturo which that sus.
picion would produce.
Slavery and Denmeraey.
Tim: Richmond -Whig .Utters, the • following
Properly and strictly speaking, there is no such .
thing in the whole southern,' country as ademo
crat, unless he be at war with the institutions
that surround him. There is a total andirrec
oncilable hostility between a slaVeholder and a
democrat. The_fundlmental.principle of the lat
ter is that all men are equal. The former can
.not hold ouch a prineiple, Without' giving the to'
it by daily practice. If ho holds such a senti
ment be to suppress it, and In subservlenee
to his interest, enact the 'constant hypocrite.—.
The northern democraton the contrary, acts up
of universal equality._ Disglise it as they with
thiti radical dilibrenee ; pervades thOse who call
themselves democrats,. they cannot and will not
'any longer tolerate )slavery. For' the Syslsm
Slavery le at war with DeinotratY ;:and these at
the South wha are now giving aid and cotinte
pence to: what is, called the democrat) , of the
Northlare in effect doing all, in their power
subvert the social ,institutions: of the South.. A
northern dernaciat, unless he betas great a hYPo
opt! as:p..lloomo' slaveholding dernocrat; Must
d6lior rinvery:
' • New Vomers. • • •
-=-The, Now„_
inenee eeitrepoo;fereteld some week* elnee, fine
the pd:olset
Jcine , a
expect gime hero hythouienda.
body. of tiitot?i; Oerke , iklye 4444}
. r1 ;99 11 N0 , 4 1 :4 11 19-4-;i 41 :Ali i ki0F 4 ': 994104qVi;
3 1 1 , 0 - : P 'e d *OP ; 44
40$( ' )9t.t 1 0: 14 0 101 1 1 i 0 7,.?*.d 0 ' - .1 411 0 )11 1.
.4.ANDTHEW .41
(10.) :Pliserierf A g fAiitiTOit'criOlieeMaP4iyi
'addresse'''d one of
Ole.we itaide'ever •witneepet(in th'si,o4rt,ffintsai
yard We had t4e2Pliniettiktor;einittdr Of fo*:
hither.byythe announcencentihat the , great4fen.
tuckiah:woulttoncernime address the. eople upon,
thestrite '
.„),Ye_linve*ten:biaiditi,',; _elaiv:)nit
that he neVer did, appear, Ut our eatimatiorn
4att 2 ticarcelialopiii ofilsiational mordant that;he;,
.did;not,tduclii and •toucb:with-a clot - Tweak and
bility" that aitonished, even his old admit4nti.
Mr. 'gay commenced his - Speecli by a hettiitiliil
aelmowledgement to all parties on his late trip
the gouth..Weit - for the henork theY had showered:
, upoWhitii;end hdiliought the firOpei place to Make
Oleic ackrroivledgenientd ivae to the people of, re.i!i,
'cue ho lived, 'mull to whom 'he
Was. chiefly' Indebted fox..whatever, distinetien he, ,
; had acqutred, or.; whatever .opportunity had been
aftorded to him of doing service . .to)da country.
Ijie connection wititthe 'Batik 'tills of the Ex
tra s'essien`:..titis'de:co'n'&i , sefe r ainiiist thti ,
Charge of having aliutioned his vieWsin re'
Bard to a , Eank—his reference. te_the twenty per
cent. clause in the Distribution act—the Tariff—
the Bankrupt act—were all discussed;, and alliM
putations upon him in .regard ,to these several
subjects put at rest, we suppose forever.
We regret that we cannot present to our read•
era the whole of Mr. Clay's speech speech ;'-but there.
weaone_part of it, 'relating to the administration
of,tho'Government, so very to rn
quiro that it should ho published, and- we think
we can present it in the precise language of that
gentle:Man. , •
After haying shown that the present adminis
tration had totally abandoned the principles and
the pally which torought into power; liad Indent:
ificd itself with the Loboroco party, With' which
it was now one and indivisible ; and was systoni:;
atically and corruptly administering the patron.
ago of the Government to bity up the people of
the Unitcd:§tatcs, or rather to buy up the Dem.'
ocratic party to the supPprt,
()lay proceeded to say: "that he had n 6 hesita
tion to 6ifpress his opinion as an bumble and spri.
vale citizen; • that no man • wlib, had any feeling
of self.r cspett or honor or patriotism could' take
brliold any office, the.tentiro of which depended
on the President's will, subject to the degrading,
and disgraceful conditions which well: linponed
upon Its' possession ; and that it would be the
bounden duty of the licit President elected, be
he Whig Democrat, to.. purify the public scr•
vice by' prortiptly discarding all such contarninat.
ed incumbents, Ile hoped there were many, he
knewthere were some, now in office, who disdain
ed to submit to any -such disgraceful- conditiPns,
and -they ought,tind he doubted not wonld.rccci,vc
just and Ihll consideration, and be jtidged accord:
ing, to their Capaeity, honesty and fidelity to their
conntry." • •
Mr. Clay, Went on further to say, " that, in his
opinion, if a Whig troldent should be elected, it
would be big imperative duty to do'ample justice,
in the administration of the public patronage, to
the 'great Whig patty efthe country—what he ver.'
ily believed fof - yeah; hail embraced a Majority of
the people of the United States: That parly..fell,
upwrirdS of fourteen years pas!, with the excel).
lion of ode month, had been Systematieally'pro 7
scribed and 'excluded from all puillie employ:
mots. Not only from original appointments,
but, when" they held office, they lase been hurled
out to make Avay, often for unworthy persons, of
opposite politics. And 'so far is Mr. Tyler. now
pursuing this practice that he is dismissing, men
whom ho put Moot Only without charge,Without
fault, without any . species of trial, but with a full
knowledge that the duties of their' offices have
been diligSntly, honestly and faithfully executed,
and putting back in their places men' whom he
had himself dismissed 1 Every consideration of,
equality, of equity and of justice demands, said
Mr. Clay, that the most full and complete reps:
ration of the injuries dono to the Whig party
should be hereafter made. Nor • would that be
proscription. it would be the severest rebuke tif
proscription. On the contrary, to continue In of
men, who had been put there, by the diem's:-
sion of other and better men { for political rens:
ens, would be to sanction, consummate perpetu.
ate proscription. But if it could bo regarded as
proscription, who is to be justly ieprOaclied With
beginning proscription in this country 1.:!
"No matt felt mote profoundly than he did the
evils which were grow out of struggles
for the prizes of aoven [ inient, with the distribu
tion of . all its honors and offices exclusively con:
fined to the successful party. Bo doubted wheth.
cr onleystem could long endure the Cons
ces of such struggles. But ho hoped that a rem.
cil.v% would ho hereafter fountl,either in the amend
mentof the - Constitution or' the Law, to guard a
gOnst tlieso evils."
Mr. Clay's noble appeal to the VVhigs in con
clusion to stand by their, cause, was, we believe,
responded to by every Whig in the vast crowd,
and we doubt if every Whig did not leave the,
ground with his faith strengthened, and his zeal.
renewed ton-fold in behalf of the glorious princi
ples of Ills party, and the - glorious'chterwho so
nobly maintains them.
•' We have the gratification to assure our friedds
'at a distance, that never was our distinguished
neighbor in finer health and spirits, and that he:
Lassureq-them-of 7 hls-unshaketi-confidence --
.triumphant Wine of the groat struggle which is
shortly to come off.
Theatre Burnt.
The gngtiah , papers contain an account of the
destruction, of Lehman's Theatre rtt St. Petere• .
burgh;.Ressia, during performance. At the time
the fire broke' out' among tiaLeconery; laughter
was i eriddOnli tamed into pallid fear i ; and shrieks
of iiorier hirst from the boioms t ot thinisand a; who
Oct now had been convulsed with mfrth.,;, Grasp.‘J
ing whatwas dearest to the nt;all rrudted towards •
}the outlets. j' . ; .
These were i'vergelirrhe'ef the
oeatre;eiiii)t was yer7,44l,jr . that hs~.lilrcmoet
rildde waffOr those behind' them, Viilk Mitch ' , Me i
tnere raPfdlidid the . tlaritei 4'1'140061e 4iFie?
41 1 1 ,1
Scent, to f9PITit . obPPPS44e,IIO
ofthi,Peiktr. o l,oll,.....ii*Tl4,7q!!c:Replet,".o 4 ;
r*tho'' edtillieMiNeen4‘44ll4lllol44 , 4l4 l 4
4"o4 4ll. ookilziti4 l, f 'o'l ` , .;
Otl'ijOgia*** l 4 4 644 llol , l *,.
Mif'" i Pt bf k:tc ,il g l 4o. ili t t f4 o o o ,linti t tlit,, l4
h ;''Vra ' • "4,>lY
6 01 1.1 i4i;i4 ( iit1 4. 7jaPi,o'f , 0 1 0 4,1 0irglk
ofreayrtiodigg .4.,.(0,01b.1944Vtprt
:vvaifil'4liolit4miligif , .;9 l .ci:ta.ko: 1)14 thg ,.
tre.rls effholisople. • qie people of . OOS, Country
sse,.,Above those otherc,i4 .freedom,
till , the
al l' fin4*.- 1 034e 12 0'.' 401!!/WR ' 1 4:
on eyery : efde, th:i4clereedillo i reseure felt,opon:
business :dui
Italue...cft property ,: 'wise .of ,This
grass' Out of mvil :ldgi '
slatiorf end , f>;lea ' political
1136 "tisiwer thole
:hands to correCt ; o9sp the pro.
plo-from this distress which , .sveiehs,dowyn.its sr,.
;orgies untlthe business oflitesisopie- r • -
It hae been well, eaid 'Tuition *pate. and
will have a faithful 4drelnietintion of its ieblie
iffaire—it wants end, will:.lniy e i - .,eulfLelent,and
!Mona norrency-.-it protee.
fien.for induetryit wants and have mfair
.share of cooinierce • of flee' .world- 4t •Wantenund
will have a better yfrice,for its •priiduce.a-a morb.
reciprocal trade abroad-i-a 'more' free and open
market among those 'of vvhomit'beye its .luxtp:
These are indeed' the great:wants of the' coun.
try arid the peiple, : aiid IIM•• people will Weirley
•more and more independently for themselves, un
til these wants-itre-supplied. The. bUsionsa .of
the country—the value of mciperty—the price of
labor have • beim - torn and :controlled_by_
Movements nnd *governmental projects long e
nough, Mid' the people; the business men, begin
to demand now that he Government shall give
its aid to promote; and not Lb .hariper, and tlestlny
the induStry of the _pe:oplei • •
Henry Ckl,y and a Us S. Bank.
From he tint° Henry Clay 'first entered upon
political lilk until the present, he bas,always been
the stern and unwavering advocate of , democratie
prineiplesi v alid Hever, through the whole of that
period, was he known td change, if wo expect his
vote in opposition to the first United States Bank.
That was an error; however, which he honestly
and fearlessly redeemed in' 181 t, when he voted
to charter another United States Bank, being then
Convinced that it was necessary and indispensable.
,In the recent debate upon the Exchequer Bill,
Mr: Talltradge, of New YoN, who , voted against
thattering the second Bank, made tho 'following
fitteiblo all Usion to that vote
. .
"Mr. 'related the various modes adopted by'
the Government for keepirig and disbursing the
public funds. In treating of thii subjects and Of
the establishment,of the first United Stales flank,
he spoke in high terms of .Mr. Hamilton; whose
mind, at_the early..ifi7o'.u.F4 brought order Out
_of ihaos, The chatter of the lkiited.States - Bank
expired in 1811, another Was establiShed in 1816.
That charter expired; and ho was one who-voted
against re-chartering the bank. Ho recollected
well the remark which p distinguished Senator
from Kentucky made-to him shortly after_he had
given his vote. "Sir," saiil lie, "there wao opining
man from the - West in Congress, in 1811,- who
voted - against - re-chartering the 014 United. States
Sankt Tiiite Went on and troubles' oamo upon
the country. We attempted t get along without
a National Bank; bin we found it 'indispensable
to the proper managettient of the finance of the
country, and the preservation of orotund and uni
form currency. That young man-was convinced
by experience that the vote he liad,,givcti was an
erroneous one, and iii 1816 lie voted to charter
another United States Heidi. You have how
voted as that young man did at first, against re
chartering the bankt but time and experience
will, I have no doubt, convindoiyou, as they did
'him, that you have committed an error.
"And, sir, said Mr. T.; I'etand hero to confess
that time and 'experience have convinced me of
my error, and to acknowledge that Mr. Clay was
right." ' -
- 01 -tlttitiritantiia,
The royal. mail steamship, Britannia, of Cu-.
nard':l line, arrived at. Boston about -2 o'clock on
Wednesday morning last, having 'coMpleted the
passage in less thanlourteen days; The
genco by her is up to the 4th inst., her day of
Sailing, and thciagli not of striking impeftanccii!,
qNito of an interesting. Character. In'Parliciment
the greater Out of three weeks preirious to the
4th, nothing of moment to our readers occurred,
excepting the debates on the Ashburton Treaty. -
The debates were, howeveri - -of but little conse
quence, for nothing 'Serious will grow out of
them. Like our politicians, the English know
how to tulk, fcr effect. In a' commercial point,
the news is important. Five American packtits
haerar . rived at Liverpool within a fin? 'days of
each other, and the steamer Great Western
reached thertion the Ist inst. The cotton market
has been extremely buoyant, With improving pri.
cm The sales for the weeek ending the 31st
'March, were 26,000 bags—nearly 10,000 per. day.
A steam carriage, to fly in the air, has been in.
Tented by a Mr. Henson, and the projeCt was
creating inuell eXcitement, and, a bill had been
iutredueed into Parliament by a sedate mild prac.•
tical member, for incorporating a company to
carry out its principle.
Commodore Porter; the United States Minis
ter at Constantinople, died on the 3d ult.
The Presidential ,Message on. the• Ashburto
treaty, and the Closing of Congress, was receive.
by the Great Western j the Message created som
excitement, and the London Times, handles ,
wktlioilt, gloves.
That extraordinary Work , of genlikthe Tha •
Tunnel, was opened on,Satiuday, the 2.5 th ul
The reply of : Mr. Everett, our. Minister
the deputation whiell.waited on him ith a
oriel of the holders of State stocks is publi 1.
and very much admired by the English:pa •
Mr. E. expresses the confident belief that
State will, in 'the end; fully redeem its .
One of the London pa
can bo more qoagraded t
except the presses in th
continues to be in tho
health ;' and notwithstam
'the 'event which is'look(
much interest, her - NUJ(
are daily to'be soon wal
- Buckingham Palace as I
Morning._ ,
L.MsTit D. Sonim
nOnnci:the death Rain
March 21, •at his resit,
this event kis *kids MUM
tel)i".meniat . '4 ll lkTPN
ha : we, not tibia; icofrq'r.'
his coumamionitiUm his '
be' eccoguieed e'isn be?.
ki!lnitsktilititic l o.; l l
4 iuMitVgeMn','7,2 l , o : l 4t*ii
PlCa , l 7 loik il ,iNt*Oi' ll ,itt„, s t
StM i iii IV/1004
SU'IMIUStAitt 'Afjo3l Piro. • •.1
gly9!b4ei'i..oiikc;t`ilik#o.lAir it.; acts
ifiteresi,'o24(l44l,44lo seeiikg,
e44,,o;vil:nor :retilTeed.the . :Setiato:,
44' 116 P#P91!,t4 a .9:;6.iiimigO*lit } ,9 , Yv•
hia signature :
ieturnee the bill for the
election - of -.Cailitcommiieionere.
ettlite - e22li4,.;AttietftAijeliiiatufe.,. *lree, f 7lll,
thet4fpie * i tikie!"4riOihiel - edeial!te:Oteei
people 'ihti "ittinital . 6l4 th)tt:
The Reform'Bill, hhyizie Reseed:h:tail - bens; g•
meseage . w . tin teceid . OttrOtti the Groiletitoi on lifon+
Oatini"sulfated the bill
pi.94bliog. for a genet* ,ire potion. of t e.expeneee
of, the Giiverninent;to coize a law withoht hie
eitpiatetg. He'dee j 1 sign' the bill on'
ebiin,efobjeatiOne .tie ' ' the : . ehtOsO abolishing the
ofhce . of 04cretary ° of the Land Ciffice i . offct new:
geets:the propriety orrepealingtbat . part of the
.• , .
In acc ordance , with"the ,Governor's ipiommenr
dation, an amendment to the general ApproPria-,
two Bill firm passed on the last night of 'thous
suspendingy until' May; 1844, the operation
of thatseetjon of thltivitichabedishes
the office ofOecretary of the Land Office!
A bill for the sale,of the main BIM of the public
works was passed by the Legislature and is in the
hands of the Governor. it Is said he will sign it:
The bill for the punish - 4mM* sedueibib'Pa '', iiiki
both Houses and is in the hands of the COVernot.'
An Act has been passed by the Pgielature
prohibiting insolvent debtoranpreferriag" credi
tors in making assignment's, other thin laborers;
and then not io an amount exceeding*. As,
the,Bankriu4 Law . has teen repealed, and the In.
Solvent Lavtlb dr the State. again . ease into opera
tion, a provision to this effect was Oertatuty'rnueln
iiouses: It is to be hoped the grit bribery trans:
attion will now be probed to the bottom, and the
adore in it exposed i
. .
"Resolved, • That William Meredith. arid Gee.
M. Dallas; of the city of Philndelphit4lbe,and they
are hereby- authorized and directed to institute
and conduct such procecdingrven• the part of the
Commonwealth, as will bring to trial in, the
proper court, having jurisdiction,:the parties in
the conspiracy to procure legislation by improper
means in the year4B4o4 in,eueh manner, how
ever, as to be consistent with the. faith of the
Commonwealth heretofore `pledged to Ve
A resolution. was : thelScruite in ad.
'''cordance With the prayer o!the Donegal.Prcsby.
tery in this State, requestkg the Govern set
apak, by pfoelamation, oat day in every year as
a' day. Of thanksgiving aril prayer. It is time - a
practice which has beer in New-Eng--
land:and other States - e , er since rlio,scttlement
of our country, should also' be introduced into
Pennsylvania, and ft itjD be hoped the Governor
will scP•tho propriety& complying with the re ,
.The following• are ne principal Items of the
Appropriation Bill f the expenses clf GoVern.
merit the enstfint ye :
For the payment of Rarest and gory
oral expenses fGosetnniont;
Pensions„ I •
Militia Expense,
Colleges, Acalies, and Feniald
,--• Seminaries ' 23,000
-Common-Sch I,_, •• . - 250,000
House Of Reraco 5,000
Institution ferthe 131 Ind, • . 8,000
. •
I. . Deal' and Dumb,. 11,000
• , State Libra 4, - , ' .- 2,300
Nicholson Cart, (old expenses) 4,500
Eastern PententiarY, • 8,000
' Western ~.‘ " 5,000
,Interest osittnporary loan, 15,000
ac o lo g icarcurvey, (conclusion,) -2,000
rest enfth May issues, . - 30,000
Miscellatlons, . 5,000
Canal alidilailroad officers, 50,000
P a y o filnal Commissioners and - -
theirt:rks . .
Repairs dn.he Public Works, of dam
ages bYthe present flood; if necessary,
the sdrr . 50,000
Labotet do the Public Works, - 00,000
W e I L: indebted to Mr. KENNEDY for a com
plete air of Titles of Acts and Resolutions passed
' I
at . therirision of the State Legislature, which elos•
ed itWitting on Tuesday night. There were ono
butyl's& and sixty.threo Acts arid supplements to
Accand fifteen resolutions in all passed. Wo
givielow the titles of sech as are of consequence:
' Act repealing the law, increasing the solar.
iri t - Judges.
f i n Act regulating .. the Public Printing and
dihg, and for other purposes.
'in Act to abolish the Court of General Sessions,
the city and county of Philadelphia, and for
suer purposes.
An Act to:provide fur the election of Repro
pitatives Of the people of this State, in the Con.,
tressofthe United States. ' '
Au Act regulating Election Pistriele.„
An Act to reduce the capital, of the Bank Of
North America. , ,
An Act to create permanently thc Aim ofState
j Printer.
An Act Id anthorlie. the appointment of an I.
pector- ofsole, rough harness, •and rough skirting
Leather,, in the•eitY and county of Philadelphia.
An Aci to reduce. the capital of the Bank of
,Penn Township, of Philadelphia; '
An Act, to reduce ,the• expensea' or Governa
it mint.' .. ' • ' ' . - -
.. ' A farther supplement to ,tbe Act entitled "An
ry Aettelating to the lien of Meehanies - and others
„. on buildings. .
7 An reducelhe capital Of ' ilte:'..ticiluth.
ice Bank 'Of theeityfand corinty'of Philadelphia,
rind for Other purposes. : , -: , ,'• '
An Act to provide for the paythent 'of the
DoMestic Creditors: of the Commonwealth;, sale
of State Stock, and for Other purposes, - '
' - Au Act to prevent preference in assignments,
: :An'Act te'redneethe 'capital stock. of theßank'
'of Chester couty.' : . .•' , ' • ' • '1
An Act the obarto.of Alio flank of
Northern Libor tiee, in 'thkerienty ol' Philadelphia'
and for' ther PuiPosee.. , • ' ' .. - '`
' 'Ali. Aet tO extend the Waiter of 'the ,Firriier's
`tank Of 1340 in canny; 'find for 'abet. pail:Moe&
"'An Ace to - retie* the charter of the,Pariner'i .
Think of Philadelphia. ":-
i.AO:Act to extend the charter of.the Southwark`
Bitrik hi the couritY,OfThiladelphit .and. for other
•An Act to incorporate theFranklin-Plte-Erirn.
puny,' in the minty oft Philadolphia.7, - ;,-,,_.-t.:4.1..,;', , '
V AXt pot to extend , the: charter'. oPftlie,Attuk-*
Delrievaa‘corioty,:apd forrither_perpotka.L.k,_
- , •An ..itctViiipplerrientitity\ l ,o. , an adt , entitled "rill.
net to iricOporritit x-thealetiancriLtsurancetted;
TriletHdinnpany of Philadelphia; ii,;:r.l. rrsi,-;. ; -.., :,;.; i .
, ,ji..Ats eat' en, iticOilminite the Perry COMO:Mu.
'4 l klAXllllitrtulr. -- F,'? u ,PPY.• •• . , k , -.; - 1, 1 .:',: '.... s i
rt ' .
:' 61 i,hiti'°, 1 /-*O I rP e PO - 4' l i 4 oo . n' l t tt b e, r 4 T'' s
.140, 0 04' 4 - •:!,%': ,fc' ', ' ,:t.':... - ze ± VV l2- `
T,',R4030 , 44:Ta 0,100 1 5A 6 ..,,,, ,4,40):iq
!: , •pmigitipii I toto t i rtiKAPOWIP"'
liiriblitiNiffe AiiiiiiiiAV 4 ,4teirs-i/ .
4fisiielfitlisnWii 'WviiiiiitiiiidiiVilliiiiii*** -
:SO fil
4 ret..4
Phil° o4 oof c, 11 :
0tA40! 1 ‘477, , i
—rtri -4e g • •
Otijile . 4iliitt4oll4lto-41101
5, '..104r014N0R4i103 7 ,c ,IO#it.CIJR.A,VTB ;
. .RON:4andAattfpNtliffteatt4i4. Of , th e, , ,l?est
and in additi9,94egin9Rdisaiirtreenter (49, beat Java
'and Rio, CoOdi;: TOdeiaok BibiYq..Rii'pre; ,
2v4ite /410$ 1 .andlAr$60r6.0f;b0lii.illoOund'00UK
401,1A.10t iii!Ok fi oo3t Lea Snmara,
&Auk offfineauquality
eat prieei,,Calk at 9ur Grof,er,y_Atore,..Weat XOl9
J. VV.' EIDY; - '..
. 14843. !WE"
.The Account: ofßobert-Moore,'Trea,
surer of the borough,.
exhibiting the - anzbiint'Ofhiei::
Regeipts and' Disbittse.;
april, 1842. •
To amount of tax authorized to be col. ,
• : leeted for 1842; ". $1752 46
Cash in hands of Thome Trimble,' • '
late Treasurer, and paid over, 67 19
`Cash from M. Dipple, balanco
' due last year,. „ 25 00
For Been's°. to keep provision stores; 38 00
From A. Woods, late,collector; bal.
lance on duplicate,.' • " 37
From John Walker; proceeds of tho
sale.of bulge,s. 48
From do, in part . Onaterorder . 10 00
. From Chief Burgess, for license tn,
"exhibit, . - ________lo..oo.
' ,From John Harris, fine for violab
ing_ordinancb, 1 00
'Fines for violating boi'FaTdifirniiiii --- 14 - 00 -
From 111.*Dipplei proebeds of hay - • '
scales, . • . 37 78
From John Walker, balancb on ' • •
water order, ', 17 00
From John Noble & Co, stall rent, 40 00
From Crouse & Cart; stall, rent, ' 12 00
Cash from sundry persons for runt
Of outer stalls, 6 00
Amonnt•of small rotes left in'trea. • •
sury and exchanged for other
money; • 1389 '25
,Nlante in hands of'irensurer; ' 91112 81i
ing street, • . 1.50
'• 4. Editors of the Herald &
Expositor for printing, 11 00
.4 Bernard Hendel for wind... •
ing clock, • 10 10 00
. .
.44 Daniel Bowers, for work
. . .
done, ' • 1 00
, .
..Daniel J. Snow, for signing
small notes, - . 12 00
• " ' John Irwin, for copy of as-
Sessment, • : • - BOO
S. G. Angnay, for signing
small notes, • - - 60-00
John Hevinger,for digging
spring, . • -. 35 00
"- A.-Mowry, balance on con. '
tract ? _ - iOO
" - Geo. CornMaii; for clearing .i
grave yard, 19 -00
" Cush paid for small s notes .
(311,000 issue,) 211 13
. - " '' . Robert McPherson for re.
pairing-South-Hanottcr-street, 125 00
--"' George Keller, donation to . .
the "aod Will Fire Company," - 30 op
“• . Do. Treasurer of " Union .
Fire 'Company," ' . __,. '34 00
Jacob Senor, Treasurer of ,
" Cumberland Fire Company" _ 3$ 00
" -Do. Donation to "Alert
Fire Company," - , .
" Mrs. Bell, llcese. money -
refunded, .
" —RAN'. Middleton, printing, •
." •W. M, Biddle, for advice,
" G. Sanderson, for printing,
!,• for small notes (1000 issue)
" Carlisle Bank on note,
" . Interest on sable,
" o.'toudoni stationary, &e:
" J; J. Myers & Co. for oil
thrnrulicil Council [louse, . (
' " • J. - Posildewaitc;workdonii
at hay scale(; ..
" M. Mattlfews; Street Com:
missioner, . .
" John Wiliker; salary and
, Daniel J. Shatili for sign:
ing small notes,
J. Harper, 'strbet.
" John 12,. Turner, do. •
" Jacob Spangler, do.
" R.'AfcCartncy for watching
'market lidusc,
G. W. Crabb, for printing; •
•". J. Walker, collector, pet'
centago on duplicate;
" •M. Alaithewa, salary as
Street Commissioner,
" It. Moore, Clerk to coon:
cil, salary, •
" Am't ordered to btil burned 75
of old issue of small notes, • A
-" Amount of small notes of
lastissuo in bands of treasurer !
and ordered ti?, be burned,
" Conlinission allowed trea-
" Commission allowed 'trea
surer on paying out 810,774 00
in small notes,
Amount of exonerations al
lowed J. Walker, collector,
Amount of balance on du-
Oman) unpaid,
Of the Financial iondition of the Borough of Car.
lisle, showing the amount of Small Notes
Mastanding and unrideenthl, and debts
' dub,by unit tothe Borough, Apri/18 , 13i
DR. .
, .
balanbe ofSmall notes outstanding
and unredeemed as per state
ment of lost council, issued 183; On; ao
Amount redeemed Ay council and
burnt; - •
Datum outstanding,
.. To debt due the Carlisle Bank,. ,
Amount of Small notes. issued in
A.ll. 1842 1 by Council; • - 911.595 25
By balance dee* front' John Moore.; •
bail, of John Reightir,
Onlattee'due (born johnPetorp,Col,L, .
AooP3r.Ttir 1840, now in ."suitors '
„ the bond of. Peters & Harper, : • 433 At ,
, John AVynkoop on Stall Bent, • 29 .75
Johnt:Noble &Co. do : :,•. 5O 00
JatneaVoftbr; • 'do •36 00
Croubd & Cart; ”' •dp • " 24'00
• Mitett, &J,,avitt; • u ' . ' • ''''9;.l"oo
~ , •
Ifoiir#iqpnlo,,, i ', . . aci'„,:"
`..TohripeoPig•ox,' , ..', giro . .., ,.• :14.09.0,1
- 11;Aimee outstanding on sa2la a 'aid . : -...
• 'l/440t:1 1 0O 6 0,, • i f I '' . 7 : ' ''. ; ~ 8 , 7 , 7 , 1 t.
• • ' 13aIanco in band of M. l''Asskl, .
:of morkat 443.. -- ... ,. . .xo - 1 , . , 7.: ~-:..,.•,'1. , .;, .. ,..1 , ,.05.2., 71.
____lNinionk-lOanail'ina -.,' :.. '. ':•:, , i - ~. r,:lnzao , 00
mount of Senall, pottep',l4 l ll T.FO , - ~',". va ,, , , :::i
, !ail 4i, sip:hinge for, Othor money., .1310 , 74
' lllalialpo hi hand, of a1reatitg0r,, , ..,*1114,. 1 31
~..0.,.., :_ ..,. .4... ,, ,, , ...--., , ,-., ,, , ,,,- --A7, 7 ,•.,,,,,r,44 . , 4 ,74110' 4 14 ,- ;
..,,, ,-,
•, ,
~,i.;,;, , •f,;? - ; ,), , t. l'ki3t.2s
-`..April 1048 41 • ' ' ',' c'4.44Ci''"'-"L-'-'"
,40040 t
„ 16:7400. lier- ot4lviomiko
/ 1 41 ( fErfP
!M' 0' at .
im4:40.14-44 , tV.:. ,
Itstokt , • ,• • • I vy, ,
r - #..;:trsl4 - ',"l,;',
f.. sprioe,
ease is ite4B tam .of Die=
P,uni the Blood.
• .
tls;✓ t ipierfc:an,Coll'ege °fin/teal/h.'
15'9;plai aCictif4,ie4ii!
th' s e
. .
ECAUSE :they hottipletely cleanse the 'stomach
.poUml" , frOrd, those blkiou!'imd:_corrupX hu
inoi'e`',iyhich sago ,the bate ; ;4 131 i., !if
'4ditthlkess o .'
eVerf malady
iii id ilt t %f;i N .
;'' , , , §.41.11iN7:20:1V;P:8a - k • ral*E. PILLS -
Ari a cortahvetijmlo)otOrrOittenkt , remittent, nor.,
- im - lifeti - tindptttriil - Tevertibecause - ther --- -
cleanse the pity friiiiithoetiorhyl h umors, *hid'
.w.hen confined to, tlte,Cirettiatioo, aye the cause of alt
_kinds of - •
. .
§Co 006 . same impurity iidePdaited on
the..membrane and inuice, causing painsonflomma.
tines SedinaellingS,T,alled
The Indian Ye : getable'
.wayacertain,te give"r4ef,and' if perserecd . With,4; .•
.cording to,directioni;rwill most assuredly,andwith=,
out fall,Maise'd",,perfe.ct, care of 'the above painful
Maladies., trodt thren't'nsiX of Said Indian Vegettb:,'
hie : Pills taken eyeti.night ongoing bed4illln ..
short time
thilg that 'OPPOsed'IO health; that
- •
DRIVEN PR o.llf. 7WE , BODY:
•For the same renions,'Whien,flomAntbien changes
oratreoiphere, or any Miler citu6d ifie perspiration ,
is checked, and the humors:which should pass'off by
the skin are thrown inwardly,lausing
Nausea and sickness, pain in the bones, Watery'. and
inflamed eyes, sore throat, hoarseness,' coughs, con-.
stimptionn, Ahenmatie pains in various 'parts of the'
6,10, and Many other symptoms of -
ably 'give immediate relief. .Prom' three to six of
said fills taken every night on going..o,hod, will in
a sheik time, not only remove all the above unplea
synipt.oms, but the body 4 wi11 . ; in a abort be.
restored to even sounder health than before.' 'Via
same, maybe said of • . • ;
The Indian Vegetable Pills Will loosen and carry
aft' by the stomach anti bowels those tough phlegmy
humors, which atop up the'air'cells of the lungs,and
tie die eauq,e. not only of the abovcdistressing com
plaint, but when neglected,
.often terminates in that
still Mere dreadful malady called
It should also be remenibered . ithattheAudian
• -
Vegetable Pills are a eertaineure for '
$3548 55
• _ .PAIN IN TILE HOE. _ , . •
OppressioN nausea, and siekness,loss of appetite,
costtveness; a yellow tinge of OM skin and eyea and
every other symidont of a torpid or diseased state of
the liver; because they wirge'frotri the body - those
impurities which: if deposited upon tide importayi
brgati, are the cause of every variely of •
When ;Nation is couVultell..byltiots, Outbreaks
hind Rebellion, the only sure Means of preventing the
dreadfuil ConiegneUces of a
• • .CIVIL WAR,-
is to expel all traitors, and evil disposed ones from
the Country.
- in like manner, when pain orsicknessialany kind
indicate that the body is strualli% with internal foes,
the true remedy is to o
BO 00
4 00
10 75
5 (10
16 75
40 00
9.60 00
au 2Li
1 44
. •
EXPEL ALL monntn
(Traitoi:li to life,) I Intl HEALTH WILL HE THE
That the Prineilde,of curing diseaseAr, Cleatuking
and Purifying the body, is strictly in accordatice.wtik
the Lnwswhich govern the-animal economy'; tund if
pkiiicely carried out by the use of the above named'
10 00
IVIli c'ertainly result in ' Ilia aoinplate Abolition of
Disease; IVer offer the following testimonials, from
persons of the highest respectability New York,
who have recently been cured of the most ,obstinate
colnplaints, solely by the use of WRIGHT'B' INDIAN
432 32
9 87
6 00
1 50
1 50
• Doctor William Wright—Dear Sir— , lt is with
great satisfaction ,that I inthrm you of my having
'been entirely cured of Dysprosia, of five years sfutiti
lug, by the use of your INDIAN VIiGETAIILM
4 50
3 75
91 20
- -
Previous to meeting with your celebrated meth.;
eine, I had been Under the hands of several Physl 7
clans, dad WI tried various medicines; but all to no
effect. After Using one 2.5 cent box of your PHIS'
however, I experieliceil sn much benefit, that. I ti
solved to perseVere in die use of them according en'
your directions, *bleb 1 hat lialvoy, to Butte, lutary.:
stilted in a perfeiit care: iu gratitude to you for the
great benefit I Idite reteicetl, tind also in the hope
that others shiii lady nfilikied ifitti , be induced to make
trial of your extraordinary m6diEine,' I send you,
this statement with full liberty td publish the fume if
you think,proper. Yoilra,
Nevi JUIM 1 10; 1841; d; tit:ACK.
To Mr. Ilieleird Derinis;Agent. eon:W . o'loWe !whim
'Vegetithle Y. •
Dear Ste—At your rUptimmetidatiotaeonie time
since made trial of INDIAN ;WIG
VIABLE. ; PILLS . of thC North American College
of Health; and can conscientiously' assert, qua fur
Purifying the Blood; 'lux), the tiystem,
have reecive4Mane'ltatic6t from their use, thtut front'
any other metlicinis,lt t lieretoforeliOti Vliy, good
foridne to meet will. .1 'aui, dear ;sir; with many,
thanks, you/. obliged
• ' • No. 60 Hamersly,st,,Hew York.
Mr. Richard' Dennis, agent' for Writtiftt's' Indian'
* • Vegetable Pills.
f 40 00
33 leA
50 01
107 '74
28 13
297 59
62435 iN
9 73
$722 55
• Dear Sir-1 have - been aMietedTor several years
with itsward.weaknetaiand general, debility, accom
panied at-tlrneawithjokiniti tbe. aiAeYnd'other Os
treiring coniPlaints.'.Atterliavingtibd:Varinus medi:
enn...witbiAlvelfer.t, I was perstiatleiti4 a 416111 to
make trial,pkpr, Wright's Indian Ireget . able Pips;
ailichlilkilftyptia state liavtirblietrbd tne la• a most
iinnderfnl lalahnek.' have.' pse.d tbs. tnedleine, as .
tuidliardlid'iloubt,. by a per
severance in ea , ,..1/30:+ef.the mediehlt?:artiardingtd
direollonsi;tbat bisverfeitly
redota r tnend amid alLper
aena.atiallarlY . affliatedt,„ Ale full. belief that
tile mine beneficial rest.ilta kA iel.lllo . l . l64
..-Iretatualburaalieryol , t ,
New. Youtt . ,,Sp4.s9. 1841 .
Thii Is to certify thsi ll Mote used Wright's Indian
Vegetable Pills with the greatest benefiiti,, having en=
ti; e l . ,: e uiil tnyinlf,of .thurrtvent' 'attarlo ar SiNk
licadache, to whielt I had wett o ttely..bgeuittMect.
. ''-'••,. i-I'. rY.. - ..;Cr 199 :Ggeen'tilili street; N. Y.
roilitgilltlabskril tUntu p item for.", .rlght's rain
;•,-.1. - . .7r. , Fit t 7 , 1:340tu v
. §lttrlllc . • ',... , l ' ‘-
:-:_mv..!-..,:!,01i• . gl'/.;,. .:; '.' _ '
'41141.4*-41*kt, r : fitlo.4-vioistil persons
WAY et!gagudit.'lie tiotnWiit. inertia - Inc un- .
der Iht,Outnito *4l 1.14" , . r bleg!! Pei and an
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