Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, April 19, 1843, Image 4

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    igittitl'v - to&04:0•04•••ii,
A IV A, Xtit
• .•
l'Let make uq a *e, lent 'we' lie Brittietell
• ltbrokl."—LGea;i4,ll. ' ••• • • •
• Make to`thynelne ‘ . f'
Not with :h t 4 ,4 *
4%,"ptsiyy r • - • •
like tWihiwaek; %White neretit
'• • •"::
siu'lto • • • , •
hlu;tifote; : •
plod hurl " o it aiigiilo nn the nod • •
That• God voublinatqa to Om,
Make thpaelf„a; . lihre--' • ,
aeivialth can . •
odb armpis:hut thfeed•of gold,
1 io 'dei44vei , ' •
g*orniouiitsleikeisfnii ,
oaroll:Within thihead shall filfe,
Like him Who placed It .
$4, td eat:tie:J.. •
- ;:‘ , .110'1O the Ottiptiitted
The - teattile oft betrityl its
Like Egyptt lofty.
Wet nsk:of Hint who
Of 'deth the tlite'titatife,
o Wilte it he the - blood:bouiht poit;
Or eit,erhis,thiglife! '
rho .idea of. iminortality, sanctifies all
our actions by the greatness of the views,
and sublimity of the motives; with which
it inspires us. Ineffect, what are all other
iiiiitiieei4biCh we can take for , the rule of
•our actions . ; in. comparison Of that of our
Immortality ? No, there are no real vir•
lass. but . those which are. grounded on the
foundation of a glorious immortality.. Alt
othere May form:dissemblers, hypociites,
politicians, whited sepulchres Out they
Will never make men wise 4 choice, and
virtuots . by , principle. Some say, that
Virtues are cmly disguise and dissimulation.
Why so i Because the. virtues; of which
'they 'streak, are limited to time, and are
'ot raised on the firm basis of Immortality,
- 'Oftentimes justice is only a constrained and
forced virtue ; the hand may be pure, while
the heart is stdined with "hidden vice. Dia
interesiedness is only' ostentation; modes
ty nothing butaffeciatlon : all this.happens
but too often in the land of darkness. But
• 'raise man to the sublime vegion of Immor
tality, where a pure air, free from the va
pors of earthly contagio'n,is breathed ; vir
, 'toe there is truth,ls is uprightness, it is
'sincerity.; the ham! 'is innocent, and the
heart without stain.
Stich are virtues in generall, But parti
'aqui.° Aleut in each colidition, in each
Male of life, aud Immortality for
the rule of hie conduct, and - the brat mover
- -of-Ins-actionavin-each condition., in each
vtate you will find the truly wise Chriitian,
the good Sing, the good Magistrate, the
-good -Citizen, the good Friend, the-goal
L---Faiher:-:—A-King who considers himself so
ifirriortati — wTllt - refard — hia — ifubj - e - eurichli
'child:Mt, being perstiatied that he will one
day cei g a, nornverthem, but together with
them 'hi heave T4e Magistrate will
weigh his - decisions in the scale of equity,
:beeause be will reflect, that . he himself is
to be 'Weighed in the scales of divine jus
tice::merchant will fix probity for
the base of his iralli4 because he will re-
member, that inure is a more advantageous
.--:!-Volittneroeirt:strtue r of—tv
'chess Imatortality itself. The artist will
workday 1114({"night if necbssary, because
without limiting Ih:itself to dine he will
'turn hie lahor to profit for eternity,: and
'what a misfortune for him .would it be, if
being obliged to cairn his bread by the sweat
•of his brow. in' this , world, he should apt
pear with, his hands empty In a word,
'every , matr, • who places Immortality before
itis.eyesk will,be great in all his views,just
in all his Projects; regular in all his steps,
holy, all his conduct and in all • his ac
iionio„ men therefore thought of
• -anOrtaliih . ., and , acted by. the principles it
t uggeets,everY heart would become an asp
plum:of, virtue, all men would be living' itro
3ge461:, Qin! the laws, peace and justice
Wouldi•eign thrOughout the earth, and the
world would' %become a picture of the ter
Ranen Were thoroughly penetrated with
. : , ,i,hsse-*lblime- , -,sentinterits, and animated
powerful, motives, should we.
liee-,• - ‘siti4)ls.,seen so frequently in the
esteeming and valuing
kr..their outward advan-'
hOird of riche's, by the,oli
`vatioitif-tbeir 'rank, by their costly apparel?
Does . .':44j . ioult irilieltl i, ifehies itself on .
tudertiflin WcdasiOns forlei
tbeeinvettot,excelleney of its epintual be
- 0:10*nplyVEI141-1tiF wore noble end of its
,;I;3l#Ociiifkl men; 'let us' boner
tQ • OW' .ifiLiqeastires; lei us-knew how
Itat'w are , whatwe'
e an_ not
convinced that there is
*l. l lRag man as wee himself.
'..'... , ,iiii '`,
' SI its beautiftll,ter
. --, -- '''' I oti
lirtott3qla „i. 0 , i' l ''' 4i#4
..,,.4,,, ,LL,ii,..iikiipliungF,n' ~,•'p ~. a 1
PP* ll "7,
L,-'.',',Vi t g . ‘
t i, o
f l i '
i t o i i t l i '
in f4l i ' i ! ' *t P
d , L
o r a li i
evr:t.4i.i,s't i . ,
7r.,t4:1,-0,,,t'1e, ,0 •
iD!gi4-,oliml4:4llik, 1 ,
Ir f ,i y oo 1, -1t'1' ,, 1t41 , .
iiiii,lb,l e;
0 ,itArfit .
Nittobe . 40 . ;;A-.z.
.cocoisi. I,t
~- riA ii,'fttblte * iifOtfjai,XAtll
ic..4 ifiir4 4eitlieo , i4tiii l itk4i;iiii4l.4til 4 3 1 11
. 1 :4 - '..i 4 t i : , ilo:#l . l‘ 6 4r4 l uPitAiillsit4l.,4 l ;4lt: t si*
stiqiigilt; bei:ltlia;inini , inaiiiritidt.4ltirt
the temtitatintis' , o t 0' tY rt''' dim itself '
balaneetl teirert: hapOrhsn:liorieditsattil'•
„glilis.ill'e-PiaP a 0 .kiltelteriottn'Oralityp;
:''''f=eiki.i 6 W.! ) :' , •ili:o4: ; ';'t(iiii;6 l !iiicins f Yil.iiiP 3',
I.alie thY' ele:ritlira ' 'anti ,";it:eirielitY.iiii . :o
goodness.': If ''Ocil; ' ilia tiveit t •iiiit ; intel:'
t 3 ati4tiio.i"." l42l ,orl'ilr.thei ea tt aef nev 7
erlet it,be saiiltof their,„he helped te'lwell'
tifettle . (r 'fad lii 'o l ol.oe M 4l O l u . oiico, 'i't :
'to ite l ebiAttelif., If then art 'feeble in Mehl..
tat 'etre ngth , - throiti.onrit that. &cif) into. a 'pet.
intedterient: ;Awake. iirlite,'yUuni inani
assume the beautlful ga'rb of ,virtue, ,At is
-fearfully -"easy to,-sin,- it -A' liiriebitiro be
pure'and holy;., - !tit on'thY'lltrti ititli o iliisni
I let the truth be the lidy of 16;1 liotretle.
John Masier, Priyy Conti'Weir&
to Henry VIII, spike Ae tOthlyric, upnit
hie' deathbed: '
have'seen five. piinCeii, aiicl B een , prt
trY counsellor to, foOr. 1 haute seen The
most remariable m things abroad, and been
present at most state transactions for Mir;
ty-years. After all this experience) have
learnt this, that seriousness is most com
mendable ;. temperance the best physic,
and a good conscience the best estate.—
Were Ito live again; I would change the ,
court for a cloister; my privy netunsellor's,
bustle for the retirement of a hermit; and
the whole time which I have spent in the
palace, for one, hour's contritunication with
When I look upon the tombs of the
great, every emotion X envy dies; When
I read the epitaphs of the beautiful; every
inordinate desire forsakes me when I
meet with the grief of parents,upon a tomb
stone, my heart melts with mine t when I
see the tombs of the parent, I reflect how
vain it ie to grieve for those whom we
must quickly follow ; when I see beings
lying beside those that despised them;
when •I behold rival wits placed side by
side of the holy' men' who divided the
world with their contests and dismtes, I
reflect with " Borrow and asontshment -on
the frivolous competitions, factions and
debates'of.mankind ; when I read the sev
eral dates of the tombs of some who died
yesterday, and some six hundred years ago,
I am reminded of that day when all man
kind will be contemporaries' and. make
their apearance -together.'—.addiecon.-
,fll[S HEREBY GIVEN, that letters of Atiminis
tratton on the Estate of ABRAHAM DITLOW,.
ate-of South Middleton township; Cumberland co.
deCeased, have this day been hailed by the Register
'Mond for said County, to the subscribers: All per
sons having clainft or demands against the Estate of
said decedentotre make known the same
_withomaleipy,_and the e indebltd-WillaktPo7.4 l eJi
immediately to •
• GEORGE DITLO ' W, Adm'rs.
March 20,1849.. 6t-112
Malan 117 L1711117121'
From 375, itowery,'N. York.
FOR nine years this medicine has stood unrivaled
for the cure of Coughs, Pain is the side, diffi
culty of breathing, Bronchitis, and all those affec
source of so much suffering and ivhiOli Unarrestcd
so often terminate in Qpnsumption. So extensively
has this remedy been used and in se, many 'cures has
it proved successful, the proprietor feels no hesi
tancy in recommending it to all who unlbrtuNutely
have occasion to resort to some means of recovery.
Multitudes who have experienced its happy effe cts,
can testify to its utility, and very many rescued from
a premature death, point to it as the means of their
The originator of this remedy wv s-well versed in
the science of .medicine, and a skilful •practicioner.
Physicist's familiar with its effliets not unfrequently
prescribe it in their practice,' and with the Medical
Faculty gcnerally„it has met with a larger share of
approbation than is common with exclusive pre
IKTEONSUMPTION-- , The following remarkl
were taken from, the; last number of the Medico •
“The,iurprising effect produced by tht. genuine
Dr. Taylor's ,Balsam .of Liverwort, made at 975
Bowery, in consumptive cases,eannot fail exciting a
deep and thrilling interest through Out the world. We
have so long .. .believed this disease (Consumption) in
curable, that it'is difficult to credit our senses when
we see persons, evidently consumptive, restored to
health. Yet it is a fact of daily occurrence.
LIVER COMPLAINT and General Debility—l
do consider my cure almost miraculous. - I was given
up by two physicians and told toprepare for death.
I was in this low state when a friend sent me a-bot
tle of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, from 975
flowery, and before I had used up the bottle] was
able to sit up in bed, by, the further use I haVe com
pletely regaitied 'rriy health, All should use it.
• GEO: WELLS; 23 John It.
been cured of a violent pain in the side, extending '
through to the shoulder, indigestion, dizzness, loss
of appetite and general debility, by the use of tito
bottles, Of Or. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort. •
J. A. H. ALLEN, .7 Merchant's fieW•
For sale by STEVENSON - 8c DINKLE„ , sole
agents,for Carlisle and vicinity. • —
October 25,1842.
In •Ir - • .
DETITIONS foi . Discharge and Cara-,
-JIL thaw nodes the Bankrupt Law, have been fil-
JO N ANlNSON,lormerly Merchant of
Harrisburg, and late contractor on ; public ,
' works, by the firm • of Jacob A. Corps -
and SATURDAY,-.the 47th day of , MAY next, at
11. o'clock; A: it; is appointed, for the hearing there=
of; before the Court,sitting in BeekrtipbVit the
District Courtroom in the City of rhiladmpina,When
aid Where the Creditor* of the said Petitioneil who
fitibliresed; , oeirDebts,end-Okuthattictiveltin
leAst, may tippear s'e*,ceutei'icallY they have, ,
Mott, pi ! ,04.40 Certificate shOuld not, be,
-0 4 nted. FiLkSAIOPKINSON,
' ' :Clerk of the Dltir,itt•OMlA.A
10 720.
'4O 0 C ra l reM !‘3 l ,. /
I C° - I ***9iki IA
)40 .31 4 1 0:44R 4 0, 64 . ,0Y +'. 4 kY: VF 1'
too .
Into. ll l lllll Af COW;
iVpf r i*d. , Alt, O,
, - 4 4‘ , ..V 1 4 -'
41 - 11 1 -- . . 'it I . s t : '" 4 '
~ i . ...,- .
1 - 4f , e., , :::::. , ,,...; , ,,,_-,,, , ...•:::4,,, , .;t4:11:5 ,,,, e,i„-41 , -;)?4.3 , 4;:..
~,,...,, , . 2.. 'i .! , ' ''' ~. s l.', ' ,.r '''' ,''' ' .& ' - ',' '? .. :::; ffe• - _,N
~ ..,.„,,.,...,,...'"l'
9 011 *'•Ir tlitAittf;'Alifinti , Carlide.
, - - ..,4 , -
...---...,r.,;.,... 1 -4 , ..: •,, -,,,, -.
Tuis c.onipEknr#smtini„i`lttalogineutpildpii
Y :'.',4gainst. lose .pr divtittY'tir,FiKe, eh' Ake most
tlasclP/bil !#,[aki".•, - 1.40Y.: c ,m,l#,A-- 4 .1:
~ , PtitnevifitiltitilkS, ,•-•,-,
obbtoniecir tirlok•baildloga•ixtt)lb ou, $100% ; the,
premium ini4ect . th the.
, party.l6tiurlnd; a''dtiabletioittil7oiiaraant. on
tbdaatOunt of pfinkutorluiitl4,'l • 7- ~
The'neutil rateir'for'obe year on ' ' •
&intit and Briok,fluildlogr, to $5
- tratne,"'*' on slooo'
Morchattiltae, about ; • ' 40,b6,,*1060.
. .
Applicitnin in perenn ot: by letter will havelm•
nieidiatei:ttentionk , ,• „
7 112te spring Gardewitunerance Co
114 • ARE INSURANCE, 'either temporary or.
• • .perpetual, against loss or. damage by Fraii
in: Ott Or Cartntry, on llouseri,Barns and Build.
logs of all inds; on Househrild F,urniturc, Mor.
chandlke, floreeii, Cattle, Agricultural, Corn met...
Dial :and ,Marthfacturing Stook; and Utensils of
every deelcriplicm,as wellae Moararms‘and GROUND
Rem; upon the moat favorable terms.
„ •
Tile "enduing are. the . usual rates, viz:
On Stone aid brick buildings, frog •
• • 35 to 40 cta. on 8100
1..1.,0gand &dine • 4-6 tei to 70 cts..on 100
"Merchandize and furni•
tore in brick or atOno . •
buildings, from 40 to SO cts. on 100
i'DO. in log *or' frame; to to 70 cis. on 100
"Borges, cattle, farniVng
utensils and snnilries;
at about cti.on 100
Application may Ain&
• .JOHN J. MYERS, Agent, .
Ga~isle~ Dec. 21, 184 t, ly
murEin4 riAirygglitcli:lwie
just received at their r Book Stat
and Variety Store, it large asiortinent of
Toyii; Topltooltis tot. Christottas
Presents; Annals, Sonveniri,
_and port-folios{ tor .1513. •
An Together with Al choice. selection of enterteinirlg
LHJILT REIALANG, for Icing siinter evenings.
134)01ii3 i;
of every : variety, viz:
School Bibles and Testaments;
Smith's Geography and Artlaai
- ...fNney Mitchell's do. •
Smith's Grammar, ' • .
Eirltatn's ditto, • -
Angel's Series,' No. 1,2, $, 4,5, 4.. CI,
Cobb's School Books, - complete.
Emerson Byerly, Barham, $' Web
ster's Spellers,
_ Pike, Rose, *Smiley', .4. Emersbn's .2-
rithmetics, with Keys, " •
Mathematical Instruments-
Letter, Cap, and Deed paper, ruled and plaid. Note
paper. Silver Pencils, everpoints. Jackson Lead
Pencils in wood, of all tempera; with n largo us
sprtment of BLANK BOOKS, ruled and uuruled.
Ofsuporior finish. Razors, Razor Strops
Shaving Brushes, and finely scented
Shaving Soaps and assortod Po
- farnery. _ .
uprrtor - apatraciantHinisitrQtrills - Tfiristril-iltntruler,-
Rice paper, Visiting Cards, colored Wafers and
Sealing Wax, Platti and Motto. Seals.
New Music,
Mtifltutit Nnotruincotii,
. ,
Together with a general and well selected assort
ment Tog ether
Ctassical and ,Jlliscellancous Works, .!to
please the fancy and Improve the taste."
Carlisle, Dec. 14084 i.
rillig sults - cribers ' at' their FOUNDRY AND
MACIIINI SHOP, on Main street nearly op
posite the County Jail, in the Borough of Carlisle,
Pa., still confine to build the following Machines
and Horse Powers—viz;
T. D.lttirrelrs Patent Improved
mono ..E1 ,Townm o .
With a horizontal band-wheel, with a trunk to con
duct the strap to the Machine.
The baud-wheel outside of the horses. They arc
well calculated to put to one side of the barn bridge,
or Under the barn shed.
A New anaimproved Shaker /
To separate the grain from the straw, which will
dispense With one or two hands, will be made to the
above Machine if wanted.
416 laait .fit
Purttating any of the above Machines may have the
privilege, after a fair trial,
,Of returning the same' it
not satisfied. All Machines and Horse, Powers are
warranted rot' ono year, if-welt
All kindi of repairing will be done at the 'emcees
notice and on the most reasonable terms. They al
ways keep on hand all castings necessary to repair
the above Machines:or any otheex now in use.
There is also attached ,to lb* door° establishment
an IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY, at which all
kinds of CASTINGS can be Inid—s,ucli as, Apple
Mills, Corn Brakers, Plaster Draken, Mill Gear
ing, Saw Mill Cranks, Magid* Gearing, Wagon.
Boxes, &e. /to.. ,"Also, : , • . - •
i L . 1": .: t l ' W . .
, . 14
Such as Mill Spindles, Car Bores, Turning laihes,
So., All in'the belt order, in iron and brass. ,
0:7•All orders will be executed at the shortest no-;
tice,snil promptlyattended to: F'artners and others
ara respectfully invited to give tie a call, confident
that they can besuited to their satisfaction,
•., • , , A. & Co. •
Carlisle, MI:10;1E14pp. " tf.o .
co--plank's, Henwood's and Ogla'a .PLOUGHS
and - PLOTJGH q4STINGS,saah stars Land
fides,ka. tco.,esto also be had at 'e foritithy:
'l7ition-Paper. , .Milli ‘,..!1
, 1 1 1 1 E sa i t tple arge ri , ttr i t t e te liiiO 4 ; s trU l i e l aw y in , fl o 4 4a m mi a
bo tht e li , u o3 ll4
aboeitehn: miles south ofCatlialai f b r.a term'
tab of years, and iba MILL hav ing . been raaahtly*.l
paired, ant new machlOart:.'l4Yo l 444 4 ,,lte . la
tititttKOP , lTeimictlo'AfinclaiWOVlOAtlOlSAn4
Who ivguPPAjoia#o.4 l oK ll 4o l ';'.' ' i
Paper lit eYeir ‘ 11 9 111 1 1 ". 411 -,. '- PI C II It,
, iy,ifig ii', ivlio4;ii.tiiiirfiesittiii4illeo4
' " 911 4 1 1 1 :01#1 4 *“ '- -- 44'
4.llittilatita 11461 0,40.;
k . .00 , i , ' 1- 1 1 0 0, 11 thtl' 2 te . ' tfttei.
, . • ' , , , ~, ...
~.,,,,,,,..7.,...., ..,•,.,
.'• Eat:::
:$ , lii
f o. , .; . .;., AtI,„ ; ,,,AYIS . 1 , 131 &,..
l obiO t i , rittirtil.. l ,gk; .%
''''' rff 161 H'''
4 0eWnit0i:: + 14,11stilroadVt - i„ it ,I v
.. ta , . k
,twiiytiiii ' liairt*OViecillar , Z4lll l lolll $ O lW9Per"."
talon , W fitiadrib treeinteroidefio; , !';Alie !Willett.
Ile : 4 -'„,2l.AttregiklAy.7A . 2. 4 .. F i gliaterr
' ' '•'" 1 - WSltrifiW DV gmteur
l ily
, 41.i, ,,. .13V l'er ‘',"',' ,, ';', -,1 .%1
' 4 r i1i1.11 * :.:% itiOitilr,th;roo99 l '. tiOdi ' grAettioloo:: ,
a dank t .f. CPlalitailfifishdtlihisTWitittlf,;Ciir»:'
den Paleis,,fze., , will bislikirriteiPtlOadiloi - detlit4'
et,Yl'. and "persipiietidtiiiitigliekliotti:tti.the /Mill;
tan'tiflyethent'sirsyed iiii . dit'AiteilicTt.% . ttle,irkipt. i..tni 7 ,
soli.ahhitOrpa,,,,...: -, ,,,:iF1 . kAii.:,-,
_l:' , % -, ... '.'-% ~ , i; ~`.,," '_.• ,: 'i •'. i ...).
. - M: i iiropocrfeit Of ticaiontai r elei, Stuff aientiii in
•,' ol's hi podet ; And room In the oil tag, to let.
' —••- ' ',' r ': ' . ''W.GitIMSITAW.'' ~
. . ,
,•'. , „ . , AiL i vAril
Jailiilll7 25 0',1540....;:•; '!' ''';' , .''' , i;',..; , .;•: - $ ll l - -1 3
, . , ~,.. , .;:_ ~.. ..,„
:I R . 0,11.:::111V itg , •
_....,r., F. ~..
~, --.,, .‘.2.15Z611:434:Zigait , r-L :-., • -
.•.: , ..•7.- 7 -7, , ..,,..... , ..,...!.•1•,.,. ,• , ~;
la,p,UtOraftiod atithority
. , contained in :the...licit .will arid' , ieatainebt of
11 , flortarn'ERE,slOyd,,I noli'ollbli for *ale the
Carlisle . Iron .-*Orks
Situated on the "fellow' ll'reeehea' , .dreeli; 4i miles
east ot Carlisle' Pti. The estate :O a:Astiora first rate
at WASSIV 4b:12111Tifet414 , 12
.., . 9
with Ten Thousand 4cres of .Land '
Anew MERCHANT MILL with fourrun of stone, '
finished on the most approved plan. About 500 acres
of the laud are cleared and highly caltivated, having
I thereon erected . .'' „ • . .
. - • • ' . • .
Three Istrgge --Bank -,Barns
[ and necessary TENANT 1140 1 1[3S ES. The
l.worki are propelled by the Yeliow 13reeches Creek
and the Built fig.hring, which neither fail norfreeze.
There are upon the premises all the necessary work
mons houses,
coal houses, carpenterand south shops,
and stablingbuilt of the most substantial materials:
The ore of the best quality' and' inexhaustible, is
within 2 miles of thZ Furnace. There is perhaps
no Iron Works in Pennsylvania which possesses su
perior advantages and offers greater inducementslo
the investment of Capital. The water power is so
great that it might be extended to zny other , mann
lacturing :purpose.. Persons disposed to purchase
will of course examine the property. The terms of
sale will be made' known by
• , Executrix of Michael Ego, dec'd. ..
Carlisle, Oct. 19 1849. ' . •
, tf-51
. ncirEns &.nAvEnsTicK
HA" just opened their FALL ASSORT
ZAS O -Tea-R3
' • "Together tnifh 4n extensive assortment
lliatent atedicines and Perlanneiv.
All of whiCh they will sell niholeiale or retail on
the lowest terms. _ . •
Carlisle, Decembbr 14,184°.-3m.
NOl'ilEli ' INTER
CRS GoOps,just r:eceiv c d and stllin g lower for
Ciah than ever sold in Carlisle. The supply hits
been bought at the present reduced- city prices, snit
purchasers will Gnd it ilecidedly-totheir-intereat to
call before purchasin g elsewhere. •
Noimmber 23, 1842
• • _____
9 11-1 E subscriber has 4tlst opened a lot of New
I. Goods, consisting of SUPERFINE CLOTHS,
Black, Blue and Fancy :colored Cassimeres; Casi-.
nets, all colors and prices, Meyinoes, Mouse de
Lam es, Gloves,-Hosetry, 5-4 Ilhown Muslin., for a
levy, 4-I-bleached do tbr a fip, Flannels from 20 to
25 cents, with a variety of other goods, all of which
will be sold at very low &ices to suit the times.
• -- - - ' - S.-M. HARRIS.
Carlisle, October 19, 842. • tf-51
Loi a
lIENRIE L. ELDR, 493 Market st.
Phi Wel phin, Importer and Dealer in Foreign
and Domestic hardware, takes this method of in
forming his friends and
.custorrters of Cumberland
'county, that he. has received a large and splendid as-
sortment of
direct from England, together with a general assort
ment of D ESTI C 1/.2 R D WA RE, direct from
_the.mauufacturces,.alloE.whirislaibeen_selectid by
himself and agents with great care, expressly for , his
own sales. Having purchased his present stock all
for Cash, and at greatly reduced prices, it will eri
able him to sell a , prices lower than any other store
in Philadelphia•
[erCall AIM examine the Bargains yourselves.
P. S. Cumberland Nails at $3 44 a Keg ! ! !
Atwater Nails at $3 20 a Keg !
February 1,1843,
@Tr mvni
No. 77} Market et.---North Side—above Second.
Mr Goods for Cash--at Auction pricee..;eo
THE subscribers have determiner]to
conduct their business upon the CAsu System,
and will sell their Goods aglow, if not at a lower
grade of profit, than has heretofore been done in
l'hiladelphiat—not one article reduced very low, in
the expectution.of making it up on other Goods;—
but their prices shall be all corresponding low. Their
prices will be governed by the Auction rates—sett
ing at the same prices, nett Cash, as the Auctions do
on time—contenting themselves with the Interest
for the time as their Prolit. - Tbiacannot but present
it strong itqucement lor buyers especially from the
Cr — :?eren.— •
Jountri, to call on them in - preference to purchasing
at Auction, where persons do not get the time dis
count, unless .their hills reach a pertain amount, to
which amount it is not always convenient for Coun
try Buyers to purchase' and,it will also avoid the
disadvantage of large lots, auil'affOrd atm time to
They Aesign to avail themselves of every facility
in both the New York as'well as the Philadelphi
Auctions; in procuring their goods at the lowest po
Bible rates. •
„ .
We now respeetrully invite our frietith and
publics to 14 Test of Experience in this matter,
mg the best way to convince them or the truth of
promise, JOHNSTON, HUME te eq
Marsh 8;1843. tlit
Phfladelphil~;or Bali
• - [SY R4r — i ROAD 01?
THE:aubilarlbogetktmfbl par
" leave: to' inform' his flienda . air
.generilly t . that he atill'enatiriaea.
barthen Care tegularlx,
_440 1 , 0 44.4"
and : Philadelphia or ,lhilthrtimo
Wl*/ *of-, Ott , 4 044tosic ir .
thrWarilnd to
Areliaillt:R A 4 40 1 4900 413 G0N 1 t
orterk 1,,
f 44
r t.1• 4q* 1 4.40
4# 4 #0%* 41
, t
• 4,P.'
the .Ex
diode I
Of title
of physician
use of this n.
most astonishing
after all hopes of
In the first stages
hat Consuinption,l' orig
it has been used with ut
dreds acknowletigithey
health to this invaluabh
form of Consumption so h
young feniales, oonamonly
A complaint with which th
hos also proved highly stitiffi
sessile the power of checkii
alarming complaint, but also
orates the system more offer
nine we have ever pocsessed.
Besides its surprising effic
is equally efficacious in Livi
Brmeldtie, and all affections
Cut ed many of the most obsti
otl ter remedy bad failed. Cr,
Dr. Wistur's Treise on Cont
the Agents.
At ending the , use of this medic* diseases of
the. Limp, and the many singular tts it has
fected, having naturally, attracted th ttention of
many. physicians, (Ili . wellrui the whol ter ms,. of
quacks) variOusconjectures surials sveac r sen
respecting its
.iiimpositiorr; some
. ph 'ens have
supposed it to contain lorline , other,gn t preten
ders say in must contain .717creurvind t me suc h
substance they each attribute its singular enc 1.....
As such opinions are altogether'erroneo nd cal
aulated to prejudice many personiagains we
That it contains nothing of tlifi kind, or t hi
the least injurious; on the coitary s it ice us
of the most simple substances/tie principle hi,
are the, extracts of TAR an4lftn7d - Cher. ac
and the whole secret of its it iicacy consist s ;
mode by.Whlch they are prellred. -
As we have already pablinted numerous if
elites from the highest autheity;.•whipli pro i t
virtues beyond all doubt, wintionsider it unnece
to exhibit a long list of theipin this place, and
only mention a few cases, ttpillow what it has d
. SOM: popt i
. A suntniisiNG CU .-z , -Among the Mani
singular cures which th i medicine has effected,
there is perhaps roue in ich its powers are sol
fully shoWn as in the es , kMk Austin.
1 his lady had been Cot raptly° fcir several years,
and during the greater p of this dine had received
the best medical Aden oind filed" all the most
valuable • remtdies , ye totlOtig.eould bo found to
arrest its progress. , $ became subje4 to violent
fits of coughing, ex milted large glitandtles of
matter_occasionally t il-withrbloolomd stub
step this fearful dim continue( its course, until
all liop . e_of a recove ' as entirely despaired of.—
'While in diiirdistr g situation, lingering upon
the very verge of th ,rave, she commenced the use
of this Balsalm, WI ii, to use her own expression,
operated almost li is charm. In' a few days she
expectorated freekirthe cough was gradually sup
pressed, and every a): appeared to add fresh vigor
to her looks; and go, in the place of that emaciated
form withering ,*e decay, she is seen mingling, in
society, in better balth than she , has enjoyed fo
years. ,7' .
, li
tile surprising. Macy of Dr: Wistar's alsalm of
Wild Cherry if, the case of •hfra. Austin, I cheer.
fully sicknowlete the above•statement to he true
and correct. 1 J. C. WALSERS, M. D. -
Woodstown, Sept. 4, 1841.
Dear Sir-*fithough yourinvaluable medicine has
already fa i hundreds of powerful advocates, it
I n
mar still b ratising to you to receive a communi
cation fro ny one that has been relieind by it.
Such, Sityleruly my case. I have been a victim
to :that toriblp disease Consumption, for many
months, siniliave suffered so much, dud I had- be
come alinit weary- of _ my- life. Hearing • your
BalsalnVerhighly praised, I began taking it a few
weeks bac, and can assure you It has relieved me
more tliiiiany thine have even used before, and I
confidefit , believe it Will cureme effectually. Please
give this hirer the worth of the enclosed,and oblige
Wits Respectfully, • 'Joss PriusoN.
. ; Chester CcMnty,Sept. il,lllill.
i't , ' il Wistar—lt gives nne much pleasure to:la
for tle that my wile's health has improved very
mu '' see she has been using thy Balsalm of Wild
Ch r, and we think there. is no doubt but that it
willre her.. She has taken the two bottles . ' pur
chWram thee a short time since; and her cough
is dt better .she also sleeps well at:night, and
Ila ti C has toting nettling. to give her so, much re
li • 1. hee will please gi SO the hearer two bottles
l b ,
*I for ' Thy Friend,
-EnwAutrifoors.s. -
. . . -Lancaster county o luly-141841.
/ear Slr--Please send me. two , bottles of your
nine Ba!skim of Wild Cherry'. 1 have been af
i; ted l*iitt Coniumptiunlor the last two years, and
feted very much • with aieeverv_cough,_pains-in
Ifbreast, difficulty of breathing, night sweats, Stc.,
al hiving tried numerous remedies; and also been
oiler several doctors; yet I could not find any thing
.-$, relieve me until I used some of your Balsalm. I
got ore bottle from a neighbor of mitie,Whq is using
It„ and have.foond such wonderful relief from it that
I hate no doubt it will cure me effectually. -
.'Very respectfully yours, &c. ,
ir-pßead the, followirigirom 1tr...70c0b Hoffman,
ysipian of extemskve pragtica liuutingdon
-count , • .
Dear Sir--I procured: one bottle of Dr. •Wislar's
alllßlllfll of Wild Cherry, from Thames Reedy Esq ;
Al, this, plate, 'and tried2n a, it .ease of obs‘insty,
ativint on a child 'of 'tMl Schwebie, in * , bich man I
otherfedies bad Veen triad' Witboul !MY .re-lief
ybe ltn gave sudden relief, and in my,tminlou
the tl dis efteotuallt dared by Ili use. , ',. _ _
v. , • 1: Yours, &o.: , ' l ' Jacon librVitati3l, D.
Dicember 24d,11141..) . .-, , -', ,
.;.„ 1. , ~., , - -:',•!,-,..%,. -:1 , i --.. '
Dear Sir-A,Atclur,Dalealni ofWild Cherry, bat afo
COMO some luktonisbing °urea lume.;;. One of:wbinli
is an old ludrois...o- 1 1s49)1C1 1 / 1 1 : bed hiPapitlni
for along time /Atli Slump:lessor yeat , , hing
. 0 .
er4,igra.ress, until she ataillnOli. oblige ut.,
her,liid. , ,4,ller ,-, rtrlond , .othe!, remedrokkoll
1 telo#o.4ollrviiinii o lo - ePitrnienbe# l ll l ol l -
riiiViii# l 9/EWP. ,l)l o 4 ori*es,se, r '.iteii 1 444
aatcrt . able tiyattind.bk al ,tbe du el -pc , her
twegoart Ms taking tiro bottlei more; . ails„entiTli
cAire r V . `i : t''''e. - "Respe c tfully, Ike: ' -- -- - --- ~,,.-. 1
la ', - : , ~.,.- ~,. ,: - Jo/tiVt. V:xiiiiiii:" t
-- ititineimi. , ... , -,,— , ,,—,--„,----. ,
,uTioN li ts theo is' !1.-„ ' ' ' i?ln 'Pr atir
'Vit . ° , to .o 4, 'er 0 11 ik' ' ' ~I. w r,
, ~ .
'11310; Maur.; ;¢,' t
' '
All ' '. ' ':"
lta ' ' "OVA‘l''
ali of
.egleited Colds,
sueeess;ed buti4
:stoeatio 'Ortheir
ie alone, ib‘tbat
t amongst - ebeitte
debility, o
are lingering, it
rid not lady pea
progres of this
die n s ind invig
11Rn sny,xpedi
TlEreitejt....,_—. at sontitit, ag . tb ~e 411.4 am,
.. eilitth,llo#P Ated!CittOne the iipprer
ba cru s e the, l -,-, • , , ;
~ i „, _ .4
64 4 e• 41 4 094; Qr 14444elltirvv. 111 9 11 "arkilewir t 4 'I
i z bA wo re or toto l ooki re i iwiveyekay the**
Opectablit Phyliolime q thielr patketi>% , ,..Thit.tset„
alone 10 su fficient
,t? qIIIAP,dOII' i .t'-r.: '-'.,',„,,-;,-,.;; :a ,
, ReP r.* Q t Std r :..t, .
1111 Wen MOWN) theta:Wl), 'emit ye l l ,b y a p w ith
, - Manz caNtiotAte - ' s '"' ,
titan thepreparatloni tif tplitskif eild im?* 0111 . '
- . -4 2 X,C.P4IXE4Vpvt TAM'S ' s
have been PAtialed frtsiutntib Pk itiii.bati4•iirom
Pbigiiiatio anti Clergymeii;
Meinhers id •
' • '
, Congrecb and StateLegillatures, i. , :
}tape:Mid& privideblthiens, and, among them, many
of the moat'dlitinguithed members, of, churehes
. _ . and other InStitutionS,
In referente t 9 Dr. Le,idy's Medicines, and it is hop
cd, from the numerous certificates and rectimmendit.
dons, hating.
beinptiblished far and,near,that all dad,
is now necessary is to' keep them before the publka,,
that they may be reminded of them, where they to
Whined genuine, &e. Ike.
One of the nmshvaluable is . •
'• -: Int a iirattiVlS
Sarsaparilla Blood rills;
These celebrated Pills art daily recommended in
Diseases of the Stowell Impurities of the Blood;
and Bowels, . generating diseases. o
Billions Affections, die Stomach, ,Liveg,
Habitu.d Costiveness, ' Beart,the Spleen,Kilf.
Indignation, Flatulenek, imp, Bones i lkc. Ste.
Want of Appetite, Ulcerous Sores of do
Sonrnesiof the Stomach, Nose, Throat k Bodmi
Waterbrash, Heartburn, Scaly,. Eruptions still
Foul andoffensivehreath, .•Blotches of the Skitia
Bad taste in the mouth, Dry and watery pimple*
InwardPains,Painsof the of the face and be*
Stomach, the Sides,and Headache, Giddiness,
along the Back; Scrofula,Brysipelas, ~.."
Rheumatio Pains, Gout, Glandular Affections ,
ALSO IN —•= l ,-- - -- '
Constitutional diseases, produced by Mercury and
other mineral preparations, as well as the dungen:as
consequences resulting from the improper treatmetit
of Syphilis, &e. fire. •
"The Life of the Flesh is in the Blood."
Leviticus, ch. XXII, v. 11.
Be ye purified In your Blood,
And health will attend you.
The great principles advocited by Dr. Leidy, and
in which lie is supported by scripture, are .
Ist. That vitality is contained in the Blood.
V. The Blood, becoming vitiated or impure,givea
rise to numerous diseases of the organs of the boas,
the stomach, the liver, the heart, &c. ilcc.
• Sd.. That whatever has the effect of purifying...the
I Woo I, possessesthepower of rt-estabh shing health.
ful netlon to the body. •-
41.1 r. That Purgation and Starvation, or, in othri
words, purging to the extent that is too frequenAr
done, and at the same time enjoying, low diet, Pali
abstinence from food almost entirely, are productive
of much more mischief than is generally supposed.
and in proof of it will only remark, dint. -
n , By Purgationz-•The human system . is more or ego
a debilitated, for the very simple reason that in the
i dh process of purging all is carried off from the stomach,
.k ,
Irons ,'which nourishment is derived and distributed
h e throughout the system, n ,
Be Starvation—Nourishment is Absolutely with
;.. heltf from the so necessary to it, both foram,
is Mining vital action and aiding nature in hearing-up
~ againstthat progress of disease.
Hence the consequences of too much frinying, and
, a contin u ed diet must be to produce such a eonditiop
of the system as will enable disease to make more
rapid progress, and extend iteselfthe more eitaily,ani3
in a brief time throughout th . ,. system. '
Adrektting . the foregoing, s e becomes necessary to
Itiquieo how is the Blood to b purified 1 sod in em
, baling the means, how is the system II) be guarded
gained any serious consequences ,
Ms easily answered
-For all your ills,
Take-Dr. Leidy's Blond Pills. •
These Pills operate gently, though effectually
y do not produce prostration oldie system,as mdy;
is do.
They require no restraint either, from oecupation
Wrt golar - mode - of - liting. Na fear-need-be en--
Mined of taking cold from their use, and mny be
t nat all times, by young and old, without inter
le A. with any other medicine that may have been
to • beforehand. .
. se Pills arc Prepared kinlY, and sold wholesale
and ill, at
, ..
DR. EDeklili Ehapotiom,
No. 1(11 N. Id st. belowl'ine,
(Sue' r the Golden Nagle and Serpehti;) Phila.
) / 1 . tls CENTS A 11010
CY'A '
mount to whelesale dealei•s:
to - . 1) eidy's Blood Pills are also told in all the
principal ties and towns throughout the Goien,and
by many speetable storekeepes thivaughobt tit
country. .
- For le, in Carlisle, by• • - • •
.. -•
Agents for Cumberland County:.
Carlisle, ,91,1849. 15:11
rapt:ion, it
/s, asthma,
op, and has
alter every
deolars see
to be bad od
GIVES 605,1%
TE. , Okusz ‘ .or CONSUMPTION.—Sim
pIe as these complaints are usually considered,
no one can deny thelk being the most common
cause of this fatal and distressing disease. It is
indeed a melancholy. troth, that :ihousands fall
victims tcrConsamption every - year from no other
cause than neglected celac• Yet we Snd hun
dreds, nay thousands who moat such complaints
with the greatest indifference r ancl let them run
on for weeks and even monthemitbout thinking
of the danger. At first you have wbat you mkt
consider a slight cough or cold;you 'allow busi
firms, pleasure or carelessness to prevent you from
giving it any attention; it then settles upon your
breast, you become hoarse, have pains in the
side or chest, expectorate large quantities Of amt.
tor, perhaps mixed with , blood, a difficulty of
breathing ensues, and then you find your, own
foolish neglect hoe brought on this Sistessing .
conaplaint. you value life or health, be
warned in time, and don't trifle with your Coto,
or trust to any quack nostrum to cure you, but ,
im — mediately procure IClfottlirifr WO — a that — fa- -
mous remedy, "BALSAM , or WILD Cuseas,"
which is well known to be the 'most speedy cure
ever known, as thousands-will testify-whose-Jives
have been saved by it.
Erße very particular when you purcharie to
as there is also a SYRUP of this name in use.
Preporeci, wboleaalo aud retail, by ,Wri.i.rams
Chemiete, No. 99 South Fourth , street,
Soldin CarlislO by
Price,One Dollar ti !futile. • ,
, , ,
ifflprilF4llB; SE ON, ,YOUR: GUARD!. , !
This je, the season whelk thie - destructlye
comp aiht attatilis your intbtegtinglitile ehlikeso
°fttinlolig'You of thwithi fondly • gloat and i
Aaryieljpuphii* te..thh • lft#CEte. l l- mallet
phoeld theretbre, know its symplomti wat4h tbetd
aloptly, - eat always he prepated with a rtifttetly
as many aTe deny eaorificed lky such nekle6l; ' 41
piettlitilittlbpatiofifierielifia With 'a shAeetitt
Krowavestleser haattiishes of helit;thetiyea bee me
red litei It twei4bi diffiatillyi entl
(R 04 0 1044 featiltlCotrei
lafold* irvir_49 chock
JUT 4iwi o s t - w err , 09gi‘ *or
he the
6 00d41,46,061*
f4 „ '"' -
,410 #94 10 :
n • r
11? ,
, r , ' ' , . 3 , LP , • ..` •
. 4
L. , ti*lte o,olit4,lo*.:l 4lll !4elorugatores)
-- glia ir, 1 4, 1 004 4 ,0 14 0(:" 1 0.0 3 : 11. 'ihe elate.
I ,ltOMOmper niitOtovor, , Oet•Atmn mama they
liA!!'44 6 ktfai l o l golgilatuni or `..2.: .. ..
, •• s . '4 2 , the 1 01 9 ,1371 , 4 " i eth et l
‘4.y.the.tiainti'flanio invbase,Opoeititig.r.M.Kot!litet r, :,,
:4r* . :Triti' .l3l6l olia haiViit idif litis . theii lioti
,* him ei prectiMV . ditiii:.;welpMeiden..lane, th'e
lixOttOes V. 1114 iiiiite:NnYfi r 4k;* to'wiite for!, - thorn:
Aro faiffilii.ho Niarbe tkteeekeifisliMte #ieee !media
ff. 4. BALDNESE , '''
~ ,,A.,„i4 .. - Y:,;. , ..., ~.,, , • -'' - '
' BALM 9P.'ColWi i iiilttAjtdi TEEE irplfri.,
46ielf iit :titbit it 'if railbig oit;heriaidre 'F on pato
460.4 - ita4 4:1I qini*lrt,iki*Oirtlitildlyi or oti
those vilto liiiiloitthe' heikfrOM any eatige:`
' .. A.ll l Vtitlitathat:iiifiet;thie heads: of ohildind
in'aehboia, are mervented or killed brit at onee.--L
'692:o 4f ee '
Find the . name of mi
. ,
it, or Rotor try. it. Retnentletr Ws Always:
• ' '
ltHEUVAllifflit and LAMENESS
positively soul, fryi agithrsvelkd•CitiisclOt Out 1044
ge 040014 4lt olh4 Ihi'lfiditi.-
voarrtheion*Lisni . ltliavre s e Iteefir Ltinstsivi- • -
%it ntireii!ithodt. thenlllll Organ** & CO. On
Wind -Galls, Stc.
. Ballow% Magical Pala Do+.
tractor Salve.4Tlw most e;raordinary
and nci.failitre. It will cure the PILES
A I:ittcr and more nice and !Beret article turret waa
made.- 2 All should wear.them _regularly. .„
en the principle of substituting the ionic in 'place of
the ciimuldiat principle, which has reformed so nutny
drunkards: To be used with • .
• • 44( •
' , ILIA an of to ell
. . ,
.cen3 for cleansing the . lystem and the Manors Weer.
kg the blood, and for all irregalaritlea Of the bewai l ,
and the general:health:4A
(doe Dr . LN'S sig. POAr AA 4 AN I . .
will effectually cute , sick headache, either from tho
NERVES or bilious. Hundreds of families me
using it with great joy.
for the certain prevention of FEVERS or any
general eicknem keiping the stomach id moat per.
feet order, the bowels regular, and a determination td
tito mance. COLDS COUGHS
• sins-in4ba4mesi-boirusnessoin • DROPSY
are quickly cured by it. Know this by trying.
CORNS. The French Miter lea sure .eure.
49.- ."-•"----, . ~ 7._
o t-'--='
-s--.--. - --- M . -_ -
V _... - ~----- .
' le
Heir any shade you with, but will not color tho skin
FOUND. EXTRACT. There ieno other prepers.
tion - of. Earsaparillti that cttn exceed or equal this.
If you oro , sure to get Costarocx's, you will find it
inYerior to all other'. It does not require puffing.
71:11111E1Fos .Will(11117,51
OF CIONA: A positive cure. for the piles. and all
external ailiri&—all Internal irritations brought to the
suffice by friction ititN - this Bain ;—so in coughs,
swelled or sore throSit; tightness of the cheat, this aaltn
applied on a,fiannel will ielltrve end cure at once.-s
Fresh wounds or old serge iirb tepidly cured by it.
ber the name, and get Cometor
\ ;rtidiottte all WORMS In chilarettiiiitthilti
With a certainty quite uteiriehltql, - ,. It is the*nre ad
:that made, by - . etock, - and Bella with sttapiditi
%, almost incredible, IT:anti:tack C°.t. New
,Y 404
TOOTH DROPS,lopps—CiFfitiohr;
'Enteredfeeeritiqito iotsf Cotwombigititianigiteci
11. iXan Oa vwes am* or thingum f m.= w w. f .riew a n .
BY applying.` l 4 . ' our
'' .: ' .
':,- 3 •
k . i 1,.....,-to agenas n 'sal.•*nwn 'inf
lilage o yap ai i44:34‘ had ficei* . oll43o:l4ol4
1 1 4 lent4 4*314# 4 40 , tTi>ioifire6o;e
114‘4ithithtt'' , . - - - - - -r
• ' toate'snocktoi ;au ikqt,..-Aitt ' 'ilinonot
i lir
, toe pat W ill euiT atm** f11t , ,0 0 viOn.,
Ffs l4, _ 'AVM *HESE 08“310X , ~X 1 , ould pel
toui liii . . lAuctieier — i, . uri••••,•
.., „dal/Alan.' `,, i • . wi1,_,44., . • . •,• ~ .*llll
APAR WM/ • ' : '111.01141W , ,' .• .1-,,a) ,
,• - - , ' - t ,St:-• .f.., a';; ; ; , , f lp, : ', ,, 5 - 2,; „
1 0 / ' I // 7 : .. 1 o 10k 11441 1 1 Pln ilti t
41 i a i d * T ' $444:440itiiiii4664
i sie
W.% . . ,
: 1 . 4 MS ! 01 4
-01imr IP4l}ll "R.
. .
(OA ****Kttu
have. Rinaurte. Spavin,,
ro cured by itoora' Bramttc ; and
id horses entirely cured ; by Roca ,
intment. Mark this, all hontenian..
On reat
a e
, °el