Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, April 19, 1843, Image 1

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This • intended to fur. 749.4 .4 . ; thOravg4l4nd; 4001 0 tigetr
. . lion ,eqitat • to-the' besittiiitt an - . be obtotned 2.n44 , e.. 4-4eriv..
- . Citiis -tei-,o4wrispart ethe awn,. :. , :. • •
"ft/fR: Or: 'MI 'BU 00 ltol#_preptit to receive pupil's isial.4-i4mutitructiott in l ull .
.11111. the bratiOlreS an polite 'eatteitt)o4 , ',E4j 7 ,:''. '.' . ~. . .-, ~ :: ',-. ':?".. , :•L .. , • ..,
The present time of embertilitinieniar;'inioeiesisell of fortune IS -'i,4ol.iiteitinigh'te'iserivinte "ever y
parent„ who feelSt.t.proper solitrithilefor, th eMelfare and happie's:A . 4MS : ughterit;•Of theproPriety;ot
so educating .thenif,that they PPly hp; in teinn: , lneature, armedrigstintattei:vicisaitideo,they,
- .iiiiy,"be usethl(aS welValiernmentel)lii aey,:tioaition in whip ll King please Heaven to Place therm
-The aco'OMPlialunistitti oft refinethethicAttoir appear none the leis amighleaVhen-ticodrimatitediiKtputli
. tiesefrtnituttißlA4Thesiiio treepeliteliett,'lt that Which item:notesAlM einufrif s aild, happteess.. Of
' those wlth:sidtillifiVitentrie is er , itnat.7- ;I . c.e are th ey * Pleasures'ef lifo-roisibiolloittit4ayaa aceoin.i
asanied'ilY'llie,ttiettlidgis that we attic PrePareitr to meet the frovrintinf fOrtitne. , • The nurierons instances
that may be' een in every diee,etidn'afejmiliei retiAttnalSuenee-!‘mhenow:havi4 to ennounter the cold
blastsofpoVertyvrithout the reans'wherebyto.gqin isrespeetable. support—should remind parents that
while - th ey tenements and luxuries 'of life, they • should - also
" .guard . them, et fitias.n.ity be, against the.e:Oiaxnit ills that hidnieriattirels "heir to." -There i..
s-no ,
lefattlisita fa th er cad leiVe kits 4ilit Ant iti'Wrirth 4 4.Wentieth part the tithe" of 'A. GOOD .EDDCA
lii.the course of instruction partnieti in,thiee Institution no real ornament, no "-Proper accomplishment
will be neglected--but at the santetimettilegsofe more useful natbre,will receive proper a ttentio . n.,The
• first object aimed 0. in, the literary and scienti fi c etercisai Will . be to ' evolve, Cultivate and strengthen.
the intellectual powerioted to tol'in tied - refine the taste, ~The studies of the granger pupils will be so
-? arranged as to task chiefly the powers hf
arranged be taken that the youthful memoey , be
. not burdened with rules and principles unintelligible to, the' novice lii study. Great importance is eV
tacked to the right cOninienceinent of the pupa's literary edUcation, and throughout 'her licholtstio
course,tuthe adaptation of the Subjeets of her study to the gradual developing of her mental powers.• It
Will be she aim ot die teachers to inspire' in the pupil a love of study; and to inculcate the idea that
learn; i lls a pleasing eikiloyment and not a tedious labor. The various exercises, of the instinition will
1/.be es ~ iged as to relieve one - another and prevent that weariness which is so great a foe to study. •
• TIM' . ;
HYSICAL SCIENCES ,will be taught in a course. of Lectures!-illustrated by experithealk .
speohnerik . diegraini, paintiriga, Ws. '
TheleetiteeitmAstrOnemy will. heon suitable occasions, accompanied by' observations on the noc.;•
tumid': akVL-" th ititintiilii`wili Ise tinght to trace out the constellations—to know the principal stars, planetai
• Zre4 by their sinitiesindlitieliserve the motions, aspect, am of the most Consp i cuous heavenly bodies.
Thecae:vie will inednde 'Chemistry, Geology, Mineralogy, Experimental and Natural Philosophy, Ike.
.O.I.NAEIND VEGETABLE PHYSlOLOGY—including Zoology; OrnithologY, Botany, Aso.
For practical etiiiireilit Botany, Horticulture, Bm., the pu :Is Will have the advantoge of beautiful.
grOundairld4Afaeti *ached to the building. . . .
INTELLECTUAL AND MORAL PHILOSOPHY wil be taught in lectern - and exercises in
heading. This 'Course will also include Rhetoric, Logic, Cr' kiwi; qnd Elocution. In reading, the
pupils will be made acquainted . with the best works in our language-r-both poets and prose writers—
no pains will Ile spared to make good readers, ,
Paiticular attention will be given . to the'Aesthethi'culture—or the cultivatich ofa proper sense of the
• agreeohlund 'beautiful in the yolk° arts. Coed taste is the very foundation of tin elegant education.
EN,GLISII , GRAMMAR; including Orthography, Orthuepy, and Descriptive, Didactic and Bolero
' lacy Composition.
ARATIPIETIC and the higher branched of the Mathematics will receive proper attention. , Ibis
. • idepartuient will includeßook-ireeping, be. ' . .
WRITING; with• Root's treatise-on Penmanship, bettered to be the best systerii in use. .
..' •GEOGRAPHY, with problems on the globes and delineatioo of maps—ancient Geography iii con
nection with ancient History: . , ' .
_,..HIST_OItY, ancient and Moderm-sacred history with 'Charts and maps—mythology and chronology.
rat:denier attention will"be given tothehistory or our Own-country: -- ------------
'AN'I.IQ.UITIES, Jewish, Grecian and Boman. .. .
LANGUAGES. ' The French, German, thilhie, Spanish, and the Classical Languages 'Will be taught
' • 'whim desired. A zone;
,lady's editeation ppnnot lie considered complete without the acquisition of at
_ . _._ • • -
least one language in addition to her native tonguo . ' . • - • -..-. - - -.. . . ._ ..
' MUSIC. 'Piano Farm and Guitar.. Instruction on other instruments will he given when rarticularly
desired. The Philosophy of Musip, in ponnection with 'the men* of-Acoustics, will also be taught.
Frequent exercises in recall music will them a part of the recreations of thepupils.
DRAWING AND PAINTING Landscapes,•Figuyes, Flowers, &o. ; wi th the theory and practice of
...' perspective. --:'
PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL NBEDLE.WOTIE, 'and fancywork in great variety. Including
- trithriiiitery;LiMeWOrk --- , ZePhyr, -- Worsted - mid -Bug. work,- Bead-work,- Ps..c. &c. Particular attention
. will be paid to this braneh lif instruction. The young Ladies will be taught to make up almost every
article of their dres7i.-
- , _ . .
. . .
' DOMESTIC ECONOMY, including Cookery in au its branches, the preparation of Ices, Jellies,
Preseried Fruits, PasteriCakes, lice. Ste.
' INSTRUCTION IN DANCING will be given to the hoarderli. The exercises in this art will be
• —regsieled es mutter of recreation and physical exercise, and nd separate charge will he made on this
account. As some dillbrence of opinion exists as to the propriety of this kind ot *vermin, it is proper
- to say, that vela:here, there is no.substantial objection to the proper use of this elegant accorpplishinent.
, . Instruction of fns kind is given in the best female schools in7the country, under the eaktion. of some of
thei.wisest min t hest men of the age. Regapiled as ii school of manners, there it do tiroper.sulatitnlefne
tide polite mirth there are no other means whereby young he so readily tioight that "grace of '
Manner, gait and mien," which ever marks the lady of refined education . . No cernpany will be admitted
while the young ladies are engaged in their exercises; nor Will any pupils be ieceived fee thialttild of
, ineueiction.only., ..
,° In reference to the boarders, the tenhers re,cogniSe he Stispenilon of the duties of instruction. The
household associate with eaeli other oilt ot schoel - hours, on terms of easy and respectful familarity; and
theerroesand ignorance* el the pupils are noticed With a kind Solicitude for their improvement On.
- all occasions, in theme reereations, walks, or'fil.e.-side eoeversations, young ladies who use provincial,.
impropep, op ungrammatient expressions, are kindly 'ctirrected. .A vicious pronunciation is especially
. to be noticed. The tame caress, devoted to Weil? personal &pertinent, mien and habits. An awkward
gait; au ;Inge:Maul 'stoop', a nasal twang, must be expected to call forth froin any tutoress the proper
' advice and direetion. 'But the chief care of the - eilitcator, in these hours of relaxation from the severer
• .thities of dick:hoot remit, is to be devoted ye the coloration ofa Christian politeness, amenity, ease, end
naturalness 'of Manners. To do an iinlatlyilike thing, palls for niithorative ativicet hut imf..violatien ot
• the 114 of Christian kiiidnest and hourtehy, it le be Idieeked by the We With the most anxious
' eoncerti." . . .
, On every Sabbath, when the Weather jikimilts, the boarderd Will attend church With the interns. They
will never amend thumb at night. In the gietit,Work °federating the moral feelings, the precepts of the
. gospel are oer main reliance: ' The 060 deities and vitiates it enjoin will be earnestly inculcated.
DISCIPLINE, &e.? It It inkaufeil that lir arderkahall enjoy all the maternal attention to their domeetio
innagement that could be- extended to thein ordered home.
,in a Well ered It will be necessary to require
that boarders shallperer leave the lot Milisite id company With one of the tutoresses, nor
,be absent after
:onset. This will not preyed them front enjoying , to time proper extent, all the advantages of the impiety
Of the place. Boarders will not be permitted to but in company of one of the ladies of the
school, who will superintend their purchases, No restraints will be imposed that are not fUlly iviir- .
ranted by the necessltics of th.e case. The
,responsibility assuiped by the proprietors renders it penes
• aaey that they should require of the phpils a strict observance of the rules imposed. Corporeal punish
' inent will not he resortell to tinder any eireoftelisntes. • ----. --:
THE HEALTH of tim pupils will be considered a moat important object, and will claim the tin
i•emitted attention of the faintly,—regularity in the phySimil habits and. exercises of the boarders will be
observed. The best•medicaladvice will behind when required. Charribersbullg ishelieved to be one of
. \ the most healthy places in the country. The establishment has a one airy situation; and there it not any
• local cause of 'disease known to exist in the neighborhood.
The regular sessions will hereafter commence on the first of .Septerither and first of Fehrupri. The
only vacation will be in the Months of July" and August. Tching Wiles will bb received at tiny . tirne
Hering the wain..
. .No Foreiper will be employed as a teacher (either ttn4 or female) iii this institution.
In regulating th e prices of tniticin; & a, the present etubtd.hiSSed homlition of the country is iionsiaskit.
,The prices are, believed. to be less,than those of any other. school in the Cenintry having equal capa
bilities. -
~. ;:r : ~
• , • • . .
•.• ' • 71 . e.,17 4 a ' o I
Scientific. anti Literary Department, (English branthes,) . .
Junior„,Departipent, ‘'r„.. , ~ . . . . .
' 5ent0r''..!..n . '',11,..,ni'..7 .
~.," ,!- . ': ,• ,
1.3 . reek;t40 . 4 VAADEIs tieriiian, Italian am: Spanish Languages, eadi
- - ' • ."'`'' . ' - - • ' Tuitioh in Mtesic.
. .
. ~
On the Put • 02 00
• .
On the Guitar, ' ' . • ' ' ' '
tise•isf Piano, . . . '
• [Jae of Guitar,.. , : _ 1 50
. 8 00
Pesiwing:and Painting, • • • -
'Ornatnentallkreedle*chtiiiid Fancy work, ' • ' • ' • . 10 00
.... --, DomestiolUoliolitY, kb.' : '' ' '3 00
•• TlCi C ate . stalionsty, plateritile, Ike., when .fdrilished will be ..bili.geti at.lhe prices at which they are
.1,1 is Philideldlita: ' .
,lititird; intliiding washing and lodging, . , ` '` $ 4 . 0 9
tedrileteienecs as to chiiraelercapacity, to. will ' e given on application •it the i nstitution.
~06fttniOnihAtiiiiiii FianSt bead d'ilessell to- • j ' '
J . W: BURNS, Cham6ersblirg, Pct.
, 4iii4ll ~ i,itil,.. • ~ , ~' • •- • • • • • •• • 24
• . .
to in' hiltitTlA ig 7117.111, Ak L ' . ;ln Adt Aada, I:11EN RY L. ELDER; N 0.493, Market"
~;;# ro.a ia..a cola' .!.... '
itA, .... ..--",, 77,7 „,..,-^frif„:", ~ . 7 , l ' Rig street, above 1 3 tli, North side, Philadelphia,
ilrl , .c a - • nais, ilia , cap :., • - havin g reduced his prises of HARDWARI3, to the
. „tt
...,,,,,,,, '' .• . '
_,,..,', 1 ' ,
lowest n ot e , for coeu,arld in his advertlseritentpanted,
lit 410..,.3(1 1 11* tilt VI vo pa some !of the modei wiW iliepriche sinnexcal,lre daps
~ • , 2 ..., -' , ..,..1.,. .1- , •' , • - - ! . ~ -,..: thabOdierP in the sere Itne•of Wetness; tre,ofthred
twr OVI4J'infoLS his friends ar14,400,19,5bat. ilicsia particular utilities et th?. tartlet. pripetkasyks
- 'Yr 14/ ,lhOti•101 1 0 1 / 2 [ett his estP; „PIO, - ...944 they sellai lot* Its,P4nali. :Sow,th,e,ob4ett At; this
41,1„, ll ig Ar t oll y ' l'l,,lti. 14,; coknpi.StrecT l , P.,Pot Curdle. to inStte - purchasers tonacertain,tielow_est
fgg ctie s ti o '
, •' . 00'0 . 9r Oftit oi StreeSNorlh ices for *Mak tpey oan purchase every descript ion '
p i
aide' .limi*: ' •,. 'tfottAv pitmt4Aleurf• 4' 151 ! .1:!f HiCtdirOxi.ohle!hol".dtandphen empire Athol store,
inditiKflie . blril ofp,iihish bid , i 91117 • ofid tiny willilienonvinced :Oat lie is selling all hip
bri 0- v. . - , ~ i gril aat .idmihtrimi..l4 4 ,oefrotad Piit he „ts doing
' itiii&tAlit ) ,,lebit L TW4 et '.. 'aithat he professes, to 004840n$ anixfor On s i aod
?r- IF iFas ) aums..nos,la , il; ‘..i. 'g e m ' ty f' • Cash htolii itiabllP idni lo t o 4i4
fit si;eiti4 iriiii . ci.fiNgtiP4P6Pittss so ,i , „•Tjfi!nit7 rk 00 a t such, rates eh tallest fall to trOte, A , ore ti!e.
'pen(s;;'sotd:inVatilikalPfi" '..4p, ir'nbt ' AuPer o Ci '
tsif sod ... m rg . IPY '4e Rot 9F:Prr s -.3 1 101.11'4kC° . 44,10 1 °,4: 11 0ft their
~ -, . , ~ •,, Ile 'as a a detitb 1 8 !irge stock of ..., w fi"'
.- , lit N . 1; 1 'T
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f 1,,
litatilF110113411;4;tr: -
f o Utio .L.l) .1111141
Pqmal Phgrttleoll,4: l lreithito,,lng At the ,Sidee
Breast,.eekand Shmilderi t , -'4gue end Paler, aq
iniallable Ofeis;
and all disease. ardling . skPoritite.and des
bility, no triatter;.kOW:;hing_ infect all
diseases4ewhichthe tigman are aPitlecttoi
•These pills are unpropaesed" LI any medical
compound6er a re
tct thtiiiphllia is a general re:
nmator and ; funny 'ritedioato.h: They. are very
gentle in „their .operation,, ,pausing neither pain;
'sickness nor debility : by
,tab Use of-them) but on
the contrary they., strengthen.'the. stomach . and
bo w els in a wonderful manner; and soon 'restore
nature to its former coat() raid .vigOri The'per::
eon tieing the Ohre, Branch' rills.' *Min forget'
that he was sick—whiehjs Very easily:accounted
for; there is not that vrciatiationmif strength_
'these pills as in many pi.libr remedies ortlie day;
l _hepausethe materials used in manufaCturing them
are in harmony •Wilh - the powers of life and act
in concert with the opinions of Dr's. Brown, Bush;
Armatroog,, Hersey, Kendrick;
Mapper and the . celidifeted Dr. Waterhouse;
formerly Lecturer on the' theory and practice of
Physic Unitersity, Massachusetts: .
PurchaSe of, them, and give them a fair and fin:.
Partial trial, and you will Lind that permanent re.
lief, upon which the proprietors depend to make
them the' nest universal family medicine usedi
and which villa stand unrivaled by any other in
he known,vorld. ,Price 25 cents per box;
is one of tlitmost certain and effectual cures for
all rheumutiOchronie and inflammatory Rlieuma.
gams that hluever yet been discovered, and in
numerous case has eradicated that dreadful Ais.
ease' from perons afflicted entirely. • All sour
drinks an& Vitnals are strictly forbidden, and
spiritous liquor must not be taken inwardly by
any means *htever, or it will be of nO use to
faktithie medicne, es it will destroy the good of.
fects of the ,nleacine. entirely, Price $ 1„50 per
package, '
These celebiatsi drops have acquired the high.
fist recommenclatons in this country , as well as
k.lurope for itanost valuable proprieties for all
inward weakness°, cramps,colds,agues and fever;
and when used Wih the Olive Branch Pills,
fails to cure the; and ague. race qsgents
Per boitle• • L
Is unrivalled for ilFuretive qualities oven when
used in cases of odpi.dies which were MlMrwise
incurable, Many Commendations have . been
Oven of the bens eil effectla it, has bad in the
cure of pleurjsy, lord and pulmonary con.
elimptions, colds, 44, price 34 cents per bottle.
This most citeeltel article has a quality of
calming instantly anilwithout fail, all Minim of
the stomach, cholic 141 that troublesome, disease
called mother 'fits' or hjt eries ; n
and'when ontinu.
ed for some length tme, will cure the patient
entirely. Price 25 cep' per vial.
A certain cure fori Scalds, Bruses, Burns,
and the meakeffactdat e for the piles-La will
cure the person afpiot a very short time, if
'used imperiling to direct . Price 25 eta. per vial.
. .
This spirit is highly'r,ecommended for all
sprains, swelling of fhe li 8, or leaders, sinews,
joints and rheumatic; as a ward remedy, it has
no equaband whop used wi e Rhehmatic Medi.
M '
ee will . greittlY facilitn he 'cure. The an-
nuals of History 119 not prn e its equal, and it is
the greatest. Oreventivo . inst cold, in the
known iirorld. For partieula :e directions accom
panying the bottles: Frinb cents.
An infullable cure if iiseitnording to dime
Lions. Price 25 cants per AO.
IS decidedly the best appl Thn !lA. WPiiniis
and sores, old or now, of all tri, and will pre?
vent if used in time, many , aletlbnsj and pre
vent Look Jaw, Pains in We Bic Head, &c.—
Females who are so unfortnnatpv to have sore
breasts, and . will use this wondtri delve, will be
cured in a very shoji. time. It call; be too high.
jy ree4mmended. For further partic ersee p ai m .
twos, , Price 121 cents per box. 0
Art excellent arilele frn• the ctirgr In
atiults as Well as children, and Allure when
other rerriedies fail. Price 61 cent* box: .
A stiperior articlefor Cquihs; ColBl,te
Bronchitis end difficulty of lireathi4Pribe
cents per , box,
• . Sold wholesale an , retail, at the print,' o ffi ce ,
No: 384, North 3d sheet, Philadelphia; d by
• JOl-1111 GRAY, Carnal:Pa..
General Agetit for Ctimberletktrity..
June 22, 1842, • ' • ;• 1y44
415 06
So 00
8 00
AND ifyou have.a friend, a relation44uni
any ono that is afflicted with that dietl i i ng
chseaso, "COl5SUMPTJON,"persuado thisith,
on delay Ad by that faoious and unrivAlrid
of Wild 'Cherry !
Wild Cherry
whiCh has cured thoUsands of this ooiripi f.
~ --- ° P ink eye, Pere ly
ter everything else' had failed. goad the . , .
log huidoubteli &On& of its efficacy: '., &oast, and redundant hair. Still, it wee
~ itoxaoaccon;, Sept. 10 i found difficult; by common observers, to
Dun Siii,:tflease send me two more kid :, • .
.. ., I 0 Iler beauty i for it rested ,fidt 'oh
your Balsam of, Wild Cherry, like that Ye ,
me before, 'I have taken nearly all ofthe first •liiny pernunarii gift, but on the conaerit of
and confidently believeihis medicinewill afire ,_ ..
w .
0 .
I have used a great many remedies within t h e h, Is •person in iovelmetia. brace of
P .„. -
last year, but have never fiand'any thing that ' ovement, and melody of i , oiee; were con*
relieved me so intich., It has stopped ,my 4.Cou settee to be among its eriments. • More oft
entirely, checked my night • sweater; and a sl ,
better,titlightand feel better in every :Vreia th nitration was hers, th , ati' ie Wont to `die
havetror many months'. Young,respeeifully,, , ,
, . 1410 , 8 gum , , i . guilt& the niotletrt . Botithern,hpautyt but: l
' ' o' 1.,, - seeti'le'' . 4, Sept ii, 1841:;, 1 ; ') ,, it chiefly ~ ivpn old and young , was a
• • Finsmo_VVierrta:-1 unit again trobble tb ' •ind "cheertuinea4B,oo;leilelt hiettity ,of
tiend'ine two bailee morn, of ibl'lntralusble Bal. ~, • ,„ , . , ,„., . „,. ~ .
se ,
sam. , 1 have now taken three • betties in ill, end ' Soul S . n, allplneal, aria *n . eseres avp
can ammo :thee that ~ it, has done , more good, than. : 4 -inapiiing• eie belt ei with 'Cobtl *, -
alt tile medicine 1147' ever r taken .'lerbre. Send' '•l 'i ' b eam _fiord the teliii/a , Ot
liy. th e titige: Cs saki es Pessible,', and oblige thy •.Itl „ , ~, .
friend; . - ', 0 , ' ' ' ' ` ' JOSEPH , HOLLOWAY.
I -j-c ', • • l' . ; . 1 ' smarm; ,Sept. 8,11841. ,
. Dekm.'reiny, people, talk
of ,the wonderful enrimYenr,llelann of wilapher-
SY. kg, made in :Constoupflork .1 sent tn. one of
koler,i,itgerita 4,1# Cth4l l ):ay: for ti'boltle, to
,Mi?„iptialMenreheved l `menci much, therlWatit
..„1110,WliS,M2re. eentenomi•at , I,beliSios it 'will:
kuit4 l6 Wo• ` , l 1 baysl, 3 l llool,gnO i 'ittzapeetorttet'
llfilt . *4 l :43( 6 l4itibbitidne, hilt nothing haidOne
tow, 4ieti imadr, Ai l ', yam& I hail ': Beal 44.1 he•
atopplaaatiklaimr. ,,,. , )11, Aroitro, i',.
tett!, „/. ,
,c, - ;, , ),v0fk!c7,T1F, 4 44iv
', PiiipiVo` .' •' ' .. ~
kw+„„_ ,del ''lts."'ailtsrishiciff , i.4o l l#r` ,l ,P,
-- veered llir, -1,1,31 k POW/ f a 1
— llsNelltri ":001488_,,, .
, ilquag; tdiiiitiiiirt#4 , '
gawp ww
AV j am ,)
F=. '
UPON TAY 'lit lifik 4 Ne t
Dtii,i6l4l ; si d Aroitimitir.f
• •..•••
1 %0 41weiltiO'Cloung
Ttics'irdt 6 ,bi! thite 4 ;
In siorn'ihki',b(4 l4 44 bath
The Abuiliyou wu *we , plighted. ,
They *end thee fortii,eo,tee,the world;
Thy love•by ebsente trying)
Then 'got for I can smile
Upon thy truth relying. !
i know the liiefstire's bend will t,hrew
Der ailiceia Uet#fiout thee i
i know how loneionle I shall find
The long, log days withoUt thee. -
But in thy letier's there'll be joy;
The reading,--the replying;
I'll kiss each word that's trefoil' 14 _
Upon thy truth , relying.
When friends applaud'thee, I'll - sit - kr
In silent rapture geeing ;
And, oh ! how prowl of being loved
By her they have been praising !
But stiould Detraction breathe thy natiie;
• The world's reproof defying,'
I'd lave thee---laud thee-,trust thee
Upon thy truth relying.
, •
E'en those who eirdile to lies
Shall aea us riieet with woOderi
Suah trials only make the heart
That truly lo;es grow4onder. '
Our sorrows past shall be our pride,.
-When with each other'vyingi
Thou wilt confide in him, who lird
Upon thy truth relying.
maest3//&,air 0.1
]IMA•RT]JA 'wAsuirmairort.
ay lam. eraoureNer
THE state of society in' Virginia; a CeM.
tury since, was unquiet and imposing. The
" Ancient Dominion" retained - stronger
features of resemblance to the father land,.
than any of its sistere e The.manners of
tlni nobility of England had beep trans
planted,-with but . little radical change, to
the territory of Powhattan. kind of
feudal mignifleence, a high and quick sense
of honor, a generous and lordly hospitality
early charactoripd a State whieh.has given
to this Western Empire so many pf its
mightiest and, noblest names.
One of the moat immediate changes aria.
ing from the-severance of the mother cctun
try, was the breaking down ofihat courtly
and almost solemn Iltiquette which had
marked the intercourse of the higher :aln
ico. "I knoo your age Li tho eiiiGioh of
your mannert," said a lady of discernment
to a gentleman Aistinguished for polite,
near; -• "I am certain that you were eilu,
cated before the Revolution."- But the
republicanism which may possibly have
swept with too fall a title over our national
manners, had, at that period of whi,ch, we
speak, no existence jn Virginia. The
levees of her royalOvernora, though strip
ped of M,ontirphial pomp; di.tplaked rem
nant of -- thoe "state) j' trappings bf
which the titled and valiant of
a still earlier age; *ere. accustomed, in
European cotirts; to pay homage to beautj ,
and kank.
It wag earl' Id the *inter tit that
the levees of Governor Gooch opened with
Unwonted splendor at Williamsburg. Many
bf the members of 4.ssembly took thither
with them a part of their familiei; and this
session was -graced by the presence of
several young high-born maidens, who had
%ever before beep presented at coral. One
among these -Was evidently the theme of
general - admiratipn. Sume of the statelier
matrons criticised heras deficient in height.
But; though somewhat beneath the middle
stature, she possessed tha . t round and ex
quisite eimmetry, Which the early histo
rians have ascribed to the fascinating Anne.
Boleyn: A. pure completion; .and.. clear
urr finely contrasted with. dark,
igh aho d, /Pro" niAttbeol
ght sununaii. there.liiae, about bar
16 0 dignity ;414300d:to&
ration i;eoekir "' t ,.,
:t6tie , iih0,64:0511610ft:440,44i
r'of the*ol. iii o,6 lP ll oo 4l ginAl
;000* ( 4.i';*,11 "
4.444;the prase t.llaai~,ott;
o'fAiii P ga;Atty; l 46l:t4i4iir*
?4C 1 ).#11411i:., 4444
*O4 l
"niiitinee of •gravity end'
in his munner,"ite desired OM to be!isene,
!sl4"..a44l4npeeed discourse.`:'
some time 'wished to see
yOu await.interesting enbjest. Alloggh
stillsoling,-•I. consider have arrived .1 . 0 1
reir 6 or.diooretiqn;";
Colonel' tinwed.,
"I trust ' have alwaYs ammo that
Bard for your' welfare, which is due., from
en affectionate father to an only .aon. I
am shim , to give . enother pronf , of it:. In
ihort, I wish: to 'turn your attention to it
imitable marriage.
The golonet bosied. •
t .
"You know Colonel Byrd, otWeittever,
to be my very particular friend. liis daugh
ter is one of 'the ^most beautiful - and ac
.nomplishedlatiips in yirginia. It is my
desire that you Form with her a matrimen
ial alliance.',' •
"iVly,.dear sir I have not the vanity 91'
supposing that I contd retitler • iripplr ac
ceptable to Miss Byrd I
." ,
!'No Objection on that head, tier father •
and myself hive settled It. , Ind eed,, I may
as well tell you that *e have had number
less conversations an this business, and
that yod We both been as betrothed front
the cradle'. Think; my son, of the advan
tage of such a connection, the contiguity of
wealth and power that vtill 41tiniitely pass
into your hands,"
"Affection, sir; Semite to me to be the
Only bond that can hallow such a union.—
Not even my reverence for the beet 'of
fathers ctittld Induce nie -enter into it
from mercenary waved:" •
, •
"Illercenstry, rherpinaky! WhoeVer;
before, - dared to couple that word with my
name!" exclaimed the Cotinsellor, raising
himself to his full height, and fixing a kin •
ling tips upon his son,
Then, pacing the apartment. alew-turns,
he stopped . opposite to him, and added :
"You speak of the affection that should
precede marriage. Have the goodness to
, understand that the misplacing of yours
may materially affect your patrimonial in
heritance." He'seemed to wait for a re
ply, but in vain. "May I inquire, if you
have, thus early, presumed to • decide se
riously on the preference of any young lady
as a companion for life?"
"I have, air." '
"May I be favored 011 n knowledge of
her name?"
:"Mies Martha Darnbridge." •
The high-spirited gentlemen parted in
mutual resentment;
,but the 'reflections of a
night restored them to better feelings. The
father began•to excuse the don, by recalling
the warmth of his own early attachinent;
while the Con referred the testiness of the
father to• the hatiowing disappointment of
a long-cherished plan, arid .the querulous
ness of hie feeble health. Still, as it usual
ly happet4 With protfd nien, neithet would
open his. heart to the other; and a slight,
though almciit perceptible coldness gather
ed over their. intercourse. I3ut this inter ? ,
view aerie(' as a stimulant fo trisittinioiiy,
the terutiortirY reserve of die father, throw
ing something like glOofti over the paternal
mansion"; heightened the frequency of the
visits of the rover. The gentle objed of
his ptefereii6 imagined no Barrier to an
alliance; Where there existed no inequality;
and he forbore to coMmunicate what could
only bOcasion petplexity, and what he
trusted would soon vanish like the " base•
less fabric of a dream." According to a
happy prescience,the•loftycounsellor gave
his consent to the nuptials, and the flower
of the court of Williamsburg became a
bride in the blush of her seventitenth sum.:
Their residence was a retired and rcirnan
iie Mansion on the banks of the Pamunkey.
it reared its' white Walls amid a profusion
Of vines , and flowering trees. Broad plan
tatelfons, and the, Wealth of. Virginia for.
taw varietated thegroundsi . Floral occur
' , potion, and, the delight of e,anlr other's so
ciety, prepared for . thetii what they &artier],
a paradise. in visits to theirfa%;oreti ditirel. l
lint; the, c hancelor learned to app s reeiate
the ttbasuree :,Of his new daughter. ' Her
eirrellencer in! , the responsible iphire to
,which-eke in
introdticid,.woo his , rogard;,
and with the . intenuouenese of an ,
ble mind when - convineed of an error, he,
nought-everyupper ii lutitY.ottetintiiishing
,_herreeritWhich ha !l'arljoir elf been ielue;
taut` ti s inirigtp' , Vlllitt hfiaW the gracie and'
40 1 4! ) °,i4i....iiiiih: # ll2 °4' 4116 i6 O,OI4!P*C! I ,
gelle6ljiollOßtill.Ti ;011-,!,f00 113 *, .1 . 0 1 !+'
fond 'blir , Yq.ol:t dieo ll Y - Msl-,IR -i 11 4 , ' Ill!Male*;
- m e ) t4s4o t #.0r0,144 the 0 1 00 it 1 r eo l 3' ,
laing . ;, ':Ohieifo3;l,4 l 4:4l' ,l lo l' '-cilich .
lil '# .-1' 141; 4 ' . .44:4i . '41 . # - . to,I; 41 0 i ti h ll 7 l6l
- 104 1 0ItY#4 0 40 , titfli 4410ter t ainri,,,
gctsol , A4t 1!***49:!41. 4 4''b04 014 :Aid:
!**#4o*o4:l4 a .." ) ', ' o l
.11" ° ,64 0 . P 1 !'t Ifitiio:;*)i 4l i!*o 3 oo;'4iiii
• i*4ll,AVOti li P i Pt i g*P l k r AundalArit , 4;
i fooStkitAtife*lmiitikliii4,,tiiw , ' A
:Aiffffliittrai*Oif toted'
~,, / - I 4l. - , - ' 1
iAiit.f i tt!jt igii*Roiiiiikfil
*t ...- . .: kit...l. e-
lite . '
4.' L
• t
'fp: WO filing 400 1 90 ta, Mk* EiS"qui
*id e. y . 14 d9i9 .11 0.' 0 40 6 rP OM!.
:5411 . 010 to 'eonduCifiereegvrith unvarying
diseretion, and faithfully ilischatin evert
JPI P o F4nt,•, .9 ). 1:
jeWitlit n
the ring 108, that Iwo
by.: l'aimVanty• 'were
sceniidlitg'figough thelitittl i sniAtettery
with',4 ll A'.,the v :lblifitY'or plev,'.Kentja
ltbriunde . : Thu tuoitatrikitiglig,
ut'c'Of the grutip- was a tali, graceful men;
and apparently about twenty-five or tien.
ty-six, years of age. He would have ; been
*node! for a statuary when : Rottin,wee
her best days., His companion was ail el
(lady man, in ildain garb t. whoi by the fa:.
sifilarity with whiCh, hiAluinted out stir;
_rounding obi esti, ivotildseenifto be taking
bis dally,rutinda tiPbn his own estate., As
they tie - tuilo:Antititio
mansion;, he.iilaced his hand 041. he rein of
his companion. n •-•
" Nay, Colonel Waahington, let ii nev
er be said that You passed thy house of
jour father's friend vsithout distnountirig. 7
I must iniist on the honor of delaying yob
army guest." • , ,
" Thanks:to you, My dear sir, but I ride
in haste, the hearer of despatches to our
Govenor in Williamsburi, — which may not
brook. delay."
" Is this' the noble steed which Was giv
en you by the dying Braddock, on the fa
tal field of Monongahelah ? and, this the
servant he bequeathed you at the same
Washington ansWered in the ailirmal .
"'l'heii, my dear colonel,. thus Mount
ed and attended,. you may ire)l dine with
me, and by`•borrowing some of this fine
reach. Williamsburg pre his ex
cellency shall kayo shaken of his moinint
slumbers, .
"•Do I nmierstand that I may be excite
ed immediately after dinner ? -
" Certainit."-- • •
Then, sir, I accept your hospitalitye!
and gracefully throwing himself from the
charger, he resigned the rein to his Mt
lish'servant, giving at the same time, strict
orders as to the time when he must be' rea
dy with the horses to pursue their journey.
"I am. rejoiced, Colonel Washington,"
said the hospitahle old gentlemen, " fortu
nately to have rnet - yeu-on--my morning
ride; and the more so, as •I have some
guests, who may • make the repast pass
pleasantly, 'and tvilL,not fall , to appreciate
out young and valiant soldier„"
" Washington bowed bin thinks; and
itas introducedto the company. Virgin
ia's far-Tamed;hodpitality Was well set forth
to that spacious baronial hall; Precise in
hie household regulatione, the social feast
Was closed at the time the host had pre
dicted. The servant else was
kne* the habits of ills master -- At the
appointed, moment, he stood with horses
caparisoned at the gatd ;
,and much did he
marvel. as listening to ever} , footstep that
paced down the avenue,he,sawthe sun
sink in the west, and yet no Master appear.
At length orders came that ihe horses
Adult' *pinup foe the night. Wonder,
I w as
his business with
the Governor was so urgent ! The sun ,
was high in the heavens•the next , day, ere
Washington mounted for his journey. tio
explanation was givon,, , Hukit Was rumor
ed, that among the guests iv as a beautiful
and youthful widow, to Whoiacharms his
heart had responde d . This was further
confirmed by hie tarrying but a brief space
ap Williarniburg, retracing his route - with
uubeual celetity, and becoming a frequent
visitor at,the house °of the late Colonel,
Custis, in the vicinity, where the follow
ing year his nuptials were Pelebrated.
Henceforth, the life of the lady of
Mount• Vernon is a part of the ,histdry of
her country. In that hallowed retreat she
was found entering loth the plans ofWash
ington; ahaiing his confidence and making
his household happy., there, her, only
delighter. Martha Ctiettei died #t , l i . the
bloom of yoUth a a few yeani after,' when
•the troubles of Mii country drew her hus
band in the post of, nonithander-inrbhief of
her ariniee,, ib *I
e cri'Mpttnied hili, to iitOs"-
t in; 8 " :7,tnesse4 it t s #4
o '#eP (#. B 7tPitieel.
Foi eight Yeerek he• retlir,Ffed #0 more to. eu ,
joy his , htdovedi, residence , on the banks, if
the PotqmitiNz ~. boring ; his, shyer:lca, she
iiilide the moat iirelll3olls : 01tOite -10.i10. ,
CParge, the 4#460'. wei g ht of 'cero. ,end !ci,
riniallio;*ithsilhaikeiisi ii u st; if:geiviFiii
09,40p4;apx . igtylprAnc , .."ip#RreoiRt •
dear. At the elpetrcd,eo4 sttt.iP4lll3:°4
repaired •in carntillineeki, hi'd, Wailes;
to headrgearter*:•MT*'.tlitlent# 09•
g° l o/9 1 1 DirmerejFinedllet Wttrmieit 4 1 ah
3341 0 * . % 11 ..
' Oh* 4 )44 44l‘..iPauenoP
oif . t iv ii* A 4 ;. ,, ll 4lt, *P.'*ititto•iit'lr!it.
11:110-‘11z,,7 6 trectiV.:f 11 . 16. 1' 0,0401 ,*
isv.4 t chmeiitAtif*'lllo44o,o3
, ~.*, , ~ 4i.,
_4 ~,,,,, ,-,,,,,,,,,, ~.. Aix,
rettitn.iii4 , ,.!4l97,,7 o ,„ToT4itto
!04 , 0 It ittAkr7.)' o,- fi_r!ltitl# l
iok*ol4o`o4,l 3 l! ), So' '
t40#1 , 0 ,0 1 1 1.1;` `7 ,
1 . : ..r , ,... , ;: ,,:.:1 , - , ...7,1 , 4.1. , ..m . :? i:,.: 1 ,i:::.;. -,
..;..... , '.i , , , ..,".'F,...; ~;,; ~, c , . ,
'' , :.20 -: ::• :, '!ii!.:::!; . q? :; :!- . '
7,,'-`!":" , ;!:: , ::,i. , '
-'.''r.-..--.i''.-`"1-.-.: .... ,':,',.-4",-;'' .-1- ; , `. - D-'•!.:.. -'-','
,i-,:..;.,,:-.:;i:A.,,4c.i:fr.,,c- , •., - 1 ;,,. 4 -'..- ~:,. ~'',:. ~, ,
iiek-',...2-;%':;',,,' '.'.1,...-',—,!- ~ -; ' ,?o' ''- : - ' .- . • '
',:iiJ?P'.',.e-i,'..`,it,', -', .7”-',,..;.- ..!, -- '., ' - -
::-4,;:'!---`''-,.'it-e:'' -'' - ' • •
t-,..,..: . ;!...?,A:: , :'. , , ,,,
'''''' , :',1,'::*,,'.. ( ;,„ 1 . : ,-: ; „•,1‘k. :-..,
~ T .:l- :::. , '-' . 4 •-,,,-; . -.7 „.. ~,.;--.-....
•-.' .g7l=4'o,42o4iiiit'S. ''..
' , ‘;'„AlriArt:.,:.f.i . , ,,
~,,y -
itt0je . 410110: ,..„,,
N.i: :1 , ;• .1:,. ;',111.1••••
vio,lo of, , A 4 40(i, died .
.”:veOtt,q.PP,','f *i11e.. 6 bat
iil63' of
ha4l . 4 oflC( o ojAtfliNt c
Of) affOffigne potiruc
sbared•her; r eolletiooTtethis
and , bi tentieresteitnpithY strove,.,
to 4119*0,0?,,„..?:.' t,,.'
.411# lie close • - 0 1 1O: , :irati0* - lOaro
Were, devoted to, the
1 1 8 40 1 of their favorite *Opt Ver non. ,
The i ' l ksefi and ,rotttokag PrO4 O OFiFY of
their coti.ntry.gaye . ,pnre
diems to 00r OP: Q(.:l l iPtlinflotP ,
mansion was twood whip:ooE4-d die,.
tipction;all of whom, rertla#o4*lill,4o
piiratioe, _ die_;eriergy Aia, _Washing
ion,,in the cdtkiplicattiti duties ef a*irginla
- houtiewife;.fifd - the ~eleganee" ii4d":grace
with which she
. presided at her,ne.hl P.4aro-
The voice of a free, nation conferring
on tienerar Washington the ,highest . •
. power ,to bestow, wae . .nof,obeyed ,
without a sacrifice of feeling. it, wa!in
the. opting, of 1789; that, with his ladii,he
bade adieu to his trapiltiil abodq, toassume , ,
the,rceponsibilitY,of tireA, rrepiciencyl
Informing his doinestic esta blishment, he
mingled the simplicity Of, n`republie with
that 41 f iniiy which he felt was . necessary
to secure the respect of older governments.
The furniture of house, the livery of :
servantp, the entertainment ,of
guests, dityplayed elegance, while they re-
jected -omentation. In all these '
arranges, ,
ments,,,Mrtf. - Washington was . a: second
self. liar Friday, , e;•ening levees, etivhiph.,
he wee always , presenti caltibite,d - that per-, ,
feet etionette which marks the intercourse
or the dignified and high bred....:,
morning at seven, and Closing at ; tea, they_
lent no worn sanction to late , boobs than to
levity,. The first lady , of the nation still
preserved t. 114 3• h abits , of early,
~ Iu- •
dulgingirtrio iodole.nce, she left her. pillow ,
at dawn; and after breakfast., retired to lasi '
chamber tor an hour, fiir the study of the
scriptures and devotion., This practice, it
is said, during the , long, period of half a,
century, she , never , omitted i The duties
of the Sabbath, *ere dear, to her. _The,
President and herself attended public wore
ship with regularity. and in the evening he
read to her, in her chamber,the ecriptyree;
and .a sermon, , _
. +he epring I npened,, for, these
with the niost pleasing antiaipations. ,•Tho .
cares of t h,igh office Werexesigned, and they
were about,taretire, for the remainder of
their days, to the beloved shades of Mount;
Vernon, The_ new turf ipringing, into
fresh greenness wherever ,they trod, The,
vernal hlocroms opening to receive them;
the warbled welcome, of the, birds, 'milli
Twee more dear, as
. wearied with the toile
of public life; and satiated aith t s honorsi
they returned to their rurairetiest, ha110w..4 ,
ed by the recollections
. of. earlier years;
and by the consciousness of virtual'
But in . two years Washington was no
more., The shoCk of his death, "after
illness of only twenty-four luturadell like
a thunderbolt open _tbe beFeaved widow. ' •
The piety whicitiallong,been her strength,
continued, its . tni p port.,but• het 4hiart droop
ed; and ,ibottgh her cheerfulness, did' 'not,
utterly forsake her,'sbe discherged her babt
itual round of duties, as Foie who felt.that ..
"the gloiyhad departed." , •
How b eautiful and
her reply to the, eolicitations of the highest
authority. • of the nation; that the rerneinti,
of her illustrious husband might:bit ventov•
ed to the seat of governtnen,t9.lo . !ooo'44,
monument erected to mark the /444 their
“fanihi by ttie best exsinple *hicht,
have had so 1,94 befere — "iii, noinfsi'*Oo
pose, my private v;feheii ni,,tke"*llolo; ; **c
country, I content to tAis ieile4V.4ll4** 4
Congress; and in doing thy; ioirt)#tcl. --'`
Adnnel, say whijr, - .4a9tiOiOliiliati ,l 44 -:
feOug A make to,ti t liFist' '4,14,,t; 16 ='4 6 07i . ,.
74e iiiieiliieri Of ,th‘:igigieo, 4l ,% l lF 4 , l 2
his never he e nCieeurni,itOr:ihe'ptiiio44' ‘ '
monument c tecteti t ,,.:rhecrttitinihnO,Otthe; ' -,__
time - , patiak.l away; . !Int!. sbO r e ni:isto4lol 4 ,:
Mg earee,prA Ve4niti!;4l 4l P l o4 ls loPTC-.
trod 1)141 perpetuating failtilMOiit, :1::-
image, .it -IPillittiW!*ll(fliet)iir(frimlol .., ',71'..
i t
in (fie hearts' o'eA great itiott ; l::t..":4 , ,0 ~;),:,-,:/
ooiioiiliiiiits,4...friiipii i.#.i i , , , ,, :,
hood -yeses 4 ‘ .64 , 6 . 1 4 1 . (0 . 6 41 (. 4 .; ..iri : t: ,,,,,,
moimt!yernon iontuqintlCoi4o . lo) iltrW- ,'..:,,”
Viako44 4 4 ) 164 : rsiiii*lklaitii4*k k itOSij ,
tiflifii,g . : 4 l .4 lo,4*,o6(i;A:Or 04 ,1 0: .
'whillti.'o4*fitt tea ;'Tfiei# l 4o . iiO 4, o ll, '
i n
4 kia 46 ": 0 4 ,' ''il fl ,,k. l 4ll4..ioL_
-61,6*-14 , Ni1.4 04:
741% - .0fki4' . .111 - r - ite?o,, t.:. , 1 , 4_ ,, '
....„.„,,,,,,„,,..„.i.,,..v.. i .-- ~ e - . =,.5, , ,,:;.-f.,."' i iLio * ".,..
yeitsliikftiro 1005#- , i M -,-4-
kti**):l:!)t, .iiiiing* -4 t , s '' lr''' , :': 3l '4f;,l3 4 '
' ,, XOi , :pie r' 4 4:. ;:'.)t#S
Yors* ~,..ti.:,,,,....:,,,,..::..ui,11:
i ttio3,-;,- , .,- - : - ,2. , ,, ,, -7 11 1 ,
i s tl , '140)1 4,, ' ,, ..,ittkc1V4
'iliti) 0 4:1 1 00
• - ,:.':?;;;;:z,( 4 ',.;•••: , :' , ,' ';,;±