Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, April 12, 1843, Image 4

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tilE ntoirstittig,HasiGio - GIFT
D T 75140 DODDT,
Thou look'ninn4 thhipagei'
That dim: age; •
, Think it was a footheh's band, • , •
Thc4o;*Poio l3 :'.pl.pre th o 4 7l t
'Gave thisistere#loft . to:ihee • •
estee#ilit .
;beßti: is ftning sett wild
And upoia
pugllt kuf,, o tniltn,ihopp bath smilUd
But ivhfit disappointments comes
to ibis world liegitis Steal '
Alt dik'sPirits early tiloprrt, . ' •
Then its value then - wilt feitl
To thy chandler still mid loao, • '
Ply,—and search this sacred [lake,
When earth's blanditilanentaardione; .
Eyory,griof it will assuage !
Close' thY . , dnor against tite dlri •
Of Worldly
Only lot the radiance in
'Of each !ma tronly. preasitie there!
Vheti the brubied Writ bends
.'Noath the weightl4 sorrows 'chain
IVien of all life ' s summer friends,
- - Nat one ilattererfilitilLremsin,_
Lay thiS unction to the wound
' Of thy .smitten, bleeding- breast,
Here the only •balin is foiled .
~• That eau yield the weicryrest!,
Not aloneinhOurs of wo , •
a Search the Scriptures," but while joy
Hdoth life's blissful cup o'erflow,.
Be it oft, thy sweet employ ; •
So remembering in thy youth,
Him Who's° Spirit lights each pate,
Thou shalt have abundant proof, '
•He will not forget thine age. . .
_ _
The bible must be brought
. into action.
it must . shaPe the intellect and inspire the
heart of the young. Its treasure must be
thrown apen_to their view. The nature,
.03.01_1,4_0nd value.of its history mustbe en
graved upon their memories. they must
be taught to sit on the brow of the sacred
mount, and listen to the philOsopliie sages
. invirstion, while they'expOund to their
opeancfaculties the sublime , thYo - ryof
nature; . _ -- tfiqi.must be permitted tu emir
'-upon-the-pinions of---a- heaven-illuminated
fancy, and explore the broad limits of the
universe, and celebrate with the. Psalmist
the character'of the great . Creator, and with
prophets pursue the destinies of the
deathless Spirit, as it rises to the - dignity
- aid enters nprintlie - fruitiouriatimmettality;
Eierything.. in .a word, ihobld'be attempt
ed to render the Bible More engageing to
the young.. The immagination 'is the first
•ititellectnal power thatexpands. It is the
leading faeulty in the developement and
- cultivation of the mind. And, like the nee-:
die that vitierates to the pole' it cannot be
directed by eonswaiut; but is attracted
' , with unerring certainty when left to action
of its relative_ power.' - That, relative- pow
or is the Bible. It is the pole, of the hu,
map mind. Reßsieirtg- all disturbing for
ces,negative' aitd, counteracting
ences, and let the Bible exert its native
energy upon the soul, and man will soon
return io his true position in the sight of
Llod. Let the rations popular fictions of
the day be disconritenanced by every frend
of mankind: - .If the fancy must be instruct
ed by pictures; ifit must be warmed by ,
the touch of beauty; if it•deinands a peen
.- liar aliment for 'its sustenance and clamors
for gratification; let those pictures be drawn
by the pen* of inspiration let• that touch
. of beautybefrom the hand that planted the
• flowerets •of Eden; 'let that alithent gen
tly fall .upon the soul like tnanna from the
heavens. We peed not fear we shall ac
- eornPlish too Much 'in-attempting to throw
a• livelitit interest around' the Bible. A
, inc4era.poct has corie:ctly. and beautifully
• -•, :-"ik.intoaerawaorterhues •
;,-,4!':,', , „^.9hikvera the leaven , ' beam of light,
raa Al! the seven rainbow huea •
linn back :into_the - dariling_whiteA
filo,foundiitentqininhig - eyea — of yoUth" -
;;V:lifith•all your glancing ivitcheries play;
tis ASo flow into one bOnd of truth,
;nto ono streanfol perfect dap."
' Can'the reader evade the pout's touching
- 'appeal ,I ,W hat exertiops should be regarded
as erduons. in comparison of so happy a
..151 e 4 tiltr Let the Sabbath school be made a
'miery t';f little 'phone,extracted from the
paradise of revelation, Let the smaller
gems ,of the Aible be transferred to the cor
onet of p 4 juvenile readers.. Let did pul
pit become radii:Mr:with the literature of the
614 0, 4 1 04 Let the halls of education emit
th,,t w ocal4t splendor Hof classic and Ilibli
co, learning let the fireside the family ' ,
c iTglil 1 4 4 O r PF d a 4. d !4 11 c'wed 4 choice
1 k e 4116 niekuTtPiliiMmPhYiand .
Pi* 0 4 10Piretion. liow , many t °nth
ful, straying fist, might be allured to the
• noblest wAlte of piety and duty, if the
f paren 9niy, tle_mcoar, rQuid .tallt(llta
Paine tf'digPlny 11l kr(e# , wiliPit in
' ePiNien hal 44I : 9 1" *0 ** ct i ll .V4Vin-• 9 1,
peactit)Rivhil '
~g e,WMi ,p livriler ,va
oe9telOn'Ot; pi meM n tto rePdor * tn . %
111 .f1P9Piitiqt 0 d, tln-Ailinnf Pg o eidencei that
/I. .** „ itbliiit i ,Ml4ol ll oP9 , ,k c .o: a" 44d'
itPPieeittiedOithqflibW`? :stared
hii,;o444itli: with such 4,liet iMe
10711444*Cligielnitii#4", 44 Y .. , y
'ilti'e Thii i igiiitpt ki ipgileoli to r;v
,, -,., . 1. , „ -„, -: -
i.redliii , f 6 4 tOt i it; 44 •, ;9', 0 0 ''
of Trnich
44 1 ,44 beewfoisbet4ti4o4*lictsoi
!tl, O -4 6, 7 , w7 7 , , wei r grAvrrl Ti.. 9 - t ,
19,,,, , "10_300_*007 0 440', -, it
triote ) et.• itlllAlllMl*er,dWp ‘ ,l " .
, iialiferVt 401.144001141Utii
t‘ t,
1 , Vit:' 04: MiiiViggi)kvano 4:9i;ig
, r4... 4 9, , 400, 0 °4 4 itt i fi,cte" - ikfro#ol, l t:'•
~.,,<;•; -,,-
• •
, I ` , .kyk7ifi':•.'A.S. •
have:teen. Used ;lot
t YOf .
ins ind7sigff-the 6videinee. ,u . fllioss . 0e
have wr,itten. about, them•; . . and .h know of
tfo' one- fact•in
which piciire& by: better and :full"er'•;evi
',every sort t6' the understanding
of -!efair itiqUirer, than' he greetiign.Whiey
rOie again fremthe dead. 'But where
I 41VideiiCeiif.'bthei ; facie' ;edits; 4hat.of,;'oUr:
great' sipii 'of_ Cl rist 'Ofteified:OndTChtist
risen inai'liesiail'Only te'begin.' 'I might
convince; yo
mine' has:been convineedjong since, that'
the' feet is 'proved according to the, beta
inks Orteitiinonit . but if' ut belief rest
here, we d'o ' nor knOvrthe full, richnesi,the
abundant end Over,lOWing . I ight •of pur
h Hider): fnith.... 'The e'videnoe 61' 'Chi4t)( l "6,
apostles': preserved to us in their : writings,
riery full, very ;.•
heariljairly;„and We cannot believe' that
Christ is not But the evidence of
Christ's spirit is :much more . SCropg,iMore
fulli'mcne•peneliatingour whole nature.—
He who has thii evidence, not only be 7
neves' that Christ rose, and was seen' of
Peter, and of - the otiter -spostlee.;_.Christ
has manifested liline'elf to him .also.;-he
knows • in. Whom : lie has believed. Life
and death'. ate •nbAnnier a great mystery,
beyond which_
,our _faith dimly catches the
light of resurrection ; Christ. is with its
now, and life is clear, and deathAs peace
ful, and resurrection is the natural end to
• ivhiCli , bothlead us. There are thousands
and tens of thousands, who have gime
through . _
'thisblessed evidence'''also; who
doing will have leained by
experience the manifold riches of his grace,
who have received his Spirit and, life, in_ a
.continued consciousness of his presence
and his love ; to -whoni.there iii no need
that they shotild key for the sky to'beo 7
petted, that they inay . see and hear
God dwelled) in ,them already and they in
__The Heaven is opened, and_the an•
gels of God are every hour ascending and.
descending on that eon . of man,who,through
a living faith in Christ, nash been idopted
throilglilum to b - e
-a ;on al — Glid.7 -- Serp - err:.
- feetly - rnntthe'Proplict sign of
Christ's•death and resurrection, be.render
ed to each one of us, all that: we - 6ultl .de
sire in a.sign from Heaven.-- . Dr.Arnoh/.
I? •
Dr: I. C. Loomis, Dentist,
ws permanently located an Carlislo,and will per
il.: form all operations that aro required in the
practice of 'his profession- 7 -such as •
, - •
Extracting, piling: Plugging, and
Ingerting Artificial Teeth,
.from a sing,k , tooth to an entire set.
N. B. For a . f6Ut months ensuing, Dr. Lootui
will be in Carlisle, the first two weeks in each
month—after which, he will be absenruntil the
first two weeks lunch following month—at which
period he may be found at his
Offide, Pitt st. near M'Farlane's Hotel.
Onlido, May 4,184/. 047
.- 1)R. TAYLOR'S
From 375, Bowery, N. cork.
FOR nine years this medicine has stood unrivaled
for the curd of Coughs; Pain in the side, diffi
culty of breathing, Bronchitis, mid All tilos_ . affec
tions of the Throat, Lungs anti Litor, which are a
source Of so melt stifferifiraiid which 'unarrested
so. often terminate in. Consumption, So extensively
has this remedy been used and in so many eures . ifas
it proved successful, the proprietor feels no hesi
tancy in recommending it to all who tinffirtimafely
have occasion to resort tosome na•nos of recovery.
Multitudes who have experienced its nappki.ffects,
.eall testify to its utility, and very_many rescued from
a premature death, point to-iris the means of their
reshfral on.
The originator of this remedy Wl' s well versed in
the' science of medicine, and a skilful pratiticioner.,
PhysiCisus familiar with its effects not 'infrequently
prescribe, it in their practice, and with the Medical
Faculty generally it has met with a larger share of
approbation than. is common with_exclusive pre
CONSUMPTION—The folloviing remark/
were taken from the last number of the Medial
- Moraine:
"the surprising effect produced by the genuine
Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, made at 375
Bowery, in.consumptive cases, cannot fail exciting a
deep and thrilling interest throughout the world. We
have so long belveved this disease (consumption) in
surable, that it is difficult to credit our senses when
we see persons, evidently consumptive, restored to
.health,. Yet it is a fact of doily occurrene,e
LIVER COMPLAINT and General Debility—l
coasideripycurealmost miraculous. 11 was given
up by two physicians and told in prepare for death.
I waste this low, state when a friend sent me a bat
tle of Dr. Taylor's Baliam of Liverwort, from 376'
Bowery, and before I had used up the bottle I was
able to sit up in bed; by the further use I have COM.-
,p)otely-regu!ned my health. All should use it.
• GEO.' WELLS, 23 John at.
been cured of a violent liafn io the aide, extending
through to the shoWerondigeation,•dizzness ' loss
of ippetiteinnd general debility, by.the use oftwo
bcittles'of Jr. TaylOrle'Baliambt-LiverwOrt.
A.' H, AL LEN,.7 Merchant's Row.,
For salp by' STEVENSONIt"DINNLE4. sole
gents for'Cirlisle and 'vii.einity.' ; •,
October 26,1842 "
Zn 'Bankruptcy.
Vnited States Court;
11SETITIONS for Pisoharge and ,Certi
ficate gilder the Bankrupt Law; have been fil-
JOIN" JOHNSON, formerly Merchant of
• klarrisbtirg;and late , ecintractor on 'public •
, workei , by.the 'firm of Jacob,A. Gorges 8t
tiny 'of I%IAY- next, at
;11.o'clocik, A. M. is appointed for tha hearing there!
;cif, befOre the' said ,Cuart,eitting. in Bitaiiruptchatithe.
District Catirtroomfa Philadel phta,when
'Where the Creditors, of the SahlTetitioncre; v/119
haVeprore'd theirDebt4and'all 'Other persons' in in
terest, Oiay;t4prietii.. and •shoiw. ettuief•ifanv they it ave,
why such Machete and , Certificate should not be
' L grolp4l, , FIIAS.IHOPICINSON",
I, Clerle r of,the District court...:-%
Marelt 15' 1845: • . ' • 10-20
411'01241 1 .-t 4. , --
rVICITIONtfIir 111Wiiiri'it'ati . 'cilitistit* un -
der th 6 Banlaiipt Lim; hue been filed by • ~ '
D TREE, rimer 40 carpgnter; , ~- . „ ~ =‘';
1 0 - - t 1 , Cumberland do.
4: 1 4. figNV Afi litiOlt, late Distiller, now L
'4Oll/*T", 0111,1301 C ta'ie".Vet4Wit: :nc'tir --
41p0, 1 0.:' , i 1. vl,l- ~,-, 1 ~ -,:l. t 4 f ‘ , .;.:1 ~. , ik . ; d &F ;, ,
-4 R - jig' 611T1t5,Varilist.,?' '')- w" , --1;do.':
4 : 1 , Tuavaem.b*... 84 t, ,,,,,k.,,,, ,
..... .0.0. .460 Prka - -'' -se ., ' x'' ±...:";,.."..,.-
i t ut 'a sr,tha,Jzatik'diiii3OutiiiiiAy- L'
,ttriokoki,44o4 , l44ooipied for the'beitlegill‘l,
'4l . 4fb ,- 41 1.1 40 1 00SOgr;Ontilki4 0. 1 . .1it.
1.1116$ ' , belief riebroi s in kileVitYte IV'
INI 0 1r 0 0 IE
?,•;,,,, 77. -- mi v irk 7 - • 1. ,, . H . iit , ~ .. 47 ..,-.,--s-.-------,-- ~ , ..,..„7
E l,
.•i'-' llll -• Ira IiANCET , : .
, ..2;,V
' ':'.' • ''4
8 ra , m rlciitoi - m 'anct
' :."' o
~.*,' by- h iIIapEOHIA;•
- :: • -: • . ',.
JOHN J. ittle-Eits i Agentocuritsre.,
yips. ccppapy ccnin#Se to mtqce Insurances
. ,
against loss or darriage by Fire , on the most
reasonable terms.--They`also ~
on stone or brlok buildings at $2.1,0n .$1006,. the
Pretniutntuhjeet to be ,drawn,:_nnyotiase by- the,
party insuring, at a deduetion of five _per cent, On
the amount of premium paid:
fiderateelBl coOeyear'on
Stone and Brielt: Buildings, , $5 un $lOOO.
Log and Frame,: $6 to $7, on $lOOO
Morohandl74 about : $5 on SLOOO
ppiieation in person 'or lette'r will have
mediate, attention.
,71,4e.Spring ,Gardinr.fiasurance' Co.
• AKE INSURANCE, either tomporari or
-1 .
. perpetual, against:lose or damage by k IRE,
in : own or Country, he Houses,l3arns and Build.
Inge of all kinds; on Household,Furnituro, Mer".
°bandits, Horses; Cattle; Agricultural, Commer
cial and Manufacturing" Stock, and . Utensils Of
every description,as wallas Motmar,s and GROUND.
RENT, upon the most favorable terms,
~ The follow i ng are , the usual rates, viz:
On Stone and brick buildings, from
35 to 40 cts. on $lOO
"Log and frame "•60to 70 eta. on 100
-- "llll:ireliandize and,fumi--
. tare in brick, or stone
buildings,from ~
"Do. in log or frame,
"Horses, Tattle, farming.
• utensils and sundries,
at about
Application may be made
JOHN Si M YERS, Agent.
Carlisle, Dec. 21, 1842. ly
MYERS ef ff*NERSTICK. have
just reeeivei at t ten` rug, Book, Stationary
and 'Variety Store,,a large assortment of
Toys, Toy-Books for Christmas
Presents. - Annals, Sou veni .s, -
and Portfolios, for 1843.
Together with a elfoiee selection of entertaining
LEG irr READING, for long winter evenings.:.
3 CU alz,
• . of every variety, viz : •
- School Bibles and Testaments; .• ...
Smith's Geography and .allas,. ; -
-Olney k
_Mitchell's 'do. •
' Smith's 'Grammar, • . '
7 7 K7TEiIri:(II:IF4 9 —"— ---"--'
—.dagerS—Sefies,--No: 1,2, 3, 4,-5, tS- 6,
- Cobb's •School Books, complete.
• - Emerson, ...Bprly, Barham, t Web
stcr's Spellers, .
Pike, Rose, Smiley,. 4. Emerson's ./2-
rilltntelies, tvith— Keys; • .
PlathematiCal Instruments.
Letter, Cap, and Deed paper; mled and plain. Note
paper. • Silver Pencils, everpoints. Jackson Lead
Pencils in wood, of all tempers; with a largo
sortment of BLANK HOOKS, ruled and ',waled.
Vi',1224M1021 4 3
OfsuperiOr finish. Razors, Razor Strops
Shaving Brushes, and finely scented
• Shaving Soaps and assorted Pe
fumcr.v. •
Supekoropttque and Russia Bristol Boards,
. Rice paper, Visiting Cards, colored Wafers and
, Seallug Wits, Plain al y 1 Motto Seals '
. ,
New Tlnsic,
Itluxiitat Knoirunicutg,
Togeilier with a general and well selected assort
ment of Classical and Miscellaneous Works, "to
please the fanet and improve the taste."
Carlisle, Dec. 14, 1842. • 114
'l2llll o '3llTfill 2.t1112n13,
rrIJF subscribers, at their FOUNDRY AND
UNE SlioP, on Main street, nearly op
posite the County ail, in the linroulh or Carlisle.
Pa., still 'tontine to build th e . rollowntg Machines
and Horse Powers—viz:
T. D. *firren's Patent . Improved
ISlollgig S 10W2-.§M.9
WM a horizontal band-wheel, with a trunk to con
duct, the strap to the Machine.,
The band•wheel onfaide of tube horses.. They are
veil calculated to put to one side of the barn bridge,
or under the bUrn stied.
A New and Improved Shaker,
To separate the grain. from !the straw, whieh-will
dispense with one or two hands, will be made to the
above Machine If wanted. •
Purchasing.any of the above 'Machines may have the
privilege, after a fair trial, of i'etilroing the same it
not satisfied. All Machines and Horse Powers arc
warranted for one year, if well used,
All kinds of repairing will be done at the snortes
notice and on the most reasonable terms. They al
ways keep on hand all
.castings necessary to repair
the above iVachinea, or any others now in utip.
0 •
There is also attached to the.above establishment
an IRON AND. BRASS FOUNDRY„. at, which all
kinds of CASTINGS - can be had—snalras Apple
Mills, Corn Brakers,-Plaster Brakers,: Mit' Gear
ing, Saw Mill Cranks, Machine Gearnig, Wagon
Boxes, Ike. ate. Also. -
- ly-52
Such as Mill Spindles, Car Boxes, Turing Lathes,
Ste: all in the beat order, in Iran and brass. .
0 5'All orders will he executed at the shortest no
ticeound promptly attended to. ' TarinerS and others
ara respectful]," Invited ,to give ulna call, confident
that tbey can b,e suited to their satisfaction.
• • • A. STOUFFER fic'e.‘
Carlisle, Aug. 10,1 '842, o tf-41
11 i`Plapek's; blenwoodundll gle's PLOUGHS
and PLOUGH . CASTINGTific, !veil Catters Lin&
aides, &e. &a., canalso. be had at the foundry.*
Maien . Paper 1VIi.11:
THEaubserihcr respectfully infiOrds - tha !Mb
atlarge, that he hauleased the above es
tablishment, six miles south of Carlisle, fura.torm
yeers,sanittbeildll4V.hitying: been recently re
paired; and.. ne`.w. maghinery ./ ,introduced„, 4 10 is
therefore prepared to ninnufacturelo, order, (and.
also has a supply constantly, d
on handl rr. .
which he 'will to ntereliants and
othersi * in+ nny'quitittitiesitt . the toweist city pricee.',
All orderii:addrOpitedt# the sillisorib,ers, at 'Paper. -
tintiii,..oo6lieriniid'cointq., recciVenpreirtet::r, Having ,
rati1i40631144 oupoly ofo Y.9ll;bilat
materials, bit'aitili*O . Aloiiieir that ho will
WilittillibtOtlitil*Per:o4o4l quality allY,flidlet`
'e 4 t4,#lifttO • xil ' ,`"
Nia4krf 4 lo 44
v‘liePi-s4 ti. , t 006:
• ,
..',: ;.:,:, ...,-. 7 —..", • ' 4 f ..` ,isk'-,!,,,,':,
40 to 50 cts. on 100
60 to 70 cts. on 100
GO cte. on 100
$4lO-114 - S1
kq.1 4 ,40.‘t
• -
~ A erected
in theppnat!year , b}fhri'6uti.dok qio_l4 t o ialfa_
mile tkelciw;l-.larrisburg,onOthe eas , bnOryg i ti. l ,e,S ll ° -
qttqbanneoleniltMi,4allivad•aint!Pana!i")lnt!tallA" ,l %
two yiscliear and toolcivintinr,Stisys;ni itew.;n otior
itVeW, kir ex . eenti,? oiderio , ' '46 In
the, 51tmost
lviTghwo ,,.o.'riPArar ,
fp.r.rites.e ;.•; ‘ z ' "'
Boards, Planl;;Plesterilettn(l,Shinglltik - Lathe,;'Gar.' ,
den Pales, &c.,4111 be , ar,Oaxe itept iree i ti9;
cry; and perionii - sending gaits or Logs to the,. Mill,'
can have them saVed diii - ented; - 011 ',the'inaost rea
sonable terms. ••.
40,000 feet'of seastit4 clear Stuff are pow in
theyarth . „.." ' •). 1 ' _
•O Steam iletyeriatitlronth thebuilding, to let.
- • 81-IAW.
• • 'January 25,1543 .;• •
~,NALuAntat. ..!
it 0 N W
. ...a4q1)11-0.41u..ima
Y Orwe.orthe liowers'and , authority
contained: in: the last , and - testament of
iSirenetr.t. EoE,tlee'd., 1. now offer for sale, the • •
Carlisle. Iron ..Works .
Situated on the Yellotv Breeches C.reelt; .4 • in:ilea
cost of Carlisle Pa. The estate'eotisists of first rate
2.44= Int' 2.1241ti1l
with. Ten ,Monsand.ileres of Land.
A new MERCH ANT .MILL With fourru'n of stone,
finished on the most approved plan., About 500 acres
of the laud are cleared and higitlyeultivated, having
thereon erected • • .
Three Large. Bank - 11.arng
and necessary TENANT . IIOIUSES,The
worlcs ore propelled by thc.l M c
ow Breeches reek
and the.Botling Sining;:which neitherfsil-norfreeze...
'There are upon the premises all the necessary - work—,
mens houses,
coal houses,carpenter and smith shops,
and stabling built of the most substantial materials.
The ore of the best quality and inexhaustible, is
_witin 2 miles of the Furnace. There is perhaps
no Iron Wort:ail. Pennsylvania which possesses su
perior advantages and offers greater inducements to
the investment of Capital. The water power. is so
great that it might be Wanda to say other Manu
facturing `purpose:. Persons disposed to purchase
will of course examine the property. The terms of
sale Will be made knows by
Executrix of .Michael Ege, dec'd,
Carlisle, Oct. 19, 1842: tf-51
3111.ITIERS' Sr , 114 VERSTICK
Eitzf i r w p o st r. opened their FALL ASSORT
1 3 te a
Together wills an extensive assortment of
Patent Jliedicities and .Perfntery.'
LEMONS, • FIGS; - , .
• • All of which they will sell wholecafe or retail on
the lowest terms.
CarliSla - ; December 14,184'2.-3m. _ _ _
'_ r ,
ersa—a GOODS, just received and selling lower roe
Cash than ever sold in Carlisle. The supply has
been bought at the present reduced city prices, and
purchasers will find it decidedly to their interest to
call before purchasitig elsewhere.
Novenabet , 23, 11542
rivE Rubseriber has just opened n lot of New
' Goods, cousistiog oLSIIITRFINE CLOTHS,
Black, Blue and,. Fancy eMored Casslnteres, Casi
nets, ull colors and
. prices, Merhmes, Mouse de
Laines, Gloves, Hosemy, 5-4 Brown Musiins,tor
levy, 4-1 bleached do for a fip,Ylannels Cain tIO to
25 cents, with'a variety of other goods, all of which
will he sold at very low pricei to suit the times.
S. M, 11AltdOS.
Carliale, October 19, 1111.2; tf-51
pEN/t1 EI.pER, 493 Market st.
Philadelphh/Jruporterund Denier in Foreign
and Domestic. Hardware, takes this method of in
'forming his frkllll3llll/1 customers or Cumberland
enmity, that he has•reeeived n large and splendid as
sortment of- •
from England, together with n general assort
eta of I)O.I2ESTIC 11.9 D 11',V1E, direct from
the manufiniturers, all of which bds been selected by
himself and agents with great care, expressly for his
own sales., Ilaning. purchased Ids present stock all
for Cash, and at greatly reduced prices, it will en
able him to sell a' prices lower than any other store
tarC r all ann examine the.llargains yourselXes.
P. S. Cumberland Nails at $3 4.1 a Zeg ! ! !
Atwater Nails at $3 20 a leg ! ! -
February 1, 1845,
11.0t1D3 ,311\DIL
No, 7Y alarketst.---Nortli Sicond.
W"Goods fot:Caslt—at Auction prices.
• .. HE subscribes •have determined to
antTconduct their business mpon the CASH System,
will sell their Goods as low, if not at a lower
grade of profit,_ than has heretofore been done in
Philadelphim—not one article reduced very low, in
the expectation of making it up on • other Gondar . -
lint.their prices ilialllir. - 1 fiorr
lleesponding low, Them
prices will be governed by the Auction rates—sell
ing at the same prices,.nett Cash, as the Auctions do
on. .time—contenting themielies with the Interest
for the time as their Profit. This cannot butpresent
a strong inducement tor layers, especially from the
Country, to call on them in preference to purchasing
at AuCtion, where persons do not get , the time dis
count, unless their bills reach acertain amount, to
which amount it is not always convenient for Coun
try Buyers to purchase; .and it will nisei avoid the
disadvantage of large lots, and afford more time to
select. . . .
They design to avail themselves of -every facility
in both the New York ne well as the Phdadelplm
Auctions,Th procuring their goods at the lowest posh
Bible rates. '
We now respectfully invite our friends and A
publieto the Test of:Experience in thisMatter ? bi
ingthetest way to convince them of the truth of c
promise. ' JOHNSTON, BURK & CO
Phila. March 8,1843. 19. A
me•chanieb, 4 'l '4
,^2:Z • • A.:
, -,
lietweni .7Plechisnicsburg
Phitaderfahia Baffin
. [BY. Rv21L . 00.A.0 OR , CAVA.
, ,
HE 'eubSeriber tor„ past fm
leave to inform his fr . lende and
generally, that. be still'emtheaes, 4o.l3
berthenCars regularly; between,; Mee
and Philadelphia, or Baltimore, lay ..
and produce :of. all deseripticine will. b
'with;; care' , , and despatch' at' the :10W
'fteight " • "
"Produce Will be received atlas W
Nleellaniesiktrg,: - tind - forwfrded to ;
'de]Plil e or Baltimore,,etteording
of tite,OWner: ' '
The highest priee;iWilthellf
aTli'lont:'l: j . . 1 .
43: .Pliateretrarisi:ar
hatiili'end'ro,ettkatthe 4
!ilktii ‘ li• Will be iteld'Ort : 7
':.F l 'Anith'et), 2 7l 4 l 801
~{. k. "rf ~i J'.'.~41~
~ ~.
t ioSFAisf.
alectipiur ,:8414'ita; 4
or ...weaknan ."61'• the Chronic'
; Cough! flionnorpage tha:l f unge,. and
`affections 'et) e the Pulmonary Orgrine: . ,
Virginianta or "Wild Otierry Eltlik,Onoinbibid with
the. Extract • of Tar; prepared. - ehernical
praenss„approied ' and reeonini4nded: by. the moot
distinguished physiciatia,'lnd 'universally neknoW.'
ledged the twit valuable medicine eyer •liiisoverdtl•
• In iettingforth the virtues this .trnly . grent me
dicine, we have no desire to deceivethese who are
laboring under affliction; or do, we wish to eulogise
it More than it justly deSepres, , -Yet when we look
around and seethe vast amount of suffering . and dis
-tress occasioned by many of, the direases to 6i6411
this medicine has tproved
' ao highly successfulove
feel that tee eatinoturge . its claims too' strongly,
say- too much in its favor. . •
Various rernedieg it is true have been offered and
puffed into notice. for the cure of diseases of the
Lungs, and sonic have no- doubt been very
useful, but 'of all thtd hare-yet 'beeti discovered; it to
admitted by physicians and all ivho have witnessed'
its effects,-that none has proied,as succeisfulus this:
Such, indeed, are the
adds Balsam, that even in the 'advanced stage of
Consusirrifors , after all the most esteemed remedies
of physicians have failed to effect any change, the
use of this medicine has. been productive, of the
Most astonishing relief, and actually effected cures
after-aliliopes , ofrecovery_had_beeraespa.ired of.
In the first stages of the disease,termed f ,
ha! Consumption," originating from neglected COP,
it has been used with undeviating success, andhlia
(Weds acknowledge they owe the restoration oft eit.
health to this' invaluable medicine alone. Iri:hat
form of Consumption so prevalent amongst delfiate
young fediales, commonly termed debility, or
A complaint with which thousands are Bog:01)g, it
has also proved highly successful, and not ail , pos
sesses the power of checking the pragren if this
alarming complaint, but also strengthens +invig
orates-the system more effectually than an Medi'',
tine we have ever posSessed.
• Besides its entrising efficacy in Cons rgtion, it
is equally efficacious in Liver Complain Asthma,
Brmrhitis, anthill affeetioes of the Lui and has -
cut ed many of the most obstinate cases ter every
other remedy bad failed. • fklitiFoe palljulars her-
Dr. Wistar's Traise on Consumption be had o'
the Agents.
Al ending the use of this medicine itt diseases of
the. Lungs, and the many singular Imre tt has cf.;
fecteddiaving naturally attracted thE dtgrition of
many physicians, (as well surthe wholeraternity of
quacks) various conjectu res and surmlie have arisen
respecting its Lompositima ; some Phdahnia have
supposed it to contain lodine, other igrraut preten
ders say it must contain Mercury, OP some such
substance they each attribute its suitor efficacy.—
As such opinions are altogether ertmousolid cal.
culated to prejudice many persoiOgnst it, we
—pLmm - 41-ou4t-tioiiit
.That. it contains_ nothing of the lil4, or any thing
the least injurious; on the Contri;:irieliomposcd
attic most simplettubstances,th incille of which
are the extratis of TA It and 1 C arr ?) Bark,
and the whole secret of its el le consists in the
mode by 'which tfiey are prem.,*
As we have: already. publAptkumerous
cates• -..
from the higisest autborft which prove its
cirtuesiwyond all doubt, we cooler it unnecessary
to exhibit a long list of them 'ls place,and 'will
only mention a few cases, to i what it Jour
, .
A SURPRISING CUR —Ammig tile many
singular cures which this "Heine has effected,
there is perhaps none in , w 'i its powers arc so
fully shown as in the case o it. Austin.
This lady had been coast ive for several years,
mid during the greater par his tinte'bad - received
the bust medical attentio id tried all the Most
valuable reme di es , y e t 1 ng_could be found to
arrest its progreSS. Sh ante nuliect to violent
fits of coughing, exitec ed . latte quantities of
matter occasionally tin ith blood, and step by
step tills fearful discus diluted its course, until
all hope of a recovery . entirely despaired el.-7.
While in this distress
situation, lingering upon
due very verge of die . : she commenced the use
of this Balsalm, whi I use lire own expression,
operated'almost lik 4ihrin , •in a few days she
i d
expectorated freely cough was gradually sup
pressed, slid every s'Plienred to add fresh vigor
to her looks, and'inftin the place ()Nutt emaciated
form witheriicv tai say, chic is seen mingling in
society, u b et C er l*i than she has enjoyed to
years. k.' . .
. . .
ihgrvautEsTr, I,.riTl3lolqle.—linvipg• witnessed
the R „. l „.i s m g . , .of Dr. Vistar's Balsalm of
wild Cherry,' • `'.! ease of IBrs. Austin, I cheer
ihe above statement to lie true
fully ticknow le
and corroct. ,i,e J. CAVALVERS, Me a
NVOSOStOWII, Sept. 4, 1841.
Dear Sir— lugh your invaluable medicinehas
already Poem • ti ndreits of powerful -advocates, it
may st i l l h e yang to you to receive a actinium&
„am, f rom ;1311e that has been relievad by it.
Such, Sir, i ymy case. have beeti a victim
to,- that ter disease Consumption, for many
moi m m, fl „ e suffered 'so much, that I had be
come i 'envy of my' . life. Hearing your
Da i„m i 8 )Itly praised, 1 began taking it a few
weeks ba ad can assure you it has relieved me
more tha thing I hav e . ever used before, and I
„ ri gd„ ieve it will cure me effectually. Please
e .i„ t h e a• the Worth of the enclosed,and oblige
. Yo . •sp cc! fu I ly, .' : ..10IIN'REAUSOY.
Chester County, Sept. 8, 1841.
Fri -1, .star—lt gives me much pleasure to in
form - tat my wife's health has improved very
t she fins been using thy Balsnlm of Wild
Chet ' . (l we think there is no doubt but that it
„Di ter. She has taken the two bottles I pur
alms . m thee a short time slime, and tor-cough
i sm encl. .she also sleeps well nt nighti and
env itas founo nothing to give tor -so much ce
ll, ',See will please gia'e the. bearertwo , bottles
m ': • • ' Thy ,Yriend.
, , . • • Eassixanalourps.
, .
Lancaster county,ltily 19,1844.
Sir—Please send me -two Wiles or your
o llalsalm of Wild Cherry.' •1' hare been .ar
i • With Consumptiun for the lasf two years,and
d very much with it •serere cough, --pains
reast, difficulty of breathing, iiight , sweats,9m.,•
*laving tried numerous remedies,nuil also been
vtieveral doctors, yet I conk! not find any thing
'elleve me until I used some of your Balsalm. I
one bottle from a neighbor of mine who is using
tad have found such wonderful relief:from it gist
ve no doubt it will cure me effectually,
'Very respectfully lours,, 800. ,
• ROBVIT, 13011171 AM • ,
nolVitelnl the following fram Dr.ilacob Hoffman,
physician of eatensive practice in liuntingdon
Dear Sir -4 procured one bottle of Dr., Wistar's
Balsalm of Wild Cherry', from Thomas Reed, Esq •
of this place, and tried it in a case of obstinacy
won a child of Paul Sehwebie, in which man
othee'remedies had been tried Withmit any relief'
Thc.Balsalm gave sodden•Cellef, and in my opinionthe child is elTectuallicured byitemse.. . •
,YoUrsi & o. ; lavas Hornsitt,:g:D.
Veeeiriber ,
- Derir'Sir. ! —Your Balealm of Wild Chitrry has alto.
tented some . astonishing,ttres' here. ' , One of
is an nod lady, Mrs. Rossell,-who-hitd.beensufrering,
for a long time with 'ehontness of breOthink,Ond.en-.
her both 'After ,variotia , titlier'vernedies, ,
liad beta
reitirtod ;to ,in sho eoillmejuied todog
salth,aiid tiNr . talcillitwW,liottlee4"Wasiib ikrreetriir4":
ed wile' be :able iii.atiend to all tlitiduties:tif , Ler
bookie, *and takink twobottler,tooke volt entirely
'mired. • . , ilespeetiall)%lizOo
, . Jonw S. O.
•• , 110
.8 of
P4440 11 0,•ea , - '
the're is o spurious
4 ,11, 4 1 smit t of OW Rierry, putohasers-estiiNzbe
,vry - .;iiitrila - ulai-: . Aq Rik ror,Dj{,, - .oll.ll'Ait'§'PAV
SAM', iioq l l•4ltrvei , liis`sigrui vArevp titi Bottle,
proprietor.: Prepitted ' for: the i And!eoW Rt.
isattliy . Witniimscox i i:_Ctfe.Mists;
Solfi t in.Oirlisle -
obionEetaint ;b 4 ii• term DenitOiut
11 - 41• 1 : ,
0yemb0.2.,1„.' • 4 ."•
s kopt\,
I , dai
11948 §93o.(koni
.4614' n
.141 4 A la " ' S;
, •
- • C •it V E' -
• I
,, y k al4e; yoni Life , anil jlealth;: ; .l.
~' ,', l jeeecti,,lr.644iiiiciiiiiiliiiii4.*liiklV::.
~ . 1....,,i,..ii.„.,,, ~,E,.- . ., : '
. t 7: : 'Awn.. 1,1114113: — LE1011(:- '
ifll'AS.. : th'e.-filefistire Of sinitifinsing tollie mita 4 ,
11L,thothia . ftlaible Medicines receive - the ., appro.,
tuttlue - allh9 .: ' ,; ' , • -- : , i',7i . , , .:, ~. ];, ,„,•., - , -,,: . . ~. ~
,•_ivigDipAi, , FACULTY,
. . . • ....
heffig,eetnpesed of ititcredients which areitnowa to .
the profession, and winch oft daily, given by the moat,
.respectable physicians te.:their,- - pattetilii;.:- , Thi ity: fiat
aloue is saffipienttrititamp their'....r , • ';..,..'.,: .., .-,, .
... . • REP /7.47"/Q,Ar PORRVE,k; , .... •• . f..: . „.:
as won as cause' them-to be employed by'allf,Witli`..
. • MORE. cO.N 4 P/RENCE; ''''.' .'
. .
than the preparations of quacks and inniestors,,,,,.,
A ' .RECO4I.4I.EN •
h DATIONS '' ' •
-,-- •
~ . . _ p u b lished
av elmenfrequently; In the papersp from
. ... .. Physicians - and Clergymen,• '- • •
"Mendiers of
Congress and StatoLegislatures, , . • ; I- :i..
respectable private citizens, and among them.:maP7
of the most distinguished members ,churches
• ~, - . • . - and otherinstitidions,..
,' ' ." .'.
in reference to Dr. Leidy's Medicines, and it is hoPl.
'ed,froin the numerous certificatesand recommends.
dons; having been published far and aear,thnt all that
is now necessary is to keep thembefore the pidillat,;
that they maybe reminded ofthetri, where they mad ;
obtained genuine, &e. &e. . • -. : .
One of the Most valuable is . _ .' • '
- .
.. • W. larl11141V ) %
: • Sarsaparilla -Blood - Pills
These celebrated Pills arc -daily recommended is
Diseases of the - Stomach 'lmpurities of the Blood,.
and iSoivelp, • generating diseases: o .
Billibus Affections, the., Stomach, Liver,
- HibitiMlCastiveness, I leprt-,the-Spleen,Kid.
Indignation, Flatulency, . neys, Bones, &c. &c.. .
Want of Appetite, • Ulcerous Sores of the
Sourness of the Stomach, -.. Nose, Throat & Body)
Waterbrash. Heartburn, • Scaly; Eruptions and
Foul and offensivebreadt, Blotches of the Skin*
Bad taste in the mouth, Dry and watery pimples
Inward Pai iis,Panis of die of the face and bogy,
Stomach, the Sides,sud Headache, Giddiness,
'along the Back; •, . Scrofula, ilrysipelas, '
Rheumatic Paibs, Gout, Glandular Affections.
Constitutional diseases, produced by Mercury and
other mineral preparations, as well as the dangerotrS
conseqUences resulting, trom the improper treatmesd.
of Syphitis, &c. &c.
"The Life of the Flesh is in the Blond.'.",
, . Leviticus, eh, XXII, v. It.
:-' • Be ye purified in youi' Blood,
• ; ' And. health will attend YOU. - -- -
-- TIM greatprinciples advocated by Dr. Leidy, and
in whiitli he is supported b y scriptnre,are
Ist. l'hat vitality is contained 111 the Blood. .
' 2d. The Blood, becoming; vitiated or impure,givio
rise to numerous diseases of the organi of the bodes
the stomach, the Byer, the heart, Sze. &c. ' •
;id. 'That whatever has the ettect of purifying the
8100-1, pnssessesthe power of rt.-establishing healtit,
ful action to the hotly.
4th. That Forgotten and Starvation, or, in other
Words, purging to the extent. 'that is too fretittettay
done, and at the same time enjoying low diet, poll
abstinence from food almost entirely, arc productive
of much ntorepischief ilom is gene:Sally supposed,,
adin_pprofidlit will otilv_yerilark — rhat - -
By l'irrgation=lcirlitanin system raWire or lea/
debilitated, for the very sinplo reason that in the
process et purging, ll is carried off from the slot - Intuit
From whirli tiburishinent is derived and ilislributttd
I throughoto the-system. _ ..
By Starotion—Nourishment is absolutely with
' held" froiu the system so necessary to t;botli fbr sus
taiiiiiir, i ,c,ii Soellon and aiding nature in bearing up
against tit,: t progress of disease. ,
I bine, ,he eonsequeoces of. too much ntreging, and
a contivr ,, l thet must be to produce such a condition
tif the s‘ to as will enable disease to make more
rapid' Ria.Yress, and extend itowlf the more Casity,asid
•in a hrit4 time tlrroughout th t system.
Admitting the foregoing, t e becothes necessat y to
inquire how is the Blood to b purified ? and in ern
- ploying the means, how is the system to -be guarded
I against moy serious consequentres 1: • -
'Tie easily answered— • - .
• —For all your ilia. •
• . Take-Dr. heitly's Blond Pil lA. .
, !
'These i'ills operate gently, 'though effectually
hey do nut produce prostration of the system,as moy ;
his do. . .
.They require no kestraitit either, from occupation
m• the yt t:oho. mode of livhir,. No fear need be en
tertiiiiied of taking gold fi•otn their use, and may be
taken at ail tithes, by young mid old, without inter
fering Mialuany otli&r medicine that iday have been
takembeforchand. . .
These Pills are prepared only, and sold wholesale
and retidl, at
- HR.. LEIDY'S Health Emporium,
No. 111 N. 2il at. below Vine,
(Sign aiTie Golden Earle - and Serpents;) 'Phila..
(CPA discemit to wholesale dealers.
rf:De. Leidy's Blood l'ills are lIISO sold in all the
principal cities andlowns throughout the Bnion,and
by ninny respectable -storekeepers th.roughout the
• • ,For sole. in CarliSle, by,
Agents for C ofulberlunil County.
Carlisle, Dee. 2( 08,4'4.. • 1y-
©gulls COLDS.
K pie as these complaints are usually considered,
no one can deny their being the most common
cause of this fatal and distressing disease. It is'
indeed a melancholy truth, that 'thousands fall
victims to ConSumption every year from no other
cause that] neglected colds. Yet we find hun
dreds, nay thousands who treat such complaints
with the greatest indifierene.c, and let them run
on for weeks and even mouths without thinking
of the danger. At first you.have what you may
consider a slight cough or cold; you allow busi
ness,, pleasure or carelessness to prevent youfrom
giving it any attention; it then settles upon yotir
breast, you become hoarse, have pains in this
side or chest, expee,torate large quantities of mat
ter, perhaps mired with blood, a diflicillty of
breathing ensues, and .then you find your own
foolish neglect has brought on this distessing
complaint. If then you value life or health, be
worned in time, and don't trifle with your oix,
or trust teeny quack nostrum to cure you, but
immodintay proeere a bottle - or two-of-that fa—
mous remedy the "ittsaaism• to , 4V11.11 CHERRY: 4
which is wcleknown to ho the most speedy' cure
over known, as thousentleAvaltestify whose "'mei,
have been saved :by ! it.. • . .
IT_TBe very particular when you perches:o to
nether° is also a SYRUP of this name in use. •
Prepared, wholesale and retail, by Witaxams
& Co., Chemicta, No. 33 South Fourth street,
Sold in Carlisle by
Price One Dollar a Bottle.
June 22,184~,
' Vhbi is tho season whbn this destruetive
complaint attacks your interesting little children,'
often robs you of. tholeyou s fondly Boat on, and
carries, hundreds to the , grave.. Every. 'mother
should therefore know its symptoms, watch them
cloeely, and alays be prepared with a lemedy ,
ti l,
as many, are dai . sacrificed by such neglect. At
fret' he little patent is seized with a Shivering; it.,
gtoiv 8 reetlefi s; hasflushes of h eat;thli eyes.beconie
rod and swollen, it breathes , 'With ' - difficulty, anal
ticn cornea that fesirfutCouenthat Nir kli a qrely ter-
min ate in convulsions or,,d t eatliunless something ail
immediately given to check it. ..An thie - Compltunit
tit9!q/Shratis.e.f, WP.4,P11.41, : ry01 1 . 4 •-.WP4' kPfliwn , th
be the niost'speedY,everdietixered. , I.tleindeed,t!'
precious remedy-mild, Safe, and intiecetig:,td,
is sure to give the enffeiefiinediete , relief ' 46.4
quickly restore-it to -Safety; And,. health..; Faint,'
lies residing in the country,and indeed.Overy.,nio
ther who loves her childret4"tdiciuld:always keep
this'medipine. iri.the*•hotilierind.Ott 44004
'4 11 1.V by , dgibiiic.: 744. imii.,`,"Oftiiit.,WAti 4
one y,oxi fondly' • : :Billmegt*ithlttt'eiP , 44(
remedy nftlilidiatinguielfed pli oy4F , Cori, , ,
iiir, , 3 . lobich , :itatitiiita ,I t tlibne ' ta,4 4 bitOM .
# fati
Wff.OOPI.WIORRII krit,4ll l .04WODATINP .4
.77%.45kti.#4 1, ,A1,14J( 4, 1
41riza,partliAirw,aRo ,y9y(,;plirc Ow . p . itelt
Ropts.l)i. = Wiriiiikto ii.!lrkit4iii . , l ,oe ivii:T;t'anciiite
,lii' , tho*P4ify*titiiit:olol4o l o,fri,4o4ihiAls
mniki4444144 oi3Oilitio,',:Y - if:.'.`,.'''' . K.A'
';Pr' lir — `tpY ` ; ',o'' 'ON'
"; ;to
~,, I NI
~...:.,,.....: ~..',7?....,‘,:;,.'f•-;,fii-i',:;,\,;4•:...'i;',,
TiO follow. ! I*,
ateti'ima#lwtotikid4kt.:loe:#lPlige.4 F u g stores;
nlitino;',,iit'eYet.t.Po( l ,oo 'jack& in the state
- .1 - Reniena* - ruid: l 4o6 ,, gat. , --thein-Jutleaa-they-- . L--
{have tile - ilignatql ' •
thewrapPefa*iill oth
ritoo,aa';itii kite .inipotdtionh etrathiiunter.
.IftthO"raerchani:neerca.yon . ,...?Jatif'athant•mot t
90 ; hun to:pracera : therrur,rit 71...gaidert-lanei the
-;next ihne Ne*:Tark,-,or toinite for. tiipa4
No" family houli 3e Week tiithout ihesi) remedies.
B ALD NE SS , 2`
- • _
BALM, or:0 0 Ltim SA;FOR T11.134.1F4
`atop it, if , falling'out, or,rimitore it oar. bald ;.
on;cbildrea - make it. grow rapidly, or ou -
'those ,Who hair limn any caw*
ALL VERMIN 'that infest heads of children '
ichoOls, are priti,ented AtillCd by-it at once,---4
; 6‘ .- er'A ff ee* '
it, or neyer '.Remember this ' • ,
Find the name'of
•, , .
positively mired, and all ehriveqed
,muie,lei cpltfak6B
eta reatoiad, in. iho - old or s young, •by tie - 4.nUaii
VEGETABLE Euim'AND.Nznyu AND Boni Linn 07.--
but nevoi:wii4'onc the narno of ConnUocli .:!:t. Co. on it.
come on, if you use . the only true limes' LtiMfr
atia, a o °ll m
067224464 cfir W q• ALL S O RES
lind,every thing relieved , by it that adniite of an outs'
ward application. It acts like a charm. Use it.
HORSES that have. Rink. Bone, "Spavin,
dre., are cured by ROOFS' Brnetme ; and
Foundered horses entirely cured •by 'Roofs'
Founder Ointinent. Mark this, all horsemen.
Magical Pabi Ex
tractor Salvo.=-The most extraordinary
remedy ever invented for all new or old'
ind sores, .and -B°l. EYE S-P deligh te d
thousands. It will take out all ien,ininutea,.
. ,
lull HO failure. It will cure' he PILES
A better and more nice and useful article never was
Made. All should wenr them rogularii.
en tqirinciple of substituting the tonic in place of
the stimulant principle, which has reformed so many
drimkards: To be used with'.
i?lN's BLOOD PILLS, superjor ID til
Pere for cleansing the system and the humors affect.
and for all irregularities of - the bowels;
and the general health.A A _
[See Dr. LIN'S sig.. • LW C[ ol — 'o eyi
• nature, thus:] f'
will effectually tuie sick — headaelre; either from - the
NERVES or bilious.
Hundreds of families aro
using it wit!, great joy.
for the certain prevention of FEVERS or any
general sickness; keeping the stomach in moat per.
feet order, the bowels regular, and afietennirtiation to
the surface. COLDS COUGHS,
mains in the bones, hoarseness, and DROPSY
ore quickly cured by it. Know this'by trying.
CORNS.—The Trench Plaster a sure clue...
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hair any shade you wish, but will not color tho skin.
POUND EXTRACT. There is no other prePara.
tion of Saisaparilla that can exceed equal this.
If you aro sure to get Commas's, you will find itt
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OF CHINA. A positive cure for the piles, and all
external ailings—all internal irritations brought to the
unlace by friction with this Balm;—so in couglis,
swelled or sore throat, tightness of the chest, this Balm
applied on a flannel will relieve and cure at once.—..
Fresh wounds or old sores are rapidly cured by it.
Mr. 3Jartitolemeb3's
win prevent or cure, all, juOpieut :consumption,
couy ... cp!_ps
taken in time, Midieit delightful; !edy., Remeot.
ber the mime, and get .Cimitioekt, .
-eradicate all W 0 R P:t -children-0 adults
with a cerlinty quite It is the Sara' e as
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TOOTiI 141018. KLRIE'&-eu,re effectually
Entered necordierto petorCongtees, In the year W. beenietock
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$y applying to our agents in town and
village, papers 'may he had fiee,tds-,t* *Est
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thitt no Mat? to believe Orin.
(o.Be sure frtin call for our girtiidtp6And not
be put.og with anystoriesetbat ettileXe , ,
good. SAVE THESE 041. 4 1011gidtettld be
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had *406306 andietall only
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Tliip remedy for Worms a one, , e ;not,t writ
ordinary over,used • 14.ordoitadlY,ciakiRates #pfilis
of air Orti;fr?nti MittifrPn iind nthilke; • „ - 4 . • ' ~:_,'•
T I I OI .79ANDSO, OI 4 I t I 4:PiTOIYIiiioui 0 0'0 0
i nl ise vo w ' ioto,vn y ,2,Sbitileikt,t,ter,,i:enstin la ,iissigne#
for iheir: sickeeiSo4lloo40 1 0 0 °,1•°#. 1 e r reo,eripS4.
What irntahhiie,iesplOalligi6t4ieti ;remit upon ifte
Pitf,o l # 4 4° tiOrnit rfitittliedocn , yrhcvdora
not Ontlerithifid4 0 ltq,Nitie h ., is OstroyTin,i
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irifOiblKiflo l # l iti'o NA • 11itimtf:AtoWio .
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