~~ IS 14 . 04 . 25 Z morning, th4,'ii;poiiiiiii4iitd"ii ty , In' the' tattalat4,o,',wjiVt ; sli44',,,iyoor, iSletW to tercets his ttoung Ladies'; Sem inary.:'' Aftentlohisliiiviled'io the ' , itivertitiCiseieoe Mr: 'and the• ISt iseee'Biruse; of Cl eu nhei.oo'rg;`:k.vho'haric ppened a' Select Seiainnry for- :yourifladiee that: voi r ; j urargos.,Hoa.se. • • 114,,tlie'c,ilidvertise'nlentli)f.a. bui'•ll,tarket..,ijoitse,, in Plidladelpids, is wortip , the ott'entiotx ot ..oUr Fur-• mere.' We would refer them to the.adveirtiseni4eilt: Twelfth ][.eetttr,e;, ? . , ,, , ,; twelfth lecture of the coui;ii before Abe `Alert Fire Company, wee deliierett cort",'Tuencley evening the 4th ineba b " t,Rev: J. OFFNAN. subjept-4.9ustes,ue 414elpf . tue .aitil,,the 'Thirty. Years' %Var." . . • The histriti'of.thisdtmiortant period, and'the chirractor.; ,- 00 teeFv ice it' GuStavni,litkelphtis, were treated by the 14V.,„ 46440'; ntantser, Which riOetted the 6f.tetitiott of his numerous audience-,in the deepest. interest. 'The diction orthejecturer was chaide 'and Vend. thoughtslot i ty arid strong, abd UR) lee- . 'turn as awhole one, of the most superior titaita. ter. We understand that it isle be repeated be. 'fore the elope of the course, when we shall prigs. ably . •be 'able to. give-, an outline sketch of the subject. The next lecture of the course will bo by Mr. EDWARD STILES Box, '..Subject—PoETßY. Conk 'Week. o:).Cur,lierough is much enlivened this week by the presence of a large . nilmber, tour coun. try friends•dra‘iin here chiefly by bushiess at, .Pourt,whith session this week and •nOit.i4'.filiereis unusual amount of hUsineSs !before this session of the Court. • Peunsvlva:kaitt Cagal. tcr rho. Pennsylvania Canal is again open , to ftittiburgh, and waVigation will be, restweed this week. The Brat boat starts from Ifarrisbettg 'to morrow, we 'believe. , VEcin , y A. wise. Mr. Vise was ohligeo.to bay on be stark) %belie -days ago, that-in case -the . Preahlentiai eciion *at thrown into the- House of-Iteprotentatives.. in 11844, ht 'w6n~d vote for I !envy Wise ft is thought• will be re-elected.. He can oltit-talklti , s anent.' • .; . ;I ma t i-Ta C 0 tint y RYFTho AntiTaxitcs of Cumberland 9i1n1y.., had al laige, respectable and spirited Meeting on Monday evening: -Spoich‘_--were—znade,.._and_ resolutions passed oettlug forth the distinctive principle's of this hrianclt of the patty; the rcsolU• tions were 6trowgiq denunciatory of the Porter. and Tyler allianbe. Coni:;lt . atkcim ,le., The decision ofthe Court Martial is an acquit-. tal of Conitnunder Mackenzie, and the' President of the United States has appro s ved the Nerdiet of ,the Court. Public opinion alai now settle Tiown. Accordini; to' Contract : - irrA number of the Porter Onpers, among 'whom in our neighbor of the Volunteer,. seenidis: pored, to cling to the . Governor, despite the Key etOno's disclosures. Witness'our neighbor's lead, qug article - lest week. Of COUTRO then Mr. Tyler receives tlMviiieOf Pennsylvania on the secoild Jacob Foreinaw We feel ne degriC Of regret relative to a en 11 compliment 'we paid Mr. Foreman, in the beginning of the session, we :vronld 'give something bantiseuto An have obliterated. We beg Win newto.do'ns 11ie justice of considering that we.aNkc will of hit a under an entire inid. apnrchcosion of'his character! We have only to„ say of him now, 'with the Forum, "let his name be sounded from one end of thefiltate to the other * , as the traitor who deserted the'people, and sold himself to tho.plunder•Forier faction, to aid them in fastening their, yoke upon a Tax.oppres. sed and mie.governed people. ,§hareel•aliame ! upon the man who could thus tibandtin his Prin ciples,- and ,ally himself with.a faction who have no one feeling in 'common with iho great 'body of the people." •": • Young .Mereek. o:l7Tita,trialof youtikr Alercer fer the Mader 'orlfebertim, resulted in his acquittal on Thurs.' Jday.::tit:ot, s, : The•jtiry atead 'tipoit a verdict lb ( ttWarity.eiglit`atiriuies after. At- • Iterttke verdict ' had been announced, and !Mercer caSicely, the crowd assembled Toned tlve •Cotirt.hOuSe gave: three hearty cheers that made the =akin ring, The verdict Seems to 'Meet Witlt'mifimisaiappiobatiOn; and as such fur nishes oviderieu of Ocieniltoati s of public feeling iegurdwith , crimes which ?cart surly , 4:dtpurrififi!... : , This. tria furnishes tott,,a_ terrible u?ntr:Upili tptitatikertino of kcitvlittlo Ter. oy he may Otific't ibonx a furi of fathers and ketherk,Utl-•q, , the'rA!!!!r!O si °U intiurruus arime as that ortioborkiti, And the Legistature •stimuld novv,'heforetliko.,etimeatain provokes a inetrder; , PrOi'dcf d.-s4k , '.penal onactmenti,as 'shall furnish . to the rujilred PirtY" byk. l,ba'safrip.l4oe ace itOle, ty from the pollution ot the monsters who tstet/ftt,4?'..41:kr149 even the sanctity' of, the purest fdraideAtv kratepthair hellieh-desiree. Philadelphia '-wee'indleated .ii:! . .deptien'giiienie': the fithei and their front' extractan,iedeunt of • it front a , Ulll9fri Uoparl. , • . 11 , „creel. would 'S,S}turiloy•titOcallag,ik waj . retttili hi, the tt itlentls ~ify. AntioTa T in , mivately, and " brin g 'I" family in a "...v.mTtiOoecitopanied the &idle!! _ ch. • p ri rkk et arrbqqt4, ol ouoestorYMe l o i r re ",:r de ;T o of ed b r Y ' , m t. tiMrOlet pfor. hie atheiliqui.alrot• or e ( ' obßkt:*(l - a 14e4IltiM6 tiib c " d! iVlLden .. Fer7 boat A *4 l v o l iiPitcth n Fitch atridea• Abittn, IVO! PFkirAe. nh: Lice e'to the irs Afeitiiif, bat!: 'lleoivitet;l: "hiateirtiy•in with lattielt.", Dmber, of, }ht luillsilft thealo Rod Ifie.l 4 4dief -00,Yriprf , Br4titilul YAN thenios.; PrOff throi,,&l!)figif' 4; , .LateOly,lilrbni , lla*hburtg - vo ,, Aii. 'itr:Yi.°; . . tullkl.„li't Ole , r,1'?"Y11(771 44441 ` 4 4 . tr e, '‘ ter day; 4. 0 1 4,*(i i P* 12 0 .44411 1: 1 A a reSolllii*l*l 40t,,,,: :, ode ' , ii,,--- ni - e -, i ,i46o2.44,:iittici r. : 1, , kliilitY. A vote h a d=tiAlit 4 F4 l l l ,4i*,c9Ali:lre. 9 1 144 ' , but on a VOtfonikkiiikijikv*Clivit:o4 l4, # ,, ad a taate`isai;&t:"Yali s 44 46.10 itiir 4 i: j .S4o l l. l an;ontrafte l tyr tifediOtY t oDtOu Ow" b3rtatitrj. 4 3 ,, aaetiee OtriWon. i; ,Is,l .0.4 ' ' ; , ',i 1' ME iNV9 - ~ '' t~J~ 4"-t,~y~ 'Foci:rattan 'Ait 'll(biinibt,l tie treater Foreman, is likely !,0 roughest kind of handling ,from his Censtititentsibar! having tti The Lancaster Utiion speaks or trimiChery.lit the' tito!t' !draing fiat! keen ealie!l:-tO!vw,k ; 4 a pression of. the' od*nten:O . t hiaaiMsed'AtistitiiCticSt) , His political [1159171 is seat, awaits him! -::(0The Loops 114 , e'efirried' ComMoticut 4clenr, '94 .a- livlidtstlefP.VgiNur •• cedg' • • Mitsranit:ric : ,Scureruv.— The editor of the Columbus-Enquirer "s'ays'th'it in one of the ex perimentOcteemtly'yeribrrued in that city, the mesmerizer:,efter ,hafitit 'produced somnambu lism, exhibited,,,kils:treinbling hands, stating, "I never was scinetrodes in, mi life—Pd give a slid ling for a glass74lirUndy and water,'!,Tet which the sleeper 'in sympitthy respondeo.;'"l, should like to "haVe' smee of the same myself ! " ', • 'NM Smith vs'. That singulrir vhebdoefiedsl, the "Times an :Season4" which the, great mormon prophet, Joe Smith, publishes •liikdecrees, contains • in its last issue,' says the .Philadelphia Ledger . ; portant letter from that dignitary, which • knock's all the speCulations of the'Millerltes respecting the end of the worlcli'dractU:Srom dui:appearance or the Comet, into a ceeked hat, and will relieve many dreadful apprehensions which people began to entertain: Joe says that he has received no . revelation that the second coming will he in 1843, and therefore it will not take placel This is an . issue between him and Mr: Miller, which had better be left to ho settled between them,,eath individual taking care' to' act honestlj, deal up. rightly, and then we need not fear the conse quences. Here is the letter, it is a singular pro duction, and, besides setting : Miller:a calculations right, is a sort of defbneo of the prophet's moral character; To the Editor of the Viinfek and Seasons: • , sii,—Among the Yriany signs of the times, arid other . strange things, Which are continually agi. tilting the minds of Men, t. notice a'smalt specu lation in the Chicago Express, upon the certi. ficato of one Hiram Redding, of Ogle county, stating that he has seen the sign of Alm son of man in heaven, as foretold in the 24th - Matthew.'l The slanderous allusion to a "seraglio," like the Otend Turk, whith -Mte- enitorziapplies_to-me,lie.:, - may take to hipUeelf, fitr "ma 13f the abundance I I At the heart tho month siteaketit," Ev - dry honest man whohas visited the eity - i4Nauvoo, since-it existed; can hear 'record of better things, and place me in the front ranks' of those who are known. to do good t'cir the sake of goodness ; and all liars, hypocrites, and abominable. emu- Aures, that while vitealuks .them down to dark ness and woe, Virtue exults me and the saints to light and immortality. . — The editor;=nd--well-as-some-nthets,_.r`_thinks "that .roe. Smith has his match at last," because Mr. Redding certifies that' he- has seen the sign of the Son of Man. 110 t I shall use my right and declare that,.notwithstanding Mr. •Redding may have seen a, wonderful-appearance- in ..the elm's, one morning, about 'sunrise, (which, is, I) ailing -very itheoinnion, in tho winter season,) lie has nnt,seed the sign of the •Son of Man, as foretold by Jesust neither has any man, nor will any man, till after the sun shall have been dark ' ene4a - nd the moon bathed in blood, for the Lord bath not shown inc any such sign, and, as the, prophet said], so it most , he: Surely the Lord God will do. nothing, hut Its revealeth his secret until his servants and prophets.'., [See Nines 7.], Therefore, hedr this, 0 Earth, the Lord will, not...conid to reign over tho righteous, in this world, in' 1843,' nor until every thing for the bridegroom is ready, . -. Very respectfully, JOSEPH SMITH . . ' EIMATE OF FISHER. AND MS MEN. -By an arri. val from Tamrieo, the news of the escape ofCul. Fisher and his asioclatee is fully confirmed. The Mexican anthurities had ordered ottt. furor five thousand troops with : the hopo of retaking. them,. • Ey - The lion. Geo. A) Waggetnan, who was wounded in the late duel tt New Orleans, died from the effects of his wtiond ttn the 24th, alt. •A victim to false honor. . , Darkness at Mlday.—The Now 'Orleans pa pers remark that at noon on the 21st ult, the sky was so obieured during three. or four minutes. that candies triers lighted; • • Thetaithage (Tenn.) Republican'cdatains the particulars of a'rnost brutal arid unprovoked tour.. der of a Mrs. Ramey, by a drunken fellow flurried RoWland, in Putiutrh 'county. In liiicrage,RoW., 'lava threatened to kill somebody; and "got up, in the night to effect' hiu.pirpose. - .All'in the house got out of his way, Ithwever, and 'the 'next morn. lug he driin made ph 'aasatilt upon a hiunber of pettliallEl Who were about -the . hou'sb. They_ all .escaped except Mrs': Ran oy, who was'OvOrtaken t knocked down with un nau, and her 'head, then severed froth berliody; 'The Wretch wok arrested uriediately. Lsbki•p.—'the nthorious Monroe EdWards ts eaped on thurstlaywoning frbth'Sing Sing PHs. on e New York. The 'Deputy. Sheriff of W'est• cheater temps ih Ne* , ' York tit,y ) in We pinduiti' without having any dire, !totvetiri'to 'his *ltalica. 11E,111A/IliSr-iThe, stock of Amin. 'anti Grain is lighter than it has been for years, and Grain is in de . - man() at ourlignres. As the canals are nett , naviga ble, supplies front did interior are honr:y expected: A ,fair,arnount litiOilets has beeti 006? 4ring.,ilie 6 t ll l , foi.#r‘di.ng we 4c ntti: . exe,` 4etisel, Ol i 22Bfibhle:gooti shipping heantle been niFenteii at 0,09 pdr. bhl:„ ;palm or,',glt! eerapetlat fin i ! Rye Flour $2,,75:: , Corn Meal -'--sales of 350 : bble. at $2 - 613 , 1tinl $ll 25 in Mle. .861is'ef 'On of Etiniktvlteat • Veal' at '42 2:5 ,PRAI I4 : 4 *Wf ' 4lo`ll °Lti:ei 0 . 1 8 4 1011 :fiill‘ 1. 4i0; (Ten made 0, 14) li 92 Fonts pin..1454'0,a5; :quality. Eye, ; s9n 5d eentti4l.,Corn;4l) . a. - 58 cents,' .; On Wednesday; the stli.itist.ibi the Rec.l.A:i CAMPPELL,,a)l,ot,Pillatmeg, Pa.., t. Vi t t t o 'l 4'• •-",)•; 6.i 1 , 41 i 6 1,10 kit; ilitieori;"P4l';s4 l 94oo!"9TY 4 !t !,41 ,14.43 1, inuftilf at , the resi4Oriqa of beitirtogio ih % iiIIARGAREVOAROTHETIO, Dfc 0 , '" - • " • Brutal Murder. tram =4ummi:taa 'PIULADELPHIA, A Pril . l7, 1 849 ittii:f* ,-'/- I ', v -'4ltVWsik `Ba ti it 0 0 „ .. 1 , ' ,, ' , ' , :•:' i:i , 'tv.o. 7- 2,7,,,„:.,. r i,-. k EA:4I *- ,474z ,.-.' *** 1 0 . . 1 40 1 47 1-, ) -,, ViftotrelipAi, :,., ' 4 .0 , ..f t eri1v.,4 - 64, trc r ,Ociot,pum, ii•eitiOit.kfti3d .40iclig,tt SiOtiitkr*ifi'fkrOY Vijko4§kti.m.holt"Oh:Atititi,..tioxt 0 •Oatii)p . 4l,6n, hi101ge 11 411#.,1t i t0160'0 , 0 4 44446,1141.0144 k .5erve Yo - ti traihrully.,' : _;jMEK.lloPFEß. :• • •Cailia)ii,..4rii..l24)jsOF,':;•tr:li;•; • , i'i.:.?.i.:•. , :.:,7,:.;, ~ ,i: to p , :., ITiELLoW , pktizENB.: ti:s'Ofrer tolyglir . .011,31,deps,tion,;0Sa canididtite for;the' ' OttiPieot l gi#EKIEOr; 4:t.fi';Viiiic:ittioic4ii4l,l4;i(stiaiflio;jhaillEful•for ,youi'suppcirti';",; ~WALLI7AM GOULD Aprili2,,lB43e I o . lll4l e . .Y.Pterit-Pl:, 4 l 3ll lol6eriand • . • - Gem - mow,' btrenmpuilf as candidate for the office of SliErriPil of ctimbertand county, and thankfiitto'.yoti fur: your support, ' MiCH-AEL 4110.LCOMB.' . Carlisle, March 22; 844:' to-2t'. • To,'the" VotgKs . CUmberland Co. .., •migi.,Low,c,ll.4ENs . :l offer'myself roc.' the Office of Shelviff ofCumberlind noun. 4%, at the next donbrul election; and rasrldetfully solicityour suppodt: Shdidd you'olocit me, I shall endeovor :to disthiirdp: Vie, duties of the ofrico faithfully and irnikaytialty, „ - SANUEL.wiT,LiAnO. I North - Middleton ; April ,114,184,30- -- - -te. • 7o the EleatOi.;s• Ciiinberland Co. IELLOW.CITMPN'S cffet myself to your consideration an a Candidate for. the . orrict SligattllP; Mille ensuing genera election.. (Should yob clad nu pledge myself to discharge the duties of thp.ffice to the best *tiny ability. . • ' • , ADAM LONGSDORPv , ?, Myer Spring, April .1.t.), 1841. tc, 71. the Elect Ors of ertimberland Co. 3LLOW.tITIZENS : offer atiaelfto your 1 1 %, onsidoration as a candidato for tbo sinelklFF'S OFFICEi and `iymeetfully solicit your sUltragcs for We gamA; Should you electme, I shall endeavor to disclive the duties of the office faithfully and imparlllly. • SIsiIDEIL ttUPLEI. 111c4niesborg, April 12, 1841 _ . *o t "Electors of Cu.mberlaud • • fp -„ COUillfilr. 11ELTAV-CITIZENS:—I offer , myself to your eonsbration - as a candidate for the ' . neat OF. SHERIFF . . of Climb, rod county. at the ne. election, and will feel ghat • plo you fur ybur support. ; t - ANBREW ROBERTS. Carlisle, :arch 29, 1143. , - tc-22 . I' ASH FRUITS. Ihave• 0 - receiveti-'a lot of Fresh - Fruits -earteifallof ORANGES, LENIONS I .FIGS, RAISINS, Cron Nuts, Dates and English Wal nuts:- I ,p'• • ° S. ELLIOTT: April 12,1#. - : tf-24 Ilatsil Hat*: Hats STIWARD FASIIIONS! .No. 1661 lilac) , and corner 3d 4 Walnut ata WILADELPHIA. T ,. . . _ - HE subs agebas on hand-andia'n•ow Caps for the. Peilal sne i e. ii. a d e . making an ite Fresh Stock of Huts and Pane arid semiamity WIM -- P, Moleskin, Cor nice Silk and Br lints-and dal:Aril:dent Cassi t ' , time littl'!er.wht eis the Patentee. Making the H: r • Ids own Factory of the Lest mniariati and by t test workmen; lie is enabled to sell unusually low.: i ll Those who buy l',ll m ain will have such Hats put iip as will he sto keep their customers,:ns Oil !hits and Caps . made eapreasly for Retail Trade, Call and pa for yourselves. tl 'OLIVER BROOKS, leiGi Market St.llt corner ad & Walnut bt. Philadelphia, April 1848. .. . The "Patent Cs ssim! use, us it is light, dumb Hat." is now corning into t id 'Amp. PROTECTION NrAINST LOSS rruir. Ctiinberlasta; ,m ott i o t p po t uet i oo L Company, being inoPtrateil by an ;Let or the Legislaturo of the Pre , e"tPon,aml fully orglinizr ed and in operation taillerl direction of the fel lowing board of Matiagersit : • 'finis. C. Millet., C. P. %aims, J6hii Moot c; David W. 'McCullough, Ash w ea kly, G eorge Martin, William Moore, SIN Goibraith, James Greason,Thomas PasitothWalarr s Joaciilt Culver andA. C. Miller, call the sitti ffli o f t h a inhabit ants at Cumberland Valley tO teheapness o f their adviiiitagethi a i, t hi s :land of rates and lbe many insurance has over any oilier. let. nvery person insured bOes a member of the company dud takes part int:itmice of officers and the direction of its concern's. 2(1. For insurance no more inflppen. ' iii..panded 'than is necessary to meet the, expen ses . ot Company Company and indemnity against intsee wh ich 3d. The inconvenience of freq rtnewalth a voided by insuring for ti t terin 01 . .+ears...! • . 4th. Any person applying 1 0 r in meistrgive his premium ootefor the ch`t aprs. at mg rate of pernt eeum,.which will tic , the $lOOO, 10, frit• which he, will hive to pay $2; .1). five years; and $1,50 for survey and policy, ano, 4 nore unless loss be sustained to a greater .tunotiqt ~ the funds on, teinds'Svitreo'ver,rudf then nbinorn‘be requir ed than a pro rata share. These 1104,, ewe !, cheaper than those of other hom P a ' l t i hept such as areincorporated on the stun! prinedp . , . .' hatirailiee is effected in the tollowni mer. A person applying for insurance for p Iv of. the ot cheapest afo-of risk for $1000_svil!. tagged 5 pin! cent fet ri v e yea' s, ft note amotimin a io mist he given hy -him, on .whichhe will be .re 'to pay s.per tent $2,511, and $1,59 for surveyin . „ - telhey . , and will have no. more rotildred of him atr % li n lonCe nfundsand the fun on blinds are not ent to . - • n alreageMS• ro rge ntd Cet brio:ate_ t; • n' "i • • der the Bankrupt I..aw,has been filed by;, OFIN STOUGH; Iptlividant IY and, late Xeralatt‘ of the firm of Stouih & Brewster. ••• ~Ounsber.lang d i o. . col JSACC MILLER, and FRIDAY, the 40th day of JUNG next, a tio'clock; A. M. is appointed for the hearing therel of,. before the said Court, sifting ~i lsnkrupb33'iet the District Court s rn Roo, ill the City ofkl , iladelph ia, Isten, an (1.. w berg the Cr editors of the ani 4,l l ,etitiouer. hOlkdie proved their Delts,,,aud ail persons lobar! tee st sppearaud show, cause, if auy, tbliarn i 1014104C . 11:Risekarges, guit , Certiflqi.ies *heal not be '. • PRABI I I O PKWS . 9 • • *a Mittl4,VPirt a; g 4 .' .Xiii, Supply Of 'GrOCeila.., rt , lipieltlst*'onca toltiitiel'' OLOit-ist,tlt , ..• - ` l 6t V. CU f% N Pyrr . to' sP a c- 741 ... ' , 1iit C Tlibll':iitia.l.o 0 i-- ree .an '.:!e •. et , -. e .. ": . q_ultditiese:: , loo4 . l , l4 , ' ,Itekia.: Wild aoruclpiet URFASe.)3idevialail hde Mieeenslatitt aiveraugdi :and.iti'addition a-'gatidiallte ortepienVittiAtikbe*Je* aid'. Ale 0 0 0 4 eir•Migo 11 014:1ki*. 1 1'4:44 1 re.5 11 0 6 : wl444 . Jiiii4oli,,lenid Lea(4rwortecankaan and pi* _ivialitleorovtijil 4 lo4irotetineoteitiaifitrt*Sugar* All o t • xotoithielitifoglity)f l o pig:1:0144•74 *1 W 4. )o.lool'Vabillit oilf_ •" ' ',. t: Writ, - for. ,whii , kt : , otootlthe'lltee'd a 01 1 ; ., . 0i`itre' ISKX . Y` .I4I V 4 i , ' l4 : - " d ' A • • v...,. , :, . , - . ~. -. •,,. • .. ,-,,,,-, : ... littl.) , PrillimiiiiO.tiOkfit or4ee !n,pigi... , ' bici im bil t ln p: l4 ,''''' 't ' apim .i rowri l. "'''''''' ''''''''' ''''''''''''' ''' ''' '' ' "....‘"'• • .' ' '- - CHARLESOGILBY: - ' 1 1, iriA V-, k l e at ili i k a 4P.5 141 11 11 , ' ~- r . to'rliele, dc051ict.1,111.44.,i.., ~,,,-;,::.:.,,. 'tillii 6 . llo; .' It 6 Willit'it'WitY 4 o.t : 0.4.re'1.4 1 c2; -, :,.. .. -.. .. .„..r,:..7:; 1 , -- 777 - Viollt 4 l97 .. .liiii- lili **if! ki,!sbil . lib sprKo* . a -.,.: ::,,02rik0i.(440....c0irA4,5f4 • ."41,..., ilrisiit,madoloAg.,ttiiittooko ...43:;10,!-1.4siliNc-,11°' ~..`A,-„iiiiiidotittii*.*l).l,,b4#ci.iditiciori'.(6.-:eit* .110 41),141;01ily.,. tta.e. , pri.'ttio'r.‘",l4,loNs;-Tllitek9l.,,.. a i, the l t 4 54 , 4 p .th! , o o o , o , ther; .;v. :,.:=..: ~ ,,,.•, . ....,, ' ,.;K. g,,ii:.*,_,,t_ti.,.10091ti... 14 ,t- - .„relqq.3qtAltlllt.),*•lrTe,* ': • i waii3,5 5 18,15;'id:'; : ;!::,P,r0.,,:w,.- 1 , 4 r t 5p : ,.,,,,1, ~4,14 priii,weat ~.. .4..iiv . .,1e,49111 , we Sit reaui . .;n.,of .. ~,,-,...,..:., ~,,„ ~,0,,- . ., . , . v: , . ..:.,, !'•):, i ~. .'' 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I tiiligVer4 (- , l' , ,l#W, . 0 2110 4 ' '' '' '' ' ' ' f '‘ i l f r ' eg Oiififklig 4 0 4 : 041411 7asti3O "146 :everiibthiViktrobi %A ilia iftut the attention 'of Ittt,taiolitaiWout4eyllettha'nts Byers, lit solkifitlfas I,ttin t tletesention to at at v itov prices for,Caillie;, • I- , q , , 0:i) , .).. t . , 4;',' • Cittlistes',Vareh 15.1843. , , , ~, - ,_. .800113:RiSTA111)NF.Y , Booksellers' atithSittlionert,lftAttliWAtiTtt; fwrm door eist c t f the,puld iis; iiimasre;.a, nil nerdy op eposite WdederlliA'S HoTet t 4iliii.eint4ittitly on hand the diteemit king') laisitia • .... 1311 4i.kitt0P4 1 .,;.0a1 ) 0".0W, • of the beSildeaMg:ak..latest„Ooitiors,All,9l . which they will sell at froitillretti Sb ircloiv the 1181114 prices. Alto, ;; 'Extra Brothor'4iirnititifikitinelitiitaliTiiiiyWiir received regularly'as soon', ak, they are'tdr the lifess. - TIEACIAZINIES.;°" • ' Graham's, Sa'rgeapt'a,'find Godey!s Lady's Book;itriti'Letll 6 =o:Clithlkielets, re- Ceiyed as stion as issued. ; • I' •,. .• • .- Libidd rotAolo6illi 'Pa'ar'rSt.l%roti.,tieedive(l,l , lo,)i c;f4fialilki,bi g ne's History or the iteforrinttibn the ex eeption of ontotiatrib7,Vvhilt will.hergeetiiftl in me 'coifree of the I pretlent 01001. ..Price 14 Gents per • number, . . , . • 'Cainpbell N a Foreign IVYon`tlil'! gtlzine, l)l Selectoe i Seellany retie I.Tterature of 'Great qactsionallyillastrated ii hii &Slob QII Steel; Wimdsi'lla end , Paktraill distinguished intitvithiltts. $O. - eiCts 'pet; No. tilitary Cftths, sup 'plied at the latent '"; ','" • 0,000 160iTICIPS OF RAL.6B irinited as alMve, for which the highelit,price , iill be, Regist,eFs kftitaco; s'aPFICF4 , `CarlisterMarch 25th 1843. ATOTICD lierebylioiran to 'tilt Loiiittees IT" Creditors antl other pergons,cohcerned,tha 'the folltiemkrit ootititsfidivoUCO liledln this office - for 'aiantinatietirhy,thit,accourrtadta Ihercin•tiam. cd, and will be presented to the Orphans' Court of Cutribdrland ountir' for cinaTimrition and allow ance bn Triesday 'the, 25itt day of April, A. D. 1843, viz . .• . t. Tho addeulit'Of • Saniitel for 'of •John 'Latkents, late of borough of Shltppenshurg., deFeasel, „ • 2. t ttEeni,iiint 'brJoini 'thdifkli, Junior, Ad. Mullett atdr of •361thlitt6tigh, Soh. late of Stouglis. town, Cumberland county, deceased. 3. The aceciiiilt 'br - qcorglA.'Donnell; Admin. hitt-titer 'of Dr.lohn •Frazer;lato of Churchtown, Cumberland- county,dece . 11. Tleiticcouht qQ Saintiel tleberlii,•Adminis 'trreor, of Samuel Drickerilate of Newton-=tOwne - ship, deceased. „. '5. The aecouht of Henry's;. Cromer, Admink'. trator 'of Samuel•Ochr, late of Allen 'toWnShip, deceased. • G. The account of Oecirde'Rupp,:iun., ono of the Executors Of Datilel Siff ratnith,a'en.,late of Sit fro. manstown,.Cumberlarid Charity, deceased: 7. Tho:acetihnt . of Jelin Rupp, ono of the Ex ecutorit Daniel nitchnin ; sen., lath oh Shire: manstown, Cumberland. county, deceased. • Tho account of Alatthow Davidson; Admin.. iXtrator 'of Elizabeth. 'Ferguson, lato of West pennsbornugh township i •doccased. • • 9. Tho account Of Samuel Myer'and John My. et, Adnquisfratdrs'of John Myer; lad of Frank ford townships deceased. • r_. 10. The account of Henry itrooncinan, Ad. 'thinhitratdr df Jornes Cammlris, late of Allen towptthip, deceased. • • • . . • 11. The account of Samuel Worst, Admirtis 'Fraud. tsf 'Martin Mohler, Ititelif &it 13orough . Mcebanicsburg, decedied. : • LWIto account of John Swisher, r cantor of Andrew Swisher, late Of The "Borough of Mc eltapicsburg, deccased t 13 The account of William)). itf urray,Adrui o. 'grater Of Mary D: Ramsay, late et the_Borough, of, Carlisle, ,deceased. - .14. The account of Ocorgo Ruplcy, Jr., Guar. doh of jatob'Eilinger, Sarnnel Edinger and Levi Edinger; tiled hy'George flupp, Jt. A.thrunistro. tor of the said George llnpley„ Jr. • It. toe .a`dcoutit Of had) Zeigler, Guardian bf Philip common, a minor sun of Philip Corn man, laic of North Middleton township, deceased% ' JACOB. BRETZ, Register.• 41.5 oo .00 8 'OO ARCHER'S LARD LAMPS Manufacturers. Prices ! • ling. ARCHER'S PATEN TLARD LAMP for burning Lard without any preparation . , for sale by, the subscriber. Thu light: is • equal to the best sperm-oil, is entirely &Wpm smoke or smell, and Anstaless than half the, Wee. lite' apparatus for heating the lard is neat add simple, does 'hot des tract from the appearance, is not thildp to get mit of repair, and - may . he applied itt'a pinta' , elcrense to those kinds now in uses „Ccniltilent that this article requires only to be kpown,to coin inttE.Oncrol ; use. I respectfully invite tyo 0441 to n.all and see them in operation. ' ' Carlisle. March d 2, . , ..te-s Estate of iaeob—trotilieiy-ileiia.led. St-20 HER.EDY GIVFN,,lhat letters -of Adri l in. iltraiton lipon the , cadet' iit'laie;l3 iioo v oi, late ef ,East Penusborodgh teainehcp der.termed; have lilies' granted ,to the aubspriber,,,resilling in the 'vault-, tdwhsliiii. ~ 411 against paid Palate-ate rAtiastett I . .oorisent'iheni duly autlicnilea)pd nettippiSlo;AFsthoiie .detted ` 3103 1 0 111+00VER . ." 61.-23 MEEI Est&t,l A tkl • ~ tatob Drati*hettY dec'd -. • • ;,:;, . ,?• . • • utlitsi tr ation upon The \ - . l s`tate:ot lAQoll . 4 l o,lloll' ARTY, late of:.Wetit. , PetriasGiOltf,k;l4 l, o l lllPi le_ 'deceased, hay° bcoetvapOd siding4h the tiasiSitjlshitsi 1 4.1 10 ,,,, • g • claims popstodhi 9 44 fttlArozeRIMIw K ittsPa e " Ihern — duTyauthentieatxid for'eattleMei4Opl , 4**4l' Mat t a, g1;1042. • '644 4 z state of 4011 n ;`t;borte, , , , qx., •, • • il:illefiV t* :6: o3 , Atl rttCrs EßElt f Ai tery KIA 6 ota tiro-t i'n o'6 4 21Iyer, kwinf siWkied, hive tit RS r e/ !4, * iikt w he j a , h • ind for,lhesigiWolVitlijakownivl44lrl.,s M" r 1 'lo7lll!riau%' 140 hikving. 2:11111cinb Abletikiliaktooli,'loe' *rah 42; v 1Q4)T ,zu, ,04P,15" lin - 1 .• ~,, i i - , l4 !.... 14 . it ..,..__ , .: ~..,.• ,-_-- ,1: ~,k ii ii i i i ialo titt o i s. til 8 a , , 1 X:staTell 41 ,, , mm lu-'4,1,*4.4* VP-A,''' 0 1, :-1") 'V:: if „ titik.:/milifikii''' , '"- ' 1 " 1'0 4*77:7.°P" , 1 ~,: ?.,-, , , .ii, S clitOtetWilkit,.;4 . • -... ~= t 7rt . l ivi '': tatitt 'Ob._ 1Ar,...4 5 F i t ° 4r Acr t rW t : . "itte. I f 4;0540(111 bidilltAfP "' ', -A l io . :to i ? _ km: 4 ,„„ i f d'oopiCiOmatt4.ll;k: ~ i 217 - 1 .Ai , 14:44 ifkilltNTlVq:7l‘lt ih‘e*ib,te,or Woili ihg ItArk 16 .,.14 11 ) !t'4 qaid.4,4**l 6 ,oellie* .1 - r o te 1 * 40L...dr _ whi litnr i "T' ~ t "'" Ig ); El ~n ME , •