Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, April 05, 1843, Image 4

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    ,rksm — mmmourvsyse
yhoshall teach.thee"wlmn td look Tor me
0 Ati• thou af earth ? and :bast thou numbered years
graves ? and marked the engulfing sea
' o'er the hopes and fears
•Of lost, forgotten. man—and askist for me
. • Where am I not? What hour can time kohl fast,
• Pluokfromtny grasp, and bid-me;'dome not now!'
llath ever moment passed.' /2.-#
. Without my signet stamped npondts brow ?
is 3 , outlitabeauty strong ! ' I lurk unseen
To blast its promise by my withering froWn;
,And while the leaf i green
On Manhood's towering erest-1 strike it Clown !
Who talks of reverence.for the aged head ?
Its hosiiry honors are my eeria4 prey ;
My fingers snap the thread— .
The 'visage changes, and is sent Why !
, .
the . mountain's.sumyy.height-subunit
Pierce the wild, traekles forest-1 am there !
Speed to Borne untried clime= •
And who shall tell thee 1 do bribed to spare ?
I stand beside the peasant's pallet coach;
I seize the Teveller when the feast is high ;
lay my freezing touch
Upon the victor's plumes, :mil low they fie!
libove—benedth thee—and on every side, .
At midnight and at liOnn—in woe or
come to Crush thy pride;
And I teach' thee--"when to look ful• me."
sy RgitEnT,Dionmi, ESQ
' • We have long been under .the impm
aion,,that iii
many cases in thisucountry,
sad error exists in the bringing up of daugh
ters. Mothers forget, we fear, that they
ihotild be educated to fulfil the responsi
ble duties of parents and -wives, and thus
Tether qualify them to glitter in the ball
.TO,Olll or shine in the gay cirdle of fashion,
instead of fittinglhent for the domestic Mr
vie, and those gintle and constant respOn
fibilities- which are so . essential to a good
wife. How frequently is it the-case, that
the looks, dress, and style of a young fe
4nale are alluded to• With exultation by her
nothir, as embracing all the elements suit
ed to adorn and beautify the female charac-
ler. How -often, too,' do' we see parents
rejoicing in the fact that , Miss 11. or Miss
'C. has dozens of beauxthat scarcely a
'night goes by, that three or four do. not
Tall—without pay invite slightest attention
'to, the characters of. those beaux, their
-ns of livelihoeil,or their ability to reit.-
der a gentle being, who hae:been brougli
up with great . .teuderness and care, com
fortableand happy, pow often do we see
these fair young beings permitted to flirt,
first with one and then another—to selee
companions from the reckless 'aml ilisso
lute, and thus become entangled in some
=romantic love-match, the end of, which is
anguish and despair. HoW often do we
see fathers compelled to take , their dahgli
iters homo again tinder such eixcumstances
—while those whc went forth from the
family tire-side, glowing and blushing with
health and hope, and youth and beauty, at
the end l ot-nve_yu ors are the very wreck of
what they were butt so shoh a ppfdbe
fore. I (.;
It is always - a. -b - Td - 1. - itn — to - zee - a - young
lady run doWn with beaux. These mere
—.admirers are, in nine case out of ten,-un
suited to be husbands, andA'ter round the
light of beauty in mere vanity, and with
- the object of boasting that they visaV i .."let
.and such a one. Sensible. men, who are
, seeking for wives, do not desire mingle
with toys and fops in:Re — pursuit, and soon
income disgusted wit!! the flipjrailcy and
lightness of the•coquette, or of the female
who is constantly decorating the - body, but
• •disregarding the mind. Besides, then of
business, merchants, manufacturers, and'
•others, cannot week, month after month,
•or year after year, in endeavoring to tracer
. itain the disposition and tone of feeling of
:the lady they may fancy. If they find her
involved in• the giddy maze of fashion and
lolly; they will soori abandon the pursuit,
.anthseek. for 6.- !borequiet, 'reasonable and
practical object of courtship. There is
,anotber error to which we have once or
twice adverted, but which cannot be al
.luded to too -often. We .refer•to the false
policy of parents who are in poor or, mod
- .erate circumstances, in bringini: up thdir
• children with expectdtions of offers in mar
: 'liege frOm 'those far beyond their station.
tit too often happens thatin such cases, the
,poor girls:fade year after year and are corn
ell-ariff—the ,he
4i - 6Mo , he end, at the decease of those
, on „whom they had heretofore depended for
:support, to eke outran existence for them
selvei. How oftenhave we - heard young
ladies, the daughters of respectable median
,lies.and store-keepers, Sneering at the very
poisibility of their.accepting •the proffered
; hand of any but a merchant or,professional
'character, or some such individual. This
'is all wrong—radically wrong,:- . and fraught
with distress to hundreds and thousands.
Tar better would it be for any, female to
marry a reputable, honest and active trades.:
man, in a thriving business, than a doctor
, or lawyer with little or no practice. Pa
:rents should pay more attention to these
things, - as well for themselves as for their
'children. , We think it was Major Noah
'win) once said that he lived over again a
:new life as each of his. childlrea,gew a
paUe, and proceeded onward to , manhood
'or Womanhood. 'if this doctrine be true,
wo..ehattld so edUcate our_ offspring as to'
render`them happy; and thus to secure for
, ourselios the reileated sunshine that bright
tens their exietence.
Franhlin was an °hn
_ Tnut.-,-
sing andarnsible man, and his conclusions
, seldoirineorteet, He .
,said; "A. newerla
-an . Bible in every house, .h good
direetion4,-011,,atutlied, and'
i4ioiciateti as they , rnerit--liolhe prinai
-44' Op&Alp_ of vi,rtpe,':.,niproityr, di)il
, k , TUST_rece an an II o
ived' tilue'Bl k lb hi
n ! . -14 l id9te _ able colored Silk Valuta at - the store of ' -
~,, '
~'LnIIYiILT _`Y'IE'Y ~~?
The gem .of all others. which encircles a
lady's eheraCter, is unelected piety::',lNia-1
turd May laiish Much iMAior person—the
enchantMent of, the countenance the
'grace of her mein—er the strength of her
intellect— l yet. her . lovelinesi is Uncrowned
till, pietY throws around the 'whole the
sweetness and power of her Charms, She
then becomes, urteartlily„iri her temper
unearthly" iq all her "desires and associa
tions, The spell •which bound her affec-)
Lions to'things.below it; • broken*and she
.mounts on the silent wings of her • faith
and hope to the habitation of God, where'
it ie her delight to hold communion.. with
the spirits that hate tteed.kanscimed • -from
the thraldom of earth, and wreathed with
a garland of glory.
IterlWatuyildiy - thtow - a - , - ntagical - charm -1
over many—princes . and
,conquerers may
bow ,:with Mlniiration at the.shrine 'of her
riches—the sou s of science and' poetry
May embalm her memory in history and
song—yet" her piety must be written in the
" Book of life," that when Mountains fade.
away,tand everymetnento of earthly great
ness is lost in the goneral wreek of 4ature,
it .may..rethain and swell' the list of that
mighty throng which have -heen clothed
with the. mantle of righteousness, add
their voices attuned to the melody of Heav-•
With Such a treasure, every holy: gratifi
cation on earth may be purchased, friend
ship will be doubly sweet, pain and •sor
, tow will loose their sting, and character
will possess " a price far above rubies "—.
life will be but a pleasant visit to death, and
death the entrance upon a joyfdl and per
petual home: • And when the notes of the
last trump shall be heard, and sleeping mil
lions awake 'to judgment, its possessor
shall be presente'd faultless before the
throne of God, with exceeding joy, and a
crown of life tharshall never. fade away.
• Such is piety.. Like a tender Bower,
planted in the fertile soil of woman's heart,
it grows, expanding its foliage and impart
ing its fragrance to all around, till, trans- ,
platited„it is.set to bloom in perpetual. Vig
orand unfadiug beauty in the paradise of
Follow this, star—it will light you
through every labyrinth in thewiklernes - s
of-life—gild- the-gloom -that will gather_a,
round you in - a dying hour—'-and bring you
safely over the tempestimus JOrdait, of
:delta! into the haven of proinised and set,'
-A Sabbath Well spent
Brings a week of content,
And health for the tails to-Morrow;
But n: Sabbath profaned,
-- . 1 - Whatso'cr may be gained,
Ina certain !o►erunner of sorrow.
EN'in .L. ELDER, 493 111 . a i l i ' e . t st.
Philadelphia, Importer and Dcalyth Foreign
and Domestic Hardware, takes thi. 9 'method of in
forming his friends and custniue. o f C„,,l wl i n „, l
- erninl3Ttlint - he ha eeeiVedlrliFTY find
sortment of
direct trom EWand, too-ether with a generarassm
meat D!.)/EST/C7IARD direct fro].
thit n'.".Vificturers, all of which has been selected by
JlMmelt' and lipids with great care, expressly for his
own sales. <Racing purchased his present stock all
for Cash, and at greatly reduced prices, it will en-.
able him to sell a tprires lower than any other store
in Philadelphi , :
KrCall atm 'examine the Bargains yourselves.
P. S. - Cumberland Nails at $3 44 a Keg ! ! !
Atwater Nails at.53.:20 a Keg !
Pebruary 1,1843.
Good and Cheap.
HOMEOPATHIC and other hest Cho
colates, Sal Soda and Salaratus, Cigars o
all qualities, Cavendish, Plug and Twist 'l•olniced,
Cedar Tuh's and Buckets, Painted Buckets:old Coot.
era, Mould Candles, Castile, Variegated and Brown
Soap, Market, Clothes and Bushel Baskets, gener
ally for sale of the best qualities, at the Grocery
Store of J. W. EBY.
Carlisle, Maridi 1, 1843. . If-18
Estate of Michael Ruby. deceased
of Michalltudy, lute of East pennshorough
township, deceased, have been granted to the sub
scriber, residing in same township. All persons
having claims against said estate arc requested to
present them duly authenticated for settlement,
and those indebt will make payment to
February 22, 1843. •607
Estate of JOHN 11. GASS, deceased
is hereby given that Letters of Ad
on the estate of JOHN H.
GASS, late of the city of Philadelphia; deceased,
have been granted to the subscriber: All persons
knowing themselves to be" indebted to said de'cd.
are requested to make 'payment immediately to
the subscriber, residing in Dickinson township,
Cumberland county; and those having claims a•
gainst him will present them to the subscriber
duly authenticated forsettlement.
JOHN HUTCHISON, Adfninistrator.
February 15,'1843. • 6t-16
Look out for Bargains.
THF. subscriber, having determined upon remov
'ide Stock of Merchandize from this place,
will o iler from this Oate till the lst day of April en
suing. all of his Stock at greatly reduced prices for
Cash only. Cash buyers will, do well to cull soon,
before the best goods are selected.
GEO. W. MTN : ER..
February 15, 1843.
- • •
2000 BUSHELS OF RYE, for which ' I
will pay the market price In CASH.
Carlisle,Deiember 28,1842
ALL persons Indebted to the subicriber by Book
accountor notes; nre.requeited to pay up before
the 40th of. March next, after which date the acceunt
will be placed in other hands for collection.
• Carlisle,Teb. 15,1843..'• „ - 4.16
• . lAST NOTICE • •
MI persons indebted,to'the lubstribe4se ,hereby
notified, that their agoonnta VIII' be placed mothe r hands for collection, .'ufileas -
March, 1143. ''
' • 011 AS. OGILTIY. '
Febinary •I 5 OM. . tr.l6
'WWI' printed at,thie otrice,# fiine neeor , ynent
101,0pos, ItionirMßEN , ,
011ieCOLAW$4., GI
• I
Every SOiiitiaght to 11114 w of
P irlinOneary.' :Pre servative..
O effectual in Coughs, Cade, influenzas, Ca
tarrhs, Asthma, Pains of the Side and of the
Breast, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Shortness
of Breath, Whooping Cough, all Diseases of the
Breast and Lungs, and for th© arrest of approach
ing Consumption.
. •
<-fio popular is Dr. Bechter's Pulmonary Prober-
Alive throughout all Germany, and so affectind in
'Diseases of the - Lklgs, that froth its miraculous
effects and wonderful cures — it, is there generally'
known and styled "Dr. Bechtm.'s Life Preserver."
As numerous certificates of its very good effects,
and wonderful cures in this country, haireleen fre
quently published, it_ is deemed necessary only to
remind the public of so valuable a medicine, an(
inform them where it can be procured.gentline.:'
t ry.Price- . —Fifty Cents a half pint bottle.
*** Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail,at Dr.
North 'Second street, , ..below Vine, (sign of the
Golden Eagle and serpents) Philadelphia,
. For sale in Carlisle, by. •
• • Agents for Cumberland County.
Carlisle, May 18, 184. . 9-ly
T1 -1E Subscriber has.received addition
n 1 supplies of .the above named eekbrated
wick has in a few veers cored:nal relieved upwards
'lt SIX rIIOPSAXI) persons in different' sections
of tee, country, of the following disease's, such as In--
nit'gestion, Dyspepsia, and all those trains of'diSeases
grunt% front a disorderr d' condition of the 'stonliqi
oad liver, 'derangement' of ilie - ilikeittive 'funtitiotts;
is as
.7 - General Dphilitmor Ireakneos' o,r the . Stomach,
.11eadneke, .launihce, '
• lent & CAlie,Xervons Arcot
. bons, frev r and vlple,
and has destroyed all kinds at II 011.115, both in
grown persons as well :Is iu ellildrCl3, Mid eared mn.
ny other complaints . which are too numerous to iii
inthis ililvvrtisenlek which con be seen in the
directions which can he 11)111111 WrApped around each'
bottlt, with n nunkber of certificates of tures per
formed by this voidable 13alsam of Health.
r The great demand for this Balsam of health has
lately inducedsome unprincipled persons to impose
on the public a spurious article for the genuine Hal
sam.of Health; therctore'the pwprietnr cautions the
public from purchasing any but from his regidar
iippointed )Igents. . Tie genuine Balsam - of Ilealth
has the same of the medicine blown on the glass of
each :bottle, thus--"Carlegam's Balsam of Ilealth,
prepared only. by Joule S. MILLE11;" and besides"
that, lit! Nits his signature, wrincit nn a label, which
is pasted on the outside wrapper of each bottle,
which secures it from being counterfeited.: "-
Gj" -- .To he had at all - times of Ids Agent in-this
place, who has already sold _large nnantities,. 1.14
111/VCS jt a medicine of great value and celebrity.
Carlisle, Sept6nber 28, 1842.. 6m:48-
'ol4arlegalat's Balsam ofilealth
TH.justE subscriber has .just received a
fresh supply of the above named celebrated
BALSA M (IF II EA Ll•ll, whithhasinafewyears
Antred.and_relievedat pa ards_oLfour_ thousand per
tlie country 'of the for
lowing diseases, such as the I)) spepsia, all Choi ics
and Nervous Dis'eases,and all those trains of di seas
_eketstilting from a dis Ordered condition of Ibe Stow=
act—cures the. Ague and Fever. and old and fresh
Sores,-and destroysall hind of worms, both in grown
persons and children, awl - many other cnwplatilts.
All hoseitersnnsthatpiirrhasethisNledicinewill
Ind a full direction' to each bottle,-its well up a num
ber of certificates of ones pyrthrmed. To be Litt'
at all tittles of his agent in this•place, who has sold
already largequantities. The greatilewandfor this
Balsam of I lealth ItaS lately ;minced some unprinci
-pled person-to Gounterfeit it--therefore the proprie,
tar cautions the pttblic from purchasiur.any only
from his regain'. appointed agents. The genuine
Balsam 'of I lellth has the mune of the 'medicine
blown on the glass of each bottle, and his signature,
dolin S. Millet, wrote on a label which is pasted on
the outside which completely NUCIII.VS them
from being For sale only in this' lace
by.. • - TV'
. .
' For sale :Ilan, by liesars..l. W. is:
in NVayneshoro', Pa., and John 13rackenridge,
Shippenshurg, Pa.
September 28,18.12,
Froin 375, flowery, N. Tork.
FOR nine years this medicine has stood unrivaled
for the cure of Coughs, Pain in the side, diffi
culty of breathing, Bronchitis, and 'all those affec
tions of. the Throat, Lungs and Liver, which urea
source of so much sulTeringand which unarrested
so often terminate in Consumption. So extensively
has this remedy been turd and in so many cures has
it proved successful, the proprietor feels no hesi
tancy in recommending it to all who unfortunately
have occasion-to resort to sonic mtvis or . i . 6 , b‘*i•y . . -
Multittides who have ex perieiwed its Nappy efl'ects,
can testify to its utility, and very many rescued from
a premature death, point to it as the means of their
The originator of this remedy 've well versed in
the science of medicine, andm skilful practicioner.
Physicians familiar with its elfcets not %infrequently
"icreynibe it in their practice, and with the Nlulical
Faimlty generallyit lots met with a larger share of
approbation than is common with exclusive pre
0:7 - CONSUAPTION—The following rentarkl
were taken fr . com ,the last number of the Medics
"The surprising effect produced by the genuine
Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, made at 375,
Bowery, in consumptive cases, cannot fail exciting- a
deep and thrilling interest throughout the world. We
have so long believed this disease (cousumption) in
curable, that it is difficult to credit oar senses when
we See persons, evidently consumptive, restored to
health. Yet it is a tart of daily occurrence.
LIVER CONI PLAINT and General Debility-1
do consider my core almoSt miraculous. 1 was given
up by two Dilysicians and told to prepare for Lath.
I was in this low state when a friend sent me a bot
tle of 1)1.. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, from 375
Bowery, and before 1 had used up the bottle 1 was
able to sit up in bed, by the further use I have com- .
pletely regained my health. All should use it.
• CEO. WELLS, 23 John'st.
been cured of a violent pain in the side, extending
through to the shoulder, Indigestion, dizzness, loss
of appetite and general debility, by the use of two
bottles of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort.
J. A. It. ALLEN, 7 Merchant's Row.
For sale by STEVENSON & DINKLE, sole
agents for Carlisle and vicinity
October' 6,1842,
_ •
THE subscriber. hereby informs his
friends and the, public in general, that he still
continues to keep a
22CE . C.DW
repdrts to the contrary notwithiitanding,) at the OLD
31 AND, in East High Street, a 'tew doors east of
the Court Hotise, 'where .he will at all times take
pleasure in administering tollie comforts of those
Who may favor him with their custom.-
His BAR shall be constantly supplied with the
choicestliquors, and his TABLE with the best the
market can furnish. A careful OSTLER always
kept_ in attendance—and nothing shall be left undone
to please all who call with him.' -
BOARDERS taken by the week,month or year. .
Carlisle, April 6, 1842. . tl-23
Dr. I. C. Loomis, Dennis[,
IS permanently located in Carliele,and -vvip per.
form all operation's that are required in the
practiceetbia profeasion--eueh as ' -•
Extracting, Plugging, and
from a singlo tooth to an entire set. •
N. B. For'aibw months ensuing,'Dr. LOOMIS
will be in Carlisle, the ,first two *toeefcg in' each
montb,4aiter which, he will le absent until thf
O l t ifidia:oB , fpnach'folloiving inonth. 4,,, tybieh
Paris: 4 l l n alliOintband at his.,
North illinericaltrotironcepo
JOHN J. lIIVERS, Agent, Carlisle,
Tcompany continues to make Insurances
ainst loss or damage by Fire, on the most
reasonable terms. They also take .
on stone or brick buildings. on $lOOO, the
premium subject to be drawn any time by ,the
party intOring, at a dbduction , of five per cent. on
the amount of minium paid.
The usual rates for one year on,
Stone and Brick Buildings, $4 to $5 on $lOOO
Log and Frame, " $6 to $7 on $lOOO
Merchandise, about ' $5 on $lOOO
Application in, person or 'by letter Walleye irir;
ihediate attention. '
The S deL 1 r; .
MAKE INSURANCE, either temporary or
perpetual; against loss or damage by FIRE,
in Town or Country, on Houses, Barns aid Build.
logs of all kinds; on Household Furniture, Mar.
chandize, Horses, Cattle, Agricultural, Commer
cial and Manufacturing Stock, and Utensils of
every deseription,as well anMonTAGIES and GROUND
RENT, upon the most favorable terms.
The following are the usual rates, viz:
On Stone and brick buildings, from
35 to 40 cts. on $lOO
"Log nnd frame " 60 to 7. cts, on 100.
"Merchandize and flirni
turn in brick or stone
buildings, from -
'"Do_in - log or fi'ame,
• "Horses, cattle, farming
utensils and sundries,
at about
m un!L ' atffenru i g,
and Variety Store, a large assortment of
Toys, Wiry-Books for • Christ mas
Presents: Annals,- Sottvenirs---
• and Port-folios, for 1813, .
Together with a choice selection of entertaining
LIG IT READING, for long winter evenings. •
, .
of .every variety, viz:
School Bibles and
: Testaments,
, Smilh's Geography and altos, - '
- :Wiley 4- Illitehell's .do, /
Smith's Grammar,
Kirleam's dilro, : '
.angel's Series, - No. 1,2, 3, 4,'5, ,S , 6;
-Cobb's School Books, complete.
,Emerson,Byerly . -Burham,,,--4---Treb 7
sler's Spellers, ' ..
Pike,, Rose, Smiley, 4 Emerson's S.
rilhmelies,. with Keys,
Mathematical Anstruments.
o'ller, Cap, and 1)eell paper, rtilell and plain. Note
paper. Silver Pencils, everppiats: Jackson Leal
Pc twits in ‘vood, ot . all tempers;- with a largo in,
sortment LAN K BOOKS, ruleil_atal mire led.
2 0- WrajlTa v ire
q... 1 trot g
Of superior finish. - Razors, Razor Strops
Shaving Brushes, and finely scented
Shaving Soaps and assorted Po - -
. ,
r • 'I
FAiNCIt s it I lONART:
SmaTior opaque mal. Russia Quills, Brktni 1.3M111 . 1114,
Mee palT,'Visiting Cards, colored \Valera and
/1.1 .••ls,(to
~_„ftiat rnotrttnientg i
• tirgr
Togrther'lvilb.a elected assort
ment,ol. ClaqsicCund Xisceilaneotis Works, "to
- please the laney and Improve the taste.?
Carlisle, Dee. 14,18.12,... • tf-T
V22232i1ta 1111112E113Q
subserilters, at their FOUNDRY AND
M ACI II NE SHOP, on Main street, nearly op;
posits the County Jail. in the lloroatill of Carlisle,
pa., still coatioe to built! the - follow . or , Machines.
and Morseiro
T. D.ll3urrelPs Patent Improved
With a horizontal hfinii-uhm, with a trunk to con
duct the strap to the Machine.
The• band wheel outside of the horses. They or
well calculated to put to one side oldie barb bridge
or under the halo shed.-
• •
A New and improved Shaker,
To separate the grain from the straw, which will
dispense with one or two hands, will be made to the
Move Machine if wanted.
Purchasing any of the above Alachines may have the
privilege, after a litir trial, of returning the satine if
not satisfied. All Machines and Horse Powers are
warranted for one year, if well lased:
All kinds of repairing will be done at the snortes
notice and on the most reasmiable terms.' They id..
ways keep on hand all castings necessary to repair
the above Machines, or aiimithers HOW in
There is also attached to the above establishment
an IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY, at which all
kinds of CASTINGS can be had—such as Apple
Mills, Corn Wilkey's, Plaster Brakers, Mill (tear
ing, Saw Mill Cranks, Machine Gearing, Wagon
Boxes, Ike. &c. Also.
Such as Mill,Spindles, Car Boxes, Turning Lathes,
&0., all in the best order', in iron and brass.
fl All orders will be executed tattle shortest no
tice,aUd promptly attended to. Farmers and others
era respectfully„ invited to give miff call; confident
that they can be suited to their satisfaction.
Carlisle, Aug. 10, 1842. tf-41
00 - Planck's, Henivnod't and Ogle's PLOUGHS
and 'LOUGHCASTINGS,such as'Cutters Land
sides, &c. &0., can also be had at the foundry:
Union Paper. Mill.
THE subscriber respectfully informs the,pub
j., lie at large, that he has leased the above es.
tablishment, six miles south of Carlisle, for a term
of yeers;and the MILL having been recently re.
paired, and new Machinery introduced, he is
therefore piepared to manufacture to order, (and
iilSo - fiiis a-supply constantly on hand)
Paper of every kind and Quality,
which ho will furnish to pringme, merchahts and
others, in any quantities at the awed city prices.
All orders.addressed to the subscriber, at Paper.
town, Cumberland county, will receive prompt
attention. -
Haying lately received a supply of the very best
materials, ho flatters, himself that he will be able
to manufacture paper equalin qualify to any other
establishment in tho country.
Papertown, July 20,1842. • — 1638
N. B. The highest price'paid for age. • •
• •
Nails': Wails !! Nailsi,!!
I will te sold. in ...ltds-to suit purehnsera, at the
extraordinary low price of $344 stKeg, ?deo Isog
Kegs of Atw,ater Waite, at $9 20 a Keg, a .... ..,,, ••
e #IF
.' —.---;--, 0.--,y: 14,1E1Z R'S '
Cheap War t, , , i,' . 1 4i F kat .x,0W4 , ,
February 1 1844, - ' ~ .- - 1 ' -..' !,•- , 4e44::
rlane'a Hotel.
' 427
.40 to 50 cts. on 100
- 60 to 70 - ots.. on 100
60 cts. on 100
Application may be made to
Carlisle, Dee: 21, 1842. ly
31 1 1. 1 1DD1-DIYDI3,
New 1A u*ie,
2,4 Z, MX42•EtS
.11rIHE' STP,AM SAW MIT A, erected'
in the, past year suhscriher,about half a
mile below Hamad:Avg, on the east bank of the Sus
quehanna, near the Railroad and Canal, containing
two Vertical and tiro Circular Saws,is now'in oper
ation, and ready to execute orderPt* ' the utmost'
An assortment ot th 6 various kinds of - Scantling,
Boards, Plank, Plastering anti Shingling Laths, Gar-,
den Pales, B , re., will be always kept ready for deliv
ery-Nnd persons sending Rafts or Logs to the. Mill,
can have them sawed as directed, an the most reit
,sonahle terms.
*** 40,000 feet of seasoned clear Stuff are now in
the yard.
Steam power, and room in the building, to let.
Jannary°29, 1843. 9m-13
1 RON 01 K S
'TUB i3A - 10 - 20
. .
tuRY: t,.ue-of:the-pow-en-qnd—authority•
contained in the, last will and testament of
MXCUAEL Eo E, dee' d ., I now offer for sale, the
Carlisle. Iron 'Works .
Situated on the Yellow Breeches Creek,&l miles
east of Carlisle Pa. The estate consists of a first rate
Viteatlllt EVMS,AI,
tvith.ten. Thousand acres of Land;
A: new MERCHANT AIILL with fourrun of stone,
finiSlied On the most approved Plan. Aboutsoo acres
of the laud are cleared and highly cultivated, haying
thereon erected
Three 'Large Bank Barns
and necessary
weirks are propelled by the Yellow Breeches-creek
and the Boiling spiingwhielyneither-failmor*
the necessary work
mess houses, coal houses, curpenterand imithithops,
and stabling-built of the most substantial materials.
-The ore of the best quality •and inexhaustible, is
within 2. miles of the Furnace., There is perhaps
no Iron AVorks in Pennsylvania which possesses su
perior advantages and offers greater inducements to
the investment of Capital. The water power is so
great that it 'might be extended to eny other manu
facturing 'purpose. Persons disposed to purchase
will of course examine the property. The terms of
sale will be made knowu by -
Executrixof Michael Ege,dec'il. •
Carlisle, Oct. 19, 1842. . tf-5I
reAvE just opened their FALL ASSORI
MY.NT of
Together with an extensive assortment of
Patent Medicines and Perfumery.
All of which they will sell 'wholesale or retail - on
the lowcst terms
Carlisle, Decent 1812.-3 m.
A - - -
• `M
NOTHER supply' of WINTER
-4 -GOODS ; received mud - selling — lower - for
Cash than- ever soldju - earlisle. The supply has
been bought at the present reduced city . prices, and
pin•chasers will find it decidedly to their interest to
call befUre purchasing elsewhere. • •
Noyember.23, 181'2
.First Arrival
• • -
.irear 'the Rail Road,
.63 , sianrmsis2Lsons,
!LAVE received a splendid assortment of
which they are determined to sell at the very lowest
eash prices.
September '2B, 1812.
1111,1nbsniker_is just reeriving a fee : all sutoidyof
(nods, among which may be bound .
Beaver k Pilot Cloths - -
and various other Broad Cloths. ' A great variety of
and other seasonable goods for men's wear.
Al so, a general assortment of Merchanilize for-the
I.adies,tomhich he respectfully calls their attention.
Call and see assonn as possible,as the entir&slock
will to sold very theap for cash.
Cat lisle, Sept. 21,18b2,
I_ i IE - sulAoiber haslusropened - a - lot of New
Goods, consisting ot SUPERFINE CLOTHS,
Blaek,Blne and Fancy colored Cosslmeres t Cosi
nets, all colors'Amil
. prices, Merinoes, Mouse de
Laines, Gloves, Bosomy, 5-4 Brown Muslins; for a
levy, 4-1 bleached do for a tip, Flannels from ^O to
25 cents, with a variety of other goods, all of which
will be sold at very low prices to suit the times.
Carlisle, October 19, 1842. • tf-51
° Z.U<Dataa alaViLe
House Painter and Glazier,
RESPECTFULLY informs the public that
he has commenced the HOUSE PAINT
all their various blanches, and-hopes by strict at.
tention to business and moderate charges to merit
and receive a share of 'public_ patronage. Ills
shop is in Pitt street, directly in the rear of Ste.
vcnson & Dinkle's Drug store.
Carlisle, Oct. 12, 1842 1y.50
Houses for Rent.
Store room; Brick Ware - House awl Lot of
Ground ails - chat, situate in North Hanover street,
now occupied by All essrs, C-Cornmani'
also the Shop second door South of the above, in the
occupancy of Mr. Halitch. Also. the Brick Dwell
ing House, Lot and Stabling, in West High street,
now in tenure of Dr. Wm. Irvine. Also a new Brick
Dwelling House and part or Lot attached, on Dick
inson alley; and the Framellouseand Lot of Ground
occupied by Mr. R. Moore, on 'Nest Louther street.
Possession given on the Ist of April next. For
terms apply to - JNO. B. PARKER.
December 28, 1842. tf-o,
illechanicsburg Line
, ~..,
. , 424l•A- 4.7•6. - - •
Between *Mechanicsburg and
Philadelphia or Baltimore.
THE subscriber grateful for past favors, begs
leave to inform his friends and the public
generally, that he. still cdntinucs to run a line of
burthen Cars regularly . betweect Mechanicsburg
and Philadelphia or Baltimore, by which goods
and produce of all descriptions will be forwarded
with care_ and._despatch at the' lowest rates of
freight. . • •
Produce will,be received at his Ware Rouse,in
Mechanicsbutg, and forwarded to either Phila.
delphia or Baltimore', according to the direction
of the owner. •
• • .
OTho highest price will be given for Wheat
and Flour. . .
N. Bi Plastet of Paris and Salt always kept
on hand, and for sale at the lowest prices.
• . . --
He heals° an hand, at the Depotin Mechanics.
burg, fot sale, LUMBER, such aq Boards,
Shinikles, Scalltliaigs, &c . of all kinds,
which will be sold on liberal terms. .
Atignat I'l, 1842, - ' te.42
Boots and Shoes.
subsCriber will sell a cheatter and better
1.. Joatse 400 T, than can be found in Carlisle.
ALSO-:-lady's doggie, egiel'‘ . Morocce and Kid ,
,Shoes; .Ties and Bookini, vst,iperlor Urtiele,togethpei
wlth`llojg! kip BrogaiisoWoPlatuo
That it contains. nothing of the 'kind, 'or any thing
the least injurious; on the contrary, it iszomposed,
of the most ,imple substances, theprinciple_ol_which
are the extracts of TAR and /I 01 Cherry ISm/6
and the whole -secret-Of its ellicaey consists in the
mode by which they are prepared.
As we bait: already published tlllll/CrOllFCcurlifi,
cates from the highest sinhority, which prove' its
virtues heyMnl all li(Mbi-01, e eonsider•it unnecessary
to exhibit r long list of them jib this pisee ' and will
only mentblit a flew cases, to show what it has diiite•
if -sr,
StJlt PULSING CURE.—.4,mont; the many
singular owes which this medicilw Into effected,
(M.m is iterhaps lame . in, which its powers are so
OS in the case of Jlrs. Austin.
This lady had been consumptive for several years,
and during tile greater part of this little had received
the best medical :menthol, and tried all the most
valuable. remedies, yet nothing could he tumid to
arrest its progress. Site became subject to violent
fits of coughing, expectorated large quantities of
matter iwcasionally tinged with blond, soul. step l,s
step this fearful disease continued its course,
all hope ilia recovery was entkrly despaired of.--
While in this digressing situation, lingeriog , upon
the very Serge Si the gr:tiv. she comowi t eed the one
of Ibis Italsalm, oltivti, to use her Own eNprtnnion,
operated almost like a charm. In a few da t a she '
cJx•.•torafed freely, the cough silts sw)-
and ufirs-appettel,to-ml4l-futsh-v
to her looks, and now, nr tlw place of that
form si itlwriog to decay, she is seen mingling in
society, in . better health than slue has enjoyed fo
•DISINTERF.STED TESTIMONY. -- [Lavin;; iritnrssed
the surprising dile:ley of 1)1.. iVistar's Balsahri of
Wild Cherry, in the ease or \lrs, Austin . , 1 cheer-fuliy .
acknowledge the Above statement to be true
and correct. J. C. WALTF.ns, M. I).
Woodstown, Sept. 4,13411.
Dear Sir—Although voile invaluable medicine has
already Intim] hundreils of powerful Advocates, it
may, still be.grafify ing' to you to receive a communi
cation f:rotn'any one that has been reliel ad by it.
Such; is truly my case. I have beim a, victim
to that terrible disease' Consumption, for many
mouths, and have sulfured so much, that I had be
come almost weary of my life. Pealing
Ilalsalm so highly praised, I began taking it a few
weeks back, and can assure you it has relievtd me
more than any thing I have ever used before, and
confidently believe it will cure me effi.contlly. Please
give the bearer the Worth of the enelosed,mul oblige
Yours Respectfully,' , JOIIN PEARSON.
• Chester County, Set. ft, 1841.'
Friend Wistar- , -It gigs me nmelt pleasure to in
form thee that thy with's health hasi improved very
much sitter she has been using thylsahn of Wild
Cherry, and we think there is no doubt-hut that-it
will cure her. She hits taken the two bottles I pur
chased from thee a short time' since, and her cough
is much better .she also sleeps well at night, and
says she It fonan nothing to !..ive'ller so much re
lief. hed the hearer two bottles
more for Thy Friend.
Lancaster county, July 18,1841.
Dear • Sir—rlease send me two' bolt les 'or .your
genuine Balsalm of Wild Cherry. I have teen a-
Ilieted with Consumption for the last two years, and
'suffered verT much With a - severp , couglii-pains in
my breast, difficulty of breathing, night sweats, &e.,
and having tried numerous remedies, md also been
under several doctors, yet I could not find any thing
to relieve me until I used some of your Balsalm.
got one bottle from ameighbor amine who is using
it, and have found such wonderful relief from it that
I have no doubt it will cure me effectually. r -
Very respectfidly yours, &o.
Gorr Readdhe following. from Dr. Jacob Hoffman,
a I)llysician of extensive practice in Huntingdon
Dear Sir--1 procured one bottle of Dr. Wistar's
Balsitlm of Wild Cherry, from Thomas Reed, Esq
of this place, and tried it in a case of obstimity
Asthma on aschild of Paul Schwebie, in which man
other remedies had been tried without any relief.
The Balsalm gave sudden relief, and in my opinion
the child isceflectually cured by its use.
.Ir,ours, &c. • Jim HOFFMAN, M. D.
December 22d,1241.
Dear Sir.—Your Belsalm -of Wild Cherry has af
fected some astonishing cures here. One of which
is an old lady, Mrs. Russell, who had been suffering
for a long time with shortness of breathing, and gen
,eral weakness, until she was finally obliged to 'keep
her bed. After various other remedies bad been
resorted to in vain, she commenced using year Bal•
salm,and after taking two bottles, was so far recover•
ed as to be able to attend to all the duties of her.
house, and on taking two bottles more was entirely
cared. Respectfully, &e.
• Jour; S; C; Menttft. '
'Pottsville, Pa. : •
"CAUTION.—As there is a spurious, mixture
'called syrup of Wild Cherry; purchasers should" be
very particular to ask for Dn. WISTAR'S BAL
SAM, and. observe his signature on the Bottle. , •
Prepared. for the prOprietor, and sold at whole.
Inge by William+ St. C 0.,. Chemiete, No. 21 Minor
Street, Philadelphia. ' ... • ,
Sold in Carlisle by - •
In Shippensburg by. the Rev. David Smiths Mr.,
rishurg by John V,yeth, Jr; Lancaster by J:- Gish;
Charnberabfwg by Lewis Denig, and in almost every
town - and village throughout the country. .-. ,
Price:, $1 00 a„bltile. • ' - - . -
. Noventber 23,48414" 4 .
. .
.flections Of the Liver, aethmo, Bronehitio, Pains
or -weakness of the •Ilrettit or Lu7:,Ss,•Chronic
Coughs, Pteuruy, Exmorrage of the Lungs; and
affections of the .Puhnonary Organs.
. . .
• H compound Balsamic preparation or the.:Prenue
Virginiania or "Wild Cherry Bark,!!conibined with
the Extract of Tar, prepared by. a new cheinical
process, approved • and recommended by the most
.distinguished physicians, and
.universally acknow
ledged the most valuable medicine ever liscovered•
In setting forth the virtues of tllis truly great me
dicine, we have no desire to deceive those who are
laborin under affliction, we wishte-eelogise
it more than it justly deserves. Yet when we look
around and see the vast amount of suffering and ills
tress occasioned by many of the diseases in which
this medicine has proved so highly suCcessful, we
feel that we cannot urge its claims too strongly; or
say toeiriuch in its favor. ,
Various 'remedies it istrue have been:offered and
puffed into notice for the cure of diseases of the
Lungsond some have no doubt been found very
useful, but of all that have yet been discovered, it is
,by physicians .and all who have witnessed
itsefects, that none has proved as successful as this.
Such, indeed, are the.
, •
: . .
Of.this Balsam, that even in the advanced' stage of
Cnambsimorr, after all the most esteemed remedies
of physicians have fitiled to effect any change, the
use of this medicine has:_haen-7pradnstiv'e,--orihitv
ostaarciniSiliiiiisiLiet,M'id actually effected cures
after aIJ hopei of recovery had been demi - aired of.
In' the first stages of the disease,termed "Ceram.-
ha! Consumption," originating from neglected Colds,
it has been used with undeviating auccess,•and hum
deeds acknowledge they owe the restoration of their
health to this invaluable medicine alone. In that
form of Consumption so prevalent amongst delicate
young females, commonly termed debility, or
A complaint with which thousamls are lingering, it
has also proved highly successful, and not only pos •
sessas the power of checking the progress,of this
alarming complaint, but also strengthens and invig
orates the system more effitcnially than any medi
cine we have ever possessed. . .
. .
Besides its surprising .efficacy-in Consumption, it
is equally efficacious in Liver% Comynints,..lithma,
linnchitis, anduall affections of the Lungs, and has
cured many of the most obstinate cases, slier every'
other remedy had fidleel. (,For particulars see
Dr. Wistar's Tee ise out .Consumption, to he had.o"
the Agents. • . . •
Attending the use of this medicine in diseases nf
tht. Lungs, and the many singular• cores it Ws ef
fected, having uatitrally •attracted (lie attention of
many physicians; (as well as the whole.fraternity of
.iptack)sariousconjecturesnuil surmises have arisen
respecting its composition ; some piysittianS have
supposeditto contain isdinctother Ignorant ',retell
ders say it must emktain .lttrcur•y, rind to some such
substance they each attribute its singular
As such opinions are' altogether erroneous, and cal
cuilited to per juqice many perscafs against it, We
As you value. your Life and' Health, I
beseech you read the following :
DR: 1111;-, E. 'LEIDY
nrAS the 'pleasure of announcing to the public{
111 that his valuable Medicines receive lite appro.%
bation of the
• •
being composed of ingredients which are known .td
the profession,and which are daily given by the Moot
respectable physicians to their patients. This fad
alone is sufficient,to stamp their .
as Well•as cause' .ilierti,to be employed , by'all with
than the preperatiode of (packet and imostors. .•
have been published frequently, in the pepers„front.
- Physicdins mid Clergymen,
Members of
' Congress and State Legislatures,
reepeetahle.private citizens, and among them Many
of the most distinguished members cif ahurches
and other institutions, •
in reference - to Dr. Leidi's Medicines, find it is hop
ed, froni the numerous certificatesand recommenda4
tions, brivingbeen . published far and near,thatall that
is now necessary sato keep them before.the
that they may be reminded of them, where they may
obtained genuine. Sec. &c.
One of the most valuable is . • •
, • UR • 1.1 Ws TOBY 6 A •
Sarsaparilla _Blood Pills.
„..Thesexelebrated-Rilitcaret,laily7:recommended - in7
Di - Scenes or the Stomach Impurities of the Blood,.
and Bowels,' generating diseases of
Billious Affections,' the Stomach,' Liver,
Habitual Costiveness, ' — lleart,the Spleen,Kid •
Indignation, Flatulency, neys, Bones, &c. &c.
Want' of Appetite, . Ulcerous Sores of the
Sourness of the Stomach, Nose, Throat & Body;
Watterbrash, Heartburn, I Sealy, Eruptions and
Foul and offensive breath, Blotches of the Skin;
Badtastein the mouth, Dry and watery pimples
Inward Pains,Pams of the of the face and body;
Stomach, the Sides,and Ileadaehe; Giddiness,
along the Back; • Scrofula, Erysipelas,
Ilheumaticl'ains, Gout, Glandular Affections.
Constitutional diseases, produced by Mercury and
other mineral preparations, as well'as the dangerous
consequences resulting from the improper treatment
of Syphilis, &e. kte.
‘,"the Life of the Flesh is in the Blood.” '
Leviticus, eh. XXII,V.
Be ye purified in your Blood,
• And health will attend vou. ~ •
The great pilueiples advocated by Dr. Leidy, and
in which he is supported by scripture, are
Ist;C" That 'vitality is contained uttheßlood.
2d. The Blood, becoming vitiated or impure gives
rise to numerous diseases of the organs of the IJody,
the stomach, the liver, the heart, &c. &c. •
3(1: That whatever has the-effect. of purifying the'
Mow), possensestbe power of rt.-establishing health- •
lid action to the hods.
4th. That Purgation, and Starvation, or, in other'
words, purging to the eNteut that intoo frequently
done, and at the some time enjoying low diet, and
abstiotence front fond almost entirely, are productive
of much More Mischief than is generally supposed,
and in proof of only remark, that - -
By Paisgation—The 111,11111111 S'yStelll is more or
debilitated, for the cry simple reason that in the -
process of purging all is 50rried off from The stomach
train which nottrithiiientis derived and distributed
througlynnt the systein. .
By Stat . :wino—Nourishment in absolutely 'with
held from the system so neceiAary to it, MO for sun ,
mining vital action and aiding nature in bearing lip
againstthat progress of disease.
!hence the cohsequences-of too marl' purging. and
II continued dirt must be to produce such a coalition
of the systeni as will enable disease to' make more
rapid progrestt.Mid extendit i selt the more eas.ily,and
in a brief time thronghout th, system.
Admitting the foregoing, I, becomes necessary Io
inquire how is the Rl. od to It purified ? and in em
ploying the means, how is the .system to•be guarded
against any serious consemteners'?.
, hoe all vourills;
Take-Dr. Leith's Blond Pills.
These l'ilfs opeiVlx gently, thaugh effectually
hey do not produce prostration of the by stem,as moy ( 4 . '
Its do.
They ref - mire no restraint (dater. froht occupation
or the regular mode of living. No fear need be en
tertained of taking cold from their_ nse, and may be
taken at all limes, by young•and old, without Mier+
feting with any other medicine that may have been
taken beforehand.
. Thew Pills are Ipared only, and sold a holesale
am) retail, at
DR. LEIDY'S Health Emperibm,
No. 191,N. '2ll st. heliiw Vine,
I...Sien flte :ma Serprtdiir .
, 11.,11 . 416
PR '23 C e.
di , enitto to a holesale dealers.'
CI - Dr. Leitly's Blood Pills arc also sold in all 01;4
principal .:ities and towns throughout the Uniomand
by many respectahle storekeepers throughout the
country. •
Tor salt. in Carlisle, by
Agents for Cumberland County.
Carlisle, Dee. 21,1942• ly-9
s plc as these complaints are usually considered ?
no one can deny their being the most common
cause of this fhtal and distressing disease. It is„
indeed a melancholy truth, that thousands fall
victims to Consumption every year from no other
cause than neglected colds. Yet we find hun
dreds, nay thousands who treat such complaints
with the greatest , itidifferenee, and let them run
on for weeks and even'monthawithout thinking
of the danger. At first you have what you may •
consider a slight cough or cold; you allow busi:
ness, pleasure or carelessness to prevent yOulrom
giving iranytittcptiop; it then settlesuport_ibur_
-breast; - you - become. hoarse, - have pains. in OW, •
side or chest, expectorate large quantities of mat ,
ter, perhaps mixed with blood, a difficulty of
breathing ensues, and then you find your own
foolish neglect has brought on this distessing
complaint. If then you value life or licaltlr be •
warned in time, and don't trifle with your dotn ?
or trust to tiny quack nostrum to cure you, but
immediately procures bottle or two of that fa
mous remedy, the "BALSAM OF WII.D CIIERRY, "
which is well known to be the most speedy cure
ever known, as thousands will testify whose lives
have been saved by it.:
if Be very particular when you purchase to ,
ask for "Dr. Wiwrsu's BALSAM OF WILDCHERRY,"
as there is also a svitur of this name in use.
Prepared, wholesale and retail, by WILLIAMS
& Co., Chetniets, No. 33 South Fourth street,
Sold in Carlisliby • •
Prie One Dollar a Bottle.
June V, 1842
int This is the season when this destructive
complaint attacks your interesting little children,
often robs you of those you fondly doat 'on, and
carries hundreds to the grave. Every mother
should therefore, knOw its symptoms; watch them
closely, and always be prepared with a remedy
as many are daily sacrificed by such neglect. At
Bret the little patient is seized with_a shivering, it
grows restless, hasflushes of liblitilie oyes become
red and swollen, it breathes with difficulty, and
then cornea that fearful Comm that will surely ter ,
urinate in convulsions or death unless something it
immediately given to check it. In this complaint
the "Balsam of Wild Cherry" is well known t(
'. e the most speedy ever dicovered: It ie indeed s
precious remedy-mild, a of° and innocent; ant
is sure to give the sufferer immediate relief, an(
quickly restore it to safety and health. rami
lies residing its the country and indeed every mo.
ther who laves her children, should always keel
this 6dicine in the house, and give it - to then
early 7
by doing so you'may often save the life o
one y u fondly love. R eniemberth is is the rumen
renridy ofthis distinguished physician, Di. Wh
tar, - which has' cured •'lhousands of CROU - I
TION, 4r.c., aftertiiery other Medicine has toilet
-. 1 - ,:lle particular when you purchaso' to as
as there is a snits of this name advertised that
entirely a differchtmedieme. • •
Prepared. oily. bf ' h WILLIAMS & Co., Cheitaisf
N 0,33 s o uth ro9t etteet, Philadelphia, -
, Spltlin.Car :, -: , ; • .. -, . • .
....,,,,, -; • .. , s_ArrEp ALLlcarr- ~
„eri:ge One; liar a Boltis:0-k , ~: -
to 3 -