,rksm — mmmourvsyse la yhoshall teach.thee"wlmn td look Tor me 0 Ati• thou af earth ? and :bast thou numbered years graves ? and marked the engulfing sea ' o'er the hopes and fears •Of lost, forgotten. man—and askist for me . • Where am I not? What hour can time kohl fast, • Pluokfromtny grasp, and bid-me;'dome not now!' llath ever moment passed.' /2.-# . Without my signet stamped npondts brow ? is 3 , outlitabeauty strong ! ' I lurk unseen To blast its promise by my withering froWn; ,And while the leaf i green On Manhood's towering erest-1 strike it Clown ! Who talks of reverence.for the aged head ? Its hosiiry honors are my eeria4 prey ; My fingers snap the thread— . The 'visage changes, and is sent Why ! , . • the . mountain's.sumyy.height-subunit Pierce the wild, traekles forest-1 am there ! Speed to Borne untried clime= • And who shall tell thee 1 do bribed to spare ? I stand beside the peasant's pallet coach; I seize the Teveller when the feast is high ; lay my freezing touch Upon the victor's plumes, :mil low they fie! libove—benedth thee—and on every side, . At midnight and at liOnn—in woe or come to Crush thy pride; And I teach' thee--"when to look ful• me." .3IIoTIIERS ANV WIVES. sy RgitEnT,Dionmi, ESQ ' • We have long been under .the impm aion,,that iii many cases in thisucountry, sad error exists in the bringing up of daugh ters. Mothers forget, we fear, that they ihotild be educated to fulfil the responsi ble duties of parents and -wives, and thus Tether qualify them to glitter in the ball .TO,Olll or shine in the gay cirdle of fashion, instead of fittinglhent for the domestic Mr vie, and those gintle and constant respOn fibilities- which are so . essential to a good wife. How frequently is it the-case, that the looks, dress, and style of a young fe 4nale are alluded to• With exultation by her nothir, as embracing all the elements suit ed to adorn and beautify the female charac- ler. How -often, too,' do' we see parents rejoicing in the fact that , Miss 11. or Miss 'C. has dozens of beauxthat scarcely a 'night goes by, that three or four do. not Tall—without pay invite slightest attention 'to, the characters of. those beaux, their -ns of livelihoeil,or their ability to reit.- der a gentle being, who hae:been brougli up with great . .teuderness and care, com fortableand happy, pow often do we see these fair young beings permitted to flirt, first with one and then another—to selee companions from the reckless 'aml ilisso lute, and thus become entangled in some =romantic love-match, the end of, which is anguish and despair. HoW often do we see fathers compelled to take , their dahgli iters homo again tinder such eixcumstances —while those whc went forth from the family tire-side, glowing and blushing with health and hope, and youth and beauty, at the end l ot-nve_yu ors are the very wreck of what they were butt so shoh a ppfdbe fore. I (.; It is always - a. -b - Td - 1. - itn — to - zee - a - young lady run doWn with beaux. These mere —.admirers are, in nine case out of ten,-un suited to be husbands, andA'ter round the light of beauty in mere vanity, and with - the object of boasting that they visaV i .."let .and such a one. Sensible. men, who are , seeking for wives, do not desire mingle with toys and fops in:Re — pursuit, and soon income disgusted wit!! the flipjrailcy and lightness of the•coquette, or of the female who is constantly decorating the - body, but • •disregarding the mind. Besides, then of business, merchants, manufacturers, and' •others, cannot week, month after month, •or year after year, in endeavoring to tracer . itain the disposition and tone of feeling of :the lady they may fancy. If they find her involved in• the giddy maze of fashion and lolly; they will soori abandon the pursuit, .anthseek. for 6.- !borequiet, 'reasonable and practical object of courtship. There is ,anotber error to which we have once or twice adverted, but which cannot be al .luded to too -often. We .refer•to the false policy of parents who are in poor or, mod - .erate circumstances, in bringini: up thdir • children with expectdtions of offers in mar : 'liege frOm 'those far beyond their station. tit too often happens thatin such cases, the ,poor girls:fade year after year and are corn ell-ariff—the ,he 4i - 6Mo , he end, at the decease of those , on „whom they had heretofore depended for :support, to eke outran existence for them selvei. How oftenhave we - heard young ladies, the daughters of respectable median ,lies.and store-keepers, Sneering at the very poisibility of their.accepting •the proffered ; hand of any but a merchant or,professional 'character, or some such individual. This 'is all wrong—radically wrong,:- . and fraught with distress to hundreds and thousands. Tar better would it be for any, female to marry a reputable, honest and active trades.: man, in a thriving business, than a doctor , or lawyer with little or no practice. Pa :rents should pay more attention to these things, - as well for themselves as for their 'children. , We think it was Major Noah 'win) once said that he lived over again a :new life as each of his. childlrea,gew a paUe, and proceeded onward to , manhood 'or Womanhood. 'if this doctrine be true, wo..ehattld so edUcate our_ offspring as to' render`them happy; and thus to secure for , ourselios the reileated sunshine that bright tens their exietence. Franhlin was an °hn e _ Tnut.-,- sing andarnsible man, and his conclusions , seldoirineorteet, He . ,said; "A. newerla -an per.tl . Bible in every house, .h good direetion4,-011,,atutlied, and' i4ioiciateti as they , rnerit--liolhe prinai -44' Op&Alp_ of vi,rtpe,':.,niproityr, di)il , k , TUST_rece an an II o ived' tilue'Bl k lb hi n ! . -14 l id9te _ able colored Silk Valuta at - the store of ' - DEAT.H. ~,, ' ~'LnIIYiILT _`Y'IE'Y ~~? The gem .of all others. which encircles a _- lady's eheraCter, is unelected piety::',lNia-1 turd May laiish Much iMAior person—the enchantMent of, the countenance the 'grace of her mein—er the strength of her intellect— l yet. her . lovelinesi is Uncrowned till, pietY throws around the 'whole the sweetness and power of her Charms, She then becomes, urteartlily„iri her temper unearthly" iq all her "desires and associa tions, The spell •which bound her affec-) Lions to'things.below it; • broken*and she .mounts on the silent wings of her • faith and hope to the habitation of God, where' it ie her delight to hold communion.. with the spirits that hate tteed.kanscimed • -from the thraldom of earth, and wreathed with a garland of glory. IterlWatuyildiy - thtow - a - , - ntagical - charm -1 over many—princes . and ,conquerers may bow ,:with Mlniiration at the.shrine 'of her riches—the sou s of science and' poetry May embalm her memory in history and song—yet" her piety must be written in the " Book of life," that when Mountains fade. away,tand everymetnento of earthly great ness is lost in the goneral wreek of 4ature, it .may..rethain and swell' the list of that mighty throng which have -heen clothed with the. mantle of righteousness, add their voices attuned to the melody of Heav-• With Such a treasure, every holy: gratifi cation on earth may be purchased, friend ship will be doubly sweet, pain and •sor , tow will loose their sting, and character will possess " a price far above rubies "—. life will be but a pleasant visit to death, and death the entrance upon a joyfdl and per petual home: • And when the notes of the last trump shall be heard, and sleeping mil lions awake 'to judgment, its possessor shall be presente'd faultless before the throne of God, with exceeding joy, and a crown of life tharshall never. fade away. • Such is piety.. Like a tender Bower, planted in the fertile soil of woman's heart, it grows, expanding its foliage and impart ing its fragrance to all around, till, trans- , platited„it is.set to bloom in perpetual. Vig orand unfadiug beauty in the paradise of God. Follow this, star—it will light you through every labyrinth in thewiklernes - s of-life—gild- the-gloom -that will gather_a, b round you in - a dying hour—'-and bring you safely over the tempestimus JOrdait, of :delta! into the haven of proinised and set,' tle&rest. THE GOLDEN MAXIM OF SIR MATTHEW HALE, -A Sabbath Well spent Brings a week of content, And health for the tails to-Morrow; But n: Sabbath profaned, -- . 1 - Whatso'cr may be gained, Ina certain !o►erunner of sorrow. LOOK JIT THIS I HARDWAREAT REDUCED PRICES; EN'in .L. ELDER, 493 111 . a i l i ' e . t st. Philadelphia, Importer and Dcalyth Foreign and Domestic Hardware, takes thi. 9 'method of in forming his friends and custniue. o f C„,,l wl i n „, l - erninl3Ttlint - he ha eeeiVedlrliFTY find . sortment of MarONV/LURE D direct trom EWand, too-ether with a generarassm meat D!.)/EST/C7IARD direct fro]. thit n'.".Vificturers, all of which has been selected by JlMmelt' and lipids with great care, expressly for his own sales.