baa..51.4.114ari • •04, • - 4 1hCalta232x 4 , Ith/4 Wednositla'y iforalingi April ,5•31:81-1. Second Lecture : The second lecture of the Fours Washington Artillery dornpany, will be deliver• . ed in Education .on Tuesday evening, .the 11th inst. by.E, W, Humrcrt, Esq. of Harrisburg. Subject—' Modern PoMidi and Politicians,' , . . - • • The Sniquehanna. . 0:4 - 'We learn from the Harrisburg and Colum bia papCre that the ice is . passing off tho usque hanna very smoothly, 'and tho river Will Roo be entirely clear of it without any 'damage bei g 'done. . Fresh Shad! Li'Among the luxuries on - the - bounteous-,table of the Mansion House Hotel in this, boroUgh ? 9 last week, were - fresh Shad; they were. caught - we believe, in the Potomac • near .Washington, and were the first of the season. • Relief Nofes. itrThe 'discount on broken Bank.rebef notes in Philadelphia ranges , at from 7 to 74, per cent. On other good but Fuspended Banks, at from 5 to per cent. ' - :10 . The,Northattiptort flank, ht Allentown ; Pa., hal closed its doors. • The Miller Doctrine! ( , Our Town has at lasi hed-a visit from two of the followers of "Father Miller;" as ho is fainili arly called, — We have heard of the preaching of these doctrines for some time in various parts of the county, but none of the prOmalgatora Of"tlio: Midnight cry" have before visited our borough. "Indeed we learn that the converts to the Miller doctrine 'are exceedingly numerous in several towns in Iris county. • The inditriduals who lectured here labareitas eiduously, lecturing three Cubes a day for three successive days, but wo do not .hear of their la bours being crowned with much success. A very few converts have been made, we le,ain, and they are neither the most gifted or the most learned of Our citizens! The lecturers themselves' were ex-' tremely illiterate persons, forming apt' illustra tions of the line that "Fools rush in Alitre angels. fear to trend !" One of them inforined his audience that helical been all his life a working man, had received ne ednerttiiiri, - and could hot consequently be expected to lecture upon this subject with much eloquence or elegance! He did mot reflect, it seems, thet -his- want- of - education — was-the-very-reason -why he should let such a subject alone ! The Miller.. ites go upon very safe ground, however, and very -modestly shelter themselves under the scriptural text, "that God has chosen the 11)0111M of this world -to confound the wise." If they can prove that this 'expression of the Scriptures was intended expressly for thek,they will have no difficulty in proving their point! It seems to us that no arson with Christian limmirximllsw 131dnals_thuall61dly predicting the. time pf so great an event as the destruction of the world, without having his riuiv ul sense shonliedat theif and daring pre: sumptiou. The man who lectured iethe Court House on Saturday is a fair example. lld has not learned t h o rudiments of education scarcely, ye t he knows the decrees Oldie Almighty! He can not, we judge, elucidate the simplest maim. matical problem, yet he has the complicate Chronology of the world, " familiar as his gar ter!" He has not learned to words correctly (as his audience ulcll know) yet he haS learned the unrevealed desipis'of(ft— thus surpa.ssihr, the angels in knowledge I Sure. ly this is "test ' • • • •_,.cu imposture, or misereOie fi •ziaticism We cannot here forbear transferring to our columns, the following, which is extracted from JEWELL'S comment upen the . fifth chapter. of the first epistle to the Thessalonians, written. two I?undred years ago. It is a- saver° but fitting re 1.6 ke to the Millers and others,.wbo in their eonfi dent predictions of the future, virtually assufne the attributes .of the Deity himself! It should at least teach those who revere the Scriptures how' do treat this matter: Afark. what Paul sailli :Ye have no need that I • . write unto you of times 1111;1 seasons; and that our Saviour mit'', It is not for you to know the times or the seasons. What may tve think, then, of them that write bookstuul alnumacks; and say such a ytar,and at melt a -time, Christ shall come ? and with these speeches frightett and mock the world ? Paul was the apostle of -Christiat elect vessel of the Holy Ghost. lie said,' have no need to write of it; you cannot know it. \Vied .need is there now that such books and pamphlets Ilionld he written.? why should . the world be troubled with such vanities.? Spare me yourimtience and give tee leave to deal with these wizards. Tell me, thou that (lost measure and be hold the-compass of Heaven, and mat•kest the con junctions, and oppositions and aspects of the stars ; and by that wisdom cans; foretell the things that shall be done hereafter ; .where leftmost thou this skill ? how earnest thou bythis deep knowledge,? Pail was ,calcen up into ..the third heaven; and heard words_tltat tannin be spoken, which are not lawful for man to . utter; yethe knew not this secret,, and might not know it. What art thou then? Art thou greater than the Apostle of Christ? Host thou been taken up into some place higher•thairthe third heaven ? Hast thou heard such wortjn as-are not lawful to ut.. _ter ? If it be so, why (lost don titter them ? Wilt -- -.thou take upon thee that whichthe holy Apostle dar ed not ? Art thou of God's privy.council ? The an gels and archangels know, not hereof, mid shall we think thatthou-knowestnt-?—Corisiderthyselfilthou art a miserable man: thy breath fedeth as the smoke.; thou art nothing but dust and ashes . ; thou enlist not attain to the knowledge hereof. e. ' ; And what is that which thou boastest? The knoyy- , ledge of that terrible day, when all flesh shall appear before the Judge; even of that time which God hath put MIAs own waver!; Oh, yain man,thoo knowest not thine own day ; titian knowest not when thy soul shall be taken from thee. * * — Tdivtitit end write they thus Is it to give a token of their knowledge? Nay, hereby they proclaim and publish their folly and want of knowledge. These two hundred years there ever have been some who have adventnred to . tell such news—and to say, In this year or that year youshall have dooms-day. Ruch a day Christ will come to judgment, and the world shall hive an end. They have appointed many such years, and days and hours. The yearsare gone; the days are past, and the hours are stint away, but the world. abideth; and sweat witness'of their folly ! . -But the meaning, of these men is good; some say : hereby they move the people to repentance: For, when men think the end of world is at hand they • will bear the-less affection to the things of this world. This is not the Way to teach repentance and amend. went of life. The people may not be taught by lies sod this had been good forthem,Gedlem . self would have used it. • God grant thenri grace-to repent,who t t us presume of knowledge , and reach so !ugh, and ye know, nothing. • - 0 . Anti what time ' thoose they to Cast abroad this 'tens ? TIM same in which the gospel, through lberperey. of God is well' tnown to most men; 'Lven no* tell they these titles when all men know that Christ with; The angels In • leaven know not of that di y.lnd ;The angels' tehold the face of Gml; and stand idhisltresenee,yet chow they not the day or the Lord. - :This isa secret which God revealeth not unto , any.. .Children ten reprove. this folly In ,theni, , ine.say, . leek to' know the secrets of Godillor -what Wien er of thing the Heavenis. KnoWttryielf;thld thou • rt but a mortal man , crawling on the ground like a form. He . thathv ill stare, upon the sun nil lest'. We dyes, "God hath , viVen . thee knowledge , 'measure; ~.theit 'eanst notitnow Moat as thou •ouldst. - ':KrioWthat which is - -fit :for , thee to khow," ad speak that :which is , be-spoken.. Think f the commandments of God, to:follow .them; for .a that is curious In searching ; the majesty of ,God, tall be oppressed and confounded by hie Thts strorweenettie 'written 1 7...i'le4rztiid corm: entator. upon tine: Bible, two i'undred years ago, rebuke some of that.;l4' • o'vere ' , valid ober° hat itrafrittoir,tt;to - 00 . * opp ` tl&hll7e.',to Miller 41:filifilllowto:$&thir0 of the prOpheey of pankel, and the twenty-fourth chapter 'of Matthew, upon which . the • Milleritea base their predictions. The Rev. genthiman clear ly exhibited from the writings of the most eminent and learned commentators,upon the Scripturcs,th al tho Ir " 'P before the latter prophecies related not to the'end of the world, but the destruction of the Temple at Jeru salem; and prov - hil from the history of Josephus, that they have been fulfilcd to the very letter The leptnre was a most, Satisfactory one, and was listenedle with - dee . p interest by the audienoi. -- We understtind that lectures upon the prophe cies have lately been delivered by the Pastors of several of the churches in our borough. The Miller Chronalogy. , • n-The Rev. Dr. Jarvis, of Middletown, Conn. is preparing for the press a work on.tho chronology of the_ Bible , in which ho designs, ainong other things, to show that wcro Mr, Miller's views of tho meaning of the prophetic writers correct, the world•would havo been burnt up Some years ago, as ho has placed the death of Christ exactly five. yeara too lute. Rev. Dr. Weeks of Newark, Delaware, one of the first Theplegions of the country, who has been. reviewing Mr„Millees theory, insists and provei that Mr, Miller is inconsistent with himself in his own theory, Contradictory with all the authorities whom he quotes, making them.contradict each other in some cases, and themselves ,sometimes. He has alreadypointed out sixty 'errors in Mr.• Miller's chron'Ology of the world • • . • - Methodist. Conference. ' • The.. Baltimore Annual Coufeienee of the Me thodist Episcopal church, which had been in ElEts Rion in that city since the 15th tilt., adjourned on Saturday the 25th. A resofution was passed, de d aringthat "the Conference deprecates the sys. tern of peui churches, and considers it an infiac. tion of the discipline, and at varrairce with the pineral economy of the church." - . The following are the appOinterent's for Chu relics in the Cm:lisle District, of which Rev. C., B. ' PErTI is Presiding Ehjer, Carlisle station—ll. Tarring. Carlisle circuit—T. Myers, J. Stine. Bloonifield—W . H. Enos, E. S. Teal. 114/in—.l. Gruber. Shippensburg slairea—M ! G. Hamilton. _ Illercersburg—W. Monroe, W. F. Mercer. - Chanzbersbarg station—,lows Stinks.. „ IWaynesburg, = S, McMullin, G. 11. Day. _ ' linererstolau —J. V. Rig - den. Boorisbere--A. A. Reese, %V. L. Spotswood. Frederick city—..W. Frederick circuit —l. Collins, J. France. Gettysburg—T. McGee, T. ill.'l2er,q, R. EMORY, President pro tear Dickinson College. . , fe ' DAPiIELS. SPANGLER, Esq has been Elected Cashier of the Chatabersburg ',Bank, in- place of J. Logan Smith,'Occeascd.. arlrltecent letters from Missionaries initke !Den ti6n Of very' "extensive revivals of _Religion in the Sandwich Islands. imp-.3ll,lllvglantitTlagialatt The Reform Dill, an abridgement of which 'we published in our last; has passed the Legislature and is iu the hands Of the Governor. It passed by a vote of ihresjoorths !if the members: The two Houses met in convention on Friday. to ballot for a State Printer. Mr. Ditllo,:khad 47. votes.; Mr. Bretton 46; scattering 17. No choice having been made, the Convention . adjoutzted to 7Vionday next, members having pledged them. selves to go for a law giving the printing to the -lowest-bidder," -- pronounce common A bill has panscd•lhc Senate altering the CPI so that 550,000 only ' c t"'' t.tay be can per month. • The House has passed a hill granting a itew trial to the Flanagans, now under sentence 0 death in Cambria county, but respited by-the Gov ernor-to hay this application made. . On Saturday the Governor :gent in a Veto of biU electing the Canal Commissioners by the ME The Governor lauds the prestiffiloardof COM: missioners, and alledges that thtir removal would be a rebuke to faithful servants, in these days, when such characters arc a rarity—refers to his former veto of a similar bill, end boasts that the, people sustained him in it, by a inajority' of 23,000: says he has no objection to give the,clec lion of these officers to the people, if they desire , but he cannot consent to their appOintment by Legislature, which he conceives to be a political scrambling for office; and he is determined to guard the people against "Legislative encroach. nicks." Moreover, lie quotes largely, from the Constitution', and the decisions of the Supreme Court, to show that the election of these officers by the Legislature, as proposed by this bill, is un constitutional, and intimates that if the bill is passed by two-thirds, that the Supreme ,Court will declare it a-nullity. A bill relating to the collection of taxes in Cum. berland and Lehigh counties, has been passed by the House. 'We have. not, ascertained what its provisions are. A. bilicornpelling.the Tide Water Canal Corn. pany to receive one.fourth of their tolls in their, own notes, passed final reading in the Senate. of_tlio Pennsylvania Canal for $1,800,000 b'as pased.the Ronso The hill• allowing the Banks to issue small. notes passed several .readings, but was lost on final passage in consequence of the impracticable shape into .which it hid been put by amendments.. Mr. Brindle moved an amendment, making a refusal 'of the Banks to-redeems their small notes In gold and silver on demand as a forfeiture of charter, provided for by the 12th of May, 1842; which was agreed-to. Sonia otbei amendments were then adopted, ind . the bill coming' hp on final passage was lost. The AppOrtionment Bill for members of the Senate and 11ouse of Ropresentatives,is in the hands of a Committee of Confer,ence, by, hom it has not yet been reported.,,, The following,a .is believed, wine its shape : ' Philadelphia city, , 2 Philadelphia county, ,' Montgomery • • 1 Chester and Delaware, Berke, . 1 Bucks,. Lancnster.and Lebanon; • • Schuylkill-and; I:elligh, -1 Northampton, Carbon and 'Monroe . , 1 Pike, Wayne, Susquehanna,and 'W,yortiing, • Bratiford.and Tioga, 1 Lycoiming,Clinton and Union, - Dauphin awl Northumberland, . Luzerne' and Columbia, • .- Cumberland - Ferny and sunitita, Adams andTrankl in, . • Bedford and Somerset, .Huntingdon, Clearfield, Armstrong and Indiana ' Westmoreland and Cambria, : Fayette and Green, ' Wnahington, • • - . Allegheny andllutlei, " . • Beaver. And 3fereerit - Crawford and Venaogo,•' . • . Varren;MaKean,'Poiter, Jeff Orson atdi Clarion : •,. ' ' Tiroituri;ofi.hicborough‘; , deliver. edli lecture on Saturday evening last in the Court House, to a very large asegpblage. of persous, in oppoeiticn to the, views of :the `, f. he' end.othd.wprld leeturers.; Mr. Thorne's lecture was particularly devoted ta exhibiting the erruneousliterpretatioh gENA'It , - 1 r I . ZIOUS.g OF. REPRESENTATIVES. Adams .. . I Jefferion Clarion - and ! Allegheny .' • = 'A • Venango '- • 2 Armstrong: • ' 1 Philadelphia city .• .8. Bedford -, ,' 2 Philadelphia county 5, .. , Beaver - 1 2. Montgomery ' . . 5 'Bradford -, • • ' 2 York • • - ' '3 Berlin . 4 Laticaster .• 5 Bticks 3 Schuylkill , 1 Butler . ' - , , 1 Northam:46n Afotirths 3 .Crawford . 2 Luzerne • 2 Centre & Clearfield C Wayne 'and Pike 1 Chester , 3 Lehigh and Carbon, 2 Columbia , '' 1 Stunmehanna,WyOnting C Northumberland 1 Hogan 0 • - 1 Cumberland • 2 -Lycomirig,Clinton and' Delaware . \- -I._ . Potter Dauphin .- • ' 2 iiiifflin • •11 Erie, , 2 Union and Juniata 2 Franklin ' 2 Perry '. Fayette , , 2 Somerset, ' - . • Cambria . ' 1 Mercer Lebanon_ ' 1 Washington , Green - -•-• •-•--- ' 1 Weitmorelaiid Huntingdon • 2 Warren and McKean, Indiana • 1 llore liliivelorimonts:•-1114*e Mei bevy. The Harrisburg Telegraph of Saturday, says it was well understood by those Who had paid MOOR to the .movements of the friends of the Governer•, .that the election of Mr. Dimock, the Niekapoo candidate for State Printer,'Was to 'se • Mire to the Governor his present Board of Canal Commiesioners, by the defeat of the bill for their removal, when the veto should be sent in ; al though this was stoutly dehhid , by the coalition. This fact *as fully catabliShed by ah unparal- eled scene, which took ;place .in the-Ileum) on • Friday • afternoon. ;• • Heckman offered the following ; • Whereas it is alleged 'that certain members of he Board of Canal Coironissioriers of this Cont. I morfwealth have held outinducements mid bribes. o members of the Legislature to corrupt. them, and thereby influence their votes on certain meas ures periding - before the Legislature; Therefore 'Resolved, That a selea eommittee of 'three be appointed to examine the said charges anti have authority to send for. persons and papers. . Mr. Heckman made sonic remarks 'in favor of , I • the resolution, Which called up Mr. Hill Ann: stroog,who stated that he had been called upon by Mr, McCulloch, of Centre, and assured' that he (Mr, Hill) could , get 'an office from the. Canal Commissioners, it lie desired it, but that it would be expected of him .to sustain the veto of the bill for the election of Canal commisSioners, and vote for Mr. Dimpcic for State Printer, intimating that lie had lfid same from the Comoiissioners, and desiring him (Mr. II.,) to call' on them. Mr. Hill did see Mr. Overfield b one - 6f the Coin. inisSioncrsoiilio tendered him an offiee'for" him self or any' friend lie might .name, worth from $BOO to $lOOO a year, if he would aid in getting them ouoof the "tight place" they were in by. voting- voting- to sustain the veto; and thus kill the bill referred to. • Mr. Sharsw.ood made a most eloquent and pow. erful speech in faVor Of the resolution, 'reviewing th shole course Of Governor Porter's Acnini: talon, and particularly the Brodheod lumber trdirsactions of 1840, and the nurnerouLattempts made by-him and his corrupt ollice-holderil to tamper with and corrupt the representatives of people,. • 'Pho resolution was agreed to, and Messrs. Heckman, Beford and Morris, were ap. I>ohtled the .Committee, • The Sa:nui•s Cam,. Tito Cou,rt Martial held at New York, for tha ZTi3f of fiti - ditr — itirfaieitzte7"if - Lritra - do.. up -its. verdict and transmitted it. to NVashingion for re vision; CaptaitOlaebenzio, it is-statad, has' been aegnittvd; and JUdgm Ibtrrs, of the United States .District Court has decided, that the courts of htw have nctinrisdiation in lb° case._ This deck skin, itis intended, shall be curried to the States Court. Hy an act of r : c tr u lC i llw ic%l7-11-Rses;orn—chrnotterininateimtil-the day after the General AectiOn in October—so 'that those elected on the 17th 3larchdo not cont. menet: their duties until ArrEa the Fall ElcCtion. [l.7osr.coN is now the theme of general inter est. at:the West. Large meetings to dismiss the policy of taking formal possessibn of and cold. nizmg it had been held at Caluinlms,,,Ohio, and several other places. Many are preparing to em• BE Er . -The ,Tion..llcnry_Clay, associated With his. son,,J. B. Clay, is again a practitioner at the bar of the "Courts in Kentochy. ' - WEasTEn.--The N. y. Llerald learns rrom a scourco entitled to credit, that, iii the &- ening of May, Mr. Daniel Webster will retire from the .State Department, and immediately threupon, a new reorganization will take place in the Cabinet. Mr. Webster has just. signified this intention to the President, and it is probable that he will either 'take the mission to London, orthat to Paris. • z.4l,!amazz a REEF CATTLE.—The. supply continues about equal to the demand, and prices in consequence re• main avithout any material change. 'rite offerings on Monday were about squ head, all of which .wel'e` taken by the butchers at 5 50 to $5 75 per 100 lbs. flogs hare becomp . moreplenty,and nriccs sales' having been made at $4 25 at the clone m the market. FLOUII.--City Mills has sold at $4.1 er bbl. on a credit of 4 months, withouti interest; mid a lot of 100 bbls at $4, I per cent off for cash, are the only °per_ attons.whicitkave come tii — Our kno . wlF.dge Aloft - the week. polders ore willing to IMP at $4. The asking price fot o lloward sweet bask anti een $4, one transaction is reported to have taken place; others have been'at $3 1122-. The timtars'are paying $3 75 per bbl. from 'the cars. GRAIN.—The receipts of Wheat come forward very sparingly,and the most inferior lots ate .taken at about 70 cents, to 83'for the best .that arc .offering; strictly prime red would meet sale, probably at 85 cents per bushel. • Good Maryland Rye has sold at 50 °pat.—There have been liirther sales of Corn (which is scarce) at 48 to" 50 cents for white, and 50 to 51 for 'yellow; the top prices only for a prime article. Oats have sold at 2.4 cents, and are in 4- mond at that price, for good. • WHISKEIE.—Whiakey is in demand at 20 cents for bbls. 'Mill 19 fee Ithds., very few 91 the latter in market., PHILADELPHIA, Match 31,1843: FLOUR AND MEAL.- , -The supply for several` rears probably has not beenso light at this season of the year as at present. Arrivals however are now. daily eepscted froth up the AverUnd from the West. Sales are being made at $4, and for family , use at $4 to $C 'of Western-4-6f Corn .Meal sales haVe been effected at $2 pl.' ins? 31 in bids, which ,are in demand. :In Idyls not so much .so—thepelFe As $l l 4.0 / / :We ylont• is also scorcesales at . $2423. Exports this week, 2708 bbls of Flour; yi,1351. to" the. West Indies; 51:6 to British N.A. Colonie, and 85710 South 'America.' Corn' meal 20 Mule .and 1150 bbls to West Indies...and 884 bble .to Aritish • Colonies. Rye Mea1;.144 hhls to British i;OlpniCs. GRAINS--Generally are searee,,,Vheat 7 lates at 83 to 85 eta... Corn—sales at 28 cta. Xlye 47 .to t 50 cents: Exporti of C0t4,1 81,2 bushele'to West in t dies. and 242 bpslAtto 'British Colonies.. , • 1 On Thursday imt,',hir.)}l9.9i9,floslltriSri , ofie.9o4e,OkStanol4P44Als,Pllo/hielitifie47thiP• ASSCS6 . OVS. BALTiMOItE, March 31, 1843 ;..vccs=sajgzT3l=B ttorney at , Law, FFFRS` his 'professional services "to the publie, Offiee at the-late residence of Mr. Jacob' Zug, oh Muin street. Carlisle, April 5, 1843. ly-,23 . • • . • JAMES 1-1. GRAHAM, • • Ottorney at Late, , HAS removed to the office recently.oc cupied by John Harper, Esti. 'on the West Side of Huritiver str4 three doors South of the Court House. . . April 5, 1843: • MANSION: HOUSE HOTEL. ' Main street, one square West of the . Court Hones CARLISLEI, -. PA. THE "subscriber having leased the eliove house, would most I•espectfully announce to his friends and the pablits generally that hp is pro pared to accommodate them entitle travelling com munity, in it style that he hopes will be foututiatis faCtOry to all who may favor him with a call. . His table will receive his especial attention, and shalt always be Abundantly supylied with the best to be hat Lin tli county. The bar is and will be found constantly supplied with the choicest Wines and tiqudrathat are to be °blamed here'and in the cities. The Stabling attached to the bruise is commodious and will be underllte.ebarge of a careful Ostler. Fle hopes by naiad attention to business to receive a liberal share of the puldie patronage. tKTIIOAttDEIiS be taken by the week, month . or Year. WILLIS FOULK. Carlisle, April 5,1843. " ' tf-‘23 CHARLES BARNITZ & CO, HAYING purchased the entire. Stock Aferchindize of Geo. NI. Hinter, have re ' moved the Stock to the lieu , Store itoom;adjoinin,, , r, Charles Ogilby and nearly opposite the Tarern Stand lately kept by Simon Wmalcrlicli, and win the °coquille). of Mr. Brown; and will lie happy to re. , eel ve the visits of the former patrons of this Store, and also solicit 'a continuance of the patronage of lija old eustorner This Stork now embraces a gen eralassortment of Fancy mid Staple GOODS,Mi ad dition Will he made thereto al atrearly.period. Far tirtAar,:attention.Wi II be given to the seleetion of filvey, Cow such as have been usually kept in (his Stork., Carlisle, April 5, 1813. • 0-0 FRESII ARRIVAL O CJEEAF 00011 M. LAPPINCER & CARE', near the Rail Road Shippensborg, have just received from Phila splendid assortment of new,lashionahle,tua. CHEAP GOODS, Yo which they invite the attention of pnrchnsers; they arc prepared to offer Goods at the lowest Cash prices. and those desirous of purchasing Cheap and fashion able Goods, will Lind it to their ad yantage to give th..ttn a ' • April 5, )543. 73111 E subscriber thankful for past favors .e 1 bega leave to ittl'orm his 11.4101 itiol the pubhc iu general, that he tentinmes to early oa the. TA➢LOR ING BUSINESS; nil its vaviotis branches tit the room occupied by im for-the-I:1st- two-years,iml-1 igh stce,tocestmf_the: ;hurt Ilouse;lkdjoinitig N. \V. Wood's store, where is.premict tl to execute, :ill kinds of work in hie nr, 'tithe hest nod most fitsh'imethle manneromil ponthe shortest notice. eliarges tteole to suit the Ines. By Ftriet titmution to business lie still solicits share of the public patronage. dm-13 Mde, April 5,1843. alilL'Al! BLINDS, / / at's B • O. 14 , North street, above Nlarket, 111;1- ,rkaylelphin, Chraf)itouse and Sign. l'aiinter nod Glazier,and Venitian Blind-Nlaiitifeeturerdiasit large aiiil'haudso assortment of • lieP IP 8, • .I,rays on hand, for l•ariety, beauty and style of workmanship, will 'eel those (ll' low other es tablishment in Philadelphia, which u ill he sold ak the %cry lowest prices. Cmintry I. the Fon , . ea Otm 111.1Nns repaired and trimmed SIGNS paint ed_aul,l SO to 45. Tin. citizens itf Canulmj•lnnil County t!re- full l• invited to tall hern., purchasing claewhyre. Itila. April 5, 181-3. • aim -^3 ATTENTION TO LAST NOTICE, Trig subscriberhsvinff concluded a sale and transfer 0f.1119 forittei. Stork of •Nf ereltti din: to Clinelex 11:11.11i N . , :CO. Iletiil'OS a speedy set dement of all his outstanding. accomit4, and requiems . , all llinse indebted to come forward and diselinege their accounts witlioutt u!rlay, 00 the Books will lie putt into other Minds for collection very Rhortly. April 5, 1819, LAS'Et' ,NOTIPtE. IN BANKRUPTCY. undersigned will attend at Bretem's in Carlisle, tin Nlonday the 10th .April 1843, to collect notes of Daniel P. Scherhalin, after which time Es(oire Irvin will collect the same. DAVID COBLE, • Assignee in Bankruptcy of D. P. Sclierhalm. April 5, 1813, • BRAND E TIPS PILLS. _ THE subscribers Inning received a transfer of the Agency of the above celebrated Medicine, will have at all times a simply of the zrnuine Pills on hand, where they can he had as id the former Agent& CILAULES BARNITZ • April s', 13.13., tf-23 FOR SALE. 'TIDE subscriber wishing to move to the \Vest, of fees fur sale,'', tracts of superior LIINE-370HE LAHD 3 lying Iwo miles South of Shepherdslown, , One Tract •containintr •155 .Acres well lin proved; baying on it a good Dwelling and a barn. Also two' wells of 'Wato. - iii the ; Two grind Orehavds, and a quarry of superior white Marble. Also4thout h 4 or 50 Acres ol good Timber. Ad joining ihe above is One Tract of Land containing 57 Acres, in a good Mate or tillage and a part well timbered, but without buildings. • Any person w tilling to buy would do well to call and see, when the terms will he made known by the owner living on the (aim. The above farms.will be sold seperately or ,to. gether, to suit purchasers. • April 5, 1843. MCAT/LES MOLER. St-93 Estate of Jakob Hoover, deceased. Natitt r HEREB:k GlVENthat letters.'of Admin. istration upon tile estate of Jacoh Hoover, late of _East Pennsborough township, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber, residing in the same township. All persons having Adams against said estate are requested to presont them duly authenticatedfor settlement, and ,those in -debted will malmpayment to MOSES-HOOVER. . April .5, IBA3. • 6t429 ]stats of Jacob Dougherty, deed. ** • IS HEREBY GIVEN that letters of Adminis. tration upon the estate of JACOB DOUGH ERTY:Iate of West Pennaborough township, deceased; haro , been granted•io.the subodriber re. siding in the same township. All persons•having clime against said 'estate are present them duly antheritiCated for isettletnem, and those indebted will malte,payment to • GEORGE ROTH. March;al,lB4Q. • s 6 " 3 . ' - . Goodand'. Cheapi lIOMEOPATII/C tke' .. 'k; r ) 4 ther best Cho ualates, Sat Soda and. Sa rani!, Cigars of all qualities, Cavendish, Plug and Twist Tolpeco, cedai..Tobs and Buckets,' Painted Iluafcetsand Quid eis;Afould Candles, Castile,-Viriegatedand Brown Soap; Maret, , Clotlies and Bdshel Baskets,. 'osier- PIITAr. 6 4 I O-9r,thei best it;•7this,Orosso, .Spat•eiff. .; . ;WAVIn r- t - • Mg 10. 'The account of Henry Brenneman, Ad. ministrator of James Cummins, late of Allen township, deceased: 31. TM. account ... of Samuel Worst, Adminis trator of Martin Molder, late of the Borough of Mechanicsburg, deceased. 12. '►'he account of John Swisher, Executor of Andrew Swisher, late •of the 13oroUgh of Me.. chanicsburg, deceased: 13 The necoUntaElV-illittio-11,11-otrayrAtlinin— ignitor of Mary I). Ramsey, late uf the Borough of Carlisle; .deceuse,l. The account of Georga Burley, Jr., aliur dian of Jaciih Edinger, &tinny! Eslingcr and Levi Eslinger; filed by George Rupp;• Jr. Adnunistra_ tor of - thc mad Gorge Rupley, Jr. 15. The, account of Jacob Zeigler, Guardian of Philip Corninan, a minor son tif Philip Coin !nun, late of'Norfli iddleion township, deceased. • JACOB BRETZ, Register. qa,te_ol_,,. John FII)Pri0; IrLdper.-is (TN, that lette , .a of Ailtoihis tratiott on the EttateufJOllN FilL.:l{l.l:, Jr. late of Silree tipriq. Imi:ie.:hip, Cumberla n d totioty, de ettits,d, have this, day beets issued by Ilse n Register in and for the said Cotility l to the subscriber who residys iu Monroe I.o . .rubliil), n, ! 3 aill (•;oliollV All persims liaving,elltints Or de """d3.'" :ooSt. eclat) , it,' ..` 4lll t k 11 • - • cAtiesle, 0 10.1 lio‘‘ it 14.1161" .1-111:• indrlitell fn outice!ietvittert to J A Co It- NI ESLEY, Cd•- Estate?UKUiiiham-Ditfow, decca. • si - o:REBy GIVEN, that letters of Admiois g the Estate of AltlEk I 1 A 'AI DITLOW, late of South Aliddleton too nship, Cumberland en. deeenNed, have this day been issued by the Itegistcr intuul line said Co'udv, to the subseeifiers. All pm.- . s - ons having claims ne demands againht the 'Estate of said deredent,a6e requested to make knOwn the same oithout delay, and those indebted to make payment immediately to GI O. \V. itiTSER. ii-23 ARCHER'S. LARD LAMPS RC lIE R'S PATENT LARD LAMP „....,.„-„„in g „.„,„, ~,,• ~,„„„ber. l'hu light ts .equal• to the bet sperm-oil, is eotirely crow front smoke or smell, and ..osts rest: than half the price. . .1 he apparatus for frail g the lard is neat and sihiple, does not th wart Irmo the apprarance, is not liable to get out Of repair, and may he !Tidied ,at a small (..cpenst• to those kinds tiny in use. Confident that dhis article requires only to' he koZtivn to come into general use, I respectfully invite the public to call and see them in orratirm. M. IIAItRIS. Carlisle; March C 2,1833: tf-5 cl WS, • 'ikt‘ li)% .OWN SCI 0, 1 1 f HAVE received my annual supply of AL. GARDEN' SKI.IDS, from 111 r, jaatilerth. %% filch are WIIITRIIieII fresh. S. ELuorr. Alarch 8,1813. ti:49 TKt; re d itors of WIt,LIAM C. CUM AIINS, will take notice, that in the .matter of the account of Robert Gilmor, his assignee,thc Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland county, appointed Robert Scott, A utlitorto marshal- the assets 'to and amongthe creditors. :Sold said Auditor will attend, for that purpose, at the public house now occupied by John Rehuck, in Shippensburg, on thellth day of April next, at 2 o'clock • ROBERT GILMOR, Assignee. March IS, 1849. ' • 6t-20. . CALL _Cr Luovr* 'FOR a .1/cry superior article of SPERM OlL;it j! is, lam induced to'. believe, of a gia n t' quail!y than any now for ,sale In Carlisle, and in price as cheap as the ebettheat for Cash. Alio; SE'ERIM CANDLES, pure at 87,1.', Ber shire - and •Wohnrn Pigs • ,FOR. BALE, . AL FEW pair of Berkshire and Woburn Pigs of pure blood, winch may be taken • from. the sow about the first' of April, ,price $lO. ,Also, a full blooded • • Dir,tropaszurma BULL, This animal Was purchased. for $1 SQ, when be ilia about .twe' years he mill be - six 'this spring. a .bright red, perfectly gentle and very.haUdsome, Ile , is-sold only because dm 'owner has two.. 'Prlcesso. Ile may be seep at the reiaidence. of the 'll,uhabriber,. one.mile west of Carlisle, on thelleittoad. , JACOB Marvin Farm, March . • OV\ FAL' . iv - 1041A-irrS; _lUS.T.reeeivea;'Bitie gitiP.,; awe colored Biikyelv.4tai Car isle Mkt Artillery!: • ITIHE members of the Carlisle Artillery CQm. puny . will please take notice, that there will be an election heldvat - the public. house of David Blear, Etq., on Saturday, the Bth day of April next„ in this borough, between the hours -of 1.0-and 6 d'- olock;for the purpose of electing, . .. One Second Llentennint for said eompanyOn the room of Lieutenant George W. Ct'op,.resigned. . Captain, Samuel Thompson will act as Judge of said election. WILLIAM MOUDY, lieutenant Colonel. Carlisle, M,arclt po, 103, To the EleCtort of Cumberland • , • _County. - rt, ELLOW- CITIZENS: -1 intend to be candi r date tor the office of SUEIfUIFF.of Curni)er land county at the nett and feel - grateful to you for 'your support ANDREW' ROBERTS. Carlisle March V 9,1843. . - • To Ike 6 Votpts of Camberland County. GcNTr.inciv :—I offer myself as a eaniiidate for die office of SHERIFF of Cumberland county, arid will be thankful to you fur .your support. MICHAEL HOLCOAIB. Carlisle, March 22, 1843. . to -2t • Register's Notice, • R.F.GisTE,, , OFFICE; _ , - Carlisle, March 2:51111843. ~ . . 'NKr °TICE. is hereby' given to all L4niccs IA Creditori; and other person's concerned, tha o following Seeinnits.liave been filch in this cacti for examination by the accountants therein nem. cd; and will be pi•esented to the Orphans! Court of Cumberland county for confirmation and allow= mince on Ttiesday the .2.sthdny of April, A. D. • 1843, viz: ' • • . . 1. The account-of SarinieFAngle,Administrm tor of John Laelten?, late of the .borough of t•ihippensburg, dccensecl. • . 2. The account 'of John Stouglr, Junior, Ad. ministi atm of John Stough, Sen. late of Sloughs. town, Cumberland county, deceased.' •3. The account of George Donnell, Admin. Istrator of Dr. John Frazer, late of. Churchtown, •Ceinbcrland county, deceased. ' 4. The account of Samuel t.ra.or of Samuel Bricker, late 'of Newton town• ship, deceara. 5. The account of Henry C. Cromer, Adminis. trator of Samuel - Gehr, late' of Allen township,. deceased. • 6. The account of George Rupp, jun., one of the Executors of Daniel-Shiretnan, sen., late of-Shire ma nstown, Cumberland eoutity,, deceased. 7. The account of John Hupp, one of the Ex ecutors of Daniel Shireman, sen., late of Shire manstown, Cumberland county, deceased, 8. The account. of Matthew Davidson, Admin.' istrator of Elizabeth Ferguson, late of West pennsborough township, deceased. 9. The account of Samuel Myer and John My er; AlhilinistratorS of John Myor, late of Frank ford :toA•nslitp,. deceas6d.. Nviirr :Vrarell 1313 f ~~~'~~ IVILTAAM LINE ? GE - oRGE nurLoNl ,S• is Alaruh '2O; 1843, At illfinuiliettirers . Peaces! ' - . :. 1.- 3 (3Z) a a Cao Cno •. . • .1130.11 RD• WITHOUT LODG.I4'O. S IX or EIGHT genteel Boardes will be. taken as above, and • comfoCtably accommodated, at $1 50 per week, if paid in advance, or once a month, when due, Enquire of the Printer after tat April. March 22,1843. Si ELLIOTT AfikFFFll,9 sale at very reduced.priees a full CP assortment of Diciigsf, Medicines, Dye-Stuffs, • PALNTS, &c. togetheß with Stationary, Fine Cali Paper, by th 6. Ream, Letter do -Slates by-the dozen, Silyer Pencils, Drawing do Sable heir do., Drawing Paper, Sealing Vac, Wafers, Punkin ves, of a thin quality, Painting brushes; Cray- Mg do. Shaving do. Teeth_ dm . - - • I , lcshAW, Shaving anti • _ I:olp! j Soamijii great ' ..varrety,Varnish, Spices Ground and Ungr mend., . . . , • Togethei• witleeveg other article in the Drug line, theattention or Physicians, Country Meridtants . noil Dyers, is solicited as I urn detertnine,to sell at' very low prices for Cash. . Cindisle, March 15,1843. tf Sheriff's Sales. Y virtue of a writ of Veoditiotti Exponag,to me directed; issued out of the Cotirt of Cumnon Plcas of Ctimberland county, will be 'exposed to -pnblie sale at the Court noirae, in the borough of .Carlisle- ' On Saturday the fith of April, 1813,at 10' o'cloitk,A. M. the following described Real Me, viz:— ' A Lot of Ground, situate in the borough of Carlisle, containing'6o, feet in breadth and 240 feet in depth, more or less, adjoining"a lot of the Rev. Thomas Creigh, on the :West, au alley on the North, The Main street on the SOuth, and the public squard on. the \Vest, having thereon erected a large Iwo story Stone 110USti, and eight two story Brick hintses'ealledllarpers' rOw. ' Also,, A Lot of Ground, situate in the borough 'of Carlisle, co' undoing and acre, more or Tess, adjoining the llanoVer and Carlisle Turnpike road on the East, John A goew on' the West, a laoe. nit the South,and a lot of Miss'Noble's on the West. Seized and !alien in execution as' the, prOperty of .John !harper, Esq. and to be sold by Inc PAUL MARTIN, Sheriff. Sheriff's - Office, Carlisle, March 22, 1843. LAVES A STATFLONEYa '!UNEEDIER.: — &'IIUNTER, Cheal V.W.l36oksellers and SititiotTes, in Malts sired iiiiii;tltdoor :Nisi (tithe public square, and nearly op posits Wunderlielt's lintel, keep eonittantly ou ham . the dilierent kintls now in use of School nooks, reliscellancoras arid • Monk nooks, Paper. cft.c, 01 the hest bizi , !iiig and fittest editions, till or which they will sell o ut rroin.lo to 50 prt•. cent. below the tisimil 'prices. Also, Matra Drother Jon mitt'. an lista New or' di receivetlyegularlyas S0011 . :18 they um off the press. IMAGAZINES Sargeaot's, nod Magazines Godev's Lady's Book, and Ladies' Companion, re Select Libraiy of Religious Literature;. Four fir , t Nos. i'eceived, which contain D'A ul ice's If is!ney of llot •Reformation, cninplee, with the ex ception or one number, u iv ill lie received in toe _centfl_pev number. - Campbell's Foreign Monthly or Select Miscellany of the TerioditallateratA..ii•nfi Great. Britain, whieli will be oecasionally . illiiqt:llleit' with tic:signs on Sfeel,,Woodeuts and Pottraits of distinguished individuals. Price 50 rents per No: Libraries, Library Companies, a la ud Clubs, sup_ plied at the'.lowest. prices. . - 20,000 POUNDS OF ILACAS wanted as above, for whieli - thelaig,best price will be • CL0:4711 .1 2 .1.1.4r0 COVERS. A superior article mill be sold,,a bargain for cash ad the Store or thr: soscribm Fa. 15,1843, • GE(). W. lIITNEJL BOOTS ; • I am now receivinr, a large lot of Boots and Shoes of all descriptions, and will sell them at greatly re duced prices for Cash, call at the hld stano opposite Hotel. OCILBV. m a `A . :l 15,1513. tf-20 —• D i s h o ..'4 , I ton of liar: nership. lirretnfore existion• between the s l o o .: er ib er i tonne and style of A. Sz Nowis hereby tlissi,, l ved by mittual consent, all demands a!,aiust said fi rm L-anti all debts due them by book account or otherwisi:l..ts t o b e set t led with' Hobert Snodgrass, who is fully to close ,said concern. ARMSTRONG '.1 .0131 J-;) • ROBERT NOBLE.. Carlisle, INliireli 13, 1813. 3t-20 Application for Tavern License. ,the !bromide the Judges of the Court of Gem oral ()miller Sessions of thcf, Peace of Comber land courtly, nt April Sessions, A. D. 1833., . • rpHE Petition of-Christian-Rant!ails; of -a- the township of Hopewell, respectfully retire sents,That he is will provided with house room-and other conveniences for the lodgin g and accotninoda lion -of strangers and travellers at the house he now °comics:is a tavern in the too n of Newbury in said too nship, he thjrclore prays the honorable. Court to grant him is license for the same, and he will ever pray, &c. ME CHRISTIAN RANDALLS. 3t-CO Alardifs,lB43 R's, the subscribers, citizens of the township of Hopewell, in which the above mentioped inn or tavern prayed to lie licensed is be kept, do certify that the above named applicant is of good repine fir honesty and temperance, midis pro vided with - house- •roont and .conveniences for the. lodgilig and accommodation of 'strangers and trav ellers, and that such an inn or; tavern is necemry to accommodate the public and entertain strangors and :yawners.. lobo AfeCay .Jatnes Henderson ° 'Peter Le-her McCav C. W. Gladwelb Adam Ginika Hobert .1.. Patterson George Gnrikel . Adam Moniry J. Robert Clark 'Robert Qiiigley 'NV. S., Renshaw. • John Craig David Lesher. Application for Tavern License To the I(onan'aole the Alleys cf the Court of Gener al Qoarter Sessions, of'the Pence of Canter land county, at .April Sessions, !I. 1835. The Petition of Philip' Ilrechhill respectfully _represents,iltLyoutitionerls_proyiiled_wit it the_ necessary requisites, for keeping a !louse of Palle Entertainment, in the house .he now °copies, in South Middleton township; your ,petitioner there-, fore prays your honors to grant „him a license for We same the ensuing year, commencing on the lot day of April, A. 1). 1843. .PIIILIP BRECUBILL. 111arch15,1843. ,te-20 We the undersigned citizens of S. Afiddleton tp. in the comity of Cumberland, do.certifv.that we're well acquainted . with .the , above named P. Smell . - bill, and that he is olgood r'epnry for honesty, and Temperance, and is well provided with house, and conviencies for lodging and accommedation of Strongors,mul Travellers, imilso therefore, s,recom mend him to your honours, as well 'deserving of a license, and•furthi:r say that, a Taviituat.this stand is an neco'mmodation.tod,he Public. , Jacob Gotsliall rrederick Rider Christian Wolf ,James McGlone Fren. Breckbill • ,Jo a nn - • Jacob Wise.Sr Abraham Kaufman • John Kanfonin 3adoh Weire Isaac Kaufman Samuel Plank • • John Wunderlich Jr. • • • Application for Tavern License. To the Honorahlethe Judges of the Corirt of Genei;al Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of GUmberland, at april Sessions, VI. D. 1843: , lIIVOTICE r is hereby, given that 1 intend `I to apply nt the next term of the Court of QUar ter Sessions *of Cumberland county, for License to keep - ft publio'house, in the houseJ at present oeen py in the borough of 4logbestawn. WILLIAM qtYllgtMe. March w2;1.849, WE, the subscribers,citizens of the borough of Iloguestown, in *Web' the above ; mentioned inn ok , tavern, prayed to be licensed, is propoaetho be kept, oe certify Oa Wm. Quigleyy the above named ap plicant, is of good repute for honeityAnd ,temper since and is , provided tvithhouseroom and other conveniences for,the lodging and accommodation of straegers antkeavellere, and that such an Inn.or tav ern to necessary to accommociatefthe,public sad .en-• tertain strangers and trayulleks. , r, • Dayid U. Wills • .John M. Marlin .; lartit*r John Lutz' Carey • -*ergo Houck • ' • ,••I'Jimee;u3tild'ereiti ,Joseth - 00167-;.:.!. , W , CARLISLE-FEMALE SEMINARY, IDIS institution went into • operation on the .114. day of October, A. D. 1898,• under the. general sup_crintendance of the hoard. of Trustees. It wen arranged iii — differUnt departments,; each by spatial . agreement under the itnmediato.auperintendenee of the most 'efficient aipl competent instructora. :Books of reference, globes, maps, approved works on draw ing and painting; were provided Out of the State apt. propriation; a thorough - course of instruction limit prescribed, embracing all the :vciri tins • branches' of ti liberal edecation. ?articular faCilities have beeu af forded for instruction in languages ancient and rood; ern- music; instrumental and vocill,:aritlimetio and nalieMatios; nattiril and moral aciaiiiie;•drawing and painting ; and whatever else - appeared - to the Trustees to be useful Or ornamental. - . _ . .. .. . . . _ "The Tru'ces have been have special Instructors employed from time to time, so as .to efe lei:mato by ample and efficient means all"thelittr= poses of the Legislature indicated in tire differvnt provisions of-the charter: - - - ' . . .. Excellent acconumidations,are provided for young ...dies Iron) a distance. ' They 'hoard with, pad Ore trahl• the hutnecliatu care of some of the inbtructora. Day scholars sic reeeiveclAin heretofore. - - .. „ . . " The Trusteel were much 'gratified tit a receut meeting in reviewing the active operations of the in stitution, and authorized a Lender to the public, of .thi,irinianironus and cordial asinitance;thatilie means licre . olfcred for acquiring a complete and thorough education, are no where surpassed. . ' , = , N. B. The department under 'Ws. Stevens' egret, from.the Ist April neit, will he kept in a large and commodious house in \Vest street: Tiles 'other department where it now is, in Main street. „ 17,:a 2WD ZrelltoV Establishment, HE'subseribers beg-leave to announce to the public, that they have opened ,a'SOOP, in West Jligh Street, next dody to Mr. 13ernard Oen: deb' Watchmaker shop, nearly opposite Maar-, lane's lintel, under the firm of MEOK; BOWLER, !LARDER & Co. 'where they are prepared .to.exe.: erne all kinds of Ork - iiv their line in the znostrork manlike'rinumer, mid in the neatest and most fashion: able style, and nt moderate prices. • A cutter has beedemployed who has had I oniel periente in some of , our most fashionable They have also . sc . eured the hest Workman, so ,that all who will liivor diem with their custom, pay rely upon having' their work done in the best manner. (aCountry Cloth will he made up as reasonable as it can be done in the comitry. *„! Country produce will be taken In exeliango.: fur work. 'IL J. IECK, - S. W. BOWLER, JOHN IMIDEI4-1- CEO. Z, BENTZ, W. B. PARKINSON. tf-17 EMI Carlisle,Feb. 22,1843 • . Dr; EX, Ebaugh, . LZ(.7, l 2tallitUTl.UaWltilloi2o • - WOULD respectfully inform his friendstthat • he has returned and will remain some time in Carlisle. lie may be-consulted on,profea• sional business at Me.Parlane'a Hotel. .Narch.l, 1843 11 QM ESA LE 111 (D 11) 11 ik (1) la Xv. 77} Olarket Side---aboopd. nrr"GgsgilaSurtasli—nt.Aucti9n. — pFices.„e4 . 1• . . „ . . • - . , : 11111 , „4iiliacribere •hpve determined to • r fi 2 .7.-, 4 , ,,k - Ash-glik•t. their business upon,theCAsit System, tin 'will .still'ilteir: Goods. its low, if itotat a lower grade of profit, than has heretofore been done in Philadelphitu—not one article reduced very low, in the expectation of makin,, , • it up on other Goods;— .. but their prices ',hall be all corresponding low. Their ' prices till he governed by the Auction rates-'-sell- . mg at the same prices, nett Cash, us the Auctions do on time—contenting' themselves 'with the Interest for triciiiise as their Profit. Tins cannot but present a-strungjnduytanapt_tor_buyers,es . pecintly fretalho_ _. Country, to call on them iti preference to pui•atitamg .. ii Auctio n ~ Ishere yersons do not get . he timeAlis coma, tnilesi - lECIr bilii reach a cerCiin amotint, to which amount it is nut always convenient Tor Coun try Buyers to purchase; al d it will also avoid the disadvantage of large lots, anti afford more time to ". select. --.-• Tiwy, de,i F n to avail filmic:tree ot every.facilltl, in both the New York ne wt 11 iya the Philadelphia A notions, 1111,1%)0Ulillg their k00(13 at the lowest pos-• eibit rates. . Test.or Ex Perk' in this matter, bee_ We now i.e.mcetrelly invite public to the kern of the truth or our i lig the best way to convince t Korn ilaOleirlePtCY• Unitedk States Court, EASTERN DISnocT OF PENNSYLVANIA rA 07E10E. IDETITIONS for Discharge and .Certi- A.. ficate wider the Bankrupt Law, have beau fit- eal• by . . JOAN JOHNSON, forinerli Nlerchatit of Harrisburg, awl late contractor on publio works, by . the -firth of.Jacoh A. Oorgas & • Co. Cumberland co. and SATURDAY, the rrth day of MAY next, at . II o'clock, A. M. is appointed for the hearing there of, beibre the said Court,sittingin Hankruptcy,attho - District Courtroom in the Cite prphiladelphia,whett and where the Creditors of themitl Petitinners, who hat eproved dick-Debts, and all otherpersons in in terest, may appear and s'iow-catise,.if furr.ttey havq, why stiiilt Discharge and Certificate should not ha • . granted.n FRAS. HOPKINSON, Clerk of the District Court. 4,0-20 ' March 15, 1841 `&O2llV2a InETITIONS for Discharge and Certificate un der Ihr Banti m pt licelifiled by DAVID FREE, Farmer and Carpenter, - . • Cumberland co. A',VOREW BARMCK, late Distiller,. now . 'Mason, ' cm. JOAN SOU RBECK, late Merchantnow. Innkeeper.. do. JEREMIAD MYERS, Farmer, ' • do. MICHAEL M. EGE, late Manager &.Clerk ' .Alount !lolly Iron Works, dr, and SATURDAY thes2llth (la c y of APRIL neat, .1. II o'clock, A. Al . is appointed for the hearing there:- .It , before the said Court, sitting in Bankruptcy, at the District Court Room, in.the City of Philadelphia; when and where the Creditors of the said Petitioner, who have proved their Debts; and all persons in in. :crest, mav appear and show cause, If s any they have,•. 'why such 'Discharges and Certificates should not be granted. ' ' 'PRASAIOPRINSON, Clerk of the District Court. 101. 'INDOW GLASS. 10 by 1C). and 8 by 10, for sale low.by4e box, by March 8,1843 . :8. kLUOTT. Alio Supply of :groceries. IILT, E have l inst .reeei.vetl from the City, a small 1Y W lot of CRANRERIES, FIGS, CURANTS, crrnos and LEMONS-fresh and of the best. qualities. Also, a lot of superior mild novth River CHEESE, Spices °fall kinds, grotind and ungrtiond, and in addition a general assortrudnt of the,best javn and Rio Coffees and Brown Sugars, ati also )rbite 1111ValiR and Loaf Sugars of common and , finest . qualities, And a lot of the finest Crushed Loal.Sugaro. a lot of fittest quality of Starch, for kale at the low r est prices. Call at our Grocery 'Store, West Main streei.4. NV; _._ • Carlisle, Mnrch.l,4Bl3. • COIJ os T rROV 1.4 A1111411.1(0111. HERE O the Hon. SA atonr. 4 llnratnuerrri.'. eident Judge of the Conti. .tif .CounnorA, of the Ninth Judicial district ,of •vania; arid .the Hon. Jour; STUART and Taoism. C. Aliti.ce, Judgescof -the said.Courtof Common ' Pleas fof the county of ; Cumberltuid; haye,,issued • their precept bearing date of-the 20th day, ofiani 1843, and tome directed, :forholding a ‘lctlint or. Oyer and Terminer, Generel Jail Delivery, , General ,Quarter Sessions ,of-the•Peacit, at-Cat lisle, on 'the second Monday .of' Apt.11,1843,..4* • ing the 10th day—at 10 o',ehialtimthe forenoon NOTICE ISItERESY.GIVEN tosthe Coroner orustiyea of .th,c.reace and-CqnottcAtilee of-the • link County of Cumberland, that they, be then ant there in their •preper .per:rons, Reiortle, Examination. Othe?.. ,remembrances, to,do:the 'things whietiAtilthi4so , *,. fice respectively :appertain--.arid , those.,!alto hound recogrijiettees to proai:eute _ PrigollOns that tre.,iar:tliert . may be At the /Jeil 4,, • said gerrity, te 'he -then arid- thxre .to egainstithein sn shall be ju st and right. - ". • Oitrlield; . the 2d day; of - ' l e 43 l, 6lll ,lithe 66th year ;deliee. ' • • • •-• • Mae wr OEM I=l • l'ireillent of thi , - 4ta-t2O tf.lB tGAJI