Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, April 05, 1843, Image 2

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    2 1 21liALD minzavia
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Subject to the decision of a Nhtional Convention
—'-SPECIALLA" . FOrt;illE pAn3 Lie EYE."
1. A sound National Currency, regulated by the
will and authority Of the Nation.
2. An adequate Revenue, with Lir Protection to
American Industry. '
B. Just restraints on the Executive power, cm
braeiug a' further restriction on the exercise of
the Vetm
4. A faithful administration of the publiOdomain,
• with an. equitable distribution of the,nroreeds
°reales of it among all the States..
5. An honest and economical -administriition of
General GoiTirnment, Innvitta publio calcors
perfect freedom of Alit.mglit and of the right.of
suffrage; but with suitable restraints against
improper - interference in elections. •
6. An'atneodine:nt" to, the Coatitutien, limiting,
the incumbent •of the Presidential office to a
— Theso objects attained, I think that we Should
4:this° to be afflicted with bad administration of
the Government.—llENßY CLAY,
Gee). Seott's Letter
11:1"A letter from pen. Winfield Scott; the dis
linguished. of' tho U. S. Army,
will be found in to-day's pnper. Ills views of
Slavery stripe us as liberal and correct, and we,
for otir . part,cangivethemOu'r cordial concurrence.
. . .
ll:f.jacob Reller,ofMountJoy t'o s ivnahip, Adams
vcomity, committed suicide on Wednesday last, by
' hanging liiing/f in liis Mill. Mr. Keller vas a
candidatcfoi Sheriff' last fall, and a piominent
man in his neighbourhood. ..No cause is assigiied
• for 'the rash act. .e
'Rumors' from Wait ) ! ngton,
___A.lanibt_hasimen_currelit.for sovoral days that
a rupture had taken Cabinet, between
• Sohn C,Sponcer, Secretary, of the Treasury, and
_Mr. Upshur, Secretary, of
.the Navy,. arisinff opt
of the report of the Court Martial acquitting
Commander Mackenzie. 'A
cabinet counsel was
held on the case, at which it is said Mr. Spencer
insisted on Mackenzie's removal, which was op.
7VoTe - d - rtiy - Wsyfind a cUllision tools
This rumor is since denied, but-the explanation
elVell of ills very Lune: -It is said the story aroso
from some one seeing Mr. Spencer swinging. his
arms rather violently in* company with
another gentleman!
1911 r:.
This end-of.the-werW lecturer is not dead as
was reported, but ii;, however, extremly ill. Ho
is now in Rock City, about six miles from Ball-.
Pton Spa,_Nei' York. He has the erysipelas, and
is deeply . afibeted othertvise,hcing woro,down by
his iticessant labors for the last four months.—
But he is not in any danger at this time Brother
Dimes says he will getup in a. few, weeks.'
Firemens , C,zlebration
On Monday the 27th ult.,:the firemen of Philti
-delphia hatta great celebration. Up:Wards of 60
companies were out in procession, with splendid
apparatus and brilliant dresses. 'Plicy numbered
more than four thousand six - hundred persons.
Unclaimed Rewards. I I
Dctr-Hon. Charles McClure, Secretary of, the
• * Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, gives notice that
there are six silver medals yet remaining. uncalled
for in his office, that were voted by the Legisla.
lure of this State, at the sbssion of lel3-:14, to
-those citizens of Pennsylvania who gallantly vol.
.unteercd on board the 'American squadron on
LakeTric,in 11113, in compliment to their bravery
in that naval action. They bear the names of
-John Cook,-Josiah 'Goodrich, Isaac B. Steal, Ja.
cob Levensetter, Lyman Griswell and .Joseph
- z.Voods.
A SCAAIP.—The Harrisburg Reporter of Fri.
day last, consigns to lasting infamy a fellow nam
ed GEORGE PIENEAO, who, says the Reporter, so
far imposed on the citizens of Harrisburg,, as to
persuade them to..form"a class for the study of
Freneh—wholoarded at a fashionable house, and
who sported fine clothes and expensive jewelry,
ran off- on Wednesday night last; cheating us
• out of our dues for advertising—as well as'our
brothers-of the quill—leaving his landlord a bill
of slooi — to be balanced in some new fashioned
mode—stealing $3O in gold front the trunk of a
fellow lodger, arid committing other varieties of
rascality too tediouato_detail.__He_iiabout-5-feet
11 inches highsharp features—very thin, and
says he is a Canadian Frenchman.
CCIIIPQRT.—We aro informed by a friend that
he saw an astronomical calculation in an English
paper, last January, in which it was asserted that
in consequence of the relative position of a comet,
to one of the.plau,ets, we would have vory mild
weather in- January;
. but that in - and after the
month ofFobruary i said Comet having changed
its quarters, the weather would bo the severest
that has ever •boenielt since the year of 1776,,
Thisliredictiorr has been faithfully fulfilled.
cr‘:?The' lion. Samuel litcß:Oberts,'Senator in
Congresi fromllliooie , died in Cincinnati on
Monday, egad forty years, after a short illness, re-,
• suiting from, .a cold taken in crossing themoun.
tains, on his way home from-the 'session which
• has recent4y closed.
cO - • A'A great - . public meeting was • held at
4 Charleston; S.C., on thel2th, at which • John'C.
• Calhoun. Was nominated to the Presideticy, and a
National Convention to be held in May, /844,
was recommended.; •
EXPENTIOTf TO Lisears:—A vessel id to be char.
tered.inuneidiatcly, to proceed :& - New Orleans,
• arid sail . lbencet. with about seventy liberated
Blareoviet the Mr's; Reed, of Miseissippi,
and certain Otherifiurn Kentucky, for Lilieria.
traZbe latitaselpotiton have adopted the lu
diciang COM
faiiitlon'reera;i 7 ' g ex in the street:
At.the ainttatoleeticefoc,city officers; in
lirielte'eter;"l4,":; there wee : a ,tie for Aldermen,
in'the agent& ward 4 3n•Vtiredneedpy lad a second
took place; *hick Teenitcd lit the election of
t tint Whig candidate, Mr. SelYe, - hy 119 majority.
Abdul laVen weektiince• etAVlra Matildalef
o Pa.,, rap baten bk:u. rabid doir,
• rktitititisk•Woo4olll;!!, 4:4•,
Qrund Explosion at
• the Keystone turatedoStaiesEv-
-Tyterism Definict l '
CrYThe Harrisburg Keystone of Saturdei.last,
draws the sword against Gov, Porter, and in an
address to the Republican party of Pennsylvania,'
comes Out, with a . lengthy exposure of somtrmore
."lionbcr transactione.of the State Administra•
lion; the design of which, says the Keystone, was
to lead to the transfer of the loco foco party of
Pennsylvania to John Tyler 1, . This new move of
tho Keystone has its. motives in the establish
ment of the ncyv t Porter.Cass-Johnson:Tyler paper
j in Harrisburg; which having superseded the Key
stone in being made the organ of Gov. Porter,
the Keystone thong!' it vindicated - GrwrPorter as
lung as it could make anything by it, comes out
• now and turns State's evidence against the whole
clique! The Keystone's disclosures however, in:
tercet only the "democratic party"—that is• not
enough ; let it giVo us some disclosures Whieltin:
ierest the plundered taxpayers of all parties,
and upon. which it is probably able to enlighten
the people better than any one olse,from the'poSi„
Lion it occupied toward the Administration,. Let
it give the. people all of Gov. Porter's ' , )lurriber•
transactions"—this is a mere political affair and
cannot do the-Treasury mmieli harm. But the
people arc inure
. interested at this timeln know
ing what is done with the public money—where
arc the four trillions of dollars that have' been,
paid into tile State Treasury timb . lastyear The
Keystono,knovve the corruption of the Adminis
tration let it give the people sonic liglmeMion this.
If the' Keystone ix going to be independent, let
us hear from it upon the subject of the Governor's
Impeachment, and other instances of the rank
'Corruption of the,Adininistration, of - winch
are far \verso than ~this Jest sin of .TylcrisM.—
The Keystone appears trilfaire a holy .horror of
.1.1 l conspiracies against, the" demacratic party,"
—let it reserve some of its sympathy for, the op
pressed and plundered tax-payer, and expose some
of the schemes by . which the people's Money has
beed squandered—this: is of far" greater interest
just now to the mass of the people. But perhaps
443 time indighation of the Keystone is aroused
• now, it may hereafter continue its' disclosures .to
other matters. We shall sec.
The object of the Keystone's long address rip
' pears to be, to prove hoW honest that paper was in
scorning to eater into a conspiracy with David
Rittenhouse Porter and John. Tyler, by which the
"democratic" party was to be sold to the support
of Tyler! This was too much for the Keystone's
Roman virtue!-We take the following extracts
from it : -
'• We, therefore, now charge, in the face of high'
Heaven, and an insithed Commonwealth, that the
'most unexampled efforts have been made •and fin:
-natural -cornbinut up - anzl
sustained' by n :power and 'patronage of Presi
dent Tyler, to distract and put to rout the Dem
ocratic party in out:State Legislature, and - to or
eanize a Tyler Party, under thii lead and guidance
of those into whose hands the whole public print.
ing of the Commonwealth was to'be thrown; and
the tax payers of Pennsylvania were. thus to be
made to pander to trio' ambition of, the "big/ icon':
Commtinications,:glowing with thoileatity and
power and majesty and glory of Jmix
have been presented to us in inanig , crilit, directly
which we felt called upon, by every consideration
of duty and Patriotism, to reject from our col.
umns.....Althougli'we were ready to serve his Ex
cellency, iq every thing• Which would advance the
cause of democracy, we never could slibmit to
having our 'Paper used as a vehicle for distracting
the democratic pasty, with a view of making rap.
ital fur President Tyler. If we had done so , our
press would.indecd,have been subsitlizrd, and we'
would have been regarde4 as traitors and m i n i ons
of Executive power. But that the' dem ocr „ y _ o f
Pennsylvknia and the Union may judiu fur them
selves, we publish below onc, orthe communion.
Bons referred to, which communication came 4u
us directly from the hands of the Exc'enti,„ of
this Commonwealth. We do n e t charge him
with being the' author of it, as it was not in his
writing, and we arc not able to say who was the
uthor,hut we do charge him w ith a tt emp ti ng to
lead us astray from the beaten track of democra
cy, with a SiCW doubtless of binding us to thqdes.
perate fortunes of p re ° s idei l t
The communication referred to in the extract
is a glowing eulogy of Tyler, 'end directly sets
him forth as - a candidate fur the--P-residency, re
commending at the same time that after Mr. in.
chanan is voted for - on the first ballot, Mr. Tyler
shall receive-tile support of the Pennsylvania dole.
gation of the National Convention in all future
ballots I
IVlerceiros .Trial
The trial of Singleton Mercer, for the murder
of Hilberion, was commenced on Tuesday the
28th ult. Hon. Daniel Elther, of the Supreme
Court of New Jersey, presides, assisted by Judges
Clement, Harrison, Miller, and others, of the
Gloucester County Common Pleas. Counsel for
the prosecution—llon. George P. Mollison, At
torney General, and Thomas D.' Carpenter, Esq.,
Prosecuting Attorney for 'Gloucester county.—
For the defendant—Boo. Garret D. Wall, pon.
Peter D. Vroom, Peter A. Browne, Jr., .L
Sloan, Robert IC. Matlack, William N. Jeffers:,
and A. Browning, Esq.
The first position taken for the.defenceds; that
even supposing Mercer to have discharged the
pistol ut Heberton, he was justified- in so doing
—or if not justified, lie cannot be guilty of any.
thing more than manslaughter. Tho other plea
is insanity,-upon—which—an-entire-acquittel—is
Bliss 3lerce;r, the victim of the seduction, gave
her testimony at length, as did also her mother.
It is'thought ho Will be acquitted.
It appears that the nLast of the Barons" is
to 6c the last of the novels of Sir E. L. Bulwer.
The Boston Times publishes the folio:vimg ex:,
tract from a letter written by the novelist, to a
friendin the city :
" With the last page of the 4 Last of the Bar
ons,' closed my career as a writer of fiction. You
`have long been aware, that my graver studies
have been, gradually unfitting me fur the task, of
the 41lomancier.'' The light of other days is
faded,' andlny fancy no longer kindles at &spark,
as in happier hours of yore. I am ..too wise to
jeopardize what little credit I may have `Won al.
ready, and therefore bid farewell—a mournful
farewell, it may be—to the light labors and flow
big dreams of the novelist."
. ,
'TIIE FALLS ON Nmains..—A Lockport paper'
says that the Fall's present at this time a specta
cle of unusual magnificence. On the American
side, the spray has forthed an immense mass of
ice, extending nearly across the foot ofthe falls;
and inore,than a hundred feet in height. From
the summit of this :mountain of ice the spray
raises like smoke from , a volcano. The fall be
tween GoaVisland and tho Towei is incrusted
with ice nieept a space some twenty feet in width,
midway M its descent; Below are enormous and
faetaitic sham of ice-mounasenverns ,and grog
tees; againstAbo,dark rock of theilsoland hang
icicles thirty.and forty feet in ,length:--the ,river
itself flashing With ice bioken Into inikurnerable
I agments— and the sainbow
,present a scene sarpasaing , t,he wildest'dreamoof
.the imagination. • •.' .
' Tlfontionx.—Three hundred Mormoite
'at Now Ctrhunnt an tho I.sth instant, in tho whip
/4400409ni ,Livarktc4 -,TkqsTerp-finandicif
• - • . -44
Irp•-.We have often;heard the cry of "liard
limos' causelessly echoed thioughout tlie:country,•
by these who will croak and complain let their
business prosperity be what it may. But "hard
times" just new is no unmeaning phrase, and
every man has inhis,empty,poeltets the evidence
of it strong as proofs of HOly . .Writ:" Money
was probably never so scarce in this State ai it is
now, and with it all the tuxes are heaviest just at
the time when there is the leak money to NY
thoni with. •
• In the season of adversity wo should learn Wis.dont for the future, and although we are aware
that the ablest lectures on . this subject will not
take up a note in Bank,'or relieve any one froin a
Sheriff's execution—yet , neverthelesa as these
times cannot last forever, we should . learn while
We are sharing, the causes which produced the
difficulties we arc laboring under, and the means
'which should be resorted to to extricate wirselves
from and prevent the peoplefrOm again falling
into the same embarrassment and distress. With
out any further preface then, we : would ask the
serious attention of our readers, tb the following
extract from n late speech otfksav , CLAY, de
livered at Memphis,. Tennessee. Let 'each one
ask himself after reading, ie it not the Worst of
infatuation to permit the country tb be plunged
into still further _difficulty when the. inches of
restoring.' prosperity : are so,obvious and'casily
. .
tained?' Examine the remedy for "hard times,"
iind determine to .vote for its 1844
4":11r. Clay proceeded to allude to the striking
contrast exhibited in the past and present condi.
tion of the country, and to state briefly the 'cause
of the public distress and the proper means of re
lief. The unsoundness and seardity of the cir,
euluting Medium was a chief cause.of . the disas
trous state of the country.. A. sound and suff
cient circulating medium, one of uniform value
at every poitit'of the Union, wits as essential to
the budypolitie,ns a sound sufficient and unifOrm
circulation or blood to the human body.. No more
could the currency of the country be corrupted or
unnaturally diminished and the country be pros
perous, than could the blood of the human body
be disordered and excessively diminished and the
body continue in vigor and health. Corrupt tho
currency and abstract one half` of it from cirenla-
-lion, and nothing but pecuniary prostration and
distress must follow. He' declared hiniSelf up.
posed to the hard money doctrine. Hard money
and hard times go together. Banks are unavoid
able: • Sento of the States will have them, and the
ethers must therefore do the sa me, or be-tributary
fur their currency to those which have ve'them, and
thus be subject to all their evils without enjoying
any of tiler benefits. If there be local banks, a
national Bank is indispensible—not the abortive,
miscalled Bahlt of the United States of Pennsyl
vania, powerless for good - and prolific of evil, b,rt
an old fitshioncd, time-fried Bank of the Bilked'
States—a. Bank oldie Union net of one State. If
there were defect:4ln if, in the organization of an
other avoid trim defects and provide uartis . •ind
• . ~ •
penalties ngainst4heir recurrence. rio one wow,
abandon the greatrather of Waters which sweeps
: past your eity,beca use. wrecks occur on its bosom,
nod the engines of steam produce occasional de.
struction' of property nod life. 'Multiply the
guards and increase the preeuption,.notabandon
the use, is the dictate of common sense mind
!Another cause of the disjointed condition of
_the coup/5,1%11e said was the excessive abuse of
the powers tif the Erceetniee'DEPartitirnitTrf 111 . 6 -
'. • ifeef,--not_onlof--tiva-P-resblunt-but-a-the.:
entire Executive Department.. .Widely without
its sphere had that department extended? Had
there been no power to veto, there would have
been n• prevention of the charter of a National
Hank—no rentovadof the Deposites—nn treasury
circular—no' multiplication of Stale banks—no
inflation of paper_ currency—no stimulating' Of„
excessive ciderprizes and road speculations—mil
consequent explosion, collapse and the universal
ruin which overspreads our noble land. Suelijl
the history of our career. The providence of God
have been as kind and bountiful throughout its
enthe.progress as at any other period of our his
_tory,..—The-rnfrosh ing-rii insliave -firlien-upon-t he
earth, "the kindly sun has poured out upon the
fields his genial influences with the same bounti
ful copiousness which luive blessed our former
times—bdt the work of :nun, the hands of those
that direct our earthly govtirtiment, has neotraliz-_
ed all-thev'e.blessings, and overspread 'onr land
with .n. blight less productive edistress only than
pestilence and famine." . •
"Of the remedies which Mr. Clay proposed for
our 'evils, one he deemed parainonnt'and essential.
Industry and Economy must be practised in all
things—we must make more, and buy less—we
must home, on our own llama and
plantations more than we need consume—our
wives and dhughters•must ply their own needles
more, and employ the 'milliners less. Be not a
larmed, my friends, be said, at the words I say—
this is the 'American System—lndnstry and
Econothy--make at home what we have been
buying abroad--and in that way we .will get out
of debt, and keep no and keep our money. A
moderato and reasonable tariff walall he ever de
sired—one sufficient to stimulate and sustain our
'own American, domestic• industry and economy.
Stability and uniformity were the great necessi
ties of the systeiff. It should be equal and uni
form in its operations oh the great interests of the
country."' _ .
The Contet—No Hanger:
Cr This "celestial stranger," is attracting much
attention.all,over the country ; and so many minds
arc engaged in its observation and investigation,
that an account descriptive of it may he expected
at an early day. On one subject connected with
the appearadee or Comets, Protimshr OLMSTEAD
speaks us follows—from which we infer that there
is no danger that. the present or any future Comet
will "set the world on fire:" '
"As to the dangers to be apprehended from the
collision of the earth with a cornet, it may, in the
first place, be shown that the chance that a cornet
will Strike the earth is almost infinitely small; and,
even if it should meet .us, the body ls SO mw
it could not-penetrate the atmosphere. ,Such a
collision might perhupe cruise a splendid meteoric
shower. • It is true, it might also disturb the at
mospheric equilibrium; causing destructive tem
pests; and the matter .of the comet might possi
bly vitiate the air so as to make it unfit for respir
ation. But there is no necessity to look so for for
dangers; . they surround u-v on every side, and
threaten us every day of oitr lives, from even the
most insignificant causes. Throtighout the econo
my of nature all powers are so balanced that each
keeps the other in MINA ; for instunte, heat rind
cold have-been far ages idruggling with each oth
er, but neither has so far gained the mastery as to
render the globe uninhabitable:: Cornets obey
laws which have been hi operation fat thousands
of years, and no Mistake has hitherto been occa.
sioned by one of Ahem. It is reasonable to pre
sume that they will continue to move on bar
The Church Scotlived. •
Much interest Is mani i!sted now in the Reli-
gious world,' at the crisis which Is approaching
to the Church of Scotland, when ehe.will separate
herself from the Established Church of England;
This change it ie expected will t aka plaee in May.
The people, it is. said, are making collections, and
preparing to sustain .their ministry when they
resign their livings and refuse the suppork of the
Goiernment. ,
uno contains an acemint•of a most horrible mur.
der, Which seems too outrageous to have.been per
petrated by any human bOing. .A man named
Stewart, at Cypress Bond, krkensas, being robbed
of a riegio,' as he supposed, by a: wood.choPpor,
swore that " his dogs should cat the first wood.
chopper that ventured upon his ground." :Soon
after wile copeck arid requestad a night's:lodging,
which Stawar(rgranted; and,liarring the doors,
let in ifpon him: a number of young clogs, which,
however, the stranger kept at bay. :Stewart:thou,
.turned in, a parcel, of full grown dogs; and find,
•is w that: they, too, were foiled in the attack, he
fit 4 gUnrind, shot the 'man ! kowing his corpse
tikets to , -bb dogs, "S!n,w,ert In
-44411/eat 04 a I v S WaTO ., P.-1 . - 1 /° (4 - w4 o. oreio
..,,il3 - As the predictiOns of Mr.'MtrA4n fixing
the destruction of the world in 1843; have formed
an exciting topic in our borough within the past
week, a.eli plicronthe subject of.this and similar
delusions in former"times, May prove ofinterest,
as well 'as of instruction. The mass of the'peo.
ple may not be aware that predictions of this
kind are no new thing, and that Mr. Miller can
lay no clam to originality in the idea by which
his'own mind is misled, -(admitting him to be
sincere,) and with which he is likely to delude
Many others.. Indeed, Mr. Miller is by far the
,most ignorant of those who have yet taken up
i 'this subjek and presumed to'unveil the mysteries'
kif the future. The profoundest minds—the most
gifted „and brilliant intellects of former ages—
have foolishly'essayed ,the task Of "finding out
GOD," and after years of toil upori 'their calcula•
tions ofthe duration of tho world, and, the prime of
their live; wasted in determining the day of its
destruction, the world still rolls on, proving how
vain . are all Man'sttempts to discover that which
has 'been wisely • ivTailield from him;'and how
puny, is his intellect when it would impiously
aspiri3 to the prescience of Infinite Wisdom!
We have collected from various sources notices
of delusions with respect to the end of the world,
which have heretofore, at different periodi since
the Christian era, disturbed the popular mind in
different countries ;. they may Prove, of interest at
this time, and, where they aro road, may assist in,
checking , the • progress of 11,1 act. ism . '.The Most
'remarkable of these is the prediction of Sir John
Napier, which will be found among those sub.
In the l- 45lys of Ortgen; Egypt was IthrO t wn into
com ion liy the -anticipated return otchrist . to
the earth, to establish his 'Weida! reign. This
commotion caused many to reject the Apocalypse
of John from the sacred canon, the millenarians
having built their belief upon the 520th chapter of
this book. . •
Again in Germany, In the time .of Luther, the
petoluitry were carried away with the same opin
ion of the approaching advent of Christ, and his
personal rc!gn upon the earth. Every stndent of
hisfory knows,. what troubles, originated from this
source, and what grief these fanatical notions gave
to Luther and the other Reformers. •
/a later day's, Edward Irving revived the same
notion respecting the Alillenial reign and second
advent of Christ; and lived in daily expectation of
the glorious Epiphany.
It was extensively believed in the 10th century
that the world woOld.terminate at the mid" of the
thousandth yearafter the birth ofehrist. About the
yeir..oso,ifs the expected period drew high, Bern.
intrd,_a_harmitof Thuriogiarboldly—promulgatcd
the certain' assurance that at the end of the tkou
sandth year, the fetters of Satan should be brolten,
Antichrist should come, and the conflagaratioln of
the world follow. The clergy adopted this doe.
trine without delay; the pulpits resounded with
it; and it was ditlbscd with astonishing rapidity,
and embraced with ardor. Prodigious numbers
f_parile_alnindouing their friends_and_Einilies_
and -earthly possessions, repaired with procipita.
thin- to rulestine, where they' imagined Christ
would descend again from heaven, establish his
throne on Mount Zion, and judge the world. And
in order to Vender the Judge more propitious, they
Mien 'made over their property to some adjacent
elitireh or monastery, Others flevoted themselves
by , solemn oath to the services of the' churches , '
convents, and priesthood, whose slaves they tic.'
came . in the most rigorcrus . sense of the word, per
forming daily their heavy tasks.. When an eclipse
_ef_th.c._sun_oL_rnnon_ceiturredrilie_cit e rode serted,and the miserable inhabitants betook them
selves to rocks and caverns, as if these could pre
serve them when all things should be dissolved.
In many places, tentples, palaces, and noble edi•
flees, pliblie and private, were suffered to decay,
or were deliberately pulled down. from a. notion
that they were of no- use, since the final dissolu.
lion of all things who at hand.. Deeds of gilts to
r e ligious houses, (some of which arc still on re.
cord). run in' the following words: Appropin
quante mundi fuuiino, i. e. the end of the
world being now ut hand, &e. "No language,"
says Mosheitn, "is suffieleut to expres'd the con
fusion and despair that tormented them on this
occasion." The year of-terrOr arrived and passed
without any e.xtraordinallidonvOlsion. The pee
r& rcturnedldtheir homes, repaired their build.
ingi and resumed their former occupations.' The
only lasting effect of this stupendous panic, was
the augmentation of tho temporal wealth of tho
church. ,
In the preface to the Commentaries on the
Bible by the learned Adam Clarke, he .thus no.
tides a Work published in 1593, by Sir John Na
pier, a distinguished mathematician aneventor
list of coriimentators I find
of L u c: tn
e i p r r i e t c h e ns
d i il : g
I have omitted to insert in its proper place a work
with which I have been long acquainted, and
which for its piety and erudition I have invaria
bly admired, viz: 'Aplains discovery of the whole
Revelation of Saint John; set downy in two Treat.
ises: The one searching and proving the true in.
terpretation thereof: The other applying the same
paraphrastically and historically to the text. Set
forth by John Napier L. of Marchestoun, younger.
Whereunto are annexed certaine Oracles of Si.
bylia, agreeing with the Revelation and other
places of Scripture. Edinburgh, printed by Robt.
-Waldegrave r printerto the King's Majestic;ls93. -
Cuin privilegio Regati, Bvo.'
When the reader learns that the author of this
little work was the famous Barcimef Marches
toun the - inventor of the logarithms, u,discovery
which has been of incalcuable use in the sciences
of astronomy, practical geometry, and navigation,
he will be prepared to receive with re4pect what
so great a genius has written upon a book that,
above All -others in the sacred c, do, scorns to re
quire the bead and hand of the soundest divine.
and-mathematician. The work is dedicated "to
the right excellent, high Ulla mighty Prince
James, VI., King ofScotea,' afterwards James 1.,
King of England; and in the Epistle Dedicatorie,
the author strongly urges pint to complete the
Reformation begun in his own, empire, that he
might be a ready inetrurnentin the hand of God
in executing judgment on the papal throne, which
he' then supposed to,be near the time of its final
overthrow. The first' treatise is laid awn in
thirty-six propositions relating to the seals, tturn•
pets,, vials, and thunders.
Yn tho third, fifth, and sixth, propositions, he
endeavors to prove that each trumpet-or vial 'con.
tains 245 years; that the first-began A. D.
The second A,eD. 316. The third A. D. 561.
The fourth A. D. 606. :The fifth, A. D. 1051.
The sixth A. D. 1296. The seventh A. D. 1541:
Sao Propos. vi. And in.Pcopos. x. he shows that,
as the last trumpet or vial began 1:11541, conso.
quaintly, as it contains, 245 years, it should ex
tend to A. D. 1786. • 'Not that I mean,' says the
noble writer, 'that that age or yet the world shall
continew so long, because it is eaid r that for the
elect's sake the time shall lie - sliortened; but I
mean that -if the world .were to endure, - that sev
enth age should continew until. the year° of
Christ, 1786:'' Taking up this subject again, in
Prspos. itiv„lo :endeavors to korove, by great
variety of 'calculatiorni 'formed' on the 1335. days
mentioned by Daniel, chapterxii. 11, and the pc-
I AO of the three thundering angels, Rev. xiii. and
ix., that. by the • appears the DAT :OF
JUDOMEND will.take place A. D. 1700, and by the
hitter in 1788; wheneelt: .rmiy be 'confidently aix;.
pected that this awitil-daylliall take place be ,
Own theio two 1)6664141. .
. . .
" We, Who hare' llied,"_siya Mr. Clarke, "to
see the 'fiallitey . :of Mese 'prediatire calculations'; '
and with such'' an exam ple.lefoie uei Of•the'mie l .
„ - .. , •• • tiage . oft,ooAret
Marked in this most &cure' book, we .should
proceed in -such - reicarchets with- humility and
caution, nor presume to asCertairi - the times and
the seasons which the Pather'has reserved in his
own power. I may venture 'to affirm, so very
plausible were.the reasonings and calculations of
Lord Napeir,.that there was scarcely a Protestant
in Europe, who read 'his:work, -that was not of
the same opiriien. And stow•deplorably has the
event falsified the predictions , of this eminent and
pious man And 3; etoinavved by his miscarriage,
celeulatore and ready-reekonera, in every succeed
ing age; on less specious pretences, with minor
qualifications, arid a less vigiarrius opinion, have
endeavored to soar where Napeir. sunk ! Their
labors, however well intended, only servo to in
crease the redurds of the weakness and folly of
' mrinkind. - Secret things belong to' God ;" those
that are repealed, to us and to our children:-
1 Writers who have endeavored to illuitrate 'differ.
ent prophecies in the Apocalypse bipast events,
and those that are now occurring, are not included
in this censure. Some' resPectablenames an.the
present day have rendered considerable service to
the cause of Divine revelation, by the careful and
pious attention they have paid to this part of the
subject; but wren persons attempt td speak of
what is yet to come, they begin to
_prophesy and
are soon lost."
Gen. Scott on Slavery.
. The following letter from Gen. SCOTT, on
Slav r ely, we copy from the Lancaster Union. It
is written in reply to various interrogatories risk
ing him his views oh the subject. It.will perhaps
riot accord with the views of the ultra on either
side of the question : •
My Dear Sir-4 have been waiting for an eve
ning's leisure to.givc,to your letter before ine• an
answer, and after,art unreasonable delay, I sin, at
last, obligmltoseply in the midst of official occu
That I ever have been named in connection
with the Presidency of the United States, has not
I can assure you, the son of an ancient neighbor
and friend, been by any contrivance or desire of
mine, and certainly I shall never be in the field,
for that high office, unless placed there by 4 reg.
ular nomination. Not, then, being a candidate,
and'seeing no near piospect of being made one, I
ought, • perhaps, to decline troubling you;or'Otti;
ers, with my humble opinions on great principles
of State-rights and Federal Administration; brit
as I cannot plead ignorance of the partiality of
few friends, in several 'pits of the' Union, who
may, by possibility, in a certaili event, ioceced nr
bringing me within the field rroin which a Whig
candidate is to be selected—l prefer to err on the
side or frankness .and candor, rather than, by si
lence, to allow any stranger, unwittingly,io coni
mit-himself to my, support,
Your inquiries open the whole question of do
mes. ;c slavery, which has, in different forms, for
tr,; - ..:.bei of years, agitated Congress and the
- •
• Premising, that . you are tho,lirst person.who'r
has interrogated me oil the subject, I give you,
the basis of what tcouhrbe my reply, in greater
detail, if time allowed, and the contingency al-
Intled to above, were less remote., .
In boyhood, at William,and Mary College, and
in common with most, if not all my conipanions,
I bccatne'deeply impressed with the'viewn gifen
by Mr. Jefferson in his Noteq on Virginia, and by
Judge Tucker in the appendix to his edition 'of
Blackmtone's Coma:et - liar:es, in favor of a gradual
not seen in thirty odd yearn, and, in the same pc,
riot , have read t7E - 11 - eny ritft - hing on tliatTtibje - Cf, -
but my early impressions arc fresh and unchang.
cd.• Hence, if I had had thehonor of a se - 4 in
the Virginia Legislature in the winter of 1831-fl,
when a bill was brought ibrwnrd to carry out
those views, I should certainly have given it my
warty 'support.
suppose 1 settreCtiy needs:lP, thci, in my opin.
on, Congress has no color of authority, under
he Constitution, for touching the relation, of inns•
. . .
ter and slave in a State.
I hold the opposite opinion in respect to the
District of Columbia. Here, with the consent of I
ownerS, or on the payment_olust—componsa--H
lion," Congress may legislate at its discretion.-
But my conviction is equally strong that, unless
it be step by step with the• Legislatufes of Vir.
g,inia-and •Maryland, it would be dangerous to
both races, in those States, to touch th e re hli on
between master and slave within this District.
I have, from the first, been of opinion that C 96.
gress was boUnd by the Constitution to receive,
to refer and to report upon• petitions relating to
domestic slavery as in the case of all other peti
tions; but I have not fitiled to see and to regret
the unavoidable irritation which tho former •have
produced in the Southern States, with the con.
stiqueot peril to the two colors—whereby the adop.
lion of•any plan of emancipation has,cvery where
with OS, been greatly retarded. •
I own, myself, no slave . ; but never have at
tached blame to !nesters for net liberating their
slaves—well knowing that liberation, without the
means of sending them, without comfort; to some
position favorable to "the pursuit of h[ippmess,"
would, in most cases, be highly injurious to all
around, as well as to the manumitted, flunilies
themselves—unless the operation were general
and' under the auspices of prudent legislation.—
But' I anilmrsuaded that it is'a high moral obli
gation of masters and slave holding St..tes, to em:
ploy all means, not incompatible with the safety
of .both colors, to ameliorate slavery to extermi.
It is gratifying to know that general amelior.
alion has been great, and ns Mill progressive, not
withstanding the disturbing causes alluded to
above. The more direct process of emancipation
mayom doubt, be carliercommeneed and quick
ened in some communities than in others: Each,
I do not question, has the right to judge for it.
self,-both as to the-time-mid-riians ;- and I con
sider interference or aid, from without, except on,
imitation from authority within, to be as hurtful
to the sore progress of amelioration, as it may bo
fatal' to the livCs of vast: 'multitudes of all ages,
sexes and colors. The work of liberation canna
bo forced without such horrid results. Christian
philanthrophy is ever mild and considerate.—
Hence all violence ought to be deprecated by the
frianda_of rallg ion. and_ hrtmanity. Their persua.
sions 'cannot fail, at the right time, to .free the
master from the slave, and the slave from the
master—perhaps before the latter shall have found
out arid acknowledged that the relation between
the parties had long been mutually prejudice! to
their worldly interests.
There is no evil, without, in the order of Prov.
b t. TI hl •I.''
ng African was torn from his savage home, by
is ferocious neighbors, sold into slavery, and cast
pan this continent. Here—in the mild South—.
he race has wonderfully multiplied compared
vith anything ever known in barbarous life. The
escendants of a few thousands have become
any millions—and all, from the first, mode ac.
uainted with the arts of civilization, and above
.11, brought under the Light of the Gospel
From the promise mado to Abraham, some
-000 yeiirs elapsed before the Advent of our So
iour, and the Israelites, the chosen people of
od, were; for wise purposes. suffered to remain
n bondage longer than the Africans have been
n our shore. This race has alreadrexperienced
he resulting compensations alluded to; and as
he white missionarlhasnever been -hie to pane
rate the - dark regions of Afriea,.or to establish
tlinself in its interior—.it may be within the
.eberne of Providence .that - the great, work of
• preaffing_the Gospel over" that vast continent,
vith all the arts and comforts of civilization, is to
o finally accomplished ity,the black man restored
rom Ainerican bondage. -A foothold, there, has
'ready Amen gained for him, and in such a scheme
enturbis are but seconds to Him who moves
worlds, as man moves his finger.
I do but .suggest the remedies and consolations
of slavery, to inspire patience, hope and charity on
•ll sides. The mighty subject calls for tho orig
in of all man's wisdom and xlitue, and these
ay not suffice , without aid from a higher twee.
It is in the foregoing manner, my dear sir,
that I have long been in the habit, in conversation,
of expressing myself, all over our common coon
ry,`on the.question of negro slavery; and I•must
.ay, that I have, found but .very few persons to
lifer with mil, however opposite their geogra
des! positions. •
Such are the views or °Pinions which•you Beek.
cannot suppress or miltilate•Wern, although now
labia to be snore generally known. Do with them
hat you please. Ineither court !meshes pub..
01 44 I remetn. verfAtuleoure,
February 9, 1843
Ger.iymanders completed
Virginia, Ohio, ' and:. Pennsylvania, the' 'three
largest States 'ln the Union, (New York except.
ed,) have alike had infamous .and 'nefarious -get.
rymanderst pet upon them.' In this State the .
Whigs have :a chance for six, in Pennsylvania
five or, am, and in Ohio about. the same nureber,
thus, at the farthest, allowing the Whigs only
eighteen Members of Congress, whilst the IJocas
tako for, their share of ill's "spoils" for ty.iwoi
more thin two to one, and this in despite'of the
well. knoWn wishes of the People. Thus have a
large patio!) n the people of these States
been corn' y disfranehised, and party' zeal
been al • . 4 ed to .triumph aver justice aad
reonA,St. Doming 9.
Citptain §herman, of the schooner Cordiya, ar.
rived at New York c o Thursday night; from
Jacmel,reporte that on the .sth.ult. the insurgents
took peaceable possession of all the public prop
erty at Jacmel, together with the city of Aux
Cayes, and J ' ormil. The 'only place in possession
of Boyer's troops was Port au Prince. Boyer's
army had almost wholly deserted him—and by
this time ho is probably either 'dead or flying be
fore his pursuers. Trade was at a stand—.noth„
Wo published, says the NeWYork Tribune,
nearly a week since, a rumor-which reached this
City; from the East, of a mutiny on. board. the'E,
States ship' John Adatiis,'Said to' have occurred
when near the Cape of Geed Hope: We' invo;
awaited with considerable anxiety farther advi.
ces concerning it, but nothing decisive seems yet
to be . known„:The Journal of Cominerce of Wed
nesday, gave the report as though it had just been
Started, adding, with regard to the manner tn
Which the mutiny was suppressed„a statement
that the men were ordered oirdeek, and heing ar.
ianged in a line, they were asked what they
wanted, when five of them stepped forward with
complaints, who were instantly shot down, and
the crew ordered t 6 their duly. The impression
seems to be prevalent among the Naval
at this station that a mutiny did oceur, and was
suppressed by sonic prompt action* the.part of
the Commander. Whether it be any more defi
nite or authentic than, the rumor which prevailed
in the city. fora week past ive do not know. The
'John - .eidarris is the vessel on board of which
Midshipman Spencer said he once endeavored to
organize an outbreak. She has been oxpeeted at
Norfolk, and was once 'reported below; but at the
latest dates shesliadmof„Made . her appearaime.— :
We_shall probably hie something deciaivevith
in a day or two at farthest.. • • _
Tim Gospel in China.
The Church Chronicle mentions an interesting
faCt which goes to strengthen -the hope raised by
late, political , events in that vast empire; that the
Gospel may-noon -be introduced into all- the bite,
tier of Asia - :—" the Anglo-Chinese
ported by ihe London Missionary Society at Mu.
lacca, (di taut about fifteen hundred miles froin
China,) to be Hong Kong, togeth
cr with the printing presses and other missionary
honed on that island, and others will proceed to
such or the opesMd, E r commnrm,
by tho tre.ity of peace;as • way .appear most di
gible.". • •
Cabinet liana rs
The New York Herald, sap that letters were
received in that city, by a number of prominent
member: , of the leen loco party, stating that Presi
ident Icr had called General Lewk Cass to the
oiliee . of Secretary of State; Richard M. Johnson,
as Secrmary of War ; Andrew Stevenson," late
miniWer :to (=Nat Britain, as Postmaster Gener.
al, and Charles A. WickliTe, latu Postmaster Gen.
era!, as Al inislor to' France, 4nd that they bad
consented to 'accept the appointments.
fd:rGov. Morton, of Massachusetts, regards the
case or the shtve Latiriter, tis s etti rd by his -pre
decessor, Gov. Davis, and eMmot comply with the
requisition of the Governor of Virginia for his
delivery as a fugitive from justice. lie also statcs
that were be disposed to deliver up Latimer, he
is nsStired that he is beyond his, reach.
This pleasant Medicine is focused by a combina
tion of twenty dilferent ingredients, all celebrated
for the cure of. Colds, Coughs, and Pulmonic Coin
plaints.,..mid by its combination, if one of these arti
cles should be used separately and afford no relief,
so anif;lgematcd, that the benefit of the whole is ex
perienced iu one Compound.
About three years Mid a half ago, this article was
first brought before the public. It was heralded with
no pitevious announeement'of its merit or Value rbut
was introduced by the proprietors to the community
to stand by their decision, ns reporded its beneficial
influence. That decision has been attained in a 1111111-
mer altogether unexpected. The. unsought acknowl
edgement of its worth has proceeded spontnneoubf)..
from thousands, who have experienced its benefits
throughout the country. And .why__is_it -sof-- Be
•cause the trial of its qualities in Cough! And Colds,
Hoarseness, irritation of the Throat, Croup,Whoop-
Mg cough, Asthma, Catarrhs, Palpitation of the
Heart, Liver CoMplaint; Night Sweats, difficult . or
profuse Expectoration, and all diseases leading to
Consumption, has given it a value that no other sim
lar medicine has ever reached.
- When the - blond - isiman — unhealthy - state, and the
constitution naturally delicate, if a cold sets in and
no immediate relief takes place, the chances are al
thgether against the patient attacked; it is when rem- .
edits RN: taken in time, that disease is checked and
life saved. There is no disease but may not be slit . -
fered•to go such a lengththat no medicine or phy
sician in the world can save the person attacked.
This.shouhl be remembered by all; the safety of
life is, to be prepared in time. At the symptoms of
a Cold, Cough. or Chilliness, THE MARRIED'
ESSENCE OF 1104.1111011 ND CANDY, 'should
be freely used arcordin,, ,, to directions; and in every
case where it is so used - inproper time, the Cough or,
Cold will be broken up or eradicated. We feel it
our duty to impress this upon every one--all reme
dies must betaken in time.
. .
Complaints of the lungs are the roost dangerous
and at the sarce•time most prevalent of all diseases.
Our climate is most peeultur ; it changes suddenly
from extreme warmth to estretue cold, from wet to
dry,and it is from this change, in
,the climate that
diseases areaKto arise.
The following is one °fa' thousand certificates the
proprietor could show, attesting the virtue of
remedy. 0.
"1 have experimentally tested the yirtutureryetir
Clarified Essence of Ilearhound G r andy, and would
recommemUt•to he, universally used by all these
Whose lung Areexposed—no public speaker should,
be withoutit. . Rev. Mr. LvoN,
Formerly Pastor of M. E. Church!, Yor , pd.
- Remember; .each - .packagVef . tliefetian Dear;'
hound Candy is signed J. Pomo
All letters, post paid, directed to J; Pea & Son,
45 DiviSion atteet,X, will he punctually attended
c ri. Merchants in ,the,,cquntry. wishing tease's.
Hoarhound Candy can oldsi n it tit theimMufactrer's
lowest terms; by sending an order to any one e . the
city with who)n they have 'dealings.
0 gui r- me r et, ant.,.oto r e k i e p e r a in 'this vi .nI ty .
can be,supplied.ity applying to Messrs. • 111.3 abt
Ilaverstick, who have alarge and freak supply t
frorngte, Manufsoturer. :. :.. -; :. .. -
Fur sale by' :MYERS B , t HAVERSTI ~ -,
Sole Agents for Carlisle,a .. Jo'
. J. Deraketmer, Mechanical •;'
Daniel Shelly; Shirernaqict. .;,;--
Abraham Getz, Kingatop, 4 . ..,
• Joseph Crain, ileguest,,
... ' Samuel Wiliton,? . ; t."; .Is. ~,
. ; John Gish . ; .
,•• :.5Sy I , c .. -;:. r?.:
. '.l. l ';Willtqll.: ( ' -w.
-' • . ~..i.,.;.:.A.,,,,r....4.7....,!
, : ir<t;;
l 843:„
-The best.methe4fo the 4bolition of Dig.
• ease is clei#i S r i *purify the Blood.
01? THE
Jfrorlh ✓lmr:riean college of Health
Are'nowcckuondetiged in ioe the .beat Medicine: in
,the world for_the,cuo.o____L_____
jECATJ,SP, they completely elernise the stomach
and bowels from those,bilious and corrupt hu
which are the cruse not only of Headache,
Giddiness, Palpitation of the Heart, Pains in the
panes, Itheernatisirt and Gout,bueof every malady
incident to man.
Are a certain cure for intermittent; remittent, ner7
inflammatory and putrid revers, because they
cleanse the body from those'morbid humors, which
when cenfin&l to the circulation, are the cause of all
kinds of -
So, also, when the same impurity is deposited on
the membrane and inuscle, Causing pains, inflamma
tions and swellings, called -
/UM/WM. l lf, 60 UT, Erie.,
The Indian Vegetable Pills nifty be relied on as alp
ways quint!' to give relief, and if perservad with no
corling to directions, will:most assUredly,and with
out Sail, make a perfect cure of-the above painful
maladies.. From three to six of said Indian Vegeta
ble Pills taken every night on going to bed will in 'a
sliert time so' completely' rid the body' from every
thing thatis-apriosed to, health,' that Rheumatism,
Gout,'And pain of every description, will be literally
For the same remions, when, from sudden cliangiis
of atmosphere, or any otherrcauie, the perspirtition
is checked, and the litungra which should pass of by
the skin are thrown ;num rtlly, causing •
Nausea and Bi6kne!ss, pain in the bones, watery and
inflamed eyes, warp throat, hoarseness, soughs;
sumptions, rheumatic pains in various parts of the
ttody,and many other symptoms of • .
• . • C.RI'CJIING-coLp,
THE INDIAN VEGE rmyx. PILLS will Invari.i
ably give immediate relief. From three to six of
said Pills taken every-night on going to bed, will in
a short time, not-only remove all the above tinplen. 7
saidsymptoms, but the body will,in n short time, be
restored to even sounder health than before. The
Mine may lie said of
'Fiji, Indian Vegetidde Pills will loosen and carry
of by the stomach and bowels those tough phlegmy
humors, which stopam the air cells of the lungs,and
OTT the (MOM not only of thin above fIiBtCCSSIM4 coo.
plaint, but when neglected, often terminates it - I'olot
htillmiore dreadful,miiiiiily called - •
It should also be rememberdal that the Indian
'Vegetable Pills ere a ced to in cure for - _
• _R&D: ix2rrig
oppipwop,,,aust4, and sickness, loss of appetite,
costiveness, a yellow tinge of the skin and eyes anti
every dither symptom of a torpid or diseased state of
the liver; because they purge from the body those
impurities which if deposited upon this important
organ, are the cause of every variety of
a Noinit is convolsecl-by Riots, Outbreaks
and RelitAliott,tfie oily sore means of preveiaingtho
s to expel all traitors, and evil tliiposed ones from
111 like wanner, wheit pain or sickness or any kind
indicate thikthe body is stt•uggling with internal rhos,
the trite reiniVrF
(Traitors to lifo,) and DEALT!! IFJ•ttiL BE. THEP,
That the Principle ()retiring disease, by Cleansing
and Purifying the body, is strictly in accordance wtth
the Laws which govern the animal economy; and it'
TeiWii•i r riiiihy the usiTif tlTe — ithove named
certainly . the complete Abolition of
Disease; we otr,..rJhe Mlowing testimonials,
1 110'5011S of the highest respecta hility in New York,
sr lm ita vm• reeentlm hero ' cured of the Most obstinate
complaihts,solely by tho line of W4IGFIT'S - IRDIAN
Vr.nremit.r Pius or THE •
nIAICA, L. 1..11111
. e oth, 1841
Doctor Wright—l/eta Sir—lt is with
great notisrsetion •that 1 inform you of my having
heeo entirely (Owed of Dysilisia; offire yenrs stanil
ing;.,y the use of your 1.1);DIAN . VEGETABLE:
Previous to meeting with your celebrated medi
cine, I 111111 been under the hands of several Physf
clans, and had tried various medicines; but all to no
effect. Alter using one :18 cent box of your' Pills
however, I experienced so Much benefit, that I re
sok ed to persev'ere in the use of them according - to
your directions, which 1 am happy to state, has re
sulted in a perfect cure. In grailtudt , to you for the
great henefit I have received, mid also in the hope
that others similarly afflicted may he induced to make
trial of your extraordinary medicine, I send you
this statement NI Jo, run liberty to publish the same if
yon think proper. • Yours,
New Yong, .Inne 19,1841. G. C. BLACK.
To Mr. Richard Dennis, Agent for Wright's Indian
Vegetable Pills, No. :28/i Greenwich at. N. V.
Dear Sir—At your recommendation. I same time
'sin - cc made' - trial ofWRIGIIT'SINDIAN VEG;
ETABLC PILLS of the North American College
of Health; and con conscientiously assert, that for
ratifying . the,Blood, and renovating the system, I
have received mime benefit from their use, than from
any other medicine, it has heretofore been my good
tin tune to meet with. I out, dear sir; vith many
thanktt, : your obliged friend,_ m. TATS,
No. 60 IlarnerMy it. New York.
Mr. Itibiinwi Dennis, agent for Airtight's Indian
Dear Stir—l have been afflicted for several yearti
with inward weakness and general debility, accom
panied at times with pain in the side and other dis
tressing complaints. After has i ugstried yarious medi
cines Without effect, i was persuaded by a friend to
make trial of Dr. Wright's Indian 'Vegetable Pills,
which I am happy - tmstate have relieved me in a most
'wonderful manner. I have used the medicine, as
yet but a short time, and have no doubt, by a per
severance in Alio use of the medicine 'according to
directions, that I shall in a short time be petfectly
most willingly recommenir,said Pills to all per—
sons similarly.. afflicted; and in the full belief that
the same beneficial results will follow ;their use.
I relll2lll yours sincer ely , HENTA: FOOTE,
Woyarsing, Ulster Co, New York
. .
NEW Yong, Sept. 29.1841.
'phis is to certify that I have used Wright'S Indian
vegetable Pills with the greatest benefit; llRViPken.
tirely cured myself of the frequent attacks of Sick.
Headache, to which I had previously been subject.
• ANN MARIA Tuomrsok,
• 392 'Greenwich street, N. Y.
To Mr. Richard Dennis, Agent for Wright's Audiais
:Vegetable Pius. .
AB there are et this time many wicked manna
busily engaged in selling a counterfeit Menlidine tinr
der the name of the Intltan Vegetable Pillii, and as
these desperate men are so utterly
y eekjess of eon-,.
sequences, that many :minable Hires may be lost, in
consequence of using their dreadful eompountle; the
public are cautioned against purchasing any Pills,
unless on the sides of the hoses.thaollowing word,•
ing is found.:
' (7:nfiait Pursatiwe.) .• •
Or..roa Noarki As:Macaw Corxruz 04`11NALTII.
AndalsibtO guard espetliallyagainst purchasingsaid
medicine of any peraon,es,cebt the,regular advertised.
'agents,or at the. office and general depot, N0...182
Tor sato 13y - • •
CHARI,ES-OGII4I I I, Carlisle Cumberland'co.
John Copier, .114nehaniesbdrgi,. ,
Henry- prernienpapi '.'New Clunberiand,
•1 , Isaac Loyd, -• 64'
jt..'ittle.tander Calbearl A ", 'Shepherchtown, •
John :Nonte,'"'`
• 011-15 ,