maamm •6egulem‘so FRUICI-TNIITI? or nil% BY HARRIET MAP:TINE/at Heirs of the eitrth and skies; . All men are equal wile!? that earth Fades from their dying All wait alike on Him whose power . Upholds the life he:gave' The sago withinips star-lit tower, The savage in his cave. GOD me e ts the throng who pay.theiO•ows In courts their hands have made, And hears the worshipper who cows Beneath the plantain shade. Man alcnie who difrerenc e And speaks of high and low; And worships those and tramples these, lile_the-same-patir thergm— Oh ! let ,111 tin hasten to restore . To all their right of love In power and . wealth exult no more, In wisdom lowly move. Ye great!, iiamance yam earth-born pride— Yo low ! , your shame 'end fent ; • Love as ye worship, side by side— Your common claims revere. Prom, the .14(11es' Wmit TUE INVALID; '"Sirr nearer to ine," cried Ellen ; heart bests a warm respnntetn,the sen mente you utter, and I tvant to press yo to yin a warm embrace. Q how it cheers this lone .being, to-haveihe feelings so long 'confined Within my own bosom*, breathed into my ear by one that understands their Worth." The flush of, enthusiasm tinged her animated face, .as • she extended her thin hand, and drew Ellen's cheek closely to her lips. "Ellen, dear, I have never be fore known you. The world call you'odd, Ellen, because you wotild not conform to its rules ; it said "you were proud, because. you joined not-with its • sycophants in the idle chase of pleasure ; and dear, 'forbear ing Ellen, I sometimes spoke, lightly 'of your prudent habits and't'etiring manners. But my eyes have 'since hem; unclosed.— Pardon mysins, of ignorance, .and talk to me 'sweetly, as your manner is, of the state towards which. I am being hastened." • Ellen brushed off a•tear which glistened beneath her eyelid; and smiling, Said,— 'Toe all your sins against me,' of whici tiltthis - motoent I was. ignorant, you have . full pardon ; •but Annie, dear, permit me to 'beg 3 will citt'not- talk much, fur your strength is quite' exhausted'by Annie's cough, for some thne,.preveitted a reply. Ellen watched her with intense interest, eager to give all pos"sible Annie perceived her solicitude,and as soon as her lungs were relieved, said,—,"lt is not very bad, dear.; .talk ing,does not„dis- tfeas the - ,• - though my hurried respiration leads you to think the effort painfut, , So do not ask me not to talk with you—it is a privilege I now can - duly value. The plea- stare of communing with a , congenial . spiel is to me so satisfying', that I desire. to en joy it, undiminished by the anticipation o all consequences.. The idea; that an in valid is of necessity. the prey of dejectim and diseditteitt, is received by the casitio able world as au orthodok truth ;- and it was not till after I had pas'se'd the ordeal -.of af fliction, that I ventured to become hereti cal on this point., My friends make great efforts to render me happy ; hut they do not-understand7mei—Dear-sonis ! they love fondly and warning to do n they only mistake the means. To show their kind concern, and relieve the of the soli tary hours which they' suppose ninst press as an incubus on my heart, they frequently call to tell me how sorry they are that am no better,and to discover that my cheek is paler than it commonly is, or that my' breathing is more difficult than when they last . saw me ; and. when they take leave, hoping! shall be better the next time they call, I feel that.l shall experience relief fin that time:" "They cannot understand," replied El len, "that a girl as gay as you were 'whe n in health, and who found her highest en joyment-in-society, can be:happy_in_the hush of her sick chamber, and. be enier 'tained by the solitary exercise of her men tal realities. I did not expect to find you - so cheerful as you 'are. I imagined you might welcome death as the termination of suffering ; but I was not prepared to see Annie sitting meekly at the Redeemer's feet, and 'practising with delight, the les sons of submission 'and trust which, He Teaches." : Two years previous to this conversation, Ellen had become acquainted with Annie Nichols, whomshe...loved for her amiable ilisposition and happy temper. - Annie'S presence; like the sun's, was the precursor of smiles and the harbinger of joy. De void of eelah feeling, and. devotedly at— tached to her friends, she easily endeared herself to them, and 'her friendship was much desired by the young of ,both sexes.. Their eia'mple induced her to expect 'hap piness. from crowds, to search fur pleasure :amidst the"glittering baubles which . the fooliSit,,werld' holds alluringly before the eyes of the-pure and unsuspecting. Ex eliernent destroyed the healthful balance of ;. it became. obiburedi restless, and Petit's sed. an increasing desire to !'tri umph externs a. She learned to be inftitencl.4:.;by this one's snide and that one's IkoNtia;;tcr , dread the censure of gen pociety; she, rarely 'exercised her . own judgment, or followed the dictates of her own taste; lintietlified , Y the sanctions, of popular 'quittoriae. , 'By habitual se riou I n the luxunes,of life, her mind be smie diosipatek and thought,' 'naturally ' ' t bee4tite what extent n. Lure ,called in disease to inflict the stir oenalfy threatened Tor the violation of icy ttart laws. ` , The world, well known. will 'give ou h: nrtsito . , She saw the grave opening before - lwr,, and shelnew that with rapiditepssheWas descending to its damp shadowy , vanit.— fier beauty would he ftsigned to the de vouring worms ; the graces (pier person, the accomplishments of her mind, would , they disarm him of the seYthe,' whose .of lice was to her an idea of terrnr 9 She, plainly saw her situation, and knew that . her mode of life had ill, fitted her for the Christian resignation, which its trials tje- Manded.... Th 6 prospect suddenly opened to her, aroused antiealled home the rat.. ered energies of her mind; 0 how-worth. 'less seemeA to her 'them all the trappings , and superficial . glitter "which conceal man's real glory !"..flow utterly con , emp. ttble appeared the-vain:am, um which agi tated the mass of fashionable . ! 'She know that her happiness must henceforth he derived 'from the culture of. the .heart, from communion with those- elevated and spiritual things which 'satisfy without aiia ousting`the potiSeasor. Anil k now', fur the first tune since-the soft tones of adulation 'quickened the 'pulsations of her- heart; she %Yea liappy,;-With no wish ungratified, ho .desire..unanswered, no void irC her semis lilli tive , heart, she enjoyed the pres'ent, and the future she knew was in tite—hartiLs,,antiMn der the direction of. Ellin to whom slie had gis;'en- her warm - 'a' Odin is ME Love hallows aiuL,lkOu tl i,),figs every, shiner and when the young deepest and purest love is yielded who is the ios;tiliest andibest of beings, the effect On the manners end connionanee, as a ell as tin the•poral.s.of the inditri,ioid,van not he well o ,oneeived unless the idea is e,7. isted by observation. Ellen was both , nr. prise() and gratified to wittiess tts e8 • -:t on 'her friend Annie., She fotind contempla'anolie eVenr. which would trans port her to a world, of purer; higher Miss, where no 'Cloud darkens the sky, and n o doubt obscures the mind. Whin she to her band, and sawher smile. and heard her- speak, she felt as if she was in the presence of pure spiritu a lity, of one sane-, Ltified-b}-diVineinfluence. Standingos Annie did,on the very eer l :e of mortal life, with its silken .cords all a round her heart, and its flowery garlands .wreathed.-about her ftir i -yoting--brow-, 7 pre-- parekto relinquish its delight without a thought of regret, and sever without a =milt . Its •strong ties, presented Ellen with ideas so sublime that she was awed before her. The invalid's voice' was sub 'tined by the strong emotions which ptissess ed her'souf, and her .friend's eye was fix ed unconsciously on the celestial beauty of her • face. She spoke cheerily of the attracth)ns ath - e - iipper world, the darkness of which was irradiated. by , ,her luminous faith ; she talked of its inhabitants, and their employments With fervor so glowing that her wrapt auditor 'felt, the stir of view less wings on the air, and listened to eaten the strains to .which beautiful souls strike their aerial, harps in atitiNliTifi of Mtn whose smile coneentrates their bliss. Ellen ' - u4s melted, fl'..lven was mo lon gera gilded place far off in the distmit sky ruled by unapproachable majesty ; she felt the reality of the Savior's words,.---" - Me kingdom of heaven is within you.," 'fears of which she was almost unconscious, rim down her cheeks as she rephed," Annie, you have unveiled the glory and coveliness of the future life ; 0 that I could enter with you, and join in the song which is raised to Him that sitteth on the throne, and to the Lan) forever and ever. Btu you will only precede me, Annie ; I wifl wait patiently till our Father shall send hii kind me3senger to loose the ties of ex istence, and free the prisoner! spirit What, Annie, hut this full confidence in God, Could sustain us?---what but this be lief that Ile watches over us • with unerr ing Wisdom ? 0 what a precious privilege it-is to love God - with - all the heart; as our best, our dearest friend !---to confide to his bosom all our thoughts, our ardent wishes, our lofty aspirations, and to feel that if our requests are..denied, it will be'in the ful ness of paternal loveV '\ Annie's response is recorded at the co . mencement of this article. "1 had a dread of conSumptiou," said Annie, "and even after I felt it - creeping through my vitals, I endeavoured to drive the idea from my mind , by great lt;vity. But when fully convinced that it had established itself in my bosom, so strongly as to deft medical„skill, I no longer disre garded its decree. By conteniplating.death,, the future statemnd , the deeign of this pri maty existence, .1 have heeome„recomiled to the destiny which awaits me, hard . and fearful ;le my former gay' associates think it.. lam not intpatient, to , be introdneed into a better stattiof existence, but when God Shall please to take me thither, I hope I shall be glad, to go. I tun :not "of life; but 'I am willing at his bidding, to ex change it for one,., in which I can more sensibly feel hie . prisence. I think that since I have ..been consuming .by this lingering- diseiee - I hays ' enjoyed. Mere happiness than I found during the 'whole of My previons life. ,It is certainly good.', for . me that I have been taieted. ti.cloutly dey .or turnistyliorning :ride% ,04,0 C enjoy i tem _; ' now, T can. " see. GO& in 'donde, orbear bi,e in wintL'? as quickly "as thojemUndaliy anti, imilt ing floWeiets, which spring np'all ever the green earth, Mid l write lb:44000s of; #or4 beauty, U e w everl tat , 044atottkitiik. M • slalls(”iher ityrehy itif“rins his filL leitaalm and the public hi general, that he still ebotinues to keep a , , .• . , W.,...x...0 •CL, . , i; 'lit • V.:, cr3: , Re ' N II 1 r 'Torts to the contrary not w nlistandi ag,) at tlw OLD STAND, ili`Eitst. High Street, a lew doors east of the Court noose; whtre he will at nil times take pleasure 'in admittistering to the. comforts of those who May favor him with their custom. ' * His 11,1,11. shall* Constantly supplied - with :the choicest liquors. and his 'I'A BLC with the hest the ~market ban furnish. A. careful .OSTLER always kept in attendance—and itcithim; shall beleft undone to please all who call with' him. . 13 OA 11llf.dia,takeit hythe week ; m mit hOr year. 4 - • • sfi4ON—sVoNnwtueFi. . '. Carlisle, April 6, 1842. • '.; ' • ti-2s IS permanently located CarThfle, and will'per m farm all imeratisms that are requireft In the acticeof hia.pnifession—such as Extracting, Filing, Pluggiing, and , . from a single tooth to an entira`set. "*` For it, foot months ensuing, ror: Loonis be in- Carlislo,libe.firar two weeks in each month—afteriwhich, 116 be absent until the 4rat hen veeks inisneh folinwingmontb , ..-attyhieb Serio4•hopyuy,,nu foundry. • ' ; ; .:;.,;c441 7134 fk so ,tun . ch. I, k, t : aggravates , yottr Ettid" pereilive 6 d that Vier e lions ,suggestions afforde'd : An e nii•relief. 'Her ! ht;art uched in WititeEisipg th'e sufferings :Of friend; she thinight of thit fortitude 'and holy trust which sus . ., iitined her in Cr afflictions, and Vei,eration I tuitigled, with the, love she gave . her. An nie as before,— It is Hitt very had, dear; hut I think I have talked rather too much. -Twill-rest_ tiow,•and . you will" come in to-Morrow, .Ellen. • v.Ellen promised, and kissing the invalid- sN,eft her with a bleising:.on her lip. RICH PRESENTS !! tmEyßsr & H.t r,RsTicK wv. ; just memo' at ibeir D rug, Book, stylionary antlyariety Store. a large assortment of Tops, :roy-11.309ks for Clarisl . mas tiolivenk Pori4olites,"Foi• 1543. ro,,wether with 11 choice .selection of entertaining IKarr READING, for long winter evenings, MEM 136D13 9 • of every Variety',-viz: , School , Pibles and Testaments, Smith's Geomraldrif and dlllas, • Oln ey -4. Mite/Lill' s:do. . Smith's: Grammar, - . 1. kirkaneB ditto,. sing.ers NericB, \TO; 1,4, 5, 4^'6, Cobb's 'School Books, complete. • Burham, I.reb yier's Irgir;Thn,' ' .. : . • • . ()fire, Rose, y,• Emer s on ' s :a O .with • XeySt • V Ina Mega a? ilea I Itiolnithents. ST.I2.T.F.OBTAIRY: I.etter, Cap, and th,rl psju•r, ruled and plain: Note Silei• Pencils, ceerpninls. Jackson Le:ill arils in .004. With 3 hIPAT dr 13LA X 7111 , 1 11111.111 ed, ql;p ..—^l RP 44.1 •44 Vtoct Ofso.Pnrior. finish. :Razors, aazor Strops and--finely-scooted h;crl-rs-r.o?. assort :l . • - fumory. ' VC 11110:i-: A Et 11": , 1 ,0, 1 ,1, 11 “) goill4, Bo; 1 , 1 '3ourk, C;4`..6 .11',111.9 tirhling Wbx, :\ !quo 50.0.5. a ew r vocAL: AND. iNsTrtymENTAL:) .JJl s 4 Togi:tlitir with 3 gi•itiwiil tt 4ielttertiil assort -01 raid .Ilise , Vancom ; . 1 - orkw, C. .c an.! ta t t(ii" ti.31:11111.: Dee 11, 1812 570 rAR.DIE3.I3. 121231ITYLIP 110111T1234 ..... . 'gitim sohsvribers, at their FOUNI)ItY AND M ICIIIN Silt )I', On \1 _uiaNlV.V_L,ttLuJstl pnsite the Conga)' .11111.11, ttl IloroilS4li (II Citylkie, Pa., stilt enutiut• cntl(M and I 1,P1'5,• r. HA. Harrell's Pi!esi( lai!proved ?imp -I!: AND FOUR r \XY M., With a Itori'vfloarbalat-wlwel, %%WI a trni k to con duel the str:tp ,• 11 , ,V111 110 W, p{iwEi?,, Itnti ,;lit,iit` the horse...H 'her :kr, v 11 ep,leolliteil to put to one sitle'of thebarn I)iia g e )r under the ()aro t ovd.• 1 1 . New anal inal)rovecl Sihalkea• rn stparate the .rain rrom rile straw, v.(ltyll Iltip,.ll4V 111111131 W My:lV° 11111111 M; 111:11e to 01. lb!) Ve Nloulline if w: - g -9 g• 'iirrlinsihg .111) nitlitt ttlmve Nlitchlites,inav have the. wivilvgv. JILT n 16it tvizit, ‘ , C . 11 a same. it lot sAtI All M;wltitwA utid I r,whe Powers IlVe fOr one sear, if well RE PGIIII All binds nireletiritig %% ill he (lone nt tile similes tole° Roil on die most re:is-m:o3le term% They ill ,. Ryti Li No oil hand all c:otinr: ileeessary to repair he ;dime Nl:tehilies;or any others how 'Hi use.. MON AND G3ASS HICKORY. T111 . 14` 14 Ott , / 111.111111104 to illt• nn.LU4)Y I) II IC ASS_ i O LlNflit V, :11-whioli all kinds or CAST!, !sr“S can he nad—melt as Apt& . 11 ifis, Cot Braknrs, Plaster Ural:cr., WI/ Gear in;, Saw )l Cranks, .N;atltine Gearing; NV: A wn IT tsos, ke. kn.' Man. 11'irlititig7416; AND Skit! il§ Car Roves, Turning Lathes, all in the Iwo ' , Ho., in iron ;wil brass, • u All ‘vil I be I._ xectited at the sho r t e st Ilo ilo:owl prompt IV attended to. Farnwrs:ind others idol to gist wilt eatl, coutident that they can be suited to their gatisCtction. STOUPPE/1.2k . CO. Awl., 10,1134 , 2. ' 0141 I,l3•PlanttlOs. tena.noll's and Ogle's' P1.OW:11s and 11.013G11 CAS; I'IN“S. such as Ctoters sides, &C. sztt., can also be had at the rlindry. 'nion ,Paror THE subscriber respeetrully inlimus the pub. lic at large, that Ile has leased the above es' tablishment.-sit_nailes south.ofearlislc,fortacrn of years, and the MILL having been recently re paired, and new machinery introduced, he is therefore prepared to manulacturc to order, (and also has a supply constantly on hand) Paper of every kind and gnality, which he will furnish to printers, merchants and others; in any quantitibs at the lowest city prices. All orders addressed to the subscriber, at Paper town. Gund; . erlamk cotinty,. will receive prompt attention. Having lately received a supply of the very best materials, he - datmrs bitnßelf that he will he able to manufacture paper eipeif in quality to any other establishment in the country. IV( T,LIAM B. HULLIN. Pnipertrns;n,,3oy 29,1842: • tf.3B N. B. The highest price paid for raze. FARMERS/ HOTEL S =MWREXU S t3 4 X 2 a I2 `c. Dr. I. O. )Gopynis, DeA4lB4l lit io~ , Artificial' T4~ctiii' . . . . .. ' ~. N EW ;:ST E A M :MILL .' . DRAUETTICH - :'.llA - AS & COT THB. S'I'EAM 'B4:Y . : MILL, erected Inil l Ditav EDlLD3ull4it , : inAlte'prot year by, tlie sultAeribee, about Itolf 4„ 77 , . ~ .. :7 ~ , ~ , ~ , -, . mil t. belowjlvii . R).tof po tl?e east 13oek, or the Sitti- ' ' tiliclOome, oeso! the Roil roed a n d `,,C0001 i ' noeutioing two Vvytieel antlriwo Cireulor Snws,i4 now in oper.i Mimi, and reads to v:ocute grtlerre • tli .11n. nttnast ,feent. telt ; .11 T. P /1/CEN / . . , V" ( .-.ArPORAITTY 1111'4771F: GELYBII4I, •lIEDUCTIOX OF I'HE TL I 1 ES. An aesoilment of the various kinds of Scantling, Boards. Plank, Plastering and Shingling Latlis;Cav den Pales, &c , will be 711 ways kept ready 'for'oirliv'• ery; and 11C1 . 90113 sentling flints or Logs to the' Mill, can have them salved as directed, on the most rea sonable forms. 40,000 feet of seasoned clear Stuff are now in the. ard. (O'Steatn power, atjti taste in the bnilding.; to let s . i W. GRIMSIJAW. aanuary.2s, EZ3XM IRON • .10AM i"...laL k al o • . . •,.,;.T.,.. Y vw„ae.of the powers and :authority ttolltailleci itt. cite kat will arid testament of ,ticciuma. EfiE,litled.; I new Weir CH' Mlle, the . ..warlisle situated.,.„ the. Yeltow B vast el Carßsle s Pa. The e with Ten 71iiiirsal new WIRGBANT. finished 6i. the most 111)1)1.0 of thelhoa a r e doped au thereon erected • 'lris:lli.' I,:argi! 8411 k il)zaris atid . ,l ,, cct•Haavy TENAINT (-I(KSES. 'I he are ialmelle'd I)) theiehow Loeb creek soil the :Soiling tiring, ivhaz 'Wither fail toorfrerke. Thitv :Ire otiOn (he remiss sit the ilecessari• work oleos houses, coal friiises, irpenter Mid smith shops. 'lml : stabling imilt . of then ' t,stantial materials. l'he ol'e of the hest mf ., ild y . Ath MO Mexliaosiihie, is Within '2 mile , of .the Purace There is l'ierliclits , ..m.l.mat Works i., l'ettastitaia whieh possesses sir-. perior allllll , llq4eS and 011 ' 01, greutvi . iillllll:Thilt.ritm-ltr the itiveStilwilt of capital.rh,• power, is pri great that it 111354114 be Oa( leg to i.JI, other Ina' • Isetm•ing "Imrposv.. I'VM 4 disposed' to porelia9c will of entirse i•xtutiii‘!lt'ollerty The terms of sale Will In' nillth• 1010rOt t , lisle, P.xeetitrix Ott. 10, 184:3. 11 & g Vl', 'just. opened 3 pi NirNT or • • DRUGS, PA! Toeher milli an ed,t Patent .11ctiiclitcs NO.-F ' Olt EP.MONS, ItAISI •i..ll{t;Ek NTS, .111 ~hick they wilEs he•st ' Decoi t her 14,142.-3 m ER • 4A , N o'l'llEl2 slip v of • ,V1IINIT1? (;()00s.,j, i st rccrp and solii, g lmtrr. fl/1 . :ash tliwt vver The supply has be, t , b night at the preseilitteell eily priers, :tll Tor,hase, s will belt Iti•Itqll to their'llitertst to fail before porehosiog-elsliteriv: *". No v obi) ‘2 3,18 le 112.4 rival o FALL AND MYER GOODS• OLIPPiNCEFt& OAREY I .;, cur iho - 4 it notrti,.. - 0111:,?..??11 1 2 1 , , S' 0311.1. ItiivE•r(whi(l It sp lid wisortrocia of P:',A. lA, AND WI ER GOODS, which OW"' arc:determined .II at the very lowest t.:141t ptieet. Siltwitiltot• QS, I C. 2, NEIT FRIA/ WINTA QOODN. • . . /II ll: sohß•riber is just rti u) ving Afresh topply oit~f roods, It morig wh u} hic ho lo rd _ Ike:ll'er & 11 ). 6t Clt)ltom c k :tilli V:16 0 118 (alitn . BI•0:111 Clo . A ;;teat variety of SATINETTS,.CASSIMERE s ENTUCKY )EANS ItodotItto• seasonable goods ootm's ii cal. A153,.,‘ geovral assovtoityl At vrehandize for the I.odt,to kk 44.11 Ito . respeethr eldls their attviition. ' C.,11 and , ce :IS tiM111!IS p' . !4les lB the tall'e stock will tyz sold vori cheap for A. -* 40. w. iirrsEn. •Car lisle, Sept. '21 ,-1,31.2. I NEW &t. CHE 9111 In sobs, eiller ISns jiffs I:wat , s,,elaqiltirg nt S !thick. Moe and Fancy et acts, all calms and iwiee I.ailwa. (:loves. I l•weiry, 5 lev),l-1 c,. r a 25 coats, with a variety or will be sold at Very low pt.' Carlisle, October 19, I q V cKt 4 i - ezree,iNii'AN , A CP r r , Illtiga,fe , • , FACIII..+ •Pai it ter and 11,41 ,, zwr, in t ESPECTFULLV • (Irma the piddle that 911 i, lie hoe Commence( he lIGIJSE PAINT ING. GLAZING, and PIPER (lANGING, in , I ail their viirions blanche:Auld hopes by tention to ImAtiessand in erateglitirges to merit and receive a share of hlie patronage.. His shop is in Pitt greet, dir t hy in the rear'of Ste venson & Ditililv's Drriff ore. _Ca ri isl o,_uat—la,_lll424_ • ' Etouses f ripiE RI .1,1,1 Nal-1,0,11S E aL Store room, Brick 'are llotv'w and Lni (!r attached, siunde ' North Ilanover street, Carlisle, now occupied by les9rs .1: G. Cocoanut, 11. vi the Shop Reelltid flow 'Utah of the aliarw,in du: occupancy of Mr. Ilautc A Isu tlw Brick Dwell ing Muse, Lr4:411(1- - Sull - 9*, iu \Volt !light steal, w iw is toultreof n • Irvine.. Also new Brick 'hc lelliwz I louse and pal ,r IAI atfileited, on Dick• ;nOOlllOl , ll and the Fran Houscand Lot of Ground occupied Ly Mr. It. M.o( c, 011 West Louther street. Possession giVen on tI lst of Apr, CllllO apply to .1 NO. II VAILIiEB. Dreendwr 842. • 1 ee hackie! bu rg . 'Line .2a,i21.1 . . i3Ol /Veen Jive efitiralltr.g ., and _ . eilitadelphif or INAllintl»'e. [ BYR.IIL X 011) 08. C. 1 1,V.:11,4 P IIE subscriber gi teful for . P.'st. Myers, beg,. leave to inform lis friends,itmf the pUblie generally, that ho still continues to run n. line of 1 bnrthen Care regularl between Mechanicsburg y and Philadelphia or ; altimore, by which goods and produce Of. all deS riptiono will be forwarded m with care and deep at the .lowest rates of freight. :. ''t .' ~' ' '' ' ' . Produce will be recrived,ut his Ware tiouse,im ;Mechanicsburg, :and frworded to either. Phila. delphia or Baltlntorq, hecoidl9oo,l4 direction ' 10°The'llighest piice.*illbeiieq for Wheat and Elotir. .;= MPILEY. ^N. .B. Plaster of r'itria and Salt always kept on hand, and for sale at the lonfeat pr cos. • UwkaA'a.Das•l:n HO iinsulso ars hand, at the Dipotiri.hlechmiies. burg, for oulei LIMNOS 11,'such aq Boarde; eigt6s, Sea sal mot, &C, of allicinds, Ural tern* . Alauftl.7, 1842: • ' - tf-42 - , , ' Donis. 1101 ,- ,,lbioesi, •• . 1 , 11- attheerlheii: , ill sell sr eheimer and better T :mile quoT th a mitt he rettlitt iti (4'10'1816: • * A il:41„ AN pled Nlio!;jjetici •titi; Skiem( , Tiektqid vith . lime klirl)y*.y moot. 44e7".. roHE OLIVE BRANCH PILLS for the 'cure: rir o f Coughe, Colds, Cootium plaints, ,Astlinia, Bronebitis,Sure Throat] Dye.' • pepsin, Shortness :of Breath,, Fajita in the'. Side, Breast, Duck and Shoulders, Agge mid Tem, intalluble Cure, and ull Scarlet and Bilious Fevers, and all diseades arising. from exposure and 'de. bility, no matter how long. standing— -infact all. diseases to which the human family aresubjAte. These pills are unsurpassed by any, medical comPoundeveroffered to the public am gcneralre novater and family medicine. They are very gentle in their operation, causing neither pain, sickness nor debility by the use 'of therm' bufon the contrary they strengthen the stomach and bowels in a wonderful manner, and soon restore nature to its former'couree and 'vigor. The'per eon using the Olive Branch Pills Soon forgets that he was sick—which is very easily accounted for: there is not 'that prostration of strength in these pills as in many other 'remedies of the day, because the materials used in tosnufaCturing them are in haimbny with the powers of life and act in concert with the opinions of Dr's: Brown, Bush, Armstrong, Motitgovery, Hersey,' Kendrick, Shopper and the celebrated Dr. Waterhouse, f:innerly Lecturer on'the theory and practice of Physic in Cambridge University, Massachusetts. Purchase of them, and give them 'a fair mid im partial trial, and you will find that permanent re lief, upon which the proprietors depend to make them the most universal family. medicine used, and which. will stand unrivaled by' any 'other in he known world. Price 25 cents per box. REIEUMAT[C.MEDICINE'. EZM ILE ORKS 'Works,. '•eches Creek, 4,1 tte emiekatti ate r Z22 , 411/2 • . 0 i t acres of Land. • L with folirriiti et. sttwie, 111)1111,. A how. 5001tcres ighly cal ti . vateci, hating Is one of the most certain and aifeetual for alfrheurnatie, chronic and inflammatory jtheuma tisms that has everlct been discovered, 'and in numerous eases has eradicated that dreadful ease limn ,persons afflicted entirely. • All sour drinks and victimls ate strictly forbidden, and spiritous liquors must not be taken inwardly by any means whatever, or it will be of no • use to take - this medicine, as it will destroy the good ef fects of the medicine' entirely, Price $1,50 per package. . r-----AUGSRURQLIFE TINCTURE.. These celebrated drops fiaTeltquired the high est recommendations in this country, as well as cn Europe fbr its most valuable proprieties for all inward wen !messes, cram ps,colds,aguer. and fever; and when used. with the Olive Branch Pills,nevor tails to cure the fever and ague. Price 25 cents per bottle. MARY Ef4E, .Michnel PECTORAL ELIXIR IS unrivalled for its curative qualities even when used in cases of maladies which were otherwise incurable. Many recommendations have been given of the beneficial' effects it has 'had in the curesff pleurisy, pectoral and Milmonary con. ..sumptions, colds, Ste. Price 25 cents per h/tile. 41YSTERIC MOTEIER t/1101. This most excellent article has rt quality of calniing-iitsta linty and without fail, all cramps or the stoniaeb, cholie•and that troublestoneAscase called annlherlits or hysterics;' and when chitin - in: e d for :Mine Length--of time,-will cure the patient . entifely. Price 25 cents per vial. _ '- GREEN WONDER OIL, A certain core for all Scalds, Brus'es, Burns, MU! the most iAreetmd_cilreita—the-pil63—ir dire theiierson afflicted in a very short:time, if used according todireetions. Price 25 eta. per vial. SPIRT!' DE MEXICO. - - - . This *spirit is highly recommended for all sprains, swelling of the limbs, or-leadersi.sinews;- . Mintiiand - iii - eumatiMas an outward remedy, it has no equalond when used with the Rheuma tic Medi. tine, will greatly tiicihitate the cure. The an. - iiinitvofifiAory-do-noLittadoce its equal, wind it is ' the greatest preventive cold,. in the Ictrown world. For pa rtictilars see dirc'etionsaccom. partying tlie bottles. Price 25 cents. • TOOTH ACID E DROPS, • . . Alt infallible mire if used according to dire c dons. Price 2.s.eents per vial. ....3ALVF: OF 'DRESDEN. • Is decidedly the best application for wounds and sores, old or new, of all kinds, and will pre vent if used in time, many operations; and pre vent Lock Jaw, Pains in the Back Mad, Ste.— T71,111411,1-dff gey breasts, and w~ill ~ use this wonderfid salve, will be cured in a very short throe. It cannot be too high. Iv recommended. For further partieularssee three. Guns. Price 12.. cents per box. WORM _ An eiriellent article for the 'cure of worms iti adults as well as children, and will cure when other remedies fail. Price 61 cents per box. COUGU LOZENGES. A superior artielefor Conghs, Colds,Sore throat, Bronehitis' and diffieulty of breathing. Priee GI cents per box. Sold wholesale and retail, at the principal office, No. 38-i, North 3trstreet, Philadelphia; anti by JOHN GRAY, Carlisle, Pa. General Agent fur Cumberland County. June 22;18 , 12. 1 Y 3'l FALL • ASSUICY ITS, OIL S - „,iyata sive assortmint of ti I .. er Y • till'FY4,' ki.ltnNus, 111;s, vuus:v,s, - - wholestile(W retail (11,- CIJAS. UGTLRV. 1e.511 ME GOODS! HEAD . WHAT IT HAS DONE, AND icyou-ltdvc a fricnd, a relation, or know any one that is afilicted - witletliat7listr6sing disease, "GO N SI) M PI'ION," persuade. them with out delay to try that famous and unrivaled Medi cine, the 1 1. 7 .1 1 1 1e 1. 1 eil Cassitorres, Nlerlooeii, Moose tie Brown M with's; for .0 I, Fhoowls fr un •21t to 111 or goods. all of 4th S to suit the thous._ which has cured thousands of this complaint sl ur everything else had Sailed. Road the' follow lug Mloolitcd„prooth its ettic icy: • Roxsoanuan, Sept. JO 1811. MB= 11121 DLAR SIR:—PIC1180 sCtid tae two inure bullies or your 'Balsam of Wild Cherry, like that you sent the hetbre. I have' taken nearly all of the first two, and confidently believe thismedicine willeure me. I have used a great many remedies within the last year, but have never found any thing that has relieved me so much. It has stopped my cough entirely, eheelted my night sweats, and I sleep better at night and feel better in.every ~ w4y,than have for many months. - Yours, respectfully, JA1.1.0 JCJ:LLy. Houirsnuncr. Sept. l 2, 1841. FIE VnIEND WlEri Att:-Lmust again trouble thee to send me two bottles more of thy invaluable Hal sany. - 1 have now taken three bottles in all, and can assure thee that it line done nioro good-than all the medieind 1 have ever taken before. Send by, the stage as soon as possible, nd oblige thy friend, • Jesic.rFairiiewiv. DEAR DoCTOß:—HearingSO many people talk 'oi the wonderful cures your Balsam of Wild Cher ry has made in Censumption,l sent to one of your Agents the othi r day for a bottle,• and have found it to have reheved me so much, that I want three bottles more sent spumes I believe it will cure Inc ton, I have used Jayne's Expectorant at other medicines besides, but nothing has done 'tie as much good as yours hits.— Send by the vteambout Bolivar, ' Yours, truly, Witt,t4u ThonAs. Virßesides its astimiAting etEr t rey in Consumptien, it is also the most effectual remedy ever discovered for LIVER COM IcLAINTS, AWIII AI Ai BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, UnflUP, WHOOP ING.COUGIL&e., as hundreds will tes tify, who have been cured by it after all other reme dies had failed. • ' DRUGGISTS and -DEALERS, will find this medicine tiiraluable addition to their stock,, and should always keep it on hand, as It is Universally acknowledged to be one orto.mOet uSethf family *Opines now in use. • very careful to ask rpr Dr, WISrAWS DALSAM OF. WILD CHERRY. Sold whele., saleund retail . by. ,WILLIAMS dr. t CO-; Cheiniels, N 0.33; SMith - Fouith Street, ' ~- , . wrThe .g . enuin6 "Balsam * sold* in •Car. lisle by,-BANIUW - Li.toTT, appointed 'Agent. Pribe , :—sl, • Juno 22,1.0%.:,..;;.::'.• it YK ENS VllllotePlne GrOve,Litna,burnero,_ .and .1,144110440ne COAL, . constantly (Or sa 0 yt, , = • ' J. , Sz,l 3 : . MARTIN, ..t - Maktins ,flafrisburg Anti! 20. or iption'4s4Po./T',I.9LES, IUMBER' , ' 4 -for 8111"11°iP,!, timid -;,1*,14f • - •••• .z.,'••••tr, • • --- (411 t 41`. • “Hai4allll of Wild Cherry;” BRISTOL, Sept. R, 1841 :lip. ~ ~ ~.~_ ~ ~ ~ .i 1 . . . . .. . ... Cf. ) NsIUBIPTION OF .TIEIE LUNGS, afeetions of the litter, iii r athma,'Bronchitit, Paint or 'werikneso of the Breast ;or Lung* Chrode. Coughs, Pie:tile: lfrniorrage of the .I.aings, and ' afections of the Pulmonary Organs. . ' ' - NATURE'S OWN PRESCRIPTION.. . ' • , , , . .. H conipoundlialatimic preparation of the Prunus" Virginiansa or "Wild Cherryßaric k "combined with the Extract „olTar, prepared by a new chemical proceas t approvett atid recomtnended by the most 'diatingutslied. physiciaria; and universally ackninv= hedged the most.valuable medicine ever liecoverhd. NO QUACKERY!!! NO DECEPTION 4 . In 'Setting forth the virtues of thil.tritly great me dicine, we have no desire to deceive those who are laboring under affliction, nor do ,We wish to eMogise it 'more than it justly deserves: Yet' when we look around and see the vast amount of suffering and die . tress occasioned by many of the diseases 'which ; this medicine has proved so highly successful, we feel that.we cannot urge its Claims, too strongly. nil 8 . 4 y -um much hi hc facoc. , %qit:kis remedies it is trtie have been ort,i7o and puffed into unties'-far the 'cure of diseases of the Lungs, and dome have no doubt been found vet,' useful, but dull thstiutve yet been discovered, it is admitted by physicians •anti all who have witnessed its effects, that" none has prpved as auccessfufas this. Such, indeed; are the • SURPRISING VIRTUES • Of this Balsam,:that even % in the advanced stage of Corraustrrtolv,after all the most esteemed remedies itf physitiatis have failed to effect any change, the use of_this medicine lots' been productive of thy most astonishiog rebid; mid actually effected curies itter all hopes of recovery had been despaired of. • In the first - stages.of the disease,termed , ,ha! Consumptioli,"origimaii,g frimilieglected Cold s, il.bas been used with undeviating success, and hun dreds acknowledge tiny owe the restoration of their health to this invaluable medicine alone. In ibid. form of Consumption so prevalent amongst delicate. young fediales, commonly ternied debility, or "COIN G INTO A DEOLII4/ E," ezmplaitit with which thousands are lingering, it has also proved loghly specessfa, and not only pos• 'oessus the power •of checking the progress of this alarming complaint, but also strengthens and invig orates the system more 'effectually than any medi- Cine u e have ever possessed. llosides its surprising efficacy in Consumption, it is equally efficacious in Liver • Complaiiih, Jatlima, Ih inchitie. and all affections of the Lungs, Rod NO' cut ad many of the most obstinate cases, after mery •u`erremedyhall failed. (fiz,-For •particidars see Or. Wistar's Tre ise On CO/ISUMOO/1, to• be had o' the Pvrents. • TEI E EXT - i.AORDiNARY SUCCESS Attending tlit• !me of this medicine in diseases of (he !Mt many Aingsdar cores it has et; reeted. has intt tottileally at: faded the ullontiOn of physicians, (as mill to the a hole fraternity of alotteks) vttrientmonjovittees and miernises hove arisen 'resiteclintt its t otoptisitiont soine.idtysicians 11)500 lodine, other twineant toret(n iteett say i , mils! I:oahrili - vlitl•ciiry„ll'ini in vifneiiii:ll so/Mance att titan c ii - s - sitigtilur efficacy.— As such npinfol , s.nre,allogether erroiit!miß; and cal culated to prt:iiiiien pinny itiTSOll9 ;IgfilliSt it, ii'Ci -- -:- 4'1,1•11)GE-0.1:1{91-Q-NO-1{- That it enutains• nothing of the kind, or any thing tho least itjurious; on the contrary, it is etintitoscd :dale most the 'de substances, the prineinle are-the_ extraC), of- TAR mid II i4I Ch , rry Bark, :ma %CtilifL.--secEct el its ellh , acy consists in the uttdc ftith-LheC-liii-vrrpaved. Ag we leave Ilrea.l) puLli hrd outnerotts•eertill cates frot» the highest authority, wide!' prove its virtues heyoull :nil donht, we eonsider itAinuccessary C. exhibit a Irne list !Inherit in this pima:. and will only mention a tew cases, to show what it has doute• ILEMAiNS _ • WE HAV%, - STILL SOME ELOPE. . •A . SURPI2I , ING CURE--Among the aunty singular • e nres which :this tnethrine eliertett, thert is perhaps ti nic ill which its powers ore 50 fully shown as iu the case cif Airs. Austin. 'nig lady had_ been enasumptive ror several yearn .and altarit g the greater part of this thaw had receixet the hest' aatedieal. attention, and tried all the most vat:a:aide rem: dies, yet nothing could be found to arrest Ito prOp . . SS.. She Lecantel:tgljeLlit4i47l filtioFt: .aettslei .try tinged a itli blood, Hod step he step.this fearful disease ernitililled its C(1(11 SC, 1111th thl hope or a r.aat‘rry was entirely despaired While in this .li , tra•ssing s ituation, liuperiug (Taal thee (Tv yk•rge el' the grail e : she commenced the use of this italsalan, .which, to use her own expression, otter:dealt:hues: like :Cell:WM. In a few" days she expect °lied hvely, the cough urns gradually sup pressed,ad ex cry day appeared to add fresh rigor to her le as, and now, in the place of that eznaeiatted (n em witi.ring to decay, she is seen- mingling in slciely,italpttee health than she has enjoyed fo rears. • Dist ' 4 'n , t 3 Til,,,,l . Eqrz no/Tr.-11as ing %vitnesso rho sorpri.4g of Di . li".ifitar'sisArn o ritetv. in On ease of Nlev•A thtii., 1 cheer Attic fit-kw:ledge the above st:itement to he trot Hod correct' .1. C..WALiEns, M. 1). Wootlstown,Sept. )$4l. Dear Sir—,!thottp,ll your itivaltialtle ttietlicitte ha alreath foitylittolreds nt powerfill advocates, it yOIIV still he stir!. ittg, to you to reetive 0 eonmituii. ea tio n from) (mime that has berm relict:ld Si; it. s m .' ' . Sir. is ilv lily vase. I have been a victim to 110 - d.Th ".I.l4_4lii,tittu. C.onstimption, numy mnitths, ttall so nitwit, that I had be ,onle almost t ary of my lite. Hearing your liml , alto it" hi . p praised, 1 began taking. it a few weeks -tt van assure t no it has relieved me more than tit , litt; I have ever used and I emirartaly 1..44 will cure me efliamially. Please give the 'hearer! it Oil); ame eno ,, q,o,ttrul obtigc Yours livsifulls, ' ' dniis PeAtisos. ....• Chester County, Sept. (1,1841. Prieuti gii es me tinivii tolCusure In rum dire that File's heshit hn ittipro‘ett very much shwe lietur using thy Iluissint of Willi (.14 , .11',', "Jul "L' k there is Ito 40itht but that it wlll cure her. 'has token the IWn bottles I plir. siut?e,, rid her cough I.l.,":,:,l:',l.llll.l::•ll.ll.t.iti.(.4itit:',;lltsilmti.let.tis. well at night, soil 411 , S she humus to give her so much re lief, '1 bee ir give the hearer two bottles mutate foe Thy Prie“tl. ILDwA.RD-I locuts. i • ' lister entinty„fuly 18;1841. . -Dear Sir--Pleiiui me two potties of your ~ ~ liailie.lialsaira ( d Cherry. I hare leen af• liteted with Consul i for the,last two ,'c sin suffered verY mild 1 a Severe cough, paint in my breast, iiiiiimitt alithinz, night sweats, 4e., ant i Having tried illi is remedies, and also been. -Thider„several dortn I could not find any thing to velievi - ±'Tri - reamtl.l. same of your Ittilsalim 1 /_ I l4.l( t : k t il l° :e 'l Il'otb':-(:(111:1:1:11:;;;;:(:1"i'lil:t1:"ninet is i i :af e u tt Ell Y . : : : l ll 4 :l l ) .lm F lu -it using that Very res t yours, &e. i , , ROVER' HOMISAN. (r- Read the felimioni Dr. Jacob Eloffican, a ijipician or exteutirabtice in Vtuitingdot comity : Dear Sir--T procurqboitle of Dr; Wistar's n ILlsslnt of Wild Che ' Thomas Reed, Esq of-this-this places- child tr i to a -, clime of obstimity Asthma on a da of mabie,iii which man niber remedies bid h d without any 'THAT . The Bidssim qase suite , and in nr. opinion the child is...fteetiTlTy,f y_ i tamse. 7 i"I • Yolirs, &o. ti v - n Decerabei• 22(1, $41)1 7 — ll '4 l E. D. .i,•" . • -. . Dear Sir -your Sal Wild Cherry baser feeted sow astonishing sere. One ni . which is,an old lady, Mrs. Rn elm/ been ant Bring for a long time with Rho . b reitthing ,, , anti gen. eral weaktieii; until she Hy obliged to keep t ,, her bed. Al!er varise reedies had been resorted to in_rain. She dm ming y our Dal sahn,tuul Idler taint; tir w „, O r at reccmet , e d .ns to' he able to atte the dUties of her house; and on taking t a q moo was e ntirely cured.: .. • • ReepecCul ,' •, . , 7, • • ..• ' ' •, `,•‘. - S. C..lkLinTlP.'::- Pottsville t P. ' , . . ,I enurioN.L-A a ' th.,ef brious - mbanre i called S:YruP of wag? . 2 asersthettld be t t very' particular to ask' re ISTAVS , DALt, SA M. and .obserye Ids 5 , i tie , flottle. ':...- PrePared . fOr the Prop t i o m ' a e l oi, : dp., sale by . l.Villiants k C0.,'.• ,` . .ltro;2t Itiltiot±i street; Phllattelthia. , . 1 ,':. !I ;.:Sold. in; 0011#by i i,:, • . j In Ski rbiber2 l s Chtimbt :tO39V*! oPri4 11;• ei 00 j ou!, • ( 33 11 li)Y. S" ',r ---,:..• (_. Vii • SARSAPARILLA, - --- i n.T.5O )01.) 1. 3 .1.1..,t, N . -, • r As you value your tifd . and Health, beseech you,reaci the following': • DR: 11. - 13. LIEIDY IAS the pleaetirerof ihe public, that his valuable Medicines receive the appro bation of .the . . . , ' ..... - MEDICAL .1 7 AC ULTY, heing composed of ingrediints which, are known to thO profeamon, and,which are daily •iven by thawed reapecntble nhyslaistak to their patients: ' Thia fact 'alone is suf fi cient-to stamp .their- REPUT.ITION" 'FOREVER •' . , , las well air cation therh• to be emplOyed by ali ~ W ith • • MORE CONFIDENCE • than the preparations of quacks and iMptitort. 'RECOMIZ.V.D.47 4 IO.ItIS • baye been published frequently, in the papers, from Physicians and Clergymen,' •. , Menibers of. . Congress and• State Legislatures, ". respectable private citizens, and arming them Many. : of the most distinguished nierithera of churches and other inatitutions, •-• • in Dr. Laddy'a Medicines, and Ri0:h0p...7 dd, from the numerous certificates and recornmenda« !ions, having beenpublished far and near, that all that isnow necessaryis to keep them before the public, that they Maybe reminded Of them; where they may obtained genuine. &c. One of the most valuableis . • Sarsaparilla ..111iiiid Pilts . . • These eelebrated-Pills are daily recommended in' Diseases of the . Stomach Impurities of the Blood, and Bowels, generating diseases-of Billious Affections, , the Stomach, ilnbitudl Costiveness, . Splecii,Rid • - Indignation, Flatulency, • ' • neyi, Bones, &c. &c. Want of Appetite, • Ulcerous Sores of the Sourness of the Stomach, - Nose; Threat & Body; Witterbrash, Heartburn; Scaly, Eruptions and Foul and offensivehreatli, Blotches 'of the Skin; Had taste in the mouth, • Dry and watery pimples In ward Pains, Par ris of the of the thee and body; Stomach, the Sides, and Headache, Giddiness, along the Back; Scrofola,•Eryiipelas,„ Rheumatic Pains, Gout, I Glandular Affections. ALSO IN • Constitutional diseases, produced by Mercury and other mineral preparations„sts well as the dangerous consequeoces resulting from the improper treatment of Syphitis, &c. btc. • "The Life of the Flesh lain the Blood," Leviticus, cli. XXII, v. 11. • Be ye - purified in your Blood, Anti health a ill attend you. The great . principles advocated by Dr. Leidy, and in which lie is supported be sCripture, are lat. That vitality is contained in the Blood. ' The Blood, becoming vitiated or impure,gives rise to numerous diseases of the organs at the 'roily, the stomach, tlw liver, the heart, 8,:c: &C. - Sit.- Trutt whatever - has the ellect orpturify ing the Blood. passesvestbe power of rt-eatablishing, health ful action to the body. 4th. That Purgation and Starvurion, or, in other words, purging to the. extent that is'uto frequently Omni, sad at the saint... lug Ina' diet, crid nbstire n c e food al !Unfit entireiy , are proilitiOe _much-moremischiefiliali-ia arid in By I negation—The Minna sySteni us``rnorc iii Mess" - ' debilitatril,•for thiA cry simple, reason that in the 1,,,,e,cm, of purging all is cis tied the stomach hich tionrishnient is derived and distributed throughout the system.. . • . . Ity Str - TeiTiiinlie—Noueisiment is aliaohttely pith. held from the system so necessary to it, brtlt fOr Otis tai,,ing vital action sod nature in bi tiring up igalost flint progress of disease. Il ene , the consetpiChces of (so much pUrging;litid t continued (bet mitt be to produce such a condition the systcin an Will etodde disease to make mere rapid progress, and extend ii, svif mort easily,and in a brief time throughout di: ay stem. • Admitting site foregoing, i t becomes necessary to inquiet. bow is the 111. oil to 1, 1,11611..91 ? and in em placing the means, how is the system to-be guarded against any serious s cons, quennti ? - *Tin easily mita vectl-- Fnr lass onr ills. . • . Take-Dr. Leidy's Blocaf Pills, Thee. 1911 s. operate gently, though erectnalky hey li d ;wait - cativo of the sy Stel»,aSoloyl. They require, no restraint either. from occupation ' ' or the rec t imie ntro.l, nf livir. g . No f ear nee d le.• en terfained of taking cold film * their t i.., ou r may he taken :wall times, hy yo , i'vg aim oid. without inter fering a ill any tither medicine that may 11:1YC been taker, beforehand. 1 These Pills are preparedonly; and sold whole a le and retail. at' • DIL 1 El l / 1 "8 Health Emporium.' -. 'o. 191 N. ?AI st. below Vim:. (Sig': of the Golden Eagle and Seepents,) Phila. • PR ICE tlzi cgirrs .9 BOX. .... . , - ( 1 .-, , A 'iiTsci,itt‘t to wholesale dealers. (1:r.1)r. Leidy's 1)1nOi3 Pills are also sold in all tins principal cities : tin t towns throughout the Unionomd , by many respectable storekeepers throUghout the coutitrv. For side. le CiirDale. hr STEVENSON & DJNKLE, Agents for Cumberland Comity, Carlisle, Dec, 2,1 ~1 842 ty-g COMINS g• HE CAUSE OF CONSUMPTION.—Sim. m pleas these ConiPlaints arc usually considered, no one can deny their hong tho .ftiost common cause of this fatal and distressing 'disease. It is indeed a inelanelyily truth, ,that thousands fall victims to Consumption every_year from no other cause than neg . /feted cold:. Yet we find hun dreds, nay thousands who treat such complaints with the greatest indifference, and let them run on for weeks and even months without thinking. of the danger. At first you have what you may consider a slight cough or - cold; you allow busi, ness, pleasure or carelessness to prevent you from giving it any attention; it then settles upon your breast, you become hoarse, have pains in the. side or chest, expeeferate large quantities of mat ter, perhaps mixed with blood, a difficulty of breathing ensues, and then you find your Own foolish neglect has brought on this distessing compliant. value•life or health, be warned in time, and don't_trifle with -yOur Coto, . or trust to any quack nostrum to cure you, but immediately procure a bottle or two of that fa mous remedy, ,the . . * BALSAM Or WILD Cliettar," which is well known to be the most speedy cure ever known, as thousands Will testify whose lives have been saved b y it. Into ver - Y particular when you purchase to ash - for "Dr. W iSTA R'S BALSAM or WILD 6181 RY," as there is also a 'timer of this name in use. Prepared, wholesale and retail,• by WILLIAM& & Co,, Chemicts, No. 33 South Fourth street, Philadelphia. Sold in Carlisle by SAMUEL ELLIOTT. • , Price One Dollar a Bottle. June 22, 1842. GROUP ON COOLD2OI, . . . MOTHERS, BE, ON YOUR: ,GUARD!... ' This is the season when thistlestroctive ~. . complaint attacks your interesting little children; ' often robs you of those You fondly dont on, and carries hundreds to the "grave. Every mother should therefore, know its symptoms, watch th em closely, arid alwaydbe prepared with ,o remedy as many aro daily sacrificed by such neglect. , At first thelittli3 patient is seized with a shivering, it grows restless, has Bushes of heat,the eyes become red and swollen iit breathes': with dillieulty, and then, comes that fearful Oxman that will surely ter. minate in convedslone,ordeatii unless something is immedbitelygiveri'to check it.. Inthis complaint the "Batiam ef Wild ' Che'r •y''' is Well known to ' be, the nidit spdddy ever dicovered.- It is iiuleed a ' _precious riniedy , —,mild, : safe 'atid•innocent, arid . to give the sufFeterjrnmediate relief,. and ' quickly resto . m it4o lutrety , and health. /mi. lies iesidirig utihe country and indeed every 1404 ther 'Whci loves her Children, :iihnuid slways,,kCep thiti medicine:in Sit; ' beiie' Mid :gird it to them. ' letirly, by doing so you my often. sa6thelifear one you fondly love::: Berneniber this'is t he &Mons remedy .oftins distinguiebeephysioisn i , DyNis= ... • 4 cured.. thousands; of .• CROVPy . ;OUGH;401111d - kOONSU,P4P., irOvery other inediOne Bali failed, mkt' wheti' yiiejiiiistinse :tii,4str. - • titsllsitisit'lls' WlLD*,Ctitifav," • ItlP,Of ibis name id,eirtised• that'iss • rent mediemeL ' ! ,'....e,- 0i ."': •; hyt,Wks:iii*i:&,,Cco; Chemists Mrtivitriiiii:PhAiletrihisi .. ..I : . 'Silisieify; 4 4 ` ± '' '''''' '': '*r ' : SA MUEIVELVIOtt4%' .i ---•:•, -', , . 1 . 4 ' Pittiir 0 Vgifitt.-:"., 5%, - . . r ' • El to 2.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers