Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 29, 1843, Image 3

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teo l , 7,
•Wednesdair likoriiink, March 29; 1843.
PLiladolphia Satnxday, courier.
. I:lLtr.,The bled number of this well-established and
sterling newspaper, published weekly by NicMakin
and Holden, being the commencement of a new
volume, ii really a splendid s'p'ecimen of improved ,
. tasteinliterary publications. 'rite sheet is immeese
1y enlarged; and ;what With the fine white paper, the
new and large type, and the tasteful embellishments,
it's appearance is truly beautiful. Its contents are in
keeping witit.itsappearanee, and would do credit to
any of the boasted periodicals of the day. This truly
mammoth paper can be had for one year for $2 !
D'Anbigne's Ilistoiy of the Rofbrmatis:qi..
Me work; being the Monthly numbers from January
to May, incluaive,'Of the Select Library Of Religious
Literature,_publiahed by James , 11. Campbell, of
Philadelphia. • Price fifteen cents a number, Dr $l,-
80 cents a year.
. , The History of the Reformation, which is comple
ted in these numbers, is one of the most deeply in
teresting works we hive ever read. .The ever-vary
ing scenes of that Dve'ntful period pass before the' eye
in-the most vivid manner, and the characters of
_Cher and the other leading Reformers, as ttehl as the
champions of the church of Rome, areAlepieterl with
a ft:4.6e that imparts to them the r'eality , and beauty
of the most masterly paintings: A book so good and
cheap ought to be in the.hands of every family.
•It may. be had ot Kneedler •Si Hunter's in Main_
street; where also-may be had. Allison's History of
Europe, and-other cheap works.
Mr• Durbin'a Lottorb.
CCj'Another, and we think the most interesting
'letter that has yet appeared from Professor Diatom,
will be found on the first page of to-day's paper. It
is addressed to'llr. SEWALL, of Washington City, a
son of whom is 'making the tour of the Continent
and the East in company with Mr. Dountpri We
copy the letter from the National Intelligencer. It
treats particularly of the Religious condition of Eu
rope, with ti brief examination -of the frame-work
and policy. of the English and French governments
and the condition and prospects of fheir people, to
-whickis added anTinteresting - notice - ofireland and'
lierlieople. 'The comments of Mi. Punntat upon
the people and policy-of the 'countries he has visited,
though necessarily brief to come within the narrow'
limits of a letter ; demonstrate the closeness of his
_observations upon the character of the governments
or the old world, mid the keenness of his scrutiny kit
to the moving causes of their policy. It will he seen
that lie gives it as his opinion that Papal poWer
rapidly veiaining ivhat was wreined.lvom it by the
Reformation,and that certain steps toward an alli-
ance mails by Louis -PhiMite, indicate that the day is
not far distant %vitro even klnglittal slid France nifty be
added to • the inindi . er or Kio i dom-lohima to the
)(wee of Heine! The letter will he hound replete
„with habilitation All instruction, and is cotnnientked
W.:Mei:Live perusal
Matti° of Waterloo
E 1.1.18 BON11,17:1, Esq.delivered the eleventh
lecture before the Alert Fire Company, on Tuesday
es ening last. Subjeet—the Battle of Waterloo.-
- It was listened to With great saiishiction by a large.
and fashionable audience, and.reflected, in its finish
ed. st,t le, vivid picturing stud effective declamation,
the Juglicat credit upon the promising talents of the
l roarer. As we take no notes of soy of the lertures,
we can give of this, as the preceding ones, no more
..than a brief outline.
Opening with the French Revolution,,
took it raiihl review of the progressive causes wind!'
led (0 that bloody poriod, perm.'
' (Mine:l l '6p a,0,1 : 1c. oils prominent charactersl--Ro
liespieirre, Marat, Milton and othersthe'Tiendish
haiders is its terrible crimes, who first stirred up—
flourished in lath; hour'—and at last became,
most fitly,' the" miserable victims. of, the Relit' of
Terror. Passing on from this, the lecturer advert-
cl to the out:101011 which I;COLIght N7lllokolll
lituttAtiecesses of !;i's . aiuns which fullowed,and which
adding: conquest to conquestovere making his name a
terror to Europe; until at last, alarmed at the threat
enitig.aspect of allitirs, an alliance of some of the
greatest powers was found necessary' and thrilled, to
crush the usurper with one powerful and decisive .
blow. That geeat encounter, upon which hum; dm
fate of nations, nettle NVaterloo iinraor6.l in history
and restored the peace of Europe. That div ended
the triumphant career of Napoleon ; the march of the
%Conqueror was stopped—his ambition paralyzed in
its highest effort, and the child of destiny' fell from
Ids high pinnacle of poWer, to. rise no more ! He
like a meteor from the bosontof splendor lam.
the grave of thick night ; like nit eagle lianitten down
in a too near approach to the sun !" He won
. Whom'
the morning daWned "itEing,and armed with Kings'
to strive," was at evening
'lute Desolater desolate—
The Victor overthrown!
The Arbiter of others' tire,
A Suppliant for his own ! ' • .
The character of Napoleon in exile was glowingly
expatiated upon, and the lecturer caused with a beau.
Lihd poetiell apostrophe to Freedom. -
l'he next lecture of the course .will be delivered
' by Rev. JOHN N. HQVFMAN. Subjeci—Gubtavus
• Adolphus orSwedewatitl Uuc thirtY)ears War.
tiar.Eoruev'st Lecture.
s caOther eng,ngements preventedour hearing Mr.
Forney's 'Lecture. We 11c1IV it spoken of with
high apprOval by many who were' of the :u
and n friend wholicard it I.iises his good opinion of
the matter and his objections to the manner;of the
lecturer, in the following communication.
For the Heraldand Expositot
The Ist lecture of the course before, the Wash
ington Artillery wits deliveredon Saturday evening
last, by Join W. FORNE.Y, Esq. of., Lancaster.— •
Subject, " Our Country's Future."
'1 his Lecture was characterized by broad and ra
tional views, extensive research, rich illustrations,
original thought, close and soundresisoning and .Vig-
OPOUB style. Out, whilst meting simple justice to
"Our- Country's Future" as a composition, we can
not refrain from entering our humble caveat against
the style,oreloeution which its author has Adopted..
There is too much mannerism, and too little na
laire—too much theatrical . rplling' and mouthing of
words, and* little attention paul,to a correct and
agreeable pronunciation.
• We are,siWare that this style of speaking is at Ares-,
eni the' '
vogue in our large and 1481'1;3112We ewes;
hut this is. no argument in its favor. An:Orator,
shouldnever slaughter - nature to paint Art with her •
life .blood; and whenever 111;0'411°de' of speaking
becomes general We shall , bide long fkrewell- to
Feeling ,and. good taste. • . C. L.
The Whig Party.
ThwSpriri g local Elections in New York and the
Eastern States, gfre moat 'gratifying evidence that
yi,Tl4,apirit:ot .1840 is not dead yet; and that it
is to the 'Whig parry #.16 people, will finally look to.
sustain tilo,..institatiens and ,nopport the 'credit and
prnsp,erity ofthe: Country.' Iu •DiewYork the Whigs_
Itiwn'regained the ascend/1 ri*in litany ioonti es AV hi
they p;ist latitlajf; - and 'gained''violoaie'i in, a aanibei.
af in whichttie - Laidatai i ira alwpya, heretofore
held sw ay ',The,!iattke restfiti have been necured in
Michigan 'and in the &astern Siatel. , lnNeW HnOMI
eblre,ev , l , l* the rtzge he' LiatC! Voacrimu,S , ,4s.eicitted
aididatiy raajaritl: 'a
hugdreds 'rhea' at tha.iast:tletitiaa4,.'aqta:,
Powerfodly qta in thin , .
WllleeSt itself fully and .triuin
phaMly in 1844 !
*h.j 11 0:4 1 0 P
The #higii carried every ..wavd ! iii II el.Cify• but
one in Orilittnclwynvotykinimikliy bi heavy ma. 7 .,
PP4 I I 3 :I I I449P.T", ; iC,Irtf
^ -Mainkm•Thintellotel. •.
lifenslei% lianas /Intel this \ borough,
which liue been kept" O Arne ykre, inet by Mr:
C. M'F'arlane, in a style very ,salisfactory to the
public taste and conifori. has bebn takenlii. Gen.
Willis Foulke, undei'whese cue it will doubtless
flourish as usual. ' .
The election in Connecticut: takes place on Mon
day next; April Sd. The oontest appears to be ex..:
citing. The issue is Protection or no yrotection;and
it is lo be hoped that Home Industry. will trim
'pliantly sustain 'itself in the land ák stead habits.—
'President Tyler has interfered in the Election by re
moving several Whig Postmasters lately. ' ,
John S. Brown his taken the establish
ment er the ''Bucks County IntelljgcnOor," as
Editor & proprietor. The first number under the
new, charge gives signs of improvement, cditori:
ally and typographically, both of which were much .
tc,"NorthamiAon Bank notes:have fallen ,fifi
percent.-within a fev days.
jThe Lancaster Union states that the frame
Minding oceupied by the Episcopalian congregation
as a lecture-rooM and Sunday School. WAS destroyed
by fire in that city on Sunday last.
n-The Philadelphia papers of yesterday con
tain a rumor of the death of Father Miller,' the,
end-of the-world leetUrer. It is Said he died near
Albany, N. Y. Doubtful.
A writer: in one 'of the Foreign Encyclopedias
calCulates that if the natural resources of the A
merican Continent were fully developed, it veld
afford sustenance to 3600 millions ofinhabitants,
a - number, five tines as great as the entire popula
tion of the Globe.. - • . • ,
TilE RIGHTS OF. MAN,—Tlic sacred rights of
mankind, said -Alexander Hamilton, arc nut to be
ruinaged for among old parchments or musty
records; they are written as with a sunbeam, in
the wild° volume of human nature, by the band
of the Divinity itaelt, and can never be erased by
mortal poWei
cO-Tho celebrated llf. Krummaehcr of Prus
siti, and author .of several popular religious works
that Imic been translated from tho German, has
been invited to a ProfessorshipMiliejleohiglep_
,Seminary, of Gern9l..Reformed Church- ta..Mor
eersbur,gh, Pa,
Observance of the Sabbath
Agreeably to public notice a meeting was held
in the Methodist Episcopal Clitifeli; on Monday
evening, March -20th -1643, for the purpose of
adopting measures - to promote the better obser
vanec of the'Sabhath day. ,
The object o 1 the meeting having bon stated
by ProC.-111131.tyrocit, the Rev. Air. SCOTT was
eullgd W the t.l:7l4tir,.atl sir. llENity pemEtu ar
The Rev: Mr. POW1:1.1., acting no agent for the
Philadelphia. Sabbath Association, presented the
whole subject to ttni-tneeting in a clear Mid_ forci
ble Manner, showing him , much had, been done
along our canals and western waters in checking
the : dreadful - deseM-atior: of tIM fhily Sabbath
which fbrinerly prevailed. •
The Rev. Mr., SrancE oared the following rc
s'olutfons, which he supported by siMie‘iippropri.•
ate remarks and which were unancnicusly adopt•
ed : •
•Resolved, That the Sabbath is a divine institu
tion ineiriculjy adapted to pronietu the physical,
nental, and mural welilsre of wan, and therefore
is religious observance iS both a privilege and a
Resolved, That the transpin
gets and metchandize on the Sabbath, on our in.
land tluiroughlhrelt, is im,real benefit to the coin.
Inanity ; but on the contrary is a-great evil, as it
deprives tlf6 poor laboicr of that -rest, apil those
religious privileges him his Gre.
ator, and exerts a powerfully demorali• ug but,.
core upon hint and society at large.
The Rev. Mr. HuFF.v.IN, after ads ating tha,
;Jidoptioni of conic measures for activapera
submitteill• the folloiving resolution pat - was
unanimously adopted. '
Resolved, That a Standing Cinnini curse:red)
he appointed to adopt such ineusuceS they may
decal-pearl lea tile, to promote the san ficapon of
the Sabbath—and that they have fewer* to fill
any vacancies that may occur. .
The following gentlemen were' appointed
by the meefing, viz:
Prof: M. Caldwell, Henry Renneelt
Angney, R. Coleman Hall,* A ndr Richards,
Ea:Mull:idiotic. George Keller.
Prof. APClureroex alter some ne4nd pertinent
remarks, offered the fulhiwing whf were unani.
. _._
inotibly adopted :'
Resolved, That while we dephithe desecra
tion of the Sabbath in our. mulv
, e rejoice,
with t
gratitude to the Giver of 1 ond,, for the
-indications of a favorable chap t public opin
ion. • . I
Resolved, 'That we a pproie 'the plan and
operationa of the Vhiludelphia bath Associa.
co 1
lion, stud that we e'Lerfully
fool , .
. On routioo of the Rev. Mr. OmiN,
Resolved, That the proceed
ing be.priblislied in all the
Ili:say DUFFIELD, Scc'y.
cafet.42, SNtPA'
yards ou :tiontlay last ammo
were taken by the lultelu2rs •
lbs. There has been u slut
market:during the week, wI
butchers at 475 to $5. Th ,
or nearly so.
FLQUIL—We hat e onl
to report, 100 bbls. at.
interest; and lots of 1 to '.20
store, at $3 75 for mixed, t
and to detilers.the reeeipt
at $5 ff 2, 5, per bbl. Hold
GRAJN.—There 'is li
forward and good to a pr
command 78, to 83 conts.
Corn his materially adv,
deicand 511 cents having i
and yellow. Oats have so
GRAlN.—Wheat is
ets•por bashel , for Red,
prices 84 1 . 111 iye 'lgen •
Cony is in detiland at 4
' ,
F!OUt Sales or;
Budd been efiecteilttti
Rye ticholfif
$ll 25 Foy 10 1
stock Viilttliti,To.
Connecticut Election
Qur • Resources.
ute to uid its
rof this meet
curs in the bur
ro. l 2tru
nth, 25, It 3-2, •
igs at the drove
250 head, which
1 0755 75 per 100
tiply of Hogs in
ere taken by the
et is• again bare,
alu in City Mills
on time, adding,'
owarctstreet irons
for choice biiind's;
5 remained steady
r more firM
o ‘Vlleat coining
cle would probably
held at 50 cajun.
rice with:an active
id foi• lioth white,
a Zi cents.
cents for hhthi. and
March 25;1843,
lid in demand, at .8$
for Wheat, at which
tyeSalea iat'so eta•
I ow, round, and .43
• rllnc OliOpillibiantif;
! $475 par 41*
.rn '25 , per
Of the
been obtained for
/On the Odtrist: by the itev.lVy. ifoore, T. M
Fiiikry;of; BOtimore; Md.,
,to • *Att
ttAIRETT.A, - fourth, daughter oilltr.Jeho Gray
Merefaint, of.this plate.
(On thetnil int. by the Key. Geo. W. Mitchell,
Rev. R. K. Cawed; (formerly of this place) to Min
, . •
/On the 28th of February last, by thelter.
key, Mr. JOHN FOULE, of,Perry county; to - Miss
MART ANN Paeasobr‘of Cumberland county.
/On the 14th lust. by the Rev. James • Ilarper, Rev.
JAMES J. Burnam, of Greensburg, I'Vestm74l Co.
Pa. to Miss SARAA ELLEN M'CLAY, Shippens
/On the 'lsth inst. by the same, Col:A BEN/4115E1.N
STERRETT, of Cincinnati, - Ohio, to Miss ADEGAIL
CILERINE Itl!Ciar, of Shippensburg.
'On the 16th inst. by the aMne, Mr. jotter IlistnE,
Jr. to Miss JANE ANN KrNEII, both of .Soutliamp
ton township, Franklin Co. Pa. .
An the same day, by the Rev: James Mackey,
COOVER, Loth of Cumberland county.
!On the24th inst. Mrs. NlArtr Amss, formerly of
Lancaster, Pa. aged about 66 years.
CiTliele•Light Artillery!! • -
HE members of the Carlisle Artillery Com
-Ipally will •plefise : take notice,
dint tfiere will
be an election held, at the fuddle, house of David
Mean, Es q ., ou Saturday, the 7th day orApril next,
in this- borough, between the hours of -10'nnd 6 u'-
fiir the purpose of electing
. OEM Second Llenienant,' . '•,
for .said company, in the room of Lientenaiit George
W. Crop; resigned,'
• Captain, Samuel 1 hompson will not as Judge of
laid election. — - • WILLIAM MOUDY,
Carlisle, March 29, 184.3
To the •'Electors of Combertand
. .
Cott n ty. . .
. .
rELLOW-CITIZENS:—I intend to he n candi
date ter the oflie,e of SHERIFF of Cumber
land county at the next election, and feel grateful to
you for your support.
Carlisle,Mnrch eg, 1843.
To the Voters of Cumberland
ENTLEMr.N :-1 Mier myself as R candidate for the
olliee of SHVIZIFT of Cionberland Bounty, and
will be thankful to you for your support._
Carl i she, March in, 1843. , te=2l
- .Elefrister 7 B Notiee;
• Carlisle, March 25th 1813:
IK,Turic•• is\ hereby given to Legatees'
..r . 44 Creditors and other persons concerned, tha
the following-accounts have been filed in this (ado
for examination by. the accountarits therein mum
ed, and will- be presented to the OrPhans' Court of
Cumbertund county for confirm:llion and allow
ance on Tues . thiy - tlie .25th day of April; A. D.
1813, viz:
I. The account of Samuel Angle, Administra.
tor of John Lackens, late of tlic..borouell of
Shippensburg, deceased: .
2. -The account of John Stough, Junior, Ad
ator of John Stongll,Sen. late of Sloughs-
town, CU:lberia:id county, deceased.
3. The adroit:it of George t. 'Donnell; Admin.
i - slrutor of Dr. John Frazer, latMorChurehtown,
Cumberland county, deceased. ,
1. The account of Samuel llehetrig, Adminis
tra.or of Samuel Bricker, late of Newton town. •
ship, deceased.
5. The account of Henry C. Cromer, Adminis
trator of Samuel Gar, lute of Allen township,
6. The account of George R upp;jun., one - of the
Executors.of Daniel Shirenian, sea., late of Skirt:-
ma:lBlmm', Cumberland county, deceased. •
' 7. Thu account of-John Rupp; ono of--the-Ex.
ecutors of Daniel Shircinan, son., late of Shire
manstown, Cumberland county, deceased.
S. The account of Matthew Davidson, Admin.
~R f d"tlifntteoglPl..wn~l.:~ .l anon 1
l 41"
9. The account oh Samuel Myer and John -My
er, Administrators of John 31yer, late of Frank.
ford township, deceased.
10. Tile uceount of Henry Brenneman, Ad
ministrator of James. Cummins, late of Allet
township, deceased.
11. Thu account of Samuel Worst, Adminis
trator of Martin•lllohler, lute of RIO . Borough of
Mechanic . sburg; deceaiied.
12.- The account-ofAolin-Soiisher,-Execittor-of
Andrew Swisher, luto of the Borough .of Mc
chuniesburg, deceased.
13 The account dlVilliam B. AlUrray,Admin
istrator of Mary D. Ramsey, late of the Borough
of Carlisle, deceased.
14. Tho account of George Rill,ley, Jr.. Guar
(lion .ofJacob Edinger, Samuel Eislingor and Levi
Eblinger;. filed by George Rupp, Jr. Administri.
for or the said George Rupley, Jr.
15. The account of Jacob Zeigler, Guardiiii
of Philip Corninnn, a minor son of Philip Corn.
man, late of North Al iddletoit township, deceased
JACOB _BRETZ, Register.
state of John Eberle,' Jr. deceased
TS HEREBY GIVEN, that letters of Adminis
tration on the Estate ofJOILN EBERLE, Jr. late
of Silver Spring township, Cumberland county, de
ceased, have this day been issued by the Register in
and for the said County, to the subscriberoi ho resides
in Monroe township, in said County. All persons
having claims or demands against estate of said
decedent, are requested to make known the grata
without delay,und those indebted to make payment to
Afarch 29,1813
Estate'of Abraluira -Didow,.deceased
~~`~ `~'_
S HEREBY GIVEN, that letters of Athmiiis'
tration on the Estate of ABRAHAM DITLOW.
late of South Middleton township, Cumberland en.
deceased, have this day been issued by tbe . ilegister
in and for said Comity, to the subscribers. All per
sons having claims or I legman& against the Estate of
said decedent,are requested to make known the sonic
without delay, and those indebted to make payment
immediately to
March E.'o, 1843. -
WIIEREAS, my wife, Mary Ann Smiley,
Inhaving eloped from my bed Mal board with
out any cootie that "know of, this is therethre to no
tify and caution all persons not to credit her on my
acuount, us Eau) deterinined not to pay any debts of
her co:naval:WlWl . ' um this date.
Newville, March 22,1 .ILIAM SMILEY.
Berkshire and Woburn Pigs
AFEW pair of Berkshire and Woburn Pigs of
pure blood, which may be taken 'from the sow
about thii first of April; price $lO.- Also, u full
This animal was purchAsed for $1 50, when he was
about two years old; lie will be six this 'spring. a
bright red, perfectly gentle and very handsome, lie
is sold only because the owner has two. Price $5O.
He maybe seen at the ,residence of the subscriber,
one'mile west 'of Carlisle, on'the Hail road. ..
.Morvin Farm,' 'Atari:3h 2.2,184.3.. St-21
MOulLiettirer . s Prices!- • •
- • •
.411 , . ' • .
•„ , .
bu'rUing,Lard ,Without tiny preparattio'n i for
the subscriber. ,Thu light ,as Nand ;U . the
arm-oil, is entirely free from'sMoheersruell,
ttt less thnh"laialf the 'price. l'he apparatus
ting the lard Is nest and . sinmile; does not (te
am the sitipeartine, is'notliaatile`te get out of
fltql_p?,l4e,oppl,sed , a4miath:expyiee- 49
inde now in nee . • Confident' th at thleArtiNiti,
ataisoly, to t he known to . ittintetjnto goner?! use', ,
iso'anzi:lo7.B7 orr xpo Davro:
IX or EIGHT genieel Boarders ,will be taken
'tte above, 'and comfortably accommodated, at
$1 50 per Week, if Oak] in advance, or once a month,
when due. Enquiro of the Printer after lat_April.
March 22,1843.
Y virtue of a writ ofVenditioni Exponas, to me
VIP directed ) issued out of the . Court of Common
Pleas of CuMberland county, will be exposed to
public sale at the, Court Hoth3e,'in the borough of
Carlisle, on Saturdtir the Bth of April, 1843,m 10
o'clock, M. the following. described Real Es
tate, . •
A , Lot of Ground, situate in the borough
of Carlisle, containing 60 feet in breadth and 240
feet in depth, more or less, adjoining a lot of the
Rev. Thomas Creigh on the West, an alley on the
North, the Main street oh the South; and the public
square on the West, laving thereon erected a large
two story Stone ROUSE, and eight two story Brick
houses called Harpers/ row.
• Alsoi - A Lot of Ground,. situate in. the
borough. of Carlisle,!containing one acre, more or
Tess, adjoining the (Snorer and Carlisle Turnpike
road on the East, locdo Agnew on the West, a lane
on the South;and a hit of Miss Noble's on the West..
Seized and taken Mexecution as the property of,
John Harper,Esq. arAto , he sold by me
rAUL; MARTINi-SheritE—
Sheriff's Office, Car li
Mardi '22,1843.
Booksellers at
fourth door east ofthe
posite Wonderlieh's
the, different kinds now
School Hooks,
• Blank Bo(
of the best Lindino ai
they will sell ut from
usual prictis: AEo,.
Extra Brother Joe,
received regularl:
Lieutenant Colonel.
Graham's, Sargeant's,
Go4y,'s Lady's - Took
ceiyed as soon us issue
Select Library ol
Four first Nos. receive
Ilktory of the Reform
ceidion of one number,
coarse of the preseat
Campbell's Ford
)1. Select Nlisetillanto
rilh"titisF A us ou Steel
Libraries, Library.
- 20,009-poi
wanted as above, for w
S. ,E
AT, PFERS (ot 1 1 >
amsOrlinent o[
' . t
Drugs,-IVEedi . 1
Stationall4 Pine Cap I'l
Slates ITY the dozen,,
Salle heir, do:, 1)
\1 ac, warurs,
quality, l'ainti
Flesh To:
• variet
Spice (rou1l(
Together with every
the :mention ad . Physic'
Dyers, is solicited as 11
low prices for Cash.
Carlisle, March 15,1
- — CLOTH Plf.trO COVERS.,
A superior article o tie. sold, of hargain for cash
at the Store of Ile: subtiber.
Fell. IS, MIS: I GEO, W. inTNEn.
ant now receiving
of all descriptions, ac;
twiccstor Cashp
Wondorlich's !Intel.
March IS,
THE Partoership dofore existing between the
subscribers under tl lame and st Ic of N. to.: IL
NOBLE, is hereby clol red by mutual conseid, all
demands against said n—anii all debts due ti
I t
by book areonot ono •wise, is to be settled with
Robert Snodgra'ss, cis fully authorized to dose
_......................_____ ___. _
iwitT NOBLE.
9 . 3. 3t--2.0
Carlisle.Alarcli I
• Application' Tavern, License.
To the Honorable the idges of the Court of Gen.
era QUarter Sessbi of the Peace - of Cumber
land county, at Api&cssions, A. D. 1843. -
PILE Petition* olVhristian Randalli, of
- 4 . the township a i•espretfully Hire
souls, that he is well Nietod with house room and
other convenietices for y lodging and accommoda
tion of strangers and utllers at the house lie.noW
occupies as a tavern Mtn town of Newbury in said
township, die therelii prays the I 'mumble
Collat.° grant him a !hiss for the same, and lie wilt
ever pray,&u., 1
crosTux RAND Li
March 15, 1843
WE, the sitbsceibercitizens of the township
1 --
of llopewell, in %Airlift! above mentioned ion Or
tavern prayed to be Het .11 is proposed to belkept,
do certify that the abovt med applicant is of good
repute for honesty unit t pt!rance, and is well pro
.vided with house root nil conveniences for the
lodging . and acconiMod on or strangers and trav
ellers, and that NUCh an or tavern' as necessary to
accommodate the [Millie ul entertain strangors and
.1011t1 NleCay Iletiderson
Peter Lecher Daniel Ale Cay •
(:. W. Chitlwell 4 Adam Guitikel
Robert 1... PaTtursotil Clenme
Adam ?loau•y .1. Itobort Clark •
itoberCQuigley W. S. ltunsliaw
John Craig. David Lecher.
Application for Tavern License.'
7'o the llondrnole the Judis of the Court of Gene
at Quarter Soßdions, Peace of Cumberhu
county, at april Sesvon• a. 1843.
The Pelitioa of Yhili Brechhill respectfully
represents, that your Petitioner is provided with the
necessary requisites. for kaping a blouse of 'WM
Itliatekilinnient, in the Ito4te he flow occupies, in
South townsltiOyour petitioner there
fore prays your honors Joigrant him a licenselM.
dae..ssine the ensuing year:xonimenciitg on the Ist
ay of April, A. 1). 1841 1
Afaych 15,1843
We the undersi , nied eiti. its or S. Middleton tp.
in the county of authorial , do covtifi• that weave
well Bi:quaintest with the - ' ve named P. lirech
bill, and that lie is of good i report for honesty and
Teinperance, and ip well plivided with house room,
and convionoirs for.ladgintsind accommodation of
Strangers and Travellers,* so therelbre, recom
mend him to your lionoureas well deserving of a
licelise,liiiil ftivtlier say that a Tavern at this stand
is an uotlionnuodation to.the oldie... • '
hicob Gut hull .
ProtPk. Breckbill Jr)ic Wunderlich
Jacob Vise Sr • Alraham Kaufman
John Kaurnian Jaiob Weire
Isaac Kaufbian• Solana Plank
John WundOlich Jorr,
) Applieation. for Tiivern License.
. .
To the gonorablothe J:ttdgeir if the'Coart Of. General
QuartOw Seasioito oftho o .Eiacefon the Cowity of
Cumberland, cq
, .
thiti intend
-I- I trint)plitit the next term of the Court of QII9I ,
ter Sessions of Ctunberhuld 'county, for License to
beep; trpublic house, in the hem Int present oceu
ny in the borough of Hoguestown. • •
March 22, 1.8'43,
AVE, the siibecribers,citizens of the
floguestown, in which 'the shove mentioned inn o.r
tavern, prayetttn be licensed, is proposed to he kept,
tin certify that Win. Quigley, the above panted ap
plicaitt, is of gtiod repute ti,ir honesty and teniper-•
since and is well provided with lunise room and ether
conveniences forn't.loilgidgkind accommodation of
'strangers and and that sack an inn or tav
ern Is neees. , , aindatc the public mid en
tertain stra • • gt* - • ; ' •
• A .
• '3V,• nlin,Lattz
•' • ,
4 - ;,4'4';* • • YVlooelih.ViiinL:
Sheriff's Sales.
I& HUNTER, Cheap
Stationers, in Main street,
!Alio square, and . nearly op
jtel, keep constantly on band
n use of
iiscellanicous and
is, Paper; &c. ,
Mint qtlitiorO34lll of which,:
to 50 per cent. below the
laan's and Drew Worlds
n as they are off the press.
d Nliss Leslie's 3liigartnes,
it,id Ladies' Companion, re-
eligious. Literature,
, which contain D'Auhigne's
coinplete, With the ex . -
hich received : in tne
onth. -- sPeice 15 cents per
I Monthly 31agazine,
lie Periodiehl 'Literature of
Jie_oceasiomilly illustrated
j%\roodeols and Portraits of
. Prier 50 ("crag per No..
IDS .OF RAGS - •--
i;h the highest price will he
'very reduced pelch, a fu
I OS, nye-Stitifs,
togklier with . •
liv the Itt.aln,Letter do
er Pencils, I)h•awiii;; do
viol; Paper, Scaling •
idifores, of a lino
)sin great'
attl L'itgrotrit(l,
'ea. article ill My I);-m;lint
Cottntry Alerellams and
determine to sell zat, ‘cry
lot of Booty ital Slopes
II sell them :it gocatly re
at the old stand opposite
f Partnership.
ly &risk Rick r
nes MeCluse
PrIHIS • institutidn went.intO operation the fst
• l day of October, A. D.. 1838, under the general
auperintendamce of the WIMP of. Trustees. It was
arranged in different departments, each by — spi . ,ial
agreement under the immediate superintendenc of
the most efficient and competent instructors. oks
of reference; globesr Knape, approved Works on draw
ing and iniinting:were provided out of the state ap
-propriationi- thorciugh' - course - of - instruction was
prescribed, embracing all the various branches of a
liberal education. Particular facilities have been af
forded for instruction in languagesancient and mod
ern.' music, instrumental and vocal, arithmetic and
nnithetnatics; natural and moral science; drawing
and paint - 111x, , and whateier else appeared to the
Trustees to be useful or ornamental.
. . .
. . .
' The Trustees have been careful to have specia
Instructors employed from time to time, so as to ef
fectuate by ample and efficient means all, the ppr
poses of the Legislature indicated in the &rem
provisions of the charter. .
Excellent accommodations are provided-for young„
ladies from a distance. They' board with; and ore
under the immediate care of some of the instructors.
Day scholars are received as heretofore.
The Trustees were much gratified at a recent
meeting in reviewing the active operations of tha in
stitutimb.and authorized a tenda-. -to •the public, of
their unanimous and cordial assurarice,thot the means .
here offe'red forsicquirim• - a complete hod AhOrougli
education,ore no where surpassed.
' . President of the Board.,
Marelils, 1843. • _ 4it'-'2O
'• N. 11. The de partment.umlee Mrs. Stevens' care,
from the Ist April next, will be kept. in a large:inid
commodious house in West street. The
other department where it now is, in Main street.
WWI? Walt Q.VA
/xi lIE suliscribers lieg.leave to announce
to the public - , t h at they.have• opened a SHOP,
in' West High street - , next &kw Alrf Bernard Hen
dels' Watchmaker .shop, nearly opposite McFar
laue?s Hotel, utak'• the firm of NIECE, BOWLER,
lIARI)ER & Co. where they are prmiarcd to exc.-
cute all kinds of stork in their line in the most wto:k.-
manlike manner, and in the neatest and most fashion
able-style, and at moderate prices. .
'A cutter has been employed who has had long ex
perience iu none of oil most fashionable cities.--
They have also secured the best Workman, so that
all who will favor them with their custom, may rely
upon having their wOrk done in the best Manner.
(CrenuMry Cloth will be made lap as reasonable
as it eat be done' in the 7 — 7 -
- v Country inx.(lnce will be taken in exchange
for Work. 11. J. HECK,
- S. W. BOWLER; -
- Cmdisk, Feb. 18.13. 7
rir 11E.Creditors of WILLIAM C. Gem
MINS, will take notice, that iii dm matter-ot
the :termini Robert (:ilmor; Ids assignt.:e,the Court
of Common Pleas of Gonda:viand enmity, appointed
liohert Scott, Auditor to marshal. the .ts , :et s to and
attiongthcreredintrs. And sal() Au d itor will
for that porp - oe, at the publiit house now-4.4ampied
hr John Itchitu . k, in-Shippenglltu•Lr, on the 11th tidy of
April next, at 2 o'clock P. I.
itoßEwr GILNIOII., Assignee.
Mitch 15, I 543. 151-20
AT EL 11,1101. VS
Olt a very superior'artiele a SITIO! 01 L;il
t r is, I :011 • intlneell to believe, of a finer quality
than any min• for stile in and in price
cheap as the cheapest for Cash. Also
CANDVS, IIUN! at .37j.
• Dissolution - of Partnership.
MHE partnership heretJfore existing under
dho name of STEVENSON & DiNELE,
is this ddy dissolved by mutual donsciit. Thole
indebted to the lirui are requested to make pay.
went to T. C. Stevenson, in n•hosc
.hands the
Books are left for collection. •The Drug Store will
hereafter be carried on by T. C. Stevenson;
March 8,1843
IWS '4(
•st,i , •
HAVE received my annual supply o
GARDEN SEEDS, from Mr. Landreth, ,v Melt
are warranto.l fesh. S. ELLIOTT.
Cavlisle, Nlarela 8, 1843. trl9
lo by I'2 and 8 by 10, for salu low by thr box, by
Mat:cli 8, 1813. S. gILIOTT.
_ H 014 ESALE
II ID {) 3 3?' c,
A:0.771 Olarket st.--*-Xorth Side--:above &eon(
':? . Goods for Cash—at Eluction
THE subscribers have determined to
conduct.t heir lousiness upon the CASII System,
and 'will sell their Goods as low, it' not at a lower
~r ade of profit, than has heretofore been done in
l'hiladelphia;—not one article reduced very low, in
the expectation of making it up on othert;oods;—
but their prices shall be alreorrespondinglov. Their
prices will he governed by the Auctioh 'TAM —sell
nig at the mme prices, nett Cash, as the Auctions do
mt time—contenting themselves with the interest
for the time as their Profit. This cannot but present
n strain.; inducement for buyers, - especially from the
Country, to call on them iu preference to purchasing
at Auction, where persons do not get the time Wis
eman, unless their bills reach a certain amount, to
'Which amount it is tun always comenieuVor Putn
try Buyers to purchase'{ and it. will id so .avoid the
disadvantage of large lots, and allord more time to
'They design to avail themselves of every facility,
in both the Nen , York as well its the Mimic Jidda
Auctions, in procuring their goods at the lowest pos
sible rates.
AV° now respectfully invite our friends and the
Iniblie to thti Test of Experience in this mattix, lie
mg the hest way to convince them of the truth of our
promise. .101INSTON, BURK & CO.
• Phila. March 8, 1843..19.
Olt CEVIA gr •1141:lata l
WOULD' respectfully inform his friends that
he has returned and "will remain some
time in Darns's. He may he consulted on profes
sional business at McFarlane's - Hotel,
March I, 1843
.Vetv .Supply of
wE have just received from the City, a small
CITRON and LEMONS—fresh and- of the best
qualities. Also, a lot of superior mild north River
CHEESE, Spices °full kinds, ground and ungroand,
and is addition a general assortment of the beat Java
and Rio Coffees,' Teas and Brown Sugars, as also
white Havana and Loaf Sugars of common and finest
qualities, and aJot atilt! finest Crushed Lust Sugars.
a lot of inest quality of Starch, for sale at the low
est prices.. Call at . our Grocory Store, West Main
street. J. W. EBY.
Carlisle, Mailsh 1,1843. . - tf-18
HEREAS the Hon. Samoir. HEPBURN Pre.
siderit Judge of the Cour of Common
Pleas of the . Ninth Judicial district of Pennsyl
vania, 'and the Hon.' JOHN STUART And TUOMAS
C. Alm taxa, Judges of the said Court of Common
Pleas for the county of Cumberland, have. issued
their precept bearing date of , the 201.11 day •ofJan.
1843; and tome directed, for holding 'a Court of
Oyur, and Terminer, General Jail . Delivery, and
General.4uarter Sessions of the Peace, at Car.
Pilo,- on the second Monday of April, I.B43—die.
ing,thelOth day—at-I 0 o'clock irk the forenoon:
4i:974Ap4 As IiER.EBY GIVEN to the Coroner,
41uslim Of, the Peace and Constables of the said,
Viiintiy. et. Cumberland, chat then and
there in their proper persons;" with , their ,
Redoitla,' Inquisitions, Examinations and' •other
remembrances, to do the timings which to their of.
flee respectively appertain—and those who_ are
bound by*ieeognrsametto prosecute against the.
prisoners that are, or then 'may be imp° Jail rif
said county, to So then and there 'tok - prosecute
against their! as shallime just and iigha.... , ..- - • .
Dated at Carlisle,' the 2d day of March,
1843, and theysitir of AmOridan Indepen.
I'AVLIORTINiSki Or:',::'
In _Bankruptcy.
United States Court,
•• ---
Ra IT 0 0 IE
.PETI'T'IONS for Discharge and Certi
ficatell. under the Bankrupt, Law, base e been fil
ed by
JOHN JOHNSON, formerly 'Merchant of
Harrisburgiand late contractor on publio
works, by the firm of Jacob A. Gorgas
Co: ' . Cumberland co.
and SATURDAY, the 27th day. of MAX next, at
II o'clock, A. AL is appointed for,tlia hearing (hare
of, before the said Court,sittingin Bankruptchat the
District Couitroom in the City of Philadelphia,when
and where the Creditors of the said Petitioners, who
'have proved their Debts, and all (whop persons in in
[crest, may appear and s'iow cause, if any they have,, ,,
why such Discharge and • Certificate should not be
Clerk of the District Court.
March 15,180
1 ETITIONS for 'Discharge and Certificate un
der the Bankrupt. Law-, has been,filed •
DAVID FREE, Farmer anti-Carpenter,
Cumberland co.
ANDREW. BARRICK, Into Distillcr,snow
Mason, • do.
JOHN SOURBECK, late Merchant, now
Innkeeper, do.
J ERE NIIA I MYERS, Farmer, ' '.do.
MICHAEL M.'EGE. late "Manager & Clerk
Mount Holly Iron Works, . . do.
and SATURDAY the 129th day of Amur., nottt, at
o'clock, A. M. is appointed for the hearing there
of, befPre the said Court, sitting in Bankruptcy, at
the District Court Room, in the City of Philadelphia,
when and. where.the Creditors of the said Petitionev,•
who have proved,their . Debts, and all persona hi in
teretttotayn ppear any] show cause, if ally they have,
.why such Discharges and Certificktea should not be
granted. • . FRAS. lIOPKINSON,
• •
Clerk of the District Court.%
Feb. 15;:1843... 10-16
• •. V0W2411...aa —— -
_ .. . ..
-11:•101ETITIONS fore Discharge aliil fferti , .
ficate o the Bankrupt Law; have beenfiled the
16th Jan. 1543, by ..,' .
JOSIMI I.11.71.'(,)„ Citrywlder and Cabinet
ma ;or :'y!,;, -1 ,, ., .ft ~' ''.
• Cumberland co
SA M up'oi '
A morn.. & Currier; •
antl:4ll Olutch In . mpany ovith John
Davidson', r:! ','., ,`,..., l'' Cumberland co.
-EDWARD' IIE : STEIN, • formerly 'of
Dayton, Ohio, iiiere ant, now Clerk, - , do
WILLIAM 11. ' WOODBURN,. late Iller
chant and Farmer;', , i , ; !;' i Cumberland co.
SAMUEL SMITH, lindi'Vidufalli and ds a ..
Alember ofthe fimu of Smith and Quigley,)
'Merchant. Nliller, and Distiller and For-
warding Merchant. Cumberland co.
GEORGE FLEMING, formerly printerand
pnblisherjate'contracturoirl'uttlitlli mks, do .
and FRIDAY the alst day of MAUCH, at Ito'-
clock, A. Mt is appointed for the hearing thereof,
before, the said-Court, sitting in Bankruptcy, at the
bistrici. Court -Minny in the' City of Philadellihia,
- when and where the creditors of the said Petitioitr
ers, who have proved their debts, and all persons
interested, may appear and show catise,'•if any they
hay, why such Rischarge and Certificate should not
' • ['RAS. 110PIUNSON,
Clerk or like. DiCtrict...Coufil..
PhilA. Jim. '1 R. I R. 1.3. ' lllt- le
nvrrnoNs tier the Discharge and . Crrtiflcate
-11 . 7 Ilankrutd Law, hove been
CoN It AD lIA D, Partner, Cumberland Co.
.101 IN McCOIINI ICE:, Trader.- do.
3011N—AL-WOODBUIINTIate * hant
iron llnsterof the firm of John Wood
hurn & Co.'„lnseph 'Laughlin and Co. and
James Wilson. A gent, do.
.1 USE I'll W. P.vrroN, late FrOliNhister,
JOSE:I9I A. EGE,?, Individually and no
AEI, P. EGE,S Partneri . 61 the firm
• of NI. P. &J. A. Ege
late Iron Nlasteri,
JAMES. COLE, Tsi toi
Maker. . . --
and FUIDA,Y the filst day t _DI next, at
at 11 'o'clock, A. M. - for the
hearing thereof, before the sitting in •
llankrtiptey„at the Distric
_Room in th e
City of Philudelphia, when any nere-the edi
tors of the 'said Petitioners,who have proved their
debts, and all other persons in interest, may ap
near and show cause, if any they have, why such
Petitions should not be I;ranteil.
FRAS. 110Pli.J.NSON„
Clerk of the District Court.
Phila. Jan. 1, 1849. to-10
Country _Merchants, Builders & others,
LOOK ! •
ENRI L. ELDER,• 493 Market st.
P Philadelphia, Importer:mil Dealer in Foreign
and Domestic, Hard wary, takes this method of in
forming, his friends and customers of Cumberland
county, that he has received a huge and splendid as
sortment of ,
1,11 - 2 Dwa2E :
direct from Engri% together with a general assort
ment of/WM/ESTI C AIR 11 . :7 E, direct from
the manufacturers, all of which has been selected by
himself and agents with great care, expressly for his
own sales. Having purchased his present stock all
for Cash, and at greatly reduced prices, it will en
able hint to sellu• prices lower than any other store
in l'hiladrlphi"
nr-Call atm examine the Bargains yourselves.
I'. S. Cumberland Nails at $3 44 a Keg ! ! !
Atwater Nails at $3 '4O a Keg s ' !
February 1,1843.
- -••••-••
..Good and .Cheapi, •
HOMEOPATHIC and other best Chn
colates, Sal Soda and Sularntns, Cigat s - of
all qualities, Cavendish, Plug and Twist Tobacco,
Cedar Tubs and Buckets, Painted Buckets and Cool
ers, Mould Candles, Castile, Variegated and Brown
Soap, Market, Clothes sind Bushel Baskets, genet.,
ally lin. sale of the best qualities, at the Grocery
Store of J. W. EBY.
March 1, 1843. • tf-1 8
Estate of 'Aliellaßtibv. dOceased.
of Michal Rudy, lute of East penusborough
township, deceased, have been granted to the sub
scriber, residing in same township:. All persona
having claims against said estate are requeited to
present them duly authenticated for settlement,
and those irideLt will make payment to
February :12, 1813.
Estate of , JOHN H. GASS,iteeeased
tf. 18
()TICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministration on the estate of JOHN H.
GASS, late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased,
have Won granted to the subscriber* 411. persons
knowing themselves to be indebted ip said de'cd.
are requested to make -payment immediately to
the subscriber, residing in Dickinson township,
Cumberland connty; and those having claims a.
gainst him will present' them to the subscriber
duly authenticated for settlement.
• .JOHN HUTCIjISON, Administrator. .
• February 15,1843. 6t.16
ALL persons indehted to the subsbriber Boob
account or hates, are requested topay.up befiire
the ecith.of March next, after which date the account
will be placed in other hands for collection.
GEQ: W. 11ITNE11.
Carlisle, 'Feb. 15, 1843. • utf-16
PildYnt. E.
. .
All persons indebted to the subscriber are hereby
nidifleil; that theit; neuditnts wilt he played - in other
hands for'oollet,dipit, , unless paid beibre the 11th
March; 1843. • - • • -' •
February 15 1842
Lookoutlol' ii4rgacms..
TILE siibseriber,himing'ileteiniiiied upon remov.
• iti . g.liitiStcioleof Merthionlize..from this plane,
will offer from this ente till the Ist clay of April en
siii all Of . his Stook at 'greatly aritihiceil Mice; for
Canh Meyers(ll: , #ll,l-to Fall soon,
beforellieliest are - r - ‘
February 15, 1843.,
OF trip; for.whic h=!
piik the 'market rice is CA
C.HARLq Ograik:
' • ' '' '
For.the same reasons, when, from sudden changes
of atmosphere, or any other cause, the perspiration,
is checked,.and the huniors which .shoubl pass ofr by,
the skin-ara thrown inwardly, causing
Nausea nod sickness, pain in thelinei!, watery and
,lugamed_C yes, sore thrOat, hoarseness,' coughs, con
sumptimia, rheumatic pains in various parts of the
body, and many other symptoms of
THE VEGETAM.EPII4,,,§ inveri
ably give immediate relief. Feom three to six of
said Pills taken every night on going to bed, will in
a:short time, not only •eemoye all the above uoplea
sant symptoMs, but the body will, in exhort time, be
restored to even pounder health than before. The
same may be said of
The DAM; Vegetable-Pills will loosen und`carry -.-
off by the stomach and bowels those hitigh phlegmy___
Immorsoil;ich stop up the air cells of the luogs,and
are* cause not only of thu above distressing com
plaint, but when neglected, often terminates itt that •,-)
still. more dreadfid malady called
It should also be remembered that the Indian
Vegetable Pills-tire a certain cure for
Oppv . essionotativra, and sickness, loss of appetite,
c . ostiviawss, tt yellow tinge of the skin and eyes and
every edict; symputm of a torpid or diseaged state of
die liver; because., they purge from the body those
-iurpurities-svhich - if-ih•positcil upoti this important
organ, are the cause of every variety of
When a Nation is cotiviilsed by Riots, Outbreaks
and Rebellion:the only sure means of prevcohn the,
dreadfid consequences Bin
• ' "CIVIL \VAR;
into expel all traitors, and evil disposcil ones from
the Goniitry..
In like manner, whet, pain or sickness of any kind
indicate that the liody is struggling with internal foes,
the true remedy is to
(Traitors to - life,) and HIEALTIt WILL RE THE
CEI(11A1N nEs'uLT. ' •
Thnt th 6 Principle ofcuring"tlibenbe, by Cleansing
and Purifying the body, is strietfy in accordance wttlt
the Laws which govern the animal eCononty; and if ,
properly carried nut by the use of the above named
v EcurAnt, P. PILLS,
vertainly result in the complete Abolition
Disease ; we idler tho•.following testimonials,- from -
persons of-the highest respectability in 'New York,
who have recently been cured of the most obstinate
complaints, ;tarty by the use of WIIIOIIT'S lIIDIAZI
'JAMAICA, L. 1. June 9th, 1141. •
Doctor William Wright—Dear Sir—lt is with
great 'satisfaction: dial I inform you of my having
..hccit-entirelyloureil of-Dyspritsiaroffire - yearrstititil=
ing, by the use of your INDIAN VEGETABLE
Previous to meeting with your celebrated medi
cine, I had been under the halide of several Physi
! chins, and had tried various metliiiines; but all to no
effect. • After using ono 25 coat box of your rills
howewr,l experieneed so much benefit, That I re
solved to persevere in the use of them according to
your directions, which I am happy to state, has re-,
stilted in a perfect cure. In gratitude to you for the
ghat benefit I have received, and also hi the hope
that atheexsimilarly afflicted may be induced to mike
trial of your• extraordinary Medicine; I send you
this statement with full liberty to publish the same if
you think proper. Yours, &c.
New Yonx, .11111 e 19, I SAI. G.. C. BLACK, •
To Mr. Richard Dennis, Agent for Wright's Indian
Vegetable Pills, No. 288 GITCHWieII at. N. Y.
Dear Sir -Atyour recominenilation, I some time
since made trial of WRIGIIT'S INDIAN VEG.,
ETABLE PILLS of the North American Collego
of - Healtli; and can conscientiously assert, that for
Purifying . .,tlM Blood, and renovating the system, I
have'requved more be6elit from iheir use, than front
any Other medicine ' it has Ittretofore been my good
fortune to meet with. I sun, dear sir, with. many
thanks, your obliged friend, C. M. TATE,
No. 60 Ilamersly st. New York. =
Mr. Richard Dennis, agent for Wright's•lndian
Vegetable Pills. •
Dear Sir—l have been afflicted for several years
with inward weakness and general debility, accom
panied at times with pain in the aide and other , die,
teessitig-complai ids. After having tried various medi
eines without effect, I was persuaded by a friend to
' make trial of Dr. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills,
which I am happy to state have relieved me in a most
wonderful meaner'. I Imre used the medicine, as
yet but a short time, and have two doubt, .by a per
severancelti the use of the medicine according to
directions, that I shall in a short time be perfectly
most willingly recommend Yaid Pills to all per.
suns similarly afflicted; and in the full belief that
the sante beneficial results will follow their use.
I remain yours sincerely ,
• • • FOO'rE,
Wawaraing, Ulster Co. New yerk. ,
• New YORK , Sept. .29.18 M.
This is to„certify that' have used Wrightbrlndlaii
Vegetable Pills with the greatest benefit; having en.
Lire ly cured:myself of the frement attacks 'of Sick'
Headache, tow bias I had previously been subject. '
992 Greenwich street, N. Y.
To Mr. Richard Bennis, Agent for Wright's Indian
: Vegetable Pills. ' , , •
• • .;•
' As there arc at this time many wicked-:versone
busily eugyiked iii sellinge counterfeit medicsnemn-.
der the nakne,Of the Indian Vegetable Pills; and as
these desperate men are so utterly reeklesi of con=.
seqUences,.the - ciany valuable lives may be lost, in
consequence of using, their diyadful compounds, the
public are Cantioited-iguinst purchasing any Pithy,
unless ou the aides of the Loses die following word.,
ing found f '
• • (Indiani!urstalve.)
. . . .', • ,
And also to guard especialliaga in st pnrelia si tag,
Medicine of any,person except tho regularadimitßett., •
agots, „ ;;; 7 aktb,o office and general : depot,
RACY...STREET . ; 0 - 11IADELTIOA.• -•
For sale by • -, • , ".
' CHARLES - .'OGILBY,., Carlisle Curnberlandaf.,: . -;
New Pudierlankr,
•Isaae 7 Loyd ,
• 'Alexander Cathcar4.!':=:..sllol:terilita*aNit
CHAS. 9G11,8Y.
The best Inethodforthe 4bolitionof
. eaae is cleanse purify the Blood.
Or Mr
.rorth Atmerican CollegeofHealth acknowledged to Wpm best ,Medieine in
the world for the cure of
ECATJSE they completely cleanse theitnmach•
.1.0 and bowels from. those Itiliotis find corrupt hu
mors 'which aro the cause not only of Headache,
Giddiness, palpitation of the Beart,Pitins in the
Bones, Rheuniatiam and GputibUt of p%ery malady
incident to man. " •
Are a certain cure for intermittent, remittent, ner . -
von% inflammatory an& pUtritl Fevers, because they
Cleanse. the body from those niorbid humors, which .
when cottil - UCTI:Iti the ciroration, are the Cause of all
kinds of - •
_Soolse, wfmn the sante - impurit . t-iatteiniaitial - un.
the membrane and' muscle, causing pains, intlamma
lions and swellings, called
The liiJinn Vegetable Pills may be relied on Mt al
ways certain to give relief, and if peraerved with ac.:
cording M directions, will most assuredly,ntad with
out fail, make a perfect cure of the above .painftd
maladies. From three to Mx of said Italian Vegeta
ble Pills taken every night on going to bed will in a
'short time so 'completely rid the body from every
thing that is`tupposed to health , that, -Rbetnnidittna,
Gout; and pain of every description, will lie liter ally