Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 22, 1843, Image 4

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mirgfis tptycitpcK4ve
tve at t tem rag, a,ct ~Statiottary
and artety Store, a large.assorlment of
Toy Books fOr Christina,
Prfistilf#B,.; ' A.ntiuls , .Sonvenirs,
• '• arid` roit4olllos,fOr 1843;
Togetiler with' o'bfifioe 'ieiectiOn of !entertaining
LIG/1T REA.I.O,G, for long 'inter evenings.
311116101 mobaao
t. 'of every•variety; viz: '
' 4choovpiblee and !nate:mei:a;
&midi's Geography. and Atlas,
. •
- (ney & illitehell's do. .
Smith's Graninzar, , , •
Kirkam's ditto,
Angel's Series, No. 3i 4,5, i.S• 5
Cobb's School Rooks; complete.
Rui-hant, Web
ster's S'peliers, • -
• Pike, Rose, Smiley; 47 . Emerson's A'
riihmetics,.witli Keys; ,
. .
Lettei, add•Deed.pliper, raed and Wain. Note
0141)(31`. • SliVel` Pencils, eierpeints. Jackson Lead
Peneils in troda, of all ,ternads; with Blame as
iortment. or BLANK BOOKS, ruled and unruled.
Of superior finiih. Miura; Razor' Straub
Shaving Brushes, and finely , scented
Shaving Soaps and
4 ssortad Pa -
. nery. '
superior opaque and' Russia Quills, Briptol 'Boards
Eke paper, Visiting. Cards,oolored Wafers and
Sealing Wax, Plain and Motto Seals. .
New Music, • .
,• , •
ggitiKliCat KnOtritMeitills
• Together with a general and Arell selected assort
inent Of Classittil and Niscellandons Works, "to
tlease the fancy and Itnprove the taste."
Carlisle, Dec. 14,1842. tf-7
9312t2E4 ,D 111231111,
. i It E subscribers, at-their FOUNDRY AND
JIL -MACHINE EHOP, on . Main street, nearly op
. liosite the 'Co - unfy Jail, in Ahe Borough of Carlisle,
P'a., still contitie to build the following Machines
and Horse Powers—viz:
T. D. Burrell's Patent Improved
• tiiREE AND Fd R
ISIOSIOM ..7CART.@133,9 -
With a horizontal band-whecl, with atm& to con
iluct theatrat) to thellachine
The. band. wheel outside otthc horses. 'Friel' are
Well calculated to put to one side of the barn brtdge,
or underthebartirshed..
A New and improved Shaker,
To separate the'grain • from tlie . stilm; which will
dispense with one or. two hands, will be made to the
above Machine if wanted. g any.of the above Machines may .have the
privilege, after a fair trial, of returning the same if
not satisfied. All Machines and Horse PoWers are
Warranted for one year, if well used.
lit Er.slialraVG.
All kinds ofrepairing-will be done at the snortes
notice and on the mostreasonable terms. They al
ayS keep on hand ull castings neeesaary to repair
the above AlaehiliCsitientl others now hruse. •
There. is also attached to the above establishment
'an IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY, at which all
kinds of CASTINGS can be had—suckas Apple
Mills, Corn Brakers, Plaster Beakers, Mill Gear
ing, SaW , Mill Crankt, Miithine Gearing, Wagon
Boxes, &c. &c. Alsd. •
Sad' as Mill Spindles, Car Boxes, Turniag Lathes,
tr.c., all in - the best order, hi iron and brass.
(0" - "All orders Will lie eiecuted at the shortest nit-
Hee, and prom ptlyAttetaled to FarMersand others
aril respectfully invited to 04: ma call, confident
that they can be suited td their safistitetion.
An;. 10, 1842. . tf-41
n"Planek's, lenirood's and Ogle's PLOUG lIS
hod PLOUGH CASTINGS,soch as Cutters Laud
hides, Cc. can also be had at the foundry.
Union Paper Mill.
TE 'subscriber respectfully informs the pub.
lie at large, that be has leased the above es.
tabltshment, six miles south of Carlisle, for a term
bf years, and the MILL having been recently re•
paired, and new machinery • introduced, he is
therefore prepared to manufacture to otdcr, (and
also has a supply constantly on hand)
Paper of every kind and Quality,
Which he will furnish to print. re, merchants and
others, in any quantities at the lowest city prices.
All orders the subscriber, at Paper.
town, Cumberland county, will receive prompt
Having lately received a supply of the very best
inaterials, he flatters himself that he will be able
to manufacture paper equal in quality Lonny other
'establishment In the 'country. • •
l'apertown; July 20,1812. tf-38
N. B. The_lilgliest price paid for rags.
- THE stiWriber liereby informi his
friends mid the public in general, thut he still
boutiques to keep a
1.11; mum;
( reports Wile contrary notivithstanding,) at the OLD
STAND, hi Ella High Street, a tew doors cog of
the Court House, where he will at ail times take
pleasure administering to the comforts of those
whoyriay flii•orliintWitli their custom.
His .13AR shall be constantiv supplied,with the
choicestli4ugra, andlis TABLI with the best the
Market Catv'ftienisli..:A careful 'OSTLER alOraya
.kept in attendance-41nd nothing shall he left undone
to please all who COI with him.
BOARDERS taken by theWeelc, month or year.
Carlisle, Aptil 6, 18453. tl-23
Dr. L' Loomis, Dentistj
Permanekitly located in Carliele,and will per ,
• form all :cqleratiena that are required in the
practieq pals profesalorl—such
3pkitaiNtiiigi . wilitiit, tolugging. mid
Y> iertldg Attifficineth 9
kningly tooth to'an entire set ' '
N. B;For, a' few, months thriaing,Pr...LociallS
Will be ily.Carllsle, the first two -water in each
month-44flerwhieli, he will be. absent until the
firittluip weeks mooch folloWing month—at whidh
tieriod, he niaylie found - at his
O f fice,. Ellt ; ; it. near lir Farlane a Hotel.
earlioloilthy,.4;lB42.;, , tf.2t
lEl.lO' ll+ tZt
le,T4„; CPPtILLY tenders . hi servieett tothe
- "v • s Oarlisle and its vicinitY, that he
it "attend perform all dental Operations
• Cinch itCPlCattingi ' Extracting
tur`al atul.inxirtgitt ipc,omptable 'artificial
tatter hi).. '4 0 1 4 10 tooth:to fin entire I tet..
opPd s i t o*tarlanOtnetV•
, , ,
siriishes i
iri a
-- • w
• "
veil-60h krill". ed • 'Ayr
.rtogAi ok , t hoe* ot,p 6,4 tiiitio,.4,L4B.
In'2" Asid,l4l4mlre
Irtment BtK a."fakpliprla
ild6;!tag,, , 31dit Ok'',
ea ; "* 0
.11),A3 Ita 45,31
T UMBEIt ofOviry'donbTipt 01, ii.III,;(IGLES
XI rototkie Cheap; by"
" 4" -4 „- dc,;P. -";
guccossonitir Miller & / 41 u0uk !Kirio J' •
_ . ,
Xear • the Rail Road.,
-0-11n - zszaa-23witer. .
!LAVE received a splendid assortment of
which they :we determined to sell at the very lowest
cash prices,
September :28, 1842,
TM: sithscriber is just receiving fiTsh supply of
GoodS, among which may be found
Bea otto & Pilot Cloths
and various other Broad Cloths. A great variety of
and other seasonable goods for men's wear.
Also, a general assortment of AI erclutudize for the
Ladies, to which he respectfully calls their attention.
Call and see appoon impossible, as the entire stock
will be sold veiT cheap for cash. •
CEO. W. nrrsEn.
Cat lisle, Sept. '21,1812.
TILE subscriber has just opened n lot of New
Goods, consisting of SUPERFINE CLOTIIS,
Black, Blue and Fancy •colored Casstmeres, Casi
nos, all colors and
. prices, Merinoes, Mouse de
Laines, Gloves, lloseir, 5-4 Brown Muslins,Tor
km, 4-1 bleached do ti - ir u, tip, Flannels 11.3 m '2O to
2.B•Vents, with a variety or other goods, all or vshich
will be sold at very lost pikes to suit the times.
Carlisle, October 19, IQ-18.. 11-51
2.1.,g201adia rtillnta g
EllOnse Painter and -Glazier;
RESPECTFULLY informs the public that
he haa.coinmenced the HOUSE PAINT.
all their various blanches, and hopes by strict at
tention to business and moderate charges to merit
and receive a share of public patronage. His
'shop is in Pitt street, directly in the rear of Ste.
venson & Dinkle's Drug store
Carlisle, Oct. 12,1892
_ 4),41
Store room, Brick Ware Ithis.e and - Lot of
Groitod attached, situate in North Hanover
Carlisle, now occupied by Messrs-1. Ix C. COPllmain,
also the Shop second door Soiath of the shove, in the
occupancy of Mr. Hantch. Also the Brick Dwell-
Mg House, Lot and Stabling, in Wr High
now_ Strut, hi tenuremf o a-new Brisk
DWelling House and part of Lot attached, on Dick
inson alley; and the'Frame Houseand Lcit of Ground
occupied by Mr. R. Moore, on West Loutherstreet.
Possession given on the Ist of April .next. For
terms apply to ' JNO. B. PARKER.
December 28, 1842. tf-9
Mechanicsburg Line
: ABC 4 4-a
Bettbeen .111echastiesburg and
Phitailelphits or Baltimore.
WOE citOeilbergratefid for pun favors, begs
leatie to inform his friends anti the publte
generally, that he still continues to run a line of
burthen Cara regulasly. between Mechanicsburg
and l'hiladelpbta or Baltimore, by which' goods
'and prnditcb of all descriptions will be forwarded
with cafe did despatch at the lotion rates of
'Produce.itrill be receiv'ed at hie Warelfoutte,lft
ifechnnicibitrg, and forwarded to either. Phila.
delphia or BaltimOrs, according to the direction*
of the owner,
' ,l The highest price will be given for Wiled
and Flour..,
'Plptiter of Paris and Salt always kepi
on hand, and fcir sale at the loWestinities.
'., Bohai also an hand;a.t_thc_POltrot lit Mechattica.
burg, for sale , Wifloarde t '
Shlhalle H c SOlth,11111410; &e t " Of 'all
which will be sold on '
~„Arigirrtl7;lB42- . . • • - ift42
, tra3
ll , •
vip;etell - aheatierand•better ,
ooarsu 1 00T:thin can rasa& in Carlisle..
doubliAialed; Maraca° aartl,Lid:
ShaatAt,Tiba'atid aulieri or articleitopther :
%ka ' ' • ,K'',.llAolllB.
THE' $ . OEAm . eAw efOottSd.
in the poi year the'snliStriber;abont
mils beloW Harrishisr#, on the bank or the Stis
quelinna;hear O&M! frond
two Vertical and two Circular SawS,ls now iif over
athini; and ready to eitectite orders! 'th the •utinbit'
despatch; ./47' PRICES ..IX f. OrP,ORAIrI'Y
TOD " • • ' •
An aesortment of the i'arious kindle:l' Scantling,
Boards, Plank, Plaiteting and Shingling Laths, Gnr.. -
den Pales, &0., will be always kept really for deliC
ery; and persons sending Rafts or Logs to the Mill,
can have them sawed al direlited; on the most yea-.
Boilable terms.
40,000.1 bet of Seasoiibti bleat. ate Stud now in
the yard.
ClSteam power, and room in the hailding, to let.
'January '230841 - 3m-13
' , .
TZIB aci),L3M)
Y vii„de=of the powPre and
contained in the laid will and testament of
Miett.AEL Eo E,deti'd., I now offer for sale, the
Catlisle :Iron. Works,
Situated on the WNW Breeelidb creek, 4 miles
east of Carlisle Pa : The estate eonSists °fa rst rate
ZASTASIS 21111 , 12,0.212 0
with Ten ThoiWand Acres o( Lewd.
A new . MERC FI ANT MILL with tour ru it of !done,
finished on the mostattkoved Ohm: About 500 acres
of the laud are cleared and highly caltivateddlaring
thereoh erected •
Three Large Minii Bairns
and necessary TENANT fiIatTSES.. The
works . ar:e propelled by the el low Breeches Creek
and the Boiling Spring, which nelllier fail uorfreeze.
There are upon the premises all the tiecesiary work
mens houses,
coal housei,carpenteriind smith shops,
and stabling built of the most t.ubstitntisil materials.
The ore of the best quality and lnexlittuistible, - is
within 2 miles, of the . Furnace. There is perhaps
no Iron NV orkalu Petflui*anivivlilch posieeses su
perior advantages and offeea ,ge'eUleui,nduceinents to
the investment or Capitai.' 040iiiter.poiver is so
great that it might be eZfediletw otliVriMinu
posed to
will of course examine the kiipeffy: The terms cd .
sale will be made knoWu by
Executrix of Michael Ege, .
Carlisle, Oct. 19, 1842. - tf-51
KW: just opened their• FALL ASSOftT
-14 MEN 'l' of
. Together with an extensive assortment le
Patent .IFlc4lcines and Perfumery
A I so—F S IP 111 ITS;
AU of which they will sell, wholesale or re:tri/ ow
. e lowest terms.
Carlisle, Decemb& 14, 1842.-3ro.
A NOTH ER supply of WINTER
GOODS, just received and selling lower thr
Cask thaw ever sold in Carlisle.' The supply has
been bought at the present reduced city prices, and
purchasers will lied it decidedly to their interest to
cull before purchasing elsewhere. - •
Nbrember''23, 184'2
OF ,
Houses for Rent.
Rp.i0nET,T,1q,11; : . A4.A5.,,: , ,&c0:!;,...:.
E 0 IVE BRANCH PILLS for the cure
• M . Cough!, Colde, Consuniption, Liver Coin
plaints, Minima, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Dyfi.
Shbrtness Breath, - Tains the Side,
Brearit; Back and Shoulders., Ague and Fever, an
attune* cure, and all Scarlet and Bilious Fevers,
and all diseases arising from exposure , and de
bility, no matter how long standing—in fact all
diaereses to which the human family are subject tn.
These pills are uriatirprissed by any 'Medical
compound ever offered to the public as a . general re.
novator and family medicine. They are very
gentle in their °potation, causing'neither
sickness nor debility by the use of them; it on
the pontrary they: sttengthen the .stomach .and
boviels in a wonderful manner, .and - Scion restore
nature to its' former °oink and vigor . The per.
Elm] using the Olive Btanch-Pills soon forgets
that he was sick—which is very easily accounted
fori__there is_not_that_tirostratlon-of-strongth in
these pills as in many other remedies of the day,
beeause the materials well in mimufacturing them
are In harmony with the. powers of life and act
in concert with the opinions of Dr's. Brown, Bush;
Armstrong, Montgomery, Hersey, Rend& • ,
Shapper, and the Celebrated Dr. Waterhouse,
fhimerly Lecturer on the theoty and practice of
Physic in Cambridge University;
Purchase of them, and give them d fair and im.
partial trial, and you will find that permanent re.
lief, upon which the proprietcirs depend to make
them the most universal family, inedicinciised,
and which will stand unrivaled by any other in
Me known world. Price 25 cents por box: ,
Is One of the most certain and effectual cures for
all rheumatic, chronic and ingarilmatory Rheii ma.
tisms that has ever yet been :discovered, and in
numerous eases has eradicated that dreadful die•
ease , from persons afflicted entirely: All sour
drinks 40 Victuale are strictly forbidden, and
epithelia liquors must not be taken inwardly by
any means whatever, or it will be of no use to
takethis medicine; as It will destroy the gpod of.
fects of the inedicine entirely. Price 81,50 per
These celebrated drops have kiquired the high
est recommendations in this country, as well es
in Europe for its most valuable pkoprieties for all
inward weaknesses, cram ps,colds;aguea ncl• fever;
and when used with the Olive Pennell Pills,never
fails to cure the fever and ague. Price 25 cents
per bottle,
unrii,alled for its curative mialities even When
used in cases of maladies Which were otherwise
incurable. Many. recommendations imvo been
given of the beneficial effects it 'has had in the
curo of pleurisy, pectoral and puitifonary con
sumptions, colds, &e: Price 25 cents per bottle.
This . most excellemitr - Urtielc'haS'entialitrof
calming,instantly and Without calf, all cramps of
time stomach, cholla and that. troublesome disease
called thoither fits or hysterics; and whencontinu.
ed fir some length of time, will curd the patient
c.iltirtly. Price 25 cents per vial. '
A ticrtaimi—eure-fof-alt-Scald.s----Bruses, Burns,
and theinest'efibetual cure for the piles—it will
Leary time. person afflictedin a very •short:titne, if
used according tOdirettions. Priem: 2letg. per vial.
This* spirit—is highly recouitiietnied for all
sprains, swelling of thelimbs; or leaders, sinews,
joints and rheumatic; as-anoutward remedy; it has
nuequal,and whetiused with the tetetfinatlaMedi•
tine, will greatly facilitate the cure., The an.
nuals of History do not produce its equal; and it is
the greatest preventive against cold, In the
known world;For particulars see direCtionsacccun.
pariyinetlie bottles. Price 25 cents.
An infullable cure if used according frdiree
ions. Price 25 cents per vial.
Is decidedly the best application . for wounds
and sores, old, or now , of all kinds, and will pre
vent. if °used in time, many operations; and pre
vent Lock Jaw, Pains in the Back, Head, &c.—
Females who arc so unfortunate as to have sore
breastti, and will use this wonderful salve, will be
cured in a very short time. It cannot be too high.
ly recommended. For further partieulars;we direc.
Lions. Price 12,3 cents per box.
An excellent article fur the min; of worms in
adults. as well- as children, and will cure when
other remedies fail. Price I cents per box.
A superior tirticlefor Coughs, Coldsore throat,
Bronchitis and difficulty of breathing. Price 64
cents per box.
-.Sold wholesale and retail, at the principal office,
No. 383, North 3d street, Phan&lol4lolnd by
JOHN GRAY, Carlisle, Pa.
General Agent fur Cumberland County.
June 22, 1842. 1y.34
ND ifyou Imve a friend, a relation, or know
AL tiny one that islifflicted with that distressing
disease, "CONSUMPTION,!'persuade them with.
out delay to try that famous and unrivaled medi:
eine, the
"Salaam of. Wild Cliery. ,9- -
which has cured thousands of this cot iplaint of
ter everything else had failed. . Read tie follow
ing undoubted proofs of its efficacy:
Roximanuon, Sol: f t : 10 1841.
DEAR Stn:-Please send roe twc_i_t ore bottles of
your Balsam of Wild Cherry, like that you sent
me before.,4 have taken nearly all of the first two,
and confidently believe this medicine will cure me.
I have usedra great many remedies within the
last year, ant hive never found any thing that has
relieved the somuch. It has stopped my cough
entirely, checked my night sweats, and I sleep
better at night and feel better in every way, than
have for many months.. Yours, respectfully,
Sept.l2, 1841.
FRIEND, VVlSTAEl.i\olust. again trouble ille_e_tst_
semi me two lTles more f thy invaluable Bal
sam. I have now taken Wee bottles in all, and
Can assure thee that it has done more good than
all the medicine I hare ever taken before. Send
by the stage 'as soon ae possible; and oblige thy
ilium', Sept. 8,-1841. ---
DEAR DOCTORl—Hearing so ninny people talk
of the wonderful cures your Balkiiim of Wild Cher
ry has made in Consumption, I sent to ono of
your Agents the 'Afar day for a bottle, and have
found it to have relieved me so much, that I want
three bottles more sent soon, as I believe it will
cure me too. I have used Jayne's Expectorant
and other medicines besides, but nothing has diine
me as much gond as yours . has. Send by the
steamboat Bolivar. . ' Yours, trillyi
lErßesides ifs astonishing efficacy in
Consumption, it is also the most effectual remedy,
ever discovered for LIVER COM PLAINTS,
WHOOPING COUGH, &c., as hundreds will tes.
dry who have been cured by it after all other reme
dies had failed.
DRUGGISTS and DEALERS will find this
Medicine a valt.mbleitddition„Wheir,,,,stook, and
should always keep It' on band, as Ws universally
acknowledged to be one oftlM most usefiil family
medicines new, in use.
"lle very careful,to ask for Dr: WISTAHS§
SABSAM OF -WILT) -011ER,RY, Sold whole,-
sale and retail by WILLIAMS'S:. CO, Chemists,
No, 93, South Fourth Street. Philadelphia. ,
INlrThe gendine Balsam sold in Car
lisle by,,SAMUEL. ELLIOTT, appointed
Agent. Price—sl per Bottle:
Aft* 22,1842. ' . ,
, • 00.41iLi ' •
,111,11(ENS Valley; Pine Groveitimo:burners;
, 4
and 13!p3oljuou0 .COAL;rtustootly, for
succialo.-bi mi)iorklpotile
arrielmrg, A94122..1842. • •• •••• ~Fm -2q
. .
... - I
Affections of the liver, dlethma, Bronehitte, Pains
or' teettkneel' of ,the ,Breast or Lungs, Chronic
Cougheorleurze.v,ifxmorros'e of the Lange,''atitt
' affections' of the Pulmonary Organs.
compound Balsamic preparationof the Prunue
Virgin aria or "Wild Cherry Bark,"combined tvith
the Extract of Tar, prepared by a .new chemical
process, approved mid recommended' by the. most
distinguished _'physicians, and universally acknow
ledged the most valuable medicine ever liseovered•
In setting forth the virtuerief this truly great me
dicine, we have no desire to deceive those .who are
laboring under affliction, nor do we wish to eulogise
.morethan it justly deserves. Yet when we look
ground and see the vast amount of sufferiiigand dis
tress occasioned by many of. the diseases in which
thii medicine has proved so highly successful, we
feel thatwe cannot •urge its' 'chit= too strongly, or
' say too much in its favor.' •
Various remedies it is true have been offered and
puffed into` notice 'for tit& cure of diseases of the
Lungs, and some have no doubt been found very
useful, but of all that have yet been discovered, it is
admitted by physicians and all who have witnessed
its elfeets, that none has proyed as successful as this.
Such, indeed, are the •
Of this Balsam, that, even in' the advanced stage of
Consutorrton, after all the most esteemed remedies
of physicians have failed to effect- any change, the
use or title • medicihe has- been productive of the
most astonishing relief, and actually effected cures
after all hopes of recovery had been despaired of.
•In the first stages .iftliFtli sease, termed " Catarr
hal Coninniption,"priginating from neglectedtolds o
it has been used with undeviating Success, and hun
dreds acknowledge they owe the restoration of their
health to (his invaluable medicine- alone. In that
form of Consumption M prevalent amongst delicate
young females, commonly termed debility, or
A complaint ltith which thciusands are lingering
has also proved highly successful, mid not only pos.
seising the poster' of checking the• progress of this
alarming complaint, but also strengthens and
orates the system more effectually titan any medi
cine we have ever poisrssed.
Besides itB surprising eilicitei4evittriiption, it
is equally Liver • ComPlaint9, aefhtna,
Brmehitin, and all affections of the Lungs ; and lion
cured many,of the most obstinate cases, after every
nil ter remedy hifirltilled. Ock•For particulars see
Dr. Wistar's tre ise 6u Constimption, to be hod o"
the Agents.
Attending the use of. this medicine in diseases of
the Lungs. and the 'many sinpular mires it has el
_fected; having_tutturally_allratied_tlle l'!otipt! of
1111 Illy phySiellllll . s, (as well as the whole Fraternity of
quack s emdeetlires 111tH stirmises ha yr arisen
respecting its comp
osilion ; physicians . have
supposed it to contain iodine, other ignorant preten
ders say it must contain ..71/erotry; and to - some such
substance they each attribute its singular efficacy.—
As such opinions are altogether erroneous, and eat;
eulated to prejudiCe many persons against it, we
• . PC EDGE OUlt UONOIf. .
That iteontains nothing of the - kihd, of ahy
aim least in on the Omar:try; it is coMposed
of the most simple.substaimes, the profeiple ui which--
are the extracts of TA It and It ad Chrru Bark, -
and the whole secret of its efficacy consists in the
mode by which they are prepared.
• As we have.alrendypubli•hed numerous certifies
odes from the highest authority, which 'prove its
virtues beyond all doubt, we consider it unnecessary
'to exhibit a long. fist of them in this place, and will
only mention a few cases, to show whatias done.
A SChtI'ItISING CURIL.--Among the many
singular cures irhich this medicine . has effected,
there - is perhaps Mine in which its powers are so
fully shown as in the ease of Mrs. Austin.;
• This lady hail heeliconsumptit cloy several Years,
'and during.the greater part of this time had received
the best medical attention, and tried all the most
remedies, yet nothing could be bound to
arrest its progress. She became subject• to.violent
fits of 'coughing, expectorated large quantities of
better oreasionally tinged with blood, mid step lay
tliih fearful IliSellSe continued its course, until.
,tll hope. of It recovery was entirely despaired of.—
While iii this digressing situation, lingering upon
the very verge of the grave, she commenced the use
Of this Ilidsalin, which, to rise her own expression,
Operateif al
expectorated freely - , the cough was gradually sup
pressed, and every day appeared to add fresh vigor
to her looks, and now, iii.the placeof that emaciated
form withering. to decay, she is seen minglims '
society,iii better health than she has enjoyed lb
the surprising efficacy of Dr. Wistar's ilalsahn of
\Vitt! Cherry, in the case of Mrs. Austin, I dieer•
fully acknowledge the above stateinent to be true
and correct. . J. C. 'WALTERS, M. 1).
Woodstown, Sept. 4, 1841.
Dear Sir—Although your invitluable medicine has
'already found Imndras of powerful ads [unites, it
may still be gratify ing to yon'to receive a communi
cation 'from any one that has been relievatl by it.
Such, Sir, is truly my case. I have been a victim
to that: terrible disease Consumption, for many
months, and have suffered so much, that I had n.-
come altnost weary of my !fearing your
lialsalm so highly praised, I begat taking it a feW
weeks back, and can assure you it 11118 rclicvicef me
more than tow thing I have ever used before, and I
confidently. bjlieve it will cure me effevtually. Please
give the bearer the worth of the enelosed.and oblige
YOUI'B Respectfully', JOllBl-PEA1160:8•
• Chester County, Sept: em, 1841.
Fritnid Wistar-Itives me much pleasure to in
form thee that me wile's health has improved'ver
much Since she has been musing thy Ilimlsalm of Wild
Cherry, and we think there is no doubt but that it
will Ore her. • She has taken the two bottles I put , :
chased from thee a short time since, and her cough
is notch better, she also sleeps well at nightinnd
says she has found nothing to give her so much reL
lief.. Thee will Please give the bearer two bottleS
more rdt. Thy Friend,
Lancaster county,July 18, Mt.
, geunine Balsalm of Wild Cherry. I have teen af.
!Hoed with Consumption for the last two years, and
suffered very Much with n severe cough, pains in
my breast, (1010114; of breathing, night sweats, &e.;
and haling tried numerous' remeilies, and also been
undo: SeVeraidoctors, yet 1 could not find any thing,
to relieve me until I used some of your Balsalm.
got - oae - bottlefrom- a neighbor - of mine - who - i using
it, and have found such wonderful relief from it that
I huve lid doubt it will cure me effectually.
Very respectfully yours, &C.
rritead tile following from'De. Jacob Hainan,
a pliysician of extensive practise in Huntingdon
• .
Dear Sie-4 procured one bottle of Dr. Wistar's.
Boilsalm of Wild Cherry, from Thallium Reed, Esti
of thiii place, and flied it inn case of obstititity
AStlllilla on a blind of Paul Schwebie, in which man
other remedies had been-tried ivithout any rend'
The Balsalm gave sudden relief, and in my opinion.
the child is act:molly cured by, its line. "
Thnrs &e. JACOB floynt.or;;H,D.
Deeetnber 1220,
Dear Sir-. Tour Ile'salve of Wild Cherry hae af
fected haute uttouishing cures here. Orie of, which
is an old lady, Mrs. Russell, who had beeitufferiag
for a long time with shorthess of breathing, and gen
end iteakness, hntil she was fhtally obliged to keep
her bed. After various other; remedies hhtl been
resorted to" - ib" Cain, the commenced beim-your nal
salmoind Idler taking (iv° bottlelkwas to fir recover
ed as id be able to attend to all ihe duties •of 'her
. house - ottid taking. two betties more was entirely
cared: Respectfully, : •
• , JOHN S. U. ulmtrtik.
, CAUTlON....r4ither is a • spurious mixture
'Called Sirup of in& Cher, Y, purchasers shnuld
very partimilar toAlik 'for Da. WISTAR'S BAL.
SAM, and °Wet% Itiasiguature on the Bottle.'
'Prepared for-t e proprleto !In sold at wile a
gate by.Wihiamabt Co., Chetti4sta, Mitaar
street,:lidladelithia.“ '• • ,
••• , • ••';: ts'AV,UEL
ShlppeitstitriiEbithe Iter,,,Dayid Smith 3 , -Hert.
rhiburg JOin Jr;,, Lilocaster.by4. cash ;
C ham heratort 'Le*/ penigond in ilt no ietery
town neti'Mtaze through outthe cnititO.
'Prici, st. VO
.t. Icoyemloct ;28 via.
pga. .
Y Oahron
• 4,i„ktyso9yi_o
loiedsiit e
fuo RPM *9-
A pie as these complaints arc usually considered;
.no one can deny their being the most common
cause of this fatal and distressing disease. It id
indeed a melancholy truth, that thousands-fall
victims to Cousumpticn every year from no other
cause than neglected colds. Y ct Ave find hun
dreds, nay thousands who treat such complaints
with the greatest indifference, and let them run
on for weeks and even months without thinking
of the - danger. At first you have what you may
consider a slight cough or cold; you allow busi:
ness, pleasure or carelessness to prevent you from
giving it any attention; it then settles upon
. your
breast, you become hoarse, have pains in the
side or chest, expectorate large quantities of mat
ter, perhaps mixed with blood, a difficulty of
breathing amities, and then . you find your own
foolish neglect has brought on this distessing
complaint. If then "oil value life or health, be
warned in time, and don't tritio with yOfir Corm,
or trust to any goodie postruni to cure you, but
immediately procure a bottle or two of that fa:
momiremedy. the '"BALSAM OF W 1111) Cusartv.:l.
which is well known to be the most speedy t eure
ever known; as thousands will testify whose lives
have been saved by it. •
LTLie very particular • when you purchase tq
'ask for "Dri %VISTA n's SAW OF WILD cuznar,':-
as there is also a simui , of this name in use.
Prepared; w retail,_. by..Wit.L4But
& Co., Cheinieto,
,No: 33 South Fourth greet'
Philadelplitai .
Sold in CarliOnby .
Price One Dollarta Pottle.
June 22,1842 . I. s t 0203;
This is the season. when this destructive
complaint attacks your interesting little children,
often robs you of those you fetidly dont on, and
Carries hundreds to the gravei • Every mother
should therefore; know its symptoms, watch them
closely, and always be prepared with a remedy
as many are daily sacrificed by Bubb negleet. At
first the little patient is soiied with ashlVering, it
grows restless, has fl ashes of . hiatithe eyes become
red and ewollen, it breathes-With. difficulty, end
then comes that fearful COUGH that ivili surely ter. -
niltiate in convulsions or death Unfese aorntithlng is
immediately given to Cheek.A.•_n_thicaOriiPlunit,
Iliii - "Pcitsairc of Wild Cherry" is: well knoivn to
be the most speedy ever dicovered. It is Indeed a
ptecioue ternedy=mild; safe'. and innocent; and
is sure to give the sufibrer immediate relief) anti
tffilekly restore it te• sofbly ned t health, Mimi
lies'residing the contitry and indeed eirety Ina '
Bier whaiotes her children„should. always keep
thisjueffieille 11,116, httlipo ,and .glve , it tothem
early,bY di:4l42e yon site the life of
elneyoyfofilifilovo.. .;tolnemltiiiitliti Who flOnliao
rem etly:oftlils'ffiethignlolollol6lan; De. Wis.
,ar—,mhbili,llll Intitid , :thottsundi,iff :CROUP;
T/pktitta t t4tortiork pthetAnedicinihni failod;
oiritricii**b .o4 `• 'You' purchase ask
Oat's BAMAii,f,Ot.
atr,ts thia HMO ttdveytlied that IS
Pro iod 001z,6311,1040617t0 . Chemist.
Nu• OVnlit SOttifelii4t4 PlialaePhia • •
• • ,Arairmtuirmanovrairetron.
) 1 ' II II I .; •
S RS PAh'lLi. A. -
)()1 r 1
As yow'tralue-yourLife - and Ilealth ) I
beseech pour read the following :
' • DR.'ll.: LIEIDY
.117 A S the, 'pleasUre , of Anninmoing:io the public;
11111, - that hill valuable Illedieitiea receive the' appro
bation of the . • , .
being,Compt v
sed - of inedients which are known to
the 'profession, and which 'areAttily given by the Most
respectable,physicians to their patients. This feet
alone is sdfftment to stamp their, -
as well as cause them to be employed by all with
than the of tiunekS,and•imposters.
have been publiehed frequently, in the papers, from
Physicians and Clergymen,
, Alembers of
- Congress and State Legislatures,
respectable,prirate.citizens, sod among them many
of the most distinguished members of churches
. . •
and cithei• institutions,
in'reference to Dr: Li idY's Medicines, and it is hop
'ed, from the numerous certificates and 'recommends
ti ons, having been . published far and near, thnt all that
is now necessary is to. keep them belbre the public,
that they may be reminded, of them, where they may
obtained genuine, &a. &o.
• One of the most valuable is. . ••
. .-
bite LEILDIC '
ll4' , .
Sarsaparilla Blogtl Pills.
These celebrated Pills, are daily renommended'in
Diseases of the Stomach Impurities of the Blood,
and BOwels,• generathirdi senses of
Ilillious Affections, the Stomach, Liver,
Habitual Costiveness, Heati,the Spleen,Kid •
Indignation, Flatulency, • neys, Bones, &c. &c.
Want of Appetite, Ulcerous Sores of the
Sourness of the'S tomach,. Nose, Throat Sy Body;
Waterbrasli, Heartburn,- Scaly, - Eruptions an
Foul and offensive breath, - Blotches of the Skin;
Bud taste in the mouth,. Dry and watery pimples
Inward Pal ris,Pat ns of the of the thee and body;
I._ -Stomach , the Sides,und Headache, Giddiness,
liking the Back; I Scrofula, Erysipelas, ,
Rheumatic Pains, Gout, Glandular Affections.
Constitutional diseases, produced by Mercury and
other mineral preparations, as well as the dangerous
consequences resulting from the imiroper treatment
of Syphitii, &c. &e. •
• ----.llelifeof the Flesh is in the Blood." •
LeCiticus, ch. XXII, v. 11.
Be ye purified in your Bltiod, •
And health will attend you. '
The great principles advocated by Dr. Leidy; and
iu which he is supported by scripture, are
at, That vitality iacompined in the Blood.
tld. The Blood,becominvitiaTed or inipure,gives
t•ise to numerous diseases of the orgaustof (lie body,
thilsromack, theliver, thtiheart,gre. Rm. _
dd. That whatever has the chli et of purifying the
lhlno 1, passessesthepon , er-of rt.-establishing
ful wit - min the body.
4th. Trot Purgation and Starvation, or, in other
Words; porging to the extent that is too frequently
done, and at the same time enjoying low diet, isnd
abstinence from fooiralitiost 'entirely; are proanctive
of much More Mischief thaois generally - supposed,
and in proot oft[ willTrisly reminiC. Mut
By Purgation The lidivau system is more or less
debilitated, for the t ery sharpie retinal, that in the
process or purging all is Carried offirom the stomach
froth which nourishment is derived and distributed
throughout the system. ,
• Hy Starvation—Nohrieliment is absolutely with
held 11 , oin the system so necessary: to it, both for sits
tah'sjog vital factionand aiding maitre in bearing up
against (hat progrep of disease:
Bence the conseqiiences of too tniich purging, nod
a Continued diet must be to - producc such It condition
of the system as a ill enable' disease to make more
lipid progress, and exteidi it e sellthe more easily,and
in D. brief timethroughoutth t systeM.
Admitting the foregoing', se becomCS necessary to
inquire how is the 81001 l to b purified ? and in cm-
Ploying the means, how, is thos,systetu to be guarded
against any serious Consequences ?
'Tis easily answered— .
For all •
your •
Take-Dr. Leidy's Blood Pills; • -
These Pills operate gentlY, though effectiyally
hey 110 ngt produce prostration of thc system,as mop
Its do.
I'litty require no restraint either'. frcim occupation
or 'the regular mode of living. Nb fear nerd be en,
tertained of taking cold limin their use, and may be
taken at all tildes, by young and old, without inter
fering with any other9nMiCine that may have been
taken beforehand.
These Pills are prepared only; add sold wholesale
lila - retail, at .. '
, .
Dlt. 11„.EIDV2St lkallid'ltYipotl9m.,,..____,.._
No. 191 N. 911 st: below Ville,
. ((Sign of the Golden Eagle and stirpentso Phila.
A discount to wholesale dealers.
(G .Dr. Blood Pills are 111110 sold in all tlet
principal Cities and towns throughoMThe Chtion,mdl
by many respectable storekeepers dirmiglioUt the
For sale, in Corliale, by
Agents for Cumberland County.
Carlisle, Deb. 0842.
1 110R11011SCSTATEh..
‘prao Olt MAI tVARAHAm arid .rogN:itiO squires
Directors of, the: Poor, and, of the ,House of Employmeurot . Cuniberland
County, in account with said . County, from the Ist of - January to the 31st
.day of December,lB42, inclusive, : ••• - • .
:)i r e ~\
Td ammint due Institutton at settleirnent.m
• 1841 by Jacob Squier, Eiq:Treasurer, $
Amount draWn from Comity Treasurer, . 5000 00
A mount received friim Harknesshr Earn- ' • ,
hart, for, use, of, DerriekDennin, (slave) ..12 50
Of G. Hatcher Mr use of P. Worts • 00 '
For FlaxcSecd, 't 50
11 06
Of Irwin and Graham for hides and skins; 141 68i.
For Clover Seed, 2 ,1 t, 75 ,
Of J: W. Eby for use'of 'T.' Robinson; - - 60 'OO
G.,Keller for Use bf Job. Douglas, 150 00
Tallow and Laid, 19 74
Geo. Myers for use of G. W. Myers t , 65 87
J. Elliott, Esq. fine& Sze. voluntarily paid to
Directors, ,
Aleitander, Esq. for use of P. Hays,
J:Heffiebower & J. Clark petitioners,
Geo. Ege for use of Alfred Ego, (infant)
Siberian Apples,
Of Deceased Paupers, '
For Baskets,
Benj. ,Pelfer, Esq . . for hauling, 84c.
Samuel Eckles,Lsq, . do.
Blank Indentures,
, • • , $6541 651
• . .
To balance due by Trensurer, $501..865
JACOB SQUIER, Esq. Tit:ismer of the Poor House and House of Employ
.ment of said County, in account with the. Directors of said Institution, from
th 6 'lst day of
. January to the 31st day of
. December. ;I 842, inclusive.
To amount due at last settlement, 5887 2GA
" " recoiled from ecninty.
surer, 5000 on
Joseph L9bach, steward, from different
rourees as exhibited in the foregoing .
statement, 654_,.361
Balance due by TreaFurer;
. . _ .
7 Head of llqrscs-3,2 , Head of Horned Cttile--3 Calvelßrceding - Sowsso,Shetti&-4--L - amb.
. Beef, Pork, Mutton and Yea); fattened ant killed on Fannin
. 1842. •
27 bet vas, average wt: 944 lbs. (11988 14)48 sheep, -:verage 47 Ihs (2256 lbs) 16 calves, average
65 lbs-(104016) - 39 hogs, average 160 lbs (6290) making in all (21524 lbs,
. ,
2 narrow - wheeltd-tijagons, 1 wagon bed, 2 pa:r wood ladders, 2 pith hay ladders, 2 sleds, 1 dear
born, I cart, 6 ploughs, 3 harrows, 2 cultivators, 2 &table shovel ploughs, 5 wheelbarrows, 1 time:Wr
ing machine, 2 limning mills, 2 log chains, 6 sett of wagon gears, 5 sett of plough gears, sleigh
and harness, 1 flax brake, 1 horse rake, 2 sett - of c.trponters' tdols, I sett pf blacksmith tools, and a
variety of axes, shovels, grubbing hoes, digging irons, single trees, double trees, scythes, cradles,
forks, rakes, 4...c,:and 1, sett of blowing tools, 1 sett of butchering tools.:
Schedule shuving.the 'proceeds of Ale Farm
469 - bushels of wheat, 900 of oats, 1428 of corn, 32'" of petatneics6 loads of hay, 7 of corn fod.
der, 150 bushels' f apples, 64 of onions, 41 bCCII 27 of beets, 15-of parsnips, Bof peas and
beans, 20 of: tomatoes, 2400 bends of cabbage, 2436 encumber pickles, S bushels of flax seed, 20 of
clover --secd, - 24 of timothy seed;ls of - hops, made 11- barrels of good cider, 3 of water cider, 110
gallons of apple butter.
Manufactured and inade in" the House and Shop
8t yards flannel, 31 of flax linen, 271 of tow linen,. 172 shirts and elnmese, 92 calico frocks, 11
flannel frocks, 27 petticoats, 37 sheets, 147 pillow Cases, 49 aprons, 10 bonnets, 55 caps, 17 under
roundabouts, 14 pair drawirs,6 pillows, 6 chaff beds, 16 pair of Stockings knitted, 32 pair footed,
_ .
17 barrels of soft soup, 97 pounds of hard soap, 75 pounds of heckled flax.
.., JOSEPH LOBACU. Steward.
' . . ' • ELIZA. LOB II
AC, Miro
ttn.'`' •
Ile Directors &c. of said County, annex the following exhibit of extra labor
&c. performed by the. Steward, Matron,,and Pauper, from the Ist day of
January to the 31st of December 1812. as follows: -
15 coffins . , s_l)lm of woollen pants, 4 pair summer pants, 17 roundabouts, quarried stone for 13 perch
f•tone fel(ce, made 1. double showitl plough, 1 horse rake, 15 slUtking forks 5 large tables for Poor
]louse, "3 stands, 4.ehests, i wheelbarrow, 1 sled, 2000 rails, cut 1311 cord of wood, made 12
handle baskets, 2 bushel liskets,G single trees, 3 double trees, 831 57.1 worth 'of blaeltsmithing.
Number of paupers in the institution Ist January 1842, (of which 21:were colored and 7 .4 •
out door paupers) is,' . ' 124
Number admitted up till 31st Ddcember 1812, (of which 20 were colored, it herti In the
house'and 1 stillborn, - . . 154 . .
Malting the whole number through the year, „ • 278
01 which' 13 died, 8 children bound out, 128 discharged and 8 eloped, '2 out door deaths,- -
and 7 out door paupers, . • • 158
Leaving the number of paupers in the house Ist January 1843, or which 9.4 were colored, I'2o
Out door paupers supported at public expense during the year, • 7
Whole number supported lot Jaminry 1(343,
nf those remaining in. the Poor House 31st December 1842, there ore mules 69 of which
1.1 arc colored, ' ' • 69
There are adneor as-can be wertained under 1 'year 5-6 from ',l to 5-10 from 10 to 20-5 from
20 to 80-15 from 30 to 40-20 from 40 to 50-25 from 50 to 60-20 from 60 to 70-41 from 70 to
80. - - - -z-3 from 60 to 90. , 120
. .
11'ei the Directors of the Poor and of the House
Cif Employment of Cumberland county, do certify
the abate futi , going statement to contain a just
and trite eklilhit of the uffliirs of the institution
during the period above stated according to the
test-of out knowledge. •
Given udder our hands this 2d day of Jan:
diary 1841
FIRE INSURANCE !.. • . Vestmental. Spirits.
IFIIH IS is a superior article, having stood the testa _.. .
Ji, experience, for . removing all kinds of grease
ItiOrila America insurance Co. tar, NUM, tke ' ft om 'woolen articles. It is prepared
— hi - small bottles, and for sale lir'
' •February 8, 1843. - :. tf-15
JOHN J. NITERS, Agent, Carlisle. NAM! Nails I! Nails.: !! ,
T m lIIS company continuos to make Instaances
aganst loss or damage by Fire, on the most'
will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, at the
reasonable terms. They also take .. - extraordinary low price of $341 , a Keg. Also 1300
Kegs of Atwater Nails, at $3 %II Keg, at • .
IPiEUPETIJAI. DISKS Cheap Nail Wareltouse,•493Market si.
I Pebruary 1,18 4•3, • ' '• ' r ' 4-44
on stone or brick builditigs at $25 on WON' the
premium subject to be drawn any time by the
party, insuring, ate deduction of five per cant. on . e ive.e Ars ,
.. -
the amount of premium paid. - ,
The usual rates -for one year on
HEAVER and Pilot Clofit for over coats. , Also
,Blitelt,Ble&aud Invisible Green Cloth for dress
Stone and Brick Buildings ) *4 to $S on 81000 lowytt the store of
tog,and Frame, 4n. ' tiffi to 87 on $lOOO ' 13° Des atil ' i . u 8 s I t . riee ` 184 i ll ed ' and.
selli r gle C rY HAS. OGILLRY:
Merchandize, about - $5 on 81000
• , Application in person, or by letter will hate im
diediate attention ' '
1113111E0 1 7AL. ..,
.._ Gias&Ea/Miti-11'..;E;18.3426)43D
174 e Spring Garden' Insitranee c. . • a
',.--- -
~7 7 - 0! : `P EIL_ApE L 111IA 7. ''': -r. ,: -' , 1 ' 42 .—X -A r . f l i r el .94t . " 1 " 3 4,1 4‘ 1 111- " 11 1 1 7 d i C it a li P
Ai.AKE INSERANCK; either temportt_g or ..,, moutro im i no whi m ], . n o *he pona;, , thit •
perpetual; agilbst lessor dantate ig Fi.Rl4 W h e , ; l a , R er i0,,,41 hi, ch - , o o' H a , 1 , 0 4.: c a p
n ' wn or C/ntni °ll g o l ee nar o2, ° na i i ‘.. uilil !. Manufactory, Irina NO:' 82; Cheinnt''StreOt; id No.
Inge Of all kin % on liniiii&ild.riliFiilure• iner• 129 Cbeibettittreet. one door bitoakiAbswoet,? 4 'ortti
ilhandizo;'fforiles; CAttle, - Aftrinuttlifiti; . Ipnumitr. ~ 5hi e .,,,4,,,, ih e ,,,Ag a i 9x , ,R 00 „,#.3 ~
0 ,,,,,„,1 40 ,„
dial and Ititinuflteturing Ilttlnkt and 7 ,7.lteitills-of and Hail, where he Oil! eontlnhe to taltislt h i
eterldeseriptlon s tuswellaiMaa‘rabltaindEnouso celebrated •„ • - , ,
~ -_ -' 't, , . - ‘.. ~.
Erasistupott,the meet Ilifeiable,taftni. ,' : (~,_:,.„,„. IsriA m lirrn . . .41e144- --
'rh Ift - 4,,A0V- 4 04 MI/114TP •
_ , f_-
,P ,QPtr 2 , , , ~r. ,1 z ,t...- —,•' ' . - centli'e - * 14011 .-. , - t ouPttorP and
Ott Stone btiolt:uguilmn',-t - r i, ' , ...:.: • Sold In the , ' Citr, at ' 00' , afitt a t
nit flat
H': _, ~,, ,=„,-,,,,;,. • , •,!li- 4. ^.. , ,'!,-'' , .:. AS'to 40 ctn. on 1190
. „, :nr. a ,-,,•:„..;,..,,, m 0; ik , , vpvi i a ,....., ? .,,,, 1 ..
sitcliiiiiAattttt; z•- 4 ,1-. cla to 10 ‘ol4tta 100 , -•.'. PE .111. , UM 111%=,. fli Mt J 1 •1 0 - , F-:, • .
I ''At It alio ' iliisrisi • . ' O, - ' ••- ' ' - lea f ' t e s '6 fin" rat ',IAA , * Tai .nur
• n o rp no an • ~. , 5i.,.5. , 7—, +, .
,7 .. at 50, warren g o .. 0 , 0 ~. ~ „. , , ~.,.
~, ;
c at
', hialldliAlia;fintn ,' 14 . . 4 0 4 50' 01: titi' 100sest the truttrottlte'ishaii‘ esisertion *those
1 ''''"lX4`lifelottir ihillea4'!, v.',,, , A1:11.0 Illietet"isii , AIM - ;tei r ei s Witlci*tlary dititnirelietkvie requested to call,
; ;finale, itattle Ihrtithsg' , i .'-;, f : , T..:+: ..';i:e!.;,: , ' o . .4skiioy4),ool;thi 0 440. 13 0.reer.PV 4 ouliitt'tatill 0 , , ,
- . I '
". . ' ' `'' . -' ' :the iabwAlser 'at-tse is Ore Int' Ms ' ateO , l 11 ..
4,,: : ' , : 7l a n t te 1.1 111 4 11 ; ' .li '! ,d , : 46 : 1- 7 : ir. - 14 - 14: •; -. , : !. :0 . :! ;-. Y it' ,'..: - i i,.'l j,:,t i ,: 6 , - ) . :. -: ! n `441 kri - 11 -I; 4ul tit* nba,Viiii43 iiii k , k li •P l r i : - RV -41 , 'l'.l:l4."o:,:ll4ingti'ili' •
, AgOrti.-0 , 45. t. L ini k d 01i i ., ,— , 1 ,.. - . .„... • ;,.. ,. 4, ,. , - . ' 44. n.' CeentriMerellalft itili*Vislittr,t,
- - ,..t , *:: - '':''' ^•'/Ourt4:` 4 s nium•-Jsvont.- 1 ‘ ••r 7 t• takez WWl' on the , ittitistritret, -., 141urgla ..,
MIA - -_ . -
6 68
80 49
•l 50
3 75
2 ( Jr
''4 51:1
E $6541 63+
$6541 63.1
Stdelc.on Farm Ist of January 1843
Farming Utensilson Farm:lst 'January 1843
Femaleh .51 of which 11 arc colored,
And 7 out door paupers,
FOV IB- 4 2 .
D r y fiaymeht•of Interest'on bondisfor laud . •
_purchased Of A. APPoyellid 1 842 ,) $.130 46 .
Cash for •Groceriei, kiterchandi'aii, Hard!: • • '•
ware, Clothing & Dedding`included; `•1647'14'
Jiistices' and Constable's flea, • ' • . 62 . 36
SuptOrt of out doorliaupers,. - ' 219 75
Grain, dour, and grinding, .•1 • • , .746 9$
Sdndriesfor Poor House . 496 93
Gtiardifiris Of the Plitladelphia Alinißouse -"
for support of patipirsi , •7 ;•• !• - • ,A 22
Tailoring, Wealing, Carding, , Fulling,&c: 125 19 .
Materials; impro*ementa, , 20T 91i
A. Lamberton for surveying and drafts of_.
. Poor. - • 1 25
Out &or Medical ' 8 25
Out dobr funeral expenses, ' 33 50
Farming utensils, toolsi&e. . .19 15 .
Illacksmithing; , • ••23 12
Hatting, shoemaking; saddling and fur fiat'-' •
fleas, . 154 64
Coal for twoears, • 268 30
Postage, car fare, freight, ' 18 11
.W!tgonmakiiik,' • 10.121
Printing.. and Stationary, , • 400
Joseph LobaCh's salary for one year, . 600 00
,Dr. J. Diigliman• for medicine and. atten
dance for one year, '
Samuel Eckles, Egg. Director for extra oar
, , 40 50'
Benjamin Peffer,Esq. 'do • . do' 22 50;
Samuel Graham, Esq. 'do ~ • do • ; 2400.
Jacob Squire, Esq. Tfeasurer for 1842, 40 60,
Hugh Gaullaglier, Esq. Attorney for 1841, 30 00
Surgical Instruments, ' 28 20'
Potatoes, . . • • 946
Leather, • 136 49'
$6039 ' 76f
Balance due County by Treasurer let Jan.
nary 1843, .
561 86}
6541 631
$6591 63} .
TO balance due bj Treasurer, - $5Ol Ha
By cash paid orders as stated above, $6039 761
•' " Balance due county, 501 86i
We. the Auditors of Ciiiiilaniand county, do
certify that having c,cainincd the accounts and
vouchers of the Directoile'ut the Pour and House
of Employment of said eon* froin the Ist day
ofJanuary to the 31st day of Beet:mbar 184 in.
elusive, do find a balance due said county by the
Directors of said Institution of tive„hundred and
one dollars and eighty-six and a half cents in the
hands of Jacob Squier, Esq. Treasurer of said
Poor House and House of Employment.
Given under our hands at Carlisle, the 'ltli day
of. January 1843.
Iso 00
$6541 63i