Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 08, 1843, Image 3

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    a&ID, sosmAgarem
P 2
italtatEZZ:K o 26,440
ream sdixilltdining;" 1.130;
(O'The weather has been 'extraintlinarilY cold
;during the ladweek. 'March has eosin) in a' per
feel /ion: . - • . •
- .
(The. Trial 14!, of the April Court, will be
published in our next.' !, .
Siirons 'and :Wonders;
QTThe attention of many _:of our cifizons was
&awn in wonder and astonishment to an.unusual
_appearance inthe solithrwestorn horizon on Mon.
day evening, and various were oonJecturestind
surmises relative to its why and whereforc i among
- the:gazeri. . We 'did not get a. sight, but are in=
• formed that the aurora borealis'or. northern lights.
were visible in great brilliancy on the same even
;.,.llV.P.nd it' is probable the first-was an optical - il:
'''..Ausien produced by tlicialtiel :r i'he Millerites.
inlght gleaned some capital out of the-event.
Hellef Noles in Philadelphia.
The rates. of discount in . Philadelphia, on the
issues of the 4th of Nay, 1840, may be briefly
'summed up as follows : city relief, 7 a 7i t specie.
payitariountry batiks', 5 . a 611 good.non-specie
paying country banks, 6 a Nt . Berke County,
.gtie,•Lewhatown, TOwanda, Northampton and
14 4. 8 . ; •
Crime and Poverty .
. We are informed that some persons who had
been living at an Iron. Works pear town where
operations had been suspended, were committed
to jail hist week 'on account of dopradations,vrhila
their families, unable to glcn a subsi s tence, were
taken into the county Poor-hOuse,
SPREAD or RE1,1130N..--The most cheering "sign
of the times," which we notice, is the extensive
Spread of Religiots feeling amongst the pcoplc,and bo confined to no particulat: sec-
Jitaa;but pervades the entire - length and • breadth
of our country, Scarcely ono of our Petin 7
sylvania ex - Change papers that we open - but Co&
tains a notice` or the revival of Religion in the
county It comes fl•Oln, , and the same feeling in said
to exist in other States.. There is evidently a !mi
/owed and redeeming spirit'abroad,purifying and
cleansing the country. This feeling prevails to a
considerable cxtent,wc learn,in Cumbeiland coon.
ty., But of all places in this State which . have
been visited bj; this awakening influence, the
change wrought in the condition of , thcborough
of Harrisburg is perhaps the most remarkuldc...L.
For some. time past-a religious excitement has
Prevailed in the various churches of that borough,
• • and we are informed flint accessions to the ditTcr
era denominations have been received to the mon
-ber.. of near one thousand. Among the last - who
halic come under this saving' influence, we have .
heard the names of .two prominent members of
our State Senate, - and there are probably others' f
the Legislature whom we have not heard of..
This is gladdening intelligence, and should
carry joy to the . heart of the patriot ss well as
the Christian. It will lie apappy day wfien,our
'' - .Legislufures and Executives'sha ecouiefixllaini
s ued with this gracioui spirit. Our nung Repel):
lie may be considered us the ofFspri4.of
tianity—persecuted for 'opinion's salve, it was in
the solitude of American threats that Christians
of the old world sought a refuge, not only for the
enjoyment of civil liberty, but what was dearer
still, a place where they might creel an altar to
God, and " under their own vine and fig tree"
worship slim, "with, none to molest or make them•
afraid." It is to their efforts,under the providence
of Him who shapes the destinies of natibus,that we
owe the numerous blessings we enjoy, and that
the World' is indebted for a beacon•flame which
shall yet light the path of leis-favored nations to
Freedom. .11fay a sense of this truth enable our
people to. appreciate as they deservethese invalu
able blessings .
. .
A ROWDY 111B.IIBER OF CONGRES.R.Ltim , predic.
Lions of the editor of the Louis-v-illeJournal, says
a Washington letter.tvriter, as to 1k degree to
which r. Sprigg, of Kentucky, would reflect lion;
or upon:the constituency that returned him to
this Congress, BCCIII 'to have been realized. To
ward the close - Of the last session lie sigpalized
'hiruselfin a fracas at.the under the
!louse of Representatives, and received a severe
wound in his hand from collision with broken
glass : and on Friday night last, at all eating
house un Pennsylvania avenue, he got into a fight
With a 'person named Drud:,e, a miller's cart Alri;
ver,. which terminated in-his opponent's biting-the
largest portion of hi s s car off! Dr: Sewall did his
besfii;iepair the injury, but the fragment of Mr.
Sprigesr . ea r, ( w hich is -now In..the_Reetneft. pos.
seseion)7tv-es - Intrnmelo;teera et to be restored,an.
the !pry:member will of course curry the mark of
the s:Milßetri els grave. ' •
Were this. tale , to .be related in any subsequent
" Notes for general Cireulation," would it not be
set down as a signal instance of the mendacity of
traveller - 0 ''A"nd ye! • '
:Ilk said thhigs be,
Us like a summer's elotfil,
ll'ithort; nut: .specihl 4oiatler !" ,
(aTlic Trenton the lOading loco
fov,o' prit)er in Noir4Crsey.; has hoisted tho name
of John Tyler for President - in 1844. "Blanks,
pappi;Jand - twine !"
r Vribis.oaidro: be one consolation, that if
ivOrl'd"OOO't eOinolo an fond this year, Mil.
:•, • .
'l4 , cy.Sji uiiltnowti Ilas sent usthe
following:verses, with a g,'lve them puhli
eitYli :I.'fie.iiiiireeiiii : CV;ioo
lor the Herald...
:•TO , 0/ 6 1 11 .1. DI? C
t , ..; Our lirtt fast;fletitittg dreitm--6 • .
A petipti prepostunt:o.oncorn . • • .
To the soul that is still put of Christ,.
• .Whosu l loouvlitte Mies is to burn
41 .,g4trth,',1 pleasures may. charm far awhile,
'Era pliiantoma delude the young mind;
But balanced in jll . Bt. scale,
' They in'ave to!be einlity as win...
;;;Ity soon may the prospectamf youth .
- lie eonorted to castles of air s
When, tbe,brow even noble in deal!),
/ 8 bik4lie:dl i.O affection's warm tear,' •
. .
In tirbspe . riff;situthine and health,
How loth we're to pay God our vow;
- r r 4 . 1 11 Re,' l l.ariletiou and • death; • "
,„11.11faketi gay 'canal la humility howl
, ,
foGoll ! for beetles atiot la gone,
I,•• , ,Thesr . ave or its vlelorrriveni, •
..ity„fulthr in .theSavionr-atatii, -•
• ~ f /Throughlrhowt *6 ha
ye aeR.666 ,
thill inetitimicOrenialer •''
Of Jesus.our Saviour
Ainy happiness smile, at -untie - path; •
Ilhough spkrit fr Om eartli 11141 he ereed:
; I ' " '• '
7 . 1 1Pirt411.9i01 1 3(') rniont Republican thii!' P ll -
et/callyauill pathotically lapicaltylo 1311'4eUt!gubilt,
nifo,% ohppdown that troev ‘,' • .• : .
0 ,
S fore hot eshiglo bough ; , ,
-I so i: tiio,l4 toe rooto, VI •
' Aid Ailkr Veighjen4o,l ; ' '' '''
11)trt1pg4ig44, lug tsiature.
4tigiolsture for the
Insty,iiinklinvo'not 'been of very great interest.-
On Tilesdayille.2§tii!`'ult.,.;tfiiir lionan, F passed
-:is`',,ni'_'4)fiiinous bill'
„ .
thrinighout, f , • • ; ; ~•
'''s L'SOuthwarli, l‘loyamensing,•Passy.Unk, King.
sesaing, UlookleY,. Wait /Philadelphia, in. the•
county of Philachilphia, and Cedar Ward.or the
City of Philadelphia. • •
11. The city . of. Philadelphia, except Cedar
Ward and upper Delaware • Ward. '
111. The Northern Mathes and. Spring Gar.
den in • the county of Philadelphia,and • Upper
Delaware Ward of the city of Phil adelphia.
IV.• Kensington, North and South Penn, Ilex.
borough, Germantown, Bristol, Unincorporated
N. Liberties, Oxford;Lower Dublin, Byborry, &
Moreland. • • ;
V. Delaware and Montgomery.
• VI. Bucks and Lehigh. '
Chester. - -L- ; -
VIII. Lancaster.
X. Northamptori,• 'Monroe, Pike, and Wayne.
XI. Columbia, Lucerne, and Wyoming. .
XII. Hradford, Susquehanna, and . Tioga.
XllLLycoming, Union, Clinton, and North
iiinberland. •
XIV. Dauphin, Lebanon and Schuylkill.
XV. Adams and York:
XVI. Cumberland; Perry and Franklin.
XVII. Centre, Juniata, Huntington, and Mir.
flip. .
XVlll.'Green, Fayette and Somerset.
XIX. Westmoreland, Bedford and Cambria.
XX Washington and Beaver. ,
XXI. Allegheny. '
.XXll.'Venango, Mercer and.Crawford.' .
XXIII. Erie, Warren, McKean, Potter, and
XXIV. Butler, Armitiong, Clarion-' and
. .
This bill, which gives the Whigs but five
certain menihers,is forined to suit the Governor
and will unquestionably' receive •his signature. if
pasSed by the Senate:" Four didricts are given to
Philadelphia city and county, • thus securing the.
vote of'the refractory members of the'eounty in
its favor, and -the Huntingdon district is made un
deniably-loco focal It passed the House by a vote
of 51. t'o 36.
On iVednesday: in the Senate, the Apportion
ment bill Was referred to a Select Committee.—
A large number •of Petitions were presented ask
• ing author* for the Banks to issue small notes.
In- the - House - the vote in - the - Passage 'of the-bill:
to recharter the Farmer's Bank of Bucks coon ,
ty, which inserted a clause : making thd'Stock
holders indiviatially . liable for all debtS, was re
considered and rejected, showing a change of
some loco foco netions! A bill also passed. the
House-to incorporate thc Eric Canal Company,
but being amended goes back to the Senate for
concurrence. •
This - Bill proposes to give the Company which
it incorporates, the use of the. entire Canal from
the mouth of Beaver to Erie, as soon ati the whole
line between - those paints, shall IntVe been com
pleted by said Company. It is said there are a.
bout three miles of the work yet unfinished, and
that a COmpany_ean do it for about $100,000.
No tolls arc tope received on any part :a the
line by the said Company, until the whole work
is finished,*and the State reserves the right
to rc
pui chase the work from the Coinnany by paying
expenses and seven per cent additional. As the
work is going into dilapidation, and is rendering
no profirto any one, and the State is not in a con.
ditiOn to complete it heiself, it is doubtless her
110 rerto give it to a Company, whidrcaTr-do-it
much cheaper , than the Commonwealth usually
does such jots.
On Thursday, both branches adopted a'report.
of a committee of Conference, providing for the
payment of interest On'theState"Debt. All sums
of interest over $l5 arc to be pail in certificates
of Stock ; all under that sum in money. In the
House, Mr. Elwell fronii ajselect c.ommitice for
that prim , : .appointed, made a report on the pe
titions from the county of Philadelphia praying
that David R. Porter, the Governor of this Com
monwealth rosy be • iinpeaclicd for high misde
meanor in office. .The report refuses to comply
with the request of the petitioners and makes an
efiort-to show 'that the Governor is an honest
mom and that those petitioning for his impeach
montAlionght so. ••
_Mr. Parke from the minority' of the smite
committee, submitted a very lengthy and a very
abki report on the subject. The remirt goes into
detailed examination of the testimony given be
line the committee of the lust Legislature, which
enquired into the alleged charges of bribery and
corruption in the session of 1840 'to procure leg
islative action favorable to the banks; and makes
out by moans of this testimony a strong case a.
gainst the-Governor.
The'repert concluded with the recommcnda,
tion that ii committee be appointed to prepardar•
tides of impeachment against the Governor.
-A-debate then AM-orig. - up on a motion to print
10110 copies of each report, but before deeiited
the house adjourned..
The Select Committee to whom With referred the
subject. of Apportioniag the State into Senatorial and
Representative districts madethe following report in
Senate on S:Gn•day last.
Sci riox 1. Fixes the Senatorial ratio at 11,6e8
taxahles. Districts as f dlo 4es : •
• Counties. • ^ • Taxabl e -R. Ateni.
Philadelphia city, 17,559 2 .
Philatlelithia comity, . . 33,562 3
Montgomery and Delaware, 16,159 1
Berks and Chester, 27,134 2:
Bucks, • 12,027 1
Lancastee and Lebanon, 23,868 2
Lehigh, Schuylkill Mid Northampton 23,865 '2
Ltmerne, Monrne And Pike, 10,914 1
Suiqueltanna, Wayne and Wyoming, 9,559 1
. Ileadford,Tioga and Potter, 12,115 1
Dauphin told Northumberland, 11,124 1
Lvcoiming t Columbia and Clinton, 12,764 1
Tinian, Juniata and Mifflin; .. 10,724, 1
llitintin,qtlon, Centre, and Clearfield, 14,150 1
York, Adams and Franklin, ' 23,676
Cumberland and Ferry, 10,476 1
Bedford and Somerset, 11,191 1
Fayette and Green, 11,2.65 1
iVitsitington, . 0,027 1
'Westmoreland and Cambria,, '•" 12,786 1
Allegheny-and Butler, • 23,045 2
_Mea - iqr tond Mercer, ' • . 14,026 1
Crawford,.Vemingo and Clarion, 13,084 1
Armstrong, lualiaaa,.lelTerami and
• Kean, . , . 11,814 1
Erie and Warren, 9,878 1
SECTION S. House ratio or apportionment 3,876.
Adams ' • 1 Jefferson Clarion and
Allegheny; 4 • Venango „ . 2
Armstrong ' 'l'l'hiladelphia city - , 4
Bedford 1 2 Philadelphia county , 8
Beaver ••'.' . '2 'Montgomery 3,
Bradford lk; Wyoming '2, YOrk • • : „•.,
Berke' Uneasier .5
Bucks ' ' 2
Butler ' • 2 Lehigh, Northampton •4 :
Cravdoril • Lezertie
Centre at. Clearfield -2 ;11loaroeand Pike 1
Chester , -• ; ' Susquehauna • , 1
Columbia • 2 Wayne : •
Northumberland •I Tioga • .'1
Cumberland', 2 4reoinhig,C,litithe, add.
I)elaairo ;. .Potter, . • . ,g
lhiupbin-'.'‘ • •". 2 Mifflin • • •r . Gl
2 [Tilton awl Juniata'
' .Perry ' • ; • ' 'l'
-.Payette . . 2 Someraeli:'' • : : • a •
Onmbria • 1 . ; ;, ;;;;,•
Labangn „ • •',\. Wailtington.. 2
GrOety. ; 1 '1 Veitmoreland ,^, , S.
Eltintingtlois :a 2..Warrtitt
Inditiria 1.
. • lait6eilno 4; 5,g. Enacts 110,v.,the proyssamta cirtlat.
•law slum he canoed '. • ' .
, e find in the It
,lowa' eporteri on
invitasipp: rfUg. Indies - ( f . _ NO*
Etigkirid '"' 14,42,kit bb 6 t c0F . 1 1 :4, 1 , °;
:wel t r 46
i#04.1;00:,";'• • •,,
311764 . 8 1 490
We-nate in reference to the idiom thin
Mifflin put (low)) evrectly, its only c
ing one slave, whereas, in the United - States 1
that county is suited as holding within its Nord
less than twelve human being in Bondage. It
plainetl, too, that Philadelphia city is put
decrease of over 800 taxables, when by the census,
and beyond a doubt, there is a large tnirense. .It is
insinuated, We know not on what good ground, that
fraud has caused this_ result—fraud ior the purpose
of depriving the city of her fair share of representa
tion in the Legislature.—`.Pa.
In our Legislaturc•onthe 24th ult. the Speaker
laid' before the House a„re:port from Henry Ic..
StroUg and Henry Petrikin, appOi t nted by the last
legislature to examine and report upon the ehar-
Vs made foi the . public printing. and binding for
the last'thnie years, whether in conformity with
law °L. -plot.
The reporLshows that there has been charged!
and paid out of the treasury for printing and,
binding for the //Ouse of Repr'esezitatives
within - the ink three years, upwards of eleven
itiusand dollars' over. and above what the law
Mows, under the most favorable construction ofit
-The Washington (Pa.) Reporkzsayst—A gen
tleman of respectable appearance an deportment,
arriycd at the American Hotel of General Huey,
on the afternoon of Thursday last, in the Good
Intent stage, on his route from Baltimore to Pitts.
burgh, and took lodgings for. the night. Inquir.
ing fora room, he retired to bed before twilight,
assigning as a reason, fatigue and loss of sleep
from the journey. At 9 o'clock he rose from his
bed, drew on his dresSmoal, and descended two
flight of itairs to the in his stocking.
feet. Here, addressing himself to Mr. Ilney, jr.,
he said his object in rising, was "to settle a dis.
pute. .A number of persons had assembled around.
his bed-side, declaring that ho should not sleep in
allan;ml shirt; and ho wished to have the matter
In a moment the truth occurred to Mr. Huey
thathe was suffering from mental abberation; and
he accompanied the stranger up to his room,.and
saw him safe in bed. A second :and third time
he arose and sought the bar. Thb third and last
time he appeared more - composed, and complain.
ing of sickness, inquired for laudanum; which
was procured and administered in a small dose:
Handing Mr. H. a pocketbook, containing $6O,
he drew on his, boots and over coat, saying he
Would take a short walk in the coal air, when
perhaps he would fuel better.
From that time up till noon of Monday last,
nothing was heard of him, although frequent. in.
quiry was made, when he returned in propria
persona; and related the following particularly: '
—llc-is -a resident school teacher of Bucks county,
aim had been on a visit to Baltimore ; where pre
vious to taking t h e couch for this place, lie fell
in with nfriend or friends, who induced him to
siolate his temperance pledge by drinking ! The•
ice once broken, he continued indulging in
spirituous liquors along the, route, till he experien
cod au attack of that awful disease, the delirium
tremens !
Ho had no aposeionaness of how he spent the
- timetintervening - frotn — Thtirsday - rright - till -, 5a117
bath morning,' further 'than an indistinct rCeal
lestion of walking at o rapid pace, at times, or.
rompuniid thy his trunk, which would trot along
by his side; then fall behind; and anon stretch'
Itself directly across his path. Large drops of
sweat • were frequently ' upon his • brow, as he
pushed. his course over - hill and dale ;; , -..whilst
demons ofdifferent dime:aim:sand sizes hovered
around, uttering Wild screams, and menacing him.
with destruction. These were the objects Of his
greatest terror, and front these it was his constant
effort to flee. On , on he , went, day and night—
now puiSuing one direction—and again retracing
hie - steps, , - . •• . •
Ho thinks ho must have • been on his feet the
mcist.of the time, frthn two facts: First, his feet
'hnd legi are very eore; and second, Who had laid
down, he Would have slept,, and sleeping would
have'restortd !din to reasan. • .
On Sunday morning,. early, he arrived at a
'tavern in Canonsbut; where hp procured a glass
of gin. As aoon as he' had: it, thd landlord
noticed n wild eipiessioW in his' eyes, which, to.
gether,..with other singular 'dinnonstratione, led
him td suspect the cause; and ho had tho,strauger
convoyed to bed, where ho Slept, and awokci in his
• A gentleman •residing on Charticrs Creek,
states; that the stranger in question called at his,
housdon Friday; and requested soniething to eat:
Ho desired him to step in and take a •seat, While
the - Womixiwchild' 'prepare him ri 'malt, but, the
stranger 'declined, saying, "'Air 'were in
In Ow receiving sonni broad and pieta In hie
hand; he hurried , foriVard,rind was soon. eat 'of
,-.The stn°, gentleman saw him once after::
wards, standing:on the hank of the Creek, par.
foctly Onuded but,, before he : had time remit
him, ho had gathered hir clothen And disap
peared: ,
now, that he is entirely sane, he declares, that
he shall over hereafter ', l ,o,onsider khat man on
enemy,. who request* kiln to drink a glass of
liquor:!. . : ; : ; • r r •
knoble,resolution 1 , ,,that shoal& be a,
dopted by .every reformed inebriate in the hied.
The man, islittle Jess than a. aturderir, who, 40.
quatnted„wlth` the case ofthis'itranger; could see
a'snure, and lure thd unsuspecting into ite.den•
gets f ,„- A • '
IC7H, o i 1 12 5 K 1 titan{
) Upoui .
ju, a "hie). tloy, ' iv
tees No' 1 0 1 0:4 Otf.' ilef3an bOrid
iniitielfrOnly - , when he ittieffied;v-14'''
a n d
, itrtite several' Counties OrßOnusylOthlti-4frent•the
!ketilti4 untde,tdtheHOverniiriotiiitviiiilB42:3
- read in the House af:Representatiiesi January ig,,
. `,lsles. (Dumb.
, .„
I:4,''‘- . Blind
.- 7 .
Attains' '.! '' •'. , . ..• ' ...
' 5212 . • '9' ' '..,:'. " t
Allegheny , .. .• 18610 14 , ;. 'l3 ''' ' 1
Armstrongs . • : 4398 ;9 ', . ' '' •
I • •
Beaver - . 6670 „ 14, . , .14'
'Bedford -_. 1• .. . . , - 676 3 • 12 1 • V
Berke . 13701 45'. .24 ‘. .
Bradford .
Bucks ' '... ' 12927 .18 i _ , .9. ' . .
Butler . • ' - ' 5335
_l5; , ..., .
Cambria' -, • ' '
.• ' 2433 .. 6 ' • 1
Centre . 4484 .12 : •
Chester - • • .. 13433 " , ' ' •' .
Clarion . •• ' '3311 -6 ' 2•• 1 ,
Clearfield '• . ' • 2296 3 . 3 • '
Clinton.... -. • . 2019 - . ' .•• - '
Columbia .. 5644 11 ,9 ..
Crawford: - . ~,, , 7516 . . • , ,_
Cumberland - . 6477 ,11 ' 1- ..
'Dauphin • 6652 , 11 " ". 7 ;
Delaware • • ' 4462 12 ' 4 • '
Erie : ' . 7285':25 14
Fayette ' ', . 7008 -14 . '25. 2
Franklin , . • 7766 • 4 • 9
Green ' 4277 .•' 1
Huntingdon • • ; 7430 18 . 7
Indiana , , ' 4538 6 8
Jefferson • 1789
Juniata • • • , 2459 • ..,-
Lancaster . 18967 26 •34 . 1
Lebanon , '. 4901 'lO 16' .
Lehigh ' 1 6175 ' 19 3 •
Luzern° 7651, . . " ,
Lycoming •• . • 5101 '• • 3 -
'M'Kean ' ' 1089
Mercer.. - . 7356 7 • 7
.Mitllin• . •• ' • 3122 -, 3.. • 5 1
Monroe , '. . . • 2374 '. 2 .9.
Montgomery. ' . • 11697 6 . 2 • ,
Northampton ' 9604 .11 '. 8
Northumberland . 4472 ~ 11 . •. 9 ,„„-.
Philadelphia City 1755:9 15G .82 1
'Philadelphia county . 33562 59 ' 79 •
'Yerry 3989 13 14
P P o ik tt e er ' • - • 889 .. 1 ,
••. ' 917 - . •
Schuylkill .
. 4 80 42 86 8
Somerset . . .
Susquehanna . 4940 6 12
Tinge •.' .. . 4091 21
. . .
Union -' • . .. 5053 12. ' 10,
Vennngo • ' . 3157 • 9 • 4
Warren 2593 1
Washington 9079 22 28
Wayne . . 3078 . ,
Westmoreland . 10353 ' 26 •
Wyoming .• - . • 1540 1 •
York _ - 19698
694 26
Abuses in the Priutiatg!
The Cowejinence of violating
the Pledge.
'Tfie 8614 dined
tract literatigr f et;yerbatina, frpmiklfiter
sini.illSLW,lgstit)Ostritark; ple s kert:up in
one tof The OrmalimlStreritilit Drig , iburY: It
rney , induedAbe• damsels both ,
iibire!an'd ihn',iieitglilionring.'iliitintieslO be
cliark•df biniating tog their sitsina'that'they
Strings to; their , boir, or beaux
to their ritringaj' . f‘Virigdr,' .. ,Rept. M., 1842.
Deal' glisabetli; t ad Sorry to n'ar that
you are unheasy in'your Miijd bnt You .
Say.Yott Chanan of-3 ; Men - - and
think you•frad:better take tire Chance Not
that I find any faillt with-Yon No far from
it But I lout , think ,of Marricing yet Ja,
while and thre is an Sweetheart here .
of Mine aird.rriy afrectilm Seems to warm
up.again Notthatl ani thinking any worse
of You But I think You had better think
no anore'about me but' tak the oilier. Per
haps they are better than I '‘ * * So fare
well and bless you is the ,wish of—Yours,"
... 062314na1i .
HE Jurnis and: Witnesses summoned
-IL to attend'tho Special Court on Monday no; tome
hereby notified not to attend, ns said Court will not
be held. . , •
' PAUL MARTIN, Sheriff:
. March 8, 1843. - . . 11-1 7
. . .
avaaesellms, 4,1.•;„
• -- .
co- Tuesday and Wednesday, 'the 28th and
IL , 29th of March, will be Hold ut public venal°,
at the' Mansion House Hotel, in the borough of
. . . .
✓ln Extcnsive variety of
of every description,•, comprising Sideboards,
Sofas, Bureaus, Tables, Chairs, a large quantity
of Carpeting, Bedsteads, Beds and Bedding, and
with almost every other article of Furniture, ne
cessary fora Hotel. Also, a first-rate Cooking
Stove, and a large quantity of Kitchen Furniture.
The sale will comprise almost the; entire lot of
Furniture now in emil Hotel, the subscriber in.. remove - from the House on the Ist of
April. ;.---"" •
Areastinahle credit will be given on all articles
sold.- -- Sale`to commence nig° o'clock, on cacti
day, and to continue until the articles are die.
iosed of. C. M'FARLANE.
March 8, 1843
FOR a very superior article of SPERM 011.dt
is, I ant induced in believe, of a fiaer quality
than any ritiv for sole' in Carlisle, and in price as
cheap ns the cheapest for Cash. A Isp -. SPERM
CANDLES, pure at 31.
Dissolution of .Paytitership,
T"Epartnership liCretofore caistine under
fhb mune of STEVENSON & „DINKLE,
is this•day dissolved by mutual consent. •Those
indebted to thc,lirm are requested to make pay.
meat to T. C. Stcveneon, in whose hands the
Books arc left for collection. The Drug Store will
licreafteile carried on hy StCVNISMI. •
➢lnrch 8,1843. 3t•19
, t A
- - -- •
• --7\-.N' - ‘ , %-- - 1.775t.
. .
HAVE received my minimal supply of
-E. GA ItI)VA SEEDS, from Mr. Landreth'.
are-warrantrd fresh. S. ELLIOTT.
Carlisle, March 8,1843. • 11-19
10 by and Bby 10 ; lormalegnn• by the hoc, by
March 8, 1843. S. 1r.L1,1017.
ISST 111(!)11, ES E
A^o. 77, Olarket 81.—X0rth• Side—above Sc cont
li7rGoods for Casb—at Auction prices:_ao.
TIIE subscribers have determined to
conduct their business upon the CA SJI System,
and will sell their Goods as low, if not at a lower
grade of prof, than has heretofore been done in
l'hiladelphint—not one article reduced very low, in
the expectatimfpf making it tip on offer hoods
but their prices shall be all corresponding
prices will be governed by the Auction rates—sell-
mg at the same prices, nett Cash, as the Auctions do
on time—contenting .themselves with the Interest
for the time as their Profit. This cannot but present
strong noluelunent for buyers, especially from the
Country; to call on them - in prertirence to purchasing
of Auction, Where persons do lint get the time dis
count, tufleir their bills reach a certain amount, to
which moonlit it is not always e'onvettieot foe Colin
try Iluyetuvto purchase; and it_ will also avoid the
disadiantage of large lots, ant; afford more time to
They design to avail them selves it "every facility,
in both the-New Vorkiis well as the Philadelphia
Auctiens, in pluming theirgoothytf the lowest pos
sible rates.
We now respectfully invite our liiends and the
public to the Test of gsperienee in this matter, be
ing the beta way to convince them of tlteMmtir aunt.
promise. . .101INSTON, BURK: & Co.
'Phila. March 8,18.13. 19.
BEAVER and Pilot Cloth for over coats. Also
Illackllklue and Invisible Green Cloth for dress
cants, ust reeeivectintil sellingvery lowiit the' storenf
Dr., Ebaugh,
017a013(01 1 1 . /1). 1 a1112a0i2
WOULD respectfully inform his friends that
he has returned :Ind well" romuin sumo
time in Carlisle.• lie may he consulted ou profev
signal business at McFarlane's Hula
March 1, 1843
Supply of Groceries.
Nrio l t w o r i F eirAiTti e gaZ o i;C: l , g7II,CINIV I
CITRON and LEMONS--fresh and of the best
qualities.• Also, a tot of superior mild north. River
CHEESK;Spicesofult Mods, grog:lland ungromul,
and in addition n kCiliertil assortment of, the best Java
and Itio,COfree, • Teas and 'Brown Sugars, as also
white llvivatitiMul Loaf Sugars of common and finest
qualities; avid a /ot•Of the finest Crushed LOal Sugars.
a lot of Afloat minditrof 'Starch, for sale at the low
est prices. Call at our Grocery. Store,. West Main
. .
:street. . J. W. .ERY.
arlisle, March 1148
WHEREAS the Ilan; &tamer., HEITU ri Pre:
sident•Judge: be the Court' of Common
Pleas of the Ninth Judicial district of Ponnsyl.
vania. and . ;thw•Hon;;ltitirt STUART and THOMAS
C. its.ts,‘Jtidges of the said Court, of Common ,
Pleas for the county' of'Cumbet land ; have issued
their precept bettring date of the 20th day OfJan.`
1843, rind to me direelid, for holding ti Court O of
Oyer and Terminer, General Jail Delivery; arid'
General :Quirtei Session's' of 11w Peace. ,at Car.
the ., stiecnid :Monday of 1843.:•:-be:,
int the 10tIt day--nflOn'eleek in the fbrinotth:
NOTICE. IS HERESY,GIVEN to the. Coroner,
Ala:teen of thi Pottdi Mid gitisiciblei of the.. mild
County of , d,tirnbetelittid bai • then, and
t_bere' 1,n•,;.• "their f , ••tifdperi .. *totitio d ,: with,
Recoil:lA' IttqateittaxeirtittyPitidd t t and; tithe ;
remeinfirances, to diVthtlllilitte'titibli to, their of f)
cc respectively -a
appertainsnd:those ' wild :dip
bound by reco g n i zance* to , ptoseepttl, against
piisonera that ttre,'iii'thinfdaY,l.telti:the ,J9ll of;
said' count bar:then and ;p7rOsee:oo
4ttinst . 'elialtbeilnet end
Dated:-•at•Cariuelb, i , tho tit 'q , dky .
1843i.and , thel 66th - ty,natonf-Atiidifoith'indepein.:
L•• ,. 1":i• ,'• •'''" , '":
j - PAHL
8, 1e.19
:4 , .
11,1AMIN PFERLSAMUEL '0rt4.1t4.1 1 / 1 ond JONK,ZUG,
Directors of the Poor,,and of the House of. EmpAoyment of. Cumberland
ecianty; in acebunt with - said , Coimty, froth. the . Ist'of Janpary to the' sist
r • •
day - of . Dederxiber;lB42,'inclusive, viz.:
To nmount ductintitubon nt settlemtnt tn.
1841 by Jileob Squier,.Esq. Treasurer, $ 887 26}
Amount drawn
,from Comity . Thasurer. 5000 00
A mount received friiroHarkriBslt .
• hart, for'use'of "Ddriek Dennin', (dove) 12 50
Of G. Natcher fm use of F. Wcirlo k . " 2. 00
For Flax Seed; • 4. • ' 750
Tucking, • , • •
Of Irwin and Grabani for bides and. skins, 141 64
For Clover Seed, '24 7 . 5
Of J. %V. Eby for use of T. Robinson,._• 60 00
G. Keller for use of.Jos: Douglas, 150
Tallow and Lard, • . ',19 74
Geo. Myeriffor use of G. W. Myers, .' . 65..67
J: Elliott, Esq: flees &e. 'voluntarily paid to '
Directors, • • ' . Q 60
S. Alexander, Esq. for use of - P, Hays, 4( 86'
.I:lleffiebower & iliChirk'pensionersi : 80-44 •
Geo. Ege for ,use of Alfred Ege, (infant) • 7 '7o'
Siberian Apples, , . i. , . , Z 50
Of Deceased Paupers ) - • • -• 7 s'
For Baskets, l gli.
Benj. "'offer, Esq . '. for hauling, ISce: " . , 3 75.
Samuel Eckles,tisq. . : de. . 3 . 3 97
Blank Indenturds, 4 50
sundries, - ' ,' . 6 94 '
To balaoce die by Teelimiter,
JACOB SQUIER, Esq. Treastrrer pf 11
• mein, of said County, in account wit',
the Ist day of January to tile 31st d:
To amount due at last settlement, 8 . 887 2fff
" . " received front County Tree.
• surer, 5000
Joseph Lohach;,• - steward, from different
sources as exhibited iu the foregoing
654 363
Balance elle by Treasurer,
7 Head of Horses-32 head of Horned Cattle-4 Calved-8 Breeding Sows'-50 Sheep & I Lamb.
Beet, Pork, Mutton and Vcal,-fattrened and killed on Farm in 1842.
27 beeves, average wt. 4441b5.-(11988 Ibs) 48 sheen,. average 47 Ib's (2256 Ibs) 16 calve(, average
65 lbs (1040 Ibs) 19 hogs, average 160 lbs (6240) making in ull (21524 lbs. 4
2 narrow wheeled wagons, 1 wagon bed, 2 'pair wood ladders, 2 pair: hay ladders, 2 Sleds, I deai.
born, 1 cart, 5 ploughs, 3 harrows, 2 cultivators, 2 double shoVel ploughs, 5 wheelbarrows, 1 threash
mg-machine, 2 fanning !nills, 2 log clittins, 6 sett of-wagon gears, s sett of plough gears, 1, sleigh
and harness, 1 flax brake, 1, horse rake, 2.. sett of carpenters' tools, sett of blacksmith tools, and u
variety , . of iixes, - shovels, grubbing hoes; digging irons, single trees, double. treesoicythes, cradles,
forks, rakes, .54c. and 1 sett of blowing tools, 1 sett of butchering took. -
.:Sehedule shox . vig the *proceeds of the Farm for 1842,
463 bushels 01 . wheat, 900 of - bats, 1428 of coin, 527 of potatoes, 56 loads of boy, 7of curt . ' fod
der, 150 bushels of apples, 61 of °Mous, 4/ seed Otimiui: 274. - of beets, 15 of 'parsnips, Hof peas add
beans, 20 of tomatoes, 2400 heads of cabbage,' 2416 ,cucumber picicles,. 8 bushels of flax seed, 20 of
clover.' seed, 2.1- of timothy seed, 15 of hoPs, made 11 bairels of good cider, 3 of water cider, 110
gallmis of apple butter._ _
Mainddetured and 'natio in the House and Shop
E 6 yards flannel, 31 of flax linen, 273 of tow linen, 172 shirts and chnnese, 92 calico frocke,,ll•
flannel frocks, 27 petticoats, 37 sheets, 147 pillow cases, 49 aprons, 10 bonnets; 55 caps, 17 under
roundabouts, 14 pair drawers, 6 pillows, 6_ chaff beds, 76 'pair of stockings knitted, 32 pair footed,
17 barrels of soft soap, 97 pounds of hard soap,'7s pounds of heckled. flax.
• JOSEPH LOBACII; steward. •
- • . . .
T annex Directors &c. of said County, aex the 'following exhibit Of extra labor
&c. performed by (he Steward, Matron, and Paupers, from the Ist day of
Jandary. to the 31.81/01 . December 18.12,,as follows: ... . .
f 5 coffiris;s pair of Wtiollen palms, 4 Pair summer pants, 17 rmindaboUts, quarried stone for 13 perch
stone fence; made I double shovel plough, 1 horse+ rake, 15 shaking forks, '5 large tables for Poor
House, 3 sewing, stands, 4 chests,.l wheelbarrow; 1 sled, 2000 rails, cut. 130 cord of wood, made 10
handle basket's, 6 bUshel basket's, 6 single trees;3 double trees, 931 571 b worth or blacksmithing..
NuMber of paupers in the institution Ist January 1842, (of which 21 were colored and 7
outdoor paupers'y is; • • 124
„ . .. •
Numberadmitted up till 31st December 1842; (of which 20 ware Colored, 4 burn, In the
house mid.] stilibord, 154
Making the whole' nOmbef through the year,.. , . . '
01 which 13 died; 8 children Nulled out; 128 dischar ged and 8 eloped, 2 out dOor deaths,
and 7 out door patipers, . 158'
. . ,
Leaving , the number of paupers in the houge Ist January
. 1843, of which' 24 were colored, 120
Out door paupers supported at public expense during the year,- 7
. . .
Whole number suppbrted Ist January 043; : . , . .
Of tlio'sc remaining' in' the. Poor House 31st Veccrnlier 1842; there arit malcs 69 of which
3 aie colored; , . 69
Tle're arc as nearas cnn be ascertained underl.year 5- 1 6 from 1 to 5-10 from.lo to 20-5 front'
20 to, 30-15 front 30 to 40-20 front 40 to 50-25 from 50 to GU-20 from GO to 711 L-11 from 70 to
80-3 from 80 to 00. • 120
We, the Directors of the Poor and of the House
of Employment,of Cumberland county, do certify
the aboVo foregoing statement to, contain a just
and true exhibit of the sinks of the institution
during the period abode stated according, to the
best of our knowledge. .
Given under. our bands This 2d day of Jan.
nary 1843. . _
alzve tV.o.l,lltOraltFlte ' For •Sale or Rent,•_. •
` - cotifortableCt
• . Pleasant and healthy part of the borough. Posses
' skin' given on the Ist of April, 1843.
111 11 1 . liE subscribers bey leave to announce • Dcc. 0 i i 84 3: CIIA.R.. OGILIVIr.
to the public, thatiliev bare opened a SHOP, .
in West High street, next (him. to Mr, Ilernard Hen-. 5 &
Ilicrilsicy . Sheeting e .
dels' Watchmaker shop, itiarly opposite Mcrar- . . ,
1q.4 Barnsley Sheeting, of superior iiiiiilit for $1
lane's Hotel, under theiirm:•orMECK, BOWLER,
ier yard. 6-i Irish Sheeting - Ihr 50 cts per 'pied.
HARDER & Co ' who r e t he) . ere .l irc l e ' red to exc. Russia Sheeting very cheap for cash, only. • -
cute all kinds of work in their line in Ole most work- GEO. W. lIITNEIL
manlike manner, and in the neatest nod most fashion- Februar 15 1843 : • tr-16
able style; and at moderate prices. . .. -
A cutter 11118'1mi:in employed who has had long ex- ........
perience in some of Our' most hishionahle citees.-:-. vestmental,Spfrits.,
They have also secured the beit Worknutii, so that _...,• --- .
1811 iii is a ifiupericii. article, baying good the testa
all who will favor them with their custom', may rely
eiperience, for removing. all MOS'. of Om e
upon having their work done in the beet maiiime:
- V'Country Cloth will be Made up as, reasountle• - h il ' i r bi 'Nt t e tie rr s, e l l 4 / 1 1 . ,d ‘' f ' o e t e l m e i l e t i l ie ie a • ' /0 6 I , Muived
as it Can be done in the country..
.`4SITIVEI4ON lit iinlimr.' ..
",,,* Country volume will be taken in exchange . -- •. .• -
fon woik, IL .1. MECK, r eltruary 8, 1549: , • ,
.FOR 11A111/191,
G ' • . FOR- NEWT; . . ,
~, •• Till?. subscriber lias . for fl out, a large awl corn-
W. IL PA lIKINSOix. ' - „ g a ms mop: su it a bl e f or tO l ildj og an y ki n d
•tf-17 or moodiles,•with ;Blacksmith Shop attache(); also
several limns suitable, fora g oo d) family. :. '.'
• • '•:'1 ' ' • IigNItY'IItICISDS; •
tr 18
Cavil de; Feli.. e ~I 843
' V,ehruary
systiEL§ . OF RITE,
for w hich ..•
11 pay the , rnarkot price in CAM' " • 'CASH' WANTED.
CHARLPS 90448 Y• partotutludeldett to the subscriber hy.lloolt.
Carlisle, Decomber d,8,11342. ' • • areoulit or notes, are retreated to pa) op,before,
'the Mb .11fairch next atfier'whieh , date the anCtirint
will be planed in other Inpulst for,nolleetion, • .
Carl inie,,Feb, 151.1843,'..t • * to'
. .... .
%.' OLD 'I.E4R4
LTA Persons. having. actiounts.vith' Elle -
Stilisiiiili'ei, , Will Please mill' itionediately mitt '' , ;,,, •1, itisT; Apia( 1 , ,,v.1. , • .
, .
settle t h em up to :this dattl, Bo the; peessore : of .
All persthis indebted' tothe - 61111derille'r tire ' herelis
"quire Pi‘6i)ll" iNqin6lits... . '' '''
motilied, tlm„lieir tiev9llltul will he :placed ,im ,ollier
. • , AP') obligor tglOrti.azo,, , .' ,A, , , RIOIIARDS . .:.
-lfitidlifeti 'OollertilMi Okra 11'..1,,1 lierm+6 tlie llth
Ciiiliele;.lan.4l,:tB43: • ': - ~:', '., - . '!lt -I Cl'i /arch 18a. ,
, -. ,; „ , ,i. , ~.„ “ ;, ~,. . s , .
~ • ~,, ; . J, -, ': .•; , 1;,
'a '' ' '' . ' CitA'g, OgiCliY..,.'
Iva us tt:
_„ ,
be to suit - oiirChasers t at toi, E s
oprao r dina r y Ige6 OE'se t 'i)f $344 4144. 1500 : fl i t6 g a iti
lungs of Ativatie Nail44.4t s 4. ett 4 1 5 4 E, rit • • TW9 (iir
HENRY ELI)ER'S, • T ory slicuttifoi EASH,b_y i t,lw au
• Cheap Nail "-Wareirouse,493 Muckor : (4.`1 , HITNEit.
rebruary,l4 184 T, - feliogiry ; z'i!
otif At t C "llittot
friti3O . Rituncrjb6rihaVin t gletertilinethltcrly tetnlO4.; -t a , rgs , ,r, p Ast i vaiN! , A
n i ra ?
Inc hill Stock of .Mllercliandize , (emit 'OM Places , :
will - oltCr from Om otite till the' 04 , 410 . isr 3 AffiliP„7: ii r cst e ,PA • ; 4 1.- : - re : l t h 7 l ' l3 : . y o r rt," / - c _ t4 A sl i tn no tre
nil or hia , e l DA " g re " l Y" Ited " '" Pr' " .4s--r Wit'Sii4liogNi4nol
C1415k tbw,teft, wOrtb,col ! cAsti. , •
befoo,the, best Sodas alkiolitoted.' , " , ' l 4 , `'? 3°4 '!;)1,5.7 , ,A1 ,14 Pt . v a
Shbes- all of U 1 ill phi
44 GO. WV-. 4 kit NEM . ' " , , T ry
is, it 43. , 1 1. 46 rebv"4 _251843 "
• •
. , ' • • _ . , _
$65 it 03i
$591 say
$6511 634
$5Ol 86
Stock on iartni Ist ot 1 Tanuaiy 1813
Farming Utensils on Farm Ist. January 18413
female,, M of winch 11 arc colored;
And 7 out door paupers;
By payment of Interest on bonds (for land'.
• purchased of.n. ''Dowell in'.4842;), $;120 46
Cush for Groceries, Merchandize Hard
ware,'Clothing ISr. .Dedding Inc 1647 58
Justices' and. Congtable's fzes 62 56
Support of 'out door paupet•9f 219 75
Stock; ' • , • 651 49,
Graini flour and gritidiqi, • 746 OS;
Sundries for Pour House kitchen. 63.', 498 95
Guardians of the Philadelphia'Alms House
for support of paupers , • , --- 422 55
Tailoring, We:tying,Fulljng, &c. 125 19
Materials, improvemennill&e.. '207 91
A. Lambetton flir; surveyin,g and draffi Of
Poor House Farm
Outdoor medical aid , , •
Out door funeral CxoClllBel,
Farming utensils, tools, Ito
Halting, shoemaking, saddling and for hat , -
hese, 154 63,
Coal for two years, • ' 268 30 .
Postage car lare , feeigbt , &e. • 18 11
Wagonmaking,' ' •
Printing and Stationary; 4 00
Joseph Lobaeh's salary for one yeah, 600 00
Dr. J. Baughman for medicine and atten
dance for ono year,'
Ssmuel Eckles,Esq; Director for extra ser-,
• vices, , 40.50
Henjatnin Peffer',Esq. do . 22 50
Samuel Graham, Esq. do do 24 00
Jacob Squire, Esq. Treasurer fur 1842, 4.0 00
Hugh Caullagher, Esq. Attorney fur 1844, 50 oci
tirgtcal Instruments, ' • • • 28 20
l'otatbet, 9 46
Leather, 136 49
[lalwti•e due County by i'reik.surett .
' miry 1843,
fo balance due by Trenserer,
he Poor House. and House of Employ
li the Directors of said Institution, from
ay of December, 1842, inclusive.
cash.pnid orders as stated abovw $6039 701
Balance due county; • 501 6f;.
We, the -Auditors of Cumberland county, do
certify that having examined the accounts and
vouchers of the DireetOrs of the Poiiiand House
of EMployment of said county froin,the Ist day
ofJanuary to the 31st day of Deeembei file, in
clusive, do find a balance Atte said county by the
Directors of said Institution of live hundred and
one dollars and eighty-six and a half cents in the
hands of Jacpb Squier, Esq. Treasurer of said
Poor House and House of Employment. . .
GiVen under Our hands at Carlisle, the 7th day
of January 1843; - -
PETER - BARNHART, ..Auditors.
Febrdary. 184SV
ski Ifl"S SALiES;:
Tyirtue seieral wits (If Ye l 44 - filr' •
JlLlPlatotctia;:ttititti,diitiateiglatil*Vultiif the. Court
Of Common 'Plead of ettlnborland'tOotirity, will be
exposed . to' .public.l.stile, dt tett& noise; in'
the borotighof CarlialeortSattirday;the 25th day
of March, A. D. 1040,. the i following;, - deieriled
real eetate,l
Also; A Tract'Of tatidi - aittutteiir Mifflin
tiewnsh),KaoMaining airee;*more,ce Jess, artjoilt
rag Janda of AbralihniZeigler,GeargeHernteroWil
liam Adami,,and.other lands or JAC 'Harper, Eaq,
timing thereon ereated.a lug Heuse.and'stable, and a
SiAO Mill., and taken in ..eieention"as the
firdpertY of John Horpe'r. , • , •
'A Trae:t of Land siiiiiiteitiNOVitOn town= .
. •
ship; ertetainitig, 86 acres, Mere - or lbsa, hennaed
liy lande . Of 'Seines Kilgore; , William Smith,. Jos.:-
Waggoner and °there; situate at the heed of tins
Green Spring; lieving . tliefeon erected &him story
Stone House, Frame Barn; and tt.t , Aro'stdiy Siondi
Wciolen Factery,. aloe a mull tenant hense,-;-
Seized and falcon hi .exOktitiOn alt the : property of
Ezekiel IV,leghtughliti: • ,
aitunte in dip
horbegh Siiippilfisburg; containing. fay-nine
feet in breadth, and MO Kindred and forty - feef
in .length . ; adjoining the Rail Road on the Wear,
P. Hed wale- on the North; an alley on the East,..
and Anthony Wolf on the SOntlii,haying thereon
erected a two Sing Frame House and Kitchen,- ,
Seized and taken in exeCutionl as the property of
John Speese.
-Also—All-the iiitet . eat Ot GeorreTrim-'
ble, being the ninietitih -part, in a it net' of lend;
situate in the ionruship of SilYer Spring, contain.'
ing I I 6.actco; more or lens, hounded by the North
Mountain on the North; German on the
East, Adam 'Kunkle- on the Sonth; and John
Fought on the West; alma bitlity. aeres. cleared,
having thereon erected a Log hones and'an old
Log Barth-Seized and token in execution us the ,
property of George Trimble:
AlsO-The undivided hilt' Part . of a tract
or land, Situale 10 Hopewell township; contaiiiing
tWO htimimYd acrca;inOre or lesi;
of Jacob Sumac'. on the'Nertlr,Jaines I lempltill i on
the East, the Conatlogninet Creek on the South, and
the Franklin comity line on' the West, having there 7 '
On erected It TWO 81.00: Dont& Log Haase and Log
Barn, and a Log 'lettont Itoefie.
.'Also—A Trad of Land, aitunte tn
well township, contaliting twenty-two acres and.
twenty-twolierehea, adjoining lands of .the hcir's of.
John !lunch:ram', dcOsiscil,Petel. Leslie'. and others,
nn n hick is evecteil a Log Dwelling Douse and a
Stable.-Seized and taken in /amnion no the prop
erty of James Ilanderson., .
6 .25
8 25
33 50
39 15
ISO u 0
$5Ol 86
Lot of Ground, Situate in the
borough of Cnrlisle, bounded on, the East by the
llahimore Turnpike, on the South by an •Alley, - ont
the North by n lot of John Mell and othera,contaiM:
.ing about one acre, more or less.—Seized and takuu
in execution uslhe property ofJoini Harper. • .
Also=—A- hot of .Grountl. Situate ,in the,
'berotigh of Mechanieshurg,.eontaining 30 feet in
hreadth,.and 150 feet in depth; more or less, ad
joining u lot of Samucl-Crowel on the E,ast, Mitira
street on the North, an Alley on the - West; and an
alley on the South; having thereon erected •u two
story BRICK HOUSE, and brick Kitchen, and,
Ironic shop. ,
Also—A Lot of Ground, Situate in said
borough, containing 30 feet in breadth and 150,
feet itftleptli; more or adjoining a lot of
Samuel Crowel'on.the East, Loeunt street on . the
South; an alley•ori the North; and an alley on the
. West, having thereon erected tillage Frame Shop
and log stable. - Scized.and taken in execution as,
the property of :Jesse Bowman.
• And So' be sold by me ,
_ UI. 4 '..MARTIN,
Sheriff's office, Carlisle,
: 15.•16
13th Fell. 1843:
06541 .63i
c . 3.v.Az4te, is.. muaaoms9
Praelikal Witt and ' Cap
at 41 Va. 4Stip V 33 2,1 9 .
WOULD liar& his friends and the public?, that
be has Removed his Chtinp lint And Cap"
31sinititctor:r, front No. B'2, Chesnut Street, to No.,
129 -Chesnut Street, onOtloor below 4th Street, North
Side. undo , the Auction Rooms of. Messrs. Lyon
where he will continue to finish his justly,
celebrated_ . •. .
_ itlE 10. It 11.11 M
lit the low prier or, Four Collars and Twenty-tive:
Cents, ritual in STI. eriperts, it not strpreior, to our
sold in the City at $5.00 nod upwards. His fin&
• NI/TR It t
ut $3 50, warily:Wed to he on fine fur !valet; far abr. , '
pass any hat Sold el s ewhere at $4 to 4 , • •
To test tha inim of thWtihove asaertiod ihose in-'
'crested,to ; satisfv 11112.1h8C1VC8, a r c re#6l:edlo . Catt •
nt any or nil the other Stores priiviimis on
the silbacriber; o ns •he is, sure thnt his c frati will but
more iiiiii . rec,inted when consluired - witlio‘herti.
Feb. 15,1843, • •..
N.'ll: Country Mekhants,will linil , ltto (hair ad=
vantage call on the subseriber, I . IIPPING'
FUMS , waiited of all kinds:
HENRY L. ELDER, N 0.403., 111diket
street, above iSth, North side; Philadelphia;
having reduced hii priced of HARDWARE, to the
lowest rateifor Cssh,dnif in his advertisement named
some of the ailides with the price's tumexed,he finds
that others in the a:tine-line of htsincss,have.offerid .
those particular Articles of the same prices, saying
they sell nd lo‘!7! as P.t.ntn. Nov the object of this!
Card is to invite' pluthaseCii to net:crude the lowest
pricei for which they can purchase every description
of ihtedware•eisewhere,und then enquire at his store;
and they }Jill be tonvitired that he is selling all his'
goods at similar low ,priteS,—and that he is doing,
what lie,professed to do—Laying only foe Cash, and
only for _ , which enables hint to do busi
item at such rates as cannot fail to make - his store the;
depot for those Who wish so get the most for their
money., . . .
irrife . has added to his large stock of Hardware;
ti complete assortment of .
which he kill ael I at it seale of prices corresponding'
with the reduced prices of his Nails, Scythes and
Hardware, generally, at wholesale and
HENRY I...,.ELDEft,• • •
Cheap 'Hardware Store, No. 493, Market st. Yhiln ti
Mardi 1 , 1543. trig
Estate of Michael Raby..deceasod.
of Michel Rudy, lute of East iionnsborotigli
deceased, have been tiaiited to the sub-'
serilier,tesidin6 in genie township: All 'nelsons
hairint claims against said estate ar requested to
*sent {hem duly authenticated - fdi—settlceaent;
and those inde4t OW milk° payment to
febitiary 22; 1843: ,
EState oP JOHN- GABS; deceased;
~... . ... .. . , . .
OI'ICE-ia hereby ~iieri that Leiteis of,,A - 4;..
ministration Oh the estate i - aT 3 a I INII:
..-I.BB;latti 'of the city Of Philadelphia; deeeatied. '
have been ;granted to the atibscribor: All periwig . 1
knowing themrepres to he indebted tb"sardile'ed.
are rariPearari to 'Make kaYmout Imintiliately to'il'
the sulmeriber, residing in Diekitistin township,:;;
Cumberland &inky; anti 4 1.650 Inaiin . g . elainis 11.•
gainat him will present tnerti to the tiribaeriber
4uly atithentipated for settleiuent... - •,, , ~ : 5.
JOHN HUTCHlSON;Atiriiinistritqi: -
Febrmin , 1,5,1843. . ., • . ,' ;• ..,64.111ii..
• , „
q*, -111:6 3 ,
:114Estate JONAS'liVPP,late:of SPver SPringi::t
heekgraiiteatoilbei' 10041 7
bee, reekding Notice
;lit 'kit:l%pol; . .ind chug! 0 , 404 pig:4lll
~ w tY I 6bi. the l'cir 'Rtltivrocnt. , • •
DAME (4 „ „ •
Vehritaiy: 843. • • - •;,l3t-t „
Et.a,:te of Johii - . rfoliel:f; - , deedOutt
ete,sr , .: e L • 2 , 4 „ , _ .`• • f .
F p firs .
•/tapp , +Si•
Ilititrilly,lTY. l2ll l.'thot - 1F1te1'.i^ 6441144,1 '.
Initial) on e atate nf JOHN .111ELIKII, lotto' f
I XFl`, Sll v 401141 fornottip t ettnibOrlttnit minify; Att44 . )
ortisettfliktVlAlltgartiuten issued by the Rettllptqt'ibs;tl
pint rov ha d' unty, to Mary rreltch !tvlbn yesidis
tOwitah)lik to JOlntiCotter, ki4l6Wh64llll'n i.
I At"lltnliPsbittoTtit sAffitlOoooty, ,, Alt VePonoo,.b 2o ,l
tint inn or domnot s'otattnn qatitttl'Olt Attiir(4. 4 tl l 3
qre.reAuestelkitn ntajte, kno r tvlt'3ltopintiWittsOt AO-tn
toy, !tint xfutie iritlebleitto totticclarytntni to t,"
za= r MARY FRRIAtItta 444 "
' ' 4,011H tICOSER*„.t'' "' l, •, it 4 •
.„'1;1I, -
j'• •