Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 08, 1843, Image 2

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frtgaesday, .111 arch, 1543.
tinbject to the decision of a Nationtil Convention
fairtlig PUBLIC EYE."
. •a corn cluelm • •
L. A sound National' Purreriey,:regula tett by the
will and authority of the Nation. , ,
3. An adequate 4evenue, with fair Protection to
American Industry.
3. Just restraints on the Executive power, em
bracin4 a further restriction on the exercise of
the Vete.• i • •
4. Afaithftil administration of the public domain.
with an equitable distribttiOn of the pidceeda
of auks OA among, air the States.
S. An ;Benefit • and economical• administration. of .
the"Generel Government, leaving public officers
perfect freedom of tlimight and of the right of
• suffrage; but with suitable restraints against
' improper interference in elections.
6. An amendment to the Con4iitUtion,limiting
the incumbent of the Presidential .ofliceto a
amaii TERM.
These objects attained, I think that wo stionffl
cease to'be . afflicted with bad administration'of
tha Gewern'mcnt.—HaNnY CLey;
Ct7Tho letter of Professor Dun run, on our firs
page; contains some interesting information rela
live to the government of Austria and office. Eu
• •
ropcan governments. '
. 107 We wsuld ieturn our thanks in a luMp for
the kindness of members of the National and
State Legislatures whnhaye favored us with pub.
lie docunicnts; . .
ID"The favors . of our correspondent "D." were
,too late for this week. They arc held under ex.
•• 4;^ - -We arc indebtid to the Editor of the Harris
burg Tefegraph for a copy of the minority repor
• of.the select. committee recommending the im
QOM, cni: • orter..
-- Aro - Site
The Sp4tial Court
ennlbeflnild(Tounty, on
w.a t ti;:ttrshave been ho ui by Judge
Nlytlieo, s vho \ ffa'a"aince begs aiiiiointed Collector of,
the Port at Philadelphia. _ ,
BAra-biarithu o
Four persons were committed to the jail in
this loruugh last Week charged with iiirdiar
isni, in having set tiro to a holm and arn, in
NOWton-lownehip, both of which wcro-_consum.
Api)ortionmeint Bill.
Our :ceders, may confidently look, if we arc
• not mistaken, for the' passage — of -tlie—ATip-Wic
ment Hill published in to-duy's paper. The Gov.
, ernorhas the Huntingdon district to snit 'him—
) the Philadelphia . county members with all their
boasted independence, have, been " whipped in,"
tend the bill will-probably pass. To he sure it given
the Whigs but five members, although, they had
in the last .Congress twelve and virtually
franchises one hundred thousand freemen whose
"rdii,y sin is•in being Whigs hut what difference
does that make to tke Democratic party 7 Well,
we must "grin and bear : it,'' but if the penoe
are not lost to all sense of right and justice a day
of retribution will come to' these reckless usur.
Z-Our neighbour of the Volunteer to keep up
hie siiirits.Junier the adverse state of things at
'Harrisburg, published last week a most amusing
uCeount of a trial which had lately come off in
Pittsburg. The lovers of fun will thank hith for
it, (as we do) but his strikingly unjust to fill his
papci ; With such it thing and shave all the burden
of publishing the able and useful speeches lately
'made by= Mr. Wright and other "democratic"
members of the Legislature, relative to.the Canal
Commissioners, on to our shoulders! Come,
'neighbour, justice to your friends! That"Tippe
-canoe cusp" is rich..:.very, , and we, laug:ted
moderately over it„ hut " Democracy" calls for
"them speeches!"
Clay Paper iu Harrisburg . . _
The lotelligencer and Capitolian, published in
Harrisburg, have been united and will hereafter
be published jointly under the title of the Penn.
sylvania Intelligencer. The Intelligencer, says
the Editor, will' continue as heretofore, the un
flinching and unwavering advocate of Democra.
tic Whig principles, and will be especially. deio.
led to the cause of HENRY CLAY—the do.
luent: and worthy representative of these princi
ples. The union of the two papers has been of.
fected with the'view of concentrating the patron.
age of the Deirtocratic Whig party upon one paper
at the seat'of government, in order to place it on,
n firm foundation, and make it more effective as
the Central. Organ of the party in Pennsylvania.
The .importance of sustaining an efficient ne we.
paper at the seat of government, devoted to the
cause.of Mr. Clay, must be evident to every friend
of that Statesman, and we. therefore cheerfully
iommend the Inteffigincer to public patronage&
Its te . rmi ere fur syear, (twice week during the
.session: of the iegislature,) three dollars. - •
A decision was made by. the Supreme Court of
le United States (Judge MILEAN dissenting) on
Thursday last, in relation to the Constantionallty
of Stay Laws, which 'cannot fail to receive the
warm approbation of every friend of cquarrights
and a just and impartial administration of the
laws. The Court deCideil 'that the States have no
authority, with reference to existing cent recto en
tired into prior to such legislation; to provide for.
the exemption of property from sale under de
crees on-judgrrientei Until it shall have been first
appaaiseundercia law, and unless It shall
bring O. sun, bearing a prescribed proportion to
the amount of such appraisOmerit. The question
arose upon a certificate of diVision in opinion be.
tween the Judles of the Circuit Court of, the U.
S. for the District of Illinois, in the case of Iron
son-andainzie, involving:the constitutionality of
two Acts ' of; Assembly of that State, the one pas
ied llutlfith,of February 1241 i. the ether the 27th
Of the same month and year. - ,The.following is a
copy ot the answer of the Supreme cQUrte to the
.4044- rho decree should direct the pretnities
. , to be sold ut publio.ancljOil to the.highes‘bldder;
•- ' - • •-' ' ' without regard , t tl 0-I
ruipt Law r .•,aw °tam l9th February,
.•T4 l e' itac' PreSident f whieht giveithe right of redemption
• given iiiizifinaiiiititto.ige recta[• biji.t Thrs is one meat creditor . .mortgagor for. or.fifteen in twelve • montini, and'tor . the
of th'ose,indtiaqii,,i.4;,.., „ „
laid, i;L , • '.V!!!°Pr9IDgA O the ' ir4ceOnd—The,deeree !should diroeuthilO tt lo
rule !irY l l /orVIF 4 *-Oxiiimieote !or ilie,Coo. the annrtguged primiitad Withotit
,•', btitationi fhti:iyAftllol,**4l4. : I wo wi n f e e d ._ A 4, three' haneeholden4 and 'with Q tit4briulling
• two.thirdttie the amount nlthe, aaid , yaleatinn to
"; z 6* bid!•_tiOodyliOe.:tii the biw
'• •
___ • • , ,Pitt,tif;Yetc! "
P gYo W, T .l llo44:Akfloovi , eo. ~Tak.'•04(4,•.0F Maeo s ti=-Tlte papers
Tki - •
Pf - Via,v 44 iai! 7 ' say that - ,autntilir, of t4eilifdiOirOC-Wi:ii4,t7
f1,Y.,e132849 .Ik-)t *Ws ~
tuItAIIMICIA - Mnk,'.011 1 ..11 ittUth
•Neur:*Vitirld Supplement.
We have received No. 2.,, of the New World
containing 'the :pails of Dickens',
tsiveihr.ind Lover's new and:: humorous navels
%Which arfived:by the last Steamer from'England.
`,These new, worlis are issued in a Supplemental
Mewli,roxld as the parte arrive in , this - ,eountry,
:;instead being published in the newspaper as
'.foramily; a Iccidad adiantage ,
b reftadiaC '1 They:Supplement' makes handsome
sheetrend ja-rinthilehed vat 'one rt. 'year in
advatu :.1, ,
safe possession of it! • •
And this incident is but one of a thousand cx.
hibiting - the inmeirtance of advertising;. with
,which the. co. AEI not become acquainted. No
one; and larly the merchant, the sltopkccp.
cr: and the, mechanic of every art, can advertise
hi a , newspaper without realizing from it certain
and speedy profits to an amount infinitely greater
than the trifling expense it subjects
,JUJII 'to: A
vcrry erroneous opinion 'exists on this subject
- butiness:meri suppose tliat 6th advertise 7
mcnts of a newspaper are never read. But we
the fact to heCitifery — tlie - Verse. The
Advertisements, we believe, are the most careful- -
ly read: It is to—tli-Mirthe-resident-reilderturns
for the greatest amount of information of local
interest, 'and it is to them the stranger turns as an
index of the business character, the enterprise and
prosperity of the town and county in which the
newspaper is printed. It is a deal more true than
flattering to that poor Wight that the lueubratiair
of the Editor MeMe - generally-deferred for afterpe
rusal, while the advertisernentA,,of merchants'
goods, of mechanics' fabrics, rind of real estate for
sale, command the attention of the readerimme
diately upon taking up the paper. A very great
error exists; too, with regard to the number of co.
pies of a newspaper which are read by the public:
.It is very far from the truth to suppose that the
number of actual subscribers to a newspaper forms
the whole number of readeri of that paper.. This
is a very greet mistake as might be easily demon
strated. It is quite within reasonablebounds to
say that. the readers of a paper arc in proportion
to the paying subscribers us three to one ! This
is an important fact to advertisers, aim shoull
serve as an additional inducement to them to seek
Jai Court.
the important advantages resulting from advertis
ing their numerous goad's and wares in the town
.newspapers., But we niust close. It is probable
this article may be thought to "smell of the shop"
very strongly, and as the aroma may ndt be agree
able we'll give no more Of it. It is, neverthless,
all strictly true.
•4 gentlem i an of this borough has favored us
with the following extract of a letter from a friend
in Quincy Adams county, Illinois, dated
February 15,1,843.
"Our.winter has. been unusually severe, and
money hard to obtain. Pork 'hut rated from $l,-
25 to $1,50; Corn and Outs are worth 10 cents
in dry goods; bacon hams 'ra tes at 5 cents;- Wheat
at 25 cents per bushel; Horses • have been sold in
Missouri under exectition at $1 a head; cows at
25 cents; - Sheep at 12. cents; a lot of 800 lbs of
Tobacco at $5.00 ; Stacks of Oats at 75 cts ; Stacks
of Wheat at $l.OO. ' Multitudes have availed
themselves of the Bankrupt law."
Congress closed its.tiient.y-seventh term on,Fri-
day night' last, the 3d inst: • The appropriation!
liar•tre sippeitegovernment
r are the:adjohrmaient. They ate ,initCh• 'induced
below former yenta, thanks td ,'a Whig Catigrpss:
Tho organization therresident's Cabinet will
he from tnis thaMari•followet'
Secretory of State—L-Calob Cushing, of Mose
Secplaty of the Treariury—Johri C, Spencer,N.Y
SeOretiry of the, 144-41;o1' P. Opshhi:, of Vu
Poet Itioster denertilohsitieti Wickliffe, otKy.
Mr. Ctishing was nominated di SecretarY Of the
',Treasury, but haiing been 'three' times rejected
by the Senate, by large majdritics,was witlidrntvn
and Mr. Spencer nominated' and confirmed. Mr,
Wise was nominated as Miniater,to: France, but
rejected by 'the Senate.' Mr. Everett was trans
ferred from England to• China risMillieter, and
confirmed. .Mr. Webster, it is supposed will be
appointed to England. Hon, W. W. Irwin,. of
Penna. was nominated and confirmed as Citaige
at Copenhagen, Denmar'. ,Calvin Blythe,. of
'Dauphin county, Pa. was nominated and confirm
ed as Collector at the Port of Philadelphia. Ho
was removed from the same Station by Gen. Har
There is*. a , beautiful - donglomern lion in the
aboie; of apokato Locofileoism Arai
Porterism, that must irresistibly r.ttract the ad.
mirition of all, parries! From this time forth
l'orterism 'and Tylerism are to be considered as
one, and the same thing in this State, as per agree.
meet of the high contracting partes. Don't dare
to even "wag your tongues," ye hesitating locos;
but giro in graccitilly ! • •. •• •
A Irkealk With .111exico.
A Washington letter underriate 'of the 28th ult.
states " that the President and Secretary of State - ,
of the United States, recently made a treaty witir
this Government of Mexico, 'through - the Repro.
sent itives of that-power, which was this day
communicated to the 'Sericite for ratification, and
this evening referred to (hi cominittee onForeigh
Affairs, with an order to print the copies."
Benefits of Advertising-.
As a striking instance of the certain advanta.
gas resulting from adverttaing in newspapers, we
may mention the following. A member- cif ,a
family in this place lost, a short time• since, a
miniature Portrait encased in a locket. The loser
without unnecessarily distressing' herself at the
loss, more-wisely-sentms-ama dvertisermant.making
it known and offering d suitable reward for the
recovery of the, article. The advertisement Was
successful. Our 'earrier-hoy had not returned to
to the office more than four or five hours from the
distribution of the town papers last Wednesday . ,
when a bright-eyed little girl who 'had found the
miniature antj ascertained by the advertisement
where it should be returned, appeared at our office
with the lost article and the owner was soon in
Times In the West.
Decision against Stair taws.
Baiiks and ctiliieilley 'Milli!' Odle.
FACT $ ;FO rnjE. p.pap.t„E.k 4
On tin . extuninatian o 't eeta ear, ..z9 4
that thci" a:Mount iti e titedr:vaulgon!
or about the oth October 18424Otnitting c :fraci'
tiens—was,l34',6B3,ooo; of which ,abOut $3,212,-.
000, la) - in.tho banks of the City and County 'of
P„hilatforphia, and 8541,000 in Pittsburg.
Of. the demand nutetroftho their eircte.
ladoit amounts io , $5,484,100
Orilland in. the various Banks, 1,645,400
Total =bunt of.Pcnneylvania Bank,.
Alas then in .circidation,'
We suptiose the:above _balance to he the - actual
circulation of paper money. RI this State—with'
the addition of $2,000,000. of' Relief Notes; mak
ing $5,73R,700 althogothor, for we knoW that, the
eireidation Of specie by individuals is very
Now is 'this enough to do the bitSinefie Of the'
Community? - Why the very taxes and dues to the
Comiminwealth estirriated to ;be paid during the
year, amount to $2,859,000
If we add to this the County, Road
and School taxes, estimated at
there will be little left to do the ordinary 'commer
cial, trading mechanical, mining and agricultural
business of the State; yet it is estimated that
thoseTvarioud employments do produce an ex-
Change. to the amount of two or three hundred
millions of a year. .
We find the above condensation
,of thelcomli:
tion of the Banks and the amount of our. State
currency, in the last Chamhersburg. Whig; Th e
people can seem it the cause of the " hard 'a ll ies 7 ,
and the scarcity of money. Two years. ago th e r e
Was an amount of. money in eireulpion of forty,
millions of. dollars•:—now the act'aal Circulation Of .
`the State is a little over FIVE millions! Could
,the times be any thing else but hdrdu undersuch
a sudden:contraction of the circulation ? 'Would
it not be well, says the Whig, if our sage Legisla.
tore would devise some means of ntendinglmr
condition, instead of spending their time and our
money in silly vituperations of Banks and personal
abuse of each other --Party-spirit-may be some :
tirties — tiseful in a Republic,-but it is most perni
cious when It interferes with the 'best interestslef
'the people, and when measures are .to be adopted
or defeated not became they are righter
but - bccanso they - may - notsuit . the 'party- which
gees. for or against them. The people must coy.
red this growing evil.
• NVc quote below an extract from a speech late
ly made in the House of Representatives, by Mr•
Hinelinin, of Philadelphia, on 'the subject of
.Thinks. One of the favorite notions of the loco
(bees now is to have a clause in every Bank
Charter which shall make the stockhollers
liable for the debts of the atilt's. At
.first glance this- would seem Co be 'correct, and
necessary to the saility of the hanks: and- the-pub. -
lic, but we belieVe, that critical examination efthe•
theory will prove it unsound reierni.. The ex
tract we give sets.forth in a very clear light the
machinery and . management of Binh and de.
molishes sonic of the bugaboos created by.dem.
M. HiNcu - sisri resumed: The_panks arc lia.
hie turimtividuals, and in the same manner, thr
extent of
their property. , .
. ,
_ .Why, Mr. _Speaker,- continued Mr. H. the very
object of a.charter is to place a bank on the same
footing as an individual, to enable it to sue and be
"sued;that the ivholo of its property shall, in fact,
be subject to the payment of its debts, precisely
as the property of-an individual is liable. The
principal difference between an individual and.a
bank ke this—that we limit a bank, and say it
.hall not-run in debt beyond a certain amount, to
be governed 'Mid controlledji,y,,thottmount of cap.
ital actually in possession, lie&kiii)lividual can
run in debt to an unlimited amount, subject to
no control, and without regard to capital or prop.
crty in possession. And this, in fact, is the real,
.and almost the only distinction between them.—
Does the gentleman ace it? .
A bank can contract debts only to double the a
•mount of its capital actually paid in. If she cs.
'coeds this, her charter is forfeited ! She is, more
over. bound lenity all ho`r liabilities in gold or sil.
.ver, on demand, or forfeit her charter.. And no
part of her original capital can be driaWn out, in
the shape of dividends or profits, withouitsubjec-
Mg the directors to individual responsibility.—
Are there any such restraints placed upon indi
viduals? or May they not incur debts and.
itics without limit or restraint, and this too, with
out the community in which they live, having
any positive knowledge of their ability to meet
them 'But the gentleman from • Tioma, (Mr.!
Sherwood) seems to imagine that if a ° bank is
sues MAC'S to the amount of •three dollars to one
of specie, in its vaults, that it/ situation must be
critical. Does the gentleman suppOse that if a
bank issues notes,' it gets nothing in return? If
a bank,.with a capital of ie mo,ooo,:isbues to the
amount Of. €0.00,000, which is the utmost limit,
to which it may go, does' he not perceive it
must, in that case have, in the shape of capital
and securities 8300,000 to, pay the $40,000 ?
Banks, ust, therefore, generally. be safe, so long
as their debtors, or community-in-which-00,-mo
safe. Much has been said about the shinplas
ters and false promises to pay, issued by the
banks, but can nothing be said about false
promises of individuals to the banks.
II.) believed that the banks had sustained a loss
of ten and perhaps twenty dollars, by individuals,
for every, one dollar that individuals had lost by
the banks. And most of these losses both on the
one side and on the other, were occasioned chiefly,
by that unnatural and ruinous warfare, which,
for-thelast ten years had been carried on by the
party in power against the currency, the credit
and business of the country, and which had in.
volved the whole in one common ruin. .
But the gentleman from Tioga seems to be of
the opinion, that because a man is a stockholder,
he is, therefore, the bank itself; yet ho should
. 1 5nuw that that is not the fact. The whole prop.
o i ly of a bank is liable in the same manner as
the property of un individual is, liable. And the
object of a charter is to put on the same
footingas, an individual Tim only difibrence
heretofore was, that an 'individual debtor could
be iminned, but a bank having no physical
body and no soul could not be imnrisoned. Now,
however thut imprisonment - for debt haa beon'a
, holished, Whits and individuals stand in this re
speet, on the same footing. But sir, suppose the
amendment of the gentleman'-from Tioga be a
dopted, do you suppose that, the citizens of this,
Commonwealth would be the gainers Lift.? Doi
you suppose that 4 man, having 3100,000, would
put 810,0.00 of it in.batik, and thus render the re
maining 890,000 liable for its debts And.such
every one knows, would bo the, case if, Um prin.
Mph) of individual responsibility should, been.
grafted i your ,bank, charters! Capitalists
would therefore not subscribe: .Who then would
be your stockholders in banks ! • Panswer those
only who would auesCribe to the whole. extent of
their property , and li;lltat case "yew individual
responsibility_ worth nothing, , This
principle, of individual responsibility therefore
not only objectionable, but, it would-be deceptive.
The Capital ofra bank, is knOotA to the -w*ilo corn.
munity,,rind those who receive its noten.,:know
what,they have forelj , .upon.. But in , !loom of
inftiyichipl responsibility, it, is yery.diffieull-• in or.
dmary'cuseS !to Obtains,anY -coved, notiiin•
liniiivioo.,on'tlin,euNnct: • ''.•
-f. man neP-
ince, procured '
days -
fveral y,
gor, Me 4. a I-6w - h' age fok.-aa '
irit;nrf ,inon exc. any;: ,moneY.
having 1.-
ids. cloth—A, ..ny 110
do beca
an 4 Ban':
'atfifteadOin ••
"frr i
h 1118
r- 0
LAliiitedipo; "" 2
teou' ?
' , paupp.•, ,)
r: Keforeu by' Cougress..„
Congress.TJtl has reeciyeete,itryttiaring abase
and one ivltoeh'
141,t0 POgielT,
ariluel t o#!rli 3 0)"
-.,4 -10 ' 9 1 15 1
i nitriotia tatitivanA.
' itever,AlCnieti display a givltter . arliiiurit'ortratt
wisdom -and. forbeareace, theimernbera of
this Congress, under all the trying ilifficultias of
working for pnblici geitattgainSt ills maeliiiin.
tieing of tir4ideinf, atia the , 'iiiiWetirly :
and 'powerful _ apposition ~ of the loco Thee Minerity
assisting.tho Accidental to Wale down the partY,.
which gave him pilaerianet power.„ Had the mea-,
suresof Obit Congress; escaped tho .eurse of i this .
Veto,' and become laws .s the peopfe'desired they
should, we believe, that atihis moment insfend of
the. people !suffering under a Scarcity of mono)/
and a worthless ciirrency—iiistead ofbeing ground
to the earth with Times and norneans to pay them
with—instead of farlers having their lzarns tilled
with grain for which there is rip marketinstead,
of business being, prostrated, arid industry starv
ing for want of employmentinstead of th e d e7 , : .
pairing cry or !hard times" which dor, painfully
on the ear front 'every quarter—instead of all this,
wo.say, a far different and happierstate of things
would be felt and witnessed. National institu
tion, capable of affOrditlg currency and
administering to the Pet,ple's wants, would be
commencing its , existence and be ready td heal
wounds landed by the destruction of the cur
rency ---a , giving protection to our Indus
try, Woula be dispensing its blessings—the. ener,
ilea of Our people would Thpring up from their
prostration—Ahe lively hum of eictiVe business
would be board-Lthe Taxes would be easily and
cheerfully, paid—the villainous thought, 01
pildiation would bo hushed=the wheels Of the
NatiOnal and , State' governments would move on
without , difficulty or embarrassment—State and
individual credit would be restored=our people
would feel the reviving impulses of restored pros
perity, and our fred young Nation would be molt
ing rapidly forward on the highway of greatness
and, power! As we belieVe in the truth of Whig
principles, and the efficiency of Whig measures
to produce this state of prosperity, so do we be
lieve that John Tyler, by Vetoing those measures
is accountable to the people fur the milli and dis
tress they are suffering, instead of the Whig Con.
gross who vainly labored to reps slim injury done
th'e country by the reckless administration of
Martin Van
But we referred to the subject of Congress;
.to•notice the fact that in what the Whig Congress
was able to do when free from the interfeience of
the President they have honestly and faithfully
performed their duty, to the country,and justly ac
serve the plaudit, "well done good and faithful
servants Irk a speech in the House of Repre.
sentatives;a few days since, Mr. BARNAiID, an able
member from New York, made' the following
statement :
'lle stated that 'exclusive:of the public debt, and
inclusive of the appropriations made by.this bill,
the appfopriations for this year, would not exceed
EIGHTEEN, and might , not, be more than SEVENTEEN
AND A lIALF ',LION'S OP DuLLA RS, While during
Mr. Van Duren's administration they averaged
PER ANNUM. They. were
.now under a Whig
adMinistration, less than one half What they were
under Mr. Van Buren.. .
Let not our readers suppoic, however; that John
Tyle - fii=entitled to any. credit for. this retrench
ment of expendituree under the Present :adminis
'The approPtiations cir idoncy - Ore entire
ly under the control of Congress, and to the vigi
lance of the:Whig_majorityin that body is to be
attributed entirely, this creditable reduction in
the expenses of the National Government.
Tice Somers Case.
It is very ,certain, says the N. Y. Express, the
the case of Mackenzie will not fail to tin duly in
vestigated, so far as a most indefatigable exami
nation of withessewis concerned. Not one half of
the witnesses have yet been examined, and we can
expect no termination of the trial before the cnd of
four weeks, at the soonest. •
Inipe3chantini of the Governor:
The Harrisburg Intelligence - 1. of the 3d inst.
says, "it will be seen by reference to legislative
proceedings of yederday, in the House that the
committee appointed under the petitions calling
for an impeachment of the Governor of this Com.
monwealth, have made report on the same. That
of the majority; of courserefuses to comply with
the prayer of tho petitioners and makes an•eflint
to .how that it is not only not called for, but that
such a step would bo an net of great injustice to
the faithful, exalted and truly worthy chief.nag 7 ,
istrate of this-Commonwealth.
The minority report is much longcr,and infinite.
ly more able and labored. The minority evidently
beitowed much more attention to the subject than
did the majority or the committee; the latter, it is
palpable, attempted to pass the matter off as a
light one..
The naincirity report takes' a 'minute ieviemi of
the testimony given before theliwestigating corn,
mittee of last winter, which. instituted enquiry
into the alleged efforts oteertain banks, through
their ogents, to procure legislation favorable to
themselves; and from this the committee make
out a strong case against the Governor. Too
.we arc sorry to say, for the name and fair
fame.of our good State. We do not act howlhe
.Governor can avoid calling for an investigation;
either by impeachment or otherwise, of his con
duct. If ho is innocent he will not rest under the
conclusive reasenings_of_this report, that ho has
not conducted himself as. anosecutive 'sbould.--.
If ho is guilty, ho will avoid the impeachment,
and will meet the reproach, which his solemn and
indirect admission of wrong, will call down on his
head. .The minority report we will lay before our
readers at on early - day.
This is a mattes of such serious importance that
it should he . inquired into. Public opinion, first
called to the subject by the Investigating Comniit-.
teti Report of, last year, hag matured itself so de
cisstrely as to the character of the transaction:
alluded to in that ropOrt;that a judicial investign:
Lion is nowiMperatvely necessary.: We hope to
see every member of, the Irlouse, who has,,
gard for hiS own estimation, or . for the ell cter
of the ComMonwealth,.biassist hilaving. avid,
R. Poiter arreigned'et the' liar of thO'flena CIO r ,
the high crimes and misdemeanors alleged egainst
hlm, : and.w . ldelt we,,in-common withir a majoiity;
of Um people of both parties, believe to : be TRUE il
'' .1
end' 'Bernard
only hope in that thißritish . Govornment:wil.ho r
`egad, thettio broiherinetior 891 - liense of come convinced Of tho folly of such .arrogant
death in Cambria Sonnty; for, 'rnOrder in pretoneiona and ahandan her dosigni;
_Tune tinilL
the first tiogree;iing,i,sho - tvore to have been reveal.
executedthis, day;` l '*ere,r'espi ,toci hy the • p ‘ mnr i ps, t 4pg. o(pt e 4
Gotreino;'ulitit Friday,the, 21st of ,
' ' I;time, , got : the outhouse.
Unit et a-'Miliorife iteeOng?, f • roSidenee
The reasons 'Abet ha •
' ire ihe` tv ' cr?-up .to such'e' ittdh 'Abet '
discovery oine* .groFe'every moment looking
,f9r !he end
oi3Oi:diiro‘iisicia.:ic. the: th;i116 1 ;: - ilijo)i,,6 - :161d, them , ..W044
~,p,ptw u nce4 by the SOofid,of thetrnOtAt,
Ttai'klintioYittn werecomm aeonintoit',4 t. sh
liete, of the niurdet or atl , n, per eat lempest ~ e- ere,
4itTiiiii;ri 6 " 4 1 ;ti 4 '"r
' ll4 er ' , , . •
,C)60$0M414;,01 # 11,41 111 1 tIa il l;444'1‘
Pe; % 1- 7 -
*fit'itlOHß , OV;;;Ok4l(Cif?,
'.,:w . e . iap•p,ot::4jiipe''jd.4r!-104t, to . givathe pdr 7
' f:*life bse!i:P!;,
: trOdiniOn?:ll4;fs righoOr
' the
nptoillis Raid the two goVernments,
which:will enable our recftlirs to , liaVe an final!.
'standing of ,the"metter.:'•,
In his laistunnuti! inossege to doniieS4Piefildlifit
•Tyler.tookoecrisitin to advert to the correspond. ;
once between the'',Engtish llßnish:fi , for Poraign
kffoi k, Lord Aberdeeni and' he Ankericait
tor, concerning the right of search, in which the
President asserted that the right of :4140603
elaimetfby the - Britisk gOVeihment over, vinuida
bearing'the' American' flag; ' was in yeality . the
right of search presented only Ina new; form, ,
find cixpressed . in difibient words. ; Sir Robert
Peel 'his' taken the earliest OPportunity to except,
to thlff version of . Nord Aberdeen's meiming;and
Ina speech delivered in the House Of Commons
on the , night of the session, , defends his
friend froni the chnige of. President '.Tyler, and,
al BIC finfii3Ondertakes to point out the
marks of distinction between the right •of 'search
and that of visitation merely. ~That'our readers
may the better comprehend the argnineid'of that
celebrated British. statesman, we make the fol
lowing extracts from his speech.
"The sincere and, honest desire I' have'always
entertainedlor the,inahitenance of a good under
standing between this country and the C. States,"
and the spirit in Which I Lave Minya spoken of
America, a doubly painful duty to me
to have to refer to that message, which,l am sor
ry to say, does not give a 'correct, account of the
negotiations relativ e to the right of ,visit.. .Per
haps I may do right to confirm what the horn:Oa
t& gentleman - has said, that there is nothing
more distinct than the right of visit is frdm the
right of search. Search is a belligerant right,
and not to be exercised in time of peace, except
when it has been concluded by treaty. The right
of search extends nefonly to, the vessel, but to
the cargo also, The right. of visit is qiiite-dis
tinet, from this, though the two are often confound-.
"With respect to the treaty which we have en;
tered into with the United States, in signing that
treaty, we consider that we have
right of visitation.. We did nut understand from
the • United States that they 'entered into that
treaty with any engagement from us to abandon
the right of visitation, which is' not necessarily
'connected with the question of the. slave trade.—
We thought that it was a step in advance when
the U. States pr6fesecd a readiness •to detach a
naval force to.the coast of Africa, fbr the purpose
of suppressing the_ slave trade. We not ac.
ceps the detachment of that nairal force es an e
quivalent for any right which' we claimed; yet
still we thought that for a 'great country like the
United States to take that step with us on the
coast of Africa, although the power .or
lion is limited under the treaty in such case, al
though we claim no right to visit slavers bent :fide
American, and the right is to be exercised by Ves
sels of the United States—We • thought it, I en)',
a step in advance towards the ultithate suppres.
ion of the 'slave trade to accede to the propositio
of the United States. thit in acceding to th,
we have not abandoned our dainty in the sligip
est degree, nor didit eyer_tnalte_any_part of our
intention during tlid*Ccintroveray, to „abandon eri
right to hich we - lay _ elaini in. the fdeipatelx;l
have mentioned."
• This speech of Sir Robert Peel and other' pro
seedings of the British Pa'rliainetit in relation lo
the late Treaty, which were reeeiveid . lit
steamer Acadia, produced a powerful 'sensation
in Washington. On the 23d , February,- whim
tho bill for Naval appropriations was op in t!me
Senate, Mr, A - relier, chairman of the ,Comn» t
and laid before that body a despatch froth M . r.
Everett, American Minister at Landon. Mr.
Everett states that so far from, his having aban
doned the assertion of our refUsal to concede to
England the right of search, as • alleg,ed by Sir
Robert Peel, ho t bed only closed the correspon.l
- from a full belief that all negotiation on , that
point had bee,n ended by the treaty. This sub.
ject elicited an earnest debate in the Senate.
Benttin, Mr. and Mr. Henthirson
opposed the construction . of Sir Robert Peel.
Mf. Archer, and Mr:Evans, thought the discuss
ion premature. Mr. King did not like the•coh.
struction of the treaty by the-British. Premier.—
Mr. Calhoun thought the^ right of visitation vir
tually abrogated by the treaty..
M Benton then moved to strike out the up.
propriatom for a squadron on the Coast of
Africa. This "ultra proceeding Was voted down
by ycati 4, nay; 36, and the appropriation retain
ed. Ow Monday of lust webk, the President
sent a Message to Congress in compliance with a
requisition of the. House, in regard to the late
Treaty with Great Britain. With ragnrd to
the " Right of Visitation," the message of the
President is distinerthat ho regarded the Treaty
as removing all pretext on. behalf of Great Britain,'
"to visit and detain our ships." The message
concludes as follows.:
" I regarded the eighth article as removing a
possible pretext, on tho ground olmere necessity;
to visit and detain our ships upon the African
coast, because ot any alleged abuse of our flag
h,y slave-traders, of other' riations. _We had ta
ken upon ourselves the burden of preventing' any
such afinse;lTifipulating terfitrnisli — ifirrirtin , ./.. I
foree=regarded by both the high contracting
parties as sufficient to accomplish that object.—
Denying, as we did and do, all color of .right to
exercise any such general notice over the flags of
independent nations, we did net demand of Great
Britain any formal' renunciation ot her pretem
sion. Still less. had we the least idea of. yielding
anything . ourselves: in that respebt. We chose to
make a practical settlement of the question.
This we owed to what we had alreadydone upon
the subject. .The'libnor of the country culled for
it—the honor of its,flag demanded that it should
not be used by others — to cover an iniquitous traffic
This Government, Idm very sure, has both the .
inelination and the ability to de this; and, if need
'be; it will not content itself with a fleet of eighty
guns—but sooner than any - -foreign government
shall exercise the province of executing its laws,
and fulfilling its obligations, the highest of which
is to protect its flag alike from abuse, or insult—it
would, I doubt not, put, 'in requisition for that
purpose, its Ni , hole'naval power. The purpose of
this Government is faithfully to fulfil the Treaty
on its part, and it will not permit itself to Aonbt
that Great Britain will comply with, it on hers.r- 7
In this peace will bc•hest presetircd,and thekniest
amicable relationii maintained .between the two
Washington, Feb. 27, 1843. • •
Thus the matter stands, and will remain until
further intelligence, is received of the intention
of the English • Government: If that giwetn:
meet persists in carrying out the determination
exprestied by. Sir - 11obort.' Peel; it is OvideO4 that
We shall bo plunged into' fie* frOm
Which 14 may not .be possible' to extricate our
selves without a.•ware . The Tight tif:tietisqh our
Terri bit) Eijtirklbiginoo.ln tlitt3Vest
Thoin3,o"mrcpqw• T4". 1 1' 8 0,1 4 ,11YeA this,
fioni t•
Ro,43, l ;adviO . kg'' of ,t,!kilfre44 of
a siva° ehitekof `ari kart:hip:lake; air; the Bth of
February. , .
Estraobtaf.a /otter
owners of
the #tnnc4s Anne; dateB: B t. Johns t Febtutity,l4l4 ,
.146 $ iitatefic : •
We' have just t . SeeiVed adviees from the Wind,
ward. The offe4te l of the;Earthquake of tho Bth
init. have .been aWful indeed. Point^ Petre, in
:Guaelalope, is totally destroyed, and ten .thousand
pivots are supposed to have been killed. The loss
of property is immense. At Antiina, also there
has boon a greatioss of• property; but five lives
lost. All the mills'and sugar: works' ate More or
less injured, end the greater part of thecrop_will
be lost: &vie, Moiteterrat, Barbadiies, Sze., Ste.,
are Said . to• Jly° euffeAd inueli,:but to what extent
is not yethnowt." ' • •• • ' •
" Here, and at Sil'homas, UM -shock was. also
Severe; and lasted at this place two minutes; but
there was no material damage done either:place."
Loss OF Livss.—'--The ,. Western Mail. 'of
last :evening. brings us an account of a
serious disaster which oecured in.:Citicie
nati on Saturday last. About: 4 'o'clivek
the extensive pork packing„ establishment
of Messrs:. Pugh & AdvOrd, corner W.Wl:al
nut and Canal streets; was - , - diacovered-lo
he on fire.. It iirea..filled with •pork and'
lardthe building was 'one hundred feet
in • front by sixty , feet deep., The firemen
and: eitizend rushed to the rescue, and n-•
Ann time after, an explosion took place
which threw off the roof; and scattered the
ivalls in evdry direction. The explosion
is supposed to have been caused by
the generation of gas from the burning
meat. The destruction of the house in
volved the loss of a number of lives—The
roof and walls falling on the fireman and
instantly killing .some : and wounding a
great number more... One _account sup
poses twenty or thirty to be killed, and
frorn fiftyto one hundred wounded.'
It would appear that we have no sooner
"got through with one trouble ‘Yith England,
than another on.e is trumped up, to create
a new excitement and a new fever. Wb
'observe that several of the London journals
are especially . severe on Lord Ashburton,
averring that, in the settlement of the North
Eastern Boundary, lie was completely
overreached. They declare that the negoci
ator on - behalf of the :United Stites, was
previously in posession'of-a—maptnarked
by Dr. Frauklin,jin which the boundary
flue runs wholly to'the south of St. John's
ITP .s on this, there is expended
towards the United . States a larg. ante - mit
of denunciation, by a feviof the English
jouinals; and-the,Oregon-!ferritory is -then
brought in as the next itzhject f(ir immed=
late settlement. - One .of the papers urges
the necessity of . sending iniinediately to
the Columbia river, a Ileet of vessels p
war, to protect the British interests . in
that region. This shows that, there .is
greA importance placed upott the Territory
in England. It likewise justifies the at
tention which Weltaxe.heretofore asked to
this snlvet from the people of the United
States, ,clearly. showing that the 'earlier
steps- can be, adopted to settle ibis long
contested question, the better it will• be, in
all pt'Obability, far both countries.
nAurimoug, March 4,1843.
FLOUR.—The salt's' of - City Mills, have been
lie•try, S./111111ing Up 5 to 6,0tal bids, at $3 75 cash
and credit all taken for export. transactions in
Iloward street have been quite limited, iu $5 884 for
ruuio ,and $3 '75 for select brands. l'he waeoa and
ear price on last settlement, was $3 56i per
GRAlN.—There was a cargo of Virginia Wheat
sold at the close of lust week, at 78 cents; but the re-
CeiplB )11 general, are °unlined to
.wagons, and lire
taken at 70 to 75 cents for good to the best reds.' - Corn
sells at 43 to 45 cents for white and, yellow; and a
lot of Penasylcimin, received by rail: oat', brought 46
'Oats may be gout '23 to ' 5 cents for A• n•giuui fwd
Maryland.... All descriptions of Seeds are m !united.
request. . • -
1 VIIISKIW.—At 18 cents for lihds., and 19 cents
with n few bidet sit 19i,•Ilcr
PHILADELPHIA, March .4, 1843.
FED Ult—A-N-13-31E-A-
tinues depresed, and Ipriers stationary at $3 i 5 ai
81 per bbl. for fitir shipping brand pit the Delaware.
Olt Broad and Market street, holey atabextra braads
toe (tome - consunaptiou range front •23 to 504: above
these prices. Eye Flour is dull at $2 75 per bbl,
Sales of a new hundred bhls Pennht Cant Meal V 25
per bbl. Cleared, for the, West billies and other
Columbian ports this week, 660 . bb15. Flour; 65 Idols.
and 896 bbla Coin Meal.
GRAIN. °penal - Ohs in Wheat are solimit ,
ed that prices may beAnoted ns nominal at 78 a 82
for Pennsylvania: Sales or llyeat 48 cents per bush:
el. No recejitts of Corn and Oats front the South,
and bothWwanted. , The present cold spell will
retard departures from delawure•for a few days.
Cleared this week, 1'2•23 bushels Corn for the West
WHlSKEY.—lteeeipts fair,priuoipnlly iii Bond
street ; w•e quote 17 a 18e per gallon for Mitts- anti
barrels. • •
, .
.von the 15th ult.; by the Rev. Henry,Aurauti, Mr,
NV. S. LAIRD, to Miss g.'II.AItBOR, ull 'of Paper
': On the 15th inst. by same, : Mr. JACOB EB:.
Middleton townsinp. ,
/On the Bth ult., by the . Rev. Mr. Krenter,• Mr. J.
kTILITNEY all of Shippensburg.
/On the 14th ult. , lir the , SAM; Mr. WILSON
LUSK, pf Cumberlanit 'county, to Miss JANE:M.
MeCOY, of Perry county...`,
/On the 13th ult.' MARY MAGDELINA,; - wit*
of Ahe'm Wagoner Sr. hi the sfzi year of ter age.„
. ,
/On th e'l Ith. or February;' in` 'Newton townshiii r
M. A. DADGREIt'F) , aged •23 years, 2 Months
i 4 ,1 1 312 dY ) !•''' ' ' '''' ' -'' `•' ' * r .
On ttni 27th idt. ip Southampton township' MARY.
ANN WILLIS in the 3lst year of her ate';:" ~.',. •
Ain the 281it'ult. in Soothanirton,.townphip,;Zar:
G }74 ,4GF'. ( ;! - ' II3 P /11 PER* agg 4l .q7 Year" .• • ,' , • ', •
AwNetvville; On the, 19th ult.,aftett a long mid pro..
traded illness which site bore with:. Okrildian meek-.
netis;Mrs. NANCV` v ssife Of:Nr e Scott C 0 7 4 1 6 01
go years.-Also . endtienly`, of the croup, on in* 23
'ANPTA,datighter of the ' above, spit 4'yearsi 1 -, • , ,i.: , `1
/on 3614111th lasi in -kannefildirgi Franklin nounty,
Ure: JANE L. -wife of 14 . e.J.010..Ni;' , 35ra.. 1 *,...iiii
, daughter of Mr/Diesid•Cd)l,l4: , :r . frtirl - ti . ": 1; *.o:
r.,year... , :.: ,:,,,,,.?-:',,,:,,,:i..-:,..;',::„:,-.:.,-;, ..-,.. , 4 , ~, , .',, ~ >
WestiVentitte*tfth',N,tquP. 9 " , ! 11 ;e• gs 1 1 1 ,ts
'ELIEMIETWDUNDAItIn the po# l 'TIT q: !c)4',
i5V. , ..',...;`,.. ',..4,,,, , ,•;..; ~.,,5i.,, , , , ., t,„ ; ,' ;,- , ..z.,:-... •„,;••. ,-4; -,,..-...,,,,, t ' -,,-,
',, l'hedenenierdlittasiti‘iPlito More , thin* sots ,
ition sbarn,isfAlie,affliptiontilatt bereavements :widish
flesh is heir .o; all of whin(' *beckon Islthllius. n b en i....,
'rui.: ,lol bhatikulst r ~,,.„.o.l.wh,je.h. 00174-ehete`e
teiteei the toe .hriStiati*sil Istihisitioliiiwer; of this'
Lord .lesils,ii,S iris gone; we .tieet to.rileeirtea:rich
I*waiikku,itlettefer,l ll 4s:milier i thelvie! are eteisbfrote
t'o4l.44lW4l44PlTYasties! ' 4 4 11'ti's' , .:
Difficulties with Esagland.
2,M2 Z24.1ATZ222,2
lio/9191.1 EF FE CTS OF FAI:IATIOrd.-7
ThePliii i kX , O 4 fk SUP ,states that OnFriday,
the iifeirsf Atha Liveridge, a respect
ttble MOShati*
,11.1., while
fabopripg:iiiidet derangement ,of mind
'catisi3d Vi - the Miller doetrine;radiainistered
arsenic 'to herdelf and twd of her children,
one aged three. year/fr ked:thi!,othef - twelve
'actoe"'sent "hit- thi•eir eldefflliirdrin' to
her aunt's, in the r peighbourhood. One of
the children died at 'l2o'clock, tho:other_
at 2 o'Clock, ane the wife I 'Hied about 6.
raird Jeurors for April TenniaB43
Allen—Paul Bing'aman, Urooki,ll., Mi
chael Cockiiil,2,arat;el,li,rich, ,
Dickiiiitrii=arohn Trego,' ' v.
Ease Pentisborough—John Homee, com e 't uft ..
laic Sr. , John 'Sprimi. ' - • - '
Frankford-4Villiam , 'McCrea; .
Hopewell—William S. Ruciehi.-
Mifflin—Robert Blean, Samuel Gilleopio.r,
bream:iceberg—Medea Baker.- '•
Newton—William , Parke, ,Joae,p!vMckne,'Peter
Tobias., • ;
/Vorth,,Midd/tort 7 -John Coover. •
Southampron 7 -John W. Clever,, .7,anrea Kelso,
Robert MeCinke. • • • -
'Shippensburg Bore gh—Georgo Martin.
Weld Penne) ro 41in Blenn, G eorge Odle
bower, Ge rge Millar. ' ' ,' '
Traverse Jurors for April Terns.
Allen —Scif orpon T. Gorgat, , Jt€4iih Ingram,
Deitrich Staber. • . • ,
, .
Carlisle—=Gefirge Alebetigh, Henry' A. Doty,.
John Good, Charles Hulor, John Taylor, David
Dickinson-LJaCob &dem, Abraham • Cleanly,
Peter Ege, Samuel M. Kenyon, John Minich,
James Weakley. •
East Peansborough—Andrew Hreitzer; Jonas
Rupp, Jr. 'Abraham•Erb. • , ,
. Prankford-sColebHesi,DenielMatintz,Michael'
Minich, Henry M usser, Josiah C. McDowell;
David Stoner. •
Hopewell—James Leiby,.Jamcs Sharp.,
Monroe—Georgo Brandt,. Jr. Michael . Fink,
Christian Gleim, John Line, Joseph Laishaw. '
1111,67in—John Homminger. . • .
Newton—John Sbarp,Robert Welsh.
• Newville—James Herron.
North Aliddieton-'.William Hanky, David Kutz,
John Wunderlich. . ,
Southampton—Michael Cockenower,96orge P.
Cromer, Abraham Seatdrs, Adam Reese. • -
Shippensburg Borough, K. Donavin,
William Griffin. '
South Middleton—Joseph Keagy. • •
IVeot Pcnniborough—Joseph Brown, Robert M
Graham, Samuel Allen.
-Allen—Georgo . Beelman Jr. Jaeo Landiv,
Jacob Steese;Solomon &Mere. ,
.Carlisle--Christian Cock CM!,
William Tailor, Leonard HeckOrdern, , William
Lino, Jr. Hugh Maley, Jame. M. Thompson.. •
Dickinson—Jacob Emminger, William Harper,
George Kissinger, Benjamin Myers: ,
Frenkford---Jocob,Nickey, David Shively, Ab.
ralcanyWaggoner: -
- Hopetoell--Sinnuel Ileberling; Daniel McCoy, . •
- David Wherry—Mechanicsburg—John: T. Ayres:
• Monroe—John Bricker, William Coover, David
Grove,. Emanuel Line, Isaac Miller, Henry \VB. ..
510/M--Jacob Bowman, Abraham Landis.
Netavitle--Samuel Alll—Newton--James Kyle
Samuel McCune—North MiddlettM....foseph
. ver, David Coover, Michael Lour, - .lfactib Lehman.'
Shippenaurg. tiplAcr, Henry
Noltsker, Joseph P Neyin:...Shippensburg 'town
ship—Mtn Uuncsn SiGrr Spring z . Adam Eiek
elberger, john
Flemtning— : Sonthaniipton..-I.4nry
Weal Pennaborough 7 Jacob Bcltzhoovcr,
am T. P. Carothere.
UP.DIDOR New Orleans (or Baking !Uelasses,)
k." 3 and also Sugar Douse Molasses. No. 1, best
ythlitySahnon and Mackerel. Refined Table Salt
in Liverpool G. A. Salt in Sacks or other
ise, also fine Salt. llotuany -and Dried _'.ashes,
Cider, Vinegar, Glass, CZneeuseare and Crockery-
Ware. For rude at lowest cost prices, at the/store of
the subscriber, where we will be pleaseil to wait on
all who may favor its a ilk a call.
Carlisle.,:llarell 1, 1,813
rilo Loud from Chambersburg to Pittsburg.
The above number or wagons may Obtain
plriading as above, if application is made immed:
Lady at the Rail Road Depot.lit Carlisle or
.) -MRI.6-1,1843,
Good and Cheap.
11 - O,MEOPATIIIO and othei ben,ao
colates, Sal Soda and Szilaratos, Cigars of
all qualities, Cavendish, ping and Twist Tobacco,
Cedar Tolls and Buckets, Painted Buckets and Cont
ras, Mould Candles, Castile Variegated and Brown
Snap, Market, Clothes and Bushel. Baskets, gener
ally for sale of the best qualities, at the Grocery,
Store J. W. EBY.
Carlisle, March 1, 1843: ' 11-18
Cumberland Cornalg, ss.
i 'l' 'a tated Orphan's Court, began and holden at •
A .Citrlisle„ for Cumberland, County, on Tuesday .
the 14th tiny 6l - Feltrearv, A. 1). 181;1, before the
11m1. S:tona Ilephurn, lires't. ned,;,,lolut Stvcirt and -"--
T. C. Miller, Associate Judges, 4c; the following • :
proceedings wore liad to wit: . • .
_le the-clew of the little Olt the heirs anti.represen7- -
-tatives-of-Marcartn-Qtagley-oletAlr-to nopear, al 11M-v,
' next stated Prphan's Cottrt,atul, to accept oryeftlie !
to accept the residue of the [teal Estate embeaced in,,
the isitisition, viz: Nes. 1 anti 3, the same, being
returned by the Sheriff, out due proof of service'
nettle. Now to Wit. 14th Ft bearer- t $4B. The said
licks and representatives being duly called to aO.- •
cept or refuse-to accept the residue of the said Heal
Estate at the valnatiommul no one appearing to make
any,selectioin, on motion rule on the s me heirs and'
representativNt to appear at the next stated Orphan's
Court, to : litilOd on tb - 0 - '2sth day of - Afiril next, to ,
show calms why the said Real Estate. swill not Le. ,
sold. Notice to be served on such as are within the : !
County, agreeably to the Act' or Assembly—end es,.
to others., Notice to he: :published three successive' - '
weeks in one peper in Carlisle, to be,deatied leg 4 „
entice., By_theCoert,; - : . v ' v• : '
etunkrlayftcounty t as—__. ._ . ... 1. , ..' :, V.
' 1 '
..... • 1, IL. Wilson,Clerk of the Orplenee .;
5• 5 ' ,C) , ~.-Ottert, in and Tor:said County, do bero v .
t . '' , by certif,y; dint the foregoing-is ,
v t i, s; - -)//
,copy of Record.'.,Witness . nly4lol .;
.., • end ward said Court, at Caylisleditlit:,
v.February,lBl..3,',' ".' ' ': .1.- •: , . ~.
' 11. WILSON, (Terse' :• '
Alarch 1,1843
. _
Ctentbealtutd' Coning,' i s s.
• os.
A r a sham: Orphmi's Court , ,began nod , holtlen
at Carlisle,"for Cavelierfind,
day the 4.lth of Fehruaryi , A.-.1.1e 1.1149;,, hefotyl 'Abe.
Hon. Samuel Hepburn; Preal. and John Stuart and
S. C.: Miller, Esqx AtisoclitteiJudges; &IL .*tiiilfroetl..
Ism. the following,proceetlings were had .to , wit:
on the Petition 01 Jamea.`.H.A.Devor„,',Attornerof.
Comtnodore.Josse, „1.14, .=',Respectfut,ly repro.:
seating," : that the said Jesie; 1). Elliot; 112th,
February, 1840;entered into reenguliaticeivitheriiw:.,'
'ford Foster, to 'secure the'purchale
of ground purcbased,, by. part, ,of , the, Hea l
Estate of JesePh Shronri; Said • '
seecognizances have been paid except the mobekioni‘'''-
ing to John Wylie andHarliant hisselfeidue the 1.2111 -
k•elmetury, ls42,sybich tyith intere:st.nttionnts to PO:re
16-4nd dint:due to " Joseph ~N.Y.0041, .grand .sou of; i
intestatedue t 2th Yehruary with in= • '
, crest amotintio t 6 "SAL , . PetitiOner andliati been
reedy and tg. 7'. ' O4 eue 4B, or money, but.
neither the said John Wylie orJoseltiOlecttr.d.est, ,-
;side . withio' the County of, Cumberland,-nor, have:
c.illierllf'4heli any known :inkthdPited arnt.tlieOtto, 4
to ieceiceihe,sae aria recognisance.' •
He OPFeCer.PriYA t!*ColYt- permit
( %?ii , 047 4 ' 1 `.
sild'motiej. into Court , foii, oarlil ir,eo . PP I 4 ,
unit. tlisit'satilifa etio sail) recogmzanttes,'or` ,ii OtOr,oo
er .o the
ppeinisos `,YitstiCe ihe.64,,,ertn1 1 .7" '', •
04 , 1 b
.;titli*`tititnett Jo bb
tiee:to'lie publiebeittheeevselut
luffiiii6iit"bokie.' t '.
h d q 1
kr , ,014k/kUs *B' "c,
. 'll)l7tAtritoo3 l o; l ol".s4l l %l l . 4 ,‘* 'o oA. ; . ` ;,
y ~of
• .•••••• htiVOt s l 4t.brOd99 4 o3 otiet.-
' '...)otitol4llsl6.'o4gbtfliilti r, P )4o 4l, l \
.1. W. EBY.
' • • '&18
-tf-18 -