Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 01, 1843, Image 4

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.?_.T; !
A most interesting scene took place it.
the U.S. ..Hottse ,, Ofitepresentatives, - on
the Bth of Fet)rualry' iitst. .ote - r the thise
had been tailed ttrordor, the Hon. G. W.
,of Virginia, rose in -his pla'ee
anti informed, the House. that he had been
de . Puted to the American Con-.
greis;'ta be deposited in the archives of the
nStion,ihe'serviFe sword ,of
Thii swordwaspreneated to Congioss by
84muti, • WASidNaTorr,. Esq. iyhcise riro.
perry .the last will a theii
lustrious Father of our Country, Mr.
Stinuns - presented at the same thne the
walking staff of BENJAMIN ' FRANKLIN,
Which the greatilliilotiopher and patriot had
bequeSthed to • ,Washington in his
The presentation of the precious relics'was
eeeompanied-by a very impressive speech
fs'ini Mr: Summers of which ive can-only
publish the concluding sentences :
cordially concur With Mr. Washing
ton . in the opinion that these relics each
merit public preserYsthM; and I obey,with
pleasure, his wishes,in here presenting
them, in his name ; to the nation:
Let the sword of the hero and the stall:
of the philosopher go . together. Let them*
have place au ong the produCist - trophies
and Most honored :memorials of our .na
Aional achievements.
Upon that staff, once -leaned •the_sage of
whom it has been said "Ile snatched the
lightning from heaven,and the sceptre 'from
• A Mighty arm once wielded this. sword
in a righteous cause, • even unto the dis
--,i,:inembernient : of, anPire. In the hand of
• Washington, this Was "the sword of the
. Lord and of Gideon." It w'as never drawn,
- except - in defence.of the public liberty. It
was never sheathed until a glorious and
triumphant sticc'ess 'returned it to the scab;
bard, without a stain of cruelty or tlislito
or upon its blade: [l was never surrender."
• ell, except to that country which bestoW
ett tt."
Loud and long continued plaudits fol.-
!owed the delivery of this address. The
Sergeant-ai-Arms advanced to the scat of
the honorable gentleman, and received into .
'his custody the interesting
Mr. JOIIN QUINCY ADAMS therl'roSe and
addressed the House as follows :* •
In presenting this resolution, it may per...
haps be expected that T. should accompany
it with some suitahle remarks ; and yet, sir,
I never rose to address this House under a
deeper conviction of the want of words to
express the emotions that I feel. It is pre
cisely because occasions like this - are adopt.
ed to produce universal sympathy,. that
'little can be said by any one, but what, in
'the lahrtra ,, e of the heart, in tones not
loud but deep, every one present has silent
ly said to himself. My respected friend
from Virginia, by whom this offering of
patriotic sentiment has been presented to
'the representative, a"ssembly of the nation:
has, it seems twine, already said all that
can be said suitable to this otteasion.A In
Parting from him, as, after a few INerC
days, we must all do, it will, on my part,
bola sorrowing that in all probability- I
"shall see his face and hear.his void° no
more. But his words of • this day are!
planted in my memery, and will there re
: main till the last pulsation of my heart.
The sword of Washington!' The staff
bf Franklin .Oh, `sir, what associations
- are•linkett in adamant with those names ;
WashingtOn'i :0e ••warrior of freedom-;-
- Washirigtott, inboati• sword, as my friend
has said, was-neVer d7aWn but in thecause
of his country, and never sheathed when
Wielded in his country's cause", Frank-
Sin, the philosopher of the thunderbolt, the
printing press, and the ploughshare !
What names arc those: in the scanty.caia
logue of the benefactole •of human kind !
Washington and Franklin r What other
two men, *Wise lives belong to' .the eigh
teenth century.,,of 'Christendom, have left
deeper impression of themselves upon,
- - the'age in'witich 'they lived, and upon all•
after time't Wiehingtoni the warrior ani'
• the legielater t In War, contending by
the wager of battle fur the independence
'id hie country, and fur the.freedum of the
ever inani „ ....afestintd»t its
• example his rev - -
4reii4 . 4eri,ltii;e:Atys of Peace, and for the
of humanity ; in
,;r Peacei soothing the ferocious spirit ofdis
- COO - his ottm eountrYmen, into
and union, • and giving to tha t
i- c country
i.:•,.:vciirOrfor4,nriv presentedto- d
:V AL Hhaii*iiiititikpittett.t. than that attribute
1 . 4446
,lyre',. of Orpheus.—
.. " 19 of his own for,
ImA ",:tea Bing, • - iii'-eariis"-4;roiith,- under the
tF,.:. •
to. wealth,
,obscurity` the path to
the. thunder - of its terrors, the
..• -
.;: •• d
vale-of,-years; ,--triversing:,. the
• deadt'd' win
der"theriae t e. nil the breeze, bOaring in his
liiiiid4e'liCliiiiii4•: . ieindepondenc,ej • Which:
' . .! . .'Aijiptd . oo:loq4:c foiM, , ,and . ,tendering,
most:lpddarclis off ilia olive-branch
* rc commerce;.
• -I F OO 0 ..,
tripitiiiiio, - ..iolcoial* .. ! poolty: merciless
n yoo _ le last
his adopted Commonwealth, after centrib-_
utit'ig by his councils, udder the Presideney
of Wasbipgton i , nod recording his name ;
under the sanction of devout praierloVek
ed by him to God ; to that Constituiion:
under the authority of Which we are • here
assembled, as the gePresentatives of the
North American People, to receive, in
their name and for them,' these venerable
relics of the wise, the valiant, and the good
founders of our gre'at• etinfederateleepnb. ,
lie—these sacred synibols of our golden
May they be -deposited among 'the ar;
ehieves of Aur Government and may eve=
ry American_who shall hereatier beluild
them ejaculate a mingled offering of praise'
to that Supreme Ruler of the Universe by
whose tender-mercies our
.Union has been
hitherto preserved tgrougli all the 16660 . ..
tudes and: revolutions of'ihis, turbulent.
world, and of .prayer for the continuance
of these blessings, Py•the dispensations of
h is Providence,. to.our__ : beloved country.
from nge•to age, 'till time shall'bepo more!
Mr.' AdarnsconCluded by tiffering the
follouing resolution, which was ; Inlopted,
unanimously • • •
" Resolved by the Senate . and House of
Representatives ,of the United -St3tes of
.thnerica in Congress as,icnible
the thanks of this . Congress be presented
county, Virginia, . for the present of the
Sword used by his illustrijus relative,.
GEORGE WASEINCITON, in the military ea-,
reer of his early youth in the seven year's
war and thrOughout the war of the Na
tional' Independence, and 'of • the Staff be
queathed by the . .patriot,- statesman,' and
sage, BE:Q..I=S' FRANKLIN, to the same
leader of the :winks of FreedOm in the
Revolutionary war, George Washington
that these precious relics are hereby ac
cepted. in olio name '.of the Nation ; that
they be deposited for 'safe keeping In the
Department of State of the United States,
and that e copy of these resolutions; sign-
ed by the President of the' Senate and the;
Speaker-of the: House of Representatives.,
be transmitted to the said Samuel 'l'. NV ash ,
ington." . • : '
0! better, farbetter, that the atheist and
the blasphemer, mid he, who since — thr
last. setting Sun, 'has dyed his hands in
parricide, of his soul in sae-rilege, should
challenge equal political power ‘t•ith the.
wisest & the best; better, that these * blind
sampsotts, in wantonness of their
gnntic strength, should tear down the pil
lars of the Republic, than that the. great,
lesson which - Ilearen - for six tholisand
years, has been teaching to the world,
should be hist aeon it ; the lesson that the
intellectual and moral nature of man is the
thing precious in the sight of God ; and
therefore, that until this maitre is cultivated
and enlightened,•and purified, neither opu
lence, nor power, nor learning, nor genius,
nor domestic sanctity, nor theimliness
God's altar, can ever be safe. Until the
intimirtaland•God-like capacities 61 every
being that rimes into the world :11'6 deem
ed of More ‘v . orth, are wite - fted more ten
derly than any other thing, 4dynasty 'of
men or form of Government can staiul:up
on the face 'trio earth; and the force of
the fraudi, which seek, to uphold them,
shall be but as "fetters of flax to bind the
Lee those, then, 'whose wealth is lost or
jeoparded by fraud or thisgoverifin_ent; let
those who qual'e" with apprehension fur
the fate of all fhey huhd dear; let thwe
who behold and lament , the deseration of
all that is holy; let rulers whose counsels
aro perplexed, whose plans are baffled,
whose laws defi . ed or evaded; let them all
know, that whatever ill they feel or fear
are but just retributions of a righ!eous
Heaven for •negleeted childhood.
Remember, then, the child whose voice
first lisps to-day, before that voice . shall
whisper sedition in secret, or thunder trea
son at the head of an armed 'band. no_
member the child whose baud to-day, first
lifts its tiny bauble, befiire that boil shall
scatter fire-brands, arrows and death, Re
member those sportive groups of youth, in
whose halcyon bosoms there' bleeps an
ocean, as yet scarcely ruffled by the pas
sions, w hiellau s mskal.,lliime.,i,t-;4§4, , dth tthe
telripests's strength:- Remember that what
ever station in life •you may 1111;these mor
tals, these immortals, :tire your care. be
vote, expend, consecrate yourself to the„
holy work of their . improement. Pour
out the light, and truth, as God pours sun.
shine and ruin. No longer seek knowl
edge as . the luXury of a fetv, but dispense
it amongst all as the bread of life. . Learn
only how .the.igtibrant may learn ; hoW the
innocent may be pre . served'; the vicious'
reelaiined.. Call down the aiitronotner
fro* the skiesi call up the geologist from
hisi subterranean explorations; summon,
'if needse, the mightiest intellect front the
Couneil Chamber of tite nation; enter
cloistered h;lls, where the socialist muses
slave and Synod, where subtle polemics
.00 vainly discuseing_their barren dogmas;
collect whatever of talent, or erudition; ne
eloquence, or authority, the broad-land can
supply_ and go forth, ANti itiI*THISTEO.
i'LE For in the name .of -the
it :Mist be prochiimed, that licentiousness
Shall,bethe liberty ;'and violence and ehi
caneif'Shall be the law; and: sUperititiOn•
and' eraft , shall be the religion ;,.and 'the'
self-destructive. indulgence' Or aIU sensual_
A nd *hallowed paseionsfshall.,bel'Atie,moy
.itakiiness of that people-.who t'egleet the
-l, ..,,--,;•,,,:,,-.,;.-iA;:
THE STEAM SAW MlLL, , ireated
iti the past year by the suliscriber;,aboutlialfa'
Mlle below I lat risl.iu g, on the cast bunk ofthe Sus
quehanna, lieut. the Railroad and',Calial, containing
two Vertical and Iwo thretilur Saws,it - now in °per
atioli, and ready ui execute ()Heil." the utmogi.
despatch,'.. 1' PRICES IN C NPORJUTIT
111111 THE'rd:WEIE3L — REIIUCTIOX -1 3 ,
7HE 71.41E5. • • - . ' •
Au assorlment.of the t-9rious kinds of Scantling,
I.'„lniik, Plastering itml Shingling Laths, Gar
den Pules, &c., will he always kept ready for deliv
ery; and persons sending Halls or Logs'to the Mill,
ettn have them au wed. as 111111.1eCt1;.01 the moat reu
sonahle terms. .
.*" 40,000 feet of seasoned clean' Stull are now itt
the yard. • _ . - , . •
.7=fatt!ara:riower,aud. room in the banling, to let.
W. • Glit.NpllAW.
jgnuary t 25,1843
--'rouses for • "
Ja. • Store roorri, 13ricleWare House and Lot of
Ground attached,eituate in North Hanover street,
Carlisle, note occupied by Messrs..l. lk C. Commit',
nl3O the Shop second docie South sheref,ie the
oc'cupinicy of Mr. Hama. Also' he Brick Dwell
ing House, Lotatid Stabling, in West High strptt;
now.i i.tenure oak. tr.vine.,Also new Brick
Dwening I louse and pint or Lot attached, on-Dick- ,
inSon alley; and the Frame House:old Lot of Ground
ocenpied by Mr. It. Moore, on West Louther street.
Possession giveli on the Ist of April next. For
toil's apply to „ JNO. B. PARKER.
December 119, 13 , 19. • tf-O
aPQ)idi Zia.allll`,-.)
7 7 7' Y vtr.ud of tile pawns nod authority
in the last mill nod testament of
1 now.ollin• IM• sale, the'
CarliBle'ttoxi -- Works
Situated on the Yellow Breeches Crock, 4
east of Carlisle l'a. The estate consists of a First ate
av r aza 2‘trya t uals2 0
with,Ten Thousand a .s
A new. - NIERCII ANT MBA, with four run of stone,
finished on the most approved plan. About 500 acres
of the hula are cleared and highly.cultivated, hat ins
thereon erected
lirre UL'aturi ES:ralas
nal necessary I , 1;;NA T ricr us E s.
propelled by the Yellow Itreedies Creek
and the S pri w neither fa il,tiorfreeze.
There nre' upon the premises all hrt.--ireeessory %cork
ams houses ' cool is
des,corpeutcr nal sinitii
amstablinglmilt materials.
The nee of the be'st quality and ineshatisuble, is
widiin 111110't of the Furnace There is nerlutps
no Trott Works in l'emischania which possesses nil
.periot• advantages aml ofters 'greater inducements to
the intestmem of (.7,npit.i. The safer power is so
Brent that it might bee-steal, to Lily other monn
tat:miring 'purpose. l'ersons disposed to . purchase
will or 000rsv i•x:intioe Llic pI ' ILI t •,_1 he tertr.s or
sale ti ill be mache ktmw. Iry
Excentrix , pl 3licli3el lige, tke'il.
Carlisle', Oct. 19,4.84'2. -
51YEEIS cok, Gil ; ta
gl7 Ayr. jest -opened their PALL ASSOI2.I.
.0_ m ENT of' •
• 1.31/17GS; PAL Nrrs, OILS.
• •Tokifirr with an epensive assorinv of of • _
.11"arc1:1,.. , Ticef ici eit3 Clad EP:). filner fj.
‘ r
Ft (;S,
I A 1-.'4NS, rizuv a,
- ANTS, — Al 9 'S, ke
All cif which ti.). will sell e (71' IT:al7 011
Oil , hitt I;Lt Rvmk.• . . ;-
C:1111:,112, DVC,VIIIIICI* [-I, I
~..:r - ~ `vim' ~='-JJ'..~_::~~
N(Y111F!:it supply (if \IA NTER
n•eviv, , n, and 1-cring iv7wor
c,eBh 111:111 er 111 lin,
•ht rodilectl ..Sly priech,:mul
. .
:01 .,•,.1,, t ,0, s will R ,:t it ‘ 1,•,. 1 4.•(11 11 tkelr . Itact . cht to
t.-.olliccure porch.isiok t 1,m11..4•.
7 , ovembvi• 83, 181'2. ' -tr.:di
Ever offered - rti the Public !,
• ••• ,11 •
A ilciii;;ll,'S PATENT LARD LAMP
Lard without any preparati
i• ink Lt' tille•i•riticc: The light is equal to the
•lie:t Term-oil, it. elitirt'l fr,l'fl . olll
~ 111,15 less 111:111 1110
, price. .1
Ile apparatus
roe besting the lard is tent ill siiitple, does wit de
tract from the appearaiire,•is tint liable to get wit ttl
sit may he applied at a 1111311 expense to
those kinds 110 W iu 112 V. COliradClit dent thiti 111 . 11 VIC
eequit•es only to be is'-uott:ii tic 4 . 41111 t. int() general ose,
I respectfully int ite tlw pulilic to rnll . tuticl we 'them
to operation. • S.' \I. HARRIS.
C:u lisle. o...tober 17, I S 13.• , • • ti'-5
First i:rviv:ii
.I"ear I.IIP
!'Z ?ii Vow!,
2•A 11 I'll `LF3 t 125 n
lIA VD: received u sideudid toss , riment of
which they lire determined to sell at the very lowest
rash prics.
Sept Cher QS, I 844,
• N
PALL &' wtivrett GOODS.
111111 F. subscriber is jtut recei, in:{ a fresll supply of
Goods, amon g 1,1,4.11.1111 y he found
tr. eviveas
Broad varietv or
mid oilier seasnaahle good 11' Men's wcat.
Aluu,ageneralissurtint•nt ii Alerchandize for the
Lailievon which he respr;ctlidly calls their nitelleon.
Call and see as norm as patsilde, u s the entire st ek
will be sold veru cheap jar cadi:
CEO. W. iirrxEit.
Cal lisle, Sept. 21,1842.
Boats and Sltoi\N
subscriber will sell u cheaper autl better
~,oarse 11001' than can be found in Curlisle.
ALSO—Lady's double soled. AI °race° and Kid
Shoes; liziskinsoisoperior tirtiele,togrther
with Boys' kipqlrogans,woniiins' low rived Shoes,
ohildrpo's, Bte: S. M.
- IJct. ig, 1849.. 11-51
A tARGE quantity of first rate Chees6,
L.ll. N. York Cheese, at minced prices. Wholesale
or itetail. Also a lot of SALT et the store of
WM. 111. MATEER.
• Novemltev 23, 18441.
UMBER ofevery description&SlllNbLES
it—al for sale ch . qop,
J. & P. MARTIN,:.. •
Succeisorti to Miller &Martins.
Itarrisburg. E April 20, 184:2; Gm 27
-1111oitsc,_ Painter Matter,
W,SPECTFpLLY informs the nubile' that
be.has commenced the •fIOUSE PAINT
a ll ih e i r various ,a btatiches,nd hopes ; by •tri,rlo`.4'o
tention to husiness and Moderate charges tO,merik
'and ree e ivo:.othare of public:. patrointre:iflitt
'shop is in fityVtiat, dirmif iri the roar , of-14tei
v011,10114 - 401p 4 6 Drug !tat: •
1842 .
71 ; ;(1-0- 1 .11 i,41 5 ,1 1Y1 4 1 , R „,0 S `A' A o7y B ,, A JI T a r
vA IN , just
• rim flt. of ot.ortr r s,
Groceries Spi ces_'and:
AND. IF lalltire.o
THE - subscriber has just received the
following articles iii the . Grotiery !Me; which
luiviii,g,boaght for cash,he is enabled to sell at the very
low prices at which they arc marked. •
Prime_Java•Coffee, -• 15 per lb.
Best Rio do' Strong Scented, ,
and atlowei' prices. •
Loaf Sugars—common and, fine at .11 & 111 "
Do Extra, or finest quality, l4 ""
Fine crushed Loaf Sugars.
Fine•l3rown Sugars at
Prime N. Y.-Cheese at
Ground Pepper, •
•Do Allspice,
G. A. Salt, at 2.59 Sack and 75 eta Bushel
Fine, do at 1.110 do
-Fresh Cortynts,
Bunch Raisins by the potintl,or Half and Quarter
Boxes, - •
, Oranges,
Nutmegs, I.
Salt Peter, .
• Cayenne Peppbr (in bulk or bottles.) • .
No broken or depreciated bank notes taken for
goods—reduced prices and good eurrencyl
,Foi , sale by J. W. EBY.
Carlisle, Dec.'21,1812. • • ,
S ,-
08:keA .
000 : a t$
s you value your Life,and Health,
beseech you read the folloliring:
ITT AS the pleasure. of annonnting , to the public,
- t that his valuable Medicines receive tire appro
bation of Ile
being composed qf ingredients which areltmism to
the profession, aurl which are daily given by the most
respectable pits siCiais'to their patients. This fact
alnue is sollicient to stamp their
-- It EP UT. - 171 ON - F 0 17 EVER; .
as w:ell as cause them to be employed by all with
• 01011 E CONP/DENCE
LlFin the preparations of quacks and imoostore.
have been,published frequently, in the papers, from
Physicians 111111 Clergy rues, .
Members of '
Congress and State Legislaturei;
'respe . etable pri‘ ate c,itizeos, and among them many,
.' of the most distinguished members Of churches
• . and other institutiobs,
in reference to D&. Leidy's Medicines, mid it is hop
ml,l'l.olsl the numerous certificates add recommenda
tions, havitigheen publivhed carotid 1111 r, that all that_
is now necessary is to kelp them before the public;-
Odd they may he reminded of them, where they may
obtained genuine, Fee. Este.
One of the most valuable i.s
': 11011,.. IA VATCEIrtE,gt ~
sarsal)ar:ll:2 11319641 Pills:
These celebrated .Pills are daily recommended io
Diseases or the Stomach Impurities of the Blood,
and Bowels, • generating diseases of.
lliThous Atnetions, ' - . the Stomach, Liver,
I laliitti.d. Costiveness, - . I leart,the Sideett,Kitl•
Indignation, Flatulency, net's, Bones, Ste. &c.
Want or Appetite, . Ulcerous Sores of the
SMII'IIeES 01 the Stomach, Nose; Throat & Body;
‘Vaterbrasli, Ilcatlburn,, Scalv,_:,Ertiptions nod
'Foul and Miens' ve breath, Blotches of the SkII
Kat taste in the mloth, ' Dee nod watery pimples
luward Pains. Pains of the .of the liu;e. and !Mil, ;
.Stomach, the Sidesould llentlache, (iiildiness, .
al 11r,7 t h.• Ilaek;- Seroftll,l,Eil sipelas; •
12hemnat c l'ainsjiont, I
Glandular :I:ftections.
' • - Al-St) IN . • -
. .
C.,ustrititi ' , nal dispas ~rpt•0:16..(1 by Mercury an' •
0:11er mineral prentiratioas, as well as tlie dangerous
elle, n,ti.•int.s I Ch1111111 . j11•0:11 tile IlliprOper treatment
of 1 ',hit i,, -
•• Ili., Lire of the Flesh is ill the n Illoodo" , '. '• ,
Leviticus, cit. XXII, v. 11. . 1
. I
Be ye iririll,d in ) our Blood,
And livaltb ‘l,lll attend you. •
'rho ..Teat.ll inei p!es aO% orated by Dr. I.eidy, and
in u• Ir.. i. 3...1,,,,,,!. ted by st•riptore, are ..
1.-.1. Th.d v:talii , is 0 ,- . stained in the Illon.l.
9d.T114. 111-cod, heool , l:llr:_,itinted or imottre;gives
rise 1 0 1 , 11 , 11 , w :is di•,eas, . Pr the organs (lithe bole,
tit, ..1. ,11.11.11:111 ::c.
ficl. That wit:delve Ilan slur effect of purifying the
Pion I t p usrs.l 0 OW power of ri.-estabhshitik health
nil action to the Lily.
deli. l'iirg dins and Starvation, or, in mire
words, pin:girt; to the eNtent that is too frequently
duae, mid at the same tinie enjoying low diet;ittid
abstinence from food almost entirely,stre productive
of n o tch ',tore mischief than is gene-ally smppmscd,
and in jwoof of it will °My remark, that
13y Purgation— r Theittimati sy‘tein is more °Hess
dehilitatedcfor the ery simple 11..115011 Ihi ill the
1/1.0Ce55 of imrgillg all is carried off from the stomach
from a Lich tiourtsbuic,a is derived and distributed
throw!,ltotit the svF:tent.
fI Starvation-Nourishment is absolutely , with
held front the system so necessary to it, both foe sus
action awl aiding nature, in bearing up
agaile , t that progress of disease. •
111.111..1•111.-velliql.1111ellet•S or ho ninth taw .zin g . 51111 .
a continued d of most bc to produce such a condition'
of the system as si ill eralile disease to intake noare
rapid pro!..ress, and extend itself the more ea . sily,and
a brief time throughout the system. •
ihniqing the foregoing, it becomes nezessat y to
inquire how is the Blood to he purified ? and in cm
ployfug the meatis;how is the system to be guarded
against any serinua coti3equenet_s ?
rfis easily answered—
' Por all your ills,
Leids's Blood Pills.'
Those l'ills' operate gently, though effectually;
they do not produce prostration of the systeimas most
hills do.
They require im restraint either. from occupation
or the regular Mode or thing. .No fear need he en
tertained of taking 10111 from their and may be
taken at all times, by t oung tool old, withont inter
fering with tiny other Medicine that may have been
taken beforehand.
TheVPills are prepared only, and sold wholesale
and retail, at
1 I Ittiporitim,' •
No. 111 '2ll St. lwlow Vine;
(Sian (Stile (ill ho, and Serpents,) Phila.
• J' I? r: C • 1 nor •
cry nholemle dealers.
cry' 131:-.)(1 Pills are nun sold ill all Orr
prine . ipal towns throu,tliont the Prdorirly•
by nuiq resit:ad:dile stoklsseepers throughout the
• •
country . .
For s•le. in C• rlisle. by
STEW ^" L T 17
A genin for Comlowland Comity.
-- I"..lirlisle,'Dec. '21,18W. -15.8
North AcrkprAca QiiAiliranncCCO.
3011-11 N N. MYERS, Agent; Carlisle.
Flt S company eohtinues to malin Insurances
against loss or ilarnagc by Fire, on tho must
reasonable terms. They also tako
PwriplotuAL stisKsi.
on stone or brick buildings at . 52.5 on 81000, the
premium 'subject to be drawn any time by the
party insuring) at a dedpetton of five per cent. on
the amount of; prentium paid. -- -
The usual rates for one year on
Stone and Brick Buildings, $4 to $5-un $lOOO
Log and Frame, a . $6 to $7 on $lOOO
Merchandize, about • 85 on $lOOO
Application in peraon or by letter will have int . -
mediate attention.
The Spilaw; Giarilef -, lnsuraOci Co.
M .
AKE INSURANC E ,) e ith e rir temporary of
against loss or'damugo by Fine,
on or Country, on florins, Barris and Build
ings of all kinds;
_on-Household Furniture, Mar
cliandize, Horses, pattlo; Agricultural, Commer
'cial and • Mtimfacturifig Stock, and A Utensils of:
every deseriptiou l tonrellas Ilithil'AClE9and Gummi,
RENT, upoivlbe unikt fastortgile terms.
The, followilig, ilia the um?l rates; vizi ,
av Stone arid lirriklibildings, from . ---- :.,"-.. `-,
_A' ::. ' '. '
"Log and frame - 4t 00 to TIY etin on 100
:!. • !i4orplilinlize and ftirni- ,. ; ~ - ~ .• .
it.i,ltrOitt,3l§,Aipplone .
4:, 110,1fterW,: , 40,0 50 ots."on:':100'. I
Voific)4o , ,; ';-,go tO/(rgt.'im .100. 1
.: . ."411 0 141* - 7` ';'F'
- :•ni. - . 'Uses. '.,,';‘::- '' '-''."'• •
.. , :ti`to • ~..o‘4, ~,'s,p'„•e':l . )%:. P o 4 4 , Oh !MO
:::::Aiiiigti i'liiik;triifiiiiiiii),:,—,?,-.:-,,,,,,:
8&10 "
• 10 "
10 "
16 "
' 14 "
SPECTFULIX tenders his serviOeS totho
citizens df Cat lisle rind its vicinity, that ho
attend to and perforth all dental %wallahs
such ns Cleaning, Phtging and Vxfractingna
tural Teeth, find insertiag mcorruptablo artificial
teeth from n single tooth to an entire set.
— (0-Onice'oppusite ArrarJane's Hotel.
July, 84. • Cf-36
lerS.,perrnenently located in Carlisle,and kill per-
Ail:form all operations-that are required in tie
practice of his profession—such as --
Extracting, Filing, Pitigging . , and
nisei.ling Artifirial Tectit,.
tl•nm a single tooth to an entire Oct:
Fixrafew months ensuing., Pr. Loomis
will, be in Carlisle, tee first two Weeks to viten
monilil—after whic j, he will be alownt until die
first two tocchs inench following - month—at - which
period lie intiy be found at Ids
Office, Piff sf 'Mar .11,i'lltruttc's Hotel.
Carlisle, May 4,1842. tf-27
Between ',Mechanicsburg and
Philadelphia or
MILLE subscriber grateful for past favors, begs
.iouvo to inform his, friends'una the public
generally, that he still continues to run aline of
burthen Cars regularly between Mechanicsburg
and Philadelphia or llaltithore, by which goods
and produce of all descriptions will be lbrwarcled
with care and despatch at the lowest rates of
Produce will he received at his Ware lionseziii
Mechanicsbing,. and forwarded to either Phila
delphia or llaltiinore, according to the direction
of the owner._
111 - I"Phe highent price will be given for Wheat
and !'lour.
N. D. Plaster of Paris and Salt always kept
on hand, and for sale ut the lowest prices
Sjla C 2 ci •
. . .
Ile has also nn hand, nt the Depot in Mechanics:.
burg, tol sale, PAU MISER, such as Boards,
S la i ngles, Scant lin gs, .'ice: of all kinds,
which will be sold on liberal terms.
. August 17, 181. tf-d9
• --- ,-,_______________ r
004ta _ • ,'''
rf , Y Ii r:' , l.._ xr,,vir Me Grove, LimO.burners,
,y j and Bituminous COAL, - -constantly for
ei alu by J. & I'. MARTIN,'
Suceessori to Miller & Martins
Harrisburg, April 20. 11:345', : . , fim .25
• -
'FIIIE proprietors of the SusqUehanna Line will
run their Cars and Boats as usual to Phil:
adelphia and Baltimore during-the present season.
Their friends will please apply to Win, L. Fox,
Broad at. and to Castner, Christian & Curran, No.
South Wharves; Philadelphia; and Joseph
Elder, Baltimore.
Until further notice, the following prices will
be adhered to between this place and the above
Me per 100 lbs
Groceries, Q Ware
and Hardware,
Dry Goods, Furni.
'turn and Drugs,.'
-Wheat, Ryo & Corn. .
per bushel .• r lO -41
Oats do , 6 7
Lumber per lil6o •
feet $2 75 ,
_63 50
• Shingles,: do 150 200 ;
Flour per bbl. • 314 ' .35 , 500
Shad do 376 50
Herring' do . 311
'Salt per sack, 22,.. , .32 •
Pitch, Tar and nositi- , •
•_ pet 100, 16
Plaster grosilon; 25' $2 50
Oenip,por 100, 16 • 22
Hides, ,
Pigikletal,groSiton 250 3 50.
Blooms kCastings, a 12i 400 •
Dar Iron,•, 3 30 4.50
Nails porkcg, 18 4 23,
LOnther per 100,', 20. 25 ' "
Whiskey per.bbl • 50,- -
Cdrh Stone, '.410.:!:*-4-,42.6
Something New ter l e HP/111"1.
..., - . .
, -_---- •, -; ;Li, \-1 i':;:i ..., '-..., - . .:_ - - - f . :_:: - 7.-
~- -_.
_-_ -_-_ r _
--,-: ----.
: : =--- F.
---"'" r '''•-•:,
'Superior. IV,ne, Beaver • Hats, $4,25.
BUT, little more than three months have elapsed
sibee the subscriber submitted for the inspec
tion of the Public his superior fine
Our Hats; at the low price 0f..04,25,
Equal in all respeets, to the mdst costly (and with
which he challenges a comparison,) and in - this shok
period of time, he ha's more than realized his most
sanguine, expectations. He would therefore 'lake,
this opportunity of making his grateful ackneweledg
ments to a discerning Public, and aiso,of expressing
'his gratitude to his former friends and patrons, who
have so generally called on him since his re-establish ; . business—as it is a proof that he has hereto
fore given satisfaction. -He will now use_every
don, not only to please the fancy, but to furnish the
Cheapest and best flat in the City.
• This he is enabled to do from hispraairal know
ledge, and .peculiarly ,. :ECONOMlCJiL .0.4811
SYSTEM OF BUSINESS, at less Jprice than
they can be Olibred by those_ who are mere buyeis
and sellers, and still adhere to the old credit sYstem,
with high rents and igtravagant_expenses. In proof
of hi—position, he has introduced for the inspectiOn
611.1. e public, a . .
Ou fine Russia body,st the unprecedented low price of
- THREE — DOLL - lIIS - C4'1711771 PENTS ! 1 !
Egoal in 'any ilespeet to those sold under the old sys
tem, at $t and V.;.
The above named price tgill beXtrictly adhered to,
and he trusts his tidends who order their hats sent
home, will not be offended sliCuld the bill be sent at
the .same time, or soon after, to their couating-houses
as no book:of charges is kept in this' estiddishment:
The subscriber is sorry to say, that efforts Mire
been made, and 'doubtless will continue to be made
by same, to injure his EconUrnical and , Fashionable
Establishment. Ile would therefore pailicularly in
vite the public, alter examining every where else, to.
call and see him.
• 0 - 3.1 has and Caps or every alescription made to
order,at short notice, wholesale and retail. •
- Practical - II AT - and - CAP - Manufbeturer, No. - 82,
Chesnut street, below Third, opposite Congress
P. S. The Ladies will here find a handsome as
sortment or Fiir /Ind remit - pm ble
prices. Old Furs alterarrand repaured in the best.
WANTED-4teecnom Musk Rat, Otter, Fisher,
nn Pother shippimrFars.
December 7,18 l t. , • 1141
.gurorneti Law,
OFFICE N 0.3 Beelem's Row, on thq_Pub
lic Square, Carlisle, Pa. -
April 6,18.0. • tf.23
Office opposite tile Carlisle Batik. -
July 27, 1842. • , Grn.39
ID Tat /I -
.Dr: C. Loomis, Dentist,
7v,ect. •
: aluesbo
[BY Rath 110.11) o.le
to ea
g'rtr •
o ` 3 411 . 1,
FD, p
'1 1 6 4.
15c 22 $1 per bbl,
20 23 40
25 28 44c
amum.g.awl:RattaAil , ,e3
. .
... , ,PRESENTS.II .0
worts; .&. ITALTIERSTItK biro
Jost received at their Drug, Book, Stationary
antl_Variety StOre, a large aaaortmeiit of
TOys, Toy:Books for Chvistinas
Presents. Annals, Solivenirs,
' and Port-folios, for .1843.
Together with a choice selection of 'entertaining
A...Will' READING, for long winter evenings.
311114)01 010015,1,
of every variety,
School Bibles and Testaments,
Smith's' Geography and Silas,
.4. Mitchell's do. '' •
Smith's Grammar,
...Kirkam's ditto,
.angel's Series, No, 1,2, 3,.4,.5, 4. 6,
Cobb'l,School Books, complete. -
Emersan, 'Byerly, Barham, lk Trek
seer's Spelleri ' •
Pike, kse,Smiley;-4- Kinerson's .6-
rithmetics, with Keys,'
Iviatltemalical Instrument
Letter, Cap, and Deed paper, ruled and plain. Note
Paper. Silver-Pencil; etelPointsi , Jacket:or Lead
Pcncils in_wood, or all tempers; .with a large as
sortment of BLANK BOOKS, ruled and unruled.
OThuperiar nish. Razors, Razor Stropi
• Shaving ushes, and finely sOented.
Shaving. oaps and assorted Per. •
Superior opaque and Itußsia Quills, Bristol Hoards,
• _Mee paper, Visiting efirtis,rolored -
Seuling Wax, - Plait, nod Motto Seals;
New 1111mie l
Stltioicat Knoticittornt4,
'Together with a general and well Selected assort
meat of Catzecical and Aliscellaneoui Irarka, "to
please the fancy 'and Improve the taste."
• •
TE subscriber hereby informs his
friends and thy public in general, that he still
continues to keep
le.‘•" PURLIC
I ;I; : 1 111;
ports to the min ary notn itlistatidins.,) at the OLD
STAND, in East High Strict, a lewiloors east 4,
the Court House, where he will . at all times tal.e.
pleasgre in administering to the comforts of those
1 ho ma, fuusor him witlithOr custom.
Ilia ISAR shall be coastanth• supplied m itb the
choicest liquora, and his TABLE with the bell. the
market can 'llirnish. 'A careful OSTLER t.ln•ars
kept in attendance—and nothing'sliall be left ht.d JllO
to pease all who call with hint.
130Alt1W.11.8'laketihr thC•ireek, month - or rear:
Carli=le; April 6, 181 , t'-23
Union Paper • Mill.
THE subscriberyaspectfully iufirins the pub.
lie ut Liege, that he has leased the• above as
tablisliment. six miles south olCurlisle;for a term
of years,a ml the MU, having been recently re
paired, awl new machinery introduced, he is
therefore prepared to manufacture to order, (atid
also has: a s apply constantly'on hand)
Paper ot every kind and Quality,
which he, v iII furnish to printars, merchants and
others, in L Ely quantities at the hovest city prices.
All orders (dressed to the subscriber, at i'aper
town, Cu...L.614ml county, sill receive prompt
attention. , •
Having I 'rely reeeived'a supply of the very beet
moteriabi, heflattershinvelf that he will be able
to manulatlure parr equal in qualify to any ether
eAablishmant'iu the cogntry.
le3lv 20.
B. The higheNt price yhtie tur.rag.s._
P X 111: sohseeiliors. la their FOUN 1)1: V A NI.)
NI AGII I N Si I 01', on 1I:4111 btrtfei, op.
1111.. Comity iti the ItorniilJ or Carlisle,
4:online 111 !wild the. folhiii log 'Mchines
anti [hese POWCI'S - -% IZ:
• era • Improved,
FL® '11= 5 4 . ,!.. `[ .. 96\NTI)S,D 9
Withn !twit-mutt bowl-whorl, Vkith a tt not. to con
duct tht• !amp ,
11.14_,V11, GEM{ 1101ZSE 1)(11VITF -
Th, of the lioriiefii The, lire
well calculated to lint to one side oldie barn bridge,
or tinder the bat)) shed.
New and Improved Shaker,
To separate the grain from the hit aw, which will
iltspen , e with one or two hand,, %sill be made tt, the
chute's aeltine if. waited.
TmAut=l - 82,g
Parelo . ;sing any of the above INlaeliiiies net . , have the
'irk liege. after a lair trial, of returning . be softie it
not satisfied. All Alaelditewand Horse l'ott era are
arratited for one year, if well aged. '
All kinds of-re . pairing will' be thine at tte snortes
notice snit on the most reasonable terms. They al
4in s hecp on hand all castings uccesvny 10 t
the abo% e Machines, or tiny oth.;rs fluty io one.
There is Ow, attached to the above establishmect
no IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY, at which all
kinds of
. c.AsTi NOS can 'be Itad;--huch us Apple
Mills, Corn Ilrakcra, Plaster Brakers, Mill Gear
ing, Saw Mill Cranks, Machine Gearing, NVltgon
Boxes, Sze. Su:. Also. '
Such as MillSpiailliCarßoxeiVTiumingbithes;
all in the-best order, in iron manilas.
O - All orders will be executed at the shortest tio •
tiee; and promptly attended to. Farmers and others
111 . 41 respectfully invited to give us a call, confident
that the; can be suited to their satisfaction.
. tf 7 4.1
andn`Plancies, Henwood's and Ogle's PLOUGHS
'LOUGHCASTINGS, such as Cutters Land--
sides, Sm. &e., can also be had at the fothideyt
This is the season when this destructive
complaint attacks youi interesting little children,
often robs you of those you fondly doat on, and
carries hundreds to the grave. Every mother'
shouldilierefore, know its symptoms, watch them
closely, and always ho prepared with a remedy
as many are dully sacri flood by.such neglect. ,At
first the little seized with a shivering, it
grows restless, has flushes of heat,the eyes become
red and swollen; it breathes with difliculty, and
then comes that fearful Conan that w ill surely ter.
Initiate in 'convulsions or death unless something is
immediately gil , cri-to check it. in this complaint
the "Balsattrof Wild Cherry" is , well . known to
be the most speedy ever dibovereil... It is indeed a
precious remedy—mild, safe:and innocent,' and
ae sure to give the sufferer immediate , relief, and .
quickly, restore' it to Stab? and: health. Fami
lies residing in the country indeetteVery , mo.
ther who loyekher,children, should sin ays keep
this Medicine in the house 'and give it to them
early, by doinglio'you may 'often Savo (lie life of
one you fondly love: . ~Remember th is i 4 the fareous
- remedy of this distinguiShett physician;
tar, which ..1104,;...eerbft: :thee/tends of -CROUP, -
TIONi ke„fillotevery other medicine has failed:l
. 0:TBe particelar. when :you.' purchase to.' tisk.
for "Dr.' Wtirrinls BALSAM , CIIE4TUY: ,
'as' there is a sznur .01' this ntimnAdvertised that is
entirely a differentaticdietne;- „.
Prepared only; by CheMiSts,
N0:33 SOutk Fetirth. street; -Philadelphia; ,
Affegions of the liv e r, .Isthma, Bronchitis, .Pains
or soeaknest of the .Breast or Lungs, Chronic,
Coughs, ,Pleunsy. 11xmorrage of the Lungs, and
affections of Me Pulmonary prgans.. . •
II compontiallalsamic preparation of the Pruntik
T r iqida!dis or ")Vild Cherry Bark,"combined wills
the ~...cfxact of....rar;pi•epared by anew chemical
process, approved and.recommended by the most
Alstingulshed physicians; and universally acknow
ledged thel ost valuablo-medieine.eVer, discovered.
In settin fOrtlythe virtues of this truly great me
dicine, we I no desire to deceive those who arc
laboring under affliction, nor do we wish to en!ogise
it more than it.justly deserves; . Yet when we look
eiound and see the tastWmount of suffering and dis
tress' occasioned by Many of the diseases in which
this 'medicine haft proVed no' highly successful, we
feel tlitit we cannot urge its claims. too strongly, or
say too much in its favor.
. _
Various remedies It is trim haVe been offered and
puffed into notice fon. the 'cure of diseases of the
Lungs, and some have no doulit been found Cry'
usefur„but of all that have yet-been discoverallA is
Mlinitted by physicians, and all who have witnessed
its effects,ihat none,has proved as successful as thiff:
Such, indeed, arc the ' • .
Of this Balsam, that even in the advanced stage of
CoNsummori,after all the most esteemed remedied
of physicians hare failed to effect ruv change, the
use of this medicine„ has been prOductive, of the •
most astonishing relief, and actuallilefficted 'cores
Acrid' hopes of rreovery had been despaired of.
In thoftpLstages_ofthedlsease;termed "Catari•-
iiiir - .6tsumplion,"originatiug from nellectcd Colds,
it has been used with undeviating success ; and hun
dreds acknowledge they owe the restoration (Stitch..
health to this invaluable medicine alone. In that
form of Consamption-solirevalent amongst - delicate-
yOung females, commonly termed debility, or
A complaint with - which thousands are lingering; it
has also proved high]" successful, and not only pus
genus the Tower of ehecking.the
_progress of this
alai niing complaint, but also strengthens'and
orates the sysiein more Officinal)) than any medi
cine we have evm possessed.
llcside's its surprising efficacy in Consumption, it
is equally efficacious in Liver Cornyilinte,aatino,
Brniebitii, and all affections of the Luilgs, and has
at ell Many of the most obstinate cases,alier every
a.,er remedy had failed. tr,t•For particqlars see
Dr. Wistar's Ta:c ise ow.Csinsumption j to .be had 67
the. Agehts. • .
Attending the use of this medicine in discuses of
Ihe Lungs; and the many singular cures it has ef
fecfeti,-liaving natilral/Y attracted the . attention of
111:111V physiciansi{-ss:Vell as the 4% hole fraternity' of
piac.:l%s.) %arittscoljectures nail aurmiu slrnearlscn
respecting its composition some yhysiciatis hav e
supposed it to contain lodine, puler IglioyBlll preten
ders say. it must contain ilbrriftwouid . to some such
substance they each attribute its singular tfliiiiry-, 7
As such opinions are altogether erroneous, and cal-,
eqlattidto prejudice many persons against it, we
That Room:this nothia; of the kiilil, or any thing
the least injeirimis; on the contrary, it is composed
of the most siiiiplesubstanacylw.principle of-which
ure - tbe • egthicts.of TAU and II Lin rry Bark,
and,the Whole Secret of its cllicacyttnisists in the
mode by which they are prepared.
..As we have already publi heti numerous certifi.
cafes from the highest authority, which pence it%
virtues beyond all doubt, we coli6ler:jt unnecessary
to exhibit a . lour list of thorn in %Ili!. Witee, and will
0111) ion a few cases, to show w lint it has %lone
A SUItPIItSING CUltF,=A•noi.g the, moil
siligullit• cures %loch this ioctlit hie bitti.elre'col,
them is perlistis mote iu übich it:, primers nye so
fully situu it as in the (-use of Airs. Austin.
This lady had been eminumptive Lou nes eral vows,
and durii g the greater parr of thin iett.il44l
Alit: hest niciliral attention, and iris 41 all the'ruost
valuable remedies, yet io.thint; could I e leuud to
arrest its progress. She became jr it to
Ill'ellSllll,3lll • ... . I. PIIII 1. - •:
step MIS feast disease ern:tit:m - 41 its coot se, 444 til
.411 hope of a rect.% ery 5t as entirely despaired of
\Visite in this 11 1 04,
the sees tcege of th , grilse, she commenced the tine
of this lialnalm, 111.1‘ is, h. use Lee omit exprennion,
upernted almost like a 41...1 111 ill at h fla . s s she
expectorated ti eel, „die C^tlglt Uat 144 alintill) isp
press. 41, and el cry day nplivarl 41 to :44141 froth vger
to her looks, Slid now. in the place of that eillaciati 41
form ti In (ken , , , lie in been toieglitig iu
selety,iii be tee calth hit Ai she lots enjo ed to
tho of 1)r. Wistrr's 111Ilsolnt of
V191(1 Cherr cuBt• of 311 s. A ostio.„l t
ArkIVIM feligt` the what st:rtl•nleot lo he trot:
Hod cort'ect. C. NV AVILES, 31. I).
Wooestown, %lA. 4. 1841.
nireall found lituttleetls of pawl 1.1111 tollocutus, it
11111 Y still be gratit jog to you to reeei‘e H eummut.i
eatiott from uoy otw that iota heel' relic%tul In it.
Such, Sir, is fro!) toy ease. I !not': been n lietiot
to that terrible disetthe f:otooteoption. f , .• 111111,y
man tbs,und f. !gen.!, ,so notch, haul I load be
come utmost weury of ins Ilettrirg Sour
lial‘altu so )14, , 1t1y praised, I began talking' it aft W
%1 ea back, Itl
. 111 Vl9l tissttre ,ou it liasyrlievtd the
luore than an, thing I hale ever used before, mid I
eolindently believe it will corvine elreetunlty. Please
give the hearer Ilie m omit of the eoelohell,ooll oLligu
Yaws Itespeetfolly, • ' .lona PE ARSON.
, .
Chester COunty, Sept. G, 1841..
Friend Wistar—lt gives me much ph asure to in
form thee that my wife's health has. improved very
notch since she has been usiin thy Ilaltalm of Wild
Clot•i•ri - , anal no think there is no doubt tut that it
will cure her. Slit has taken the two ho
es 1
imr l
chasot lt from thee a short time 'since, Si •h
is mu • loiter, the oho sling' eeltr r b e t r n t!
saes Cow has found nothine• to rite"' at eight,
.., .. 41er 60 much re
''''': -14.1 " . ""•- 9 .-' 9 V'''. ..—''. • tl • 1 • r•r two bottles
wei. . ~... ,eerie 10 . 1 t. a. us i..
mote for • Thy ' , ritual. • ~
Lancaster county,ly 18 , 1841
lleor Sir--Pfeesc 'send me two bottles of . your
genuine lialsalm. of Wild Cherry I have teen af
flicted with Consumption for the lest two years, end
suffered very much with a severe cough,-pains in
my_breast, difliaulty-of breathiug, night sweets, Sm.,
mid having tried numerous remedies, and also been
under several doctors, yet 1 vitiliThot find auv thing
to relieve me until I used some of your Italsnlm.
F ot one bottle from n neighbor amine wiso is using
it, and have found such wonderful relief from it that
I have no doubt it will cure me' erectile*. .
'cry respectfully yours, Ste..
_ 80.11ERT 11011111AIC
cry Read the following from Dr. Jacob Hoffman,
pliysician. of extensive practice in Huntin ' gdon
Dear Sir-.—T procured one bottle of Dr. Wistar's
Balsalm of Wild Cherry, from Thomas Reed, Page
ufthis place, end tried" it ni a case of Obstinati
Asthma on a child Of Paul Schwebie, in !Wellman
other remedies had been tried without any relief'
The Halsalm gave sudden relief, and in my opinion
the child is effectually cured by its use.
_Yours, leo. JACOB Horrmsar.,3l. D..
December '2 d, 1841.
Dear gr . ...;Tour - Illalsaltn of Wild Cherry has af
fected-some astonishing enres here. Cue of which
'is an oldlady, Mrs. Russell, who had been suffering
for a long time with ahortnos of breathing, and gen
eral weakness, until she: was finally obliged to keep .
bar bed: After Vlll . llotlB other remedies had been
resorted to iwvain, she commenced using your But
sithrvind after taking twobottles, was so tar reeorer..
aft to - be able to attend to sill the ditties of her.
holfse; and on taking , tWcrbottles more was entirely
cured. Respectfully; &c. , •
. .lourt•S..C. MARTIN.
. .
Poltaiilie ['a.
CAUTION.—As there. is a spuriouttinixture
called qyrup of Wild' Cherry, purchasers Should be
very particular to ask for Da..WISTAIPS BAL..
SAM, and observe his signature on the Bottle.'
Prepared for the proprietor, and sold, at...whole.
.sale by Williams & Co., Chmuists., No, 21
Sold in Carlisle
SAMUEL' E LtiOrr ;
. .
Shippeniburg by Ole:Rev. David Smith;"
risburg by John Wyeth', Jr; . 4aeasteril . J. Gish;
Chambersbnig by - Leivislieulg,,anitin almost every
town and village throughout the eenntry.
Price, $l . , op ' di bott le.'
Nthrepatier 25;1.842...
*Di VIOAN kW* ,
UST reoive6-810-BitiCk4o,tashiga .
re. 4