Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 01, 1843, Image 3

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e4azatatz e
Wednesday 117orn!ni, March
' • Jl4tempt
learn Oat a female, mulled P.lts. Do . caul
!ly,liriewiti this borotigh, attempted To commit. sui
tcille yeskrilay; Itwallowini a !like porticief
Arsenic, It . iNceyera a short time after the onimission of the act. mid ' medical aid resorted to to
the awful consequences. She was still seryir:
ing whioi our paper went to preg
The Alankritpt Law.
The bill repealing the Bankrupt:taw had:not re-
AteiVed the requiiite signature nf_the President, at.our
last accounts from Washington, and it was consider
ed Bite doubtful %Acting; it \mild. •
Temperance .Iklnlversal!
Yeiterday being the day agreed on by corninon
consent, sonic years sine; for eimultanoeus Tem.
wane° Meetings throughout the country, was
duly observed last evening in this borough, by a
meeting of the friends of temperance in the Meth.
odist Episcopal Church. Several addressee wore
,delbiered in , bchalf of the.good.eause. •
. .
01 - The Washington correspondent , of the 114-
timore Amerhian states.that on his entering the
'Ball of the Douse on Monday morning last, his
sittentiOn was directed tothe'desk of Mr. Adams,
tin which was a reel with a petition around it, half
a mile in length, signed by tifty.eno thousand
oight hundred and Sixty-three person's of South
Massachusetts; asking Congress to pans such laws
.and to propose such amendments to the Conisiitu.
Sion °Nile T.lnited States as may forever separate
the people of Massachusetts from all connection
with slavery. The venerable gentleman sat be:
hind this petition "as calm as a summer's morping."
The Temperance Cause.
'The Lanchstcr Union . says the Temperance
,cause has taken a fresh start in that city. A new
society has just been organized, at the head, of
which stands thablequent advocate of the hood
cause, THADDEUS'STEVEN3, E3q M 1056 address
_sea on Temperance have • won. the admiration of
a 11; and excited the ire of none; for :he denun:
eed no man for pursuing any Calling his ennsplence
permitted him. But few can withhold their names
and influence after listening to the eloquent plead
ings m favur of the cause by the President."
Au jinanblu .Paragra
Colonel (.7arter, of the Lycoming Gazette, has
commenced series of renews of the."Pennsylva-
Dia Press," giving the first in his last paper. ' His
good nature has given us-ailuite Conspicuous
niche in his Pantheon 'of Editorsond we trust to
lie excused for "o'erstepPing the inotletY of na•
Wry.," in re-publishing it. It is souiethitig to haVe
a "respectable sort tit' covseienec" acknowledged'
in one these degenerate tunes: In, u reviciv of
different periodiciAls, einumencine i witit brother
Chandler, who is first, pdr escellenci; the-Gazette
pays'. ' .
" Then there is the Carlisle Etpgsitnr. , talented,
emirttants awl Knoll natured. -1 s editor-(Dlr.
((catty) has a conscience, aud,tbat is :t word dot Sir
Venni:it Mae 63 caphatit considered "nikparliainew.
t or y "."-31 1 0 . 511. rertilill): Willi a man •of„tlie World,
and knew ailf 'about it. lie 'sat iii parliament fur
(hurt) years, and newt heard it used. Hitt for all
tl,O Dl r.lientty leis a coliseience, and whether it lie a
deinocriiic or a federal tine, it 13 a very respectable
sit of conscience and does Innit(r to the owner of it.
\Che+ he dies.t khiclt we'lrape 6e wthil flu Il s e man)
date in conic) we shall be glad—not lii
bin to know tlett lie bate ti x .sinitted
conscience to p is et sante way that poli
anis L.:install to posterity, in their speeches, the pro
ray of their own principles, and of their father's
111 iticioles, t
State Relief.
The Uniontown T.lemocrat Witt
the plan' for relieving the States and the people
fronytaxation by the issue .ef two hundred mil
fioni of GeVerndient stock, hearing 3 per cent.
interest, on•a pi6dge of the proceeds of the public
/and.ovas adopted in the Senate of Indiana, on,
the 241 of February, by' a vote of 27
s to 22. This
measure seems to he going it every where "with
a rush," and we believe, it will ultimately " run
g ! ver" all tout oppose it.
The Sennic wo chiefly engagpd in the further
consideration of the bill to reduce the expenses
of the Legislature, which was finally passed by
a vote of 24 to 7. The following is an abstract
of provisions of this bill as it-passed ;
ECT.OIkI I Provides that Sundays excepted, no
pay shall be allowed to , . members, for dais on
which the body to which they belong , does not
sit, nor for absent—time, unles_abeence occasion,
ed by sickness or necessary legislative; duties.
2. Reduces the pay of the Clerks.
. 1
3. Reduces ie pay of Sergeant-at-Arms and
DOot:vt 'per, an their Assistants.
4. Re -rulste the disbursement of the 'fund
'provided for -Ake contingent expenses of the re
spective Houses. -^,,— -- , -- . ..1—....„,„.,,,....,,... , . • .--,
5. Allows to each meml,ter 810 for stationary
for every regular session, and 65 for every extra
•6. Provides That the accounts of the Printers
.ehall be audited by the Auditer General:
7. Provides that when the Session'of the Leg
islature is protracted beyond„ 100 days, the mem
bets shall receive no pay after that • time.
8. Provides that no postage shall be allowed
except forietters_ and_ documents received, and
letters sent by members and clerks. •
In the Moves Mr. Elwell reported a bill provi
ding for the oak of S,Later7.4e s eks,lhe proceeds to
be appropriated to the payment of the Domestic
Creditors. The bill was „accompanied, with an
elaborate report . on the financial condition of the
Commonwealth, of which - 1500 copies were or
dered to be - printed.. %. •
Mr. ELWELL'aIso reported the bill from the
Senate making prosision for the payment of the
Interest on the Public Debt. The bill was imme.
tiately taken up, and when on second reading,
literal amendments were offered, bid the Pre.
:11..exi Question was culled and sustained, and the
LIZ passed by, a vote of 64 to
The entire morning Sessfon of the House was
'taken up with , a dlecusl•ion upon the amendment
made by senates to the Nicholson
,Court bill;
some , of which wore concurred in'and others not.
In the afternoon the bill to , rxtirl the charter of
the Farmers Ban'h of trucks county,_ came up on
third reading, and a motion was • made by Mr.'
Realtort that the House resolve itself into aeon"-
, f mittee of the whola for the purpose :of introdu.
oing a provision making the stockholders iodi;
- vidually liable, - to double the amount of capit4,
•• • stock q which Was'agreefl to. ,On motion of Mr;
Brooke, the House then d l Went into: committee of
whale:for the, - purpoSe of granting' asimilai
1. Savor to the stockholders.' of thei'.Farrners' Bank
,of noadint, whieltwaa• Chartered et the present
; 1 1/1 1. #1011. Mr. Lowly then niovedlo ,44tend this
~ : favor to - 411.banksand other corporations,' now
"sling or hereafter to - be . e re cte d .' By' this. lime
,• ..
the radicals. huger, to hik. and'a : debate "4prung
vbelt . at length the whole;
Oiled -1 6 r the.
- ' ,
for • thevalcof the:Columbia Railroad for the sum=
of $6,0Q0,000, payable hi certificates of State
stock. _-A resolution was also adopted instruct.
ing the committee on the Judiciary to inquire
into, the expediency of amending the candid"-
tine so as to make the sessions of the Legoila
ture bieunial•insmad of annual. The Secretary',
of the Commonwealth :.returned , the Appertiort
meilt bill With the objections of tho Governor.- -
The main reason. urged by the Executive' for this'
second act of tyranny, is, that in Ills opinlon,the
hill gives the Whigs tor: many districts !'
voo is any thing but amanly and dignified piper,
such an should emanate from the patriotic Ex
ecutive of, a great Cinmonwealth. • Every im
partial reader of the kill in question must 'admit
tliatat most it gives the Whigs but eight diet: lets,
certain; out of the' twenty-four, with 'a bare
chance of two or three more; and - yet the. Gov
ernor thinks this , too much to allow . the great
Whig party which in 1840, when the whole force
of both parties,'were taken into the field, had a
clear majority of the. whole 'votes of the Com-
inonwealth!--a party, too, which • will 'beat him
and all his allies in 1844, if not in 1843
• The character of the Message may •bb best
known by'reading it.' It is as follows :
To the Senate and Muse of ReAesetitatives if the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Gentlemen:—l regret that an imperative sense of
duty compels me to return the bill entitled "An Act
to provide far the election of representatives of the
People of this State in the Congress of the United
States," to the Ilouse'of Representatives in,which ih
originated, without my approbation. This regret Is
increased' by the consideration that I have already
interpoAed to arrest the passage of a bill for the sainp
purpose, and in many respects substantially the same
as the present. But, unpleasant: as it is ,I cannot
yield my assent to
the- Waage of this bilVbearing,
on its face such glaring objections.. 1. beg leave to.
can your attention to my messagttof the sth of Jan
nary last, returning the former bill, entitled "An.
Act to divide the State into districts for. the election
of Representatives in the Congress of the United
States," for the ground work of several strong ob
jections to the bill nom/ before me. These objec
tionable features not haviug been changed, they ope
rate as potently against the present, as they did a
gainst the firmer bill.
Arnongtheon I will briefly refer to the disparity
between the numbers in some bribe districts. The
18th, Icirhustance;:entbraces a population of 52,721,
while the 10th lota 89,td3. here is a difference- of
upwards of thirty-six thousand, being more than half
the proper ratio for a• member of Congress. Exact
equality of iuMbers is of course unattainable in the
respective districts; but a disparity so great as (lilt,
amounts- to a' . pnsitile - violation of the liandamental
principle of ; representative gore's, ment. Ifthe Fili
mple be recognized, That one district, With foss than
,thirds ofr.the piipulstion of smother, shall he en
titled to so equal represent:lolin, there is no limit to
this injilstice., Counties and whole districts may be,
in etfect, disfranchised, and n tyranny of the worst
kind r inider the - guise of law, established. • I cannot
assent to the recognition of so inonstrousa principle.
Another lebdiog objection, which-of itself would he
abundantly sufficient to iqduce me to withhold my
sanction from this bill, ie its obvious tendency to
transfer the political ascendency in the National
Councils to the mincirityin this State.- I say nothing
impugning the motives of those who origin - sited and
supported this bill; but no person' in the least de,
gree conversant a id; the political condition of Penn
sylvania, can - shut his eyes to the filet that thepoli
,tical party notoriously la the minority, would tinder
the provisions of this bill elect sti equal number of
memliers of Congress.with the :Minuted Majority, or
at least within one o r two of an equality. This is
wrong;—it is an Mffise of power, neither called for,
nor justified by any reasons that I can discover.
The Comtninimr of the
,United States does not, it
is true, recognise the existence of political parties;
but they areinlierem in the veil outure'of ourl; o
vermeil, awl will as cerlainly exist as tlic; Govern
ment itself. The provision v 11111.144.7. to the States
the designation of iliwriets for .the eleetion'uf mem
bers of the I louse'of Representatives of the Maim's!
Stlltes the prfwer or suitirm , the sirrangemeht of
districts to the contlitioo of wirtes, nod of course to
the hiter,,s:s nod ep:ivemienee of the Stntem.
_T have hero t•tiiht from my boyhhoil dirt the !gaie
ty nod stability or our gostr000•ot depended in n
great'ou•asore on the nsvouleory of the great prio
chiles itstrititt. rights: riir uhieli the democratic
pnu has stenArnstly contended since the po Weal
ev.totipo off snit
I believe those principles to be st the f ontlation
Pour fee , -
inf itustitntinns: .. mud that
.wh!...-ver •'e•.•
rmgrd.those histittifiiiiioieetniattgered. iieniild
feel Unwilling to coil:last the defence of those princi
ples to sorb eltampionsas would be probably stencil,
were this bill to tecome a law. five the 1100001 y
their lull repreientation—deprive them 'Tint of a sin
:;le vine, but let not the whole:ll4dr°' lii surrendered
urtn'iheirinfinliT. -- 1 runty Itosqhl e=tl 1 tut roimy=ef
the great -measures if policy which have been• the
peculiar boast of the tit tuner:ley a The cou n try, m ill
owe their triumph or defeat to the delegatino from
Penm•ylvatia. It
. tnny be possible, also; that the
clerttnn of a President of the United States will de
pend nut the same vote; and ih lien , of these proba
ble or innsible enntingeneics, do those who believe
that the te , lWcal principles
s of the democratic party
are essential to the public Food,diseltarge their duty
r.ithfully; t) allowing thew opponents to snrp'the' l
wh;cll lit justice belom; Only to thetas:dyes ?
I presume not to dieinte to others, butt I connot Ve
rnon from s:testking a n d judging f au. myself. I hove
battled tau long in the ranks of the demecracy to see
its standard struck down, without lifting my arm to
qtvert it 'Were Ito do so. I should feel that I had
betrayed the frost reposed in me by the democracy
of l'optsvlvania, nod tern unworthy of ita respect
an d em ,f,,h. ner . my political career is, drawing to
a close, and I will lint sully the open or covert
abandonment of the rights of my democratic fellow. 7
e tizens. DAVID R. 'POUTER.
After'it had been read, Mr. Pemtlrrim, (loco
foco) moved the printing of 1000 copies. To
show bow. despicable the Governor's conduct is
considered by metnbers of his own party, we sub.
'join the remarks of several Senators:
Mr. DARSIE was opposed to the printing.—
He thought if it was put in the Journal, it would
be sufficiently honoring it. lie considered it as
the most extraordinary document ever transmitted
to a legislative body. Thu Governor had return
rd thin> bill, accompanied by reasons which; for
the. first time within his • knowledge, were given
MO7iDAY, Feb. :20
diolunroving And important bill like the prey.
_at.' :,!f” - o heretofore If a bill
was to be vetoed, for en Eikutive to assign eau.
siitutional, or other equally imperative reasons
for so doing. But what was the spectacle pro.
gelded here? Has the Executive in chit case
done so ? Nn t Alr. Speaker; but in.tead of ta
king high andlonstitutional grounds for his op
position to it, he tells us that his regard for the
Democratic party will not allow him to sanction
it! He hoped that this high-handed attempt to
frustrate-the will of-the People, as expressed by
their representatives, would be treated with the
sec rn it merited, and that Senators would not be
seduced from their duty by Executive dictation.
Mr. PENNIMAN had a few words to say, and
considering the relation he the bill veto
ed, it was proper he should. He was not surpris
ed at receiving the message,—on'the contrary, he
lied e xpected it. The people could have an op.
port - unity of judging of the statesmanship of the
Executive, from the fact of liiiiisending such a
message. it wail a grovelling appeal to the worst
passions of the party—more worth , of being ea
dressed to low her-room politicians, than to high-,
minded Senators.. It was arr appeal to , party--
and to party. alone. The Governor complains
that the bill concedes too much to the minority.
Now, no person conversant witkpolitical events,
would agree with the Executive that the minority
had an equality of members, by this bill. It was
I untrue—and this attempt to impose upon the in
telligence of senators and the people, would net
succeed. [Mr. P. here reviewed the.bill at length,
showing that the Whigs wore allowed but 8 mem
' bars, Certain, while the Democrats were sure of
having 14, and stood an equal chance with their
opponents, of securing the: Jediainder.l The
Whigt„,(centinpett Mr. P.) have now 13 mut
ters orecingress t• 1838; they had 11. And ncier,
the - bill now vetoed, they . thad but 8.
considered that they were fairly entitled to at
least gmembets; and would willingly- submit,hlo
vote,grantingthern that:number, to the People.—
What particular trust had been .'reposed-- in --Ike
Executive? ,'They were :elan representatives of
the - People—and:their Itinuedifite. responsibility
was.greater than his. Do thought tho fiur
and honest—and had therefore given it his sup; :
port, Ile ,would be the last 'te debut the party,
or allowlt to be soldlnit .ho dared any Senator
to-rise artflglie the slightest reason, except, it, be
a political one, why, the :Democratic party were
entitled to all' , the districts in :'the State. The
idea Was . ridioulpUsnay, untrageou!i, . and he
should for one,oembet it to the-last,
Mr. CLIAMPNV , Y.S (lode Iha . o) said that 08 ha
had voted forhis kill;he*as , *Wing to'
the r t esponeibilityi: • There were, featurettiti,the bill.
he . did netlike, but nit theittbolaillames eatisflo4,
that..Tiallettat been
taktM:to *Or
*o4llol.olool4o l ol , Miltitt,t';'•rkiWthib# 4. '
• •-, • .. , VF • - 4171
- +:
TUESDAT, Feb. 21.
'honoi , in part to repteetnit on this eor. A ough
this majority in that bounty. difrered .in politics
from himself, yet hie Confide)* forbade blm
from 'taking . any undue advantage Of
HO:woutd never consent to barter , thei ,
r rights'
away, while he held the position he did . 'as 'their
representative. He would • never , consent to db..
franchise his constituenirt; - merely.on accottnt of
a difference of opinion on political. subjects. A
representative or the people ehould loot to higher
objects than party, and while he held a. seat in
that body, his constituents should find himpre.
I pared to defend their rights on all ,occasions,
'come from whatever quarter it may. Mr. C. de.
dared that he honestly and conscientiouely
ed tho Whig party in Pennsylvania to be Milled
to 10, or at least 9, members of Congresti; and
so.belleving, he should oppose any' bill.not grant
ing them their just, rights: He considered that
he would prove'recreant to the trust
.confided to
him by his constituents, were he to suffer this oc.
casion to pass by without defining his position'on.
the matter in question or without saying some.
thing in defence oethat bill which had this
morning in.
• returned with'the Executive veto.
He considered the reasons advanced for his course
by the Governor to be specious in their character,
and entitled to noforee;• from the fact that they
were merely appeals to the political passions of
Senators—appeals which, •he sincerely hoped,
would not be responded to' by Senators on this
Pending the motion to print, the hour of ad
•journpient arrived without the•debato being con
-WEnxEsDAT,YeIi 7 -2241. being the Anniversary of the "birth Of
WASIITOTON, both branches assecabled • in , ' the
Hail of Representatives to hear the reading of the
farewell Address of the departed Father of our
country, after which both Rouses adjourned.
In Senate, many petitions were presented, of
various kinds, Mr. Sullian read a bill to pun.
ish seduction and to afford a more adequate rem.
cdy for this civil injury. The resolution to print
the Veto message then came up and elicited fur:
ther discussion, which was ended by the passage
.of the resoletion so as to have 500 copies printed
instead of 1000. A resolution was passed fixing
the time-of the adjournment: of the 'Legislature
on the 28th of March; The resolutions suspend
ing the appropriations 'to Colleges, Academics
and Female Seminaries, which had before passed
committee of the whole, was then taken up and
discussed by - Messrs. Champnoys, McLanaliatil
fenniman and others . until the hour of adjourn.
ment. .
The Veto message of the Goverbor was laid
before the House; its consideration was postpon.
cd for the present. Several Congressional appor•
tionment bills were presented. The Nicholson
CeOrt bill from lileSsnate was, after various a.
mendinents, finally passed.
. ,
The . present Congress will expire on
the 4th of March neli.• The." Veto " dis
armed it, of nearly all its. power to carry
out those measures-which would have
placed the country on. a permanent basis
of prosperity. Letthose, therefore,
defeated the ,wishes..-of -the people, he.
answerahld for the consequences
wr i m bi
single shulibia of Montgomery
county, Ohio, have petitioned the Legisla
ture -to reduce the enormous fee's exacted
fur performing the mirrjage ceremony.
List number of the Vet.-
oni.Asyhim (Insane) Journal, .contains it. .
u d m
mberlan Co ay, ss. eel
me humorous remarks . an noses. The ii: a stated Orphan's Court, brain and holden nt l''
ad writer says,. "that the nose has been _f lk Carlisle, for Cumberlando. county. on T0 e ...4.y l Au
d„, 1 4,t, a.„. „r_i.....,..1,,,.,.... A., i t ,0. 1 I..filt, 11, I'k
idae^etrby 'VroVidertet;"uireetly - over • the' Hon. Sanvel Hepburn, 1-Tem:lnd - John muse( WM
. T. C. Miller., Asspciat eJudges,fie, the fullowiin.
mouth, to pass judgment Ali the food—a , i. had ...
moceet tngs wereoto wi t:
. .
sort of sanitary-sentinel—a kind of quer- in the case of the Rule on the heirs and rept-cum
' Olives of Margaret Qulr,ley, der'd, to appear at dn.. ;
online officer, to prevent the entrance into next stated Orphan's Court, and to accept or refuse
n , ~ to accept the residue - orthe Real Estate embraced in
rortTirallillings:irra - tareTtiiibafe," -or
lilt" ` -- :the in q uisition, viz: Nos. 1 and 3. the same being
ing." Yery true. . ' - . - returned by the Sheryl', un due proof of service
made. Now to wit.- 14th February 1843. The said
I leirs and representatives bein7, duly called to ac
cept or refuse to accept the repine of the said Real
Estate at the valuation,and no one appearing to make
any selection, on motion rule on the s me heirs and
representatives to appear at the law stated Orphan's
Court, to be'lleld on the :nth day of April neat, to
show cans... uhy the Said Real Estate snail not be:
sold. Notice to be served on,such tis are within the
Comity, agreeably to the Act of Assembly—and as
twothers. Notice to be published three, successive
weeks in one paper in Carlisle = to be (teemed legal
notice. . By the Court, '
'Cueiher/and collyty,st.
Court,l, it i i N . l a r m i .i l , s l o fi n :r C i l a c i I: i t: G o o f ,
u t n h t e v O mi r o p i l i i e ta i i . t e ' . !
~,.•:i l
' tr vij, by certify-, that the foregoing ' is a true
1 0 ... , , r. CO) . of Record. 'Witness my hand
ti. 7:"'",,i." and seal of slid Court, at Carlisle, 17th
' , 141 loci
, February, 1843.
R. MESON, Clerk.
id has sent a letter from Philadelphia to the
Statelleasur6r, paying live dollars tOtich;
the writer says, are due to the Common
•wealth for State taxes. Ife also says
that lie has loSt much by "relief" notes,
but then two wrongs never - 4We a right.
0:1 Friday evening. last at his, residence in this
horouc,h, Mt..lA\lES'llurnON,n soldier of the
Revolution of 1776, aged 87 years.
Thus has departed another of that little bawl, the
survivors of die glorious war of American Inde
pendence. This war-worn veteran enlisted in the
service of his country in 1775, nutl served through- .
out the tlutton briong,ed to the Pennsyl,
vania Line of the army, which he joined as a private,
but in which for faithful service he was soon elevated
to the post of Sergeant or the company he was con
liected with. lie remained iu the army through out
the whole eight year's term of the war, enduring
with a noble patriotism its many privations and ex
periencing its dilllcultiesaud trying struggles, and af
ter, survising its hazards to the end, had the proud
satisfaction of seeing the struggle terminate in: the
f'•nce or his country. Ile lived long to cn
^•retlom .he so litithtully as
9y tlie
sisted Co secure to us, and 111,‘,...m..
full of honors.
" flow sleep thobrave 'AO sink to rest,
With sll their couotry's wishes blest."
The funeral of the veteran soldier took place on
Sunday last with appropriate military honors, ilis
remains l were followed to the grave by Capt. Wash !
ingtou'a Company of if. S, Light Artillery, end a
battalion of Volunteers comprising the Wachingtoli
Artillery, the Carlisle Artillery, and -the . Carlisle
Infantry, tinder the command of Major McGarr-
NEy. Major Gen. ALEXANDER and Staff uocupicd
a place at the bead of the military. The body was
born to the grave by a detachment of Volunteers,
and the pall supported by Col. Noble, Maj. Armor
and others of the Staff of the 197th Regiment, P.
M. The procession as it moved slowly - and folemn,,
ly to the grave to thud mournful notes of tins' muffled
drum presented a very imposing and •imptesSive
spectacle. After reachingthe church ynrd,the milk
tart' were drawn up in line with arms presented, and
the Rev. Mr. Nonnts of the Episcopal church., fol
lowed by the.relatives'afid friends• of the deceased,
passed in front of the line to the grave, reading,the
solemn and touching burial service of that Church:
This having been completed, die coffin was deposit
ed in its narrow .house, the farewell shot'! fired
over the ginv'e, and the remains of the soldier cover
ett_UP from *Ay, to RWaitin the place; Appointed
for all the living" the sumnicnie,fe jediment. • Re.
quicscat . • •
liyothliiktOnions to . thO_ltescrte:
Tho Vliashington !Temperance Society of this
,borcaigh ,oh „MONDAY EVENING
NEXT,Alliurt.lloOse, when sov=
oral AddressetrOM be delivered. • The gallery
will be prepared and appropriated to the Ladies,
wk . ).wlth tbe public generally are earnestly )ri
vitediris&ld; W. 7...IIIILLEA,See.y.
YViurc 843.
Dr EC Ebaugh
Entaawavrt umastepeo‘
,o w .,i) respectfully in6rre ihia Merida tlutt
Inlian returned andt.Tyrtl! iompißiotno
elmi y n Cirlida. !fie•may twig:moulted O .W.Pr.# 4 ,
~, I ftl t'i t .!, ..' " ~.,- , I,L T , ~!. x ~,,i • :,`,t.
, K •
. l ......- -
A " • • ,• • .
120',Q1: 0 a 5 9UP '
BOUT two or three'weeki since, a small sized
MINATURE. Any person;„ having found the
zibove will be liberally reAvarded by leaving it at this.
office. 'The loser is very anxious to recover the
hove, as it is the likeness of anti only relic of a, de
ceased brother,'
.Warch 1,1843. 3t-18
rirto Load from • Charribersburg to 'Pittsburg..
•ji- 'The above •number of wagons may obtain
loading as above, if applicatio n le made mimed.
lately at the Rail Road D'po!. at Carlisle or
. March 1,4843. tf 1d
UPERIOR•New Crlanai (or Baking Malitases,)
0 and also Sugar Holm Molasses. Ifo: 1, best
9uulity'Salmon and Mackerel, Refined Table• Salt
beses.,A..iverpool G. Salt,in Sacks orottier
wise, alsnrie Salt. Hornany.and 'Dried Peaches;
Cider, Vinegar ; Glass, Queenswnre and Crockery-
Ware. For sale at lowest cost prices, at the store of
the subscriber, Where we will be pleased to wait on
all who may favor us with a call.
• W. EI:1Y.
Carlisle,Marelt 1;1843; • • '. , • • tf-I8
Good and . Cheap..
OMEOPATiIiC anti other best Cho
colates,Bal Soda and Salaratus, Cigars of
all qualities, Cavendish, Plug and Twist Tobacco,
Cedar Tubs and Buckets, Painted Buckets and Cool
ers, Mould Candles, Castile, Variegated and Brown
Soap, Market, Clothes and Bushel Baskets, gener
ally for sale of the best qualities, at , the Grocery
SfoTehf ' • • \J. W. EDT.
LIEN RY L. ELDER; No.493;4larket
street, above 15th, .Northoside; Philadelphia,
having reduced, his shoes of It 11WA tlre
lowest rates for CAsx,and in his thivelliseenent named
some of the articles,with the Prices annexed,he finds.
.that others in the same line of business, have offered
those particular. articles-fit the same prices ; saying
they sell asiow as'Eumn.. 3STow . the object of this
Card is to invite purchasers to ascertain the lowest
prices for which they can purchase every description
of Hardware elsewhere,and then %g Caine at ins store,
and they will be convinced thatofi . e is selling all his
goods at similar low prices,—and that he all_
what he professes to do—buying only for Cash, and.
Selling only fur Cash, which - enables him m o tto busi
ness at such rates as cannot IA to make his store the
depot for those who wish to . get the most for their
ffi •
Olie hns added to . his large stock of Hardware,
A complete assortment of
TaxrnsuiT Feb. 23t1
which he will sell at a scale of prices corresponding
with the reduced prices of'his Nails, Scythes and
Hardware-generally, at whole ale and retail.
111 NI/Y L. ELDER, -
Cheap Hardware Store, No. 493, Market st.-
March 1,1843. . tflB
ilwirrioN for the Benefit of the Bankrupt
jc Low, Iris been filed the 25tb.February18-L3, by
NICIIL LAS. ESLINGEfi, Farmer and .•
.131ackamith, ' • 'Cumberland co.
and'FRIDAY, the'f.ldth day of MARCH, 1843,
at 11' o'clock, A. AI, is iippoin:ted for• the
hearing thereof, before the said Court,. sitting in
Bankruptcy, at the District Court Room in tire
City of PhiladelPhia, when and where the Ca edi.:
tors of, the said Petitioner, Who havoprovedlheir
debts, and all other persons inintidest, may up.,
pear and show cause, if arty they have, why suCh
Petition should not be granted..
• - • FItAS. 110PKINSON
Clerk of the District Court.
Phil. Illtirch 1, 1843. • :Jt.l6
__A small lot of bandanna° Patent Polished - Sperm
CANDLES, at 37i cents•per Ih.
Pure Sperm Candles-• 4 ~se; and Gm, at 314 cents
per lb. Pore Winter Bleached Sperm Oil, at $1
per Gallon. Winter straided Elephant Ulm. 7.5 ets
pet gallon. Best:table Oil, just received and for
side at the Grocery Store of
• - J. W. EUt
. Carlisle, Ntareli 1, 1 . 1i.13. tf--18
A T n states; Orphan's Court, began and holden
AIL -at Carlisle, for Cmitherlanil comity, oil 'Furs
il‘iy the 14th of February, A D. 1843, before the
Ilon. Samuel Hepburn, Pres't. and John Stuart and
S. C. Miller, Esqs. Associate Jokes, Etc. assigned
&e.. the following proceedings were linti to wits Up
mi the Petition of James 11. Dem., Attorney of
Commodore Jesse I). Elliot. "Respectfully repre
senting," that the said Jesse • 1). Elliot, on the 13411
February, 184thentereil into recognizance with Crow
ford Foster, ti 2 secure the purchase money of a lot
of gravid
_purchased by him, part of the Real
Estate of Joseph Shrom, Sr. dec it-that all the said
recognizances have been paid ezcept the money coin- .
ing to John Wylie and Ilarlnfra his wife, One the
February, 1842, which with interest amounts to $15,-
• ' ' • h Joseph McCord, grand son of
1842,„ ;U'ht,,,,-hiwitlh‘
crest amattnecto $3,l 9. Petitioner' ali4,, but
ready and willing to pay said sums ' 9f moi t ., n
. ": v `
neither the gaiitJohn tN , lic or J'oseph McColl.' re
side within the Cotnity of Cumberlandonor have
either of them any known authorized agent therein
to receive the same and satisfy said recognizance.
He therefore Kill's the Court to permithim to pay
said money into Court, for the said recognizances,
Had to threat that satisfaction beeidered on the aime
d:od recogniZances,i or give such other relief in the
premises as the Justice and equity of the ease may
require. I
Now to wits 14th February, 1843,. Rule on the
within named John Wiley mid JoSeph , MCCord,
tice to he published three weeks in one paper to be
sufficient notiee. By the Court,
Cumberland County, ea.
1, It. Wilson, Clerk of the Orphan's
41 °4 ,, Court in and for said County, do here
itl. by certify; that the foregoing is a true
r4' copy of the Records of .said Court.—
,F Witness my hand and seal of said Court
at Carlisle, 820 February,lB43.
WILSON, Crk.:o. Ct.
per J. 1)Iolsapple, Clk; •
March .1,1849. 3t-18
• Al. Cga
Oil and Cmidles.
Mart 1, 1843
Ctianberland Comet
Application for Tavern License.
7o the lionorable,the Judges of the Court of quar"
ter Sessions of Cumberland county.
MlRElititin of ,William (Nark, res
. ...'peetfully representsi that he is Well provided
with l otise coma and - canseniences loy; - keeping a
tavern in Leesburg, in said county, and that's' tavern
in addition - to the pne now keptos necessary for, the
accommodation of strangers and trrivellerS. '
March 1; 1843
\Ve, the undersigned nttraena'or T.Aealiorg,ntui
dinitv,docertify, that we are. 'we I - aerittainted with
thirk t the aboi&nanied petitioner, that he
is well proyMeti with house ream and eonveniiinees,
fer.the apearolnodatian of atrallgers* and travellers,
that liels of good repute- fctrl.honeaty and temper*
some, and that Buell tavern , ,,i a necessary to aeaoratnn
date the publics anti entertaltiittrangers. ••,•.
'Henry B.•Reliu9k Sane!. Wherry,
Robt. S. MaGene . ' .Johnston Williateeila
Robert'AfePatte s ' ' • Jerome .Cheanut
• TharisaiSibbet.,., Trot*,
Chriatiojaher:l3oW- Eirle3r •
4Pbii . 7o4. ol f•var. -
„,.. „, .
?.I} ) 31 i,g4i 1 Orla d )
I,llE§totti4,o3.4'4*Nlbei ,
`4 , 440e, • ;',04,1;„'V , 13'; O. ck'Nric,`,llralEft.,l;
.71'euf Supply of, Groceries,. ,
E ikVelust received from the . City, a small
W Il
lot of
CITRON and LEMONS-4r nd of the best
qualities. AllO, a lot of superior' ild north River
CHRESI4 Si , nc,es ormll kinds, gran nd and nngvccund;
end in addition ageneral assortment of the best Java
and Rie.Coffees• - Teas-And, Brdwn Sugars, as also
white Havada aid LOafSligatT of common and. finest
qualities, and a at of the finest rushed Loaf Sugars.
a lot of finest quality of Swett, for sale at the low
est prices: TO OUP tracery Stare, West Main
street: , 4. W. E
Carlisle; March 1,1813. ' • tf-18
Application for 'rav 4 erii License.
To rite honorable the Jittlkee ofthe Court of General
. Quarter 'Sessions, of . ' the- Peace - 11 , Cnitilierland
'county, at April S'esenone"4: 184.5.
TIME Petition Of Willis Poulki• respect- .
fully represent a, that your petitioner IS provid:
ed with the necessary iewlialtes tor keeping a House
of Palk Entertainment, In the house at present oc
cupied by C.Aficfarlane, in the borough of Carlisle.
Your Petitioner, therefore, prays. your Honors to
grant him 'p license for the same the emitting year
commencing on the lot (lay of Aprif 184 p, and as in
duty bound he will ever pray Br.c.
March 1, 1843. 4t-18
. •
We; the undersigned, citizens .of the borough of
Carlisle, in the county °N.:timberland, do certify
that we are well acquainted with the abcive. gamed
Willis Fou •and that ha is of good repute for
honesty and temperance, and is well provided with
house room and conveniendes for the lodging and ac
commodation of strangers and travellers, and do•
therefore recommend' him to 'your Honors as well
deserving of:a !Accuse; and further say, that a tav-,
ern at the stand is an accommodation to the public.
J. Rehrnr, • M. McClelland,
M. ltoldomh, , . . R. Wilson,'
Hebert Snodgrass, , Geo. Sanderson,
J. W. Eby,`, R. La raberton, -
• Wm. Weakley,
• Wrii. - MOPlierien; —. John Main. •
Application for• Tavern License.. •
To the Honorable the JUdgeo.Of the Court of Gener
al Quarter SCBBIOIIB of the, Peace of Cumberland
County, at 47.1115'm - ions, ✓l. D. 1843.
7111 E .Petition of Henry I . ...Burkholder
respectfully represents; that your • petitionerls
pcovided with the necessary requisites for keeping a
house of Public Entertainment in the house at pres
ent occupied by M. McClellan in the borough of Car
lisle. Your petitioner therefore, prays'your Honors
to grant him a License forthe same the ensuing yvny
commencing on the lit day April 1848, and as in
duty bound hewill ever pray, &c.
March 1, 1843
. . . ~.
We., the undersigned, citiztats of the borotyr of
Carlisle, in the county 'of- Cumberland, do certify
that we are well acquainted with the above named
Ilenry'L. Burkholder, and that he is of good report
for honesty and temperance r and is well provided
with house room and conveniences for the lodging
, and arconmiodation of Strangers and Travellers, and
do therefore recommend him to your llonorsas wall
deserving of a f_jicense; add killer say, that a 'tavern
at the - stand is an accommodation to the public:.
J. Ifolsapple, .. . P. P. lige, .
John Main, . J
H amei . 'oble,
John Commit), - ;,.-. Jno. a -011?„
.161 m M00re,,,. , -- , -Leml- Todd, -----
IL _Wilson, . ".f. Rehear, .
John Hatfield,' / Geo. Mcreely,
S. Dunlap Mail.. ,
. •
Application for Tavern, License.
To the fronorable the indges of the Court of Genera ,
Quarter Sessions for the county of.Cumbertand,
at Secsions,.. , l. D. 1843. . .
?Tint Petition :of John. Sottrtteek,* re
spectfully represents, that your t ietitioner is
provided with the necessary requisjtes for keeping a
house of Public Entertainment ni the house
he now occupies as a public house, in the borough of
New Cumberlanii, your 'petitioner therefore prays
your Juniors to grant him a License for the same the
ensuing year, comincocing on the Ist day of April
A. D. 1843.
March 1,1843. .Bt-18
Wt:, the untlertdmied; citizens of The b0t.4„;1..0f
New Cumbet;faiiii, in the 'county of .Cuinlierlant , do
certify [led we are yell. acquainted with the Above
Med:John Sourlidnk, and that he is argood repute
P honesty and temperance, and is well provided with
inse room and other conveniences for the lodging
ul accommodation of strangers and traveller s , and
I therefore recommend him to your honors as well
at the stand is an itietiMilloilittion td
George Crist, - . Jim. G. Millet',
Thomas Coleman, ltmlnlph Martin,
William Coleman, 'H. It. Church,'
John Seibert, - Philip Shreiner,
Wi Zimmerman, - 11. Ilrenenum,
Ilietem tantt, ,Charles.W. Maui,
. .
Application for Tavern License. '.
Tb the Honorable the Judges of the court of Oen:
era IZiarter Sessions of Cumberland county.
NOT ICE is hereby given, that I intend to np
plitatie next term of the Court of Quarter
Sessions of Cumberland county, for license to
keep a public house, in the house which I at
present occupy, in the borough of Carliple.
We, the undersigned citizens of Carlisle, do
certify that we are well acquainted with Andrew
Roberts, the above named applicant, and that he
is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and
is well provided with house room and convenien
cies for the lodging and accommodation of stran
gers and travellers, and do recommend him to
your Honors as well deser eto of a license, and
further say . that a tavern at the land for which
he applies•is-att accommodation t the public.
John M. Gregg, John I loads, '
Lewis' obinson, . Armstrong Noble,
' :Henry Rhoads,l Robert Noble, • ,
J. S. Faust, . . k John 11..Parkee,
• • John D. Gorges, JameS Postlethwaite,
Willidm Wert,l
William Rhoads.
J.N. Armstrong,
Application for Tavern License.
n the lionorablethe Judges of the Court of General
Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of
Cumberland, at ,9firil Sessions, .4. D. 1843.
/01-1 E Petition of Frances Engle of the'
borough of Sliippensburg, respectfully repre
sents, drat your petitioner has rented that well
known tavern stand situate in said borougli now kept
as an in or tavern by John tieback, that die is well
provided with tuarse room and other conveniences
for the lodging and accommodation of strangers and
four petitioner thefefure prays your
""-• bey a license tot . the same the elm,
. 0 " 0 " to ..incing oil the Ist '
ng yese, comm.. —u April 1833,
ad as in duty bound Boa will - frer pray, &c.
Aftirch 1,1&13',
. .
WE, the subscribers, citizens of the borough of
Shippenshorg, in which the above mentioned
,inp 01'
tavern, prayed to be licensed', is proposed to he kept,
do certify t hat Frances Fink the ahoy , : named ap
plicant, is of good repute for honesty and ti_mper
once and is well provided with house room and other
conveniences for the lodgi(lg and accommodation of
strangers multravellers, ant) that such an inn or tav
ern is necessary 'to accommodate the public mid en,
tertain strangers And travellers.
Wm. Peal, David Mahon,
Christian Zack, Samuel Wilson,
Ceo. Hamill, ' ' Ithht. Coehran,
Geo. McGinfics, '. .. Stephen Culbertson,
, Datiiel.Duke, ' . Jacob Heck,
D. Neviii; liobert C. Hays, .
.1. Veal. • .
Application for. Tavern License.
To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Geri.
trot Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Comber'
land county, at April Sessions, A. D. 1843.
T_HE Petition of .Christinn Zuck,' of the
, brircmgl!.orSitimienaburg, respectfully repre=
aenta, - that lie is,well proiided liith'lionce room and
etherciorivealanteaTor the lodging and accommoda
tion orstrangera andtrai . ellera sit ,the house he Mae
fur a number 'Of'years occiftdedae - or tavern in
said • borough,: he . .tficrefort prays the honorable
tourtja grant lam trlioense for dm same, and he will
evCr UrlkY, 41 0 .. , • •
March. 1, 1843. St-18
, .
Wz; thn 'tinbscribers, citizens of the boroilei of
Shippensbin;in'which the above Mentioned inn or
tavern prayed to be licensed' is proposed to be kept
dotiertify that the above named applicant is of ititotk
repute for honesty 'and tempeinnee, and is well pre
rided.:niith house room and conveniences for the
lodging:land accommOdation of ,atiappre and trav
ellers, and that such' an inn or tavern is necessary to
accommodate the publie and 'entertain!stringort gnd
•' - 'Wta.r/V,‘— ,i', :,:.','S WA% .;:"--. :-:,: ,„-..,'
'• Gtk,,,''''t!.: Al Yin , '':: l .,•;' , '" , ..f:
.! . ..: , :.Geg: , l 4 lteint : •:'V , Vo ll, ,, Vill'• : ' .'
• r
egi ylf.Ali•','.l,-,,,,.:.=:-.-Atftutilbetteciii. : - .; .-
,' ,.. .:4 ,- ,D u kiii;')r. ,. : :.1.1=44 - ecititak 7 ;•:4':. , '-• ~'.
~..,!,_;:,:;:,,,,,; :, 1 :„. ,„, 4t4- , 0-,. , ;—.., ,, ,c14,,,..., -,•;::::::..'...,.::.-..,,,,,,.,
Application for Tavern License.
To the Honarable the Judges of the. Court of
Quarter Seseionit for the county of Cumberland,
at April . Sentione A. D. 1843. • ,
Hr, Petitionof fluid Bruhecher respectfully
represents, that lie has rerited the Tavern'stand
formerly 4n the acctipancrof John Moltz; deceased,
In Allen township; and prays the Court to . grant bird
a license for keeping-an Inn nr.public house of enter
tainment Mike same.
February 22,.1843. • St-17
Theuntlersigned citizens of Allen tdwnsbi p, Cum
berland county,respeCtfully certify., that theapplicant
above named for tavern licenie,-is a•person-of-good
repute for honesty and temPermice, and is well twit.-
vided with house-room and other Conveniences for
the acconimodation of strangers and travellers, and
further that the said Inn or tavern is necessary to
accommodate the public and 'entertain strangerti br
travellers: - • •
Wm. 11„`Gorgal„, ° Jacob Merkel;
Frederick Sheely, SamiletStielley,
Frederick Long, Jacob Shelley, '
Jacob„Long, - Samuel M. Hillier,
- .I oliii`Sheely, . John Clippinger,
L. Teazel,
Application for Tavern License
. . ,
To the' Honorable the ,Judgeo of the Court of
General Quartqr. feosions of the Peace of Cum
berland County, at April Sessions, A. D. 1843.
respectfully represents, that your Petition
er is provided with the necessary tequisites for
keeping' a.House, of Public. Entertainment,. in the
House at present occupied by Mr, Brown' in AI,
len.township. Your Petitioner, • therefore; prays
your Honors to' grant hUn a License for the
same; Ehe ensuing year commencing on filo Ist of
April, and as in duty houtid'he will ever pray, die.
February 'l5, 1843. ' ..-----tu.l6
We, the.undersigned, citizens . of Allen town
ship, in the County of Cumberland, :do...certify
tha we are well acquainted with the aboVe named
Michael Longsdorf, and that lie is of good report
for honesty and temperance, and is well provided
with house room add conveniences fur the lodg
ing and accornmodation of Strangers and Travel.
hers, and Lo therefore recommend him to your
Honors as well deserving of a' License; and
further. say, that a Tavern at the stand is an no- .
commodation to the public.
Jacob Comfort John Graff s -
David Bomberger _ George Hess
• William Brown Joseph -How
• Jacob Wise Isaac How
Stimuel , Black J. K. Langneeker
•. Cary W. Aid Christian Mohler
' Application for Taverit License
16 the Honorable the Judges ofta e.Cotirt of -Giu
eral Quarter Sessions of the Mace ,of Cumber.
• hind county, at April Sessions, A. D. .8.13, ‘
JOTICE. is hereby given that I intend to op.
• ply at the next term of the Court of Quer.
ter .Sessions of Cumberland county for License
to keep a Tavern or public house in •the borough
of Ncwville. '
. .
', Fcbruary•ls,4B43, !.
.. • 30-16
We, the undersigned, citizens or the bar - ough
...INewville, do certify that we are wellacquaint
cd With the above uumed James Kennedy, and
that he is of ginur rep . mt for honesty'and tempe.
ranee, and well Firovided_withitouse 'tom and
conveniences for the lodging and accommodation
of Strangers. and Travellers, and that a Tavern
at that stand is tucessary. to accommodate the
JaMee Hover Thmi., A. McKinney'
Siimuel Ahl William Barr
-George Klink - George Lightner
Michael Hallman Jacob Kinsloo'
George ,Bricker —Ames Herron
John Casey J, MeDarmay - .
J. Swayer ,
Application for Tavern License
To the I fonoraole the Jude-es of the Court of bener
. al Quarter Sessions, oldie Petite of Cumberland
county, at april Sessions, . 1843. - • •
The Petition of John Ilunislierder; respectfully.
represents;lhat your Petitioner is provided with the
necessary requisites,Abr keeping a House of Public
Entertainment, in the house now occupied by Joseph
Ingram, in Allen township; your petitiohee there
fore prays your honors to grant him 11 license for
;MY' of A OH; •• • --
Altai tp.,Frbruary 8,1845. tc-
We the undersigned citizens of Allen tnwns'.ip,
in the county. of Cumberland, tin certify that Weave
welt-acepetinted - with
berger, and that he is of good report for honesty and
Temperance, and ikwell provided with house room,
and eotiviencies for lodging and accommodation of
Strangers anti Travellers, and so therefore, recom
mend him to your honours, no well dekerving of a
license, and further say that, a Tavern at this Mattel
em accommodation to the Public. •
John Bent David Elnrly
Daniel Uhrielt lames M. Clime
Cockliit George Ameelt
Deterich Coeklin Joseph Ingram
David Sheffer George Yost
Daniel S. Ihin.acher Nicholas Ulrich.
Country Merchunts, Builders S.l:others,
Le offr .1T THIS I
• .
HENRI L. ELDER, 493 Market st.
Philadelphia, Importer• and Dealer in Foreign
and Doadystie Hardware, takes this method of in
forming his friends and ,customers Cumberland
'county, that he 11119 received a large and Splendid as
sortment of , '
. . .
direct from England, together with n general covet-
M eat of D o.lf BST IC HA 11 I) MIR E, direct from
the ronnufacturersi al).of which, has been selected by
himself and agents with great care, eipressly kir his
own saled. HaVing parehased his present stock all
for caSh, and, at greatly reduced "prices, it Will en
able him to sell v• Prices tower than any other store
in Fhiladel
Kreall ann A •mtmine the Bargains yourselves,
P. S. CumbFidand Nails at $3 44 a Keg ! !
Atwater Nails at $3 p a Keg !
February 1,1843
subsoriber Ins just opened- a lot of Nem
Ci mi l,,,,n t astion- of SHJ'EIIFINF , CLOTHS
Black, Blue and Fancy colored Cassimet. l „
nets, Mt colors and price's, Merinnes „Arouse de •
Woes, Gloves, lloseiry, 5-4 Brownhenslins, for a
lerv, 4-1 bleached do for a lip, flannels frim '2O kr-,
25-cents, with a vayiety'of other goods, all of which
will be sold at very low Prices to suit the times.
mr. MAIMS.
Car isle, October 19,1842. • tf-51
Oremlon Darling Scythes.'
fi k NE HUNDRED Dozen genuine Newton Dar
-11, ling Scythes assorted, every nne warranted,will
be sold cheaper than they van be bought at any other
store in Philadelphia. Alan a large and general as
sortment of Hay and Manure Forks, Rakes;Shovels;
Hues; 'reeks, Brads,•& e.e.St very low a t . •
Cheap Warehouse store, 494 111:acel„St. Phila.
F....lAary 1, /843.
OF RYE, f'
pay the mar tet.price in
2060 „ . 111 5 "Er .-
Carlisle, Deeembey 28,184 c% • '
OLD ..P.E•117,
• .- - . •
--A- 7 -liiiiiifktiiieltiflik 7 eee 6 ente itrith the
- 4 31 L. Subscriber, ivill please eall iturnatilately • , •
settle them, up to this date, as the pressure o
times require prompt payments.
' And oblige yours , & o. ;:- A,. RICHARDS... •
Carlisle •Itin•4;tB43. • '
Iliailil Nails!! 6 . 111.2110111 -7 .
Will be, soldin lots to suit purehasersokt the
istraordinevy low. wiee of $5 44 a Keg. ,Also 1500
Kegs, of Atwater Null M
Nails, at AO a Keg; atw . . - i . :,, -,;
HENRY L. ELDEffe'S-.. -
, .
:,.Cheap Nail Warehouse, 399 IklatcatiVrhili."
February 1,184.1; ~•,-il4
•.; 0111
PRP tinbisotiber
,$llElklFl 44l $ SAL
BY iirtne of ,severa • writs of Ven Es-
pats, difecift, issuedout oftbe Court
orComroon Pleas of Cuiplosrland'. county, Will blie
exposed to publics ,'eale, the ; Court. Douse; in ,
the borough .of Cailible, on .0 teid ay. the2sth. day t
of:literal), A. D.. i. 843, the' Miming described
real estate, to wit:— ' •
A Tract of Land:situhteiClgegtott4own
ship, Containing 86 aere,s,.triore ° Or.lass;binktidelf
by lands of fames Kilgoie,2•Villiarn-Smith,- Joe. .t•
Waggoner and: others,.sifubto at the:,,hea4pf thelf;
Green Spring, having thereon ereetml a tsodiataii:
Stone House, Frame aarn, and two uteri Bfteit4:-
Woolen Factory, also "a . small, tenant, house.-nc.
Inc iirep-OftY-Ufz."
Seized end-Aitken ezecutio-ii-i4
Ezekiel MeGlaughlin.: l• '` 5" ",
Atio—.A • Lot of Ground situate in the ,- -•
borough of. ShiPpenshurg, ,containing. fifty.nine:;-
feet in breadth, and tote hundred - OW *lf feet,
in 'length, adjoining the Rail Road on the , Wer4,
Dedwibe on the North, an alley on the East„,
and Anthony _Wolf on the South, having thereon' .
created a two story Frame ,House'and
Selied and taken in execution es the Property or -
John - SPeese.' ,
• Also—All the interest of Geurg,e Trim
ble, being the one-fifth Part in a ttact of
situr i te in the tewnehip of Silver Spring, contain.:,,
hie 116 acres, more or less, hounded .by the'North
'Mountain on the North,Garman - On7the
East, Adam Kunkle 'on the... South, .and .John,-,
Fought on the -West, about eighty news cleared.,
having thereon erected a Log
,House and an old •
Log Burn,...Seized.and taken in execution as the ,
property of George Trimble.
Also—The undiVided hall-part - o f o tract •
of land, situate : in Hollowell' lownship,..cmitaining .
two hundred acres;more or ie,SR, bounded - by hands • ,
of,facOb Stouffer on the North; lames Heinphill, on •
the East, the Cunotioguinet Creek on the South, and .'
the Franklin county line on the 'West, having there- • '
on ere:della Two Story DOM& I.og [louse and Log -
Barn, and a Log Tetianaiottse. • ..
Also—A Tract of Land, situate in Hope
well township, cont.anlng ta enty-two acres and •
twenty-two perches, adjoining lands of the heirs of '
Joliii'lle - ittlersott, deceased, Peter Lealter and others,
on which is erected a• Log Dwelling House and
,a •
Stable.—Seized and taken in execution ;lithe prop
erty of jart/C9. lieMlerson.; , . .
Also—A .Lot of GrOund, situate, in the
borough of Carlisle, bounded on the East by the
Baltimore Turnpike, on the South by an Alley, on
the North by a lot of John Melt a n d others,cruttairt-,
ing.abont one acre, more or less,- 7 Seized and taken
in execution as the property of John Harper. • -
Also—A tot of, Grfound., situate in the
borough of Mechanicsburg, containing 30 feet in.
breadth i and 150 feet in depth, more or less, ad.
joining a lot of Snmtiel Qrowel on the East, Main
street on :the North,an Alley on the West, and an
alley on the Southnvinythereen erected a• two
story BRICK HOUSE; and brick Kitnhen, and .
frame shop. ; •
Also-,-A Lot of Ground, situatein said._ •
borough, contdiniog 30 red in breadth and 150 •
feet in depth, more or,, less, adjoining a lot of '
Samuel Crowd on the East; Locust street on the-
South, an alley on the North, and an'alley snipe . • ,
West,,having thereon ,erected a large Frame Shop
and log stable. - Seized-and taken in, execution as •
,the property of Jesse Bowmen.'
. And to be sold by me
• • PoLliL 111112 TIN, Sheriff. • .
Sheriff's office, Carlislc,:t is , l6 .
• 13th Feb. 1843. - (
Estate Of Michael . Ruby, deceased
• -
■ 4
of Michal Rudy, late of East penneboreugh
towliship, deceased, have been granted to the sub.,
scriber, residing in same.township. All persons
having claims against said estate aro requested to.
present them duly- authenticate& for settlement,
and 'those indebt will make 'payment to
February 22,1843. 6t-17
Estate of
.JOHN IL - G ASS,. deceeeed.
ilrO TICE.. hereby'given that Letters of Ad '
IN Ministration on , the estate of JOHN H.
GASS, late of the cify.of Philadelphia, deceased,
have been ~r anted to the.aubscriher: All perbons
knowing themselves to be indebted to said do'ed. • '
are requested to make payment immediately to, •
t lbscriber, residing in Dickinson township,
duly authenticated for bottle:Dent.
5 JOHN . IitITCHISON, Administrator.
February 15,1843. • 6t.14 - ,
Estate of Jonas Rupp, deceased.
• Nitliktrti.
. • • •
ETTERS of Administration - on thet..
I Estate ofJONAS RUPP, Tate of Silver Sprin g
township, dee'd. having been granted to the subsert.'.
her, residing in the same township. Notice hi here-• .
by given to all persons indebted to said Estnte;to', .
i •
make payment mmediately,and those having 2!tuni•
will present themeor
A settlement. V • (~.-, .:,'
NIECOFFMAN, Adm'r. . /
Febriiari . B, mu. -, 60$•
Estate of John Frelich, deceased:
, • Notite
S TTEIIEBY (W N, that letters of Adritinia.
of Silver Spring township, qattiberlandreoutity,
ceased, have this day been issued by thtSjiegister
and for the said County,to„Mory,Frelialt %Shp resides,
in said township, and to John Rorer, who 'resides in
Mechanicsburg in said Conti* ~n.,1,111. persons
claims or demands agapistt.he e§fate of said decedent;
arc requested tq make known (he same withant de
lay, and those Indebted in voice 'paytnertl . ,
111 A ItY .1 , 111 , 3,1qui,?
• . •JOfiN KosEn; s Adm rs•
1, 1843. . 6t-44,
Estate of Jacob Garret, deceased.-
• ,
FETTERS o f ,A,tltnintstration on the Estate of
1 . 4 JACOB GAItRET, bite of Allen toiinship,
deceased, have been taken ontliy.the silbseriber,re
siditr; in the same township. Aupersons indebted
to said estate are requested to makg immediate pay
ment, Rai those haringelairimovßlPresent them duly,
authenticated for settlernenoii: - •
January 11,1843.6_ 6t-11
Estate Mary Fenton, decea§edi
tIgit.P.BY CA-VE.14,0d letters Tetternentney,
MARY FE:•.1:11:1X - `
on the in Vite'd
Min township, decease., :rliniittallty the
Register, hi and for-this eitunfiAciAlie.
who resides in the same township. - ,Aii,..Atarsona
haring claims or demands against the--;'Estate of .this
said tleeettentprerequested to nitikettni4n tbe
withbut delay, and those indebted to make
ate payment to
January 25, 5845. • • • 0t413'..".
,Estate of ` George , : RApley,.„decegse ~:, : L..,
.„- . •. , 5,',. , :-:.
. , k 4 - .' - ',' . l .; '• 01,
c , • ii 1f z;.....p. , ..•;:
.ETTERS, 'or,' 11,fnie1f!tia1i , 0p,..9 . . 1 1 , 1,,,,k :,;. , - ;. - --.A
Estate of GEORGE li3U , F . ii-orart ]a te c .'Ff' w , - '„'. , v %: . 1,:;.1
Nonsboroutitt toismshithiletibaSed,iturite been ,tit . t.:',- ,:' ,, :4, 5 x
toi the splrerilier rosidluftWAitelentestmlitip.' ' T. Al!,-..; ‘;'4,'„i`,,, , ,,z - ,41,
peisinis lumina: °IOUs allutiMitbi;Eiiiale;vAii , prt; -.
~.,,i, :P, i l 4.:A
lent thinffor settleraeut;:itUt , ,,drtufi- indebted ,at1 , ..:;:',...,. - ,1 ,
Maicti immediate payMent to -; :;;=•..'-'. , . , •:, ~,,:, t ,:' itick:.iy ,
' - '' - ' t OEORGEIMIPP &Abet.: - iits ??;'- 21 . - e ,-,
Jenipiry 25, 1245, .', :. 1 - t' -.. ',:;•;;;1ci. , .4',:„,7 ' ~1•• ~;.-,-, ;'
__..,.' ' '''..,. ''''',.,,. ,_._ - . 4 .:','„,4',...;•';.,.,:;.., ••$'[,;',.. 7 Z;! ; ;,2
' - Atiatitarii,,:;;•,.. , •..„: '',.' 1 %;.,.''..',.:*:;',A
...„ • • ,„; ,*•••%•`•; ...,, L •"':' : I,,„• [ 14?„,i_ 07 ."4::;:! •, i•'.'-," - 4
lE.'ef , :r;tio,:cii iaixitnisn'auwir'lw imi0k',....,'',,-4 ,:,.:21
a Estate of : PETER . WlLT,Atitis.o,.**.tvy j. ''<' k
1 misbarongh township, dee'd.,hasti - ilislied*,oo:::'..".. , •:',4
former law to the subscriber in, said „iiiAiiiip4:74.34:e...lX„'.,l-,
persons indebted-Mika etilitifmltelide4W .3 1 frfiiikte21'.:' f.';',-'l7`
immediate pthrtient, and them-10qt u1,1160::501li:: , ~, , I
present them duly authenticated -au IltiisCht;::',. - :i :;• ; - ••• -, ; 1 ;, ,
• ; • - --.•, JAMES'I4.I.33a4Wri - • 4 1 ir , • • . --;;
4anuart 23080. ,:, :,-; ~ ,-,:,::,;:..„, . , -., •,-. , ...A1t-,13,- -, -., .••
TreStin.entaLS.Par AtSii' , t; :- . ':,••••,. [4l
itlHlS , ii'a"PAiiii!;i'itio,die.iiii,iiViestiete Cis-.,: - ',, ,, t 4 :4
i... experiEtioe, for KernOilhli'ilt:Vado;?o g Be' ".. , ,A. 4
tar, 7, - ;,lie fritnit' svkilin :ISttiliT* , :Ificiire TO: . ':?., y ; ', - , - . : ,31
in lo4)A.loattlesi and flir;*.ile,*"..' , -".:.:.": ,- .,, , , • '.::= '' ': 5 - 1;
,; - - - rp'!;VANso''S,4l,ll2474l, ". "" - •