Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 01, 1843, Image 2

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    Ha 10 DEITI)3II9EDIh
Ircdnesddy,:.vriri•ch 1, 15413
•FOR Dy: N
14ubj . tetto the deuision.or a.ltiatiOnal Convention
ora CREED.
A wound National Currency, regulated by the
and authority of the Nation.
An adequate Revenue, with fair Protection to
American Industry.
3. Just restraints on the Executive power, em
. briting n further reetrietien on the exercise of
. .
4. A.faithfql adminintration of the public clomnin.
with an equitable diatribu.ion of the .procccds
of stiles of it among all the 'States.
B. An honest and, eennomical administration of
the General Government, leaving public officers
Terfect freedom of thought and of the right of
suffrage; but with suitable restraints against
improper interference in elections.
An amendment to the Constitution, limiting
the incmnbent of the the,
office to a
These objectl'attained, I think that we should
cease to be afflicted with bad administration of
the Govornment.—HENßY CLAY,
, cCrlye are indebted to our friends of the Hai-,
risburg Capitoliamand the Intellige cer,for extras
containing the proceedings of th. Clay Conven
tion. •They have our warmest OD nlis.
First Pa.7e.
Some reading matter of erling excellence will
be found on the first and 'myth pages of to-day's
papei. We -refer partic larly to the articles en
titled" Republicanism of k ,Cornmon Schools," the
"Eloquent Extract" and the notice of the picscp.
teflon of the Sword of WASIIINQTON and the Staff
Of FRAN,SIIN, with the . pertinent speech of JOIIt
QUINCY ADAMS, tlita " Old . man cloldent." This
`• last is rather late. in the day, having
vertently neglected;- but-as-it is a matter otwarm
interest to the whole country, and is of record in
the history of the nation, we could not forbear
giving it. .
13cIles Lettres Sochi y.
The Belles Lettres Societx,
of Dickinson Col
lege, gave an exhibition to our citizens on Wed
nesday evening last. The audience was large
and fashionable, wo 'are informed,. and the speak.
ing and other exereiscs,entertaining.'
The Legislature.
Our Legislative intelligence Will be frond of
interest, particularly, the debate in the Senate on.
the Governor's Mcssoge. This paltry document,
filled with the basest sentitnents'oftlemagogneisin,
it will be seen was handled by several high.tninded
locofocos in that body, with the severity which it
,Messrs. Penniman and Champneys
have shown themselves, though warm opponents,
bath just and generous.
Professor Durbin.
oVt'e have another letter on file from Pro.
lessor Durbin, late of Dickinson College; now in
Europe, which shall be published in our next. •
The ConvenaJn.
The resolutions of the Convention or the fr Lends
of Mr. Clay, arc we think of the best character
and entirely unexceptionable, in their tone and
sentiment A 'A National Whig Convention to select
the Whig candidrile in 1844, is heartily acquies
ced in by the Convention, and thus one obstacle
to the union of the Harrison Party upon the can
didate of 1844, entirely removed. The remain:.
der of the resolutions, Betting forth the great'
principles and measures advocated by the Whig
party, are identical with those held by General
Scorn and his friends, and we may confidently
look forward, therefore,: to the period when all
branches of our party will be marshalled in a
. spirit of harmony under the 'bids of the broad
banner of nitrate CLAY. Thal will he the signal
of Victory; and then will our beloved country rise .
from her humiliation, and guided by wisdom and
.honesty again take her 'place among nations pros
Remus and powerful. •
Difficulty ulth lUalgland. -
Fresh difficulties have arisen with England—
. English government it appears does not un-
Aerstand the eigth article' of the late Treaty,
which, denies her the right of search to Ameri
''can vessels, to prohibit her from the right of nisi.
tatiori !
„ Thy' hair-splitting in diplomacy is like
, ly to cause some trouble. .
Old Mother Cumbeilaind
Was very numerously represented in the Clay
Convention on the 22d. Mr. Clay has no truer
friends than the - gallant - Whigs - of Cumberland,
and we have no - doubt when the time comes our
county will give , as good a report for Henry Clay
as she did for'tlie lamented Harrison in 1840,
I •
Temperance Meeting.
.TenipotOnco meeting of the Washington
•Socioty, nn Monday ovening next, we dm assured
will he ono of more than ordinary interest. Sever
ofciur best speakers have promised to address it.
„,,. .. • ''t:l, ' , Nina h .11Liecture . •
;Tie ' *--' .le cture before the ..elert . Fire Comps
.:-,' "-'- k'lar'
~o,4.. iiii;Tironins, on " th e World
ta Y in ue e . ,4ll" , iiiii - di37 ' other particulars,"
'it'itilti-v%Lve-liPii;;' 'adience,infinite,';ruthsemeronwt,dbeudt
4 4 : 1 r ~. . , •,. ~ '' -- -ei to mention in o c
„,' 'too e ui n ?P.l , • - .
_ . i . 4 6, ;of 04. paiier.:4o4l6.Y. ''',''' '
''4'-;--.' ' - lecture_,pi ll be 'on Tuesday evening
''''.-rite.l4',l: ' lilubject—"-ne
, `..4., , T. V . Moons :
.:* 3;144 7 : ' t ~.°Y. American Liberti.":
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Gteat gatheriiig .ofMe,Pcciple.f •
- STAR OF THE WEST !' A million eyes
Are turning gladly unto-him; •
The shrine of old idolatries
Before his,kindling light grows dim 1
And men awake us from a drermi; '
Or meteors dazzling toketray ;
And bow before his wirer beam , •
The earliest of a better day,
The Convention of the friends of lIENtiv.CLAN,
held at Harrisburg, on the late anniversary of the
birth.-day of WASHINGTON,.wiI! long be remember
ed by. the friends of that illustrious Patript . and
Statesman with soul-stirring pridq and pleasure.
It commenced a :cow era in the annals of Penn.
sylvania politics.' To look: upon that tremendous
concourse, composed of at least ONE THOU.
SAND 'PEOPLE.: 7 —g ttliered from our
e inps.where the principle of protection . ,to Ameri
can Industry has its ~gerruine advocatesi rn the
Mechanied of our State, from the places - of busi
mils Of the Merchant, *the Shopkeeper, and the
tradesmen of every- kind- 7 -nei one could help feel
ing his heart warmed into new and stronger ener
gy, his blood leap through it ireins with a
livelier impulse at, the noble and stirring specta
cle. When it is recollected, too; that this Coffin
plastic assemblage convened to render the homage.
of their admiration to a Statesman whose Politi
cal sky has so lately been overcast with gloomy
cloud S—whose flitrie it. is the pride of detraction
and slander to baicken-Whehasrio power but
the poWer of mind to elevate him in the love of
the people—who has not 'the patronage of diee-to
dispenso-,,it but renders the spectacle more mor
ally grand,'and fills the heart with higher rejoic
ings. No oneof that crowded mass can have his
motives impugned—the 'purity 'Of his feelings
challenged—or fear a comparitin with the follow
ers of the recreant dispenser of accidental power,'
who . bend the supple_ hinges of—the knee that •
thrift may folk:y fawning." No, the felling mani
fested in this Convention was the spontaneous and
mighty gush of pure and honest hearts, that could
only be brought forth by the influence of the no..
ble-soul,fhe generous nature, and the transcendent
qualities of
_mind of HexRY CLAY. whom the
country flolig,lits to honor !
Without adding any thing. more We would re
fer our readers to the proceedings, which arc as
fellows : .
At - ten o'clock, on Wednesday tho 2'2d ult., the
DelegateTanheniblod at the Court Douse in liar
riaburg, and on "notion of J. P. Sanderson, Esq.,
of Lebanon, orgaiiiied temporarily by the appoillt
meth of the following officers :
Pi; Es: - -
Cul. GEORGE ,MAY ER, of Lot:caster.
llorcroN MelllionAEL, Esq. of Philadelphia,
Dr. Lop BEssos, of Perlis. •
On motion of T: E. Cochran:Esti:7,4f York; a
.coinni4tee of thirty.tix 'was appointed to report
officers of the Coirreition, as follows
ISaae Colter; 13 oohs,
A. 11. Moll vaine, Chester, •••
. Robert.lieltoni Lancaster, - .
Thomas E. COebran, York,
Major Samuel Givin,-Cumberland,
Henry H. Etter, Ferry,
• A—G. Bradford; Bet ks, •
:tarries IL licinblo, Schuylkill, •
John Loisonring, Monroe,
.Gcogre• BreNitts, Northumberland,
. George W. Patton, . -
James Mothers, Juniata,
• Robert Candor, Union,.
• W. G. Hurley, Columbia,
William G. MeDaniels Washington,
Daniel - Washaba ugh, dedford,
A. Snivels', Franklin, •
Richard B. Jones, Montgomery,
John A. Fisher, Dauphin,
George Pfleger, ebanon,
Janos W. Chapman, Susquehanna,
John B. McPherson, Adams,
Rice Blair, Huntingdon
James G. Reed, Allegheny,
Charles C. Sullivan, Butler,
S: Morton, Delaware,
John Linton, Cambria, , •
4 Evan Thomas, Lycoming,
Lt A. Mackey, Clinton, '
S. Skinner, Eric, . ,
J. W. Farrolly, Crawford,
' R. W. Harrison, Centre, -
John McCord, Bradford,
Morton McMichael, Philadelphia city & co.
.Tojin Reisinger, Northampton.
William Stewart, Mercer. •
The committee having retired, Messrs. R. T
Conrad and Joseph R. Chandler, of Philadelphia,
Jasper E. Brady, of Franklin, J. S. Richards, of
Berks, find ColoOol Smith, of Philadelphia; ad.
dressed. the Convention.. . - •
John A, Fislierz-FiA., from the Cominittce on
the eubject, reported the following list ()fakers :
Pa es ID ENT,
Vie% PersinExrs,
John Ely, of Bucks,
John Landis, •
Colonel George Mny'er,
Philip Smyser, York,
Mcichoir Brenneman, Cumberland,
' John R. McClintock, Perry,
Dr - Lot - Benson, &Irks,
Dr. George N. Eckert, Schuylkill, '—
John Leisenring, Northampton,
George Brosins,Nortliumberland, •
William McDowell, Mifflin, ,
James Mathers, Juniata,
Levi B. Christ, Union, .
William Sloan, Columbia,
Wolter Craig, IVashington,
George Mullin, Bedford,
John Witherow,-Franklin,
, Davis Henderson, Montgomery,,
Benjamin Jordan, Dauphin,
John Bossier, Lebanon,
Jcihn Linton, Cambria, •
James Wilson, Adams,
J. McWilliams, Huntingdon, .
Andrew Wilcox, Allegheny,
J. P. Eyre, Delaware, •
W. P. J. Painter, Lycoming,
Jeremiah Church, Clinton,
E. W.J3laine, Erie,
J. Chamberlain, Crawford,,
William Allison,'Centre,
John McCord, Bradford,
J. M. Thomas, Philadelphia, .
C. S. McCoy, Clearfield. •
• Joseph Weidle, Montgomery,
Robert G. Harper, Adams, •
J. W. Comly, Columbia, -
F. G. Ray, Allegheny, •
William Johnson, Lycoming,
•,Israel Ciirperiter,Lancaster,
• M. Criswell, Mifflin,
•LOrenzo S Lehman, Lebanon,
• Charles Lawton, Schuylkill,
The report was adopted.
• On taking thechair, Mr. Mcllvaine made a few
happy and appropriate remarks, in which he
thanked the Convention for the honor conferred,
and congratulated the Delegates on the cheering
prospects before them. •
On motion of Joseph U Chandler, Esq.; a cum
mittee of seven was al:Pointe:l4 the President to
report resolutions to the Convention. The fol
!awing are the Members of the committee:
'Joseph R. Chandlir, of Philadelphia,
Thomas E. Frantilin, of Lancaster,
tiSketchley.,MottOo, of Delaware, , -
- t ' , Teapot; Ei Brady„pf Eranklin,
John S.'lliehardf, of Berke, • •_ ~ i
- J,:,l4l.Chanibetlain, of Carnbrla, • , - T
Pefirg.i W. P4Po!li of Mifflin' ' ''.
'-'-‘, The tit:nye:2o6a then adjourned untll3,o . ,cloA,
,tkitilitcbsinpon: ' ' r---: , .' -
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Whereas,lhe period ,has arrived lathe.Presi:
.dential term of service at which lit id ebstomnry.
for the people, in whem ie the'source of official'
power, to consider of the person who shall be their
cendidato for the succession, and' to devise and
suggest means for carrying into effect their deter- .
ininution And • v,iliereas, this Coniention has
bpen formed of delegates selecteiLby the primary
assemblies of the Great Wliig Partyin the several
districts of Perinsylvtinia, and 'informed of, the
wishes of their constituents, in regard to the res-•
idential Candidate.: And where:leo crisis in the
affairs of the nation renders neceksary-foralto suc
cess of principles and the good - df the nation, that
there should be presented as the Whig candidate'
for the Presidency, a. man of tried printiples, of
admitted corn petency.and unsullied integrity,cOm
bin ing,as far as possible,these qualifications which
will conciliate the various interests and views of
different sections.'of the country, and different
Opinions of classes of citizens; or where entire
coincidence of. opinions and views may not be
hoped for in minor Waits . ; then to attract respeot
and support by_ a cordial agreement in questions
' of_ great..national_ importance and ensure confi.
donee, from his past serviceß , ;hat every measuce
lie may propose will bear. upon it the impress o
his devotion to the public 'good. Therefore
Resolved, That this Convention do nominate
HENRY CLAY of Kentucky - as the candidnteof
1 1 the Whig Party of Pennsylvania, for the Presi
dency of LIM United States at theelection in 1844.
Resolved, That in out:candidate the-Dominat
ed, we present to . the people a man 'whose life limbs
far, has been spent in the public service, and hi
the proposition and advocacy of measures of last
ing good, or in plans of evil or doubt
ful tendency.; that in the conflicts of party for the
last thirty years, while lie has exhibited, to all
public measures, a idly devotion that has corn•
mended' the adiniration. of the world, and ranked
,ivith die greatest, statesmen of the age, he
has borne himself with a .republican simplicity
that shoteed hire deserving the enlarged esteem
which- he lies enjoyed even of his' olitienl op
ponents. ' • •
Resolved, Thal though the principles of Henry
Clay, and the measures which a public
man, has proposed, are identified with the- best
interests of the nation at large; yet are they pre
eminently •those which, tend to. prornofe - the
tical importance, and, advance the .getteral ptios.
per:ay of the State of Pennsylvania. .•
Resolved, That as American Republicans, we
cherish the principles which propose the applies.
tion of American capital to promote and reward
American Labor; amM" recognize nn shade 'of
Republicanism, in men or measures, that would
degrade the honest American Lahorer to the rank
of .a foreign serf,..bY reducing the • reward of his
industry -to the standard of those countries in
which the extravagnrice.of the idle must be sus
tained by the unrequited toil of the opbrative:—
That man should earn his bread by the sweat of
'his brow, is a decree of Providence ; but it is con.
trary to the express direction of Heaven that toil
should be unremitted or unrequited.
illesolved, That while. we recognize. the-dire
of every citizen to submit to the ascertained will
al those with ivlioin he continues associated; there'
was, nevertheless, a virtue, as well as an elli!et, in
the prompt and cordial assent or Henry Cloy to '
the nomination hy•the National Convention-in
1839; which, while it procuring the as.
tonishing success that 'aitended that . Presidential
canvass, fully entitles him to the lasting grati.
tude of the Whigs of the nation, and calls open
them 'o exhibit that union for the success of our
principles in 'his election which he so eminently
promoted for the success of those principles in the
election of the lamented Harrison. , .
flesblved, - That_ the
.approval which has been
expreSSed from time to time by'almost every class
-of citizens, y of the measures; the talents, and i the
puhli9 services.of Henry Clay, when he has sue
cessfully devoted his powers to the achievement
of some treat national goOd, leads us to hope that
his formal nomination as a candidate for the
Presidency,-Will call. to oar support the voices
and the voted' of thousands who had lhitherto
-yielded_ party allegiance against tis when nn such
claims upon their patrintisin•hTive been proposed.
Rtisolved, That we cordially invite to on!
• standard every voter who may feel it a duly to
oppose the misrule which has led to the present
disastrous state of our country, in order that, by
a common ultael anent to principles, and a coni
mrin resolution to sustain the man of those prin
ciples,. we may all aid in the fornintion of a party
front rlvisovqc dominancy tbo try may
the restoration of her almost forgotten prosperity.
Resolved, That we heartily approve of the re.
commendation of the Whig delegation in Con
gress, to hold a National Whig Convention for
the nomination of candidates for the Presidency
! and Vice Presidency oldie Milted States, and that
we 'concur in their apßointment oftime and place,
viz: tin the 2d of May, 1394, in the city of
timbre; and we recommend to the Wbigs n each
Congressional district of Pennsylvania to send a
delegate to that Convention:
Resolved, That a State Committee of thirteen
he appointed, with the customary powers and
the duties of such committees.
Resolved, That it be etirrically recommended to
the Whigs in every district in this State to pro.
teed at once to 'a complete and thorough orgarii.
zation of the party, and insure. a regular cones.
pondence and understanding with every other
Whig district association, and with the State
Committee. .
`Than resolutions were unanimously adopted
and ratified by FIFTEEN enthusiastic cheers.
On motion of Mr. Guy or, the following, com
mittee was appointed trrprepare•an address to the
people of Pennsylvania.
The Chair appointed the following committee:
Morton McMichael, of Philadelphia,
E. Guyer, of Diuphin,
Robert T. Conrad, of Philadelphia,
General Samuel Alexander ,of Cumberland,.
Thomas E. Cochran, of York,
3:F. Denny, of Franklin,
Judge Jones, of Mont aoinery, •
John Adorns Fisher, of Datiphin,
Abraham Kauffman, of Lancaster,
Dr. George N. Eckert, of Schuylkill,
On motion, the Grand Committee selected to
design4coflicerti for the'permanent organization
of the Convention,, was empowered to select a
State Committee. In compliance with this in
struction the committee retired for the purpose
of performing this duty.
Wiring the absatice of the committee, the Con
vention was again addressed in an able manner
Mr. McCeiskey and James S.'Vallace, Esq.,
of Philadelphia, Andrew Wylie, Esq. of Alleghe
ny, General Samuel Alexander, of Cumberland,
and James G. Campbell, Esq. of Schuylkill.
The Committee instructed to select -a State
COmmittee reported the funning:
Democratic Whig Central Coni-
Jonathan Roberta, Esq., Montgomery,
George W. 'Poland, Esq. City of Philad'a,
Charles Gibbons, Esq. City of Philadelphia,
.Peter Rovoudt, County of Philadelphia,
John A. Fisher, Esq. Harrisburg,
Henry. Peffer, Esq. Harrisburg,
Hon. William Clark, Dauphin county,
Joseph Paxton, Columbia county, '
General James Irvin, Centre county,
John Strohm; Rag, Lancaster county,.
Hon. Thomas.lh. Baird, Allegheny county,
GeneraMainuel Alexander; Cumberland co
.John S. Richards, Esq. Berke county.
Mr. Chandler, of the city. otThiladelphia, then
made some eloquent and appropriate remarks on
the unanimity of sentiment wnich had prevailed'
in the Convention, and the harmony and exciting
and exilereting enthusiasm which lad character
ized all its deliberations, and rejoiced in the
cheering hopes which, the pup* and spitik of .
the. Conyention would build up. in , every good and
true Whig. -
And after moving the thanks of the Convention
to the officers thereof,and the County Commission..
Ors for the IJBO of the Court House, Mr. Chandler
moved that the COnvention adjourn eine die,.wiich
motion was amended by giving nine cheers 'for
liarry, of the West," and . was then adopted -by
",GOING trt4 yuoLE'l.Ptonaa.-The
riebtarif corietipOodent of the :Phitadelptiid -
Ledger, 'apys,a bill is to , be
,reported by
the' State debt arrtooiAlkeiveral .. eatintiesi
7- - -47 1 0
Congress adjourne on Friday net, when
twenty-seventh term expires. Ori, Saterdey last
the Bankrupt •LaW; a bill for the repeal of which:
had sometime ago. pa'sscd the House, vas also
renbaled in the.Senale by a vote of 32 t 0 .13 . 7-
Mr. Arnold's.Reqoachment ' Bill which passed
the House last week, was reported in the Senate .
from the appropriate• Committee. The reduc
„tion in - the pay and niileage of members, adopt
ad by the Senate committee, is 123 per Cont. : —
The earrie"rate ot, reduotion te, We 'understand
applied to the salaries' ef all officers of the army
and navy, and civil departmeut,above $l2OO. ,
The general appropriation bill fur thci civil and,
diplomatic expenses' of Government, was under
consideration at ourlaSt accOunte. The follow
ing are the yeas and nays on the 'repeal of the
Bankrupt Law
_ Yeas ,IVlesirs..Allen,.Archer, Bagby, Bayard,
Buchanan, Calhoun,Crafts, Crittenden, Cuth
bert, Dayton, Futon, Graham,. Huntington,
King, Linn, MeDuffie, Meßobdrts, Mangum,
Merrick, Morehead, Phelps, Rives, Sevier,
Spr gue, Sturgeon, Tappan, Walker, Wilcox,
Woodbury,_ Wright, and Young-32
Nays—Messrs. Barrow, „Bates, Berrien, Clay.,
ton, Choate, Evans, Kerr, Miller, Porter,
of Indiana, Tallmadge, White; and Woodbridge,
The trial of young Mercer for the murder of
Heimann, the seducer of his sister, will take place
at the term of the Court of Oyer,and Tormindr
for Gloucester county, NeW Jersey, to_he held at
Woodbury, commencing On. the 21st of Mira.
'flip Hon. George I'. Mollison, of, New Bruns--
wick, Attorney General, and Thomas P. Carpen
ter; Esq., Prosecuting. Attorney -for Glotteester
county, will . appear , en behalf, of the prosecution;
and on the part of Morcer,'Peter A. Zrowne, Jas.
Hanna, and Willbim S.,Price;Escfrs.; of Philadel.
and ,the Hon. Garret D. Wall; J. Matlack,
anti W. N. JefFers, Emirs, of New Jersey..
Ge - J'A pamphlet has been issued at Washington,
which ts.attributed by some to Mr Benton, and
whicrassails Mr. Calhoun and his friends with
much violence. It asserts that Mr. Calhoun "does
not intoruLto abide by a National Conyention ;"
that his "object is to pick a quarrel with the De : 1
mocracy," and force the party to take him, r else
incur the'evil of "disunion or secession;" that "if
he fails in this, he is resolved to divide the party,
and•march his division over to the Ft;deralists ;',
that "he will next sanction the measure- ofFssump.
lieu ;" that "he will give up Slate rights r and
that "thus a treaty will be effected' between Mr.
Webster and Mr. Calhoun."
A Defect of the Lan•..
. The late terrible expiation of an a fledged crime
in Philadelphia, has, in the general burst of fCel
ing which: it has occasioned throughout the com
munity, awakened the_publie_attention Ma prep- .
cr . Sense.orthe limited, means si , hich are Rind in
the law for the punishMent of so atrocious a crime
ii, - thitt which provoked the death of young
baton. And it is to be hoped that now, when
the ptiblic mind which has so long slumbered Over'
this momeirtous matter is fully aroused, that the
Legislature will be led to a revision ofthe laws
uporms subjtct Which so vitally concerns tie Peace
and happiness of: every I nmily. it is time that
public feeling was nriMsed, when the glaring
centimisness and profligacy of the !Mica. were so
alloying all purity and deadening all sensibility,
as to threaten our approaßli to that deplorable
condition in which, in the language of a.gicted
poet,— •-
" Every WO a tear eliim,
Except nu eiriog sisi .r's shame!"
Believing public ..entimeht to have fully awak
ened, we. arc glad to observe that a member of our
State Senate, (Mr. Sullivan) has taken a step to.
ward supplying this deficiency , of the law, and
one which we hope will beMllowed up to siteccii;.
- f`ul con tiinmtionlAre-irgree-wrtira min [el Figents
contemporary in regarding i)eiluetion as a crime
of Ole first magnitude. _lt is unredeemed by any
- Of the considerations or circumstances which ex
tenuate the heinousness of other breaches ()fluor-.
al or 'Municipal law. It aun plead 'Me necessity,
boast no daring. I . Fis the di liberate gratification
of' a . brutish propensity—a mean, cowardly, and
thoroughly , selfish game of deceit, treachery and •
monstrous cruelty. Trampling on the confidence
which it should boner, betraying rho
which itshould.reciprucate,Atiumphing oveK the
wealmessAthich it should pity, it pursues its vie-.
tim until base appetite is sated,and then remorse
lessly leaves the frail partner in sin—debased, de
graded, shunned, infamous; broken hearted: The
cherished honor of a good name, the holy pride of
a father,lhe tender love of a mother, the.affec
lions of other dear relatives, the esteem of friends,
the peace of a home, the common joy of virtuous
intercourse, all these things areas nought in the
view of the seducer, contrasted with his own un
hallowed purposes. Every tie, every duty is dis
regaided, and lie is content that rhin shall follow
if lie can plot successfully the accomplishment of
one profitless purpose!
Is it nob time that this crime should have a new
and a talliabie punishment annexed to it. Who
is to blame if the impotent law prompt the brcither
or father of an injured g,irlAo redress her wrong .
by (heir own hands 7 Why does the inefficient
penalty of a rude age .still remain to mock the
sufferer and to offer a premium upon the offence.?
There should he no longer this anomaly in the
criminal jurb-prudence of our. State. Seduction'
should be muck: a penitentary °lrene° of the high.
est grade. U ntil it: is so made, it-wilLeontnine to
be frequent ; and now and then, when the victim
has some relative or. friend bold enough to avenge
her wrong, it is an equal chance that public senti
ment will justify the retribution by an individual
hand, which the arm of the law is too feeble to
c*-Corn.. porter,• the representative of av
country at Constantinople., is said to bo. in yob ,
delicate health, and it is' feared...may not survive
long. • ,
Party Discipline
-- •Tite Governor's Veto of the Apportionment
bill was sustained in the House of Representa
tives On Sat, ha : T vote was on the passage
of the billrand vas yeas 41, nays 42: When the
bill originally passed the yeas wore 52. It will
bo seen there was Considerable dodging among
the independent representatives of the people !
Can any one• tell in what precise particular the
government of Pennsyliania now differs Rom a
despotism 1 : : . •
Saloum pr A BANK PRGIDENT.-Mr.
[high Lavernge, .I . :esident of the Consoli
dated Bank at New
. Orleans, committed
suicide-in that city on the 15th _ inst.' in a
grave-yard. • He lefibehin'd a letter, deny.,
ing that any ritisenatlugt of his own 'had
led. him thus to sacrifice, himself. The
deeased' had ',exercised almost ,absOlute
control in the management' of . - the Bank
over whleh he , :presided, and, .pledged as
he had been to ,tIM stocitheldersrd , the.
pubiit , in endeavoring tobri l 4'o. l ?Aut
respmpioi 0 16 34PT0 sa i ifiklie ' , founa.
t. dards*ll4oifilAi Siii 66 49n
too tverwhelniig.(o,lrlnioolV an
Changes in the Cabinet!
Tyler's,Cabinetis falling to "peicer—Wal.
ter, Xorward of this State scorns at last, to have
opened his eyes to the indignities that were daily
heaped upon him by less h ondst' but Moro design
ing men, mil resigned hie situation as Secretary
of the:Treaitry, :on . Friday hist, to take effect to.
Any: Oliver OldsChool, correspondent of the ''V
S. Gazette in Washington, says, Mr. Forviard's
resignation " komb'thrown into the Admin.
istration, and disconcerted their- arrangements.—
Mr., F. would - have ` `te en ,removed imMcdiately ,
after the 4th, his plea-stilled gy,Mr.„Sponcer,- - a - rid
his; by Jamcs M. Porter. This may be the enee
now, but then, the vacancy occurring while the
Senate, is in session, the nominations have to go
in at once, and that billet. at • all 'convenient for
Mr. Tyler; nor so agreeable to MrSpencor, who
has some fears of "the aristocratic portion. of
Congress," and would rather • defer, going there
till next • session. Mr: Tyler - wee very wrathy,
that Mr. F. should not have waited to be Tad,
ed. Judge Ellis Lewis, Simon Cameron, and one
or two other friends of the Porters are on the
• , '
ground, herc." — .
Mr. Spencer's nomination as Secretary of the
Teury was sent to the Senate on Friday, just
a it - tho hour of adjournment. James M. Par.
ter•will certainly bo appointed Secretary at War.
Where will Mr.' Webster go? is tho next ques.
- The Temperance Advocate,
Lewis fa:Levin, Esq. Editor of the Temperance
Advocate published sei Philadelphia, gives notice
that that paper ivill be hereafter' published by S.
C. Atkinson.& Co. Mr. "Ain's . services to the
paper will still centinuoi lioniever; as Editor, and
he pledges himself to /mewed efforts to make it
worthy or public . ' patronage. The AdVOCate is
one Of; the best Tenlperance journals of the day,
and is published. every other n , week at one dollar a
year.. r
!tevolulion in St. Domingo.
By Bid Brig Nelson . from Port•au.Prince which
sailed' on the 2d inst., says the New York Expres,s
of Saturday evening, we hear that b Revolution
had btokcn out on the south side of the Island,
and become alarming. inhabitants were
shipping off their coffee and valuables wiflrgrcat
The accounts-arc contradictory as to "the ex
tent of revolt.
Seduction, Insanity anti Death
The last Bradford Porter, published in Towan.
gives the following particulars of a dread
ful-affair :
Something . more than a year ago, n man by the.
name- of Ixierre 4 came to the neighborhood of
Wysox ' _as rreslVterian preacher. What cvi.
deuces he adduced of his good standing, we know
not.- Yel we pieSinne he must have exhibited
credentialS; either genuine or. forged, as ho was
retained ns pastor of the church at that Idace.—
Alter having officiated ler several-months, infor
mation was
,received hero of his previous had con.
duct and expulsion frOm the church somewhere
in the Eastern States, and also that he was a Mar
ried inan. Here ho, represented himself as a sin
gle maxi, and paid some informal attention to some
of the rtspc - ctitble young ladies of the place.
Upon the reception' of this news, we believe he
was dismissed - from the church, or, at least, sil
enced as a preacher; yet, strange to say, many
respectable persons,
.truth male and female, disbe
lieved all the evidence-of-hi-r-formec-bud_condect.
—gave hill . ' their confidence, and manifested a
constant, on covering, though misplaced friedd•
ship ficr him until the recent develop:not of his
villany. Among the
. fluni lies who continued to
receive Ids visits, was that of Moses Woodburn,
who, with his wife. and an only daughter, a lovely
girl of 9? or ‘23 years of age, had all been con
verted under his_pyeaching, and united with his
church. While thus he contrivciLio retain the
entire confidence of Mr, Woodicurn's family, he
was, serpent-like, entwining, his folds around the
may-seem, she fell a._
cnPlirety .msnspectcd
ay Adler. Oa Saturn
last, she gave birth to a child, whirl :still living.
When the inlbrniation was conveyed to Mr. Wood.
burn, who was lying ill in another part of the
house, he groaned aloud—placed his. baud upon
his hie:lst, and expired in a few minntro! This
sudden and awful multiplication of sorrow was too
much to be borne by the mother of the deluded
and ruined girl, and the wife of the dying has.
band—reasonwas dethroned, and the mother be
came ulna/dee!
The explosion of such a horrid scheme of til
lanv, rendered more awful by having been plan.
ned -and—perparaten_by_mm, - .3vho assumed the
livery of heaven, fell like a shock upenTtlic
munity. The villain who had cause 4 it was ar
rested and safely ledged. in- jail . , where he must
remain till May Court, when WC . will 'probably be
tried for several offences, one of which, we under
stand, is that of administering noitrumi to his
victim in order to produce abortion. •
• . P. S. We have since learned that, the young
lady has become partially deranged.
Tur; RED RIVER FLOOD.--The South
ern papers give a melancholy account of
the loss of life and property by the rise in
:he Red River. Amid the general distress,
Capt. Gooks, of the steamboat Hunter,
proceeded to Mill creek, and rendered clic
sufferers every possible succor in his
power; going from place to place picking
up the survivers- from the tops of houses
and trees; thus micuiag from a watery
grave seventy-five or a hundred persons.
Some were necessarily left to perish in the
cane and timber, as there was no possible
wayyff reaching them—their cries often
being heard above the noise or the elem e nt.
Six faMilies' of Indians, 14 miles this
side ofJonesborough, are reported lost, and
Col. Milam, of Kentucky. with a lady,
his niece, and a Mr. McKinney, perished.
It is thought that over a hundred lives
have been lost between Fulton and Jones
borMigh—how many we, as • yet, cannot
with certain y predicate.
stantly arriving from Europe, Mexico and
South America. The Acadia brought up
wards,of two millions of dollars; and it
is said, that the Great Western was to
sail on the Mt, with a still.farger quan
tity.. Specie is said tobo an absoluto.drug
in the market, the Banks have , more on
hand than they knOw.hOw to dispose of.
Several ofthein - it is said have 'refused to
receive 'it on deposit, on' , the. gronnti, that
the use . of it is:not equivalent to the treutile
of counting. Money ii :very abutflituit,.and
~. -
g es a begging,. An , quantityui can be
ha at the very lowest rates, for
,good se
ta Hy.... .
. .
ANTI REPUDIATION.-•-111 the _Senate of
Indiana, Qn the 11th inst.., a joint resolu
tion deeiriring, that the, Indiana of
has no itl't;etifriepuillating. an y portion of .
tier State 'tletitsi•ittiti reasims
whiotiy4o'eattsed the failure bn per port
. 0 , Pi.' ‘: 6 9 0 90 .4 " 410,;,,'
the Supreme Chart:
. .
• The Supreme. Court has lately made an impor.
tant decision with respect to Stay laws. The de.
cision tif the Court is, that the States have no au
thority, with reference to existing contracts en:
bored into prior to such legislation, to provide for
the exemption, of property froM sale 'under de.
.C7OOB on judgments until it shall have been been
first appraised under such a law, and unlolit
shill bring' a sum hearing a prescribed proportion
to the amount ef such mipraisement.
National Convention.
Whig Members of ,Congress, at a
meetinglield in Washington on Saturday.
evening,: have recomended that, a Whig
national convention for the nomination of
Candidates for President and Vice ,Pres
dent of the United States be held in 'the .
city of BaltiMore on , Wednesday, the
day of Miiy, 1./;314; and that the said (4on-,,
VentiMi be composed' of, Delegates from
the respective States equal to .the nuniber
of .Senators and - Representatives of
. encli
State in the Congress of the United States.
'NEWlLmsnittE.,,,The annual election
in this State takes place pn the second
Tuesday 'of March.. There arc four can
didates :for GOvenor. The Democratic
candidate is, the . present Govenor "Hub
bard, the Conservative candidate. John
.Wlte, the Whig' candidate a Mr. Cooley,
and`tha Abolition ,candidate a Mr. Hoit.
Isaac Hill heads the Conservative party.
: 11C - P.The Legislature of Indiana ad
journed on the 4thinstant, after being in
session ten Wicks. The• Relief • Bill is a
law. It applies both .to real and personal
property, giving the judgment creditor a
right of selecting property in
The vote upon it in the Senate Was a close
one. Ayes '25, fines .24.
The bill to provide for tb'e payment of
interest on tkp:State debt by 010 . issue of
certificates bearing an interest
,of six per
cent . ., payable in 1844, was passed in the
Ilduse on Saturday, by_ yeas 70, id nays 7.
71 41 2 4 22 Xi2A11.11Z232.0a
1,1.1.1,11:1101M, Feb: 25, 1843
Bi s Xlr CA'rll,l.l.—The offerings at the drove
yards on Mmidayoknintsnled to 11 ilollt 300 Ill . 11(1,
(.11 . . 01i(13 sold at 4 to $5,50 I'o'l'loo lbs., and the re
inainded laid nyct•. The inarket.for flogs is'not ac
tive. and the priers remain nominally hS 1,01)1e re.
ported, 3,621 to $575 per lbs. 4 ,
4.11,0U12 —City Alin is held firmly at $3,75 pia.
bid., and no disposition appears to be maiiirested to .
tat. • less ; the trans•teticumhave been fiery limit, d.
I ..vard street has improved ti fraction, sales ever
throiigh the week listve been litade at $3,56.},aM1
for choice brands s3,6'li has ht•en paid. Tlie prices
at a !dela dealers are receiving it fromears nl wag
on 4, was not fairly' estMilished at the tinte'of making
up report. N.— • 1 • lu: ta.;ecipts of ail descriptinoscgn
tii .n.! very light, as 15 uyott at this qe a fp ni , 'l•h.•
j•a:•.cls.nt vonthig f ii•nan 11 by v..agons, are
tak,•n :it TO to 75 cent.; forgrrtti iq the lirst red. ()As
115‘.. s st.ores'at '45 Jo
Nlarylami. corlhas sold at . 43 to 45 cents for
ifmr.Vallo s•:the latter fihqinhat a pat,•cel
he rail rued.
kvilisKEy_couti,,tips 1 01 .1
1).1.-0,...ay, nominal Irus lircnioutly tril)wil, 16 II 19'
lor 1111115. :11111 1/1/14.
Fah. 4S, 1843
britids sr.-11,1d nj 53,73
.4,S I 1.. e 1,2. 7i. Corn Nleal, int•,Stl 30
per hhd. :111 •.2 pt.:• bid.; sale:: do 2 25—lin
other sales have been ulrected dnring the xv vet; to nut
knowledge, sate
. 111.11 V'tl" . % for V:t3 consumption.
--CR.llN.—llitt•little IN tiOillg-111.4i1.. Cl./1111. Ni 411.-
ICM - ititrwPeic - 'lVirnntree t-s t
1 , 11 ti• Rye 4I a IS. COVII 1,11111111,Y .
4il.111:11111, pct 41a 42' eeilts. Oats, Southern J 3 to '24
WHISKEY 17. n 17i vents in Link.
SEED—Clover, $3 I'2l n 3 37i per lifisliel.--
,'Phis 111010,1111 r Nlolllo‘lllo •1S 100111011 by a conlitia
(ion or twenty iliffiTent ingverlir its, all celebrated
for the cost of Colds, Coughs, and PUIIIIOIIIO
; and by its eninbination, if one oft:wine,
he used separately and of no reliet,._
in the EXTRACT OP lIONIMOUND they are
so amalgamated, that the benefit of the whole is ex
perienced in one Compound..
• About three years and to half ago, this article was
first brought before the public. \ills het allied with.
no [wet ions'annoiwcement of its merit or value; but
was introduced bydlie proprietors m the community
to stand by thi;ir decision, as regarded its beneficial
influence. Thad decision has been attained in a man-
tier altogether unexpected. The unsought ackalowf
edgement of its worth has proceeded spontaneously
from thousands,,who have experienced its benefits
throughout the country. And why . is it so ?
cause the trial of its qualities, io Coughs . and Colds,
!hoarseness, Irritation of the Throat, Croup,Wldinp
ing Cough, Asthma, Catarrhs, .Palpitntion of the
Heart, Liver Complaint,• Night Sweats, difficult or
profuse Expectoration, ninth all diseases 'leading to
Consumption, has given it a value that no (slier sim
lar medicine has ever reached. •
When the blood is in an unhealthy state, and the
constitution naturally delicate, if a cold sets in and
no immediate relief takes place; the chances arc al
together against the patient attacked ; it is when rem
edies are taken in time, that diseasele checked and
life saved. There 'silo disease but may not be iitl
fered to go such a ! . ength . that no medicine or phy- .
, the world can save the :person attacked. .
This' should be remembered by all; dug safety of
life is, to be prepared in time. At the symptoms of
a Cold,'Cnugh or Chilliness, THE.CLARIFIED
be freely used according to directions; and in every
case where it is so used intrep.!r time, the Cough or
COld will be broken up.or eradicated. We feel it
our duty to impress this upon every one--all reme
dies must be taken in time.
Complaints of the !wigs are the Moit dangerous
and at the same time most prevalent.of all diseases.
Our, climate is most peculiar ; it changes suddenly
from extreme warmth to extreme told, from wet to
dry, and' it is from this change in the climate that
diseases are apt to arise.
The following is one eta thousand certificates the
proprietor could show, attesting the virtue of his
remedy. ' . .
"I have experimentally tested-the virtues of your
Clarified Essence of lloarhound .Cainly, and would
recommend it to be universally used by all those
whose lungs are exposed—no public speaker should
be without it. Rev. Mr. Lox,
- ' Formerly Pastor of M. E Church, York, Pa.
, .
lionlernber,..each package of the genuine Hoar-.
hound Candy is signed J. PEAS Sort.
All letters, post paid, directed,to J. Pease & Son,
45 Division street, N Y, will be punctually •attended.
Kerchanta in the country wishing Pease's
Hoarhound Candy can obtain it at the tuanulacturer's
lowest terms, bysending in order to any ontju tile'
city with whom they havedialings.
a. 'Merchants and storekeepers , in this vicinity
can be supplied by applying to Masi% Myers &
Haversticic, who have a law and fresh supply direct
from the Manufacturer. - • ,
For sale by ', - , 'MYERS 14 GAVERS . TIGG ! _
:Agents for Carlosle,and by
• `' I.florabestiser, Mechanicsburg.
Daniel ShellyiShirenlanslowp,
- • . ' Abraham. Getz, Klngston , •
Joseph Crain, Hogoestovin,
SamuelVilsona— • ' '
John Giali,
JAI' Wilson,Gtecnt~ll~
.-.%; • •,•;. •
T't •ll.ka—>.
,•• 171 ore rouble.
We ha' e recoiveil from Washington, this morn.
ing, says the . Balt imore Patriot, &. printed sheet • -
entitled "A Warbingto the Democracy:" This •
paper is preliminary to one which the Writer has
in preparation, and which hit° be an-answer to
the pamphlet of Mr. Rhett, of South Carolina, re.:
ccntly publiihed,• en the subject 'of a National' ,
Convention of the Loco Pitcoe. The writer saysq,
that the Rliett pamphlet was put forth to "dii. •
parage Mr. Van Buren and push forward the pre- '
teasions of the:Nollifier,” and his answer is to
apose the machinations of the Calhoun Fay.—
This is tivery pretty fight indeed. . ' •
The following paragraphs from this address
will show the spirit of the writer: ' '
assert, Ist. That the . Nullifier is' determined
to force the . Democratic party. to throw 'aside all
olier men, and unite 'on himself.'. 2dly. If he
fails in this, he is resolved to divide the party, and _
march his,division over-to tho.Fedefalists..
The first project will fail. I sap the Demo.,
cratic party will never unite on the Nullifier, who..
turned against his first benefactor (General Jack.
song—who espoused the cause of Whigery, and
voted.against the nomination of Martin Van Be.
len as Minister to England. - These sins he liar -! -
never atoned for, and the Democracy wilt never . -
confirm the disgrace ho put upon it.' •
,Of the Select ktbrary
• . Literature.
trihN.F, of the distinguished fentures of the
Ittfr duilts the miiitiplication of CHEAP HOOKS.
Publications of thitekind have been hitherto confined,
with a flew exceptions, to works entirely . nugatory in
point of good morals,or positively injurious to them.
The subscriber proposes the publication of a
Monthly I.ibrnry; in which he will offer to the notice
of the comuninity a series of works of another char.
acute, which, from thehigh price at which they are
held, are almost scaled books, except to the wealthy.
The first of the Seriei will be" .
D'Subignel History of the_ great Refor
mation in 'Germany 4• Switzerland. •
At this time, when the alias of the Roman Catho
licAlergy to extend their religiouq, and its manYlle
lieve civil sway over our country, are so untiring,
the casertil diffusion of this work vannot lint be ad
vantageous to the cause of civil and religions free
dom. . l'lw historian has dischared his task with silt'-
plat- fidelity slid ability. The evervaryingscenes.of
that eventful period'pass bethre.the Oye in the most
vivisKtuanner, producing effects as lire surpassing its
interest as in truth, the highest efforts of d'ramatie
skill. Vise chardeters of Luther and the Other lend
ing 'Reformers, as well as those of the champions or
tat clutreb of [tome, are depicted with a force that
imparts to them the reality soul beauty of the most
masterly paintioga. libey t,',liye, move, and have a
hying," through r iough centues. have elapsed since tlwy
playeirlheir part in the most eventful drama of mod,
elm itges.
.Tbut work has the commendation of tho.Prote,-
tato. cler g y of both oor.own country and Europe,and
passed throngh several ekliti oils even hi its present
costly form. It will he, published in five monthly
co..tahtiog nbont 200 tinges of the
.Inierican hank copy, and nt ont•-sixth the price of
the present edition. the first ininiher was issued
about the first of Jaiiiiney.• "rho pl•esent tnrk ttiii
lie followed by others of. a similar character.
Price per number 13 cents, or $l,BO i yezir
riAll orders must be POST PAID'OtHi aCCOMpollied
kr a remittance.
. • Postmasters arr ioitlwrizeil to frntik hitters
enoltainiog remsttaneo: for prriodlit.lH,
_All p.Tson..S
rreeive grittnitausly
",l tliscnunt of 25 per cent. will be allowed to all
.I.genig mid others Inkipg over 12 copies.
Thic being :t only suitj.,eted to
periodical irt.tage.
unniqr It:umbel...Lore:telt work will
he t•eccive.l. . .1 A 1'1•:i NI. (..:,%-NIPIIKI.I4
fIS strcet,'
rton S., 19).3 - ° 31..13
_ Establishment.
stihsyribi.N...lTr! karr In annottnre
in ‘‘•,!:: t i i i i ": 4 1":;!N i !:!: 1 1 1 :: t \ I ! 1 :1/ I I I :::. e \ri )".* 1 1 ;:::.lipr.1 I 'l.ll.
41,4 . %I:84.11111A;
Inter, inn!, r firm cf .\II:CF: , lii AV LEH,
I 1 \ 1 ;Oil? It Co, ,1 1. ri ti rt 1411: p,o lu ,iv,l In ex t .- ,
rite all 16,1, nl n irk 11, timir line in the in ,, st work-.
maul ilo• nr.trnrr, awl in au,l most
:tl.lO li•, 10,11 pekes.
A rtitl , r Icis been ontipinp l‘ lin has 1 , 911 hug rx
la•riviav in ,11111- f/111 . 1111,51 lA•ali 111A1 , 11.,
\t •, •uunmt,aLtliat — _
all wlio st ill ravol' theta.ik kit (heir eusioul, nuty rely
up.l. 113.111 g Illt•11 . work door iii Ilit hest manner.
Cloth trill he ninile up as reag,ouAle
AS II coo lie (lone in the enindry.
prutlilee trill Is (lien in e‘ellimge
l'or work: I 1...1
S. W. 1t4)W1.P.11,
.1(1!EN 11.-(1Z1)1".1{,.
(.E(). Z. 11P.NTZ:
ii-t 7
Carlisle, Fel). 22, l 3
rft Er i Z3l . n s ,_
Praclical Eat and Cap
I'w'l4 mod"-'2122 9
t re j h i l ) s i l'Zint:o l :. i t B ql b h i ;;" Cheap. Tlthat
Mttottfacto ! y. front No. 82, Chesnut Street, to' No.
129 Chesnut Street, flute door below 4111 Street, North
Side, finder the Auction Rooms of Nlesm-s. .v
told I hart, Acre he will continhe to finish his justly
aS kV FA It intwirs,
at thr low price of Plllll. Dollars and Twenty-Ilse
Cent., equal in all respeetc, if not superior, t, Any
sold in the City nt SS.OU and upwards. Ills Gnu
HATS ! )
8,,,43 50. warricited to be on fine fur bellies, far sur
pass any lint sold elsewhere at $4 to 4 50.
Tut test the truth of the shove assertion those in
terested, to .atisly themselves, are requested to call
at Al the other Stores previous to calling on
the suliceriber, tis lie is sure that his Hats will be
ino • appreciated when compared with others.
I' ila Feb 15 , 1843 .
'. H. Country Merchants will find it to their ad
en, Inge to call on the subscriber. SHIPPING
FURS wanted of all kinds.
f'''or Sale or Bent,
THREE comfortable tl‘ new Brick fluildings, in a
pleasant and he: part of the. borough. Posses-
Itiloll giru on the Ist of April, 11143.
• Dec. P 1,1843. CI lAS. °elixir.
W 22221 4 0 3220330
LADIES SLIPPERS, best quality Willis' Mann
facture, will be sold at $1 per. pair. Ladies Walk
hig Shoes at $1 25 per pair. Gum Shoes cheaper
than ever at the Store, of the Subscriber. Terms
February 15, 1843. 4 tf-18
Barnsley -Sheeling,.&.e.
12.4 Barnsley Sheeting, of superior qualit, for tt
per T rail.. 6-4 Irish Sheeting 'for 50 ota per yaill.
Russia Sheeting very eheap fora o nly. •
I February 15, 1843.; • tf-16
BEAVER and Pilot Cloth for over coats. Also
Black, Blue and Invisible Green Cloth for dress
coats, just received and selling very low,st the store of
Dec. 21, 1842: C DAS. OGILBY.
HE stibscriber has for Rent, a large and corn- Ttriodiaps SHOP, suitablefOr building any, kind
of Machines, with Blacksmith Shop attached, Also
several Rooms suitable for: a small family. • •
. : • • . HENRY RllO DS.
February 15,1545,' St-1.5
`.•(. GL persons Indebted to the 'stibieriber by. Book
account or'notes, are requested te pay up before
the'inth of March neat, after which date the accOglit
will be placed in other hands for eollectioo.
Carlisle, Feb. I's, 184.9.,
• LAST . 1110TICE. '
All. persone indebted to the subscriber are, hereby
notified, that their aiiionnts -war be placed, itt other.
hands for. collection, unless Void before the nib
March', 11143„ ,
February 215 .1542.
. • . . w
hitt M arseilles for .800
Nary cheap,for CASki,by the ett!Ssekiher'4'l,
• ." ' Gt.O. •V r .;I.IPCNER;
•• :•Febrihry,22 • •
% for 5 el
tr-16 •
- • „