RI CANAL COM 14ISSIONLE ktILL. Remarks of Mr. Speaker WRIGHT, made In the Houss of Representatives f Penneyliania, the bill relative to a reduction of the expanses of the Board of Canal Commissioners. Febru• iiry 11,1'841, Mr: Wright rose and said: Mr. - Speaker, I ob.'" tained leave a few days since to address this House; perhaps it is not necessary to ask its in. dulgenee again.. 1. stated then and state now that I should not have participated hi this debate had I not been called mit by eroference on thepart of the gentlemali'from Crawford (Mr. LoWry,) to a vote I gaveo'h a bill, similar to the preSent one, last winter; and why 'this vote and , my course on form'r queition4 a like natureshould be drawn into thin digeusiien, lam unable to determine. I hailliot`e 4 -AVressed mysiew on this bill, and there. fare .no reason to, eipect that ( I .would be _drawn into any-dcbate that' mightbe had on it; and how my sentimorits come to be knOwn I am still lcrs able to divine. Viliat I may have said, out of doors on the subject was asilifferept matter, and I did not anticipate to - be called to nn account on "'Tr- u tioor for any °x i in private conversation. The remarks I had occasion to' make a few days ago were purely of defensive eharAter ; and the manner in which these remarks haiie been treated require from me a response. I take noth ing, btrek of all I 'said on that occasion. I then gave vent 'to .nothinghut the 'fieriest convictions of my heart, and ivby should I retract them ? They were honestly entertained, and may have been.warmly expressed; but it was that warmth which springs from an honest independence and roltich shrinks slot from duty nt any time or um. der any eircunistances. And that a fearless ex pression of oPinione.On,my part,"on . a.., subject di. - 'TOY connected with the bill under consideration Alionld call - Mown on my bend the wiatlr and ire of certain members, not a little. astonishes What is there in this bill to excite angry feelings • between members? What is there that sliOu!d break tip the friendly and - setriaVrelhtions between rCprescruntiica ? Why should certain members !be proscribed and placed on the' black list bedause. they,in the discharge of their duties to their con. erititents, take ri - pattiettlar conrie?— :Why should a hue .and cry be raised in behalf of 'the CanatComniissioners, when. we arc about to pass a law Which will displace them, when other displaCing equally worthy, equally honorable and equally deserving anon, to say the very. least, were passed and not a voice was raised in their 'behalf... • • ' • We.hatre passed . a bill abolishing tins Nicholson court, thereby displacing Judge Anthony and the three Commissioners of the Nicholson claim, but not.a word was said- in their behalf. And -*11 ) not? ,Are- they not equal_ in all that , pertainS to high minded men and deserving partizans, to the' Canal Cominissioners ? ‘Vho doubts it? and'yet . no tears of syMpathy were shed for them. No anathemas vi ere sent forth when theSe - Were cut off. And then too, wo abolished the Criminal Court Sessions'afjhe city and county. of Philadel, _phia. - Thereby stripping three more'men, do ' servedly high' in the party,. of their hon Ors and emoluments. ••tiut 'this too,' Was done without eliciting the sympathies of members. Why this difference in the treatment'of these respective bills? Was &becalm° these last officers had no patron ago to bestow T Had - no others to give ? No contrasts to let out? It cannot lid that such con siderations influenced members. - I regretted,deeply regretted the neecssitv_which compelled me to vote for both of those bills. It - pained rue to the heart to think-that I moat be in. strumental in Wining &it Jtidgo Atithimy ; the measure MS called for. The people:demand. ed the repeal of the lard creating the court over -- which he-presided, and it was not for me to refuse obedience' to such a high behest, no matter how much my feelings revolted at-it: - The case of the Judges of the. CI iminal•Court was no less-painful to me. I did dislike to see • those men torn from their seats so unceremonious. ly: and if-'it had been possible to gratify' my , friendly' feelings for -those men, it would have been a source of pleasufe to me to do so; but duty directed another way and I sacrificed my personal and private feelings on the altar of public duty. . • For the votes I, gave on these different mea. tares I was not called to an account. My private character and political consistency was not as sailed because of these votes. Now sir, why this feeling against me because I take the same course on this Canal Commis,,ion era bill? Wliy this ruthless assault on me 1, tliis unbounded abuse? There must be some secret at the bottom of all this. I have always looked upon the gentleman from 'Clearfield, (Mr. Barrett) as a personal friend.— My relations with him have been of.an agreeable . 'character,. our intereonrses have been social and .pleasant, and why lie should drag my private character, my personal acts, into this controversy, and in a way ton, as ilbnatured as it was unbecom ing and undignified; has been not the least among my astonishments. . It must he, continued Mr. Wright, an impor tant influence which will thus suddenly break np old associations, which will sever the pleasant in tercourso whieltl have heretofore enjoyed with' the gentleman from Clearfield. (Mi. Barrett explained that he had not attack. ml the private character of Mr. Wright; and that if what he (Mr. 13.) had s4d was going to break up thCir 'friendly intercourse, the fault would be with the Hon. Speaker and himself. Mr: Speaker, I will not answer that part of the' gentleman's speech%vhieb reibrs to ine persona* and which expatiatcs on my political consistency. With that, this House and the bill under consider. allot' have nothing to do. It is amuestion which concerns only the people of Luzern° and Wy. .orning and myself. rho foul slanders which been retailed here •need not my refutation. They' are the flibrice :tiou of . ,cppiniennEt,migionted in sources which 1 .- iinfEncit to mention. They have been carried "to the gentleman from Clearfield who has been - :mode unwittingly, the medium of slanders which :are baseless as the fabric of a vision. will.now.take a brief notice of somepartm of `theteriticinan's remarks, but I will notice them in a courteous and gentlemanly way. • Sir, d repeat the charge against the present Board of Canal Commissioners, which I made a fe* days ago, of having turned off subordinate officers because their Views on the subject of the Presidency did not conform to that of the Com missioners, and of filling their places with such 'as would do the biddings of the' Commissioners on that question. I repat - this because I know it to be true. My own views on the subject of the Presidency I have never publicly divulged, not becabse I was afraid to express my preference, but because no 'fit occasion bad ochurred in which to do it. I can tell gentlemen something on that subject. ./ DM much mistaken if a' very short time does not Make some dev elopements on the subject of the , Presidency, Which will open the people's eyes. The gentleman frarn Clearfield and his candidate - ere about to be sold. Aye, in less than a, munth, 'he and his candidate will be turned over, not ex. actly to the enemy, but he will be' turned over. sir, a Tyler press is to be started in Hanis h-dr& a'rew dope; and it is to be edited by an ' 'Officer or theStfite government ; an officer of your State administration—and who,until quite recent. IA was a flaming Johnson man To be sure It is to start - out with Casa, but it is a Tyler press for all that, and wilfdouse Cass at a signal to be given. Who that understands the workings, and the sly Manceuverings orthe managers Of this farce, that cannot sae through , it? 'Who is to be Secretary • of Wer"urider John Tyler? What does all the 'turning out and pulling in mean,Which has been. sa long promised that the secret ben got out 7 For ';,y.vhat 9 - urpose is roonf,to be mado in. Tyler's cnbt. nit for 4. M. Porter, professedly a Cass man now, • - 'brii how longg even professedly so, when lie:gets a ';,;;liitst.' under ,resident,l beg his pardon, Captain ~ Tyier,l.- • It ,is not becanso the democrany . ef Penn. ;'; , . , lolvataittdenirc it. IV, the democracy of yenn ".fitylVania does' not recommend this measure,. And sir, why all this? why this Case pries heiv, seat government and this trouble to make - morn for a Case man in the Natiorial Cabinet 7= '.% ,Put,this and that together and what does it show? -; Aye, what dries it shoW 7 '• Men . is placed ' intho Cahintdand ,wilLcif course .eoen cause biehingo toind:li k jiait his sithation— that turn:Tyler Man; -and then; howill 'of course again earry , fila friends with him, which bethi nevi Casa Preis Mid athei - nearAnd dear - ,relatiOnis In about flarrisburr;. trhis lojbe oar oolummodiroabe crortootiofailiaimoi! ;rawford, (M vt.bcf:tbieWif kto'tilallov)p,POPWOMA,o4o 4 6lle: fie; fikt hieold -Which anethei..fil# . :Peeltetil' !•=‘ Lowry the viticicety , :,.)!If;iliorAie;ge 4 thane n i ,).o . matote ottiliff *.noWs -iiitto,V49,l4**o l o4o,c , .A4it more erectlidy old b.causo he confidedlnomitch in' others. It is contendedthat this Tyler pressvis to be en independent press. That is established for the purpose ofgiving membersinstruetioneodcertain subjects ; and if these lessonsaronotlearned they are tolic thrashed into them. In other words, if wo don't obey the orders issued from' a certain chamber, not an hundred miles off; we are to be lashed into the traces. New sir, this independent prelim ddes not alarm me. It has no terrors for me. f will do my duty. I will pursue the even tenor of 'my way and take chances for the abuse. , Any other orders than 'those given by my constituents I will net obey. If I sop corruptions and mal-pr - actittcs I wilt aid• in stopping them; and if'they arc not seen I will point my finger at them, So that they cannot pass unnoticed, regardless of denunciations• hero or eleewhere. And If will pursue the same fearless bourse on the. subject of tho Preidency. .I choose for my self; and as r ; .„, not ° ashamed of my opinions and preferences, on that question I take this op. portunity to say that I sin a Buchanan man. Ho is my choke, and I make this annunciation that my'friend friend Troni Crawford, and the.gentle. -mamfroznElearfield,may_not make a mistake when they come to count noses. . (Mr. Lowry—l suppose the gentleman's second choice Is Matty, the magician.) No sir, he is notourid Mr. Wright. I don't go: fur Mr. Van Buren as my second .chnice. 'I hold . nosecrcts on public questions, and I give this - in. formation for the benefit of file gentleman from Crawford (Mr Lowry.) Ido not want to be old and *ill not be. My candidate cannot - be bargain ed a way Tor an office. He and his fiends under stand lhonselves too well fir that; but I ant sor: ry to say that I ton. afraid an effort is now making to haul over a certain clnss . of Would Jetties Madison Porter get an - Alieb . frem, that. graceless polil,irian, John Tyler, unless there, was a quittpro quo? The friends of certaiwcan didates have been offered as :lc:tints for the-sac. dike; but the numbers will not be Very largo. J. 11. Porter, ea - inlet Wind over the democracy of the Ecistone at his will or bidding..• And as for the new dass'press,„l wish it, was here now that its editor could learn and Iriaw-my views, of this bargain and sale_business, and other equally uteri- I • tortous nialttrs. It :might 'abuse' me. Nay, I wont(' he glad if it did. I court abuse frOrn such la quarter. It cannot injuriously affect my stand. ing the'Democratic party: Sir, I see which way the wind is blowing, and if .the gentleman from -Crawford will but look on for a little •while and not strike his col Ors, he.will learn something to his advantage in this mattx-r. Why, sir, charges have been made against-me in regard to the appointment .of a' certain COm; mince.' !Lis alleged that I held it-as a rod over members to draw them into a 'certain course and for certain other•Particidar plirposeS. Now, i. have something to say in regard to thiS matter. I can divuW al secret connected with and about the appointinent of this,_Comrnitteo which , will open people's eyes, which will , show -,the ,under handed manner resorted to to cover up corruptions in' certain quarters; and .because I would not lend myself-to this base_busincss a rod has_been held over my head. Nay, more,_ which ready been furiously lashed about toy ears in thundering tones and g,esticolations, (pointing to the gentleman from Clealfield, Mr: Barrel,) but I can tell gentlemen they. mistake their 4WD if' they suppose that I can be d:iven into measures of this kind, and Much less if they expect to force am into submirion by abuse or threats.— amnot the material to be moulded thus,' aml think the parties concerned have discovered this. Well, about thia.6m - finite hu t inefls, for i ant not going to let, that:drop. 1 hold. in ?op :band a pop,. contain" ¢ liSt of names IC rilteda in the Mad-writing of a Cabinet officer of our State Administration ; and where,' Mr. Spout kor,- do you suppose I got it, and what was intended by it ?-- Von could not guess; and I will tell you. This little paper MIS picse,;,itcd to me shortly after it 'intl-been decided by this Honse that &Committee i of nveldightion should be appointed to inquire in. to allegations of. fraud against. thrspresent board of Canal ,Commissioners. That's the way 1 got it, and now no to its purport. It pointed out to me, in the Isand4oritilzg of an ExccurivE oFrrecn, what members if this Howe sliould be placed on that Committee ! I And why all this trouble about this Investigating 'Committee 1- Why this ellhrt, on the part of those nearly allied and deep in tha'Confidence:oF - thc - powers that-Ae,_to_con.. trot the actions of a certain Committee of this House 1 Could it be- to whitewash the _conduct of those who were to pass in review before it 1- IVns it intendeejby this to cover ttri corruption, whilh-smells so stren , r in the nostrils of the peo. pie, that they. cry with one voice fi,r their remo val l I will leave you Mr. Speaker, and those who hear Mt.,. to answer these interrogations for themstlces. nut what did I say—lvhat was'my..eonduet when I received this polite and mpdest Lille pa per What, says I, you pack My committees for n i e ,? You, make an automaton or me? No, no.— I no duugh•lhce. lam the. presiding otlicer of this body; and as becomes that officer I will appoint my own committees, and exercise all other functions vested in me by the authority of the same, ha becames marl and an dependent officer. . And what has been the consequence of this re fusal on my part to he direlect to my duty; to dis regard the high behest of the power silting on the throne? 1 have been Marked ; the magazine is'placed under me to blow me sky high. The independent press, which is to be established hem for the benefit of refractory members, is to lot loose its bludgeonS of war on rne. But lam not killed yet; and I arn not going to be. It will take a little more powder and ball than the inag. azint; up stairs contains, t., annihilate me. I wish it to be understood that, my course on this investigation business and the bill under con sideration, is not prompted by _unkind or humor. er feelings to the present incumbents in the ('amt' Board. lam influenced in my coarse in these matters by higher considerations, such as Ipride mysidt ever to be governed by. I obey the only ,masters I have in the duties pertaining to Inc as a representative of the people. My constituents are my masters, and I have their instructions in great abundance on the matter under cnnside ration ; I but folloW their directions in what aid give to probe the sores which are afflicting unto death, this Commonwealth. I would consider myself derelint ill duty; I would consider that I was aiding and dlietting in mal.vcrsations; did see them and lint Point them out. I have seen that which satisfies me,that corruptions do exist and mut-practices are eartkd on in the present administration of tlie affairs of the improye. ident of this Commonwealth, and my duty is i tn aid in their suppression, and aid I will regardless of the threats or. the abuse of these intereAed. I have said, and I repeat than regretted, deep: ly regretted to • see laws passed turning out sonic .half dozen' or more worthy judges, anal good offi cers. My heart bled for the Judges of the Crim inal and Nicholson Courts, and the other o ffi cers which were sent adri ft . My feelings were on the one side, but my duty on the opposite, and I chose to obey the latter. Yet for 'this I have not beyn held to.nn account, and for reasons known, to those who are now raising the hue and,,crY be cause of my course ,on a bill which will aftect Canal Commissioners of doubtful standing. I will now sir, give my reasons for pointing , out the Orson of Mr.. William Oyerfield in my re marks of a day or two back, about which there has been some ado, and' which has been made the pretest for the most of the assaults which have been Lando upon.= sinpe, in the debates on this floor. Whilst the gentleman from' Northampton (Mr. 'Heckman) had the fluor on that same day, and wasanimadverting upon the bill under consider. ation, this , Mr. William Overfleld,one of the Canal .Commissioners;was,•l will not say making smiths at him, but, he was deriding and attempting to ridicule Mr. if. and exerting Itisingonuity to'turn into -contempt ; tha wholeterne truths whiph fell from his lips. 'And it was 'because of this that I pointed my finger at the forth yin Whose behalf an attempt has been made to getup sympathy on this floor. Sir, my indignation was roused when :l beheld an officer high in authority - 1n this gov. ernment, leaving hisofficial 'duties, to'come into this hall of representatives of the free people of relmsylvania„to deter them fro:inn:the perflirmanea . Ortheir'duty;lay'opertand reprehensible tidal' en. Atossin their - character as to be a violation of the iii et this degrading exhibition, degrading' alike to my species and. my country. It was' nothingmot.e . lier'wee it any:thingless thane base effort to cwt.:. trol :the ttetiOns of an IndependeWropiesentatiiie; and as eueb . desetveilikroc_Flvi?dmy . Frmiu . alifipd died r Q• rujegeistititrammt mg,: :llottl f l 'l4,oolloas on thin Att. the; lloniatt , : , .. , : , iratfiti:iihiftwont lute tho-Sentitifwilh - 10*2,1ing::#10 hio; , gtiflt, 11* . tilfir0;ioft4toitiO8 ir;intek at the Loan p hlliit fns tgotinant r iten gmtledff eittinets.;&4llolltutt****> I to the present case Bough, less distinguished tier: sonages were_actors in the s c ene. --- 1 knoW something of those rules whin regulate society; and 1 am not an indifferent practitioner of them ; and the'effort which has been made to turn the' notice which I had occasion to take . of Mr. William Overfield in my first speech on this subject, cannot be construed into a breach of po liteness.. If it is, the illustrious exaiiiple to.whlch- I havo just alluded was; and I am willing that this act of mine should bo measured •by that• standaid. . ' • Mr, Speaker, some members here • would vote for a continuance in office of the present Board of Canal Commissionersif direct and open fraud was proven against them:" And •is the clamoryvhfch is raised in their behalf shy them to have. any weight with the unbiased members of this House? I hope not sir. I know it will not.: If. the pre sent Board of Commissioners depend upon this house for a re-appointment,they Will lid Sadly - die. - appointed, and if they ge hefore the people, their case will be yet more desperrite. Sir, the .voto and- the Speech too, which I gave and delivered on this same 'queStien in '4l has been alluded to. That I was right thenould that my constituents approved cf iny course. then,•is well estnblished'in the 1200 majority by -which they returned me their ,representative• to thhi ,house. Thnt testimonial was grateful to my feel ingv. Arid tiow, ns then,' I • will take my own course. .Since then I have seen cause to change -my views on more measures than the one now be., fore•us.-. I was a novice -then in legislatiVe busi:, n'ess, and young in politics too. I has'e become more wav-•vise since.. - True Sir, it has been intimated hero that I was elected last fall by a' wonderfulreduced majority. o I was, but there is reason for that too. .I will not say that' there was any interference in Iny election I.t - fall on the - part•of the State adminis: tration. Bitt reiood many strange ,rumora flew through , my diai Het of the operritionsg me ihtu in Ilarrisburg to elect my opponent. I cannot point so directly and therefore no positively to interfer ences in my election, as to he .able •to intimate that ms' tickets were destroyed tre carried out of the district, :is my friend from Northampton (Mr. Heckman) is able to do, but I do say, there were :Rome very suSpiciocs circumstances, and a good many of them. ton, connected with State opera. lions along the North Branch canal. Ido not implicute in these machinations, my opponent.— He would not resort to unbccomingefforts to elect himself. I know !din well, and Chester Butler is , as honorable a man as ever drew, the breath of life. Tha great length of Mr. Wright's remarks pre. vent our giving the remainder of his speech in his own language. _We must therefore content our. selves with a few additional extracts, After speaking bf the new; contract entered into by the Commissioners for carrying pasitongers on the Columbia read, Mr. Wrigarsays--- This is, one - or the. transactions, I suppose, for which the Canal Commissioners claim fitvor. Sir, they have a good deal of this' hind of merit to corn. mend' them; - • There is ono which has becitreferred to in this dehatirant - which - I - will-give-a-pas.ring:notiCe cause - my name has been used in' emmOetion,,with it. It is a small matter, heethere is an oktsaying, that "rogutA steal Millions and nig tics steal sissms," which 'will meet that part of the.ohjed . .I allude to the ride which the Canal Commis. .sinners took from Willtsbarre to Northumberland, one day last summer, add in which I had the hon. tie of being a party. And en agreeable time-we had of it. -I recollect well the aliundarice we had al delicious. drinks. LeMons and Sugar were there in profusion ; and the Cogninc with which we Were Atwitter' up was good,'and the loati•sugai ;was as avid as the snow orirAletuth.BJanc. • The very recollection of it inspires my imagination with lolly and towering.subjects. • • 'Phis flue treat, for'such idtrnth it was, I thn't es ,at the expense of our agseeable boat Captain, r some.of sollecrsond disfnot think any thing more of .the matter mail-my return to Ilarrisburg at the meeting of the- - Legislature, when an inti mation was lissom' out to me that nur frolic was at the expense of the State. °This led roe toinsti. lute some inquiry intolhe matter, and after a good) deal Of search discovered the full charge of tho whole spree entered on the 'elmelt.roll of the Su, periniendenttnc day labor! Yes sir,Sugar,Lcm. ens, Cogniae, Brandy. scud eteeterag, charged on - the-cheek-von of tics Su p erintendent cc day labor! Attempts have hcen made In cover up this tonall transaction, but it casinot be explained away, nor can the enormity of the transaction Ice mitigated by the etfort which has been made to impugn the character of the man- upon whose testimony it rests - . Ile who impugns -John dots not know the man. A more honest and upright maii cannot be found, which the gentleman-from_ Csaumbia (Mr. Snyder)—in which county Mr. ll'lleynolds resides, and who *knows him well— will bear sne out in. . No w Mr. Speaker these arc a few pee:Wilkes in the management of the improvements of our Sfate, Land for the relitimation of which the people have called long and loudly. But sir, the wishes of the people on this matter are not to butheeded ' cauae the evil ctirfnot be remedied without turning Out of ottice the present worthies who administer iii tract department; and under whose adtninis. linden the C ss handbill transaction, the wise and 'honest passenger contract businessoind the lemon, sugar and cogniac chargbd as day lflhor took place.. Yes sir, because I will not aid and abet in these dark, mysterious, and culpable doings by covering them up and screening the offenders, I ant charg. ed with helping the Whigs to break down the State administration. It is known . thet the principle. of electing the Canal Commissioners iH one that has been steadi ly advocated by tho Whig party. Mr.. Wright thus speaks of. the .attempt to stop him in his course by the charge that he was supporting a Whig measure, and 'with"thi's extract we are obliged to conclude : Mr. Speaker, I take an expanded view of this question. It proposes ref yrin—a great, reform in an important branch of the State service.— Thosands can be saved by it; and whether it is Whig measure- or not, it is a righteous one, and one with h the, rople call for. This great and once prospeLons State is- crushed to the earth by her pecuniary embarrassments and her people are groaning under opliressive taxes; and . yet this measure which proposes a relief to both is oppos. ed. And why 7 because it thrciws.men out of of. fice—those who- by their conduct have shown themselves unworthy and unfit to hold office, and whose palpable. disregard for the public interests has lost them the people's confidence. It has been stated here that 2,700 dollars is paid annually by the CanarComniissioners for clerk hire. Now until the present adminiatration. came into power, there was never 'more than. - 81000 paid for clerk hire for this department. The bill before you proposes to reduce it ,down to 81000 e 569 more than it ought to be yet. , The people of yottrState, - ivin - pay the taxes, work for fifty cents a day and are glad to get it; yet 2700 dol lars must be extracted from the poor laborer; who toils the liVe long day for 50 cents, to pay two' clerks who do not vi.ork four hours in the day.— This is the economical—the reforming board of Canal Comtnissionere, which we are asked to keep in power; and because forsooth we express an unwillingness to do it, we are charged with going with the Whigs, SILK BUSINESS.--The experiment of manufacturing silk in the 'Auburn, N. Y., Prison, by the convicts, has proved quite suceesful. The resits from the very-out set were so: eucouraging that constant additions have been triadelo the machinery usea,°and the number of convicts . ernploy-''. ea 'in this mantifacture; and 'the 'Opinion is citildently expressed bythe agent that the bilisness may 'he so extended'ati ultimately 'to employ all the critivint labour , which can 13ci,::aisigned 'to it consistently with A propei:Oadnet and management ofitlie }riieon.= ' ihe sewing silk M promionced firslie. agent 'superioi to the imported - ar ticle, in strength,- and softness of lexiute, a n d.!e qualM__sineothnepalantl i n.color,_ and_ je. , piefoted herevei . b*have 'bien . fair: j Itipimpre hi - Washingtou. The tioitedltiiiiii!Gazette gives' as rumors from Waehingtori, _ll at Mr s Wkse_'vrill''go_ to Vrance-,.. probably truei. duahinglo, chinst.-twt-proba ble y - Mr. Williavoien,iilHuntingdon, nna , in Wrth= hat i taitit s i ,, probably : :111r, Irvvin; • of yittsbnrgli,'-'.. v higion, to ,the Philadelphia, Cuittog'! - liiinie7-ntore ch Chant- . ; -I*Tilii4norahlcollehop ,GrianFolii "of ,thd4E. spre cliarge ~);Chre .'Boston on ,' ;bersburE, lately under. the care of Mt ~ , iretlneWluy last , µ The cause of ltia deull •wus, 41tifffiiiiil retngvetl4 o 4l • . • 1 1 1 _ 4 - .- • - • , =WI Malta & E. BEATTYt EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, OARLOOLE, Pao , ',lridnesday, February 22, 1843. FOR PEEBIDEWE i 7 HENRY • CLAY, Subject to the Aceision of a Natiopal Cofivention DEMOCRATIC WHIG PRINCIPLES. SPECIALLY s• FOR THE PUBLIC EYE." OUR CREED. I. A. Round National' turrency, regulated by the will and authority of the Nation. 2. An adequate Revenue, with fairProteciion to American IndUstry. . 3. luat restraints on the Ekecuttve power, em. brtiCing a fitriher restriction an the exercise of . the Veto. • 4. A •faithful administration of the public dothain, with an equitable distribution' of the proceeds of sales of it among all the States. 5. An honest and economical administration of 'the General Government, leaving Public officers perfect freedom of 'thought and of the right of suffrage; but with suitable restraints against improper interfertnee in elections.. . 6. An amendment to the Constitution, limiting the incumbent of the 'Presidential office to a SINGLE TERM. -- - - . er. These objects attained, I think that we sho ul d cease to be 'affliead with bad administration of Lilo Goierninent.—HENßY CLAY. caDur obliging friend at \Vasil . igton has our warm acknowledgeme - rits for hie attention. Tho loss of the paper containing the articlo alluded to by him, has prevented our complying with hie tequck.. - Destructive Fire On Wednesdayaflernoon last about one.o'clOck, the exceedingly neat!ding whip was being erected for Mr. E. L. Walker, on the western end of_Afain.eitreet in this borough, was discovered to be on fire. Our various engine and hose compa nies were promptly. on the ground, but the pro- gress of the fire before its . discoveri, the violence of the wind which rapidly spread the flames, ad: ded to the difficulty of procuring 'water in that part of the town, made all efforts unavailing to save it, and the building was entirely consumed. The loss of Mr. Walker and the builder" of the house, Mr. Turner, is estimated at about "81200, which fails en, them-with great,severity; ..We.are glad to observe that public sympathy is engaged in an effort to repair in some degree the loss. Secretary of the Comnfonwealtb. Col. Charles McClure, of this borough,avas on .Monday last appointed by the Governor Secreta ry of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and ex dficio Superintendent of Common Schools. = Col : McClure is certainly the best of time be tween whom the choice lay. We hope ho may he found equal to the duties ho is called upon to fits. charge, and in the present state of parties enjoy his distinguished place a during good behavior." ;Clay State Convention. 13.:1The Whig Stato Convention of the fiiends of Henry Clay meets in Harrisburg, to-day.-,- We i+hall be able to give some report of the pro ceedings in our next, which-we hope, will be of el-a-character no . te_streurrthen the good Whig cause in Pennsylvania, The Legislature The doings of:the Legislature niay .be very fully ascertained from the letter °lour correspon dent, in to-day's paper. CONCERT.-A concert of Sacred Music was, given\in the Methodist Church of this place on Monday evening last, by q number of our musi, cal amateurs. The treat was a rich ono to the lovers of music. The proceeds are to be applied to the benefit of Messrs. Walker and Turner, the sufferers by the late fire. Whig National. Convention. The Whig members of Congress at a recent meeting decided upon the necessity.and propriety of a National Whig Convention to nominate can: didates for the Presidency and Vice Presidency. Another meeting will soon be held to determine upon the Limo and place, • which will settle the matter. • •It ie thought they *ill recommend hold. ing it in Baltimore on the first Wednesday orMay, 1844. A very good time. Congressional Retrenchment. •6 '-Mr. Areold'irkyl providing for the 'reduc tion of the pay orafembers of Congress to $6 per day, hesid es the rotrenchtnent of other expen ses, passed the . House of Representativrtfat Washington. Good. In the Senate the bill was referred to the Committee on Retrenchment. A moot Point. Wo acknowledge the receipt from the Rev. E. C. Delavan, of Albany, N. Y. of the second. num ber of " The Enquirer," devoted to free discus sion as to the kind . of Wine to be used at the Lord's Supper, &o. of which he is the Editor. If any of our friends desire to examine the sub ject we shall be happy to give them the views of Mr. Delavan us expresesed in his pamphlet. Mr. Delavan is one of those who deserve the thanks of the country for zealous effrts in the cause of TeMperance, but the question he is now discus. sing is one of practicability as.well as propriety, and may therefore be discussed a great deal to little profit, - , „ 6leighlug.' The sleighing for the last eight or ten (lays has been excellent, and those who had plenty of money and leisure appeared to enjoy themselves amazingly. The jingle of sleigh belle and. the merry shouts of the revellers might be heard night and day, making the welkin ring with their gay music. Quigley's, at Beguestown, and IkteGlaughlin's, at Kiddeeminster, appear to be the favorite resorts to 'those who love the good things of the world. . 117 Our readorewill not require an apology, we hope for large space we have given to . ,Mr. Wright'espeech; although We must rainless we publish it as well for the benefit of our loco foco Muds as Whigs,liecause we .have a strong . givingiluit our niaghbour of the Voltinteer after giving Mr.' Lowry or Mr., Keres oPoodion on the slime bill, will, riot have roomfor. .Mr. Wright'.! Thai Canal Commissloizerfs Bill. MR: WRIGHT'S SPEECff. One of the remarkable signs of the titniss'with. in the last two weeks has been the passage ofthat sound democratic measure; a bill for the election of Canal Commisidoners by the people. This mature has been always advocated by the Whigs, and was once passed by a Legislature in which therhad the majority, but vetoed by our demo. erotic Governor.. It bas now again passed' the House of Representatives by means of Whig votes assisted by several 'honest loco feces. It will 'also, we premium, pass the. Senate, but as it. will undoubtedly receive the veto of the Governor, it may fail of becoming a law for thq want of the constitutionalmajority_ottw_d thirds to-defeat the, Governor's. negative. But of the 'necessity of taking thtimmense pntronagdof the public Works opt of the hands of the Administration there can be no question, and if this bill is defeated by the Governor and his friends, the people will knoW where td'placo the , Mr. Wright's speech, of Which we; publish a goodly portion to.tiny, will be found rich in inter. We are inclined to think the half has not been told, and yet a more beautiful exposure of the wire-working and management of the Geyer. nor and.his clique, has not appeared for some time. We hope it will be carefully rend. • • Wo have received the first number of our fritind Weekly Forum. It is• a small bilt handsomely Printed sh act, 'contain i ngehoice Belem. lions from the Daily, comprising all the spirited articles, nevus, literature, c. It is pub. 'jelled at one dollar a year, and will no doubt prove a valuable auxiliary in the cause of "Harry of the West," and the , people. Cosi:tiannas Et.t.iorr.—The Philadelphia Eve. ning Journal nays that a very friendly feeling is manifested at Washington'towards this old vete. ran, and a strong probability exists Abet he will soon be relieved from Ilia sentence, which has been in operation since:Juno 21st, 1840, and be restored to his former position. . . A illiets? Scheme. • The crisis in the affhirs of our CoMmonwealth is drawing forth wisdom from various sources ad I is ,usually the ease., James Clarke, Esq., well known as a former Canal Commissioner, has fl long article in-the Harrisburg Reporter, develop. ing a plan by which ho proposes to pay the inter est as well as . the principal of- the State Debt.— Mr. Clark's mode proposes an elegant superstrue turc,--hut-the-miscrY-is-that-the'materiel-eannot he found to lay the foundation for it. He says that 4. should a fund of $2,000,000 a year be pro vided, to be increased annually at.the rate 00100,- 000, it will extingtiish the whole debt in 27 years, eveitir-tho-Si;ato has to pay 6 per cent on all her debts'thatimay be overdue. Thus, then, by this plan, the State must in time first place rittse,s2,- 000,000 a year in addition to the ordinary expena.. cs of the government, which must go on increas ing-year by year, until the payment -in Is6B, a mounts to $4,500,000 It-is Very easy to figure out - 0nel) a scheme, but the difficulty is to raise the money. How in the first' place, are we to raise $2,000,000, to make the firSt payment 7 • Awful Calamity; GREAT LAND SLIDE AT TROY, NEW YORK -FORTY LIVES LOIT,--SEVERAL BUILD INOS DESTROYED • The Albany papers give accounts of a fearful calamity at Troy, N. Y., occasioned by a land slide, which occurred on Friday last, scarcely in. fcrior in - extent r and it is fearCd, even more des tructive of life, than that winch occurred several years ago. . . The slide occurred south of the former one, on the same 111 l—the avalanche crushing, and nearly hurying.several frame buildings, at the foot of the Vill,and_exteriding quite across Main street. The accounts vary in particulars, but all conc - UI hi' representing the loss of life, and the scene of distress as terrible beyond description. The scene presents an awful and melancholy sight. Babes.in their cradles, mothers with their children in their arms, and stalwart men, who but two'hours before iiicathed freely and in good . health, had been taken from the ruins, mutilated and mangled corpses. The buildings destroyed were-nearly all new, and had but recently been erected. • Eight or ten of the dwelling occupied by poor families,were crushed and buried beneath the mass of earth. In these, it is supposed; there were net less than thirty or forty persons, only ten or twelve of whom escaped. ‘Vithin an hour after the occurrence, nine bodies were dug from the ruins, five of which Were without life; one partially injured, and three'not beyond recovery. A man tiom the-countiy, passing at the time with his team, leaped from his sleigh, and eseap ed. The horses and load of wood were buried beneath the earth. The great reform bill which has passed the House of Representatives by means of the Whigs aided by a--few of the !twos, and which provides fur the election of Canal Commissiot.ers by the people, must be regarded, - says the Philadelphia Inquirer, as a measure of more than ordinary in terest, and one which, if carried into full and complete effect, will have a salutary influence up on the affairs of the State. The Bill, as it passed the House, provides that a board of Commission ers shall be elected by the Legislature within ten days after the passage of the act,—both houses on joint ballot to elect the President, and each house an assistant—and u new board to be elected by the people at the annual election next fall, and one member annually thereafter. It providmialso for a reduction of the expenses of the board—salaries of officers, &c. &c. We believe,—the great majority of the people of Pennsylvania believe, that a large 'pardon of the indebtedness of this CoMmonwealth Is justly attributable to the profligacy arid extravagance which have characterized the management of bur pub/ic• works. For years, these works have been made use of; not with a view'solely for the public good and the financial prosperity of the Common wealth,but, as a means to reward political favorites and assist the political destinies of the State ad. ministration. Thus, millions have been squan. dared, and the State Debt has been increased year after year; until it has grown to such ,magnitude as to be really alarming.: By the new plan, it is to .be' hoped:that this Iniquitous system will be avoid. MI, the resources' of the State husbanded, and a commencement made in the great work of reform valculated eventually to restore the eharacter'and revive the credit at the CommOnwealth. The bill, however, has yet to receive the 'auction of, the Senate and tole aubmitted to the Governor.. , The End not yet! -, Wednesday last , the 15th, ram one of the days. fixed mpon by , Second - Advent preachers; down mast; for , the destruction Or-our beautiful *Aid. A number' of:proselYtesin,the East -hepf...,:liatelt ihr:the.great event, and were Perhaps -40f ogres' ably disappointed by itS , ;non.oaCtirrerice4, Tbio ,profune doctrine it is to-be,bepetlooll! soon sink in Ir".,,rlt:iidc°ll*Ptsitibrialsti,rat'iii4sTOr All true - ' '4 , DL • , ‘`iipos, , ' • • ,:i .. . : •: . :! . i:: - , : ;::,',i. ; .f :;-1 , ;" i' ,!.0,•'.,:;.;;..,;•:.if,,;!.,_.;: Weekly .Forum. A Great Reform. Slettnogibanta niaftfiftture: Corresponden'eb of the.fieroo. ilmuntinop a, FebniarY- 18, 1843. The Legislature , have at length passed one panty Lill tliislento - or:, old only one which can be called reullyilitblia, and that is the Congressional Appor tionment The-provisfons of. whoa, and tile populatton of each district, are as follows: - • 1. Southwark, Moyamenaing, Pasayunk,King sassing, Blockley.,-and West Philadelphia of the county, and Ceder Ward of the city of Philadel• ; phia—Population . ,63,ooo, '' 2. The City of Philadelphia, except Cedar and Tipper Delaware wards-75,950. , 3. Northern Liberties and 'Kensington, of the county, and Upper Delaware ward, of the city of Philadelphia-62,571. - • —4. _Spring Garden; North and South Penn 11 or. borough, Germantown, Bristol, unincOrporated N. Liberties, Oxford, Lower Dublin, By herry-and Moreland, of the county of Philadelphia-56,316.. .5. Chester and• Delaware-47,306. . . 6. Ladeaster —84,203 - • 7. Deuphin,•Lebanon and Sebuylkill. 7 .Bl,o43. 8. Berke-64,569. - 9. Montgomery and - Lehigh=-73,028. 10. Bucks and Northampton-89,104. 11. Luzerne, Wyoming, Monroe, Pike and Wayne-59,565. 12. SUagnohanna, Bradford, Tiiiga and Pottor —72,R33. • ' Lycoming, Columbia, Clinton and North. tiinhorland-75,266. 14. Union, Mifflin, Perry and Juniata-64,055. 15. Cumberland and Franklin-68,746. 16. York and Adams--70,054. 17, Huntingdon, Bedford and Somerset-84,-- 18.' Fayette and Greene-55,721. ' 19. Washington and 33eaver-80,847.. 20. Westmoreland, Indiana and Cambria—M. 737. • . 21. Allogheny-81,235. • • 22. Arinstroagi Clarion, Jefferson, Cleaifiera, Centre and. M'Kean,-66,919. __23. Butler,Mercer and Venango73,l_sl. 24. Crawford, Eric and Warren-72,346.. As it is generally belie - tied that the bill will be vetoed; it would hardly be worth ybur while to Pub lish it, but that-your readers may be able to judge of the validity of the causes which will be Sllled as the reasons intr:gain arbit arily . defeating the action of-the representatives of the people. Whatever these reasons may be, the real one is that Huntingdon county is nut included in a locothco distriCt, so that his nephew, General Wilson,can stand some chiuice . of being forced into Congress. Give him a district then, and my word for it heWill sign the bill-though it should not, contain a population of more than 40,000, while otitei. ‘Vhig districts have 100,000. So much ,confidence have 1 in David.lL Porter's patilOtism. He would see every man in the State made a pauper if hiS family could be aggrandized by the general ruin.' , L think I told you in my last that the bill to legis late out of office the present corrupt Board of Canal Commissioner', and to provide fur the manner of electing their successors, had passed second reading. It was again taken lip no third reading on Monday; but the Porter corruption:o,s cowhide(' to deleat ac tion upon it until Tuesday. They tbreed ;snit Mr. Speaker Wright again in self-defetice; apd in defence of the position lie assumed on a former occpion,aud. right manfully he acquitted himself, I assure you. Ile revealed some very important secrete Which regret I have aot-room,in it Bangle letter to deta il,, 'particularlf his.history of. the prenteithathd sale:of the Cass and Joliiison party to Tyler, in considera tion of a Cabinet appointment for his brother, James M. Porter, and his account of an attempt of °he of the heads of departmetit to. indstee hire Cu, pack a cotmtrittee to inVestigate the conduct orthe Canal Commissioners. Yen will find this speech reported at length in the 11arrisbuwg papers in the finrtl part of this week, and you cloned do better than to copy some pelts of it fnr the speci-il edification of pill. tax ridden readers. Mr. It quntlyt and Mr Heck man also made able replies to the :antic that 11811 for aweek been heaped thorn their heads by the admin istration throe-A.li its aptiLigists in the House. The immaeulacy of the administration, in general and of the eotnntissioners iii I)artienlar, was Again strenu ously avowed by Lowry, Elwell, Barrett :WO The bill was at last di,pused of, the vote on its final passage being 6 yeas to 32 nays, very nearly two to one. - _ You will xee by the proceedings of the Muse that the Committee on Banks have been instructed by a lergemakaity-tdbeing_in.a bill anthoLizingthe issue of small notes. That committee reported a bill to day in accordance with its instructions, though the some co mini ttee, th rough its Chairman. Deford , made a long report 'against granting the proYer of sundry petitions which had been referred to it in favor of the s.tme object. Thk f liowever, only fa preserve a show of consistent as the federal Inenfi,cos have always preached so lon Ily against small notes. This report will go to the people as evidence that the liven foci> majority are opposed to them, and their votes in favor of them will be no evidence to the contrary! But no matter"; if they will give the community small bills, always redeemable in specie, no one will stop to criticise their consistency very closely. The Judiciary Committee reported to-day, also under instructions, a bill to reduce the pay of a 1 officers in the employment of the State., whether sal: 141`ied or otherwiie.. I think I have already intimated that this would prove an attempt merely to deceive 'the public. It is very *lonian( a holier this bill a ill even be actcyl upon, notwithstanding it was ordered, when the resolution instructing the committee to bring in, the bill was pissed, to be made the first order of every day until disposed of. No bill of this kind can ever be acted upon which touches the pay of members. There are a great Imply of both parties who would vote to reduce their , pay to two dollars per day, or vote in favor of any other measure of reform. But I fear that the majority will , kct other. wise, at least in the Bouse. -A bill has already been under consideration for several days in the Senate, which will shorten the session to one !winked 'days, limit the contingent expenses of the I.egislature, and redreis.other abuses, and has passed a second read ing. The Senate, therefore, ought perhaps to be ex cepted. Certainly. it ought if this bill passes. ~But on the other hand, a committee of the Senate have reported the bill from the Ilotise relative to the reform Comthissioneetiiiffiee, with a recommendation that it be negatived. This ought, it may be, to be au offset against the show of reform evinced by the Legislative reform bill. If both these bile should be passed into laws, they would save the Commonwealth nearly or quite one hundred thou sand dollars per annum. There would be substan tilthreform But one can have no confidence that any thing will be effected until it has been positively done. Our locofocos are beginning to come to their senses, at least in relation to the Tariff, or at least they have changed their course upon the subject, as you Will diScover by their having.passed the follow ing resolutions by a wry large majority. On second reading the first section was passed by a vote of 75 to it, and the second by a vote of 45 to 40;n1though the friends of Mr. Clay voted against it, for what reason will be very obvious to you.' The other sec tions were read a second time by very large votes, and theresolutions were finally passed by a vote of 76 yeas to 11 nays. The resolutions are annexed, and you' ll publish them or not asyou choose. I.' Resolved, By •the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of..the Contmonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly , met, That, we ilettmteate any Re vlon on the part of •Congrem,wt its present or any other session, in . relation to the Tiriif, which' would ,be calculated to disturb ill permanency in future, or ;induce:the belief any where that a well regulated system ot duties is not regarded as it part of the set ued policy of the Government. 2. Resolved, That the compromise nfthe Tariff by the act of one thousand eight hundred and thirty two, may beyetarded one of the causes ;which has .prOdoccil not Mily,the'embarrasied.stata alba finan cal; but siisciiiiicmted - ruinously tipo n:the - great MD. ufacturing interests ofthe.l3oUlltry,4lnd to a great ex- . tent -deitroyed:'.our ,home -indystry, the only :true • 4unirceitif national a. Wealth and , . _ ',..'Reablirtid;lhat a Tarilr'hatied upon such pried 'pies as shall rilise rettenhe'lo , Peet all, the'Alegiands, .on ,the treasury . ; and, it The • same ti MO: 'Proper, diteriminatinh mfivaeof our domestia nianufattturei intl. l 4oMildlral ,:prodtuitions;alferd acitiettiatif„ . prO , t'i tiOClOitkt Jatt . tio'ail,hut called for hy every oonsideratioli of sound policy, and is absolutelimeestary to make us Inds: pendent sea nation in ,war and in peace. 4. Besolved;Thlit le, regard the farming and. itionulketuring Interests cot as antagonists;as sortie erroneously, conic , but as one s and the same, the farmer tirodiferril raw material, and the menu= factorer flirnishmgh im a home market both for that q e and the other productions of his farm. ' 5. Resolved, That the doctrine of "Free Trade"' in order to operate justly, must' be, reciprocal . , andf that the theories of British writers on this subject find their own refutation - in the policy constantly, purined by that nation of itiAollirig high duties for? the . protection of all her a ultural andinanufac: turmg interests. . .6. Resolved, That a copy of these eesoldtions be; forwarded by the Speaker of the House to one - "oc , our. Senators .and, one •of our Nepr,esentatives in. Congress- with,a request that they present the 3IIMIII to each oi l , thejf respective Houses. tcrLetters from Washington inform us, says file Pa. Inquirer; that do question of State indebtedness : is e x citing much atteni tion there, among the patriotic Members Of Congress, and that several of ihe ableat of them, without regard to party distinctiOns, have expressed the opinienl that Congress would be called upon befOre long, to take up this topic, and discuss it gravely and in detail. ' The report of the Select Commit tee will soon be made. The session is so far advanced, however,that nothing definite or conclusive is likely to be actomplished by the present Congress. PUGNACIOUS DOCTORS.—Professor N. it, Smith, surgeon, and Professor R. W. Hall, -iii;itetrician, of the Medical School at Baltimore, quarrelled in the college on Wednesday last: ---- Hlcws were given - and a sword cane drawn. They' were parted by the students. MiNcTis ISltms.—rSilty-nine minute guns were fired frorn 'Abe Monument at Baltimore, Md., on Wednesday, to mark the general grief at the death of the veteran [lull. The flags of the shipping and. of public places.; ,, weeeai half-mast for the n= melancholy reason. • per.A correspondent of the. Philadelphia Inquirer suggest a tax *of ttiTenty-five cents a galion_on all whiskey sold or distilled in Pennsylvania. ; :• REVIEW` OF THE . MARKETS r ob. 18, 1843 ,•13FEr CATTLE.—The Offerings at the droYe cards - on Monday, somewhat exceeded 500 head, . :370 of which sold atd 373 to $6 per 100 lbs.; 50 were talc& .10 another market; and the remainder laid over. The transastions in flogs are limited, and prices are without change: we quote 3 62at $3 75 aecordin4 to rality. • FLOUR.— the sales of City Mills bays been quite - moderate at $3 75 on time, with interest—. Ili:ward . _street soliltowardS.the close of last week at s3'so.from,—. store, and most of the saki: since have been sit ' the • same rate, but choice brands brings $3 563 The dealers arc 'paying $3'373 - per bbl., from cars and IDECI (411A1N.---Small lots are coming to haunt!, wag nos, and the best Wheat is taken at 7(1 to 75 cents. Coro has sold front store at 43 cents (or either white nr yellow; but there is nu export deinand at present. We quote Oats' 5 11 26 . cents. WHISKP.X.-;Is very dull at 18 to 19 cents for hints. and Ws. • 1 3 111LADE121-11A, Feb. 1.8, 1843 FLOUR AND NIEA Elie market continues dtt,ll, with a very liinitec: export demand ,ThC cnr enet rate on the Delaware is $3 75 per hbl for coin mon shipping brands) a few sales have been made at, $3 Mi. la Market and Elrod street, where-the . sales are principally for honie consumption, fancy and extra !minds range from '25, 571 tip to 694 per hid higher. Itye Flour continues at $ll 75 pre bbl fur Pa. Brwaly wine $2 50 - per bbl, and hulls $ll 30: GRAIN--.The recipts are vet light of all kinds; some few sales of Penn'a 11 heat leave been made at from 76 to 80c, as in gaality. Corn and Oat a arc steady at last quotations., recipts from the South. soles of Pitmen Rye have been made is low al47a 48. we bushel. WIIISKEY---Receipts fair,,principally in Broad au•eet; we triiite - 17 a lSc per gallon as the curre t . rate ror hhde and bbls. gAITJ , nmao This piens:int Nletlicine ii forrried by n cobrbins. ion of twenty di Ifin.ent ingredients, MI . celebrotvd for the cure of Colds, Coughs, and Pultuonic Com plaints t anti by its combination, if one of these arti cles should be - us6l' separately and afford no relict, in the EXTRACT OF 110AROOLIND they are so amalgamated, that the benefit of the whole is ell. perieneed In one Coinpound. About three years and 'a half ago, this article was first brought before the public. It was heralded with no previous announcement of its merit or value; but was introduced by the proprietors to the community to stand by their decision, as regarded its beneficial influence. That decisiontas been attained in a man ner altogether unexpected. • The unsought acknowl ediemeni of its worth has proceeded spontaneously from thousands, who have' experienced its benefits throughout the country. And why is it so? Be cause the trial of its qualities in Coughs and Colds, hloarscness, Irritation of the Throat, Croup,Whoop ing Cough, Asthma, Catarrhs, Palpitation of the !Cart, Liver COmpluint, Night Sweats, difficult or profuse Expectoration; and all diticases. leading ttr Consumption, has given it a value that no other elm. lar medicine has ever reached Viten the blood is in an unhealthy statk., avid the constitution naturally delicate, if a cold sets' in and tin immediate relief fakes place, the chances are al ..together against:the patient attacked ; it is when itrem edies are aken in time, that disease is checked and life SOS . There is no disease but may not be suf fered t go such a length that no medicine or .phy. sician in the world can save the person attacked. ' __ This should be remembered by all; the safety of life is, to be prepsi•ed iu time. At the symptoms of a Colil t , Cough or Chilliness, THE CLARIFIED ESSENCE op HOARHOUND CANDY, should be freely used according to directions' and in every case where it is soused inpmper time, the Cough or Cold will be broken up or eradicated. We feel it our duty to impress this upon every one-;--all reme dies must be taken in time. Complaints of the lungs are the most dangerous and at the sane time most prevalent of all diseases. Our climate is most peculiar ; it changes Suddenly from extreme warmth to extreme cold, from wet to dry, and , it is from this change in the elimsde that dissasesi are apt to arise. The following is one of a thousand certificates the proprietor could chow, attesting the virtue of Ma remedy. "I have' experimentally tested the ,virtues of your Clarified Essence of iloarhmind Candy, and' would recommend it to be universally used lby . all those whose lungs are exposed—no publiespeaker should be without it. Rev. Mr. lilrON, Formerly Pastor of M. E. cliwoh, York, Pa. Remember, each package of Alukgeneine Hoar hound Candy is signed J; Psnex & Sox. c •All letters, post paid, directed to J. Pease & Son s 45 'Division street, N Ye will be punctually 'Almada! Merchants in the country wishing Pease's hoar Candy can obtain it at the manufacturer's lowest terms, by Beading' an order to my one hi the city with whom they have dealings: . . ILT.Metibaitts and storekeepers in this vicinity can be supplied by applying to Messrs. Myers ge Haverstick, who have a large sad fredisupply direst fveto ttle - lianufacturei.. - . • • • For sale by • MYERS is„,l-IA74TFASTICKI .• . Sole Agents for.Carlisle f analT • . • J. lhushelmer, Tslie4 l "isstnivg• _ Daniel Shelly„Shirenumiltown, _ • ' •-' ' ' Abraham Gets, Kingston' : ' • JisitePt_s Crain,klogOes O w4" Samoa ' •- ,: ;John Gish,.; • Ogiosbtswi . • 10;' ' ‹lfov. ' ' '" A:'' '~'i:3ti~~ ~' '~~i'F :r ^