Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, February 01, 1843, Image 4

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The following indispensable family rema.
dies may be fontid at the village drug stores,
and soon at •every country store in the.state.
Remember and never get them tiniest they"
have the' fac-simile signature of ,
- -.e
4 ,09
0, 2 4. 4 4-4 °. on the wrappers, as all 'others
• by the same mime aro base impositions and'counter.
'felts: If the merchant, nearest. you • has them not,
urge him' to procure . them tat 71 Alaiden.laile, the
next time he yisits New York, or to write for them.
No family should be a week without these remedies
wind' will stop it if falling Out, or restore it on bald
places; and on children make it gran , rapidly, or 'on
'those who have lost the hair from any cause;
ALL VERMIN that infest the heads of children
. in echo's, are prevented or killed by it at Once.-
-, Find the name of -6. 1 9);:e . on
it, or never-try it.. Remember ; this always. •
positively cured, and all ahrirelled 7nysclea and limbs
,re restored, in the old or yeang, by the. INIMAN
LW never without the name of Comsteek & Co: on it.
are wholly 'prevented, 'or governed if the attack has
cote on, if y,ou . use the only true lisys' LtntrieNr,from
6b7,Weaci c 4" ga.
and every thing relieved by it that . admits ,of an out.
ward application. .It nets like a charm. Use it.
HORSES that have Ring-Bone,..S'pavin,
Wind-Galls, ‘&.c., are cured by ROOFS' Serciric ; knd
FO/Indered horses entirely cured by Roofs'
Founder Ointment. Mark this, all horsemen.
Valley's Magical Pain
tractor :Salve.—The most extraordinary
remedy ever invented for nll now or old
and sores, and sore It has delighted
ilionmancle.. It will take out 'all pain in ten minutes,
slitl'nu - luilure. It ivill-cure.-tlie-;FILEIS
. A better and more nice and useful article never ivas
made. All should wear them regiilaly. •
•on the principle of substituting the tonic place of_
the stimulant principle, which - has reformed so many
innkards. To be used With 4-----
• . . .
LlN's IE3 .f3T.L . ..5, superior to all
rTrs for cleansing the system and the limners affect
• the blood, and for all irrOgularities of the bow&s,
tun! 111,, - aodoral health. -
' Dr. LIN'S, yr' CiS P"' trVI
Ilaki lit - A ORE
wilt ellbentally,eure''siek headache, either friim the
NERVEs or bilious. Hundreds of families are'
using it with-great joy..
for the certain prevention of F* . EV'ER:S! or any
general sickness ; keeping the 'stomach in mbst per.
litct order, the bowels regular, and a determination_to
the surface. rCi:CMiaFt
pains in the bones, hoarseness, and .D RbPS:
are quickly cured by it. Know this by trying.
C ORNB.--The French Plaster is a sure cure
' : ,
'1••• - s* ' -
hair any shade You_ wish, but will not color tho skin.
POUND EXTRACT. There is no other prepara.
tion of Sarsaparilla that can exbeed or equal this.
If you are sure to, get Comszocies, you will find it
superior to all others.. It does not require puffing.
OF CHINA. A positive cure for the piles, •and all
external ailings—all internal irritations brought to the
surface by friction with this Balm ;—so in coughs,
swelled mem% throat, tightness of the chest, this Balm
applied on a 'flannel will relieve and cure at once.—
. Fresh wounds or old sores are rapidly cured by it.
Dr. ilarthoiintriu's
will prevent or cure •all incipient -consumption,
take 4 in time, and is a delightful rAiredy. Kerney]
her the name, and get Comseopt%
:eradicate all OR M in children or adulta
with a certainty quito astonishing. It is tho same as
that made by . stock; and sells with a rapidity
almost incredible, by Comstock 4. Co., New' York.
TOOTII imors, KLINE'S--cure.effectually
Enieredeceording tenet of Congress. in the yenr ISA hCons rock
Ca.. the Clerk's office (WO° Southern District of Now York.
By applying to our agents in each town and
village, papers may be . had free, showing the most
..respectable names in the • country for those facts, so
that no one can fail to believe them.
(.Be3 sure you call for our articles, and not
be, put off with any stories; that others are as
Vood. HAVE THESE OR .NONE, should be
yoni motto:.iand theie never can be true and genuine
without our names to them. AU these articles to be
had wholesale had retail only of us.
Wholesale Druggie . fs,
_ .
' . !..."l:Mtridrin.Lane New York. and of our agents.
in carliele hy.
Novernker I 6,,Asp. • - .11y.55
rit venially" rde WToim — s - is one of the most extt:ii,
~ Ordiunry ever used: It effectually eradicates Wornis
EofallSorts;fr , ..m children and adults.'
...Y1;i:: - .3110U.SA NW perish by worms without the real
':,;Ltittett*, belt% known.: SOrne other riason is assigned
.:. their intk.noss, until too late to cure the real cause.
nnnieitse respotlibility then rests neon the
parent'who'sloes,not know, and the doctor does ,
illt0114 1.C 1 4 6,111 4; the. Complaint which is destroying
...;iyokeprecions'ilowers Of
*should be tickle.? •
answ,er its,lilain; Give this Term' fug°, wh/oh
,*)11 lie egO.iiii4e , goci4)f,tliey.lll# e no worms ; and
will delitviyvm(Voraditeeetheta with
tifioinO.'and precision trOV:astonheling.'
TlV..Catila)e.M Alitr 1143017 ,
410; .sTAYENSON: EsTiDtt'lltLE";-iintl 'la Ikrri
*MAY ir
.o' l l ."
X: ,Ittag-Exii.,o4:,,
,11 5 .W1D1triii1.00r6644. - nian ,
.'--.., 1),1111,11/1...4jOilt eeceivedbil'i -,..- , ~ Ju P Al r r i,,tr,*_..LZ.kc,'''.,,,,,l;(4o
,,tr,*_..LZ.kc,'''., , ,, , I;(40 V i i& L .'. , - - :'
77m , ~.74.-`, -‘
, '.-:' , -4•4 1 5 ,, ,:i , ,, , ,.: , i.p.. ,, ,:i2..., ,,, 5 , . , '---,'.,-;':F--y,'..,,,..,*7'f,
Groceries, Spices ,and
rriHE ettbicriber has, just received the
tbllowingarlicles in the Gri.icpry line; ;which
having Nought for cash,lie is enabled to sellat the very
law prices at which they are marked. •
Prime Java Coffee, 15per lb.
Best Rio •do Strong S c ented,,' 124 W
and at lower prices. • • . •
Loaf Sugars—common and fine at . 11 & 124 f‘
Do. , 2 Extra, or finest quality,.
Fine crushed Loaf Sugars
Fine Brown Sugars at
Prime N. Y.• Cheese at
• „ •
Grotind Pepper, •
110 Allspice, .
G. A. Salt ; at 0.50 Sack and 75 eta Bushel
Fine do at 1.00 do
Fresh ,Currants; . ' , • . •
Bunch Raisins by the pound or in half and Quarter
. Oranges,
• Stilt Peter,
Cayenne Pepper (in bulk or bolijes,) •
Ni, broken or depreciated bank • notes taken foi
goods—reduced prices and good cuerency !
• For sale by • . , J. AV. EBY.
Carlisle, Dec. 21,1842._ . tf-8
S •
r0:11S 10.1) A PAII Fi L.L A
As: you value, your 'Life and Heal
. beseech you. read the:following'
11 k t
I S i o t l i i t i e s s P i l l e „ a 1 ", l e c N o l l : el: ' e l,' i ° le ( -s i "et
i t i L ig c ,.. l to t o l l i c e public ;
Timms of the --- -
being composeil of inch are known to
the pl ok•%slot), and n 1114.11 arc doily riven by the • most
i t speet iltle phs sielans to their patients. 'Phis fact
alone is sufficient to slangs their
as ad I as cause them to be employed by all vs ith
than the preparations of go icks and tru i sostot 9.
B lIC 0,11.1 TE /VD:2 TIO.NS
flaw beenpublisliaCem6ills ,iii - theliopea s, fa oili
Ph.rsics tris o mil CIL! g3•num,
11, mbei s of
Congress and State Legislatures,
respectable pll sate citizens, and among than , many
of du :most distinguiSlied menthe' a of churches'
. and other• institutions,
lii i fel( 11C0 10 1)i. Leidy 'q llttlitaties, tiul it is hop
( il,(i mu the numerous cc'till, ocarina i teomnu iitl i
ts ms, having been publish:Al fit tial neat , that .ill that
is now necessary is to keep them before the public,
that they to IN be r eminded of them, Whet c they may
014 1111111 gellllllll Kl &c .
/11e of the most •siltiffile is
Sarsal)arillra ifg1;)()d 'Pilla.
• 'hest et kin d( d Pills are daily tecorimiendt (1 in
I)ise IS(•9 ot the 5 tom telt Impurities of the Blood,
mil Hoc (Is, generating diseases of
Billoms A IT. Loons, the Stoin tell, I is( i ,
II dot ti il Costiveness, Heal t,the 'll,lcti,lxid •
111111g11 01011, 11 auk iic t , .toys,"Bones, &c. &c.
\\ "alit of Appetite, .Ulcer ous SOILS of the
Sllll In ‘ , l of the Stoinoch, Nose, Ihi oat & Boils ;
1 A Ile] In MI, Ile 0 thin is, Scaly, Irruptions'mid
I nil old oflensise hi t oh, Blotches of the Skin;
11 id taste in the mouth,l Dry and ts :0(.13 pimples
Inc ii d Pains, PlOl9 of do of the 1 iet old- body;
St nuns li, the Sid, s, ind Ilt attache, Giddiness,
along the 11 Ilk, l st i otui 4, Et ) sip( I Is,
BlooPains, m ore Gout, , 1 (.I 'lido! it Affections.
Constantino al diseases, pr oduced by 1 lei on y and
other IMOLA 11 1114.1111 111011 S, /Is t 1.11 as On Ilangi i oils
cons( (I to in es I t suiting. ft out the impi it'pet treatment
of Syphons, &. &c.
' I lie Lite ol the Plc sal is in the Blood."
I milieus, eh. XXII, v.. 11.
Be ye pin died in 3 our- Blood,
And IrualtlT - 4 NI 'Attend you.
'I he er . it principles advocated by Dr. Leidy, and
in which - hr. is supported by sea mitre, 11 L
Ist. That 1 1111111$ IS Cont 1111(41 in the Blood
'hl. The Blond, bcconting vitiated 0' 'input ..., r tos es
rise to numer ous 11191. AV lof the organs of the hods,
do stomach, the liver, the lic o t, Ste. .S.c
Oil 'fiat ali %tette has Ilse 'effect of purifying the
11100 I, p sssc• %%LS OIL powet of i e-cst iblishing lie lith
o' ninon to the hods
oh lls it Piii gottob and Stoi *Mom, or, in ((flirt
aoi ils, pinging to the extent 1111115 tan ft t month
lone, and it the Same Bute CIIION log lon dirt , Old
11/St111( 110 c limn food almost eiiiii els t, arcprodio tin
of mach more mistliiel than is 411111 Ills• Stlllilo4l.ll,
Ind 111 prof4ll it w ill only r ema rk,that
liv Put e, mon— I lie liiimaii system is more or less
debilitatt .1, Cm• the st i) simple ;I ISOII that in the
process of put goo , ill is ( si I led off is mu the sums oh
front it loch nom ishinent is derived slid distributed
thr ought't Ow system.
liv St ii s itiou—Notii i‘ffintent is absnlnirly. st ith.
held 11001 111C.,0 Sllllll SO 111 LI 99 II I• to it, 1/otll 101•SUS
t 1111111 r vita l action nail aiding n nen e in bearing tip
i r t. mist th it pi ov t so of discus...
If( net the eons. (pane( 9Of too 7 till /////f(O/4 and
a contzmu r 1 it el must Ire to pi orb e such a L011(11(101 1
0, the. ~,„ 11l 19 II ill enable oh to makemore
rapid m 0,1 1 114, a n d lV tl 1111 itself the 111e1 'e c:1511)',; kwl
in a I,: it f bait thi on4lintit the s(•stern
Admitting- the loi . gotit.;, it beennic i In L 1 9 , ' II 1 to
111111111 L Ilan• in the Blood to br piii du d ? and in t to-
Mos mg the into los, haw is the ss stem to he 1;1)11141(d
against an) s. 1 ions Coll9l• quelitcs ?
' l'ss c 'sill• :ulawcred—
Per all yourills,
Take -l)1 Leith's Blood Pills.
These l'llls Operate gently, th iii.4ll elli•tlii 111 s
UP i dm not produce prosti ition of the systt 10 19 1110'd
I/1119 410.
1 111 '1 1 1 qiiii e no lest! mit cithr'r. from oet up Ili in
or the t•eguloi mode of living. No ft•el anal I. .•u
-t(1 tlll/Ild (II taking cold front theirus.:art lll IA 1
t iken ist all tuns s, In 3 ming 11111 Old , n 11110 It 1, n. -
firing c idi any other inedienie that may I, Is( li i
t sk( ii In Iraehund.
'chest,Pills art' prepared mils , and sold AI 11 /11.. 11(
11111 '(till, tit
1)12 LI:11)1"S Ile iltli F' inpoi•nun
No lot N. ffil et helms 1100,
((Sign of the (1 olden i'sgle and Si s pests,) Phil I
PR ICE 25 cavrs. a BOA' *
Q" 1 . discrottit to st hol, .alt ilt Iles s
( r - f or 1 cid) 's Blood Pills mir e also sold in all th.
pi mein il cities and towns thr ni,,liotit th, Union • a ,I
1,1 aunty respectable ;tot eke( pet s throughout the
' 7 For 2ale. in Carlisle. by •
• Agents for Cumberland County.
Carlisle, Dee. 21 154_2.,
Noeth America Insurance Co.
JOHN J. DIVERS, Agent, Carlisle
nom S company contirMes to nitikP Insurances
against loss or aamagelly Fire, on tho most
reasonable terms. They also take,
on stone or brick buildingsat:s2s on__Blo,oo, the
premium subject to be drawn. any timi` by the
party insuring, at a deduetton of five per cent. on .
the amount of promiutn paid.
The usual rates for one year on .
Stone and Brick Buildings, $4 to 95 un $lOOO
Log and Frame, " . 86 to S 7 oti 81000
Merchandize, about ' $5 on $lOOO
Application in person or by, letter will have im
mediate attention.
. ,
The Spring Garden:lnsuranee . Co.
I r 11. .
AKE INSURANCE , either temporary or
perpetual, against loss or damage by FIRE,
an own or Voun'try, on-HouseS, Barns 'and Build
ings of all kinds; on Household Furniture, Met:
chandize, genies, cattle, Agricultural, ,Commer- .
ciatjAnd.,..Manufficturing• Stock; mid. Utensils of
every description;as wallas bicerreorm and GROUND
Barr, upon the moist favorablb terms. . •
The follateink'arelke 'usual rates; viz:
On Stone and Wok buildinge,frem
35,t040 etc - on - 8100
60 tilli•Cita..on :100
"Log and flame:, '
"Merchandizo a nd
turn in.'briak"or atone•'
, Ap
buildings, '4O 10 - S0 etc on. 100
log, or' frame, ' 6ola 7026,ta t , 100
'mllegitas,aattla; farrnifiri,
sundries,utensils end ' ' '
at abOut; 0 , 4 60 *0 fita 00 ' 1
'44 4 19 1 1(00 1 .iraY lostinade to `, .ft •
suliscrlbin offers •for Salo, on 'accommo-
L- dafing`te'rinsi—
',...zma: 5 a 1 4...), 1- ‘IIIAVIDO'.'•• 7 •
Containing 170 ACRES, more or less—with a
• ' MOUSE & BARN thereon erected.
MEI The, land is,in : a good state,of cultivation,
wollWatered and under good fences.
,filiso, acres 'llod, Land.
Both parcels lying and being ln Mifflin township,
Cumberland'county, six miles West of Newyille
and four North Of Newburg..
'Any person wishing to.purehaSe will. call and
exammo.the.premiess; when the terms will be•
made known. W. STEVENSON.
August 10, /.842. •
8 8t 10
10 "
16 "
• 14 "
Na'2 iuul 3, in
~ilarrels, half and quarters, of
a very superior quality. ' •
( Citron,
Cloves ;
attorney at Law,
ArkFFICE N 0.3 }lectern's. Row, on the Pills
kir lic'Squarc; Carlisle, Vin.
April 60812.
A T,T 0 It N.E lir AT J.ANV
Office opposite the . Carlisle Bank.
July 27, 1842. , ' 6m-39
Jo:''', W. HEEL ,
D TA . VI .U 1 tP"
ESPECTFULLY tenders his services halite
jrllll citizens of Carlisle and its vicinity, ibid. he
will attend to and , perform_ all. dental operations
such as Cleaning; Pinging and Extracting na
tural,Tedh; and inserting incorruptablo artificial
teeth from, a - single tooth to an entire set.
oci•ollice opposite M'Farlane's Hotel.
July 0, 184.• tf-38
, I._ Le_%.,a...5-a..i....4.'...:e.
Dr. L C. Loomis, Dentist, . .
Is permanently located in Carlisle, and will per
form all operations that . are required in the
practice of his profession—such as . -
pxtracting, Filing, Plugging, and
Ink:Along Artificial
from a single tooth to an entire set.
N. B. For a few months ensuing, Dr. I,oomis
will be in Carlisle, the first two weeks .in each
nanntli—after which, he will be 'absent until the
first-two weeks-in °sell month,,atwhielt
period he may founil;at his- .
- •
Office; Pill st. APParlane's Hotel;
Carlisle, May 4, 1842. 1‘27
• ._
Meclianiegburo• t) Line
- -
. eti
liciweat aleclianiesburg mid
.Pitilagelphia or. iloYtintore.
"Subscriber grateful for past favors, begs
• leave to inform iOEI friends anti- the public
generani; that he still continues to rum h line of
Cars regularly . between- Mechanicsburg
and Pliiladelphia or Baltimore, .by Which goods
and produce of all descriptions will be forwarded
with care and - desPatch at the lowest .rates of
Produce will be receivia'at his Ware flouskin
Mechanicsburg, and forwarded to either Phila.
delphia or Baltimore, according to the
of the owner.
Ernie highest price will be giVcn for Wheat
nd Flour:
N. B. Plaster of Paris and Salt always kept
on hand, and for sale at the lowest prices.
Ile has also an 'mild, at the Depot in Mechanics.
burg, for sale, LUMBER, such +el Biiards,
Sal sigh's, Scant lings, , of all kinds,
which will be sold on liberal terms
August 17, 184;1,
aillabliAllllo 1 12.1b1 1 /2111°
TIIE ha ving•soncluiled to do
au entire:o'4h busineFs,offevs for Sail! his large
and splendid assortment
Er el RE,
lower than it was (ATV bought for in Philadelphia.
The following will give you scone idea of the prices
that lan determined to sell at: ,
6 inelfCaritenter's Patent him Cocks,
,- • , , , ,,V2 to $ll per doz.
- 6
inch Brass Striker, '' i., 6,50 "
Newtoo Darling- Gia ss Scythes, . lo "
Newborn's 9
Hay Forks, Solid Cap Pet-role, ' ' 5 ''
Cast Steel long. handled Shovels, 7 o
C , ltolterbool or !tending Nails, 4,321 Keg.
l'ltovitix or 31111/ilia Ili .
p 4,44 "
0111,r notkrs It 4,31 "
1 will ..ell :toy article., it; In; line from 20 to 25
,i. rent. I„, ver t u n ,•:,•, 1,.• bought for oil credit. Cull
r , Ill.• • - • : 1•Sa 1111; . e
•l• 2: 1 10114- - gt.t it list of it prices
,montre th-ou %. it?, the ;who, ,Af other strxeNoiliti
~•, • ..t.m. 1 . .,.• i 11,,,••!,. s whore you eau buy the
else ,i,t
• 1.;` , 7:1V I. KLI)Eit Importer.
4 0 3 \lark••t qt .4lmre I.oll,,North side;
June I, IS 6rm3
c• r A
,Iff —YKENS Valley, Pine Grove,Lime.burncrs,
lILA and 13itu , ninous COAL, constantly for
sale by J. & P. MARTIN,
.. •
• , Successors to Miller & Martins
' 111 rrisburg, April 20, 1842. iiin.tls
rpillE proprietors of the Susquehanna Line will
run - Omit Cits'And Boats as usual to Phil
adelphia and Baltimore during the present season.
Their friends will please apply to Wm. L. Fox,
Broad at. and to Cam ner, Christian & Curran, No.
:6 South Wharves, Philadelphia,and Joseph 'E.
Lido r, Baltimore. •
Until further notice, the folloWing. prices will
be adhered to between thid place and the above
Ale per TOO lbs
Groceries, Q Ware
and gardware,
Dry Goods, Furni
ture and Drugs,
Wheat, Rye & Corn
per bushel •
Oats do •
Lumber per 1000
feet - $2 75 •
Shingles, 'do 150
[lour - 3t
Shad— do
Herring do 31.1
Salt per sack, 28
Pitch, 'far and Rosin
' por 100, 16
Plaatergross ton, $2
Heinp per 100, ''l6
Hides . •20
Pig ;Veto!, gross ton 2 50
Blooms & Castings, 3`1.26
Bar Iron, • 2 60-
Nails perhog,l.B
Leather per 100,, • 20'
Whiskey per bbl.. 50
Burr Blocks per-1 00,
'curbstone,' d 9
.T.;:&_ MARTIN: `
•,.. to.Minortr. Ita'rtine.
Ail(' 41'3'46'200t
November 2, 1842
[B R. 41 L R 0.4 D OR CAN:IL]
Nails :& Cutlery,.
a_• lz
r, t o
4 ' a . ,•a
- 1 ;3 .1 • .
150 22 in per S 144
20- 23" 40
25 .28 43e
10 11
6 7
83 50
2 00
35 500
•02 SO ' _.
400 • •
4 SO
.cgiuttaztuß3 - Facb.axidz. - 6t3.
m ie- J.:Pr ift lece ve ek „ „ ffne * ,,Y : . ' r E ug itt ,:too T K, ll - C Btsticn' ili m it r 'i y e
and VarietysStore, a large assortinent of
Toy.s . ,. Toy-Books for. Chriginfas
Presents.. Annals, Sourrnlrs,.
and Portfolios for ISA% •
Together .with a. choice selection of "entertaining
LIG READING, for long iyinterorenings.
:tat rts . b
ofe'very_ vpriety,..mii l : • -
School "Bibles .and Testaments,
Smith's Geog,'aphy and Atlas,
Olney 4 . Mitchell's do: v
Smith's ..Grainmar, •
Kirkam's ditto, .• •• .
_dagel's Series, No. 1,2, 3,4, 5, ISr 6
Cobb's School Books, complete.. ,
Emerson, Byerly, Bterham,
.ster's Spellers , , ". . •
Pike, Rose: Smiley, 4. Emerson's vl
rithmetics,- tin Keys; • •
Letter, Cap, and Deed papers, ruled and'plain. Note.
paper. Silver Pencils, everpOints. Jackson Lead
Pencils in wood, of all tempers; with a large as
' 'Bortmont of BLANK BOOKS, ruled and unruled.
2r 32. Ditatanr/8,X9
OfsupotiOr . Razors, Razor .Stiops
Shaving Bruslps, and finely scented
"'Shavlng Soaps and' assorted Per.
• • Sundry: .• . •
. .
Supeii4 opaque and Russia Quills, Bristol Boards
Rice paper, Visiting Cards, colored Wafers 'ani
Sealing Wax, plain and Motto Saida.
New Music, •
Viimitat Knotruniccuto f :-'
Together with a general and well selected assort
ment of .Claisical and Oliecellaneons Works, "to
please the fancy and Improve the taste." . •
Carlisle, Dec. 14 ; 1842. .
Prl El E subscriber hereby informs his
friends and the public in general, that he still
commies to keep a .
. _
(r portsto the contrary pot widastanding,) at the OLD
STAND, in East • nigh Street, a few doors cast of
the Court Douse, 'where he will at all times take
pleasure. in administering to the comforts of those
who may favor film with thick custom.
Ills BAR shall he constantly supplied with' the
choicest liquors, and his TA BCF: with the beSt the
market can furnish. A carethl OSTW.R. 'always
kept in attendance—and nothing shall, be left undone
to piease all Whn,eall with hint. . •
Carlisle, April 6, 1842. tl-23
Union Paper. Mill.
THE subscriber reSpectfully infbrine 'the pub.
lie at large, that he has leased the above es.
tablishment, six miles south of Carlisle, for a term
'of years, and - the MILL having• been recently re.,
paired, and - new machinery introduced, he is
therefore prepared to manufacture to order,(atid
also has a supply constantly on hand) .
Paper of every kind and Quality,
Which he. mill furnish to prinUrs, merchants and
othdrs, in any quantities al the lowest city mice's.-
All orders addressed to the subscriber, at Paper._
town, Cumberland county, will receive piompt
Having lately received a supply of the very best
materials, he flatters himself that he will be able
to manufacture paper equal in quality to any other
establishment in the country.
Papertown, Jtily 20,1842. tf.3B
N. B. The highest price paid for rags.
rI A IHE snhgerihvrs, of filch. FOUNDRY AND
! A CIIIN F. Sllol', on Main street, ite'itrly op
pnsitt• tin Como. Jail, in tht-Rni•nii l zhot . utriis k ,
P.., still wnitine to build the following' Mitelaines
:mil hors, Powt•rs—viz:
T. P. Batyrell's Patent Improved
L - ksw.2:6
ww, haticl-wheel, with a trunk to et
bi the Alaehitie.
Tlie band wheel outside of the horses. They are
well calculated to 1101 to one 'side of the barn bridge,
or under the barn shed.
'A New and Improved Shaker,
To separate the grain front_the straw, which will
dispense with one or two hands, will he made to the
above Machine if wanted.
a Ta Z
Purehasing any of the above Machines may have the
after a fair.trtal, of returning the same it
ma satisfied. All Machines and Horse Powers are
wurramed for"one year, if well used.
All kinds of repairing will be done at the snortes
tirdice jind on the moil reasonahletertos. They al-.
ays.keep on hand all castings necessary to repair
the abatdOlachines, or any others now in use.
Them is also attached to the above establishment
an IN INI3 BRASS FOUNDRY; at which all
kinds or CASTINGS can be had—such as Apple
Corn. limbers, Plaster Beakers, Mill Gear
hig,-Saw Mill.. Cranks, Mac hi n e Gearing, Wagon
&c: Also, /
•• • •
Such as Mill Spindles; Cur Boxes, Turning Lathes,
Ste., all in the best order, in iron and braes.
tILj'AII orders will be t xectited at the slimiest no,
lice, and prompq attefided to. Farmers mill others
rralmidmilly invited to ;Ivy us a call, confident
that they can be suited to tli t im 'satisfaction.
Au:.r. 10, IRd2. • tf-41
I'hunt Ilenwood's and Ogle's PLOUGHS.
•and PLOUCII CASTINGS, such as Cutters Land
slides, &c. him, eau he ladd et the foundry,
MIL This is the lesson when this destructive
complaint attacks your interesting little children,
often robs you of those you fondly dint on, and
carries hundreds to the grave. Every unkliker
should therefore, know ito symptoms, watch thorn
closely, and ;always bo prepared with 'a remedy
•as many are
,daily sacrificed by such neglect. At
first the little patient is seized with a shivering, it
grows restless, has flushes of hent,the eyes become
red and swollen, it breathes with difficulty, and
then comes that fearful Cotten that will surely ter:
minate in convulsions or death unless sornethmg . is
immediatply given to cheek-'it. , ' it. : thikt coniplankt
tho "Balaam of Wild Cherry"' is -2well 'lrriown to
be the most speedy ever , dicovered, It is indeed a
precious remedy—mild, safe and innocent, and
is sure to give the sufrerer immediate relief, and
quickly restore , it to safety and health. Fami
lies residing in the.vountry and indeed every nzn."
ther her children, should; always • keip
this medicine in the house arid, glve it to them
early, by doing so you may often save the life of
one you fondly love. ,-I,tomembeith is iatho Arnow
remedy ofthis distinguished-physician, Dr: Wis.
rar, which lime, cured: thousands of CROUP,'
TION, &c., afler every other medicine haa Ulla&
, • pet Be particular when yen. - pdtchaao to 'oak
for !Wm , ilirnrimat i 's . tiarsiis
ae theraina SYRUP of thilnOmp:lrdi!eitised that , is`
entirely a, dilliirent inediniuM) •
Prepared OnlY,bywitiomer - & Co:, Chemists,
No."3a South•FOurtli etreet,:Philidelptda;
Sold in Cniliele" - liy ,-• • , -
~ Price'One Oolffik'kuili4,lle.
THE Subscriber has received addition
al supplies of the atiove named eekbrated—
- .33ALSAIVI or•HEAzTir, • "
which has in n few vents cured and relieveg upwards
of SIX 'IIIOLISAND persons in different 'sections
oftlm country, of the following diseases, such as /h=
digestion; Dyskftsin and all those trains of .disease s
-arising from a disordett d c9ndition of the stomach
and liver, derangement of the digestive, functions,
sfich as
.1-General Debility, or .11'eakness of the. Stomach
Costiveness, Deadache, Jaundice, Plata- '
lent El .Diliousieholie,Xenvone ape
dons, fey.r and .Ique,
and his destroyed all kinds of WORJ/S, both in
grown persons as well ash children, and cured ma
ny other complaints whiCh are too numerous to 'in
scitt in Odin advertisement, which can. be seen in the
directions which can be found wrapped around each
bottle, with a number of certificates of, cures tier
formed by this valuable Balsam of Health.
The great demand fur this Bat sato of klealthlas
lately induced some unprincipletfFersons to impose
on the public a spurious article for the genuine Bal
sam of Ilealdi; therefore the Proprietor Cautions the
- public from - parchasing any but from his regular
appointed 47,ents. The genuine Balsam of Health
has the name of the medicine blown on the gloss of
each !nettle, thus—"Garlegant's Balsam of Ilealth,
prepared only by .lonsr S. MILLE11;" and besides
that, he lets his signature, written on a label, which
is pasted on the outside wrapper• of each honk,
whidh sermrosit from being counterfeited.'
(0 - .l'o be hind lit all times of his Agent in this
place, who Inns already sold large quantities, Which
proves it a medicine of great value a n d celebrity.
Carlisle, Septerriber 28, 1843. • GM:4B
GarleganCsnalsanco Mal if
TUE subscriber has just received a
11 fresh supply of the above named celebrated
BALSAM OF HEALTH, which has in a fewyears
cured and relieved opt% arils of four thousand per
sons in difTerent Sections of the country of the fol
lowing diseases, such as the Dyspepsia, all Cholics
afid NiTvotut Diseases,and all those trains of disens-•
es resulting from n disordered condition Of the Stom
ach—cures the Ague and Fever, and old and fresh
Sores., and destroysall kind of worms, both ingrown
persons and children, and many other complints:
Aq •hosepersons that purchase this Medicine will
find a full direction tb each bottle,as well as n num
ber of certificates of cures performed. To be had
nt all times of his a gent . in this place, who Mir ant&
already largequannties. The great demand for this
Balsam of Health has lately induced somemnprinci
pled person to counterfeit it—thereforethe proprie
tor cautions the public from purchasing sny only
from his regular appointed agents. The genuine
Balsam of Ileslth has the, name of the medicine
blown on the glass of each bottle,,and his signature,
.lolui S. Miller, wrote on a label which is pasted on
the outside' cover, which completely secures them
from being counterfeited. For sale only in this place
For snle.also, by Messrs. J. W. 1). S. Stoner,
in Wdyneskpro', Pn; and John' I/Irackenridge, in
Silippenshurg, Pn.
September 28, 18,12,
M 11512 11721170112
From 375, Bowery, N. York.
F nine years this medicine bee stood unrivaled
.for the cure of Coughs, Pain in the side, diffi
culty of breathing, Bronchitis, and all these affec
tions of the Throat, Lungs and Liver, which are a
source of so much sufferingand which .unnrrested
so often terminate in Consumption. So extensively
has this remedy been used and in so mom Mires has
it proved successful, the proprietor feels no hesi
tancy iy recommending it to all .who unibrtunatcly
have occasion to resort to some•menns of recovery.
Multitudes who have experienced-its happy effects,
can testify to -its utility, and very tunny rescued from
a premature death, point to it as the means of their
The originator of this remedy wee well versed in
the science of medicine, anti a -skilful( practicioner.
Physicians familiar with its effects not unfreimently
prescribe it in their practice, and with the Atedical
Faculty generally it has met with a larger share of
approbation 'than is common 'with exclusive pre
paratione. a j „ •
'O COQ following renialdte
were.taken from the last nuMber of the Medical
• !'l4l - e surpri effect produced by :the genuine
Dr. Taylor's Balsam 'of Llierwt, rondo at 975
Bowery, in consumptive cases,cannot fail exciting
deep and thrilling interest throughout the world: — We
have-ao long 'believed this disease Consunipticii) in
curable, that it iiLdiffleulf to credit oar senses_when
we itee.perione,eviderritly consumptive, restored to
health; Yet it is re foot of:dully occurrence....,
LIVER COMPLAINT and General Debility -4
do consider my cure almostmiraculous. I was given
up by two physicians and told to prepare thr,.dewth.
I was in this low' state when a friend sent me a bot
tle of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, from 375
Bowery, and before' I: hid used op, , tl)o' bottle I was
able to sit up in bed, by the furthermit have com
pletely regained my health. • All'aidiuld use it.
GEO. WELLS,f2S,John st.
(&110I 4 ENT PAIN IN THE SIDE.--I have:
been cured.of a violent pain • in - the aide, extending'
through to titO theulder, indigestion, ilimess, hose,
of appetite and debility,', by the use of two
bottles of Dr. Taylor's Balsam o f Liverwort, -
" 4; ALLEN ',. It . A , wrehant+e-R.
ror soIebi'..STEVESTSCO note ,
yagents for Oar isle awl viaiinltywy ,
• ii" , ,lstitb*,loll, SW''l7,42
. ' OO-triEt IBOL I BL
as theie complaints are tonelly considered;
nis one eau: deny their being , the, ,most common
Cause of . this fatal and . distresehig'.disetise. It is
indeecte mehincholi truth,
.that thousands fall
victima to Consumption every year froni no other
cause than 4rdeected colds. ,Yet we find hun
dredsoay thouiands who treat such cOmplaints
with the greatest indifference, and let them run
on' for. weeks antleven months without thinking
,of the &tiger:. At first yottlave what you may
consider a slight cough or cold; you allow Nisi.
nese, pleasure or carelessness to prevent you from'
'giving it any attention; it then settles upon yoUr
breast, you become heareie; bail° paihs in the
side or chest, expeeteratelarge_quntillties_eripat-_
ter; perhaps mixed with - bloodea difficulty, 'of
breathing ensues, and then •ou find your own
foolish neglect has brought 'on this digressing
complaint. If then you value life' or health, be
warned in tinie, and don't trifle with your COLD;
or trust to any qUack 'nostrum to cure you, but
immediately procure a bottle or two of that fa-
which is well known, to be the most speedy cure
ever known, as thousands testify whose lives
have been saved by it.. , •
(Erne very particular' when you purchase to
ask for 41 Dr. WiSTAR'S BALSAM, OF WILD CitEnni,','
as there is also a 'Brier' of this name in use. I .
Prepared, Wholesale and retail,. by WILLIAMS
& Co., Chemicts, No. OS. South Fourth street,
Sold in Carlisle_bir' , •
Price One Dollar a Iliatje.
June 22 . 1842,
TI 0
cottaTisxcitps ke
Every Body' Hum!! 'ot
. 'DR. BECEITER'S', • , •
Pulmonary .•Preservative.
O effectual in Peughs, Colds, Influenzas, Ca
tarrhs, Asthma, Pains of the Side and of-the
Breast, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Shortness
of Breath, Whooping Cough, all Diseases of the
Breast and Lungs, arid for the arrest of approach
ing Consupiption.
So popular is Dr. Bechter's Pulmonary Preser
vative-throughout all Germany, and sh . aliectual in
Diseases of 'the Lungs, that from its miraculous
effects and wonderful cures—it is there generally
linown'and styled "Dr. Bcchter's Life Preserver."
As numerous certificates of its very good effects,
and wonderful cures in this country, have been (re-
AUently:publislied, It. is deemed necessary only to
remind the public of go, valuableamedicine, an(
inform them where it . carfte procured genuine. '
t rjPrice—Fifty Cents a half pint bottle.
*** Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail,at Dr.
,North Second street, below Vine, (sign of the
Golden Eagle and Serpents) 'Philadelphia.
For sale in Carlisle, by .
• • Agents for Cumberland County.
Carlisle, May ,18, 184. 9 -ly
.1 •
.$1:.;1 .. U1in11,::-,41$11.1114430
I .
!Plr: E tti" e t u l e
eotaConsumption,Liver C.
p aints,.Asthna,
Arenchitis, Sore Throat, Dye.
pepsia,.Shortness of Breath,. Pains in the :.Side,
Breast, Backand Shoulders, Ague and reVer;an'
intallabler cure, and ell Scarlet and Bilious Fevers,
and all .'diseases arising. frety exposure and de.'
bility; no matter how long st'andingin fact all i
diseases to whichlhe human family arcsubject to: ,
' These pills are unsurpassed by any medical
compound ever offered to the public aii . a. eneral re:
nevater and family medicine.. •Th are fiery
gentle in their operation;_emisin neithet tiaini. -
sickness nor debility bY the use o them; but on
4 (
the contrary 'they strengthen th s to mach and.
boWels in a wonderful manner, an soon restore
nature to its former course and. vi or. The per. I
son iisinethe Olive Branch Pills soon forgets i .
that he'was - sick---whielriifver, easily' aecounted
for: there is not that prostration of strength in
these pills as in many other remedies of the day,
because the materials used in mimufacturing them
are in harmony with the powers of life and act .
in concert with the opinions of Dr's. Brown, Bush,
Armstrong, 'Mcintgomary, Hersey, 'Kendrick,
•Shepper . and the celebrated Dr. Waterhouse,
formerly Lecturer on the theory and practiceof
Physic in Cambridge University, Massachusetts.,
Purchase of them, and give them a fair and im
partial trial, and you will find that permanent fe
tid', upon which the proprietors depend temake
tlpm the Most universal family medicine used,
.an • +WI will stpnd unrivaled' by, any other in '
the nown world. Price 25 cents per box. •
t 020.33
Is ono of the most certain and effectual cures for
all rheumatic, chronic and inflammatory Rheum..
tiems thathas-ever-yet -been- discovered - Fandin
numerous eases has eradicated that dreadful die.
ease from
_persons afflicted entirely. All sour
drinks 'and victuals are strictly forbidden, and
spiritous liquors most not be taken inwardly by
any means whatever, or it will be of no use to
take this medicine, as itwill destiny the good cf.
facts of the medicine entirely. Price $1,50 per
These celebrated drops haVe acqUired the high.
est recommendations in this country, as well as
in -Europe for its most valuable proprieties for all
inward weaknesses, craplps,colds,agues and fever;
and when used with the Olive Branch Pills,never
fails to cure the fever and ague. Priee.2s cents
per bottle.
Is unrivalled for its curative - qualiticaTeveri'when
usedin.cases.of-maladies which werb otherwise
iocurnble. Many recommendations have been
given of the beneficial effects it has had in the
cure of pleuiisy, pectoral and pulmonary, con.
sumptions, colds, &c. PriCe 25. cents per bottle.
This Most excellent article has a quality of
' , aiming instantly and all cramps of
the stoma - eh, cholic and that troublesome disease
called mother fits or hysterics; anal when continu.
cal for sonic length 61 time, will cure the patient
entirely,. 'Price 25 cents or vial.
A' certain -cure for all'Seidds, Bruges, Burns,
id the most effectual cure for the piles-it will
ire the per Son atilicted hi a eery .short 'time, if
:ed according todireetions. Price 25 cts. per vial.
't'his spirit is highly recommended for all
....wait's, swelling of.the limbs, or Ifeaders, sinews,
j Mits and rheumatic; as an out ward remedy,it has
II cwinband when used with the Rheumatic Medi..
. .
dine,, will greatly faCilitate the cure; The an
n•kils ofllistory do not produce its equal, and' it is
greatest preventive • against: , cold, in the
ion world. For, particulars scb directions accom.
p.i,ying the bottles." Price 25 cents. -
infallabic coirc if itscd. according to dircc
ti ms. Price 25 cents per - rial.- •
IA :decidedly the best application for :wounds
mid sores, old or new, of all kinds, and will pre
vrnt if used in time, many operations; and pre.
mit Lock Jaw, Pains in the Back, Head,
Fernales'whcratic so' unfortunate as to have sore
breasts, and will use this•wonderful salve, will he
cured in a very short time. It cannot be too high
ly recommended.. For further particuldes see direc.
tions. Price 1.94 ceiits per box.
An excellent article Thr the cure of worms in
adults as well as children, and will cure .when
other remedies fail. Price 61. colds per Lox.
A superior article Cur roughs, Cnlfl , ,Snrf , throe 1,
Btonehitis and difficulty of breathing. fries
cents per box.
Sold wholesale and retail, at theprinelrl otilee,
No. 384, North 1d t•treet, Philadelphia; :t1“1 by
. JOHN GRAY,-Ctirlisle, l'a.
. • - ._.......fiell.M.L.MitiMcmilittrialtd.Conot.y..—
.lune 22, 1842. A. 1y..34
A• ND ifyou have a friend, a relation, or know
any one that is afflicted with that distressing
disease; "CONSUMPTION,"persuade them with
out delay to try that &mous and unrivaled medi
cine, the
""Balsam of Wild Cheyry,”
which has cured thousands'of this. complaint af
ter everything else had failed. Read the ibllow
ing, undoubted .proofs of its efficacy:
• ROXBOROVUO, Sept. 10 1841.
Dtla Sin:-Please send me two more bottles of
your Balsam of Wild Cherry, like that you sent
me before. I have taken nearly all of the first two,,
and confidently believe this medicine will cure me.
I have used a great many remedies within the
last year . , tut have never found any thing that has,
relieved me so much. It has stopped my cough
entirely, checked My night sweats, and I sleep
better at night and feel better in every way, than,
I have for many months. Yours, respectfully,
Ilormessonc, Sept. 12,, 1841.
FRIEND . WISTAR:—.I, must again trouble thee to
m_two-bottlea-more-of-thy- invaluable-Bar '
sem. I have now taken three bottles in all,'and
can assure-thee that it has done more . good than
all the medicine I have ever taken before. Send
by the stage as soon as possible, and oblige thy
BRISTOL, Sept. 13, 1841.
DEAR Ddb:rom- r -Ifearing so many people talk
of the wonderful cures your Balsam of Wild Cher.,
ry has made in Consumption, I sent to one of
your Agents the °the r day for a bottle, and have
tbund it to have relieved me so much, that I 'we nt
three bottles more sent sou, as I believe 'it will
cure me too. I have used - Jaynes Expectorant
and other medicines besides,but nothing his done
me as much good as yours has. Send by the,
steamboat Bolivar. Yours, ti uly, .
gaPß os id es it s tistrinishing efficacy in
Consumptitp; it is also the must effectual remedy
ever' discovered for LIVER 'COM i'LAINTA,
WHOOPING COUGH, &c., as hundreds will tea.
tify who have been cured by if after all other reme
dies had failed.
• DRUGGISTS and DEALERS will find
medicine a valuable addition to their stoek and
'should always keepit on hand, as 'it is universally
acknowledged to be one of the most useful family
medicines now irruse.
airße very careful to ask for Dr. WISTAR'S
sale and retail by WILLIAMS & CO., Chemists,
No; - 33;South - Fourth Sfreo Phil lelphin•
'The genuine Balsam -mild:4.n Car:
lisle by, SAMUEL . ELLIOTT, appointed
Agent. Prierf--$1 per Bonk,.
- June 22,1842.
MANtIFACTIift,Prk and 'kept on hand, for
sale,. in the • eity , : - (4'pineneter - , - near . tho
Rail 'Read.: ' •
Horse :Powe r .
:tivkg t
. 14;ivri g . hortie--ltrid,kietVQ: , henteli•
Fork well; Itrid'of,gleatei! ddrability . than any
lidenhities,lor Ouliticre known to
the• enl4oll*ipreeent. , , •
I " ol oiviteit:NaY l 4 ,104 2. .
• . -
strcccfr, - FejirT, - fai;'); --
Dear Sir—Although..Vour illy:linable medicine had
alreadA rooml hundreds of powerful adveCates, it
mar all I I he gratifying to you to receive a communi
cation- from any one that has been. relieved by-it.
Suer), Sir, is truly my case: I have been a victim
to that terrible disease Coll9llmptipn, for many
months, and have sulFered so -Initial, that I had be-
Come almost %ream• of my life. Rearing your
Balsaltn so highly praised, I began faking it n few
weeks hack, and can assure you it has relieved me •
more than any thing I. have ever• used before, and I•
confidently believe it will cure me effectually. Please
give the hearer the worth of the euelosed,and oblige
Yours Respectfully, • fJoiN-Ptattsos.°`•
Chester County, Sept. 6,1841.
Friend Wistar—lt gives me mud, pleasure to in—
form thee that my wile's health has improved very
•h• since she has been using thy Balsahn of Iva
Cherry, and we think, there is no doubt Lot that it
will cure her. She has taken the two bottles I pur—
chased from thee a shOrttime since, and her cough
is much better, she also sleeps well at night, and
says she has found nothing to give her so much re—
lief. Thee ,will please give the .hearer two bottles
more for Thy Friend. •
• Lancaster county, July 18, 1841.
Dear Sir--Please send me two bottles of your
gennine llalsalm of Wild Cherry. 1 have been of wiffriffonsumptiiiii fot_the_last_t.wm-yearstand
sacred very much with a severe cough, pains in
my breast, difficulty of breathing, night sweats,
and having tried autocrat's remedies, and also been
unflcr several doctors, yet 1 could not find anv 11114;
to rlieve me until I used seine oryonv Mislaid. I
got ohe bottle Oflnilte vol. is 116111 g
ii. and has found such Woaderhif relief from it that
hint. no doubt it .will cure me effectually:
Very respectfalb ynnrs, &e.
Roamer IlamAN.
Reail the following frrin Dr. 4c0 . 1: Horfrodn,
a physician of extensive practiCe in Huntingdon
crundy :
Deny Sir--I procured 9n4,diottle of Dr. Wistar's
lialsalm of Wild Mere:v.4'4n Thomas Reed, Esq.,
of this piaci!, said tried it'in a case of obstinatt
A st lima on it child of Paul Schwebie; hi which many
other remedies bad been tried - without any relief.
Tht, Balsalin gave sudden relief; and in my opinion
the child is effectually cured by its use.
Yours, Ste. JAcoailo - misex,3l.D.
December 122 d- Ift4l.
Dear Sie---Your Salsalm of Wild Cherry , has, ef— .
Awl! sonic astonishing cures here. One of which •
is an ail lady, Mis.. Russell, who had been suffering- .
for a long nine with shortness of breathing, and gen
'trot weakness, until she was finally obliged to keep.
.her 'bed. After various •other remedies had been-----' •
resorted to'in vain, she eommeneed using your Dal—
salm,and 'after-taking two bottles, was so tar recover—
ed INS to .be able to attend to all the duties .of her
hduse, and on tiking,tWo betties *dere' was entirely
cured. . Respectfully, &c. •
Joni' S. C MARTIN.
, Pottsville, Pp_
CAUTION.—As there lit,-.R.snurions niistastr
called Syr** of Will (Merrit t ptirohasers should Ile
verrnarticular to ask for 'be. WISTAR'S 13AL
SAMiand observe his signature on thellaitle.
- .'Prepared for 'the proprietor, nhd dolt! at Whole
sale:by Williams lk C 0. ,, Chemists, No:21 Minor
street, Philadelphia. . •
'Sold in • . 7
Sbippenslntrkbirilie Re v:. David smith t. Aar
by'Johr, Wyeth,- - Jri'Litneastei by 4. Gish s
Charnbersbint by - Lew isDenig Latitl in almost evOry
town autPyillagethrongitontibo coun t ry.
Price, .
1403 3
, utZta'
..',1131414124. ,
Tvp - ie 4 e4loe nn
e ic E ciousE
tossetllongivenjoidofAtrilli :.-A k rt
' "
4fi r ections of the Liver; asthma, Bronchitis, Pains
or. weakness o/ the Breast, or Lungs, Chronic
Coughs, Pleursey, Ilminorrage of the Lungs; and
affections of the Pu/monary ogans.
'H aninp . ognd Dalsainiepreparation 4 the ,Prtfnui
Vir:giniarua or" Wild Cherry Bark,"combined with
the Extract of Tar,' prepared' by a new cheinicat
process, approved -sad reeoramended by the most
I. distinguished physiriansoind universally acknow- -
ledged the most valuable medicine ever discovered.
In setting forth the virtues of this truly , great me
dicine, we htive no desire to - deceive those who‘are
„laboring undernfflietion, we.wish to eulogise
it more than it justly deserves. Yet when we look.
around and see the vast amount ofsuffering . and
tress occasioned by many of the diseases in which
this Medicine has proved so highly successful, we
feel that we cannot urge'its claims too strongly, or'
say too muck in its favor. -
Various remedies it is true have been offered and
puffind into notice 'for the 'cure of diseases of the'.
, Lungs, and
_some have no doubt been found' very ,
useful, but of all that havelet been discovered, it is
'admitted by physicians and all who have witnessed
its effeets, that none has proved as stiecessful 01 this:
Euch,linleed, are the - .
. ,
Of this Balsam, that even in • the advanced stage of
• CONSUMPTION ; after all the most esteemed remedies
Of - A•sicians have failed to effect anrchauge,the
use of this medicine has. been • productive of the
'most astonishing relief, and actually effected cures
after all hopes of recovery had been irespaired of.
. In the first stages of the diseate,termed'"Catarr-t
hat ConOmption,".originatios from neglected Colds,
it has been used with undeviating success, and hun
dreds acknowledge they owe the restoration of their'
health to this invaluable medicine Slone.' -In that'
form of Consumption so prevalent amongst delicate;
young females, commonly termed debility, or' -
. .
, A.complaifii with which thousands are lingering, it
i bas'also proved highly successful,, and not only pos
sessus the power of checking the. progress of this •
, alarming complaint, but also strengthens and invig
orates thenystem more effectually than any medi
cine we have ever possessed. .
. Besides its surprising efficacy in Consumption, it
is equally' 'efficacious in Jiver Complaints, asthma,
lir meld lig, and all affections of the Lungs, and has -
cet,eil many of the most obstinate cases; after every
, tilLier remedy-Mid failed. (rp- ForintrtirmliiiW'iNP
1 Dr. Wistar'ii Tre ise on Consumption, to be had e
the Agents. , .
Atiending the use of this medicine io diseases of
.thel.tings, and the many singular cures it has ef
fected, having mitimatly attracted the - attention of
many plvsiebins,,(as wellms the Admit; fraternity of
.qinteks) various conjectures and 'surmises Iniye arisen '
respecting its Loinposition . ; some physicians have
supposed it to coolant lodine, other ignorant preten.
ders say it must Contain Meiturvind to some such
'substance t key each attribute its singular ,eflicticy:—
As stich•npinions arc altogether eryoneutts, and cal-.
ciliated tOrejudice many persons aigninit it, we •
, •
That it contains nothing, of . the kind, or any thing
the least injurious; on the centratry, it is composed
of the most simple substances, the principle of 'which
:We the extnitts of TA It and U iid Cherry Bark,
and the whole 'secret of its efficacy cousin's in the
mode by •which they are ‘wepartil.
As Ave hate adt•eady main: het! -numerous certifi
cates from the highest authority, which prove its
virtues beyond all, doula;we consider-it unnecessary
to exhibit a long list of them Mfilis place ' sind will
only mention a few casts, to sticTiir - what it has done.
A SIDLPILESING CURE.--Anning the ninny
singidar tares which thin medicine has elTeeted,
there is perhaps none in which its powers are .so
fully shown as in the case o . f. vs. Austin..
This lath had been consumptive for several years,
and during the greater part 61,this time had received
the best medical attention, and tried all the most'
valuable remedies, yet nothing' could be found it/
atTest its progress. " She became subject to violent
fits of coughing, expectorated large quantities of
m.itter occasionally tinged milli blood, and step
step this fearful disease continued its cow se, until
all hope of a recovery was entirely despaired of;
While in this digressing t.ittnition, lingering 'moo
the t err urge of the grate. she .commenced the
of this linlsalm, NAM', to use her own expres,iint,
eperated almost like , a ela,rm. In n few days she
expectorated freely, the cough was gradually sup-,
presseil, and every day appeared to add fresh vigor'
to her looks, soil now:ht the place of that emaciated
form withering In (levity, slip is seen mingling lit
s ,in better health than she h.e. enjoyed for
- .
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