El ItKr: Webster ,& Mr. Cali% . . , . Extract of a private letter front' Wabh ingtpn City. . . It is reported here in politiOal . cir that a very sharp correspondence took ' place 'betWeen Mr: Webster and Gov; Cass, during the visit Of the latter' to this city. The subject was the Quinttiplc Trea ty, and the provision of the . Washington Treaty in reference to the maintenance of _ a squadron on, the conk of Africa. It is Said that Gov. Cass took 'occasion,. in the course. of one of his letters, to refer, .in. a very personal 'and even, offensive way, to the course of Mr. Webiter daring the last War. , . AND PROFO9O7 ; have - been •ilery, 'much . interested in • an "expose of Miller's doctrine by • P rofes.. tir Bush in ral latelecture. He, from per sona( acquaintairce, - ,regards 'Miller as .dog- - maticaraudintoterant.He points out the )most, prominent of his,.nunierpus mistakes hnd especially the great one of regarding. • '4 thoi_cleinsing out of the• sanctuary,' as the tend of the world. He shows that it refers ..to the removal of the iViahommeilan. power from Jerusalem, aii . dvent,to. -which Profes sorßush looks ft'irwaril: with .great great . cont . ', • .'dence. cannot be denied " that the.preSeht condition of Turkey and the .progress of events in Syria portend ibe overtfirowof Turkish power•in Palestine . . The persecu , • iion of the Jews in Europe and Asiltas . 41Inuist entirely ceased, and many of thein - -are beginning to receive the gospel. SiiCh •S state of.,things is undoubtedly to mark - -the close of the present era,. which will +terminate with the gradual oVethrow of : - Mhhornedaniem, but will be very far from :the,end of the world.,--Baptist Sdvocale. .RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS;—:rhe fol ilowing is believed to be a .pretty acclimate :list of the members of the various religious idenominations;ln the United States: Baptists 4,000,900; Areibp_disiS 3,000, _000; Presbyterians 2,173,000; Congrega tionalists 1,400,000; Roman_ Catholics 1, :000,600; Episcopalians 1,000,000; Uni wersalists 600,000; _Lutherans ,540,000; Botch Reformed 450,000; Friends 220,000 Unitarians 180,000; Dunkers 30,000: Mor anonites•l9,ooo; Shakers 6,000; Ainravians 2,000; Swedenborgians6,ooo. . EXTRA SERSTON.-It is said that• :art ex tra:session of Congress will be called by the President, .and that the cabinet have had.the question under kliscusshitt. .For what purpose it is to lie called, remains, a: mystery, especially as Congrbes, is now in session, and will not adjourn until the. fourth of March next. ' HUMBLE ORIGIN.—Many of our greatest men have sprung - I'Np) the humblest as the lark wlroic nest is on . the grtiund soars nearest to heaven. Narrow eirciim stances are the most powerful stimplants to mental exliatision,..and the early- frowns of fOrtune the best soen . iity for her final -•- • 111111E9i. "nn the 23d last. by the Rev. Ale. -Bennet, of Us burn,t3Ir.GEOUOE ENS MlNCER,olLewisherry, to 31ks SARAH. ANN CRAVER, of New Cum berland, Pa. fro" On the 4th • tdi. by the sans, Me. pICHAEL 'MOEN to Aliss ELIZA HERMAN. On the Kith ult.by the-saree-z-AIe:—.MICHAEL MeFADDEN to 3listj.,'LlZA JAMES,aII of York County. , On the 12th tilt, by the same, Mr. .10IIN G. HPITTEm AN, of New Cumberland, to Miss ME -I,INDA THORLEY, of York county, Pa. 4 r - On the 29th ult. Ire the Rev. Samuel Kepler, Mr. Tuos..M. LYNCit, of Bedford county, to Miss CATHERINE KAUF,PMAN,olLewisberty,YOrk Amtn.ty, Pa. .in tilis I/11'0110E, on last, after !I lingering illness, \L. ROBERT cAMEnoN, aged about 55 Mr. CAMERON was leacher of the Iligh School n ibisborough for some years'pastointl univers: saitisfitetimitn our citizens. As it mini, lie was ut. right, conscientious and - honest; sts,a citizen, he was useful, active, and esteemed ; and as a teacher, his 'dace will not reudily be tilled. His remains were followed to the grave by the teachers and .eliolars of the different sell , ols,ogether with a large concourse of akin. us whoAatewhis worth' stint mourned his loss. i/On the 27th ult. M'CLUll.E,dinigh ter of Alexander and ' kanor Cunningham, aged 15 ye:U.B;l . 'l)o[4ft mud .12_days. LIST OF:JUII0 HS, For the Special Court commencing Monday the 13th day of March, 1843. • . Allen—George A. Balaley, George Hyde, John 'Shuly. Carlisle—Martin Bender, John Bentz,' Michael G. Ego, Samuel Egolf, Peter FOught, Henry A. %Ater. Dickinson—John Ahl, Samuel Harris, Mathew Synob. East Penns!)Orough—Daniel Bretz, Jr. _Lewis Bricker, Michael Levingston, ‘Villiam Shuts, Samuel Shupp. Hopewell—David Hoover, Michael Morrett. Monroe—Joseph. Brandt, David Martin, John Zimmerman. Mifflin—John flarper, Samuel Kennedy, Robert • Middleton. Mechanicsburg .=.John Franklin, Jr. Sanitiel Kutz, John Sweitzer. Newton—Jamei W. Allen, Peter Cppe, George ' Harlin. - -- - , North Middleten—Jaeob Beidler, George Brindle, William Cameron, David' Hefner, John Miller, ' Thomas D. Uric. Silver Spring—Abraham Adams, Samuel Eberly. Shippensburg Borough—. Philip Koonts, John Preston, • Shippensburi towntrhiti—Hugh Craig. Routhamfiton—Conrad Clever„E ndrew Hatter. Routh Middleton—Adam Gutshall. • West Pennsborogli—Andrew Agnew, Andrew Davison, George Kimm, Jr. • Country Meichants, BuiWers & others, •• .LOOK GIT Ting: .HARDWARE AT REDUCED PRICES, • .I[IIIENRY L. ELDER, 493 Market st. Jima Philadelphia, Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Domestic% Hardware, takes this method of in forming his friends and customers of Cumberland county, that he has received a large and splendid sortooeht of - • - . 11:h1i3DV1 I' • • diFeet from ,England, together with a general assort ,„ meat of . 00.11 ESTICIIARDWARE, direct from the manufacturers, all of which has been selected by himself and agents With great care,expressly for his • , own sales, Having, purchased his present stook all for Caeb, and at greatly reduced prices, it will en-. able him to sell at prices lower than any oilier Store in Philadelphia: • ^ • fitrCall and-ekamine the liargainayourselve& P.-8.. Cumberland' Nails at $3 444-Keg ! AtWater Nails at $3 20 a-Keg !!''' • • • Pebrintry 1,1843. - ; • • tf-14 , . ONE THOUSAND bUMBERLAND NAIL% Will be soltila lota. to alit puiehasere, at ihe azilltordlatul,low priest tit VI 44'.a Reg.., Also 1500 -'4 - , gege.of - Atwatti.Naifs; at t 3 4i) a Rego at - , •• HENRY , Ii, , .Y.L,DER'S, 'cl" Cheap rlaillivi iretiouseektioriikkat'lll,. Philih .- rebritarT 1; 11 . ' 143., ...y . ...,. ..,, , 0;14' , .1 • ~-.~d~ ~ l'.r ~~ ~W - ~ . -. .'''-'',.',.. , ;: , •,;;,:',;-; . ... 1 ,;.': , :fi.. , :-, , , , ,..,.. ,!.: ....--•.thi,-s!':;';:i.,":,-,',4t.1.;0-k.',...,;'::'-‘4-,,...1--,V:r..,:;:-_,.. ME DH D. Proposalalo•be ferwarded'on or before the Ist day of Februaiy next; the articles to be delivered at any time previous to the 25th of March next. Estate Of Peter Wilt, deceased Ntlitre. ET'I'ERS of. Adminietraiion. on, the • • Estate of.. PETER WILT, late Of West Pentoborough,township, tice'd., have issued due rosin of law to the-subscriber in saidlownskli). - All persons indebted,to said estate are requested to make mnedialu,Parmittt, and 'those . having - Claims: will present:them duly' AnthentiCatid for settleinent.. Jattuail 25,1843,- .• •-•- 4. ~ • . „ .. . • • IiEVIEWIIF-THE MARKETS A... :.:, . ~ , ,' :: N EW4TEAM: s tatiV"'MlLL .. . . ~ . . . . . . BALTIMORE, Jan. ge, 1843.; . HE O:ITAM ' SAW MILL, erected REEF CATTLE.—The offerings this week were, in the past year by the subscriber,nbOut half a in number about the same as last week; and the ex.' mile below Harrisburg, on the east bank ofthe Sus tremes of prices were $3 75'to 6 per 100 lbs. elf the quelumna, near the Railroad and' Canal, containing lots were taken by butchers and salters, The de , . two Vertical and two Circular Saws,is now in oper mand for Hogs has rather fallen oft, but the supply is Mimi, and ready to execute orders with the utmost' 'fair, and prices rulenbout the same as last'.,week, 3 despatch, 47',.PRIC ES IN CONPORJII.I77 25 to 3 37i. IPTTH THE GENERAL REDUCTION .OP FLOUR.—City Mills hat sold duringthe week at THE TIMES-' .' .• • 's4, and other parcels can be had et the lame price, Airi assortment of the various kihds of Scantling, although some holders ask more: Howard street has Boards, Plank, Plastering and Shingling Laths, Gar been steady at 375 from store; sales to some extent 'den Pales, &c., will be always kept ready for &Hy. , for shipment having been made at that rate. De a l:. cry; and persons sendinEyatts or Logs to the Mill; ers tare receiving it from the ears• and wagons at $3 can hrii+O them sawed as directed, on-the most ma-, sei per bbl , „ .. senable. terms. - . . GltAlN.—Very, little Wheat of any deseriptiOn ''." 40,000 limier seasonerel s ear Stiff are now in coming ferivai4l, and very little demand for it. The lilirilird• ' ' - • ~ best offeriog would probably' not command over 75 : .o:Y•Stram.poWer, and room in-the building, to let. cents, and inferi OP ' proportionably, lower. Nothing ' ' 1 7 1 7 ; GRIMSHAW, doing in Rye. .Corn bas sold at 40 to 41 cents for January 25, 1843. - • ' . 3m-13 white and yellow ; and Oats afloat about 23. WHISKEY.—Maying sold. at 18, and bilis, 19 eta, per gallon ' PHILADELPHIA, Jan . -28;1848: FLOUR.—The market is extremely inactive; and ,the prices are steady at last week's quotations. Sales according to quality have been made at $3 75, 3 81, 3 87., A sale at the former quotation : was matlelhis Morning on the wharf. Rye-flour is in but little de `Mond at the late declined price, 275. corn Meal is scarce and is firm at' 225 per bbl. Vessels appear to be wanted for the West-Indies. . _ . WHISKEY—Has, delined to i 8 a 10 in bb15.,17 n 18 in lilids. dull sales. 227 Cows & Calves, sales nt 16 a 22, extra 27 a 30 Division Order, No. L ileadßuarters,lltb Di i,.!r-P: m. CARLISLE; Ja11...30111, 1843. lIE undersigned having been elected, and missioned Major General of the 11th Di M., hereby assumes eon - imam] of the, same, aim m hereby malses the following Staff appointments there. , .. •• — hi, viz i-- . . - 11Iajor DaillaM.,Bowles, P. - Division Inspector. -- :." - Wii. B. Anderson, P. 1)o. guar. Master, John Hamilton, C. Aide-De-Camp. Robert thicket, P. ' o William Bigley, C. do. William Gilmore, P. , do. , J. E. Singer, P. . do. • ' "Jolla Casey, .C. do. " Jeremiah Bark,. F. do. • James Ilasi.y, ~ 'P. - . do. . P. A. Ege, . •• ' C. - - do. ' Wm. G. Reed, P. do. ~ Joseph Casey, P. . 4 do.. • .. A.. 1. North, • C. do. . David Detrieb, - F. ~.• - dO. • • Jesse Beaver, P. do. ' • . ---- .1..5-.. Chesnut,- . 0.• •-• do.- , John Roe.,. F. do. Ephraim Coramnic - C. • Jacob Lotignecker, C. do. ' It. C. Wood's, C. do. . Henry Irvin, C, ' do. ' All of whom are to be obeyed as such Division Offiee - rs. Given tinder my hand at the place "and time above written. ' ' ' W. FOULK, - . Maj. Gnn.lllll Div. l'a. %la. February 1, 1843: 3t-14 rfl'apevs in Franklin coiinty 'tiro regocAletl to publisirthe above. APPEALS roll 1643: . , - Ntaie and Comity 'rases, NOTICE ISJIBREBY GIVEN, to ,all th e taxable inhabitants within the County of Cumberland, Pennsylvania, either for State, Coun ty ,or CoMmon School purposes, that the "Board, ..f R evision " of said county, will hold. the appeals• for the year 184.3, for the different boroughs and' townships of said county, at the times and places ps published below; for the purpose of hearing all persona who may n pply for redress, and to grant such relief - as to them shall appear just and map - kit:able:to wit: Fra Ward and Mifflin townships, on Wednesday the Ist of March next, at the public house of -Col. William H.-Woodburn, in the borough of Newville. • • Newtan and Newvill . e, 'on Thursday the 2d, at the some place. . • Southampton and Sfrippensbuig township, on Fri day the 3d„dt the public house of Daniel Duke, in the borough of ShippenSburgi. Hopewell and Shippensburg borough, on Saturday the 4th, at the Kline place. Carlisle borough, on Monday the -f,th, at the Com missioners Office, in said borough. Allen, Monroe and Mechanicsburg, on Tuesday the 7th,W at the public house of Frederiat un de rlich in Mechanicsburg. East Perinsborough and New Cumberland, on . Wednesday the Bth, at the public house ofJacob B. Writes, at Oyestcr.s Silver Spring, on Thursday the 9 th, at the public house of Joseph Grier, in Iloguestown. North Middleton, on Faiday the 10th, at the Com missioners Office, in the borough olCarllsle. Dickinson and itiest Penrisbor . ough, on. Saturday the I I th, at the public house of George Sheaf.' fcr, at Mount Rock, South Mullllelon, on Monday the 13th, at the Coin missioners Office, in the • boroug h of Carlisle. -- By order of 4he Commissioners, JOHN IRWIN, Cler . . Com Missioner's Office, Car. i lisle, Feb. 1, 1843. • .I"etelon Darling Scythes.* .ArINE HUNDRED' Dozen genuine Newton Dar J ling Scythes assorted, every one warranted,w II be sold titeaperthan they can be bonghtat any miter store in,Philadelphitt. Also a large and general as soetment of !lay and Alantwe Forks, Rakes, Shovels, Hoes, Tacks, Brads, Ne. &Al. very low, at HENRY L. ELDERS, Cheap Warehonse store, 493 Market at. Phila. February 1, 184$. if-14 Estate of John Frelich, deceased. Nutive i s HEREBY GIVEN, that letters of Adminis -1 !ration on the Ettateof 301-IN FRELICII, late of Silver Spring township, Cumberland comity, de ceased, have this day been issued by the Register iii and for the said County, to Mary Freheb who resides in said township, and to John Koser, who resides in Mechanicsburg in said County. All peysons having claims or demands against the estate of said decedent, are requested to make known the same without de lay, and those indebted to make payment to MARY. JOHN KOSER-, Adm'rs. February I; 1843. et-14 • 10022020 THE books and papers of the late proprietors of the ''Carlisle Herald and Expositor," are in the hands of the subsariber, residing in Westpennsboro' ownship; for suit. Al l accounts unpaid after. the 234 inst. will be put in suit. L. H. WILLIAMS: • January 11, 1843. • • tf-11 ~iJ'~~tgCk®c~3 a FURNITURE, LIQUORS,&c. AVING !dosed the "Mansion House Hotel," Al I will r e ceive written proposals for furnish. mg the following articles, or part :thereof, for use in the same, viz: For twenty-five Bedsteads, twenty-five Beds, with pillows and bolsters or feathers, by the pound, for the same ; changes for the !Asters and pillows .per set; sheets, linen or' muslin, Blankets, Comforts, Quills or Counter panes, Tables, Sofas,Chairs Washstands, Bowls and Pitchers, Carpeting, Loolting-glasees, Kitchen and Table furniturey old arid good liquors, or for any other articles that may be thought necessary in that establisment. It is expected that all articles offered, will be of good quality, fit-for the use for which they are intended,-but extravagant and coStly artials will be strictly avoided. Sixteen Bedrooms, two Parlors, one Bar, two silting anti one eating room for sixty, and a Kit. •• chen to be furnished. - Jailuati 25,1843., . :-, ~, ' ~: ' '.'.:.:25':::-F..-;..`,',`,.-,-7,,,,::::..,..c.::,,,,:,;-::.•:,i:-.,;:',,.:,,,,,r, Estate of Georgo' _Repley, deceased. • Nati/04' ETTERB :of Administration on the , Estate of GEORGE RUPLEY„ late of Eat Pennsbormilili township, deceased, have been issued to the subscriber residing in Allen township. All persons having claims against said Estate ; vill pm sent them for settlement, and those . indebted will make immediate payment to ' • GEORGE RUPP,'Jr. Adm'r. January 25,1843.. . 6E-13 am To the Heirs and legal Representatives of Dr. Lemuel Gustine, deed. - TAI AE NOTICE, That by virtue of,a Writ of Partition or valuation to me directed, .sued out of the Orphan's Court of Cumberland county ' _l will.hohlaidaquisition on the Real-Eistate of 1)r. Lemuel Gnstine, dee'd. on the premises on .tiaturday the 11th of February, A. D. 1843. at 11 o'clock, A. M. Ivbere'all 'intcrestrzil may attend if they think proper: .• _ 'PAUL MARTIN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, • January '25,1813. ( • G 1 lir 11111ATED. • . . T W 0 qIIOUSAND :BUSHELS OP ORN'' 'and RYE wattled, for which the highes j price Will he Carltsle, Jan. 11. . S. M. HARRIS. • TRUSTEESHIP ACCOUNT, In'the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland. co. 9th January, 184:3, The account of Samuel Woods and. William Woods, Jr. Trustees of James WOOdi, presented to the Court; and the 14th day of:Febru ary next, appointed for the' eontirtmaient Of the same=, of .which all,persoos interested will take notice: v the court • TI►OS. 11, ciuswiLL, Proth'y. January 18, 1843. • 31-I'2 Pau • : "'WU Up I I LL persons that are habibted to the subscriber,' either by note or book nccount, are requeited u call apd'settle on or before - the 15th day . 01 Feb -sry next, as no farther indulgence can be given. JACOB SENER. 3t-12 Carlisle, Jan. 18 Z 184.8 THE two story briCkDwelling and lot, on Pnt - street, near High, now - occupied by Mrs. Massey, and the one rationing, lately,occupied by It. White Middleton, Esq. Possession will be given on tbe Ist of April next. _ For terms apply to I\ O. P/111 11PS or • WM. D. sErmour.. ALSO, the basement moans of -the -Methodist Episcopal Church., For terms apply ns.ahove. Also, fir sale or rent, the flonseN, °relish, and Lot poil.hased by me of the Messrs. Itingwidt's, and 11ruterly owned by Mrs. Logue.. If desired, th e noises and garden will be rented separate from the ots and orchard. , -- WAL — D: January . II .Houses for Itent._ THE BRICK I/WELLING - 'MUSK, Store'room, Brick Ware House' and Lot of Ground attached, situate North'. flanover street, Carlisle ' now occupied by Nlcsirs.j. & C. Conin:i ln, also the Shop second door South of the above, in the occupancy of Ilaidch. Also tlw Brick Dwell ing House, Leland Stabling, in West High. strett, now in tenure of Dr. \Vim Irvine. Also a new Brick Di-elling noose and part Lot attached.; on l)ick. hum alley; and the Frame House sad Lot of Ground occupied . by Mr. R. Moore, on West Lowlier street. Ihlssession given on the Ist of April neat. For tennis apply to • JNO. B. PARKER. December 28, 1842. tf-O ..e 1.4 712 5. • BEAVER:m(I Pilot Cloth for over coats.. Also Block, Blue and Invisible Greco Cloth for dress coats, jost. received and selling very low,st the store of Dee. 21, 18W. CIIAS. OGILII P. DM ' . -1111.111D.11 Boots, Shoes di, Caps, r HE subscriber has just returned 'from -IC the city, And is opening, in addition to his for mer stock, 14 cases of Hoots, Shoes and Caps, con taining Men's, Boy's and Yonth's.thick boots. • Men's line Calf Boots and water-proof do. . and Boy's Rip and Seal Boots. Men's, Roc's undYouth's Brogans. Ladies' Kid Welts and Slipper a. • ' Colored Lining, Skins. Men's', Boy's and Youth's Fur, Cloth, Scat let nd Fancy Caps. LEMONS of Superior qualify. lIUNCII AISI NS, superiorsuality new crop. All of which will be sold cheap for cash. WM: M. :BAITER. Carlisle, Dec. Ql, 1 g4Q 200 t i-- -BUSHELS OF RYE, — or which ‘...• will pay the market price in CAM CHARLES OGILBY. • Carlisle, December Q 8,184% OLD VEG/R. A LL persons having. accounts with. the /‘• Subscriber, will please call immediately and_ settlethem up to this date, as the pressure of • times require prompt payments. And oblige yours, & c. A. RICHARDS. . tf-10 C EESE.' • A LARGE quantity•tif first rate Cheese, CA N. York Cheese, at reduced prices. Wholesale or Retail. Also a lot of SALT at the store of AVM. M. MATEER. 'November 23,'1842. tf- NEW 8b CHEAP GOODS! riIHE subscriber has just rpened. a lot of New Goods, consisting of SUPERFINE - , CLOTHS, /pack, Blue and Fancy colored Cassimeres, Can nets, all 'colors mid prices, Merino'es, Mouse de Laines, Gloves; Hoseiry, 5-4 Brown Muslinsifor levy ; bleached do - for a fip, Flanneli mom 2O to 25 cents, with a variety, of other goods, all of which will sold,nt very low.prices to suit the:times. S. M. HARRIS.' Cilrlisle,'Octobei• 19, 1842. tc-51 • Estate of Jacob Garret, deceased. • • NeltigTor • )rEreF,RS'or 'Administration on the _Estate of ;JACOB GAIMET, late of. Allen township, ecessed,have bitten taken 'nut by the subscriber, re 'siding in the same township.,, All persons . indebted to'said "estateare:re . quested to make Immediate pay ment, and those . bav,lneclams :will present them duly authenticated roi settlement, to . • " , GEORGE BEELMAN, lanurta,lB4.9. • -f t-11 W. F9ULK... • ;" „•• • Froe.•Sase; or Rent 'l'ffittEfiomfortible new Bt anildinke- in pleitsanennrr healthy pertor the bornnglt'Pnesee , elan given , on thelet of,Ate..jl; 1843.1'. • • -'-. Deo. 24t54.9.. . !-•'n IMINI gst4ie,.of Mdry Fenion,.4epeased. gs HEREBYUIIa letters Testamentary ofilhe last' will of MARY FENTON, latenf Mifflin 4ownship deceased , have been issued by. the Register, in and *or this county, to, the,. subscriber who resides in the 'same township: All persons having claiins or demands against the Estate of the said decedeMprerequested to Make knowitthe same without delay,*and those indebted to make immedi ate payment to JAMES AFELHINNY,Exe'r. January 25, 1845, . • . Qt-13 UI I ..MYTVQk In Ilankrnintey. - aZtcw ticisKst • APETITION for the Benefit a thellankrupt Law, has been filed the.l9th Jan. 1843,.by JOHN JOHNSON, formerly Merchant; and late- contractor on public work, the firm of Jacob A. Gorges and Co. , Cumberland en. and FRIDAY, the 17th day of FEBRUARY next, at .11 o'clock, - A. M. /9 appointed for the hearing thereof, hofore the said Court, sitting in Bankruptcy, at the—Distsict Court Room in the City of Philadelphia,_ when and Where the CI edid tors of the said Petitioner, who have proved their -Debts, and all other, persons in interest, may ap: pear and show cause, Wetly theyliave, why such Petition should not be granted. IRAS. HOPI INSON, ' Clerk of the District Court. Phil. Jan. 230843. 3t-13 sTVathsemi, TIMETITIONS for Discharge and terti ' X &ate of the'Bankrupt Law, have been filed the 14th Jnn. 1843; by JOSEPH 0170, Carpenter afid Cabinet • maker, • - Cumberland co. ' SAMUEL DAVlbSON,,Tanner & Currier, 'and as a Butcher in Company with. John Davidson,' . • Cumberland co. EDWARD HELFENSTEIN, formerly of Dayton,Ohio; mdrchant, now Clerk, do WILLIAM IL WOOL/BURN, late Mer ehanrand Farmer, - -Cumberland' po. SAMUEL SAHTLI, . (individually and as a. , • Member of the firmof•Sndth and Quigley;)` • •.• •• Merchant, Miller, and 'Distiller and For- . • warding Merchant, :' • Cumlxrland co. GEORGE PLEM ING, formerly printer and '• publisher, latd contractor on Public Works, do •• and FRIDAY the 31st day of MARCH, at' 11 o'- clock, 'A. M. is appointed for the hearing thereof, before the said Court, sitting in Bankruptcy, at the District Court room in the City. cf Philadelphia, when and where the creditors of the said Petition ers, wholutve proved their debts, and all persons interested, may appear and show cause, if any they have, why such Discharge and Certificate should not granted. • • FRAS.. HOPKiNSON, Clerk of the District Court. Phila. in n. IR, I A 43., 10t-12 N 0 7:11 0 E. n rporrrioNs.for Discharge and d C o. er: , ti . JIL fleate under the Bankrupt Law, have been flu ed by , ~. - crixiiwn 'TIAD; Fdrmer, • ' . Cumberland to .101 IN McCORMICK, Trader. • JOHN M. WOODBURN, late Merchant 8,,. - .. . •- Iron Master of the firm of John M. Wood- • ' burn & Co., Joseph Laughlin and Co. and James - Wilson, - Agent, • • - do,— JOSEPH.W. PAT TON, late Iron Master, do. JOSEPH A. EGE,? Individually and as MICH .% EL P. EGE,S Partners of the firm '''. 7.‘' - latelron Masters, do, . . JAMES COLE, Tailor - , • .1 . 8' - J. A. Ego, . FREDERICK A. KENNEDY, late Coach' • Maker,• , do. - And• FRIDAY the 31st day of MARCH next, nt II o'clock, A. M. is appointed for tfia hearing there of,beforc the said CoUrt,iitting in Bankruptcy,mthe District Courtroom in the Ci ty' of Philadelphm,when and where the Creditors of the said Petitioners, who have proved filch:Debts, and.all otherpersons in in terest, may appear and stow cause, if any they have, why sucli Discharge and Certificate_ sh:ould not be granted. • ' ___ _FRAS. HOPKINSON, • ' . Clerk of the District Court. Phila. Jan. 4, 1843. . • 10-10 MEM stonier.- A kTurioN for Discharge and Col-- ficide under the bankrupt Law,hnw been filed by WILLIAM DEAN, Saddler, ' ' Cumberland co. WILLIAM Li. ILLEGAN, Conch Maker,'do. . and FRIDAY.the ‘24th day 0f:14:13121.7A1t4 next, id 11 o'clock,A. - M. is aPpointed for the hearing there of, belbre the said_ Court, sitting in Ounkruptcy, at _the District... Court ..11com ' in the_ ( ..lify Of Philadel• phia, When and where the Creditors of the said Pe titioners, who have proved their Debts, and allOllier persons in interest3-inny nppt nr and slow cause, if any they have; why such Discharge and Certificate shouldmot be granted. FRAS, HOPKINS - ON . , Clerk of the District Court.' 10-7 Kiln. Dec. 14, 1812 IFOZfIt,E. PETITION for Discharge and Certificate un der the Bankrupt 141 w, has been filed by HO. lAS FLOWERS, linikeePer, Cumberland co. and FRIDAY the Slitli day of JANUARY next, at II o'clock, A.lO. i s , appointed for the hearing there of, before the said Court, silting in Bankruptcy,'m the District Court Room, in the City of Philadelphia, when and where the Creditors vf the said Petitioner, who have proved their Debts, and all persons in in terest, may appear and show cause, if-any they have, %thy such Discharge and Certificate should not be granted. ,FRAS. HOPKINSON, ' Clerk of the District Court, Phila. Nov. 9,1542. .10-54 o DETITIONS for Discharge 1 - 11 - Geit fieate tinder the Bankrupt Late, have been file JACOB A. 'RACAL Innkeeper, .Curnberland co. WILLIAM. NOA KEIL Saddler St Distiller,• do. JOHN DAVIDSON, Millwright and, late Butcher in Company with Samuel Davidson, do. and FIIIDAY the 10th day of MARCH. •next,at o'clock, A. M. is appointed.for the hear . ing thereof, before the said Court, sitting in. Bankruptcy; at the District Court room, in tire City of Philadelphia, when and where the reditore of tire said Petitioners, who have proved their Debts, and all other persons in interest, may appear mid how cruise, if any they have, why such Discharge and Certificate should not be granted. FIIAS. 110PKINSON, ' Clerk of the District Court. Phila. Dec. t2B, 1142: • 10-0 Register's . Notice. REGISTEIt t s - OFFICE; Carlisle, January 14, 1:843. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested that the following accounts have been filed in this office for examination by the accountants therein named, and will bo presented to the Orphan' Court of Cumberland county for confirmation and allowance on Tuesday the 14th day of Feb. ruary, A. D. 1813, viz: 1. The account of John Eichelberger; Admin. istrator of Margaret Long, late of Allen town. ship, deceased. :2. The account of Henry Chureh,Adrritnistra. tor of DanielP. Erb; late of East Pennsborough township, deceased. •3. The account. of Jonati Rudy, Administrator of Elias Hoffman, late of Allen township, deceasd. 4. The account of James' S. Brandebury, Ad.j ministrator of Patience Melicantlate-of—the-ber. oug io Shippensburg, deceased: 5. The account of Martin Renninger and Dan iel Bretz, Executors of Marlin Benninger, senior, lute of East Pennsborough township, deceased. 6. The account of Sarah Bolander, Administra, trix of Conrad Bolander, late of the Borough' of Carlisle, deceased,filed- by Jacob C. Dooey, Ex ecutor of Sarah 'Wander.. 7. The account of Peter Barnhart, Administra tor of Michael J. Dill, late of Allen township, de ceased. B, The account of Witlimn Carothers, Guar (Han of Salome Ann Lefever,. daughter of Law renceLefever, deceased! 9. The account of Itudorph Martin, Guardian 'of Susan Crist, daughter ofJoliti Crist; deceased. 10: Tho account of Samuel Wherry,Guardian of the rninor.children of Andrew Sharp, deceased. • 11. The acemint of Peter Barnhart, Guardian of John Miller, minor kin of Seca,' Millerde. ceased. , . • 12. Tho account of Jacob Shrom, Guardian of_ Andrew McKim, son ofjarnes McKim, deceased. 13. Tho account of Jacob Shrom, Guardian of Mary :McKim, daughter of James McKim, de. ceased. • 14. The account of Francis Porter; one _ of : the Guardianirof Mary - Jane - Mateor, a - Minor of William Mateer,•deceased, filed by the.Execu. tor of said korter. . 15. The account of some one of the Guardians of Caroline Meteor, another of said minors, Glad b. same; t ' • • 16. The account of same,one of thit G6ardiane of Ann Eliza fittateer, another of cal& minors, Bled by •eame.• ' , , • 17: The account of William' Ihritners ' ono of the" Gun rdiatie of Ann Eliza Igetteer,minor daugh ter of William Mater; depodeed;. JACOB intraz, Ifegieter. • .. 034z4zutra. O ( PERSONS .VISITING THE, CITE. , The T questibins pflen asked 'l4 . stringers; "where Can we get the, CHEAPEST, REST; 40' .310 ST F4SHION,ABLX- .IM7! .er:C4P, fie." We would recommend and Crier them to C. F. RAY MOND, Practical Het and Cap, Manufacturer, No. 'B2, Chesnut street, where they will find e• large entl• celetit assortment of 'ROOM* its his -Line: : • . Trrins'are'OXstiAndittideiktilon in,pclee.: ljeceitibcr7 !lt i3e;l • . ,k ME BEE , . . . . Of the Receipts and gxperiditUres of Cumberland County, by the Comniissioner of said ceUritY, frani - the Or* de. January, tollie4bl4y-first of December, A. D. 1842, inclusive.. , Dr. - • ~ To balance In the blinds of R. Snodgratis,.Esq. late Tie: dour at lest • • t!eitigment . 0 1511 58 '. " Of Taxes outstanding at last settlenlent, -• . ' 4423 37* " Anitithit of County Tax assessed for 1842, . . 22121 24 ". Loan from Carlisle Bank, 1500 00 " Nuts and Interest from Abraham Erb, ' - 53 00 " Fine froM Letitia ,Museleman,''' - ,- • ~ 100 00 " J. Graham, Esq. costs and verdict fees. in ComAdlr: ' • wealth cases, ''' Additional tax paid by collector of Monroe, '' Tax received from fate Collector of Carlisle, . • .. " " • " . A. W. Sterrett, collector o Newton, • " Taxes on UmiCated Lands, from A. Gorrel, Low, Wireman • - ' and Hollenback's heirs, -i' W. Foulke, .Etiq. Clerk of Quarter Sessidne, verdict fees . , received by'hiol, • • „ • • ^ ~ Paul Martin, Eeq.Sheriff; Fines verdict fees received by him, (per 4fiditors' settldinent) 1841, • . - Schedule of Outstanding Taxes dile county, per Return of Treasu rer 31st December 1942, sulject to exoneratiims,. sire. with the 47nount assessed for 1842, Mons4ips rY Boroughs. Carlisle, E. Pennsboro'; 8. Middleton, Silver Spring, • a, Shippe'nsburg B. Allen, • Carlisle, Dickinson,. ' E. Pennsoro, Frankford, Hopewell, Mifflin, Monroe, Mechanicsburg, Newton, Newville, .N._Cumberland, _ North Middleton,. South Middleton, Silver Spring, Southampton, Shippensburg . B. Shippensburg T. W. Pennsboro,' • Since paid in full; f Since_paid in part. George Zinn, Jr. $ 1078 00. ‘l, D. W. McCylloch, ' 775 00 George Moltz,• . • 690 00. -. . Samuel kutz, . 665 93 - Chiistian Clime, - ' -500 00 • • Jacob'Coover, . 470 00 Francis Doke's, ... 440 00; ' e.; • John Peters, 420 60 John Ruth, - ~. . . 365 00 David Coover, . 455 00 . - John Stouffer, , 353 00 • Jacob Squier, • . — 224 00 _ T, C. Scouller, 132 00 ,, ' 'J. C. Brown, • . 72 0.0 Samuel Mumma, - - 39 00' John Hollagher, . '- 2060 , - - 7 • Lewis Schutt,', .7 -16 00 • To Balance in hands of Tieasurer, $_11613 , 19 . Statement exhibiting the amount of Taxes assessed within the county - of Cumberland, for the use of the Commonwealth, up to, the 31st . daq of December D 3441 inclusive, with the amount of exonerations and fees allowed Collectors, the amount paid into the hands'of WILLIAM M. MATEER, Esq. Treasurer,. the . - balances returned by him as outstanding, and due by Collectors, together with the amount of cash due State-Treasurer; as of this date,-viz't To Balanai of Taxes for 1841, outstanding at last settlement, 2014 87 . . . To aggregate amount of State Tax levied, and assessed for the UBO tof the Commonwealth for the year 1842, # Since paid to State.Trcinircr . . . . • . Boroughs 4. Townships. . c o ll ec t ors N ames . Years. Amount of Dalin- fills of Defi- Collectors' Amount of Taxes' Balance Out , . 1341 cotes for 1842. - cienctes. Fees. Received standing. . ' , Carlisle, W. Bentz, . -." - " " • 36 39 . 104 44 184 44 At • . Dickinson, 'A. G. Miller, I/ 11 '-' 11 14 58 ' '3B 39 • .140 00 111 East Penneborougli, Samuel Mumma; 44 . // if • .12 56 a , lOO 00 75 29 • Hopewell, H. G. Miller, . lt 11 11 202 -'.4 1 944 ' ' 114 32 a Monroe, ' G.'W. Bricker, . a • /1 II /I. 17 11 . It Newton, W. Sterrett, I 11. "" - 15 29 22 87 - 114 63 " ' New Cubsberland, A. Officer, I/1 /1 1/ . 262.' 2 45 28 68 " South Middleton, ' J. Lehman,' a a• a 826 II 215 00 41 60 , • • Silver Spring, J.,Hollagher, 11 " d/ .8 38 " 210 00 .26 39 . • : Southampton, , John Pilgrim. . .a - . 11 41 842 .29 52 02 46 • . '" Shippeniburg Borough, J. L. Brandeberry,' ill 11 . 11 41 " . no 00 • • 14 08 Shippensburg Township, ' William K. Tritt, 41 a a • 64. 459 ,27 22 • " West Pennsborough, James Greason, 1842 11 .11 10 73 36 08. 132 96 .' ". , . Allen, David Coover, • 1269 Oa " - • 738 00, i 531 08 ' Carlisle,- •, r Jacob Squier, .E 811.; if 1,001 72 .41 736 00 1215 72 Dickinson, D.M.VeCulloch, ~ " 1267 66 a ") • 557 00 710 66 I, East pennsborough; , George Melt; a 1 1476 Bl.a , . a . 730 00 746 81, Frankibrd, J. C. Brown, , 11 302 63 2 1 17 00 . 85 63 .Hopewell, ' • John Stouffer, " •' ' 304 35 a a 100 00 204 35 .. Mifflin, T.,C. scoliiicr, , " . 341 61153 00 188 61 Monroe, .. • Christian Glime; 1178 48 • " ''''' . " 594 00 584 48 . Mechanicsburg, Lewis Schutt, • a 161 63 a I 100 00 .61 63. Newton, John Ruth,* 706 86 I• ' " "- ' • 574 00 • 132 86 Newville, I.J. S. Morrow, ' .41 175 12 a 1 11 110 00 (;t5 12 . . . New Cumberland, R. Martin, ' ' " 110 29 di 11 78 00 32 29 North Middleton, Samuel Kutz, . a , 952 26 ,i ' a 255 00 • • 717 26 . .. . South Middleton, , 'John Peters, " '1197 80 /1' a' 165 00 1032 80 Silver Spring, Francis Eekles;' ~ 1 986 54 ~' a 248 00 738.54 Southampton, Jacob CooVer, : I - 679 -06 " .i , 345 ' 00 334 06 Shippensburg Borocigh; George Kimmel; - 3Ol 38 " " 230 00 71 38 I • • Shippensburg TownslAßL_L Hugh Craig:_!-- " l-19-5- " ---" ,-- 20 - 00 - 7 - 99 b 8 West - Pe - Its InThitigh, George Zinn, Jr.' loB6 06 • /4 332 00 ' 754.06 .. . . . . ----- . - „ ~ ~ I I , ,• ' $ 14,568 92 , $ll9 91 s 258 89 $ 7740 71 , $ 8464 28 , . CUMBERLAND COUNTY, 88. s ou *. WE the Commissioners of CuMberland County, do certify, that 0 ). " 4 , -,,,„ the above exhibits a true and correct statement of the Receipts and ~ i) ‘• ' Expenditures of Cumberland county, for the term above sate, d,,tis "„4.2(:,, 4 , also, of the several taxes assessed fot the ustoilhe Commonwealth, f t xx x ' aforesaid; with the aggregate of fees and exonexations allowed du•. ring•said term, and also the amount of the several taxes outstanding and in the; halide of the several collectors, according to the best of ourinotvledge and judgment. . . Witness our hands and seal of Office; at Carlisle, the 2d day of January A. A. 1843. • . MICHAEL MISHLER, ' JACOB REHRAR, Cornmisksioners.'.. ROBERT LAIRD, . -- " - "Attest: Jowl law's'', Clerk. '' I WE, the undersigned Auditors of Cumtierlana cottilty, do certify, that liar- • ' q ing examined the accounts and vouchers' of William M. Mateer. Esq. Treasu. ,"',:` rer of said county, from the'first day of January to the '3lsts.day of. December,'• P.: 1842, Inclusive, do rind a• balance in the hands .of; said Treasurer due .aaid . •••;,--70 . county, of ereVeri hundred avid sixty-eight dollars and eighreP4 cerits, exebisivs . ~.'l, of the several taxes assessed for the use of the ComMonivealth:- Ando wafur-. . ',.' t:; . thee certify that the above exhibits a correct statementof the outatanding ta xtu r...:;o,••..d , due by the respective collectors assessed fur the data of the Colnmdnwealth with. ••••: •.'•. •,00,•5, 14 in said Bounty, together with the amount of cash due State Tipititirer as ablias:.• •:. , '•,- . stated.. . n. Given under our hands at the' CoMmissioners 011iee; ili oarliali ; this 7th.44,,; , :, , , ,,,. :„:.•., of Jamiary, A.' D.' 1843 4 ~ • • • ' SAMUEL WILLIAMS, ~ •• •• o• Y .: 7.'l' o•.' •• -. •'Ni „.,,, _ ' PETER••BARNHAftI, •AtitlllOiky l • ';•-' -.••''- •'.' - A tt • RODEFer Ce EILGOREi '• • •• .._ ••'' ' ''''-•:.';''• if '' '''•l -- , ... ~. ;A' • o ` , ' - ' • .' ••;..• ";:";;*4 .6 • • 4rch,er's -'' t ••• ~ - N E W . FALL 4r. WINTER: GIQUOS." - -' , N#''fi - - , • 4 . -... _ -. . Ipaillyig a t igliD MEC _. FALL 4%-. WINTER , 61101:18 if (4' OT4SISTTIVG, in part; of Wish; Frellelli,-;-! . :..,” • o- - . .., • " . ‘..../ Denier and Pilot . CLOTHS' -Milliners • ••• -, .•,•nz01• M' YEW; Rt HAVERSTICKIiave just received ' irrHE su b scr ib er 'o ust receiciukafresh !Ri pply c p Satinet% an:l Eent9okyJeanC,.Lintey'ithd,Chtto.tt "•:••.,'"-.;*:7'••`'...•,''l: ' ,iyji• from the Manufactory at Philadelphia , ' a largos iii. Goode, among which rah) , be fouhd , • flannele. Rose, Mackinaw, Point Atout:Silet'o'-1 . .-••.,. -- - 0 assortment of LARD .I..&4lPS.conalating of •• • ' ' Pa rlour,Chanobairdelltudylbsunps, Beaver fir.• Pilo t Chiths - . . 33:6llDipliZlit=l:4l M-- , - • . , , • , •, - ,,,- , . ,.. : ,, • with or without shades; which they will sell Whole. ' and various Oth'ir Broad ClOths. A great variety of flaiiita, Flannala"..swid 6iiietipe' . .,Tiettcli;En k liih"'4. , . o',•• , 'Aw wile or retail at the thanufachlwer's prices. •. ' ..., ,•• ... . and Amerirtan Ttlntesaftrown',Elteiralied &Cid '•-••: , :,,•• • •,,•' , :1••:- ALSO,• • „ SKTINETTS,. CASSINIEFIES, KENTUOK Y 'JEANS oil Rfuslins. C ecksOricksaool.Diapeno Bonnets; ,o - 1 .•••o" . ,:ot?•f• . - Astral, Me Reflectors and Glass Lamps of vari- and other-seasonable goods for•men's wear. • ' Silks and Ribbons. „ Fine Cloth.: IrplvetpOn CllllB' - ", , , , , Y' , P- 4 ' 1 ,ous patterns. . . • Also a gerierataasortment qr Marehandixefor.the Trosiery, Gloves and Umbrellas; Matinees; Mouti.,;.' ..••. ••,>,•,.. • •' , <1:1 Z 2 EXa _ . Lauliei;to lideh he respetu ( ally calls their attention. Int Anil Saxony Detainee; Viewed. Pia 03 . .; „.,.. : , ' ' • • • 'Call'aud;WO suiscibMas possible, as the•etaire stock :and Barred Jack bleu" Swiss- lliontlNatuk•l,t , e,t l ;'•'-.•`•: - --o - ;• The very best Winter strained, bleached Sperni Will be sold '7,-ery_cheapfor cash. . o . Flower's..thgetlier with B:variety:of , '-o' , • ',,y..• -:•••••.:' ; 0 011', warranted to burn clear, for • • ... • • .•••-• - ••• t • ... .. . . GEO. W. TWINER. , • •-•,.' _'-- ' • ••• '-''','• Se•W-•''''''• ••••• •:':• ".'•• • ' •:' -, -; ~.- ~ • ' -., ' ,. .k. • I ' 6/11111C . Sept: 21 184/ .. • ' nuvenwaLire: - -:ineWirroceritioi , „..;.,,, .; - , , ,i . . .. . 51,45 per gallon.- " ~• • - t. • ' • -- • • - . _ - .... „:. ~„ „.,,v,llictlAßDs. ~ •.,t.. ...f . , ~ ~ , ,, .„ , , ,I • - riii , :saitt4theatori:, o -4-;t:. - - . • • Cathale, November 30,41142, .• , .-........,' •,, •,••••• ~ .,;•t, .to•,' 0., ~,11 Carlisle, Deo. 21, 1842. • -. '• • • •' .. ir-i ' ...noots • aintit. , ShOetie , ." - : • V: iL.. Sk i Seri kflotif tilt • ' '.' - , , rrt 1 subscriber alll,sell -11 chostper anti bat er for Goods. •.. „,_ o ; .-:o.•.,.._t :•'•,...;•, ..,,....,,,-,„,,-- •,• •! •' • 4 ' R fier S .. 4k, vikrigi, ', • , , A arta4to BOOT thin can be • 15uocinocatlialp: . ' ' ' , ' ....., '1 -:: ' -.':`.-" :'',#-A, ~- ~•..- ,• ; ..1, .., ",-. -... ~•••:,„.,•-,:;‘;;., frE •u p y °film) Russia llATilljpitre-, .' ALSO-4Adyyis doublit, th o turoctio,*pd• Kid . , ;410%. laikk, ~ vviones*:,:: , ,;:.: . ;:`.Xi,ri calved. largelbt Of Pur• e olfatlreftli. tteinil":•'',Sisttept,Ties attalluskini•kuulsOrtOr 8111440teltiet- , . • ''' T;c4 . . ry, L'`...:',, , i, , ,V -6 ''' ''-,l 4 frti . ::' , ' . 4 i i iir'ii' ; ,/ - :: : '''':'":=r:'' , l a iSealsompm, now:e4llliir abd for stale,verYo wit lf,l3preltiP Bro . gaus e ;sortums'lttir•priee4l4•llol%*,- jr N ia..4: yttc_elytut,9l? !,,,, Le" 11 ARIA , at ,5 1 . 1 160,5,‘,N144 low; pt the steriFir -, .,'",.•;40' 7 .` CR./.81: OGIEMY. - ' ehildrettAr k.a.... ,;..,••, , - ;;•.-7.'..oi '-,:'*,•*_,..1 MARII3.',•-'4,:. es'olifaillikitriLl.thitil--......—WWft1.':' , :3• ''''i;'-, - c"plisielt; 28 12.0,. , , , , , . --. ~ .: :.. • , : tt,4R . . .. 4:l6Cfeell4;o' , " 2, ', : •••':'''';'''" ,-- : . ,:" '•••',AotiA'``"'soY'tr-51, -i'Al'.l ' .21;4.1#in,ttegr4, ,";:r••,lßilAt'Atuastawrtw.s';',a-'l,i,'' ',.= •••,-; ' o c • .:V.' , •1; ' , • ~ • . :• " '',' ,' •'' '''' , 'l l + , , , ''' ' ' J-0144:t . RW,.`,.z.z . / ~. 4,,, , , c.::4!1t;,;,...r, , ,,, , n4;4,,, ,, ..4.? , --;‘'..'' .`,.V:zi ' - ,'- ' ,- -,, / , , ."`'l';' , .. '. ' '''''''' ''. ' - ' - ..... -, :!._. , ,444.: CA -, , ,, '4 4 5rve; ,0 ;:4:*4-1A , :••• ,,, ' ~ - ; •;;. , •040;;_:,,z.4.4,..,.....4..A. 1. 1-'- :-• -.0, !,-; ,-, -,,,, - --------:,.. • ERE s i liru A : 9r 11E : Illr .E: 111: T WILLIAM M MATER, - Esq. Treasure' r.• Years Ariz't of D. ph:61661842 Collectors 1939 1840 1041 Peter. Overdeer, S. Mumnia,t J. Lehman,' ,f, Hollagher,t L Brandebery,• D. Coover,f 1911;33 J, Squier. Esq.t 1724 20 D WM'Cullocht ' 2267 06 George Moltz,t* 2256 58 J:6`..Brown,t" 486 98 J. Stouffer,} 508 19 T. C. Scouller,t 602 91 Christn, Mimed- 1804 13 Lewis Schutt,t 204 97 John Rtith,t • . 1169.18 J. S. Morrow, 162 99 Rudolph - Matt in; -- ICY 32 Samuel Kutz,t 1604 23 John Peters,t 2017 63 P. Eckles,t • 1721.58 Jacob Coover,t , .1237 66 G. Kimmel, -380 56 Hugh Craig,* • 202 76 Geo. Zinn, Jr.t , 1718 98, ft 180 22,121 24111,178 25 Ell 1 By Amount paid oeon'orderO, &e„ oa folluope, to wit}` . 1 Witnesses fees in Commonwealth suits; • • JuSticeti ' do: do• • Constables,: do . do' . . . Directors of the - Poe on aciOnitrof Eitiines for 1942, Grand arid Traverse Asaessors p ay for 1842, , • • • - • Do making'entimeration of Taxable Inhabi tants, &O.;' County Jail & Penitentiary,'sundries furnished Prisiiners,' • •Election Expenses for 1842, ' . • ' Repairs . and Incidental Expenses of redie Buiidingi; • Repairing and Painting Bridges, •-- .• • Constables Quarterly Returns to Court of Qr. SessiOns;' . .M. -- Holconsb,teq. Keeper of , Penitentifiry, • ' • Direetors,of,Poor their pay for 1842, . • . Poor Howie ViSitors for 1841, . . . • James H. Graliam,'Esq. Attorney td CorinnissicitiCrig; Public Printing, Taxes Iteftinded,' • • Inquisitions on dead bodies,. • • , I "'Costs ort view to award Road Dam:lgoe, . • • . ' Road Commissioners, their pay' foylaYing out State Roettli;' Auditors Pay f0r,1841, • • • -1 Loan including.lnterest front Carlisle Bank,' ' ' _ •, Superintendent of Public Buildings; .. • ••• • Alert Fire Company Appropriatioo for Hose, Sheriff Hippie fees for Deeds.of Unseated lands, • • • W. Foulk,'Esq. fees in. Qr.'Sessions I, George Sanderson, Esq. late Prothonotary fees, • • • F. Watts, Esq. for.tbe apprehension of Horoe'thief; . . . J.' H. Graham, Esqi - Dep'ty. Att'y. Geri% fees in Qr. Sesta . dic.; , Court Crier's pay, • 'Alexander' M. Kerr, Esq. pay as Coniressioner in' .Michael Mishier, Esq. - "• do —do do. for 1842'. Jacob Rehrar, Esq. - • do, do , do• do', Robert Laird. Esq. from Ist Nov. to 31st Deeember .1842; 'John Irwin, Esq. Commissioners' Clerk,' Paul Martin Esq. B,lberiff support of IStiloriits foi 1842'; Viewers of roads and Bridges; • Orders for killing Foxes, . • 39 32 1 70 94 52i 13 61 8 00 48.00 Am't out standing'. 119 $2 115 04 138 16 132 21 38 81i 548 33 '240 67 • 1159 06 984 58 ' .114 98 241 19 241'91 784,10 54 97 364 18 32 99 . 994.73. '1838 . 62 1041 58 697 60 135 56. • - 117 76 • 1022 98 • $29,820 81i 1841 - By cash paid State Treasurer per Recpt; $ 1-153 00 „ Bxonerstions allowed Collectors of State Tax for . 1841, " Commission (5 per, cent.) allowed collectors, " Corrimissiong I per cent.) due County Treasurer on . • $1153 00, ," Cash due Stet° Treasurer, " 'Belatico of Taxes outstanding for 1841, • . . • 44814 87 1p42 By cash paid State*Treasnrer per Receipts, OM 26 " Commission (1 per cent.) due County Treasui" rer on sanie, - )1 ." Cash due State Treasurer, " Balance of Taxes outstanding for 1E42, 14568 02 $16,593.79 . . . . . • . . Commission allowed. Treasurer at la.par cent,' Exonerations allowed Collectors, ... . Fees , , • balance due by Collectonrof 1830, '4O; '4l. acid 19 4 • (per tabular statement) 7 •. 0 . balancii in bands' Of Treaiittrar,' ' ' mmm=lmm=l IS 0',162 00 37 74 42 78 0000 00 210 12k 799 87k 1S1) 00 111 37 879 84 t 484 17( 1017 04i 9888 200 00 90 09 80 00 50 00 227 50 18 79 60 87 2 46 56 96 36 50 1531 80 05 00 25 00 760 82 56. 6 44 22 64 42 00 62 00 141 00 1,90 50 1e760. 36 00 300 00 1103 60 123 36 45 64 -tiB,sll l 7li t 809 59i 225 77 427 18 11,178 26 1168 IQ _ _ $29, 820 VS 119 91, 258 89 11 53 914 tat 157 36 44 31 1786 '43t 8306 02 . $14,663 91 $16,583 79 v I S 1 falrl