Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, January 25, 1843, Image 4

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    TtrrifflLlES IN' AL
The* fol l otivi M.; • indiSpeasatile'farnpr , rerne..
dies may be - peed at the village ,drug sterei,
andsona'at every, country store itt the state.
,and never get • them yam they
have: thefee-siudie.signature of
•y t ,tf on'the wrappers, as all othela
by the sumo names arc base iinpositions and counter.
felts. If the Merchant nearest you has them not,
uric him to, procure
.them at 71 Maiden-lane, the
next time he visits Now. York, or to write for them.
No family should be a week without these .remedies
— C - ALNI - OF - COL - U11.4 B I A,FOR—THF.-IIAIR;
r which
,stop it ,if falling'out, or restore it on bald
plades; and on children 'nake it grow rapidly,' or on
those who have:lost the hair from any cause. -
AM . . .VERMIN that infest the heads of-children
in .schools, are. prevented or killed by it at once
Find the name of • -2.412.71.4&/44 •-•
) on
it, or never try
,Renteniber thie altaays. • • '
positively; cured, and all shrivelled muscles and limbs
are restored, in the 'old or young, by . the . INDIAN
-bu't nover without the name of Conistdck & Co: on it.
0.1, 4 1 ,47,3
are wholly prevented, or governed if. the• attack has,
come on, if you use the true HAYS' LINIMENTAOM
-e)ndket- c _4.
• • A..
, and ovary thing, rclicved•by it that admits .of an,out.
, ward application. acts kite' a charm. Use it.
lIORSES that have Ring Bone,, Spavin,
&c;, are cured by Ro6rs' SrEctric and
Jr , oundered hordes entirely cured by Roofs'
Founder Ointment. Mark this, all horsemen.
.n alley's, .El7.agical Pain - M- .
traCtr ti2'lul'.R--The most extraordinary
remedy ever invented for all new or old
- •
RAF L:2IJ cw.l
grid g )i-r1 soFe — r-I - 7 - 14_haa_tielighted.
-- thousands. It will take out all pain in ten minutes,
and nu curo tho pr„.:1,p,4"415.1
- A totter and more nice and useful article never was
mode. All should wear them regularly.
. en the principle of substiiming the tonic in place of
, the thmulant principle, which has reformed so many
druhkards. To be used with •
LIN'S iiotti e ij";, PILLS, _ euperior to all
. tem - for eleansing.the system and , the humors affect.
4 4 : the blood, and for aU irregularities of the bowels,o'
t• the gniioral herililt.;osl " •
('..4ce 1)r. LIN'B vinCi r litsE9 w.r,v.ri
will effectually cure sick headaehe t -either from the
of hilious. Hundreds Of families are
using it with great joy. -
Rnr the certain prevention of 'or,tiny
general siokness ; keeping the . stomach, in most per
fect order, iliii bowels regular, and a determination to
the ern thee
pains in the bones; hoarseness, and teEREMEN4
are quickly cured by it. Know thia-bytrying.-
CORNS.—The Freileh Piaster is a sure cure
. '' • 'i'''•:7.--1-`' -4::,I-7-"I'Nt::: -'. ,ti e.-
Ok''.':"" ' '- 2 . 3 S- .. .NG,1•46 • ,3 7 . '' -- - - -;7,_•—_! l,
-• t 'l , • ! .- 3. .f. ...-,-. '4 - k , -÷------=''.-,
'IN . '-'1 ; < 0.... -'7 -4 -
. ..
ii ' 4 ly•• a. y , w'c . wil • ' ' t ''
POUND L'XTR ACT. There is no ot,b,c,r vrepara.
tion orSarsapkilla that can exceed nr 'equal this.
If you are suro to get Coms‘rocx's, 'you will find it
superior to all others. It does not require puffing.
IZEDZM3 xr,diccmK - 9 E.- ;'
OF CHINA. A positive cure for the piles, and all
external ailings—all intornnl irritations brought to the
surface by friction with this Balm ;---so in coughs,
swelled or sore threat, tightness of the chest, this Balm
applied on a flannel will relicit! , and cure at once.—
Froalt wounds or old sores are rapidly cured by it.
731. 13artitoloneba's
r 5 '
teill preyent or cure 141 incipient consumption,
taken m time, and is rt.delightful r9medy. Remern
ber the name, and•get Comstock'4,
W 0 R
eradicate all
with a certainty quite astonishing. It is the same as
that made by stock, and sells with a rapidity
almost incredible, by Cpmalock 4."Cif.; New York.
TOOTH DROPS. KLINE'S—Curo efrootwiliy
En: ered according to act of Congress, in the year 11342j.ty.Comstock
4 co., in the Clerk's office of the Southern District of Now York.
By applying to our agents. in each town and
Aillage,papers may be had free, showing the most
respectable names in the country for these facts, so
that no one can fail to believe4cm.
o. Be sure you call for our articles, and not
be put off With any stories, that others are as
good. RAVE THESE OR NONE, should be
your motto.-and These never can be true and genuine
withdut our. names to,ilion. ,
All -these articles to be
had ,wholesale and . , retail only of us. -
. Wholen% Druggists.
. .
Xiiiden.Lano Now 'York. and of. our alTellts.
•, . •
FOr'iSale in Carlisle - lir e
L-.. . '. SAMUEL ELLIOTT. and
Nnviinber 16; 1842. . . • 1y.55
~~ '~ .
- .
This remedy one of the' most extra
ordinary ever used. , 'lt lifit'atlicates worms
-6f all-Oorts, frf.ini children and adults. • •
~ .;!, ! . : .!!;:b r ffClf.JSAND,TPcrish by worms without the real
, Borne other reason is assigned
r sickfiess,until tori.late,Aci cure the real cause,
i,;q.:,,i ' A' , . l,3 3Vhiit'itt - friieinie: , reiticiniihility,tlien rests upon the
doeSiant!kilow, rind . :the iloctiir who does
; . ! . . 1 : , -,'':"nntolittiesi j O.titid,;t1ce , coreplaint :which is destroying
• ;..t . ,"Wlist:tilitiAllilteedtitie.? ! - •
s:The anstier,ls..lll4lll•' 'Gilt reritiifuge, which
t 0.40 -.kood IlieY,have no wprms and
If:,theYba ire;tt,isill destroyaWkoradicate.them.with.
fruly , catonishiriq.
Forr.For'sole,in.CArlislo-by , 8 s rum., 1.1.1.T0TT,
by II •,.
, z" i‘P'loo jrxer,Ell73llo.llr..'
ripows.axiiri., •
kin,itijot o . t ecoirtAby • • _•., ,
•' A,N[o .IFV18070; - : - ..-':•'. 'I. - •
• .
WI-1E 'subseriber'has lust received the
,AV tollowina-" articles in the Grocery - line, -which
having boughtfort.iash,he is enabled to sell at the very
low prices at which they are-marked. •
Prime . .lavit. Coffee, . 'ls' per lb.
Best Rio - do Strang scented, ' • .12/ I,‘
and at lower , prices. • .
Dud' Sugars—common and fine at 11 & 121 "
Do Extra, or finestquality, ,- ' 14 " •
Fine crushed Loaf Sugars.
Fine Brown Sugars at , - 8&10 "
Prime N.. Y. Cheese at . 10 "
Saint's:Ms, • • -10 "
Ground Pepper; . : 16 ." .
Do Allspice, • - . . .14 "
G. A. Salt,at 2.50 Sadk and 75 ets Bushel. •
Fresh Currants,
[lunch Itaisins , by the pound oe in Half and Quarter
• Boxes,'
Mace '
Salt Peter '
Cayenne Pepper (in hulk Or hordes.)
o liroken or depreciated bank notes taken for
goods-,,redueed prices and ipaod currency ! •
' sale by J. M. EBY.
Dec. 21,1842.. • tf-.8
i$ von value.yenr.Life and Health, I
• beseeC,h von read thefollewing:.
• DB. al:- EL LEIDY
if .‘S the 'pleasnre,of Announcing. to the wiblie,
ti:A .that his valuable Aletlicines receive the appro
inition or the -
being•coMposetl•hf ingredients which nee known to
the profes , ion,andWhieli are daily give,n by the most
resp4table physicians to their patients. ...This fact
alone is sollicienCto stamp their
• R P.T I eyaTio.l , FOREVER,
as welhas eflitqe them to be employed by all, with
• ..11072 E CO.YFIDEXCE
than, the preparations of quacks and impostors.
1? LL..' 1.1 EA - DA 77 0.1" S
have bean plrblidierl fretpiemtiv, in the papers, from
Physicians and Ciergyanen, a
• „. .Nlrmbees ot
- Cfrev.saand State L'egtelatitres,
respectable private citizens. and among them , - numy
of the mel.t disti.guhlted members of churches"
and other iitstitutions,
in reference to 1)e. Leidy's. Aledicines, and it is hop
ed, from the nunierous certificates and recommenda
tions, hiving been'Publislied fur mul sicar,that all that
is now; nere..sary is to keep them before - the public,
'dill Cloy• may he reminded of them, %%here they may
~hraine,l gin &c.
One of the must valuable is
• itSt. 11,./ViTii v a - V ) g .
g;Artir4s)arliln Rtiotrd Pills.
These celebrated Pills are daily recommended in
Diseases of the Stomach lmpnritics
aud Bow*, ' . generating diseastitt of
• the Stosnach,•
I labitual Costiveness, I leart,the
Indignation, FlattlleneY, tie s. BollesiSze. &e.
Want of Appetite, Ulcerous Soren of the
Sournese or the Stoturcli, .Nose, Throat I s.;4•,Bolly;
W'aterbrash, Ilt.artbutot,' Eruptitths and
Foul sun] offensive herath, Blotches of the Skin;
!tad ta,:e in the, month, Dry and watCry pimples
Inward Pain's, Rouser the of the fitee hotly;
:dung the Bank; - Seri - it - 61st, Emsiditlits -- , -- -
Ithettniatic Pa his, Gout, Glandular .A.tfections.'
Al_ f;0 IN.
Constitutional distxt,oc ; ,l
prinhiced lit Mere my and
other mineral preparations, as welt as thi• dangerous
elo , e11:1,11Ces I est - thing (rent the improper treatment
of Syphilis, Stt.:l:e.
"The. Life of the Flesit is in the Wood."
I.e‘ it hots, ch. XXII,
Be•re - porified in your
Ana licalth will nttond you.
The heat principles advisement by Dr. Leidy, mid
Ile: is sopported by scripture, are
I st. That vitality is contained in the Blood,
'Fisefilood, becoming vitiated ti• impure,gives
eis . e to 1111N101 . 0115 like:MC:l of the organs of the body,
the stomach, the liver, the heas•t,&e. &e.
-• That %‘lnitever has the ellect of ptfrifying the
II )el, imsrws,estite power ace-establishing health-
Ml,action to th , i belly...
, Ith. 'Flint Purgation and Starvation, or,•in Other
words, purging to the extent thafis tool frispiently
shoe, and at the same tinii enjo leg low diet, and
abstinence from find almost entirely, arc productive
or lunch ram.? rniseltief than is supposed,
and proof of it wlll only remork. that p
-it , •
Pn...ior—The hactrits - .system is more orless
dehilitated, fle the x ery 'simpl,• rea . snis that in the
process of purging all k cato:itol off femn the st,mraelt
from which nourvhinent is 'derived awl distributed
throv.liOnt lb.! system.
by Stm.vation:—Notirkliment is absolutely
held from the system so necessary to it, both for'sus'-
toining vital action nod aiding. mature in bearing up
against tilt prq.ress or (1ine:,,, , .
• I fmtet• the consequences of t , ,0 much pttwing, and
rv:tinned rtel most be to produce !Mel' 11 coalition
,r the system as ail! enable diSe,e , e to make more
rapid pr•'^tress, acid extend itself the snore easilycmd
in a brief time titrolvdsont the system.
Adm . -ding the f ire:;eiag, it beelines necessni y iii
inquire low is the Blood to he purified'? and in em
ploying the means, how is the system to be guarded
against Inn y 501.10t19 consequences
'Tis easily answered—
For all your ills, •
Take , -11r. Leidy's Blood Pills.
'['hose. Pills operate gently, ilmitAlt effectually;
they do not produce prostration of tIM system,as sinst•
pills do., •
Tle•y require no restraint either. from clamp:l6 mt
or the regular mode of living. N', fear need lie en
tertained.of taking cold from their use,and May be
taken nt all times. by yonng and old, witliont ioter
tering ii ith any other medicine that may have been
taken beforehand.
These Pills are prepared only, and sold wholesale
and retail, nt
1111. LEIIIIPS Health Emporium,
No. 191 N. below Vine,
(Sign•of the Coldest Eagle and Serpents,) Phila.
discount to wholesale dealers.
crrl/r.l,eitly's Blood Pills nee also sold in nil dig
principal cities.and,towns throughout the Uniomnial
ny many respectable storekeepers throughout the
For sale. in Carlisle, by
Agents for CuMberland Csninty. '
Carlisle, Dec. 21,1842. ly-8
in children or adult!.
North America linsuranceCo
JOIIN J. 'TITERS, Agent, Carlisle
TIIIS company continues to make Insurances
against loss or damage by Fire, on the most
reasonable terms. They also take. . .
on stone or brielt buildings at 325 on $lOOO, the .
premium subject to be drawn any time by the
party insuring, ate deduction of five per cent. on'
the amount of premium paid.
The usual rates fOr ono year on
Stone and Brick Buildings, 84 to $5 on $lOOO
Log and Framc„ " $G to $7 on $lOOO
Merchandise, about $5 on $lOOO
Application in person or by totter will have im
mediate •at tention.
ThB Sprirtg,Garden Zniiiiance Co
Ifili-AKE INSURANCE, either- temporary or
perpetual, against loss or damage by Fin ,
in own or Country, on Houses, Barns and Build.
ings of - all kinds; on Household Furniture, Illor
chandize, Horses., Cattle, Agricultural, Commer
cial and Manufacturing Stock,..and Utensils of
every description,as well al MORTAOEB and GROUND
REst,--upon-the trtoitlavorahla - terrias.. „ :‘
The, following'are the' usual rates, viz
On Stone and bilek buildings, from
"Log:arid Ilmmo
' "Morehandizeand
tnre in brick or atoms ^" • • '-;
• biitdine,freiM , to 50 ets. on -100
"Do. in•log or frame; CO . to :mots,. 9 . !4, top .
•' 4 .'/Inrsne"" cattle, farming;,- ": f
,and nundries,_
at:ai - MC' '-•`• • 'r' • 'OD etiL 6 O " Os
• may be made to •
-J 0 1 :11 sr • s'ld'rE, l 4e r Agent.
I it 0 .410042 I*.
.: , 35:t0A0 , ct.0. on 6100
60" to 70:cut. t kni-' 100
. ..
..:LAND;;FORH , 'S LE':' - : . ;cgiTja -- W;:tt 030,1at'diti . , .-----
. tr ip.okib'or , t . fi F yg . far.44lo,'ort accommo '..,:.,
~ pREsENTsi U
' , datini , terms ,' ,- L , ' -.-- - -, .". • •-.
, .
. .
AL :TRAcir Ow. P'ATENTIREiD: :••,„. ...,-7.,----.., - . .• , ,
• ''' •.. i t A‘''W.Tiiti '14.: ;I, .' Toll ,- ifi • . ' :MYP. RS : Sc. a/10MR STiCK: have
.• :. .. wit.r.m.s.l..a4=l l igititaAlNl4.:l.6o' - - ;lust. received at thew Drug, Hoes., Stationary
Containing 170., ACRES,, more or . Ice9'=witha . and Variety. Store; a largeassoriment of. • , : •
• .! HOUSE, 6Z, BARN thereon erected. Toys, 'Toy-Books for ,Christinas
3IN Theland is in a good state of cultivation, Pre tents: - A 'lna 15,.. SOuvenirs, • •
.- ' .
.1 II well watered and-under good' ences. ~ . - snit Porl-folios, for' 1543.1543.
SijSo,,' ea, -.1 1 e kes _fro.° .0 Idgliti.,_ Together With a choice selection.' ef.'entertaining
Lit; IIT . .11DADIND;for long winter evenings: -
Both parcels lying and being in Mifflin township,
Cumberland connty, six miles West of Newville
and four North of Newburg. -: '
Any Person wishing to purchase will call and
examine the premises, when tho- terms will be
made known. . ..-, W. STEVENSON.
. _ : August 10, 1842.. , 4troly*-4 1
Iv O. I 2 and 3, in Barrels, and quarters, or
1,1 a very superior quality.
• Novernber 2, 1842. - ' .tf-53
,LtlaOraU'y gat Law,
gI I FFICh No. 3.l3oelnm's- Row, on the Pub
%if lie Square, Carlisle, Pa. •
,April 6, 1842, . • tf":23
Arr T.O . it. E T A ,
ggice Opposite the •Carlisle flank.
July 27, Ifso.. . '
1701:70.1 ) 7 W.II. 4 ZEPNDILH'''"Iii
tv Ito 4, 4
EsptcTruLLy tenders his Services to the
?.'t 3. citizens of Carlisle and' its 'vicinity, tharhe
will attend to and .'perform all dental operatjiins
stich as Cleaning; Pinging and Exiracting na
tural Tedli,' and •insertinß• Incorruptahle artitioial
.teeth from a single tooth to an entire set. . •
.•:••=(:)flice opposite , MTarlane's Hotel. , '
July 0 , , 184. • .• tf-36
,S_2•DS:M •-c.c7.1-a•
,Dr. •I. C. Loomis, Dentist,
,S located in Carlisle,and will per
form all operations that are required in the
practice of his profession—such as
Extraci i Fili
Inserting ICeeth,_.l
• fi;OM a single fo — OiliTeran — entire set.- --
N. B. For a lbw months ensuing, Dr.. LOOMIS
will be in Carlisle, the first tWo - weeles in midi
month—after which, he will be absent until. the
first two weeks irkeueli following month—at which
'peiiod tic, may be found at his - •
near . lll'Farlane's Hotel.
May 4, 1842. - • tG37
s'leeliallicsburo• Lige
• Fi! - A.e.7m.3 - m . 4,4,1„
•_• . •
. _
oelavecit alechmaicßoarg ail d•
• Philadelphia- or: Balitazore.
[BY Ralf, 110.117 OR
MIELE subscgber grateful for past favors, begs
- leave to inform his friends aria the public
generally, that he still continues_to run a lbce of
burtherr Cars regularly i beiWcen 111echaniCsburg
and Philadelphia or Baltimore; by which goods
and produce of all- derieriptions will be - forwarded
with care .and dclipatch at the lowest rates of
freight. •
Produce will be received at his Ware litouse,in
Mcchanksburg, andforwarded m tither Phila.
-delphia or.Balthnore, according to the direction
of the owner.
Iri - The highest price. gill be given for Wheat
and Mont . . - .
N. B. Plaster of Paris and, Salt always kept
on hand, and for sale at the- lowest prices.
has also an hand, at the-Depot in Mechanics.
burg, for sale, ELIII3I9MiIt., such zei HOZUMS;
Sea CIA 11,11745, &e. of aßkinds,
which will he sold on liberal terms.
August 17. 1812. tf-,12
II t ,p)Dltisaft i ) 1 - 3yiltrysift)
tali 4 • 40 Lit
s t iksest',ev, having concluded to do
his Jorge
and splyilli4a.sortmeni of
el D AT 13 9
atis Cat!levy,
lower than it . was ever' Imtight for in Philadelphia.
The following Neill - give you some idea of the price,
that I :11.1 111_41.4'1111MA 1$) s , •11
(I well CAIM.`IItCI .' S Patent Itim Locks,
from z,t . ..? to $ll lice doz.
fi inch liras Striker, fi,so
Newton Darling Cra9Sey thes.. - Iti
I lay Fork., Solid Cap Pridm ' 5
Cam. Sti.el 7
Cumberland or Heading Nails,
l'hounii or Juniata 4,-14 r
Oilier makes
si ill -ell :me me lim• from .20 In
,111(10 roi. MI Credit
list of .2,
own. with it, .4.other Wn•e~,ai•d
blly the
„111:\12V I. P.I,I)EIt. Import, r.
193 Market st. :Move I dtli, North side , Philadelphia
June 1,.1515. • •
(*AT:. •
YICENS Valley, Pine. Grove, Lime.burticrs,
and Bituminous COAL, constantly for.
sale by . • . J. & P. MARTIN,
Succesanrs to 'Miller & Martins
llarriStiurg, April 20, 1842, - 13m.2.5
/VIM proprietors of the Susquehanna Line will
run.their Cars and Boats as usual to rhil
adelphia and Baltimore during the present season.
Their friends will plans° apply to Win. L. Fox,
Broad at. and to Cnstncr, Christian & Curran, No.
•76 South Wharves, .Philatlelphia,and Joseph E.
Elder, Baltiiimic.
Until further notice, the following prices will
bo a dhered to between this place and the above
ities. •
V 'g' . 0 . 1
"' - ' . q P it Pi ET. "'
--= g
FD .
. ,g 4 '. - , P4' l .9- • q :
, 0 .
Ale perloo lbs. 1..
,c ....
ti 22.. r Er: II o
. ' 81 per b b l
Groceries, Q Ware .
and Hard Ware; 20 ~ , 23, ' 40
Dry Goods, Furni-
turn and Dregs, 2.5 28 43c
Wheat, Rye & Corn ___ _ __
per bushel 10 11 • -
Oats do ° 6 • 7
Luinbor per 1300
82 75 - " 83 50
Shingles; , do ' ` , 1,.50'• -2 00 - •
Flour per bbl. * 314- • 35 50c
Shad do ' '-• 37a 50
Herring do , 31*•
Salt per sack,,2B 32 , •
Pitch, Tar andßositt -
' - per. 100,•' - :- 16 21 " . '.. . '
Plaster grosEi ton, $2 25 82. 50 , '
Fleffip per 100; - 16 ' , 22
Hides,, ' . . 20 25 . -
PAig- dt 4 - gross tort 9 - ,59 l5 -
Blodms & Castings,,3 12i •• . 4,00 • - • ,
Bar 1r0n,,. - .."... .3 50..:,'- A5O
Nails per keg,. • •- 18
~ ~.-. ' • .
Leather per 100, °' go, . 25
.. ~, '
Whiskey per ble. '• ': . 'so: -; 'ss '• •
Burr Blocks poi. 100;' , 15 '''`: ': po
1 CtirlititotiO, ' do,- •' , - .121 , :; -
':..... ~ ~ 7:
, Tin., `,, -''' do '' ! : 20 ' •.' ' . .'25 /. ,: ', -' '
• • ,_„ SuctieSsor to• Miller dr.';Mtirtilio.
`„.;,,,,tkii.r, , 4lnirwjgui. 4, 1R4.9.. , . ''', '. ' . -," Gin .q 7:.
UST: :0 - 1 ,1 (0 490. TlS: 4 ortmont
Apo DE F:DS:_ .1110RINAs9,40:,
3MTVOIL li3boa3,
of e.very..variety, viz: .."
Smith's Geography and atta..9,
.4- do. . •
._:Smith's Grammar,
Kirkanz's ditto,
Series, No. t; 2,3,. 4 , 6,
Cobb's School Books, complete.
-Emerson, Byerly, 8ur1:254 Web
iter's Spellers, '
Pike, Rose, Smiley, 4- Emerson's•,l2-
rithmetics, with .Keys,
Mathematical Instillment
Letter, Gap, and Dced.paper, railed and plain. Note
pLiper. Sil, er Pencils, evecpoints. Jackson Lend
Pcncils in wood, of all tempers; lai.gc as
sortment of BLANK BOOKS, ruled, and unruled.
212 1 4NOATIValfg . •
Of 'superior finish. Razors; Razor Strops
Shaving Brushes, • and ..finely scented
Shaving Soaps and assorted Per.
• fernery.
Superior opaque suul Russia . Quills, Brktor Boards
Caills, tiolored AVaftqa and
Scaling Wsx, l'hkiu and Mono Seals.
New iVitisic,
.2"ti tt Rif rat lingity tsi t
To g ether geiteral :nal well sehirteil assort
ment of Classical and Oliicellanestis liorks,,"to
please the Taney and improve the taste."
Carlisle, Dee. 14, 181 th. tl--7
THE subsariber—hereby informs his
frieud4 mid the public iu geoeral, that hest ill
emanates to keep a -
• . till -1 11
T.SY.E - " r " - -.13 '
(ripurvitu the contrary not amhstmling,) ta the OLD
STAND, in-East flight Street, a few (haws' eabt. ef
the (;D a rt. lloas'e, where lie will at all tittles take
pleasore in admipisterfog to the comforts of those
who may favor him With their custom. . -
Ills ft Alt shall be constantly supplied with the
choicest liquors, and his TABLE with the best the
market can furnish. A careful OSTLER always
kept in attendance—and nothing shall be lett 4111(1011e
to piCaSlt ttll who call - W4l) - 111111. • •
ISOA 11.DEIIS taken by ,t he week, month or }'ear.
Carlisle, April - 6, .
Y-aper 1 ill 5
TuE subscriber respeetfully informs.the pub•
lie,at large, that he has leased the above es.
tablishment, six miler` south of Carlisle, fbi• a term
of years, and the MI.O having been recently re.
paired, and new machinery introduced, hi:is
therefore .prePared to manufacture to order, (and
also-has a supply constantly on hand) '
Paper of awery kii►tid aud-Quality,
which he will fluids!' to print.irs, merchants and
others, in any gilantitieW at the low eijt city miee9.
All orderiCaddrcssed to the subscriber, at Paper.
town, Cumberland. county, Will receive prompt
attention. •
Haying lately received nsupplypithe vary best
materials, he flattcr.ti Ilium:ell:, that-he will be able
to manufacture paper.ctittal in quality to any other
.ce tablihhincut in the c-.Amtry.
AVILLIAN B. 1111.1LLItst.
Papertown, Jule 20, 18.134-'*-- tf-38
N. B. The highest price paid for rags.
• TO. .74.1124Eni1, 8.
' 4 Y.; 1113' Yitillllllll',3cl
rrolim soltseriltertt, at their' POUNDIII'
posite the County Jail. in the Hormuzh of Carlisle,
Va.. still eoutitte to build the following Al:whines
awl I j orst• I'o % iz: -•
7 1 Y.D. Pa.lent improve( _ .
ii:1114-‘, heel, ‘‘ `llll
61111 tilk. 41,11 11l tilt' )1,10(111V.
V ; 12;
.1 .; ) P El . ?,
Ti 111, It 'IN,.
„•I1 t.., ti If , pi, 1.a1 . 11 brit!•;,e
11 . ..161) IL, LI,:
:r4 t•ai' :a a;11.,"!".Z LiCll3l'4l6'4'ila
To 1111.• I . l , llllhr ,, tiar,%VLi o lMill
I • lIV , hi: itaduUlthe
.‘ Madjio... if ‘t
IV A V(51) 4171 re-.,
of the alt.tve Jlvchines iwiy have the
prit 01:11, tit' retitrititi r z the came it
of • All Al;wlWws l'owers:tiv
41itt• year, it %tell wwil:
_,A111:111.144 etyairieg. oe done :It the similes
notice ;Ceti ,
roas:v ruble t,r,kls. Th'ey
heel) on h.“l uli e:e.lite r ;s neet,eavy t't rkpaie
the ahc)%e otlims
Tliee.• is als , attached tit,the itbove establishment
an 111: tN \ N 11111:iS FOUNDItY, at n hieli all
kii.ils 1 { ;:t N belt:id—snub 119 Apple
NI ills. C , ro li Akers, Pluster 'Makers,. Alill Gem.-
Cratiks,_.Maeliiiie Gearing, Wagon
Ilexes, Sze. &.e. Also, •
Such as Mill Spindles, Car Boxes, Turning Lathes,
&e., all in the best order, in iron and brass.
( - LTA II orders will be executed at the shortest no
tiee,innl promptly attended to. Farmers and others
ara respect idly invited to give usn call„ confident
dislikes' man be suited to,their satibeietion.
A. sTQupizit & CO.
Carlisle, An;. 10, 181'2. . tf—ld
cf,LTPlaitek's; I lea wood's and Ogle's PLOUG IS
told 'LOUtilt CASTINGS,sueIi as Cutters-Laud
sitirs;&.e. ean also he had at the linandry.
int • This is the season when this destruetive
complaint attacks your interesting little children,
often robs you of those you fondly doat on, and
carries •hundreds to the grave. Every mother
should therefore, know its'symptoms, watch their'
closely, and always ho 'prepared with a remedy
as many are daily sacrificed by such neglect. At
first the little patient is seized with a shiveringi it
grows restless, has ftushos of heat,ffifaroyes become
red and swollen, it breathes with difficulty, and
then comes that fearful Couan'that will surely-ter.
minato in convulsions or death unless something is
immediately given to check it. . r In this ccimplaint,
the MBalsam of wird Cherry" , is well )(mown to
be the most' speedy over dicoverel It is indeed a
precious remedy-mild, safe and innocent, and
is sure to giie the sufferer immediate relief; and
quickly restore it to ~ s afety', and . health. Fami.
lies residingin the country and indeed every mo..
ther,whe loves her Children, should 'olwaYs. beep
this house , and .give it , to, them.
earty,_bY_doing_ so _you inty__OfteaLse.velltoAife.of_
one you fondly love, -, Reit:mm*3r Oki is the famous
remedy &this distinguished physician,. Dr.. Wis.
rar, whiehliar cured thousands of 'CROUP;
:T1PN,'.5r.0.; Ai:Toyer-Y. otheriiefficino
9:7l3e . partinutaiWheir,you..purehose',to ask
for,"llr.; , Cuirany,
as' there is a senor of, this thot is
ontireliti:difreropt medicine, - .
Prepared Only. by Wif.L.o3ll3' C0.,-.,ohOrniats,
No .
Oa South, ottrtkitreet; -
Sold ri -hv.
NI UE4,ELTAorr,,
a • • '
I. Li: •
phi as those eoniPlainisitro usually considered,
no one can deny their being. the ' inest - common •
eau's°. of th IS fatal and'. ,distressing,:disease: . •lit is -
indeeda Melancholy, truth, that thousande ' fall
victims to Coubumption'every,year frOin ne . other
Canso than neglected colds. ." Yet we find ,hun
dreds, nay thousands who treat such complaints
with the.greatest indifference; and let them run
on . for weelts.and - eVoirmonths without .thinking,
of:thodanger,: — Aefiriit have what you may
consider-a-slight:congh or cold; you' allow busi
ness, pleasure or carelessness to preirentyoufrom
giving it any attention; it then settles upon your
breast, you become lionise, have pains in the
side or chest, expectorate large quantities of ma
ter, perhaps mixed with bloatl, a difficult of
isrerrthitsrensu — erlifil you n. your own
foolish neglect' has, brought on this Alisteseing
complaint. Hilton you value life or . health, be
warned in time, and don't trifle with • your ,OLD,
'or, trust to , any quack Rostrum to cure yeti, but
immediately procure a bottle or two of. that fa
mous remedy, the "BALSAM ' OF WI T.D CDT:MIT,"
which is well known to be the most Speedy cure
ever known, as thousands will testify whose lives
have been saved by it.
Lrlle very particular when you purchase to
'ask. for,"Di. %VISTA 'PLUM ON WILD PlIEItIllt,"
as there is also El s inuri of this name in use.
Prepared, wholesale and retail, by WimrAms
& Co., Chemicts, No. 33 .South Fourth street,,
Philadelphia. '
Sold in 'Carlisle by ,
Dollar a Bottle.' •
June 22, 18 , 12.: •
. . •
Li I. r6 , .. N A - -
r Akt , l iiit - 1NT 1.. 1
lii.- @
•-_,,... •:
i ..... , .. , .. , 0..„ , ...e....,..... ....... 6 0 1 Ei TA D . ...,,,. •,. -
1.... i.. . ,, •-,,,,,..:,...-.,...«3-7............................4,
Every Body Oaght fo Enow of
Plgimonary .11 71. reservativc,
O effectual in Coughs; Colds; Irffluenzas; 'Ca
tarrhs, Asthma, Pains of the Side and of the
Breast, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Shortness
of Preath, Whooping Cough, all Diseases of the
Breast and Lungs, and-for the arrest of approach
big Comsumption.
So popular is Dr. Bechfer's PulmoriaryPreser
'vative throughout all Germany, and sa effectual in
.Diseases of the Lungs, thatfroin its 'miraculous
effeets-and-wonderful-cures—itis7there. - generally .
known and-styled "Dr. Beehter's Life Preserver."
As dtunetol.ll3 certificates of its - veTrgnitd effects,
and wonderful cures in this country, have been fre- ,
qutintly publiShed, it. is deemed necessary only : M
reqiind the public of-so valuable a medicine, tine
inform them Where it can be procured , genuine. .
c r Pric c —Fifty Cents.a.half pint bottle.
Prepared and sold, ‘rholesaleund refit il,at
T.111D1"8 111:;ALTII EmAuum, No. • 191
North Second street, below Vine, (sign of the
Golden:Eagle and Serpents) Philadelphia.
For sale in-Carlisle, by •
„ Agents for Cumberland County.
Carlisle, May 18, 184. •- • ly
THE Subscriber has received nilditien
nl the above nittnekeeli:brated
nAtsitivz or HEALTH,
Which has in n few p.m s enrol:nal relieved upwards
of SIX CI lOUSN I) persons in dilTereid sevlions
of the . A eniintry, i'ollowina- diseases, such ns In
digestion, Dytlieliida- ' tliose trains of diseases
arising disnrden. d eonditinn stomach
udAiver, der:ingement or the digestive funetions,
such as
1 Gen:ral •n ildlity, of the
Costiveness: 31e,idaehe,.lantullee; Elam
lent!twat( -
tinny, Pelt.t. and :Isla!,
and has destroyed all hinds of 11 - 011,11 S, both in
grown jiersons as well as hi children, and cured
oy other complaints'which are too 111i111121 . 0114
. t 0 in
sert in this advertisement, which can be seen in the
directions which cap. be finand wrapped around each
bottle, a ith a number or c,rtiticiak, of cures per-.
formed .by this valuable Balsam of I lealth.
-The great detinuttl`for this Balsam of health lets
lately inthiced sonr unprincipled persons to impose
on the public a spurious article for the genuine Bal
sam orileAtii ; theroore the proprietor cautions tlig
tulle from purchasing :uj hut from his rc.truhrr
Tire genuine llalsmo of Ihritth
tots rho 'mow of the medicine bloWn on the glass of
card bottle, thus—"tiarlegaiit's Balsam of leallb,
prepared only by Joint S. NI ti.i.En;" and besides
that, lie has his signature, written na ti label, W Lich
IS pasted pa the ont4itle Av rapper of etch bottle,
Which secures it from being counterfeited.
(cy•To he hail at all times of his Agent in this
place, who has already sold Dirge quantities, a hied
proves it a medicine of great value antbcela:britv.
Septcnthre , 13.12. Gm:4B
GarAvg:mils ER:Alsasoa of Eieztitil
subscribcr lens jest received n
;t1 Irish snodv of die ahoy,: named celebrated
Ala A M OF Ill9ALl'll,whichlulslaafewnears
eared nail relieved upnards of four thousand per
sons in different sections of,the country of the fol
lowidg diseases, such as the Dyspepsia, all Ultolies
and Nervous Diseases,and all those trains of diseas
en resulting from a disordered condition of the Store
ach--cures the Agile and Fever, Anil old and fresh
Sores, and destroysall kind of worms ; both ingrown
persons and children, and many other complaints.
All .Ifdse persons that purchase this Medicine will
find a lita direction'to each bottle, as well Ilea num
ber of certificates of CORN perlbrined. To be hail
at all times or his agent, in this place. who lion sold
already large quantities. The great demand for this
Balsam of I lealth has latelvjaiduced sonic unprinci
pled person to counterfeit it—therefore the proprie
tor cautious the public front purchasing any only
from his regular appointed agents. 'file genuine
Balsam of I lealtli••liam the name of th., medicine
Iddwn nu the glass of each bottle, and his signature,
„loin] S. Miller, wrote on a label which is pasted -on
the outside cover, which completely secures them
from being counterfeited. For sale mily in this place
by , SAMUEL nwoTT.
• For sale also, by Messrs. J. W..k D. S. Stoner,
in Waynesboro', Pa., and John Brackenridge, in
Shippensburg, Pa.
"September In, 181'2. Gm-48
pia.t. TAYLOR'S
aaltll2 (01 oralltnti
From 375, Boivery, Iti. York.
nine veers this medicine has Stood unrivaled
lie• the cure of Coughs, Pain in the side, (Mil
c.nity. of breathing, Brunchitis,..and all those affec
tions of the Throat, Lungs and Liver,. which are a
source of so much suffering and which, tmarrested
so often terminate in . .Consumption. So extensively
has this remedy been used and in so many cores has
it proved successfd, the proprietor feels:no hesi
tancy in recommepling it to all who nefortunately
have occasion to resort to some means of recovery.
Multitudes who have experienced-its happy effects,
ran testify to its utility, and very many rescued from
ft premature death, point to it as the means of their
The originator of this remedy WV a well versed in
the science of medicine, and a skilful practicioner.
Physicigns familiar. wit h its effects not unfrequently
prescribe it in their proetice, and with the Medical
Faculty generally it has met With a,largee. shore of
approbation than is common With exclusive pre
IgrCONSUMPTION.-:-The following remarks
were taken , from tbe last number of the Medical
"The surprising effect 'produced by the; genuine.
Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, Made ut 375
Bowery, in consumptire cases, cannot fail exciting a
deep and thrilling interest throughput the world. We„
have so long believed this disease (consumption) in
curable, that it is difiloult to credit our senses, when
we see persons, evidently. coniumptive, reStared to
Yet it is FI rot 91 411 4.
LIVER COMPLAINT and General:Dcbility:--I
- 110 -- emrsideetier isirrelitralistritirafidea.7lWlßS given . . . . •
up by two physlclanannd told to prepare for ,deatb. TO THE* -
I was in this low- 7 state when a friend sent me a hot, , . •. ,
tle of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liv,etwort, front :375 ' . . -
BoWerY, Mid 'before thad.tised up the bottlei Was itArAIsaJFACTORED ,kepto n for
'able to:sit up In'bi'lA l ; l 4the , f4rther have'.'eatn-' )..V.IL sale,' 4). tho'.oty, Of.Lairludel: t l:nar..•• the
' l)l4!l:Y.ie4ain4. " h66lt6:'. All"siiould tie it . ' Read,;;• -,;, '
• 1 •- r , WELLS 3o In st. ' •-• -1111 •
- - 11[1 1 9ESe Pow el ,
VIOLENT PAIN' 4XDP..=-4 'have • • •
'been eared n`Viblent„pain theing, side, 'extend , N tH.141
indigestion, igsa l uta :hi sWO warranted to
ef,4l)lmtift'll - bd kithern 4 r 0 0:4-0:: 4dral,nlity .thq ri any
1) °t"" 4 Dr: Tailor's ii`Sitini!ar,.pnypose haow4 to
iiii;:itasatipey"at pres'ent;
Pot' by
: Atrll4 .
- 41 , -
` 11.,4: ,, 060}f t#4 1. 4 5:r.C4.1•41014 : 11-11 4 11'"
Oa tf 4 Ma y ,,4, ;op: . ,
I . llo:loEnlCkftlY4*,(cps;. - ,
ttitip:F lirLD a DIBLIVEI
HE' . OLIVE BRANCH Pulp fOr the cure,
of COughe;POlds; Consiimption, LiverilCom
plaints; Asthma, Bionchitis, •Sore • Throat, Dys.
pepsia, Shortness of Breuth;
,I;ains in the Side,
Breast, Back and Shoulders, - Ague and Fever, an,
intallable cure, and'ull Scarlet and Bilious Fevers,
and All. discates arising from exposure and de
bility; long standing—in fact all
diseases to whlch the human family are subject to.
These , pills are unsurp . assed by any medical
compound ever offered to the public as a general re
novator 'and family medicine. They are, very
gentle in their- operation, causing neither pain,
sieldiess nor debility by the use of them; but on.
Tc& con rnry strengthen the stomach :and
bowels in a wonderful manner, and soon restore
nature to' ts former course and vigor. The per
son using the Olive Branch Pills soon - . forgets
that ho was sick—which is very easily accounted
for: there hi not •that prostration of, strength in
these-pills as in many other remedies of the day,
because the materials used in munufticturing them
are in harmony with the powers of life and acC ,
in coricert with flips:minions of Dr's. Brown, Bush,
Armstrong, Montgomery, Hersey, Kendrick,
Shopper and the celebrated' Dr.; 'Waterhouse,.
formerly Lecturer -on the jimmy and practice of
Physic in Cambridge University, Massachusetts.
Purchase of them, and give them a fair and im
partial trial, and you will find that permanent re.
lief, upon which the proprietors depend to make
them the roost universal family inedicino used,
and which will stand unrivaled by any other in
the knOwn Price 25 cents per box:
Is orie of the most certain and:affectual cures for
all rheumatic, chronic and inflimmatoryhelium.
tisnMtltatinis over yet been discovered, and in
numerous cases bar; eradicatedtlnif dreadful dis
ease from persons afflicted entirely. All sour
drinks and victuals arc strictly forbidden,, and
spiritous liquors must not be taken inwardly by
any means whatever, or it••will be of no
take this medicine, as it destroy the good•cf-
Teets of the medicine entirely. Price $1,50 per
These 'celebrated drops liave acquired the high
est recommendations in this country, as well as
rn litir . ope for its ino§t valuable proprieties for all
inward weaknesses, crainps,colds,agues and !liver;
and when used with the Olive Branch
tails to Mire the fever and ague. Price 25 cents
per bottle., ,
Is unrivalled for its curative qualities even when
'used it - l Oases of maladies
,whiith were. otherwise.
incurable.. Many:
_recommendation's have been
given of the beneficial effects it has had in the
cure of pleurisy, pectoral and pulmonary con.
suMptions;colds,&c. Price 25 cents ibr bottle.
This most extiallent article has a quality of
calming instantly and without fail, all cramps of
the stomach, cholic and that tronblesome disease
called mother fits or hysterics; and when - continu..
ed for some length of time, will'eure - the patient
entirt ly.. Price 25 cents per vial. •
.• '
A certain mire for all Scohis, Bruges, Burns
and Ito iniisLeffectunt cure for the piles—it wil
cure tie person aillieted in a very short: time,
used ~eeording to di rections...Priee 25 ets. per viul
Thin spirit is highly. recommended fir nl
spraiint, swelling, of the limbs, or leaders, sinews
joints Ind theumatie; as an outward remedy, it Int.
no en , - ..hand whenused with thiLlthetuna tic Medi
chic, - kill' - greatly - facilitate the cure. The ;iii
mull • .•fllistory, : do not produce its Nina h'aniT
the I : :safest;
: preventive against cold, in tilt
world. For particulars see direetionsaccoin
panyi !,g the bottles._ Price 25 cents. _
Ae infallable wire if used according to direc
. Price 25 cents pct. vial.
Is decidedly the test application for wounds
and r.,•.res; old or new, of all kinds, and will pre
vent it' used in time, many operations; and-pre
vent lock Jaw, Pains in the Back, [lead, &c.—
Females who arc so nollirtunate as to have sore
hreast e , and will use this wonderful 'r.alve, vi I I lee
eacel iu a very short time. It cannot lectern
lv recommended. For further pa rticularssee direc
tions. Price P. - * cents per .
woßm LozENoi.-3
excellent article fin the cure Of ‘vorin.i in
adults as well 'as children, and will cure whet
other renicdies fail. , Price 6 cents per I/OX. •
A superior articlefor Coughs, Colds,Sare throi.t
Bronchitis and difficulty of breathing. Price 6;
cents per box.
Sold ‘elialcSale and retail, at the principal office
Na. 384, North 3d t•trecf; Minutia and by
JOHN GRAY., CUrlisle, Pa.
General agent for Cumberland County.
June 22, 1842. 1y.3 1
AND ifyon have a friend, a relation, or know
any one that is afflicted with that distressing
disease, "CONSUMPTION,"persnade them with
out delay to try that famous and unrivaled medi
cine, the .
"Balsam of Wild Cherry,"
which has cured thousands of this complaint al
ter everything else had failed. Read the follow
ing undoubted proof; of its efficacy: • •,
• RoNionotiMi, Scpt. / VAL
Mita Star—Please Send Inc two more bottles of
yoUr Balsam of Wild Cherry, like that you sent
me before. I have taken nearly all of the first two,
and confidently believe this medicine will cure ine.
I:ltave used a great many retnediti- within the
last year, but have never found any thing th a has
relieved me so much. It has stopped my cough
entirely; 6 - heel:eft my night sweats, and I sleep
better at night and feel better in every w.iy, than
I have focmany months. Yours respectfully,
• Hormescurto, Sept. 1 2, lt3•l 1.
.. FRIEND' WIRT/MI-1 must again tz OD Ide thee to
send-me-two bottleamore of thy. invaluable Bal
sam. I have now taken three bottles in all, and
can assure thee that it. has done - more. r nod than
all the medicine I have ever taken be re .' Send
by the stage as soon as possibk;, am oblige thy
tinisToL, Sept. 8, 1841.
DEAR Doevom—Hearing so many people talk
of the wonderful cures your Balsam of Wild Cher.
ry hhs mado in Consumption. I sent to one of
your Agents the other day for a bottle, and -have
found it to have relieved' me so much, that I wain
three bottles more sent soon, ass' believe it will
curb me too. d have used Juyno's Expectorant
and other medicines besides, but nothing has done
moos much goad as yours has. Send by the
steamboat Bolivar. . Yours, truly,
Besides its estonishina efficacy in
Consumption, it is also the most effectilal remedy
ever discovered for . LIVER COMPLAINTS
WHOOPING COUGH, &c., as hundreds willies
tify,who have been cured by it after all other re tne
-dies liad failed.
DRUGGISTS and DEALERS Will :find this
medhine a valuable addition to their stock, .and
should always'lleep it on hand, as it is universally
acknowledged to be one'of tkopost useful family
Medicines now in use.'
all° very Careful to ask for Dr.. WiSTAIPS
sale and retail by WILLIAMS &CO., Chemists ' ,
N 0.33, South Fourth Street; Philadelphia.
far The genu,ino Balsam sold, in Car•
lisle by,'SAMUEL ELLIOTT; 'appointed
Agent, Price—ar per, Bottle..
June' 22;1842: ' • '" "03
.Bffectioii ofthe Liver, astiona,'ltronehitie,-Bakie!.
- or -weakness of the Breast or Lungs, Chronic
Coughs, Pleurasu,H4zorrage of the Lußge,
affections of the Pulmonary Organs.
If compound Balsamic, preparation of the Prunus
.Firginianid or " Wild Cherry Bark,',' combined with
tbe. Extract' bf Tar, prepared by -at new chemical
process, approved and-recommended- by the most
-distinguished physicians, and universally acknow
ledged the most valuable medicine ever discovered•
lii setting forth the virtues of this truly great me
dicine, we have no desire to deceive those who are
laboring under.affliction, nor do we wish to eulogise
it more than it justly deserves. Yet when we look
around and see the vast amount of suffering and dis
tress pceasioned Vmany of the diseases m which
this medicine has ,proved so highly:Successful, we
feel that we cannot urge its claims too strongly, or
say ton much in itsfitvor.
Vatlous remedies it is true have keen offered, arid
puffed into notice for the cure of diseases of the
Lungs, and some have no doubt been found very
useful, but of all that have yet been discovered, it ,is
admitted by physicians andall, who have Witnessed
its effeCts, that tdme has proved 'as successful as this.
Such, indeed, are the .
Of this 'Balsam, that even in the advanced stage of
CoNsumtrrori, after all the most esteemed remedies
of physicians have failed' to 'effect anY change, thb
use of this Medicine has been productive of the
most astonishing . relier, and actually- effected cures
atter all hopei of recovery had been despaired of.
to We first stages oldie disease; termed 't Catarr
hal Consumption," originating from neglected Colds,
it has been used with undeviating suc , cesfi, and hun
dreds acknowledge they owe the to . their
Itealth•to this invaluable niediciire", alone, In that
form of Consumptiop . so -prevalent-amongst delicate
young females, commonly termed debility, or
A complaint with which thciusands are lingering, it
has also proved highly successful, and not only pos
sessasthe power of checking the, progress of this
alarming cumplaint, but also strengthens and-invig
orates the system pore effectually than any meth.
epe we'llave ever possessed.
efficac - fi n Cohgumption, it
is equally. efficacious in Liver 'Coniyaints, asthma,
lirmchiiis, and all affections Of the Lungs, and,has
e icd ninny of the most obstinate cases, and' 'every
ot' ler remedy had thiled. 00.-Tot^ particulars see
Dr. Wistar's 'Fre rise on Consumption, to. be hail o
the Agents.
Attending the use of this medicine in sili,seases of
'the Lungs, and the many singular cures it has ef
fected, having; .naturally attracted Lite .attention of
many physicians, (as well as the whole fraternity, ot
quacks) 'various conjectures and surmises have iitisen
respectinglla composition some
. physicians have
supposed it to contain 'lodine, other ignorant preten
ders say it must contain .1/ereury, and to some.tuch
substance they each attribute its singular efficacy.—
AA said, opinions are altogether erroneous, anti cal
culated to prejudice many perous - against it, we
That it ciptilins nothing orltir. — ! kind, or any thing
din Icast ininrions; ; out the contrary, it.. is composed
tlw most simple substances, the principle of which
are' ,tracts of TAR and Hud Cherry Bark,
hole secret•of its efficacy consists in the
mode 11,)• Nlllllll tiles are [IN-pared,
As me Lase already • puldi • lied numerous certifi
des riAmolu• hiOtest• authority, which .proie • its
irtuel!be,.ml all doubt, su e einisidi , r it umiccess.ary
to_exhihit.u.lo..;*.li•t ntdiem itt this place ' and will
ineetioa - a•le s tV caws, to show w hat it has done.
NVE 'HA VE 5T11,1. - SOME •Hoe,E..
A Stitt PinsiNc;
.ci; E.7:—A niong the many
%%Lich this Ines .eireeted,
tln•ri is"prrltiips 11 , 111 e in which its powers are so
it a, in time esse orMrs..Atistin.
l;ul boil been consumptive for'set eral years,
mid during the greater part of this time had received
the best medical attention, (Old tried all the most
voloolde remedies, yet nothing could be found to
oi•rest its progress. She bvelime subject to's iolelit
its of roo t . t hing, ex p , rtoratrd large goontioes of
inAtten oceasionallv tinged with blood, and step by
stop this fearful disease continued - its 'coin seondil
.10 hopr of a rcesrviT Vidirely def=11:111' , .1 , 01 . . -
I \ " hik i pthis , )0 1. C%Sing h !t i n ,116,1 1./itTering "PMi
the vvry sl vge of the griii . :lthe,CNlllllll . llCed
of this tialsalm, a hid], to use bee own expression,
operated almost like a t. , ll:.rrn. In a few days she
expectorated freely, the effilgli :10 gradnally sop
presscd, nod dery lloy appeared to add 'fresh vigor
to her looks, slid now, io the place of that emaciated
form withering to dem,y, the is seen mingling. in
society,in better health thou she lion enjo) ed fi.r
the rorpri!-ing ctliene , of ))r. \V istar's lialsalm of
Wild Cherry, in tlii• Co.'l! 01 31rs. Austin, T cheer.
fully ael(111W ledge the above statement to he true
and correct. J. C. AVALTERS, Al. 1).
Woodstown, Sept. 4,1841.
Dear Sir—AlthotrOt your invaluable tnedicine has
I I . oood Iniut l rc i ls 01 powerful advocates, it
may still be gratifying to you to receive .a communi
cation from any one. that has been relielad 'by
Such, Sir, is ease: 1 have been a victim
to that terrible disease Consumption, tbr many
mouths, and 114'1;e - suffered so notch, that I had be
come almost weary of my life. !fearing your
Bakalin so highly praised, I began takimLit n few
weeks hack, and tau assure you it has relYNed me
more than Any thing I have ever used before, and I
confidently believe it will cure me effectually. Please
give the bearer the worth of the eneloseil,und oblige
Yours Respectfully, JOHN PEAttsoN.
Chester -County, Set. 11,184-1.
Friend Wistar•-1t gives me much pleasure to in
form thee that my Ivife's health has improved very
much since she has been using thy Balgalm of Wild
Cherry; and we think there is no doubt but that it
will cure her.. She has taken the two bottles I fair
chasm' from thee a short time since, ntallier cough
iv nuich better, she abo sleeps well e nt night, and
rats she has found nothing to give her so much
Thee will please give the bearer two bottles
in -re for This
Dear Sir--Please send - on, two bottles of your
c.;:enoine lialsalso of Wild Cherry. - 1 have teen af
flictd with 'Consumption lbr the lust too r estr:•, and
4ullered- very-nmel -w ith-a- serer e pains' ia
my breast ; difficulty of breathing, night sweats, bzo„
and having tried numerous remedies, and silso been
undo. serer:oll(3ool's. yet I could not find any thing
to relieve me until I used some of yonr
:gut oat. bottle front a neighbor of mine who is using
it, 1111(1 laic found such 'wonderful tilief from it,that
1 hare tub dolt it will core me eifeetnally.
• • Very respectful)) yours, &e.
• (Cr Read the following from 'Dr..lacol , Hoffman,
a- physician of, extensive practice in Huntingdon
Dear proctired nne .Loltle of Dr.' Wistar's
Ihdkale! . nt .' Cherry, from Thonuts Heed, Es 4.,
of this qilitce, and tried it 111 - a
case of obstinate
Asthma on a child of Paul S.chweltie, in which man
other remediiFs - had been tried without any' relict.
The Balsalm gate: sudden, and-in my opinion
the child is'effectually its use.
Yours, &c. ducat DorrmAN,34. D. .
December 22(1,1841.
- .
Dear Sir- 7 -Year Dahalm of Wild Cherry has ef
fected some astonishing.cures here. One of which
is nti.old lady; Mrs."Ruisell, who had been suffering
for a long time witk shortness of breathing, and gen
eral weakness, until she was finally °bilged to keep
her bed. , After various. other . remedies bad beep
resorted to in-vain, she commenced using your Bal
aaltn,and After taking two bottles, was se far receiver
ed as to be able to attend ,to. all the duties of her
house, and on taking_ two bottles more was entirel7
cared. , Respectfully, fitc.
- JOHN S. C. Manna.•
Pottsville, Pa. . ~ •
• CAUTION.—As there is a spurioui.mixtare
aallpd.S.yrup eif It Cherry, purchasers should 10e
very particular tout& for Dn. WISTAR'S BAIT
SAM, and observe his signature on the Donk.
Prepared for the proprietor; and. sold
ittreet, Philadelphia.
, .
Sold. in :.' •• , , ::4: -, -,_ ,_...: = ‘
---- -.' ' SAMIJ.r.T ' ELT To'fr • .
: In ShippensbiaM by tb'ciltp.v. PavbrSmith j'Har4
ri' 3l4 9rg kirJolikWjvt.l),;.3l3,. 4iticastet; by 4. G4iti- J
Chambersbuiri by I.c*lsDenigi'and in almost every.
town iincl village tlO - ougboutlberocoutit! .. ''' r:
'• Pacei $1:00 frliottis - ::
. 2 . " . - ~,,..,
I.l43l.•erili.ele. '23;11142:: ,',. , : ' ' • . ' ' ' I' 7; 55 .,
. - .
TWeYitei;ttrut i%;oll•3;l6rii'llt*diC:ll.6USW,
I De P051684011 gtven. tha tat ofAitil
Deb. , 18 4*: P-'sI4.IOTP,
Lnne:ster entit . .ty, July 18,1841