Messrs, Beckman, PiakeY. Hein, iVicHride c ittiiore, Balmer aiml Hancock. • Rank*. /times Hatord;Stein,Sheiik,Livlngston, Husael, Walter and Ruah. • - Estatis and Eicheats. Afeasre Sharawooil",'Hut. ler, Whitman, ' , Boughmin, Sheridan,. Janice and , _Paton. . Bridget, 'Slate and Turnpike Roads. Meisra Thomas, Carpenter, Myers,,Frederiek, Glenn, Me - eartey and Mueller. ' _ Corporations. Messsrs Hancock,Roelibill,Gogd win, Deal, }arke, Heebner and MoCullcugh. LieaMpprofirithyons. Messrs. Pottiger, Mops's lin, . Postiethwaite, McWilliams, Hill, Hultz and Heider: : 1. - difil. -- MeTsifiTSkiii•Winid;Kennedrof Beaver Belt. Thompson; Lung, Ilsiiret and Karns. • COpare Bills. Masers. Picking, Boil, Clinton Hood;Gearhoart and Craig. • • - ' Printing.. Messrs. Unmet, MoGowen and , Cum mins. . Library. Messrs. Kerr of Mercer, Sherwood and Packer. Inland Navigation, Eic. Messrs. Lowery, Tus tin, Trego, Heckman, o!Brian, Goodwin, Overfteld, kiwell, Skinner, McDaniel, Bell, Hill, kennedy of Beaver - Congressional Districts. Messrs. • Elwell, Me Gowan, Trega, Rookhill, Roumfort, Brooke, FA ton, Foremtn, Hahn, Theries, Packer, Frederick Pottiger, Bell, Picking, Walter, Kennedy - 61'0mb McCullough, Overfield, Boa!, Linton, Mcßride Dcford,,Mellaniel, Craig, Barrett, GOodwin, Low Senatorial and Representative Districts. Meier& Briwley, ShrwQixl, Blish, Tustin; Balmer,. Kerr 'or Munt:oe ) and, Carson. . • The Somers Mutiny. - We published in nur last, the statement of Com mander Mackenzie, pleading his justification for the painful - duty which devolved upon him in exe cuting the mutineers on board the U. S. Brig Somers. The report of-the Court of Inquiry may be expected in 'a few , days, and the decision of the Secretary of the Navy. Meanwhile the matter is still the subject of violent discussion by the pub. lie.prints; the majority of which, however, take ground 'in favor. of Mackenzie. • As every thing connected wtth - this matter is of absorbing inter. est to the public;; - rove take the following extracts from a' letter written - by. R. H. Dana, jr. of Dos. ton, a gent eman cifTitlents andintimatety con. versant with Naval life. Mr. Dana, Who had been paying a viiiit.tcrthe Court of Inquiry, says in his letter : • "Indeed, rwould go further, and say that one pest either have been at sea, or be willing to re ceive something on faith f o r those who have, to judge fairly of this ease. The-difficulty,iu the public mind is to be.satisfied that there was such a state of things on board, after the arrest, as would render it all but certain to men of reason able firmness and discretion, - that the aqested per sons 'could not_be_takeninto port in irons. For this most be made out, or-the execution was un justifiable. Ido not. yet mean to. give yoli an opinion upon which I am willing to be held, for the facts are not yet all in ; but I should at all surprised iftlie facts and demongtrations which satisfied. Alaekenzie and his officers, should have less effect upon the gtincrul observir and redder on shore. The_crew were under some fear-after the arrest, and would l'e careful not to do any overt net or commit themselves at all, until they Were ready to attempt the rescue. They would" Conceal every sign until the moment of the out. break. if the officers had waited for that evi dence, they-would have waited just too long for, their ownaafety, and fur the prevention of dread. ful crimes on the whole_oecan. They were oblig y ed to judge fecun a variety of small circumstances, . of which some are significant only to naval men, and others can hardlyke made on paper as - they ' . cud'thelleck: For instance. the refusal of three men to muster.. 'lf this. was, 118 the officers be lieved, a deliberate combination to disobey a law fol. order ' and carried out, it was of itself a mu tiny; and would ffirleit the lives of the parties by the martial law : for I know no other definition of mutiny than cover that act. •It is an open defiance of authority, and, connected with the - eventof others, would• alone go far to make out the required case. The suspected contrivance to carry away the mast; the gathering .of the 111011 about the mast-head, away from their 'stations ; their rushing aft to the boom-brace; arid refusal to gn forward when ordered; the •crowding into and_blacking up_ot_timnarrow_gangWays; their . neglect arid disobedience of orders; that inde scribable something, which Mr. Perry mentioned in their looks and manner, denoting defiance and pi+paration for worse; the concealing •of deadly '' .weapons in convenient but secret places;, the hid ing a dagger in the gun carriage, near Spencer; the midnight alarms; and above all, the -fact of these demonstration§ becoming stronger,more ap.: parentaind more frequent us they •drew nearer to port, and the chances of escape for the guilty were • lessening; all these might make out a case which ' would satisfy a conscientious, humane and brave man in taking life, when yet a landsman, reading the articles in the papers by his fire-side, iii the heart of a city, surrounded by watchman, a police, and a posse comitutus,before whoiri he can 'swear the peace' against a suspected ussaulter, and have him put into the 'tombs,' might • think the judg ment not sustained by evidence of sufficient dan. ger. If the officers were morally certain of an outbreak, which no confinement could 'prevent; ' recollect, they could call in no aid from abroad; there was no place for retreat, and no concessions . would avail them. Must they then wait the onset and its chances? Perhaps so far as personal dan ger to themselves was concerned, Mr. Mackenzie and his officers weiuld have, been willing to run ...the risk of the contest, or (as. would have been more probable) of being taken by surprise and at a disadvantage, rather than to take life before. band; but they had also a solemn duty as public offieere s - at - all hazards,to - prevent this vessel's be. ' coming a pirate., in the hands of men who would . have the power and the will to commit the most dreadffit 'atrocities of which we can form' any imagination; and, if, !Font any over-humanity, or a fear of the eonsequeneei ,of, an mention _to themselves- professionally, or before the public, or from too much confidence in their own power,diey had suffered the . conspirators to, prevail, and the dreadful consequences had come to our ears—not even the personal sufferings and death of' these officers, would have saved their memory from out reproaches." In another pillion of his letter, Mr. Dana thus speaks of Commander MacKenzie: " I next 'carefully observed the.featuies and ex, pression of the party on trial : for this case is one which receives its complexion very much fiom tit, character of the chief actor: the facts being such as can never come to us with the same force and meaning, with which they came to him at the' time. It is not questioned that he acted upon the best of his deliberate judgement. How is he qualified . then,, , in moral and intellectual cliarectel, for forming a judgement 1 becomes an important question. On this point his appear. ance is very much in his favor. He is apparent-. ly about forty years of age, and I am told that he entered the service at ten, and be says he has, served thirty years. Ho has ''every mark of a calm, self-possessed,'clear-minded'man, and en tirely free from . that dashing, ofrhaad or assum ing manner which sometimes atfends the milita ry button. , I felt much confidence, in him from the moment I had carefully observed him, and this confidence has increased by my being in. termed that he is more noted for conscientious. nese, order and theroughnees, than for imagine. Lion or cnthusiam. TCZ BLACK Torrouz.--We mentioned a few days sinee, that a fearful epidemic - was raging , in the neighb (whom of Balaton. N. 'Y., but were. unable at that time to give, a description . :of ,it. A corrospondent of the ,Iloston thin describes its ap • pearan • ee•. • , • "The disease somtimes commences with St swelling of the, gland oi the thrdati,-,,but more generally I be d icive,• with soreness' 14 the tower extremity or.‘roots' of the tongue. The tongue soop.bicomeo swelled • se an enormous size, and. unless •sooa., relieved, beginsie ; ,mrn blink, which .4 00 n: . coneee death. 'believe; there : has beenioareely cue whet neVenzni.:Onivieed the .disease, 11 !!" ,1 4 4 9 1 0UU:ic triman'.o setiiivon -;hp BM This pleasant Medicine is formed by a combina . - , tion of twenty diffeierlt ingredients, all celebrated fOr the cure of Colds, Coughsomd. Pulrnonic Car plaints ; and by its combination, if one of these arti : tiles should he used separately and afford no relief, in the EXTRACT OF 110ARHOUND they are so amalgamated, that the benefit of the whole is ex perienced in one Compound. About three years and a half ago, this article...was first brotight before the public. It was het aided with no previous announcement of its merit or value; but was introduced by the proprietors to the comtnunity to stand by their decision, as regarded its beneficial in tlißtifee That de — Cision has been attained inn man ner altogether un9icpected. The unsought kcknowl- , edgeritent . of its worth has proceeded spontaneously from thousands, who have ,experienced its benefits throughout the country. And why is it so ? Be cause the trial of its qualities in Coughs and Colds, Hoarseness, Irritation of the Throat, Croup.Whoop ins Cough, Asthma, Catarrhs, Palpitation. of the Heart, Liver ComPliint; Niglit Swtilts, difficult or profuse Expectoration, and' all diseases leading to Consumption, has given it a value that no other elm. nor medicine has ever reached. _ Witenibe_blood an-unhealthrstate r and-the constitution naturally delicate, if a cold sets in'and no immediate relief takes place, the chances are al . togetheh against the patient attaoked ; it is when rem edies are taken hit time, that disease is checked and life saved.' There is no disease but may not be suf-' levet; to go such a length that no medicine •or phy sician in the world can save the person attacked. Tide should be remembered by all; the safety of life is, to be prepared iu time. At the symptoms of a Cold, Cough or Chilliness, THE CLARIFIED ESSENCE OF HOARHOUND CANDY, should be freely used according to directions; and in every case where it is so used in finder time, the Cough or Cold will be broken up or eradicated. We feel it our duty to impress this upon every one—all reme dies must be taken in time. Complaints of the lungs are the most dangerous and at the same time most prevalent of all diseases. Our climate is most peculiar; it changes suddenly 'from extreme warroth,to extreme cold, from wet to dry, and it is from this change in the climate that diseases are apt to arise. ' • The following is one of a thotbiand certificates the proprietor. could show, attesting the virtue of his remedy. "I have experimentally tested the virtues of . your Clarified Essence of kloarhound Candy;and would recommend it to be , universally used by . all those whose lungs are exposed—no publie_spealcer shbuld be without it. Rev. Mr: LIMN, Formerly Pastor of M. E. Church, York, Pa. Remember, each package of the , gamine Hoar hound Cindy is eigned J. Pr..tsz Stir: - • : All letle) . 4,.Post paid; direetedip J. Pease k SoN 45 Divialem atreet,N Y, will be punoluallt attended '••' • ' ' Merehante 'in the country wishing Peeee's Illoarhound Ciedy can obtain it at the manufacturer's lowest terror, by sending an order to any one in' the , city' with whom they have dealings. • ; aloMerehantS and storekeepers in this vicinity lien be supplied by applying to Messrs. Myers & Havered)* who hove a burs and fresh supply direct from the, Manoractures. For sale by vvatnriCK, MYERS s a HA to for Coll e an d by ppnhet, Sole'Arne„ AfeChAll°,l47: hani,Getn..„,n_ w _ craln,ll°ols7, 14 wilsot!•Z ' obTr. ' --A:3°l6h' "i2.221,41:1 „ -„ wilnope k,' • 1 1 ''; , „, ' MN! EINEM . Tim Matitgaas Tut , tri ,Txratte.llun deeds ofpetitiOnli hive been presented to the Texan Congress for diforces; The Chair- Man of the Committee to whom they wire referred; intends to put them all in one bill i`tind report faVorably. A. bill was intriduced afterwards, providing that when.any mar ried persons, become dissatiified with - their 1 choice, on, publication of their intention to dissolve the matrimonial ties for 30 days,the same, shall be considered as done. If this law pass, Texas may soon be a "singular country," inducing-Cupid,at-least,to regard it ai the Republic Of the Lone star I - , . Drcicarts,--A nevi. work by " iri monthly parts, is announced in the London papers. It is called,- " The Life and Ad ! ventures of Martin Chuzzlewit," dr,c. IC:rA Locofoco Stale Convention at Frankfort, Ky. have nominated Col. R. M. Johnson for the Presidency. Subject to the decision . of a National Convention. Reduction of Postage. We noticed in our last, the convening of the PoStrnaters 'of NeW Yak, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, in Washington city, at' the instance of the Totit,Master General, 4O take into consicleraton the subject of a re duction of postage, and the following report of the Post Master GeneraLiranstnitted to the,-Senate on Saturday, , we presume is . a sumnSary .. of their doings: Upon all aingle'letters dent by the mail any distance not over 30 miles - rr_cents. Over 8,0 to 100 miles -10 "- Over 100'to 200 miles l5. " Over 200 to 400 miles , 20 " Over 400 miles It will thus be seen that a small reductiOn is recommended, but - wethiiikliad_Mr, Wickliffe embraced in his recommendation the abolishment of postage on Newspapers when transrintted:through - the mail to' the JifferentPost Offices in the counties where in they arc pubished, he would have done much . more to' the - advancement of a-gen-. eral. intrusion of knowledge, which alladmit. is the great base or structure upon which our Republic stands, and this increase of which insures its perpetuity. We believe_ that had the reportembraco this proposi florin would have met the hearty approba tiod`of the. .PeoPle; and tht't that public func tionary could not have made amore pop ular, eertainly•not a more laudallle sugges tion. FASIIIONS FOR JANUARY.—Ear drops are . much worn by the ladies, and drops at the ,nose by 'small _children. • Cardinals are more ittfashion than the cardinal virtues. Presses are miw.mitle fuller behind thait we ever saw them before, and it is quite a . pleasant morning's excursion to circum navigate a full hello. Sacks are the waik ingtostume of the gentlemen—whether en to them by,the ladies or not, we •cannot say. Gentlemen's boots are now made too small for the feet—so much so that in some cases the toes peep •through them. Feathers and jewels are much in vogue, and snuck creditis givcdto the ladies for their-taste in these_particulars—Thin_shoes for walking are an article of general con sumption with your young misses. E? 113&inO 3's . • - • TitiO aiamit..,, Icr A t public meeting . waslield on ri dgy'. week last'ats.YVheeling,' Irti:for the *pose of urging Congress to, snlopt the the 'plan of the Hon. W. Cost Tohnson for the Lunn of itoali — baseiritiiiii' the publii lands. The National Forum says that under Governer Porter's management; Ottir debt hai increased to near $40,000,000, and tic and his political clique have all grown rich, and some of them have_ retired __upon the - proceeds- of trfew --- tponths service:-we have also a set of relations to the 'third and fourth generation, who' must be, piovided for and until they'are ready to retire in , turn. we will hear noth ing but 'hard times,' 'no , work ,' !nobody . - , .coming to buy,' and nothing but taxes, discounts and reputlation Will not the people open their eyes and look at these thingdas they exist? . . . When the prophecy of Father Miller was first given . 'to the world (according to the Baltimore Clipper) the very day of the .4estruction was, named—.subsequently be, confined :himself to. the present year; within which the event was to Cceurand. now- he says,"cibout the year 1.843." This is taking rather too great a latitude with . prophecy. If his Computation of - time be correct, he cannot go beyond this year— but he has left hiciself a hole td creep out of,' should the world outlaßt the year. The word "aboia" is- . too indefinite; as it may embrace several. years.'. •• TO DRIVE OFF: TROUBLE.--Sei about doing good to Somebody: put on yotir hat, and go visit the sick and poor; inquire into their wants, and o rnitiiiter to them. _S_eek_out- the desolate-and oppressed, and "tell them of the consolaticins of religion. I have often tried this Method; and Always found it the best medicine for a heavy heait. —John Howard — ` 25 " REVIEW OF THE MARKETS. BEEF CATTLE.—The offerings on Wilda/ mounted to libo . ut 6uo heat; 360 of which sold at $3 50 to ti, the latter for an excellent strtieler about 150 were taken on' to Philadelphia, and' the 'remainder left unsold. Hogs arc more plenty, and have sord'at. 325t0 $3 37, a leW choice - at $3 50 per 100 lbs. FLOUlL—Howard .street sold on Saturday -add early this week, at $3 751 subsequently the ptice has beet, $3 81 per bl 4. from stores; the receipt mire $3 62i, the market continues very dull. City Mills has sold at $4,1; high is a decline; but the stock is quite light, and !Millers appear tether indifferent a.: bout selling at present rates. - GRAIN.—The receipts of Wheat continue very limited, even by wagons, and the best reds coming to hand will not,commaud•over 75 a 80 cents per buShel. •We have not transactions to notice in Rye. Corn has declined, notwithstanding, the small sup plies coming forward ; neither white or yellow .will command over 40 to 41 cents. Outs 25 to 26. • • WHISKEY—This article stil continues low in price, bblu. selling at 18 cents per gallon, nna hhds. at 17. PHILADELPHIA, Jan: 21, 1849. ATTLE mAmayr,-709. Beeves in market, of which 149 were from Virginia.. Sales 4 to 5 cents ; extra si; 64 Virginia Cattle from New York-40 left over. 211 Cons and Calves. Sales from sl6to 21 ;. extra $25 n 27; Springers $l2 a 19; Dry Cows .$4 a 12. '267 Hogs in market, 169 western—sales 3+ a +-SO left over. 1372 SlieeP---sales from $1 00 to 1 50 ; extra $1 75 a 3 25 . • 1•'LOU11.---We notice sales during the week of a bout 1200 bbls gond shipping brands at $3 37,i; also. sales of two small lots by a 'very liberal 'concession, in favor of the. purchaser. This morning holders are firm nt 3 87, and transactions dull, there being few shippers in market. Rye Flonr-2 75, nt which figures light sales•have been made. ; Corn Mekl— Sales-of-Benni-nt.2_25. • GRAIN.- -The stock on bawl is Lght, equally so the demand. Sales orWheat at prices ranging from 80 aB5 c.ts. Rye---sales at 50 cts. Oats--Southern, 19 a 20 cents. WiIISKEIYA--17 a 111 cts. in hods , ant 19 a 20 in barrels. • • MARRIED. "On the 10th inst. by the Rev. Henry Anrantl, Mr. JOHN MILLER to Miss MARY ACKER. MAN, ull of, Westpcnnsborough township. On the 12th inst. by the same, Mr. GEORGE W. WOLF to Miss • ANN MORRETT, all of Monroe township. In the 19th inst. by the same, Mr. GEORGE LEAS„ Merchant„ of Mechanicsburg, to, Miss ELIZABEIII,HIcKES, of Westpennsborough township. e-ti n by the camp, Mr. JOHN HOLTZ APPLE, Jr. to Miss HARRIET STOOP, all of this place,. arO I SECEM ' • THE books and papers of the late proprietors of the ..Carlisle Herald and Expoditor,!' are in the hands of the subscriber r residing itLWestpennsboro' township, for suit. All accounts unpaid alter the 23d inst. will be put in suit.' L. U. WILLIAMS. —January-11;1Ra `clar2, aatlas• ciao FURNITURE ; LIQUORS.&c. HAVlNGleased the "Mansion Muse Hotel," I will receive written proposals for furnish ing the following articles, or part thereof, for use in the same, viz: For twenty r five Bedsteads; twenty-five Beds, with pillows and bolsters fir feathers, by tho pound, for the same ; changes for the bolsters and pilloWs per set; sheets, linen or muslin, Blankets,Comforts, Quills or Counter panes, Tables, Soas, Chairs,Washstands; Bowls and Pitchers , Carpeting , Looing-glasses, Kitchen and Table furniture, old and good liquors, or for any other articles that may be thought necessary in that establisment. It is expected that all articles offered, will be of good quality, fit for the use for which they are intended, but extravagant and costly articles will be strictly avoided. • Sixteen Bed-rooms, two Parlors, one Bar, two Editing and one eating room for sixty, and a Kit- chen to be furnished. Proposals to be. forwarded on or before the Ist day of February next;the articles to P 6 deliiered at any time previous toihe 35th of March next. W. FOULK. It") January 25.18494. Estate of-Peter Wilt, deceased. . • N aitt r iZt: ' •. ._._ LRTTEItS of Administration on the . Estate of PETER WILT, late of • West PennsbeTough township, deo'd., have issued in due form of law to the subscriber in said township. All persons indebted to said estatearerequested to make uutnediate payment; and those having claims will present thenaduly authenticated for settlement. "JAMES IttI'UULLOUGH. Adta'r. • . January 25,18431. . " • 61,43 . .- . • . aa.+2 a coma fas ISPETITION for the - Benefik - of the : Law, bail been filed the 19th Jan. 1543, by JOHN - JOHNSON, formerly - Merchant. ' end late , contractor on public work, of • the firm of Jnoeb A. Gorges and Co. • . . 'Cumberland co. and FRIDAY • the ~17th der of'FEBRITARY next, at II o'Clock; A.- M. is' appointed for tho hearing therolot hoforecthn,said Court, sitting in Bankruptcy, atilin' Distriet Court Rooth in' the City of Philadelphia, When'ind:Wherwthe clay tore of -the said -Pell timer; 'Niko have proved their Debii, and all otlieriWrliolle pear and oho* cense, if ithy they have, why such Volition should ' no be , treated. , _ • ••'• FRAS. , IIOFRINSON,; " • ‘, •" Clerk of the •Ds:strlit Court* Sert, VS, ISO, EME ifill =I 111111erism. BALTIMORE, :Jan. 21, 1849 MWM HE s ‘ . l l B4lVl erected —. ln the past yeaeby the inhooriberoikont hairs' mile below Harrisburg, euthe east bank of the Sus. quebanni, near the Railroad and. 'Oanal, tiontitining _two_Verticaland t*o;Citshilar.Stiws, °per-. ation,and ready to execute orders. with the utmost despatch; AT PRWES IN . CONTORJIII7'Y• WITH' THE .11,LXERS.r.. REDVOTION or. THE TIMES. • - An assortinene id the various kinds'of Scantling, Boards,. Plasterin g and Shingling Laths, Gar den Pales, &e., will be afways kept ready for deliv ery; and persons sending Rats or Logs to the Mill, can have them sawed as directed, on the most rea sonable terms.:. • •.•.40,600 feet, of seasened'cleiii Stuff are now iu t h ee - Yard. 0 • . . . ySteara - poWeriand-rooni In-thebnilding i to • W. GRIMMAWL January 25, 1843: Estate of Mary enton„dedeasect .. Not Is HEREBYGlVFN,thatlettersTestamentaly: on the last will of, MARY 'FENTON, -late of Mifflin township, deceased; have • been issued by the Register; in and for this, county:le The subscriber who resides in the same townshiv. ; All persons having claims or demandsigainst t ie . Estate of the said deeetlent,are requested to make known the smite with Out delay, and those indebte mike .immedi ate payment to JAMES III'ELIII January 25, 1843, • , . Estate' of George .11 . ttplOy, deceaseit. E 'iTERS of Atlminislration on the 'Estate of (IEORGE 11UpLEY, late 'of East Pentudiorough township, deceased, have teen issued to the subscribes• residing in Allen township. .Al,l persons having claims against said Estate, will pre sent them for settlement, and those indebted will Make immediate payment to . GEORGE RUPP, Jr. Adm'r. January 25,1843. • Bt-13 To the Heiis and legal Representatives of Dr. Lemuel Gustine, dec'd. • • • WAKE NOTICE, That by virtue of a Writ of PartitiOn or valuation to me directed, Issued out •of the. Orphan's Court of Cumberland 'county, I will hot(' au Inquisition wipe Real Estate of Dr. Lemuel Dwaine, dec'd. on flie premises on !•iittitilay the 11th of. February, A. D. 1843. at II o'clockok. M.' 'where all interested mayLittend it they think prOper. P Sheriff's Office, CarlisleTL. MARTIN, , January 1843. • St-IS - G1. .11i -U'`IXTGD. TWO THOUSAND BUSHELS. OF Cow f v.. and: 11.1(6 wanted, for which the highes price will lir given. Curhah•pJun. 11. .S. M. HARRIS. TRUSTEESHIP ACCOUNT. In the Court of Comma Pleaa of Cumberland co. Oth January, 1843, The account of Samuel Woods and Will iam . Woods, Jr: Trusteed of lames Woods; presented to the Court, and the 14th day of Febru ary next, appointed for the confirmation of the same, of which al pOrsons interested will take notice. By the court TIIOS. 11. CRISWELL, Proth'y. 'January 18; 1849. flt-1 '2 Pay -Up Play ._l7pl ALL pet:eons, that are indebted to the subscriber, either by note or book account, are' requested to cull ittillosettle on or before the 15th day of Feb . - ruary next, as no further indulgence can lie Riven. —; JACOB . SENER. Carlisleijan..lB, 1842. .5t42 Lkiallatece THE two story brick Dwelling and lot, on Pitt street, near High, now occupied by Mrs. Massey, and the one adjoining, lately occupied by 11. White Middleton, Esti: Possession will be given on the Ist cf April next. For terms apply to JNO. PHILLIPS, or WM. D. SEYMOItE. A LSO. the basement IMurbs of the Methodist Episcopal Church. For terms apply 'as above. Also, for sale or rent, the Houses Orchard and .ot port.hased by me of the Messrs. Houses, and orwerly owned by Mrs. Utile. If desired the louses and garden will be rented separate from the ots and orchard. WM. 1.): SEYMOIIE. January 11, 1843. tf-11 AUCTION AUCTION ! SiaMffil.2Z 1!;C: leave to inform the citizens of Carlisle and DI its viciuity,•thut they will commence selling at Awtion, their Stock of Merckandize, consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, &C, flbC. oh, MONDAY the 9th Inst. and will continue;ao sell from day to day, until all is sold. SAMUEL MYERS, • GEO. W. SFIEAFFE'IL; . , 'Surviving partners of the-firm of Myers & Co. N. B. All persons having claims against said firm nee requested to present them for settlement and all those indebted either by note or liciok account, will 0311 and make payment,it is necessary inconsequence or the death of one of the partners that the business Of the said firm be settled ImMediatelv, S.M.. & CO. January 4, 1842. • 9t-10 TO THE PUBLIO. S the filminess of MOSES MYERS, who is en /1.1;1,1;nd ,as a :Millwright, in Lebanon township, A(tatas county, has been injured to some extent by the evidence in a late law suit between myself and. David Cockley of Lancaster, in which it wax repre sented that the machinery in my mill had notopera ted properly on account of defeCts in the wheels constructed by Mr. Myers. I deem it an act of jus tice to Mr. Myers Mr., mate to the public that I did not and do not believe such to be the case. And I. wduld hereby recommerfil him as a first rate work man, the evidence of 'which eau be found by eltamin- Mg the machinery of the mill now owned by mt.. • MICHAEL O. BELTZHOU,EII. Monroe twp. Jan. 4 , , t1342._ 40'40 e 49 atrsi: . . EIBAVER awl Pilot' Moth for over coats. . Also LP Black, Blue anit'lnvisible - Geeen Cloth far dress coatajust received and very hiw,ht the stare of Dec. 91, 1849. - CHAS. OGILBY. - 13121911. malsanal Shoes & Cap's, r FlE.subscriber has just returned - from - 2 - the , and is opening, in addition to his for mer stock, 14 eases or Boots, Shoes and • un . en's, Boy's and Youth's thick boots. Men's fine Calf Boots slid water-proof do. Men's and Boy's Kip and Seal Boots. Men's, Boy's and Youth's Brogans. Ladies' Kid Welts and Slippers. Colored Lining Skins. Men's, Boy's and Youth's Fur, Cloth; Scarlet Fancy Caps . LEMONS of Superior quality. BUNCH RAISINS, supdlor quality new crop.. Alt of 4yilich will be sold cheap for cash. WM. M. MATEER. tf-8 Carlisle, Dee. 21, 1242 STMENtai Pd:.Erel'lONS for Discharge and Car home of the Bankrupt Law, have been filed the 16th Jan. 1843, by JOSEPH OTTO, Carpenter and Cabinet': • maker, . Cumberland 00.- SAM UEL DAVIDSON, l'anner Es Currier. and as a •Butcher in Company -with John Davidson, ' Cumberland co. EDWARD EIELFENSTEIN, formerly -or Daytini 3 Ohlo, merchant, now Clerk, db WILLIAM-11. -WOODBURN, _ late Mer chant. and Farmer, - ' . - Cumberland Co. SAMUEL SMITH, . (individually and as a Member of the firm of Smith and Quigley,). Merchant; Miller, and Distiller .and For. . warding:Merchante:L." :L . ' -.. ' Cumberland 60 . GEOlit4M.FLßMlNG,fortnerly, printerlind . ~. ~. publisherdaticontraider, on Publio Works, do <'- and FRID.A.Y the' 3lst 'day:of MAJICH,itt. It o'. eloek, A: M. Is appolnled: 'fbi*, the heaf i lnthereof; Court; - sitting the said t i - sitting In :Bank ruptcy, a to m, •Elistrio,t Court room ink the City of Ph ladelnida. , When and where the creditors of the . sai d Petition ! , ers, who have priitettdiele debts; 'andall Orions intereited,:Mayaorar,and show causef any' they haves. why au* Discharge and cartifmate ahclaid not granted FT:. ••- PRAti'll.OPlCtNsol?;:' __,-; '`' '''''-'-.• • _.,ClegitAtO4' ol l,rtat;C9iive• _INN, • • ''• . 7404*; " 11115 0, ./ `r.-i , "'“,..'; r . F.<7.,•';, - ,..zi1154 1. 12 : , .:.''-'. ?< 4 42 . t':' . :0:,.iY , -.' , '":' - ' , .. , ' , .=i7 , nv.,. , ~....; ', ,—:...:-....,..- , ~ - , Regi z SUM'S 1 4 4TOiees Iticamiaos Ortiog,, ' Carlisle; January 14, 1643. . ' Notice Is hereby given all mnsOns interested brat the following accounts have been Sled In thlif Inßce_foi_ezaminatiOnAty-tho-ancountanta therein named, ap4 'will be presented to the Orphan's Court •of Cumberland county fot confirmation l and allowance on Tuesday thel4th day of Feb: .ruary. A. D.. 1843, viz : • ~ - , 1. The account of Job:: Eichelberger, MO:in; istrator Margaret Long, late of Allen' . town. shim decedsed. 2. The of Henry Church, Admit:it:lra.' tar of Daniel P. Erb, late of East Pennsbnrough• township, deceased.' ' • • , .- 3. The account of Jonah Rudy,' Administrator of HOffman,lite,:if-Allen_township, deinnuld,_ 4. The account of James Brandebury, Ad. ministrater of Patienee McKean, late of the bor. 'sough of. Shippensburg,',deeessed:', ' 5. ,The account of Martin Renni4er and Dan iel Bretz, Executors of Month Henninger,•senior, fate; of Best.Penn,sborpugh township, dedeased... • 6. The account of Sarah Boletner,Adminietra. idea Conrad Bolander, late. of the Borough of Carlisle, deteased, filed by Jacob C.-Dooey,-Ex ecutor of Sarah Bolander. • • 7. The account of Peter Bianhart;Administra tOr of Midhael ',Hin t -late of Alton township, de ceased. , S. The account of Wil liam Carothers, Guar. "draTiiiirSilloTrfeAnn Lefever, dmighter of Law. rence Lefever, deceased. 9. The account of Rudolph Martin, Guardian of Susan Criat, daughter of John Crist, deceaSed; 10., The account of Samuel WherryoGuardian of the minor children of Aiidrew Sharp, deceased. Id. The account of Peter Barnhart, Guardian of John Miller, minor son of Jacob Miller, do. cen'sed. 12.. The acc'uunt pf Jacob Shrom, Guardian of Andrew McKim, son of James McKim, deeeased. .13.,.The account of Jacob Shrom; guardian of Mary McKim, daughter of James McKim,- de ceased. 14. The account of Francis Pdrter, one of the Guardians of Mary Jane Mateer, a minor child of William Mateer, deceased, filed by the Execu. for of said Porter. • : ' ' 15. The account' of same one of the Guardians of daroline , Matcer, another of said minors, filed by same.. 16. The account of same one of the Guardians of Ann Eliza Meteor, another of said minors, filed by same. , 17. The account of William Harkness ' one of' the Guardians of Ann Eliza Muteer,minor daugh ter of William Mateer, deceased. , • Notice, in Bankruptcy ix 7 ILL be rented, by public outcry on. FRIDAY VIF .the 20th JANDA 10 o'clock,A,M. on the.premises ' the FARM of Daniel P. Scher balm, situate in Westpennhoro'. township, Cumber land county, three miles west of Carlisle, • CONTAINING 104 ACRES, 90 acres of which is good arable Limestong Land, in a good state of cultivation. ~It will be rented for the term of one year. Possession .given on the lst of April next. . Also at the same time and place:will be at public sale a 31424122 10232233i1int1e i , Fooley's patent with a-lot of new double hogsheads, a,boilcr that would 'answer a tan yard or other ma chinery, large copper worms. The whole to be sold' together in or pieces as may best suit purchasers...- The larger vessels answering a-good purpose for, cisterns. Attendance given and terms made known on-day of sale by, DAVID COBLE, Assignee in Bankruptoy of Daniel P. &kerbslin. January 11, 1845. - • ts:11 • NEW PALL - & °WINTER GOODS. HE subscriber is just receiving a fresh supply of T Goods, dmong which may lid found . Beaver 8. Pilot Cloths . and various calm. Broad Cloths. A great variety of SATINETTS, CASSIMERES, KENTUCKY JEANS and other seasonable goods for men's wear. Also, a general dssortment of Merchandize for the Ladies, to which lie respectfully-calls their attention. Calf and see as soon ns possible, as the entire stock will be sold very cheap for each. GEO. W. HITNER. Cal lisle; Sept. 21,1842. NEW & CHEAP GOODS! , rillfE subscriber has inpt opened a lot. of New - I consi , ding ol SUPERFINE CLOTHS, Blaelc,lllne and. Fancy colored Cassimeres, Casi -nets, all — rolors—tmd—pricesi--Merinoes s ---Alouse—dc_ Wiles, Gloves, Hoseury, 5.4 Brown Muslim, for a levy, 4-1 bleached do fur a Bp, Flannels fr3m 29 to I 25 cents; with a variety of other goods, all of Mhichil will be sold at very low prices to suit the tin:tes. ' . 5..11. HARRIS. Carlisle, October 19, 1842. tf-51 01 .. FFALL • & WINTER GOODS, . . CONSISTING, in part, of' English, French, heaver, and Pilot CLOTHS. Cassirnere, Sanineds, and Kentucky Jeans. .J...insey and Cotton Flannels. Rose, Mackinaw, Point and Pilot Baizes, Flannels and Carpeting. French, Enlist and American Chintzes. Brown, Bleached fit Color ed Muslins. Checks, Ticks and Diapers.. Bonnet's Silks and Ribbons. Fine Cloth. Velveteen Caps, Hosiery, Cloves and Umbrellas; Merinoes, Mous lin and Saxony Delaines;' Figured, Plain, Striped and Barred Jack keit, Swiss Blond's; and Artificia Flowers. together with a variety of queensware *Ye' Groceries, for sale :ditto store of A. fig:HAIM Nov ember`9o; 1R42. P. S. State Scrip and Flour taken in' exchange for Goods. First Arrival • OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS• CLIPPINGER & CAREY, wfrear the Rail-• Road, emaaLanzi2v3.7le.. - HAVE; received a splendid assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which they are determined to sell at the very lbwest cash prices. September 28, 1842, TEMPERANCE HOTEL THE subscriber, living in Centreville, Cumber land County, _intends opening a Temperance Hotel ,for the accommodation of Travellers,Drovers, and others, who may favor him with octal. The House, has been kept for ma ny years RS a public house, and is well calculated" for the ' accommodation of Travellers. The Stabling is large, and will con stantly have on hanq n sufficiency of horse feed, &a. Tlie Table will be supplied, with the best in the market. No pains will be spared to make persons' comfortable', who may favor him - with a call.. CHARLES W. WEAVER. - St-8 December 21;1842 15 NA 3 ai C7l e T . 'UMBER ofevory dcgcrlption &SHINGLES .1.4•f0r sale cheap, by • J. & P. MARTIN,. Successors to Miler & Martins. Harrisburg, April 20.180.' IIIIM&3310 I I I') - ii -1I ~ • - . 'UV ILL be rented from the let of April oati,tbat • V two story Stone HOUSE and lot of Ground. in East Maio street., hi this borough, now occupied by Wee. Mr. Moore. • • Mao the two adjoining Houses; both or which are at present:being balidwiniely. repaired. Persons desirous of renting may know thetertne . by calling int the undersigned. - EDWARD ARMOR or ' SA:RAH ARM0R.... 1 ' De 0.14. 1849. Estate, of Jacob Garret4emwed. • Ntitig t irle :• IJETTofnastratkin on . tbe. ,Zetate of ERtil • JACOB' GARRET; late -of Allen,eoi - Oablps roeased,hai6 been.taken out by the iintreeelher i aidinh io.tho In*titownablp. All'OetannOtidebled to told eatate•aie reqbeated to_lntikkiinOelliate• anent, and thole lumina elalmrwtil authentioatedTor dettleme,it ' z"' `•' : ..;• .I .I 4EOBgat'BEELIMON44IO - . • liinimrif.ll.lll4Si , ' et.t • "' • • ME ACOP BRETZ, ,Wster CM MEI lioniethluif New for theliolidaygt 'T • • BEAUTY ANA ECONOMY i Superior line Beavet Rau,' $4,25. RUT little Mori thin throe months have elapsed up sinie - the subscriber submitted for the inspec tion Of 'the Public his superior fine Far Haiti, at the low price of $4,915, qual In all respects, to the most coati ! ) , (and with which he 'challenges SI comparison,) and in this short period, of time, he' has more than realized his most sanguine - eiiiectati oris, --HeiVould--thetreforeAake this opportunity of making his grateful acknowledg ments to a discerning Publici a 1 d also,of expressing his gratitude,to his fornseil. friends and patrons, who have so generally called on him since his re-establi eV meht in business4as it is a proof that fie.haif hereto-. fore, given satisfaction. fie will now use ever 7 exer tion, not only to. please the fancy, but to furnish the .. Cheapest and . best Bat Jn tho . This he is enabledto dO from hie practical know-: ledge. and peculiarly ECONOMICAL CASH SYSTEM OF BUSINESS at lees price than they can be offered by those who are mere bujers and sellers, and still adhere to the old Credit system, with high rents and extravagant expenses. In proof of his position, he has introduced for the inspection of therpublio, a • • , SUPERIOR PINE NUTRIA SAT, ' On fine Russia body,st the unprecedented low price of THREE lIOLLARS Z.s 'FIFTY CENTS! ! ! Equal lb any respect to thbse soltrunder &old sys temiat $4 and SS. - The above named price will b'e strictly . rniliered to, and he trusts ,hie friends who order_ their hate . sent home, will nt be‘ofFendedellould te bill be sent at the same tinie, • or seen tifte - r, t °Their countineAlouses as no book of charges is kept in this establishment. .The subscriber is sorry to say, that efforts have been msde, and doubtless will continue to be made by some, to injure his Economical and. Fashionable Eitablishment, He would therefore particularly in vite the public, after examining every where else, to call and see him.,„ •-• . . , • opor - Ilats and Ceps of ever description-made to order,at short notice, wholesale and retail. ' CHARLES F. RAYMOND, Practical HAT and CAP Manufactorer,No. 82, Chesnut street, below Third, opposite Congress Hall, Philadelphia. P. Sr. The Ladies will'here find a handsome as sortment of Fors and Fur Trimmings, at reasonable prices. Old Furs altered and repaired in the best manner. . WANTED—Raccoon, Musk Mit, Otter, Fisher, and ether E.AAp'*g Furs. • December 7, 1142. _ _ tf-G T S T ~ T Ever offered to the Public! <,..„. , ~.. -:-;-s::: '.it.t Al' - _____.,,::-..... '...---- .77. , - , --:---- -,- .. • _. . -- A Relit R'S PATENT LARD LA MP for burning Lard without any preparation, for. sale by the subscriber. The light .16 equill to the best sperm-oil, is entirely free from smoke or smell, and i‘osts less than half thi 'price. The Apparatus for heating the lard is neat and simple, does not de tract from the appearance, ie not Dale to get out of repair, and maybe applied. at a small expense to those i ltinds now n use. Confident that this article requires only to be known to come into general use, I respectfully invite the public to call and see them in operation. S. M. HARRIS. Carlisle, October 18,1842. tf-5 - . MYERS dic• IJAYERSTICK_ AVE.A junt opened Their FALL ASSORT .MENTT of. DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS & Together wills an extensive assortment of - Patent Jlledietnes and Perfumery. AIso—FRESII FRUITS, ORANGES, ALMONDS, LEMONS, • FiGS, RAISINS PRUNES, CURRANTS, GRAPES, &o. All of which they will sell wholesale or retail on the lowest terms. Carlisle, December 14, 1842.-3 m. IF_2: .47‘..r NOTHER -- supply of WINTER 51 -EA GOODS, just received and selling lower for Cash than ever sold in Carlisle. The supply has bau - bonght-at-the-preseid-redneedreity—prices,_anst purchasers will find it decidedly to their interest to call before, purchasing elsewhere. • ' (°•CHAS. OGILBY. tf-56 ) November 23, 1842 410122111a1MOVAllata ATSINS, Figs, Dates, Prunes, fresh currant Grapes, Lemons, j Almonds, Cocoa nuts; Fil berts, fresh Fickles ‘ ln jars, Tomato Catelmp, Pep per Sauce, n prime article of table oil, Sugar, Butler and water crackers, Candies'of all kinds forsale by the subscriber. WM. M. MA:I'UB. November 2,1842. • Houses • fori Rent. THE BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, -1. Store room, Brick Ware House and Cot of Cround'attached, situate in North Hanover street, Carlisle ' now occupied,by Messrs..l. & C. Commit, 080 theShdp second door South of the above, in the occupancy of Mr. Hautch. Also the Ilt.ick Dwell ing House, Lot and Stabling, in West High street, now in tenure of Dr. Wm. Irvine. Also a new Brick Dwelling House and part of Lot attached, en Dick inson alley' ancl the Frame Houseand Lot of 'Ground occupied by Mr. IL Moore, on West Louther street:, Possession given on the lot of April next. For terms apply to JNO. 1. PARKER. December 28, 1842. '• • tf-9 GEM SHOES. trim subscriber hmjust received a good L assortment of Fur trimmed, Sandal and plain RUBBERS for Ladies Wear, tab's goad assort ment of Gentlemene.Rubbers. GEO._ W. HITNER. November 9,1842.1 F-54 • JOHN HA RPER, : Commissioner in Bankruptcy. OFFICE in South Hanover stied; near M'. Clefian's Hotel, where all informatiOn desir. ed,in reference to the duties of thoim intending to apply for the benefit of thit Bankrupt Act, can be obtained. Carlisle, May 4, 1842. tf 27 MOHO DIM BTU FOR RENT. T • • HE subscribers offer ..for Rent, - for one or more years, that well known and com modious Three Story Tavern. Stand, known as the RAIL ROKD 1 ;II situate on the corner of MO ~ and , 11 Pitt street Carlisle, and now occupied by emens AlcFarlane. It enjoys a terse share of patronage, including tbe Advantages derived from the Rail road travelling. There is attached to it extensive stabling, and all necessary conveniences. It is well worthy the consideration of Hotel keepers. Possession wi ll , be Oren ootfie Ist of. April next. Applioation ;to bOmade to . JOHN NOBLE & CO. Carlisle, Nov. 23, 1842. - tr.sis I'. S. The furniture and fixtures nriw In the Hotel, wilfhe disposed of to the new 'attic od reasonable terms. CLOTHS, OASSIMERS, ANIr.V•SATTINETS. (I.IoIPPINGER 44 CAREY, have just - re: VV ceived an extensive assortment of WITH% CASSIMERS and Er4%.,TINETS: whieli will be sold et. reducapribes. , ShipitepatilFWOet.,s;lB42. rotl34e or Ron 74144C6erefortlible Br, ne4 Brick Bpi Please nt!tqd Imithp.part of the 'hermit!). reesest; sloe 'given on tbilik of April, 1843. , "-De.0.A . 11,11143:' 01:14S. SUPERIOR'CURA, SEGARSI... NrirElid - '4:',HAV4ST/9/ 1 7 , hlkii:ii4it re" delved' a • loter:yert• ecPciler , itagal.h l ; fa ucai and Principe : Segacepond iire „i 4 'cry 4incnot Vavendisir and panic 'inlianaciv*tijnkthet: :#l4, seilti' ' inn or 10611 quarititiat . ow- gie'-znol4. at' riaccnjut, ela gra; ' ,:,, •) F ..,,-.,, , ,,:.: 5 :".. ) ,: . ~.-' /Wen! 't ' 4 1; 4 18. 42 . ' , '-,::"Y.:4,'"?: --.'“? • !' :ti'l , ~ , •• —:.:.., — , -ii: „-41-2,41 ,- ,3 - 4 , .,fki14- % , . ..,—.. ',^-:.'l4L't.... .4:9:),ls.,,i7tXtrjSrttki:*fit'f.'!'.,';',4,llA'AO: - - - ,__,. VAIMABLE-DWILLINcr . ' . IIO(I43% ,- MACHINE:SHOPS.&C. M.116&.313.63.4183 . 8. TWILL beciiffered afpahlie sale on,..iktkONES* . • _DAY the Ist day, of FEBIItIARY peztj'on the premises; at I o'olock.rP. M. tl4,folloarlog reat and personal; estate,ofjaines rata 'Orffilli Borough of York,. deceased. .• ; • ..- • • , A LOT OF GROIIND. ... . . situate in Newberry tn the Bo rough of Torki a short distance South of Main etreetiwith the beild4 - ing thereon orectO, viz: A:l'w° Story . DWELLING--HOUSE'. • KITCHEN with a guod lairtip,l7i I -. I the yard,t.Wo large • , , 01111(0/P20 A Slaclismith Shop With %I Ftxelr . and an expellent sett forth, a barn mid: aarripsi house. Attached' to the gimps IN a horse power withi' all the nedetOary fixturii;tbi , driving lathes and °did!, er machinery, two very valuable Lalbee, a largo sok aortment of Patterns for Threshing Machinis,'Clover Mills, liois‘ . - . Power, Lathe s ; 4rc.- . ..... :. . .. .., ~ valuable tools of every deFeription, necepatry Foti making the above, sad a variaty of other maaltme,v7: with a large quaniitY of Lumber suitable for the same . ' - purposes. " . • . 1 lie .long established,and high character ofthe de.; ceased as aMachiniit,and the extensive holiness fleas , in these sluips, :Arch will be. continued to the time; of sale, make this a verftlesirable ' , property, as the, purchaser would be almost certain of securing Nyht.f . has; heretofore been a very profitable busitiess. , • XII inventory will be exl9bited on the day °teal.; 'Fermi made known by • .. • •• , , • JONATHAN JESSOP,Z Ei i ., • . . , . EDWARD JESSOP,. 5 11) ; January 11 0 843. . ', • . . ts=l I 'VALUABLE IRON WORKS " utlm oa.taza% ny virtue of the powers and :authorify kV contained in the last Will and ; testatfiCnt of MICHAEL. EDE, dec'd., I now,offer for sale, the • Carlisle Iron Works,. Satiated on the Yellow Breeches-Creek, 43 miles oh Carlisle Pa. The estate consists ()fa first tato - 2101:03410810. with Ten Thouiand ilcres of Land.. A-new-11EI2CIIAN-T—MILL• - with fourrub of etorie~` finished:on tile most ajqn:oved plan. About 500 Scree of' the laud are cleared and highly ehltivated,having. thereon erected Three Large Bank Barns' 'and 'necessary TENAN T prOVSESe:The works are propelled by, thel ow. Breeches ureele and the Boiling Spring,which neither fail norfreeze.• There are upon the premisestill the necessary wo..k mens houses, cOal houses, carpenter and smith ,Maps, and stabling built of the most substantial materials. The ore of the best' quality and within 2 miles of the .FUrnace.' There is perhaps noiron Works ii. Pennsylvania which possesses su perior advantages and offers greater inducemouti4.s--- - the investment.of Capital. The water power is sw' great that it might be extended to Lay other maiiu Meiuringfpurpose. Persons disposed to purclisso will of course examine; the prOperty. The termer sale will be Made knowe by MARY Ecp, . Excentriiof llichdel Ege,dee'd. Cavliede, Oct. 19, 184.2: 1.6•51 • N O'T I 0 E... AT a stated Orphans Court begun and behret' Carlisle, for Cumberlued enmity, on TUES DAY the I 3th dity of DECEMBER, A. D. 1842, be fore-the Hom-Setimel-fiephurni PresidentinedJ olitl Stuart and T. C.. Miller, Associate -Judges, &o. the following prnee'edings were had, viz: • 13th December, 1842, .on'tnotkin of ,Messrs.. Bid die and Reed, rule on the heirs and representatives of Margaret Quigley, dec'd. to Appear at the next stated (Opium Court, and to accept or T.:fuse-to as cept the residue of thin real estate embraced in the requisition, viz: Nos, t and 3. Notice to be even fur three successive weeks in one newspaper in Car lisle, and personal notice agreeably to the Ast of Assembly. k fly the Court. Giunbortand County, es. • ~.A.4 -1, R. WIWu, Clerk Or" w i f 1 ,7 4. , pliant Court, in and for the said c:oun• A._ k„,.. ty, do hereby certify that the foregoing _ ._ ( is if true copy of the Rule on the heirs ....7". .4;' and representatives . of M. Quigley, de ceased. Witness my hand and seal of said Court at Carlisle, 28th of December, 1842. . R. WILSON,'CI'k. O. C. —.._ _ Jantini7 11, 1843 Orphan's Court Sale- Y virtue of nn order of the Orphan's Court of ill Cumberland County, the subscriber will sell at public vendee on the premises, on SATURDAY t4e. 28th day of JANUARY next, nt o'clock, at noon of said day, the Following real eetate, late: the Proper ! trof Jacob flarbillt, of South' Middleton township, . deceased, to wit: 3„ Lots of Mountain Land, adjaning each other, situate in Dickinson townshlp, , in said County, about -. .two' miles and a half from' Holly Forge, on the Whitcoown road, bounded by' lands of Jacob ,Nlyers,David Glem,Michnel Myers,' Williarn• Moore and othei s; the first of said lots' marked No. 1. A: in the diagram filed in 'said Or. Court,, containing 9 Acres and 74 Perches,• strict meirmre. . The sectiA No, 2. Ilemitaining 10 Acres and 70 Perches, strict measure:and the third No. S. B. containing 10 Acres and 59 Perches, strict' measure. 'These lots are well timbered with chest nut and other Timber, and are of convenient size for 'farmers owning property. in the neighborhood. The terms and conditions wilt be midi"' known on the day thereof by • . JOHN PETERS,' EreentM; of lastwill of Jaciib'Hirnish,dgo'd. , December. 21, 1842. . ts.a. SPERM OIL l . Pure Winter Sperm Oil at $1,12 per gallop, Pure Sea Elephant winter Oil at 80 eta do. Sperm Cancilea, best quality; at 31 eta per lb. Just received and for pale by J.. W.. EBY. Carlisle, Dee. 21,1842. tf-ii ~ Wales Proof Hoots, ,JUST received a lot of Water. Proof Boots,. with a large assortment of Shoes, fur Men, Women and Children, which I will sell Cheap' for cash. CHAS. OGILBY. Hecernhet , 21,1842. PICKLING VINEGA.R. URE CWER VINEGAR for Pickling,for ' ju • by the subscriber. . • . GEO: W. }yr , NER. Carlisle, Aug. St, 111,112. . dalt - esatia• a House l'aiiiter l'aiiiter amid Glazier,: ESPECTFULLY, informs. the riublia that': he has commended` the 119,118 E PAINT. OL'AEINO;• and. PAPER 'II'AIsTGING I all tlidir Vaiions Munches, and hopes by strict fention to basinesh and moderate charges to merit ' ' and receive a, share of phblio. patronage. 'Biel shop is in'Pitt street; Ortiz in the rear of Ste:: seinen & Dinkle's.,Drug store. Carliale, Oct. 10, 1842 " `Q:CP.dEIVIs`,CS , I3EItiD'B 2000 "thiELS.°F RYE , for wiU Pay ; ih atg l ar c OVW: J . k Carlisle, December 28,18411:`,,: ALL porpo#6ll4vlng tooot!flt4 4 •lo,it SubscritiiiiWilfplessis oall - 9inwloMol3 ; settle them ,up Shintlate,'es the times quire promtparnent ' . And oblige irclurekks, s, . c a oisle, en. 4 - , • •• !-- ; -41. 1- W4 4-!$ ; ."• : = •T.'ti • 'cca ."•• • • r irgio PERscols. VISITING 11.1 W it question Ist ellen salted, 11 stren' -ean-weirit-theeli.E.AP,Elo.;-41J40827., r .I.l.4SltiuMtpLE • If.Cl l 7iir :would rpooriinsend' and refer.thliarAis.,.Cii - r; .MOND F Tniiticial , Hot end Cetilstintiritturtlfs i lflizs:i;. , '..'. fa; Chesnut tweet; where they.rvilllntl islets asiortroOnt of all tor, His,Terms ore Cott aodocr'd.bilioi'4')lr. Dc °4 m b er'r4. B42 i:: • • .?••,,,• +.? • "- ;' • , ..C, !URGE (iOntitsr. : OrifOtii*,o - 00•31*.i.:!ek.i or—Retail. Algol atSAVR:ot -- , f . k,VANW,W NAT tf,49 73 !cm • ME