Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, January 25, 1843, Image 2

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    allatilla 111g10212.1,0aL
Trainegday , January 25 1842.
NRi . . CIAL:
Hp * *, to . tjw dooision of a National aonfention
erEciALy:.r..Fou THE PUBLIWEYE.".
1. A Bound National Currency, regulated. by the
will and anthoritj of the Nation. .
2.-An adequate Rovenue., viith fair Protoctionto
American Industry.
3. :hit restraints on the Executive power, em.
bracing a further reetriction•on the exercise of
•• the Veto. .
4.. A faithful administration of the public doinain,
with an equitahle.distritundon of the prodeeds
'of salmi of it among all the States.
. .
5. An hellcat and economical administration of
the•Gerieral Government, leaving publiC officerg
• perfect freedom of •thuught and 'of the right of
suffrage; but With suitable 'restraints against . improper, interferenbe in elections, ' • .
G. An amendment to the Constitution,limiting
. , the inMunbent of the PreBidential office to a
• These objects attained, I think' that we should
cease to be afflicted with bad adininistration of
the Government.—l maY CLAY.
_ .
0::r Our thanks are due to Meilen:Gorges ; ken
pody' and Brindle r uf the Legislature, for. atten
• •
Thei' weather, which nearly, all last week
was beautifully mild, soft, and, yester-,
day-became cold and blustering': Such sudden
and'extreme changes require great care to be ex..
creised in preserving the health:•
Destructive Fires.
A very considerable amount of property 11/19
been •destroyed by fire in this ccointy since our
last publication. .On Wednesday morning last
aboutfi o'clock, the barn . o f Mr. Philip • Black;
in Dickinson township, was discovered to-he on
fire; and being in the country, before sufficient
assistance could be-procured was consumed.--
Aboiii-an-hour after, Pio
..barn of Mr. black, a
'brother of the first, was also discovered to be on
fire and was also entirely destroyed. With these
!barni were burnt several steels of grain, a car.
.rlage and some other things; making the loss very
considerable, although we have not heard this ex
aet 'irniount.
- Both of theso fIIrCE; wcro considercd to bo.the
work of an incendiary.
On Thursday evening Nast, -the barn of Mr.
• Robert Bryson,,inAllen township, Was burnt to
the ground, and with it five mules and two horsesi
which were unfortunately burnt_ to death before
they could be rescued from the flames. These
were the principal loss, the barn being not a very
valuable bnilding. The latter fire, we understand
had its origin in the want of proper care •in
wagoner who went into the barn after night with
a !anthem and accidentally communicated
to some of the combustible materials in the
Elegant Parade.
The company of U. S. Light Artillery, Capt.
Wasmscrox, stationed at the Garrison, near this
borough; paraded in town on Thursday morning
last, in full uniform. The company numbers about
seventy very fine.loOking men, and with their
equipments and field-piecea make a very formid
able as well as elegant appearance. Capt. iVASII
'.iNGTON is a soldier of experience, and his corps,
when ever called into action, will acquit them
lelves nobly and gallantly. • .
Marshall College.
Wo are indebted to our'friend the Rev. Editor
of the Messenger, in Charnbersburg, fora copy
of :the Catalogue of Officers and Students of
Marshall College, for 1841-42. The institution
is represented to be in a flourishing condition.—
The whole number of Student, in every depart.
meet is 165
Congressional District Bill.
• The committee on Congressional districts, re
ported an Apportionment bill, on Friday last in
the House of RepresentativeS. Our distrld is
made • up, of Cumberland, Perry, Juniata and
Mifflin, tithialeirery one will be satisfied is Loco.
focoish 'enough in all conscience. There would
be some hope of reforming Cumberland, but we
fear the Cimmerian darknes of locofocoism will
.enshroud Perry from now " to the crack 'o doom:"
'The Legislative P*ll'll44l'.
This House of Representatives has at last elect
•ed its 'Printers. McKinley & tenure, .Editors
of the Keystone, the Governor's organ, have_been
• elected priatere of the English Journal; Mutter
& Bigloe of the German Journal, and John H.
Steck; editor , of the Signal, printer of the Bills.
Tho prices of the printing have been much re
.duced by i•law lately passed, which will produce
.considerable saving, if there arc no future " extra
• The Bankrupt Law.
The bill repealing the - Bankiept law has not yet
passed the U. S. Senate. It is supposed the bill
%will at any rate be vetoed, by the President, and
t,hen it is , very deubtful if two thirds in each
iiranehcan he obtained to effect the repeal.
• . rr Marcus Morton has again been elected
Governor of_ Massachusetts. Re was elected be. :fore by a majority of only one vote"; now, Loecfo
hits the ascendency the old Bay State
f;.• driffie treasen COL s truimber';:eleeted as a Whig,
Trilit*ple: fAeorgia:
,The ws 'Ovine'in better; end . better. Instead
vi mai 0000 trijerity,tivimty-seven o o ;utire ef ,
Itavd : fronr;' giVe to her. Crawford, the
''fiVilkeintildatioi mqotity over hie. r opponent of
— 4 l ,ooototes. -. ` The remainieg,ooouties win Pro
- ."4ltfreduei this majority to about 5000 _votes.
, Valiiirni.OoiLif./3ziscorap r LA bill to abolish
..'.-I.,"..: thfCiiiii` , l ) f!fia4fii l lo•Seal,3l,clns of . rhiladd P hiu '
P' ri .iittite4thti4",l4!O fieireseetativol on Weduee•
)I Si t: *.le e ' l :eetettf9 l. , eiate tO I 'the
Court of pompon_
04 *venter to a**l4l
/011 N Ulfthe 'Ogee: Peaver
requirei it
. '
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Tl; -bill t.ll°.laiacom
- thelien 'l'
ham, .
4,-9911° t and 7#
'and PaY
o r 7
s ncuura
• 4bial to a''` Pi d the Uoupi 3 OPMonday , •
inF O 4/W
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" •
4, 44
'Seventh Lecture..
The seventh lecture of thecoursabeforethe Alert
Fire Comp any , was delivered on tiiesdai:, ovenhig
last, by Si.Dtrtvi sr Arts/R . :' .81 1! The„lecturer
treated hiasubject- 4 .' , Huisayo"rriiiistYle of min
-sled satire;hurnor and pleasantry', very entertaining
to his audience, notwithstanding many of his most
'caustic. witticisms hit hardest those in whose ears .
their prosperity lay. •
_After seine opening-remerks upon public credrilif
-6,, the lecturer priiceeded to enumerate the various
deceptionsand - delusions -whichAnake_
up the category of Huinbugs, and find crowds of pros
elytes, howe'ver enlightened' and cultivated the age
may boast itself, and however ridiculous and pre
posterous the 'deception may be.: Commencing
with the beautiful girl, who, distrUstful of the suf
ficiency of her or. it loveliness to secure a bright
matrimonial destiny, is A credulous enough to seek
out in some obscure alley the miserable hovel where
some Oiling is acting the Sybil, to have her ” for-
tune" told and-a knowledge of her future' lord' re-
Vented to her--,the lecturer proceeded to expose the•
many humbugs of greater Consequence, in Medi
cine; Religion and Politics. Iq a strain of severe
sarcasm he laid bare the many deceptions of ancient
times, which; exploded centuries ago, haVe been re
vamped in delude the present age.rnuackery in Med
icine—the delusions uf Mormonism, Millerism, &e.
in Religion—and in PciTics the humbug of Dema-
Toguei em, Legislation, antrperty -warfare; in - which
last betook occ: slim _to gi a all perties a strong
dig in the-ribs." We can only notice these Main
points of the lecture, without any of the interesting
illustrations employed in treating the Subject. The
lecture, we believe gitVe greßt stitiaractitm to theattili-
mice, although it is probable there were- those preaL
:eht Who would very far from acquiesbe with the lec
turer placing the system of flomcepathy, at least,
—whose,adlierents generally belong to the educated
and scientific,-.--ansong4lie humbugs:of Medirine.—
Dtit upon this'. Doctbrs differ! and may decide for
themselves, .
The eighth Lecturer'!" the pourae.wi II be biProfea
eor WILLIAM 11. ALLEN. Subject—" A
We hope there will be a full house to liaten'to it.
The . st,ners Mutiny.
Tho COurt of Inquiry having concluded the
testimony in ihiS case, has closed its sittings, and
forwarded a report of its opinion to the Secretary
of the Navy. ' The opinion of the Court will not
be known until officially communicated,. but it is
intimated that it is in favor of Limit. Mackenzie.
. HASN'T SION*D.—CoI. Carter of the fqconiing
Gazette hasn't signed the pledge and bedtime a
tee.totaller, as we errnitcousqr stated : ti couple of
weeks ago. The Col. goes for Temperance in a
small.meinsure, lie believe, though!
Hard. Times.
A Sberiff'sealo was held at Harrisburg afetr
days since,: when newly built houses sold ferpri.
ces which Would not pay for the 'wither used in
their construction, and houses and lots sold for
less then half the price they would hive brought
tWo yearn ago.' • „
Small Not es. -
There is some probability, that a law_will be
passed by the present Legislature,,granting trio
banks authority to issue rnd!. notes upon their
uwn credit, in place of the Relief notes. Mr.
Headly, a luctaoco Senator, intimated a favorable
disposition to such a course a fewdayiragp in de
bate, and it: is said a number of loco foe° mein-.
bers.of the House are in favor. of it.
A lecturer on Millerism is holding forth daily
to very large, audiences in Harrisburg.. Ho has
made sundry converts, it is said, and produced a
great excitement in that Wrong..lb_
..We observe that the gditor of the Gospel Pub
lisher in Shiremanstown, in this County, is a
hearty coworker with "Father Miller," in fulmi
nating the prediction of the World's destruction
in 1843.
Sensible—quite So!
The Volunteer publishes the proceedings of a
Loco Foco meeting in West Pennsborough town
ship, in this County, one of the resolutions of
which declares the meeting to be in favor of the
emission' of Sinall notes by the Banks, to take
the place 'of the; Relief notes. The meeting
also declares that "the evils under which the
community labors are caused by the want of it
proper circulating medium, which is of vital im.
portance to all trade and business."
Now. gentlemen, that-is candid and honest.—
Distress and difficulty do exist in the 'country,
and are caused by nothing else than the want of
e "proper circulating medium." Such a medi
um as the U. S. Bunk furnished the country in
its former palmy-days of prosperity, and such a
currency as,—if the people would only discard
the idle cant of the demagogues of the day, and
open their eyes to their true ihterests—wo might
have again. Restore us but the currency of 1830,
and the now desolate places of our country would
soon - blossom as the roie, 7 -the paralyzed and
prostrate energies.of our people would spring in
to-now life and animation, and prosperity and
happiness at once illumine and gladden the coun
try. E•
„Will the members of this meeting remember
their present opinions in 1844, when National
questions are to be voted upon? • Or will they
be again frightened from acting accord:n• to
their true interests by the' bugaboo cry of "mon
ster," and leave the country to groin still lon
ger under these evils t
Excellent !
Ex-Gov. Reward end Ex Gov. Corwin says the
Forum, have both resumed the' practice of, the
law. When David R. Porter is an Ex, ho will
open a lumber yard, °eels° become an Indian in.
(b — lion. Alexander Porter, Whig, has been
elected S. Senator from Louisiana., Judge
Porter is a warm friend of , Mr. Clay. '
Important from Texas!
Mexiassni !—The last New Orleans papers, tiring
intelligence from Texas up to the 3d inst. News
had been received at Houston, Texas, of the cap.
tore of" the Fexican town of Larredo on the Bth
of Decembet, without any difficulty. On the
10th, the Texan atmy,, consisting of about 500
Men, took up the line of march for Guerrero, a
town about GOO miles below Saredo. Theflag of
the single star had been planted in triumph on
the west bank of the Rio Grenade.
DI-Judge Betts of New.. York has agolo,pfus.
ed to grant a warrant for thoarreetbrCoMMander
Macltenzie, orthe appllcation.of Pdre... Cromwell.
Another Misiake r
his stated in the Now York Journal of Com:
"mem, that an error of one , thousand years has
'been diseorered by Mr. Mille4 in his calculation's
touching the end of the world. We do,not know
whether it is pins or mines.l his Oosslhlts that has outlived its proper time by , a then.,
, .
TliO.trialof the REV-,Mr: Parka, charted
yrith cuing the death of Mr&hitten t hs" engig.,
id the Yerh'Cotat'Pa.;tor' tteatl3ltia*Feka..—;
.Thursday adorning' it *as'eotteludid; and thii
Ju l y about minutely retaraed kveriliet
of '!not gtifit •
Q:111101ri-lvas .es'• alight. fall'Of ,
%_ • "
This eminent citizen passed through our bor.
oughon Thursdayjast, en route to the WCit.—
Althotigh his 'arrangements for a rapid Journey,
onward; precluded very :extensive, arrangements
for his reception, the °Oldie spirit , of our , citizen,
did not permit the occasion to:paes : .withoulun .
clipreiriet - e — thiliffeetation• of their esteem for one'
who his rendered such ideal tervice to his coml. -
trYi-both. -in _war _andin_peace,_ The arrange
ments - were hastily agreed upon,.but the
, • recep.
thin was as creditable to all concerned, as we are_
informed it was vilifying to Gen: CABO.
Upon the approach of: the Cars to town,•a salute
of artillery was fired, announeing his arrival.—
After reaching the rail road bridge at theeast'end
of the 'town; the' care' cars' stopPed and 'the. General
alighted, when he was met by a Committee, the
three fine volunteer ,companies *of our ,borough, •
and almost the • entire mass of our citizens; who
had assembled to greet him.. The distinguished
stranger was then placed in a carriage, attended
tiiGen. S.' Alexander,' Rev. J. V. E. Thorne and
Dr. G. D. Foulke, of this
,place; after .which
procession was formed by the military and citi-
zens, under the direction of Gen. Willis Foulke,
chief marshal, end. Col. Armstrang_Noble—and
Capt. Samuel Crop, assistants, by 4fiom the Gen
eral was escorted to MacFarlane's HuteL ,
Here the procession stopped, and the General
alighted, and attended by 'the committee ascended
to the balcony Of the Hotel,- where he was met by
the Faculty of Dickinson College and. a large
numbeicd, citizens. S. Duindtr ADAII, Esq. diet
welcomed him to the borough ,on behalf of our
citizens. in a brief but exceedingly neat and per.
tinent address, which was substantially as follows :
HomesEn Sia :—The: citizens of Carlisle by
whom I Lave been deputed, to welcomeyou among
there, have in the arrangement made for your're
.ception labored no effort at, empty pageantry, Or
,idle ceremony. 'Not prompted by. any motive of
gaining favor for . themselves, or of making an
outward manifestation of esteem unfelt, and sep
orated by no feeling of political favoritism, they
have assembled 'to hail with heartfelt greetings
one whom the "delight to honor."
In this our beloved country the well-tried and
faithful public. servant has ever .a home in the
hearts of his countrymen, and to them no one of .
the living sages and patriots whose names adorn
the page of America's history ie more endeared
than he whom I address. -
Ho who signalizes himself as a bravo Captain
in the armies or his country;: commands hie
country's gratitude; he, who as a Statesman evi
dences ability, firmness and honesty, secures his
country's respect. Upon the American people,
yotr, Sir, have 'this twofold claim. Equally in the
Field, in the Cabinet, and in-Legislative councils,
have your patriotism end honor been 'tested and
never found wanting, and you now return to your
native land from a •mistion laved with an addi-
tional gem glittering in your coronet.
The short time you remain with ua .will not al
low the recital of the oats - of your public life
which haie raised you to an eminence where the
world may behold you: We can only give the
assurance that .Ave..know and appreciate your
The consciousness of having faithfhlly perform.
ed every public duty entrusted to you, will render
your-declining years as calm & Serene, as those Of
your past life have been useful..
We greetyou then as the soldier and the states
man whom we love and honor, and. welcuinc you
to our midst.
Gen.Ciss, at distance we stood' could not
be heard distinctly, but waif understood to reply
as follows:
Sin you, and.thnso whom•you repro.
sent,for the,kind sentiments expressed towards me.
Ikly public services und•the character you give to
them have been rather the remilt of the gcnerosi
ty - tif my fellow-citizens than of any merit of my
own, Since I have come into Pennsylvania, I
have had-from-her people flattering evidence of
their respect, and this further testimony.of regard
I shall never cease to remember with gratitude.
Three hearty cheers ascended from the crowd
at the closeof the address, and the ceremonies
then ended.. Gen. Cass remained in town about
an hour and a quarter, during which time a great
number of citizens embraced the opportunity to
be int7oduced and shake him by the hand. .
Gen. Cies ia-aCcompanicd by his son Lrivlrs
CASS, jr. and Gen. BROWN, of Michigan.' .
The Late Earthquake.'
The Earthquake of the 9th instant appears to
have been felt very generally throughout, the
West and South-west. It is noticed by the pa
pers of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, MissStith
Georgia, and other States.
The three American fashionable° in Paris are
stated to be the Marchioness of Lavalette, (Mrs
Wells) Mrs. Thorne and Mre. Benham.
Ache( to the States.
In the Indiana Legislature on the Gth inst.
Judge Ewing (formerly in Cohgress) made a ro.
port on behalf of one of the standing committees,
in which Mr. Johnson's plan of relief to the States
is spoken of with much favor. Five hundred
copies of the report wero ordered to be printed.
A large meeting was held at Havre-de-Grace on
Saturday, at which resolutions were adopted, op
proving the plan of relief to the States proposed
by the Hon. Wm. Cost Johnson.
Would it not be well for people in this gusher
who are in favor of 'this measure, to take some
steps, either by public meeting or petition,to make
their feelings known to Congress? The people
should speak out now when they have an oppor.
tunity of being heard.
The Fortim says we are pleased to state; that
Sheriff Porter, who was kilt by a spent brick-bat,
at the,battle of Kensington, has made his appear
ance in public, in a perfect state of preservation.
Kind nursing and &little camphor-witter opera
ted to a charm l -
Another Counnpnder in trouble !
Commodore Jones is likely
s to be put to some?
trouble for his precipitancy in capturing the town
of Monterey in Mexico; as it was a gross viola,
tion of National faith. Mexico will now put this
in as an offset to our claim upon her for , indem.
nification. Our goverilm'entinAndi inquiring in-,
to the matter.
A Nan, PAQPOII4TION.-A communication was
received from the State Treasurer, Thursday, in
the House of Representative', from which it ap.
pears that the 'Philadelphia Bank has made a prO.,_
position to exchange at par;s per cent. state stock
owned. by that bank, for the 5,233 shares of bank
stock held by the state in said institution, at their
Bill value.. The State Treasurer:declined making
the exchange, • , • . • .
vooa.r.-:Another application Was made' in New
York to Judge Bette, tor the arrest of Command.
er Msekehzie . and Lieutenant Gansevoort,
diately en'tha, closing of,, the , testimony. before,the
Cdurt of Eiiiiiirlete Thursday. Irheiudge
,eided that -htf should not interfere in the case, on
the grounds that the.acbi of Septembei24, -- 1789,.
and August 28, 1842. autheriSed any - Justice or,
Judge the te\i r rie;',af'tho , United States, and .
any Justice of the,Biace;er other magistrate of
the State where homey: be found, or Commis.,
siorters apliointsd by:thrs.Cireuit Court, Weenie
any person accused of an crgentio,Bgalpet the U.
Satiate be arrested, Cot#tititted Or hailed; as the
,easemitiiaitiiire: • iilso,:fei the' : resit* iltitt
time is wholly etigroese'd•in'the buslneisecif
ilaPtch 'ihlit-1 10 : 1 ; 1 !ii - nonito' . 4leveto to ,Ainy'
criminal busigesa, k p ~ nd;especiallysto an ;e amioa.,
tibnlike thliflrbi**4 l 4 refit** tfcti,
F r't~..t
"Wp.are glad to observe by,the'Harristourt pa,
pais, that the Whig Members; of the Legislature
• • „ .
hive held meeting On.:the.subject.of a Conven.
tion of the fibinds of 'Henry Clay; in Pennsyl
vania. We append the 'proceedings which WO , be.
lieve will receive the cordialapprobation of_the
friends of Mr. Clay in'thieceiintr
• • •
At a meeting of the Whig Members of the Leg
islature of Pennsylvania, held mi . Monday even.
ing - i - January.l6,•lBo,_ THOMAS CARSON, of
Franklin county, was calla ta - the - CliaiK — and
CHARLES B. Timm, of Philadelphia City. and.
•Wiziang M'Dasecr., of Washington county,were.
appointed Secretaries. , • ,
-The following Preamble and Resolutions were
offered by Mr. Cecuas're, of York, seconded by
Mr. Bitoenec, of' Delaware comity, and unanimAs. l
ly adopted:
Whereas, The Whig citizens of various sec.
Gon' of Pennsylvania.haire;in their primary meet.
ings, suggested the propriety of holding. a State
Convention at the Seat of Government, and have
elected Delegates to attend the same, whose'ob.
ject it shall be to avow the high respect.for-and
confidence in the patriotism, integrity and abili.
tics of HENRY CLAY of Kentucky, entertain.
ed by a large portion of the people of.this Com.
nionwealth,. as well as their preference for him as
a candidate•for President of the United States—a
station which he is pre-eminently fitted to adorn,
by his lung experience in public affairs, his com.
prehonsive system of policy adapted to restore and
preserve tlle prosperity of his .country, his exal.
ted virtues and transcendent talents; And where.
as it Is necessary that a day should be. fixed for
the assembling of such Convention, and action
yet remains to be thelubject in many
counties of the. State: Therefore • .
Resolved, That it is respectfully recommended
by this meeting of Whigs members of the Leg's.
!afore that the proposed Convention of the friends
of flxurreCiAir,•be held at Harrisburg, on WED.
NESDAY the 22d of FEBRUARY next, and
that. the hig citizens of the several counties
who have not yet acted upon this subject meet .
' and elect such number of delegates as they may
deen - expedient to represent them on that occa
sion : for the promotion of which object this meet.
ing confidently rely on the known zeal of those
to whom it is addressed in favor of "Harry of the
West," and the high appreciation entertained by
them of his character and the indispensable ne.•
meg ty of his services,th the welfare of our country.
On motion,Resolved, That the Whig papers
throughout tle State-he requested to
,publish the
proceedings of this meeting. • -
Tile proximity of Cumberland county to the
place of holding the Convention, and the cheap ,
and easy facilities which the :central and lower
portiim elle people of the County-possess for get
ling there, make it incumbent
.upon every true
friend of. Henry Clay 'to see that Cumberland is
well and-truly represented. . It will be seen that
it is contemplated to hold- a MASS CONVEN.
TION, and therefore thievery genuine friend of
the belov'ed and distinguished Statesman in the
county, is invited to ho a delegate. Let us . then
turn Out, nein the glorious Harrison campaign !
The. Harrisburg Intelligencer' thus alludes to
the-importance of this Convention.— This -move
ment, says that paper, - is ono of the highest
portance to the friends of the cause, • and if welll
attended, will not' fail to be prochictivc of great
good. A plan of organization may 'be matured
at this Convention, which will unite tho party,
consolidate its strength, and give union energy,
and efficiency of action to the friends of the Great
American Statesman, which wr o moc to Sc.
lure to lain the vote - of Pennsylvania for tire Pre.
sideneyin 1844. Immediate, , _thorough and vie.-
oroys ORGANIZATION is necessary. Without it,rlo.
feat is inevitable—with it; sucCass - is rendered al
most certain. It was abundantly demonstrated
in 1840, that.the Democratic party in Pennsyl
vania have the strength tooarry the State at any
time, if they can get out i th eir whole vote. This
is all that is necessary.' pr g anize the party pro:
pedy, and the vote can be brought .out.
Let this Convention, then, be well attended by
delegates from every part of the State—let a well
digested plan of operations for the campaign be
matured—and let that plan be carried out with
energy and efficiency, and depend upon it the vote
of the "Keystone" in 1'844, will be given .to
HENRY CLAY. The people ore tired of the mis.
rule and corruption of the party-in power, and if
shown that we have confidence in the success of
our cause, and carry it on with spirit and vigor,
they will flock to our standard, glad of the op-
portunity to secure a change of rulers, and thro'
thorn tlM'adoption of measures in the State and
National Governments which. will once more bring
back the country to. its former palmy state of
prohpority and happiness.
Legislative Printing.
• The amount paid for State printing in New
York from 1835 to 1839, five years, was $lB4-,
996 69 ; averaging $36,999 33, for each year.—
The total sum paid from 1840 to 1843, three years,
was $137,954 69, averaging $45,651 56 for each
year. This does not include anything for print
ing- the final report of the Geologists, which for
the last year may amount to $ ( 8:000 . or $9,000.
The, above statement, says the Harrisburg
Telegraph, we believe, includes the printing of
the laws, and all the printing done by the State
Printer for any or all of-thn departments. •
Now let us look for a moment, at the . cost Of
the Legislative Printing of Pennsylvania, for the
last six years, without including either the print
ing of its Laws in English or Geimanthe bind.
log or the- printing of nay of• the departments.
The Mewing statement_w_as_conderise_d_to the
House, by Mr. iIIiCEMAN:in his remarks in'favor
of retrenchment in printing. It' has been made
by us heretofore, with the exception of the amount
of last year; but its repetition may be of use at
this time, when the people are taxed, sorely taxed
to sustain such extravagance, and at the same
time deprived of the means of payment, by 'the
ruinous measures of those that bind' the burthen
upon them. It la taken from the Journal of the
two Houses, and if doubted by any one, can be re.
leered to.
Years. House. Senate. Total.
835 . -6, 813,430 87 4110,64443 $24,075 30
836-7, 24,473 41 14,671 70 ' 38,14.5 10
837-8, 31,619 10 .18,712 73 50,331 83
838-9, 53,018 26 35,348 01 88,366 27
840, 30,596 25 - 29,888 24 - 60,484 48
841, 20,190 35 14,446 57 34,636 92
842, 22,914 43 - 15,979 86 38,894 29
$196,249 66 $139,691 .54 $334,93419 .
• The extravagance of the locofoco party will be
better understood when kis recollected that in the
years , lB3s-6 andlB4o, the two years that the
expenses of printing was the _lightest, iho Whigs
had a majority
.in both Hoirses.• .Tbis shows
that wben the peeple really, want reform end re.
trencliment in the 'expenses of the Goiernment,
they must plabe. true DeMearati in power—the
Ilemoorao7 unleavened With locofocoisai or. feder.
whether a einEle lire
mfro L t n i d il u g ei t 7e ri tO d lo . o ll ma ti o o y t
`old maitioond old bacholori in theworldi
N. P. Willio;ipitedsioir of a led'y ?who married
for money alomi,`rerikarker , :; , '. She 'Married, Min
for .an eetabhehratut, but forgoi wee 'Part of it
4 :daOleg-with,tha.. l l . 4Me, she) oirerlOoked the mil
aotisztepifq,:the pictortit.'? :‘, ;:' ;.:
SgeolkitiCt 'Van,
Burenifeiin of philA
declaro thenimeivgn in farina!,
lifleFee iradeind
4 -Ala make-
Aen te•c•poitik : ,,. • 44,4.1: , ,
_ ~~Uirlti'.;,',i`'''~'t
Too Ilan!kkuilibi:LaWgetiealledf:
On Tilts:l4 last; the question 'canto rip for final
nation in . the 1.8: House of Representatives upoti
the repeal of the BankruptLaw t sad was decided
by an overw helming majority in favor of, the re
0111. We believe this step will be deeply regret.
ted by the majority of tho Aracricein people. , It
Was not denied that the law required various modi
-ficatioareand ameridments, but to repeal it entire.
ly is unjust and wrong., It will be seen that
the Representative from this district is among the
yeas. The repeal bill gives to those applicant's
who_ may_not have been discharged before the
passage of the bill the , fl:ll , benefits of the pierviii. -
ions of the law, as 'it stood when, they applied.—
We append the' bill and the - vote on it:
• Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep.
resentatiass of tits United States of Anierica in
Congress assembled, That the act entitled'" An
act to establish a uniform systeM - fifliankruptcy
throughout the United States," approved the 19th
August, 1841, be; andthe same is hereby, repeal..
ed: Provided, That this act shall not effect any
case or'procecding in bankruptcy commenced be.
fore the passage of this act, or any pains, penal
ties, or forfeitures incurred - undOr the said act;
but every such proceedin.r may-be continued to
its final consummation, in like manfier -as if this
act had not been passed.
,YEAS—Messrs. Landaff W. Andrews, Arring,.
ton, Atherton, 'Barton, Becson t Bidlack; Birdseye,
Black, Boardman, Botts, Browne, Boyd, Brewster,
Bronson, Aaron. V. Brown,Burke,' W. Butler, W.
0. Butler, Green W.. Crilwell; P. C. Caldwell,
William B. Campbell, Themas J, Campbell, Car
uthers, Carey, Casey, Chapman, Clifford, Clinton,
Coles, Cowen; Daniel, Garret- Davis, Richard D.
Dayik - Dcia, Deberry, Doan,Doig, Eastman, John
C.. Edwards, Egbertf Everett; .Ferris, John
Floyd, Chas. A. Floyd; Fornance •Gantry, Gerry,
Gilmer, Goggin,'. Patrick G. Goode, William 0.
Goode, Gdrdon, Graham, Green, Gustine, Harris,
Hastings, boys, Holmes, Hopkins,' Houck, How
ton, Hubbard, Hudson, Hunter, Chns, J. Ingersoll,
Jack, - Cave Johnsetic•Keim;°- Andrew Kennedy, ,
Pttlefield,- Lowell; Abraham McClellan,
Robed MeClellen, McKay, Mclennan, McKeon, •
Mallory, Marchand, Alfred Marshall, Themde F.
Marshall, Mathews, Mattdeks, Madill, Mitchell,
Morris, Newhard, Oliver, Dsborne, Owsley, Par.
mentor, Partridge, Pickens, Plumer, Pope, Proffit,
Ramsey; Rayner, Read, Reding, Renelier,-.Rey
ffolds, Rhott, Riggs, Roosevelt; Sanford, Sewell,
Shaw - , Sheppercl, Shields,. Slade, Truman Smith,
'Snyder, Sprigg, StarileyerSteenrod, Stokely r Alex.
- ender H. H. Stuart, John T. Stewart, Summers,
Sumter. Swency,Taliaferro; Johif B. Thompson,
Jacob Thompson, Tillinghast,. Triplett, Trotti;
Trumbull. Underwood, Van Miran, Ward, Wash.
ington, Watterson, Weller, Westbrook, Wise,
Wood, and Augustus Young-140.
drews, Arnold, Aycrigg, Babenrk, Baker, Bar
, nard, Borden, Briggs, :Milton . Brown, Jeremiah.
Brown, Burnell; Calhoun, Chills, John C. Clark,
Staley N. Clark, Cranston,. Craveris,- Cushing,
John Edwards, Fesscnden,.Filmore, Gates, Gran:
ger, Henry, Howard, Hunt, Joseph - R. Ingersoll,.
James Irvin,
William W. •Irwir, James,
lia'm Cost Johnson, Isaac. D. 'Jones, John' P.
Kennedy, King,' Lane, Linn; Samson Mason,:
Mathiot„ Maxwell, Maynard, Meriwether, Moore,'
Morgan, Morrow,
Pearce,' Pendleton,: Powell,
Benjamin Randall, Randolph, Ridgway, Rodney,
William Russell, James M. Russell, Saltonstall,
Stratton, Richard W. Thompson, Tolnnd, Toni=
limier', Van Rensselear, " Wallace, Warren, Ed.
ward D. White, Joseph L. White, Thos. W.
Williams, Christopher IL Williams, • JOseph L.
Williams, Winthrop; Yorke, and John Young
—7l. -
Thu Nays, it will be ofeerved, ant; - withou
an exception Dimocratic Whigs.
The Goverinor't Son.
A writer in the Philadelphia Chronicle-attacks
the late appointment by the Governor of his son
as Sheriff of that county, itiMO 'gentle terms.—
He writes with energy and spiiii,LndiTlkili
to give tho Sheriff some uneasiness.--He argues
that, besides the great. impropriety of themppoint.
ment, ills not valid, end 'quotes in support of his
position,.from the 7tliiiction of the- Gth article
of the Constitution of the State; which reads as
follows : ..
"No person shall be appointed to any office
with in any County who shall nut' have been a
citizen and an inhabitant therein one year next
before his agOointment, if the County shall have
been so long erected."
.Mr. Porter, it appears went to Philadelphia in
May 1842, and was appointed' Prosee k uting At
torney, and iW\December IA Father appointed
Lim Sheriff. The writer thus showing that he
(Porter) has not resided in the county "one year
next before his appointment," goes on to show
that the titles of property sold by him cannot be
valid, nrid urges upon . the Legislature the nsees.
Sity of remedying the evil by the prompt pas:
sago of a low making the sales gond.:.
The character, of a CHRISTIAN GENTLEMAN is
thus sketched by Dr. Bethune, of Philadrlphia,
in a recent oration before the Pastor's Rhetorical
Society of Andover, entitled " The Eloquence of
the Pulpit, with Illustrations from St Paul."
"Orin I be wrong in sayirfg that a Christian
preacher should be the highest style_ of a gentle.
man ? Not one of those polished hypocrites, fasli.
ioued by the tailor, dancing-master and hair-doss.
Cr, who usurp the name; covering coldness of
heart with pretences of friendship; flattering to
Cajole; bowing where they feel no respect, and
promising services, while they intend to abandon,
circumvent' or destroy But a gentleman in the
true sense of that honorable tern), firm in high
principle, and dignified by integrity,; frank with
out bluntness, kind without flattery, gentle with
out weakness, exact without formality, character.
lath: 'without show ; free from affectation; egotism,
or impertinence; ever• mindful of his neighbor's
feelings, tolerant of his infirmities, and patient
with his mistakes; never intrusive nor yet bash
ful, tempering his eked] to the occasion, ready to
_ ive lace to the older, the wiser, the stranger and,
the more.feeb e; yielding scrupulous reapect - to
authority, not ashamed of allegiance to God, and
serving his fellow men for God's sake; a gentle
man not in outward garb only, though of that not
careless froni deference to the world and himself;
not in a mere phrase or form, though in these
seeking to propitiate.; not in education-or accom
plishment, though despising no worthy aid to his
social influence; nor from station or pursuit in
life, but in heart, purpose and conduct, recom
mending virtue by an example without obtrusion,
and religion without sanctimony ; rebuking scan-,
dal, profaneness and impurity by well measured
remonstrance, or silent withdrawal; anxious to
please that he may do good, but giving no coinn.
tenants to evil through fear or favor of men."
Very. Appropos.
A preacher, having married a couple in church
he other day, unfortunately gave out as tho'hymn
Mistaken souls, that dream of heaven.
The Harrisburg Telegraph says, the, following
may answer the Pies enquiry about the price of
Bo *seed, sir, to let me dip the. extremity of
my digitalin the rotund*. of your 'capacity, to
pulverize the gnomon of my Physiognomy. ,
Stolen, and badly. done too i!allcivr
darn to immerse the summits of my digits .i nto
Your spacious receptacle of odoiiferouti partieleti;
in order that .I may satiate. the cravings of my
olfactory crgan.".
Mexio; -
.•. . •
Later dates it , Nevr - Orlesini•eatifirni the
eligence Ot. the, "revoltition.
limit declared theniselvek in favour of Sonia
.Anna. , Forty. :or the, most respectable .
Citizens bf, : the Republic had alieadi been
selected to'- z diateght a. new 'Constitution,
which'•which'rra, to be submitted:' to,%nia.:Aiina
and hielymieteta for AT ffpprOatton In
the mean time, Santa Anna., rentalne:inves:
,tad with pole'', at all events Ali six month,
az77'4ey . haya a raaicir Alabsala ?f,C14001
Voccoria'alaatit'w • .;
. .. . . , ..- , .
'...... 4 ' , .:. ''.',''. ''..'- Y:1-1-...,....',.
The most disastrous results to Industry and ,trade
ad' Ohio must inevitably follow the suicidal course
which has been . taken by the present Legislature
against the sound ranking institutions of the State .
The Louisville Journalrof the 12th Biqa— • • .
4 , lVe have just returned from Cincinnati,ithere we
found the people of all parties paralyzed by their
apprehensions of the consequenceato remit from the
action of the Legislature towards the banks. Most
of the specie banks of Ohio, our readers are aware
liaie just gone out of existence—and those remain
ing are capable of furnishing a circulation medium
of more than three or four hundred thousand dollars.
Weliardly need say that the sudden winding up of
the many banks, that have been forced out of exis
tence, must necessarily create the most frightful
pressure throughout Oliio—a pressure beneath which
all the interests of the State will be crushed as be
neath a deadfall.
KENTUCKY.—The Message of Governor !.etcher
is short and pertinent. In noticing the troubles un
der which the Country now labors, he says:
"And all these calamities result, ea heliere--with
all due deference to the opinions of others—mainly
from the simple tact, that the General Government
has fulled to . comply with its high constitutional
functions, in refusing to provide and eatablilh a sound
uniform, national currency, adequate,to the, business
weaker the •
Conlitt7. lt. seems to me 'perfectly
rounifest--and 1 .say it most reapettfully 7 tti: Once
the Country in a proper • restore it to its
its former prosperity, to enable it to regain• its lost
charaetei to give it life and strength and eopSdence.
•we must hive a fixed, equal; gond , ciroulating mein
um, furnished.either 'through .the agency 01•0 well
regulatedNationalaank t ..or in .sonie other • mode
and efficient. , Once vie were bless
ai good; if not.the best ,ciirrency In the
wcirld;andleing deprived of that; ire have eiperi.
enced little else than trouble, from that day to this.!,
. lie arny
. Owneall e- I .l lenslif a. guref. ;ftipetirstani •
The_luee!tioti th fr i cootoitotiOttilitir of rdellenufw„gultt, Sipes, RINI° ait4' tEenne
!be: }181110(ii ~
to 'come' dY) or cumberiantv
. MessrsVeaker, MoGowen, Foreman,
bar!! re) , O Lopg, Bush; Gearbeatt Pergusan. •
WaBlllngtlin" on e Vacation.' me tlaho, Airery,'Humfort.Cef. :
The groap4:oopposi!ton being an sliit'andbinm'Ar.,,,d ri
/ity .4‘D.-
ex.poAti:ifeigti; What - ;'' "Lci 0 , 11 er "
jilt the )61,44 pti 4 ro ~ ‘ M iesisrs iturtifintilEitoniOrpoltk i c
and 73dadwaat:
The Welendi ot:the - Piriirs
"WHO ARE' THEY 1 , •
. .
Notwithstanding , the constant and untidet
forts of tbe - Whii, par#,..says the , Moysville Ea.
gle, in behalf of the interests of the Laboring class.
of, the community, for the last 12 years; notwith.
stanejing its patriotic members have, during the
- whole'reigirof - Loccrocoism,in
the National council and through the medium of
the-public press, a system of policy whibh has for
its object the melioration . of the condition of-the
poor—and notwithstanding the.self-styed demo.
cratic party have en masse met, and, we are pained
to say, too - s - ucceserally oppoted - theit - itobletixei; -
tions of the Whig's, still we. scarcely ever open a
LocoloeoJrAll nal, in which it is riot gravely as.
sorted that they, the Locofo'cos, are the exclusive
friends of the poor ,man, and that the Whigs are
a sot of puffed up, aristocrats, who wish to create
for their,Own benefit, an awful monster in the
shape of a National Bank, with which to crush
the. liberties of the people and build up an oppres
sive "aristocracy of thalth!" How long will the
people listen to such hypocritical . cant?' The
Locofoco party have ever beenthe opposers of the
intereats of the poor.. They have done every
thing that lay within their power to prostrate
American manufactures, and reduce the wages of
the humble laborer to a level with the hallataryed
serfs of Europe. Let the laborers think of ibis,
Let them look, rit the rates of wages in the differ
ent countries of Europe, and then ask themselves,
if they can conscientiously support a party, who
wish- to bring about this state of things'in :our
Country. '
The average pike per week of weavers, in Eu.
rope, exclusive or beard; rent, feel, lights, cloth
ing &c., is estimated by a report of commission
ore appointed by the'British Parliament to inves
tigate the subject; to be as follows: •
Great, Britain; 'Rs. Od. per week.
. • .
France, 7s. Od. "
Switzerland, " 58. " "
Belgium, • - 6s. Od.
Austria, ' _ 3e. Od.
Saxony, ": • 25. Od. " .41
Such is the condition to which the Loaofoce
party would reduce the Amerfcan laborer l Now
let us turn to the Whig party and sea what effect
the adoption of the measures which they advocate
is likely to have on 'the interests of the laborer.
They adVocate the establishment of a permanent
employmMit wiltbe given to_hundreds and thou
ainds of destitute families; they are in favor of
creating a vvelfregulated -NATIONAL BANK,
_wh . ich will enable the !rumble son of toil to re:
ccive his, pay in GOOD 51oNty and not a depreciated
and irredeemable currency. Against this wise
and benificent policy the Locos have ever contend
ed. They denounced the present Tariff, which
was.passed by a Whig Congress, and• which has
already given work•to "MORE THAN TWO
eons, and the means of a comfortable livelihood
to'at least ONE MILLION," ari . oppressive and
ruinous, and proclaim its repeal as - a fundamental ..
article in their creed. Aird yet, these men, who
thus do every thing that lies within their power,
to ruin their.r. °entry and prostrate the hopes of
its citizens, claim to be the of thi_land,
the exClulVe friends of the poor
A Vross IFllsehotod:
Twci.or-threcrwcuks ago -wo-voiieed-the follow
ng, purporting to be onextrnet of a letter from
Mr Clay-to•a.New York _Whig Committee, in a
loco foco paper, and immediately set it down, as
every true Whig instinctively . would, for a foul
calumny or forgery. Upon our eoniteiousneas dr
its falsity we should .not have 'hesitated to pro.
nounee it so in every word, but we thought pro.
per to wait received notice in the proper
iluarieV; The extract is no follows:
' , :fry name never again, with my consent, shiill
be brought before a Convention. I.have been
MOW shamefully treated by men in whose reitera.
led promises of support I hare placed every 6)0.
dente. When I ascertain that it io,„the wish of
the people to elect mu to the Presidency, I will
consent [co bo their candidate."
" With these mon I never will again go into
Convention. If the Legislatures -1f towns,
cities, and hamlets, nominate the—if the People
call for me, I em at their service - - but .I am ton
happy, too tranquil, too •coinfortable on my farm
—free from debt and surrounded by domestic fee
licity and true hearted friends to be dragged by
knaves before the public, and my name uged for
base personal purposes:"
The. Lexington Ky. Intelligencer referring to
this extract saga—" We• hare no authority, ■nd
we desire no othei than the article itself for pro
nOuncingAt, as we unhesitatingly do, a base fab
rication. No sober sensible man would for a
moment, believe that Mr. Clay ever penned such
a letter. It bears upon its face unequivocal
marks of its falsehood, and without furtheisom.
merit we leave its author to all the gratification
which a guilty conscience may suffer him to de.
rivelroin the reflection that he has toldu lie that
nobody will believe."
The Senate of Illinois have psased resointins. de
Glaring that there otight to be no Will; and at presen
no direct taxes. The Cincinnati Chronicle, iti noti
cing this procediug, says,— - •
We must believe, as the only mode of' reconcilia
tion these things with the human understanding, that
the Legislature•of Illinois are Millerites: and as the
end of the world Occurs in 184.9, - there is -- of course
no necessity' for raising revenue. Of course,if
there is to be no tariff and no direct taxation thre
is no pay - for office holders, and the end.of civil gov
ernment has come. We think now we have got to
he end of the demagogues.
Vennl4lbinifg Wiltslaituji,
Correspondence'! p 47CaTirsie Herald.
•,. • • . - 11AliussiracOan. tl, 1448.
The•third week of the Legislature haspassed like'
the first and second, trithout having been signalized
by any remarkable event, or any very important
progress in the business of the people. its'usual,
seems to be takenfor granted by.our loco foco law
makers; that the people will be satisfied With their
professions of Reform and Itetrenchment,considering,
that they are 'sucli pure and immaculate democrats.
The -only bills that have, finally
.passed,''sinee t
wrote to you are one to regulate thelmblia*rinting .
and binding, and One lopreient_liail Road Com
panitsfrOm making assignments without the consinc
of Contractors and laborers on th'em. This tatter
bill was hurried dirodgh both 'Houses with 's' most
indecent and' undignified • haste upon the suggestion
of two or three contractors who alleged that the
Philadelphia and Reading Rail Road Company, Was
about to mike an assignment for the purpose preheat.
ing its Laborers, The Alintereste4 souls were only -
concerned for laborers of course. The bill, thou*
a general 'one was avowedly' passed to meet this sin.:
gle case.
- The printing bill reduces the rates of printing 25
Per cent. and the prices for binding nearlySO per
cent. This is not only unjust, hut it is outrageous.
The prices now paid are correct, and not 'higher
than the established prices nil over the State. It ii
the'amount of printing done that is so much and so
justly complained of, but not the prices paid. Mons
than one half the amount of printing done for sever- ,
al years could he dispensed with, and thus effect a
saving of $30,000, or $40,000, per , annunr.-*
Member! should confine their talking •to things
that they understand, and cot expose themselyes
meddling with matters beyond 'their Arita.;-$t li
somewhat doubtful whether it will be signed ornot.
A bill to incorporate the Cuinberland Valley Mu
tual Protective Company of. Dickinson township , in
your county, has passed the .Senitri and bills to re
peal the NiCholson Court and the Court of General'
Sessions of Philadelphia 'county. have
House. Judge Parsons is probably waiting the fate
of the latter in the Senate, or in the hands of the
Executive, before he will consent to relinquish his
present 'certainty of sl2t l o for the $l6OO which he
will be entitled to as Judge of that Court.: And it
i sui it that at any rate he will not accept the appoint
ment'since the reduction of Judge's' ,
I snare alresuly informed you that Mann, the pros
eat State Treasurer,. was re-tlectertn Monday last.
The disalrectedwere too nervous to come up t 6 the..
scratch against him like tnen,except i'inaimani who
fought against him-most valiantly, and gaie it to
the "Gaifnrs"~ wtio defeated Lai friend Anderson of
Perry, last year, with a gusto.and severity that made
them wince like a turtle with a coal afire on itsback:
• •
Bonk D irectors to represent the Commonwealth
in_ the various branches in which the State owns'
ha;e been. elected. James Cresson and Robert
Boyd, have been aected by die Senate for the Col
umbia* Bank, and John F: - Houston and Samuel
Humes by the Houk..
Yon may recollect that an Act was passed 24th of
June last, requiring the State Treasurer to cancel one
totted, of all the Refill Notes of received in the
-Ti•easidly, The Treasurer neglected to do this,cou
-tending as a palliation'tid• this violation of duty, that
the Act of the 27tli : d1July following, which was the
general appropriation bill, passed on the last 'day of
the session virtually repraled - this law.. As in duty
bound the Attorney General instructed him in this
opinion. _ To lea F e —the Treasurer no other
hole to creep out at, hoWever, a resolution has been,
passed the House explatUitory_ of the Act of 24th - of
June; requiring him to carry out its letter and spirit,
by proceeding to cancel the amount required by it.
Thiiresolution hat_been „under: disco 'Aim' the
Senntefor - two days pn.ti iu the course of which
the Attorney General and State Treasure r got sonic
pretty hard side wipes trom analidO, Mr.
l'enniman, and Mr: Champneys of theiiwyli party,
and from Nlcssrs. Darsie, Spackman and Craig, for •
. ,
their perversion of a plain law. The resolution is
Still under consideration, and is violently opposed
by tbe,Governor's peculiar friends, and (hose from
inprovement districts
• •, , The reception of Gen. Cass here on Tuesday
was all he cr the enemies or Buchanan could have
desired. I think there was a gooll deal of extra die.
play merely_to_aunoy the Ten_ C liter-10nd they_ sue-.
ceeded to adiniration. -- His followers seem So much
vexed that they could not hear him spriken of with
patience. The Governor gave a truly Mitotic* . of
him on Wednesday evening, at which every body
was hitited except the persoally ohnoximfX of the
two Parties and plebeans of his own. Several young
" democrats, 7
„put of pure patriotism, forgot.the
wholesome lesson, never put an enemy into your
mouth to steal away your braise,"—and for their
inilitigence fell into the Watchman's hands.. i have
card, too, that hia Execllene) , did :not des*
every thing he; (Ina on the °minion from the town
pump. But of these things t only Speak from pub-
Standing* Consiaailtoes.
Amulds. gessrs. Dimock, Cochran, Headley,
Crab!), and Wilcox.
Pensions and Gratuities
Smith, Wilcox, 'raig, and Ntullin.
Judiciary. Messrs. Gibons, Sullivan, McLana
ban, Kidder, and Stewart. •
.3./i/itia. Messrs. Horton, Eyre, Smith, Heisler,
and Mullin.
Banks. Messrs. Kidder, Crabb, Bailey, Math
era, and Black.
Education. Messrs. Champneys„ Huddleson,
Dimock, Sinickman, and Wilcox.
Roads and Bridges: Messrs. Hill, Horton;
'timbers, Smith, and Kline.
ley, Farrelly, Cochran, and Eire.
.igriculture and Manufactures. Messrs. Hies,.
her, Fegiely, Brower, Eleadliy, and Darsie.r
Compare Bills. Messrs. :Fegely, Bigler, Craig,
and Hill.
Election Districts. Messrs. • Black, Gorges,
Huddleson, Raily,and Farrelly,
Corporations:- - Messrs. Headley, Kline, Gibons,
Stewart, and Kidder. • -
Fire and immorality. Messrs. Eyre, Brower,
Gibons, 111oLonalian, and Mifflin.
Estates and Escheats. Messrs. McLanahan,,
Kline, Champneys, Sullivan, and Kidder.
Finance. Messrs McCully, Champneys, Spook-.
man, Black, and Darsie. •
. Private Claims for Damages. Messrs..
van,Baily, Gorgas, Darsie, and Eyre.
Library Messrs. Penniman,. Headley, and W
lit c 4L
.Public Buildings. Messrs. Wilcox, Cra bb,
ton, Eyre, and Mathers. ' -
Printing... Messrs.
..Pennimin, Persia, and,
Way* and Meant. • blear& Elwell, Brawler, ;
Rookhill,Deford, Tustin, Linton and lierr„ of Mar...
- Juclidary. Messte;BaiTett, Elwell , Sharswood,•
Deford; James, 'Whitman; Morris, Boat end 81ew..,
ley; • .
' Claims.. Mears. MoCullongb, Clinton, Robin
ton,. Lowry, Trego, Cummintwind Hood: •
.11,kricukure. Messrs. Keit , of Mercer;Postlethi.
waite. Miirebs - 11;7 - Bush, _Brindle' and War"'
Pensions. arid. Gratuities. Meeare.• Broaden.,
Picking, Craig, .Morgin, Bacon, Overiield and
Messrs. Gorps,