Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, January 11, 1843, Image 4

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The -following indisipeinnble family mine.
ales may be found nt the villmte drugstores,
and soon at every country state in the state.
kemeniber and »ever get th.em unlesi they'
have the'fne.slinile signature'of
. • ,
#j x ,e*/ / ed-Z on the wrappers, as all othse
by the same names Are base impositions and counter.
kits . : • if-the merchant (merest y;ou 'has them not,
~urge.himt to procure them at 71 Maiden-lane, the
flex! time lie visits New York,, or to write for that*
Ire family should be d week without tNse remedial
Which will stop it if falling out, or restOro 'it on bald
places; and on children make - it grow rapidly, or on
thoso_who • havo lost from arty cause.
ALL VERMIN that infest ilia • heads, of chili:ire
in salmis, are-prevented or Milled by it at once:Zi
Find Me name of)
7)/a -- ie1'6964)• 0n
it, or never try it. Remember !his always
~,. .
positively cured, and all shrivelled muieles and limbs
ere, restored, in the old or young, by the Immix
but never without the name of Comstock 4 Co. on it.
~r. ,t 6
are wholly prevented, or governed if the attack' haft
came oni if youmee the only trite HAYS' LINIMENT,AOI7I
6 "W ' 41 W "' "' AIL= 5-ORES
end every thing relieved by it that'admits of
.an out
ward application. It acts like a charm. ,thie it.
' HORSES • that have Ring-Bone, Spavin,
&c., aro cured by,Rpors' SPECIFIC; and
Otindered horses entirely. .nu'red by Roofs'
. 'oundor Ointment. ,Mary this, all h.orsentens.
Danay's Magical Pain Ex
tractor Salve: -The most extraordinary
remedy evor invented for all new or old •
Via sores;. and sore It -Imp 'ddlighted
thousands. It take out all pain in ten minutes
end no failure, It cure the ',"RfI2EIS
A bcticr and more nice and usefhl article never was
made.. - All lilimad weal:them .regularly. •
en the principle of substituting
.the torziein place of
the stimulant principle, which has reformed so many
drunkards. To be used with
Li N's , B .
LO OED PILLS, .euperior to all
otliera for cleansing lye system and the humors affect.,
mg the-blood, and fir all irregulariiies of the bowels,
nod the general
..[see Dr. Lin's sig. LW/C[o, - -. e:ari
, suture. " ""`"••••••—•—'•
will eflitetually cure sick, headache, eithei Irom the
NERVES or bilious. ' Hundreds of families arc
using it with greafjoy.. -
for - the certain yrevention of FEVERS' or any
general sickness ; keeping the stomach in most per.
fact order, the; bowels regular, and adeterminmionAo
the su n tine& 'C,O:LD.S7
pains in the bones; hoarseness, and DROPSY;
are quickly cured by it. Know this by trying.
C ORNS.—Tho French Plaster is a sure cure
P- ... .,... , - - ... 0„ , .: 1 4 , , ... , , 5, -....:„....
~,,:,:,,,,,.-. ;;i:3 _, : . ,. ,, , r . :,,,,,,, i
•-• -` - '",rce l .-- '''", 7-- --.1.. - 1 - '
, -:1 , - . ..-3 , ' ‘4, ' vi , tt% - -'-'-' - '
hair anyphado you wish, but will not color the skin.
POUND EXTRACT. There is no other prepare
lion of Sarsaparilla that can exceed or equal' this.
If YoU aro sure to get COMSTOWS, you will find it
superior to all others. It does not require puffing.
p • 4. 11^11F •WI 01:
OF CHINA. A positive cure for the piles, and all
external ailings— r all intxtrnal irritations brought to the
surface by 'friction with this Balm;—so in coughs,
'swelled or sore throat, tightness of the chest, fltis.Balm
applied on a flannel will relieve and cure at once.—
Fresh' wounds or old sires are rapidly cured by it.
Dr. 33rirtholentette.0
Will prevent. or cure all incipient consumption,
taken time, und,ia a delightful .amedy. Remain
bar the name, and get Comstock*.
eradicate till . w ORM in children or adults
with a certainty quite astonishing. It is the same as
that made by stock, and sells with a rapidity
almost incredible, by Comstobk 4• Co.; New York.
TOOTH DROPS. KLINE'S—owe effectually
Entered trne.ooirntto Weir Coogress. hi the yenr ISt% by Comstock
Co.. Luith °Clerk's office of the Southern District of New York.
• By applying to our agents in each town and
village, papers-may be had free, showing the most
respectable names in the country for these facts, so
that no one can fail to believe them.•
813.8 e sure yon call for our articles. and not
be put off with any stories,.that Others aro as
good. HAVE THESE OR NON Ershould be
your inotto...and Vase never can be true and genuine
toithOut. our ifikneeto them. All these artiales to be
had alioletiale gad rethil only of us.
Wholesale Druggists.
-3,ltfaitieii;lnne„ - Now York. and of our agent& t
For-salp Carlifle by • •-
• . ' .
• • • • 1y55
'-'• • • • -
remedy for 'Worms is one of the most extra
4',Ortlinary e*Cr u*d, 1t effectually eradicates worms
bfalLaorta, fr , ;ni. children'aild adults:
‘;'...' , .l'l• lol lSANOSPelielliq worms without the'reeL_
'1 , 0; caw heiii . g.ithown.- Some other reason, bsussigned
. li‘;: , torilieit'lcituass;aatli too late to cum the real ca bee.
~i-Whitt;p9M- O fee-:reoponsibility then rests upon the ,
thelinctor who. &es
unffffitlipatun t plaint which is &Straying
. „
no.wers o life:-.;thydrett,;
tee 416iitqA* • • -•- , 1
..;•,„I,l4,belureto:di:t.good thay intia_no_wormi-i-ovid
gthillutri.'it-wilf destroy atuter ut
adieste the.with '
a.uerylrity,audipMeisian tmly - astonishfnA , .. _ '
Poe salir'in:.' lie eby SAMI7M.,kILLTOrt
DINKLE4-ana ai rr it o ,"
'AutrAttri4l:o7o4oo:,,•, •• • •
•;::•;•,i , nvovem'ber.iN4s4.2:. ,•'• • y ss
-,•••-, :-- ' • 'lr.' ics.''' ...ii Abil l irt S.. .
.111.910,1474-7,. t cishmi.te,' -,14,918. Id:Zoe.
': - ' PROOMIPP'X' 9 ,l'`t'stielfOr:o.4 ' - , i =.,..
~ - , ~ - •
-''.14 , , ,.. ti •- " i 44st receive II -,*,IIiTIVER; th*Eber 144.4.
g - • O5l in 9 'Girar ." - - 4 e 48 , , ,• • •,. „• •
• - -- 'v - "• , '• 'I.. - . ~, .., ••,, ~ ~...-., ••'. • ,-,, . 4, ; -- ~ ~,,- ,
-;,,,',.i..,',4i-,,;(rxr,e,•„1,-- •- -,'-' :: .- '-'-r• '• - ,° ~,,,,,:, ••'',-; • .'-.:-,,,
' 1,1,.• •• ,,,, ;:°•,;.:,.',,' , ',.,:,:;,.„ - 1 :' , ..: , ,•• 'd ' r•l`fili.,"44,t•tiii44•%:vtit-PP`.,lr''4''•'Z's.--0 I WLiLiI •• — imii
;.. ,-,, v,..ii,•°:-,- - ;,, , ,.•,,;,, ° ~, .• 4 °• , •.••,,,..,, -.... N, —,,, .
jogs of all kinds; on Hou . seltold Furniture, pier.
eltandize, Horses, patio, Agricultural, Cornmer—
cial and Manufacturing Stock, and Utensils of
every deseription,as well as I%lowrAoEs and.Grtotisn
REST, upon the most favorable terms.
The following arelhe usual rates, viz:
On Stone and brick buildings, from
35 to 40 ctq. on 6100
6U to 70 eta. on 100
• WHEREAS the Hon. %own HErnwars Pre
sident Judge of. the Court of Common
Pleas of the Ninth Judicial district of Pennsyl
vania, and the Ilon, Jorts STUART and Thomas
C. Mturg, Judges of the said Court of Common
Pleas for the minty of Cumberland; have issued .
their precept bearing 44ttof the 26th day-of Noii.'
1842, and to me - drrected, for holding a Court of .I
Oyer and Terminer, General' Jail Delivery, and 1
General Quarter Sessions of the Peace,' at Oar.
lisle, on the second Monday ofJanuary, 1843-be
ing the 9th day—at 10,o'clock in the forenoon:
Juetiaea - of .„-C #1 P eace
,and,Constableo of the said
[ County 'of Curqberlangthat they be then and
pil l
Lthern_ii.:4ltair-40 "iliersins - ,t — with — theW .
'Records; liftittiaai` - atithistions ' and Other
reMerribrahlidir *,;_thiiiit!hings which to their of
fic.e resPectlielrePpertain=rand those ' who are'
bound by iscagnizdtscsa lo prosecute ,against the
prisoners that aare;.or.then may bp 'in the, Jail , of
said county; to: 'then 'andLthere;tO prosecute
against:them alba)! be jitstimd right. • '' •
'''Ellied atCarbelet the 'Bth day of Peceinbei,'
1842, and the ; 166tH year of, metican Inclepert
detiee;• „ ,',••.: '• - '4..-,•- ;• ,:- 4 ,. • ,
.. :.
'. 4 `• k __- - : ~' ' ;''.:: '.. „4 , PAM; MAlL'ililiffhoillil,..-
uallermlier 14:1044..:, '• .. ',.' ' l',-I‘;4 , $6.7
'f)~'~' Y~s.s
i1 5 t15.4131L1::,4: :: •
• ' ; 0 4 3 1 0 : : : er-t%$ !
-0 1011 r•-.%
As. youV . 4tie your , lleai'th, I
beseech the following :
OW N. 11. LEIDY - •
. ,
HAS the pleasure of ,anaounaing . to the pubiio
that hie valuable Me,tlielues receive the appro
beacon of the,' , ' '
bring composed of ingredients' which Are kriown to
the profession, and whieli,are daily Oven by the most
reimmitnide physicians to their patients. This fact
atone is suldeient to itatilp their . _
tte well 0 eattge them to he employed by all rri
than am preparations of quacks anti impostors.
hare been published frequeritiv, in the papers, ftom
Phybleions Clergymen,
Members of . •
Congress and State Legislatures,
roipectable'private citizens, and among them many
of-the :unst disticimished members Of chanties
and 011ie': institutions.
In reference .to Dr. I.,ehly'n Alec Heine's, hod it is bop
ed,from the nuniernon COI titivates nod recommenda
tions, intving been poblicheil 1141. and over, thet ell tint
In now neve:miry le to keep then: before the" public,
ilott they fluty he reminded of them, vhere they May
" iiißallletnellpille, &e. '
garsaparilla Blood Pill& '.
These Celebrated' Pilliiiire daily reeommencled ill
Disinises,-nr...the Stomach ImpOritica of the Blond,
• and B owels, , generating I TISOISk•Ii of
Billions Aff:etions, the Stomach, 'Aver,
Habitual Costiveness, . , fleart,the Spleendiiid•
Indigestion, Flatulency,. neys., Bones, &c. Sze.
‘Vent of Appetite,. - •Uleermis Sores of the
Sourness of the Stomach, Nose, Throat k.B011y;
Waterbrasli, ileaftborii, .Seals, •Eruptiops and
Foul and olTeriiive breath, Blotches• of the Skip;
Bail taste in thi• month,. Dry t u rd watery pimples
Inu'iird Ppituf, Pains of the . °Nit,: lime and • boilY;
Stomach, the Sitleflotttel lictolttelte,
:door, the 11:4c; • Serafitht,
Rheumatic Pains, Gout; j Glandular Affix:thins:
Conetilutionid (lIRC/ISCS, produced by Mercury and
other mineral preparations, its the dangerous
consciptences rpspitingttom the improper treatment
of Syphilis, &e.
"The Life of the Flesh is in the IIlood."
• Levitiens, eh. XXII, v. 11.
. • Be ye purified in your • •
• And health will 'attend , you.' . •
*The great principles advocated '4v I)r: Leidy, and
in which he is supported by seriptifre. are
Ist. That vitality is corititined in the flood. '
,The Plum . omi:outing. vitiated or immit* , ‘,ttives
rise to numernas diseases of the organs of the body,
the stomach; the - liver. the heart,&e,-Sto.
That whatev'er has the efket or o w.ifiinf r , the
RI iirl:passesesthe power art.-establishing
action to the•hodv,
4111. That Purgation awl Shirvatlon, or, in other
words, Mob . zine: 'estilit- that-is-hi) fremiently.
.done, and at the same time enjoying low diet. and
al , stinenee from find alovist entirely. are productive'
of Mitch more mischief than is gene-ally supposed,
and in proof of it will only remark tlot -
Rc Purgitioic—The Irttnnn Aystem iv more or Irsc
debilitated, for the simple ri•nsTi tlint 1 . 11,.
Vl•fiC6fil of pure:NlT all Ise:111.1rd •off from the stomach
trrim which nourishment is derived mid distribittell
throughout the systein.
l!y Staryntion—Nourishment k absolutely with
held limn the syste.n no necessary to it, both for sus
taining-ritaJ :Rton and aiding nature in bearing op
against that progress of disense.
(fence the consequences of too mnch•/nn'ging;neil
n continued d rt 'oust he to prodoce spell n condition
or the system as u•i1l enable disease to stake more
rapid progTess, nod evtend itself the more easilymul
In a luovf time thronghout the system. •
.‘dmitting the foregoing, it becomes :neconsal y to
inquire how is the lil n.l to be purified ?
Opting the means, haw in the systenito be gunrded
ngninst nay serious coosequenees ?
' ' Cis easily answered— .
all vane ills. -
Take—Dr. Pills.
These Pills operate gently, thamd; effectually;
Ins' do not produce Prostration of t h e most
Ills do.
•I•hey rerptire no rectrnint either., from neennation
or the regular mode of liviog. No fear need lie ed
ten•tainwl of taking (told ti•mn their Ilql!, 11111 i mac he
tißkell :it all timeq, hr yonng and old, without inter
fering with any other medicine that may have been
taken beforehand.
The. ,, n fills nri.prounrod only, and sold wholosule
and retail, nt
DR. I,FlDl"Slienlibr.innoritim,
No. 191 N. 211 ',I. below . Vim.,
(Sign of t h e Golden Engle niol Serpents,) l'ltiln.
GT?. 1 ilisrmint to tt holmttle dealers. •
.Itfl)r. Lehly's 111.)ml l'ills :HMOs, Srll , l in nil ihv
Irineiptti cities nod towns throughout the 17 . .nion,trul
ninny respectable storekeepers throughout the
Tor sale. In Carlisle. by
Agents lin• Cumberland County.
Carlisle, Dec. CI, I 2. ic_s
Yorth tater:th If testi: rance Co:
11 . 01111. r. RIVERS, Agent, Cal:111Sle.
n is company continues to maim Insurances
against loss or damage by Fire, on the most
reasonable terms. They also take. _
'in stone or Mick buildings at $l5 on !Noon, time
premium siihject to be - drawn any time by the
party insuring, at a deduction of five per cent. on
the amount of premium paid.
The usual rates for one year on
Stone and Brick Buildings, 64 to $5 on $lOOO
Lo g and FraMei "- 6_6 to $7 on $lOOO
Mcrehandize, about -- 65 on 81000
Application in person or by letter will have im
mediate attention,
The Spring* Garden Insurance Co.
MAKE INSURANCE, either temporary or
perpol nal, against loss or damage by Fm r,,
in Town or Cot/Wry, on Houses", Barns and BMW.
);rig and framo
nerclunidizg and
tom in brick or stone
buildings, from 40 to 50 cts. on 100
Do. in log or frame, .60 to 70 cts. on 100
Horsos, natio, farming .
utensils and sundries,_: •
at ib - aut
'Application may be made to
JOHN J . MYERS, Agent,
Carlisle,Dec 21,1842. ly
M. , ' dating cerme t , • ••
rahlra% ithavah
Containing 170 ACRES, more of less=with'i
CLOUSE • & BARN_thereon erected.
NI .The land is in a good state ecultivation,
!,1 n wellwatered and under good fences.
:///86, 4cres Wbod Land;
Roth parcels lying and being . in Mifflin township,
Cumberland county,:six miles West of Newville
and four Worth of Newburg.
• Any persun wishing to' urchase will can and
examine the preiniskei when the terms will •be
made known.. . • W. STEVENSON.:
August 10, 1842. • . 4tm1y!,41
0; •I`antl.3, Barrels, half and quartem of
ivry aupgrior
November,2,.lB42. - • tr-ss
glittoracy at Law,
OFFICE N 0.3 poetom's Row, on the Pub ,
I ic Squarc, ! Carlisle, Pa,
..April 6, 1812,
LE -4. Is?. •
Am T. CO R iy; 1r A T .. IL AW.
(Vice bppostle the Carlisle Bank.
:July 27,1 . 842. - • • ' 6m•39
Taari liniti73.4wlrA i •
al- tea a Ix .
ESEECTVUL IX tenders his services to the
• 'eitizerls'of Carlisle - dud' its - vieinityithatite
w,ll attend to and perform all dental operations
such as Cleaning, and Extracting na
tural 7eelli,•and inserting incorruptable artificial
teeth from a single tooth to an entire set.
(0-0 1 rice opposite 111'Farlatie's Hotel. • -
..July 0, ,184. tf-3S
I. C. Loomis, Dentist;
INS permanently located in Carlisle,and will per
form all operations that arc required in the
practice of' his proression4such as "
Exit ractipqr 4 Plugging„ and
Ins tint;; A
from a single ,tooth to an entire Yet..
• Fora few months ensuing, - Dr. LOO MIS
will be in 'Carlisle, the first two 'weeks in end]
mont .Which be will he ant until the
first two weeks incacl l a W
i following mouth—at whidh
period he may he found at Ills
Wee, - Pin at. near AP Parlane s B lintel.
oarllsle, May '4, 1842. • , ' 0.21
qechanicsbur.g Line
.. " " t7 4- 01 •-•
Bet tveen - .lloelittniesbarg - aitil
or Baltimore.
(11.1' 11.311, R 0. 2 11) C.1.11 , 11;1
jn E subscriber grateful for past fuvors, begs
leave to inform his friends and the public
generally, that he still continues to run a line.of
toirthen.Cars regularly between Mechanicsburg.
and Philadelphia or lialtinufre, Iry which.goods
and produce of all descriptions:will be fbrwarded
with care .aird ilespatidrat the lowest rates of
freight: "
Produce will be received at his Ware Housudn'
Mechanicsburg,' and forwarded co either Phila•
delphia or llaftiniore;-eccordittg to the direclion
of the owner.
Er- Thu highest price will be given for Wheat
and Flour.
N. B. Plaster of Paris and Salt always kept
oo hand, and thr sale at tin lowest prices. ..
burg, for sale, 1141/1.1411 it, such al 11;a3 4.415,
S Sea IN Ile It".S, &11t, of till kinds,
which Will sold on liberal terms,
AngOst 17, 184'2
' • Ity n
21 ' L!) .1/I.I.L►N 11.1131) 4/11.121 . )
7rflE stiliscri' , er, having concluded to (lit
it an entire Ca,li business, olfers fur sale his large
111111 splendid assortment of
.7101 R ibo ,lii/ 4) E
& Catilery,
it was ever bought for in Philadelphia.
The following nIH give you some idea or the itlices
am determined to sell at:
fa inch Carpenter's Patent Rini 1. Wicks,
from. • zil.2 to $l4 per doz.
ft inch Brahs Striker, /t 4/ 6 , 50 41
Newton. Darling Grass Scythes, 10 "
•Novletit's • " ."
• 9
{lay Forks, Solid Cap Ferritle,
-Cast Steel long handled Shovels, 7 ) "
Cumberland or Iteading 4,(1'41 Keg.
Phoenix or itiniala 4.44
Other makes 4,31 "
I will .4.11 any articles in my line front 'JO to 25
p " th :w v anity btitOil far OR V.Velllt. Cllll
on me—exainine tny gontis-„get a list of no prices
r them At th the !wives of other stnres,and
ascertain fur yourselves where you can buy the
cheipest.'," .
HENRY 1.. ELDEIt. importer.
493 Market st. above I.3th, North side, Philadelphia
Julie 1, 1812. • fnu-3
ENS Valley, Pine Grove, Lime-burners,
Fi and Bituminous COAL, constantly for
sale by J. & P. MARTIN,
• Successors to Miller & Maitins
flarrisburg, April 20, 1842.
fiTIE proprietors of the Susquehanna Line will'
A run their Gas and Boats, as usual to Phil
adelphia and Baltimore during the present season.
Their friends will please apply to Win. L. Fox,
Broad st. and to Costner, Christian & Curran t No.
I'6 South Wharves, Pbiladolphia,and Joseph E.
Elder, Baltimore.
Until further notice, the following prices will
ho adhered lu bet Wee n —this place aitd the atailio
60 cts. on 100
Ala per 100.1ba.
Groceries, Q-Wara
and Hardware,
Dry , Coadai
tore and Drugs,
Wheat, Rye & Corn
per bushel
Opts 'do —,
Lumber per 1000
feet • • $2 75 $3 50
Shingles, , do • 1.50 2 , 00 •
Flour per bbl. 3l 35 • 500
Shad : do SO---------
Herrin - 140 --
.., .
Salt per sack, . 24 , 43
Pitch, Tar and it°sll/ 16 . 21
per 100, I , _ „.„ .„ 5 .
Plaster:gross.ton, 0 , 2 752 gr-4
'Hemp per 100• , !111 25
Hides, '. . .• 2 20 . __ _
Metal,rose ton 3O 35U
Pig C
Blooms ._t 24_4.410
tar eon,' & Citstis f _o
:350 , - 450
ii p e r
- ' ----
LeatherpoiOo; 20 25
Whiskey per 611% ?! V' —
Burrßioiperlj„•:l:. : Is
curb Stone d° ' „ g
Tin, .
'4). ir 225
- ~ 1 '' 3.,& P. AtARTIN.
oucr. essor to Millir sslVtartins.
'ffariiibiu” Ara. 4*
jloik.Pcom e t a fine assortmen t
p '
01 iierm,4"thicr,"7.. 9.-,llt9Ps'
' 7 •
ie r t, 41 , : a t.
ax t
t 0'44
• t • 0.-
r,* 7 , • •
1.5 c. •2i el per bbl
20 . -- - 23 -49
25" 28 4?!?
10 11
6 7
HE.. Subscriber h y in orals his.
(P . i; f •
friendaand tli public in,gendial; that he.still
•cutiti men tolteep a " • •
lid); • • Ili
" I - 'CrYWEZS.ts,'
. -
(reports tothe contrary notwithstanding,) at the OLD
STAND, in East fligh Strict, a few doors east of
The Court': House;„wriere:he will at all .times take
pleasure 'in administeringio. the comfort's of those
who may favor hint with their cutstom.,
• His BAR 'shall be consumtly.supplied tth the.
choicest liquors; and his TABLE'with the eat the
market can furnfsh. A careful OSTLER always"
kept in attendance—and nothing shall be left undone
to please pull. who call with him.. , •
BOARDERS:taken by the seeek,"mriniti - oi: year;
Carlisle, April 6, 1844. tt-23
Union Paper .
roIIE subscriber respectfully informs tho
lie at large,,thathe hasleased. the above es.
tabled - ntent, six miles south of:Carlisle, for a term
Of years . ; and the MILL having been recently re.
paired, and new machinery introduced, 'he is
therefore prepared to manufacture to order, (and
alio has a' supply constantly on'hand)
Paper of every kind and fitiaidty;
which be will furnish to print.tre; merchants and
others, in any (Plantlike at the lowest city, prices.
All orders addressed to the subscriber, at Paper.
town, Cumberland county, 'will receive prompt
attention: . .
Having lately receivell a supply . ofthb very best
materials, he flatters himself that he , will be able
to manufacture paper equal in quality'to any other
eAablishment in the country.
pertown, tily- 20, 18,42. tf.,38
. N. B. "The highest . price paid for rags.
manna . imam=
19111111 7 , subscribers .nt their FOUNDRY AND
51ACIIINE: SUOP,OO Main street, nearly op
posite the' County Jail, in the llorolto of Carlisle,
Psi, still eontiue to build the ihllowiug :Machines
and Horse Peiyers—viz:
T. D. ituerelPs. Patent ImprovedF O U R
800 .7 EPOWIEt9
/With a horizurattl hantlwheel, with a truck to co
duet the strap to the Mittlthie.
'rho hero!. wheel outside of the horses. They nre
. .
well calculated to put to oee sole of the !taro bridge,
or uu the Intro Sileti.
Near ;tuff littaproiled Slutticr3
To separate the grain from • the straw, which will
dispense wish one or two hands, will be made to tilt.
above Machine if wanted: — . •
• L.
'u•tlinilim.flmy of 141161)1.e ; 1 / 4 1aellioes may have the
'irk Her,. alley a fair laud, of returning the Mille if
out s:rttslird. All !forst:. Powers are
warrauted tor one pear, if well used. .
HE - Ps! 11?1•11PG.
All kinds of repairing will be do nc at the - soorles
unl, `y ud the :Host reasonable terms. 'flew', al
isys keep. nn band all castings necessary to repair
the above Nlaebbies, Or itay'olbers now in use:
There is also aitoelled to the lillove,estoblislimeni
in,IIC t\ .\ XI) BRASS 1:011NI)111", at liich oil
kinds GA:ITiN(;:i CAll he am , Apple
MII4, Cori' Brakers,i'lasfer Brokers, (ieitr
itig., Sow Alin Cranks, NVagoil
B,,%esokt!. Alsty
111A% .- ViaNG ,t Ai JD raze' tiNillinda,
:quell . as Spindlev, Car Boxes, Turnittg Lahti,
ultin the hest order, itt irou and brass, •
- j.. 1. hi orders Will he t.xecuted at the shot test Ito
tire, tool.protoittly.siletoleil to. 'Farmers:old other!'
ova rosio.cColly imOvil to gi%o 115.:4 vall,•coorohoit
(lust they Choi be suited to their sstit.faction.
(1 ll
) • Plae% I I and •()ght ' s Pl,O 1/G4 IS
iind - P1.011(ill such Cuitttrs Land
t`,., als,) he had al the thttlitles.
f311131)P 111. CIALMEIL
, 11 .1 , •
. hisis the seasonwhen this destructive
com o dint attacks your interesting little :children,
often robs you of those you fondly dos t on, and
curries hundreds -to' the grave. Every mother
should therefore, know its symptoms watch them
closelp - and' always be prepared with a remedy
as intniy_are daily sacrificed by inch neglect. At
first aft:little patient is seized with a shivering, it
' grows restless, has flushes of heat,the eyes become
red and swollen, it Menthes with difficulty, and
then conies thaelbarffil Cot= that:will surely ter ,
initiate in convulslonS or death unless something is
immediately given to cheek it. • In this complaint
4am of Wild Cherry" is well known to
be the Most speedy - eVer dicovered. It is indeed a
precious remedy—mild, safe and innocent, and
is sure to give the milliner immediate relief, and
quickly restore it to safety and health. Eami
liesVesiding in the country and indeed every mo
ther wkdives her children, should always keep
thisliVacine in the house and give it to them
early, by doing so you may often save the life of ,
one you fondly love. Remember this is the thinous
remedy of this distinguished physician, Dr. Wis.
rat., which has cured thousands of CROUP,
&e., Mier every other Medicine has failed.
(I Ile pa rt.iculir when you purchase to ask
for "Dr. WP?TAILN BALSAM - OF WILD - entfunit',"
us there is a sm:tr of this name advertised that is
entirely a diflbrentmedieme.
Prepared only by IV Chemists,.
-No. Philudeiphis, ~ •
*Sold in Carlisle by
'Price One Dollar a Bottle.
Juno 184. too
JUST received a fresh lot of Tea, ,Cof
rev, sozar, MoLo,s,,s, chocolate, Cloves, Nut
megs, !lice, (linger, Pepper, Allspice, Ciommum•
&e..bre., nil 'a -which I will sell at greatly reduced.
prices fin', cash.
October 26, 1842
WEEKLY rowurs,
The proprietors of the Philadelphia National
mom will. on the Ist of,lanuary next,issite a week
' iedition of the Forum. This edition wjll contain
matter selected from the daily F6ruin,Avitli °f igida!
artieles prepared expressly' milt. - Tliilifernry con
tents will he maile up 6F selections from the mos
popular writers of fiction-4' instructive essaysbp- i
on useful topics--and of aft tioeenbleiscellan*-nf
vsitO ety, and exceft
learn, will equal any of the 'literacy' weeklies. As,
the Foetini will not *be put to press until the eve of
anus dtN T it-will emitain the latest news down to the
day of its publication. A 'weekly 'Review of the
Markets, tinil,'oti alternate weeks, a carefully cor
rected table of the solvent ~11anks, and the rates Of
discount at which their netes mehought in Philadel
phia, and a detailed Peke 'Current of the Markets
will be given.
In its politienl course, the rprura will le ardent
ly, inflexibly Whig, and will adiocate with its, Ut
most energies the l'itorEertorror HOME lUDUSTRT,
FORM CURRENCY ‘ and the election of lIF.PvRY
CLAY ns President of the Unite&•States. •
h will be ptibliviietlifira double • lbsiperiaLsbeeti
nod nein. beauty of typographyiVill compare with
any ptiper in the thston.-- - - ;
Attit will beeent only - for - issiOn advance, the
publishers will be enableilltvifford it, notWitlistsmd
mg its great size and the Cost of its publication,' at,
the low price of Two Donavan year—aht copies for
ten dollars,lnr ten copies for fifteen dollars.", - •
Stibscriptions solicited by '
• 11. 'GRAHAM.
- . -
. ; • 85 Chesnut street,Thiladelphia.
-,ol•Post Masters and Publisher's of newspapers.
are authorized to relelve t i ne
- ly - Porumi7 — • .
. ,
ALARGE awl generatitasnitment of 'FAMILY
GROCERIES; irebeired by the enbaeriber con.
sitting- pail.of CelreO,Teitit,.LeafiLunip, ilrazile,
Clarifial ;ands Erewn,Sugfirs i ,alan SYrup,
Sugar illititae; New Orleantiand
, f,Portorreo /Molasses,
also,Sperm nail, Whale' Oil, S perm 'Candles', Roll
tob ti eeiN:Curtaveuilialsobot
,and Eontrion
,Cigars,- arid bear Ranee • Spuff, pint
eyeiy article in the lino of •nr_whli3ll
will be, sold cheaper br.ony , orlha.,a,e^ , whil have
given a catalogue of !heir priiseato:thivtiobilto:coh
4.4 l l9,Prediti%. `:-Yg7t44
' -
.7:1C0111113- - 1CMLOt.::' ,
-THE_ cAtam'Apo 'cowtnvirroN.%si'in.
phenol these complaints'are Usually considered,
no one can deny,thelf,heineAhe: most common
dautiem4his fatal and; , distressing; disease., It' is
indeed a melancholy truth, that thousands fall
victims to ConsuMptien every'yeartioni no other
cause than neglected. colds. Yet we find hun
dreds, nay•theusands who treat such coinplaints •
'with the greatest in4ifferonce, and let them run
on for weeks'and even months without thinking
of the danger. At first you have what ypu may
consider a slight cough or cold; you allow busi
ness, pleasnre or carelessness to prevent you From
giving it ally !minden; it then settles upon your
breast, you bcomo hoarse,, have pains in the
side or chest, eipectotate large quomities of mat
ter, perhaps mixed with blood, .a difficulty Of
breathing ensues,. and then you find your own
foolish neglect has brought on this distessing
complaint. If then'you value life or health, be
warned in time, end don't trifle with your Coin;
'Or trust to any. quack __no?trunt - to- cure you,-but
immediately procure a bottle or two of that fa
mous remedy, the "Bxxsalt OF WILD CURRRy,"
which is well known .6 bo the most speedy cure
ever known, a's thousands will testify whose lives
have been laved b' it.., : '
Ern6 very particular ,when ,yon purchase to
as there is also a SYRUP of this name in use.
Preid:red, wholesale and retail, by .Virti.r.mcas
& Chentiete, No.. 33 'South Fourth street,'
Philadelphia. ' . • •
Sold in Cprli.Oe by '
, • Price
.dne aollar ,a Bottle.
June:22, 1842....
P ulmonary Preservative.;
Q,O elfeetUal in CoughS, Colds, Btfluenz,as, Ca
terrhs; Asthma, Pains of the Side and the
Breast, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Sliortness
of Breath, Whooping Cough, all Diseases of the
Breast and Lungs, and fur the arrest of 'approach
ing Consumption. •
So popular isiDr. Bechter's Pulmonary Preser
vative throughout all Germany, and ea effectual in
Diseases of the Lungs, that from its miraculous
(libels and wonderkl cures—it is there generally
knowit,and styled ‘ , .1./r. Beelitees Life Preserver."
As *morons certificates of it very good effects,
and wonderful cures in this country, have been fre
-quentlY-puldisliertit Is - deemed necessary only to
remind the public of so valuable a medicine;'ane
inform them where it can he procured genuine.
•"(C,Price—Eifty Cents a half pint bottle.
*,,,* Prepared and sold,.wholesale and retail,at Dr.
LEIDYIS: H !•:A 1.111 EMPORIUM, No. 191
North Second stireet, berm • Vine, (sign of. the
Golden Eagle nraSerpents) Philadelphia. •
For sale in'Carlisle, by
AgentS for Cumberland County. ,
Carlisle, May 1 8, 184, - • 94
111-1 , 52.111- VI 'anal
X- iIE Subscritillrhas received additim
al supplies rif the above named eel. lirated3
wLieh Las iu SI few y eat s euredand relieved upwards
of sIX rilous,w) persons in different - 6i:cam's
oldie couldr.r.of lbe following diseases, such as bi
digestion, Dip o pepila ' and all thotie (rains of diseases
iirosii,gfrom a ilisorilert d condition of tlie- sfounieli
and liVeri.derangentent of the digestive functions,
such as • . , _ •
.1 General ...nehility, or tree: Ness of the Stomach,
Ccetivenem; Headache., 'Jaundice, Hat:t
ient El'ifilirms:Cliolie, Xervoug
. . -lions, fcv.r and .Igue,
null has - destroyedall kinds'ot .1/ - 011.318,. both .in
g r aw al icc antacha well as in children, and cured tita
nv which are too - tittnieraua to in
sert in this ticlvertiscMent, Itich can be seen in the
.tirrekiam, which coil be fauna wramiert around each
bottle, With a moorhen' of coven per
formed by this %al:4ode Balsam of Ilealtli.
The•grrat ilemaad fm. this Balsam of Health has
lately indneed sonic unprincipled persons to inipose
116 the pilblie a :Tatiana article lon the genuine-Bal
sam of I I valth; therelyire the proprietor cautions the
public from intrehasing any but .from 'his regular
appointed .Igents. '!;'hie genuine Balsam of Health
Ines the 'Mille Of mcdicine.blown on the glass of
each bottle, thus.:—"Gtirlegant's Balsam of Health,
prepared ouly bv .lottx. S. Altium;" and besides
that, he lips his signature, written on a label, which
is pasted on the outside wrappei• of each bottle,
which seßitres it from being counterfeited.
Q 1" I'o be bad at Ail ti ml's of his Agent in this
place, who has already sold -large quantities, which
proves it a medicine of great value and celebrity.
Carlisle, Septembet 28, 1842. 6m:48
Gadegantls nalsana offileiHrth
THE subscriber has just received a
fresh supply of the skive named celebrated
BALSAM OF 11 h7,,‘ LTII; which bas /11 a few years
cured and relieved ups ants of four thousand per
sons in diffeeenusections of the country, of the fol
lowing diseases, such as the Dyspepsia., all Cholics
and N ervous Di seases,and all those trains of diseas
es resulting from a discirdered condition of the Stom
ach--cures the Ague and Fever, And Old and fresh
Sores, and - destroysall kind of worms, both in grown
persons find children, and many other complaints.
All dinse persons dud purchase this Medicine will
find a.fitil direction to each bottle, as well as a num
ber of certificates of cures perriu'itted.- To-be-had
-at all-times of Ida went iii this place. who has sold
already large mint hies. The great demand for this
Balsam of Health halqittelv induced some unprinci-
pled person to cook.terfeit it—thereforethe promir
tor cautions the. pubiicr lily only
from his regular appointed agents. The genuine
Balsam or 11(.01111 Inot-the name of the medicine
blown on the. glass of each bottle, and his signature,
John S. dlillee,wrote on n labeloshich is pasted on
the outside cover., which compltely secures them
from being counterfeited. For Rale only in this Once
For 'Melds°, by, Afeears. J. W. Sr D. S. Stoner,
in Waynesboro', Pa., and John liraelknridge, in
Siiippensbnrg, Pa. -
September 28, 1832:
Lula 1313117122
I'row 375, Bolrery,'lV. York.
rOR nine year, this medicine basitood unrivaled
for the cure of Coughs, Pain in die : Side, difli
-culty-of breathing, Bronchitis, and alfthos... affec
tionif of the Throat, Lungs and ,Liver, which are a
source of so much suffering and which mistreated
ito-oftetAtnurtinatief, .4:Mtn, as • e.-- s Ica* soe
Iws this remedy been used and in so many "cures has
it proved successful, the proprietor feels no
homy in recommending it to all ,Who unfortunately
hose 'resort to some means of recovery.
Multitudes who hove experienced its happy effects,
can testify to its utility, anilyety runny rescued front
it premature death, point to it as the , means of their
The originalor.of this remedy wrs well versed in
!lie science of medicine, And a skilful practitioner.
I Physicians familiar with its effects not unfreqUently
prescribe it in their practice, and with the Medical
Faculty generally it has met, with a Ismer share of
amirobaoon • than Is 'etnnion' 'with exclusive pre-
(KY-CONSUMPTION—The following 'reniark.
..were taken from the last nUmber of the Medical
Magazinet . , .
"The surprising effect produced by the - genuine
Dr. , Taylor's Balsam of, Llverw.ort. made, at 575
Bowe, in consumptive cases, cannot fail exciting a
deep and thrilling listeNst throughout the world. We
have so long believed this disease (consumption) in
curable, that it is , difficult to , credit our sensee :when
we see persons,:evideritly 'consumptive, restored to
health. Yet it is.a.fact of daily occurrence.
, ,
•. LIVER COMPLINT•an General Debility-4
do consider rnieltleAmatiniraculous.--IwassiNien
4 1 - T 15 5 - " two pltysiclans and told•to prepare for "death.
I I was in thia low .state when a friend - sent nie hot
tle of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, (rain 971
'Bowery, and. before I had'used up the bottle I was
able to sit tip in' bed, by the' furtherlusel brie eon].
.pletelS , regained ,my health. All-should use it. •
• - • " - 01;01 WELLS;,
.0 VIOLENT' PAIN I _tflE SIDE.-4 hare
been cured of trybilent 'pain ' In the side, extending
through to the Shoulder, sodigestion;, diveness, 'loss
of appetite and gen,crol debility; th 4 Use '
of two.
bottles of D r : Toyloes,,llobStro cf Litier*Ort4.•;:.
I , %For, sale/ by STEVENSON,
Every Body Oaght to Know of
. DR.. BECI-trER
BRAXCII - PILLS for the cure
ju of Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Liver Com
plaints, .A.tithma, Bronchitis, Soro Throat, Dye.
pepsia, Shortness of Breath, Pain in the Side,
Breast, Beek and Shoulders, Aguo and Fever,pn
jptallable cure; and ail Scarlet and Bilious Fevers;
iiird all , diseasers arising from exposure and de
bility, no matter how long standing.--in fact all
diseases to which the human family are subject to.
These pills are unsurpassed. by any medical
compound ever offered to the public, as a general re
novator and family medicine. They are 'very
gentle in' their operation,' causing neither•pain,
sickness nor debility by the.urie 'of them; but on
the contrary they strengthen the stomach end
bowels in. a wonderful manner, mnd soon restore
nature to its former course nail vigor. The per
son using the Olive Branch Pills =soon forgets
that lie -was sick—which is very easily accounted
for: there is not that prostration of Strength in
these pills as in many other remedies of the day,
because the materialsused in manufacturing them
aro In'harmony with the powers of life and act
in copecit.with the opinions of Dr's. Brown, Bush,
Armstrong, Montgomery, Heriey, Kendrick,
Shopper and - the celebrated, Dr. Waterhouse,
formerly Lecturer oh the, theory and practice of
'Physic in Cambridge University, Massachusetts:
Purchase of them, and give them a fair and im
partial trial, and you will find thdt permanent re.
lief, upon which the,proprietors depend to snake
them the , most- universal- family's-medicine used,
which will stand unrivaled by any other in
Ilse known world. • Price 25- cents per bolt'. -
t 020.33
la ono of the most certain and .affeetual . cures for
all rheumatie, chronic and inflammatory Rheuma..
dams, that has ever yet. been discovered, and in
numerous eases has eradicated that dreadful dis
ease front persons afflicted, entirely. Alf sour
drinks and ' victuals are strictly forbidden, and
spiritous liquors must not be taken inwardly by
any means 'Whatever, or it -will be of no use to
take this medicine, as it will destroy.the good ef.
fects of tho medicine entirely. Price s L,50 per
These celebrated drops have acquired tho high
est recommendations in this country, as well as
m Europe for its most valuable proprieties for all
inward weaknesses, cramps,colds,agues and fever;
and when used with the Olive Branch Pillsoever
taili to cure the fever and ague. Price 25 cents
per bottle. ,
Is unrivalled for Its -curative qualities even-viten
used in casesof maladies- which were otherwise
incurable. Many recoinmehdations • have been
given'of .the beneficial effects it has had in the
cure of pleurisy, pectoral and. pulinonary con
sumptions, colds, &c. Price 25 cents per bottle.
This most excellent article has a quality of
calming instantly and vithent fitit - all cramps of
the stoinach,eholie and that troublesome disease'
calleitmother fits or hysterics; nrjd when continu
ed for sonic length Of time, will cure the patient
entirely, Price 25 cents per vial.
A certain. cure far all ScaldS, Bruns Bu 'ns ,
and the me-t effectual Cure for. the piles—it wi
cure the r•rson afflicted in a very short time, if.
Used according to directions: Price 25 els. per vial:
This spirit is highly recommended. (by till
sprains, s; Hing of. the limbs, or leaders, sinews,
'joints and rrheumatic; as an outward remedy, it has
noequa*,,d whenusawith the Rheumatic 'Medi.
eine L will qreatly _facilitate the cure, - The an
nuals_ofßi.tory &flint product: its equal,Und it is
the greateA preventive against cold, in the
known wo, Id. For particulars sec direationsaccom
panying the bottles. Price 25 cents.
An infPhilde cure if nscd according to direc
one. Prree 25 itents per vial.
decidedly the best application; for wounds
and sores, old or new, of all kinds, and will pre.
vent if aced in tirne._roanx-.o:lcralion-q/ .ILui-K 4
vent Lrick'daw, Pains in tbe Back, Heed, &c.—
Females' %rho arc so unfortunate as to haYe sore
breasts, and will use this wonderful salve, will be
cured in a very short time. It cannot be too high
ly recommended. For furtherparticularsmx direc
tions. Pripe .1 . 24 cents per box.
An excellent -article fir. the cure of worm.: in
adults as well as children, and will cure when
other remedies fail. Price fi cents per him
A superior ariielefoiCoughs,(3ol(lB,Sore throat,
Bronchitis and difficult . ) , of, breathing.• Price
cents per box.
Sold wholesillii and'rethili at the principal office,
No. 384, North 3d street, Philaildphia• and by
. ' JOHN GRAY, Carliale,Pa,
General Agent for Cumberland Linty.
Juno . 22, 1842. Pp/34
ND if you have a friend, a relation, or know
AL any one that is afflicted with that distresshig
disease, "C . ONSUNIRTION,"persuade them with.
out delay to try that famous-and unrivaled medi
cine, the
44 11:11sam of Wild Cherry,"
which has Mired thousands of this_ complaint af
ter everything else had tialed. Read the follow
ing undoubted proofs:of...4s efficacy:.
Roxaortouom Sept. 10 1841.
Di!.;ta Siv—Please send me two more bottles of
your Balsam of Wild Cherry, like that you sent .
me baggc,A_have taken-nearlfall - ofthellialwo,
and confidently believe this medicine will cure me.
I have used a great many remedies withi& the
last year, but have never found any thing that has
relieved me so much. It has stopped my cough
entirely; checked my night sweats, and I sleep
better at night and feel bettor in every way; than
I have for many months. Yours, respectfully,
mEs K
HoniEsnutto, Sept.l2, 1841.
FRIEND Wisum—l-must again trouble dwelt)
bctid Mc two bottles more of thy invaluable Bal
sam. I have now taken three bottles in all; and
can assure thee that it has done more good than
all the medicine I have ever taken before. Send
by the stage 116 80011 as possible, and oblige thy
friend, losEvu HOLLOWAY.
En mot, Sept. 8, 1841.
An. DOCTOR:—lfearing so many people talk
of the wonderful cures your Balsam of Wild Cher.
ry has made in Consumption, I sent - to ono of
your Agents the-other day fora bottle, and-have
found it to have relieved me so much, that I want
three bottles more sent soon, as I believe it will,
- 3-`riy-lre-S - unrpettbrant
and other medicines besides, but nothing bee done
nie,as much good as *yours has: Send by the
steamboat Bolivar: • Yours, truly,
• - VITILLIAAI Tuesus.
Vir Besides -- its astonishing efficacy in
Consumption, it is also the most effectual remedy
eves. discovered for LIVER COM VLAINTS,
WHOOPING COUGH, Sce., as hundreds Will tee.
tify who have been cured,by it alter allother reme
dies had failed.
DRUGGISTS and DEALERS will find this
medicine a valuable addition"lo their stock; and
should always keep it on hand, aa it is universally
acknoWledged to ho one of the most use.fulfamily
medielnea now in use.
n• - •Be very , careful to ask for Dr. WISTAR'S
sale and retail by WILLIAMS &CO., Chemlete,•
N 0.33, South Fourth Street,-Thiladelphia. • •
ViirThe gemiine flalsani sold in
lisle by, SAMUEL. ELLIOTT, appointed
Agent: Price—sl pei>Botijo.
June 22,1842. ' "
iiiirArtFAcTpuip,itrid, kept on band,' for
' /TA- Bale,ln 'the. city ef:t4444to, near the
Rail Roa, - •. • ' ' . - ,
Enilteo B -Cbajn:AggrOe Power
for one; hove and for two ; tying", warranted to
work wel4 and grealar .dorabllity than any
others Nfachinea; for-a:00414 purpose
s known to
,thrieubeeribei.itpteserit;,:. ,,, ... I; ,
4;18411 , - .
. ,
Affections of the Liver t 'asthina, Bronchitis, Pains
or weakness of the Breast or - Ltaigs, Cisrenic
Coughs, Pleurisy, Ifxmorrage of the Lungs, and .
. apcdone of the Pulmonary Organs.
H compound Balsamic pieparation of the'Prunus
Virginiania or Cherry Hark,"combined with
the Extract
_of !Air, prepared - 4y -a new chemical
process, approved aal recommended by the most
distinguished physicians, and universally acknow.
ledge!' the most. valuable medicine ever discovered.
In setting-forth the' virtues of 'this truly great me. ,
dieine, we haveno desire to deceive thole who are
laboring under afilictien, nor do we wish to
. cy:ogise
it moronban itjustly deserves. Net when we look
around - una see the vast amount of sufferingand die
'tress occasioned by many of the diseases in which
this medicine has proved so highly successful; we
feel that we cannot urge its claims too strongly, or
say too much in its favor.
.Various remedies it is true have been offered and
miffed into notice for the cure of diseases, of the
i l
Lungs, mid
,so m have no doubt . been found vriiy.
iisetiil;burcifti that have yet been discovered, it is
admitted by ph sicians mid all 'Who-intve witnessed
its effects, that cone has iiroved - asduccessfUl as this.
Stich, indeed, are the , ,
Qf this Balsam, that even in the advanced stage of
Com:Almon ; after an the most esteemed remedies
of .physiciana have failed to effect any change, the
use of this medicine has been productive of the
most astOnishing relief, and actually sellbeted cures
afler,nll fumes of recovery had been despaired of.-
In the first stages of the discase,terMed "Cafarr
ha! Consumption, " originating from neglected Colds,
it bas. been used with undeviating success, and hun
dreds acknowledge they owmthe restoration of their
health -to liis lay:linable-medicine' alone. In that
fdrm Consumption so prevaleM amongst delicate
young females, commonly termed debility, or
A complaint syith which thousands are lingering, it
haialso proved highly successful, and not only pos..
SCyglB the power of checking-11m progr64 of this
Marmingemnplaint, but also strengthens a u %l invig
tirates.the system more effectually than anyinedi
-eine we have ever possessed.
Besides its surprising efficacy in Consumption, it
is eminlly .efileacions in Liver CoOp±iiiniar,Aethrpa,
lir)nchitis;nud all affections of the Lungs, and has
card numr - eif the most 'obstinate eases, slier every
of er remedy had failed. jj For particulars - see
Dr. Wistar's Trc.ise on Consumption, to be had o
Attending. the use'oriiiis medicine in diseases of
the Lungs, and the many singular cares it has ef
fected, baring naturally ultras:led — the. attention of
'many physicians, (as.;yell a's the whisle' fraternity of
spiar . iss) raviolis conjectures and surmises have arisen
respecting its (Atm positir ; some physicians hare
supposed it to contain lodine, other igneratit preten
ders say must contain Ofercury, and to some such
substance they earls attribute its singulsr
As midi bpinions are altogether erroneous, and cal- -
eulatted to pre.judiee many persons againifit, we
That it contains nothing of the kind, or soy thing
the least injurious; 011 the contrary,'it is composed
of the most si topic substances, thli principle of which
are the extractkA TAR and 11 Pei Chr rry Burk,
and the whole secret of , its efficacy consists iti the
nodehy %%Lich they are preparii.
As we have already pitbli die! '
m ttnerons certifi
. •
les frtho the hiqhe'st - nuthority - ,7. - which prose its
virtues heyontl ali dottht, consithT it nntweessary
toexhihit wien‘,., , list of (tent in this pinee; snit will
only mention a few eases, to show what it has done.
WHILE LIFE 1 - mm 4 l:Ns •
A , CUItE.--Aniong the ninny
f.ingianis cures N Lich thin nietlichie has efreeted,
Ihercis p!..tquips mine in which its pmt ems are so
f011y..511.04. :is in the %lowof Mrs. Austin::
This lad) II:T - 11'1104i consumptive Ow several years,
And thirii.g the greater part-ot liristime bad received -
the best medical atteuliuu, nerd-tried all the . most
valitahle remedies, yet siothinz - eniild be found to
wrest its prozres9. She beranie subj..ut 'to' - violent
chtoitylg-; exp. elorat, quantities or
ot.itter oreasionally tii.geil tt itlr blqod. toil step by'
•t 1' this reoifill disease continued its Course, wail
hop* , ot'a recovery was etitivi , h - despaired 01 1 —
'l\lllle iu tlii, sitnatioi;, upon
the e.ry terge of tho grave. slit (-unit use
of this Baisalen, A 1.111•11, to use her own expression,
:11111 . •91 like II Clihrlll.. In a l'ew days she freelStlw tins
os gradually sup
or,,,s,, a n d es cry ;Ito- appeared :tad fresh vigor
to her koks, and now; in the Ogee of that emaciated
form withering (0 decay, 'she is seen niinglin;.; in
yoeit ty,iti butter health' than she bas enjoyed for
17ISINTERESTF.1) TP:cII , :OICY.---TLlVirgy; Ivitnessrtl
surprising vtlitacy rhas•tho or
vim ('herry, in the ease of Airs. Austin, 1 cheer.
illy neknom !cage the above statetn,nt to'be trite
utl eort'ect. J. G. ‘I'ALTErzi;!.:II. 1).
WOCIIISIOCM. Sept. 4,1841.
Duir Sir—Although your ITlVOltinble Medicine has
'itleeinly• found hundreds - of powerful advocates, it
may still be gratif inn to you to twelve n cotartinni
entinn hum any cue thnt has been relieond by it.
Such, Sir, is truly ntv ease. I lii Vl` been a victim
to that terrible di!olise 'Consumption, for Mini
months. nod have tiliffeel'd -SO much, that T bad be
conn, almost weary , of My life. Hearing. your'
an highly praised / I began hiking it n few
weeks back, and elm
.assure y:tio it has relieved me,
more than any thing have'evee used !whore, and 1
confidently. believe it will cure me efTinmally. Please
give the bearer the not of the enelosed,and oblige
Yours Respectfully, Joiry -
r Chester County, Sept. G, 1841.
Friend-Wistar—lt gives me 'midi pl. sonic to in.. •
'form thee that my wile's health has itinjulsc.rl.-----
immli_since-sla;-Itillbeen - usiTipliylbilsalm of Wild
Cherry, and we think there is no doubt but that it
will cure her. She has taken the two bottles I pur
chased from thee a short time slice, and her cough
is touch better, she also sleeps well at night, and
says she has rowel nothing. to give her'so much re
lief. : Thee will please give the bearer two bottles
more for Thy Friend.
Dear Sir--Please send me two bottlea_of_your.
genuine - 11a!mint - Of Wild Cherry. I line teen af
flicted with Consumption for the test tivo,years, and
suffered very nmeh with a severe entigli, pains in
'My breast, difficulty .of breathing, night sweats, See.,
and having tried numerous remedies, and also been
under several doctors. yet I could not Sad an y thi ng
to relieve me until I used some of your Balsam. I
R ot one bottle from a neighbor of intim who is using
it, and have found such wonderful relief from it that
I have no doubt it will cure me effectually.
Very.respectfully yours, &a:
;lead the followingifrom Dr. Jaen}, Hellman,
n l'hYnift" of ext''Bbt'g,AKacfuao..4a-44tmtingdmr—"'-4'
Dehr Sir--I•m•ocured one bottle of Dr. Wistar's
Ilalsalm of Wild Cherry, froni Thomas Reed, Esq., •
of this place, end tried it .n a case of obstinate
Asthma on n child of Paul Beltwebie, in whiCh many
other remedies had been tried witheut.any relief. • .
The Balsalm uave sudden-relief and in my opinion
the child is efleetunlly cured - by its.isse.
Yours, &o. JACOD•UOrpildlq,3l.
December 22d, 1841: : .
. .
Dear Sir—.. Your Daltailm of Wild Cherry has ef
fected some astonishing ouired here. One of which.
is an old lady; Mrs. Russell, ! h a had been stiffering
for a long time with shortness of breathing, and gen
eral weakness, until she was•filially obliged to keep
her bed. After various other remedies had been -
resorted to in *sin, the commenta usitig your Bal.
salm,nnd after taking two bottles, n ns do far recover.,
ed as to_ he able to attend to all the duties of her
house, and on taking' two bottles:More was entirely...
cured.' ' • Respectfully &o
,_*-• • ' ,
, • •
Joni S. ,
Poitsville, Pa. " • • • .
. CAUTION:--As. there.•ie-a sitiarfous
called Syrup of Wild Cherry,.purthasers should be:
very particular•to aslrfor. Dn. WISTAWS BALt
.SAM, and observe, his signittnre on the Bottle'. •
Prepamtlior:_the..proprietor, andardd - nrith.Ole•'7
sale by Co. f . Chemists, •No.sll. minor
street, Philadelphia.'
to 03 3
• Sold in CarlieLk by. :
,' .., • : . ~: • 1344,141JEL,-.ELLToTT ,;- ,
it, shi r ipe,;sktur g by the Rev., rood Sinhbl 'Nan.
riaburg by John Wyetb, Jr; neoter• • by;,4 944,
6bamberabarg by Lewis Deal Ottat inelmO s t evert
town and village tbrongtto4 i tt bonidry,
Price. $1 IP a *ba!tte, -
November 23,1144:.,:;. fr . .; '' . '
i ors.
A . SPLMOID asioilmeni • IBBONS.9Fvori:r.
/1 owl kip . dtstor,*e . tt . ed Ityt.
GEO lArrklEl3; , '-‘ , '
I , 64l;iliei*ltl4l: • r - ;
Lancaster county, July 18, 1841