Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, January 11, 1843, Image 3

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    Biaittor - Cosics.Tite tNeur::Y.Ork .Anierican
imblishen nOctitutts of two eases Of =SOY occur.
king on board of English men of war, which shisVe
how' inichnffaini u that of the Somers are treat.
ed in the British Navy. - One /Atka claim of Lord
CamelOrd, who being in command d . English
h'arhor in 1798, shot:, Lieutenant Peterson dead
for, disobeying his' orders.. • He was iblIY and
honorably 11411100 d by a Cotirt Martial and
Commended for his. prompt ,suppression , of the
mutiny ; the other, occurred' In 1840, and, is that
'of Midshipman Bowles who . being trent in .the
:Cutter her Majesty's ship • Brisk,ln Persult
two slivers, -captured one of them; having on
board a numerous ere*, SO Portugsse soldiers
stud a number of slaves.' He had great difficulty:
an keeping - possession 'or her; .and the vessel
hounding, the men atteinpted to . escape klka.
boat Mr m Bowles shot the most conspicuous of
the mutineers-through the shoulder, and thus re.
stored his authority. His conduct was MI, ap.
proved by his commander. ,
Stock in Washington:
Oliver Oldschool, tho talented correepondent of
'the U. S. Gazette in Washington, gives in ono of
lie lettere hot week, the following quotations of
stticke, at the National Capitol; ' '
Your readers and mine may perhaps be some.
what interested in political stooks, and may there.
fare bedesirquito know how they stand here at
the -present _moment._ For_ their_information_
then k i can inform them that CLAY stock is firm—
not One of the preient holders being willing to
44 sell out.", • . •
Van Buren stock seems to be rising in proper.
tiona 'the Calhoun falls.
Cies—None offered
Seott—:•Transactions small ;':no intpriry, an
holder's stem disposed to exchange it for Chg. d
Tyler—No bids.
V. B Pitatza,-Esq. at his Real Estate and
Coal Office, No. 104:•South Third Street, Phila.
is authorized to act as Agent, for-procuring sub.
scribers and advirtiscmcnts for the "Flo:raid and
This pleaiant Medicine is formed byri combina
tion of twenty different ingredients, all celebrated
for the cure of Colds, Coughs, and Futownie Com
plaints; and by-its co'mbination; if one of these arti
cles should be' Used separately and afford no reiief f
in the EXTRACT, OF 110.41OWUND they art:
so amalganiated, that the benefit of the whole is eX+
perienecd in one Compound.
About three years and a hoif jig°, this article was
h e at brought before the public. It was heralded with
no previous announcement - of its Merit or Value p but
was introduced by the proprietors to the community
to stand by `their deeiaidit, as regarded' its beneficial
influence. That deeishin has been Attained 10.0 man
ner altogether unexpected. The unsought acknowl
edgentent of, its worth has proceeded spontaneously.
from diamonds, who have experienced: its benefits.
throughout the country. And why is it aol Be
cause the trial of its qualities in Coughs and Colds,
Hoarseness, it-Motion of the Throat, Crciup,Whoop
lug Covigh; Asthma, Catarrhs, Palpitation for the
Heart, Liver Complaint, Night Sweats, difficult or'
- profuse Expectoration, and all diseases leading to
Consumption, has given it a value that no other sir*
Bar medicine has ever reached. r
' Complaints of the lungs are. the most dangerous
and at the same thee most prevalent of .all diseases.
. Our climate is most peculiar; it changes suddunly
'from extreme warmth to extreme cold, from wet to'
dry, and it is from this Amigo . the climate that
diseases are' apt to arise.
When the blood is itt an. unhealthy state, and the
eonstitution naturally delicate, if a cold sets in and
no immediate relief takes place, the' chances are al
• together against the patient attacked ;it is when rem
etliesare taken in time, that disease is checked and :
life saved. • There is no disease but may not be siif
fered to go such a !ength that - no medicine or phy
sician iii the world can save the person attacked. '
This Antra he remembered by all; the safety of
life is, to be in time. .Alt the symptoms of
a Cold, Cough 'or' Chilliness, THE CLARIFIED
be freely used according to directions.p and in every
ease where it is so used inprap s rime, the Cough or
Cold will be broken up or eradicated: SYe feel it
our duty to impress this upon every one—all reme,
dies must be taken in time. • • •
The following is one of a thousand eertificates,the
proprietor could show, attesting dte virtue of his
"I have experimentally tested the virtildt of your
Clarified Essence of IfoarhoUnd Candy, and would
'recommend it to be - universally used by all those
whose lungs areexposed r -no 'public speaker Bliottld
he Without it. Rev. Mr. Lyon,
Formerly Pastor of M. E. Clattrch, York, Pa..
Retrientber, each package of the geneine Hour
- hound Candy is signed J. PEASE & SON.
All letters, post paid, directed to J. Pease & Bon,
45 Division street,-N Y, will be punctually attended
AZ' Merchants in the country wishing Pease's
Dom , !mum' Candy cal obtain it at the manufacturer's
rowest terms, by sending an order to any one in the
city with whom they have dealings.
aMerchants and storekeepers in .this vicinity
cult be supplied by applying 'to Messrs._ Myers
7111averstick, who havetilarge and frail supply direct
from the Manufacturer.
• For sale, by MYERS & HAVERSTICK,
Sole Agents for Carlisle and by
J. Dorsheimer,'Afechanicsburg. --
. • Daniel Shelly, Shiremanstown,
Abraham Getz, Kingston'
hseph Crain, lfoguestown.
Samdel~ 'ikon,. •
' Jiihn Gish, . SSltinpensburg,
• J. P. Wilson, Greenville. •
Nov. 2, nat.
. .
. PHILADELPHIN,Jan; 7, ta4B.
FLOUR.—Sales weep Made early in the week fur
the Boston marketet $4 and further sales of .500
barrels yesterday at the same' ride. , Hotdera are ask
ing 4123, but sales have been efiWte.ll at a ffaction
less. Wetherefore alter our ftifres to leonrorra with
the last sales $ : 4; by which it will' 'ice see.* there is a •
falling off during the week of 12fr cent, per barrel.
Receipts by the Rail road daily, about 1000 barrels:
Corti Meal, prime ,212 x; Brandy Wine 2 571.
. GRAIN..—But few transactionslaate taken planet
prices remain of our , former quotations. A • stile of
Jersey yellow Corn, afloat, has been effected at 44 ate.
WHISKEY.—Prices are steady at 2O ate in blide.'
and 21 a 22 in birrels.
BALTIMORE, Jan. 7,18434
CATTLE MARKET. The oferingaattheyarda
on Monday did not exceed 200 head, all 'of which,
including *boot 30 for the Philadelphia market,were
taken by the butchers at $4 to 5 50 per 100 lbs. The
Imelda" stocks of live Hogs have found purchasers
daring tbi week at about 3 50, a few having sold at
sonsethinglesin and dressed at 350 to 375 per 100 lbs.
'FLOUR. —MI descriptions are dull. City Mills
is held sit $4 12/;,aud there am only few enquiries
making. Moderate *ales have been madeot Howard
street at4„ . atiwhich rate it isheavys the reeelptpricas
• still retail:4dg at 3 57§. The market is bale cramp
GRAIN.—The receipts of VVbeat twosome days
past have been light. The last prices paid for good
to the best Alisiyland mkt-offered * were $5 to $5 eti.
and for inferior qualities 60 to 50. No transactions
io Rye. Oats have been taken in small lots from
MOM to $4 eenta l Tbere Is no Corn afloat. The
II prise" paid. were . 43 to 44 cents for white - and
WHISICEY--Hie further detained. atarlales 47e
been made, at reportakat 20 to Ali:Auto.
On the 29 ult., by te:EoV v ltnel SITIO; Wit;•''
Nittneal Pllll4anety In' Winton College. Cuilge,
tc , ELVOI HONOO I 4 - gMeer of RolOd
Cr Eagle lion Worker CPnter county.
. -
•' , ,
On the 30th ult. at thiirendente of her father; Mr,
George Opomiler, In ' , North Middleton; township,
litre./F.LIZA.;I4V,I,Viaged ahout.3oyeiirs.
g2:ie' l :?AlT;A'ArkTtA en ttP,,,:gi«lrg'V
air 0> ititql,Seti
THE libokistid Operi of the Inloprietari of
the o Garllslit Herold - and _EmAsitor. are' ludic;
hands of the subscriber; residing in Westpetinsborol
townibip, for suit: All accounts ' uSipsid - after ,tlie
£Bd iostoKill be lAA hi suit.
L: it 1111.1LiAt1gh•
hour 11.t843. li
etisi mats Islam.
WILL be offered at OMR; sale on .WEDNES
DAY the Ist day of, PRI3RUARY nett; on
the premises at 1 o'clock, I'. M. the following real
and personal " estate of Jawed Chalfant; late of the
Borough of York, dawdled. • ,
situate in Newberry Street, tile Borough of York,
a short distance South of ain strectoiiith the build
ing thereon erected, vits A Tivo Story
And KITCHEN fit a good pump, in
the yard, two la . •- •
Mae I : I artia 533109/EOO9
A. Blacks ith Shop with 2 Fires,
and an excellent sett of tools, a barn and carriage
house. Attached to the shops is a horse power with
all the necessary fixtures for tithing Lathes and oth
er machinery, two very valuable Lathes, a large as
sortment of Patterns for
Thrtshiqg Machines, Cloverdliills " - Horse
Pottle, Lathes, tine.
, .
valuable tools of every description, tficestilly
making• the above ' anda variety of other titadunea---:,•
with a large quantity of Lumber suitable for the same
The long established and high eharieter of the de
aesised as a .Machinistand the extensive business.done
ih these 'shops. which will be continued to the time
or sale, make this a very desirable property, as the
pUrchaser would his almost certain of securing what
has heretolbee been w very profitable business.
An inventory will be exhibited on the day of sale.
Terms made known by
January 11, 1849. • ts-11
GliWIZ* • ir.i.vrED.
CORN and 11117.'wanted,-for-whiclr-the—highest
price will be given.
Carbide, Jan. tt. • S. M. HARRIS.
Estate of Jacob Gartet, cledeasod
LETTERS of Administration on -, the Estate of
JACOB GARRET, late Of Allun-township, -
deceaseildrave been taken out by the- subscriber, re
siding in the same towiishiti. All persons indebted
to said estate are reFoested to make itemetlisite pay
ment, and those havinghaving claims will present them duty
authenticated for setilement,lo
GEORGE 8EEL1.11.4 - N, Adm'r.
January 11,1843. 6t-11
AT a stated Orphans Court . begun and held at
Carlislei for Ciimberland e•intity, on TUES
DAY the 13th dity of DECEMBER, A. D. 1842, be-.
fore the Hon, &lining Hepburn, President, and John
Stuart and T.. Miller, it ssoetate JUdges, &c. the
following proceedings were hall, vizi
13th December; 142, on motion of Messrs. Bid
dle and Reed, rite ow the heirs mid representatives
of Margaret igley i Ace' / appear at th next
stated Orphans Court; Oral to accept or refuse to ac
cept the residue of the real estate embraced in the
requisition, viz: :Nos,-1. and 3. Notice to be given
for three successive weeks in one newspaper in. Car
le, and personal nutlec agreeably to the AAA of
asembly. By the Court.
Ciember land Cotintg, $B.
i. , ••••t .1, R. Wilson, Clerk
•, •
~;•• 7c. plans Court, in and for the said couu
. ty, do hereby - certify that the forczotor,
. 4 is a true Copy of the Rule on the hove
and represematives of M. Quigley, de=
ceased'. %%Muss my hand and seal of
taid Court at Carlisle, 28th of December, 1842.
R.-WILSON, CM - . 0. C. .
January 11, 1843. 9t-11
Notice in &nkruptcy
tilLLer'l b publicou t cryn FRIDAY
theTsthTl;U .rtreloe M.
on the preinises, the FARM of Daniel I'. Scher
balm, situate in Westpenialiaro' township, CUmber
land county, three miles west of Carlisle,
90 acres of which is good arable Limestone Land, in
' a good state of cultivation. It will be rented fur the
term of one year. Postession given on the . lit of
:April neat.
Also,iit the:same time and plate" will be clIA:rel) at
Publie side a
MUM= 10251211M2.1227 9
Peoley't patent witb'a lotml new double Itoksheads,
a belle'. that. Woufd answer a tan alid' or other'. ma
chinery, !der copper womb. Thin Whole to be sold
together or in pieces as May beet suit puiddllasers.—
The larger vessels answering a good literpote for
cisterns. Attendance 'given and tejmsL known
on day of tile by
Assignee in Ifinkfilptcy of Daniel P. Scherbahn.
Janitor,' i f, 1843: to-1 1
THE two story briek Dwelling and lot, on Pitt
street, near High, now occupied by Mrs. Massey,
and the one adjoining, lately occupied by It. White
Middleton, Esq. • Possession will he given on the Ist
of April arid. For terms,apPly to
ALSO. the' basement rooms of - the-Methodist
Episcopal Church. Por terms apply as above..
Also, for sale at , tent, the Houses,. Diehard and
Lot purchased by Me.of die Messrs. Ringuoales, and
formerly owned by Mrs. Logue. If desired the
houses and garden - *ill be tented - separate, from the
lots and or,ehard‘ WM. D. SZYMOIIB.
January 11, 180. tf-If
Orphan's Court Sale.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of
Cumberland COunty. the subscrsber will sell at
public vendue on the premises. on SATURDAY' the
28th day of JANUARY next, at 12 o'clock; at noon
of said day, the.following reill'estate, late the prop,er
ty of Jacob Mandeb, of. South Middleton township,
deceased; to wit:
3 14ofs'nf_ Riountain Land,,
adjoining each other, situate to Dickinson township;
in said County, about two miles asid a half 6'olll
Holly Forge, on the Whitestown road, bounded by
liinds'of Jacob iyers, David Glens, Michael' *Ors,
William.%totire and others;' the first or said Vow
marked No. 1 A. in the diagram. filed in said Otow
phan's Courtosontaiiiii.g 9 Acres and Perahee,
strict measure. The second No. 2: El: coidaininglo
Acres and fo Perehea, strict measure, onti the third.
containing t 9 Acres and 59' Perches, strict
Measure.. Theielots are well timbered with chest
nut and otfier Timber, and are of eniulenient site fur
farmers owning propertY in the'neighliorlinoil. • '
The terms and conditiods or sale will'be Made
known - ob the - tilitthereof by..
P,xectitoi• of last will adJacob Damask, deri'd.
December 21',184'2. is -8
VINEGAR for Pickling, for axle
by the sabsiMber.
Carli4e. Aug. 91, t 14. • . tf-44
2111/611241.02 47. DiMAUI
House • Painter and (Hailer
RESPECTFULLY informs the public that
be bee commenced the HOUSE PAINT:
all their. various blanches, and hopes by strict at.
tentbM to , business and moderate charges to merit
and *eke a share of public patronage. Hio
shop is in:Pitt street; directly in the rear of Ste.
treason as Dinkier) Drift store.
Carlhde, 04. 12, 1842
111/rANT/FAGTlJitgp - Austi - keiOn hind, for
irt the city . Of iian9!lt4ll", near the,
Rati Road; . .
ElldieSS Horse
for one
ha aid for two horses. ,warranted to
Work teep.' and of greater durability: llan any ,
other ItfaChinesJor saintlier purpose known to
the subscriber at present
r' •••;„
For trial it 11111fliy,term tbeCoort of Com.
mon Pleas!, for:Cumberland county.
dinnutenoh3g on Monday,4anuati 9th, 1843.
& brothers, vs. Y. B. ton,
Hughes. Atire'r, ' • " Monis et al
Hawley, " Craighead,
Craighead, "Myers, •
Spunk, for nos ' - " Alexander,
aorgas et al , Alekander,
Snowily, " Poorntan,-
Kellogs, adaer.' • " Penrose,
Miner, twiny,
Spahr, 1 ' Wort
commencing Monday; January 16th; 1843.
Solunder, vs: Hamilton,
Kilgore, " Clandy, .
Sturgis, " ilartlerode,
Martin; . " Rupiah •
Low. • " • Lenhart's *doer.
Tate, " Alexander,
Lion, l• Moore,
Ilebwood, " Moore,
Inhoff . • '• Paaion et al .
tirel2lll4l lea
DiEG le:mg to inform the citizens of Cailisle and
its vicinity, ihtit they will commence selling at
Auction, their Stock of Merchandise, consisting of
on MONDAY the 9th inst. and will continue to sell
from day to day, until fill is wild, •
•-" ' _ GEO. W: SHEAFFER, ' •
partners of the firm of Myers k
B. 411 persons having claims apinst said firm
are requested to present them for settlement and all
those indebted either by note - or book account* will
luill and snake payment,it it necessary inconsequence
Of the death of one of the Partners that the business
of the be iettledlinteediately
s. s, co..
January 4, 1840: • St-10
. . .
A S the business of MOSES 'MYERS, who is en
/IL gaged as a .Millwright in Lebanon township,
Adams county; has been baltired to some extent by
the evidence in a late law suit between myself and
David Cockley of Lanett/4er; inWhich it was repre
sicted that the machinery .
mill had not opera
ted - properly on actodni of defects in the wheelie
constrdeted: itan.actoljus
fl Kee to Myers to state to the public that I did
not r and do'not believe suth to be the case. And I
would ; hereby recommend him as a first rate work
man, the evitltnct of Which can be found by examin
ing the Machinery of the mill now owneciby me.
Mobroe twp. Jan. 4,1841. . 4t*-10
- OLD • -
Abb ptirsotut hating itec — ounis with the
Sobscribec, wilt pl'ea'se Call- immediately and
settle the& up to' Ibis dote; as the presiere of the
times reiibire prortipt payments.
And oblige yours, Ittó. A. lactiAtird..
•S ouses y fok R en'ti
111. Store room,. Brick Ware House and Lot of
Ground attached, situate in North Hanover. street,
Carlisle, now occupied by Messrs. J. & C. Coi'nman,
also the Shop second door South of the above, in the
occupancy of Mr. Hantch. Also the Brick Dwell
ing House,Lot and Stabling, in West High street,
now - in ten u re of Dr. Wm. Irvine. Also a new Brick
Dwelling . Homse and
,part of Lot attached, on Dick
inson alley; and the Frame Mamma Lot orGround
odeltpted by Mr. U. Moore, on West Louther street.
PO6llOlBlOll given on the Ist of Akil -next. I.' or
teentS apply to JNO. B.- PARKER.
I_ December 2,11, 11342. tf-9.
• 1D 1r .5 1 -It .
TWO new and well finished BRICK HOUSES
'Possession giretstlie Ist of-April ne5t....,._
Dec. 58.1844. • • S. ELLIOTT.
2 •
9000 BUSHELS OF RYE, for which - t
, Will pay the market price to CABII.
'Carnet°, December 28,18.12.
David W. McCullouch,
Adm'r;of Davis Skilse,.
John Slough,/r. Adm'r.
of John Stough, Sr..dec'd
with notice to Mary Ann
Stough,_ widow.} John
Cope & Eliza C. hie wile;
James Stought Christian.
G. Stough and Samuel
Trlll, Guardihn of Swill
Stough,• Margaret Ann I Retutnable 24:1 Mon.
Stough,.Mary M.StOughi . I. d a y of January, t 443
David Stough & Charles
Stough heir's at law of
John Stough, Son. deed.,
4 40 2 .
William Smith
John Stoughrjr. AdMin:
idtrgttor of John Stough, er. Summons-in debt:
deceased; with mike to Real Debt not
Mary Ann Stough(widow) ceeding 1000 00'.,
John Cope and Ellie C. his
wife, James Stough, Chris. •
flan G. Stough and Samuel'
Trill, guardians of Sam u'el
Stough, Margaret Ann ifeturnable the
Stough, Mary M. Stough, second Monday of
Daniel Stough and Charles January, 11441.
Stotrgh‘heirs at law ofJohn
Stough, ar., deceased. —
PAUL. MARTIN, Sherif?:
December 28184'2. te.B
BEAVER and Pilot Cloth fotover costa: Also,
Black, Blue and Invisible GFeepoth for diesi
costs, just reeeived and selling very low;v1 the store of
Dec. 91, 18n. • GRAN. OGILBY.
AVE juht opened their' FALL, .ASSORT
13Ds . -7'.j."IIIEM3RCa r aTZIPZIPERIBe
Togethei thitir air exit Übe . anOrtment of A
Palest .Medicines mid Perfumery:
• • Ait'AgOgs, • ALMONDS,
~ CURRANTS, GRAM, ko. • '
All of whielrthey will soli Teholeirsle or retail. on
the Inwest terns)).
Carlisle, Lleeemberl4, 1842.-11 rd:
Cash: Cash:
. .
Lb persona indebted to the eubleiiher
GOA are notified to call and settle their acenuntsbe
fore the 15th Deeembet next, as longer indulgence
'cannot be given. CHAS. crGitut,
November 43, 184 z tr 46
e k tnct in South' Hanover street, near W.
Clellan'e Rotor, where all information desir.
ed, in reference to the duties of those intending
to apply for the benefit of the BankruitAeti ea*
be obtained ? , •
Caribreelte3o 4, M 4 tilt
. .
BOott l 10106#- ofir amps - .
• .
rir HE eubecriber heti . jbef. returned front
- the °ley, and OPIODing, in s adaltlon, toads for.
zner etoolt, 141 =ego orßenti, !Woo awl Caps, eqn.
a Youth's boots zden's, Boy's int
Men's fine Celt Boots and wefer-ittlW do;•
Men's and ' s a n d
Youth's Sell Ilotilsk
Iktee'S, Boy's and Broians.
Istdles' Kid Welts end=lllllppers.
• Coleted hiding ; •-• • •-•
Men's; Boys and Youth's'Pai.,, cloth,
LEMONS of Superlot4illty,
BIJNICH RlSlOlNEisitupetiorqusliOnew
All a( whickylltles eold eltelittitteeeshd r- „ ,
; _ . Mi" , ?tt&TAER.'
‘ - 'cl*Ne) . Dei.2l; 1542;
~_ . .
'' - 'ASSESSIIIENT.OR ~.1..- 43.
. .. ,
. .
In pursuant . ° ot the Act id Assembly Pained the 27th d'ay of july IS4Z; the foliating Maims* it hereby the Commissioners 'of, Cumhathintl, Oft:mull
Which exhibits the amount , description and value of the real and personal property, Trades; Occupations and Professions made Taxable byibs seisraliete of,
thiiCommontreslth; 'hewing the amount of the.Valuatiog together with the .amount of the se#eral Taxes assesied- for County and State purposes in ,eaCtr. Tainihip and
Borough Within the' Conayof Cunibertancir and the apportionment thereto; liccording to Law: . '
Notice is• also hireby given that the "Board of Revision" will meet in the CoMmissioners office in the borough of Carlisle, on• Monday the tgd day of Jamie* initant•
to revise, correct, and equalise •the• valuation of all property taxable by law, and for finally determining whether any of the viluatiop of •the assessors have , been, mass
below a just rate acoording to the Meaning and intention of the law , and from th&time of publishing the returns of the Assessoref as above-stated, vit :- from the date of this
notice " until the aforesaid 23d. dt(y of January, instant," any taxable inhabitant of the county shall have the right to examine the. said return in the Commissioners offices
That the said " Board of Reviiion . " will "on receiving the returns of the Assessors; proceed to examine and enquire whether the same have bear made in ~r . onformity with
the laws of this ConimonWealth, and whether all property to be vahied for taxitirciii for State and Connty purposes, has been valued at a sum or price not less than the same
would bring after full public notice', at a public sale, supposing each separate lot or piece or tract of land, with the improvements or the personal property of each individual(
company corporation iini, were to be sold:" And that the said Beard will "receive and' consider the written communication, of any taxable inhabitant of the county, relax
iive - to any property which su'ch taxable inhabitant-shall believe to have been reduced too low, and on the day appointed" aforesaid, for determining whether .any property has
been reduced too low, or, reduce the same if too high, they shalt proceed to raise the price otvaluition of any property which they shall believe to have been reduced too low:
That when the whole of - the laltiatitin of - the - Assessori shall - hav e beenraiied,'revised and eqoalized, in conforthity With law,. the same proceedings 'shall-be-had-in-reference
to notice, appeals and corrections, which are now had by the limed this Commonvreaittr; excepting only that the Board of Revision, instead of the County Com Missioners(
shall heat and decide upon all appeaIt :" MICHAEL MI§HLErt,
. .. , . ,
JACOB REHRAR; Cammissloneril:'
4 fit lIIDIVI 31D221111 srgitle °III .l h at's
T U' WEER ofevery description &S...INGLES, ~.-~
_I A for sale cheap, by , Pure Mute: erm Oil at I*2 per ilon
Pure Sea Elephant wintet Oil at 80 cut do
s ' ga
' Til9lllllll Dit111) thWitIPL
J & P. IVIANTiN, r
Sperm Candles, best quality, at 91 cts per lb .
Just received and for sale by JW. EBY ilk ,gyrats tt Hit vrusileic have just received
Syccessore to Miller & Martins
subirefibefe Offer fey Bent, fot rade, Dec. 21,1842 tf-8 ff.. from the Manufactory at Philadelphia. a largo
Harrisburg, April 20. 1842
6'...-2' ICE'
or more years, that welt known and corn= Ca
- ---
modious Three Storyassortment of LARD LIMPS, consisting of
CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, AND SATINETS. Tavern Stand, known as the oi _.4.- ,
s i r nu yr Pivot [tooth: IP 6 aeloilriChamber & Study Lampg„
I - 1 LIPPINGER 4 CAREY, have just, re. RAILROAD HoTEL - USTJ p r „r with or without stadeio which they will sell whole
calved an extensive assortment of CLOTHS, ill received a lot Of Water
f sale or retail at the manufacturer's prices.
CASSIMERS and SATTINETS. which will be situate on the corner of. High and fit Boots, with a largo assortment of Shoes, or ALSO,
Pitt street Carlisle, and now occupied b y C omens
Astral, pattell l . nle Ilene:lord and Glass Lamps of yam-
Bold at reducell prices Men, Women and Children, which I will sell cheap
Shippensburg, Oct. 5, 18142. tf 49 McFarlane It enjoys a large share orTatrontige, f or cash CHAS. OGILBY ti4
including thb advantages derived from the Rail road Deceratier 2t, 1842. CD Lt Mr' co
Estate of Geo. David Slusser, deed. ;travelling There is attached to it extensive stabling, Coinheriand Count
Nrettrie t• to - and all nedessaly conveniences• It is Well 'worth? y, Ng. • The very beta Winter strained, bleached Spent'
the considetation of Hotel keeper& Possession wi 1 The Commonwealth or Penn M
sylvania to e Shire 00, warranted to burn chair, for
be given on the tst of April next. Application to of Cumberiond County, Greetinz i 51,25 per gallon.
1 trrEns of Administration on •the be msd"° JOHN NOBLE lic CO v v .
Carlisle, Nov 23, 1812 t y • s6 IiEREAS, IL& C . Letts, m Best Sperm Candles .37i cents per lb.
II J Lettite of GEO DAVID SI USSER, late of the Court of Common Pleas, .5.; il( )/ ,'' Carlisle , Deo 21, 18'42 th e
Dickinson township, deceased, have issued in due P. S The furniture and fixtures now id ' the Hotel, to wit of the term of Jantiary. M 7l„,
form of hut to the sallsoriber in said towns All will be disposed of to the new lessee an reasonable
ptrsons indebted to said estate are requested fa make terms. Ins the year of our Lord, one thousand .)( ) TEMPERANCE HOTEL
mediate payment, and those having claims will
, John Reed, Esquire, and his associate
present them duly authenticated for settlement , Soniething 19ert ftBr the itolidslys. Judges of the same Coed, did, by consideration of
CHARLES SLTISSEIt, Atha r HE subscriber, feting in Centreville,Cumber-
Dccenther 7, 1842. th e
and som e
sanders Sanders o n
recover i Administratorsagainst
HofCsraontuweelil T land County, intends opening a Tmperance
HoteLfor the alsaramodation of Travellers,Drovers,
I Crowell, de'd , with notice to the widow deceased, and °there, who may favor him with a call The
and to Samuel Crowell lux heir, late of your House hes - been kept for manyyearsasa pliblac house,
... -•-.., County, a certain subs of Seventy-nine dollen' and and is well calculated for the accommodation of
sOO .......„..
DS• fifty-three cents, lawful mbney of Pennsylvania, Travellers. The Stabling is large, and will ten
- The 1 able will be
i supplied with the best an the
ai - •.. debt, as also eieht donee and sixty two eentis eteetle,"ve ee heed 2 241 . 2 ' 222 i ef horse feed. &e ,
CLIPPINGER 86 OAREY, BEAUTY AND tCoNOmY, which to the said H .st, C Leas in the same court
market No pains wll be spsued to make persona.
were !theme's adjudged for thinr.damegesWhich Comfortable, 'ebb may him favor ki with a call •
sitar the Rail Road, Superior Fine Beaver` Hats, $4,25. they sustained by occasion of the detenuon , Of CHARLES W. 'WEAVER
gmsamammi 1.513M,5, , -_
B UT little more than three months have elapsed that debt, whereof the said Administrators with r, t, 21 1842 3 1 4
cem er , •
HAVE received a idilendid assortment of since tilt subscriber submitted for the twee- vette°, Sts; arc convict, as appears of record, &c .
FALL AND VtINTEIi GOODS boo or the PUbIICIIIII superior fine And whereas, the Field Judgment to meaerve _
the Lien according to the net of Assembly in such CaUEtZlPiicUM l T.PZlalidatfir)
which they are deter mined to sell at the very lowest Fur Lin ts,ut the fonr price of 94,25, case made and prranded, should be revived, as to
iiiiti pi ICLB
Septeniber 28, 1842 Edna] in all reenacts, to the most costly (and with suggested to us by the said Henry & C. Leas, as
tt-48 which he challenges a'comparison,) and in this short also execution of said judgment remains to be PRESENTS I!
perhal of tide, he hin can than realized his niost
NEW sanguine expectations He would therefore take made, aeon the information of tile said Henry &
.. GOO DS .
tills opportunity of mailing Ms grateful acknowledg- end Variety Sthre, a large assortment of
C Leas we have removed. and we being willing myEtts
e ir. irtmg r virttpir, ha , *
just ream at t eir ug, oo , temper,
his gratitude to his former ft iends and patrons, who
FALL & WINTER GOOtra. meets to a disierning Public, and also,of expressing that thous thi ngs which in our same court are
have so generallycalled onions since his reastabl 11 rightly acted, should be brought to due execution:
„Therefore, we command' you, as we heretofore Toys, ToyaHooks for Christina"
rrHEsubscriber is itch receiving octet& supply of
X Goods, among 'stitch may be toure d meat in Ithsiness-as it is api oofthat he has hereto -- cotrimanded you, 'that hy goof and lawful men of Presentet, Aunts's, Souvenirs,
fin•e grim satisfaction He wilt now use every cam- your bailiwick, you make known to the said Ad. and Poi it:loilos, for 11843,
Beaver Ar Pilot Cletlso tion, not only to please the fancy, but to furnish the rninistrafora, with notice, &c., that they bo and Together with a choice selection of 'entertaining
and various other Broad Cloths. A great variety of Cheapest mad best Bat its tile City appear before otir said iddges at Carlisle, at our LIGIII READING, for long winter viceless.
SATINErTS, CASSIMERS, KENTUCKY JEANS This he is enabled to do from his practical know
ledge nod peculiatly ECONO.7IfICAL C 9SII Court eftcrentrion Pleas, there to be held the se ALSO
cond Monday ofJanuary next, to show cause, if
and other seasonable goods for men's wear
Also a general assortment of Merchandize for the t h e y .S YATE.II b I O F , BU S I NESS, U b S/NESS, at less price that* any they hair°, why the said Henry & C.Leas a til
, o 11 ii , a t 911 Pt 51
Ladies:Vl which he tespectfully calls their atiention, - ought not th e their said ud merit rev ed
y t h ose who ai e mere buyerso av 3 g iv as
Be7lierse, and adhere to the old credit system, aforesaid, and they ought not to have execution of every variety, viz
li la aP le
can and see &sooting. posluble, as the eatire 'kook a "
wilt be sold very cheapfor Cash with high trots and extraVarint expenses In Flung' against them for their debt and damages afore
of his position, lie hatrintroduced for the inspection said, according , to the force, form, and effect of S chool Bibles and Testaments,
Cif lisle, Sept. 21,1842 or the public, a the recovety albreand,ifthey think fit. And you Smith's Geography and atlas,
SifinDlUoll riNe NUTRIA HAT, have theli there the names of those men by whom Olney- 4. Mitche Pa do.
d this writ. Smith's Grammar
NEW & CI4EAF t CIOCIOS I On fine Russia body,at the unprecedented low price of yo V e i h tn a e ll es so Sa m m a u k : I l i
i lk k nown
t Es tie q rfl uir7, at Carlisle,
- the sixteenth day of December, in tie year of our Kirkam'a ditto, '
Equal in any respect to those sold under the old sys- Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty two .t2il CP S e tte e , N 4 6
g s o. 1, 2, 3, , ,4- it
lIIE subscriber has just opened a lof of New
Goods, consisting of SDPERI. IN F. CLOTHS, THOS. II CRISWELL, Prothonotary C ' Schoolßooks, l s
Cobb 'a comp ete. ,
tem, at $4 and $
Black, Blue and Pettey Colored Casslmeres, Coin- The above named price writ be strictly adhered to, December 28, 1842. Emersoh, Blierly, Barham, 'SP Web
nets, all - coloi s and proses, filerinoes,- Mouse de and he trusts his friend, who order their hats sent
Lamed, Gloves, IloseitlY, 5-4 Brown Muslim', for a home, will dot be ollended Shenk, the hill be sent at ster's Spellers
101,4 t bleached do fop a fip, Flannels from 20 to the same time, or soon after to their counting -, busts `' VALUABLE - Fake, Rose, ' Smiley, 4 , Emerson's dr
-25 cents, with a variety of other goods, all of which as no book of charges is kept in thie establishment rithmetics, with Keys.
will be sold at very lbw prices to stilt the times. The subscriber is sorry to say, that efforts have
S Al. - HARRIS been made, and doubtless will continue to be made MathentatiCal itittrtimentlL
Carlhile, October 19,1 ` 84'L ef-5f by some to injure his Eeencimicat and Fashionable ....
Establishment He would thei dip °particularly in- lit'Vlit 0411ZokIllo STATIONARY' i
FALL & WIIIITER GOOD 4 vile the public, after examining every Where else, to', ..--
5 call mill see him B Y virtue of the powers and 811t1101 ttr Letter, Cap, and Deed paper, ruled and rain. Note
CONSISTING, in part, of. English, French; rot Hats and Cape of every description • roade to contained in the last will and testament of pape r • Silt er Pencis, evei pasta Jatirson Lead
Beaver, and Pilot CLOTHS. Costumer°, ordel ,at short notice. wholesale and email Moan. EoE,dee'd , I now offer for sale, the Pencils in wood*, cif all temptesi with * WV' as
&Annetta, said Kentqcsky Jeans' Linsey, and Cotton CHARLES F RAYMOND, sortment of BLANK BOOKS, ruled and uuruled
Flautiels Rose, Maikenaw, Point and Pilot Practical HAT and CAP Manufacturer, N 0 .82, C - drlisid Iron WiTorIES
Chesnut street, belotv 'fitted, opposite Congresi 0 IRSITINIZISICIII/Blia
E3l3l:l4oaZgUttl.tLztst34. Hsu, Philadelphia. Situated on the Yellew Breeches Creek. 4i miles csr o up er ipg gawk'. uszezz Hazer Size pa
Baizes, Flannels and Carpeting. French,English ' ea st
s ot C a arl e isie st Pa. The
is e 2 sta ys te c at ons er nas is oo, ,,, fir co strate sirl , : i navrits ,, B io ,.. sa h p _ ir oo
ana r
ass in o e zi l a ge p e e tte/
and American Chintzes Brown, Bleached Sr Color- sortment rS
o l i Fare :P lea d F w u i r ll T h n er m e tri gn io d g a s, h a a t n re dso atici m m e b a le
t , ers , 13 0 „ 0 , prices Old Furs altered and repaired in the best *e. ''ll 41 °9 i 3 / 4 1Misey.
ed Muslim Checks,Ticksand Dia
Silks and Ribbons Fine Clods VelveteertCaps, manner. with 'ten ithinw and Jicres otiand. FANCY STATIONARY:
Hosiery, Gloves and Umbrellas r aferinoett, Mod WANTED-Raccoon, Miltik Rat, Otter. Fisher', Anew AIRRCHA N 1 MILL with (outrun or stone,
lin and Saxony Del:dual Figured, Plain, Stir add other whipping Furs.t 500 am es Sorrier opaque and Russia Quills, Bristol Boards,
i t a finished on the most a pp roved plan. Abou v Cards .
end Bknett tatOrfneft, Swiss Blonds, and Arti sal Woe-rebel 7 • 184 - ice paper, mining deleted era
of the laud are cleared andhighly cultivated, having •
Flowers. together with a variety of
QueenoWare & Grocerlemi DWELLING HOUSES Three Lange Rank Barns. New Ilitelc,
f'o'r sale at the store of A. RICHARDS, (Vet ARO IRSTRVIdESrAU)
Clirlisla, November SOO R 39 7 4 ,Urt Maga te C 4
P.B.State Scrip' and Flour taker, in exchange _. a Ni nd di k er d e re ssr eo TES ANT JIOUSS t Ihe
pelted by the lieltow Bree d s reek yllagrit iii r id ar 4bi,,,azik,a,
fin. Goods
TilE sutoieriber will Rent from the rot and the Bu ling Sot ing,which neither fad nor freeze. sliail*ltalwawsise 7C11110‘)/1114‘4411141. t
1 here are upon the Orenthrea all the necessary work., Togs ther with a general and well selected assort.
Of April next,* two-story
ttartuttattattitts ti-witelgtio SNICK mens houses coal hbusea, carpenter and smith shops, Ment of Muscat and Jlficcellansous WinNte, eio
1 1 011. BENT. 317111111113 in3lll - II 1 E and stabling ' belit of the most sibstantial material& please the (rimy and Improve the taste." i
Titore of the best Realty and inextraustibleos Larlisle, Dee 14,1842:
9 within 2 tulles of the Peened'. There is perhaps
W • ILL tie rented from the tlit of AVM oexr,that situated on the ember of Pitt and Loather streets, no. Iron Worts in Pennsylvania which, possesses au
two story Stand ROUSE fuel lot of Ground, S 13pices an
in East Main street, an this borough, now occupied smoke hbuse, and other improvements having a large back building, wash house, Cistern, peeler advantages and offers greater inducements to gisi r ,,, eo „ o „„se,..
the investmeet of Capital 'I he water power it so ‘Ar
by Rea. tin Moore Also, a two aryl stone DWELLING , 11014 E, rt 0w...A mg p
thaf ft might be extended Coto any other nubs- /A," v itt a l aire.
Also the two adjoining Houites both of which are situated in Louther street, opposite Mr. Lewis Hal. octet itigfpurpose• Persons disposed to parch& u-u
at present' belt% handsomely repairms• lea It has a back buildingc spring hou , smoke with of course examine the property. The terMsof ir
Persons dosimeter tenting may know th e terms house, cis t ern end also a welt of neve t rag water. sale will be made knows by
by calling on the undersigned. There is aim good Stabling attache the property. HE trubseribet has just received die
MARY EGE, following articles in the Grocery line. which
EDWARD JIRIIOOR,or nth'lFproperties efe nova' in goo rder. Executrix of Michael Ege, dee'd. havutgbought the eash,he is enabitito sell it therm&
SARAH ARidoft. Persons desfroue of rentlfig either of the ebbs* _ Cat lisle, Oct. 19, 1842. ti" 51 low Miceli at With titel are MOW.
Carlisle, Dec.l4, 1842.
114 utendbribil Mese' will call on the suhsdriber
JACOB SEHNER. c-"se-. ur-si-st Best Rio do Strotig.Scented• 111, 0
tr 4 16 a1tA1L" ..7.4-14# and at toWer pi Mau. ~ . _
'":„, If 10 PERSONS VISITING THE CITY. The Loaf Sugars-eomthrin mrd Ite* 1 1 * 11 mist "
IP ii. question it often askal by atranAers, "'lsbell Do Extra' or filitatmlidtty, 14 a
can we gat the C=.OIPESI I , DEW, & JUOST Fine crushed Loaf Sager& , c
FASIIDANABLE KAT or L'.J.P. Ile" We Fine Brown Sugar tat :*.k tO a
would recommend apt refer them to C. F. RAY. Print° N. Y. cite** .to 4,
moito. Practical Hit and Cap Manufacturer, No. Saleroom,
82, Chesnut street, where they will find a large and Ground Pepper, - _
select assortment of aoots Its his Lena. DO AllePiee. -.7. •, r _i,ti ' t "
trellis Terms ere Can t and ne &chalet' in price. G. A. Salt, at FO Sack aari 7 5 OM flullel. *
esabisr 7,1844, Pine like at I do'
Fresh" Litman
For Sala, ox , Rehti , clamosu • th inch Ratan* 1;7 th e 1" 411 4 gr in VW and
-JA.SOE quantity of-fint . tatit oheese, 1381- ors eB 6o4 ChM. - '
Tiltiaboinkrtible Sr ass Brkkaalldutp,la a ~,--....._ _
Padang! WO, ekti sr the beirObglit l'Oesele • ' k ReAtit'S PATENT 141,11,DLSIVIP _ N.Ydrk Cheese, at ret . luirld prices. liYindeside .N ave, c i tmeram , SK
Sion gaveemirthe mo or net ii, 1841 _„„ AIL far burning Lard wahine, tion; r . or Retail. Also a lot of BALT at NW *IT et. N utm eg , ,
i _, Cl°"4
* ~ '
Deo4r,lB4a , , CHAS. Muni. sap, 4 ,- this Subscriber. The 1t la 'aid to the WM' MP 414 Ek l .4 C 4ut 4 ete p 0 b u lk honks ) 4
supEalol dvaA sie n Als.
ri bs: ra sp: t rie s
le •o la il o o t e m eti ha ttr r ly tu tee pric :Ntli Th ety o r tak eta rs e tu n b ,
November: 29,1842. ... 1842-
samosa: • t -
goltita q rore w ili Tl P: r i er: ( ' ltiti w poil Z e k ornat i ost t a m!
.. 11 , 0 (
lyir la. for heating drt lard is ne a t; and *nil doe l k abt u de -1 , -"' `" - For sale by: , , il: W. tin%
t ops r, au maybe *pp] at* ems expense to
*"ad4. ' HAl° '4(l 1113"7111:311KijP1!141:1° bith i! lr 11. D' l mm il " sPaub fa l no: " a li t° ".i of THE subscribi , r o attereceiveti a good Carlisle, DecrlO,loP. ' - l ''' s '
ta übei,, gild Pa uli* nWillerudtbd"q l " l " t those tends now In nuke cnitoden t th at go article &pertinent or Q! Cf. Sendai end plain ,,,/ i r 40 , , - i.„.,,,,...-----
Ciealthith ear °they Totem° ; which thsilvill '-re ooly 0n O. Ittitiwn to complatagnAnd on, RU10 13 " 3 roruid;o 4 „,,,.._oop aleo* goo d "wt . ' Jim ', - ,r t e d s t ritap imeAftelut
sell in Wei or lioniliosstittnotrtst *oat aro I reVlr inv ite 019404 nOO +Antn then Ancit of 9 040 °Klen s L'""Vw l ".., m • - ' v. „,,,,,, meal 1 o R s o v i i ,
in n. „„.er S. it HAMM.. _l, , ~,,,,
se a s , w, '- ' - "If ~, ....ta,..Maear.," - a ern ' , ',.
p ec o m b a 14, A al, ts 7 t. 1 daohadta 11,1812:. U'l nigitit WlA"''* , .‘ w limir*Pix,gmt ~ 0 ...,
,_. "i _''
" ' -.., +.
t. „ ' r , rt ~,, '"" ~., ru 1 4 \
No. 28, January,Term;
Et Mi
Stlmnions in debt-14cl
Debt not exceeding
MARTIN, Sheriff.
No. 29,1atitiliry
• --- --
Wholev Whole a- • ' Whole a- . Whole al •W'hole a- r . Mite per Whole,- Whole a- Whole . if- Whole - a- . - Whole.a..! Wholtia- - Whole a- Whole a- Giros. ain't.
motrotorva- i mnixtt of mountorva-' mount of • tan:tallier cent Intermit ' Meant of mount of Mount 'of'' , mount of es- mount of mount of mount of mount of of State Tats
. - • - . ' tuition. on Cent:lynx luatiott for state tax on miirtgagear, (Mame, state last at carriages, state tax on lariats& ear- state tax on furniture a- state tax on state tax en in din •
• -•••• all articles on o sante itatepurpo- the same at mbney_arin- , _ • if Milken e- also, profes- the same a 1 element. at the same it bdve, $3OO the *Mei at witches. wow. •
made tete- at 1 mills sea oh all 2 Milli enlereit; debts ~ .. -.- very 1 , . per 'ions, trades I per dent. o ffi ce above 2 par cent.' for State , i per'ifent,
, .
isle by law on ts &b. articles' the dollar. 'due . from cent interest and oomph,- • *MO for_ purposes. •
. •
~ for . county kr: made teas . .. , . solvent debt . , on the dol. lions above state purpo- ' . . . •
Townships sa d . purpOles. ' ble for coun f' ors., stooks, .., ' lar. i $204, for
floramiels. • • typtarpcises, : loans and in- ' ' , ' 'state purpo- • .
... . .
• excepting .. - . vestments, - •-•'' -' sta. • .
. . •
trades, o ff s- . , ' i ns corPora• *. _." . • •'' -
. . .
, . cupationa & .• • dons from . :, - •
. • ,
' . .
- ' professions ' , ether stadia.. ... . .• . . . • '
. . .
• ,
. ' . • .of $2OO and . • 1 - .• . -
. ' •
a• , under. . . ,
~ . . • .
—___ _...... _____..„.....
. . - •
Allen, ' ' !15694 1,07554 658079 181135 ' • 31151 6 243 45 / 4608 46 so 136 279 . 700 ' 3Si if 75' • 269 4 0
Carlisle, ' '770867 1,15630 355203 '131041 994959 li b
.. 673 08 $BO5O 280 SO • , /760 155 20 16500 .. 89 50 38 25 .9539 94
Dickinson, -, - .789512 1,184 27 ' 740680 . 1481 90 ' • 15574 6 46 72 9699 "36 53 2OO 156641
East Pennsbarougb, '880457. 1,32069 •7,86909 1573'81' - 65719 6 19714. 92009 22009 ." , - SOO • I'oo • 315 1995 79
preekthrd, - • 146974 ' 220'46 . 195314 270 63 15616 - 6 ' 4$ 95 , 455 ~ 455 , , • .
, . . 821 18
linpeweli, . 119502 929 26 204125 408 25 °' 14351 ".6.- 43 05 885 6'85 , ' ' . . -• 100 '•• - .1521.5
• 1 St) 1476 59
m onroe i' 647275 ' 97091 617105 12,95 53 ' 69520 ' 6 908 56 3100
1,. 21 00 "
'Mifflin, , ' 305999 ' • 457 86 $20104 , 560 SS 13759 6. 41 20 940 949 " - _ too' 50 300 ' 61443
• Mechanicsburg, ' .94756 , , 142,19 77261 ' 154 52 6545 „. O. ' - .1964 ' 3373 - 89 75 " 600 300 STS 21966
North Middleton, . ' 748505 , ' 1,122 70 705965 1411 op '''40025 •, ' 6 121 88 8291 •52 91 400 - • 800 , . 50 157'5 22
- Newton, • ' 509173 783'76 ' '490667 981 99 • 25360' 6 76 08 1195 11 95 700 ,950 ' 75 1013 61
N'ewville, 19445 " 11917 7. 04095 • 128 07 -- 43318 6k J 38 99 • 1300 19 00 , - ' , SOO ISu ' 300 , 18406
" 200 . ' ' 116 88
New Cumberland, 52742 7911 • 48117 - 96 29 • .1500 450 1415 •14 15 .
Silver Spring, '. 817702 1,22555 .
__ 776142. 1552 48 32356 ____-:—. =--98 81 - -0155 -- .-2155 - - --- -- --•-• - • 50 - • 1672 14 1
south-Middieton.---551637 82 7 46 •--- 499462 • . 1 9 0 9 53 8 92 51416 •6 - . 15443 2600 ''' 2600 4 . --_._ . 100 l 50 ' 250 '' 1182 55 I
.Southampton,, ' .615879 ' '''923 22 . 580044 1160 09 •/. 18448 6 • .55 94 1500 --.15 00 40 -'- 80 , 200 * . 100 225 ' 1234481
69 24 • 5435 ~' 54 95 -•' . i •
Shippensburg bore', 111400 '. '27211 145568 291 14 ' 28080 6 100 SO 725 •• • 422.43
-Shippensburg,tp. _,_ - 93302
_. 1299
_.,,,, 89890 '' . 17278 5450 6 - 195 . s . ' 195 - . I • . 50 . - .. :189. 58
West Penniborough, .' 55051 838 10 526270 •7 4 aHO. 7 - • !lIS 76 - • :1780 17 80 " • •t • , . , lOO 1180 so
..,...........-. —, ~,....,-
.•. ' • --•-•—., —.,--. ........:_.... —............. —.--,
$8t78505 so,tBs . 8082854 f6l6s 71 /53373 6St 2 2258 ST 87721 877 21 ' 8636, • 166 14 •' . ' 19500 97 50 , VD 25 - ' 1965%95
Attest-70mq lawiN Ctei "
January 11, 1843.
tirst Arrival
- oP
tztzgaliw ' Cizica) ctx3REATs. _ _. -
giall '-11 °II4IE
re g ll t---.—'11 21 --- TY — lll iVt ro Nar elei r il l 13 E v ?r SC o o ftly Al ed 11 40 2 0;117?11 117. bil . C a.33 .
GOOTlSijust T i Be . 0 6 - . . .
Coed thin ever eoldlit Carlisle. The NW,' his '.
been bought id the, prised redeed City prlbe r st, ed d . . e
purchasers vtill'Ond It decidedly to.theirlute to . . , .
cell before purebesing eliiewhete.
Ndietebet"33* 184 % . ' • ' , .
'". ; 'Mg. ail . '
_ ~
December i 4, tip
1 , ~'~~~