Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 28, 1842, Image 4

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r ~.._ , ~k'- - .~ ~ k~ gat ;.~.r„'~vl?."_'..
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; -, ::::-?7 -- • . I :'',s‘ risA PA 'RI CL. A 0 ----
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ld'atarr, ir f
As Y, 0 34 value sr o,ll g,l . P..andale,alth, A
VB. Lint DY,
- ,
thq z l ifppj..6
, bp binii *tbeir- `..=
the:proress*Oritl,b . litli f,tr . Obt.iftglybn by the most vespectubl4.4)bysioi4pktik:Akeillt,itieb!.s; Tbis,filet
as 'as cs . tise'r. (ken' to'be'. in - 101010'
. •
tinn-t4e'fireparatimis of muntks niul iino,, Ohs. ....-;
..., . , • a , , ,
, ..: ...REG' O,IIO ;rE. A'W4 Ti aNW .
''''.' '
: . '''''''
have been , pi .
blisled .
, fepien t1f,;16 A •
li e:pa pera;.fent n
' • .' : • t• - • I.lplaleinnit'dad,Cierg„ynicii,; ...,:;•
r• ~,..,..:'
Meitibers'o •':''' "' - ' ,
''''' - 'Col)lo'esnid"intti.t6j';ihtilt,iiiteii; ' ' . , '
• • respectable privtitecitii4iii;mid , am ong them many
--- of the :nest diatinguislied'niembers of. churches
- - • • ..,'" , ' ,: n 1 10 01 P
oetitistitutlonc. , •• :" ---, , ~:.
~ -• .
in ratereitenteiD.r; k;dii,l',4";lletliciiies,'and.itito hen=
.ed,from the iiiiinCtiteux;certifitattes and recominenda
000100 betatpliblivbeit fee giatlnear„that ell:that
. 'is noko-netessari• i s tii'keitp thairrbefore the' ptiblie,
that theyinneVerentilitlO of ale4;i o lere they may
• . t . ..
' • -
;:., genu
;., in t e,,et'Fit
;.: ~i • .,•,' •-•
•• '..•: '•
Oneer l tlniliattvii l linblais. Y
; ''.ili- I NCi4-1t Fllia"%'' . :;t -
----:•'4oi/Oitilol%,4HOW'` i[ rglo..:'
' ThelencehritetiPiilareilail' - ieennneidei •,"
Diseases 'Of the', Stomach - •Imptiritieh bf the, Blend,
'And linweiN " : '.:.,' :' ' '-generatieg diseases of
Rilliotia'Alfections, '•-;'!:'',' '..' ; :the - ,:Stomach, Liver,
Habitual goetivenesa; ,- :,,, .•-:' Heart,the,Spleen,Kid;
IndignatiOnFlitiuteeey,.:•: ' •'nem Bilues;,ko. ate..
lint of Appetite;'' • ~,' ;Ulcerous Serecrof, - the
• -Sourness of the Stoinach,','..-Nose, Throat f¢ Body;
.Waterbriisli, • HeaetlitiriV,' Sealy' ' , Erni:diens_ and
Foul-and °Tonal Ye brenth, , , • Ilhitches of the Skin;
Bad taste inthe month, - -- ' , 'Dry and watery pimples
' Inwnrilßains,Painsof the ; of the-face:and' ,bedy;
Stomach,tbeSides,and frendache;Giddiness;
:along the' Back; ' • f Screfithi,,Erysipelas, '.
Rheumatic Pains, Gout,' 1 Glimilular Affections.'
Constitutional diseases; produced by Mercury and
• - other mineral preparations, RS well as the dangerous
-- consequences resulting - from - Ric impyopeetreatmeet
of Syphilis; Ece: &','• -.: --...- • -•- ' ,- -
' "The Life . orthe Plesiciiiinthelillood.";•
- - '
..- • •
Leviticus, cli: 'XXII, v. 11.
• ' Tle-ye purifided-in-yourAllood,--------- -- if— •
' And health will attend you. • : •'' .
The great principles advocated by Dr. Leidy, and
. . in which he is scripture, are
Ist. That vitality is contained in the Blood.
- Sil..TlMßlond, beedtning vhialetlor impure,gives
..- - rise to - tiumerousAlifenses of ;lie organs oftbe body,
the stomach, the liver, the heart, Tie. •Ste. . • ' •
• 9d, .That whatever•bast he effect of, purifying ' the
Blow], possesses the power art-establishing health
ful nation to the body.
...: -'- -, - ..._ _ • •
, itli. not Purgation and Starvation, or, in other
words, purging mill° extent - that- is: too frequently
done, and nt the snipe time enjoying .low diet, and
nbstinence from'reml almost entirely, are productive
.of much More mischief than is generally- supposed,
and hi proof of it will only, yemark, that . ;
By Purgation—The" human system is more orless
debilitated,-for the.verys Simple - reason that in the
process or purging Allis earned off from the:sten:mob
from which nourishment is derived and distributed
- --throughoutthe-system: ,s,_• • ,
By Starvation--Nouridiment --i,
is absolutely 'with
held froth the system sts necessary telt, both r0r . 8119.;
Mining vital. nation and aiding. nature in 'bearing up
•as ilinfprogrea - s of disease.
Hence the antiseqaencea of PO much purging; and
a continited (het mist be; ie . : produce such 11 COnditi":
~; of the system as Will 'ettable :disease to make more
rapid progress, antleictend itself the.more easilhand
in a brief time throughout the system.
Admitting:the foregoing, it becomes necessary to
inquire how is theillood to he ? mid in ern
ployingllie thealiti, how is the system- to be guarded
--,, against anysemiotic contieqnetices ?' -
• . 'Tis easily , ,answerett— . .
—•;--'...Fnit all your ills.' . ' • .
Tiike T ne. [silly's iliOnd Pill% ' -
Thßse Pills operate gentlk; thinigli etlltepuilly;
the i ydo-eet f
Iteodute prostration o the„systenvis most
pil Flo:
They require no restraint, either, from nomination
or the repast. mode of living. No fete need -be en
tertained of taking cold fitem their use, and may be
taken at ill times,hy-yomig nett old, without , inter
fering With any other medicine that may have been
taken beforehand.' ' • .• •
These Pills are prepared only, end sold wholesale
and retail, qt
.. ,
. DR:. LEMY'S Health Rinnoriiim. . .
- - ; N0.,191W2d at. below Vine,'
(Sign of the Golden 'Cagle . and Serpents,) Phila.
PnlcE 25 CR/1'1'84: Box. , ~ . .
, , cL7A disci - unit to Whnlesaletlealerii,
(crilr: Leitly's•Blnoil Pills'are also sold in all die
principal cities - awl towns throughout time Union,and
by many respectable 'storekeepers , throughout the
' . • „ • •
'For sale, in Carlisle, by
• Agents for Cuniberlawl Coupty.
Carlisle, Dee. 21,1842. , ' .
North A:merle& bisaiirapte co
JOAN J. ITITEaS; Agent, Carlisle
Ins company continues to make Insuranees
agaimit loss or damage by Fire, on the most
reasonuble terms. They also take
-- P - ERPETVAi ILiltrafSKS, •
on stone or brick 825 on MOO, the
premium subject to be drawn any time, by the
party insuring, at a deduction of five per cont.'on
tho , amount of premium paid.
Tho usual rates fr one year on .
• Stone 'Mid Brick Buildings, $4 to $5 on 81000
"Log and Frame, -- ,T,(61.6 - $7 - 66 . 5100
Alerchandize,about 85 on $lOOO
Application in' person or by letter will have
mediate attention.
The ,Spring - Garden Insurance: Co
AKE INSURANCE, either temporary or
perpetual, against lOas or damage by Fin;
-I'win n or Country, on Houses, Barns and Build.
ingo of all kinds; on Household Furniture, Men.
chardize, Horses, Cattle. Agricultural, Commer
cial and
~Mannfacturing Stock, and -Utensils of
every_deacription l as well as•MoivranEs and Gaotnin
RENT, upon the most favorable terms. • . .
,The , following are' the usual rates, viz:
On Stone and brick buildings, from • •
35 to 40 eta. On $lOO
"Log and frenOe'r ". GO to 70 eta. one-100.
"Morchandize and furni.
tare in. brick or stone
buildings, from •
"Do. in' log 'or' fhne,••
,'Horsea ' cattle; farining .
utensils . and sundries,,
' At:about: ' .-• 7"
ApplicatiOn• 'made-to • -
• , JOHN J. MYERS,' Agent.
'Dee. 21,1842.. .'
(*VW* P# o o
HER AS the
*of the Ceurt ,Common
Pleas of tim Ninth Judicial district of P _
vania ankthe ficil:-.:.torint-SithinT and Till/31AB
C. lifirio;3lidigeOilf theZsaidecOrt of
Plena formyi e . ,. '64l.oo . 'o7,Cumbeilaud, have issued
bdititti3Or the' 26th day of Nov. ;
842,nrid to 'm vr lae ilit.eiltelif.f9r,fiiilding ,CoF-tlO
Oyer .1114TerCnineri.Gilieral Jair,:pcjitOry„;,l.,Akt -
General Quarter . Sessionvorthii.teiiiiiSiVP4r."
lisle, otithe second Monday ofJaiina - 6 , 384PW
• ino ditY:44li. 1.9 eelockqll4oe,loo/iOT,
110771 VP I §/ - ,lEREfrir,ritsrpa,f4i,itiOßo,oool,
Jualioes of Thcbetiapf,* - tio.:00000 0
;011 . ,0:0; tAtd.l
, ,
, ::potpi.ufigOti 4 ' o o*
Asc,4 o . 4 , l4 ilmMi• t ''
tatiotA*wiwilit!o,o l 4.l44igt•,.4:o6o,l6A:
ik 4 0.0.400 1 0, 1 40f#,V100 1 02 1 4,4110311.t tim
'4l,ThionArA, *qr.,
01 7 4.. - 4 1 60 - 46 7, 1 1i s tOicioo
14 , 1 1,14 4#0a 0 4:#,AtAttd r ,4#:0 1 4, 4
TAkaliidLthii . itah;ioAt Aineri9titC:l:4ll4o..+
liellembor14„1:812.. ,
_ l l l 7l/e2e!!!!
0 A c 4. ~ ' -,..
ti. ~...iii.„0....„,Av,
„..::, e ., e
"flea, 4 %0 , 1,
, o.v 4=rti, liagzlit
I ai,' At:' -.,c It/C01 4 ,114 ..,, , st ' A ikr t i 1
~,.:,.,.., Contarlifargl7o4tßOW-fidorWiii.l464itii a
noVsEit latiovlt liaßisetiiiiictio t i
..., 1' IL ,Theloity itt4V4,6irtitAWiSciittliftlibni ,
qt n yOll iyateCainik ander good fence's. , '1
illgo. ' 00.4errisqWtpovi Ardttnet' 4
Ilotlfparcolalyl4 ;an4 eing4a MI a towpahlo,l
Cumborbmt,a o Uatedili l / 2 1, 1,3 i,-We" o f:, N Pff viiie ` I
aim! fOar IstbtfitocliOlkbarg. ',"% v -'''' ' l ':-: - ''''' - 1
iiii7 f)oesi.),ii ivigliiaglci purAixti:4',il;lll.
,Cail and'
'exit:n - 111w tfio.fiiorapajj,i',o9a , ,,thd:,tio'ima will 'be,
inade:kkoWn, ' ...-':,,1,1iz, ':c., - :"IVT-FIVE14$0$;• :, -
August 10 'lB4o' ' '" , - ',-"'' '''. 4fraly*-41'
I .
S permanently located In Cnrlislo,and will per:
form all operations that are requiraclyi the,
Praniinocirliia as , ,
N. B. For- a Tow Months' ensuing, lir. Loomis
will. be in. Carlisle; tbe .first.iloo -weeks -in °tie!'
month—after Which; be will be absent until the
first two weeks inisch following inonth—at which
period.he inay - be foundut - his
Office; Pitt 81. near ,111'Farlane'8. Hotel-.
Carlisl6.lViay•4;lB42. ' tf-f27
vdeclianiesburg Line
orit • pan,
Betiveen...lleilannicsbarg and
..11 2 1tiladelpIlia or Baltimore.
. . .
••Ti" subscriber grateful for past favors, begs
-leaVe to inform his friends and the.pultlic
generally, that he still continues to run a line of
burthen Cars regularly between Mechanicsburg
and Philadelphia or . Baltimore, by which goods
and produce.of all deSeriptions will be forwarded
•With Care, and despatch at the lowest laurel
freight.-' • '
Produce will be received at his Ware House,in
Itteahanicsburg, and forivarded to either Phila.
•delphia or- Baltimore, according to the direction
of the owner. '
• Erne bigbeat pried will bo given for. When
and. Flour. "
N.* B. Plaster of Paris, and Salt always ke
on hand, and for sale at the lowest prices.
• • Uwarium.'oD.csox... • •
He has also an band, at the Depot in Mechanics.
burg, for sale, LUMBER, such ai Boards,.
Shingles, Sean tI i logs, &ft., of. all kinds,
which will be sold on liberal terms.
August 17,, p 1842
rirl: HE subscriber, having concluded "to do
an entire Cash business, offers for sale his large
ond iiplendid assortment of ".
el R I' a RIE ,
'Nails & Cutlery,
lower than' it was ever• bought for in Philadelphia.
The followifig,will.give you some idea of the prices
that I ant deteinhiWed to sell nt:
6 inch Carpenter's •Patent Rim Locks, • .
from r ' $l2 to $l4 per doz.
fi inch Drass'Striker, ": " 6,50 "
Newton Darling Grass Scythes,. lu gg
Newburn's „" • p sa
Day Forks, Solid Cap Feirole, • 5 g,
Cast:Steal long handled.Shirvels, 7 . gg '
Cumberland or- Reading Nails,. 4,62} Keg.
Phocidit .or jnidiatic r ' 4,44 "
Other "• 4,51 -"
I will sell any articles in my line froin.2o to - 25
per_cent..lower thaneanliebouglitforon,credit—CalL
en me—examine my goods --get a list of my prices
—compare them with the priceS of other stores,and
ascertam for yourselres where .You , can buy the
• • -
... • ,HENRY.: I O-ELDFAlmikorlOr•
493 Market si; above 13t1i,Northaide, Philadelphia
June 1,1642. - . ' ' • - ..6m-3"
• COAL.-
Y 1( ENS Valley,: Pine Grove, Liine.btirners,
N 4 aria ; Bituminous COAL, erinlitantlY -• for,
Salo by • - J. &PI MARTIN,' • •
SuccOssors to Millen& Martins •
Harrisburg, April 20, 1842. , firri.2s
T" proprieters of the Suatit!lieirta Line *ill
, run their Cars and Eciat‘p - tisital to Phil
adelphia' and Baltimore durinelie iireSelat season:
noir friends will .please apply tOMM._ L.-Fox,
Broad at. and to Costner, Christian:4Si Curren, o;
76 South 'Whirves,' PhiladelPhiaiattil4osepit.E.
Elder, Baltimote. ' " •
Until further'nOtice; the follovihng
";;prices will
bo adhered toliotwe,en this place.ptid the above
.tt :Lg. cmlg i • ..,
~ , e..„.
, .P- '&2 g 3 cr'2-;.' , • , ff:V
,r..y . ti 5 • ' ,
1'..,'''? .4 .. A : , • "XI
~, :r i .,
_ , "FA,,aw... i...)• I -
Ale poripo 1b5.,2 , r,. 11014.„. , • :4 - 4 • ppm bl.
G reveries', Q t .,W,ar:o?',.-,`.1. , . ';', • • ••,. ~ •
and'Erardwnlli, -4,-,4,-pc '' !„,; 22 40
Ilry deeds, FurnVy':Nr , 4 -.: . {, • • , • . •
tore and Drugs, ; , , , ,;'2o'''' - ...;',28",'• , '4lpo -;
Wheat, Rye &ick,' ' -''; .L
:Per bushel' ;'''%'.-:, •- .40 :-:'. ' 'llc ',. '. ''' ". '• -
Out do e".',';',', W• .6 •• . , r 7
Lumber per-A000,4•4.' . ....- , i '
feet- , , v, , ;`,ylol,tsi?` , '63 20 .
A1ting1044 , 2, - _ , 0! , ... 1-150 •';'•,• :•• 2 1)0 ' i-'''' •',''' ','
Flopewrbb,t: ''' '' ' '''''' 2 l - 4':' ''''' . 4• 2sll - 7- •'2013 -':.'. ls,
klEaletAiii". 7 .'''',''''''' '''''-17 - 1 , -`",' , .••1,50y. • , k,,,,, i r ;I '
1 1 10 1 *** ) !: •T ! ' ..'` 3 ti'''•!" ''
4. :'' ' ' 4 " 1 ' ''' ,'
r gii t; Perlikok; , ',.-' f ' . , ,', , , )v ,, ,61. ' - - 1 , - , i
, nelch T at Ip i d ziiiii ' ri_ fi. ..r.
.j'illiel.loo.*: , (i46Vt : 1 6,,;' ,, ,,. 4 :2i: ' ,
1 , Planter 'pees tart,,, $2 05. ~ Og
~59,.. ,
Hemp 'Per 10gii , , , , , .',-; 16,',1: , ; , -62 z, '
'aided, . 5 ,uk,14'1,,':-"Atti.4!.;4 - - 2.1
1 1 )ig Aleletlir , F i r Tilon a' AO, ..„3-' ( !;5 ra,
If i wirns f b ' tiNk%i l2 lt:i.4" oo ‘-
. i l i o r 1:4,; ;; , ? ,, , xiin„ , , , ,,41 . g,
lqitififierkfk'i- Y .- 8 z:i'4 4 ,•\' , '`, • ~ .':.i ,
teaiheelier_ioiNo,4ol .1 , ,A - 'it574,,.,,,, '?„,' t ,,
littfiletetWeilopl 4 . 'ff; 4 :40',."1,'1t4. 5 ' ''11:44, 1 1 / 4 1? '4N
1 ,84 Yr 81006100 00;''Od' '''''.'''.llo ,, ~ ,, q t'
Ci 4 0003: - (iv , • 0 . '"l,4r . ' li"*' , r7", , '".‘4=rii.-.,=:; ,, t '
'iro'''' , i . )00 1 ;tr,i4'.'0 1 `,
14,;: -: ' . ;A C : ' t -84211 1 14 5 06114 -;"' 4
:,.-- , ... 4444 1 iirtIPM40:4 6 101tilfie,
'`... r 1110iiiiiir: , MtC 47142; 0.: , 4 ; Ati . ,l , .4"'A g a a?
I '
it Ti-UntPd tibia offiteoafitte osoomp A t t
, It illE Kos, , .nowirlomoss ; Obit
- luteealtili/kii% ' , , ' ?‘... ^ '',..1....f;'..t.
, ,
40 to 50 cto.
60 to 70. cto:on•i•j.00
' .
7. 60 cts. on 100
„plEsik ,
P in'. 40
aiC!yeuPGitQi q un h.t ~
• .; '`.` .
- .!•
f •
- PS ,' :1 1
A nh Oxon. ico. & , ,13ectem'e, Row, ,on the Pill):
Lir:, lie Square; Carlisle, -Pa.
Ajiril 6,1512. " ' '
. • :••,.,,LE...?4„i.',,W; .i:L.w( 4 1.. - 31 - 1,; - ,`•?'; ,
AT .rolieN:olr. :': r 4V, !I' :' LA Wl,ooitc.'.the dailisli'liciiik' ",
' ',',fuli - .91,1'1 . 44 . : -,''' :1, ''.-..:::::,;:,:::,, "6,,,ii,.:i
3.01-M -1177111EINTDIg36 -- -
.' - . 11):31121r.V1110 To
. „
ItarE§PEOPFULLY tenders hia . servlces
.to the
citizens, Oarfisle and its vicinity that'ho
will, attend • tO Arid vetfOrinYall dental operations
such as ~ l eaningi. Ph:wing . and; Extracting na-.
iural:Teelh, and Inserting mcorruptalilo artificial
tenth from a single tOoth to an entire set..
(0 - 'olfice opposite'M'Farlano's Ilotel.' • '
July 20; 'tf-36
mt.) 3 /1 - Willaw4iL•titalc'.ll l -Ir -11 4M1
Dr.;7 C. aoo3nts,; ThlUist,
Extracting, Pjai . and
Artificial Teeth, •
ur , 18 41L1 ; tit6-,
J 0
• N 11
D a 4 tt a ,4 n t QULp
i . , ' l " c ~. :. i
~1• „S c •i ht t
t ,: t Vfg. ei
nlctk hit 4
elfrt,uo,tnqniiilit h; , . '
p ,,
Vaatie l ikt= e !-.57.... , ,1 t• „, P itrqrtartiberttirill'Oi.
11414EMCNICA , tiErtifidteti,,thutiiirlant)ft .
i''Wkirol•P4titidtki'iilil,k,l*tiil.loool lo6l3ldiet Courto,fielraiiiit'Sigt - efftkliigiaferh' . ijiitMet
of Pennaylvinia,,sitthig •
jk:Hithkruptoy,,itt the Dictriot
Court . rciorn ill tile Clitv cif 'Philadel Oda, on FIiI,IJAY
the 2dth' , ,, , daY.(Or:JAso,44.ltY.,'lo43iatlf.4lo - Ok, A.
,* ( l,ilen,and 'l,ollo.t.e . All',veYithatijotereitod•in4 . ap
pear' and • show;otage r lt. atty . , they have, iyhv the
prayer 4.,the iiild Petitions ' slintildinit` he grouted,
and the isad-Ptitithinei•a'deolinred.Mailkrupta.• ...,:'-
•,`:..,.-.'''.., .'",-..,.. .PRAI4..HOPKI,NWN;
- . • .' Clerk:Of Mie I.)ietriet Co'Urt:
. , .
l'ldln. Deo. 21; 1812. ''''. ' '• s '” '' ,' , ' ~ St-8
APETITION For, the Benefitof the
BnolirePt 1.44; liar been .filed the
_3tl 'Decent
ber';lB42i by ,; ••. •
GEORGE FLEMING, formerly, Printer and ,
• Publisher, (late it.Contractoren 'the; Puti- •
'lie' Wiiike;‘ • .Titaherland
Which Petition. will be heard Au:fort:Abe. Distrkt
Court of the United States far , the Eastern District
of Petniay 'male -13ankruptinP, at the Dis
trict Court - Ronal in the .City ~ • )f Philadelphia, on
FRIDAY. the of DECaMBER lust., 1842,
at;11 o cleckfi . ,•ll4. wheti'luid whe*all 'persons in
terested may' it ppear and show causegany they haw ;
why,the prayer ,orthp said, Fetitionasbould not be
granted; and the said Petitf7ners be - dooktred I.3nuk
rupt,,, . PHAS. HOPKINSON,
C.:lork.olthe . Histriot Court.
__ Philu..Dc&.if4,lS42
. .
A' PETITION. rof INkTilarg.ll'untl .
ficate'under the Bankrupt Law;has been filed by
WILLIAM DBAN,;'Saddler,.. ,Cuinberland co.
WILLIAM B. NIILLEGAN, Coach Maker; do.
and FRIDAY the 2 , lth day of FEBRUARY next, at
11 'o'cloCk, A. M. is appointed for the hearing there
of, belbre the said ourt,.sitling in Bankruptcy. at
tbeDistrict'.Court:Room ' in the r.lty.of Phi bidet
phia,'when and where the Creditors of the said Pe
titioners, who have proved their Debts, and all other
persons in, interest,-inay appear and show. cause, if
any they have, why such Discharge and Certificate
should not be. granted.
Clerk of the District Court. , _
Phila. Dec. 14, 18/2-,
• 01121530
ITrrioN for the Bl tII 1f t_nf the 11,011 i
rupt Law, haß been Eleciilie2olll NOvetubet
•DAVIT) FREE, Former and Carin•nter;
. Cumberlar:d co.
• •
_Whiabilietition-will be heard before,the I)isu•ict
Court or the United Staten Ow the. KatSttrn District
of Pennsylvania, sitting in Ihmkruptcy, at the Dis
trict Court room in the City of Philadelphia, on
.Funm.y the 6th day of JANDA RV next,
at I l o'clock j. A. M. whrn and where all pertrins iu
terested.may •appear ,and shOW cause, it' any they
have, why theprayce of tub said• Petition" should not
granted, and the said Petitioner he-declared tiriak—
FRA':i. - 1101 . KINSON, •
Clerk of the District Cofirl.-
Phil. Dee, l', 114 4 2. 5t-6
. .
A PETITION for Diacharge and Certificate
..CA under the Bankrupt Law,;. has been filed by,
• Hollinger and DavisOlate Contractor;
Cumberland co,
and FRIDAY the "27th day of JANUARY
npxt; nt 11 o'clock,: A., M. is appointed for, the
hearing thereof, beforri the said Court, sitting in
Bankruptcy, at the Di's'trict Court Room in the,
City of Philadelphia, when and where the CI edi
tors- of the said Petitionersmho hate proved their .
Debts, and all other iiersons in interest, may up..
pear and show cause, if any they have, why such
Discharge and Certificate *should .not be grunted.
FRAS. 140:KINSON, " •
n •
,•• Clerk of the - District Court..
Philadelphia, Nov. 2308,42.10.5 .
PETITION for Discharge and Certificate un
der-the Bankrupt LAW h been filed by
TIIHNI AS FL' /WEBS, !Ault:epee,' 'timberland en.
mod FRIDAY the '27th tiny of JANUARY next,
o'clock, A.' NI. is appainteA lee the hearing- there
before the said Court, sitting in Bankruptcy, at
the District Court Room, in the City tif,pliiladelphia,
when and where the Creditors of the said Petitioner,
who have proved their Debts, and all persons in in
terest, may appear and show cause, if any they have,
why such Discharge and Certificate should not be
'granted. ' FBAS HOPKINSON,
Clerk oh the District Court.
Phila. Nov. 9, 1842. IU-54-
PETITIONS - for Discharge- and Certi
Beate under the Bankrupt Law, hale been 111
ell by .
JACOB A. RAUM, keeper,' Cumberland co
WBAA A M NpAKER, Saddler and ,
.101 IN DAVIDSON, Millwright an 1 late
Butcher; in company with Samuel.David
eon • . , I.:timberland co
and' ATIDAY the 30th day of DECEMBER ifeit;
o'clock, A:111. is appocoted for thu heavior, thrrc
of, before the said Court,sittiog in Bookruptevot the
District Courtroom in the Oily of Philadelphia,when
and where the Cdeditors of the said Petitioners, ahn
have proved their Debts, and oil other persons in in
terest, may appear• aoi stow cause, Iraq they hove,
wit): , such. Discharge nod 'Certificate should not he
granted. Fn AS. HOPKINSON, '
Phila. 0at.,94, I 8.1'.!
A PETITION for Disebut•ge and Cei•ti fi Wile un
dee the Icenid Lnw; 1108 been filed by
OVERT ; SNOD4RASS; late: Merchant,
t:untherlattil co.
and 'FRIDAY the 30th day of DFICEMBER next,
At II b'elock, •A. '1: is 'appointed for the. hearing
thereof, before the said Court,'sittittg in Bankruptcy,
'At the Disteict.Court Room, in the,City of Philadel
phia, when mill Where the Credibirs of the said Pe
titioner, whb have proved their Debts, and all other
persims in interest, mai ithnuir and shoW cause, if
any they have, why suck Discharge and Certificate
-should riot be granted. • . •
Clerk of the District-Court:
Plaila..o . ct. I'2, 1842.
''''f. -R,411 3311
;liisi i . Grit Et.s -
. N owl c E.:
A LL persofil'indebted to the Estate Of MAtt.
1 - 1. TIN . G:lllJl'P e 'whri isiss',deereed Bank.
rapt, Juno 20, . IK42; ivill.realte payment to the
undersigned Assignee of said bankrupt, on or be.
titre the Ist day of January, 1842. .
P. F. EGE,
Assignee in Bankrupteyaof Martin 0. Rupp.
011ieeopprisite the Carlisle' Bank,
carliiilei Oa 5.'1842;
, uptcpj
1 - IFFICE in Sont IfnnOvni' i*eat, .near
I.4.FpCkl/fin g elloteltr4Jaiii all inlormatlap s ciesir.
dutina those ; Intericling
Eo apply. ftir thnebeneo.:Of the :Bankrupt, Ant,arku
pe , altainec - ,4 - . , •
, clioist?; . 1842.• • Airs2t :
• v , Estate-ofTeteks; DiltlcitcleoEl.4eci,,,,-,'.. i
~,,,,, ~ • ~, •, `, , - , r ., -- , - -.. lal I) J :Ir . ,' . ‘.._
c , ~..
~ ,
_, _ , No iice ,.,
A Liipo_rsel_titi it! le btP, ti;to, the 'e,'StltY , 'o ft
- , -- 14 krEn't wuyuic liiiitor * - gtlll 7 ,lOistp)roughf.
toivit's . Wp,,;lo",4344o, (3,1016 4- 4 boild,c, mite 'or ;took
account', firortosted to di toloark? thoir:quosiirevi
cloa..toAlio'Otti,,,,c4,y Ot i peeettifipr det f t t ',oi•therwitio.
euil,WlllllP''.l)tought. , , tTliotire`,liikyli* , giiiii° l 'Ain'
Peesea 4 .4***6osliatithentictitid:•roe'llaVeluelit:
~.' .. , -',fitV-14.`,14 0, se o elli t 'lvtojKgsT,A„P. , l''Xii,4l.B..'
• ii% , rt-A. 40, As. ,5v.pq, , ,, , pi.., , ~,,, , ,
..*:l:4o*.wijip.,•- . 4., ~-,--„.._. - , .tif,56,
'' 'gStifttol74t s4 4 3iiitiVild = ;"sie9:9*e.d`;' 4 '
i4„,-;..-44 , ,qci,' ,
:;kggf , `-'c L A ',
At U, ' WIP , 00;. ,4 4-11 2 1t
r /102:8i4.4004:U4114110144,4'' .4
Z ilittlMltikVilikEttoroVf4MlNW -,o' .' ' .';`l
totc foo Nolo l 4 o 9 s tmmpv,9 4 ooflit " ;
4mettirlo9ll,..d.t 6 Alit Pitkin4, 4 llo, et •p, . ~0
~ ,opypnip, . .vmPßokffinglill e° • 8 °10,7 , .tikte'r
M. ek 4 1404 4 10.11 0 111 0 11! 1 ilirl
lkottog, Aluill imPre R,fe.. ,#0 )y,e#l. twill
~tisigpoltitu- p geotp:.s4- 4 - i k*!;l4 PIPW; o 4 ;1 4 i
.' • v tgpit , t,Cioatit,':;Ailti:r•i
!' - ik/ilveliiter'9, tetz„ - •:'_•, ~- i r,, , ), v , , r , v 6t-51, 4
.th?ba).lCMai , go
Cumberland co
Clerk of the Diatriet Court.
~, 4 .
q , , . .
RIFA' 117
as# 4Anki
11 1 0. '
idafthneattf keelyaf-i,l,l;kF-44ir r .
". •
g :11111111:147,'.. 0 , -ke t r q r- '1. •--
. , r o,4lovat.vtrev.o . :
• ‘'L A4,ZEZCDWEM : Leitiael 3,
(r the Chntriirioliiirtiiffiiandilig,).at,itctlt o •D'
Si in East Streiitar , ti t tinal4f:`4lhit:,dr
the, Ciiiirt'lfdlise,' Vli iii•elre!Aiii, Vitt:ltiPtUit'eeto r k - 4 .
ple „,„„ 4 ,A iidmihistthiniett,ofCtibnfegf,,lf. ~1
who mny Civil. him with their;iittlitiniVe
BAIR shall be conatatitipAtiidi:eiN ith", the
chniceit liquors, and his TABLEetvith the
market:can furiiish: A eneehd OSTLMIO4',Y.4
kept,in attendance—and nothing 'Maki
to p.misti all , whop call with him. : , ; 4, 4
' BOA lilltik4"takiiii flit!. Week; itipntit yeat'.'l'
Si %lON W0N143 , 11.4911.'.-
Apr 11.00842. .U7O
.„ .
Union. ,apei
lie at laike;'that he has leased ,this. - aboie eb
lablishment,"six Miles Nautili:if carlishs,faiii term
of ypars, !MAO:O.:4IU, having,lhean.r . eeently„re.
paired; rid..neiY: .intraduocd t . he .is,
therefore. lireparedto - manufactiii . o.to4irderAand
Oleo has a supply constantly bn hardj.f. -:%;1„,r, -
Paper 011!very:kimall'alqi 3 Onallify;
which he will furnish' to ,prinqrd,-;tikreliantri 'and
°there; in (MY at the lowest Cityniiess.
All orders addressed to the snbscriher, at' Paper.
towp,',. Cumberland cour4y o . will receivc ,pkompc
Having, latelyJnaeived a'supply of the very best
materials, he flatters himself, that ho will-be able
to manntaeture paper equal any otlier
establishment in the country. . • .' -•
Pn pertowni July 20,1842. . • ' • tf.3B
N. B. The highest price paid for Fags.,
'., Ti0. : 17,40.* . p4a:: . .
Thlgymint allighli
••• - • •
stthseribers; at their FOUNDRY AND
M ACI UNE SIIOP, on Main street; dearly op
posite the County in the Borough of Carlisle,
Pit., still coiitine to build the fullowing:Mttehinea
and iflor'se Powees—witt • • ',' '
T. D. Biorroll7s Patent Improve
L20g.0 OA V ,9
.With a , hnriznutal hati&wheel, with a think, to coo
duet the Swap to ihe Machine.
'Cite hand wheel outmiilt• of the hut•ses. 1 hey are
well calculated to put to one side of the_ baru hridge,
ire wider the hued. • •
New and I unirow d Nhakeri
To separate the grain' frisin tat , straw, which will
dispense with one or two 4111160011 be matle,to the
above Machine if wanted.
Pam:hash% anyof the above Nlaeliees may-have the
privilege, alter II fah' trial, of rettiVaini4; the same it
hot 811115lietl,. DUI Altteltiaes and ifOrSe POWellisrc
tvarestated for one year, it . well
t.E Pell R
All kinds or repairin g will be done at the sno . rtes
entice and on the most reasonable terms. They al-.
'nys keep on hand all castings necessary to repair
he. above Alaehineji,2mLothers now i -
There itrallto attnelied to the iibo . ve establishment
no IRA IN AND BRASS FoUNDBY, lit ivhieh all
kinds of CASTINGS eon he liittlsueli no Apple
Mills, Coro 'Brakerii; Plaster Brokers, Mill (4ear-
Mg, Sow Mill Cranks, Nhiebine lietiring.,--14rovii
Boxes; btc. tte. Also,
'run-% dNiq .11:1i ID Fl I 44,
Such RS Mill Spindles, Car Boxes, Turning Lathes,
tac., all in the hest nyder, in iron and brass. •
criTt °Nit% will lieAxecuted at the shortest no•
(ice, nut preniptly attended to. Farmers and others
an cespectrully invited lo give tis 0 call, confident
That they calobe suited to their satisCali oil.
Caelisle;•Atti. 16, 1812. - . tf-41
(nl 2 lllllOOl, liefl'01)11'El and Ogle's PLOUGIIS
Illifl - PLOUG I I. CASTINGS, Midi as Cuimes Land.
sides, Bce.' &e., can also he had at the foundry. ,'
-4'llM is. the season when this destruetiie
complaint attacks your interesting little children,
often robs you of those you fondly dint on, and
carries .hundreds to 'the, grave. Every mother
should therefore, know its symptouls,.watch them
closely, and always be prepared with n remedy
as many are daily sacrificed by such neglect.. At
first the little patient is seized with a shivering, it
grows restless, has flushes of hent,thc eyes become
red and swollen, it breathes with difficulty, and
then comes . that fearful Couon that will surely ter;
minute in convulsions or death unless something is
immediately given to check it. In this complaint
the "Balsam of Wild Cherry" is well known to
be the most speedy ever dicevered. •'lt is indeed's
precious remedy—mild, safe and innocent, and
is sure to give the sufferer immediate relief, and
quickly restore it to safety and health. Farr'
lies residing in the country and indeed every nwrik
tiler who loves her children, should always keep
this medicine in the house nna give it to them
early, by doing so you may often save the life of
one you fondly love. Rememberthis is the famons
remedy of this distinguished physician, Dr
rar, whiCh has cured thousands of CROUP,
&c.7, - iffier every otTtrrinedieine has faihid.
r s Cillu particular when yen Mi relies° to ask
us. there is a svlltlP of thigriniine advertised that is
entirely /I different medicine.
Prepared only by ‘VILLIAMS & CilCrlliati,
No. 53 Smith Fourth street, Pltiladelplia,
•• Sold' iti by
Price One Dollar a Baffle:
June 22; !84R
- trus.recicei'ved a fresh lot of Tea, Cof
lltlP fee •Su-ar Moissges, Chocolate, Cloves, Nut
mega, Race, Gulps., Pepper, Allspice, Cinnamon,
&; all of which 1 will Bull at greatly reduced,
'iricea for 'cash. ••. . CHAS.
October 20, 1842„ . tf 52
The ,proprietoes of .oje'ollll.lllleilthin' Natiopal
Yortitny will; on the Ist of January Ilex t,isdne a.week
ly .edition.of the For -:, :This edition will contain
mutter selected from the.flnily,Ferusn, with original
articlesitrepared expreislytor it l'hu , liteifiryfcon..
tents .Wilt he mole up of selections front the nuts=
popular writers of !let ion—of,. instructive essays up.f •
on useful:topies•-•-aind•of nn agreeable..niiseellitny of
light reading, which, tot interest, variety,and fixcelt
lence, will equal any of the literary, weeklies. As
the FoYttm ;will not. 'be put to press untittlat eye of
Satutility, it will enntahrthe latest news dnwit to the
day of its publicittion,,f A:. weekly', Review of the
'Markets, and, ou alternitte
,weeks, ti , carefullY eor
rected.tabie of .the solvegt •131nditb . Amt.! kel'alvt.or
diaconat at .wli igh ifreirfitdes are boug,ht in ,Plitlaffel
phia,iliataldetuiliid' Price - CUrrit4-oftliffi*Mit'rkets
avillbe,gigen:., ~,, • :: • • ,, A -1, k;,!:-.,:i'•• •-''' '-!...•,'', i'''••
'•!Irt,1111 p.cilkiiilat gotirae;ilie:VOrurn w4l' ardent..
ly; SallexitAy Wildg';:giil ',41,11;;g01i.0:010...."114jii, , .;nt,..
-most energies Hie eROTECIiaN . oar 1-16 mt linnvorstr '
the , RESTORATIO'N , 0F . , , N , SOUNEI4OIO-Inge•
P,OII.NICURRENCY;tiodthe eleetlipi'pf , ,lLElVßY
~ F.T4ratr•Preildbrit.Wthe, i rait6d' StittiV •m• .i . "-i.1•:'r;: , 1 .
4 1t 'WIII bd . Ogbliahed•on,:a•donblelmperial Agee, ;
nit itifckbgatity 'Ortypoirgislty i WilPticintOig. , halth
f ii k y.i g i ti or,in.,oo,.tn uaw ..-,-„,-,-, ..: .„ i, , ,. , ,,; ::.v .+0 , ,?•,!.,.;.:dr..,:q r kagtivaiill••4lg agßordyror , eiblaiid-Idattage," , •Jbe
0011 iligei.:iiill•bii'enabl ed' to affinilit'ilieit*itlistalid , '•
• tog iticittetitlizg and the'goal Or. , lti'inablictitioiV,igt!
the low .pyled of Two • Dollaiii kyesiti4l4.!goirilgifiir - j1
- it i niibiltarg,' . .blvtetiglitileifolillttpeti4:didttiri:•,:mt ,
Subscriptions 40ielted,by.:4 . . - .... , A , •••0.1 ,. ...1. ,, -4• , -,y4::::•
. .:, ~n.v._, , 4 :. ...7.;•t. , :.,• v, 14, , opmfAsrBE'M '• ''
=T4_t:R.l.-?. 1.V.:.t t1,,.r.,d8
k' ; 1 " , . ght;.,a-•ii 'p
..-:i,-r0r.3.w..,,4 ...4P',1•.., fk.
.arPOst Alt!leti:tud,PodisliersOf'newapaper.
. k, gitret-tythotigatllo*etth4dliiadollidafktloWgittl l 6 Vo o 'fliv o ! 4 :'% 4l l "f , :Ni 70.Mltl'i'-1 4 4 'xt 4 ' 7 vP:
. i , rEtA „;
?ii t:,,, .= . 3
. i :
if44:,`:itikrioir.6.oAWolo4olfte. -. frefl
I'M-0000 . .ra50.004,0116 1 ... .: ow
',9iatttig:ltiiiitY( - pf:PoCee.ll.*” 11 '" 1., A) ,',
thltriftellavitatow4':soli,iia4olop. ii.k& . oiii,
'•o*kY4tei}rflocrfolart, i t flif:j PR ;
..,,, s
.0 17 itt , 40..
~ !.
"1,701)( 6. 6hVIV.1000 144 , tieat'§tittOt , ItiOtt34 :1)1h
000 jLcr e felg i ir.° 0 41# 0 1 0 4." - ftl 04f
6 %., . O L i . 4 o 'Pr , ,',ifii!„ o . ..''! , 1„ , , , 0 -4 !'.• -1 0.3
10:.„•;:01#1.4.90404 1 iRtilixr.4m , :p.t:t • Ithc.f.t:o‘)
~.41 ,,gn i va e ,, no w l iti c rart im ie, : 4 5p ,r .f irt ! ,14,, .. -„ , , p , %t y 4 :,5 c ee11v h . . 4 ;
. .,,40' 4 ,talk;
it t
1 1
~ ,, , . ......, - m-•i:, . , . y, , , ,.. ., . , . .y•- i -xt -"
. .. .
. .. .. . . .. ..
WIN: “V'}~.‘~'~(,l:.U'-Al'\“l my" "s'" " l
‘ I x. f u “7., (3,5,3; m4
V ...'
' 5
4 VY ). ..,...I ..-
48t o,,,trapt sue • coeapi, , ,
wltlttliegrOatt„lttfiidt . ielregitla,letkilinOvribri'i l
4 1 1 1 -7 4 i . 'Weelis,!kiiff046'.**11,1 , c,ii,ttflInkibill,kiife'l
Oethe,daii . gett. Atfir , st:itiu.'hafiyhit4pii' ll 44y,
crisrdWr a. 8 4% 1611 6 or 0014,7,0 w: alicnV,4o,l!si=
nom, pleasure, or,bdrelessnesi to piciant:You,front
giving it'any itttentiont it then aettlps'Apon , your
breast s , ,fieetanci hearse, ; MIN< pains in„the
side dr eliist4iPectiirat largOilabrultils tif'mat.
ter, - ,perhartif mr9tpd"'ivithblocid(tf;,.'dßgblilti:',ot
brenthiri mlmes, And then .you BM; yoni,own
foolish: negleetrbalt#toyght.., 04 1 tbi,a•lllitessing'
comphiint.. - Iftlf4n.ygn yaitie i lini:9r lii
ed th„ t,o,
warned' in lime; dad' ii*
dUlitillith .ry . iie,P3 . ol4 l "
or fr,ustio anY'qtatek‘..4loiteuni'n• tdo - turn yeiu;,lie
imrnedfittely preenreir'bottle or,
,twoe ,of- that fa.
moos remedyy, the "Dsr:san oil' -Arlin . Ctreitay,"
which "is i4OII , YinPTI CO.bii,ith -1 0, 1 1iinstiiieridy cure '
ever known; int thiMsaride.4lll testifY-Whoso lives
have 'been sav,e4byit. f , -,, •;'-,1: f `,- :"'1•;:i
~ Vile , verywartteular mhen,yon ,purehas4" 46
i ti
as.thereis also a SYRUP 0 t hin Mond in;use.- ~, ..
Prepared, wholesalenn :retuil,i , by flVikaaksii
& Ce-, Oh aintets,` No: , 1 , EolithF,purth_stieet,-
P,hiladelphia. 'l.' l : ,:',-- s 1 " fl' ,, ', ,•• - •• '- - - -,'-,•,,,..
Sold in Colisie b'y.' ''. ' ", • ''' '' ~
-, , , ,-, -i, BAIIIII.EL ELLIOTT.' ,
I , Prier One Dollar a Bottle: . . ="--:-
.:Tunel2 - 1842; ' 1 ' ' ' " 1 '- 6203'3 1
~' ' '''
levcry! say Oaght to'lloow or
DCt. BECErik§:
Pulmonary. , Pres'ervalive..,-
,6,lo'effeetual lii,Cqughtt. Colds,lntluenzas, ca.
k.'farrhs, Asthma , ,_ Pains of .ta'Bide and of the
Breast, Bronchitis, Spitting,Of Bleod, Shortness
of Breath, Whooping Cpugh, ttil DiseaSes of the
Breast and Lungs, and. for the arrest of approach'
ing Consumption. • • .. • ; • •
So popular. is Dr. Dectifees - Pulmonary Preser
vative throughout all Germany, and si.'affectual in
Diseases of the -Lungs,- that. from ita:' miraculous
effects and wonderful 'cures—it is therli . venerally:
known and styled ."Dr; Bechter's LifeTreserver."
7 ---As-numerous certilicatesOf its very guat'effeetsi
and wonderful cures in this . eountiy, have been fre
quently publishH itris deemed' necessary only to
remind the public of-so valuable a tnedicirte, ane
inform them where it can be procured genuine. -
,riTrict —Fifty Cents a half pint bottle. . •
*,,.* Prepared and sold, wholesale end retnil,at Dr.
North Second Street, below Vine (sign of. the
Golden, and Serpents) Philadelphia.
• For sale in Cntlisle,•hy, . _
• - Agentii.for Cumberland County. ;
Carlisle, May 18, 1842. •," 2.94 y.
1,1113112 •
TFIE Subscriber has received. addition
AL Ramifies of the above mooed cel orated
wide]) has in a few years cured and relieved upwards
of six THOUSAND persons in different sections
ofthe country .nf the fidlowing .diseases, such as In.
digestipn, DyBpepain, an t i all those trains at diseases
.antsing - from a disorder( d condition of the stomach.
and liver, derangement of the digestive ftinetions,
midi as
General Debility, or IYeakireae of the Stomach
• • Costiveness, Headache, Jaundice, Hutu
lent e.. 1 Net —done
- lions, I. cv r and .dome,
and has deittFoyetlall kinds of WOIIOIS, both in
grown persons as well ti c s in children, and cured mu
ny other 'complaints which are too numerous to in
sert in this advekisement which'ean be Seen in the
directions which can be fcittod'Wrappeil arountbenefi
bottle, with n number of Certificates, of cures per
forined by this valuable Balsam of Health.
The treat demand for this Balsam of Health has
lately Wm:mistime unorincipled persons to' impose
on the public a spurious article for the genuine Hal
sum of Health; therefore the: ( p roprietor cautions the
public from purchasing any but from his regrear
appointed :tents. The genuine Balsam of Health
has the oa me of the mcdietne blowb on tbe glass of
catch bottle; thifs—"GarleganCs Balsam of Health,
prepared only by Jouti S. Nfrm.unt" ansl besides
that, lie has his signature, written on. a label,
pasted on Me( nutside wrapper of each bottle,
which secitres it from being counterfeited.
• ccr'To be had at 'all times of his Agent in this,
Mace, alio has already sold - large quantities, - akich
proves it a medicine of great emulate and celebrity.
SAMUEL nuAori%
Carlisle, September 211 . ,•1842: 6nn048
Garlegaiitls Inalsato,s Ofdlealth
Tg• subscriber • hes jtist • received a
sumq ,of the above named celebrated,
II ALS A NI, OF IF. A LTI I, which has 111 41 few
cured and ,relieved it pa Ards of four thousand] per
salmi in different Sections of the conntry of tke
lowing diseases. such as the '1)) spelasia, all Cholies
111111 INt1!1•V011f; Diseases,mall all those' trains orallseas
es resulting frotit a disordered condition of the Stom
ach—mares the .Igut• and Fever. 11111' old and freMa
Sores; and destroysall hind of worms. both iu grown
per , o”. and children, and many 'other etimplatiads.
Al] Im s e 'mesons that purchase this Medicine will
ti It 11111 rlir,ctioui ath - bott le;as - well 116 lINUITI - - -
fuer of certificates of cures performed.. To be had
at all times of his agent in this' place, who has sold
already large quantities. The great demand for this
Balsam of Ileahh 1)11 , 1100v induced some ttsprihei
pleil pers(hvh, emillterfeit it —theyelorethe proprie
tor (motions the, public, from purchasing any only
front his': regular lippniinted agents. The 'genuine
Rnlsam of I I esith has the MUM: of the '
blown on the glass of,each bottle, anal his gjontiii
.lobo S. NI i Iler, 'wrote on a label -which is pasted on
the outside' cover. which completely secures, them
Trnin being counterfeited. For sale only iu this place •!
Roknoitinam, Sept. 10'1841.,
DEAR Slav—Please'send me two more bettk: e !.
your Balsam of' IV ild.Cherry,like that_ yen sent
me before. I have taken nearly all of the first two,.
and confidently believe this medicine will enrol - 6C,,
LIMIT .used a great. anany_: remedies wi the
lust year, but have never finind any thing that has
relieved me so much. It has stopped m v 'cough
entirely, checked 'my night sweats, and I sleep
better at night and feel better 'in . rvery way ; Om
1 have. for
,many months.. Yours; respectfully,
- • J
DOLllissgut% ,Sept. 12,1891..1
,Wlt't:Aiti- - --tiniust again trouble thee to
send me two bottleinuire of thy invaltittbie -Bat:
sam. have:now taken three bottleslnt till; and
can assure thee- that it ha's.done more good than
all the medicine } have ever taken Ireferco.' r Send
by the stage as soon as possiblr ; and:oblige thy
. " thirsvtiL, Sept. Bf
, Wrosint37s,Boxyery;N.:Vork. DEAR DOOTORl"—Heiiiilg people talk
of the.wondorfulcuresyour'Balsamof,lV.ildCher
,lolt nine ye tir9 (1118 owilichie 'has Stood Mork:dell ry has made in. Consumption, I sent of
fl fat lii -ellt•it 9 1. "Os , Pai,l in 11 ".!,side, your Agenti the:otht r ' ay for a bottle, and .have unity b rel"l'iN'' t tr ° l l l ' l ' it i B, '" (l ° lll °° B lbund it to have, relieved , me so much, that I Want
flues of the Lmi nud whieh ore ; three bottles more ,sent soon,'as I believe it ,will
sem* or by which elsirrtsied
BO 011O11•Ii!Piilii1111.0111:ColIBIIIII1g1011:: :SO extensive) y'j °uro E
t°° % 1 1. have used Jayne's xpeetorint.
,has this remedy beet, used and in so many cu res h a and other m e d icines bee' ides, but nothing huadantj
it proved •successful;tho proprietnr no hest- Ime us much good: an. yours has . Send
tansy recomuiplading tonal who nelbrtunately steamboat flolivar,,,, Yours,
have occasion to retort to recovery. . . „ Wit.usin.Tinanna
Ntultitudes who,ltuve.;c9ericnced itsimptirefte'ett, •
caii`testify tolte‘iitility, and 'very iniuiyrcsctMd Iron ! ,
r-Besidis its • astonishing in•
- "
n pn..matut dt ti, ~p oint to itas the "4'°flaultlP!.l°,;;ltlsalto ibti'mdai46s6tuhri'emedY.:
restorstion:. - !• 04-, • • over discovered for LlVgit
'eft originator of, this rernetly.wrs tvclil vemti in i ASTIIIKA,'IIRONCIIITIS.COUPIIS, CROUP,:
the 'Selene& br rAdleitte,'find skiffull„ . Prneticiiiner.ll WHOOPING
PhysioNns familiar witii efreots not unfregiientlY t ti6t l .vliolat , ebetin . euled'yy itaflerall "
other re e-
.o it ini:-theieiksietitttl;-•-tindAv ith--the-M ettical -- dickl i Tfdria .;,, y„? ;
Faculty gttP.PrallY rOt..l,Ysith.:ll,4l!ger:**-Of:' find!- Ale;
thanspprolmttoi it,,,eurninoo,-ovitli;;,pcp,poAyN, medicine a valuable addition tallitiiratbeit;,•:-'anil!'
• • Should, always keep Won :hand;
temnrk • acknowledged to be °nil Ur the'tnnit ,
were taketi,;4;ttnif Oohing, now . *
lvfo zi
rr7,B verrearpfhl tone& fee lir. , l:l 7 isrAtrs'
CRERIO r Z - : , .8610rwb01,,i4
Dr:1:910r 8 1311 0**,1.'7°14 d . “ a all WiLLIAMSWCIO 'Cho'
” . 0 ean r t - „
deep and thrilling intereittltteliav ,nghotitthiStorld.Wo t curcef f
' Fm• sale also, by - Messra. J. W. lk D., S. Stoner,
in Wityliesboro'; Pa., and John Brackenridge, hi
September 28, 1142.
5td1122,2141 1111121Ybatia
4 ;~'''~:
. ,
by; any - ;'iiiediterb
eon:mound O'er offered, ttiAh,eyoblic ono
!Molitor and. family :molitime. they are yory rt
gentle - in their,,-oper-atioN...causing neither. p9l l .
sickness trot " debiiity by•theiuse : of them, but Cri
.PIRIFoOk - 444.
bgwoistiin NwOnclerfulmanner, and
natSrdto ftaleritier"Mitifeeind'"vigtif.
ye . ; :Breit 'lfordete .
fort,,tbere is. ProskotiOn tif.,strettp-fh . in,
thetie manY.9PaSe . rs#,iedit* , 4 , 411a,dtty,,
beemise the inaterbils !Wed iiirtuntifieturitig
Sri in' harmony with the powers of life and t.
in. concert with the opinions of Brown,
.litittb; ;
liionfglyriery;-:' Hersey,: -Remit-kb, '
Shelikc eelehrated. Viraterlioints,';
formerly fbecturer - .theory t end., practice of,
Pbysin,io Cambridge
.University l. 44liseaciansette..
Vorebase ottli4ii, and give "theni 'a fair and jai':
partial tyial, and you lykil find that:.perinaiteitf`rel"
lief, Oink proprietors 'depend
them themitisConiversal - faiiiiliotediolno need,
and widett'vvill stand unraveled by any iitherire
the' Lnewit Pelee '25 - cents per box.,
Is ono of the most certain arid - affeatiatl . carob fof
all yhtitiMalic, chronic and inflarnmatory,Rlieu
tisms, thathas ever yet- been; discovered,/
numerous cases:has eradicated that drdadful 'dirt-
vase from 'paeans.' afflicted entirely: . All= sbnr
drinks,and. victuals? are atricilY,,forbiddcn,..:and
spiritoes liquors 'Meet not-be taken itiwardlibk
any means whateveii Or'jt be ‘ of na',itse 'to
take this Medicineins it will destroy-tlimgeod
feati'af (lidmedicine' entirely. Pr/ea 31,50 per
. .
These celebrated drops have acquired the high:
'est recommendations in this country, as well as
In Europe for its most valuable proprieties for all
inwardweaknosses,-cramps,colds,agues and fever;'
and when used with thvOlive Branch Tills,ncvet
fails to cure the foyer and ague. Pike 2.5 cents
per bottle.
Is unrivalled for-its-curative qualities even when
used in cases of maladies which were otheiwise
'incurable:. . Way, recommendations ihave :been
givep of the beneficial effects it has had in the
cure of pleurisy, -pectoral. and pulmonary Mimi
sumptiona, colds, &c. • Price 25 cents per bottle.
This. most oicellent article has a' quality of
calming instantly and without fail, all cramps of
the stomuch,.cholic.end that troublesome disease
called mother fits', or histories; arot when continua.
edlor some length of time, will cure-the patient
entirely. Price 25 cents-per vial. • •
A certain cure for all Scalds, Bruses, Diana,
and the most effectual cure for the piles—it will
cure the person afflicted in a very short' tierte,-if
used according todirections. - Price 25 chi.per vial.
This spirit is hightir recominenQ 'for till
sprains; swelling of the limbs, or leaders, sinevv%
joints and rheumatic; as an outward remedy, it has
noegnal,and when Uscdwith the Rheumatic Medi.
nine, will greatly facilitate the cure. The an
nuals of History do not produce its equal, and it is
the greltest preventive against cold, in . the
known world. For - particulars sec directioniacco:n
panyi lig the bottles. Face 25 cents.
. _
An infallole enre if used according to direc
ons.. Price 25 cents
Is decidedly the best application • for wounds
and sores, old or new, of all kinds, and will pro.
vent if used in time many operations; and Wi t
vent Lock Jaw, Pains in the Biek, !lead, &c.—
Females who are so unfortunate as to have Kim,
breasts, and will use this wondertillanlve, will be
cured in a very short bole. It canna he too high.
ly recommended. For further particularsseedirpe.
tions. Price 12.1 cents per box. ; ,
An excellent, article thr the cure-of worms in
adults ns well . as children, and will cure Wheir
other remedies fail. Price 6.1 cents per box.
. .
A soficriol' article for Congh•=, Colds,S4c throat,
Bronchitis and difficulty of breathing. Price 6
cents per box. • . • • . . ,
Sold wholesale and retail, at the principal (Ace,
No. 384, North '3d .street, Philadelphia; and IT
JOIN GRAY, Carlisle, Pa.
General Agent for Cumberland County. -
- Juno 22, 1842. . iy-34.
AND ifyou have a friend; a relation, or know
any one that is afflicted with that distressing
disease, 4 .CONSU d 1 PTlON,"persuade them with.
out delay to try that famous and 'unrivuled
eine, the "
onavotoa of Wild. Clierey,”
which has cured thousands of this complahit tif;
ter everything e)se had failed. Read the follmi%
iiib inidoid?ted proofs or
sloiftinif; - 4 , .!/edt*,. Arrettioitt,tio.ittrelti,44l , l4B Old
*,tetilt!! 14
tkOrg , o4o/14:fiv'
co Vitgdi of ionid)tlar rtillo ild ,pr.trationocomßrume,
:the ExtreicpofiriiNliillitiOdV;lv;nnti , 7 . ohntidial
procgss,Apprope'Al 4 ikad,4oavvinthinlCti . tiy the, musi,
Jedged,the,nyiativalitahle,efintlii!inn over distava'aidt- .
!;Iki sattinkfortktheS*lrtuea'arthis:tridy graot-ine
dioin6:VveUve 'no detdre".o , de,Oeive,th'osn who arc
iT laboring under afilicifoti(tiorAkivb' wish to 'ntkolgista.
; it: Inge thanitjnatly,;:deskiv'etOrOt'when *4e-took'
.;.nrou int ami 'we the; vast aii)6oll/.ofatitreritigi.nd di I:
Onnaainned,hy 'rainy ; 4-tti,n,:diaeases• in Which .
Chiaantlinti!n hair.pr4v,ed:,!iio inkeeesvfuli.we
:feel that we ttl°: ,l 4rOPtlyt or
' too much in itifavor;
VitiotitCrentedket otrue li t aie - beetfoffered4indi.
iihrfailAntoqiatine , 'lttr thdriatire. of dianaitais "of .the
iin.Acinbt Veen found ;very
titiefulaintrvif alt.thatliave Yet b* . en di scovered;it .
admitted by phyldnians have witnessed
.its elrects, that , none has 'prcivnd'as sticcossfulitilithl;
Suct‘indOini ' "
Of thiaßaltinin;:that:even, ,
in dm advanced stage of
Covet:nal/ries, after all 'the'inast , 'esteroed remedies
of physicians - have 'failed to ,effect, tidy chtitige;fthe.
.use . orthia- medicine„ hat? hen productive of the
most astonishing .relief, anil'aetualli "effected Melva
atter all. hopes orrecOvery'llad been despaired of.
.In the first stages ofthe'disease,teribed " Cotarr
ha? Cdnsurnption," originating from neglected. Colds,
it has , Ased with, undeviating success, and bun.;
Aredtracknowledge they o*e the restoration of their
health' to tide invaluable, medicine alone. In that
form of Consumption .. .so prevalent amongst delicate
Sluing females, cointhoely.termeil debility, or '
. ,
A complaint with which 'thousands 'are lingering; i t akin proved,highly suceessful, and not only pos
seasss the - pewer: , of - checkingAg "prOgireaa th!i
riliirm4 complaint, lint alai) strengthens and invig
orates the system !more. effectually than any medi
cine we have ever, poisessed. ' •
Besides its surprising efficacy in COnsumption, it
is equally efficacious in liver Complaints,
,Uronchitisiand all affections of-the Lungs, and'has
the most obstinate cases; Mier - every
other remedy had failed. = 'Ork;For partienlars, see.
Wistrir's Tretise on Consumption, to 'be hail
the Agents.- " ' •
Attending the use of this 'nsedicine,To ilisca"gcs of
the Lungs, -- iind the many singular Cures- itinis ef
fected,having naturally attracted the' 'attletion
tunny'. physicalist!, (as werl as the whole fraternity of
quacks) varioui coopeinVes and surmises have arisen
respertinClei-ceinpoSition'; some jihysielans have
sappoSetritto contain. lodine, other:ignorant preten
ders:say it musreontain Orlercut*, and to some such
subsuance they each attribute_ its singular'
As such opinions are "aliogediCr erroneous; and 4t
cithitedtriprejudicetnany-perthns against it, sie , • ,
That Romania's nothiOg of the kind,',or,any.tlt,ing•v
thi• least injurious; on' the ,eontrar'y,it is composed,
of theinoit substances, the lun . neiple of whieh'
are the extracts of TAR and Ft Orr Cheri'kila•kk :
mid the whole Seen:ll& . its • efficaoy eciiatiults, in the,
mode by A 41141 1. they'are prepared.
As we have' alreilly i numero u t Certi*;•
ctites ii . 6111 the highest, atithority,, whiolt,Provesits
virtues beyondaill doubt, we considei , it unnecessary,
to exhibit a long list of them in This pitice,tind will .
()MS. mentions few cases, to ShOW what it has done.
. ,
- . . .„ , ...
A SURPRISING CURE. - -AmoOe the many
singular.' cures which this, mOilicine has encfed,-
thertis perhaps none in. whiali ,its 'powers are Ito,
fully shown as in the case of Nles. Austin.
This lady hail been consumptive foe several years,
anirduritig the greater part of this time had received
the best medical atteidion, mid' tried 'all the most
viditable. remedies, yet braiding:could he. found to,
arrest its progress. She,heenine snbj , ct to violent
fits of enoidting, extiectoratefl' large MuMtitiett of
twice occasionally tinged 'With -Womb - mid step by
step this fi'mlul disense,"eoutitmed its course; nitil
tI hope of a recovery was entirely despaired of.—
While, in this distressing situation, lingering upon'
the very' verge of the grave. she sommenced'the use
of this l'ilsalm; albeit, to use !Mr own expression,
np-ratell ality•sc like ti chsrm. fa in a,. ,Mtys she
expectorated freely, the cough sins, gradually sup.
ibis appeared to add fresli vigor,
to her 1• oksomdnow,:in the place thnt emaciated
tam i thei int to deem-, site is, seen mingling its
g orb ty, ,in better hcaltL than she 'has enjoyed for
lie surpriAiitg.elliesiey of - Dr. AVisfnieN finiroilm
Vail • ;berry. in tt n case of Nlt.B. Attain., I oluqr.
aekuou ledge the above Rtatetnent.,to be true
ul4l, eyrregt, • J. C. Watitns, M. C.
: Alroodstowli, liept.4; 11841. r
Dear Sir —A 1t1i0u2,41 your invalnafile medicine has
:dread. tuned hemdreds'ol.. powerful advocates, it
inai' still bu,,yon to rec.:live n,commnn'i t :. -
ration from, one that has 'been. relievstd by it.
sn,h, Sir, is truly My ease. :f - been 3i vielint
to that terrible. disease '.:Consuniption, 'fee raini:k
months, nod have mucholuit. I bad be;.:.
conn• almost weary of my life. Dearing ,yotr
praised, 1 , began talcine it a 'role'
a eeks hack, and call assureyon has relieved 116
mo-e than any thing I..bare'eser used before, and I
confidently haiereit,will C 11,11? me efrvtually. Please
give 313 e, hearer the Nen.' , ll - erpeenclusediand.nbligo
Yours Respectfully- , JonsPenneox.
Chester County,'Sent; ft; 1841:
Friend Wistar—lt gives me much pl asure to in. Owe:that. rny wife's heablt.bas improved very
oineli since she has been using thy 13,415e1m of Wild
che rr y, Ani l we thi n k .there is no doubt bUt that it
will earefier. Siie has taken tte twotottlei 1 par
ehnsed _from 'bee . a short time since ; and her cough;
is much better, she-iiTsiraleeptr-aelrat..uight, arlOi
snys she bits,fotind notbinglo give,
bee so much re
lief. Thee Will please give the bearer two' bottles
mere for •', „Thy Friend. -; •
nowattolf OOZES.
. ,
Dear Sir—Please send me' tWo bottles Of your
genuine.9lalsalm , of-Wild , Gherry, :1, have teen hf.
dieted with. Consumption for. the last tin years, and
suffered .Ver:y ,iefere - Vi
:Co," i iains int
. my trehat.' .
and.'having. tried 'numerons•remetlieth hod alse hien .
under several doetors,:yet cottld;hotfintranYoll4"
to relieve me until_ lused.sonte ofiour .13alsalm t . • I
got OneliattleOOMit rOggibi' of mine Who Is' mai*
it, - nniftave'fonnil.'suili - wondirftoelieffronrit quit'
I. have no .douttit.will eure:rne elfentually
Ymtr.T 3 PF, 1 49 1 §un!!!7 . ,.14 . 0._ •
UIIERT Pcimurkw.
Mir Read thelolloveing fiouv. - rfr.'Jacolk tiofribiti;
a Osysician or extensive - practiee : ,,!n . ,,,Yllo9oT)
toplitY •
' lialSaltd'o(Wild Dheiry;fiiintlirdi - tlaiDeed, Estv,
`of"thiS:plate,, and",'tried 'it , •In a cote of obsiitate
Attloon on a child of-Pattl - Sehwehle,-irywhie,hmapy_ .
other remedies had 'been fried' Without Wily relief'.
The Dalialin' iiiiie stiOilen relief;itildlO my. opinion
- thoehild is'etreetoitly eared by its oboe , . - :'' , ...........“:: . 4 :
,_,' '-', Y0Ur41140...,; JAC01.1,41(1111412 7 J M. D .
.DOCOlillee2H, Dig: Y : ' .
Dear Sir---YotM thitstiltik‘of Wild• Chirr.4_lllll
RAgit - magnA - ststonhthimPire — Chiiii;TOne,prilkich
i ono , oldlidiil.4"l - #0 0 ",,,,i11 , ; ill
.Iro, ,ai l k4 . ,, irts
. 'fora 1 6 , 6 ,, two iv i tt , ~,,,,,,.....a , ......".0,,4-w
~' eral-weat ness, 'omit she was filially obliged lii k eep
' fier- bPit>t!m i kfteirT4:4 l4 °4 B 4 , Othet ., ratriVild,ilalt r beeti
, - sablacx - nomer:steltiOg - oyAliolilekiiaiiki:torTergveb,
• tott.lotVtlitilitOtio:to.Otttitd6tatzott,theolAtteit.4oter .
1 , 00 , 00 , 000 9 , , ,t4in g two bottlei naliewMtkitetwAr
C, , k4r,l*4` k •.4.vi1 13 ,t4,10.1ii , 1W. rt. 4 .?M:.. 0 t,'.'“ ".. ~
....._' :'' ' , - , e,' , 5 2 ,,,, 4 4 vaPjftiV,90aggi#4. '
''' , *-PlitliilliMit.' f`; : 1 ' A., , :c., _-• , ~ ~, , , : 7 , , ,,,
~,l iTg ,,, ~ , ,_
'' c A UTIOW,- . 4ile'lltero , ite - '*i?Opit i t44(t4loli!ti
Mi l fe ,ll . ls :thrfkli m,4l 'Cli e rl6Pt ml if*K'Cstm,4 l o- I F .
vci r , liiklmailtat4tlC,lnvJ l l4l7lAlliaW
'SA `M 'll o 4'
s%74pr , ,t.pii;eil' P rOt :I:soketitril 8 570,•. r - '
2 61 - hfr pri '4 wititiodt , i.; ru lt ,„ • ...
e h 4 . 1.. •.• Yar 4-- t.l 4 4 '
Vil*ti 1 t*, elo l l i a r .4Po;; ,, P N gOi,, z '':
:-' 4 44:=:i-
i t
, ~ ,
4iteo ", - .noriihr
' 1 0 , 1,!M# 6. ,FY ,