Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 28, 1842, Image 1

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    1404.1.47 J
AdaiNa ArioiOwnt
00 0.0 0 WW 4 0 4 4*
, o ' r;-
"ht :fag .11,34V,41W444, .t,,, cotyo, 0 IC .4.
4 0.-.1Y% '
11, 0. );,74W 4A'.•
itgMP . •
4 " . q
,-4 , 4 !;: n ...' 1 100:404-ON4l}
— __!*ftSfAktrigA i r....# ,E Olt
v/ 4 4 44000 , 0 1 041 1,4104.1
Tlritoll4 P3(P.,OA!,TOR o,l4rithot
LARACialiiiiatif;o l 4 lo64lo64 ****Orb
' from' the • ti mo: ofubtoritrArrinoo . ,oo.o.B.
R.::!/47:FtPRin 0v 0" ,
No su ba ripti mit.i '-likeraokAospi, six
PlPPoB,..tind;ilPJPo.9 . 4ise.PAin4e4 l /oA# ll l l r - ,'
Ad p
Oit gqa arc r4O 3 A9PYO#4 6 A1 41 ,fiR V 1 .14.
ish e ri #4114'4h1.0f...
ancktg! A. 1 ;!*5 . 1 1 9t:;t:
0100,NOthOsitaftc* 43k.
, e..; , ..-).::,..-, , : , , f!k:',G'1T: , , k., , , 8A11it.5(...'" , -; , .. , +-: ,.,
. _....
Bank 'cif • oh ' pat:
5 2 s apuriomyitniAtte . ,liguree . afJustice spull:A4:is.
Praia se to , P9-3'.gi9 . • P 013- trejil'and'
specie, er'pn per 9 1110 . 040 s of Iklertlt"Arneri ea.) s'
s's and:lo, old,pletc; none genuine reitialning out.
1 'and' fiCi*S,'itltered lioni Vs; vignette of 's's arid
of altered notes, a figure of Commerce, sitting, an
eagle before , lieroind the'hack 'ground. ..
20's, lens: D i t 'Jan; 19,-181.3i pay D. Coffman' and
lett. H, April 20,1811,-pity. R. Chesney.
° Bank of,the,No.rthern Liberties,. par ;"„
16?1 ta,. 1837, pay J. T!tylerl
tares poorly ithitsitedt Vignette lieaillsl,shedem.
1.0 , 5, lett. A; July pay J. Starq printing
ink pale and yellowish. ~
50't, altered fronseotinterfeit tO'in badly done. ' '
20's, lett. G; Jan: - 1,181 pafJ. Jenks.' • • •
Bank, of PeOnsylFania.„ a 13
s's, lett. M. ifiTAtiriF2,lB36:',pay. G. W. Warder;
a plain white; circle around the at ;Op, not., In
genuine; lett. C; • April 7, 1829, pay, F 4. Evens. ,
Vs lett. I', 8; Nov. 6,1.838; pay N. Nolen—coarse.,
LON, ersarkoui ruling up; the E, in :President Ou r
shltliably Other letterai---
10's, lett. F. Sept:lo,4B3N pail- Hicks, signed 3
Lewis, Pres'e no inch officer) 'Aug: 6; 1836;
pnv S : Bray; April V 1820;Pay:O. 84y; motto On'
- Pa: miatpf arms roughly done; others, Sept. 10;
1837, pay C. Clay, .
10's, Letts: C. and .F.; 'April 16 ; 1883; :pay
10's, lett. • 14 April„lB
. 28, and July ill,. 1893; eni
graver's firm tr. Eo. for Co.: othrrs, /sag : 27,1838,
pay ff. pay ; s :K. Chaunney,,Cash„ insteml of
50's; lett; i-Jim".•'l, 1817. - .
50% lett. C; Afar 22, 1821 1 ' pay...T. Boone: •
Bank Oteann,.:ro,wraillip. •• - par."
10'S. Washington on the ' anr instead alllOlll. end.
20's; various - date* well done, except the Franklin
on right. Intirgiii 4 is coarse: • • •,„
.50',4 altered from 5 is;•.,.V ignelin of 50's, commerce
sitting en. a, bale of goOdaf . riglit-eild piece, Frank
inn left, Venn. , , . ,
liank.of file 1541ited Stafne, . 55 a. 56.
10's and 20's; lefts. Alzß,lteads and each end coarse.
50 4 " ii, left; I); Hero. 2,1836;. end pieces coarse. .
50's attl 1(10'8; kite, A A and-G; Oat. -I, 1838; pay
Juo. , Soruerville,gash., at, *0 daym.paper . thin and
• • reddish.
.• • • . . . .
toa'; Rept...l., 1838; p ay J. floss at 10 /lay&
Oeirs, altered' front". 190's;
. Oct.-11, 1808: pay to
' • and endorsed by, 3,:nentlis.
Commercial, Mink of PennaTlvania, par.
S's lctt: 1); March 4, 1819; pay T. Astley.
B's, alter from the Canaille':jai flank of
broken, be . sithstituting I?ennsylwania fur
1011, which observeolgnetteofgetanine s's, Penn's
Ti , etaywith the Indians. ,
10's, spurious; vignette' of genuine, Washington and
Franklin.' r
10'5 lett. A , Nor. 17, £B3O, pay lt., It. Lee: . March
mill Julie 2, 1828, '29 and 30, pay Geo. W. Ash;
Sept. 15, 18311; pay S. env:nal.
10 1 / 4 ,1015. A fl; Nov. 17, 1822. pay E. Lyman; Nov.
..3,1821); pay 111.•,Carey; letter C., pay 11. Clay.
211's, signed Benj. P. swill!, dated by fore he was
191.1'5; altered fom Commercial Bank of Millington
Mil., Railroad ears,on one inal ; aletioniinaliou of
note on the other. Entirely tliflerent from genuine
509's, 504, - '2O'S and 'lD's, alterad from s's, which
only low Penn's treaty ,whla the Indians for vig
nette. rr Genuine' 509's are printed iu RED iak.
Fanner's •and Meelmnie's Bank, . par..
s'e ; 10's amt. 25's, ailkeal from :f'armer's and
llank,of Wisconsin; vignette.of 5'4, at le
thole folding. a cup in right hand, 101 arm resting
oWsitenglet of to's a felintle. reaper; of 20,'s; a
feabale spinning. None genuine engraved by Bur
ntotilk Gorky. •
I.o's, letter R; Feb. 5,1825; pay P . Saley; letter C;
Feb. 5, mad 1.0,1820 '25; pay A. Moses,C. Dull,
Roma letter D; il 1828; pay 1. Clay.
20's; well done; paper redder and signature.lighter
than genuine; some letter A, Nov.
.29,1804, pay
Cfil's, letter IS; Nov. 29;1834d 'engraving. very. bad.
rb's,letter Dec. 25 , 9; 'pay G. I irst.
~, , •
20's and 50's, Otereilfront s's, % . vlif!Styignette
- is the,
M . Snuf .& Meek:Bank, . 5 a 7
altered. from s's; yign , lte of geimine (1, n•fe
malc slid' Firmrristo wn gr.; %Oita 'L•ast is. mist on
thviltorMl notes:3 - , '• - •
JOfs, ;Merril from ''s; the W(r.l r•tt•rr • crooked,
k ' t
3'B, old moissionis long.slo4o withdrqtyn..., • .
awe'. altered fromun
counterfeits on Mechanics's Bank,
Rea tiiivenVianiatiire of ;Washihittou 'onAlut.
• - on the left. . • ~- • ,
50's, ,altered front ',s"tiApril. 1 , 1838; i 8
placed too ' close ' to 'lbocc•aief
twee sirorattkthe'edge robbed clear: •, • •
iVloyainetibing 113ardc, •-•- 51i:6
L.: .'.- 'psi;
s'e old`pbite!,withdritia:•• TNp. 'Oath in use bee fdr
vitlikte l iferaillre(idid•end pleces,'Weehlagton on"
riklitiaiidltiiliert the'lefti• • •' •
10'9, lett. C, 1110,1819; Sept. '7,1819; Ike. 8,1826. ,
. 10's;letteeD, - Welk Mat 8, L 892; pniJ. Karaand
EiVA1101:- 6 ..gliettei . tlitee , female • figures
ship' the dhdanoei•and , a. View of the , banking- ,
hotleo.LouTthollefti,ve,47'.lll l 9.e.rAlet... , Fraoklin. on
0'1;1%00 W1141"19/5499
411,0 la altered. from 5. 2 e:
,vlthnette of two
, (Octal:4'l44; 44440 - which
Aga kir feMule
cihtdil I Pm'
::.:6'q. Penn's Trendy with tile ~.Id=
t-wzn.SM :•'
20110014Villie,IdltietVMiiii9,a1814)11824,; 1825 i
aotURT.; 01) , ; MA' rf %!,
SOp' altlls4;frOntlft'e,oldlieette.,oftlargei , eiaerTon
• de •
Tnel l , eX t traoted,_and,,‘_.' glee Llandretr. eeb7,
111 ; 414 :; 14: r .
7.." *;; 5'e; old liln , of ° various filling, up : The heads .
WastothnandFranklin imperfect and coarie".`js
11,1) - 41 r
• . tuaa laiit.:ll , 4l , lol4sA y
je I
Merehant7s & 'Manta. Bank, Piteg: I,a 2
Miners' Bank of : Pottsville,,
.• 8 a 9
s's, letter F, pny J. Lyon, Jude t 3,184,1; 'others, J.
, White Aug.l, 1840. The letter under the Kin
in the genuine, it is below the L and
Kt the ernes' of the rrs in Pottsville inclines up.
iyards,instend of horizontal. ..• •
Annangabell.nank,Atrawsaville,— 3
2.o's, all:eyed from sVeiiiiilr.ileteeted.-----7--7,
50's, this Bank Inks no 50's oat.-
New bone Delaware Bridge C0...20 a.2§
,'(Removed to I.;ambel:tvill,e, Now Jolley.) , ,
. .
Northampton Bank, Allekown, .20;a.,22.
5 1 s, letter•l3,Ang. 28, 111391 , pay E.Lippincotf;
natures and filling up •, engrpvcd; vignette, coat of
. twins, while the genuine•s'aissued since 1537 have
a view•of Mauch Chunk.' - • ••• ' •' • •
ToWanda, Bank, Towanda, .75
West Ilranch WiPiamsporj, 50a 66'
I.o's of ,various filling: up; some. to I. Kellum;
CorYdir,Ca'sq . .l". FL Cowden; Pres.; yignette,a
•••flying eagle, railroad cat's in thedistanse.
. eft Presi-
dent's signature.toollpiht. and stiff; general app•
' •rnnee li g ht; the first in Wiliiiitusport resembles
more a• hguree -I.'. • • • •
.50'poitaretiliva s%;vigaeue, that of the
is a view , of Om townon, the left ead,ofito* .7i ,
WyOnainill6fik,.Willtes Bafte,' - 'l3 a 17,
.• 7
ra,leg.ers.A. and •B; ,Feh..2,11130; old plate;. pay Ny..
Wagner, Which *name Is spelt' Wagner. In the.
word'Frift; on the left'hand Mniegin, the I' is - Mot
dotted. The Fof Five, in the body of the mote,
••-• does not exactly line with the other letters. Vig-
note imperfect in.tuppT
,t : '
ikyoi•efiff,am count i fcif s'e
0, 0,15.
11YAIIIIY1LalliD.' ' '' -
'WANKS' IN:' BA Tlli OTiE ,
:Bankiit:ge'lliiiii)W i " nt 7r `littliftitoi : e l ' ''
5 2 e, April i .., 1849 , pny' J. Coleman.,: Pn er Jight,
~. engraving dark, filling'up b'n'd.?: Ltirti he-wok
~, ' , BALTIMORE letter :Oil - but iliall finished;
' - ',and, tbee,E ,badly ego, resembling , ,3 1 .11e,genr.
4 ^ Aline on the 1 figure . 5 hnv 'te,l3
n circle orblld '
~ white &tin iii'tbe bid 'are hardly; 'theft: " ' ''• .`" '',
5% letter A; dated liept. 15,'-1840i-lifirJJ'italentitli;'
' • 'ir . 11,1 9r 1 P a P , Pre'l-4 4 ,CoxfcAsht-the,Peoolt-,'
.•. -, Mit's naive ie ratherlne.ll heavily . ti'tiatlmil-well cal . , t , i' -5,
e. .. , 1; .. t ~-',1,.,.ar', a : “..* ..'
-Vii3elNrkA:.andA l / 4 ditted'JuntilB; 1880.„0 ;0 -, ,,, t5d; .
tO'sdelter...ll!,pf,yarione datennell• fi 3litio s uio; .eigtled l
z !Jnniei‘erntie; Cash": L - .'llaker, - Pie's. -14 itersons
lof these names were officers of the!•biink. o • ?'r" '-- 1 .
lo's,'A, trebly lettered, C. Icreel,Jne 12,1835,8ign
,1 e d lames Cox, Cielt4" . lViii,. - Ltatan,
;„i dad °Writ:Mims:ft. - OthersX.'ClllW i tget t e,' , .
'.C.ll l4 4l lo Vres , t; gllaqiji.lant , ll4lMLNA,ll)4ll4,
sittyi fe t e,ate& Oct: I 10.111',"'hy .G,Retalpli
1 4deoliiiilibrinittiiitieepro'tdiiklifil'iisli,'"
Willl4;ltielgelkliAll* eflul,4l , nthettf ttahleat i Mows
:. Vg 3 t e9 fßi th .Pl ß l lo s'/ d .I 3 4I Ib ASTIPV S4 I 49.
4 nai C.' , i ,4 r. "' :1' ,‘ - .• '. , . .' t,:., .
iliptilatered.liti4.vir,Utuit) wqii todnEinitrcat'''
's i44neaoc,,Cleln^.A! Oigibe - Anglia tiEltakimp
1 r illtililmot•e', commence flit C'Rest and end in , the
' i.".l6 . 3B4 l llifetilfi`theielliiiliii' Se'sl' l ntakeilllth!!
1 ! ' .1101:07 41 1000 1 2/ i tr!it4llit;tociMitilitteiti V;;41 ,;
01. 0 '.91filepiitciailiSt:caii#'t.4" nitl'orl''Po•;'• 4., 1
I P a lko, 4 FSAß• h p°'' a IitNIVAPPiDa J: , ,,Alt ,
'!'IB/4011.(11411/0411614.10;trElpfl 'a
k scr , .'4,o. -. 4t:
vi i ii en hou r AitS t iki inc - .!!,0 lUO'-'?.#.l
4h-z,c16), , r
jan. 1193ifeRti l
F ° o4 4 o`rt
' 4 !if o.'o4:=P
44 A
SkOthl 4
s'4l - .lfl4 . lo 4 qr.t ., ek'ti
g 4 i4ltv, ..I.4l't+t ;:I•lPrpf,7.
Pa P
it .1. 82 .1 , ;.0rirWi - dPifirpOlit :714182 . 5.4,;5161ae,'d
.413. 03 , 4,
; i'cutterii 441044 - 440) - ii.-2;.ABgaftricnidy,JOltlit
tele An ' rr
404iciit,14 4 04
C, old cireulwt ion;
.i - .:viknptte, a htlt,ickeOthi:(rioKiko.„.
~=Vetteecettee.i4MlSlV . tliplartti. Wilkins ; Inb- -
:10's and .ei.Ve; 'altered. from eoardertelt ;rat, badly
Oi'it's;rofecof f10w:64
ank of Stsiptehani Co. pntrose,B alp
'Berko .
2%;. relief notes; letter it; vignptie, btate rale,
Natheioeefireely •
;0 arl I f' g
`4'alettet;l3; - 'iliAt 1.819
s Iteads,of Waabingfini lig h tand cotirec-•
Columbia .& htidize Co. Columbidjal
010, allpted from.s'4).'Metaury dad a-female reek:
ting'onAttlee,of,goods; of 100's, a large, female,
: figure, one Ora reining- on as shield •Edith plough
and ship. on right anil, figureuf Com mem. •
, ,
:Doyle!abwrkktaiik; --, - ••• par.
.Easton Bank, par.
s's,-01.1131al,lep c . 4 ., Aug. 1,1827 And 1830; pay
C.lticei Wine :May 6; 1829 r May 1,1831; pay ! ).
.Duntz; engra-ing much lighter thin genuine. -' -
lON letter .0 Fah. 1,1824; ,pay...1:,1705.
. _
.Exchangeltank,TitAgiiirt&3falich; la 2
Certifientel, ' 4 2'
Votes; • " • • • .
the etie ngnAnst en an
' ehor; whilelhe genuini s's have Justice and an.'
other femole figure. • , ••,
s's, letter El, pay a Na sh , U. Lansing, and Wort 8.,
Willis; June'.l, - 1836; paper rather' heal)! 'and
coarse, and the whole appearance clumsy
distinct., ~• • •
10's, altered ' from fraudulent Ex'clumr . TIM& and
Savinas Inititution Of 1 3 11iladelphisi' 'vignette,
Perrx's.,vietery.,, rhc. genuine 10's have, for'
_vignette, female figure seated between two chests.
_Altmotesaigned..Thomas.M. flowe, Qtalt„ since
July, 1839. - - "
10%letter A;ilatea Sept:7; 1839. The names of
the Cashier and President are lithographed.
Farmers', Bank'olßuche Co., Bristol, pa^
s's, dated Bristol, March 1, tad April 12,,1828.
lits letter .4 ;'Feb. 6, 1815; pay F..Pineor; 111raeli
29;1815. 'Wit 3, 1817, at Hulple 'Ville: 'pay H.
Ely, Sept; 4 fkii(1.111:1811; others, letter,
50s, altered from s's . the vignette of Ws is
bondman, horses unit harro
Farmers' and Drovers' .13tink,'Wnynes-
' - burg, 9 a 0
Farinerie.B of LOncauter,' '1 2
ss, letter At'lll:irbli 7,1-832 i pa"). Wind; no gen . --
nine notes of this de'scription• circulation; oth
. eve r :Wan:li 17, 831, and other dates; p5.0.e0.
Krug, filling up and signature in saivelintel.
Ifis i :letter A;. March 9;, 1833; pay J. Wind ; vik.•
• petteoi
. .
!pi and 50's, slterOil from s's of the above e'outr:
Fzirmpre,Bank of Reading, Readin,67' 8 .
, ,
ss; letter A; Jtim g ,l. 1835; pity G. EMilulg. Paper
has silk mark; 6thruppearattee. ' • ... ., letter I), Jan. 1; 1.803 pay G. Smith; 20,
;1836; pay A. Strong: , Coarse.
lOUs lett. A; ;my John Harrold; nonesuch genuine.
Franklin flank, Waihington,' . 3
5s and .10'8, altered from the broken " Bank ctf-
Washifigton," by prefixing urrankkits." This
Bank opened in 1836. Observe the ditto.
s's, letter A; Nov. 1, 1896; pay It Wylie; -J Man
I%iarshall,Caslutthese names engraved. Inthres
sion Somewhat faint, particularly the , lines under
signatures übicb are distinct in the genuine.
Harrisburg Bank, -8 a' 9
ss, letter D. pay It Alward; !lilted Mrtra c ,TBl9.
sa, letter C, pay J. Ross, dated Nov. 3,1(820.
ss, letter C; pay IL'Eing,ildted Jan. 1, 1823. '
'lOl, May 4;1829, letter A. pay J. E Whiteside. -
10s, vignette, a steamboat, railroad cars, &a The
enume 1 have the. goddess of Li telly, rind the
Capitol in the hawk ground.
20, altered fromimnpterleit 10's; vignette, a view of
the State
Honesdale .Bark, Honesdale,
I:incaster 13auk, F. a 2
5 1 s, nlfered from s's, letter A, October 5; 1836, No.
Lancaster County Bank,
~-" ~ ~
'• • • •
•{, ..t = f`l
• ',.', ttUlll - kita•Wr ,,, 4l . 4oltsg:' 1 1 tti:'• 1
i.': - - ,. ••• , ;"-if:.' , ;;JO,1 - . , , 4 , ,t ..-1-„.,-'1 ,••• . ~, ~. ~. -,.,•:::5"..r't4.
iigriiiFei - vutigvnAiktlovo.DA
„. ,•• •
! I f!TP, g•t,,6 ;Pi
c i *or in thie helitipts ,been
, • : qv te 2 1. , g o.lrd•
,YPRA, ,`.1t,1 0
' 1 .
.7,1 ) 11
, -- , ..llloskk. l .o,_goefi,po,';.,,gTgund;lng-i
t To these true friends-leant:lot:tell , . Pr'
hare 0 .,
Wit tv'henili#4regniti`tiliel
A nc;nenfO inineas
'71.14 the go ixrßogiptlikuspoNtelill), _
. And your.Foseet self , shduld fill it!
I; miss. thy,stiile Of;
When other friindaitrerineiry 3
Btitititirect miss
• "•' '
It I.oinitti j6e.ipit thralife
l ! ) ;! io r."PY. , •
,That which,liel'Alitemleveiyjoy, •
. -
Should suidneserule my heart's deep chords ;
Or wr.ongu that wildly;' . •
How sitong shill fie thy', gentle words
To soothe the Wourtdbd . spirit
And et to ibitm ouMalareui • ,
Will be eimiloyment-deerer
The more they trouble thee, my arms
fold thee; lore, theitearer.
How wilt thouidearest f . win my view?
With form for - Joie% entwining?'
And brightly dark; or deeply blue,
Thine eyes, of tender shining'? ,;
Wilt thou be fair?. Wiltmidnighebe,
Or sunshine / on thy tresses? -
Thy Noice of witching melody,
And lipitlint wod iireeso'? • -
; But oh ! I Clare net for the line
. • •
': . Wherewith thifie eyes shall greet me,
If biti OM soul that trembles through,
Sincerely, warmly meet me ! .
A noble",mind within the tiro*,
Who heeds what locks •enivientlrio •
The bosem mny forget its snow,
When pure the heartbeneatb it.
. „ .
But vain are these lintir„iiiings!
My pliantom spouse &lOU perishes;
And fadee netore :the 'truth of thi ngs,'
Edell 'picture fancy cherishes:
flow dull our life-substantial- semi,
. Compared, with llife4ileal !
Ms with tt sadness fi•orit its dreams
We waken to the real.
Farewell theitObve! already etit.
. .
• it will perchaneclie pleasant,
To read in some far distant year
The vows I write nt present; • •
Fair be the wOrld before thY feet,
Serene the sky spieve
And w hen we (if we ever)' tnet4,
How nearly love thee !
Oh! Life's humble dwelling vuld scent indeed liM'e
lithe bright rose of Friendship eutwi fed nut its doQrs
And NI iser?s sell would find residence there, ,
If Friendsliip'sglad voice might ilispirt9t,nblitore!
Then wherever the star of my dustinfiltine--
ynether pleasures await itle or perils attend—
Whilst one lingeiingitilse of existeneo is mine;
'. Oh, give, me the hatid and the heart of a friend.,
11 a
fsorron- sits dnrk on our spirit, what sound
Like the footsteps of Friendship, to chase it afar..?
If danger surround us, still safety is found
In the light and the gn itlance or fr ien d ip 'true star,
wherever the light of my 4eatiiii ,
1 a 2
N'liether pleasures irlirte or iferila attend—
Whilat one lingering pulse of existence is mine, .
'Oh; give me the halal and the heart of a frfead.
How few " look 'before, 'they---leap,"
even in an a (Fair of_ so much moment es
nianimmy. „ We-fear — , the; fault, is in' our
system:":: We educate our daughters su
perficially—for' display rather than useful
ness—to catch 'the eye rather than win the
,heart. Our girls are taught in tearly, lif,
either directly or indirectly,, that, marriage
is the , great objectof woman's ambition,
and' in endeavoring to• secure that object;
and to surpass ins' the'-.race . 'of, conquest
their companions and rivale, - , - they - enine-'
times wed rashly,. and,to the sacrifi . cp. of
'l4 piness. Hifficult, We, are aware, is, the
'task of discrimination with the young and
inexperienced: ', Pure and artless , , theen
selves,' they are apt to imagine thirpoises
• - - Hike virtues "by'all others 'and to
conceive it imPoesible',for 'a fine form and
a ;handsome face to be associated ; , with a
:flan., heart: tAlas I how,, often are they
'dieeppointed.l. ~A )How., . freqUently 'do , the
tiddetriatticlitnentli.of 'early life prove' lull
'l,:;* , enti`nistib'iiiiiitial i ''Hn - W ','Uftriniiil'tf
! discoveredithat: s iiii;lAi". • dai t- '4'0,4:1
`which haoafileenroot travitgainly.,euiok6l:
ed Inr,:pPAUt Anal rainancersr L‘‘ials* A:t wore
AalusienrOat Would 'lota bear,: lbw' :test. oF
iiino , an dl 'eV ree ;onti , : i 7 lPith' , ..'wh'iit4'sbitter4
'it i fietlf ) di ii ep gel am ea hz;iii 'tit U q'' iit4titil
traiiPthe d#liitel Tsimiwa otiwriinqi*
edliiijitiloltt.i' kißOlit''fiYx.l(l74'.o(#4
P jo7lii) object lit - C 1 " .1 44 7 .! 5 fil ) 4!:, 010 •
3 1 . , 4i:l PPM!, f:AhilAla,i .;,:0 AnO,lii?AtkroSfik ,
itif,l„,iiroy,:imoactiel coptraSkobetillsio i
lli f #feityitiv . vqitikr*lt'i!tiiik - the rapid lin
ii 'iiiilifiesiqiiiivireydfititirto Oit Oiti , ,
5 4 i 'kU' : i4ViiiiWeigaiiig , ' '6461-61W1V
ttri , r^ - • t, .tie . ,' , so,, r / og.t e.. , *
e 1 : d . ' 4" 1 i ' 44 itht
i., 8 tztleisite. 19,y 'oft!) 4*ft. ...t
1 (
M r 44 1i 4140 .,_ .. / 'fg l34lo tl .o l64.4 < stm, Parti v All ,
;!! 4 : 810 40 1 0 1 4 1 .t 1 4 1 1. ileThiii*YegtenlaY:ft
ndwihtiliukf*P* o l 4 l.oo44,iiiii:: WO
1 06 " 1 4 4 **Ofti**00 1 10h?..i*
' w illing'. to' tisk . 'pea6i.'of`6liio foi taii
Fioth Graham's Afaiaiine.
S ~ ~~,,{1
~„01 ibortirr-Eativs:
r,,t,Nw:r,;WW44;Z,we hs1)1,
7, j'
years, Be „„AAPAC.94I3'44I'49RIPA
oel44Pti?'•rerl j4itrtt,ltV
fhatstrife'tioniitiMds - 'nitiriit'fie,: , domestic ,
sorted= 4 llfriete - a g ency
often 'be inyolted- , to . ,irt.:heihge.who (have•
eon jOined . .together hY;'ile ordinance !of
6. 0 d !
,z0 , 17 , ;2?=
A happy union 14(110a.scene upon
which withouilriateeretife,ia may sup
poseT 'a 2
the atigeltr:iii . p,e`areit'gaze from
'thcirilright , Pleees , ,-.4;abodtt delight
and l apptritialv-,..An unnatural or's .discor•
c dantititarriagty,-• on the ;hand, 'must
Arm , a loilicu r or delight . to' iliaTtrat enemy
f i t tia tile `for e
o . ,sa ec ogrmacle
of evil.; :That y#lliT,ph,agld„pgpk
for-and a.4kiylr,ed spirit ii i nautral.
The undivided possesaion,.of.a pure' heart
ia. perhaps the rerractrie of 'lnman Telici
`' One 'home, one •wife,- and•one•God,!'
ikthe'eetitlineel de wisest of
hisrace, and itiss 0n1y , .-when man is., on
the eiliadyrdde of fifty " thathe begins:to
appreciate the truth of this philosophy in
all • its solemnity and . his
pleaaures of. life are derivediaa much from
the past •aalthe future, and die associations
of that pest, if mingled , with virtue, fideli_
ty, patriotism, and religidn, are indeed
•We-pity - ,the lonely and the desolate—
the loveless and unloved—the ,being with
out a wife or a' friend---without one trust
ing and confiding spirit, to whom the heart
may .turn trrita hour of sorrow, - and pour
out its and saddest thoughts. The
cold and selfish mortal who.Passe - a year of
ter year Without experiencliig the-delight
ful concord of aentienens to-4i found, in
kindred 'sin* ie indeed the most miserable . ,
of his , species. Even his joys are : robbed
Of:half their ilelight, because unshared by 1
another, byon6 to whom he is allied by !
loie and friendshiP; ..Wretched indeed !
heliolsted individual who . ; mingling• with
he niultittide;'epn single out no . destiny
dentified n%ith hls, no faithful and devoted
heart; the breath of whose existence seems
bound up 2 with his. Nature has denied to
such a being the holiest itripulties that warm
and agitate
~ t ho liuman . breast.: Even
. tho
birds are 'mated, and without' a ministering
angel ''a.sweet companion,' the first born
was lonely and 'desolate' in-:the garden of
Eden. .So it mnit ever be.Wth the frail
and feeble things of mortal existence._ If
Paradise could not ho appreciated and en
joyed alone, how can man reconcile lone-
liness to his fallen condition f The desire
of the heartis for sweet companionship—
the inward craving of the spirit is for a be
ing to love. Can we wonder then, that in
this - country, where early marriage is 6.lght
to' be desirable, so many would choose
rashly ? • .
• We remember Annette Delisje'as a bo
ing of _yesterday. Sho Sang well—she
danced well—and in many respects she
was.a beauty, ..Not nne.of our beauties at
the time, for 'her forin Vas too . slight and
. .
sylph-like—her joy wag. too gnshing , 7 --her
spirit:4 too redundant. She dressed from
early childhood' with taste and elegance,
and wore her (lark- hair- in long--ringlets.
over her shoulders. She had many friends,
and even at sixteen her admirers were lib
era] in number and profule in flattery.—
er mother, a weak, and vain woman, was
plow o rlatrgliter—proud — c
tention thai daughter, had received, and
sager to display her on every . occasion.—..
Thus.she notoUly. frequently :ccompanied
; her to
, ptiblic balls,'whic h were then more
faedijenable and somewhat more se:ectshan
at present, but she permitted het to accept
numerous invitations, to parties, and to min
gle almost nightlyduring the winter season
in the gay scones of, the.r4trop'olis. , The
father gond-natured:man; was a manufac
timer, and:was . aoWptitled to litisifiesS, that
Ile could• not spare flints oven for the proper
Care of hia'faidrite'cliild. Alas ! this good
nature in fathers 'lt sometimes degener 7
iitee'inte a Sid', vice. e'rer is the source of
much misery in afterlife. The man who
lacks the ene'rgy:to.contrel his own house
held—who le,cither:too negligent,' or too
Weak, to ont true path and direct
the..foeisteps , bis offspring thertiiii;
guilti'or,mdch that ii:uOPardorishilo;'
But 'such kfathee was Mr. Belisle, while
the' mi;ther',' worse`;, pOsiOble,'"gO've the
• reins almeqt: whollrintethe liands of- her
'dsuihier - . tog con d of the hol ,
!)Witilid.unin ea oing ad Diked° n which the:
t h Ate roev sox :ere: 'apt tto.,bestowt
empty,-f4400 dryot4
:The result of' this, Aoijette
4440. ificito.4ffo494l:4:
ioliilOlthrthigc hier, hithr4)ll4..; W a r. s o
i'mAgr i dg r Wore, neglected t ;: , a re .,
; At? world,, its E goickstande and its hygo. ;
likhet,VOhth ttifled , 4llo'4l*entirii.,:datightl
OVe t6 7 l;4 l .llirdiiekilVih7iiii'ik 4 ATW
brlitisk wetiPtiirStuttPtroo'..ifrectiiiiVrpro
etpet.o f%,
TrY,;FIPACII she loul d Lhavet etatfAlt
circler Pao* ihdaviiit-gonik , wiliatte
tii*it i Var:fienVikik and
w i• b rr
q stony, eardy. as, „
. , , , • -
-..- " -
. I', • 2 . • .
. • .
_ ~...-. ... ... ~ . _ .
fwArliAvtAmor -,,, MV"ony'' , ' , A"Al'c - mAo.4 A A - 4 ,, ,r,A.A . 3., , az.ek..14:Aev... , , - , 1-...;:.A.: , e-Ay. , ,r,4 , 17ni.....4...,,,.......,4 ....,... ~,, ~,,
, _
.• ,
1 , .t.t; A.. , 1,, , q. A., ~P.• V i c Itt P-i ' ''
-- lp, ): ) ,AgyfiVyrtistf?rif.ll ; ,. ." ''ilfOr,,Vel , r , '.- . 'r, -' ...t -'' ''''•'- ~.,,..,°'''''.. .. ^---- . 4 , ' . l ie.iiiii /it,i
'', Ir ii t i‘e4 ." ii ~ .,4 11%. • : 1,'. , i: ... ' '... :',- -o r -,„....„
t 1 .040,j, -; ~..,.,1 . ~,,1.3• ,Jq it' 4 •Aref it t.r"'
r„ ... ~ , i
~,i,7,, ,,? . . . .
~, . .
~, ~. . 4..
ili t a , ;*a ,*,, , i 17.:-- , •1 ~ er , Ii iriv.14.14 0. no .. .
• 1 0 44 ., ;V br ,• 4 .te ~' : -, 41 V . 4Y , - -a , , P,A.,..t
..•••., ;: 4, •:-?r
...tlnl , 4. .2..,x e'.pl 1 hi;_a, -4.11,w, . , V 140.1 .44*,1•
• ~, 'f"t P. -4 kt) i i* ~ :t`-. , '.v. - )
r 15 ,, , ,, • 4 0,
ii,4 rilt. .;:,,.., 14.• olitfiwt eofo'ol.. rrr ' ( tiro r 6''' - ~ . ,
, . ,
:JIN r 'f',., ~ 1
v..v S. -, f,. -r •
tfoisoi'.>4 tme-zwa'1.7 , .41.411101Z41.M4.5 , 11t;1ifit iale)11 , 1; po.,tmilwid ~ :twk4 tw.l•,•) 1 . •.• • .
~ . .. . . ,
,„ .
~ , , •
, ~, , ,, ,1 ,1,,, . 4;, 64, , •,.,,i7:‘7•• ~.-,-...., ) -,.QJ,f
' , 4Attiti.iwc9.1.,..,441‘,,,-,,,f, , .11 -...:-., pxli ,vlr.,- ot 1. , b-srg,kfil 0- 1 ' I,, i'G` l4 jr l4 ' • l lo6' '''''' ' ''' '' . . , - .. ••- .o.o.;i:tgti6.' s :Y.,
...'-: - -,.i..... ,..,,,,..• .....'. •,,, 1, • , '' ' - , ~. ~ • ' , , . ,;;,,, . ' -,,._, ",_ ~ .:7 , 1"1,1' 1 ,,:tni1r, P. 1.1. r.',l/1 4,1'). .1'1',..r..VY,i.,:.:,11i:;',". , ,f;,:vicr ' ".' ...*'%4.'47,?...'..4-. , -•r,.,1,.,.,,f•
• • - . - • . -p . 4 'or - 4 +,• • . ,r?
4.11, S4IOEA T pS It4.II7I§FISIEN • litre)t
/ '• r .• k ttn,. e I 9, k 4 • ' •• y'.
I.pag-tatnEwiquimitzmer.; , !-1,
A •
!ter ,, or,ofgoqtretry,:
herifceliogs. we,ra,deep arall strong:, :f!tr
hoi'ng-wits , ontrdiimpulso;anrd tier attach
; in ctiti,'""o 111,6'
,Th ' iiieftWOl"
Itoitt,aninctioil by trait
'l,t J Was, w4lll. Oat,Op„
aociety,oflro ward• Leroy possesseti ;an .un-
Usual charmlor iter=tititt:she pair him ap
riroaeh with iileitiore,==thht:She - listdnatl
whir' iii Ore thrin;
Mint to,
fOt • • • ••,:, •••, ••• • ~
fi9,r, cIIC
fotinsi:hor•eyes following as lie ,wandered I
through The baltio6in - -t , that'ehiAinfied hie
'name even in'herdrentro.;" •
-, • .
Never! can• L forget-the ,ilashitigr.i Ler4.,
lie was whatrisfusnally i tleneminated
hindsotne fellow;!.ene'6( . .the butterflies 4
society:--allatlieS' -man, in .the.ieneral ae
eeptation,.end a favorite also • with his own
sex.. rode well, .and sang
.an •oxcellent son . g. , This' latter qualiftha-
ion was respectii'alat'al gift, for it'
. „
introduced lain into manya gay circle;
. .
which he otherwise would . , have been ei
cluded,:iria do him, sought for, and vain of
hie voice, and thus won him away from'
the mote useful ' purs . nits - of life.: Leroy,
-moreover, was fond 'of poetry,-was able to
_quote glowing passages, and had-Withal, a
touch of romance in his character which
served not a little to enhance him in the.
estimation of some of hislemalci acquain;
• He assumed a . remarkable' degree
of independence; was .rather bold and reck
less in- his manner and Janguage, and !ins
• isisedthe faculty of talking for, hours-in
relation to the protninent beautiee of Moore,
•Byron.and_Bulwer. ..These were the traits ,
of character which won upon the mind and
heart of Annette Belisle. Her - educationl
anttmotle Of life had fitted her for the arts
of such' a man. • She fancied 'him some
thinesti periorlo the Ordinary fop,to the mere,
merchant or shopkeeper. Leroy became
her ardent and. enthusiastic admirer. The
fact soon reached the ears of her father.=
He roused himself for the' moment, and
pioccedeil tojnvestigate.the realitieeol the
ease. LeroY'he. ascertained to pa an idle
dissolute pretender, and.dependent;he fear
ed, upon the.gaming-table for his means of
subsistence. He was of good family, , and
had received a fair education, But he had
gone astray from the path of rectitude in
early life, and now contrived to appear nn
the principal promenades as a fashionable
lounger—but the world wondered how.!
The manufacturer was terrified at . the,
prospect - for his daughter, wham he. really
loved, but Wwas too late, Leroy saw the
storm corning, and prevailed upon Annette,
by falsehood and misrepresentation, to min-
seta to a secret marriage. Fondly and long
she.clung to the delusion that her husband
-had been slandered-4hat - 011 C • who could
fidlt so well, and profess. so much, could
not be a villain. Ile was pot .one, per
haps, in. the usual interpretation ; but we
can conceive of no more heartless wretch
than the man who deliberately deceives
and betrays a font! and confiding--woman.
Leroy never loved Annette with a true and
exalted affection. 'He — felt Itimielf bank
-rapt-in fortune,-and-nearly-so in -character,
and he was base enough to become' the
husband' of an unsuspecting girl,lnthe hope
of•a dependency upon the -bounty of her
father. Deceived in this, for the" old mann-
facturer would have nothing to4o with him,
he soon threw off the mask. . At first old
and_imlifferent,he speedy-grow-harsh-.and
unkind. • True, there were momont(*lten,
his better nature prevailed, and he would
endeavor, by'apparent contrition .4nd well
turned promisesto atone for his Conduct.
But, they we e' few and far betweed,• and
diminishe , i number as time rolled on.—
Strange, s its the giddy pliam.ey De" An.
4r .
,node—despite! the little care. whicb•hild
been 6estowed. upon -41 4t,iiticiples, she
clung CO him With 'the true fidelity of wo - -
man. She loved him with her, whole soul,
and While the pride of her Woman nature
I repelled. the idea of any exposure of her
reituntion, and while she even concealed
1 from her parents .much of the.'.unworthy.
conduct of . .. Leroy, She mill cherisheinilii. l
!fief of his , ultimate reform._ Night after.
id 'earnestly from .te window; , in the hope
That the form of her husband might appear
before the midnight hour.' Who may paint
.the.agorif df her Mind - at iiichiniainenisi
;the jealous feareMM „shiatoliire, , daggerisi
'ough her,breast,-asto...his hauntitand!hild
society—the: , tiriforaheneigni;&-daMier. iitici?
~ , 1
, qll,death 7 tlte ficirilfietifarmee,trbtob, l l. l .
00 hini)l9,o!lik.kecifui , .Nen.4.4o#.6gK
iicg-table-,-7-:findi -,woratt,itinnt f alli,thi:brgorei...
'lltelledi , but atilt returning'
9 , 9
w in°' c
wf 48, 1 9P ' ' ; i ,! • W ll 9: ' t , r--;.4.-, • 4M ' r•. , 4' ~fi,
. n
;iii ! •7•' 14
..1.--,i, wil.e •i,7:11tr.: c. ,1.qc.,11,
Sri-;9,04 Ail (lie , ility .ittowdollii,uponi'• and
‘.., , , . •,,
~ ~ ... ~.... . ,
~t .
• impart Tudritt-Cottragiool the -lonely:'wtves:
urtho worlili4flie r itiliCati a ;na4 e Qiiinf
- , • .4 flo , . 1 A.t32 ,, t s iw , ..,, • ~,..,,i0
t i l t ne 'i
(l elfbriii4fT9 , .l ,l !•F4rl.o.4Tq . rl4k:.
ling slowly, seeretlyiitring.hpatringui
104:15iiir Toil 4#4t:t4 l ' -- diiiitoo.l)o.taitly
7 li "°i# lti #o4#;i4lViioo
in 4,4 P;
1 )
0 e40,43 7 ,44 - i , ApingtiMto.44o , B:4oltitio4t
~i, Hi - all 'rit 'earthiycliappintailV*Kiiii4
it) .: -,41.7 7 - r h gt i 4 '.. !?i , Mgo:tyw4g g i tt l .'„,,
ii ,Mitl are new .4etiefiedl,-.-gilY'Riiiekinh
MP, 9: ol o 6 4 , ore!ielcie4b3.4 . 4fel•bemnitov, ,
of unrequitedcbiVe';6o , vciiiiiiodlY.act* of
throughput this life; j)0, ifq9i4e,il
Poor.: Annette !, step her
hand plunged on in 'tU;'-downward'fiail;.:-::.:
liviifteiraideprial from:the li . ght'o . f . ho,
became. th - 9<gult
, between the manufacturer: and;' his: sOr4ii:.
'law. fint,.. hoiror, , ,of Worrors.-4he
,;;•eanie.'2 l'he ; resource 'of' garnbtin
'iailed With
• iiimoy-414
ieaorted to forgery .14- , c3re ! lie,forged the
, eamrof;George father cif his
: Tire,. and-lied' tho country • in order to ea-.
cape the penalty of_ his ,crime
* * * . •
.11titaje . vrHeda3is have gone•by ainee•wfi
saw: Alinette. grilY five years have elans
eti since h6r Marrrage. '':AV hat a change!'
, has Stfpnlanted the'r'ose 7 Aliceye
c has-loat its
.fire,-- - -the step its, imoyaricy• !7 — .
'.the' form' its grace: a 'doomed and
broken-hearted woman. . DiSeaae. hie 'marli
43d,berfor his own.' . Loss of steep, men,
tal anxiety, the
. c.licgraaei - Ne shame,- the
ignominy of her. husband's career, are hur
rying a 'premature grave
• Mothers, be warned Virtue,- Integrity
and Iteligicin; are the only , Safe companions
for your budding and loe'autiful daugliters:
Fiore the 12.fehester Democrat:
We had frequentlY obieiV , ed a heart
broken looking lad pass by yvith a , gallon
oil. can in his hand. His tattered gar- .
merits and his melancholy face, ..w.ere well
'calculated to . excite observation ,and.pity..-
Itr-was - , -- but too evident' that ,the vessel .
which he carried'had - bieri - riliiiefted - from
lits legitimate use, and that it, was doW
used, not . ail an . oil can,.but as
, a Whiskey
jug. having seenitim pass twice in one
- day with his ever present can, we had the
curiosity to accost him - , and dill. sc . ! brin;
quiring his residence. - .
•' I live,' said -- he, five miles from the.
city, on the ' road.'
' You have beer._ -to 'the 'city once before
to-day ?"..
came doWn in the morning;
but I couldn't. get what I was sent for,, and
I hilt° . come again.';, , ;:e;
What was you sent for, , , my lad ? - It
must be sinnething very important' to
make it necessary for'you to walk.,,twenty
miles in this storm.'
',Why sir, it was whiskey that I was
sent for. lather had no money, and he
sent me to . Mr. - --'s to get trusted;
but he' wouldn't trusCrne any more, so I
had to go home without the whiskey ; but
father sent me back ,
',now do you expect Id gel it now,
when you couldn't get it in the morning.'
Why sir, ',have brought a pair of shoes .
which sister sent mother. Mr. .
will_give whiskey for , them. He has 'got
two or three pairs of mother's shoes now.'
Ho you like to carry whiskey home
my boy ?'
Oh no, sir, for it makes us all so un
it:11)0T; but,! can't help it.' ,
We ; took the . responsibility of 'adyising
the - boy - 'not - to - fulfil e:rand-and—return
ed'hOme with him. ,The family We,found
consisted of husband,' . wife,.and 'four
dren—the oldest, ,(the' boy) ,was et,mere
than ten_years cif age, 10;iIO:the„
was an infant of a few months. .It was a
cold, blustering day. The north wind blew
harshly, and came, roughly - and unbidden
through the numberless crevices of the
poor man's hovel. A few black embers oc
cupied the fire place, around which were
huddled the half naked children, and •the
woe-stricken mother and wife. Her "face
was haggard—her eyes 'sunken, her „, hair
`dishevelled, her clothes tattered and nn-,
clean, She was seated upon an old bro
ken chair, and was mechanically swinging
to and fro, as if endeavoring to quiet her -
infant, which moaned piteously in its, m oth- Poet, soma
er's arms. It had from its been sick bitth, . so7•Camptiell, the English
and it was now seemingly struggling to t i i i i ie ne A s m in e c i e ic , , P n u , l:j y ri l: h g e : l - illi4 . !i r vinllllne : it :
free itself from the harsh worldinto which u n ii,t'St a tati!
,your Unnerweara
it had a few months'previously liben ush.: '' Plwo enlbieins: "one or , fame:
-bred There vas no, fear in the . eye of the , Aka! die other that i!. bears: ,
• ,
. •• . • Hamletls In of your shame ! > .
mother as she gazed upon' the expiring
~, , , ;, ,
babe. The fountain had been,•long before ' Thesi,;,4o l ll.l" o 9, l berty I ",9tYpe,! .
dried up by - the internal ifireit which alcho- -, ,
_•Su;" o6 b l Hz°"cd b Y P ar I "V i— ' •,• ' •
I iliii whit's the meaning of tour strii‘'?' ' ' J
hot had kindled and fed.• Vitt she %%tithe Ti,-,, in,,,, y0.00g00pe....4. r '- -,l ' '
Pichlre, of despair; abd.' lir° could not but Gemini T ah i ti _ i n - bi aiiow ,
l y 4c ap rn epr p( ) ,.. „„,
I fancy, as,she eat thus: that , her mind was ,
_ ems;' has dte'following retertiO,llle ~EPt: ,-, 'i
1 w - anderinglo thi-happy past 'the dave -or •,,I.f 4 ,4 4 - i 0 m obir tt 00 ...
1 , :--1 , ~ , , ', , • ~
,-,, ~ , ii s h , rigt •'llowev
. t true• a
~ ^ tl .
I hdr oWn infarieiOßd g l 09° t1 10” /1 " ,1 1. 41 - {* "iii'•i' -be ‘`the'':replytiiisWVOurtitittiebt , . ,
ii' 'V" '' Onek'thini l'-Sliii' givdn " 'Y ' i, b Otitted , hi , d '•
,Y 1 - ,941/3 '.' , ' -- -'- ''"' '' had '' ' ,Z I : O: O IO 4 , O HiiY u M u 4PAP a I Y- t ?..- -!'z r z e t er: :-I•'
M.-affections arid her, hand to itt,tnan mfurt 41 - j un i tin i r _ Ent l an d
had when the firat ;steps in:inteniperanfrie : --70:44m !-,,;;eilcd*4:tkraiiiao4lo,4''''2"
,hn • nieZfiii:„...4`,
.!.i,!itY , l 4l , 'NW tints `y4 flak tif‘ifiaeorY llght. 4 IT Ici.! 't , .
IiOPS4 tfrohfreqqeS9kt4C l TOoliFC4t)9lP,fillA pr,, "1 Vita'atrilll'ltk'i'ed' i tc. 7,4' 4 , 46 , e ?, b ., fu1 ' • t'" ' l . P' l '
, '"s ' ' b 1 ,. i f-'6 , 4,:biltivith k itte iiiiodntftni IF Pestrividurskpl
h life of ,miaery with a- eoteJ Broken be , - .-c . .., a , ~
~,. ~,,.. " 1iv, ,, t3 _,.
~0. , 4 ,A , i
m pg? Al CA^ 4
ad,toast out.from.he socieiy•-'4t 'fier z'tnirlnV ,
, kr‘! 7,Wiiipo,fitiaii,r7, r th, , ,,q , ,5 6 :4,04, -- ~-„. , 4 , ! ,.. 57 ,...,
erfrui • ridir frirtiliiariiuilf py Vie ' 4, enosillo. •'L ,'L'oc . Kria P gliaPiqg 1 ,1' 1 1 1 , 1 " Il i r g j.„. . , 1 ,4 I . 7
tr. , ..*......,r.,,,,...., . ~.., ~,,,,,,4,,,, i .0 , - .:, "c' • he l ;z4.,;'„ h i t '' - i t tills %a c oo A' ; - , ' t ,, "• •• 4 •4
Ciotyi , hU(iiiitiO4 liPtaFgAgliiis9lr;filiSer4b , le 1:,1 , / 2 t.0
,auldsllect. ,
. 7,i. ,,, ,,„
wife of fri'dire%Vat n e'ififulikiadr iiithr`ni; - - r " I ~... 6
.. , ~.. :
. _v.
i f .tal . 2..16.0. 4 1.
v ..... freUtlerumf
fiOUd ta 11,1 04# 9 : ,4 -”t t ' o .:fqjSt4 - Y 4 ?"7, z i,.7: PRI „F.,,, k 4, ,e -. .._.-
seo‘orleCante'll tipple r aitiLa=o4l:l4o44,t l , rt: , 440 - 4 10 olitigkvot,i i !Xe4,..1,,V., li w e n- h,
ii, if: ~ , v l„ ~ , 1 -1.11,,,,, 3 ,, t ~ , y . 7 witetrotitfrrJarfriiimea s LA) 4 ,, ,Mi1/1,- ?ig! ;,•t.:t4
eg y, L
', By the aide of this '
woe•emitten mother, town , whither he was p golttg. :1710 4 „......,4 4 .
s ,
lEr(oeliOnlifileagiti - OV fi ViSt'fioriiii ear. th f iking o,tfirr,rmirual.#
,i),e(liqjiiir,r,4 l lt,..; '
daitNtrliAk:'fri'alicik'AVON ' :(00 0 )iri 'ici)iinhVgri 4l) : 000 9 4 - 4 1 11 Rff t ; tl l - .ll l i- I r4gl
.. -
„__ ,:, „ A i toAn ,.,,h osto n ub L,,
9 7 14 11 1%,A9 , PY 0 C:IircoPPOP -IP*9 l ,,ikVelllli 419 ru e" "P'"1". 4144
A . Vr ' -' `,.e C T i l q "-
'rp l' a Will' t' die 1 . 0 cfrb jgi jis fo'teen initerr:'-Ve e-goug, ,-
•e nr
non i t e„..., t es,mea /oypetr ,fr - I frt- , * 4
.- . ." - fr , " , .. v.-- N,-1,.. ,, , , If, tt ,r 1 ~ ta, , t
i ilea'• nuvir you i g ono -
040,fier44.4100_,W1Illredit6Itidfri*Ablikt /Lk It 4901 ft%PC"0• 3 P,2 it. -•'s a '‘' rl7-4,6 .6-1,71'i
' the•ehinififiVaifithi l fil&-' 44ll l lo ' l '' 4 4 o sa Jim's bass — Your 6ar t Tlf,c :,. 4 .,t p t f
i mg •
'brow ver'ed.heilsee - - . Witir.ltir';•lat‘ terott
In the opripsitdiiirii.i.'oeth•e chimney,
and Among the 'rashes which -•coyerritllthe
diagging from , the hilt' tie4ifeinbitir4 a, fro. •
' Mother,4i've ihis to :littl l e,?Yillie,
Kay be . he's , I'am hungry, too:
so is• sister, but .Willie's ' . sick:i.v Give him
'. No ,poor•boy.' eaid.the 'anther: !;VV,il- r
lie will never be hungry -plain, .4' NV iir
toion be. dead.' - ,-••••
.This remark &Ow all the', ehildrerker
Mend the, mother 'and :the, ayitig:, - 0i1x1:4.•;:.:
Tlie fatherwas'sittiog'orr what*Eis
ad_ fora hedsteaii,"witheut: hat, 'elides, or ~
his hariclefiti:liispoelteteeap
parently. indifferent AO aii-that . rk+as ;passing
head was iesting,:upon
~• • ,
his bie ailt,:arid his blurrefl eyes -foie& upon 3
The floor, as if- Ite'were afraid to look yip at.
tlici , sorrolying group ; who, were watching
the e'ouiteilancecof thellyiug. iAfaetii
There was a moment. of' silerioe.'- - NOt
a sotind Avpr , heard, ttienltlie.Solta ictke"
little girl had'ceased." - k,llmath; was CrOssing.,
the horiii! a ;di resit Tile very., xespirni, T
tion thelhouiiehold seemed. suspended;: ;
when .a slight shivering of the limb's of ; the
infant, and a shriek from the half Conscious
mother; told that the Vitalsimrkhad - fled..
. For the first time the
, fether * . imeved.
Slowly advancing fo w:he're: his wife rale
seated, with quirering7l* - Ite Witiepered,
Is Willie dead 2"
~„ .
-'.Yes, James, the poor. baba is dead
was the chinking reply of tlia - mother, who
atfirst, gazing upon the face . , of
Without - tit:tering another . word t lite . lank
. •
brutalized.father left the 40u50, - InnttOritig
os he . wont, - God hit* long
At ibiltirioment, a kind hearted:lll4y. came
who had head only afew-Moroorilichti
fore of the dangermis illness• of - the'cliild.•
She had brought - with tier some medicine;
but her angel . visit was 100 The genes
tle spirit of the child had tfed,'and there
remained for her but 10 - conifort the
This 'she did while Wetalowe - dthe father.
lire related 6' Vm the circumstances that
had led ifs to, his 'Muse, and.kiriffly..sliok§,
of the misery which inevitably follows in
the wake of Intemperance. -- , •
' I know it, sir,'. have long
known it. , • • I have not always:been what
you now see me. Alcohol' and my appe
tite have broUght me to-this dipth,Of deg
radation.'• • •::
Why not: nin y ter that' appetite? You
have the power. Ttioudaildinaiii4rolted
Sir, I believe itf I 114i° seen others
as far reduced ds myself, restored and made
happy. But you are therm' that has ever
spoken to me on the subject, and I had too
strong a passion for liquor to think ol'a re-
formation myself.!. • • -
• Well, will you..nOt, ‘ now make. an effort?" ,
I will. It has occupied• my, thOugh(s '
duriiig The whole:- ng ; and = Yiiow;•in
the presence : . of Alitiighty swear
never. again' touch _ the' at:mit : SC4'
which has nie,and matteVeggSis - of
.my family:' . •
Happy. enough to .hearlhis, manly reao
!talon ire returned to' thelinitse. with-bias.
n ue tune we inadelh - S - o t
wife, and prOduced a p edge."
family sigge4.o tponthe : table,.whip4ll4l
the body of their dead child 1.- ; ,;,,
The scene . was an affecting one.,
..rwo year's had 'passes, When the inci
dent was 'recalled, to. our mind by, a:shal:t. , ;
of the hapd, frotn : a gentleman who was r: ,
turning West with a. stock dry - f,guut, i s.
which lie had, just purchased in New. York
, MAN wild SIGNED " TiiE76II'I:: -,
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