Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 21, 1842, Image 4

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ordmS . Q
dies &rho., Aim& at . the village, :drug'. stofeS,
And aeon at every!eonritry store in the state.
Remember and never - get them unless they
bavo the fie-Simile signature of
, 1 ,44,./ on the mappers, es all otheri
brtlie some natitee , "are base inmesitionerand counter:
If, the ',!stOch'iliit . ' nearest has them
urge , him 'to procure II*: et 71 Maiden-lane, the
' next time lie visite;l4eW York,br to write for them.
No funnily sleouid be ja vieek 'without 'these. remedies.
• BA I.L 17, Nt SS
. „
. ‘5111i41 will ' snip it if falling out, or restore it on bald
phices , ; ott,ebildion make 'grow rapidly, or on
ihoso who have lost the hair from any'eause: •
ALL. VERMIN - that infest the heads of children
in seitsole, are .priii;ented etit at calm—
d AO/d e /46
Find the name' .‘en
it, or, never try it. Welizentberthis ahvgyzi
• • •
positively cured, and all ;shrivelled mueelee and limbo
ere restored h the old or young; by the, INDIAN
but never without the name of Cotnstock & Co. on it.
are. wholly . prevented; 'or governed:if
.the . attack ; has
cooome On, if you 1116 only true Itinrs!laNnatra,from
wo„.,,eocz 4. wo.,
and• every thing relieved 'by it that admits of art 'out
ward application. It acts liito a charm. • Ueo it.
. ..
. no.itsks' Mat have Ring-tone, Spavin,
‘Vind.bolls, &c., are bitted by Rom' &scum; and
Foundered horses entirely cured by Roofs'
FoundC,r Ointment. Mark this, all horsemen. -----
bailey's :Magical raiii
tractor SaiVeeu•The mogi extraordinary.
ilteueande. It will take' - out all pain in ten minutes,
and io failure
It will cure the
_A better and more nice, and useful article never, was
•,made. shoidd wear them regularly._
• on the principle of substituting -the tonic in place of
the slinuilant principle, which has reformed so inany.
--- dnitikards. To be used with •
MN'S B L.Q 00 PILLS, superior to all
nthers for cleansing the system and the hunters affect.
- iag the.blood, dad for all irregularities of the bowels,
And the general lierdth. W fij ,
(Sim Dr. lases sig.• en/IY Ay_
stature. thus:] ••••••"--7--
WiTleffe - ctuillY 4 Fure sick headacho, either.frorn—the
s .. or bilioue. Hundreds of familici
using it with &eat joy.
for the certain prevention of 4 rRL4 or any
general sickness ; keeping the stomach in most per
fect order, the bowels regular, and a determination to
the surface. 'OD 'St':
• •
pains in the bones, hoarsenes., and D.R 0,17:5Y!
arc quickly cured by it. Knew this by trying. •
CORNS.—The French Plaster is n sure cure
a, 9 X l9
Iniir any shall° you wish, b u t will not color the skin
_ . .
NYUNii EXTRACT. There is no other prepare.
lion of Barseparilla that can exceed . or equal this.
if you. are sure to get Co*Troctes, you will find it
'superior to all others. , It does not require pulling.
J11:1101MAr -=1 r,
OF CHINA. A positive cure for the piles, and ail
external ailings—all int4rnalirritations brought to the
surface by friction with this Balm ;—so in coughs,
swelled 'or sore throats tightness of the chest, this Balm
applied. on a flannel will relieve and cure at once.—
Fresh wounds or old sores are rapidly cured by it.
pi•ovent er cure' nfl incipient cons,• pt.
takon in iiine,"andks n detightfut 'remedy. Flamm
tor the name, and get 'Cdmstock'e. •
'eradicate all W QRM S in children'or adults
with acertiinty quite' astonishing. 'lt is the same as
ihat-Made kir .1 Stock, arid bolls Wiih — e rapidity
almost inorediblo, by. Comstock 4. Co., Isjew; York.
TOOTE DROPS. garos—CuroefTectutOly
tatere'd aceerthnito'fiCt of Coagrese. in die year 1812, fi Conta)oik
cf• Co., in t h e 9rk'skolidee 011ie Southern District of New York.
11y, UPplying to out agents ; in each town and
'village, papers may. be had free, showing the most
respectable..names in the'. country for these 'facts, so
that no , one can to believe, thorn.
• - 1080 sure you call for our articles', and not
. Offivith any stories, that others are as
'HAVE THESE OR NONE, should be
your Motto... And there never canle true and genuine
voitliettt our names - to them. - ' All these articles to be
had ,wholande and retail only of nit. . •
* /*.itidiii4.tinsateri.Yorli, And of our rigouts.
ur ealy iQ
,Cdrlislo by' - 4' -•
• .",;- .ELLTOTT4.and
g0ven0q1 6 ,, • 4 842 :, - Y-55
Tiiiiirernedilcir.Wormals one of the Most extra
twilifiiiry ever used: .'legreetually, eradiesteri worm
oral! sorts, from etvll4ren'and'itanits. •
._,l.lll.o l ll.9ltWPS : parish-hyr.-,atorms-tvidion I - the - Hat
behig„kinAvoi,:;,Sonimidlier•resson is assigned
for , " .. lheir.siekneihnntkl•ttio,late,to cure the - renl cause.
rests yinion the
Parefitymao Aloes tog knoy, and the doctor who does
not ittfilet'Stand s `tlia!, complaint which is destroying,
mi! t oiroyool4o,' e • ,
OiVe this •• • •
IWO to,vAtoba 6 InKne, Joh i*Orins; a nd
ki4C44.4,44'll4iial6Zir:traD,d ' ratlin t e thorn with
0,14 iy
soli, tri ti fittc l iPtel
',..jlVgcbzWip VC , I
/r-40froar; .. 7 ,••, nalT.lB;
Vet Pl. 1"/ el‘ ' • '
• .1(4 Ei' '',,•
• **lei" •
A tss4o,llPi".4.
4-mPicoOko,ttitioils coloPs).lect recei •tild
St:ore of - • GEO.rW; •
• ,Noveristicr ft, 1842, tr-52
,App ESPEOTFULIX tentlkillis services to the
citizens of Carliste,aiid 'its vicinity, that ho
.will.qittend to and pefform all dental•operetions
such ne.elcaning,-"Pluging and Ealradingna
fiscal Teeth,yrid inserting•incorruptable
teeth crowd single tooth to an entiro act.
AlleOffiee opposite M'Farlano's hotel
21ily 20, 1.842.
.At . " - ;W . ::s:',ol.3:o: T s.
Dr. I. C. Loomis, Dentist,
711 - s permanently located in Carlisle,and,will per
il. form all operatiuns that arc required in the
practice of his priVession—such'as
Extracting,,Fi Plugging, and
• nst;rtinn 4rtilieial Teeth,
from a single tooth to an claire set.
N. B. For a few months ensuiug, Dr. Looms
will ho in Carlisle, the'firsl two weeks in each
month--after which, he will be absent until the
lii;st two weeks ineachTollowilig month—at which
period ho may be found at his . .
Office; Pill sl. nem' llPPariane's Hotel:
Carlisle, May 4, 1812. "!--"tf-27
tuli cs bu r IL in `e
---1,17:„.1, • - fps%
4. 4 1, •
Between 61lieckaiticsburg arid
Pialliciklphia or nartimore.
[RY RAIL ROAD OR - 6, 1 1.A : ::4.1,]
TllPsubscriber gratcfulfor spast•flixors, begs
Maim to. inform his friends ana the public
generally, that he still continues to runa line of
imam/ICars yegularly between Mechanicsburg
and Philadelphia or Baltimore, by which goods
and , firoduce of all descriptions will be forwarded
with care and despatch at the lowest rates of
Prodoee will be-received at his Ware House,in
Mcchaniesburg, and for Warded to either Phila.
&Jidda or Baltimore, according twthe direction
of the owner.
In'The highest. price will be given fur Whdat
and Flour.
N.B. Plaster of Salt always kept
on hand, and for sale at the lowest prices. . •
Za.1:37. U-OLT'
• He has also an hand, at the Depot in Mechanics
burg, for sale, such al BOtt rds,
Shingles, &Mai i ngs, &e. of all kinds,
which will be sold on liberal terms.
Aiagust 17, 18 , 12, (1.12
~F~E.V~E°R~~ l
C"O~U `G"H3
- •
711-IE subscriber, having concluded to do
an entire cash business, ofrers.thr sale his large
and splendid assortment. of -
k5..,...'.', •
. ..--_-:::,,,r
lioW ol 117:
lower than it was over Nought for in Philadelphia.
The.fullowittg will give you some idea at tlde prices
'that I tun determined to bell ?it:
6 inch Carpenter's' Paiclit Rim hocks,
fi•oin to 1 i pow doz.
inch Ilrass Striker,' •-„,". 6,50 ‘•
Newton Darling, Grass Scythes, IU "
Newiirn's .
I lay Forks Solid Cap' Permit., 5 • 4 ,
Cast. Steel long bundled Shovels, 7
C a ntherlitad or Reading Nails, 4,62,1 K.,
Phoenix or Juniata 4A4 - •4 , '
other makes - 4,51 '‘
I will sell any netieles in my line front '2O to ?5
per cent. lower• than eau be bought lire on r e edit.ll Call
en me—mumble my goods—get a list or ,by print s
--compare them with the priers of other storem,and
.ascertain' for yourselves
.where you Call buy the
ITENRY• L. ELDER, Importer.
'493 Market st. above 13th, Not•th side, Phil.•ulclphia
.1 one' 1, 1842.
• " • • GOAL
_dg • . •
i . t yKENS Pine Grovc,Limc:burnc;;;
pi.. and Bituminous COAL, constantly for
lode by J. & P. MARTIN,
• Succossors to Miller .& Martins
Harrisburg,'Amil 20,1 ! 942.- • 6m.25
THE proprietors of the Susquehanna Line Will
run their Cars and Boats .as usual to Phil
adelphia and Baltimore during the present season.
Their friends will please apply to Wm. L. Fox,
Broad st. and to Castner, Christian &Curran, No.
'G South Wharves, Philadelphia,and Joseph E.
Thiti'further notice, the following prices will
be adhered to between this place and the above
Ale per 1001bir.
Groceries, Q Ware
and Hardware, •
Dry Goods, Furni.•
tura and Druo , s,_
Wheat, Rye & • Corn
-•• bushel.
Oats i
Latr 1
ber per 00,0
f o ci 0.2 7:5 'B3 50
Shingles, •• do 150 2 00' •
'Flour porbbl. 31 35 500
Shad do , 37i 50
~- .
Doering:do, . 31i •
Salt tor sack, • • '•
'MI, 'tar and Rosin
' "poi 100; " • "•'• 16 •21
Plaster gross ton,' $2.25 $2 SO'
Ilernp,perloo, • . • 16 . . '22,
,'• ": 20 • 25 •
Pig:Metal, groril l'ori,2 5p 3..,50
.Blo,omp & Castingit, 312 A .4.00
Bar Iron; 50 ," 4 - 50 - ,• "
Nails Per !tot,: •18,— ,23 , :7-,
-tehtlief l per,loo,," . . 20: •" 25 •
Whiskey 'per bid • , ".,50 • 55
•13tirr Blocks 031.400, 15... 20 .•.' -
CurliPtiloy, ,do
Ting' gyp'. •2o-. •
• I- A . Y, MAIL liv
'%;llartintiur . ,lAnir4;l242; • ''Our.27
Wholesale Druggists,
. „
ti „ .
lirSrpiinted at tbiti.ollice, posortinont o•
othek o BLArtriq l '; • -
A- dating; tdrrnai . -
riertAcr .PAVENTED
, 'daia, I.Laill'Wq
Containing, 1
' 112.011[ME ate ' itrv.theiCon e'reeteih
The.ltind is-irmgohd state of 6tiltivritioni
IA II well vilifeyleil and under god fenecis:
, . .
Both parcels ly,ing.and being in Mifflin township,
ennibetland county,:,six miles. West.of Nowville
and four'North of NOwliurg4
Any . person wishing to piirchase :will call and
examine the premises, when the • term will lie,
made known. Mr. STEVENSON,
August 10, 18.12, . 4tmly*.:4)
• ,
.2tOut :3, inßaryels, half and 'quarters, of
n ' vei:y superior quality. • •
11r114. M.
NOventbet 44 2, 1842. , • tf-5)
. .
S. D UTTL - A1 7--A-D-AIR
jilorizey at „Law,- •
0 110. 4 FFICE N 0.3 lioctem's Row, on the . Pub
,lic Square,
• April G, 1812,
Oleg oppojiic the Carlisleßank
July 27, 1842
Nails & Cutlery,
tt), . • ta„
• ir.P
g • Er
ce a d m c= =
f 8 . 7: "
•g 0 •s.
15c 21. 'sl per bbl
20. 23 40
25 43c
10 ' 11
6 7
• •
• ± 1 : VWLICII3.O
li)Pat - 1 1 40 N. Air die Bentiftiof liteatanit
- Epp( •I l ant; has been fled the29tli - ,NOtember;
'Partner, and carpenter, • ,
• • ' ' • ' 'Cumberland
. 'Which 'Petah:hi will:befit:arc' lieioro the• District
.Courcof the:United Sintea:tor the Eastern District,
of •PenntiPainitt, aitting in Bankrnptcy;tit .tlie Dis
trict Court roond in :tile) City- or Philadelphia, on
FILIpAY, the 6th,day.`,.Of JANUARY • netit,.lB43,
at 11 o'clock; A: M. :when . avid *lici , e nil persons in
terested may appear and' : alio'vt• nadsdirif any Oft
have,'why the pl ayer. of the siiid:Petitiedfilithiltriibt
granted, and the aaid PetitioPer be declni•ed Bank
Clerk of the District Court.
Phil. Dee 7,1842. • 25-6
O icE.
! - A- PETITION foe the Benefit of the
Bankrupt LaW; haa'been filed tlie'l44ll'N7Fn
her, 1842, by -
- Dayibli; Ohio; now - Clerk - , - 7 — Cgniberland cp
Wide!, Petition will ho !Mord before the District
Court of the United States forfli6 Eastern District
of Pennsylvania, sitting in 13ankruptey,nt the District
.Court room in die City of„Yfillailelphin, on FRIDAY
the 23 day of DECEMBER next, at 11-o'clock; A.
M., when and where - all versons interested may ' op
.ptair showrinuse it any they have, whythe
prayer of pelaul Pe titions should not be granted,
and the _said Petitioners declared Bankrupts. - •
Clerk the :District Court.
Phila., Nov. 23, 1842. , 3t-56
A PETITION for Discharge and Certificate
onder 'die Bankrupt Law, : has been filed by
GEORGE HOLLINGER, (of the lam of
Hollinger and Davis,) late Contractor '
' • • Cumberland co.
and FRIDAY the 27th day " . of JANUARY
next at 11 m'clocit, - A. 31:I. is appoinled for the
!learnt thereof, before the Said Court; sitting in
Bankruptcy, at the- District Court Room in the
City of Philadelphia, when Lind where the CI edi
tars of the said PetitionerS,who have proved•their
Debts:and all other.persons in interest, may ap
pear and show I.ause,.if any they have, why such
Discharge and Cestificate-should not be granted.
CIE-rk. of the District Court.
Philadelphia,- Noe. 23, 18.0. 10.56.
M 0. OL.O
APETITION for the Benefit of the
Bankrupt Law, lias• been filed the-19th No
vember, 184'2, by
A• 111 11. WOODBURN,' late -Mer
chafd and Farmer, Cumberland co.
• Which . Petition.will be heard Indlire.the District
Coact of the United States fori , the E:otern District
-of Pennsylvania, sitting in Ilaakraptev, at the Dis
trict Court room 10 the .City i.flphia, mt
FRIDAY the dOjh day oriAcENL:En, at I I o'-
clock, A. M. when and where all persons' interested
niaY appetir nd Show canoe, if any Oiry haveTirliv
the prayer of the Said Petition should notbe granted,
and - the said Petitioner declared Bankrupt.
Clerk of the District Coati
chic.“ 4
1111ETITIONS for the -Benefit of .the
-IL Bankrupt 141W,liavi: been - lila the 10th N
her, 18P2, by • _ •
sA.7Ot.TP.L. SMITH, (individually and ns
Member•oftlit , firm of Smith mid - Quigley,) '
Alercigint, Miller, nod Instiller and' For-,
warding Mt:reliant: • - Cumberland co.
SAMUEL DANII)SON, Tanner cc.; Currier,
and an a Botcher itt Company with John
.`'Davidson, Cumberland co.
Which Petitions will be heard before the District
COll.ll of the United Staten for the
Count EasiiTlL 'Dist icy
of Pennsylvania, silting Bankruptcy, at the Dis
trict room in the City of_ 11.11iitlelp.hin, au
Fill DA V the 23 day of .I)F.CKNI 11P,11, nt 11 'o'clock,
A. Al. when and \there nll persons Interested luny
appear and nliew cause if any they hat r, aby tlir
prayer of the said Petitioners Lbould trot be granted,
and the said Petitioners declared Ilankrtipts.
FBAS. 1101'I:INSDN, '
Clerk of theDistriet.Court.
November 16,18.12. 3t-5.5
PETITION for Discharge and Certificate nit- .
it der the Bankrupt Law,l.lti !We n fi led by
and 1'1111)A V, t h e ‘27111 day of JANUARY nett, at
II o'clock, A. M. is appointed for the hearing there
of, lietiire die said Court, sitting in Bankruptcy, at
the Distrlet'Court Boon', in the City of Philadelphia,
when and 11 here the Creditors of the said petitioner,
who have proved their Debts, and all persmis• in
terest, may appear 111111 Ml= cause, if any they hive,
why such Oischarge and Certificate should not be
granted.. FBAS. HOPKINSON,
Clerk of the District Court.
Phila. Nov. 9,184'2. 10-34
- 13ETITIONS for Discharge and Certi
fienlc the Bankrupt law, haie he ftl-
ed bv •
JACOB. A. RAU M, Inkceper, •Candurland co.
tiller, Cumberland co.
.101 IN DAVIDSON, Mill.wright an I -late
Butcher, in company Samuel 'David
son Cumberland co.
and F RIDAY tub 3Otl day of DKCEM Ill? It next, at
II o'clock, A. Tl. is appoint Lid fur tier hearing there
of, before the said Conet,sitting itt Ilankr.uptcbat the
District Courtroom in the City . of Philadelphia,n hen
and where the Creditors of th i n said Petitioners, Who
have proved their nati o and albdlier persons to in
terest, may appear and ki'lOW cause;irlinythey..have,
why such Discharge and. Certificate.. should
• Clerk or the District Court.
Phila. Oct. '26,102. , • 10-52
A9:41t4)22e14. :
Pr..rtTioN for Digeharge and Certificate nn
der the Ilastltruld-Law v itas-ltentrtßett tty" -- -
2.013R1RT, SNODGRASS, late 3lttreltanr,
Cumberland co.
and FItIDAY the 50th day of DECEMBDIt next,
at II o'clock, A. NT. is appointed thy the hearing
thereof, before the said Court, sitting in Bankruptcy,
at the District court Doom, in the City of Phildef.
Phia,when and where the Creditors of the Said Pe
titioner, who have proved their Debts, 0111 i tln other
persons in interest, may lippeer and show reuse, if
any they have, why such Discharge and Certificate
should not he granted.
Clerk of die District Court.•
Pliiln. Oct. 13,1&I2. 10-50
. •
LL persons indebted to the Estate of MAR
TIN G. RUPP, \rho was decreed a Bank_
rupt, June L'O, 1F . 342, will make payment to the
undersigned Assignee of said bankrupt, on or be
fore the Ist day of January, 1842. •
• I'. F. EGE,
• Assignee in Bankruptcy of Martin G..Rupp.
Mee opposite the Carlisle' Dank,
Carlisle, Oct: 5; 1842: • • , 3m.49
lotiCe in Bankruptcy.
THE District Court of the United Stateafor the
Eastern strict of Pennsylvania, holden at. Phil
adelphia, having, on the 141lytlay of November; 1842,
bi its decree upon petition of Samuel Belles, John
k ushhure and Daniel, Or tul:,'-of Cumberland county,
declared Daniel P. Slier aim of Westpennsbore
township in said . county', Binkrtipt—w Rhin the. , true'
intent. and Ineaning.of the Azt of ,Congress, tied' the
'said *ottrt havink Ordered me.Ats,_Cnnunissioner in
l'inkriiPtcy, far Gemberlatul county, to take'proof of
debts due , by the said Bankrupt to . 'his eretliters;
they, are here by notified, that,l have W..ed the efst
,day of DOeember :184 , 2, between the, hours of ,S
eltick; A, Al. ands o'clock
,P.'lll. and every subsea
quent . day.„ , between the saute hours---,Sunday's ex,
teptF.d.---tintil tire' Slat day or -December; 1842, in-!
Viten Ve; fdi ltikini proof or all elainis' : against _the
said-Bankrupt - int. my office, in &kith Hanover-street,
four doors south,ofilie Court-House, Carlisle, Pa.
••' ^ 'C.lNO...llA.EPER; , Commissiente.r:-
.. Isi - overiabk.: *4.1842: • td-57
J 14.14. P R
el i FF_, ICE in 80.n111:' ItetiOnt7 street, near 111'.
Ulellan'sHiAol,Whoreall information dosir.
ed,hi ristoterice to the duties ,of -those intending
to ai:iply for the benefit or the .14aultriikt-Aot, can
Carlisle, Mtky 4, 1842, - tf-27
(94112426;a0IAM4BillYirta '
},,.(,1;ti . ' . .,11..:., .
- uaemnity. agiLins!, •• ' :,
~: ~.,,, t 2 44 , ,-.1....._.i...... , .,...4 ...',',. '''..
.. ~ . oli4ltTEß..y.uur4'. un•L'' ' .
Tile AS:pr!qg -.
,r t .:,,,,,,,INny of , phziodelphza, ~,,._,, •..
XIAICA:INsti.OtANcE,. either ..totrporary or,
• ferivinat, against loss or idarticigdbir Fflllg,
'in tonde Cdaizirtj;pitlietided, Barns 'arid BUild...
ings,of ail kinds; on IlOOschold Ftirhittire, 'ger
chandize, Horses, Cattld i . Agricultural, Cominci
cial and -Manufacturing Stock; and. Utensils of
ever); descriptidn,ini w ellrifi Moki'Ains and pROIngiT
RtNT, upon the most fueorablo tonne: . :
The follerwing are,the. tteizal rates,, viz:
On Stone and brick: buildings, front • .
- . . .35 to'4o cis. on $lOO
"Log and framd ' . 4 GO to 70 ots. on -100
"Merchandize and' fund; , . ..
tore in brick or stono .. . - . . .
buildings, from 4O to 50. ets. ori • 100
"Do. in log, or framd , GO to 70 cts. or, 1(0
' ' Utensis
.tind sundric4
at about
On Brick or stone buildings, $25 on $1,000; the
premium subject to be. withdrawn at any time by
the party insuring, at It•dcdtiction•of .s.per cent.
on the amount '
• Applications for Insurance, or any information
an the subject, may be made either personally or
by letter,. MAU - Company's Office, at the north.
weSt corner of Sixth 'and Wood streets. • •
• 'MORTO.N.M'MICIIAL; efesiaent.
• • • L. 'KRIIMBIIAAR, Secretary, or
• JOHN J. ItIYERS,,AmsT, Cachalo t P.
' , •
Morfon - deeige M. Tioutmaii
Josrith Wood, • • ' Samuel Townsend,
P. Laguerenne, , Robert L. Loughhead ;
Elijah .Dallett, R W. Pomeroy,
-Chas. W. Schreiner, Clinkles Stokes,
Joseph - J. Sharpies&
'September 14, 1842
THE subscriber hereby informs-. his
friouis foal the publie in general, that he still'
continues to keep a
( ,portsththe.frary iim.withstamin g o at the oLD
STAND, in East I ligleStreet,,a few - 110 ors east of
the. Court llonse,where he will at all ,limes take
pleasure in administering In comforts of those
n Ito may failur• him with their custom.
his (lAN. shall be constantly supplied with the
choicest liquors,. and his TAISLE - wiWthe hest the
niaiket can Furnish. A careful OSTLER always
ii4it in tittendanee-aiul n6thing shall be left undone
to please all who call with hits.
BOARDERS taken the week, nonth of i•eae.
• • ~tl=Ci3
• Union raper Win.. •
Ti! E .'subscriber respectfully informs the pub.
tic at large, that he has leased the above cs•
;tablishment, nia miles South of Carlisle, for alerm
of years, and the MILL haring been reecritlrre
paired, and new machinery introduced, - he is
therefore prepared to manufacture to order, (and
also has a supply constantly on hand)
Paper of every kind : a nd (tun Uity,
which he will furnish to printors, - Merchants and
others, in.any quantities at the lowest city uriees;
All orders addressed to•ihe subscriber; at Paper.
town, Cumberland county, x• 111 receive prompt
1 - laving lately received if supply (tithe very best
materials, he flatters himself that he will he able
to iMmuliteturepaper equial in quality to any other
establishment in the country. • .
Papertown,tflv 20,1842. - tf.3B
N. 13. The•higfieSt Price paid Iln• rags.'
mbsei•ibers, :it their FOUNT/UN AND
jj :DACI UNE Abilistrovi,ticarly op
posite the itontity Jail, in the lint•ntigh of Carlisle,
l'a., still confine to build the o Machines
and liursc Poircrs—viz:
T. D. liorreirs Polent Improved
196W1N111, 0
Walt a horiwaaal band-whed, %rah a ulnak to cot
duet the btrap to the 'Al:whine:
The ha..d.whed outsi d e or the horses. They lire
well ealeulated to put side of the Lath bridge,
or widcr the Wm shed.
A Neu" nd 12 pDbprovect Slan 1.,
To seimeale the froni the slrntr c which will
clispeiise a itli one tie two bawls, trill he made to the
chore Mai:Wile if 0 :tilted. •
Purchasing any of flit above ATaeliiiies may hare the
privilege, after n lair trial, - of returning the some it
not natislied. . All Al:whines and !horse Pai:es:llT
warranted her one year, if well used:
All kinds of repairin g be done at the-snortes
notice and on the mast reasonable terms. They al
ays keep on hand all castings necessary to repair
the above Alachines, or any others now iu use
There is 8181 attached to the above establishment
ail MON AND BRASS FOUNDRY, at 1006'01
kinds of, CASTINGS can he 11:111—stteli as Apple
Coro Drakers,Plasto. Simko's, NGII Gear
ing, Saw Mill Cr.mks, Machine. Gearing, \Vagon
Boxes, &e. &c. Also,
Such as IIiII Spindles, Car lloxeS,
Ev.c., all in the best order, in iron anti liras%
rj-All orders will be i.xecuted at the shortest no
tice, and promptly :mended to. Partners and others
lira respectfully invited to give us a call, confident
that they can be solicit to tinny satislaciion..
Carlisle, Au;. 10, 181.2. (t 4i
(C ) Plaini%'s, I tenwood's and Ogle's PLOUGHS
and T 1.014111 CAST! NGS, Hitch as Clatters Land
sides, Cc. &Li., can also be had at the foundry.
This is the season when this destructive
complaint attacks your interesting little 'children,
often robs you of those you fondly dont on, and
ie orrice hundreds to the grave. Every inotlMr
should therefore, know it's symptoms, watch them
closely, afid always be prepared with a rerrie - 4 -
as Many are daily sacrificed by such neglect. At
first the little patient iaseized with, asluvering; it
grows restless, has flushes of licat,the eyes become
red and swollen, it breathes with difficulty, and
then comes that fearful Coven that will surely ter
minate in convulsions or death unless something is
hnutediateiy given to cheek it In this complaint
the "Palsam of Wild Cherry! 'woll known to
be the most speedy ever dicovcreffi It is indeed a
precious remedy4,—mild;. Sale ~end innocent, and
is sure to give ple sufferer immediate relief, and.
gdieklylvstore it to safety; and health. • Fri Mi -.
lies residing in the country - and indeed cvery.MO
tiler who loves her children; should always, keep
this medicine in the house and give it te:them
early, by doing so yOu may' often ' save the life'of
- one you
,fondly "Rernember tl sis the &M'ous ,
, remedy - ,ofthikkdistingtiishEillilfy - s clan, Ur. 'Wis
lart. tvliieh' has - cured:. thousands' of CROUP,
Tiori,-&o.,.after every
,otherinedicirie; has Mile&
otj'llo , particular When", Yea '•piirelipCo
for "Dii: Wssiwip!c: 11413,-im - op CmPtc,t,',"
theie is a evade Orthisiriaino 'advertised - that:is-
Cntirelk is:
Prepared, onliby
.Co.; Chemists,
No. 33 South north streetiThiladdlphia,
Prfee. OnC.Portar•4.B.oittc.,
Juno 1842,
jusT tec'el F e(ra of, TO 06
CV; fte, Sakat•; - Molasaes; ChacOlOtO . ; . -Cliivca, X.:tit
:new, iceeploggr, ,Popii - or f Allspice,l einaathiihi
hic?&.a.,'.oll• • of which I wilt ,a4l, greallYlo4l)Fe4
pilices for cash. . • '.OIIfAS . .'OVILIW.
October 1842, . • • kt... 5.2.
aa a la-3 ato
•,,,, „.„. „,„ ..,.. , ,
"filtaXviitio,, , l6olfsitkiiirtiN;—SiriV;
: :lile*tlicif,V4inOtiltitfaiiiiiiiiiiiloOnsidered;
r 10: ;Olt , ',AO ;ditiii,:t4o . ,tisiOtiltit,:ilhO' , ',,iiicist ,' common'
Genie:of thififatalerik"dlatretiiing:llidii4e. It is'
indebd'aiieltiiieliCly',.triith;:thot iiiiMeands fall
victime to Coiniuniption every year; froidno other
causer than. ileklected :colds. : Yet ; . 'we , fimi hun
dreds, nay .tbousends who treat sucli, complaints
with the greateSt indifference, and lot them run
oh 'for . iiveelce,iind . eviin inoethetvithent:thihking
of the danger. "At 'hist yen have 'ivhat You:may
consider c.,clight,congh or cold; you. ,2alloW bilsi-'
nese,. pleasure or.carelessnesS to prevent ydu frpm
giving it.auy attention'; it then settles upon 'your. ,
breast;you becomehoarse, have pains "in' the,
side 'or chest; expeeteratO large iitietitities'Of Mat
ter, perhaps mixed, with' blood,. a : diffieulti 'of
breathing erienes; 'and: then , youtfuf your: own
foolish neglect has brought 'on this . dbiteesing
complaint: -, Ifthen you valuelife, or health, be
Warned in time, and, don't trifle with your Cor.,e,
or trust 0'44 quack nostrum. to cure you, but.
immediately' procure a bottle or two of that 'faf
mous remedy, the, "BALSAM OP WILD'CIIMULy,"
WhiCh is. well known tO be the most speedy cure
ever known, as ilititiands will testify whose lives
have been saved by it: - ., .
Lree ver.VPortteular when yon puiehase to
ask for . " Dr. WlSTAll'il BAMIA111Op, „ WILDCIIE1011 , 7 "
as there is also a SYRUP of tlil; name' in.use.
60.ci0. on .400
Prepared, wholesale and retail; by W!iii.issts
&Co., Chemiets, No. 33 South Fourth street,
Philadelphia: •
Sold in CuiiisioliY • • •
Price One . Dollar.a Bottle.
June 22,1842.
F VFO.N k S4 . ,
a -IA Awkw-
Eyory Body Poght'to Irnow of:
Pulmonary .2Freservi stivi•.•
O effectual Cobb, rnfluenzas, Ca
tarrhst Asthma; Pains of the Side and of the
Breast, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Shortnesii
of Breath, Whooping Cough; all Diseases of the
Break. and Lungs, and fur the arrest of approach
ing Constuitption. • :
So popular is Dr. Bechtel.% Pulmonary Preser
vative throughout all Germany, and s-i effectual 41
Diseases of the Lungs, that froM its miraculous'
effects and wonderful, cures—:it is. there generally
known and styled "Dr. 13echter% Life Presi rver."
Asntiniertins Fertilleatt;s oUts very good effects,
and wonderful >demi: in this country, !laic been frc
quently publisheiLA—istleemed - necessary - wily to
remind the public of so valuable a Medicine,
inform them where it,e.an_be.procured genuine.- -
t r:r.Priee—Fifty Cents a half riint bottle.
*.i,* Prepared and sold, wholesale and retailot Dr.
North' Second .- street, belovi -- Vine, (sign of the
'Golden - Eagle and Serpents.) - Philadelphia.
For sale in Carlisle, by . . .
Agents for Cumberland County.
Carlisle, May 18, 1842: 29-4
1.a1(3.a2 b`l 1111 A1 S
THE Subscriber hO9 receil'ed addition
al supplies of the above nann.;d'echrbrated
73 SAM, 1-I,
whio, j 4, :, s cured and relieveclapii.ards
of SIX Ul lOUSARI) persons in different seetious
of the counter, of the follimino• diseases, such us Id
digesti9n, ikippepsid, and all Most trains of diseases
arising from a tlisordert d condition of the stomach
and liver, derangement of the digestive functions,n
such Its • - •
IFenkness of the St , mracli,
Co:direness, He Jaundice, Elam
' lent
- tions, fev.r "and :ture,
and hats destroyed all -kinds of /10/e..1/S, both in
grown persons as-well as in children, nail cured ma
ny other complaints whiclsare too numerous to in
sert in this advertisement, which can be seen in the
which can be found wrapped aroma' each
bottle, with II number of certificates, of cures per
formed by this ealuiidc Ilalsant of Health:
TIM great dentand 'for this Balsam -of 11ealth has
lately intlitred some tayrincipled persons to impose
on the public a spurious article for the genuine Bal
sam of I lealtli; therelore the proprietor cautions the
public from purchasing. any but from his risotto:.
appointed . 1 1g7litts. Th,.. !genuine Ilalsaln of- I lealtb
has the manic of the medicine blown on the glass of
each bottle, thus—" . (; Balsam of lealth,
prepared only bv .loos S 4 Altr.A.En;" and besides
that, lie has his signature, written Olt a Libel, which
is pasted on the outside strapper of each bottle,
which secures it Irma bring counterfeited.
r% To lie hail at all tittles of his Agent 11l this
place, who bas already sold large totantitil-s, NI !jell
iii`PV('S it a medicine of great cable and celebrity.
SA ELuorr.
Cat-lisle, September 9.8, 1848.
GallegaiWti of3li!:1111h
E subsdribcr bas just received a
. fresh supply of tlii above named celebrated
BALSAM. OF lib:Al.:l'D, which Inks Ili - a fe‘vyears
cured and relieved tapu netts of four thousand per
sons in different sections, of the count y of the fol
lowing diseases, such as the Dyspepsia, all Cholies
and Nervous Discases,and all those trains of diseas
es resulting front.adisorth , red condition of the StbrO
ach--cures the Ague and Fever, Anil old and fresh
Sores, and destroys:Au Undo!' worms, both in grown
persons and children Auld manyttlier cnotpla lats.
All hose persons dud purchase this Aledicine will
finds full direction 1 - 6 . each hottleoks well as :Collin
her of certificates of cores perlbrined. To be had
at all times of his agent. in this place, who has sold
already ittrp,e quantities. The great demand for this
Balsam of .11ealth has lately induced some unprinci
pled twrson to counterfeit it—therefore the proprie
tor cautions the publiVfvfmi --- purchasing nay only
front his re!Aular appointed agents. The gentline
blown on the glass of each !bottle, and his signature;
Jolla S. :Diller, wrote on a label ahirh is paSted ou
the outside cocci% a liivlt completely seintres them
from bring eittnterNited. For sale only in this place
by SAMUIq.
For sale also, hv Messrs. J. W. &' I). S. Stoner,
in AVayneshoro', and John Brackenridge, in
Shippensburg, Fa.
September !28, 1841,
1111 1 L3112. 1111711111/(011.11
rror,n , l7o.,..Elowery, N. Vork.
Olt nitte . years 11+1sMedielni:ittri stootlintriValen
dor the slme 01 (:oohs. PIM, 111 the side; dilli
(dly Bern:elitis t . anti all those lam
tions of the •I lii 1.00!.14 and I , her, which arc n
bout , " of s, much self:110g and 11.111Cil
50.01 . 11.11 ltl'llllnale in Consumption: So extensively
h.a4.tltls routedy been maul and in so many cures has
it proved - gni:et:ant; the proprietor - feels no hesi
fancy in to all who unfortunately
have occasion to resort to some means of recovery.
Maltitnics whrelinv& experienced its happy effects,
can testify to its Mility . ,und very many rescues! froth
a - pre:mature death, point to it as the means, of their
TIM originator of well versed in
the science of-medicine Andra skilful: practitioner.
PhySicisns fairilliar With its effects not unfrequently
prescribe It their practice, and'witli the Medical
Factilty.gcnerally it has met with a largi..r.:llnre of
approbation than is , common with ;.exclusive pre-' parsitionS.' -•- ' - •
. ,
•Kr,CON'SUAIP,TIOII , -+The following 'reniar)cs
.were-takets from the last, number,4of the '.l'lledical
Magazine: ',' • ' # '
rite litirptiShig etre& produced genuine
-Dr.--IraylOr's - 111tiliatinr - ciflLbierivOilk- Made-At '"p7o .
ilowerrilti consumptive visa, chnnot fail excitiiigix :
sleep and thrill ing itt erest titrottglioht the w ld..; W e
have scihjog,belieyed , ol4 disease. (9onsmaption)
enrable,,iltat it is difttoult 0.131144 0 11 es.ellScs'IV,_bcil
dseeconBpin . ptisci factored to',
health. Yet it is 1i rri9Coedilily,peourrence.
LW Ell COM PLAINT and General .Debility— , -1
liC/ emishlut Itfas given
up liftirojillysiciaiiikrid:told , tri . peciplire'fot nruirvia , nirtjtilit
I was iii tats row - atato 'w hen ivrriend: odut‘in4:4bot , jpc
• •
1.113'1;/1,pC,,,11741yipeii,13011:11'112,144.61Yer1013;1114F , IV37,1 Vl[ •
: Mowery, and, lieforel hainiscd up.; t h u , ; im_ANUFA6Tr i littP • kOt tiftirdr'for'
taztt tip imbed; by viaTukther i tyiej ham in• 91i . 0".61tf the .
Been entedo n 001,„tilodyiktike,odc,„eitendin g
tliibstgltttpptlioi ider,;tnaliNst.tee,_.lliwxness,,loss JAR ; ES' :III
appetite Oft &nen& 4011111tyi'vlii , tire ' Ortwti r: o ne
, h orse ',.. ch-tw 6 ' , •*roVic‘Wiftl4,4.,
No w! l a r•D i yr a yl or l B a ip ao o f 'irzorts , , , Fett, grotto 4661414,1 r .thart: any,
" •..' , Merebant'a other ';Mneliiiie'tit;
Qltly to
gott..salo,ll .4,,,TElTENSOlVktiNtclAritiole the'- üba . crit?qt at presont. c . •.•,; •
agents fcir•Gisrlitilo aid 001114. , . • ' • ;WM"
• October 26,189%.
11,r,; lr :Z.. 01. '.)V1;,111,10
Illitlia2.1011 1 101114131.:
`titivP. iIit : ANCII PIL LS fter:'ilia .;,re'.;,re' l l
• of Coughs, colds; Consiinription;
plaints, Asthma, ;Bre:Mak - is, Sore-, Throat, .Dys:
pepsia, Shortness. of :Breath, ,Pains. in the Side,.
Breast, Bacli : ;and Shoulders,' Agile and reveron
intallable.cure; and all Searlotand Bilious Aires,'
dise'ases fronv:eipoinitir end de.;
bility, no Matter liew-Aongintandlng-,—in.fact all;
Aiseasen to.wbich the Iminan fainily,aresubjeektn.
1 - Those Mn'spirpessed by,,any;medical
'corripinind 'Over offeired to tiMpUblic as a general re, •
'Movator anefaMily medicine.. They. 6*x-cry
'gentle, in' their Operatinxi •,&ineing.noither-paine
sinkness nor debility by die use• of them; bUt,on•
the .contrary they
_strongthcn the. stomach unit
bowels in a wonderful manner, and-soon restore
nature to its former course and vigor.' .• The Per-,
eon using the Olive Branch
,Pills soon forgone.
that he 'was 'sick—Which is icryaasily - ace.ountod
for: there'is not that prostration of strength in,
thee() pills die in many other•remedicie of the day;
because the Materials used iiimumufacturing them
are harmony. with the powers of life sachet
in concert with the opinions of Des.
.Brown, busk,
Armstrong, Montgomery, Hersey, Kendrick,
Shopper and the' celebrated': Dr. Waterhouse,
formerly Lecturer on the theory and. 'practice of
Physic, in Cambridge - . University, Maisachugetts.
Purchase of them, •and give' thdrn a fair, and im
partial trial, and yon.will find that , permanent re
'lief, upon Which the proprietors depend to make
them the most
,universal family -medicine used,
and .which will stand unrivaled •by any oilier in
the known world. Price 25' cents per box.
t 020.33
Ta one of,the most certain,and affeCtual Mired for
all rhe u mat i e, chronie and inflammatory Rheunia
time that half 'ever yet' been diserWcred, and in
numerous cases has eradicated that dieadful
ease limn' persons- afflicted entirely. MI. sour
drinks and vietnalls.•are strictly forbidden, and
spiritous liquors must not be taken inwardly by
any means whatevcr,'or it will be of no use to .
tskethis medicinc,,as it will destroy the good ef•
reds of the medicine entirely. 'Price 51,50 per
These celebrated drops have acquired the high.
est recommendations in this' country; as well as
to Ilurope for its most valuable proprieties for all
inward weaknesses - cram ps,eolds,agnes and fever;
and when used witl ' t the OliVe linatich X'ilknever
fails to cure the fever and ague. Price !LI 'k.:ents
Per bottle.
Is unrivalled for its' curative qualities even when
used in cases of maladies .whielr-were-otheriiise -
incurable. Many recommendations limo been
given 91 - file beneficial effects it has had in the
cure:a-pleurisy,' -pectoral and pulmonary con-,
sumptions, colds, &c. Price 25 cents per bottle.'
This excellent. article• has-a quality of
col oi n usto ntly,a n d—wi thout_fail„all cr am pslif
the Ftomneh, cholid and - that troublesome disease
'called mother fits or hysterics; slid When conthru.:
ed for sonic iength of lime, will'cum the patient
entirely. - Price 25"cepta per 'vial.
A .ceriain cure for all Scalds, Brtises, Burns,
and the iaust effceid l ,
al cure foi the pilas—it wily
cure tli,:erson afflicted in a very 'fillort thne,if
used acr,rding todirectioark Price 9.5 els. per vial.
' This spirit is highly -recommended for all
spriiin , ...:‘refling of the limbs, or leaders,lsinews;
joints au I rheuro , o,ie;awan outwiird remedy, it has
HO C(111! 1, ...t used with the Rheifinctic Medi.
tine, r: °'l flicilitatc the cure. Theiin
nuals e' :II i not produce its equal, and it is
the gr .tc retire '-against cold, i n th e
Irriiiiv i i . ....o 1 mrticulars see dirc - Ctions accoin
onyiw: tl 1. - - Price 23 cents.
„ ,,f .
- -
• An iorallable cure lc used according to . direc
tionS:-• Price 35 (Tuts , •
,:idedly - the best application for wounds
and s , is, old or new; of all kinds, and will pi-e
-vent used in time; many operations; and pre
vent Jaw, Pains in the Back; head,
Feinai , s who arc so unfortunate as to have sore
breast.., and will use this wonderful salve, will he
cured in a very short time, It cannot he too high.
ly reemnmended. For further partieularssee . diree.
lions. • Price '0 ; 1 ; cents 'per box. .
An excellent article fir the cure of WOI 1113 ir.
adults as well as children, and will cure wIuM
other remedies fail. Price 61 cents per box;
A superior rthielefor Coughs, Colds,Sore throat,
Bronchitis and difficulty of breathing. , Price t
cents per box.
Sold wholesale and retail, nt the principal office,
No. 384, North 3d street, Philnch:4)ll4u and )) . y.
JOHN GRAY, Carlisle, p,O
• General Agent for Cuint•erlanddounty.
June 1842.
AND ifyou have a friend, a 'relation, or know
any one that is afflicted with that distressing
disease, "CONSDAII"PION,!'persuade thew with.
oat delay_tiatry that fluneusaindunrivaled
chic, the
“Balsam of Wild CUerry,"
which has cured thousands of this, complaint at
ter ercrSitliin, , relsw had failed. -1 cast the follow
Ingmndonlited proofs of its ellicatty;
. •
Ruxecnoucu, Sept. - 11).181 I.
lltnit Sint---llease send me two merit - WU les of
your iliftittilVirdtherry, like thatyou sent
Me before. I have taken nearly all of the first two,'
and confidently believe this medieide kill cure me.
I !!!!,,TW.d..R.grc_at many..rci)iedies within.the
ldst year, but have never found any' thing that has
relieved me so much, It has stopped toy cough
entirely, eheckdd my night sweats, and I sleep
better at night and feel better in every way, than
I have for many months. , Yours respectfully,
JAM'S Ketty,
notamsnuna, Sept. it!, 1841.
FRIEND WOUn must again trouble thee to
send ioe two bottles More. of thy invaluable Bal.
Sam. I have now taken three bottles in all; and
can assure thee that it has dorie more dood than
all the' edicine' I have ever taken before. Send
by the stage as VOW) us possible,. end oblige thy
Da•An Di:crow—Hearing so Many people talk
of the wonderful cures ynurßalsain of Wild Cher.
ry has made in COnsumption,l omit to one of
your Agents the othi r day for a bottle,, and have
found it to have relieved MC so much, that I want
three bottles more sent soon, as I believe it • will
cure Rio too. I have used Jayne's Expectorant
and other medicines besides, but nothing haS done
me as much gond as yours has. Sen by the
steamboat Bolivar. Yours, truly,
• . Wii•Mme Ttiouas.
1136Sidee its tistgltishirtg..etlicacy in
Consumption, it Is also the most-effectual remedy
ever. discovered for LIVER COMPLAINTS;
WHOOPING COUGH, &c., as hundreds will tea.
tify who have been, cured by it after all other row
dies littfailed. • . • • ' .
DRUGGISTS' and'.l/BALERS will 'this
Medicine n valuable addition te their 'sleek," and
should always kcetrit 'on bancoas, it is universally ,
acknowledged tO bet one or Meat useful family,
medicines,new in
- 60130. vevy..careful.-tu-ask for: Dr; . .;IPLFT.A./PS
- ,I3AL . S'A.III OF WILD•CIJERRY, , Sold whole.
sale anikretail,by. WILLIAIVIS'iScCO4 Cheinists, l
No.33Sostii . Fourtit:Streot/Plitlndelplein.
Agent.:• .Prico-*-81, , pet . ;Bottle:
Juno .0.2,1812.
MirsTo!,,. Sept. R, 1841
j j feetione'of lhe'l fiver, Jla{fiin{i~''l3roticliiliai. Palos
7` 10mb:testi of Me
',O Bieczet firitiv,.Cllrouso
Cotighet.Pleuney ; Hthmori,idge Llpigkand
ofeeloo of . I#6 PielorOpry ptgaite. , •
H. conmOontl . ,l3oliamieliretiaration of the Innis,
or:"Wil0 Hhevry Bark,'? combined / oth
the Extract .rof 'Pray tirepored by".. a tio , y 'chemical
process, apprOved,'llatl.recoMmendedlir the most
distinguished physieitinti,'nnduniversa . lly neknow
lodged the.rnost yaluable,medieine•ever liqeoveeed•
- - .
In setting forth the virtueli Of this truly great me-
We - .llave no desire to ileeeive those who arc
laboring under afflictiiiii;Uor do.ivo.wish to ete.ogise
it more than it justly deserVes, Net ,When,w e look
arcing(' and see the vast amount of tiufferhig . tnd di( •
'tress cieessioned by mkt :of the'. dilfeases, in which •
this medicine'has proved so highly successful, ire
feel, that we cannot urge its ohmic; too Strongly, or
say too much in its fliiror.',
7Varionsreinedies it is true have been Offered and
puffed into notice for the cure of diseases. of the
Lungs, and :some have no doubt been fountlvery
usetql, but of all thathavelet been discovered, it is
adniitted by'physicians and all who have witnessed
its 'effects, that niniehas proved its Successful ((Slid&
S_uCliiindeed; are the . •
_Of this Balsam; that e'r • in -the advanced'stage -..
Consustrrforr,nftei•Al ie. most eSteemed remedies
of physicians lire-fai ed 16' effect ani change4he
use of this "medicine :i. been productive of the
most astonishing relief, an I tictualle efllmted mires
after all hopes of recovery linkbethirelcipaired of.
Tu the first Stages of the disease,teritied COPT
/leg Conenmption, ' Originating from neglected Colds, '
it has been used with umlikiiiting success; and hucc , .-- . -
; deeds acknowledge they owe the restoration of their
health to this invaluable medicine In that
form of consumption so prevalent amongit delicate
young females, commonly termed debility, or .
A complaint with which thousands arc lingeritig,
littsmi so proved highly'succerisffil, and not only pas-
F.(4BSCS the power • o► checking the progress of this
alarm tug complaint, but also strengthens and invig-,
orates true spicily - 41)01M effectually dim) any DlNH
cittO we have ever 110SSCSiCil.
Besides its surprising efficacy in Consumption, it
is eineilulOUS 01 Liver Vompfuints, Asthma,
Jlroneldtis, and all affectitms of. tint Lungs, and has
'yawed many of iltit most ohstinate casespliter7crery
Miter remedy htur'failed. (t(4%-For particulars ten
Dr. IVistar's Teethe on Consumption, to be:* had u"
the Agents. ' • • .
Atte titling the fise of.this ,medicine in diseases of
the Lodge, and the many singular cures it has ef
fected, having naturally attracted the sate:titian of
litany physicians; (tts well as the whole Iraternity of
quacks) varionicolucetttres:antratirmises-haveartiert
respecting its tonitiosition ; sante. tillysiciatts 'have
suppo , leil it to contain foditteoth 4 er ignorant preten
dl•rs sayt must contain Afertru•y. rind to sortie such
subsume:is., they each attribute its singular• efficacy.
As such opinions - are altogether erroneous, and cal- .
culated to prejudice many persons agairtst it, VC-,
['LEDGE our/. Ito Non.
That it contains noiliiow of the kind; or any thing'
the least on the . coatrary, it is comppaed
of the inost sitniqe sithstauccs, thrprinciple of which
nett the .extracts of.TAII Bn.l (Jr',
:m446-,v hole secret of its ellieacy COIIO . ISiS in the .
mode-by which they are prepared. •
AVCIIIIVe 1111Tady pnbli hcd.mmncronscertifi
ctttes limn the Itie;liest -aathority, which prove its
virtues beyond all doubt, %cc consider it tionectissary
to exhibit it lour, IN' of theta in this place. anq will
only intuition a few cases, to show Ant it has done.
A SUILPIIISING motif; the 111:1111 ;
Sitikilila' cures x Itieit flint medicine iiit3
none iu which its powers ai: so .
fully shown as in the caw of Ales. Austin.
'rids lady had been - consumptive the several years,
And.'lluring. the greater parf of this time hail received
the hest mediCal attention, And (lied all the most
'valuable, 1%411E414:5, yet nothing. conid be found to
arrest its prrigress. She beeatne subject' to iirdent
tits of eoling., exretnritted large quantities ot.
in,itter veca. Mnally tinged 1% ;Ili 1.40(141, by
Step this fearfnl disease continued its course, until
All heme of:! recovery was entirely despaired of.—'
in this tli , tresiing situation, lingicring tiPott
the cert• verge of the grave. slue tommeneed the nke
of this l'alsalto, which, to use her own expression,
operated almAst like a elica.m. 1.1 n few days she
expeetormed. freely, the .cough wasvyntlitally soft..
pressed, and every tiny appeared to athi fresh vigor
to' her looks, and now in the place of that emaciated
fount withering to 'tit:ens, site is seen minglilm in
society, in better ltealth• than she has enjoyed for
nusirtEncsTF:n Wlttlefik.,ll
.'lliePe-v •of ))r. ‘Vioar's 11 : 0 Ront or
Cherry, iii tho cnso of 1 ohm
-110:y neknou ledge the abovi• stAement to lie trot:
and correct. ' . , .1. C. WALTriik•, 31. 1).
Woodstnwir, Sept: •1, 1811.
I)ear Sir—Althoff:J . l vonii medicine hag
already linind litindreas of liowerlid ativocAtes, it
oily still be ;ratifying to you to receive a Communi
cation from utly one that has been relievad4_ . it.
Stich, Sir, is truly my case. I have been a .Victim
to that terrible disease Consumnthin„ . f Ibr , Piney
mauls, and have suffered so 'onteltoltt , ..l. had be- ,
tevnie almost' weary. of my life. !fearing your
praised; I began Inking' it a few
o ecki bck,, and man assure you it has relieved me
mo •c• than aty thing 1 bare ever used before, and I
coon don ly believe it will cure me effectnally. Please
give't be hearer the worth of tluiettelosed,atuf oblige'
ours llespectfully, JOHN
Chester County, Sept. t;, 1841:
gives me much ptusweeto_in.
' mrl ttlliiitTiryWife'FT - hiSlilt has improved very
moult sinee &le lets been usingthy'llidmlut of {Wild
Cherry, a n d we tbiu there is no dea l t but that: it
w ill rove her. She has taken the two bottlokpur,.
whased-from di her cough
'm much better, she al.o sleeps' well nt nigh t,und
says she but fatal nothing to givelwe so much re
no: Thee will pleas?. e:ive the bearer two ; bottles
more' for Thy Friewl,
Lhficaster 'enuilty,iTuly IS, tS4I.
bear Sir -j-Please send me two bottles'of yam* .
genii of. Wild (Joey. 1 have teen af.
'Meted with enusumption for.the last two years, and
suffered very much: with a ECVCIIT cough, pains in
breast, difficulty of breathing, night sweats, fite.,,
an d ', l iving tried immerodk remedies, and also been
under several doctors, yet I could not find'any thing
to relieve me until I used some,oryour Balsalm. I
•f;ot one 'milli: from a ucighltoeormitte who is using
it, Mid have found such .wontlerful relief from it that
I have no donbt it will cure me effectually, •
• ; I cry respectfully,yourS, .
ki.onricr llotastart. '
. .
IZrail the 'following from Dr. Jacob 1101Tinan,
a play:dela:l of extenslye tunoice in lltpdiagdon
county : " • • "
War procured Ono! bottle. of Dr., Mislar's
ilalultn. or Cberry, fiVin Thotraknocd..E, sq.,
Lt" this place, and tried ',it ,en „a ~carc bbsl.nßte
'Asthma on a child or 'Paul Cliwebie, in 11 , 111 Ch mtiny•
other remedies had been tried ..without
,anr relief.
The 'Da I sake
_gaveraPliddii r 4 ellica d • in' My Opinion
.the child is eirectnally . cored by,its use. -
". • .:.• , '• iro`nrs;4,ii4";llloifsl4lol:l),
‘Decendierll2d,Tl3l; I'
Dear Sir-Litotir Tinlsalm of. Wild Cherry has ef
fcted sonic astonishing cures here. One of which
is an old lady; Mr.'s: !tassel), who' had:been suffering
fur a lonk time witlishortness of breathing, and gen
eral N vealincsa,suntil -she 'was .. .fittally-obiised to ckeep
Mier , bed. ,After, 'various -other rciiiedies (ind been
resorted to in vain; she commenced usinkyour
salrniand idler taking two bottles,.wns sofin. re_ ()Over,
ed 'este be' able to attend 'to 'fill the dOties:):4* her
lionse,.abd oti takirigAwehaities 4a(ire'ii,as'entirely
cured. nespectfully, &0..
Pottsville, Pa. '
trriox.—A S. there; is } n•' spitihibtrritisifire
,csll_cd;Syrtip'of 1171(1 Cherry, purchaser!) theidd'he
Awry particular to ask for; Dn.'W.ISTAR7S 11AL
,SAM, and observe his . signature on the
tPrelitirtd ;Tor tlifttViirietarititi4
1501C,0.i• ipbelmita; Itoxiadinor,
street, •
K ,
• • ‘..:SAM.VEL.'ELT47-OTNI'..'
• • '" '
„.;:fel.olliiie"esbiirg'il.s' the Ikey.; pivi Ant ;A ffir".
Wlbt. l4 4`'.li:Ac4agis,tsr AY -I+, •gigt ;
—4..hatierabitr4;!* v w. tip gl i g i;,
, ! ,,„d v , Ql 4 every
law 4 i6e,apently,..; ; ,
PriCe) 001 a bolgelvt6z; '<e,
i`roiethber 2.5 • 1" .4 1.'j,1,55"
Otkifejt**•:- - 311MPodirs,-
tißs kludepet rec'elvp#,Eir'
' ' ' GHQ. W. HITNETt.
November fr,1842, . • kt-54