~,T .11,1HIDADRIP,HttiiI.Deo. 17,1842., R4..rlieenhttni; heed, Alice the tleol init.t.i&P,lonV"cOusideitibletititiyitYinithemarket, . and the dale s this week amount to abOut7ooo Ohl& Of • whichlit thefore part otthO weekilnfibut 20001thls. Penna. aninElooo bbl s . Chit! were bold $4:18 - 41 tunt sabsequently,4,ooo et 4 tq, and part at 410 per Mit'' , The current riilet,SuilSy IS 4125. The stook. . is MOO redueed,iliejvceipts sonteof the up countryjavenues being.etißetl: for the • senitiOni-'IFor Rye Ploitr• there'll .Inttle.;; ; Cniquiry, it continues et $2 87$ perblti. - COrn Meitl—A sale to ._ day of 4150 hbls Brandyivine at 2 50; ,hlUls ore 'hell ' ',%1.11 75; Plerinkylvania Meal lias been in fair:4leinand ~,for. export, and inleS to some extent made at $2 12$ Per bbl, and 14 25 , f0r hinds. Cleared: this week for % ifort , ;ign ports 3305 bbls,Flour,.2s hlidsiind 1697 bbls ' 'Corn Mend, and 250 GRAIN.-The siipPlies of 'Wheat Continue light, and 'pekes !MS Week: have been brill there is no de mitml for,export to the ' Width 'Provinces; quotel ; Penna.:red; frottiociillopriine,Rt 90a - 98e per bush. , Rye- 4 -Market quiett. no change inn prices, since last. . week. • Corn—Receipts have been light, and prices • ~ ateadyt4old , yellowSoutliern is worth 45 a 46e; white • • (le 40c;, , Penna , .round yellow 480 per huShel. South , ern Oats 22$ a 2.80. - (.3eared this week.7lo bushels Corn fOr'the West undies. . WHISKEY—In bbls 220 per gal.; hinds 21 a 22c. •: . . ' -BALTIMORE, Deo.. 17, 4842. 'DEEP CATTLE.:-1:Ite offerings:at the drove yards err mcmdiky, were 'something over qoo head,, 'most of wliich sold at $3:50 to 150; and large pig ' eels of HOgs at 3,50 to 3 621'per 100 lbs. The het, . chers took the principal• portion of thebeeves, but the salters by far the larger portion) of the' • Dressed hogs sell only in small lots, nt'S 50 to 4. the ' hider Ord retail.price; • FLOUR,—Prices Inane further declined, and sales of City Mills have been made at $4 nisi, and Howard street 4 121 per bbl. Thes6 are the best prices deal. , ers were able to obtain at the time of Making up our . report;Land for Howarl street they were 'paying $4 - from the cars and 'wagons. . GRAIN.—The 'market for Wheat has nndergene no material variation. The qualities oll'et•ing are net prime,but command from' 85 to 90 cents for red; um! inferior parcels 60 to 80,,vith sales of fair at 83. No Pennsylvania in market. Rye continues at 45 to 50 •cents,and (hits 2.4 to 23. Cori) is in better re quest, and the riding 'sates towards the close have' • been 41 to' 42 cents per bushel, for either white 'or yellow. kVIIISKEY-1155 advanced to 26 cents for Idyls. end '23 for lihds; the wagon.price is 22,withOut the bbl • : MARRIED, „ In this borough, on the 12th host. by the Rev. Air. Moore, Capt. B. L. E. BONNEVILLE, U. S. Ar my. to ANNE CALLENDER, daughter atilt. lute D. Charles W. Lew is, of Monroe county, Virgin in. • nacre, inane toivaship,on the 21st ill t.'iltes. AI A la f min Myers, awl (laughter of 1191- Elizaketh Carothers, aged 30 years and 5 11110111119 christenas.._ • We, the .undersigned, - 'do agree' to heep l our Stores closed on Monday folloVviiii - Christinas, in con Sequence of Christmas coming on the Sab bath. Wm. Leonard, ' S. M. Ilurris; iigney- Sr. • A n d erson; `John, If a milton, J. &A. Bentz, % Peter Gutsball, E. Weise, John Snyder, Jacob Senor, - P. Lyrae, J. &fl Cormitan„ Geo. W. Hither, IL Snodgrass, agt., J. W.- Eby,' S. FuUst, Isabel Woitnley, Geo. Cart, • R. Lumberton, M.MeGinttes, . Chris. Ogilby, A. - Ruchar.g, N.. %V. Woods, Samuel Myers & C0....._--_ _. • • 41111911/Sl7 -1 •1311 Caps, Boots ; Shoes & r E subscriber has just retiiroml from the citv, am! is openiug, in addition to his har mer stock, 1/ cases of 8.,0t5, Shoes and Caps, coil tainiiina• - nUal Youth's thick boots. SI CIA'S tine Calf Boats sod water-proof d 0... Aleaa's anal Boy's Kip and Seal Boots. • 11Itha's, lloy's and Youth's Brogans.. • _ Ladies' Kid Welts and Slipper s. - Colored Lining - Skins. Men's ' Boy's dill Youth's • Fur, Cloth, Scot let And Finley Cups I.I'.NIONS of Superior quality. • • BUNCH BAN! NS, superior quali'y new crop. All of uhicla will be sold cheap for cash. W.l. N. MATEF.R. - If-8 Carlisle, Dec. 21, 1842 gle•cher's 11 ) 1111,1 1.12.1 D & !lASI:IIi:STICK have just received 11, tram the :11ktotitacinry nt Philadelphia' a large wisartment D ersistitg of Pit ilia triv,Cliainbe r& Study Lataps, with or without shades; which they will sell whole sale or retail at the otanufileturer's prices. ALSO, Astral, Side ,Reflectors awl Glass Lamps of vari ous oils Fttcriis. , Tim eery hest:Winter straioed; bleached Spero] Oil, warranted to burn clear, for $0,t1',5 per gallon. Best Sperm Candles. 37} cents. per Carlisle, Dee.'2l, 1842. Groceries, Sl ices and .FIRIUO7B. THE 'subscriber has just received •the followin g articles in the Grocery line; which having. bought for cash,lie is enabled to sell at the very low prices at which they are marked. • • Wipe Java Coffee, • 15 per lb. Best Itio do..Slr'ong., Scented, 14 " mid•sit loite r prices. • Loaf Sugars—.common and fine at 11 & 121 " •Do F.xtraom finest qualiiy, 14 pine crushed I,onf Film Drown Sugars at Prime N. V . Cheese at Salacious, Ground Pepper, DO Allspice, G. A. Salt, at 2.50 Sack- and 75 eta Fine do at 1.00 du .. Fresh Currants, . . Bunch I/nisi:is by the patina or in Ralf and Quarter Duxes, .... Oranges, • Mace, •. . Nutmegs, • Salt Peter, Cayenne Pepper (in bulk Or bottles.) No broken or depreciated bank notes taken for goods — reduceilprices_and good eurrency ! For sale by ' J. W. EBY. Carlialei - Dea. 21,184 e. • . tf-8 SPERM OIL • Pure AVinter Sperm Oil'at $1,12 pct• Pure Sea Elephant winter OiLat.Bo eta-do. • Sperm Candles, be'st quality; at 81 eta per lb. ' Just received and for sale by J. ESY. Carlisle, ce..21, 184/ •' ' tf-8 • • 'Bale or -Rent l , THHP.Pinmfrtable tsoew Brisk Buildings, in n 'amulet and •healthy part of the borough. Posses sion given on the let of ApIll; 1843.' Heu,2l,. tB4B. CHAS. • CIPILBY. 4.(p • • • . . . . . .. . nu EAVHR and Pilot Cloth for ever oats. ' Also' JUl.Hlack, Hine and Invisible Green Clothfor dress ecoata,juat noel ved and pelting very low,at the store of Dee. gi , i 841... ,•- , , CHAS. OGILDY. Proof Iloots. I . l sT;. , recciii.,ilit tot 'Or . Water Proo J a large assortment orShoes, for Me l i cWomeoariaCtiildreit, which Twill sell 'cheap !'or.cash. CHAS. - ;,Heoeriberit.lB42 ' ' tf EMPERANCE HOTEL TllE" ailloAgnibcrslrliet 'Centeiv.ille Climber -444 Count3', opening a 11,eraperanee I,loalscmthCticgoltdriodaoott ofTearelders,Drovers, ant!, o t. hd tk l !_t 4o ; :"W,illY". binb- *4 l l a oall• ;T4e' Ho l e ` l9o,l)Sit beFn44l !..rr mitßy Yearti s walk' house, is %welt ealittatell :foe:the ' aceannadidad:of 7` rave ll .o l ' Xlie'Stati/hltis lsi.ge, 'tad cones itaatly haVe sisfficie447 of bootie feed, Bio. Wit Tabli will he supplied • With the' bestln the aaket.: pains will be spared to mabei; pena l s coagulable; who may ravokbilik with4wdl; • ;:',Cll..Aatt4rl4 RAVER. ' 4i; 'pi ~r . •A,,s . , . ilre the mn - lersi.ned,,ClilZolls or Carlisle, in th county or qumberlatal, do certify that we tire we I ' acquainted with the al : we mimed %%run. Moody, and 'that lie is of good report for honesty :Ind temperanee and is well provided with house room and e l /11V(2111 elleeS ffir tile 1011011 g am! accommodation of Strang ers anti Travellers,and so therelbre_rmunnetal-hina to your I ((mars as well deserving of a Lirense; and' further say, that a Tavern at the stand is an aceom motlatiotti;to the public.. Edward Armor, IV. Foulk.. . • ' .Inlin M. Good C Imhoff " lt'. McCartney ~ Jacob Zug George Walt : Willinm Alexander ---John-Cillen -- -- Sitrict Davidson . G. L. Morey • • John Underwood ' \Vtr. lark. Application for Tavern License. ItTOTICP.I3 - liereby giveli, that I iiitentl to apply IN at the itelct Court of Quarter Sc , ssions or Our berhtial county, for a license to keep a tavern or pill lie honse,in the township of East Peintsborough,no kept its such by the subscriber. Deeentber,2l, 1842, We the Inulersigned.Citizens of East Pconsborongl township, do cerury that we are well acytaiuted will the ((hove tanned Thomas %I'll:l'qm', and that heiso good repute for honesty and temperance, and is wel provided with homeroom and conveniences Ibr lodg lug and aecOnunotlatiost 'of Strangers and 'Travellers and that a public housuiltere is necessary. • A. Erb, Jolla Searter, Sen. ;John I'. Quigley Moses Starer Satuttel no 3 er Atidrew Freitzer ' John Sierec William Miller • rah(( Fake , 'John Holtz Francis NieQuine Jaunt) l'itatz `John !fipple Jeretwah,llarver. tr-8 To the President and Associate Judges of the Court of Quarter SeAsions of the Peace for the County of Cumberland. trOUlt petitioner intends °cent)) Mg that cont . Ji• modious Matsu, recently erected, satiate nt, the depot at the Cut bedand Valley Rail road in the borough of Mechanicsburg,'which will be well cal culated for a 'public hawse el entertaiiimentatild f. 010 its proximity to said 1)opot nod Usti road, is snitable for the accommodation of travellers and 'for persons wishing to take passage 'out said !tail rm!, (which place at present affords next to no aceinummintionS,) That lie intends.to provide himself with all the tie oessary stecomininlations fun the entertainment of strangers and travellers. 8 & 10 10 10 16 4, 14 Citron, Clolefi, Clintmon, SAMUEL MEILY. Mealianiesl;N i g, Dee. 2t, 154,2. to-8 ' We the inolersi,tned citizens of the broiler of Mechanicsburg of 'resold-, being personally and well acquainted a ith Samuel Meiiy,•and also having • knowledge of the house for which the license is pray ed for, do hereby certify that he is a person of good repute for honesty and -temperance, and that he will be well provided with house room, ['accommodation of straugers and travellers. WM. C. Walser,. , Joo. Riegel, Samuel Cotner, - ...10Im Duey, • ! -JOhn Cooveri - Lewis, Leaping, • - Adam Itiege/, Michael Garver, G. S.'Parner, John-Palmer, John Swisher, Samuel Woest, Lewis Schoti, , -John Zimmerman, ' Michael Hoover, Jr. -A 11. Vatikoff: John Boner,- :Michael Hoover. if ~ • SUER II S. SA ILIES... ' : . , n Y virtue of sundry writs of Venditionf Exponns L.P to me diceethir, Waned out of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Cumberland county,.willhe.e.sposed to public sale, at the Court House._tit the `borough of Carlisle, ou :5.9 TUII DAT the 7th doll of JAN'U- . ..I.RY, A. D. 180, at 10.o'elock, .A. M. the follow ing describMilleal Estate to wit: . .. 4 TRACT op LAND, situate in'Ent Pennslibough t o wnship, coma; tt itt g /no hundred nd ten acres,. more or less,. adjoining lends on the 'est by Michael .Ruhey ; on . the North i l , by - D., Sharbonand 4,,,Kietzet; ou the .WeSt.by Jaetb_ atmp, and ,ouithe South - by4laytitt - Iteppand.cdhera • havlng thereon erected sitwo,itery,SMOK HOUSE 4`lirgo Bank Mini, being frame and brick Mid other out houses. -.Seined and - taken in .ozeoution as the . peopertrcif Andrew Sheely,'Sr.- :: ~ .; • , , ~' . ' Mee, the one undivided Ninth part an • . • ILIRA ~ . A ' Cr'or -,. .tAND . - P situate i Newton township; on the. Turnpike road, contni ning,One hundred . and,uighty,i Aorta," More'or lea, inljoining.litiods:Of,Mtur }piton; Jacob 'Pelts. hoover, John McCulloch; "burned ' l4l !ltZettrtf.John Sherp's heir* and others, having thereon ..ereited n' large:two:lWO ST,QSEI(OI.IS.kI, onefratee house, two log hotisesi one 'stone thee, a hme.,lJank, Barn, and;, sundri'uther :out ,- . l)otiles. ; , i Seintsd:Und tnken in eaecution,na • llte,proli,sit ut Citristiatt . p,, • §totigil, mato, be Sold:by rne,. ' ..:. ' -2 •'r• . .' • ~.'' ' '''''' it.itnS' ilateFric:Shceitt' SheintraDfliti;Viirliale4 -- "'•'. .-: ~ .:. •. ' ' PegetubOrl,l., ISM: Orphtties',73cit.Ltr „,„r wJ the , Co rt of ptsblit'vettdue on thnprepthics;.on , S43lTlttliAlt.th e :211 th'day a JANUARY nest,ist,t2 o'clock, at neon of said day, the following real estate, late the proper .ty of Jacob liarnish, of South Middleton township; ' 'deccasedeto 3 Lotg, of . Mountain Land, adjoining each ether, situate in Dickinson township, in said County, about-two'-miles and a half from Holly Forge, on - the 'Whitestowir road; bounded by lands of:Jacob-Myers, David - Gib - in, IN iclanel , Myers,. William .Moore and ,othels; the first of said. Jots marked No. 1. A.4;111 the (flagrant flied in said Or phan's CoUrt,..conitdeidgil Acres. int! 74 'Pekbes, riitriet measure.. The second No. 2. B. containing 10 Acres and 70 Perches, strict- measure, nnd the third No.A. B. containing 10 Aerei and 59 Percliesi'strict measure.' These lets are Well timbered With- chest nut:rind other Timber, andlare'ef convenient size fur fariners owning property In the neighborhood. The , terms, and conditions of. sale will be made known on , thOlay thereof by , _ • JOHN PETERS, Executor of list will of Jacob Haraish, deed. • December 21,1842.• is-8 INTO T 1 C E. ingpotrrio rys for the. Benefit of the BankrupfLaw, • have been filed the 20th 'De cember, 1842, by JOHN SOURBECK, :late Merchant, now, • Innkeeper, • • ' • Cduiberland co. JEREMIAH MYERS, Farmer, Cumberland co. ' ANDREW BARRICK,',Iate Distiller, now Mason, • - Cumberland co. Which Petitions will be heard before the District Court of •the United Suites for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania,*illation Bankruptey,at the District Court room in the City of Philadelphia, nu FRIDAY the 13th day of JANUARY, 1843, at 11 o'clock, A. 'AL, When mid where all persons iwerCate(l. may, •ap= pear and • show' cause, it any they haye,"Wity the' prayer of the said' Petitionti should not be granted, and the said Petitioners diAilared Iliiiikritpts.• • FRAS. HOPKINSON, . ' • Clerk of the District Court. Phila. Dec..2l; 184:2: . • NOTICE _ • o;) Contractors, Ref:idlers of Inerchanii,e; &c. -1V and by the several acts of the General Assem bly and the several Supplvineth s thereto, it is made.the duty of..thii. Constables of the respective Townships and Boroughs. within the county nt Cum • beehthd, and they arc hereby required, tinder the penalty "one Inquired dollars to make under-oath or allirinathin, Plulileliver to the Clerk of th . C . Court of quarter Senions," on or before 3fontlay the9th . dog of Jauttary,lBl3, a separate "list of all persons engaged in the selling or rending 01. . °oils, Wares, .lerchanilize,Conmtodities,ut ellints, of whatsoever kind 01• nature," designating those whose "sales" are "confined" alone "to buyingamd venthoggoods,warbs and merchandizt.; the growth, product nthl manufac ture of the United States," Tina also those w ito sell . 01`A:end -"wines or distilled liquors " Merchants, Dealers and others embraceiL in the foregoing notice are also the Associaie . Judges and county Commissioners" of said• county, will attmul at the-Commissioners office, on Friday the 20th day of January,. 184.3, between the hones of 9 and 4 o'- clock of said day, for the purpose of classifying all personi ' , when any,of the Merehatitc 1 - DealersTOTtlicir itgents or attorneys, may appear belbre the said Judges and Commissioners, and skew the amount ()Mei!. annual „sales, during the year and if finch Merchant not so attend, it shall be the duty of the Jutiges and Cthumissioners, 'froth the best information they can have or obtain, to claw, !bent" accordingly, "which classification shall be final." By/order of, the Commissioners, . Of NIIIVIN, t Commissioners Office„ Carlisle, t December 21, 1y43• S St-8 Appli'cattob forA7avern -License • To the Honorable the Judges of the Court_ of G'en'eral Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Cum. Tberlasd,eounly,at January&ssions, A. D. 1843. HE Petition of WILLIAM MOUDY Itespeetfokly rert. snots, tha I nor P'etitintter is travifletl with the iti:et.ssarY requisites fin. keeping a loose of public-. eatertaioment,„ ; to the fiojice_lie.at. tiniest occupies. Voile petitioner . •otiv Honors to grant hint a Millrace for the same; e t ptaingfeto• commencing on the Iht January,Bl3, and as iii duty bound lie will 'ever pr.ty )1 MO )\'. IC-8 Carlisle, Dec. 21, 1842. THOMAS WHARTON. te-S Application for Tavern License I= As you', value yoi:it'Lifeanii-.lleqlth, beseech you reaittbe ;following : "DR. IT.-11...1.E1Dit .nrAs - tho.. pleasure of annOuneing . to the that has valuakle,l4l.edio4eorecelye the appro-' pi k tion of the . , ' , • 1 11 1.EDICAL - FAC 117.1: TY being composed of ingredieUts 'which are known to the profession, and Which are dnilygiven by the most respectable physicians to their. -patients.: This fact alone is sufficient to stump their .. FOREVER, . , REPO — T - 4'7 ', 10X as well as cause them to be employed by all with '' ' MORE , 0WV7 0 1.0.E.A . 'OE • . .' .. than the preparations of quacks and impostors. , f . ' RECO2II.IIIEXIMTIONS - .. have been published frequently, in the papers, from Physicians and Clergymen, Members of ".. 'Congress and State Legislatures, respectable private citizens, and among thmn many of the most distinguished members of churches and other institution's, ' • , in reference to Dr. Leidy's Medicines, and h is ho p ed, from the 'numerous certificates and recommends:- tiohg, !idling been puhli 4 hod far and near ,that all that is now necessary is to keep theni.beforO the public, that they may be'reininded of the ir, where s they may obtained genuine; &c.:&0. • • ' • One of the most valuable is ' ' ...• . . -DR 11.410.11) . 74 1 % NI . . . Sarsai)apill4 Blood "'ills. Diseases ceiehrated:Pills are daily recorninendeil in Diseases of the Stomach , Impurities of the Blood, 'and Sewels,• ' generating disenses of Billions Affections;' •• , the Stomach, Liver, Habitudl Costiveness, ' . - Heart,the Spleen,Kid, Indignation, Flatulency, . neys, Bones, &c. &e. Want of Appetite, .. Ulcerous' Sores of the; Sourness of, the Stomach, Nose, Throat & Body;' Waterbrash, Heartburn, &ally, Eruptions- and Foul and offensivetbreatli, ' Blotches of. the Skin; Bad taste in the mouth, . Dry,and. watery pimples Inward Pains, Pairis'of the t?f the face and 'body; Stomach, the Sides,and Headache, Giddiness, along the Back; I Scrofula, Erysipelas, Rheumatic Pains, Gout, I Glandular AfTeetious. ALSO IN ---: Constitutional diseases, produced by Mercury and other mineral preparldiens, as well as the dangerous consequences resulting from the improper treatment of Syphitis, Sic. &c. '‘The Life of the Flesh is in the Blood." Leviticus, ch. XXII, v. 11. Be yepurified in your Blood, • And health will attend you. The great principles advocated by Dr. Leitly, - brul in which he' is supported by scripture, are Ist. That vitality is contained in the Blood. 2d. - The - 13loorl, becoming vitiated or impure,gives •;se•to numerous (Messes of the organs of the body,' he Bw:iv-fell, the liver, the heart, &c. &c. . 3,i, Th a t whatever has the effect of -purifying the Blood, p3ssessetz the power of re-establishing health ._.‘ Tul aciion to the lutly,_ : - 7411iTTliat Purgation and Starvation, or, in other words, purging to the extent that is too frqiiiiently• dote, rand at the sante time enjoying low diet, and abstioence from food altruist entirely, are productive of much more mischief than is generally supposed, and in proof of it will only remark, that ' By- Pia•gstion—Theliuman system is.more or less debilitated, for the very simple reason thlit inlhe pi'neess or purgingvill is carriertoff from the stomach from which nourishment is 'derived and distributed throughout flu. oyster's. • . . By Starvation—Nourishment is ,- absolutely With had limn the system so necessary to it, both for sus taiiiing vital action and aiding nature in bearingnp rigaiiist that progress of disease. , ' - ! Renee the - consequences of too much pinging, and t continued d,et must be to produce such a condition /1 the systemi as will eriable disease to make :inure lipid progress, and extend itself the 1110 re. ensily,nnti li it brief time throughout the system. Admitting the foregoing; it becomes. necessary to nimbi! how is the Blood.to be purified 1 and in ens - - Raying the means, how is the systeni to be guarded igainst ally' serious ensiriequeuet s 1 . - - "Iris easily 1111filt'erell•—• _ .---- Por all your ills, . Take-Dr. Leidy's Blood Pills. These fills operate gently, though effectually; ili..y do not produce. prostration of the systein,as Most pills do. , _They minim no restraint either• from occupation or the regilliii• mode of living. No fear need lit 0115 tertiiiited of Inking cold trout their use, and may bi, take,, lit all limes, by young nod old, without inter fering with any other medicine that may 111 1 / 4 1e liven taken beforehand. These Pills arc prepared only, Mill old wholesale and retail, or DR. LEIDY'S Ilesilth•Emporium, ..„ No. 191 N. 2il st. below Vine, (Sign of the Golden Eagle mid Serpents,) phia. PRICE 25 CE,, YS a iloA-. ' ati--A discount to Nliolesnle dealers. • .. (0 -1),. Leidy's Blood Pills are also soul in all the principal cities and towns throughout the Union,and by many respectable storekeepers throughout the country, For sale, in Carlisle, by TEVENST . & DINKLE Agents rot Cumberland County Carlisle, Dee.^2l, I • FIRE. INSURANCE! North America InsuranpeCo OF PHILADELPHIA. ' JOHN J„ . I , IIVIEHS, Agent, Carlisle MILLIS ccmPany continueirto Maks Irisurances against loss or damage by Fire, on the most reasonable terms. They alim take . PERPETUA L on stone or brick' buildings at $25 on $lOOO, the' premium subject to be drawn any time by the party insuring, at a deduction of live per cent. on the amount of premium paid, The usual rates for one year on Stone and Brick iinildings, Si to $5 on 91000 Log and Rams,. '^' 86 to $7 on 91000 Merehandize, about • ss on $lOOO Application in person of by latter will have inn mediate attention.. The Spring Gard s en• insurance .Co OI POILADELPHIA: .31AliE INSURANCE, either teropori or perpetual, against loss or damage by FIRE, iri Town or Country, on Houses; Barns and Build. ings of all kinds; on Household Furniture, Met chandize, Horses, Cattle. Agricultural, Commer cial and Manutitaturing Stock, and vUtensils of every description,es well as MORTAGEU and GROUND RENT, upon the most favorable terms.. The following are the usual rates, On Stone and brick buildings, from 35 to 40 Os, on $lOO "Log and frame "' 60-to 70 cts: on 100 "Merchandize and furni Lure in brick or stono buildings, from" "Do:to tog or frame, "Horses, cattle, farming utensils•• and sundries, at about Application may , be made to JOHN J. gi YERS ; Agent. Carlisfei Dec. 21,4842. • ly NIONNE'VVFAILVETS. aUsl7 received, Blue Black and fashion ble colored Silk Velvets ; at the store of Dee. 21, 1842. • CHAS. OGILBY. 1LT0241 1 2M141 . 1 95 . 0 ttaltio Horse Painter and ,Gla,zier, IRESMTFULLY informs the public that hdhas commenced the HOUSE PAINT and'PAPElt HANGING,• in all.their various binnehes, find hopealik strict at tention to busineinand.moderato charges tamarit cod receive share 'of publio patronage: .His shop is in Pitt street, lirectly in the roar of Ste. venson sDinkle'e Drug store, Carlisle, act. 12; 1842. _ _ ..SUPERIOR,CUOA::.SEGARS.' 1111[ Y e. E,2 d d 'a-70 A t 7 0 E f"Fig T r i f'S K :30 11 tro?"r R j e a g t alr . ,_ Ira uoa,'AndiPriaciio .Sogara e 'and ydrytasat .Cateadiel)..arid'qther.l'Omeeei which' they. wiU 801 l le large tiatir#ltiea on - thol moor ay.. aimiatltitinttailas; • Decamlier 1 4', ; 18.1#.• •c: • ' Washi#ooll meet hereaftei, on' MAT-int. DAY lIIVDDING'S;, : nt' 6 I;2' 4A4attit:E444,‘L. 1..8 --,..1 BRI - E,E 1 ny 's ,) : ----- SARSAPARILLA. ---- . . . 10 .4 001) vi - 1"1 - q 4 ,_,... .---_.: tQ - . - 25 (..e)lt s :i li 0x.. - . - Th i 40 to 50 ch. on 100 60 to 70 cts. 100 60 cts. on - 100 1y.50 ; , :ctstarzuzamyrgesx&ati:t 43 ri . • M ERAi TS ' iptygrl i sTica have just received at t rug, oo Stationary and Variety.Siore,4 large assortnient of Toriq`• TON:Hooks: 'tor bhritinitas Presents.": Annals; StiiiiyeiOrs; and - 'Portrfalileis; febr ',lsAta. • Trogetlier.'wftli a Choice selection o f intirtnining 14Gler ItEADING, for long Winter evenings. , •. • - • - ,afico" iticiproati- v • :of every variety, - Sehool - Bibles aryl - Testaments; . . Gerography and Mks, Olney 4. Mitchell's do. ' ' ' Smith's Grammar, ; • • - • Kirinn's.ditto, , :• dlngers Series, 'No. 1,2, 3,4, 5, 4..6, Cobb'eSchool Books,. complete. Emerson, Byerly, • .llturham, 4- Web ster's Sp - ellers ' .• ' • ',.' Pike, Rose, Smiley, 4 . Emerson's d rithnietics, with . "Cep, Gurninere'B Surveying; Mathematical Instrunlanted • STATIONARY: . Letter, Cap; and Deed paper, ruled and plain. Note paper. Silver Pencils, everpoints. Jackson Lead Pencils in wood..or all tempers;. with a largc Jut . sortrnent•ofTEANK . BOOKS; vuletJand moiled; 218ZW422"31f • • Orsuperioi finish.. Razors; Razor Strops, Shaving Brushes, and finely, scented Shaving Soaps and assorted - Per- - turnery. ANCY 'STATIONARY:- Superior opaque and Bassin Quills, Ileistol.Boteds, Bice paper, Visitipg Cards, colored Wafers and Settling Wax, Plain and Motto Seals.. • .New • (VOCAL AND IIV9TRUMENTALO • - Knotpuntrittly, Together 'Midi a general and well..seleeted assort ment of Classical and Miscellaneons Worker, "to please the fancy and linprovethe taste." .Ctrlisle, Dee. 14, 1842, rtivtals VERSTiCK urAvE just •opened" them FALL ASSORT-. AIkNT of. . QRUGS,_PAINTS; OILS & Together milli an extensive assortment of Palent:Aredielnes and perfumery. A Iso—FitEsiit_raturrs,___:._ oif.iivGns, . A.moNbs, • LEMONS, FIGS,-: RAISINS, . I'ItUNES, CURRANTS, . GUI I'ES,.&o. . ~ . • All of which they. will Al 'wholesale or retail on he lowest terms. Carlisle, December 14,1842.-3 M. , NOTICE. A - PETITION for the Benefit cif the Rankrtipt Lay, .bas been filed - the - 3d - .DeciaU: ber,.1842, by GEORGE FLEMING, formead• Printer and 2-- Publisher, (late a Contractor on the Pub, lie Works, - Cumberlant o. Which Petition will be heard het - m.olle District Court of the Cadet, Stateit for the Euston Dislidet of Pennsylvania, sating in llookruptey, at the Dis trict Ctint•t (tooth in the City of Phtholelphia ,on PRIDAA . the 30th das of DEOD II ER lust., 1342, at Ito'elock A. M. when and Wlcereallitersons erestett may appear nod show canso,if they have, why URI prayer of the said Petitions should not be grantee:, and due stud the_ big declared Bank rupt. FRAS. HOPKINSON, • Clerk of the District Court:. tPhila. Dec. 14,1342; 3t-7 nort,*ev. PETITION rarDlFeharge arid fiente under the Bankrupt I.ewy.as lice,. filed it... I N, Saddler , COMIPCCiOIiII CO. WILLIA.' B. NIILLFICIA N; Coach Aftiker, do. and FRIDAY the ‘2lth day of FEBRUARY next, at 11 o'clock, 4. M. ix appointed for the hearing there of, helbre the mitt Court, sitting in Bankruptcy, at the District - Court Wont ' in the City of when and where the Creditors of the said Pe titioners, who have proved their Debts, and all other persons in interest, way appear and show cause, if any they have, why such Dateltar ,, e and Certificate should not be granted: FIZAS. HOPKINSON,. • Clerk of the District sCoort.• Phila. Dee. 14,1842. • 10.7 dig 01.1a.iCamING HOUSES lroUri utIVE7O,4 THE subscriber will Rent from . the' Ist of April next. a two•story BRICK ,411711111,111 1 4101 , 32, situated on the COnler of Pitt and Lout her streets, having a huge back liuildiing, wash house, cistern, smoke house, and other improvements. Also, 4 two stony stone DWELLING HOUSE, situated in , Lotulter street, Opposite Mr, Lewis Har lan. It has a back sprifig house, smoke house, cistern mid also a well of never=tailing water. There is also good Stabling attached to the property. Both properties OM now in good order. • Persons desirous of renting either, of the above lentioutat Ilouses will call oh the subscriber. JACOB•SEIINER. tf-T Jecember POR W l tTe: s'otorteyncto"nferolTOtl't of Ap r il lot of n jt x .o t i l i!:: l l t East-Mail-street,in in this borough, now occupied by Rev. Mr. Moore. ' Also the two wljoinino k tionses, both of which are nt present being Innalsothiel? etitaired. - ' Persons desirottaol,,remMg tilay know the terms by calling on the umleijsblue(l,, EIMVAIin 'ARMOR, or• SARAIt ARMOR. CittlistO, Application for TdNiern License'. xi', °Tim is hereby given, that 1" intend to apply IN at the next term of the Court of Quarter Ses sions of the peace in and for the county of Cumber land, fora license ta keep a Tavern or Public House, in the house I now .decupy as each, in the - horotigh of Newville. \vM. H. NVOODBURN: Newville, December 13,184'4 . We, the *Undersigned. citizens of the borbegfi'of Newville, in the county of Cumberland, do certify that we hre -Well'acquanited whir. the above tainted William 11. Woodburnoind that, he is of good re pute for honesty and tempetinice, and is Well pro vided with house room and conveniences for the lodging and nccommodation of travellers and strati gees; and that n tavern at the „stand is an acrommo• dation to the public.,, James Kennedy; . John S. Morrow, ' Thomas A . ..McKinney ; Joseph Meljermond, • ' Jacob Joint Waggoner,. Ci ..;411111111` PROCLAtIII TION. -W.HEEEAS the Han.Ssiniz, iternuniv Pic. sident Judge of, the Court of Common Pietas of the Ninth Judicial district of Pm:wt. yards • and the lion. Jowl Sruswr and THOMAS O. M ILLER, 'Judges of the Said O m, ' o f c ommon Pleas for the aunty . of Cumboilarid i have issued their precept bearing date "of . the 26th Huv. 1842, and_ternoAirected, for holding a-Court of - Gyer. and Terminer,. General Jail. Delivery, and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, C9r lisle, on the second Monday of january .184340. ing the , 9th• day—pt 10 o'clock, in the forenoon: NOTICE rs HEUEBY GIVEN to the Coroher, Jitsticcs of the Patios and Consipbles of the, said County ,of Cumberland ? tfiat : they , bit them and there r PrePea% Persons, with their Records, inquis(tionectixaminatici t s 4rid other remetnbrances4o de the AiMg6 Which to their of. floe respeefivelyappertain—an ft m o o " who arc bowati:byvotognizoneeir to .proseeete against the pH: Miters that are, 9r then may b* , ip. the Jail nf 1 00 ethtel,,Ji to* be- Limp', a9d theta to prosecute against' thciiiiiit be just am:fright. • • Dated at Carliele; the, Bth dii'y of December, . 180, and'. the 68th , yea( 'et AMoriebn' •Indepep " •• • ' 'r• '• PASVMAIPI*r*erAnI - • - • - cd..t LL &WINTEII. GOODS, ,('CONSISTING, in pnrt, of Engli;3l4 French, licayer, and Pilot cLonis: Cassintere, Sattinetts, u l Kentucky..leans. Linsey mai Cotton Planneri. Rose, - Mackinaw, Point and Pilot . . ' Wt. Flannels and Carpeting. French, Englisl and American Chintzes, Brown, Bleached & Color ed Mastiffs. Checks, 'Finks and Diapers. Bonnets Silks and Ribbons. Fine Cloth. Velveteen Caps llosierv, Gloves and Umbrellas; Merinoes, Man lin ma:Saxony Delaines ; Figured, Plain, Striped and Barred Jack keit, Swiss Blonds, and Artificial flowers. together with a variety of Queenswa re ..sic Groceries, for bale at (Ice btne:e of A. RICHARDS. Carlide,.-N r ovember - 50," l 8.12. P. S. -State Scrip and Floor taken in exchange for Goods. • SIVEREPPS SALE. -By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas to me directed, issued out -of the Court of Com mon Pleas'of Cumberland eon*, will be exposed to.Publie Sale,,v the Court House in the borough of Carliale,'on Saturday the 31R1 day of December, 184% the following described Real Estate, to wit: The undivided half part of a tract of land situate in Hopewell township, Cumberland' county, containiog T inPO INE:VD RED . 1 1e11 . mare or less, hounded by !Inds of Jacob Stouffer oil the North, James' Ilerniddll on the East, the Frank lin comity line on the West, having. thereon erected TWiLSTillitY ng tall; E LOt" HOUR r 4; and QG 11A It and LOG TBN AN H T OUSE,—Seized and taken to execution as the property of James Ifoderaws. ALSO, A TRACT OF LAND. situate in Hopewell township, !Jimmied on the East hy, Joseph Quigley, on the Sonth.hY James Sharp and W. Greens heirs, on the West, he the Cnnodu guinet ereek; on the North, by the creek and Joseph Quigley, Containing One Ifundred mu/ F. acres, more or less, having thereon erected n large 31(10db:int and Grist Mill. .. with three rim of Stones (part stone and part frame) stone' WELLING GO SE, log ienant brise, large bank harti;large log Still !louse and other out houses. JILSO TR.der OP LIND, in Hopewell township', eniVafning 7 4 aelva Acres, more or less, bounded by. lands of Joseph Quigley, Fnglesonger, \V i Wah , goner and others. Seized rind taken in execution tai the property :of Samuel - : ALSO, A HALF LOT OF GROUND, situate in the Borough of Carlisle, containing thirty feet in breadth, and two hundred and forty feet in depth, more or less, bonneted by a lot of Josoph Rgolf on the Satoh ' Game Folandoi the North, Hanover street on the West,and Rufus E. Simply on the East, having thereon erected a two story Brick House anti Brick Kitchen, an d frame ztable. Seized mot taken in execution as the property of Joseph Egollt. ALSO, A' TRACrOF LITEVA-' situate in Frankford township, containing One Hew area and Trventffour dcres, more or less, bonneted by lands of William Musselman. Cinch Hess,Joseph Stayherry and others; haring thereon 'erected a tiro 'story LOG JIOUSE, fiat Log 'Kitchen, a log Barn, and an Apple drcnard. Seized and taken in eicon tion as the property of George Wolf; And to be sold by tem.,* • • James Minor, William Barr, James Hoover, ;Inlin Matte, I)aniel J. Dunlap, , Jaeol)S‘royer. • , -- • • VA iii, MA R TIN, sAero: Slirriff's Office, Onrlicle,? T .- .^-- December 7,,1842: S 3t-6 . . Estate of :Goon David Sluaser, dec'd. • lOi s fERS . of AdiriiniiltrPtiollt on: 66 ' . •a Dante of GEO: EFAVIO'SI,VSSEIC, lido of Dickinson township; deceased,' have issued In dee limmof laW to the subseriber in said towinildP: • All _pertions indebted-to said-name are - ii . .qtrested to Make -- immediate payment, owl - those' hospg .claiins will prOsetit Ultra tfult auttientiesiteiTrni settlement. IiAIrLES December 7, yin. - •,• • •• faza ,1.0 14 4(H*5-4 . ZE ) O PERSON SVIITINt - THE (Iffy... The T gunatiOn ie often noted. by strangera'..l(lbree can weget.the.lollE4PES7 , RES 2,. Ff .51057' 11 , 151110.448 LE lUD :or -Alre would recommend. and refer . them to .'C. F..RAY= mgorgo, Preetiear Hat apd,trap Manufacturer. bro. 112, Chesnut street, where tbeY ail4 . find rarke and seigasiiiiiment of ail- Gondola'. ak.tlLjee; . GIS Terms are Cam amino deviation 10'0414, e'c'elither:7oll4*, - PICKLING'VINEGAR. -nun CWER VINEGAtIt foillioldini,fohatte JP•Ajr.khe lubscriber. , - • '• GEg. g. 3. 1 ill4‘' • tr-44 119atiethhirg New - • BEAUT AND' ECONOMY.: soperioi, Fide ifecti)eri' •. •• , UT little more than'three &Valls have.elaPied since the subscriber; aulimitted frit the inspec tion of the Public, his - eupersorine • Fair Hits; at the lost price tit.1941,g16,- Equal in all respects, to; the ,most costly (and short Which he challengeti a dertiparistm,) and in this.shorl. period of?tirria,lic has More than realized his_4nost sanguine' expectatfons. He: would' therefore take this appal tun ty,ot making his grateful acknowledg ments. to a discerning Public, and also,of expressing his gratitude to his former friends And patrons,. who have ap generally called °tibial since hi s yeiesta bl i sh ment in businesse-as it is a proof that he has hereto fore givers - satisfaction. He will now use everyexer-' tion, not only to please the fancy, but to furnish the Cheapest .and boat Fiat in the Clip" • This he is enabled to do from his priratical know ledge, and peculiarly ..ECONOXICRL C,RSii 'SYSTEM OF BUSLVESS, at, less price than they can be offered by those who are mere buyers and sellers, and still adhere to the old credit system s With high rents and extravagant expenses. In proof of ids position, lie has introduCed.. tor the inspection of the public, a... , surtanciri rxtno NUTRLS. • HAT, , On fine Russia body,nt the unprecedented low price o; . TIII2E DOLLARS PIFTY „ CEJW7'S ! Equal in a n y respect to those sold under the old sys tem, at $4 and $5, - ' The above mimed price will be strictly adhered to, and he trusts his friends' who order their hats sent home-, will hot be offended should the bill be Want nt the same time, or soon after.to their cotinting-houses as an book of Charges is kept in this establishment The subscriber is sorry to say, that Ohms have been made, and doubtless will continue to-be made by some, to injure his Economical and .Fashionable Establishment. He .would iliereforspnrticularly in vite the public, stfteii examining every where else, to call and• see him. oar/lints and Ceps of every descriptiOn madeto or eventshort 'notice, whnles.ile dm' ratan. • HARLES F. RA Practical HAT and C CAP Manufactu Y rer, No. NIOND; 82, Chesnut street, below Third, opposite Congress Hall, Philadelphia. ._ P. S. The Ladies will here find a handsome as sortment of Furs and -Fur Trimmings, at reasonable prices. Old'Furs altered and repaired in the best manner. WANTED-12neepon;'Alusk lint, Otter, Fislie and other shipping Furs. • • Deeetnber 7, 1842. ' All3lll . 2 . 01.311 11.0221 Pon RENT, ". Pim subscribers offer for . Rent, for one or more years, that well knoWn and emit modions Three Story_Xivvern — Stanti,lcnown:as the RAILROAD HOTE.Li tr ,.5 situate . on ,the corner Of High - and Fpti)l'. Pitt street Carlisle, and now oceunied.' by Clemens MeParlaue., 'enjoys n huge share of patronage, including theitdrantages derived from the Rail road travelling. There is.attachedto it eXtensive stabling, atuball necessary convenienCes. It is well worthy the consideration of Hotel keepers, Possession s will be given 0.11 the' Ist of April next. A ppliention to be made to JOUN. NOBLE, Carlisle, Nov. 23, 1.8.12. tf-56 'P. S. The fiumititrentul fixtures now in the will be disposed of to the new lessee Ma reasonable terms. u. 7~ ~`~' ~'' JJ~=3O • • TA NOTHER 'supply of—' WINTER. "igr*..A GOODS, just recrived.ond selling lower for ,Cash thorn ever .sold in Carlisle. 'Hie. supply has been bought at the present reduced city prices, and purchaseis will find it'dccidedly to their interest to. call before purchasing elsewhere:. Cif AS. OGIL6V. Nbrember 9.3, 81'2. • 'tf-56 VALUABLE' . 1 it afir • w RIF Adr...pa . taartack. - . y.viitlue.:of the' warm; And .anthority Am contained:in: . the last will anti testainent. of E4itie,ol;, I now ofthr for sale, the ". Carhsle Iron- Works Situitted on:the Telfow Breeches-Creek, 44 miles east of Carlisle Pal The estate 'consistiof difrst rate: RealitUa TAVVYMAL4II3 0 , faith Ten Zwegi#olo;acri.s . of Land. A new MERCHANT MILL with fourrdn of stone,. 'finished on the ,mostapproved plan. About A'oo acres Of 'the are cleared and highlycillti , Mtett, having thereon' erected Three 'Large Ranh . and necessar yTE;NAsnrnottsras. , The works are propelleaby the °Bow Breeches Creek and the Boiling Spri l ng, Which neither fail norfreeze. There are upoh the premises all the neceSsary work mens !iodises ' OoaLhouses, carpedter and-sinith shops, and stabling built of the most , übstantial Materials. The ore,' of :best 'quality, and inexhaustible, is within Zmiles - of the Furnace ,There is perhaps no IrOn NV dirks it. Pennsylvania wldch possesses so- Perior advantages and offers rehter inducements to the investment of Capital he water power:is so kreat that at might be extended to may:other menu lecturing ?purpose. Periotis disposed, to . ,purchase will of course examine the property. The teems of sale will be made known by -M ARY .EGE, •-• Executrix of Michael Ege s dec't Carlisle, Oct. 19, 1842.. Winter Sperm Oil, Table Oil, • Prime new Cheese, • - Bunch Not Raisins (new I FreSh Carr:grits, crop, j ) . • Assorted Pickles, 4. Rio ' ava Colfees, • I litikvia & LoafSuorrj, .Mould Candles 6's & s's, I Cane & Panay Soaps, Sperm do 4's s's 4 6's. Painted Backets, Cedar Tubs Cheri* &u. For sale at the 4toi'e of • " •J. W. EBY. • ' Carl isle, Isro v. 23,'1$W: . tf-5 . .. • :Cash 1 .•ft Gish: : • ' AtL T,. persons indebted to' the subscriber tr-wi%.,- nre'nntifiedlo cull 1111(1 settle their accounts be fore the' 15th Deconber nest, its longei indulgence cannot be given. . • CHAS. OC 1L131'.. November 23, 1842. tl.-56 . CHEESE: • LARGE ,quantity of first rate Cheese, L.- M L AL York Cheese, at 'reduced prices; Wholesale oe Retail. Alsoa lot OF SALT at the store of • WM. Al. MATEER. November 23, 18421 .11-5 PAINTING- PRESS FOR SALE. , A firht-rate Iron Printing Press, of super im perial' size inanufletured by floe . &_Co.cif. Net/ Yorke vcrp'rcasoneblo ternisi Letters addressed to the Editor of the herald reecire attention. Estate of Peter Thick • deceased. - WOlitre'''. • ALL persons;intlebted to the. estate a PI l'Elt DUCK, late of West Penoshordngh toWnship, tlecea;ml, either lir_ bond,_note-or book neentMt,nr& - Fectuestell to discharge their dues previ ous to the :NW tiny of Dere:tiller next, ortherwise §Mts-will be brought.: Those having clainis will present them•properly authenticated. for settletnent. McDONALD, • JAVAN! NI VCRS: " ra'rs • November 23, 1842; td-5G .IXTEEIELY The proprietors of the Philadelphia nitiontil Forum will. on the I st of January next,issue a week ly edition of tht , Ftitanth This edition will contain matter selected from the daily Forum, with original articles propiited expressly for it. The literary con tents will he made up of selections from the mos popular writews of tictiott—of instructive essays up ' on useful topiet.--athrgivn agreeable miscellany of light reading, whichTitir interest, variety, and exeelt knee, wilt equal any of the lifeenty weeklies. As the FuNthi will not he put to press until the eve of Saturday,it will contain the latest new down to the day of its publication. A weekly Review of the Markets; and, on alternate weeks, a carefully cor rected table of the solvent Banks, and the rates of discount at which their notes tire houghs in Philadel phia, and a detailed Price Current of the Markets willthe given. . ~ • In its political course, Forum will be ardent ly, inflexibly Whig, and will advocate .with its ut most energies the Piorrirrios os hears the RESTORATION OF A SOUND AND 1.1)4` Polo! CURRENCY,MuI the election of /MIMI CLlFits President of the Unihll States. lt,will be published on -a double Imperial sheet, and its for beauty of typography, will compare with any paper is the Union. ) . As it will' . be sent only for cash, in advance, the publishers will be.enabled to afford it, notwithstand mr, its great size and the cost of, ifs publication, at thy low price of Two Dollars ayear—six - copies fur ten &Bars, or ten copies for fifteen dollars. Subscriptions solicited by P. h. GRAHAM' & CO. 'B5 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. 'Post Masters and Publishers of .newspapers. are authorized to ree.eivesuliseriptions for the Wee kly Forum. • - azzAPEsT II Ever Offered to the Public ! • - _ • RCEILR'S PATENT LARD LAMP rm. bul•ning Lard without any preparation, for sale by the subscriber. The light is equal to the best 61)61;M-oil, is entirely free from smoke or smell, nhd uosts less than-half the price& The apparatus for heating the lard is neat and simple, doeviot de tract frouri he apPearance, is not liable to get out of repair, and Illay be applied at a small expense to those kinds now in use. Confident that this article requires only to be known 'to come into general respectfully invite the public to call and sre n operation. S.M. HARMS. Carlisle, Octobet' . l9,lB42. - if-5 GEE •• aura SHOES. . rrHE subscriber has just received a . good assortment of Fur Sandalloal plain RUBBERS' for Ladies Neat, also n good. Aaiun mem. of Gentlemens' Rubbers: GEO. N. IIiTNER. November tf.4.54 111013 itipply at •Cathmete Mous Ile mines, just received ni the Score of CEO. IV: 111TNErt. katemtei• t?, 1842. • . tf-53 TARTAN PLAIDS N. assortment of tAR'F/0/ . ..PLAIDS, AIL for Children's Clothes now opening at the t, Store of GM). V" """NER. • November 2,1841 -' , te-5.4 Estate ---------,----- of -Noah Heddpii, dqcdased. NOTICE I _ S - HEREI3 - Y GIVEN, that lettett . ' of Administration on the Estate Of NOAH EED DEN, dee'd. or Frnnkfcird township, Curdherland county, have been granted to the subscriber...* All persons indebted to the.deceased, Are requested to make payment; and those having claims to - Ottawa them for settlement. - . - - • FREDERICk ZElth, " 4l4 Adrter _PREMIX- ARRIVAL.- A . LARGE and general 'aisortment of • ijk. GROCERIES; recei*ed . by the etihsielhei °eh' . sisting in part Of Colree,Teaa t LoarLutnp o 13raxile,. Clarified and:. Brawn SuOrs,- also lliaey,%Syrf!li,- Sugar House, New Orleans and Pottorldo Molasses; also Sperm and Nylinla OIL Sperm ~ Vandles,,i Roll Tobacco, Cut oarendish, best Spanish* , bilf Spanish arid. common Cigars, .still best llai:Snuff;-anir every article in the line Or st , Groe'ef .orrivlfiCh. will be sold cheaper than' by nny'Olt 1 tiae %vim bare &reit n eatalokee ciitheiti'itrices to' Cash and no oredit.i - • ~W111:.11d4.-AtATE.,Elt• NoCeMber • • • tr-gs , , 0 0184242. 1 : "Sti b eetigt u a a ti AWNS. rig% ,kiatia; Prueci, fresh currant . ' AA, Gropes, Lemons,.. Ahnentte, Cocoa' nuts. Fit• berta, rcesh fliditlei t tejars, Tomato Catchup, Pep per SaUoe, a prime eftlete of table oil, Su*, Butter and wjtter.eritekersyCap i dlett of all ktudi for sate by the eubser_timrs( WO. 14:+D/4:Ma ' 7 U-53 MEE Tho' Now WOrblAitliir hi 1043. •- MAGNIFICENT : . aiiRtS4 I .OAS AriiiNEW YEARS' GIFT, WITH: - NUMEROUS,SPLENDOI ENGRAVINGS. r. Evectoed 0. the Xrit Cilrtisktoxcleteivitlyfer ale lorder to oefelirafe. Ow ensuing holidaYsill* ecorning.. niantier';atick accordance With out' usual, custom, the Publisher of the New WOrl:l • announces his intentien' tu istilth a 'CIIItISTMA:-c AND: NkIIY'NEARS'• ;PRESENT; , whicli" sarpass, all his, foriner,cfrorts theleatity:otiltisit luserationi.and. the variety filtie of its confeili,. It Will contain all die :most Valufilife and dlioiee - ar-c 5 ticks HOWE LONDON KEIEPSAKE, one of 1111: finest and most .cestly of the English . Annualti4--to, gethee with theeltpjiceat, Tales mid _Poetry from ail the other Eligfigh Annuals. „'Aminlg the ElngtatiitiV' will be given a moethedukiful-Piciire qf . . Majesty the' 4itert bf . Enoithad, And the.PIL M OP: WA LES, AN PRINCE:SS IN./YAL;ileawn on. Wood by and 'engraved by Lofsing: The Literary'-contlmtir will be a drn irable, and - present Ocey thing. worthy of perusal ; consisting of new mid original Tales by Bid wer;.Marsitt,. Countessof nr - fo36in g ton, and other' disthigniehed.lt Will also contain' . OR . ICINAL. TALES AND Polh'itY, by favorite and. pdpnlar. American , Authors, ds many handsome Engrayir.gs' in illustration of the' subjeats—limuing,a 'together, one:of the richest spit mosta.thietiie gifts that - can't* Ord.:del.' fo it friend, at the•Pestive Henson, and got up in 'a style of Su r ' perinr elrgatiee: • TERM OF - PUBLICATioN.—The"NeW IYarlU An- anal" will be printed on paper of Extra fine quality, • on -a neW Minion type, in 'a liotible Kitt's' number (tiefaqi,) so that it. can be hound the new volume. It will be printed .by the 20th of Deem- • hereitt,atintile_li'me to be sent by 'nail to the most distant part of the and Canadaa So is to reach • stillSeriber's brY:Ordig I.AVY lAA's Dtiv °Ater shpul . therefore he forwarded. early, in. order 10 . prevent distippoilittnimit: Pike 23' cents single copies—Five collies for $1 Ideren ter $2 • Thirty copies' for $5, and S IO . per 'Mildred.: The demand will iie" very WO, sod AgeptOlooldelteris, fke. post sedif their .orders imomptlyi enclosing cash; paid. ThiSVctra.will be subject to neWspa per postage only; Address . WINCII ESTER,. • , 30 Aim street 'New York: nali#V-611.11%' • /11111E'subseriber hasjust opened,' next dootfo Cle Rotel, a . . GROCERY arc SHOE STORE/ His stook of Croteries Oonsisa in part: of CoFFEES SUGARS, TEAS, SALT. Ile,.also.keepec Ure7Stuffs,and a general assortment of CROCKERY WARE. , . • •If elais recaiVed 3 . 0 ei6ettifSllol:s Hach as Men's Calfskin nonts—Coarie . Boys' Fine and Coarse lioida—Men's nod Boy's blanroei —Pine and Coarse Shoes. Also a general,assert went of Ladies' and Ckiliteen's Shoeloreveiy do-' scription.„. • . , . . , . . . All articles in his line 4111 be dolt] at thb lowest priceS, for cash or approved country prbduce. He' solicita a sharp of pUblic patronage. _, _ Carlisle, WILLIAM: ALTITATEER. - . - Oct. 19,13,12.' .4-5 t • 11TH' FALL & WINTER. 1;1001)1SC . . . . . inbscribei• iskist receivingatresli supply of . L Goods, among which may lie tband • Be.averl & _Pilot Cloths ' • and various other Broad Clothii. 2 A great varied,' of. • SATINETTS ; CASSIMERES KENTUCKY JEANS and other aeationable goods for men's wear.. Also, a general assortment of Aferchiintlite foithe Ladies, to which lie resplretninv cans their attention.. . Cull and see assoon as possilile, as the entire stock will be sold very clienpior+-casli, . . GEO. W. Int NER: Car lisle, Sept. 21;1812. NEW-Si; CHEAP 000DS.Y.. 911-1 E subseciber -has just opened "a lot of New Goods, emisisling of SUPERFINE CLOTHS, and Fancy colored Cagslmetes, Casi nos, all colors and . priees. 11ferincies Mouse de [Alines, GroVeS, Jimmy, 5 - -4 Brown Mu mina, for a levy; 4-1 blenched - Ms for a fM, Flannels from 20 to 25 cents, with a variety of other goods, all of u hide will be sold at very: - low pciCes to suit the' titiries, Carlisle, October 19,1842. . Fie Sit Arrival or FALL AND WINTER GOO CLIPPINCER OAREy # .79 :Car* the Raid • Rotid, , v: nAvr. received a ,spleadhl assortment 'of FALL AND WINT.EIt . 'GOODS; which they, are'determittedlosell at •tha -yery• lowest cash prices.' September tf 46' _ . • .ISROAb 61LOTHS 0 elcga, FURTHER etipply . . of Low - priced 11‘. BROAD CLOTHS, suitable for overcoats: Also CASSIMERES & SATTINETS, just. Weir- . ed nt the Store ofCEO. W. HITISBER. .NorentberAt HALTS' az, CA.' PEA.• A NEW supply of fine RU'S$ll.l HAIN . % Just rh'- A large lot of Fur, Cloth, - Celette and flair Seal CAps, now opening and or sale; very , ' low, at the store ofr• '• CHAS.' OqlLBll. Carlisle, Sept. 28, 1842.. Estate of Jadob ,Cart deceased. . . IETTER of Adminiettatton on the , totat¢. 4 JACOB CART ; 00 , 0. of the llornugh of Qtr.; lisle, Cumberland county, Nice Wen. On:tiled to tile subscribet,r9iidin; in the annle'platitt.., Ali perSinm indehted .to the said etude are regnested to Mike pigment immediately, and these: lttiving elates to present them properly authenticated for tettkenent.. • wILLIAM CART, A:din'r. 16, 1. all. - • 6t-55 • • Estate sot Sa N muel . Wild, .deceased. .• • itlifirr. $. U6R.EBY GIVI that,. letters of. kin:anis " &Minn the Estate ol sAisitalL WlLD,deo'd. late of Norton township , Criniberland county, have' Deen granted to the subscriber, residing' in the soma township. AU persons indebted tif the Said ? estate' are requested to make immediate pa.Vittent and those , unsung claims . to present.then't properly nutlicutica.;' ted settle ment to • ' ' ISAAC-koolsrs','Adirer. Novem'be'r ti; 1542 arao ( Dti l- billit(OUliGio JUST te , eeil'ait,''n new and large: auppirof ot the sea son. vletairitm ttirr. gems , . taii6fe,S.pf. • Boots . and. oes.: HR aubscrabir will :nell,.a.ohniii)et• and btltter' il...•zoltfait BOOT - 014ff* I* . totlliti A LSO—l.auly;s potihie Slinen"fieri .zihd ttiiipeiitir Itt`tioleiiokeithei with Boys' kip lirogani, lkomane. low prWec; Sb ea, ohildreo'i; • AI.- HARRIS. Oct, 19;11.442:.., :•••';'- • • • • - tf-SL • Zacties Cap,E. , uswo l e6ink d !supply ofgte,lo3p,llittrt. for . fir LiatitsCps; Snaps f0r...010k Plirciltrigi ! ..,Shawk Pins;fTntcPityl;Mytal Eylet, • 111411g0Fhf pr,.4gzen L.Sief Pur!!3:l"lTti ;11)%jarNER.-- • ijMBEI ofeVeo 41)10011,1 forsafodhoi :• 0 4 ' e r ci;git9r.ito" 7 4 11 10 . 4i;$41,1tui.c , : garrititiaig i *pin 20. /842.;•:-t;; , t t:4. , gy•Ani:27 CLOTHS;:' OASSIMEnk - Ari LIPPIZMER 64:1MV ifaieVitt f ter Li doiVad cm- exttinslio mit4ioEitijitiirg,Mtikaie" CAS2IMEM' 41/ 8471111#1.64;04:Wig•tP4' iold at reduced Stiippensbuxg, Oct. =I :._Hoots & sok ./,, le Ndrllii !Ripply :4,13 , _ ,-- Tpt. 7,- , 'WA, StloBB,just 1...- .Iyed add 01 .** ' ~ ,e, , ., 1 ly low, at the storet -- -\ ,', Clino , btita . "..,:f - • .„, soveniuei , 423,l 441.,;, - ; x„,,....„-- .- • •:? ,lAtt _ _ , $_ M. 11E1 =MBE • •r ••sa