Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 21, 1842, Image 2

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    MAU &
Troliicaday;‘ December 21, 11°142.
, Pou rPESWEN9 T
Fiubjeclito . t.6 decisiall via 14ntiohal COnvontion
1. A sound Naiiiminl Currency, reg,ulatcd ly the
.will and authority of the. Nation.
11. ) .. An adequate kevenue, with fair', Protection to
. American' TwinAry.. . .• -. •
. . _
• .3. Atestraints on tho.fixoeutive power, ern
' brie g a further rentrietion on the osercise.o . f:
- - Ithei - Veto.. . • ' .... . .:. .
A faithful.administration of the public domain,
,with en equitable distribmion of the proceeds
of sales of it among all the Stuto4.
5. An honest 'and' cednornical administration - of
• the General Gorprnment r icaving public officers
•perfect freedom . of thought
.and.of the right of
'suffrage;' but with suitable restraints against
, Atnproper interference in elections.,
G. An amendment to the Constitution, limiting
the incumbent, of the Presidential office to a
These ithjects attained,lthitik that wo should
tease to he afflicted with bad administration of
tho G'orernmont.-IJ,ErmirSpAy,
I.R \3_,:zrz - Aua ae
040 Ladies of St. John's Church in this her r
--bugh, propose holding a Fair for the sale of Fan
A fticics and Refiesbnients. 'lt will comniTinec
to-morrow (Thursday) , evening, in the County
Hall, and continue during Friday: The proceeds
be-applied-to-the-ereetion-ora Parsonage, --?"
ia•The . public - generilly - are - invit-cd-roTitteo:
GD: We are authorised to state that a special
hiecting of, the Presbytery,_will be held,
in the second Presbyterian Church in this bor
ough, this afternoon at 2 o'clock, on business-of
interest and importance. Divinc'service may like
wise be expected In this Church,• thiaeVening, to
commence at GA o'clock. The community in gen
oral arc respectfully invited to attend. ' _
B PAt.stEn, Esq. at his !teal Estate and
told Ofil+e,_No-104,'South-Third.Street, Phila.
is author . ..iced to act. as Agent, for procuring- sub.
scribers and atWertisoments for the "Herald arid
Expositor." - •
IT.TA list of Counterfeits and rates of discount
on the Pennsylvania Banks and partof Maryland,
will be found on the first page. It is carefully
Corrected front the last Philadelphia Exchange
Registm- •
Fran li.surtAsce.--Attention is invited to the
advertisements of the North American, anil the
' . Spring,,Garden Fins' Insuraricb Companies of
Philatelphia, for both of which - Dr. JOHN J. My.
. -
is agent for Carlisle. There is nothing more 'Pippedsr boldcrs
iticout it no man can foci secure in the 'possesion
of property. A few dollars thus judiciously in.
vested may ho the means of saving thousands.
• Illeports of the Secretaries.
ilav•innablished in ,our last the , President's
:111easuge, we give this
. wea "the ncwmpd"n'yiiig
'doCiiments" in a condensed form; their immense
length precluding their publication in extenso4.-
The Reports of the Secretaries possess considera
ble interest, and the reading of them is necessary
to,a proper understanding of the condition of the
gei•crnMent. And this government is ono that the
people ought to watch closely.
The Legislature.
. The Legislature of this State will meet on the
first Tuesdayin January ensuing, being the
day of the-month.
. The Tuesday following, January 10th, is the
-day designated for the election of a United , States
• The thifd ltionday of January, the 16th, is the
day appointed for the election of tho State Treas.
urer. • j. •
@V W° intend keeping our readers fully ad.
visekof all that transpires of a public nature this
winter, both in Washington and Harrisburg.—
We shall probably have a
. speeial corrupondent
In theilatterplace, while the Congressional Intel.
ligence of eachday will to given in a condensed
form, as Commenced last week.
030 Or neighbor Mr. Eby; ng will bo seen by
his advertisements; is opening out a rich assert
-, Mont in tho Grocery line, and at prices very much
reduced. See advertisements.
Club helicon formed in lilarriaburg. When shall
we'commence the organization of that Club in
Cumherland comity • ,
CONVICTED.OF MS.NSttuoirrce.--Tho jury in the
. lease of'Milton . Alexander, tried , for the mur
der of Lougco, on.Toesday last, rendered a ver
dict of h'Geilty of Manslaughter." The punieh
' McMffor 'this crime is fmprisonnient in the Pouf
lentitiry for not less than two, nor more than sii
The-eourt deferred pining sentence un-
Satutday., 'Strong, exertions wilLbe made to
proeuroliis pardon from-the Governor.
-. . .
is" again' infested with incendia.
pit: Monday a week last a new building be
, longing' Ao Mrs. Espy" was discovered to bo on
.fire.and.was saved with great difficulty. Shortly
-141,er, a ('atio building in the rear of Mr. Ander
iS,ioo7oo.iii4 ;nuker shop ; took Sre and was en.
Both fires are supposed to have
"; . :416liti,o11:11:4A)4 inscomilaries. •
„rs!.coz,rgA t ri. a farmer 01 Lancaster county.
-6ibtribitteil 'so' oar 60 btishels 'of potatoes among
, the , 'imbf c a's city' last' week. This nine
in * tho, language • of the
LthiciiiiterVolon WO aly,,inay.,!gr. C:ne'ver know
Avaiii.anil Attie stied Paper beg bread,”,
'l):)4O'raigiet 'tti learn that the Iron. Mr: Hah.
'isishinumembeilif Congress -from Georgia, died,
at hii repiddsie 4alxitahani County, Georgia,
'OOl4 lackson,,in a„letter to a friend., comos
'tel. ilicici4l, silliest the Exchelecr:' Ho says,
' an; a cf vi h 0 boon biPeemod 0 a Govern:
9.1 r'
I t it be - derived from Ex.
''ill ' e6r.Fa P e •s'-- Clli t eli T 4 I , .
`''' . 7 416: 0106) Web. . . 1
'',.....a%,•ripl eu141900 ,Alf ' °
, I..+'. u," e- -.- 'i-• -ha oieeedingo • ha° .
z,. ts iitidsongre,vno ~ ~ in t o day 5
r Ille .i. n ' t f epecalinielligeltice
ed 143,0 atnag°.° g.... 4 0
-,.‘paper. ,
A trety*eilithg ritariter ;to
ifs:. safe had tagoit hes toor bey'e
than the i►'bgt:titdrt'b 4 116 ;1 1 ;149; fOi 000
or -the Othei 1 am "compelled to 441 1 •
rdellay i ellt board the V. S. Itrig
• ; Saisserel .
Isi;sy, Commercial Advertiser of pattirday:
saya—we announced Thursday thi32ariival of
4friio. - Mtd:ll4from Sq . *On
es; - In the report orhor"arrival no midUtion .
was made, of any unusual occurrence ;but :reports
varient in acidic) partioulartObtitTof the same .
general tener=htive • shier beimine- th . at
soon after her departure from the African -coast
a mutiny broke out, headed by. Passed' Midship
man Spencer, vvIMICA drawn ofF•into his bad re
volt some fortY Or fifty of the craw.. A °email
number, including the apprentices, remained
faithful to the officers, and after a short but se:
Nem conflict the mutineers were overpowered
IPD , 33IPtt,
and put in irons.
Zourtmartial was, held the same .niglit;'_ Mr.
Spencer; he gunner and the master-at-arms were'
fo.und guilty and.sentenced to death, which soh.
tchcc was carried into execution the next morn
bs 2t hatiging „at the yard arm.
The plot'of the'mutincerals
long in" arrangement and preparatiori, - and their .
intent was to pi urde r' the officers, seize the ship,.
a remarkably fast-sailer, ',then ernize'off Sa:nfly
hook for the capture of one or More of &to Liv.
erpool 'packets, supposed to have large, sums in'
specie on board, and after this go pirating.
Mr. Speocer,the. leader of tho revolt,; was a
son of the Hon.. Selretary of tho War Depart.
inent.: The agony. of 'the father's feelings - under
the terrible infliction language. would Vainly en.
deliver to "c , ipress.
Another account says that a largo proportion
of the mutineers wore from among the apprenti
ces;. and thot the two executed with Spencer
were not, petty officers but sailors. This ac.
Count says that:the rjlot was disclosed by themes,
ter-at-arms, who was solicited to fain it.
linniediately upon the arrival 'of this-Somers
we understand, the surviving mutineers were
transferred to. the North Carolina, and it is to be
presumed that they will be brought to trial. ,
,Spericer was only about-nineteen yeam-of age,
and received his warrant as a Midshipman on
the 211th of November last. Like his brother,
'Who figured in the papers so largely fbi: his
conduct some months ago, ho has been a sad fol
low from his boyhood. We presume that official
ctounts.of this astounding afrair.will be spcedit
ly given; when more of its. particulars will be
sproadAcfore tholiublic.--It has-been--thus-far
kept secret here, we preinne, in order that it
might not tiht reach the car 9f his parents thro'
the columns. of the press. •' '
Philadelphia. None* Markel'.
• The pxchan g o and Trade. Register cautions
the public against taking the United States Bank
notes at any price, Suit was some time since
brought, and judgment obtained, on_a., largo a.
mount of the bills of this institution, and these
are still in circulation, but good for nothing, be.
cause their value is now embodied in the juOg
ment. As there is no distinction 'by- which these
bills may be known, it is unsafe to take any,
until they armeither withdrawn from the market
or they can be rZeognized. notes have • declined, but relief is.
- sues remain same as last, week: ' - - _
0 - 3-Cur neighbor of the Volunteer will find by.
referring tothe file of the Herald, that we did not
styfq the Anti Tax party " Co-Coons." IVe arc
very sorry to break this- frail ilfreaci of his argu.
merit,-but -- even if hii,gontinued spinning on so
small a scale; we dO'ril i ii? . init the - Anti Tax par
ty'eould'he wound up. spinning ! and - keep
to akinninz, - neighbor—the Coon arc not all dead
-News from Yucatan to the 15th ult., has been
received at New Orleans. • The Mexican troops
were still in the province of Yucatan, but the in
-halillunt&wer_e sanguine that they . would be ilble
drive them off with great loss. It was reported
that Gen. Morales was dangerously ill. An en.
moment tools place on the 12th between por.
tions of the Mexican and Yucatan troops, which
resulted in the tctal defeat of the invaders. It
is also stated that the soldiers arc deserting from
the Mexicans and joining the standard of Yuca
tan. On the whole, i the'prospects of the Yuca.
tecos are very bright, and successs pro Mises to
crown their efforts.
The Family A ppointment :
Governor Porter's appointment of his 8011 to the
very lucrative office of High-Sheriff of Philadcl•
phia, has been received by all parties, as far as we
have heard, with no other feeling than that of un
mitigated disgust. There canto nothing more
contemptible than the manncr . in which this son,
although he may be a clever young man, has been
forced upon.the public estimation. Mr. William.
A.'porter became of age,' it is said, about a year
ago; and about therihnie time was admittecito the
practice of law. Within three weeks idler his
admission to the bar the Prosecuting Attorney in
'Philadelphia, (Mr. Scott) was .rudely thrust out
of his office other cause than to make
room for the son of the Governor ! And nowohe
vacancy is seized upon to elevate him to an office
oldie highest responsibility in the city, and worth
moreover, $O,OOO a yearl
CrThanksgiving day; nhhoup,lr n new thing„Nos
observed with due respect throughout Maryland, on
the 14th inst.
Virginia l and Massachusetts have got into another
ugly snarl from that everlasting source of mischief,
Slavery on one Bide and Anti-Slavery, on the other.
Virginia, having law on her side, pursues a runaway
slave (Latimer) to BoSion, and endeavors to recover
hint by legal process, which Massachusetts manages
to thwart and send the claimant home without his
prOperty.?' This, of course, excites an intense feel
ing of resentment in the South against all who`thus.
countenance a practice by which:they are deprived
a species of property guilrioteeti to dm - it by the
Federal Constitution. In retaliation for this injus
tice it is intimated .iii letters 'from Virginia, that a
decided and emphatic movementiti in contemplation,
to effect such regulations in that State as pre-,
vont else Courts of Law fronLenforcing She payment
of ankclebts or obligations flue toNorthera citizens._
It is stated that the basis of the arrangement be
tween Cen. Thoropson i our Minister at:Mexico, and
the Mexican Government, for ihnsettlemout of enr
claims on the latter, is the on the part of Mex
ico to cede California to the United States. This is,
very importaht, as such an acquisition would give to
us a'firnt footing at an important point west of that
almost bounillesi reg on; the o::regon teatrito4.
„11,E.tran Fon Tus4 iiAcur.—We clip the fol.
lowing valuable receipt o an ancient book of
medicine. It reads liko as if it might answer:
.fiGe,t: large kettle Of water—let it comb to a
boil, then, put your bead into it and let it simmer.'
for precisely., half, an hour ; take out your head
and shake all yotieteeth Into ii , licap; pick out the
oe6ayed . ones iid. throw thern.away. -. The sound
nce yoput•back agaly.'"lt this won't cure
yon nQ j Will ' .
YesAhdrifys anOthir steaming process, if the
. ahovoifaitsi,which is, to filiyOurmonth with very,
'oo,l4•"ots.tOr: and sip,on 11/1E 4 ° 1 '0,134W it boile d
Thor f on . Daniey-Wetiiiter, iiga , eopicntcd , to ,
& Oration, on the 17th , don'ts next, on
'the soonnsir• ofsPie-'91nP"154 of 01.Xl'u9kers
Monument. ; yvoie.o . ileliVeredtheall.:
Siren Wheri:Usizr:b4nor stone or Mosiiitriente
by:lntayettes, „ • . •
• I,t'' ••• • , ;
Late from Mexico.
. _
„Tgasinprt.:-Itelkprt,~ of inferioiquo4ty; bailor) boon woad ini rov—
*Tho report of4lioPecretarY of the;Treasury 04 under the.superieteridehoe•Orriefealiir 'John:
;%e1 Pc `6O " sod ~of .!J 11 ,1140 1 P14 tested ;
. ommun !Tress ast.•-. t.
The A following,areiitettincipal stiiarhente, : 7 " P.r0. 101 04t. 1 41#g Used. Waif:hinds hevo been:
The - Receipts ..jny,i',"',the_TreasuriNduiing the 014.8°00 copper, which be
three 'find
,quertiirS , (ifthe present yeari with the
estimated receipts for the fourth quarter; from ill in a fewdayslay before dengresi, a
code of 'idles mid regulations for the navy, drawn
every_source,...[lncluding_losins, and Treasury
idobedioncettia - resoluth3n of Congross—amt
thirty'four millions five hundred
invites attention to 'the , laws on' the subject ofand t;4theusapil dollars; besides the hatince of
in the .. navy Pensions ' which, ho•thinks,, - requirS ohan
and modillfations. . . g"
twohundrodaud iho
Treasury on the first of Ilanuarylast.
; The Expenditures' for the three' first quarters
.of the yeat, with the estimated . expoiidipire for
the remaining quartet:, amount [in - eluding $7,856,
4.00 . f0r ,redemption Of Treasu?y , lnotes] to thirty
four millions ' five lundr:ed. mid three theitsand dol
lare. • •
• -
The Receipts for.flidlialfr3iear ending first of
July iimit 'are estimated ~(lncluding ' Tre.asury
notes and loan to , amount of $5,538,000) at 819,
588,113; and the Expenditures for the same pe
. on debt and Treasury
notes to amount, of $605,000) at' $10,381,186.
The estimates of Receipts and Expenditures for
lie4scal year' ending the 30th June, 1894, (un
der the new arrangement effected• by the act of
the last session,) aro eatimated,•the.Reeeipts from
customs and public lands (and 8150,900 from'
miscellaneous sources) at $18,850,000, and the
-Expenditures (including interest aiBl Treasury
notes) at 820,995,998. • •
Tho balance remaining in the Treasury on the'
30th June, 1843, It is estimated will amount to
83,731,369, and On the 30th Juno, 1894, to Si,:
635,871.. ' •
. Since the estimates were prepared t at the seve
ral Departments, it has been ascertained that the
expenditures for the fourth quarter 'of the pros
. entyear will fall Considerably short:W . (llo amount
estimated ; so.that the balance in the Treasury
on the let January next willbe considerably ler.
ger than estimated; but, as the difference will
become a charge on the Treasury in
, the next
year f it-has not been deemed necessary to alter
the amount as first estimated.
The recommendations of the Report are con
fined to that of, h further provision fur reetiud
and the support of public credit, by taxation on
untaxed or lightly' taxed artie es df import; to
produce an 'addition to :the present revenuNf
three millions of dollars a year ; an authority to
allow interest_ on all outstandingYreasury_notes „
.as under'the last issue thereof; .and.tlic establish.
meet of a warehousing system._-
Report of Secretary of the Navy:
The folloiving is a :synopsis of the report of the
Secretary alb° Navy.
The first topic touched upon lathe nom Squad,
ron, which is composed of bight vessels, and being
so large, has had the duties of the Wek'
Squadron imposed Its' cruising ground
now extends from the banks of Newfoundland to
. the river Amazon, including the. Carribbean Sea,
and the Gulf of Mexico., The.iteamers MissOuri
and Mississippi have been taken out fir cominii: -
suin - as too expensive, and others;substifuted. The
Brazil squaditn consists oil the Delaware 7d, the .
frigate Columbia, the- sloOPs of War Concord,John
Adams,, Decatur,and - the schooner Enterprize.-:-
eotiduct and services of this yquadron arc spoken
ofin terms of praise. The Mediterranean. squad.:
ron now- consists of the Columbus, Con ress,ra i
field, and Praire, all under the command of Com-
modoro Morgan. Orders have bqc:n given, how•
ever, -assigning to Commodore, Morris the coin
mend of tho Mediterranean squadron, and to Coin
modoro Morgan, that of the Brazil squadrim.
The squatlton in the Pacific consists of the
gate United States. sloop Cyane,sloop Yorktown.
sloop Dale and the schooner Shark. A largo in.
crease of the Pacifie Squadron is earnestly re.
commended fur the most important reasons eon.
'hooted with our territorial rights.
In the East Indies, we.lirixe only two ships,
lieffigate — Corrsteltafioni—and—the slOop--;of--war
Boston. •
On the coast of Africa we have no squadron
The ratification of the trcuty with England ren
dcrs it necessary, that a squadron of at leas
eighty guns should be assigned to that service.
Of the exploring squadron under Licutcnan
Wilkes, the Secretary says it has given to th
country rich and abundant stores in all the do
partmcnts of natural history, which are now be
ing arranged, and a narrative of the expedition is
liding.prepared by Lieutenant Wilkes himself. •
The Secretary recomends •an increase of the
number of vesselsin actual acrviee,us well on ac
count of giving increased prOtection to our corn
mere°, as •to keep up discipline among , the oill
cars. He proposes that the squadrons of the
liediterranean,and Brazils, as also ti ose of Mc
Last Indies and . Pacific, should consist of the
same number of vessels and of the t 3 atno class,
and that, at Suitable intervals, they should inter
change stations.
Touching the, reorganization of the Depart.,
vent by the act of the last Congress, the Sucre
ary • states that the law has been carried out as
far ashes been found practicable, and the advan
tages are manifest and great. The system, how.
ever, is said to be imperfect, and this is ettribu.
ted to the changes which it underwent in the
House, after passing the Senate.
personnel of the Navy is a subject discuss
ed at considerable length. That abuses exist,
and that the public eye is occasionally offended
..with displays of disreputable behavior, is . admit
ted ; but the Secsetary thinks this might be ex.
peeled of any body Of men of, equal numbers.—
Reform must commence with the midshipmen,
who are the prospectilie lieutenants, commanders
and captains; with this view the present loose
systern of appointments to .this offices assailed,
and a corrective proposed :. Tho proviso of the
Appropriation Bill of tho last Congress, limiting
the numbor ot midshipmen to the number -who
were in the scrvicc - en the Ist January, 1841 ;
and of other officers to the number who wore in
service on the Ist, January, 1642, will, if persist.
ed in, prove extremely unfortunate in its action,
inasmuch as it will be impossible to furnish the
proper officers of our ships of war, suppOsing
any considerablo 'number .of our Captains and
commanders to be employed..
The Secretary recommends a suitable navy.
undeisouic fixed and permanent plan—and that,
in order to havo,officers properly disciplined, the
vessels be kept as much as pessible at sea. He
also recommends the establishment of naval
schools onshore, for 'the education' of midship.
men andthose wholti't candidates for appoint
-frien6 in the navyand!Propoies - a - system of
compulsory furlough, which will compel ,negli—
gent or unqualified officers to retire froin the navy
on half pay.
The Secretary 'says his. 'oXimrience confirms
tha holier that the several grades of Admiral,
Vico Admiral, and Rom' Admiral;Ought to bd es
tablished in our navy. ' '
hicreaso of the 'Torino, corps amain art
ed;as beinzabsohtbity necesperY .to 'giP 3 P r° P"
protection to thopubltc property ;' , not less than
,iir%yhtch, thy , Feick ;ayes arc
the novY ."Yar ' o ' 00itairatioti
marine guards..
. „ .
' Tie thinks that , the ;exiiansei : of: the navy are
much ireitterth*thoy (Wght,te he; and that me:'
chanical labor to imict.thi , at tdo jiik a
'itopper ,)/cratotore ; 'used' hive beer!:
!ItCport . of thip Secrelary. of War.
The Report of Seer c etary
,Sreriden. ittruishos'w
very full and satisfactory.aepoUnt. ot state of
tho poportiner4 under his inurnetpute controt.. A
:herMigh_irarpectioa-bas;been-rmide f uUder
his order, of all the Military affairs'of the country',
'and the inforMation, thus obtained,. he says, is of
the meat gretifYing character. The estimates for
the armyjiroper.fer,ilm,first MIK of the year 1843,
amount ,to.sBs3,s,B6l:Wltereas the apprepriatons
for the. same Perviee -fur` 'the half. of 1842 were
82,142,334 p. flue Sliming -a reduction of $1;588.-
748 . —made possible by -the- close of the Florida
war,' the stispensidu of many ependitures in con.
sequoirce.of.theloW state of the Treasury and a
general dispfrsition to' -economise. The' „llama
causes have induced a reduction of .the estimates
fOr the fiscal year "commencing July Ist, 1843, to
83,264,568, beingBl,oBo,loo less than tharigniva,
lent• appropriatiqns in '1842y atuf $867,430 les;.i
than these of 1840. Thiii Secretary believes that
the present milifary establishment of the country
may be maintained for 63,100,000, not including
stores, Ste., nor expenses of erecting .fiatilieations.
The recominendations for the ordinance service
for the year,commencing July,lB43,are $775,500,
and in' the Engineers Department for the next
eighteen 'months 81,245,500 aro asked. The
whole turiount of 'estimates for the military service
for the fiscal year,ending July 1, 1844, is 84,144,.
454. The estimates for, pensions -far 1843 are
$697,650. In the Indian Dcpa:rtment the expons.
es am regulated. by law and will amount-in 1843
to 8791,484.
The' Secretary states that arrangements have
bcon made with nearly all the Florida Indians to
remove beyond the Mississippi; and that doting
the . year 450 have been shipped, 'and-20U more
surrendered. A force of 1644 men is retained in
Florida. The:troOps Withdrawn have been sta.
tioneit at different points.
• A strong force has bethi . placed- on Red River,
under Gen. Taylor, to keep the Indiana in check,
and to prevent any attempts to engage in the con.
test in which
, Texas is involved with Mexico.—
The' safety the Southwest, West . and - North,
west, frontiers, in the Secretary's opinion , de
mand_ thT.continuance of thin present moon d
From the general returns of the army it ap
pears, that the Whole number of troops now in
service is 9;847; consisting' f 781 commissioned
officers, 9,600 min-Commissioned officers, Musf .
cians, tirlificersiand private:sond 241 enlisted men
of ordinance— The aggregate is 847 less than the
numbs' stated 'in' the last annual report. The
desertions have not been frequent though Many
discharges have been made of foreigners; and the
Si , cretary.reciinmendS 7 a modification of the,laws
prohibiting the enlistinent of Suck— Therwdin
ance Bureau is well conducted. Several -of the
States at delinquent in the returns.of their mill.
tiii—Net Jersey, Ifelaware, Arkansas and Lou
isiana II t. having made returns for from 12 to I
years:, During the season noWork has beeti done
at the armories, though operations are now re
sumed, and orders have been given toMalte . 500
rifles. dnd 500 orecussion mtiskeis per month for
the next six months. The importance of a nation
al. foundry is urged. •
The reserved minors' hinds in tho North of
Wisconsin and luwa arc recommended to
be sold in ten acre lots at, , the minimum rate of
'.s lo, a_per..lot.;_as_demamletLalike—by..-t he-interest,
of the United State's in the lands and the prosper.
ity and peace of the eilizens occupying the hinds.
-Measures have been adopted for putting in order
Fort Jesup, in Louisiana, and Fort Atkinson; for
establishing the new posts ou the Marmiton river,
and on or near the False Washita as an anchor.
age, at . Detroit, Plattsburg, Fort Adams and -at
various other posts.
. •
The Secretor} , again invokeg the attention of
Congress to the dishonored pledge given by the
Quartermaster General, in the name and by the
authority of this nation, to the Creek Indians, to
remunerate them for their services in . Florida,and
as a consideration for their removal. • The "earn.
.estness," says the Report, with which a gallant
soldier pleads fur the faith andlionor of his coun
try, and for justice to a helpless tribe, who have
no moil but to our own sense of right, it is hoped
will not onlybeexeused by the circumstances, but
will find a hearty response in every bosom:"
Arrangements have been made whereby '2085
guns may be mounted at important points on the
sea.mst: The works at Detroit and Buffalo will
be vigorously prosecuted; and operations at the
outlet of Lake Champlain have been suspended
in consequence of the cession to our Government
of Reuse's Point, where the.commeneement of a
Work is recommended, .
The Report reesitiO"Ondi the defence of Mobile
Bay, the completion of the Cumberland
the payment of 'expenses already incurred for its
'continuance. The Report of the Board appoint.
ed to visit the MilitarYkAcademy at West Point
is regarded as verksatisactory.
Post Master GoneraPs Mep'Yrt:
no Report of the POst Mastar General la able
and interesting. We givo a synopsis of its prin
cipal statements.
There are 13,733 Postmasters and Clorks; 2343
Contractors and Agents; and the transportation
during the year . covers a, distance 0f,34,835,991
The whole amount of mail transportation for
the year ending Juno 30th, 1 8 41, was 34,996,525
Miles, at a contract cost of $3,159,375; the whole
amount of transportation for the year eliding 30thr
June, 1842, was 34,835,991, miles at a. contract
cost of 6 1 3,087,796. •
Tho amount of expenditure of (60 4 / a partment
for the year ending June, 1849, was estimated in
the Report of December-last, at $4,490,000: The
revenue to, be derived Rod : postsge, :die. In tip
same report, was estimated at $4,380,0004' the a
mount estimated for the expenditu're did not in.
elugo the sums duo by the Department Kier to
the 31st of Itarch,lB4l ;,„thus exhibiting a prob
able' liability Of $llO,OOO beyond 'its •estimated
, ,
current receipts of thatiear.
',rho -gross expendttures of the Department for
the year ending 3Qth June, 1842, so far as they'
buVre been audited atid paid, aro $4,627,716 62.7-
Oiceedifig tbatmiountdariyed . tioni, postage, dui.'
ingilteiatne Year, 681;470,49..' • .
, The smooth Of expenditure fur the ettirent Qs..
eel year for the services-of this Department, may.
be (+Wed by•way,of estimate, irt:reand, Iturahers,
4t,64;390,000. „ •.
The estimate does lust include the probable. -
peni6e of the new routes'establishediq C'inuiress
et the:last session; none , of which live yet, been'
pntin,uperstion. ,The probable ?costal' these routes
pep year will 'be $130,000, ins:king the, whole,
titripted expense $4,55,000.; l,
The'nOst of rail road transportation for the Piot
yearn $ 432 ! 56 8 i' t brk l , l 9 ian g th of ma j A
road in ,titetMittlgtaii;s nijleE's cost i ng
$3, 4 . 8 **: tw o rs road onli,
'3091 10114:18, 411414 tialiftiortolo9,
,at .a cost
. 1409 4 560411113; ottl'iiibitialgh,litirtof the whole
one iiiiYOnth part of '
gross sum. • ,
The' 'purchase 'Of thcriglit of . transporting th.
mails on railroad routes;js again urged-upon Con ,
gram, conaiderittons. SOmii moment.
reform in hafranking•priyiloge very, prop.
erly repoinniendod.„ • tbie privilege has been
Most .enjoiring it. It
coats the 'poefile annually half a million to pay for
'ecirreePondenne . . of governinent 0f67
The Taped warmly recommends a reduction of
the rates of Postage. The department would not
suffer from such a reduction, because the increase
which it would be calculated do Prodoi), would
more than: make up. The present high; rates
keep back many letters, and, give ,rise to • smug.
filing in . order to avoid them,, which at .present
greatly keeps - down-the receipts of 'the 'l l 6it "Of -
Elueittg-Sebettift congress
SENATZ—lmmediately after tho meeting on
,Monday, the President announced the 'standing
counnittees. 'They are of course, as constituted
at the lastsessien,..except . that- Mr. Archer has
been placed at the head of:. the Committee of .For
eign' itclations, the fonder chairman of thittnom . ..
mitten having desired the President of the body
to make the' change, and furnishing: satisfactory
reasons, the wish was complied with.
• Some memorials of a local charaCter, Were then
. .
presented. . . ,
Mr..Tappan presenk• a resolution proposing an
amendment to the - Constitution of the U. States
with'the view of limiting the term of serrice of
the Judges of the Courts of : the United States.—
Theresolution was read twice and made the spe
cial order for titc - first - Monday-in-Junuary.___L_
' Mr: Benton proaeuted a resolution as ad antiend :
ment to that offered on Thiirsday by Mr. Bayard,
proposing the resciuding'of the Expunging r
solution. ' • • •
A wordy picamlde preceded the following
• Resolved, Tliat the thanks of the country are
.due to General Jackson-, Ex.President_of the
United States,.for hay.ing_by-his-couragc, patrio.
tism, and sagacity, irk,removing the Deposits
from the Bank of the•tinitnif States in 1833; an . 1
in putting his veto upon the renewed Charter of
the Dank-in 1832,,__thereby saveil the Government
; and the. People of the United Statnsfroin the-pe
cuniary less,the politi:calco - rTuption and (holm - ire}
Pollution which 'a longer connections. - will 01ot in
stitution must-have brought upon them.
Nothing else of moment occurred in Senate:
liutm—The first thing done in thoilouse,was
the announcement, en the part Of a Speaker of the
Standing",Committecs. They are . but `slightly
. .
thangdd - froin laStSession.. • -
The different items in the President's Message . .
- were then referred to the proper Standing Com
mittee's, but not before some debate was had, as
to the manner and plan pf 'reference of some of
the - mde important items of the Message. The
Exchequer place and the Tara were reierred to
the Committee on Ways and Means ;and the fine
of General Jackson was referred to the Judiciary,
The nint important busineSi in the Senate to
day was in relation to the Bankrupt Law. The
resolution of Mr. l'allimulge, calling for informa
tion in regard to tliceirecti of the law, was called
up. Several Senators, who voted for its passage
now declare themselves opposed to it. Mr. Tull
:I:ado and Mr. Crittenden the principal,
speakers, and expressed themselves most freely on
the subject ; The correspondent Mtn: Baltimore
American gives the following_as the_psibsialice of
tt:eir remarks :
Mr. Crittenden was apprehensive that' public
opinion was now against the Bankrupt law, and
he knew that it was so in. his State. He had pre
ferred a Bill of limited duration 'tit one of a per
manent character. Ho was now in favor of the
repeal of the law.,. He believed it had accomplish
ed muel . good, and that many an honest and un
fortunate man had been relieved by it.
'Mr. C.‘ believed also diet there had been some
cases of fraud committed, hut this was the fruit
of all human laws. Ho 'believed the law now in
force hail its slays, and produced its good effects.
He looked forward to a repeal therefore at the
present session of. Congress: .The resolution in;
troduccd he was willing to vote for, if it should be I
modified by striking out the call for the points of
law under which the decisions hail been made.
Mr. 'fallinadge said ho would not say one word
upon the merits of the laiy at present, further than
. to remark that he thought the Bill had been gain.
ing friends eyery day since its passage, and with.
•in his own knowledge there acre many creditors
formerly opposed to—the, laW who were now its
friends. Ile did not think the resolution was open
to ►lto 'objections named, and ho believed that the
information asked for would not be as complicated
as .was.imagined. Adjourned.
HausE.—The first busineSs of the House this
morning conciatcd of an effort made orttho.Part
of Mr. BottS to have the §ecretary of
,War (itiv
Spencer,) arraigned for stating,,in his letter to the
'public a short time previous to the : New York
election,, that the Whig members 'of Congress
had proposed terms to the President after the Veto
of the first Itunk.lfill, to the effect that if the cabi.
net might remain unmolested, a second bank bill
would not be presentL.d.
This Mr. B. prcuouneen a calumny, and pro
posed an investigation, with a Select Committee' to
inquire into the facts. The resolution not being
considered as a question of privilege; it was no
cessary to have a voto of two-thirds, which could
not he procured.
Mr. Everett•asked leave to a bill to re.
pal the %Bankrupt law, being objected to, .Mr. E,
moved the susPension.of the rules, which was de.
cided, yeas 1.37, nays 63. This it is thoughtiln
dieata very 'strongly the death of the Bankrupt
law. Mr. Everett then introduced his bill.
After another ineffectual effort to getup Mr.
Bott'a resolution in relation_to the charge of the
Secretary of Wa'r, Upon the . Whig members of
Congress, the House adjourned. • j ,
WEDNESDAY, Dec. 14, 112.
SENATE. -A number of petitions, prineipa ly of
u privatdchanMter i were presented this' Morning
in tho.2esiatii. A number of bills were •also ro.
ported, among , which was one by Mr. Linn'to,re,
fund tOGen. Jackson tlw thotufand dollar fine.,
Tho bill repealing the Bankrupt-law, wavoitter
some discussion, referred to the,Committee on the
Judiciary by ti'vote of 17 tol2.",..TheSeintio then
went into Faccutiiis sesiiion Mid tiller ail :
journed. ; 's!
9encial Appropriation, DIP was
reported and after 'its rifhiencei, the Ijousti,went
eleetidn' for Epis..
eokiallan, ;wad elected on the second ballet. :4
mlissago 'from •the Presidelit returning the, ltiiirl4.
the ,rel a t in g bti
sted , Eleonei
bilk to, ,
both of, yhickhati passed' shortly,provion to the'
hist adjournmetit,of ogress, mut ' ; itrinou ced.4
Thp, were obot#,lthheld ' 1911,1/gyp,. ; the.
MONDAY, - D0c . ..12,184g
TUESDAV, Dec. 13, 184
The heavy burdens proposed by Mr. Biddle—
as-well as , the plunder of the "Institutions for
the Blind," "institutions fertile Deafen.] Dumb, "
and the , " Commit Schools "-:—are to produce
enough to pay the interest, and enable the State
to finish the North Branch and Erie Canal !!
Whocan endure such it noran,ce. of the true inter.
eats of the State? •
The North .Branch and Erie Canals cannot be
completed short of $5,000,000, as any man who
has sought for information elsewhere than in those
patent engines of deception, Canal.. Commission.
era' and Engineers Reports, well knows. And
when they are finished,- instead of yielding a
revenue 'they will coat hundreds of thousands of
dollars yearly to keOp them in repair
The - whole scheMe, therefore, may be summed
up thus—viz; •
In the first place, it is impracticable.
In the second place, if it wore practicable, it
would be most oppressive. and injurious to the
'lt would crush the people with taxes; • -
It would incrcaie ,the, unprofitable Public
And la do so, it wonld'unfit the reoplo.for,Re
pUbliean GOVeinment, .by taking from them, the
moans of knowledge. It would bring Darknese
over the tand'ond leiavo'tho Deaf and Dumb and
Blind to boneless misery'!
But it would gratify tho , Corrupt. by' retaining
the Pationago of tho ,Work,! 'Thera is
no dilficultrl n seeing at whakahrina Mr. Biddle
non , worships!: 'Ho seem i
s proud to kneel n coil :,
pany with his icestAralld aethiirlty4ll9l:Wboss,
addlessitetlerives important data-42 1 1_44 1 a, s Orahen ,
a nery.inteiligent tnemoi,o.rtheA4et Isegtesatt!rer!
How are the eolgbt,y BLIND. ..' ' '
We:will State! riblic lit. tow , words , how tea. '
•think.the , Btato , debtiheaklbe iiaidraturwß
Ipsyp our ~r eaders judger who 4 se . 0 1 ,eri — hwq 11w
innst weightint - eit'Authority-ut elf Remo..
The Sti#to Debt about .11?9,0130,00()
Sell lhe .P46116' Woike'atd the'Stoplts '
by: Ito , Stitte in incoiparatod
companies Payable in State St.ock—:.:
(Which bi now setheg'ltt 040 iii '. •
top_4(9!4---at par,And would . . ,
meeting of Coisgtetet, wilAin s vAdett bine must be
returned and are,tlierefdiedaile, .
. 1 ,1 • Tl;;4ating.:44jitinltipiestaOlebinents.,which
'.have soon g dieki:a6d 4 Capial hastWt4tl
dared away by theflonss; -The Senate onnet 'agree
~ '§efore.the ordet..ii,offielent: Nothing else.,ef,Enci
meet. transpired in the HOusd this morning'.
-,-Thefollowing - able article, roviewinglVlr#Xo6-
•olas Biddle's letters, and proposing a. &gem)!
plin. for the reduction of the State Debt and, the
.... . , .
payment of the interest, we copy from the Lentils
'ter-Union. , ThiiPlan;which -Promises to
- pay a
little more. than. half- the State Debt immediately
by a Sale' of tke public tverks;and create a sinking
fund 'for the liquidation of the remainder,'whileln
the 'meantime the Taxes Would be Somoderate as,
to 'be cheerfully 'submitted to, and silence 1.111
fin:ight' of Re udiation, will, Weihiik be more in
'corresponds, e.with the of. feelings the people of
y 4%n y
Penns a than Mr. Biddle% (and also that of
GOV.-Porter) which would retain the public works
- --
, in• the bands of the Administration tinctgrind the
people - 10 1 11m ear th ; Taxes to meet the inte.
. ,
rest. —A perusal of it w i ll ' convince the that
comes 'from one who is familiar with the Strito
Finances, 'arid is.acquainted With . the ammeter of
. ople_—.
Mr. NICHOLAS. Itienr,r, late President of the U.
S., Bank, has addressed several letters to the. edi.
, tor• of the Philadelphia Inquirer, and Ledger; up
on 'the finaneial condition of the Commonwealth.
We think these 'letters are calculated to do nine!)
harm, The just and honorablo. sentiments- 'con/
tanked in the two or three first, which 'so forcibly
inculcate the inviolability of National contracts,
and denounce Repudiation, are likely to obtain
for - the others an influence very pernicious to the
interests of the Commonwealth. ,
Agreeing-with him, as we do, upon the neces.
sity of sustaining the Public Faith, and paying the'
State' Debt, we differ with him in almost every .
particular' as tothe proper means of doing it.
Mr. Biddle's whole plan goes upon the ground
of retaining the - Public Works in thehands of the
State; and out of this grand mistake all his other
cribrs grow—errors which in our joilgincot arc
,inferior only to repudiating the public debt, •---
• To pay the interest of the debt, .he proposes Ist,
The clear profits of the Public 'Works, amounting
to $564,000.
flow so shrewd a min etaild,.be made to believe
that they ever prr diiced that sum beyond eipem
sea, we are at a loss to imagine. • They have nev
er paid expenses 'except one year during Mr. Rit:
ner s administration, and then there was very lit
jig, excess. For the last four years they have sunk
nearly half-a-inillion of dollars annually. The
1 statements put, forth by the officers employed on
them are always fallacious; and outstanding debts
afterwards brought iii, produce the result we have
stated. !
. . .
He next proposes to reduce the Legislative ex
penses. This, we 4cnit,.mig,lft be done by. cur.
tailing the Printing,. whieli one year amounted to
the enormous sum of_ 196.1,000 !---It might- all:he
- done for $5,000:. But the printers of all parties
CQll , liitle to keep it up, and party sustains, and is .
likely to sustain
_them. Other qcontingencies"
might be pared down. But the proposition to re
duce the pay'of members to. one dollar per day,
SOIIIIII9 more like the demagogue,. or the aristb
era t e hardly know which—them the Sta tes
mi 11. _lt .would send to
.the - Legislature none but
thc. rich, who could. support himself; d!'. the yoga ,
bond" who had no better business at home. -
Put the •most unworthy proposition Atr.. Bid&
s—is to withdraw the appropriations from
ritable and Literary Associations; and espe.
rn,"y fr•oni COMNIoN Selloo/.3-: • The •Common
.S.•:•itol system he denounces wholesate; andgives
flryferenitc to pr•'vate scltooN! - -
We do not believe theie is another man in
P. iimiylvtinia, who can read and write,. who at
Ili , day, whoutd have had the hardihood to utter
s o , h a sentnnent ! The revolution in favor.of
('•••mm~n Schools is one which never goes back..
rd; and never will; until an era of barbarism
come upon us, and convert us into savages.
It is difficult, as experience has shown us, to intro
dove such systems at first. Ignorance and Ava,
rh•o always oppose theOT. But. when.onie estab:
li.hed, those who have enjoyed them would as soon
with the light of "leaven. And Mr. Biddle
would be doing- no greater evil to the community,
Irid he gone about to put out the natural eyes of
the people, and filled to overfliuting those "Insti
tiulons for the Blind" which be proposes to beg
gar in order to dig mew canals, nod keep old ones
in repair .
dle denotthecs the Free School plan " as not war.
thy of the name of system, beidz without
and witlynit efficiency," His great °Nee
tion to it seems to be, that it is "not imperative;
that its.adoption in townships depends on the Will
of the people."
We had supposed, inn popular government, that
the will of the people ought to govern even in
cases of obvious utility. . But if it were other
wise, Mr. Biddle oto•ht to know that without that
fi.uture, it could never have been introduced at all.
The same provision exists . in New York. We
think it was some what Wit for this gentleman
to condemn the system which has nude 'New
England and New York the admiration and the
envy, of the intelligent men of other States.
Mr. Biddle proposes'. further,,to add new taxes
on real and. persona? cstato —(in addition to last
year's tax of 81,200,000!)—of • $156;000
On roam, (50 cents por ton,) 750,000
Poll Tax, ($1 per head,) 500,000
On Tea and Coffee, ' 300,000
• • .
"Stamps," 100,000
Which with present. taxes and income, he says,
would produce to the State 83,997,319 42
The tax on coal is a just one, The public
Works—(the foundation of the Public Debt)—
have given their whole value to - the Con? Mines.
That article should be taxed to pay the interest
The Pull tax is too odious to be endured for a
moment. No Legislature will ever_ dare imperial
The tax on Tea and Coffee, now deemed needs.
saries, is-equally impolitic, It will never he laid.
A new "Stamp Act" would bo
,proposed by
unman at all acquainted with the people.
Thus, we see, that all Mr. Biddle's schemes .for
paying the public debt arc impolitic or impracti
cable. The, only thing which he proposes which
can or aught to ho, ‘ made applicable to it, in our
judgment, is the taxes of about sl*o,ooo, and
the Coal tax.
• But if the. Public NVorks arc rotnined, the one-
third of t h at—zeiiyon44trills--mill,_,be.required to
keep thorn in repair;" and the liabinoo will go to
"Domestic Creditors," who breed like rabbits. '
at leaot twenty taco thlltiona 0f.114
' debtlt•Deduet then ' '' ' " 22,000,000
ivonht leave i;hienteini millions-17,000,001}
That , l4; • I
i Interest pe 0
.: int, '
• 5
', • t'', .: ' •', .'"- ,•:.. 1 1 . 0 ---
Wpuld , inaka the, interest per annum - 8850,000
Present tit On real and personal 4
property -; • ' $1;200,000
, .Add tax:;on.,Coai 3 Ovhich ought to,
be laid 4 • '
Deduct Interent,
Balsuce . ,niter peva:Tilt of Interest, 01400,000 -
Leaving Ime million enieliuudied thensand,dol
lars4o forma Sinking Punt tomwds",paying,the—
prinCipal of the State.Debt f , ;
But Suppoic ,$1,60(1,000 only to Ini,talpin for
that.' ptirpose,.adding. the otber expp,oo . o fo
„t h e
ordinary reienue t whteb, that revernii iitd 11
the, proper retrenchrhents it/ the Legislative ex ,
pommy, would -be suffi'cent for , the ordinary ex
penses of Government; ntitloiut 'blotting- out the
Cotn'mon Sehools dr Inetitutioni for the. Blind and
Dumb, or starving the Revolutionary Soldiers and
their Vtriddvies-'-that one milliokof dollars applied •
a.siniting fund; and put at interest at 6 per
cent per annum; limit the Public Debt, falls due,
would pay off the whole debt4(517;000,060),-ite`
lesslhan ictiozen years;. before,indeed, it .would
fall - due. •
Then repeal the tax on real and personal prop
erty, alowing the tax on Coal , to be. permanent;
it would soon increase to iiil,ooo,ooo, pee antrin—
(without taxation)—qo pay •all the expenses bf
government; educate every
,man's child in the'
Comerionwesith, whir.l4o M
'aple to do it hiniseirr
trOatop the deaf ears, anitimen the,blind
the unfortunate ;' aid scientific and:literary fir,
stitutioris and fill mithis noble' State with Intel:
'igence, with Patriotism, with. Power.:
Mr. ilierrroN, in a note tint:dished in tte' fobe,
las a defined Iris position" on the:subject of the
text. Presideney. He says- 7 -
• lam nOliolitical enigma, and need rio edit- -
lion on the presidential questiOn; o r any other..
My conduct has shown me to be for Mr. VAN Bo-
REN for the Presidency, and against myself for
any place whateirer, except tho- ono I have • and
with this declaration, hope my correspondents
in all parts of the Union will be satisfied, and will
consider their enquiries fully answered."
A Port. DZAD.—Samuel Woodworth, the au.
thor of the ...Old Oaken Bucket," one- of.the .
sweetest lyrics in our language, died in 'Nov
York on . .last Friday: ,
Oitio.—The Ohio Legislature assemble!' on the
sth inst.—The -Logislature;h; strongly kOdo-Foco__
in both branches. Gm!. Corwin made his last
message to them, having been .superseded at the
last election by Wilson Shanon.
Governor Coawnv's Message is brief and able.
We condense the following summary of its -con,
tents from the State '.locrnal: -"
The GMternor -agora— t'sentimen of gratitude.
to the Giver of dead, alludes to.the success Which ;
has continued to attend our, system of self-gov-.
ernment, and to the causes which have contribut,-,
cd to a' result so important. That success liti as-.
cribes to the:degree of intelligence which distil:-
guishes our- citizens over 'the - people of-other na
tions, originating and sustained by our system of
universal education. On this subject he utiors a
sent itnenf, ns_beautifully expressed as-it-is- true - -
and just : "It," (Education) says Gov. Corwin,
not - merely the ornament of our po
litical edifice; It is the fcunlution on which it
stands, and without ivhich it must crumble into
ruins, and crush in its fall those — who, in a false'
and fatal security, have taken 'up , their abode in.
.Gov. speakii of the act of the rant Legisla
ture redrichig - the School Fund, as a measure
greatly_to be deprmited, the injuries of which
should be repired without delay.
The Wabash . and'Eric canal is nearly convict
ed, and a convenient connexion, with the River
and Lake has been secured. Thirty-four miles
of the Miami artensiiorl canal aro wanted to
complete an `inland navigation between Lake.
Erie-and the Ohiii at Cincinnati.
Tha interest upon the public debt has been.
punctually paid, and the instalmenF.duc on the .
Isl., day of J-nuary next, will be promptly, dia-:
On flip subject of the currency, GOY. C. re.
capitulates the flets getterrlly known, that there
are'23 banks in the State, in a sound and solvent
conditiOn, and justly entitled to the public conti
dencr.Ql this nomber,-tlat chatters-of. thirteen_
expire in about three weeks' time, and twooth.
ere follow within the next thirtecnoant,hs... The
aggregate capital of these. institutions is abort'
$5,000,000, a considerable .portion of'which is
held by nen-resident.q. Iftlicse.banks aro Butter
y(' to,ge out of existence, 'the peseut extreme dis
tress must be greatly aggravated..' In that case.
we shall have only eight banking corporations re"
maining in the State, hem Mlvhich to derive a cur
Gov. C, expresses himself in suitable terms on
the subject of el' ims of the State upon the
General Government, to a distribution of the a.
rails 'of the public lands, which would ultimate..
ly enable this State to pay the, whole amount of
her public debt. A similar reference is also made•
to the partiality shown byllie National Govern..
went in ite disbursements, western navigation
terests being almost. wholly overlocked, at an' im-.
mons° annual sacrifice of life and property.
The N. York Courier and Enquirer calls the
battle now going on between the Globe and Mad
isonian, " a fight between a 'rattlesnithe and a
skunk ;and nobody cares which whips."
Good beef is selling in Cincinnati ut thcce quar, -
ere of a cent per pound. • -
. - .a.1f10 2 63 113.1.51A1r5,,
, This plimsent 'Medicine is formed by suconsbildi—
lion of twenty different ingredients; nll eelebinted
for ;be core or Colds, Coughs, and Pulintinic Coin..
plaits; and by its combination, -if one of tlieyti
elei should be used separately and afford no iet,
in the EXTRACT OF 110ARROUND. they are
so amalgamated, that the benefit of tht; whole is ex-.
periencetint one Compound. • • • • ,
When the blood is in nu unhealthy state, and the.
cOmtitution naturally delicate, if a eold.sebrin find.
no immediate.ielief takes place, the chances are al-.
together against the 'Patient attacked,; it is rem-.
caesura taken in time, that disease is Checked and.
life savtul. There is no disease but may not be auf
fered to go such a length that. no medicine or phy-.
sician in the world can save - the person attacked.
This should be reinerabercd by all; the safety of,
life is, to be prepared in. time. At the Symptoms of
a Cold; Cough or Chilliness, THE CLARIFIED
be freely used according to direptionisraidiUMVEff
case where it is so used inittair timeOlse Chisel; or •
Cold will he, broken up or eradieitetk. We feel it
our duty to impress tins upon every oitel , reme
dies must be talich, in 1.1t0e.. -
The following is one of s thousand certlfieatera the
proprietor could show, itteratiog Ote virtue 'of his.
' "I have experimentally' tested the . virtues of your
Clarified, Essence or l loarhound Candy, anti Iseult'.
recommend it to 'be Universally eitetl by .all these
whose lungs are exposed.,,ctit publicspeaker Should
be without it. Rev. r: Lieu., •
Formerly Pastor of WE:•Chtuich,lreirk; Fa..
Remember, each package , Of. , the geneitte Minus.
hound Candy is Signed. J. PasoMik 4.tay. , •
'Ali letters, post , paid, directed to J. ! Pera' tte & 800,
Divislott,,t•ttret,l3l% will; Ike pojititougly. attended
• ' 1 3z7.. Merchants in the ocnnti7 wishing
Iloarhound Candy can ebtaitr It at the:tiAtnuracturer'a
levee* terms, by gentling sn.order'tcrik4 on in‘:the
city with whom they hero tleilings„?=.oll;'? . l4 • ;
(I,2.l%,..tereltants And storekeepers; In Alit:dank,'
can be supplied by sippilyirit to - ;3lesarg..4yers lu
Hay . eritiek whct large an#frVsh "got direct
from the,MittaiJltottlier.,
i!oV . 14hi 111irEltS . & lI.: I IVDRSTICIC, - •
.;. . Sole Agents for CerlisleAtid•by
• tDorskeinser; IdreatiaoliperS•
. „,. Daniel She G lly;Preg7A,e2r%
Abraham etz; Kin Oa
JooPPIA Grath, tioguagowlk. , -
Samuel Wilson„? . .
.'• Johtitigh; 'SSltifpenitbrg:
J. P. Wilson, '
2 ,04 ' - • •