Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 14, 1842, Image 4

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    ,TO FAIIITLItS4St f 4 IDS:
The follnivliig,indispepSt,tble 11utruft'Yreme.
dies ntny,ltelonttil - nt the.i ll lage:ging,etente,
and so?4'•*,,,eit . ery:eonhrf:'slOo34litit,ln - 3Orrinti..
Remember ` hhi,neveC :: get' '
have the•ltin.sinlite signature Of ,
‘ , 7 , l „,, , , e , t,ttt~.tvroppers,Others'
by 'be 144inp, 'anus are,liaseinpositions and counter
feita:—lrtFoThnerchunt nearest 'you has - thin' net t ,
urge In preenre . '"therrir nt . 7l IllaidenAttne, the.
,next time he Viitt l3'' NeVi . York;iir,t4iwrite for thein.
--No family o!loHli %MOW ihese ronedieS.
• ga,tf.
which 1%111- stop it it tilling out, or restore it on bald
placos - ; find oti childieb Wake it grovi• rapidly, or on
thoso;v:lio litivc , lost the hair from any mist...
ALL..vEgMIN that infest the beads of cliildron
in tiohooisi - aie Preventod or killed by it at
Find tit, Maine of --
&-72' on
it, or neve} leopentber this always;
RHEUMATISM,add • mom s .
positively cured, and all shilimileil.mitscles add limbs
tire restored, •in the old or yoimg, by. the INDIAN
butnevor without the name Comstock .. Si Co. on it.
• 171
iolly prtivontect, or governed 11 the' attnelc has
nomnpn; ifyou orq. th in 4 true LINI;INT,frOITI
and evtify tbitig'relieved by if ihatradniffs of an but.
ward applicatio.; ft, adis
. like 'a it.
.nrortsEs •tht have Rin.:Tiode, Spavia,
&c., are' cured by . Roors' Srreina ; and
Foundered horses entirely, cured by Robis'
Founder - Ointment. Nark this,;all horsemen.
. ,
• Dailey's Magical ?ain rix
itraciter Saluo.--The roost extraordinary
ininedy ever invented for.all.:nevVor
li - egutm t ;rAkw
nail 'gore's, and so-p
thousuodu. it will taka out ri9l pain in tcn inintites,
• and no inilin•e. It will 'cure the
A'better nod more nice and pseful'artiele never was'
made. All should wCar thrMi regularlY.
L 6 VS ➢`3GJYPIMA C,lO inratus:
the principle of substituting the Their in .place of
the stinpdala principle, which has reformed so many
drunkards. To be used with
• LIN'S-notr'• PILLS, superior to all
'others for cleansing lho system and the humors of
the blood, and for ell iriegulerities of the bowels,
and the general,i9 k • 42 , -
__lS.Laj.)r...TAN's- - sig. LT C. bi -- tfir- Jti
- n.l;, :] 7 --- "
. .
will - effectually cure. sick headache, eitheTiPinn the
Noß i vsg , or bilious. Hundreds of ilimilitto are
using it with great joy,,
fa' the e_eriain prevention of P r ONIV.,! or tiny
general sickness ; keeping the stomach in'-rnilist. per.
1 . feet order; die.bowels regular, and a determinako'n to
the surface. Eiff.M2)
pains in the bones, honmeness, and DEVE.iniZtrd
are quickly cured by it. Know this by trying.
C ORNS.—Tho French Plaster is n sure cure
c-: - T--„, -cr.--- ,, --- .
•fat, "
hair any shade. you ivish, but. will not color the shin.
com - §Tocms coat_
POUND EXTRACT.. There is no other prepara_
tion of Sarsaparilla that can exceed or equal this.
If you are sure to. get Comszeicu's,,you Will find it
superior to all otherS. It does not reiniire pufling.,..
- .11:035Mat '
bF CiilisTA: A positive 'ciao for tlic piles, and all
external ailings=all internal irritations brought to the
surface by friction with this Balm ;—so in .coughs,
sWellcd or sorethroat, tightness of the chest, this Balm
applied on a flannel will relieve and cure at once.—
, Fresh wounds or old sores are rapidly cured by it.
DC. Ilarthoirntrim's
%vifl prevent. or cure all incipient consumption,
taken in time, and is a delightful reamtly. Renton!.
her the natnei and get Comsfock'e.
eradicate all
in children or odes
with a certainty quite 'astonishing, It4s, the same as
that made by stock, and sells with a rapidity
almost incredible, by Comstock f• Co. t Now York'.
Entered oi:cording to ectoreormiess, in the yenr 18 42, byConistork
6• Co.. in the Clerk's office of tlin Southern District of New York.
By . applying to. our agents in each town and
village, mete may be. had free, showing the most
respectable names in the country for these facts, so
that no ono can fail to believe them. •
Go. Be sure you call for our articles, and not
be put Olt with any stories , that others are as
good.. HAVE THESE OR NONE, should be
your motto—and these never can be true and genuine
withUut our. tyriiacalo &nil.' All these articles to be
haft wholesab3 •and retail only of us. : -
. . 0 , Wholea() 'Druggists,
"1 Maiden-Lane, New York. rind of our agents ! .•
For isde iri Carlisfe , • , .., .• •
'. " .!ST
'''' SA.M.I, , 41 fIr,LTQTT, and .'
N P.Y r6* */ * .1.C.;1 8 , 4 P,..... ~' : . .'l
, • • .• • ~ .
This remedy for Worms ifi one of the most (stir's
orilinarysver used. 411 , in,e1611); , evailie:Ites tvorms
of all sorts: treat elite en and adults.
• Ti,lCKlSANDS•perish . hy wqrms.Witliout the reit!
cansOlit t in g known,:Soine °flint.' reason is as,ii: , ,oect •
for:their steknessonitil toe I,:tte . te rule Lk g cause.
What ~ tynnens e respotisibility then rests tgion the
_ltm eat who (Piles not kno - w, null (114;11ml:or who noes
'net. tngetfstioitbikti';etrciplaitif •svisieh fli:
isstrorin g
t hose itreeiond flowers'et.
What Oltwilf) he (lone ? ' •
The nnswer haplain, this'iermi re t ie, irhieli
gbottintiejltave no worms ; and
they'bove,,it wip,,gestro,y anc,l_eriolirom thernoxilb
-a kiailaint7:and.iwectiela.ap.uly eg.tovishin".
toile ;Carliile'. ISAlif tri.ti'LLLlDT'i',
and s'rzymNsom Bc,DI..IiINLE,-.00 in IL s - butx by,D W'GrOsik , ' .- '•
_ 'November 16,4 842...1'1' • '
.A..t•BEA'UTIFUL- •mpteriak,for...,Laclieet
of,yarioui enters..joit r'eebrifed. M the
Sfore•or : • • ' " .•:• • GEO. W. lIITNF.R.
• November 2, • • - • .
Register's- liToAce.
,R EGisT Ews
, , *,,..1b 0 5 14,
l ,
opicElaherebygiVeUto I.ekitees,Ciedi , `
4 . tors and other persons interested, that the
tbllowing accounts havo, been 'filed in this Office
for exatnination•by the accountants therein nained,
and will be, presented to , the Orphans' Court of
Cumberland county, for, eotifirrhation and,idlov,--
adce, on TUESDAY the 13th of DECEMBER,
15,42, viz:
The account Fishburn, Execu
tor of Jacob Shambaugh, lab) of Ndith Middle
ton township, deceased:__.
2. The account of'Davis Hume, Esq. Admin.'
ist: ator of George Myers, late of Silver Spring
tu'imship, deceased. ,
3. The aJeount of Joisiall Hood, Administrator
of William M'Donold, Into of Springfield, doc'd.
4. The account of David Palm, Administrator
with the will annexed offScob Goodharttdoceas.
cd, tiled by duid Palm's 'Executors. •
5. The mAnnit of Rudolph ffryslicr, Esq. Ad
miniitratm( 01" William Moore, late of Monroe
ti 7p, deceased. • ,
• 6 'he account of Andrew M.
tiiistrator of Mailicv Laird, late 'of Mtillin
t 'whip. deceased.
7. The account 0) ingepli Martin, Executor of
Jacob Alm tin, late of East f'ennsboro' township,
d, ceased.
A. 'The account-of David S. Renshaw, ESq. Ad
.tninistra tor of_Jaies Clark, Isle of
township; deceased.
9. The account of David / 3. Renshaw; Esq. Ad.
ministrator.of Henry Pilgrim, lute of Southamp.'
ton township, deceased:
19. The :lei:reset of Jacob Kirk, Jr. Adminis..
trctor of Eve Milkman; late of Allen township,
. ,
deotised. , . , . . . .
11. Tile supplehrent al account of Leonithllielin
Executor of .tacob helm, 'late, Or South am ptorr
tow nahip, alcceascd.
. ,
12. The account...if William Hinney, Adminis
trator of Jonathan s Reese, late of the Borough of
:ilecluMictibilrg, deceased. ' • - • - - - ....
•13.The'sneenont of William McConnell, Ex.
eentor of William Cevtait,lafe of the borough of
Shippensborg,dcceama% '
.'. . • .
14. The account of Mary Ann : White, C uardian
of Charlotte A. White manor' child of E. Whin:,
Esq. deceiNtql, filed by William Byrn, the hus
band of said Guardian.
ISA AC *ANGNEY , Register.
November 113, 18 , 1:2. ' 7 - . te-55
. LAND . FOR' SALE... • '.
'l'illE subscriber offers for sale, or) accornino ;
_IL dating terms,
RI C 'E' (D . T 'l' .EID
i. It has
Containing 170 ACRES, mere or less'—with a
A. 1011 S & Ef: ft TV thereon erected,
in a Abed , tlit(Yof
watered and under goodAnces. '
[loth parcels lying and being in Mifflin t,ownship,
E'tonberland comity, six - miles \V&A of-Neu ville
arid four N.orth . of Newburg. • -
-Any pCeson wishing, to purehnac . will call and
esatnine the prendses, When .the Penns will be
thade Icno ' V. gIIEV ENSON. •
}1. , `12 ES2lt A c lin!: aria,.
Av-T 0.. I• 2 and .i. in Ilarrelv, half nod gtint•lcr o
:ivc!ry superior qualitr..
overobvi• 1.2
P Al) A I R,.
<l;ra:•eary—at Lair, '
frhrrrca; .N 0.3 !lectern's Row, on the Pub.
lie.tirprarc, Carlisle, Pa. •
April ti, 18 trlp
• •
()fide opposite Ilic•QOpli.sle &lul.
Jilly_f27,lt!!4-2. 61n-39
3'42,7iTTE - 071. 7 732:111:7Y,71,;2E4
- 1E) a 1
gra ESPECTF tt:Mler; his services tour'
cilirens of.Carli,le and its vicinity, that he
w.ll attend to and perform all dontal oper:ktions
such 1. C/rpning, Pinging and Extracting. nit
tura/ Tenth, and intzerimg ineorrnptelite
teeth from a single tooth Men entire Fitt.
.riTOtlier oppottit.e INlTaFlane's
July 20, 11'342. 11%38
jf . ) t t 2 -
TITS permanently located in,Carlisle,and ~ vi ll per
-I;)rin all (Muraiintis that •ari; 'required in lite
practice 01' hia proilssion—such ns
ray! i nind
asen hag A 1.1 iCicial 70.4A:11'3,
rroin n single tooth to an entire set
N. D. For a lint: months ensuing., Dr. Loomis
will he in" Carlisle ' the
,first two tectiot in each
m'Olithi--aller which', he will be absent until the
lips! bra 'treks inc Jell following month—at which
period he may he round a Lids
Si; jrnirlafle . 4 hotel.
ay 4, 18 !.72. • tf.:27
.We'eli - anicsfa . 3irg Line
3 iveco ~V ilt, c ia:wirsburg teat
E 1D :: , 11,721.5,1phiez or lialiimore.
CRY RAID - 110.7D OR -C.7.V.1.D1
:7 VIE subscriber grati•fiil for past (hvors, bogs
leave tointbrin his friends and the public
that he still continues to run a line of
I ' mrthen Curs regularly between Mechanicsburg
and Philadelphia or Baltimore, by which goods
and produce of all descriptions will bedbrivarded
with care and,,despatch at the lowest rates of
_freight •
Produce will be received at , nre
.Mechanicslinrg, ;tar fot:wardcd to either Phila•'
delphis or Baltimore, according to the direction
of the owner. •
1121"fliedlighest \Will be given fur Wheat
and Flour: •
N: B. Plaster of Paris and Salt always ltep
on hand, add for Sale at the lowest prices.
He has aloo au hand, at the Depot in Meehanies.
burg, eor sale, LIMB En, sunk al fittxt rds,
Sil IDOly, &e. of all kind,
whiith will he sold on liberal terms
August 17. 1849.
RE" concluded to do
T.' an entire cash httSiness, olihrs for sale his large
and s,lentlitf assortment of-
-11,411 t .1) IF* el. It B
• NailS & Catt !cry; • •
!OWN' than it was.ever bought for in Philadelphia.
The fallowing will give you some idea of the, prices
Butt 1 era delerroined to sell at: • '„
ti inch Carpeaterth Patent Rita Looks, • •
from •$1 . :2 to $l4 per doz.
r, inch Brass Striker, 1 1 . , • 6,50' .
NoWton Gratis Set:thes, 1U a
Newlm PION ,/t 9 •If
flay Forks, Solid Cep Ferrule; 5 cc '
Cast Steel long handled sllovels, •a
Cumberland or Reading Nai15,.4,621 Keg.
Phoenix or Juniata 4444 "
Other makes • , .4,51 "
, I will 'sell An . ) , articles In 'line from 2063-'95
pet: pat.lowef than can behought.for on'eredit; Call
on-tue 7 ,-examine my goods- 7 get a list
.of,Tny, prices
--compare them with the prices of other stores;and
ascertain; i for -,-,yetir!tplvf :where:- Y,9 1 , 1 can. buy the
' • -t nr,NRY
405 'lVlitrket at. above 131 h, North ekle, nude' phii
:Noel ;1842. Gni-St
if Y E N Litne-burners,
ji tip& Ilituminous ,constantly f9r,
tali? by ; ;. ., . .
,7 t 'RCP. MAIMN
'irceoßeQrsito 1141ilar .s.:.,l47irtiri .
• 87
Ifarridirg, April 20,1842.:
r3i,L6,IITaA /1:2•,i11.31.1)9
annust 10,1812.
WM. m, mATErat.
• tr-53
Di% • e. Loomin, 1L enii~P:
u:sa , c.:•
jtèi r W
• ,
. .
• I' ETLTION for th . o Oen-kJ - it of Oic, - ,Dil)lk
rupt ,Livw, has been Eictd.l.he '29th proverntip
1842, by n •', ; •
7 Farrner and 'Carpenter,
' • • Cumberland, co.
Petition will In-heard before the bistriot
COurt of thellniled i 4latea.for the., I,ilastrrit 1./pariet.
of Pennsylvania, 'sitting in Dis
triet.klOnrt, City. ''or, .Pl'llll4loo, ';on,
FltEDAY.tite fah day. of
,,tit 1.i..0!a1p01i . , A. Whon,and'Where alb'persons in
terested piny appear 'and sliow any tlieyr,
have,'why the prayer of the said Petition sliould not .
granted, and the, said'Petitioner be ileelaPed Bank-
Clerk of the Distriet - Court.
Phil. Dec: 7 ) , 1849..• .• . ; . St-6
.. .. ... .
, A PETITION for the:.l3enniit• of the
JAL, liankratA U . i - ti, has I)&eit pled the I , lth Novent
bet,, 184 5 2, by .. ' .
of Dayton,phio; now Clerk,
Which Petition will be heard before the District
Cnort of the United States fur the Eastern District
of Pennsylvania, sitting m flankruptcy,nt the District
'Ciiittrt room in the City of.Philadelphitt,ooPßlDA
the 23 day of DE:CP:M.I3ER next, at it o'clock, A.
M., when :and where:all persons interested may. ap
pear „and show same, if any- they have, why thd'
prayer de tbe said Petitions should not 'he gradied,
and the said Petitionere declared Ilankcitpts. •
Phila. Npy,.423,184'2
. A . PhTITIOrst for Piscliargi3 and Certificate
underAhe Bankrupt Law, has been filed by
GEORGE 'HOLLINGER, (of the firm' of
Hollinger.and Davis,) late Contractor,
Cumberland co.
and 'FRIDAY the 27th day of JANUARY
next, at II (kVA, A. M. is niipotnted Ibr - the
hearing thereof, befoi•e:the said Court, skiing in
Bankruptcy, at the District Court Room , in the
City, or Philadelphia, when and where the Ci
tors or the said Petitioners,who have proved their
Dehts,and all other'pel!.Ning in interest, may np.
pear and show cause, Wally triey ha‘iia,: why such
Discharge, and Certificate should not be 'granted.
Clerk of the District Court.
Philadelphia, Nov. 23,4 812. . 10.56
IN. O'T 0. IE,
Pt PE'I'I'I'ION ler the Benefit - . of the
447414, litetkeele Law ; lets beet, filed the 19th No-
N ( . 1111/( . , 181'2, hy'
11 - 11,1,1A:1 IL WOODBURN,. late. Me
rchant and Farmer, . Cumberland en.
It !till A 1 ill be Ite.nerl bef,re the lbstriet
Ceeet (Wi t h)) Cuitrd .Lite fee the EsSteve . Dish-I())
of Mitiett lialikrupley, 1;1 the.
(:0111.1 room hi lite City r.f oil
litll).AY the .30th day ()I' IiF.C.EAIIIMIL, at 11 o'-
cluck, il. when ati.l where )01 persees
may sill»)»r and shotr e:»Ise), ifawc they bare, 3‘ by
the ie.:lye)) said I'vtitiouslirit)lll lilt lu granted.,
:11111 the ')....)i)1 l'etitience deehtrell.llsekstipt.
4finly -V
Nov. 230-44;2
G~i ~ '~jw~o~.2'.~~.+w~:d~a
- F3ETITioNs.. for -the liehefit . .of 1116
Bank Ilia. I nii , hacc beetifileti the lUth Novettk
lier, 184'2, by N'
SA NIUM, * SMITH, (individually 'and an a'
\lrutlu•r of flu , firm tintidt and (iaigh• ,)
NI illur,laal Ilistillcr and Fur
• - warding Aierchal,t. Carabuiqami co
SA NI CPA, 1)A N' I 11SON, Tanta. & CurritT,
and as a .I.latalaav in Company with .I.ohn-
xvlit e t, poitinns evill lw linfore the District
Count of tin .341:ittn rot . tin Enstern I)istt•int
of Pt.:tinsylvattia, sitting in Ilanktmittev, lit tin
trict Court room iu tii( City of l'ltilatlelithitt; ptt
PUIDA t 2.1 flay or I P.C1',11111.:12,at I I o'clock,
A. NI. wfwn nun' where nll per Fons inte•rt•stetl may
111111(.111 . 111111 !JIM if any, they Itityn, why Iltt•
prayer nl• the l'etitiontws stionld hot lw gritittetl,
mill OW said .l'etitiutteret tineltirt , tl linnkt•tipot. •
• litAti. HOPKINSON . ,
Clci•kcprtlie Di4triet.Cnuvt.
Novel11;o; 16, 4S.P.i St-55
PETITION for 'lib':'Jorge and Gertiiivaie
dee the liankenpl. Law,ll..s hem filed by.
ID\l lank , epee;Clindleeland en.
SIMI ritini the- , 27th oI.NN II A IIY neNl, at
I I (..elnek: A. \I. is appointed for the hear:lig here
herore the said linnet, sill
- die District (:one( Itonin. in the i;ity of L'hiladelphla,
v. hen and n have the Creditors the said l'otiiioner,
ha% e proved their and all 110.1,1115 iu ill
niav appear and slimy vans,. if any they have,
why snell I/iselnlege and Ceililleale should no( he
(It the I)iatriet Conch.
Phila. Nov.
I•3* TIVE.
jI)F:TITIC)NS rue 'Discharge and Cerii
_. ficate wider the Bookroio. Lao, lone loYco
Ity •
JACOB A. 11.1UNI, Tokeoper, Condo clood co.
IVILLIA NOAKER, Saddler •ancl Dis-
Rnlchcr : iacompa %%Ida Sianoel
. (.'nniberland
awl I'UIDAV the.fiOth_day of_D.F.CEAIIII;I2. toit,at
II n'Adm.k. ..\l. is appointed I - 01'th ,
hornre the said Court,sitiing iu Itan!..ruplvy,:it.the
I)i,tviet Cotirtronro in the City of Philadelplii.i,whed
and %%hurl. the Creditors of the said Petitioners, vlin
have evil their 'Debts, and nll ptlivr sin in-
ITIRV appear :me s'imt• cause, it imy than 11:113e,
~ ilcll lEseharge and Colititme Ile rill lloi
Clerk.of..the Distrjyt..C.ooyt._ _
Pliiht. Oct. '26, I g . . • 1(1-.5=2
"..k > i'l'fto\ for Dischar g e and Certificate un-
der the 13:m1.1411)1 I,:tw, hits been It led by
RoBERT SNODG ItASS, late :tl,4treliant,
• Cumheld:old en.
did - I'IZTITA - Y — TriF3ol - trilay of7III.IUNAIBP.II tu‘xt,
at o'elock, A. \f. is app votedfor the hearing
t in•rea, i)n,c(we the said Cnnrt, s i tt i„ g B„„k r „ ptcy ,
:it the Court hau n t, in the City of Philattel
phia, when and where the Creditors of the said l'e
tititmer, who have proved Allele I)chts, and all other
pees•ms in interest, may rtityatv and show cause, tf
:my they have, why suet Discharge and Certificate
should not he grouted.
_ _
Phila. Oct. 12, 102
•• -
LT, persons indebted to the Estate of 3,EAR
1-A. TIN G. It UP who,was decreed a Rink.
runt, June 20; 1.142, will inakupay meat to the
undersigned Assignee of bankrupt, on or be.
fore thelst•dayi of January, 1842.
P. F.- EGE, •'-'
Assifr,two in Bankruptcy of Martin G. Rupp.
Office opposite the Carlisle Bank,
Carlisle, Oct.. 5,1842, , 3na.49
. .
• Notice Ist' Bottkropey.
nriFIE DistrietUourt of the United States ter the
Eastera District of Penttsylvinin, holden
adelphin, having on tie Of November, 18.1.2,
,b , F its decree upon l
petition of Samuel Eckles,olin
islibUrn and Daniel Gribg, of Cumberland county,
declared - Daniel P. Sherbahn OlL,Nyeatpennaboro'
toiymilip in said comity, Bankrupt-vitlitu the true
intent' and' Meaning Of the Aet of. Congress, and the
said going having ordered me as... Commissioner in
Bankruptcy for CumberliunlcounlYOU take,Peonf of
debts due by the said Bankrupt to his creditors;
they ni.e here by notified, that I have fiked"tlid 21st'
day of Deceniber,'l44l,lietween the hours 'of
clock, A. o'clock P. 111. and every subse
quent day; 'betweenAliu , same hours-SuntiyPs'is
cepteduntil the Mit Any. of. , DeOpnberi - 1 MS, In..
Oluelv9 for taking. proof of air against the
Feld 13 ankrupt,litmrifillee, itiSentli Weever -street;
roar doors south 'Of the Court4loOse, Carlisle, Pa.
:.• JNO: 11 ABPB114-Ccinimissioner.- -
November's°, 18.12, • td-3i-
OFFICE in South Hanover street,. hoot. IW i .
Clellen'irlintel; whore - ail intuit"' ation.delii.,
ed, in rofereriee the thou; inteinitne
io 'fol. the benefit of,' the ; ponkii.44:4;et,
tie obtained. ' •
Pei-hide; May - 1342. ,
Cumberland Co
Clerk of the District. Court.
l'R.\ S. 11111'1iIN:•50Y, •
Clerk or tke.Distock Court.
Cumberland en
Clerk of ilie District •Court.
In trill,*;: . posiiiti‘t.
%The Spring4arden Firi insurance Coln ,
*m y.> Phllatlelphia; ,
MAKE iNSURANEE,. either. temporarTor .
perpetual, against loss or .damage by ' , till:,
in Tumor Coma ry,on Houses; Barns and. Build:
ings,of .all 'kinds; :on;liouseliold Yurniture, Mer.
pliandize, Horses, Cattle, Agriculttral;.Commer,
cinl .and; Manufacturing, Stdel and : Utensils-of
ey4y;deaeription,aa wallas Monly.otp and,G.rt,ouna
RiLlq, 1306'6a-most favor4blc terms.
rhe. following are tia usual rates, -viz
04 Stone and.briCli: buildings, from •
35 to 4-o'etif. on $lOO
"Log and Iran*, ' 60 to 70 cts..on 100
"Mereliandiie . and turn i..
turaor. stone
buildingS, froin ;
"Do, , in '
"Horses ' , cattle,
, utensils 'and :Sundries,
at about "
On Brick or stone buildings, 8250 n $1,9011, the
premium subject to be. withdrawn at any time by
timparty insuring, at a deduction of 5 per cent.
on the amount paid.
Applications for insurance, or any information
on the subject, may be made either pprsetially or
by letter; at the Company's at . tbe north
west corner of Sixth and Wood streets.
- • MORTON APMICIIAEL,' President. '
L. KRUMIMAAR, Secretary, or
JOIJN J. MYERS, AGENT, Carlisle, Pa.
IN rectors. : . •
`Morten.l4l'llfidnrel, • George M. TretilMan,
Joseph Wood, - Samuel Townsend,
Lagmerenne, Robert L. 11,eughlicad,
Elijah Dallbtt, R W.'Potocroy,
Chas. W. Schreintir, Charles Stokes,
• 'Joseph .I..Sharpless
September 1.1, 1.8,14
. .
subsAiriber hereby informs his
the puhlic in „c u rt al, that he still
eoottoties to keel, it -
L.1:1 1
- -
(1., itortstothe enntraxy nottt nlistataling,) at the OL;I)
STAND:in East Iligh.Stri•ct, a lew (hors east of
t lie .1.40 rt !louse, islets he will-at all ( times lake
pleasure in administering to the comforts of those
who may favor hint . witit their custom.
. .
!TAT:. f ill` ertte.1:11011 - sttlittliell with the
eltnier,t lirmrs - , -- writi - liitt — l - AltirE with thi• hit the
market can lilrnis t. ; tilwttys
t.ketti it) lie left tititlotte
topic:l4i. all 111ul call will' him.
IMA 111)1.11(S taken hy the or
April 6, 184.0.. ' tl-23
Union' paper
MBE subscriber respyTtfully infoims the poln
Tie at large, thut..he has leased the abovc•es.
tablishment, ;011 II of Carlisle, for a term
of years, and the BILL having been recently re
paired, and new machinery introduced, he is
theietbre prepared to manufacture to order, (and
'also has a stipPly eqnstantly 01,1 hand)
Paper of every kintliaind Quality,
which ho will furnish to print4rs, merchants and
others, in'any quantities Cl the low e st city prices,
All orders addressed to the subscriber, at Paper,.
Cuml.erlund County, will receive protnpt
attention. ' _
Having lately received a supply (lithe very be s t
nuitiThrls,'he (hitters himself that he will be able
to manutoettire paper equal in quality tb any other
e:itablisliment in the countrv. --
1%/11,11AM B. MULLIN,
Payed riv,m, Jule 20, 18.12. tf.3S
• N. B. The highest price paid fhr rags.
. .
3°.a..1. Ens.. -
. .
1 1 1Eff21411110.1 II t al i aDill i as
. N. •
rnliill sitliscrllter4,.at their. FOUNIAItY AND
(. :MACHINE SIMI', 011 31:11 - 11 StrjeCileally6l)..
110hitt! the Comity Jail, in the llorongll'or Carlisle,
Pa., still cc - intimc to build the Following Machines
and Horst. l'o'ners—viz:
'lr. ID. Brirrelrs f)a tent lfzliprol'ed
TIIREI AND .1 , 0(112
will: :: 1$011:: milati band-u iit'el, with ~11 tilllik to CGII
im C the strap to the Machine.
• Vi:e. !St till• ((.tilt. horses. They ar
‘,1.11 calvolsl,l to put to one side hritlBc
or titiths the Ilan, !:11:11.
VZ, C 2 d ji.3
To n-prato the grain 1/.ln OW straw, %% !pleb gill
111510'10W WWI 0110 ur tw 0 111001 S, will be maile to the
above _Nl:whine if wanted.
2 ,12,,
,4 - 4 14 - 1; a.? at 41,
Purohnaitil 'any of thellmve 3laoliines may litive the
pi k liege. after a fair trial, of retoriiitg Ilse same if
not All Alaellitio's awl nurse Powers are
MZllTalltell fill: one year, if well used.
All nds Or repairing. Will be done of thusnortes
notice and as the lllost. rellSOlelhie ' it'll al
-0 ((S keep on luottl all enstings necessary to reimir
the above 3ltteltihes,ot , rtuy others now in use.
There isralso attached to the above establishment
kinds of C ASTI NGS ean he had—mu:lt as Apple
AI ills, Guru Brokers, Plaster BrakePs, Mill Gear
ing, Saw .Mill Cranks, Machine Gearing, NY:lgo!'
Boxes, &e. &e. Also,
1111111 CA LNG 'ENO
Such as , Mill Spindles, Car Boxes, Turning Lathes,
6t.e.;:i1l in the hest order, iti iron and brass:
Alt orders wilLho , t..xecutetl-td-the:shortesi-net
account promptly attended to. Farmers and others
:ma respeettnlly invited to give Ina call, confident
that they eau he suited to their satisfuctiop. •
Cat•lisle, Am;. 10, 1842. • tf-41
cc_rPlailek's-; Ilenwood'sand Ogle's ,PLOCGOS
and PLOUGH. CASTINCS,sueIt as" Cutters-Land
sides, &e: Ne., can also'he had at the foundry.
H ;. proprietors of the Susquehanna Line wii
run their Curs and Boats as usual to Phil
adelphia and Baltimore during the present season
Thzdr friends will please apply to Win., L. Fox
Broad st. and to Castner, Christian & Curran, No
76South Wharves, Philadelphia, and Joseph E
Eld er , Baltimore.
Until thrtlier notice, the following prices will
b e a dhered to.between this. place . and the above
• MI `1:1
bW ` 4 t)
••• 14.
" • Ca 4 .
crq o
P 174
• (Z. 3 '
• ;A- •5-
15c . 81 per bbl.
20 23 40
Aldper 100 lbs.
Groceries, Q 'Ware
and HardWarc,
Dry Goods, Furni...
tura and Drugs,
Wheat, Rye St Corn
..., per bushel '
Oats do. •, - -
Lumbetper 1000 .'
. .
feet , $2 75 $3 50 ,
Shingles, de
.1 •SQ 2 00
Flour per bbl. ' 31'4 - .35 .50e
Shad, ' do' ' ! 37 3 : •
llerring .do „ 311 . . , "
Salt per.sack,' 28 "
Pitch, Tar and Rosin
per 100, ; • . -
Plaster groie to s s2 -25'.' 50";
Hemp PoT 100, '-' - •
Hides, -,20t
PirMetal,!grosa,ten 2;50
'Blooms.4 CaStings, 3 - 121 ' :;;;4.00. : ; ,
Bar Iroii, 3'56. .4:50
Nails Per kce, - P..g'. , tlB.-
Leather per 20 - -!. 25
Whisktyper-bbFi- 4 -"50----*-- - 55
Burr BlochsPer 100; 15
Curb Stone, :do: 1 0 1 v
4u. ' • - .
' ' - •• • • 3';',C . 4
-sycqcoor Martins;".
31444, 1842. 6!, • • 4 6ni 27
25 28 , 43c
10 11 .
6 , 7'.
,!• „
- 00114 - H
tiogl) , s, P
t 1 3614 +loi —Sim
t •
plc as thestiZmililainti4ktialAillibodaidered,.
no one'eart de9ytheirhAng::.l:hu most,,,common
cause athisfataleint `distressui .
indeed a melatieholy„truth,! that ~thOnsaials; ,fal
victims to Constimption everyyear :front no other
can than -Vett% ww find • fami-'
dreds,ltay tbousenk wlMAroat, such complaints ;
with the greatcfit indifference, andlei. thorn_ run
On for weeks and gen Miinths"Witheuf thinking
of the 'tianger.,' firet'Yeii,haVO what you may'
considera slight cough or cold; you allow' buSi:
noes, pleabure Or carelessness to protlnt you from
;giving it any atuntiorit it, then settles uperk,your
breast, yen:
,binclee hod - se,;have pains - in the
! side or chest, expectorate large qua ntitietif
ter,_perhaps mixed 'bleed, a • difficulty of
breathing ensues, and then , you find .'your.. own
foolish neglect has • brought
,on this distessitig
complaint. If then you value life ,or: health be
warned inflate, and don't trifleivitli yotir'Sjor.o,
or trust to any quack nostrum to mire you, but
immediately &acute a bottle or • film- of that fa.
mous remedy; the "Ihi.smit'.o! WILD CIIRRITY;"
which is. well known to be the most speedy curo
over knoivn, ai - thousands Will testify whose, lives
have been saved by. it. • '
- 113ne,very particular when on 'torahs° to
as there is else a SYRUP of this name in use. • . •. •
40 to 50 cts. on 190
60 to 70 . cts. on 100
GO cts: on
Prepared, wholesale and retail,. by IVILLIAMB
& CO., Chenficts, No.. 33 South Fourth .street,
Sold iu Carlisle by
Price One Millar a Bailie.
.',7-. UE,; 4 0t.i. , .,4 aa , D'V , I - ''
o,"lrc*p . -.': ' .5 - .* .- .A 4! ' NA, .T )
, F ,, , ,t t t, ,
. 111.
,k‘ . . 1 ,4%?! NJ?. ..t-- igi2. , . IV
(*it -It p'S` l ij "pi''.:',., - , ' I 1 . ,k• ;`-; 1 4
. .-;..*.ii.liv - J4 ,, } e. 1. , ,'' .' V ..Sl-99
/HIS OINTMENT is a safe and agreeable
application, and hatinever been known tofail
in curing various affection's of the skin, when used
according to directions. . .
• Hundreds of eertiiicates might:be immured of its
illic . acy from Captains'of Vessels, 'School Tench
'Es. Principals of Pacificles, and Parents, were it
lot. for the delicacy of having their names pnblish
id in connection with so loathsome and disagree
v7 - Price,ly,five cents a box. .
Prepared and sold only, wholesale and 'retail,'at
North Second street, near Vine. (sign of the Golden
Eagle and :: 4 erpents) Philadelphia.
For solo iit Carlisli•, by .
V - IF,•N - HaN
• Auontp• for Cumberland Clout - 1(y.
Carlisle, May IS, 1812.
G .1 3. IT.A . P.IGANi"
ilk a'i'd oicicaT2Altial,
illE Stibs'eriber lins' received addition- -
id sopplicuif the chat e named ce "i.tratOl •
13.41LSAIVI OP. ii - EA,LTIE,.
Li hid' ha, iu s enrols:el relieved tincards .
of SIX I'Ilt)t7SA.Xl) persmis itt dill'erent sections
nl'the,ri:uulrr,nf the following diseas , :s, such as In
(l.,:frestion ~/)us/u•/aeia, audatll those trains or di Seiltil'S
arcingfrom a disorder, d condiliuu or. the stomach
and liver, deratigeinect . the vligestive . functionsi
such as -- -.
. . •
.1 (;:mtrral Debi Ileal.ness ',raw S'inmach,
(',R(iveness..)l, 7 adarlic i .lamuhre,
tioits, I CV 1 . wul
antrhas iti , stroyed all kinds of
.11 . 011.115, - loth. in
grown pct sons as well as in childretioisid cured ma
ny otheretniiplititas which:llT too numerous to in
sert tit this advertisement, which can he seen in the
directions St hied) eau-lie found wrapped :mound each
bottle, tt ith a nutobee of certificates or cures ter
formed' by thin valuable I talsaut of I lealth._
The great demand for tills llalsam of Ileitltli Las
lately induced some unprincipled persous - to impose
on the public ti spurious article for the geoid:ft-I lal
'lllll of I lealtlr, therefore phut proprietor cautious the
public from purchasing hilt from his
appOillted :4gentS. The genuine Balsam of I lealth'
has th.• name of the medicine blown on the gla;ss of
each bottle, ,thus- 7 "Garlegant's Ilaisiun of Alsaith,
prepared only by Jott:s: S. :thm.r.n;'!„,,,,ml. besides
that, lie has his signature, written lilt a label, w Lich
is pasted on the outside wrapper. or each bottle,
Inch secures it frmn hying cuunterfcityd.
(r . 7 I'n he 'had at all tunes of his .kgent in this
place, who has :lice:My sold large quantities, uf.ielt
proNeS it :t medicine of 'great value and relebriiv.
SA \118:1. ELLIOTT.'
•trlisk, SeptelAiwv:23, IS•i;!
4.:rarllc . g:a 4:4's ri . '; za ca
Tll E subscriber has just received
lersh supply of tl e abo‘e named celebrated
BALSA ()P.111'..11:111, hichlt . 4 in a few ears
cured and vdieved ow% toils of four thousand per
..ous iu dillerent sections of the 1001111• y of the fid
tottlilgedlSea C.3 , suchas the spepsia, all Cholics
11101 NETVOII9 Diseases.and all those trains of diseas
.es resulting , rectadisordered inintlitiivolf ito Stow;
neli--ciires Agile :mil :mil fresh
Sores, and drtilret tall kind of a orms, both .in grown
persons and cri Wren, mid :tidily other cm - uplands.
All•Itose persons that purchase this Nledicittewill
find a full directionlo each hottloyas well as a nitro
nf certificates of cure's perlormml. 'ro be ha 4
nt all times or his agent in this place, who has soil
already large quantities. The great detnand for this
Balsam of Ile:1111i has lately
.inilticed sonm,tittprinci
pled person to counterfeit it . --therefore the proprie
tor cautions public from purchasing any only
from hisyregular appointed agents. The genuine
Ilalgani; It:atilt has the name of the medicine
m own on the glass of each bottle, and his sigautture,
John S. NI i Iler, wrote on a kitel which is pasted on
the outside CON:01., which completely secures them
from being counterfeited. For sale only in this place
Fur soh nisi;
iu Al'ayneshoro', Pa., and John Brackenridge,
Shippensburg, Pa.
September till, 1.842,
-A3uttv, CIDER VINEC:A:t for Pickling, for sole
by the subscriber. • •
GEO. W. HITNE - 12 -
Carlisle, Air,T. 31, 1,34e2;'
1:111341 N. 11711111iblg
Froin 375, Bowery, L York.
Trp - bB nine years this medicine has stoodunril'nled
r for the cure of Coughs, Pain in the side, diffi
cult): of breathing, Bronchitis, and all those affec
tions of the Throat, Lungs and f.iver, which ere is
sour c e of 10 much suffering anifwlfich unarrested
so oftenjerminate in Consumption. So extensively
has this remedy !wen used 11111 in so many 'cures lets
it proved socces , 44,...the proprietor feels no hesi
tancy in recommending it to sill who unfortunately
have occasion to resort to some minus of recovery.
Multitudes who have .experiented itsf.happy effects,
can testify to its'utility, and very many rescued from
a premature death, point to it asJlie me nth their
The originator of this remedy 'Us well versed in
the Science of medicine, and 'a ,skilltd Practicioner.
l'it) . .sicisits familiar with its effects not unfrcquently
prescribe it in their practice, and , with theArleilicall
Facility pienerally it has met with a larger .share of
approbation titan is, canimon:With exel9sive 'pre
parations._ •
. .
f* - CONSUAIy rfON—.-The `following:remark
were taken from - the last number of the Al edieal
,;, " .1 •'3
''The Surprising idreet produced by' the, genuine
Dr. Taylor'sßalsam of LiietWort, made at -.375
flowery,la 'eon sit mpt i ea se s; cannot fail exciting
deepnnd'thrillinginterestthroughouttlreWorld. We
hare .sdlong believed this disease (consitinption)in.
curable, that it isllifileult to credit Our senses-.when
we see persons, evidently .eonsumptive, .restored to
health. • Yet:it is,aftiet of daily oesurrehoe.
lAVER.COM PLAINT and General Debility-4
doconsiderimSeurcalmostmiraculous : ' Imas given
up by fwe phystoians,and told to preparefor. death 4
I was in this few:. state when alripitd sent toe:thin
tle of Dr. Taylor's Baltitim of,Liyerwort; frotn.,:ff4
Ifiwery,and before bottlol.was.
,able le sit lip in by dio farther tile I hirt:o
pletili'regriiiied my health,' • All - sfidtilitlise
GEO.'WELtS;:t 3301 in
1 , 7101. X. NT' P.A.iN,IN4-41.00.,1.:4-1444
been 'cured cifff;vihlent
inilikestion;'ilizzne s; lode
of appetite end .'general delislityclit - th - e'iliki:rof (WO
hottlits'a: Di.*TilvloPrilfiitgatMof
A. if,,ALLEN,l.Aferehantla.ltowi,,,
'For sale' fly" sTEtENsp$ & roncuz; 616
a g ents for
• ; Weber i16;184 , 2,-
lirtlo4 piqniedia Ois.ollick, a fine assortip . oo,
DIE EDS; 11 .0.WIrPikqEs a•
fotlifei BLANKS. ..
. , .
r :.-{,pl . ,..puf . rklpk:m)l : 4;slie,co.s,. -•,
1 turdiatistaatagtt'uf.
- , t!... .:.:-,,-- ';.• ~,r:-. ! ,:,- ',;'+'is. !, . :., ~ 5::
11 1 ,4114.D.LIVE,OILANOI - 4;nl4Aforlhe cure
o . Pouglis,colds,Consurription, Liver dom.
I .. .plairits, Asthma; DrOii '''''''''''''''' Throat, Dys
pepsia, Shoz;tness 'of' Breath; - Pairimin'the Side,
1 Breast, Back rind:Slibuldi)rn,_ Ague, and' Elver, an.
intallable cure, and all Scarlet and Bilions revers,
and all discasea:nriaing from 'exPositie and AC.:
inlay, no matter how long standingin' fent ell
`diseases to which the human faMily aro siibioet tir.
_'These pills are / unsurpassed. by any, medical_
coinpound everpflered to the pUblic esti general re
novator and family ', M edicine.' They tire.'•veti
gentle ih ilieir 'operation,"'iitiging neither 'paiii;•
sickness nor debility by the use of them; but. on.
thenontrary : they - ; strengthen the. oinaeli . and
boWehi in a wonderful inannerilan soon restore'
nature to itrrformer course rind . vi 0r... The 'per;
son using the Olive Brunch Pills , : soon 'forgets
that'lie,was sick:-..--which is very easily accounted
for: there is not ; that prostration of -strength;in .
these pills as in many. other, remedies of. the day,',
because the materials used in manufacturing Om
arb in harmony with the powers, of-life and act
in concert with the opinions of Dr's. Brown, Bush,
Armstrong, Montgo-nery, Hersey, Hendrick,
Shopper, and: the celebrant] - Dr.. Waterhouse,
formerlY.Lecturer ,on the theory and practice of
Physic in Cambridge, -University, Massachusetts.
Purcinise of them, and give them a fair and i nir',
partial - trial, and you, will find that permanent re
lief.; upon ! which the proprietors depend to make :
the the most universal family medicine used;
and which will stand unrivaled by any other in
the known world. ‘ Price 25 cents per box. :.
Is one of the most artain and. affecting cures for
all rheurnalic, elrronieMul inflammatory Rlionma.
Llama that has ever yet been diseevCred, and in
nufnerous cases has eradicated that dreadful dis-:
case from persons afilieicd entirely. All sour
drinks and viattialif 'an • strictly forbidden, and
spiritous -liquorsg inust not be taken inwardly by
any Posits whatever, or it .will..ho , ofO - use to
taka this medicine, as it, will destroy t( le good ef
fects of the medicine entirely.. Price $1,50 per'
package. •
These celebrated drops Laic acquired the'high
est recommendations in this country, as well as
m Europe for its most viduable proprieties. fbr all
inward weaknesses, eranips,coldsogues and fiver;
and when used with the Olive Branch. Pill4,never
tails_to-enre the reKer an& ague:•- Price 42 --cer,ts
per bottle. '
rEcTol-A I." ELI X.I IZ
Is imrivAled for its cur:dire qnnlitics t reti Nvh,
used in-cases of rnabidiea which were etlierwise
inenrahlo.any — recomittemin loan — linen been
girco of the beneficial clii2cla it hits hind in the
cure of;pleurisf, pectoral and pulmonary con.
•snmptions, colds, ice. • l'rice 25 cents per'. bottle.
'Phis mna excedlent article Ikas a quality - of
cabothg imtanify...aild without fitil , all eratims . of
the Stomach, cholio and that troublesome disease.
called inollic'r fits or' hysterics; and when continu
ed liar sonic length o'f time, will cure the patient
entirely. Price 25 cents per vial.
A .certain .cure_for all Scalds, Bruses, Burns,
and the Most effeettnil 'cure fur the piles--it will
cure the person afflicted in a - very , short time, if
used according - to directions.' Price 25 ets. per rial,
This spirit is highly. recommended fur all
spfains, swelling of the limbs, or leaders, sinews,
joints and rheumatic; as,nn outward remedy; it haii
no equal,and when used with the Rhouinatialliedi.
cinc, will greatly facilitate the cure,/
nuals of If listory do not , produce its equal, and it is
the greatest prcveritive against cold, in the
known world. For particulars sec directions accom
panying the liotges.. Price 23 cents.
'rocYrri.‘ctiE -
• An iiiiall.dile cure if used` according, to dime
flinfit. Price 25 (Tilts per vial - .
.Li decidedly tbC beat application fir wounds
and sores, old or new, of allitinds, and will pre-.
vent if used in time, many operations; and pri•.
vent Lock ,Taw, Pains in jhe Ila . ek,
Females who are so utiliwkinate as to have sore
lircasts, and Will use this wonderful salve, will he
cored in a very sion.t. time, It cannot be too
I: recommended. Vor further particularssee
duns. frier 12). cents per box.
excelictit. article ii,r•tlic cure of worm:: in
a.!eits us well - as children, and will cure wi zen
reractlies till!. Price 6.; cents per Los.
A superior article litr throat,
l'..uncltitis and difficulty of lirciithing. frier (i.
Sold wholesale and retail, at the principal (ace,
:o.:38-I, North 3d idrert, Philadelphia; and by
JOHN GRAY, Carlisle, Pal .
Graces} Agent for Cumberland Comity:
June 92, 1 X4l. I v. 11.1
ND ilyou have a friend, a relation, or know
any:one,that afflimed w ith that distressing
disease, "CQNSUMITION,"persuade them with.
out delay to try that famous and unrivaled mcdi.
vine, the.
"Balsam of Cherry,"
liich has cured thousands of this' complaint af=
tor everything else had failed. Read the farm undoubted proolk of its efficacy:
Roxtionirocu, Sept. 10 1841.
-IhAn-Stn:—Please-fend . -ine twoinore bottler?of
your 'Balsam of Wild Cherry, like that you sent
me before. I have tulten nearly all of the firsftwo,
and confidently believe this medicine will cure Inc.
lest year, but have never found any thing that has
relieved me so much. It, has stopped niv cough
entirely, checked my night sweats, and I sleep
better at night a klitad_ladicr in very.-1VaY.411:111-
I have for many months. Yours, respeetfidiy;
llMmessuso, Sept.l2, I.
FRIEND WIS'IAR:—.! MUNI. again trouble thee to
send mc two bottles more of thy invaluable Dal.
stun. I have now taken three bottles in ull, and
Can assure - thee that it has done more good. than
ail ke medicine I have ever, taken before. Send
by the stage as soon as possible, and Oblige thy
MtISTOL, &lit. 8, 1841.
Deva DoeTom—licaring, so many people' talk
of the wonderful cures your IlalSam of Wild Cher.
ry has made in Consumption, I sent to ono .of
your Agents the vtilirr day for a bottle, and have ,
found it to have relieved ma so much, that I want
three bottles more sent soon, as I believe It will
cure mc ton. • I. Wave used Jayne's Expectorant
and other medicines besides, but nothing has done
me as much good as yours has. Send by the.
Steamboat Bolivar. Yours, truly,
• "V 4 !LUAU T1103IAS„,
• litar Besides its a stonishing. efricac)i:
Consumption, it is else tholmoat efilietual.
ever discovered for LIVER" Ctf)M 1 1;AINTS,
WHOOPINUCOUGH,.."Sie., ae. If iniare4will tea.
tify who have bcon.curodbyit after tilletber rems, 7
died had failed. - " • ••'.. . • '
DRUGGISTS and DEALEItS'WiII find "thia
medicine a valuahle addition to their stock, and
should always keep - H . 47)i) hand; as it is universally
acknowledged to bootie of the most-useful family
medicines now in use.
r.C . )-••Be very.eareful to ask for Dr.,IIISTAA'S
Balend retail by, WlLLlAlVlSS4.'o,,,Clieixiists,
SoutliFourth Straot E ,Philadelphiii.
•Kr 'keridipe'.Bribirim sold. ,in car-
Ag;ent.' Pridd-sl,p6r Bottle,
Juno 22 1842: " • t0263i3
r i l lEE "PV.1314 1 4 0
ItAIrAIkIUP.4,CtURED end ' , legit's* , Jia s yrl, for
J.U. sale, lir the ''..x.Lehiousitei, 'near the
Roil Roact, : i s
E (4110.5. - ,Citro gikWer
VI , c • L.
T rifSll,lll,u, , M,A , u
-!torso,,, and for: two., lioissfa,s wgrentect l io
3)1 0 r ve4; all 4 or. grolttei. durtlbilitY ,ll / 4 4
0 pii:-P4achiqcs, for
sub B Pril'sr 4;liresont: "<
WM: ItinicilAßß,TPX:
; <,,,pmeaster, 7ay '4, ; ,6istig27
P.THEkt „
' , .
. .
This is the seasoa When'thide'strUctive'
complaint' atiiiBlfificnii ihterestiri little children,
often robs you of those you' fondly. dont 'cizi,.and
carries hundreds to-the Olive:, ,f.very N mother,,
sh °nit', tip refoe, knoW•itlt'symptoens,,WellFl;i :
,closely, and always he mowed, with ti remedy
as Many'are daily sacrificed by sGGh negleet:'
find, the little .patients seized with. a 'shivering', it ,
grOvisie 'EMf ltent;theAlies - bacoine
'.red etzid svvollen, it breathes . With .dithOulty, :mid •
thori conies that fearful Courm that will surelyter
in in ato in convulsions or death unleakatimeth!ggAg
immediately given to check it. in this complaint
tlic"Batiam of Wild Che'rry" is' tech k'riodi'n'"fo
die the most, speedy ever dicovered.
preeirma renied-mild; safe innecentilanit
,sure to sufferer immediate Telief,.• and ,
quickly. restordYit , to • sect} , :and health.„forni l .
lies residing in the country, and indeed every mo ? .
ther who'oves her children, should always keep.
this medieine - jn the, house Tind : give it to . them
early, by doing so'You may ,
often save the life of
oncyou fOndly love. Remenribeirthis is therfamous
remedy of this diStinguished physician, ,Dr. Wis.
rar, which - has• ' , cured thousands of , cgo:t3P.,.
"dec„- after every 'Other medicine
00.ic13e Oarticular when' you .puiChoic: to ask
for "Dr. .WAVAR'S BALSAM 014,' WILD CyfERIILY:' ••
as therein a SYRUP of this name advertised that iB.
entirely a different medicine. ,
Prepared only by Wzi.LlAms & Co., Chanaista,
33 ! South Fourth street, Philadelphia;
- •
Price One,Doilar a Book,
June 22, 1842,
Ejects arc Prodzieed by
Sc , 97l?NolPelifil,- iLLOd.
DR. 1- .1 - Any's BLoon theit,composi--
lion inveiljents which produce the corn
desirable efreets - of
•Cileansing date igGlireiSd
41,1111.;11Eare 110 Ping in existence which rnaj• lie
silly used at nil times, ages and seasons,
ithont restraint 11.0111 living er occupation, as Dr.
Leidy's' Blond
From their composition, they are 'calculated to
mirily the blood atol.'attintal fluids dnt•ing the inter-.
val'•betn yen takiiig them pod. their operation; when
all impnrititl, as as olmyxiotts sutistattees of the
stomach and' bolvels,, are carried off by their mild
purgative properties.
of thew have been sold daring the past six months
at.,nr, and UPWARDS Ul•' 1,0011,000
shier their first introduction - 1)y the—proprietor, Dr.
good (flirts, -
contain no iitwedients dangerous to the conslitutidli.
irldeli are employed inrall i'ills manufactured by
Qourks mid Impostors, NhO drpeml upon such (Inn—
;:crony medicines tinder Ilie,iritpressinii.( which sliovr
'heir ignoranee,),lL,t all disrax's must yield to the
,•M•rtn and
3 t)( 1 -1 . 1{11 . 111(:ATES_
Pin rfriau, nlkll peocvs, kite !wt.!! fmr!nr•nily
m1,11 , !n•cf . ,1 rd Dr. 's Blood
;m(11 , 1:11 0 1. cutnm.•to npoli their merits
1)1. twitty 011'.41,11:1, , ,1er,,, irtie5 ii,)• ( •,...
cominewl to all rv,p , tirin.; :1 purifying nr
niefliuilt•, 1 , 1 provtirc-his 11.001) :mu try
them. No one will rtrl usv :my other ing
. .
' .:1-_^,-lIVAV A IC'. (Il' Ci )I_'N'l'EU FEITS- -If pro
vot•;..o f.• oo ilo• )1e oto ,, or:o•tor , o'oi,.llfoopri o t oo .Dp.
V. tixtt
N. B M
B. 1,111',.:.t his TIE 11:111 V.111'01?11.1i No.
, A
1 North S cr , uol,streot. lo•low 1 inr.mrovt.(. nt
Ow I;,l.!t•ti ”t:1••:,ii41.-;(•1•1'..0s1) l'hilmhAphi“;ifi e , t!
1,•111 b.• n., p0,.iitiri , ...6.1 . 'pi:mike.
TIWV 111 , '"0 of tfic: rrspoetnhle
Phihifh•lphi:t.:tllll h . ) t•epertable
the rottzho..t the 111 e 1 Stites.
• rinCE. 1' 1% .1',N - 1 . 1 . -I'lVl- . ..C!...NTS A BOX.
• F or t9k.
Agewic f,n• Cond,..rhind Com
llny 18,184'2. 11..19
Ex:frart of ,Forsa.
e~ILI. he thrftritoti by Dr. N. B. LEIDY, for a
V V . pn.paration of Sarsaparilla equal to his
Medicated E.itraft of Sarsaparilla
It is posit.vely the strongest preparation of Sorsa
lumina in existence- (INN BOTTLE is equal to
six pints of any other Spit; that is ynaile, :Mil is
bought liy numerous persons throughout the city and
'country - Inc Waking thei.i.frorn, and who sell it at
seventy-fire evait.3 or one dollar per bottle (aboutlialf
a pint.)
The • efficacy of Sarsaparilla is tell known its
Scrofula or Aing's Evil; Erysipelas, l)isenses of the
Liver, AlWetion of the Skin and Bones, Ulcers of -
the Nog's, 'Fbroat and Hotly, as well as an Antidote
to .\ lerkury and the NI inerals, Constitutional Dis
eases,:mil g eneral purificfrofthe Blood and Animal
Cottunencmpotil - t - si Viftiies iss unnecessary;
every body knows its efficacy. .11 is only necessary
when using it to get a good
. preparation of it, and
then there will he no disappointment in its abets. '
Dr. Leidy would milq• to the most respectable phi.-
sWia no in Philadelphia, Os well as throughout the
United States, fiir the. character of his preparation,
110 also to the numerous certificates front physi
cians and others. that have been from time to time
published, now deemed unnecessary, as the ebaraer
ter of hi s preparation is fi rutty established. Through
out the . Southern States it is used altogether, and
throughouf the North takes the precedence over nil
others; particularly nniong the . physiciaus, who, for .
the besiefit of their patients, always recommend it.
The reader is referred to the direetibits necom
patty' ['gene!' boitle,forrecommendations,certifient s,
and furthereertificates. •
Prepared and sold. whole'We and retail at Dr. ,
LEIDI"3 DEALTII FN1P0R8.731,N0.191 North
SecOnd street, below 'Vine, sign of the Golden Etiglo •
fi Stirpents, Philadelphia; nod for sale in Carlisle bs
_ _ _
Agents for Cumberland County.
C~lisle, M ay 18, 18.12, • , . V-29.
Every BodsrOitght to Erma, of
f O effeetual in Coughs; Colds; Intlitenzas, rCa
faiths; Asthma, . - Pains of .the Side and.ol. the
prea4t, • ,Bronchitis,,,§pitung, Blood, .Shortness'
of Breath; Whooping Cough,, all Diseases of the
Drifts Lu p nd r the arreit'of
ingCenSuhiptitim '
Sep plipdler is Di.- Beehter's Pulmonary' ,Preser
viitlve throughotit all Germany, and'ea :411ectuaj
Piseases of the,- Lungs, that .frora ite,.ntirecutous
eltegte•and wonderfel cures.-itis'AheFe,,,
knew! and styled Dechtees Life, Pisq.ver.
iumerous.Certificetes of ‘ll; OrY:g° POOP .
irtid. wonderful '69re's thiscountry ? hiire,
fluently publishefl; it_ is tle'eirred'neceskut
remind the; pUblie of so -- valuable aine'dieme,Juill
inform them where it can - be procured genuine,
• rioe=-Fifty 'Cents iChfilt ,
4 `'* - Pre'paredligtnil Said, Whioletale a'itlietail,st
North., :Second. street;. ; (sign , ,:ittthe
Golden Eagle , and snr,penta)Thilailqlphis4.
For sale in-Carlisle, by •
Agent'S for Cumbeilandti:leantg.
s SerlisliA, „Nay : jib-4842.- 2114,y