Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 14, 1842, Image 3

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    Enu,tntvsSebenth Congress.
The, last session' of 'the twenty-seventh pongeess
commenced in Avashiitgton, on Mondarthe sth hist:
terminate on the dth of Mardi next, bicort. 7 .
stittitional litnitatiok •
'PheSenate•was called to order at 12 o'clock. by,
its President Jiro tern. Hon: to_
P. Mitacitist; of
N. C; hut 'no quorum being spWsetit, the' body ad
• • „-•
In the House, the Speaker, Hon. JOHN' Wsrre,of
Kentucky, tea the chair, one humired and seventy
four members being present. , •
The usual committee was then unit
on the President and inform hint that the House was
readrto proceed to business. . • .
Mr. Everett of Vermont,gave notice thnilie should
introduce a bill. foe the repeal of the flotkeupt - Laiv ,
• Mr..3ohn (iuittey Adams gave notice that he should
move to rescind the famous 21st rule, excluding pe
titiOns on the subject of Shivery
TUESDAY, Dee; 6.
The Senate was order, and but twenty-,
iirmembers appearing in their seats, (one less than
u duorum) an immediate adjournment took place. ,
In .the House, Mr. William Cost Johnion', of Md.
gave notice that he should ask leave to introduce a
bill embodying his projeet for the relief of the States
by the issue and distribution among them„ef qpvern
silent stock; hased , on the proceeds of the Public laud.
- Mr. Halsted of N, J. gave notice of the introduc
tion of a hill similar to thatpassed MAIM close of the
last session of Congress 'and not reintmed by the Pres
ident, to regulate . the takidg testimony in .eases
contested electionsand,foe elhor Infl'lrPi• •
Mr. Adams Moved the resolution of which he gave.
notice yesterday, namely, to rescind the :Hat rule' of
the Mime, which prevents the reception of petitions
touching the subject of slavery. • '
?tie. Wise made a point of order, and contended.
that Mr, Adams's motion was out of order, inasmuch
as the'unfinished busineis of the last scission took
precedence of any - other, or inlet thatipetitions. --
Adami briefly replied, contending that the
motion was in order, and that', as during; the first
thirty days of the session, the Speaker was required
to 'Call the States in order daily for petitions, it was
proper that the way should be first cleared for the
reception of such petition's as the people thought .
proper to Send to this body. The t rule, he con
tended, was unconstitutional, inasmuch as it deprived
one class of people, and one section` of the country,
--from-being heard ispolnisuliject the) thought worthy
of_consideration—whether right or wrong, was fur_
• _ •
the House to determine. the considered the right
"'of petition an inherent, inalienable right, and one of
Which the people could not he rconstitittionitily de
prived. But he did not wish to argue the question,
nor take up, -unnecessarily, the time of the House.
ye yes willing to take the Vote upon it at once.
Mr. Weller• moved pi lay the resolution on the
,table, upon which - Mr: Mathiott for the ayes
and noes. lleing.taken they "stood, ayes 85; noes,
93. So the resolution was not laud on the table.
Everett now mired the previous question,
_which cut off all debate iilts • sitstained, ayes
The question wars then propounded, " shall the
main qitestion be now put?". upcni which the ayes
and noes were demantled, .and_ stoptl, Eves 44; noes
95. So the House decided that the main questiod,
which would be "shall the resolution pass ?". shoal()
00t f.11!1111t.. _
1.1 r. Adarns'siesoltition having thitspecui disposed
- . -
Mr. Mason, of Maryland, nutiouticeil the death of
his colleague, lion. James 'W. Williams, witILA
tribute to his virtues, after which the House ad-
• A quorum Of Senators having appeared this
the Senate pt•oceeded to business.
Samuel C. (4r:t4s, lately elected from Vermont;
and L.l.Lipoli,.frotrt Nov Jersey, had their•
credentials presented and were dilly qualified as
111111.41411e1 . 8 of the Senate.
Mr. Ileutol gave notice' that he shoidil introduce
vbill to repeal the llanki:tipt Law. . •
Mr. Talintailge. of New York, gave notice that
he woulilliitroduce a hill to amend - the several acts .
establishing. a Treasury. of the United Status—the
Exchequer system.
The Annual, 11e9sage (4' the i'resident was then
presented to tlu: Senate, and read, and ordered to he
t -
In the Howie, Mr. Adameti reinlittinui to rescind
the 2I st rule, came under ennsideration, and a good
deal ofdisoussion ensuerl without a rote on the main
snliject. •
Mr. Itarnara gate noiice that he would introduce!
hill 4 - similar import to•tlirit 01 ltr. Tallninelge in
the Senate. A l fter - some other notices of bills on
vie-limn sequels, the !tome adjourned. •
, The Senate to-day elected the Rev.' Mr. Tuston
Chaplain of that body. Mr. Itayaril, of Delaware,
gave tiotiee that be wan instructed by the Legislature ,
of his State, to olfor a resolution to rescind the ex
finning restitutions of 1834, and he therefore offered
n rasottettorr tertliat effect. It lies over. ,
Mr. llentens, segreeably to notice, brought in Isis
hill repealing the Bankrupt Low. It proposes the
repeal of the law, 80, dint it may not operate in new
ear4,-and -also -points -out - the :manner in :•Whicls it
shall effect applications for Bankruptcy already
pending. The bill was ordered to be printed. '
• Mr. rallraad:te submitted a resoNtion, calling for
information relative to the Bankrupt Law- 2 -outnber
of applications and discharges, infoi•mation as to its
effects and tmeration, 6.:c. all of which the Secretary
of State is to procure andpliice before the-next-Con—
gress. The resolution lies over.
Jul the House, Mr. Adams' monition again came
up, and the !lonic again, after refusing to lay it on
the tables would nottonsent to have the question ou
its adoption puL So it still remains 'open.
Alt; W. Cost Johnson 'introduced a resolution to
rescind the nineteenth"ride of the Ildite; cOnfl ' ;
the speeches of members to one hour. lle spokd
*, , ,,, , 3instthe rule briefly, and then moved th4revions
question. ,
• Mr. MoKtranof Pennsylvania moved to lay the
resolution on the table, which was done, yeas 116,
nays 70.
The House theft adjourned to Monday.
• Later from England.
• The steamship Columbia, arriied at Boston on
Tuesday last. Among her passengers was Gen. Lew
is Can; our late Minister to France. •
-The news by the Columbia Is not particularly Mi.
;portant., No favorable changes had taken place in
comMercial affairs in England. It litigated, that the
gieateSt.dlitress prevails in the manufacturing dis
triepi it-is impossible to form any opinion as to
Ate mic] when' any change May be anticipated for
41tia bitter.
A tabular statement of the debts and reiourees of
Rise American States, published in the London Times,
has excited some attention in the Metropolis. The
the debt owing by those States that have
•contracted Liana, is $181,000,000. • - •
'*- By leder' received in London, it: was learned that
ji,ll a"drendlid storm off the Cape of Goint Hope, on
the 27th of August hist, some disastrous shipwrecki
tad taken place: A large East Indian - non, the.Rcli4
asneeiwas'lost wlthone hundred liras. Qn theautno
alley; thealtip :Waterloo, with three.hundred 'And tbir
dty'Englielreonyiets On board, witaj dashed to pieCes
;an& tWo hutidred and fiftf of the number perished !
There app6ri to be trouble hi the Ministry of,
,fira—n*"A strong party had formed in the Chem
bci a, with . 11l deSalvenity and'deLaniartine at their
:beatlorhich4ouldatrongly_oppole.the giivernmenti
Hpn. c.lPuisTox, end pAvnove,the
•.;first a Whileaptl 'one of ,the , Prst•prators of' the -
.. day,
have both reittneg .theie ., eeete es, nntnhcre tholl,
'§enate! frore •Sputli:Caftpline.-
'. 9'llc resignetioo
of the Atli' hei.nfrearly been 05 , 6104. • . •• • :
%Rev oittoow slumber of the Roils°,
of Itivinentegivei; his 'been4lectad U. S. .Senator
from fr;coricl, i for fix yearp figm ith o r m„,,a,„
Deel'lllilCl .
1 . 1111/tSDAY, neCClliber.S
.0 .
Pursuant to public • notice, ri, !; large, respectable'
and etithuslastic'weeting 'of the' 'citizens of• Ca rr
lielo opposed tO the Into proceedifit of some of
the Merchants, and in favor of mUtualiiiaeiiing"
rind paying out at par the. Relief and other issues
constituting the clnly currency at present in circu
lation, was held in the Court TionsC; in the borough'
of Carlisle, on Thursday evening last. The meet
iog.was organized by appointing
PHILLIPS,JOHN Esq., Preeident.-
Joseph C. nompson, John Main,, Esq., Sccrcta
be Meeting was ably addressed by . ,Tacotialteem.
and Peter V. Er, Esq.; the.latter of wlnun--6 -
!bred the Plowing resoktiOne, -
Resolved, That• we consider the proceed
ings of the ",Currency Neeting". lately held by .
some of the merchants ofthlti place, ns tending to
convert every store' into a "shaving shop," by
which one-tenth of the poor .man's earnings will
be filched from him to 13004 an inordinate desire
for gain. •
Resolved, That in the "present unsettled condi
tion of the currency—accompanied by an upper
elided scarcity of all 'kinds of money—we Took
upon any attempt to depreciate the genuine relief
issues of the Banks
,of this Commonwealth; as
unwise, inconsiderate end and injurious to the best
interests of the community.
- Resolved, net inasmuch as the genuine re
lief notes of all our banks were issued upon tho
same principle, no distinction, ought to be made
-between them. - • •• • -- • • '
• Resolved, That we will receive end pay out the
relief notes of the Eric, WeSt Branch, Berke
County, Moyamensing, Penn Township, Manu.
lecturers Or. Mechanics, Northampton and Lewis , .
town Banks itrour ordinary business transactions.
Resolved, That if the Merchants of Carlisle
refuse to tape ific relief notes of the above named
Banks—which coristitnte a hirge portion of.the
circulating-medium of Cumberland county—we
will purchase our goods elsewhere..
Resolved, That the proceedings of thiS meeting
be sigtied. by the officers and 'published in the
newspapers of the borough.
(Sighed by the Officers.).
New Nominations—lmportant:
The Maslisonian lies been at the pains to nom:
inato JouN TYLER and DAVID R. PORTER as ifs
candidates for the offices of President and Vice
President of the United Statds. paper. pub.
fished at the Vermont Insane Asyluinliss abett
the same time and with at least an equal pros.
pCet of.siiecess, nominated- Samuel B. ,Goodhue
and lictinizin . IlOrd as "the Crazy many candi.
dates" . for the same offices. There is reason to
apprehend that the organs of the two iiarties will
quarrel ithont thy. title. It manifestly befongs'as
much to"one us to the other I .
jilcasaiit 11fedi6i ue :is formed by a cimthina
tion of 't(rent.t, , different ingredients, all celebrate(
for the cure ,f Colds, Coughs, (Mil PUbminic COm
plaints atid,by its combination, if one or these Urti
cies should le used: seipiirately and allbrd no relief,
in the ExTß.tur OF 110A12110UND . they are
so amaljimiated, that the benefit of the whole is ei
perienced in one Compound.
About three years and altalf agn, this article was
first broughttefore the public. It was het aided w!Ili
uo previtms annotmeement of its merit or value; but
was introduced by the proprietors to the community
to stand .by their decisiOn, as regarded its beneficial
influence. Thatdecision has been attained - hi a man
ner altogether unexpected: The unsought acknowl
edgement of its Worth has . proceeded spontaneously
from thmtsands, who have. experienced its benefits
throughout,the claim ry. And why is it so ? Be
cause die...trial of its 4M:tildes itt Couglis_and Colds,
lloarseness, Irritation of the Throat. Croup, NVltoop
log CO4Ol, Asthma, Catarrhs, .Palpitatioa of the
Bent. Liver ,Complaint, Night Sweats, difficult or
profuse gxpectoration, :Mil all diseases leadnig to
Consumption, has given it a value that no other sim
ilar medicine has ever reached:
For sale by MYERS & tiAvEßsnci: '
Sole .V.,zents fin' Cornsle,antl
.L . Dorshytiner, Mechaudexhiwg.
114iiiel Shelly, Sliiremanswzo,
' ' Abraham Getz, Kingship'
Joseph Crain, Uoguestowo.
Samuel Wilson,?
• John Gish, 5 Shipponsborg,
. J. I.'. Wilson, Greenville;
Nov. 2, • 13I^.
11.t1;11:DODE, December 184
BEEP' CATTI,I.—The bfferings at .the drove
yards on Monday, amounted to nearly 500 head, the
most of which sold to butchers and salters at $3,50
to 475 per 100 bide. There was a large supply or
Hogs, all of which were taken. also by the butchers
and salters, at 3 92} to 3 75. Killed II logs sell at 31
cents per lb. •
FLOUR.—The market has becomelessactive,and
prices declined; induced probably from the opening
weather :mil the lidding 01l demand in neigh
boring markets. •We have no traussetionslo record
in City Mills, but think it probable the article could
be hod for less than sl37i. Howard street is offer- .
ed at 4 25, without finding buyers. The receipt
-GRAIN-11as come forward
.more fumly * within
the last two or three dit)s, and Wheatand Cann hare
loth-declined in prices. The best of Wheat will
probably not exammuurover 90 cents,and inferior to
'good parcels, 70 to 85. We mime Rye 45 to 50.cts.•
Corn ranges from about 40 to 41 cents, for either
white or yellow, HO heavy at those rtes. Oats show
a slight itmwovement is dt , 9lunl as well aspriee,the
marketru iog from '23 a Q. 3 eelittimetio rdi lig to quality.
WHISKEN—Is getting,. light, and prices hr e
sligfuly advanced, bits to 24 rents, and few or no
hfuls iti market; last sales at 23 cents.
PIDLADF.I,I 3 IIIA, December 9, 1842
FLOUR.—The stock on hand is near 2:4000 bbls.
In consequence of the tanfitvorable state of our whar
ves, but tmy -sales have taken place; this morning $4
,is asked for superfine. Sales yesterday of 500
halt very superior brand, at 4 50. lye 9 0041 3 14
Corn Meal a l'2 per MO, and' Ma Itt 50 in !uds.
GRAIN.=-Penn. Red, 83 a 90 cts. and 88 ets for
White; Corn—several cargoes have arrived this
week. We OA Southern y ellow at 41a 43; White
49 a4l. Oats Southern, 23cts:
• WHISKEV.—SaIei at 22 a 23k.
CATTLD MARKET.-600 in market—Sales
.were made from 3 to 4c; n part of the above were
from Virginia and Ohio; 525• Cows and talves,tiales.
from $l7 to 24, extra 32.• Springers 11 a 111; Dry
Cows; 5 a 10, Aogs 420—mice from 3} to 4. Sheep
I,ooo—sales from 90 ets to I , s7lj—t.xtra, 2 621.
*On the 7th inst. by the Rey. W:T. *vie, Mr.
JONAS BERKHEINEIC, of York county, to Miss
CATHARINE MYERS, of Frrinkford townihip.
(On thb Ist inst. by the Rev. D. Smith; Mr. BAR
S • N, both of Shippensburg.
On the 6th inst: by the Rev. James Mneky,' Maj.
(laughter of Mr. John Carey,air of Shipttenshurg.
i/O ' n the 3d inst. in the city of Baltimore,lllrs:RE
DECCA GlUFFlTllS,ilaiighter of Mr: 'Abel Kleeny.
of this place, after a lingering illness. .
. .
The 'Meifiberair, 'Oda Society are. requested to
iimet'ailbeir udti in the f . ubtro'llidbling, on Wed
nesilny evening iiitt, it se% eno'cl.Ocit: •
MS. L IZ. SNIITIf;See:'Ir:r.
December 1842
'Washington Tensperance So ety.
This Society will mcet.hareatter, on, SATUR,
DAY EVENINGS, at :.6 1.2 o'aoch.
Dec. 7. . T. M. ALLEN; See',Y.
myERs-AIIAVEILSTIPIC have just re.
cetyed a lot' of very.uperior Regalia,
rubucalind Principe' Sege's, and the very fined
Cavendish' and
,eothot rfelmeco ; which they '. -
soli in large or seiali eu, ?the
.uomodatlng' term - •
Dieetriher 14, 1842: ' '' 7- --" t
=l - a;:gzuw3zaPq.dii3
VEL, 8i IC nave
q 2 q tl o l l
juht retie ved at t ieir rug, oo , Stationary
and Variety Slota large assortment of
Toys,. Toy-Books for.. ChristmaS
.Annals, Sonvontris,
- and - POrt.follosifor'lS43. -
Thgeiher with a choice seieetloii 'of "'entertaining
- WWI READING, for long winter creninga.
of 'every variety, viz:
School Bibles and Testaments,
" — <-Smith's Geography and .dt,
Olney. 4-" Mitchell's do:
•, Smith's Grammar,
Kiikam's ditto;.
A'n,..irel's Series, No. 1, 2, 3,4,, 5 , , 4" 6,
Cobb's,School Books,- complete.
Emersinf, Byerly, Burharn, 4. Web-
ster's Spellers,,:, • , . .
Pike,. Roth, Smiley, 4• Emer s o n's .11-
rithmetics,' with Keys, .
Gunimere's Surveying,
kathOnitaical 'instruments;
Letter, Cap, and Dead paper, ruled and Note
Silver Pencils, everpoints. Jackson Lend
' Pencils:in wookol all
_tempers; with a large. us
torttnent of BLANK BOOKS, ruled andunruled.
.2 4 :02 4 4/:s22l , 2Arct .. ' ,
Of superior finish.. Razor, Razor. Strops,
Shaving Drashes, and finely scented ;
Shaving Soaps and assorted- Per
Sup-erior-opnym-and Rustda (bills, Bristol Boards,
Rice paper, Visiting Cards, colored Wafers
,Scaling Nash Plainund Motto Seals.
New Music,
Migicat KnotyuntriTto
Together with tigeneral and well selected assort
ment or Classical and .31isri.11aneons Ma's, ”to
Please the limey and Improve the taste."
Carlisle, Dee. 14, tf-7
•rl AvE just Opened their FNLL ASSORT
T og Aihtiy with an extensive assortment of .
Pittcait ~7letlicintc. and Perlignacry:
Iso--FlegS FlitUl'in43, •
LEMONS. . FIGS. , • .
cuRn.ANTs, GRAPES, 5t....
All of which they will sell toholesale or retail on
the lowest terms. - -
- Carlisle, December
A PETITION for the Benefit of . ..the
.L. 31. B:u:kt•upt Law, liaibeen tiled the 3d Deceni
her, 1842, by
GEORGE FLEMlNG,lbrmerly Printer and...
• Publisher, (late a Centractor on the POI=
lie Works; • Cumberlatid en.
Which Petitidp will be heard befnre the. District
Court of the United Slattli for the Eastern District
of Pennsylvania, sitting in Bankruptcy, at the Dis
trict Co n u•t Room in the- City of Philadelphia, on
FRIDAY the 30111 this of DECEMBER inst., 1842,
at ii o'clock, A. M. when and where all persons in
terested may appear• soil show ea se,if any they
why:the prayer of the sa' P' itions should not be
grunted, and the said Petitioners be declared Bank
Clerk of the District Court.
Phila. Dec. 14,184'2
•A PETITION for Dinliargtind Certi-
Nude tinder the Bankrupt Law,has been filed by
WILLIAM DEAN, Saddler, Cumberland co.
and FRIDAY the Sith day of FEBRUARY next, at
lo'clock, A. M. is appointed for the hearing there
of, before the said Court, sitting in' Bankruptcy, - at
the District Court. Worn ' in the City of Philadel
phia, when and where the Creditors of tub said Pe
titioners, who have proved their !Mits.:mil all
persons in interest, piny appear and show cause, if'
any they. have; why such Discharge and Certificate
should not be granted.
Clerk of the District Conk.
Phila. Dee. 11, 18.12
12)(01 - 2111-12 c ,
THE'subscriber will Rent from the Ist
of April next, a two-story •
Dl7ll l llllll} taDl32 -
situated on the corner of Pitt mid Loather streets,
having a large back huildim;, wash house, cistern,
smoke house, and other improvements.
Also, a two story stone. DWELLING HOUSE,
situated in Lowlier strict, opposite Mr. Lewis liar
lan. • It has a hack building, spring house, smoke .
house, cistern and also a wLil of never-tailing water.
There is also good Stabling attached to the property.
Both properties are now in good order.
Poisons desirous of renting either of die above
mentioned Itouses.walcatt on gift
Deceinbur 14; 1842:
anraiLtiataTiM alblin3l2o
WLLt from the Ist of April next,that
two story - Stomi - HOUSE-and-lot-of-Gromid,
in East. Main street, in this borbugh, now occupied
by Rev. Mr. Moore.
Also the two adjoining llouses,both of which are
at present being handsomely repaired.
Persons desirous of renting may know die terms
by calling'on the undersigned..
Emma) ARMOR,or
Carlisle, Dec. 14,1842. •
• tf-7
--- .Application for Tavern License.
"l\T °TICE is hereby' given, that I intend to apply
111 of the next term of the-Court of Quarter Ses
sions of the peace in and for the county of cumber
land , for a license to keep it Tavern or Public !louse,
in the house t now occupy as such, in the borough
of Newville. WM. D. WOODBURN.
Neu eille ; Dece'mber 13,1842.
We, the undersigned, citizens .of the borough of
New vilic, in the county of. Cumberland, do certify
that we are well acquainted with the above named
William El. Woodburn, and that - be is ofgood re
pute for. honesty. .and .temperance, and is well pro
vided with house room and conveniences rm• the
lodging and accommodation of travellers and strati;
gets, and (hot a tavern at the stand is. an notommo
dation tothe public.
- James Kennedy,
' .lelm S. Morrow,
'Tkorrias A. McKinney,
Joseph Mellermond,
Jacob Zeigler,
John Waggoner,
C 01U UT PROC LA 11 A'l'lolll.
HEREAS the Hon. Slues!. HErauan Pre
sident Judge of tho Court of Common
P ens of the Ninth Judicial district of Pennsyl
vania, end the Hon. JOHN SvuenT and Tnomos
C. MILLEa, Judges of the said Court of Common
Pleas for the county of Cumhelland, have issued
their precept bearing date of the 26th day. of Nov.
1892, and to me directed, for holding a Court of
Oyer, and Terminer, Cleneral./all Delivery, and .
General_Quarter Sessioni_uf the Peace, at Car._
lisle, on the second Monday ofJanuary, 1843—by.
ing tho 9th day-:--at lOn'elock in the forenoon:
Justices of the Peace and Constables of said
County of Cumberland, that *they be then and
there in their , proper persons % with their
Records, Aiquisitions % Reaznina(ions and other
remembrances, to dtithe things which to their of.
lice sespecilvoly .apposinip—and those who are
bound by recognizanceS to prosecute against the
prisoners that are, or then may be in the Jail of
said county, to be them and there-to prose:lute
against them as just and right. . I
Dated at Carltsle, the Bth' da3i of December,
1842,.and the 66th year of American. Indepeq.
• • . PAUL•; MARTIN, i§hpriff..
7 ? ( !bom.ber, 1 40, 1842 ., • ' IP-7,
SI 03 grill
James Gilmor,
William Barr,
James Hoover,
John Dunfee,
Haniel J. Dunlap,
Jacob Swoyer.
methliag Nevir Mr the liolaltiatth;
Sirptrior 'Fine Beaver: $4,251..
UT than three !dant&Mute eta filed'
11 since tht; :subscriber submitted for the inspec
tion of the Putdii Ithrsuperior fife •
Fur Hatt at the towprieffels4,3si
Equal in fin respects, to'the most costl z ylond with
which he cliallengefra comparison s ) and iirthid short
period of titheihe has more than realised his most
sanguine expectationd: He would therefore take
tinaopportimity'of making his grateful neknowledg,
- meets to a discerning Puhlic t and also,of eXpressing
his gratitude to,his former friends and patrons, who
have sogenerally . ealled onhim since his re-leslablisli
ment in business—as it is a proof that he hal hereto.
fore given satisfaction. He , trse every eier;
tion, not only to please the flinty:, but to furnish the
Cheapest and boat Hat in the City.
This he Iti_enabled to do fritm his practical know
ledge: hildVpectiliarly PCONOMIOAI — C3SI7
SYSTE:II OF BUSINESS,' at less price than.
they can be olTerctiby those who are mere buyers
and sellers, and still adhere yto the old credit - system,
with high rents and extravagaaCexpenses. In proof .
of Ida position, he has introduced 'tor the inspection
of the public,
On fineßussia body,nt the unprecedented low price of
Equal in any respect to those sold under the old sys
(mot s4:and SS. ,
Tbe.above named stricelymlhered to,
and he trristi his friends who order thew bids sent
borne, will not he offended should the bill he sent at
the same time; or soon alter, to their counting-houses
as no book of charges is kept io,this establishment.
The subscriber is sorry to say', that efforts have
been made, and doubtless will continue sto he made
by some;to injure his Economical and:Fashionable
Establishment. lie would thei'efore particularly_ in
vite the public, alter examining eltry where else, to
call and see him:
("Or Oats and'Caps of every tleseriptlan made to
order,nt short notice. wholesale and retail.
Practical H. tu I CAP Manufacturer, I' o. 82,
Chesnut street, be ow Third, opposite Congress
Hall, Philudelphil
I'. S. The I...atres wildheve rind a,ltandsorne
sortrnent of Furs and Fur Trimmings; at reasonable
pekes. Old Furs altered and repaired - in the best
III:11111CM •
WA NTED—Tteccoota, Musk Hat, Otter; Fiaber
mil other Aipiiim,,, ,, Turs:
December 7, 1842. , tf-.
1 aa1311011611D131 1101111
7F RE subscribers offer • for Rent, for
-AL one or more yearS, that well known and com r .
modicum Three Story : l'averii Stand, known as the
situate on -the corner of High and
Pitt street Carlisle, and now occupied by Clemens
NlcFarlane. It enjoys a large share of patronage, i
including the advantages derved from the Rail road
travelling. There is attached to it extensive stabling,
nail all necessnry—lionvthiiences.—lt
the Cbiosideration of !Intel keepers. Possr;ssion will
he given on the - IsCol . April next. • Application to
be made to JOHN NOBLE & CO.'
Nov. 13, 1841. 01-5.6
V. S. 'rile furniture 'and fixtures now in tin Hutt%
will be disposed of to the new lessee on reasonable
ANOTHEg - sitpply of WINTER
GOODS, just recoved.'and selling - lower for
Cash than ever sold in Carlisle. The simply has
been bought nt the present reduced city 'prices, und
purchaseri will fmil - it decidedly to thekinterest to
call before Min:hosing elseWbere..
- November 23, 1842. tf-56
CONSISTING, in part, of English, French,
ILI Beaver, and Pilot CLOTHS. Cassinicre,
Sattinetts, and Kentnekr deans. Linger and Cotton
11: Is. Hose, Mackinaw, Point iota Pilot-
Ilaizes, Flannels nut! Carpeting. French, Englisl
and American Chintzes. Brown, Bleached & Color
ed :Muslids. Checks, Ticks and Diallers. Ilminets
Silks and Ribbons. ' Pine Cloth. Velveteen Caps
Ilosierv, Gloves And Umbrellas; llerinoes, Mott
lin 11111 f SIIXI/11y Delaines; Figured, Plain, Striped
and 'tarred .Ittekinett, Swiss Blonds, and Artilicia
Flowers together with 11 variety of -
• .
• Queensw.lre & Grocetscs;
for saki id the store. of A. RICHARDS.
Garfish.; November 50, f R.V2.
P.'S. State Scrip and Flour taken in 'exoluinge
for Goods. .
BY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Eeponas to
are directed, Issued out of the 'Court of Com
mon Pleas of Cumberland count•; will be exposed
to Public Sale, at. the Court House in the borough
of Carlisle, on Saturday the 3I at day qf December,
1841, the following described Real Estate, to wit:
The undivided half part of a tract of land
situlte bc Hopewell township, Cumberland county,
more or less, bounded by rinds of Jacob Stouffer on
the North; James Hemphill on the East, the Frank
count , line on the :West, baring thereon erected
ijou r
and LOG 11,1,31 N, and it LOG TEN
ANT II USK. 7 -Seized noid jakelk. iusxmemuts
•th 6 property orJames llendersm
situate in Hopewell township, bounded on . the East
by Joseph Quigley, on the South; by James Sharp
and W. Greens heirs, on the West, by the Conodo.
mallet creek; on the North, by.the creek and Joseph
Quigley, containing One Hundred and Fifty Acres,
more or less, baring thereon erected a large .
lierchatit - and Grist MUHL •
with three run of Stones (pert stone and part frame)
stone DWELLING HO[ ISE, log tenant house, loge
bank barn, large hig Still House and other out houses.
in ,Ilopewell township, containing 'Avelye .9crei,
more or less, bounded by lands 01 Joseph Quigley,
Fo , ,,, , lesonger, illiam Waggoner mid others. Seizeit
and taken in execution as the property, of Samuel
situate in the Borough of Carlisle, containin g. daily
feet in breadth, and two hundred and forty' feet in
depth, more or less, hoopoe(' Din lot of .feaeph Egolf
oO the South, George Fo'pluton the North, Hanover
street on the Vtrthd,nti Rufus E. Simply on the East,
having thereon erected ntwo story '
Brick House and' Brick Kitchen,
and ream stable. Seized and token in execution as
__• • • •
the property of Joseph - COM
aquae n Peankford township, Containing Oire'llen
drerl courriverrWour acres, more or less,lmonded
by lands of William 3iusoel man. Caleb Hess, .losepfi
Mayberry and °them, having tfrereon erected a tab
story LOG ROUSE, and Log Kitchen, a log Barn,
and an Apple Orchard.. Seized and ta k en in execu
tion as the property of Gebrge Wolf.
• And to be sold by me '
Sheriff's Office, Citetide, ?
December 7,1842. S • •
Estate of Geo: David .Slusser, deed.
• .Natirr‘
ETTERS of f.Administration. on the
A Estate of GEO: DAVID SLUSSER, late of
Dickinson township, deceased, have issued in due
form of la* to the subscriber in said township. All
persons indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and those hav ing, claims .will
present them.duly authentichted for settlement.
cuARLE,B:sLussEn, Attie'''.
December 7;184'2. ' • '11.6-
CtEkth‘l-$4 5- •
• 1. 'question is often asked by' &traitors, “where.
can we get the CILEAPEST, BESI, .2IOST
FASIIION.IIII,V,II47' or -. 0.4/ 3 i' Elm"- --We
would resionamend and refer them to' C. F. BAY ,
MOND, Practical flat and Catlvlnnuracttirer; , No:
82. Chesnut-street, where .they will find a large and
selectussortntcat of all .Goods in ItisJ.died, -
00 - r His Tapers are Cosa and no deviation iu
' I/ecemher 7,1842.. • • - .
Pt CWER VpaGAR Cep fFietiate
' bythe subscriber.
Carlisle, Aug: 81, 1848: ~ 111 -
••.• .- •
, Winter . S
Table Oil,
Bunch No t (new
crop,) ,- , • .
Rio & .lava CofTres,*: •
Mould Candles 6's &
Sperin do, 4's Va.& 6's.
Cedar & Churns, &c
Carl TS, 1842
Cash,: Cash:
Li. perm:His intlibtetrte the subscriber
are notified to cnirand settre uccnuntsbe
fore the 15th December' next, ns longer indulgence
cunnot-be C r trA6. OGILBV. .
Isrov , ember'2:3; 1842, tf-56.
C E g.E . • • •
A• LA.R.ffg quantity of first tote Cheese,
N. York Cheese, at,reticeil prices.
'or WWI. Also a lot of SALT at the store of
NoveMber'•23; 1842. . • • If-8 &
WILL sell my. property satiate upon .
the Yellow Breeches Creek, hi Cumberland
itloutity, about a mites from Carlisle, consisting of
9 350,Acres Of Lahti, with a
amo,vart tinira is
And _Saw Mill,
(Inman cheated, such terms as will Make it an
object to pimehneers. •''
- The Merchant Mill has two pair of Burrs and one
pair of Country stones. The Clover Mill. and Saw
Mill arc - both' in good order, and , the water-power is
the hest on dui Creek, there heing'always sufficient
water for all the mill's to go at once.
I have divided the Land into three farms of aliont
1:10 acres each, and the Mills and Water powcr,with
about 20 acres of Land, will I will sell any
pertv sepimately, or the whole•togellicr.
There ti about 200 acres of the Laud covered with
fine TIMBER, anti the residue is under good fence
- and.oultivationi with all the -necessary HOUSES,
Barna'and out-buildings, to accommodate a farmer.
The "AO is of rut excellent quality, with
upOn it, which will supply lime for the Land to any
extent. . ' -
The title to The property is perfect., and the t erms
Of payment will he made very easy. .
Eor any further, information 'apply to ;Frederick
Watts, Escp Carlisle, or to the subscriber on the
premise's. .1011 N ,NVEAKLY.
November 9,181:1 - ' 3t-54
• - • • FOR SALE.
A first-rate Iron Printing Press, of super im
perial Size, manufactured by Hoc & Co. of New
York, for sale on very reasonable terms. A Letters
addressed to the EdltoK of the Herald will receive
attention. •
.. .
- Estate of Peter Duck,.deccased.
•.. .
A 1 , 1. persons indebted to • the estate ,
ilk: iii..,Tlilit I.)uK, late of West Peensborough
township; deceased.; eitheriiv bond; note or book
account, are regnested to digcharge their dues previ"-:
errs to the 20th day of December' next, orthcrwise
suits will be brought. Those having claims will
present them properly authenticated Tor settlement'
JACOB . NI VERS. Atho'rs.
Nevemlier223, 1812. - •' . - . tAW 6
The proprietors of the J'hiladelphia Nntithinl
Forum will, on the Ist of January next,issue a week
ly' edition Of the Forum. This edition dill contain
matter selected from the daily Forum, with original
articles prepared expressly for it. The literary con
tents will be made up of selections from the mos
popular writers of liction--pf instructive essays up
on useful topics—and of an agreeable miscellany of
light reading, which, for interest, variety, and exult
lence, will (Neill any of the literary weeklies. As
the FOllllll will not be put to press until the eve of
Saturday - t it will contain blue latest news down to the
day of its publication. A weekly. Review of the
Markets, ad, on alternate weeks, a carefully ear-
reeled table of the solvent Banks, and the rates of
distount at which their notes are bought in Philadel
phia, and a detailed Price Current •of the Markets
will be given. .
In its politieat course, the Forum will he ardent
ly, inflexibly Whig, and will advocate • with its ut-.
most energies the PucerErrioN or (lonic lobos - ray,
FORM CURRENCV,and the election of MA7I Y
U/...// /"Its President of the United States.
It will be published on a douhle imperial sheet,
and as for heanty of typogeltplin will compare with
any paper in the Dnion.
As it will he sent only fiw cash, in advance,, the
publishers will heynaided to afford It, notwithstand
ing its great size and the cost - of its public:llkm, at
the low price of Two Dollars a year—six copi e s for
ten dollars, or ten collies for fifteen dollars.
Subscriptibus solicited In ' •
F. h. GRAIL & CO.
85 Chesnut street, Philadelphia:
n`'Post Masters and Ptifilishers of newspmwrs,
are authorized to receive subscriptionsfor the Week- .
lv Forum.
Ever offered to the Public !
ror burning. Lard without any prcpaiution, for
sale by the subscriber. The light is equal to the
best sperm-oil, is entirely free frotn smoke or smell,
and costs less than half the price. The •tippratus
tract from the appearance, is not liable to get out of
repair, and maybe applied nt n small expense to
those kinds now in use', Confident that this article
requires billy to be known to-come into general use,
I respectfully invite the public to call and see them
in opCintion. S. M. HARRIS. •
Catlisle f Octotetl9,lB42, tr-5
aura* SHOES,
Tim subcaber has just raceive4 a - good
assortme t of Fur trimmed,'Sitittlal and plain
RUIIIIEIIS fo 1 adies Wear, also a good, assort
ment of Gent c nens' Rubbers.
November 9,184'2. tf-54
• 310 g -DE -11,A
AFRESH supply of Cashmere Mous
de Woes, just racetved at the Store of •
November e, 1841. tf.53
AN assortment of TARTAN PLAIDS,
for Children's Clothes, now openhli g the
Store of OEO, 1" ' 4 "a:it.
November 2, I 842;. . tf-53
estate of Noah Heddop,.deccased.
Is HEREBY • GIVEN, that letters of
AAministration'on the Estate of -NOAH lIED
DEN, dec'd. of Frankferd township,. Cumberland
county, have licen granted to the subscriber. All
persons indebted to the deeesised,;are requestell to
make payment, and those having, claims to • present
them for settlement.
LARGE and' general assortment nf FAMILY A GROCERIES, received by the subscriber con
sisting in part of Coffeo,Teas,Loaf, Lump, Brasile,
Clarified, and Brown Sugars, also Honey, Syrup,
Sugar House, .New Orleans anti Portorico Molasses,
also Sperm. and Whale Oil; Sperm Candles, Roll
Tobacco, Cut cavendish, best Spanish, halts Spanish
anti - Common Cigars, and best litiMiee'
'ever/article in the fine of a Grober, all of which
cheapqr thnn_ by.any pi:Apse . 7who . have,
Oven -a &Leone of their prices to the public , . CaSli
and no credit. ,WM. 11i. MATEER.
IsToveinber 1841 • , , „ tf-53
- '...oo2ll224ltAMStoilialtis..
'E D ,Fi g s,-Dates, Prunes, fresh currant
Lib Orapes, Lemons,: Almonds, cocon.,nuts,
bees, fresh Ficklei4in jars, Tomato Catchup Pep
per Sauce, a prime , article of table oil,Sugnr, Better,
and water erackers,Candies kirkls for sale by,
the subscriber. . ; Wig. .11tAl t 'SElt.
;November 2, tB4l, • 2049
:Prime new Cheesd,.
Frbslt Currants,
BreWn & Loaf -
Castile & Fancy `naps ;
Painted Snak
For saleir. trite store of
, •.
Executed Gy. Me fire Jrllega,cxeltesivuly• for MO,
IN order to celarate theensuings !infidels ion:
becomingi manlier, and 'accordance crier
our usual eustomoite Publisher. el the New -World
anndunces his intention to issue a CHRISTMAS
AND„NEAY- YEARS! PRESENt, whicr shall
surpass all his , former effort's in the beauty aka
lustrations and the variety Mid .value of its.contents.
J. w. EBY..
It will contain all the most valuable and choice at. ,
tides in THE LONDON KE'DPSAgE, one of'llte .
fittest and' most costly of the English Annuals—to ,
gethec with the choicest Tales and..lrtattcyfront all
the other English - Annuals. Among the Engraving •
will be given it most beautiful .I,lcittre of
Her Majesty the ,Queers of England, - .
And the,P 11.1 NC OP WALES,
PRINCESS .ROYAL, drawn ow wood liy .Cbapninn
and engraved by Lossingt The 'Literary contents .
wilt be admirable; and present evet:ything worthy
'of perusal t consisting of new and original Taleall
BulweriAlaryat, Countess of Riess' ngtoti, and • other
distinguished Litglisli Authors.. ft win asp , contain ,
h favorite and popular American Authors, as also.
many handsoMe En,, ,, tiavit,gs in. illustration of the
sulijects , —forming 2 altogether,one of the richest and
most attractive il ls that can be presented Io a friend
at tile . P,estive Season, mid got up in a style of au
periorelegunee.- . . • .^
TEints OF PVIILICATION.—The "New World An
tine' will be printetlonpaper of Extra fine quality,
on n new Minion type, 'in aPouble Extra number
(Octavo,) so that it can be bound up with the new
volume: It will he printed by the 2001 of Decem
ber, iu ample time to be selit by mail to . the nuise
flistant part of the-Union and Camulas so
. nirto reads
subscribers before NEW YEA n's Orders should
therefore be •forwarded early, in - tiriler to pi:erent
disappointment. Price 25' cents single copies—Five
Copies tar $1 ;
Eleven - copies for $2; Thirty copies
for $5, and $l6 per hundred. The demand will. be
"very large, sod Agente;Booksellerit, &c. must send
their orders promptly, enclosing cosh, post paid:
This Extra will be subject to newspaper postage only.
Address .1. W [NI; EsT
. 30 Ann street, New york.
. _
,1r 4.1
11E-subset. iI; dr Isas just opened; neat iloorlo AV*
Clellan's Flotel, n
rEs stock of Groceries consists in part of 'COFFEES
SUGARS, TEAS, PISII, SALT. Ile tam keeps
Dre-Stiitts,and n general assortment of CROCKERY
_ _ _
He liasjiist received SOcases UrSIIOES tO HOOTS,
such its Afeti's Calfskin Boots—Coarse ilo. Hoyt,'
Fiiii and UciarsClkintiii—Mitn's and Boy's 'Maumee
—Fine mid Coarse Shoes. ' Also' a general assort
ment of Ladies' and Children's'Shoes of miry du:-
ll 'articles in his line will be sold at the lowest
, prices, for cask or approved country produce.. Ile
solicits a share of public patronage.
, . ' WILLIAM M. NI-AtEgit.
Carlisle, Oct. 19,181'2. Iy-51
• •N E .
THE subscriber is just reechingafceilli supply of
Goolls,untong which may be Mond
Beaver' & Pilot Cloths
Wind Glottis. , A groat variety of
and other seasonable goods for corn's
Also, a general assortment of Merchandize for die
Ladies,to Which he reapectfully.calls their attention.
Call Mid sec assnon as possible, as thy entire-stock
Will be sold vcry cheap for coal.
entlisle, Sept. 9.1,1142.
subscriber line just opened n lot of New
_Goods, consisting 01 SU PERFIN 'cLarris.,
Black, tllue and Fatiov.:colored Casstmeresi Cnsi
nets, all colors mud prices, Merinoes, Mouse de
Laines . , GlOves, !loamy, 5-4 Brown MIIBIIIIB, for a
levy, 4-1 bleached do tier n tip, Flannels from '2O to
25 cents, with a. varimy_of other goods, all of which
will be sold at very low p r ices to suit the times.
S. 11. IlAilitlS.
..ivoi• the Road,
631M,NPL1 , 381 , .:2•2V.6315.0 •
HAVE received a splendid assortment of
which they lire determined to sell at the
.very lowest
cash prices,
.Septembev 28, E•i:t
A FURTiIER supply .of Low priced
BROAD CLOTUS,- , spitable for overcoats.
ed nt The Store of , CEO. W. urrxEß.
November ‘2,184/2.
• •.
A,Ew - st4pi;ly of fineßuaslit TlAT,just re
.ceivetl. A large lot el Fur, Cloth Celette and
!lair Seal CAPS, now opening And foe wile. very
low, iit the store of - CHAS. OCLILB.Y.
Curllslei Sept. tz8,184 , 2, . -11-18
EtTEltg of Administration on the Estate of
IA JACOB CART, deed. of the Borough of Car
lisle, Cumberland county, have been granted to the
subscriber,residing in the same place. All persons
indebted to the satd estate are requested to make
payment immediately, and those having claims to
present them properle-anthenticated for settlement
f^.-nnber 111, I 8.ItI• 61-55
Estate of Samuel Wild, deceased.
ji.S HEREBY GIVEN, that letters of Adminis
'ration on the Estate of SAMUEL WlLO,dee'd.
late of Newton township, Cumberland cotibty, hare
been granted to the subscriber, residing in the same
township. • All persons indebted to the said estate
arorequested to make immediutepayment and those
having claims to present them properly authentica
ted for 'settlement to
November 9, 1342. 6t-54
usT received, a new, and large supply of
. FO OTS SHOES, to suit the sea
son. .Se ling low fur Cash.
-- Carlisle, 5ep1.18,18.12.. tf-4S
..1111oo1s and Shoes.
Ming subscriber will, natio chestier and better
' zoarso limo than can be found in
doable soled Morocco and Kid
Shoos; Ties and Buskins, n superior article,together
with Boys' kip Brogans, woinatil' tow priced Shoes,
children's, &e: S. 111.
Oct. 10,L849.: tf-5t
1 UST opening. n supply of Steel Cap Springs'. for
ejl Ladies Caps, Snaps for Cloak Fastenings, Shawl
Pins, hair -Pins, :gent' .Eylets by the gross or dozen,
Eylet Punches, Plirse Trimmings, Ste.
November 9,1841
• 'UMBER ofeverSi description & SHI.Nd,LES;
, for sale cheap, by • . • _
' - T. • At- P. MARTIN, `•
Successors to. Milner & Martine
,Harrishu4, Aprit2N 180:;, -1 '
LIPPINGER. 4. CAREY; have. juat
ceivcdd nn extensive aysortment ofCLOTIIS,
CASSIMERS and SAT . TINETS.,whicb , IViII be
sold at reduced prices. '
- Stlippensburg, Oct. 501848.
• ; BOOTS &
NOTIIER sti ty" . or . .,BOOTS - tu id
SHOES • just 'received and selling uneorningn
-11 Ati; at the store : 2, AMA& 06,11,8 Y,
tB4. sistr,„
The 11Tcrar . World litinual•for 1843.
C+u lisle, October 19, 11349
First Arrival
Estate of- Jacob • Cart, deceased
Ladies Cap Strings.
.Affections of the Liver, Asthma, Bronchitis, Pains
or - weakness of the Briairi Or Lungs,
(linThs r Plitlirtsy.:.ltetnorrags of the Lunge, Glad
:affections of . thr. .PulmOnary Organs.
II Compound llalsaMic: preparation of the. l'runur •
. Vie , vinittnitt or "Wild Cherry Bark,"cornbined with ,
the'artract ,f'l'ap, prepared by a new chemical
process, approved nad-recatomended tic the most
distinguished pity sitiaPa, hall universally acknow
ledged the most valuable eactliithut over discovered-
. -
In:petting forth the virtues of this truly grerit me—
dieing, we have no desire to -deceive those who are
laburingunder por drove wiph erdogise
it. more that it justly deserves. Yet "when i'vo look
around anti see the vast amount of suffering anti
tie ocesuoureal by Many of the diseases m which
this medicine has proved so highly suet:ellen!, we
feel that we cannot urge its claims too strongly, Or
soy trio much in its flavor.
Various remedies it is true have been offered and'
puffed into notice for the care of diseases of the:
Lungs, and some 'have no doubt been found very
useful, but. of all that have J bee n disco v er e d, it is ,
admitted h physicians and all who have witnessed
its effects, that none has'proved, as' successful as this..
Such, iudeed r ace the • • • -
Of this 13alsaM, that even in the 'advanced stage of
Corisumrifort, after all the most esteemed remedies.
of physicians have failed to effect any change, the .
use of this medicine has been productive of taw:.,
most astonishing relief, and actually effected cures '
.after all hopes of recovery and been drepaired•of,
In the first stages atilt! diseaie,termed "Cafarr- •
ha! Consunifilion,. originality from. neglected Colds,
it has been used' with undeviating success, and hun- •
!divas acknowledge they owe the restoration of their.
.health to this invaluable medicine alone. In that
Sore) of Consumption in prtiv . aipid mooned delicate ..
'young females, commonly termed debility, or
A complaint with which thousands are lingering, it
has also proved highly successful, and not only pos
sesses the power of übecking, the progress of this
alarming complaint, but also strengthens anil invig
orates the system more effectually than any medi
cine we have ever t!ossessed.
Dimides its surprising efficacy in. Consumption, it
is equally efficacious in Liver Coniyainta,..lailana,
_Prone/dila; and all. affections of the, Lungs, and has
cured many of the most obstinate cases after every
other remedy had failed; -10- POP .pajticulars see
Dr. Wistar's Tretise on Consumption; to be.had
the Agents,.
Attending the use of this medicine in diseases of .
the-I Amp., aird . the. many singular tacos
,it hag ef
fected, having naturally attracted theAdttadion of
many physicians, (as well as the whole fraternity at
quacks) various conjecturea and salinities have ari sen
respecting . its Lomposition some
. physicians have ,
supposed et-to contain lodine, odor ignorant preten
ders say it must contain Mercury, and to some such
substance they each mtrihnte its singular efficacy.—
As such opinions are .altogether' erroneous, and cal
culated tin prejudice many persons against it, we
•• - PLEDGE OUR HONOR . • •.
that it contains nothing of the kind, 'or , any thfug.
the least injurious; on the 'contrary, it is comprised
of the most simple substancea; the pruiciple,uf which
'are the . extracts 'of TAR and fl i!d Cherry Bark,.
and the whole secret of its._ efficacy consists in the
Mode by which they arc prepared.
As we have .already published-numerous pTt _/ certiff'
cites froin the highest authority, which_ ir its
virtues bey nd an doubt, we consider it unnecessary
to exhibit a fang lista them in this place, and will
only mention a few cases, to show what it has done. .
A SURPRISING CURE...—Among the many
singular cures width this medicine has effected,
there is perhaps none in - wide!' its powers are so
fully shown as in the case of Mrs. Austin. .
This lady had been consumptive for several years,
and during the greater part ot this time had received
the hest medical attention, and tried all the most
valuable remedies, yet nothing could be found to
arrest its progress. She. became stthjekt to violent
fits of coughing, expectorated large quantities of
matter oceasionally tinged with blood, and step by
step this fearful disease continued its course, until
all hope of a recovery . was entirely despaire4 of.—
While in this distressing situation, lingering 'upon
the very verge of the grave, she commenced the use
of this Halectlnr, which, to use her own expression,
operated almost like a.charin. In a few days
expectorated freely, the. cough:ttas gradually sup
pressed, and every day appeared to add fresh vigor
to her looks, and now, hi the placz of that emaciated
form withering to ecay, she is seen mingling in
society, in. better health than she has enjoyed for
nisvcrthrsEn. Ttarristotcy.—jravin." witnessed
the surprising efficacy of Dr. AVistar's Halsalm of
Wild Cherry, in the rase of Mrs. Austin, I cheer.
lidlp nektionledge the above statement to he true
and correct. J. C. WALTERS, M. D.
Woodstown, Sept. 4, 1841.
Dear SirL—Although your Invaluable medicine has:
already found hundreds at powerful advocates, it
may still he gratify . itig to you to receive a communi
cation fVonv any one that has been relieved, by it.
Such, Sir, is truly my etise. I have been a victim
to' that terrible disease • Consumption, for many
months, and has e suffered so much, that I had be
come almost weary of my life. hearing your
Ifalsalm so highly praised, I bigiut taking sk a few
weeks back, and eau assure you it 11$111 relieved me
more than any , thing Lhave ever used' before, and I
confidently believe it will cure me effectually. Please
give the bearer the worth of the enelosed,and oblige
*ours Respectfully, Jew' PrAnsolc.
Chester County', Sept. 6,1841.
Frienilliristar-4t gives me much ph asure to in..
formAltee that my wife's health .has improved very
t n 6614 sluee she has been.psing thy %halm Of Wild
Cherry, and we think there is no.doubt but that it
will cure her. She has, taken die two bottles I pur-•
chased from thee a short time simee, and her cough
is much better, she ONO sleeps well at night, and
says she has round nothing to give her*/ much re
lief.--Thce-will-pleaso give the-hearerlwo•lottles.
more fur • - Thy Friend...
Itniimur Hotztzi.
tatnastster comity, July 18,1841
" bear Sir—Please send Me two bottles of your
genuine lialsalin of Wild Cherry. 1 have been al—
dieted with Consumption for the last twayears, and
suffered very much with a severe cough, pains in
my breast, difficulty of breathing; night sweats, 8:04
and having tried numerous remedies, and also' been
under several doctors, yet 1 could not find any thing
to relieve me mail I used some of your nalsalm. I
got one bottle from a neighbor of mine who is using
it, and have found such wonderful relief from it that
I have no doubt it will cure me effectually.
Very respectfully. yours, Ice.
Mend file following from Dr. Jacob Hoffman,
tilaysichsts of extensive practice in Huntingdon
county .
Dear Sir--I procured-obe bottle of Dr. Wistar'e
Halsalm of Wild Cher77 / froni Thomas Heed, Esq.,
of this place, and tried it us a case orobstinste '
Asthma on a child of Paul Schwebie, in which many
other remedies bad been tried - ivithimt any, relief:"
The Ilalsalm gave sudden relief ? and in my opinlow
the child is ellectually, cured by its use.
Yours, &e. Joecia Horrsiextc,...H. D.
. December 2dd, tail. • .
Dear Sir--Your Bitisaltu of Wild Cherry , liar of--• •
fected sane astonishing cures here. One of whiclr
is an old ladr, - blre. Russell; who been suffering:'
for a long time with-shortness of breathipg, and gen- •
eral weakness, until idifi was oblige'd to Ice* •
liar bed. ANT various other 'remedies bad been
resorted to in vain, she:commenced uSinglourtal-*
saltn,and after taking two bottles, was so far recover
ed as ;to be able to attend to all the duties of/ her.
house, and on taking two bottles 'mare .waS entirely
cured. ' nespeetfuftyl, hce. , '
Joins 9: C.l%f
Pottsville, I'a•
CA 011tiN..-;-As there is
.a" spurious mixture
called Sg rop of Wild Cheers, pukhatera shouhll be. •
very particular to ash for- 11n . WISTAR'S . BAL
SAM-,add okserve biasignefure on the tiOttle; .";
Propieed for the proprietor, anti
sale by Williams Yc, Co., Chemists,. 2 4 '0: 21'1Binot
street, l'ldladelphia.
• Oarlisle•by ,•••
. ,
::In sliipttenaburg . by . the 'Rev: Dairidlrnith.;
%berg by John Nifyeth.3l7i - ta n i os ter.brj-„ , pish
'fteroberaborr„ by Lewis Denig, end in almost, every'
town 'aild village throughotti the country. I •
• Price, 451 'go a bottle.
'November 28;1842,
Bardir lmono.irs:
A SPLENDID tissot;tlOnto TtUnIP.NS
owl kitulsju,t,,tqc,clyo CiE by
• • ' 0
I. y-55,.