' , =I !° NM MEE BM= *„ . ***AIL:v.rVITSk:Or*S--DElVOtrill! . 114.0 INVEiltatiOENOq 3 AD ViORT.ISING°; - ir,914.1E1t1,5, , CAT lERAT KJ RE, ,111101 AKATY, AGRICULTURX,' ARTS AND SCIEN6ES UStIVIENT' ' ' lIMIII 7 1 6Zigata 2t-11:04. ligititt,Dlh,,VP(Mil'olt. 0111-ee, Centre - Square, Cliriter,"at the Old Stand,' ATM.'S .01? PUBMCATIPN: • The 'II.4.ItALD. & . EXPOSITOR is ptiblisbed weekly, on a dotible royal Sheet, at TAYO,I)OL - LARO .- per".innum, payable WithinThreemenths from the time of SubSeribing; oft two tior.L'Arts FIFTY omrrs,-at the end of tholear. - . • No 'sdhscription will be taken forless than six months;. - and no paper diseontlnued until;all rearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher, and a faildre to ,notify a discontitni. twee will bo considered anew 'engagement. • Advertising will be done on the terms. .Letters to insure attention mustle.posi4paid. °. • ca.8.M434.21 aGt3 'a ,S 3 LtZ ligolitie -.Painter.. and. (I;glaziier, ESPEGTFOLLY, informs the .public:that he haS'eorentenecd the HOUSE GLAZING, antIPAPDR - HANGING, in all their various 'ht cinches; rindlopcs by strict et. --tention to business and moderate charges to,encrit and receive a :share: of publie - patronage: -His - shop is in Pitt 'street, directly. in the. rear of Ste venson & Dinkle's Drug store 'Carlisle, Oct. 12, 1892 VALUABLE IRON WORKS T s 'A r~ ~~ ~~~~~~°o nYI virtue of the powers,:iiftl authority contained in" Om lest wiii and testament o Eideedrrl-110iV- °Wel' for Gale, tile-- Carlisle_ Zroirt Virarks, Situated on the.. Yellow Breeches Creek, 4.1. miles east of The estnie consisifi ofa first i ate 1201,41g2 antaraa .. c a, with Tat:Thousand acres of Land. A new MBRCLIANT MILL with fonr,rnn of atone, finished on the Most approved plan, A hont 500ikeres of the loud are elenCed and highly . cultiCked; haying thereon .ereeted Three I,:trw i e Batik . - 1113prats necessary TENANT HOUSES. - The _Work - s_ar epropulled-hy--tlio-Vel I ow-Breeches -Creek 111111 the Boiling Spring, which neither fail norfreeze. There are nputi the premises.all the iiecesary xvork -toyns houses, coal houses,turpentet-aml smith shops, .find stabling !milt of the most' sultstantial materials. The ore. of -the _hest finality and ineshaostilde, is width' '2. miles of tics' Furnace There is perhaps no iron Works in Pennsylvania which possesses su perior allyantages awl offers greaier intitteentehts to the investment or:capital. The water power is so .great that it might he eytenthil:tn Imv.otlier Ammo, factoring - poiliose: Peesuns-Ilispose . tl to purchase will of course exaniine the property. 'rite terms oh' sale will he matleknoww by - EGE, • l'lectilix of'liicl,ucl Egci, ent.lißk, Oct. 1 , 1,184 , 2. - if-51 l'aithitore Petri it, Nation:ll letelligeneer,Uniteir States (iezette imhhNit in tri-weekly vipers, to the othonot er and send, hills to this °thee. THE N. YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, By II Greeley an::1 lilicElrath S P MASI IED ENT,It V SATURIM M 0,10;- I INU in New York City, het mulled to !subscribers ow theTlitirsilav preceding. and contains s o l 'all the N't,tes received in New fork tip to and in chiding that ntMoling. It is a Family and s N, ws p a p er , prim e ,' nn tl VVl'y sheet of good piper ni Qoarto form (right pages per nimilier.) and — embodies a greater amount and variely a Political and thoiertil Intelligence tinny any oilier W,:e e kly .lottriil. Among its contents it ill hi. rowd— • (.mmi:c.ki., AND sEi.;;A:T Consisting in.littly of nit , Tow:, Narra tives and iiVVIOWN, whirred 1 . 1.0111 the cur ant Ameri can and Foreign It eviews Alagazines and Neiv licatiuivt. Original :irtteles of the same class :N1 ill . Inqrs, sparingly lin given, with brief Editorial Notices of all Nciv lloiiks of general interest; POLITIC kI. I NTELIAGMNCE. Proceedings of Congress, reported daily for Owl . ; dome by nor own Iteporter, who 141! , ,I1StlIkth omit 11: II d,uice 011 r•es sini,; ibi iig s of the New York and other Staind.eg islatiirc,s; Poll' ieal Movements; tniventiolis, - "monstratiotis, &e. with early and kilt reilll.llB Of sill traie.piriag l'Aections throtiAlimit the Colon'. , •111 this •••-•department;;,l,ltt!Trildthe -WI/ not be created; INTELLIGENdE: Foreign Mid Dinnestit.: lull and varied; - CONI3IV.E.CJAI: INTELLIGEZ4CI'..: Daily null Wockit Reports of the Markets. based on actual sales of Goode; Produce, Stocks, Fcc. widi accounts' of the.state of Business and of all !natters pertain ing to Banking and Currency. A. full flank Note Table anti Price Current will lie givo ou alteroate weeks. The Etlitdrial conduct 01 this paper rests with HORACE GREET.F.F,:thIy assisted:it. the Departments of ,Literary;Cominercial mid ..l isrellasienus )ntell geoue. Tu its Political' course; The Telame is ar dently, infleilbly 'Wind, and filivocAt!..q, with its tit . Most energies, the PROTr:CTION or HOME. INDetrittE. the restoration of a Sorreo AND UNIFOIDit CURRENCY, the rigtirmis prosecution of INTIMNA t. I 31PROVE31 and the election of ITCNItt CLtV :to ocla Presi chmt.of the [Mite(' Stites. e Being sent only for sash in advance, the Publishers are enabled to afford it, Outwitlistatilling its great size7morale. cnst of • its pnb liefttion, at the low price of Two Dt.llars a 3 . enr,Six Copies fur Ten Dollars, or Tce Copies for Fifteen Differs. Vol.'tl. cOminetices with over 9,000 sub scribers on the 17th of September, Subscriptions are respectfully solipited by (111i1ELEY New York, Nor, Q. 18.12. Estate of Joseph Cohnelley, deceased IS HEREBY GIVEN that. letters testamentary on the last will and testament of JOSEPH . CON .NIMLY, !Mei of West Petinsliorougla tnwn'sfdp,Ctim berland county,• deceased, have been granted to the subsitriber; residing in the same township. All per sons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to pre sent them properly authenticated for , settlement to • SAtIUEL M'COIRMICIC, • Nov. 2di 11342.---6 t , Executor tioioring KS. CRAPES, MIRINOES. Anil traioien:s fir all' ninag. Wool Ate.; Scouting M510,; ,, 4,1,85 . ttaLtetlr IRESPEbTFU'LLY' infornis the' citizens of ear . ;lisle:4nd its ..vic.inity„; that she:still continues . Coloring and .Scouring: ; Silks;i , Crapes, , avid Woolen's-mt ., all , kinds; AI . S.VWOOI:I2IY El NG - A NDiS COURING'; i . O l4l.l 6.vai4oiiii branches. She may be found at,her residence in Church Alley. opposite Education Hall, where work will be thankfully received, and excel tedinnmettand handsome romincr:. ' .i ..,_, B '•, ot • t s ,• r ,. $, ho es. an . d , 'Caps. , .10S;to y' a and . YontYiB'edloAne and &i ved,MeiW i'iceaandiYoutteaßrogans and Sioeiia ) aa Men's ix) il , adie'ailinatie• and. hither'. over Shoes, furred Ladies Bilk hned and wadded Falters, a french Atrtlrflq-,H3renzelkAiq-Aippyya, 4 vhde:krd , St eitiia slipper4aq 'a hdrasioriment of all; kindei of S h 66: - aVliis; Blip:and,' le oaths C All'S i' !atilt style. ' , Cheapet - than ever for !Ail). , , . . WM. M. AtATEER. • •, ~. _ ~:.; 11-53 Nov.eniber JUST receivedalresh.lotof-Tea,. Cof fee,§ugar,Volni3B,eo,,Chodolitei-,Claa:Niff•- triegri t Egag Sit,a,; 'Oll-?4,llliaix I; Will„ salt at,.gteiktly,,,reducci) prices far, ' Oitobieler, 180,A' • , . . . _ v., , • . . - ',.•.• i , . . . „ , .. . , ,:o . ,• • . . . . ' . .... , . .... . . . . - ~ . . 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" • .... , . ~.., ~ ..... . . • . .. . _ . .. -------- S i 0 ~.; . . well TknoW the generoUs soul Which waemi.thee intolife; siring which can its powers control Is familiar with thy wife: ForileeUitst thou she could stoop to hind • Iler fate unto a common mi n d ? The eagle-like ambition, nursed • From childhood ii: her heart, had first Consumed with itS - Promethean flaw . The shrine that sack her so to shame! CM Then rMiSethee, dearest, from the drefim Thai fetters rin‘cthy'lmwers3. Shake elf this glOciin=hope sheds a beam : To gild each elond that lowers; And though tit lit eseut Siions so fir The wished-fur goal, the guiding star, With Peaceful ray would light thee on lliitihits bounds be won, H • That rjueueltleps ray, thou'lt'evei• prove, • Is fond, undying wsonto heart is like the failing:hearth ' Now. by my side,. One by,otie its bursts of flame . 11are burst and died.' 'There are none to wateltThe sinking blaze, 'Anillione to care,- ' Or if it kiuilfe into strength , OrAvaste in air. .Nly fate is as you ratted wr.•ttlh Ql' summer flan l.s; • - They've spent their store of fragrant he - alth On sunny hours, rvek'd them not; 011411 herded not 11 hen they were dead Other liowel:S, tutwarned by them, Will spring instead:. _tan' my own heart iv to the lute I now son t, akiig; Wound to too floe and high a pitch, ' They both ate bre:it : jog. Silence, forgetroloess and rust, I • .te, af;‘, lot thee; 51e11 me lot; ',egged, the gl aye, -These are lor mt. I= 'd•i-...; ;fs '6 TUE. DRJUivilli:ll MD'S ®EA IL We published a few weeks since; says the New York Trit une, a powe'rliil tale from 'Caleb Stoke. ly' in Blackwood—detailing with, graphic skill and great ability We slow but constant process of cruelty. by which a drunken clergyman. had our. dcred his wife—while the son, a young mum, was at school. In the November number itis con. cluded. - r - The clergyman porsuadei his daughter to bring home her brother .t.o attend the funeral , solemnly promising to abst.tip from all harsh or irritming language. She consents—visits her brothei, finds that he, too, has become the victim of the - wine,cup, and returns to her home. The daughter theit ; fitoceeds with, the sad tale. The morning for my mother's fonera arrived. My pen'. falters, and, refuses to truce the narrative which it siekens_me to recall. And yet it must be told., .1 alive brought you to the climax of hinnan wretchedness. Read and ,believe. I tell, you thiit the strange tale is true-4orrible it .may be, it yet I liave_surVived Who doubts its authenticity. Let: him carry it to the drunkard's habitation, and call around first the miserable wife, and then .the sobbing children, and lot him 'astound . their ears with the history that, is their : own, Oh, think not for an instant that exaggeration deforms the Unsightly picture. The ugliness SurpaSses not the truth. Would that both could strike the conscience of one domestic murderer with effectual sorrow and remorse. The morn ing of.tite funeral had come. Ten o'clock had struck, and brother had not yet,up- A. •Il pears. a had arrived from school, late on the preceding evening, and had retired immediately to rest. I had received for my. father had gone to his" bed some hours. before. I told him that our breakfast hour was nine O'clock, and , he promised to' meet his - father at the breakfast table. I did not . eleep that night. how could I walked restlessly abotit tny room, longirig for the' morning to' Comb, dreading its apt , prosch,'and grovvihg more and'in Ore anti= ous, and 'alanned • as, the clock meat intervals,pf ,adyance.• At six o'clock I rose. Another- sleepe vitt • the .IMusre had been .disturlied before me.' and was already moving." ThiS = wai MY Either: ' •I'teund him in kis -library. He 1 .9 1 0 3 A. pOP and Wearied, and his usual tremor , un hin g ed h is whole, frame..., %Viler; opened: ,the door of the apartment, he started from. hisfsetit, and was I . oihtgagd; (r “Ah4 l ielt" gold' Pitis you ;-Isl'llollle_d;iilinma..,_l9le_has c't'Plit'or '640 ^ 4P0w9r98 1 ,,, , Well7—abd' he is Ivellt•ilispotled, . id heir ;.'..: : .: .. N.,.o;mvA Is'. iv - EppEri Annnparo ay A v9,7N0, WAIT. TO A Dr.sroznour4 t lIUSBMf ) Come; rouse thee, dearest not well To let,thy spirit brood Thus darkly, o'er the esreethat swell , Life's Cut rent to irllood ! As brOaks,'Stl torrerifi;riyers, all ••••' Ibercaii theorlf itrwhich • - Suclrtitoughtsby - ititherini the rills Of lesser 'grief, spread real ills: And with 'Their - gloomy shades conceal The landmarks lope would else reveal. Come; rouse thee now know-thy mind, And would its strength awaken; Proud, gifted;_ noble;nrdent; Strange thou ithpuld'st thus be shaken ! • But rouse afresh eiteh energy, • . And fie what Heaven intended thee; NOriSinic beneath the frOwns of fate, .• put prove illy spirit firmly great; I would not see thee bend below The angry storms of eari.h!ywo. S O N_f:i 11p L. E. L ji I .ll .l 7l Etilirlata[tl.AlE+3Ells.itz• 31C_;. - IFL - , - , he tIIC sail OCCSSinn ?" r'He lies: said , little," I replied. : has I n : et - yet latolaSt.'night ,when he reached home," , I shall see him Soon.. Does he return to-morrow I" • "It is his intentiOn."' . '"dood.: aoon provided. I have provided for him an. appointment in India: Tell, him so. It is better that he Eihonliipase the :ittlelime that he will re- main in England-away from hrime. It may save a breach. Leannot brook -pontradid dep. I do not , WiWt' to gall and irritate Win. He Is over-hasty,.l hal:le-heard.- But he , seems 'peaceable, and disposed to keep so, Fthink you, said •Early as it was, the . wine-bottle was al ready, on.the table. , "Fathfr,"..s.aid 1 1 ; pointit)g , to it, "what MEDI "Not another drop," be . exelaimed im pressively "not a sup, - as lam a Hiring man. I should liave shaken to pieces had :not appeased the nerves with onedraught. But I haVe"swallou l ed it, and I'am quiet: fshali taste no more; Etlte it away.". At .eleyen o'clock, the small procession. .. that constituted ,the ceremony of my moth er's humble, funeral was marshaled, and reatl3" , to proceed: 7-my nit lier ----- aiiir I Were in- the library', mid 'Waned for my brother. 1 heard his footstep on the stairs, and my heart beat painfully and quick. He. de-1 seendeff sloWlY, and did not appear to de- lay.or.pause. In another moment he ca l tered.- I looked at my 'father. and he wine -1 ed under the hard trial.• He looked uneatn .ly about him—cast his eyes- upon the ground—toward -me—to • the attenants any where but there where fear,Shame,end acute - .vexation, all commingle", rendered One object intolerable to the sight. Frede rick Was very pale; but he looked subdued , nod . placid.. Perfectly collected, and in a distant manaLqr,:h bowed to his father;and the litter returned his greeting -with a silent recognition, thatbetrayeff at onCe the agita tion•of his mind, and the small ability that lie possessed to check and hide the gnaw iog agony that scared his sinful soul; There was no warmer salutation. " Not a word 'Oh, trust me !' 'answered-, my father;' was spoken. The silence of death pre madeuneasy by the terms in which I had vailed in the room, far more crushing, be- Iventured to address him*, "trust me---,I will cause inconsonant with the occasion,- until be: wise. Here—take the key of the Cellar: Lilly father was reininded 'hat-- t was time to Let.one bottle o'f wine remainfor dinner. Igo fOrwa . rd.. I saw them depart—l mark- Produce no more, ': If I ask for moire, re- )ed them, when theY followed side by side fuse it.• You have me in your keeping.— I the remains of the deceased through the It is for you to prevent the mischitff that' fong avenue that led to:tlie' i'dmrelt;yard.— you drtiad..! . . - ".' ! Still not a word was exchanged. A hand -1 secured the key with engerness,•and . kerelcief, was in the hand of my• father— . taking him at fils word,!plaeed beytind his' mourner's ensign ! Frederick .was over-' 'reach every Means of gratifOng the inSati:' come, and wept aloud and violently ; his able lust. Breakfast was announced, an i d ', sobs and moans were carried through the Frederick still absent. - I enuhl not eat.— ! air, and conveyed to my own distressed Fotid lied never been acceptable Mmy fall- ! and heaving'ficart. I closed the casament, er so early in the day. ..We sat in silenCe, ) and escaped them: I was alone. f knew -amid the cloth was' reiniiVed 'untouched by I not that it -was a useless prayer that nature either of us. Shortly after i wdrd, a ru9tling prompted me to of up for the safety and and a moving abeet were heard directly : welfare 'of the beloveds soul. Had 1 been over-head,and subdued talking on Me - stairs. told-so,' '